Godspell Final Publication - Mixed Voice 2014

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Re oe ee a) eh mi a at re eran UAB ites Bari SUP pa >, Ie \ { ES Ta u) Pe all ee FRENCH Ly | teas Fees iets ene ean na eo it) “ar i i) BLESS THE LORD ON TWITTER: @mixedvoice PREPARE YE ON FACEBOOK facebook.com/mixedvoice 85 BARKERSTREET [fl NORWICH NR24TN [i T: (01603) 622 427 Headshots Graphic Design Commissioned Paintings Wedding Co-ordination Family Photography \y ee ae heen a laa PIM eeccra 07818 725469 - dan.james.smith@hotmail.co.uk sta al as eee a ak Buen a are : el DSP is rab 3 a NTI Ve | Bae a eee hekea cree Joshua Lincoln as Judas , ; nae : “Elliot Hunter -Adam Ireson.-Dan Smith. Holly Graham Laura Hodges “Tina Dalzell” Emily McDouall= Anna Goode exc PIAS 8S P42 aes Conceived and Originally Directed by ~~ -JOHN-MICHAEL TEBELAK “ Seni od cl 2 SaaS Ona es a meeiore i iete era nee tee a Bs i” on LANSBURY / STUART DUNCAN / JOSEPH BERUH. ~ Stage Pe a momen ooo Graphic Design meres eeerlosalen aaxe)ia} (Py Talons TCS NO) Kc Te NP cals --Director/Choreographer ~Holly Graham 7 i “ aU AZo rom SMMMASsocoiu-We Aon onee coun Kok) aS 9014 This is an amateur production oy arrangement with Samuel French Limited of London ieeea FIV ce z-1] (9 eee Sa E-(0] co (ole (c= ee a note from the Director Hello and Welcome to Mixed Voice's production of Godspelll After making my directorial debut on our production of Rent, my favourite ever musical, | was a bit worried that | wouldn't be able to top it. Then when | opened the Godspell script for the first time the opening note from the author was "Godspell is a deceptively difficult show to direct" Eeeek!! After a few pep talks from Josh, the producer, we arranged the auditions and hoped to find the best talent around. We weren't disappointed! As soon as we found our brilliant cast, | knew we had the makings of a fantastic show! The first act of Godspell is ultimately about the formation of a community. The cast, led by Jesus, tell a series of lessons from the bible using games, mime, physical theatre, dance and lots of singing! In the second act Jesus announces “This is the beginning." By this he means that now the community has been formed, they are ready to move through the challenging sequence of events leading up to the Crucifixion. Improvisation has played a huge part in the setting of the dialogue and this has made the rehearsal period so much fun! | will never forget the first time | heard the word *Flipchart!" being squealed so enthusiastically and how grubby we all got from constantly having to roll around on the floor! | would like to thank my assistant Lauren for always being the voice of reason and for keeping me on track, our brilliant MD Laura and my amazing cast for making my job a whole lot easier by being so open to my crazy ideas, for putting up with my erratic style of directing and making me laugh at every single rehearsal Enjoy the show! Holly x0 The Voice of God calls together a group of philosophers from throughout the ages, who sing their various ideas in contrast to one another in “Tower of Babble (Prologue).” Finally, John the Baptist calls their meeting to order with "Prepare Ye (The Way of the Lord)" and baptises them all Jesus arrives to be baptised, but John says Jesus should be baptising him. Jesus explains that his mission is to "Save the People.” He begins telling parables, encouraging them all to lead better lives, and the company act these stories out. He teaches, the value of forgiveness and they sing “Day by Day.” In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus shows his followers that they must love their enemies regardless of their personal beliefs. He explains that those who are rich on earth will be poor in Heaven and vice-versa, and that no man can serve both God and money. He encourages them to take heed of his parables (‘Learn Your Lessons Well”). The group are learning to follow him, singing “Bless the Lord.” When the group begins to question why good people are sometimes not given justice on Earth, he replies that it is “All for the Best,” es they will be rewarded in Heaven (‘All Good Gifts"). He reminds them of their capacity for good and how they can change society. They agree that Christ is the “Light of the World.” The cast reprise “Lean Your Lessons Well” to encourage the audience to listen agsin. One member of the group encourages them to give up their obsessions with material things in “Tum Back, (© Man.” Some members of the community begin to question Jesus’ teachings, but he is resolute and teaches them that the greatest commandment is to “love your neighbour as yourself.” Synopsis Some in the group come forward to accuse a woman of adultery, but Jesus responds that "he who is without sin” should “cast the first stone.” As he sends her away forgiven, she asks him to stay with her (By My Side”). The whole community reflects on their “Beautiful City.” Soon, they gather for the Last Supper, after Judas betrays Jesus, and sets actions in motion that will lead to him being crucified. The company lead Jesus, now dead, in @ procession to a reprise of “Prepare Ye (The Way of the Lord.” ‘Stephen Schwartz’ an interview with ‘Stephen Schwartz has contributed music andlor iyrics to Godspell, Pippin, The Magic Show, The Baker's Wife, Working (which he also edapted and directed), Regs, Children of Eden and the curtent Broadway hit, Wicked He collaborated with Leonard Bemstein on the English texts for Bernstein's mass and wrote the title song for the play and movie Butterflies Are Free. For children, he has vwaitten songs for two musicals, Captain Louie and My Son, Pinocchio. For films, he collaborated with Alan Menken on the songs for Disney's “Enchanted!” as well as the animated features “Pocahontas” and "The hunchback of notre Dame” and wrote the songs for the DreamWorks animated feature “The Prince of Egypt.” mr. Schwartz has recently been given a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame andl inducted into the Theatre hall of Fame and the Songwriters hall of Fame. Other awards include three Academy Awards, four grammy Awerds, four Drama Desk Awards, end a tiny handful of tennis trophies. What inspired you initially about getting involved in the first production of Godspell? Stephen Schwartz: | actually saw the show in an earlier form performed at an off-off- Broadway theater called The Cafe la mame. | was invited to see it by the eventual commercial producers, Edgar lansbury and Joe Beruh, who were interested in tansferring the show for a commercial run but felt that it needed a score. When I saw it, the thing that impressed me about it most, beyond the creativity of how it wes staged, was the concept of the show. These parables and steries have been eround for almost two thousand years and no one before John- michael Tebelak, who created the show, had ever realized that they could be funny. So I think it was the humor -- net satirical humor, sending it up — but finding the humor in human behavior that’s embodied in these stories that interested me. The fresh and original concept of thet, plus the overall jJoyousness of the piece, made me want to be part of i Could you describe your creative process of combining the parable stories with the classic hymns and your own ideas? Stephen Schwartz: John-michael selected the Episcopal, hymns that he wanted used in the show, and together he. and I determined where the best place to use them would bbe. Once we had decided that, | wrote new music to the. lyrics of these hymns, and | based the music on a few things. First of ell was the character who was going to sing the song, because each of the songs features a diferent, one of the characters as the lead singer. Having seen the. cast at Cafe la mama (although we replaced two cast members), | basically knew who was going to sing the songs in acvance, and therefore could tailor them to those specific voices and personalities. In addition, | based the ‘music on what the theatrical task at hand was. Did it require something that was sort of funny and sassy like “Turn Back Oman,” or did it need to be high energy lke "We Beseech Thee,” or “Bless the lord,” or sincere and catchy like “Day ‘by Day"? | was influenced by the kind of music | was listening to at the time on the radio end records, the singer-songwriters that | admired, and what the pop music of the day was. | often refer to the score now as “pop pastiche’, because each of the songs has its own pop identity There were a few other songs in the show that were not from the hymnal but were musicalizations of Bible passages, such 2s “Alas for you" or “light of the World” ‘And there were other songs, that | also wrote lyrics for, that were specifically written to advance a theatrical moment in the show, such és “All for the Best” or “leam your lessons Well.” You've added some new arrangements and music to this new production - can you talk about the new additions? Stephen Schwartz: There are two sequences that weren't musicalized before that, at the request of the director, Danny goldstein, I've musicalized now. One of them, in fact, occurs in “leam your lessons Well.” That song was the lest song written for the original show. It was written in re- hearsal because there was an area in the first act that felt as if it needed music, a long period of time without a song. Originally, it was just two quick verses that existed inde- pendently of one other, sung by the character of giimer, and in the middle there was a spoken section of text. Danny asked if | could musicalize that text so that “leam your lessons Well” could become one unified musical se- ‘quence. The other new section of music is the lead into the lest song of the first act, “light of the World.” That used to be a group chant, and since Danny was using the group chant idea elsewhere in the show, he wanted something different for that section, so | musicalized it This production also includes “Beautiful City,” which was ‘originally written for the movie, but which | revised several years later fora benefit concert following the LA riots. That version of the song subsequently began to be incorporat- ed into many productions of the show, and it's in this new production as well. What about this new production excites you? Stephen Schwartz: Every time Godspell is done, itis basi- cally created anew, because it grows out of the improvisa- tions of the cast and the directorial concept. So its always interesting and exciting to see what each group doing the show comes up with. What do you think it is about Godspell that makes it such an endearing show and still makes it relevant in its 40th anniversary pro- duction? Stephen Schwartz: The content of it didn't spring up anew 40 years ago. As | said, the content has been around for two thousand years, and the stories and lessons and phi- losopphy have remained relevant for all tat time. That being said, the original Godspell was created at a time of great national dissension and division, centered on the vietnam ‘War. It was a time when the fabric of our society was badly frayed, and we seem to, for various reasons, be at another such time in ‘American society. There is great polarization agein now, with diferent sides really being unwilling to listen to one another at all, so that there seems now to be en increasing inability to come to any national consensus about anything. Godspell, at its heart, is about the formation of @ community out of disparate people coming together over very basic and simple philosophical concepts, such as: “Always treat others as you would have them treat you" or (as Jesus says to his followers), “Anything you do for one of your brothers here, you do for me.” These ate concepts that don't seem very present now in our way of dealing with one another, and therefore | think they have great current relevance as something our society needs to try to retum to. That being said, Godspell is never intended to be preachy orto be a "Sunday schoo! lesson’. Its funny and joyous, so | don't mean to imply a kind of earnestness in the intention of this production. But that's why | think ithas particular relevance at this time. Is there a theme that runs through your musical theater work? Stephen Schwartz: | think most writers have @ couple of themes thet they seem to retum to over and over again. | probably have two or three. Although as you write, you're not generally conscious of the thematic relation of what you're currently doing to other things you've done in the past. I think | deal a lot with characters who see themselves as outsiders and who are: dealing with how and whether to fit in, Lalso often deal with the theme of what's important in life ancl what's not. | think, in a way, both of these. ideas pertain to Godspell. (Then there are some themes that | frequently deal with regarding relationships between generations which | don't think particularly figure. in Godspell.) What advice would you have for aspiring composers/lyricists? Stephen Schwartz: | have a couple of pieces of advice. One is to try to acquire knowledge and craft through studying: leaming about music and music theory, listening to a lot of things, and learing what you respond to in all different kinds of music. This will increase the palette, if ‘you will, for what you can “paint.” I think that it’s important for people who want to be writers to write, to start writing songs or musical theater pieces or whatever they're interested in. Maybe at school, they could get a group together to read or sing through what they've written. They should start to have the experience of writing and having things performed to see how people respond to it ES Will Arundell Jesus Will tained atthe Royal Norther College of Music in the school of Vocal and Opera Studies and is now studying Musical Theatre at the Guilford School of Acting, roles ‘whilst training. include Henry Higgins in Pygmalion, ‘Aagisthus in Ted Hughes’ Oresteia andl Jeremy Kyle in Jeremy Kyle: The Improvised Opere. Theatre Credits include Oliver Barrett V in Love Story, Henrik Egerman in A Little Night Music (Edinburgh Fringe Festival), Audrey Win Lite Shop of Horrors (Norwich Playhouse), Amrose Kemper in Hello, Dolly! (Theatre Royal), Featured Ensemble in Songs For A New World, Jeremy in The Toy Factory Dream, Enserile in Godspell, O Dreary in Bugsy Malone (Platform Theatre) Cat in Honk, Poulin Kiss Me Kate and Seymour in Lite Shop of Hoross (UEA Studio). For Mixed Voice, A Night atthe Musicals 2074,The Mixed Voice Xmas Show 2012 89013 and Tom Collins in RENT. Willis also a regular concert soloist and session singer having performed in concert halls, churches and theatres across the country performing an incredibly broad spectrum of work highlights include performing with the. RNCM Gospel Choir at Matt and Phred!s Jazz Club, with Mercury Music Prize Winners Alt-) on part of their Tesselate’ Tour, 35 a soloist at St Andrews Hall for the Norwich Tanzania Association as well as his own concert programme last year to raise money for the East Anglian Children’s Hospices. He can also be seen performing across the UK as part of six piece male vocal group ~ The. Acafellas. This is Wills second time performing in Godspell and incredibly, the second time working with MD — Laura on this show and itis just as exciting the second time round, he would like the cast and creatives for being so incredibly supportive throughout the whole process and to his farily who, for some reason, still keep coming to ‘watch him perforn, regardless of what it is! eS Et Joshua Lincoln Judas Josh is the owner and producer of Mixed Voice, which ‘was started in 2007. ‘Theatre credits include: JekyilHyde in Jekyll & Hyde, Ren in Footloose, The Mikado in Hot Mikado and Roger in RENT (Norwich Playhouse), Tony in West Side Story, Ensemble in The Producers (Theatre Royal). Production Credits include: Choreographer for Little Shop of Horrors and for Mixed Voice, director/performer for A Night at the Musicals and the Mixed Voice Xmas Show. Film and Television includes Batman Begins (DC), Jack the Giant Slayer (New Line Cinema) and The Bill (Talktback Thames). ‘Adam Ireson ‘Adam trained at City College and is now filling his time with as much theatre as possible with the help of NYPT and Voices as well as continuing to work at the Norwich Theatre Royal. ‘Theatre Credits include: Captain James Fox in Around the Word in 80 Days, The Leading Player in Pippin, Peter in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, Corey Palmer Jr in Back to the 80s and Druitt in Jack the Ripper (Platform Theatre) as well as playing the ttle role in the World Premiere of Mingus by ‘Academy Award Nominee - Tom Bidwell He is thiled to be making his Mixed Voice debut with Godspell and would like to thank his Mother andl Father, especially for putting up with his tedious 7am Sundey moming singing AA i Cs Ce Anna Goode ‘Anna is a trained singer and has been performing on the stage since the age Of 9. She began her training with the Theatre Royal Asts Course in 1991, performing in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat (UK Tour), The Lion, The Witch and! the Wardrobe anc the 1995 World Premier of John Tavener’ Let's Begin Again at Norwich Cathedral Ea For Mixed Voice, A Night at the ‘Musicals 2019-9014, The Mixed Voice Xmas Show 9011-9013 and Mimi in RENT. Becka is s0 excited to be a part of Godspe'l end she hopes you enjoy watching it as much as we enjoy performing it Beth Smith Theatre credits include: Ensemble in Hello Dolly and Sweeney Todd (Theatre Royal), Ensemble in The Theatre Credits include Cathyin Whistle Wedding Singer andl Ronnette in Little Down the Wind (Playhouse Theatre), ‘Maria in the Sound of Music (Playhouse Theatre) and Cinderella in Into the Woods (Madcermarket Theatre). Whilst at University of Warwick, Anna stepped away from musical theatre and sang with the Rock Gospel Choir and the renowned University of Warwick Chamber Choir. Anna frst performed with Mixed Voice in 2009 and although she has performed in ‘A Night at the ‘Musicals’, ‘Godkpell’ marks Anna's retum to performing in a full musical theatre production. BeckaJilings Becta tained at City College, roles while training include Featured Ensemble in Copa Cabana and Madame Dubonet in The Boyfriend. Theatre Credits include Ensemble in Hello, Daly, Ensemble in. Sweeney Toda (Theatre Royal), Chiffon in litle ‘Shop of Horrors and Holly in The Wedding Singer (Norwich Playhouse) Shop of Horrors. For Mixed Voice: The Mixed Voice Xmas Show 2011, 2012 and 2013 and A Night at the Musicals 2012 and 2013, Beth is super excited to bbe doing her first Mixed Voice musical in the East Anglian premier of Godspell! APPROXIMATE RUNNING TIME: 2 HOURS & 10 MINUTES INCLUDING ‘A20-MINUTE INTERVAL msxed VO (VOICE Cast Crew Jesus William Arundel G @ iB g BY [ fl fl Holly Graham —Director/Choreographer Judas Joshua Lincoln by Stephen Schwartz Laura Hodges Musical Director Ensemble Adam Ireson Anna Goode - b Lauren Farley Assistant Director Becka Jillings +f . Matt Hodges Band Leader Beth Smith Joshua Lincoln Producer Dan Smith Sean Bray Stage Manager Elliot Hunter James Webber Hair/Make-up Emily McDouall = Hazel Wilson Dance Captain Hazel Wilson Daniel James Graphic Design & Holly Graham Photography Laura Hodges Rachel Matthews Additional Photography Tina Dalzell Dave Kay Sound Band Matt Cross Lighting Tina Dalzell Set Design Keyboard & — Matt Hodges : - Guitar John Michael Tebelak Book Guitar Nick Fitch - Stephen Schwartz Music and Lyrics Guitar & Bass Owen Morgan Peggy Gordon Additional Music Drums Cath Evans Jay Hamburger Additional Lyrics Dan Smith Dan recentiy completed his theatre training at A level and will go on to study Graphic Design with @ focus in theatrical branding at Ravensbourne University of Art andl Design ‘Theatre credits include Killer Queen in ‘We Will Rock You, Gregor Samsa in Metamorphosis, Kenickie in Grease, Galileo in We Will Rock You, Ensemble in Sweeney Todd, George in The Wedding Singer, Sprenger in Vinegar ‘Tom, Captain Hook in Peter Pan andl most recently the title role of Melchior Gabor in Spring Awakening. Dan has been performing with Mixed Voice for 1 year appearing as Seasons of Love soloistiEnsemble in RENT and. The Mixed Voice Xmas Show 2013. Directing credits include Cinderella, Peter Pan, We Will Rock You and Spring ‘Awakening, Elliot Hunter Theatre Credits include Le Fou in Beauty ‘and the Beast, Terry in Boogie Nights, Enjolras in Les Miserables Schools Edition, The Phantom in Phantom of the Opera Schools Edition, Bob Barker in Me and My Gil, Docker in The Matchgirls, Joseph in Joseph and his ‘Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Benny Southstreet & AD in Guys and Dolls and Albert Naracott in War Horse. For Mixed Voice, Squeegee ‘Man/Ensemble in RENT, A Night at the Musicals 9014 and The Mixed Voice ‘Xmas Show 9013, Elliot is the youngest in the “God squad” and has loved every second of it. His journey with Mixed Voice so far has been short - at only a year - but thanks everyone in the cast for making this experience truly unforgettable and hopes you have as much fun watching the show as the cast are having on stage! Emily McDouall Emily trained at the University of ‘Manchester, studying Music and Drama and graduated with honours in 2011. She is privileged to have been able to study with an amazing variety of tutors during her training including jazz singer Jackie Dankworth, opera singer Susan Rutherford and West End singer Sara Parry. Inspired by the wonderful late Paul Donley, Emily has worked in various big bands and jazz ensembles mostly on the Manchester circuit and has had the privilege to work under BBC composer and arranger Cy Payne. as one of the resident singers in his swing orchestra, Gredits while taining include: Ensemble in My fair Lady, Hildy Esterhazy in On The Town, Simba in The Lion King in Concert, Ensemble in | Love You, Youre Perfect, Now Change (Birmingham and Edinburgh Fringe) and a featured soloist in Back to Broadway and Opers Scenes. During her five years in Manchester, Emily was privileged to perform in ‘many prestigious venues including The Bridgewater Hall, The Lowry, The Theatre Royal and The Edinburgh Fringe, but retumed to Norwich in “13, Hazel Wilson Hazel began her training at a young age. in Essex, upon moving to Norfolk she continued her studies at the Judy Habbitts School of Dance, The Heather Millan School of Dance and Performing Emily McDovall en Arts and ‘The Garage’ as well as studying the flute and piano. Theatre credits include: The Shape of Things (Sewell Bam Theatre), Bedlam (Sewell Bam Theatre), Oh! What a Lovely War (Madclermarket Theatre) Brighton Beach Memoirs (Sewell Bam Theatre). Her previous work with Mixed Voice includes A Night at the Musicals (Norwich Playhouse) and The Mixed Voice xmas Show (The ‘Assembly House). Hazel is delighted to be cast in Godspell_as it will be her last performance in Norwich before Continuing her training at the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts in September, studying the Foundation Certificate “in Acting and Musical Theatre. Holly Graham Holly Graham Holly began performing in musicals at an early age with Dereham Youth Theatre. She went on to train at London School of Musical Theatre and then embarked on a professional career in musicals around Europe and in the UK. Since moving back to Norwich, Holly has performed as Anita in West Side Story, Ulla in The Producers, Lucy in Jekyll & Hyde, Katisha in Hot Mikado: and most recently Maureen in Rent in which she also made her directorial debut. Holly is a singing teacher by trade but her biggest job is looking after her 2 year old daughter! Laura Hodges laura studied music at the Royal Northem College of Music and the University of East Anglia where she held two scholarships for performance (Britten Piers and Dorothea Hare) and Con graduation, received the University ‘Award for Outstanding Commitment to the Performing Arts. Her passion for music stated at an early age when she leamt to play Stevie Wonder's “| Just Called To Say | Love You" on the keyboard. Since then, she has worked her way through a variety of Associated Board examinations (36 in total) on a variety of instruments. Highlights include Grade 3 recorder and of course her Grade 8 bassoon with distinction! In 2004, Laura set up Norwich Young, Peoples Theatre, a not for profit company offering young people of Norfolk and Suffolk the opportunity to become involved in the performing Laura Hodges ‘Arts. Working as @ music and theatre practitioner for Suffolk County Council, Nonwich Theatre Royal and Community ‘Music East, along with NYPT and her job as Course Leader and Lecturer for ‘Musical Theatre at City College, Laura has taught and been able to share her skills and passion for performance with well over 1000 young people and loves every second of it... almost! ‘Over the past 15 years she has been ‘Musical Director or Director for over 40 full scale musical theatre productions at the Maddermarket Theatre, Norwich Young Peoples Theatre, Sewell Bam Theatre and City College Performing Ans, Theatre Credits include: Director and ‘Musical Director for: Anything Goes, kiss me Kate, Oliver, The Wind in The Willows, Around the World in 80 Days, Little shop of Horrors, Stop the Werld | want to Get Off, Our Day Out, Sweet Charity, Scrooge, Retum to the Forbidden Planet, The Wiz, Godspell, Jack the Ripper, Back to the 80's, The lion The Witch and The Wardrobe, Yanomamo, Hiawatha, Honki, The Boyfriend, Copacabana and Songs for a New World. Director: Much Ado About Nothing, Grimm Tales, Antigone, Animal Farm, Daisy Pulls it off, The Crucible, Romeo and Juliet This is Laura’s second show performing with Mixed Voice and first as Musical Director. She has absolutely loved working with this incredibly talented ‘and energetic cast and she has particularly enjoyed being @ part of Tina Dalzell what everyone seems to call a “Young/Youthful’ company! Laura would like to thank her Mum for driving her to all her rehearsals, every week, without fail whilst she was growing up, her Dad for saying “well ‘done’ at the end of every performance no matter what it was actually like, Matt ‘and Milly for being an awesome family (check Matt out - he’s on the keyboard) and every student she has ever taught for making her job so cool. Tina Dalzell Tina trained at Bodywork Company Dance Studios in 2008. Credits while training include Queerie in The Wild Party. Theatre Credits include Rusty in Footloose, Pitti Sing in Hot Mikado (Norwich Playhouse), Madeleine Astor in Titanic, Usherette in The Producers, Ensemble in Fiddler on the Roof, Ermengarde. in Hello, Dollyl(Theatre Royal ) for Mixed Voice, A Night At The Musicals 9012 & 2073. Tina is also a regular session and function vocalist working with bands such as ‘The Collective’ and ‘The Joe Ringer Band’ as well as ‘Souled on Motown’ at Potters Holiday Resort. Having just returned from a year traveling in Australia, she is thrilled to be able to retum to the ‘Mixed Voice gang to appear in such an incredible show. “Enjoy our madness. Its what we do!” an interview with J+ It's funny you should ask thet...I have noticed will following me around a lot and he always seems to wear similar clothes to me and get similar haircuts... think itis more of an ‘idolising' thing rather than competition. 'W- What Josh is tying to say is that there is a competition — and he is losing... badly J+ Unfortunately there is not much to admire about Judas...what | quite enjoy about the character is that he comes across.as a very strong loyal person right up until the. end when you actually see him being quite weak mentally 'W- The fantastic thing about Jesus as a character is his sole Purpose is to create a community that can survive once he. has gone, the whole way through the show he is simply training the other characters to be a self-sufficient group ‘without him. He's incredibly selfiess! W. | don't feel pressure in the sense that it is @ revival, for me the pressure is that throughout history, people have died to defend their own view of what Jesus should be. That is quite 4 task to create a character that represents an ideal that so many people hold close to their hearts and then work that into the script and score. J- There is always pressure with a musical..and this one is even higher with this because of the topic. People are very Passionate about the story we are telling and that comes with huge responsibility to get it right. There is an important balance that you need to strike, because Judas goes from being Jesus’ right hand men to his key betrayer and that has to be very real. W- A lot of the cast aren't from a religious background either. The beauty of Godspell is that regardless of social standing, sex, race or religion it will carry relevance for you through its underlying messages of peace and tolerance, ‘Something we could do with a bit of right now! J- Not at all. What first crew my attention to Godspell was the music. They have done an amazing job with the revival. Itis incredibly challenging and beautiful to listen too... perfect challenge for Mixed Voice. J A lot of fun, loads of energy, beautiful harmonies and mayoe a few tears... what more could you want from a musical? \W- And me in short white shorts... Oh goodie. J+ We beseech Thee was my favourite from the first time | heard the soundtrack, And | really wish | was in Tower of Babble... is so hard but really impressive W- We Beseech Thee, hands down... Although we are all absolutely wrecked by the end of it! J+ Our annual Xmas Show is next up at the Assembly House and we are working on an exciting potential project for Easter 2015...watch this space ‘W- Thankyou! | adore this show and it's net going to be one I forget for a while! J- You ask and we shall deliver...can you pick one with easier harmonies next time please? W- Absolutely not, why rest on the laurels! J- Organic, emotional and FLIPCHARTII W. It's just awesome. Assistant Director Lauren started her creative joumey in theatre, where she performed with various local youth venues, before going on to study a BA in Acting for Stage andl Media in London. Having retumed to Norwich, Lauren has been involved with a number of local ats organisations, such as Future Radio where she was active in promoting events in the local area for their arts programme Platform. Lauren has also worked with Norwich Film Festival as Festival Co-crdinatr. Lauren has stage managed a number of productions on both local tours, with venues, and most recently for West End 4eroes in London's West End auren joined the Hostry Festival production team in 9012 where she stage managed the main house production, along with some of guest productions. Having been both an actress, and working offstage Lauren has a huge affinity with performance on the whole, and working with the Norfolk Aits Awards to co-ordinate the event and guest list has been @ personal highlight for the past 2 years, Lauren is delighted to be working with, Mixed Voice as Assistant Director for the East Anglian premiere of Godspell Stage Manager Sean joined Mixed Voice in 2012 for the Xmas Show and has been a staple part of the productions ever since Athough his role is listed as Stage Manager, his duties have been known to include lighting, prop and set construction and even tap shoe delivery in Night at the Musicals Crecits include: The Full Monty, Hello Dolly, litle Shop of Hortors, The Wedding Singer, Sweeney Todd, Anything Goes anc RENT ms:xed Mixed Voice has become crowd funded and this is your invitation to be a part of it ‘Angels are our very best followers. Without you, we will struggle to continue producing West End quality productions right here in Norfolk. ‘As an Angel you will save up to 50% on all of our productions whilst also getting your hands on exclusive Mixed Voice perks such as signed programmes, merchandise and private events. ‘Want in? There are four levels of Angelicness (nice word), meaning there is a yearly membership suitable for all budgets... - 15% off tickets - 30% off tickets - Priority Booking - Priority Booking ~ 50% off tickets - 2x Complimentary Tickets per Show Priority Booking - 50% off additional tickets - Programme Mention For All Shows - Priority Booking - Free programme For All Shows - Mixed Voice Merchandise ~ Programme Mention To join the Angels speak toa member ofthe front of - Signed Programme - Invitation to Opening Night Events/Press Nights house team or email info@mixedvoice.co.uk LAGS LEN AUS SENS HT Sea SMASH HIT SHOW ENDS ON 2 1st SEPT Se ES Pa Toes eT Sas Ag GT YARMOUTH * 01493 844172 BOOK ONLINE: Www.hippodromecircus.co.uk ie oa *. aT ro aN Prana} 3 a acafellas doo wop to hip hop earn entina & beatbox acapella group OTC Ra SCOR eC Preece ea eal) CS Selected children will WIN a £100 in-store VOUCHER DULLER ont L aCe Ema L} BP Timbers Noeieh, NR1 37Z. yys¥eoccolinon riches Tel 01603 633533) mall donot SOS RU ur ecu neMtsPte ee Ot on eee ones eg Ree nde ec a Tc Pee e stan anne cones or trom the Ty WW norwich Vis Nichplavhouse, isi wry, theiceringerband Obtice (01603 so, ea °0.Uk for more detaite Salabie hp anh gush “hapsilar Sap ep Dierens ier ERC eae) Brana TecReont 01603 598598 Paes uCcucc Tuan 4 Sunday 21st December Peele & 7.30pm Monday 22nd December 7.30pm Tickets £18.00 To book, visit www.mixedvoice.co.uk or call 01603 628319 For more details, visit us at www.mixedvoice.co.uk

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