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Riddhi Patel(B Pharm, MBA –I/Sem - II)

Mobile: E-Mail ID:

Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Career Objective

To learn in challenging environment where my proficiency and knowledge can be

shared and enhanced.

Educational Qualifications

Degree Institute / University Year Percentage Class

M.B.A. 2009-11
GLS-ICT(MBA) Gujarat
SPI- First
technological university
(Sem I)

Srinivas college of pharmacy/

B. Pharm. Rajiv gandhi univercity of 2008 73% First
health science

H.S.C. G.H.S.E.B. 2004 68% First

S.S.C. G.S.E.B. 2002 86% Distinction

Projects Undertaken During Graduation

Projects Undertaken During M.B.A.

Other Activities

Personal details

Date of Birth

Marital Status


Languages Known

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