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2". P| DI 1) ) =| !) * oe * A a «Ph Si REVS A ey 7Masnoon-Du'as~ fH 5e5 7) KSED* FU5G) for the Morning, and the Evening Compiled by : 1G My Mohammed Yunus Palanpuri : || Slo. Maulana Mohammed Umar Sa’ ANNO Published by: KASEER AW: AD DU’A DIVINE HELP (Translation of Momin Ka Hathiyar (Urdu) q ree Eas So ¥ es SSE Menon oa b Du’as for and the J LEE Lg ‘ EVE Taare c ly Evening ee] Compiled by Mohammad Yunus Palanpuri S/o. Maulana Mohammad Umar Saheb Palanpuri Change My Heart A Piea to Allah for Taufiq & Forgiveness ! Wash all the filth away & change my dead heart, | Make me alive again, give me a fresh start, So change my heart please & wash the filth away, Don’t leave me drowning here alone & astray, {1 spent my life running away from You, }2x And now | have nowhere to turn except You, *)| am ashamed that ! have broken Your rules, }2x =) Worshipped my Nafs & a few ignorant fools, 5 But now | know the path leading me to Thee, : | a to You a am m asking You to help r mn Wash all the filth away & change my dead heart, : Make me alive again, give me a fresh start, 1 ioe | wish Your name to be engraved in my heart, }2x ! will be grateful te You, change this dead heart, My heart is dark & so my eyes remain dry, Hypocrisy & Hubris won’t let me cry... | | am at Your door and begging You, let me in, | Don't push me back to my hopeless life of sin, | | am at Your doer and begging You, let me in, 4 Don’t push me back to my hopeless fife of sin... 2 So change my heart & forgive my sins this day, + Don’t leave me drowning here alone & astray, , So change my heart & forgive my sins this day, | QDon’t leave me drowning here alone & astray... ; Wash all the filth away & change my dead heart, % Make me alive again, give me a fresh start, 2 Wash all the filth away & change my dead heart, 4 Make me_ alive again, giver mea Ltresh Start... Jo ¢ Peetaed ° | Those people who do not have the capability to ® , read the Masnoon du‘as (invocations derived je | from the tradition of the Prophet M:-hammad f& &&) inAnabic, can, indeed, achieve closeness to & 5 Allah (Sub-hanahu wa ta‘ala) by invoking Him & ~~ through reading their translation, and /nsha- 6] Allah, they will get reward for it. In this way & >| they are acting upon the decree of Allah that ‘Gi GeS “invoke Me” (regarding everything). | Further more they are also acting upon a Hadith , CATES. “Du‘a (invocation) is the essence of every prayer or worship”. Since j these invocations have been reported on the authority of the Prophet ( )}, they are comprehensive and free from any kind of error } or disrespect. Therefore, even those who can read Arabic language must occasionally read @ their translation t6 grasp the meaning of the {@ invocations to know for what they are invoking » Allah. Then this invocation would be real S invocation. (Allah knows better) : PEYRER y iB RY EE RURERY RI ‘ “C Oh PY ES My, ie) Allah! miecaee the ocd of all of those wlio e. $ have participated in the publication of this book Gd in their various capacities and grant their 9 “ee Zhe Hck capil ctasel aelawl BS ene ee 799? rten : men and women, and Muslim men and women, & c nj alive of them ar.d dead, O Most Merciful of (ali) B ) those who show mercy. Amen mi * Recite every Du‘a (invocation) with trust and # summoning. 1° The benefit of the invocations depends on @ execution of Faraidh (obligatory duties in islam). None of the Nawafil (recommended F prayers etc.) could replace the Fardh (obliagatory duty). Therefore, it is mandatory to fulfil all the Faraidh in the first shyla: YP AM ARYL For getting benefit in every matter ia For getting benefitin the Life and the Hereafter For getting redemption from Jahannam (Hell) To accomplish the providence of Allah For offering chanks toAltah for His blessings of the day and the night 20 attain the Pleasure of Allah For asking blessings of this worid and Hereafter Pros unexpected troubles Whee waiting for ncws ie. Tosay praises of Allah and exalting Him For getting relief from the body ailment To get protection from the whispers of Satan For the entrance into Jannah (Paradise) For attaining ali kind of peace For the dissipation of grief and payment of the debts For asking beneficial knowledge and pure (legitimate) sustenance For redemption from Jahaanam (Hell) To get bounties from Aliah according to the status that suits Him For reden ption from troubles . To achieve the best sustenance and to get protection against evil SASS py 20 22. | 23. 24. 25. Te cuter gniibine with the mblicenenet the Prophet Which is substitute for the discontinuity of making Zikr To be safeguarded from every kind calamity To become worthy of iavocation by Angeisin our favour and getting the status of Shuhads (Martyr) om death For the fulfilment of all wishes For protection from the mischief of Jinn - Forsafeguarding from evil of magician and magic For protection against magic For the getting the sins forgiven and achieving the good . For safeguarding from three dangerous diseases Protection from the mischief of Jian Au important De‘s for the Moraing An Important Du‘a for the Morning An Important Du‘s for the Morning An Important Du‘a for the Morniag Five sentences for this worid, and five for the Hereafter Recite the third Kalimah Recite istighfaar Recite Darood Sharcef Recite Ya Allaho Ya Hafizo - As important Du‘a Recite Surah Yaseen 43. Recite Surah Muzzammil 44. Recite the 99 Beautiful Names of Aah 4S. To save oneself from the current and forthcoming turbulence of Dajjal 1 46. Aproved remedy for ending difficulties 7 INVOCATIONS FOR THE EVENING 1 1. Toachieve the security of Allah and to get the i Shaitaan (Satan) stay away For the welfare of oneself For protection from poisonous creatures For achieving benefit ia this World and in the Hereafter To get redemption from Heil For the accomplishment of blessings of Allah To give thanks toAliah Through which Allah will be pleased on _ the Day of Judgement To achieve the benefits of this wortd and the Hereafter For the unexpected misfortune For getting relief from the body ailment For protection from the whispers of Satan For entrance into Jannah (Paradise) For attaining all kind of peace For the dissipation of griefand payment ofthedebts For getting redemption from Jahannam (Heil) y 17. Togetba bounties from Afiah sccettiea < to His states 5 18. For protection from poisonous creatures > 19. For redemption from troubles 20. To seek forgiveness from Aliah S) 21. Recite this invocation by yourself and : recommend your family to recite it once 22. Remedy te recompense the discontinuity yi of the Zikr . To become worthy of prayers of Angels is your favour and getting the status of Shuhada (Martyrs) on death For the fulfilment of all wishes For protection against the mischief of Satan For safeguarding from evil of magician and magic For the protection from evil effect of magic For protection from every kind of calamity For protection from the mischief of Jinns To be recited when somebody is waiting for some news An important Du‘a for the Evening An important Du‘s for the Evening The Features of Manzi! Recite the third Kalimah Recite istighiaar Recite Darood Shareef Recite Surah Sajda Recite Surah Mulk To become the one whase invocations are granted byAliah To open the doors of heavens Forsafeguarding oneself from the evil of Satan For increase in the wealth Aaother way of doing Hamd (Praising Allah) and Darood To forgive all sins For removing poverty and destitution Tosave oneself from sins Ayaat-e-Sakina : To get protection against ail kinds of diseases, difficulties, and enemies, and for removal of debts To reform ownself and children Tolive safe and sound tilldeath Ayaat for Protection Remedy from Qur’an for redemption from grief Aysat for Shifa (Healing) lavocation ofAnas Bin Malik (R.A.) Toremove distress and destitution (nvocations after every Fardh Prayers A Question from one Lady o] 39. Recite Cinthia theneetcaeanceie 131 40. Menjiyaat 131 132 ly 132 133 8 a4 134 3 135 { 136 138 4 139 143 144 f 144 f i! the ee j It is preferable that the invocations of the f -] morning should be completed in between the f& * time period from dawntotherising ofthesun. 2 a4 [ Note: It is permitted that the invocations of the | # ¢|morning should be recited in between the| & duration from dawn to the beginning of the } | noon. OSH gale In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful. 7 €} The Prophetic method for getting benefit | in every matter (Recite thrice Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq, Surah Naas) One SNe cs e 22% E IO Sash (4 > Pn. ale aol ai Iga \°3 b Sge%5 Att In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful. & I. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; 2. Allah, f& the Eternal, Absolute; 3. He begets not, nor is He 2 begotten; 4. And there is none like unto Him. » 8 8) BD BY BB BB) BOB BO BOB) ed OmteBiy! get aile 23 OVE ze es oS ie SSIS SENS 55SC35 qulese O43 SSE pol Zoe & NI In een ahah the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful, B& 1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn. & 2. From the mischief of created things; 3. From | the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; 4. > From the mischief of those who practise secret } 4 arts; 5. And from the mischief of the envious one & as he oe envy. A ENGAALA BY BY RY BY RY RR Ope epe de ies - 2M able 29 1 < ie ok 2. AO wENsed lEN GH asl ¥ 4 73 bE LIE Sed wt © WEN ysis & y Sw ) Translation: Inthe name of Allah, the Most Beneficial, the Most Mercitul. 1. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and & Cherisher of Mankind, 2. The King (or Ruler) of f =") Mankind, 3. The God (or judge) of Mankind,- 4. [fg y From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), § ~ same) who whispers into the hearts of | & } Mankind,- 6. Anfong Jinns and among men. ( 4 Virtue: Whoever would recite Surah Ikhlaas, P2 | Surag Falaq, Surah Naas, three times in the 2 y] moming, he would be benefitted m every thing. 2d 2 FD) BI BH) BW 4 €> The Prophetic method fer gramme benefit in the Life and the Hereafter (Recite 7 times) f AEBS RE RRP RE 26S iEReY SNS ht Ce se” dt al Nee ? | Translation: | have placed my hope in Him and # ~ He is the Owner of the Glorious Throne. 3 Virtue: Whoever would recite the above & mentioned invocation seven times, he would be £ benefited in the matters of the life and in the 2 Hereafter. (Amat Al-Yasen wat-Laiiah by Ibnus Sunni, p. 38; | Abu Dawood 4/321: Jayyed) j|Note: Recitation of above mentioned Du‘a sincerely or insincerely will remove probiems. * (Hayanis Sahabe 3/342-343)| @ The , Prophetic method for getting { : redemption from Jahannam (Hell) ‘ “a 4 ee zips GSsann hts eS 3 Zi es = oa Biase ae 277 ee, 7 SAAT AES seEIigle ee at Aa Sa Sige BIS3a (Es 3p eS co ogeies a j] Translation: O Allah! I begin my morning with * making you a witness, and making angels, who eq hold on the Heavens, as witness, and all Your }y angels and all Your creations. You are the only & 1 Allah and there is no //ah (someone worthy of & *% worship) except You. You are Alone and You ® | have no partner and it is definitive that & 4 Muhammad (peace be upon him) is your slave 6 and the Prophet. m Virtue: Whoever would recite the above i mentioned invocation four times in the &} morming, Allah would give him redemption | ® from Hell. (Abu Dawood 4/318, Bukhari ji’Adab al- & @ Mufrad:\20) = 8 BD BD BOB BO BO BO BO BY BO BO BI s %] €} The Prophetic remedy to accomplish the ( 1 providence of Allah 7 (Recite 3 times) - 4233 23S Lg Sree aelZ 3) 33) at Invocations for the Morning Je BOP! BOIS BPS GFA oS 84s 4 Cows (ee Pools rw 9 ales gow me, §57y 2k, Sem Mel BIS GAL GEE Translation: O Allah! I begin my moming with * Your blessings, safety, and Your concealing of Bo) | My sitis- Therefore, complete Your blessings, 5 peace and concealing of my sins in this world f % and in the Hereafter. be Virtue: Whoever recites this Du‘a three times 2) | in the morning, Allah complete His favour on ) eihim. (Amal Al-Yaum wal Lailalrby onus Sunni, p.55) [3 ———— Be BD BD BD Be) BRD Bed Bed Be? Bed Be? Bed Be Be —___—__—_ @ The Prophetic remedy for offering ‘a thanks to Allah for His blessings of the ® day and the night (Recite once) B » > “4 ava 3 “794 2 gt < DVN os 3 esis B %4|? Se S42 4? yet aw C j eV soy hs Oals 53 & 4 ge Soe OG SD 9, “a 1 the moming, Allah makes him glade. . (Tirmidhi 3/141, Ahmed 4/338) £g $2989 20 8 BD BD BY BIB) BID WD BO BD i =} @ The Prophetic remedy for asking blessings of this world and Hereafter (Beale once) E5521 a sobs ass tt invocations for the Morning LR AS IY AIS BAIS BOF BIS BO Tee ia Zz ¢ oA Geet Silk. ite FEBR Geb ‘Translation: — the One, Who is Ever-living f& and Who is sustaining all His creations! I ask for # Your help through Your Mercy and that you set fe right my condition and do not give me in & possession of my nafs (disposition) even for a 2 single wink. * Virtue; Any person who recites this invocation, [& has sought all the blessings of this world and the Hereafter. (Hakim: it is Sahih. Dhahbi agreed with him. f See At-Targheeb wat-Tarheeb, 283) Note: The Holy Prophet (peace be_upon him)| | recommended this invocation to his daughter | f Fatimah (R.A.). (Baihaqi from Anas) 20 8D 8 BO BD Be BO BY BO BO BY BO BI BI em 2) €} The Prophetic remedy from unexpected Araki (Recite thrice) - a. se GBH Ag NRE BIS iae : ‘st 2 sass wy L558) ej ‘Translation: I begin my moming with he * Name of Allah. Due to His blessed name, ~ « nothing can cause any harm, neither on this » ) earth nor in the heaven. He is All-Hearing and e) All-Knowing. 5 yi Virtue: Whoever recites this invocation thrice, fx * he will not be harm by any thing and it is & vg harrated in a Hadith of Abu Dawood that § ¥) calamity will not fall upon him. (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi: It is Hasan Sahih) Be _——— BD BD Be 2 BD 2D Be BD BD Be? BD BD BD @ When ne fornews (Recite ~~ posl5eG or Se BYEZ F354 “- 4 EE dye BLAZE 215 1 Translation: O Allah! ae ae ; mi good and I seek refuge in You from unexpected & evil. “ Virtue: Recite the above mentioned invocation & § wheri one may get some news or something new is going to . It is narrated in Hadith that @ z) the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) used to - recite this invocation in the morning. . (Kitabul Azkaar, p. 104) [6 . @ The Prophetic remedy to say praises of [~ } AllahandexaitingHim (Recitethrice) [ a als 247 97 7 4 vic os” Shp aae gdsy9 slot Mews “no ce 214 AGG 855g ABE 4359 Aunts ey 5] Translation: | exalt Allah in the words that suit > His status, and | praise Allah in a number of P times equal to His creations, equal to that which could make Him please (with me), equal to the & weight of His Heavens and equal to the number & @ of His Words. im 4) Recite thrice the above mentioned invocation in & | the morming. (Muslim 4/2090) 3 @ The Prophetic remedy for getting relief § from the body ailment (Recite thrice) 2g Fn BITS, ot og 22 rye che GAMES 73998 Able Bai AT Pn 7 92 90 BAF ZI 9g PH NAILS G pear 3 Sle Si eae A _ Serer es 0259997 OTF 0 24 ve ais 294% 1 £407 224 zis 15 ica ‘ vase sai cs “2 4 2 J es Ryans KEN 8s Se ayFls ¢ ; Translation: O Allah! Keep my body in good k 3} health, keep my ears in your protection, keep ™ my eyes in your protection, there is none to be & 24 worshipped but You. I seek refuge in You from f gs} Kufr (disbelief) and dependency. I seek refuge RR 4] in You frpm the ordeal of grave. There isnone to | be worshipped but You. : Virtue: Recite the invocation thrice in the morning. Whoever would recite this invocation, “4 it is hoped that Allah will grant him every kind f %) j of peace. ’ (Abu Dawood, Ibn Maja 3/142) 8 BB 89 89 BV FV FT BF BO DO BY BO BD——————— iy The Prophetic remedy to get protection J from the whispers of Satan (Recite once) [ a emt ak ed f lavecations for the Morning Cat RIS PIT WIS WIS HP 20. £994 pork, 7) 43 Ee Ce A SICIQIANY 5g215 e235 a ae 794 o%, 2 2-9 2m 4 2 4 Na C09 rents 5 ye Gy > %% Ue He Se me 4-7 27 Ft JE So Kf 2515 Aga 5 “ os "Wy foe a4 or 9 p + phate SV EFS-A57 1852 «| Translation: O Allah! The Creator of the earth |y ) and the heavens, the Knower of all that is ES .41 42794 a 2 2 Jeb stl 2 abi Aie B25 - O12 71.72. SCYIFI FIZ OK ew A646 (% 20250 27 C25 yi ptese- : 2 s ¥ No 2 Dae \8 Cady ENF. 2\9 = ~~ “7 IA Se Ay oe 20 ng BF - Sal YA ee ¢|Note: In some narrations, “Abu-o bizambi?|— g | occurred. But compiler of this book has sighted | § I | the narration of Sahih Bukhari. 4 Translation: O Allah! You are my only & k} Sustainer. There is no god but You. You have ) created me and I am Your slave. I am standing 4 firm up to my capabilities on my promises that I B 2} made to you. I seek refuge in You from evil action # jy that I committed, I acknowledge Your bounties k : Invocations fer the Morning LAA EE RF BT BL RE BE RLF 2] that You bestowed on me. And I admit my mistakes. Forgive my sins since there is no one to B forgive me except You. <| Virtue: Whoever recites the above mentioned [> invocation in the morning with trust and if he f ‘| died on that day, he will be entered in Paradise. (Bukhari: 11/97-98) fy ——_——__ 2) BD BD Be) Be BD Be) BD BO BD BD BO BO BD , @ invocation for attaining all kind of peace >} (Recite once) Stacia ales zag | EAT a AeA | CRIS SESS Boa. 2 Fac tChs sead ] ely seers juss | AS MOS Sts Hie oF AE Sey ee a see CAMARA er PRR OE Er Tavecations for the Meruing Translation: ° Allah! 1 yaa for peace in this world and in the Hereafter. O Allah, I ask for & forgiveness and safeguarding of my Deen pp (Islam), peace in my family, and in my wealth. [$ yj O Allah cover up my mistakes and remove fear fe = from me. O Allah, protect me from my front and f my behind, from left and right and from above » and below. I seek shelter in Your Greatness from [ 3 being killed from my below. Re g] Virtue: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) Ke never abandoned the recitation of this ? ¥ invocation. It is a remedy to achieve all kind of q peace and security. as (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah 2/332) 8 8 WH DO BO 3.0 3H WI WO BD —-—COS & @ Invocation for the dissipation of grief and {2 . payment of the debts QRecite a 5 ENO 332173 ZI q iedigplos Gy ase Sar Se%5 , Si sable By | ot aL Reese 2 eh mnie for a Morning Pear “SED | re 55 gh (ATE oy huzn”’ are correct. Translation: O Allah! I seek refuge in You from f “| distress and sorrow, from discourage and jy indolence. I seek refuge in You from cowardice [ 9] and miserliness, and from debts and oppression ofthe people. P § Virtue: The person who recites this invocation in the moming, will get respite from his grief. (Abu Dawood: Bab fil-/sti‘azah) 29 9201 W WW Ww ww——_ Bi @ Invocation for asking> beneficial & knowledge and pure (legitimate) sustenance (Recite once) , 4sbGlsé ake = Gui “S235 9225 Ke 5154)3 * Translation: O Allah! I ask for knowledge ® q which is beneficial, sustenance which is pure {§ I (i.e., sini from feyal means) - and action {% levecations Lend hort ore’ which is acceptable (for You). ¥ (Ibn Majah 1/152, Sahih Al-Zawaid 10/111) ) (Recite once in the Fajr Salah after Salaam). —— 8 2D B®) BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BO BO BD HD ——___—__—— ¥ @ invocation for redem ption from { r] Jahannam (Hell) (Recite 7 times) 0 “eye, 5 me SSH” JENGe 235-5) I" oz y] Lranslation: O Allah! Save me from the Fire of } % Heil. Virtue: Recite this invocation seven times soon ff after the completion of Fajr prayer before % talking to anyone. If died on that day, he will get & 4 redemption from Hell. * (Abu Dawood, Nasai and [bn Hibban) | 2022 to www I ws——____ & 4 @® invocation te get bounties from Allah : according to the status that suits Him x (Recite once) (eats oe I? rer eel — nae 2 BER : f M 225: ‘imaaieacar: oO ‘aed All Praises are due to < 7 You. The praises which suit Your Glory, and § g Your Greatness of dominance. 2) | alae mentianed invocation, He (azza-wa-jal) >) } will give him rewards according to the status ) that suits Him. (Ahmed and ibn Majah) | — BD BD BD BD Be) BD BD BD BB BB BD 2 a @ invocation for redemption from troubles . ) (Recite once ) c WE AWA so soe pstesai 236 rae 8550 > sete yeep SRL L214 Zkeadl 4 Pewee x S459: 3 5 7 6 II ass ssa de gs oH Blur ee J bisede Osi a5 Besos Translation: O Allah! You are my Cherisher “| and Sustainer. There is no god except You. I } | have placed my reliance in You. You are the ¢] Owner of great heavens. Whatever He likes to 4 happen, it comes into being and whatever He do B not like to happen, it do not come into being. We get power of doing good deeds and avoiding “sins from Allah, Who is the Highest and p >| Greatest. | have faith that Allah have the } Dominance over everything and that His ( # knowledge encompasses everything. O Allah! I B %| seek refuge in You from evil of my Nafs & &} (disposition) and the evil of every animal whose 4 3] forehead is under Your control. Indeed, my Lord | | is on the Straight Path. ; 4 Virtue: Any person who recites this invocation F gi in the beginning of the day, he will not get any fR o} hare a evening. (Ibnus-Sunni and Abu Dawood) 5] GD Invocation to achieve the best sustenance [2 J and to get protection against evil ws a —s, 2 Ais J OsHY Ai sla “93% Se 2/649 oe j “S208 bs Jn Je “ad 4s | 3] Translation: Whatever Allah wills, it happens. “ The source of power for protecting oneself from Ss €) Invocation to enter paradise with the | assistance of the Prophet & — fe Kao SLIL5 Ej abbens — “gal i IEA Ha ages; 3 E Translation: | am pleased for being a Muslim, f for being a follower of Islam and with the § Prophethood of the Muhammad ( £& ). “ Virtue: A person who recites it once in the pf morning, the Prophet (peace be upon him) | i would let him enter Paradise by holding his ( i hand. (Tabrani: hasan chain; Al-Matjer Ar-Rabeh fi & | Thawabil Amal, p. 312; Bikhre Moti 4/35) ————— 8) BD BD 8) 80 B) BD B) BO BD BO BO BD €® Invocation which is substitute for the » discontinuity of making 21k (Recite once) $6322% “9? 2 J es O5225 Ge a Ire t8 Syl $hrs3 ieoores ats ODS Sha 5 E855 STN oan bse cecnee Eee dane er ar : | (Surah Rome: 17- 0 G3S55% ie ASR A AEA RE RE BY RE RP RI g] Transtation: 17. So(give) glory to Allah, when | 4] you reach eventide and when you rise in the Gi moming; 18. Yes, to Him be praise, in the & } and when the day begins to decline. 19. It is He f S| Who brings out the living from the dead, and 7 @q brings out the dead from the living, and Who | Bives life to the earth after it is dead: and thus §) } shall you be brought out (from the dead). c 9] Virtue: It is a substitute for the discontinuity of “ making Zikr (Remembrance) once in the 2 morning. (Abu Dawood) J It is narrated in Musnad Ahmed that the Prophet ¢ @ (peace be upon him) asked, “May I tell you why B @ Allah called Hazrat Ibrahim*(peace be upon f> } him) as Khaleel? Because he used to recite these f } words till ‘ Tuzhiroon’. my : (Tafsir 1bn Kathir 4/166) BO 29 8 82 89 8 8) 8 8 BP BD BD BO BW BI » ia & To be safeguarded from every kind ) 8 calamity (Recite once) iS e} Recite once in the morning the following first y three Ayats of Surah Momin after Ayatul Kursi. EEE EEE 8025 GB 3748s § Aid 2 51 £A3)43) . % . Ost Io J 3 oy 92555 Se, 64S = ASS = 1g 255 2 DEM A D %~ Ine ZH EGF ass WI Tite Sie FRE 47999 34%. RAIS \e5 p43 051 Sess = ale oe) & 7X, wees ciate tales Nye _% Soy Sig op SNA, ee ORD JO secfl SE 1 Translation: Allah! There is no god but He,-the 3 Living, the ee Eternal. No slumber | “} intercede in His presence except as He permit? f } He knows what (appears to His creatures as) | { compass aught of His eee except as He ¢ wills. His Throne does extend over the heavens 29 j guarding and preserving them, for He is the G | Most High, the Supreme (in glory). le i (Surah Baqara: 255) 9) First three Avats of Surah Momin AIA ASN E RS PE Sm > 3 — Ante 2 b ail See ps2 S SBN LNG | BucVsoea sje) : : 1. Haa-Meem. 2. The revelation & of this Book is from Allah, Exalted in Power, % @ Full of Knowledge,- 3. Who forgives sin, § gj accepts repentance, is strict in re and g but He: to Him is the final goal. “4 Virtue: A person who recites first three Ayats of § | Surah Momin after Ayatul Kursi in the moming, -} will he eafspusnted isin every yeviie on that sae, (Musnad Bazzar narrated by Abu Hurairah; Tirmidhi) 8? 8 8 8D BD BD BD BD BY) BD BB BD B—__—_ ) €) To become worthy of Du ‘a (invocation) r by Angels in our favour and getting the status of Shuhada (Martyr) on death cam thrice) 2 15°) Fee Sab Sse sei" As pes) “eh? Ey) Aa % “pees 7 ; 4 Translation: | seek refuge in Allah, Who is All- § 3 Knowing, All-Hearing, from Shaitaan (Satan). Surah Hashr: 22 to 24 JEG ge) Bias tele 27s DNS SomFH19h 2 35GE pon a SueNeshQ\A0 esha 3 s i WSeFALS_ F es S45) ‘Ka Geet rs Spiel cs BE 3250 B AIG HZ eeaita ds WS g asl © putbc ple Ze se 23 3ARNE SCH 5 ESN eau secs @pe ene { ) Translation: 22. Allah is He, other than Whom ¢ there is no other god;- Who kriows (ail things) # ¢¢ both secret and open; He is the Most Gracious, b> 3 the Most Merciful. 23. Allah is He, than Whom f | there is no other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy 5} One, the Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the ig #| Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: ®& % Glory to Allah! (High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him. 24. He is Allah, the @ Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower of Forms (or % Colours), to Him belong the Most Beautiful ® 4 Names: whatever is in the heavens and on earth, § 8} does declare His Praises and Glory: and He is @ ¥] invocation and the above pertain Ayats of >| surah Hashr once following it, seventy % s he will get the status of martyrdom on death. : « CTirmnidt af 3 Rw ene 4 (Recite once) * 1, e r “NXE zit E40 5 SY papel: Jl angll F ls 5 ig P napel ie. af e cons = 250 E315 - > 215 is f 9 s ) Translation: Sa - have created me 5 t # You are the One Who has showed me guidance. > % You are the One Who provides me with food & &} and drinking. You will give me death and You ( } willraise me again. ‘ | Virtue: Hasan Basari reported from Samura [ @& bin Jundub (R. A.) who said, “May I not narrate # 2 Hadith which I heard many times from the §§ a} pnoghet fgets be e upon ban) and also fons o B itecret Abu Bakr and Uinta (R.A.).” I said, “oR =] course, please narrate”. He said, “A person who — ES BD BSD BD BD BH) BY BY BP BD BO BH) BO BD 5} €B invocation for protection from the i mischief of Jinn (Recite once) ez 9 pb SN ais ASG 5951 2 22 LS sg Sof : esnee Ge Son $5 i 3 esos oi s JY E95 15 a 2 ; BL s PCG Ge 9) G5 ; - : 3 ? % “ 9/39 a " Trandiation: I seek refuge ! in Allah’s grace and *% His complete and powerful Words, which bo og cannot be surpassed by any good or bad person, |, ] from the evil which descends from the heaven f | and from the evil which ascends to the heavens, 6 f and from the evil ef all the things which are pO *) the things which comes out of the earth, and (I R 3} seek refuge in Allah) from the trial of day and B night, from those who are knocking in the me > e] O! the Most Merciful: Virtue: The Jinn which came to trouble the 4 Holy Prophet (peace be upon estos oY He a5 Si 3a tis Sass “}S Bis gszén : We ss a morning for Allah Be d all His Kingdom begin their morning for im. All praises be to Allah. I seek refuge in the fee ne Who is holding on the heaven from falling n the earth except with His permission, from evil of His creations which is scattered > verywhere, and (I seek refuge in Allah) from ¢ evil of Satan and his making of partner (with & m} Allah). £ my Virtue: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) |g + told Amr bin Aas that if you would recite this ® @ invocation thrice in the morning, you witl be 2 4 protected from the evil of Satan, foreteller and & Ry Magician. s d (Ad-Du’a, p. 954; Ibnus Sunni, p. 66; Majma 1/119) [ b ——_ 29) 8D 89 8 BD BD BH) BD BD BD BH BO BD BD——— % ‘| € Invocation for protection against magic |. (Recite once) Oz 593 a the ores S 5 False BIN os Ge Maat ae LEAS IG ie easels “139 cary aAA% 3 Ea 5% } Translation: 4 sh Tice in Allah, < aai most f “| Greatest. There is nothing equal to His § x} Greatness. And I seek refuge in His complete 4 and powerful Words, which cannot be f% % surpassed by any good or bad ‘person, and (I 8 &} seek refuge in) all the Name: of Allah which I § Ry know and which I do not know, from the evil of 5 # all those things which He created, and created > % them errorless and scattered them all over. B @ Virtue: The person who recites this invocation » “1 once in the morning will be safeguarded from fg y] magic. Hazrat Ka’ab Ahbar (may Allah have ig Invocations for the Morning s] mercy on him) said that if I had not recited this { | invocation, the Jews had transformed me into ? «| donkey. 3 ri Invocation for the getting the sins [x 7} forgiven and achieving the good @ (Recite 100 times) 94 2 tie og tT “ereSys alo Him. 4 Virtue: Recite these words hundred times. & 4 Allah will pardon the sins as great in number as F m) foam over the sea. (Muslim 4/2081) [3 ) He will get one lakh twenty four thousand M virtues. (Tirmidhi) ® ——— 82) BD BD BD BD FD BD BD BD BY) BD BD BD BI — 3 & invocation for safeguarding from three | ’ dangerous diseases , (Recite thrice after Fajr Salah) & ge - ayn? byw og gdeous ) aol}! ail lore Matt at NO Sa 2 Bae ae Si 3 ‘Srmestationi: I glorify Allah, ate Greatest, in the | words that suit His status. And I praises Him in ~ the words in which He has praised Himself. g Sails neti LAYS gy cue Zz Je 525 952%, wife Bebra sv aiecss A Translation: O Allah, I fick fortheb bounties that R ‘You have and shower Your Providence over me. % Extend Your grace and bestow Your blessings [fg mj On me. 3 RI Virtue: Qabisa bin Makhariq (R.A.) narrated: I ig a present came to the Prophet (peace be upon & 4 him). He asked, “Why did you come?” I said, “I § &) become aged now. My bones has become weak, | j i.¢., it my old age now. I have come to you so & % that you may teach me something which may » @ benefit me.” gq The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “The %] stones and trees from which — panes oa has 6 sical in favour of you. O Qabisa! say he esau iF pcaalighicts tc thrice after the Moming & i Prayer. You will be protected from the infliction & Protection from the mischief of Jinn é-2 once) . 2¢¢ tea 287 A 415% peers 29 ~ of, PI = Fx, - 9, o>, js : eso Sanyy s © SN Sysidy sf TAS 9 ee ee 125 Sans EEN ais! & Dyes ne aelals 22% 2 da 2Ge? s sabes “53005 ae 2G 215 a7 2 brhem WE Cy Esiss56 % (Surah Mominoon: 115-118) * Translation: 115. Did you then think that We oq had created you in jest, and that you would not be § yi brought back to U_ (for account)? 116. { vy) Therefore, exalted be Allah, the King, the f % Reality: there is no god but He, the Lord of the BF ¢ Throne of Honour! 117. If anyone invokes, |, 4 besides Allah, Any other god, he has no authority f for that; and his reckoning will be only with his 4} Lord! and verily the Unbelievers will fail to win 8 xj through! 118. So say: “O my Lord! grant You E forgiveness and mercy, for You are the Best of ¢ Virtue: It is narrated in Ibn Abi Hatim that a } person who was possessed by Jinn came to @; Abdullah bin Masood (R.A.), who recited the & above mentioned Ayats and blew over his ear, & @ and he got cured. When it was mentianed before [> Mj the -Prophet (peace be upon him) he asked, Sj ‘Abdullah what did you recite in his ear’ a person having faith “would recite it on af " } mountain, it willalsoremove it fromits place. & ”, Abu Nu’aim narrated: “The Prophet (peace be f& upon him) sent us with troops and told us to B % recite the aforementioned Ayats day and night. » So we recited them continuously in both the f times. Praise be to Allah, we returned safe with [ booty.” (Tafsir tbn Kathir 3/474, Bikhre Moti 1/150) § ———— BRD BRD Be? ed Be) Be? Wad BED Bed Bed Be Bed BL? BE —————— } & (Recite once) — 1Ghs Gaol iaysgut x « 5 WGEFSUGSIAS | t Transiation: O Allah! we are able to see the & %} morning and the evening due to Your Divine # j help. It is because of Your power that we are fg 4 living and will die because of it. And ultimately & § we willhavetoreturntc You. —(Tirmidhi) 3 AEB BRAN A SS (Recite once) w 2 1 87994, or 94s ee on +S . 277, 4,94 96 we SIH, 29 4,72 Ts Niu) 2 es: Cr all Ab, AW 6K 29EA (HK Os 927959 Opa gp ASS oT ww, a, Z 2. 4 “- a2 Dye iy BES 69 94 ( 7 el LF oe - Oates “ey An3k p 3 Translation: Our morning has arisen and the 1 moring of the Lord of the Worlds has arisen. O [2 ®) Allah, I ask for the good of this day, I ask for {g & victory, success, radiance, blessings and & @ guidance of this day. And I seck refuge in You & my from the evil ofthis day andevilafterthisday. (Hisne Haseen; Purnoor Dua, p. 32) a 208 90 PO BO w eV ww ____ & @® (Recite once) . 4) AO7T Ne tS aye AGNI GHIA ui e Se Rate) “en? a“ oF S15 135134 162515 ENS “ Maem Sie WHR RIBS lavecatiens IAS Ae ET , err “or? cpa oe “2 JAG Sls z Translation: O Allah! Make - part : of this B (Hisne Haseen, p75) | 29 20 80 89 8) BD BO BV IBDBDBD——__—_—_ { s @ (Recite once) Z 208 55, SLL 3513 JEEZ” R y Fa ase pasdis$ ofa KF eB Ace DELI Ae Meiko 2% Ey ea etcreres @ devotion and on the Deen (Religion of Islam) of f§ b} the Prophet (peace be upon him), with the Millat ) (Nation) of Ibrahim (peace be upon him) who f2 g among the Mushrikeen (those who attributes [fg 3 Paden wD: Cietacen 8 70) for the Mocsiies Invecations fot the Mewatng the Hereafter (Recite once) } DAM, ILy = f\ oe | Allah is enough for me to safeguard my Deen |, 4 (Religion of Islam). k 2 POR BI Abla Aes ¢ Allah is enough for me to remove all my fy distress. Ht ASA } Allah is enough for me, aga 4 person who G < —— me. pe #3555. and 25 25) = et © } au is — for me against a person who is ( # envious tome. Ps 335 re a7 G52 B56 Sod 24s 4 Allah is iets for me against a — t} deceives and os me. favocations for the Morning ASA SARA LALA RY RY RY RERE RY RE iM miimelsesiicag@ (Recite once) ae #2 on Se 5 Te iy) tS OD Allah is snough! for me at the time of my death. el _ $Me Acts @ ~) Allah is enough for me during my interrogation sw in the grave. isis dy) 2 als © Allah is enough for me at the place of Mizaan (the Balance for weighting of good and bad § *} deeds on the Day of Judgement) a “°? 3! aa bij piidis ac nis © Allah is enough for me near the Pul Sirat & (Pradise Pathway). Gerber LAS © Invecations for the nice § have placed my hope in Him and I always » ¢| idealism } (R.A. . the gist of which is that the Prophet 4 (peace be upon him) said that anyone who “| recites the above mentioned 10 sentences in the PB | morning, then after the completion of their | } recitation, he will find Allah is enough for Him -} and he willsoon be getting reward. c (Durre Manthoor 2/103) 8 . Recite the third an 100 times Ayal QianSs Asti aula bet £ | aoa S551 & Fee ge eee Invocations for the Pernt ‘ = . ey ge a pS 7 ———— 8 BS Be) BD BL RD BD BO BO BOD BO BO BD BD 21 € Recite Darood Shareef 100 times . #1 It is better to recite Darood-e-Ibraheem which is fx 4 recited in Salah. If somebody wanted to recite F < SEP a rer aera ar chat st_ 2 Long a 2h 322 jee 334, » AI ———_en snes sala n————— & € Recite100 times Ss isa as aul i BD BR? BOD BO Be? BO BD BD BO BO BO BO BO——— = @ Recite thrice a are 1531 1Z A S21 Ze5 US: We Hi3- 251% = ero : %) Translation: Aliah is the Best Protector, and He & %} is the Most Merciful among those who show @ 3 mercy. Note: Recite 500 times or 100 times ‘¥a SS \ | Hayyu Ya Qayyumu’. Insha-Allah it will give| ¥ i | great benefit. 3 ——— 8? BD BD BD BO BD BO BD BD BD BD BD BD B+ —__ — ©] €2 Recite Surah Yaseen once fo mm > s@ Recite Surah Muzzammil once —— BY BD BD BD BD BO BD BD Be BD > Be BOD Be —________ "| @ Recite the 99 Beautiful Names of Allah Li 7h 2G $97 "Hp BESEESHZEN hs # “All the names of Allah are good, so invoke f # Him through them.” R} | Note: If somebody is incapable of reading the | | ) | Arabic names of Allah (Asma-e-Husna) then| Gjhe should read their translation by|} ¢ }comprehending their meaning and believe in| those attributes of Allah. He will also get the| | blessings of Asma-e-Husna, Insha-Allah. iz BR $3.2 tal BaP BaP? APY PY 99 BI L NAMES OF ALL MARL ee OR eRe nens 5, : aSiA_ NF 5 sits H% | ilah is He, than Whom there is no other god. B : q THE COMPASSIONATE 2 a MOST MERCIFUL bs THE SOVEREIGN 2 THE TRUE KING x HOLY ON ND ON te WHO IS FREE FROM ALL { : VIM a =i ‘ hg E —~ M zs THE GIVER OF PEACE OR THE ONE WHO IS IMMUNE FROM ALL DISTRESS THE GIVER OF PEACE. {6 THE GIVER OF PROTECTION THE MIGHTY | ‘we ee ae \ * ae Nest AL com, jad Sh Ey] THE OVERPOWERING LORD THE SELF-GLORIOUS ie THE CREATOR (: al | ae THE FASHIONER OF SHAPES | | EXCEEDINGLY FORGIVING | ONE WHO HAS CONTROL | f OVER THINGS = THE GIVER OF ALLTHINGS |P THE SUSTAINER AND 3 PROVIDER REMOVER OF DIFFICULTIES | THE ALL-KNOWING . THE STRAITER OF SUSTENANCE THE EXTENDER OF 2 THE Set WHO as c AND LOWERS : THE EXALTER THE GIVER OF HONOUR | THE GIVER OF DISHONOUR {ff THE ALL-HEARING © Tf THE SEER ORONE WHO {ft SEES ALL THINGS : ny ey Us}uls —_ a \ 4 see ON me A] oy) ean] an \ /. ol ai maa ‘\ “| = =_— lavocations cor the Re De THE MAKER OF a IMMUTABLE JUDGEMENT _| THE JUST > MOST AFFECTIONATE OR KNOWER OF INNERMOST SECRETES THE CLEMENT 3 THE FORGIVING THE HIGHLY GRATEFUL | & THE MOST HIGH 2 THE MOST GREAT - OR INFINITE ‘ THE PROTECTOR ia THE GIVER OF SUSTENANCE | aon Saver. F WHO SSUFICES FOR EVERYONE AND Ss} fs ied I ‘ A] QS . A Ee e oak =| =] mh [ Ne | Spe Hu lahe \ iM ae we Q NN ‘Sa = i A poor Ne . \ » —_\ a (s [s[e[s[elelelelele] s [8] wy ' : uu cs 3 Ne es =-\ “ for tte Morning invocations |r Ss 3 Z oO ae O n 2 9 o 2 J) oO w) = = AN EXALTED POSITION THE BENEVOLENT ‘= 5 n WwW ' APIiN 77s J = aN, Peas eine THE LENIENT THE WISE THE MOST LOVING THE RESURRECTOR OF THE OMNIPRESENT : THE TRUTH THE PROVIDENT \evecations for the Morning nn [| k Pong 739] 9 THE KEEPER OF COUNTS i THE ORIGINATOR > .22,7 | ONE WHOHAS THE POWER |} TO CREATE AGAIN THE GIVER OF LIFE E THE GIVER OF DEATH k THE EVERLASTING : THE SUSTAINER OF LIFE THE ALL-PERFECT THE ALL-EXCELLENT AND THE ONE WITH VENERATION THE ONE UNEQUALLE | f THE ONE iG FREE FROM WANT > » (s f \ Me q \ 2 4 = re NV e | PS] PS A) | \ N Ne we 1 ~ —_\ L Ne \ A = ( THE ALL-POWERFUL THE POWERFUL 3 U w. -_\ Ne s\ 1" \ | 58 | 59 j| 60 | 4 6 {| 62 | 63 | | 64 | WaT 3 | 65 | 3} 66 | a [se a | 69 | 3 | 70 | al A Invocations : a ae g 2 of gy 3$ wo Zz 6< \— s a \ ONE WHOCAUSES | RETARDATION. THE FIRST THE LAST THE OBVIOUS THE LATENT ONE WHO EXCERCISES RESPONSIBILITY -OVER ALL THINGS ATTRIBUTES OF FAR ABOVE THE THE ENTIRE CREATION ONE WHO TAKES THE OFT-RETURNING RETRIBUTION ONE WHO PARDONS THE KIND POSSESOR OF SOVEREIGNTY | [ A Zig] MAJESTIC AND BENEVOLENT | by THE JUST 4 THE ASSEMBLER io FREE FROM NEED s SUPPLIER OF NEEDS S TO OTHERS 3 THE HINDERER wo | Se) 85, |B “e YY ai NDrIN 8 =\ ; Kl ey) I .) ¢ E ONE WHO CAN CAUSE LOSS us ‘ > \ EN ONE WHO CONFESS BENEFITS | § THE RADIANCE 5 ‘ONE WHO GIVIES GUIDANCE THE DEVISER % f THE ETERNAL F THE SUPPORTER OF ALL OR ONE WHO REMAINS ALIVE EVEN AFTER EVERYONE OR EVERTHING DIES (= |x (1 G “~ a OFS IAFF te FS BFF BFS Be ONE WHO GUIDES ALONG THE PATH OR VIRTUE OR ONE WHO LOVES VIRTUE AND PIETY * 43h Ae) | THE MOSTFORBEARING | fy ‘¢ (Tirmidhi: Abwabud Da '‘waat, 2/189) ¥ " Virtue: It is reported in Bukhari and Muslim on ©. the authority of Abu Huraira (R.A.) that the % Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Indeed, [ ¥] Allah has Ninety Nine Names and whoever has fg “| protected these names (i.e, learn them by heart 2 and believe in it) he will enter Jannah § (Paradise)’. — 9 8 8 8 BD BD BD BD BS BD BD BO BS RD 4 €} The Prophetic remedy to save oneself fi from the current and forthcoming § turbulence of Dajjai =| (1) Imam Muslim has reported in his Sahih ff Muslim that the Prophet (peace be upon him) {a @ first ten Ayats of Surah Kahaf, he will be | safeguarded from the turbulence of Dajjal. 5] Pecos can be upon him) said that whoever 3} confront Dajjal, he should recite the first 10 Ayats & ~@ of Surah Kahaf, he will be protected from it. bye J J leamin and reciting of the last Ayats of Surah f ‘ 1 will give protection from the turbulence of & C SU a Come mlm ery ALLIMGio ieee Ri rite) (Recite once) PM SED Alpes 4 ork weed Si SeSi heed a “Praise be to Allah, Who has sent to His Servant B a the Book, and has allowed therein no 2 a) Crookedness: | 232 sblolssesess® & ; <, 230) eee * “(He has made ae Saatots eres in onder ia = that He may wam (the godiess) of a terrible |y *} Punishment from Him, and that He may give & yi Glad Tidings to the Believers who work ff * righteous deeds, that they shall have a goodly f %¢ Reward”. OMIA Ls © “Wherein they shall remain forever: SG AMISS USS 633515.225 © “| “Further, that He may. warn those (also) who a Ry say, “Allah has begotten a son”: PHOT glee A AGU © niin Gate sities esas

) glittering show for the earth, in order that We % may test them — as to which of them are best in § ™q conduct. (2 3% a ed -?, eZ | OFFS GEL A SIE@ | 1 Verily othe: is on earth We shall make but as § g dust and dry soil (without growth or eeane 5425 2 > | erry 2 2214 eon? © Cae Egy 4 2h Ea 5315 1 “Or do you reflect that the Companions of the § = Cave and of the Inscription were wonders % among Our Sign? -? 2, Zr, “42 : AGS _ T2655 @ % . 2 ‘ee ine SSS UAT 2 eK ESS hs ean 2a4e OW BiG 4) _2 23 EARS f “Behold, the youths betook themselves to the & Cave: they said, “Our Lord! bestow on us & Mercy from Yourself, and dispose of our affair R) for us in the right way!” Last Wats of Surah Rahat DRAG M ie eet | (Recite once) ; 11a SID Aae BK 54 RES ee 5 W lavecations for the Morning ‘5ESAB ANGI F353 Se 2 ealce ; e835 28 2 2 ac Ne 5h a ye me Ge FO2. “Do the Wnbelievers think that they can \*take My serwants*as protectors besides Me? 3] Verily We. “have prepared Hell for the “% Unbelievers for (their) entertainment. oewce “2 <2 SA 9008 9 Fan S OWL CES | SEG a U5 @I 3} 103. “Say: ‘Shall we teil you af tisee ho tase most in respect of oe a aos \3agaed a 28 re soc ae A @l: BO) Fwd ~~ 4 104. “Those whose efforts have been wasted in & & this life. while they thought that they were 4 acquiring good by their works?” | PBI SAL 32S 53 31551 @ eh AAAS, A 65 PERWRURH RRS: 97 wn sasuwousie KES, “ays 9 Az ’ Lala 232 35 A r/ 105. “They are those who deny the Signs of fe S| their Lord and the fact of their having to meet « Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, Pe ) nor shall We, on the Day of Judgement, give g] them any weight. a Wit ea ays BSG OF ho 2 285 2 BANGASE 5 *& 106. “That is their ana Hell, bechuse they . % rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My & a} Messengers by way of jest. * ag Es igus Pig ee © {Seb sopheiz wocw m 167. “As to those who believe and work & a tighteous deeds, they have, for their § e} entertainment, the Gardens of Paradise, aD a 5a. otieGza 182 Be GCE, 108. “Wherein they ea dwell Cok a no pf 2 change will they wish for from them. GT eB ING I HOI AS @ ae =o Se 545 Ba ny a ss 109. a If me ocean were ink (wherewith to & write out) the words of my Lord, sooner would the ocean be exhausted than would the words of my Lord, even if we added another ocean like it, & for its aid.” (SBR Ci Uso§ 2 SoA eels <3) a9 i Sal x Gy ge 7 (a3 YNESUERU ASA wt LASER RIT . Z © fr Ae walt MIS) 459 33alty oS ee y 110. “Say: “Iam but aman like yourselves, (but) 2 ee the inspiration has come to me, that your Allah fy | is One Allah: whoever expects to meet his Lord, | let him work righteousness, and, in the worship ¥ of his Lord, admit no one as partner.” {| Note: The last Ayats of Surah Kahaf, ¢ | according to Imam Nawawi, begins from WSSES LAGS CST Explanation: In the commentary of the Surah & Kahaf, the commentators have wrote that in the § % preface of the Surah, the story of As-hab-e- } Kahaf (People of the Cave) has been narrated & } which is key to the turbulence of Dajjal. The | heart which grasps the meaning and have faith - 4 in these Ayats, that heart will not be infected by f j the turbulence of Dajjal. Similarly, those (i */ servant of Allah, who will keep these Ayats in cj their heart (by understanding) and in their mind § 1 (by learning), they will also be protected from & yy fitnah (turbulence) of Dajjal. f @) (Anwaarul Bayaan 5/454, Ma‘ariful Hadith 5/94-95, Sahih BD 3} Muslim 1/271) “ Invocations for the Re Re | SIENA (Recite once) CNG % |Invocation will be accepted (by Allah) and a ~¢ |there will be redemption from sufferings. 829 B) BD BO 2) BD Be? BD Be BD BD) BO BD RD ——__—_ @® A proved remedy for ending difficulties rf MUNITYAAT (INVOCATIONS) (Recite once) 1] Munjiyaat are the seven invocations from the k Holy Qur’an which Allama Ibn Sireen “recommended for remove sufferings and ® 4 difficulties. : , Ka‘ab Ahbaar (may Allah have mercy on him) & said, “There are four Ayats in the Qur’an, when! is E Even if the sky fall down on the earth, I will get a 1 respite from the Order of Allah. eae OZ FELINE OS C OF BD } Seq More 4 SII H$ Eh 2 - ~, a7 ~ (7% ¢ Sa ab Joes LI 2h) . a ie ok) yl @Q = rpr2Ges| f ¢ Translation: Say: “Nothing will happen to us jy except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our e] protector”: and on Allah let the Believers put fy S| their trust. (Surah Tauba: 51) 3 A. Peto ‘xs 42g 24e ASG SS Flay ALS Ns ® z Fae NE oe, oy? 23 8 Sy r% ‘ALewSID TS AS Bis 5)5 29155 ed - Si Se "AG S & 325 vo alle 2t S35 Gea Cia ~~ ry ee ee > Gey 279 <4 oi OQ mae Fee @ Translation: And if Allah touches you with & J harm, there is none who can remove it but He; @ and if He intends any good for you, there is none @ who can repel His Favour which He causes it to & ot reach whomsoever of His slaves He wills. And & 8} He is the Oft-Forgiving, the Most Merciful. 2 Sy (Surah Yunus: 107) {g BAS Stk = 2 te ‘ i HBSS 2 AAAI WIKI ZES OI IC IAS i ‘ oe geass See ho : obi ieet : ; Translation: There is no moving creature on | carth but its sustenance depends on Allah: He [ ~| knows the time and place of its definite abode he E and its temporary deppsit: All is in a clear 2 oe eee. (Surah Hud: 06) rst FMF 24g 583) ‘ Zaslgiet ists Siz AST SoG - @ ses 3 bis nade 23 * a grr < Translation: I put my trust i Allah, my Lord ‘ #' and your Lord! There is not a moving creature, ® % but He has grasp of its fore-lock. Verily, it ismy & ©, Lord that is on a straight Path. (Surah Hud: 56) a lea oi ~ Sse: Os OTs sie gisict one Shale a Ge57 : } Translation: How many are the creatures that f is carry not their own sustenance? It is Allah who 2 «| feeds (both) them and you: for He hears and § 4 knows (all things). (Surah Ankaboot: 60) Wet < Say a 227 i me ASS 5 ie EN Al col ® | f? .4% I GeV? 29S ei aS g Ses NS EL Bes GF EL 28 | a J? Hythe Km, ew © pero Vn ja 1929 * 9 a5 y} Translation: What Allah out of His Mercy does f& ~ bestow on mankind there is none can withhold: 2 what He does withhold, there is none can grant, apart from Him: and He is the Exalted in Power, t fullof Wisdom. - (Surah Fatir:2) 5 -. ZR Khe 9 29S 2 EGC %, f SIV NFS 2 IG Oy F — 29 94 1G WS 27744 Ne, oh 4 Fy2h% ig YSIS 65755) oral 2 ped ss « 4, 9h 7% Sag % 23 2 + paral 15) olabl_53 5 e729 994,449 o J ls ey 1% & Aa GIF Ke Case Ho So § é oe 9 ww ee a a) II 4 hae - Be Aca) CSmaie Raa PRIN Fal Invecations for the Biorning NOS 947 vs eases 40a Ve q that created ‘he heavens and the earth, they fy would be sure to say, “Allah”. Say:‘See you } then? the things that you invoke besides Allah,- # can they, if Allah wills some Penalty for me, 2 “| remove His Penalty? Or if He wills some Grace ly } for me, can they keep back His Grace?’ Say: 88 | ‘Sufficient is Allah for me! In Him trust those & 4 who put their trust.’ : (Surah Zumar: 38) 3 Virtue: It is narrated that whoever would always recite these Ayats, the difficulty : “ creater as mountain of Uhud would be driven B # out by Allah with the blessings oftheseAyats. 5 4 Hazrat Ali (R.A.) said, “Whoever makes these & ) Ayats his daily recital, he will be saved from every kind of ordeal and protected from the |g & plots of the enemies.” 2 Recite Munjiyaat once in the evening | jg Invocations FOR THE EVENING “| It is preferable that the invocations of the evening should be completed in between Asr [ | and Isha Salah. 31 | Note: It is recommended that invocations of| *jevening should be recited any time between|P . Asr Salah and true dawn. Ope eS Nailp—y Inthe name of Allah, the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful. >» €} Remedy for achieve the security of Allah & and to get es naliant (Satan) stay away i : (Recite — rr $s , sah Spite i | ts “3 2% oo. lnvocations for the Evening ie > SANA A SARE WIRE & Ne a 2192 FI GK 57 PIS “m9 > 94 % -) Sra S93 Sa yals-le9 aero! | 1 < ae see Sng 2% 6 7xe ny Be | Re ELS Ake 4 2 oy ViPS E ORAS ON Pk od S 4 009249 OT 19 Spe IA » ie I 79,7 Zz a pe ae Syd 2 ta 5 Osea ¢ ANS clQ eee | | Translation: Allah! There is no god but He,-the [> 9] Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber # can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the 2 § heavens and on earth. Who is there can & intercede in His presence except as He permit? %@ He knows what (appears to His creatures £s | before or after or behind them. Nor shall they | compass aught of His knowledge except as He 2 ™ wills. His Throne does extend over the heavens oc) y} and the earth, and He' feels no fatigue in @ | guarding and preserving them, for He is the “| Most High, the Supreme (in glory). = (Surah Bagara: 255) } Virtue: Whoever recites Ayatul Kursi while | & going to bed, he comes under the security of P q@ Allah and Satan does not come close to him. 5 (Fat-hul Bari 4/487) ¥] € The Prophetic remedy for the welfare of f 5 oneself PPM ame a eee bre tele (Recite once) PA, 24S 29%, at GAG IIE Ue BI . » “BI, 22 Z9% SAPS AKG ane 28 east in se o. - we eA 27Ie AG. + 508 ALLS 33 OIG GRY sales Os ts ty SELH aciS6 GAB WA il Ge Heal PIE CEM gles 2S Sess HSCS ELS zy ssi Je sales We Ralhote ABET CSS TF ES LS Se sD hae ale Geb Fe 4 FE GSEs Siew Es Oli sah PRE RF tavocations fer = Evening } Translation: 285. The Riccesenene (Mictonrane i Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) believes in what f | (so do) the believers. Each one believes in | Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His & & Messengers. (They say,) “We make no ®t 1 distinction between one another of His fy ] Messengers”—and they say, “We hear, and we { | obey. (We seek) Your forgiveness, our Lord, and « to You is the return (of ali).”.286. Allah burdens ] not a person beyond his scope. He gets reward [ ) for that (Good) which he has earned, and he is & punished for that (Evil) which he has earned. [ “Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into f § error, our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that @ which You did lay on those before us (Jews and } Christians); our Lord! Put not on us a burden 6 ) greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us fg § and grant us forgiveness. Have mercy on us. & 2 You are our Maula (Patron, Supporter and [§ J Protector) and~-give us victory over the | disbelieving people.” pe % Virtue: Whoever would recite the last two & 4 Ayats of Surah Baqarah, he will be greatly & rewarded. (Fat-hul Bari 9/94, Sahih Muslim 1/554) [G ej & Saisie for Scoeaion from poisonous fy creatures (Recite thrice Surah Ikhlaas, Surah Falagq and Surah Naas) AGE RSAT EME, SAL OnaS) OmseMySB ail 2g 26 es 12516 35-123 2458215 SSSS45 SAIS L255 Translation : k | In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficial, the Most Mercifid. [ “ 1. Say: He is Allah, the One and Only; 2. Allah, § a the Eternal, Absolute; 3. He begets not, nor is B 4 He begotten; 4. And there is none like unto Him. SURAH FALAQ opSMeySSNabl 23 d Zee Wu ne 4 9% SES ied GHLIBIG Y +a ete bE OH . mrwecations j= end ravens & vyr Zar © Seats! Sulonede © Aas} \ 3 5 Translation : ¥ = In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful. 3 I. Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn. 2. From the mischief of created things; 3. From 2 the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads; 4. fy From the mischief of those who practise secret arts; 5. And from the mischief of the envious f one as he practises envy. p oni ery eZ ; ose ICH : x S29, 427. We f 4 © SUS pisces way) 6 a) - | © EN I 23 Spt 2655) bv OG oNos ) [ranslation : % \n the name of Allah, the Most Beneficial, the Most Merciful. [§ - Say: I seek neh with ie Lord and fe x} Cherisher of Mankind, 2. The King (or Ruler) of # Mankind, 3. The God (or judge) of Mankind,- 4. Ke x From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), bp 1 who withdraws (after his whisper),- 5. (The s same) who whispers into the hearts of % Mankind,- 6. Among Jinns and among men. x Virtue: Any person who recite thrice Surah 4 J Ikhlaas, Surah Falaq and Surah Naas in the i evening, he will be safeguarded by all kinds of | poisonous creatures. u (Tirmidhi 3/182, Abu Dawood 4/508) fy ED BD BD BS BO BO BW) BY BO BV BH FH BO BO ) Oo Invocation for achieving benefit in this World and in the Hereafter (Recite 7 times) I Wye 227° OZR EA bie. 2M CBSA ANG Als’ & 9907 277%, AKI > Soka) 5 S555 & Translation: Allah is enough for me, There is P8 % none worthy of worship, but Him. | placed trust i) 4 in Him. He is the Owner of Majestic Heavens. mj Virtue: A nerson who recites this invocation |@ Invecations for the Evening seven times in the evening, Allah is enough to {x S remove all worldly distress and it will also give ? y benefit in the Hereafter. i | (Amal Al- Yaum wal-Lailah by \bnus Sunni, p. 38 & 77; Abu Y Dawood 4/321: Jayyed ) Note: Recitation of above mentioned Dual f >) | Sincerely or insincerely will remove problems. | 2 (Hayatus Sahaba 3/342-343))| > o| ————— 89 BD BD BD 8) BD BD BD BO BO BD BO BO BD 5| To getredemption from Hell , . (Recite 4 times) RI 7 ge 9 SAN DS EIA BSH FI BEG sie Es SAVLAMNS 4h 23 HES Sigs (ise Sig WAS, BY 525 eens a oo You, Your angels, which eany Your § ) —. all other angels and Your all creatures, Invocations for the Evening as a witness, that there is none worthy of k worship except You. You are Alone and You fee Muhammad (peace be upon him) is Your slave f } and Messenger. is “| Virtue: Whoever would recite this invocation 2) "| redemption from Jahannam (Hell). (Abu Dawood 4/317, Bukhari fi Adabil Mufrad: 1201) P Gg RDO PO POT OPO Po FO oe Invocation for the accomplishment of ib blessings ofAlilah = (Recite cid is 50 63 acaies ed SSL can 43 V's GEZIES A ‘eataita ioe: O Allah! Snide. I spent my & sj evening with the grants of Your blessings, S| Satisfaction and Your keeping secret of my sins. 2 Your peace and Your keeping secret of my sins & 3 in this worid and in the Hereafter. favecations for the Evening - LBS RARER BE BERIT RIRI RL } Virtue: Whoever would recite this invocation j him. 8 BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BD BOD BD BD | & invocation to give thanks to Allah (Recite once) oo 7% far oe 2 29 924075 Shee Jobsldas os cuallan gl AL BS D554 als 4 ee EEN SL SNEG Bf Translation: Of whatever the blessing I have or Your other creatures have. been blessed in the evening, it is only from You and there is no & partner of You in (the creation of) them. } Therefore, all praises are due to You and You are f the Only Worthy ofall thanks. ( Virtue: Whoever recites this invocation once in the evening, it is to give thanks for blessings of ® y the past night. (Abu Dawood 4/318) z a Kooenting through which Allah will be e a pleased on the Day of Judgement i (Recite thrice) * gt. n y 2s iS al cis maae s * ~ eos “= ade Zul Lz aw eres r desastaamer I am pleased with “Allah as my i Lord, Islam as my Deen (religion) and & % Muhammad (peace be upon him) as His ® Messenger. Virtue: Whoever recites this invocation thrice & in the evening, Allah will be pleased to him (on & % the Day of Judgement). (Abu Dawood, Ahmed 4/337, Tirmidhi 3/141) 22) BD 8D 8 8 BO BO BB PD PD BaD # di oO The Prophetic remedy to achieve the 6 2 benefits of this world and the Hereafter a once) AES S3geI Ge. ag BGS S3 L" = Soke Le IR PRS 2704 - a f Translation: O! the Ever-living, O! the ® | Sustainer of the creatures; | ask Your help pe } through Your mercy that You set right all my “| matters and do not give me in possession of my | Nafs (disposition). «| Virtue: Whoever recites this invocation once, | he has asked for all kinds of good in this world si and the Hereafter. [ ; (Hakim; At-Targhib wat-Tarhib 1/283) Note: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) S] | recommended his daughter, Fatimah (R.A.) to|@ > | recite this invocation regulariy. _ I f (Baihagi reported b A ——— 2 BS Be) E> BED MD Be? BLD Be? He? BT BI B——— } @® Invocation for the unexpected misfortune “ (Recite thrice) pe « Bo% “AKT 55 4 2” B | CLM teal RBI CG Mailecs f Dl ge 22 Syr ke WO atc -2% | ABN Ge Nioh9 TSN) $95 5)F) & a Transiation: | begin my moming with the ic 2 ALATA 55D OITA T IIIS SH 1 Name of Allah, dui to tie auspiciousness of < % which nothing could do any harm, neither in the “qj earth nor in the heaven. He is All-Hearer and ” rtue: Whoever recites this invocation thrice R Re the evening, he is protected from unexpected ie (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi) # from the body ailment (Recite — S con meer: 36Gb asic agi" ays se paises eae, = $2 gz. ‘= * 3 Sy oe ye 25 52 53 See Ry AL nS, A 2 Zen cole Ge : 2 Ease Translation: O Allah! Keep my body in a ( “health, keep my ears in (Your) protection, keep & % my eyes in (Your) protection, ‘there is none to be = ». worshipped but You. I seek egy in You from § ‘Vas ¥] in You from the ordeal of grave. There is none to *| be worshipped but You. ! Virtue: Recite thrice the above mentioned f ¢ invocation in evening. It is hoped that Allah will 4 , safeguard him from every kind of harm. Recite [ ,| the translation carefully and devotedly. I : (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah 3/142) B — PPP WWD PWM MMA——— | 2 @ Invocation for protection from the f | whispers of Satan (Reciteonce) STF SEs bs Gri” JE S545 SI Sle Way siigniacs — 5. 3 wIB TE Se IES 24 cs Drie Ses eine pik 31551 S15 ott 2 ei} ‘Translation: O Allah! the Creator of the earth [s i and the heavens, the Knower of all that is ~% apparent and hidden, the Sustainer of all the & 24 things and Real Master of all (Creatures). I give [ ") witness that none has the right to be worshipped 1 but You. I seek refuge in You from the evil of my & «| Nafs (disposition) and the-~evil of Skaitaan be e (Satan) and from the evil act that I may commit [ fi which may plagued my Nafs (disposition) or B Sj that i imflict any evil upon any Muslim — ”% (brother). ; } Virtue: Any person who recites this invocation £ 4 in the evening, he will be protected from the § whispers of Shaitaan (Satan). E (Abu Dawood, Tarmidhi 3/142) ff . ene) RD BED BED BAD BLP BLP BLP BRD BP Bed Be} Be BAI——————— “d @ vocation for entrance inte Jannah © eee (Recite once) CAVA ING 235 c7isyhi’ ? “MEG ALE ES ° po81S - BEI VE Sha299 é LARTRARARARA 252 SBS IN invecations os Pe, 7 9 ” 4, - 2 Gb si exolpe ial, PP7.2 Totes ey 59t-CIS 2) oe Dae YS tele Geek a AIR Sy 7 IISE yt 8 BAG GS - Ss) Yh eae 4o\3 oo y Note: In some narrations, “Abw-o bizambi’|\y occurred. But compiler of this book has sighted | R >] | the narration of Sahih Bukhari. ¢ J Translation: O Allah! You are my only & Sustainer. There is no god but You. You have “| created me and | am Your slave. [ am standing ©) firm up to my capabilities on my promises that I @ made to you. | seek refuge in You from evil fy & action that | committed, I acknowledge Your & ¢ bounties that You bestowed on me. And | admit & | my mistakes. Forgive my sins since there is no & } one to forgive me except You. 1 ~| Virtue: Whoever recites this invocation in the # evening with trust, and if he dies that night he & @ will enter Jannah (Paradise). ‘ lavecations for the Evening ALAS ALALALA ERR RE RE RE RY RE ¥i @ Invocation for attaining all kind of peace (Recite once) ( rer 3,772 ie oe wt Space FE Aas 15 52531 CELT a5 4” f oe ge SARE NESE PONIES, GG EATS C59 BANS 2 INSET A LSA UT, 35 F 255 Ke Abas Sal GEIS c I. OWNS £95790 F BILL 9672S 2 4 BG S OA9 JES 0F9 Gast hs tes Rib 9e Aerf od 4) 275 2ITY o Bon B j SSS OHA uS EG 235 % Translation: O Allah! I ask for peace in this & “1 world and in the Hereafter. O Allah, I ask for } forgiveness and safeguarding of my Deen{ 4 (Religion), peace in my family, in my wealth. O & @ Allah cover up my mistakes and remove fear R} from me, O Allah, protect me from my front and @ bevecations J above and alow I seek shelter in Your f >| Greatness from being killed from my below. fs § Virtue: The Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) ® ~ never abandoned the recitation of this br j invocation. It is a remedy to achieve all kind of & s] peace and security. (Abu Dawood, Ibn Majah 2/332) fQ ~ SO BS BO BF) BY BY FY BD BU BB BO me ¢ @ Invocation for the dissipation of grief and be payment of the debts (Recite once) Jody SOs Cy azer su squr” ‘ jue 35 Sahige dy 253819 Io 4 294 S321. SSG MEDIC SI (SESs SKE, Note: Both Tecitation j al-hazan’” or “al-| PB i} saad miserliness, a from debits and oppression f& sj of the people. € E Virtue: The person who recites this invocation a in the evening will get redemption from his fp y, grief and his debts will be paid off. (Abu Dawood) & 1@) The Prophetic. remedy for getting @ -) redemption from Jahannam (Hell) bs — 7times) DENG Be oN" ‘Teasletion: OAllah! save me from the Fire of; # Hell. 2 @ Virtue: Whoever would recite the above & “1 mentioned du’a after Maghrib prayer seven & j times, Allah will grant his redemption from e py alice (Hell). (Abu Dawood) & bao om ROMP BDaID——___ z | es tacueaiie to get bounties from Allah & we anita ae mong ; 3e CX a a >, Set NAS WJ Or a ave fe SE HTS HS om FY WIRE He ee “7S ope 4) oe Si : s Cblkli, mize 9 Cy 9 ] Translation: O Lord! all praises be to You. The & § praises which suit Your Glory, and Your & _ Greatness of dominance. x Virtue: When the servant of Allah recites the J above mentioned invocation, Allah will reward | him as per status that suits Him. . (Ahmed and Ibn Majah) Bf 82 90 89 89 8D BD BD BD fh B WD Bw —_—_—__ ® Invocation for protection from poisonous creatures (Recite thrice) 4 Fs “ages es ay} 4 foscn te SEES ye SED ablolaby 561" 5 2 | \ : 1 Translation: | seek refuge in Allah through His @ ] complete and powerful Words from the evil of 5 { all creatures. e { Virtue: Whoever recites this invocation thrice ® qin the evening, he will be protected from poisonous creatures, even ifhe is bitten by it. io (Abu Dawood, Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah 2/232) - (Recite once) SE A Wan 235 AZ 40'S gf sceall_ st SF IES RILE5 x5 Alea : Bava ce $5 OK R \z de aintd BA. pea i ( a ; be JSG 25-333 & z 33% ie Vu (AZ he 2 2! Se 2 x ys Bs cabin 3s | tne Ks 5 | Ton] J acts = “uw 2 ek a reed f cia one best Seep ‘avecations for the Evemiang ” Pr OBIS Transtatic jon: O Allah! You are my » cneeles b y and Sustainer. There is no god except You. I ¢ have placed my reliance on You. You are the B | Owner of great heavens. Whatever he likes to § ] happen, it happens and whatever he do not like f >) to happen, it do not happens. We get power for % * doing good deeds and avoiding sins from Allah, & -j Who is the Highest and Greatest. I have faith j that Allah have the Dominance over everything py and that His knowledge encompasses f | everything. O Allah! I seek refuge in You from evil of my Nafs (Disposition) and the evil of f 4 control. Indeed, my Lord is on the Straight Path. § 4 Virtue: Any person who recites this invocation § é| Once in the evening, he will not get any harm till ja | morning. (Ibnus-Sunni. and Abu Dawood reported by fg 4 daughters of Prophet) i oer rmmmmmmm——— ‘} GD Invocation to seek forgiveness from Allah (Recite once) 2 gh.’e Wests! Te celle deeatal a SIA 2 V3 6 BlesA3 ENeo15 * Translation: oO Allah! this is the time for % e¢ coming of night, elapsing of the day and calling jy ¥} towards You (i.e., for Salah). Therefore, forgive 5] Mme. (Abu Dawood, Hakim in Mustadrak 1/199, Imam (& | Dhahabi: Hadith is Sahih) «© se : SasPlolensi | * Translation: I seek refuge in Allah, who is All- % # ge remot ti lar " GQUMIENTEERTEZD (Recite once) & 5 ASNE8%e a9 esheis a” B f Opry “sit y Sa (= SSA 951d Scie Saree <) bet ie Zu5ess ws yeaa =k Sik hey Sega pas Z och 35 Beene nang Sop Ss @nsN 5535! | Translation: 22. Allah is He, than Whom there J is no other god;- Who knows (all things) both %@ Sy secret and open; He, Most Gracious, Most (2 q Merciful. 23. Allah is He, than Whom there isno # 4 other god;- the Sovereign, the Holy One, the | Source of Peace (and Perfection), the Guardian a4 of Faith, the Preserver of Safety, the Exalted in ® zt Might, the Irresistible, the Supreme: Glory to § Allah! (High is He) above the partners they 5 attribute to Him. 24. He is Allah, the Creator, the [ = To Him belong the Most Beautiful Names: | whatever is in the heavens and on earth, does | f] declare His Praises and eine and He is the & ~i Exalted in Might, the Wise. ¢ Virtue: Whoever recites the above mentioned F Ayat Salve in the evening after reciting py pee tbs pis pe Sob 552 “5 sii “fen seventy thousand angels will pray be 1 for blessings for him and if he is died on that fi night he is rewarded the status of Shaheed t f (Tirmidhi) = 1 & invocation for the fulfilment of all wishes > (Recite once) . “} 929 GCN GERE 274 Ms ils (ARS Cl a. =39a7 — oe a 2s WB es aa = a2 BAM ES a. 3 a2 24, ots etn 4, a t mn one ely Ig 2 HS ai iS %} Translation: O Allah! You have created me and @ You are the One who has showed me guidance. & You are the One who provides me with food and & z drinking. You will give me death and You will & Sj raise me win 1 Virtue: e: Hasan entities from S Samura bin 3; Jundub (R.A.) who said, “May | not narrate a & , Hadith which I heard many times from the | Prophet (peace be upon him) and also from | Hazrat Abu Bakr and Umar (R.A.)”. I said, “Of Ke @ course, please narrate”. He (Samura (R.A.)# | said, “A person who recites these words in the jp } moming and in the evening, Allah will fulfill his & >| all wishes.” (Bikhre Moti, 1/144-145) F CR dh Pp HHH Hw w———_ | 3 Invocation for protection against the & ae Satan (Recite once) ye B92 S si ula 53581” 3S Srey enhanc? aes Ged 4S Role CafeT5 BANA wee nae F351 7%, ? 13 a ete 09 3 Hee ad ts is $5555 * oa ceeer fer tak EEpeaee oes. 46, feof Sen aN icy ey ast 2 Sa Baie atte “KE, a5 %, 2 ye } eaietiees i — refuge in cae the on ‘ Greatest. There is nothing equal to His ® @ Greatness. And I seek refuge in His complete Sand powerful Words, which cannot be ¥ surpassed by any. good or bad person, and gy (I wilt réfige in) all then Names 25 of Allah witch i * know and which I do not know, from the evil of x) Virtue: The person who recites this invocation B sj once in the evening will be safeguarded from f * magic. Hazrat Ka’ab Ahbar (A.R.) said that if | B ¥) transformed me into donkey. (Muwatta Imam Malik) $$$ 80 8p 8) 8D. BY FY 2029 28D BF) BO BD @ The Prophetic remedy for protection from every kind ofcalamity (Recite once) } Recite the following first three Ayats of Surah 3} Momin after Ayatul Kursi in the evening. $232 33 << bi eZ PAM 4 4h 3164522355 95 4, s4e tee S353 Sats Suse 2 S277 2S ae »As5L3 Witee 4 2 AtIe 29 Y5 eat g A, $? APH ¥ Ku9 te aca falg aes x be 19 : em Y9e% jo Sig Sse OE cashes c ae A =f 2242 a O¢ eat { \gase ee > 9332 y} Translation: Allah! There is no god en He,-the & i Living, the Self-subsisting, Eternal. No slumber # | can seize Him nor sleep. His are all things in the [> } heavens and on earth. Who is there can f intercede in His presence except as He permit? ©i He knows what (appears to His creatures as) & =) before or after or behind them. Nor shall they [ & compass aught of His knowledge except as He & E wills. His Throne does extend over the heavens & BR} and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in @ Ss) guarding and preserving them, for He is the [ ott Most High, the Supreme (in glory). 3 2 (Surah Bagara: 255) & First three Ayats ar Surah Momin Ait AS NOERE & + oye iy oe & b pci asa $3" GSI 239% I LNG Oa BSA + sgt 3 Translation: 1. The believers must “i (eventually) win through, 2. Those who humble & 4 themselves in their prayers. 3. Who avoid vain j talk? t ‘] Virtue: A person who recite first three Ayats of fy Surah Momin after Ayatul Kursi in the evening, } he wil) be safeguarded from every evil-on that S night. (Ibnus-Sunni, p. 31; Anwaarul Bayaan 8/113) F @ invocation for protection from the 5 e mischief of Jinns (Recite once) Surah. Momineon: 115 to 118 oo ‘Ze, a2) 223 a Gres * oe ones Toe Za 315 3 TRERE WH de FASE ; we nee 2-7 295 @ ph Ss) _ dS 21 -— 9I yr 6 1627447264 NaS SENG ast Re ESS ae) 4 BY G)"45) Men GG 94.4) & s ‘ we SNIas 7 2G- a 2 ; JBN SG © OV RENAS B t #7 Negses -94e oe a7 @OReSNAS-ENGASHN9 | 3 Translation: 115. “Did you then think that We f # had created you in jest, and that you would not & % be brought back to Us (for account)?” 116. 2 mi Therefore, exalted be Allah, the King, the = Reality: there is no god but He, the Lord of the ~@ Throne of Honour! 117. If anyone imvokes, 5 mM) besides Allah, any other god, he has no { ) authority therefor, and his reckoning will be | 2 only with his Lord! and verily the Unbelievers > ~ will fail to win through! 118. So say: “O my ) Lord! grant You forgiveness and mercy, for You are the Best of those who show mercy!” (zai WE aL a eS C11 PORE Re } Virtue: There is a narration of ibn Abi Hatim & Ge that a person who was possessed by Jinn came & | to Abdullah bin Masood (R.A.), who recited the fe | above mentioned Ayats and blew over his ear, & } he got cured. When it was mentioned before the fy "Prophet (peace be upon him) he asked, # <| ‘Abdullah! what did you recite in his ear?’ fy Abdullah told him about it. He (peace be upon # him) said, “You have given him life by blowing f& “| this du’a (invocation) in his ear. | swear by Pt &| Allah that if a person having faith would recite it | } on a mountain, it will also remove it from its f place.” : ‘} Abu Nuaim narrated: The Prophet (peace be fg ] upcn him) sent us with troops and told us to | # recite the aforementioned Ayats day and night. » % So we recited them continuously in both the § t) times. Praise be to Allah, we returned safe with @ . (Tafsir Ibn Kathir 3/474) ia % €D Invocation to be recited when somebody f& is en for some news Lgage once) Inwocations for the Evening AM RASA ASA S BLS BOBS EF RIT BSS aot I 3,994 2S % «suse eGy's sel9 ASS! %, ‘Translation: O Allah! | ask for unexpected 4 eg good and I seek refuge in You from unexpected [ j evil. K ) Virtue: it is narration in Hadith that the Prophet ™ (peace be upon him) used to recite this “| invocation during evening. @ therefore, if one is expecting some news and |, event, he should recite this invocation. ; (Kitabul Azkaar p.104) f ——— 80 8D BD) 2) BD BO BD BO &) BO BY BD BO BD —- 5 @ (Recite once) 9 ab Ge X25 ai” : BET HFA chalice; Maa GSES i 9 kt Bisel al Le ass; ae “We aaglazes Gslaze 5s AULA ATATH | | TRORORE a Invecations for the Evening evening of the Lord of the Worlds has started. O % Allah, I ask for the good of this night, I ask for Be victory, success, radiance, blessings and SS guidance of this night. And I seek refuge in You [Re from the evil of this night and evil after this % n ight. (Hisne Hascen: Purnoor Du‘a, p. 32) a “3 2 8 BD BD BH BO) BD 8 8. BV BO BO BIO OS BI | € (Recite once) { Ley iggles MeL 237) PY 8 sles . + ae 2 ae = “7 ne e345 VONS-31 AES Gwe on" 9 ee a-—Ivu sd pls AW Ab! eS 5 Seg i Zo fo 9 AoA ue Yer & eS ACL Ale_325- B “as? 4,9 o iGo, 2h : ASEAN eSC CIAL & j Translation: We started our evening on the nature of Islam and on the Deen (Religion) of m our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be x} upon him) and on the nation of our leader a aah WHET] | TS PERESEEE eae lnvecations for the Evening AMAL AN AMAR AERA RE BE REL RER: Le Ibrahim (peace be upon him) who was a fe ¥i monotheist, a muslim and not a Mushrik (the | % one who ascribes partners with Allah). ») ED BD BD BO BD BD BD BD BO BD BO BD BB 2 @® The Features of Manzil Fi Manzil is a proven recital for protection from j magic, evil Jinns and other dangers. Shah # Waliyullah Muhaddis Dehlvi says in his Al- } { which dispel magic through which one gets 6 4 protection from the dangers of evil Jinns, 2 Satans, thieves and wild animals. s k} Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi says, “Jf there is @ RY suspicion of Aseb (Evil sprits etc.). then blow it 5 & over water and water is splashed over the @ effected person. If a house is possessed, then it & %} is blown over water and this water is scattered in @ Ry} all the four corners of the house. MANZILL g (Recite once) a O PoSN pe adl pty r Ss 5. “ ae se = 2 Hey FNS Het 5 ay £255 S eee oe 2 NLUs , z ciate 23 ea * ae ire $3 EE 9 355 Bie ; t WSs 22> Ine 28 27 2503 SC Ys age eee q ° SEED egooS 2S ail ty 425 a7 wi. ® ® tAng+e Ge 255 2S NN bE f Se Ivis narrated in a Hadith, the Prophet (peace be upon § 5 zum) said, “Surah Fatiha has Shifa (Medicinal effect) for all K = Sseases (either physi alorspiritual).”. (Darmi. Baihaqi) & t ss recommended‘ nis Hadith to recite Surah Fatiha and & Siow itover the ill person. = ; ih Vasableash 3 CAREL 55a 8 | 8 oases sABNOsAa : serait eas Bs ee ee eoes BAF 8 mg 3503_6 5h Kh Se cis : ae TAM o ADIGA SANS bd @ The Holy Prophet said to Abdullah bn Masood that (5 Rj there are ten Ayats in Surah Baqarah such that if any person 1 E who recites them, Satan and Jinns will not enter in his house ® MY and he and his family will be safeguarded from all kind of by difficulties and diseases, and if these Ayats is blown over a {g % insane person he will get right. These ten Ayats are four Ayats 3 3 of the beginning, three Ayats from the middle ie... Ayatul £ *& Kursi and its following two Ayats and the last three Ayats of F 4 Surah Bagarah. (Ma’ariful Qur'an) § % @ This Ayat reveals the meaning of Tauheed i (Monatheism). [ts content is Tauheed upon which the whole B& sesh en a ni t iy 635 LES ase 2 galesa4 | S | UPN BEI Sp SNGUG 2595 & aa enim af CHAT Xl 135 S125 243 a z 22 Wauise Eta Nae ate «4 B s eligi 6337 Sascha | BING ‘esos sa) * ARSIGA5 | AES SH « Big Le S 5 § 7S On RUT) Avec : a KectuiniPalas reaper xy B A Abe kS » 1520) BD) a5 ofse ‘ 8 AS C5 tetas & 24 a : SSL eB ie aI a : pe 25 EN Ln LG 1613) i ay) ephSN_ 3G a 0 GSAS Ges P | matt Z3ANGS)3 *UT_} & G SSIS May HC oles s5A35) ¢ LAF ods WEBS 2 Sass 1S a ise NI MOH EAl0 356 : 4 Ad ss 1% 3a Sa) he bet Hue 25 — BENASSI S54 a d SERS ahh 23 Zz 36203 5K PNA a7 eee 5 = two Ayats which has been revealed upon me from the ‘ treasury situated below the heavens. Therefore, do leam {| these verses and teach them to your women and children. h (Mustadrak Hakim, Baihaqi) ik a eee ene 12 oj ELIE he. 24 STH ES5= Gt “2 151 EELS ce = 28506 elisa eA LEIS BTC Kesh 5 Ss “ ES CES a eS cabs assy LEE eels | OSG deat» ai Je Gees BH tz = oe | AEB 9 5 Qa S ST sy sGe B a S14 Ss iyusG Luss ‘ @ it is narrated by Abu Ayyub Ansari (R.A.) that the a “| Prophet (peace be upon him) said whoever woulll recite 2 Ayatul Kursi and the verse from WGhGy.g4ai to ier, & Q) after every Salah, Allah will forgive his all sins and he will 5 be entered in Paradise and his seventy desires will be =| fulfitted and the least of these desire is forgiveness for him. (Roohul Ma‘ani) @ z Bu UE Bi 50826053 BESS asics B 5 $pS571ES 22 iit) 38 5 stich s q US Eh 5 eS OSs Guth f SEG) ENSUES 299355 | , Sdsliaio858 5a Je 3 £3855 NAIR GS we ENV BEG ese yo Fa) Ry ~ Se BF Spe BNE © FAN AiRES5 I E ~— SKA ie pela ot 5 ts ¢ ASG SEs SII SE a @ These three verses from “ds\4 San S53) to gore are proven remedy for distress and difficulties. rIS herve 52 2% Zo. fs aN Ny 5 ct Engotses | 52Gb ESAS SHi+e 2h ren yt Se oJ, E51 SES Oo “ 4 255 BNI wan 222% B 3 errr HE) Ad 5S Goslalsay_ oF) 3 Wis Yo oe AW EBS5 Ey eae = sus, Ise3ih ee oa (3232 SEI soe : 1g231 91 ath! ad 5 EA Sa eat ca s 3 fone esG5 TSgia, 28SN gh ASTI 555 otc ays & | @ Abu Musa Ash‘ari (R.A.) narrated that the Prophet B (peace be upon him) said, ‘Whoever recites in the i %) and in the evening these versca ay SSUES IE Oy GN OSSD Blase lie B a 2 gSy92e 97 9-94 79-% ~ % er < | Gig IIS Cals ASFA S59 B g © Muhammad bin Ibrahim Taimi narrates from his father: § &) The Prophet (peace be upon him) sent us with troops ae ke me tndes ie: ae ] told us to recite the verses peas SSSI in the f % beginning of the day and evening. So we recited them 3% continuously. So we returned safe along with booty. psig eB ile 2s ONS OCR p oA SWZ SI0% Setul elas ise i ee Ssi5 seeds 5G) OG lees SUG ow S$ \sa| ARS, 4535 is Be SEY MA Haws <5 Z5So9 bali 25,55 29, s ee 22 9. Ss30K EJIL 3B03 19 BUEN CaleS-250 Sloe o§2, cB 444294 1 Ll ae cal eg ae, SgEVo SBE SYS SG ie a opSeth caygae Gcec gridic & oF STS. J @ in these four Ayats (Verses) Allah has made witness to iG angels that He is the real God to be worshipped. In the f = following verses there are arguments related to Tauheed § t] (Monotheism). (Ma’ariful Qur'an) ugh ‘ oF Zz - De ise 4 las + B Is Sn \ "Ce oo Lag 222°, ~~ Cia IE - 7 i} wd} 23 2 “Hy 0 ae" wey S \ % x 103,99, 2 x = a 0 “3 y 179 S Z ig 1° - ” cc J 3 A aS, Y a 2) ure = v7 2 ' oe 2, e2 < < wv, oa b. 1¢2 5S 4 Ay 627 Ay “ tLe pi Sash se 3 ding te Sie )4 Wy Opes yet 35). gile—aa ¥ 7 4499 : 8 veyed Esl 5y3ei 7” Zg Spb GE S23 _ EAs | : gio hey ENS a } @ imam Ahmed reported from Uqba bin Amir (R.A.) thet (a & the Prophet (peace be upon him) said. ‘Let me tell you the * MR) three Surah which was revealed in Taurat, Injeel, Zabur and & “ je rs Surahs, they arc Surah Ikhisss and % for the Steins Lie Ae URE BIR REI RS/ ; ® Recite third Kalimah 100 times f 2 WANNA baccay hla & scedigah aulS) BS; GIS & io Rests 100 times Iaighfocr PoDANS 6 Dal pane a a1” § “Pe UNABG ARES Fd) Or recite “oy pabig Ay" 20 20 90 99 2 8 OD —_—_—_. =) € Recite Darood Shareef 100 times It is better to recite Darood-e-Ibraheem which is Fj recited in Salah, if somebody wanted to recite ® 4) small Darood, recite the a PY Bat oe wh Se Ne ee’ a Customary Zikr during Night J @ Recite Surah Sajda once , —————— iD Bed Be? BD Be? BD BD 2) BO BO BD BD BD BD Gg Virtues: It is narrated by Abu Huraira (R.A.) & that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that: : 91 1. There is a Surah of thirty verses in the & % Qur’an which intercede for the who & | recites it until he is forgiven and Surah is § yi Tabaarakaliadhi (Surah Mulk). a “2. This Surah is in the heart of every Momin ® (the Faithful). 3. It is reported in an Hadith that whoever @ recites Surah Mulk and Surah Sajda in between § } Maghrib and Isha, he Wwill get the reward of (@ = doing Qayam (Standing for prayer) in the night g of Lailatul Oudr. x mi 4. it is narrated that seventy virtues are written | and seventy mistakes are eliminated in favour ® a ofa person who recites it. i 3 5. It is narrated that those who recites these ee ene a f Qadr. : q 6. Whoever recites these Surahs daily, he will 2 mi protected from the torment of grave. FR 47, The Sen doeucoish ith wanditet recite these two Surah before pon hi sleep. (& (Tirmidhi, Hisne Haseen, p. 62} ¥ ——— 2 BD BR? BS BS BO Be) BP BY BO BO BO BOP BD —_____—— % @ Recite Surah Wagqia, there will be no ® starvation (Recite once) z Virtues: It is narrated by Ibn Masood (R.A.) & that the Prophet (peace be upon him) saidthat: | f& 1. Whoever recites Surah Wagia, he will never & face starvation. And Ibn Masood used to ip recommend his daughters to recite this Surah. : 2. The reciter of Surah Hadeed, Surah Wagqia ® and Surah Rahman will named among the & % people living in Jannatul Firdaus. S 3. [t is narrated that Surah Wagqia is Ghani & ®] (Rich), recite it yourself and recommend its @ » » recitation among your children. 4. Teach itto your wives. ‘ 5. Its recommendation has also been reported & | from Ummul Momineen Ayesha (R.A.). a 4 (Fazail-e-Qur’an p. 53) & 4-0 8 8 FD 8) BD BD BB BB BO BO OM | @D Recite MUNJIYAAT once in the evening @ 1|Note: Please refer to the section of]f Invocations for the Morning (Page No. 67 to 71). The Prophetic remedy to become the one whose invocations are granted by Allah (Recite 25 or 27 times) oF at A Fez a Poy” be lesetle. once sods 2) ae lag! & 2? 2a a“? 2 a “Solara ook ly : * Translation: O Allah! forgive me and all? “i believing men and women, and Muslim men | and women. Virtue: It is narrated that whoever would ask “i for forgiveness for all believing men and & women 25 or 27 times a day, he will included & y among those people whose invocation are # granted by Allah, and people are given & 4 sustenance because of their invocations. (Hisne Haseen p. 79) 8 BD BD BD BS BD BO BD BO BD BD BO BO B—__ Invocation te open the doors of heavens (Recite once) co syhesdly. GE S2ni" | fe “ . 319 cece 5 OLE ee = ‘Ceaiitintions Allah is the na . re Magnificent, all praises in enormous numbers & are due to Allah. We state His Glory in the fy morning and in the evening. c Virtue: Imam Muslim reported that Abdullah t bin Umar (R.A.) said, “Once we were offering § s Salah with Prophet (peace be upon him). One man among us said the above words (of ] invocation). The Prophet asked who said so and so words. One person said that it is me who said J it. The Prophet said that 1 was surprised with those words as the doors of the heavens were B opened for them. (Hisnut Muslim, p.60) # —_———80 2) BD Be BD BOD BBD BO BD BO BO BD Invocation for safeguarding oneself from the evil of aw (Recite 10 ly ae Y> fe se7 ‘eo lt Enos abl a5e ‘ Teansdtin: I seek refuge in Aah from Satan & } who is condemned. f | Virtue: It is narrated in a Hadith that whoever (@ seeks Allah's ove fon Satan ten times a aisy, c * an angel will be deployed for him to save him ® g from the evil of Satan. (Hisne Haseen, p. 79) by ————— ED BED BED BED BED BED BLD Bed BED Bed Bed Bed Bed B———____—_ Invocation for increase in the wealth (Recite once) zw yee ee Nr 4 Zp” < “2, a ENz sor oN: ones) \Jé56 EY gays PIM sw KF 29% Translation: O Allah! send mercy on Your f slave and Your Prophet and on ail believing men B and women and Musiim men and women. ke m} Virtue: Whoever wants increase in his wealth, mj Shouldrecitethis Darood. —_(Hisne Haseen, p.220) = ED BD BD Be BD Be BD BED BED BD BD BOD BD BE Another way of doing Hamd (Praising Allah) and Darood (Recite aah > 1 SS od 4, Kate 7 Ae — at a“ peceecies ab< I4“Te SHIGE, Say ASIC $8. your at | & ae x Translation: All Praises are only due to Allah, Rs j those praises that suit His status. (O Allah) send “ Your mercy and peace upon our leader § and You are only one who forgives. BD 8D BD BO BO BD BD BD BD) BD BO BO BS BD Recite the following invocation 3 times, _your all sins will be forgiven , L333 Lakagab sa > ’ =i be > s - ot Niza SI lina, ¢ Translation: O Allah! Your Forgiveness is more comprehensive than my sins, and I expect & ¥] practice (i.e., doing acts of worship and good k 3} deeds). ¢ “i Virtue: A person came to the Prophet (peace be # 9 upon him) and exclaimed twice or thrice, ‘Alas e e my.sins, Alas my sins’. The Prophet (peace be } upon him) said, ‘Say ‘ 4 $20 9 248 SF 244,402 sane B29 B93 2 es eg pane nal a“ a “QRS 885 hs Fy) (O Allah! Your Forgiveness is more x ¢ comprehensive than my sins, and I expect from Your Forgiveness more than what I practice). @ He said so. The Prophet asked him to say it 4 # second time and he did so. The Prophet asked Rj] him to say it third time and he did so. The Sy Prophet said to him, ‘Stand up, you have been f # pardoned’. (Hayatus Sahaba, 3/350) & E 8 BD 89 8D BD BD BO BD BD BY BO BB BD invocation for removing poverty and destitution (Recite once) 9 29 Hoe “7 AS 97S, Coe ia f ERSIGMN ANGE & Se a BA 3G ReneS FRIES

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