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Representation of youth

How do you think youth is represented in waterloo road?

In waterloo road, youth is presented as being trouble-makers and judgemental. This is shown in the
way the teenage boys, at the start, talk about the head teacher behind her back and also the way
they dont have perfect uniform but instead hoodies over it. Being judgemental is shown from the
way they criticise each other especially the girl towards her younger brother. Also they could be
seen as bullies because of the name-calling but from the clip we can see that this has been done by
the teenager to gain popularity. Superiority and patronisation is displayed as well from the boys and
the girl in two ways: the first being the quote we run the school and the other being the
conversation between the girl and her brother. On the other hand, there is another boy who stands
up against bullying and this is an anti-stereotype.

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