General Chem Syllabus 2015

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Chemistry Syllabus

Mrs. Thamarus
Contact Information:
Website address-
Phone- (586) 648-2525, EXT. 7239
Conference Period- 3rd Hour
Course Overview:
The objective of this course is to provide you with a well-rounded
understanding of chemistry concepts. Chemistry is the study of matter, and
in this course you will be introduced to the structure, properties and
composition of matter and the changes that matter undergoes. We will also
study the phases of matter, chemical formulas, learn how to write and
balance chemical equations, become familiar with the periodic table, study
atomic structure, chemical bonding, acids and bases, and learn the properties
of solutions. This course will provide you with a good foundation for jobs that
require basic chemistry skills or for taking future chemistry courses in high
school or college.
Classroom Expectation:
As a part of this class there are expectations that all students must
abide by in order to ensure ALL students are safe and have the greatest
opportunity to learn. Students are expected to follow all school rules- these
will be enforced in this class!
1. Be responsible. Bring textbook, binder, notebook, pencil, calculator and
agenda everyday. NO agenda NO passes out of class!
2. Be respectful. Respect the classroom teacher and each other.
3. Actively listenno sleeping or side conversations.
4. Be courteous. Listen when the teacher is talking. Raise your hand to
contribute to discussion or ask a question.
5. Be prepared. Have all class materials and assignments ready before the
hour begins. When the
bell rings you are to stay in your assigned seat unless given permission.
Read agenda on the board and begin on the journal question promptly.
6. Take advantage of class time given to complete assignments. Allow other
students to work without disruptions. Do your OWN work or a zero will be
given to both parties for cheating.
7. Ask the teacher for help if struggling to understand the directions or

8. No head phones, listening to iPods or cell phones, etc. allowed in

the classroom. I do not ever want to see them when you enter my
9. Taking all notes and keeping all papers is required and will be graded.
10. No food or drinks allowed in the classroom, except bottled water.
** Please observe the expectations of ABHS as given in your student
handbook. (available online)**
Classroom procedures:
Everyday students will be expected to follow a routine.
Have homework out to be checked when the bell rings.
Be seated and ready to work once the bell rings.
Do daily Chem question.
Participate in lesson.
At the end of class, time will often be given to begin homework.take
advantage of this time to ask any questions! I am here to help you!!
1. Seating chart: All students will be given an assigned seat.
2. Assignments: All assignments require a name and hour.
3. Late work: All work is due on the assigned date. If you hand in work late
it will be accepted for up to 3 days each day receiving a 15% reduction of
grade earned. .
4. Tutoring: If this class becomes challenging please ask for additional help.
Tutoring is available after school upon request. If this does not work out for
you, other opportunities can be arranged.
5. Absent work: Make up work from excused absences must be completed
following the ABHS policy of one day late for everyday that you were absent.
It is your responsibility to get all of your work from the assignment folders
when you are absent and turn them in on time.
6. Tardiness: The tardy policy will be enforced as stated in the ABHS student
8. Dismissal policy: All students must stay in assigned seat until the bell
rings..No lining up at the door!
Lab Safety:
During lab experiences, students will be using instruments and
chemicals that are potentially dangerous. To reduce the danger, we will be
spending time learning about safe lab procedures and the safety equipment
available in the classroom. It is expected that students will take lab safety
3 Ringed binder
Spiral 1 subject notebook
Writing utensil (pencil is preferred)
Colored pencils
Scientific Calculator ( does not have to be graphing, needs logs and
ABHS agenda
Grading Policy:
93-100 is an A
90-92 is an A-

73-76 is a C
70-72 is a C-

87-89 is a B+
83-86 is a B
80-82 is a B77-79 is a C+

67-69 is a D+
63-66 is a D
60-62 is a D0-59 is an F

Per district policy, semester grades are computed by averaging the

first and second marking period plus final examination grades in the following
Exams 20%

Marking Periods 40%

Tests will count as 60% of your grade and the other 40% of your grade is
based on in class assessments, homework, and labs. Homework turned in
and graded is minimal.

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