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Biochemistry Vocabulary

hydro water
-ose sugar ending

lipo - fat

-ase enzyme ending

aqu water (Latin)
mono one
bio life
di two (Greek)

logy the study of

bi two (Latin)
sacchar - sugar


Cells and Parts

macro - large

micro small

-sis condition

stat standing

carbo carbon

homeo same

therm heat

tri three

pre before

post - after

Cell Transport
endo - inside
phobic - fear

exo - outside
phillic - love

phago - to eat

pino - to drink

hyper - above

hypo - below

iso - same

a, an - not, no,


cardio - heart
hemo - blood
superior - above
inferior - below
thrombo - clotting
leuco - white
erythro - red
emia - lack of blood
stat - standing

Virus & Bacteria

Bacilli: rod or stick

Cocc: round or berry shape
Staphylo: bunches
Strepto: twisted chains
Viru = slime or ooze
Path= disease
Vacc= cow


auto = self
chloro = green
phyll = leaf
syn = process of
photo = light
aerobic = with oxygen
anaerobic = without oxgyen

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