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Dominant reading the creator wants the audience to see is that this is an important situation.
This is shown by the presence of 2 doctors & 1 nurse. The creator also wants the audience to
notice the male doctor is the dominant character as he is in a different costume to the others.
Also, the 2 doctors are shown on screen, whereas the nurses face isnt as it is an over the
shoulder shot.
The oppositional reading could be that the nurse with her back to us could actually be more
than a nurse. She was on the scene first, so therefore could be the most important. The creator
wants you to think the other 2 are the most important.

The dominant reading, shown in this image, is age. This is shown by costume, props and set.
This makes Dot Cotton look frail.
The negotiated reading, I get, is that Dot is very traditional as she is counting money into a
tin, and has old fashioned curtains and tea pots in the kitchen.

The composition of this image suggests that the centre person is the lead character. This is the
initial/dominant reading.
The costumes are different, showing how each character is a different person and behaves
differently. The lead characters jumpsuit is done all the way up, implying he follows the rules,
whereas the 2 males at the back are making them their own by rolling them down and propping
up the collar. This suggests they are rebellious. This idea links with the stereotype that the

The Mentalist:
The dominant reading of this image is that Patrick Jane is receiving an important phone call.
He has turned away from his colleagues showing he needs privacy.
The negotiated reading suggests the way he is stood, and his eyes are fixed on an unknown
object, shows he is worried/ concerned about the call. Another is the use of costume. Jane wears
a shirt, with the top button undone, and a waistcoat. This could show his status as a member of
the CBI as he isnt dressed the same as the others in the background in black and t-shirts. This
could also suggest his social class as he is dressed smartly. Also, this shows his regional identity
as he is from/works in Sacramento, California where it is normally hot.

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