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itle :

Unable to record Silverlight application with Vugen using Silverlight protocol

Document ID :
Product - Version:
loadrunner ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
A workaround is suggested in this article to use proxy recording with Web HTTP/HTML protocol and transfer
the parts of data folder in the Web Script to Silverlight script. Then regenerate the Silverlight script to get the
Silverlight calls.
Unable to record Silverlight application with Vugen using Silverlight protocol

Part 1 : Create Web (HTTP/HTML) protocol script

--------------------------------------a) Launch Vugen and select Web protocol script
b) Start recording
c) Select Recording mode> Recording> LoadRunner proxy
d) Provide any free port number> default is 8888.
e) Now launch the IE browser > Go to Tools> Internet Options > Connections > LAN Settings >
Proxy server
Specify proxy server ( in this case it is localhost, hence the IP will be
Specify port number ( if using the default , then it will be 8888, as specified in Vugen recording
f) Delete the browser cache data which includes Temporary Internet Files and Cookies.
g) Close the IE browser
h) Now in VuGen start recording once the recording bar appears. For this, launch IE browser first.
i) Navigate to the application website and execute the business process.
j) Close the IE browser and stop the recording.
Part 2 : Create Silverlight script
--------------------------------------a) Launch VuGen and select Silverlight protocol script
b) Provide any Silverlight Url (For example,
c) Start the recording
d) Do few clicks on the web page in IE
e) Close the browser
f) Stop recording
Part 3: Regenerate Silverlight script
--------------------------------------a) Go to the Web protocol script folder ( recording in Part 1)
b) Copy data/http.db and data/events folders in web script to Silverlight script ( created in part 2) >
data folder
c) Launch this Silverlight script in Vugen
d) Go to recording menu, select regenerate and regenerate the script
e) The Silverlight script of the application is generated.
Note: When replaying the script, for Internet Protocol> Proxy settings> choose "Obtain the Proxy
settings from the default browser." This is because proxy is used during recording.

Title :
Are web page diagnostics graphs available for Silverlight scripts?
Document ID :
Product - Version:
loadrunner 11.00 ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
Web page diagnostics graphs are available in Silverlight protocol.
Are web page diagnostics graphs available for Silverlight scripts?

Web page diagnostics graphs are available in Silverlight protocol. The data will be available
after enabling "Web page diagnostics" in the controller using Controller -> Diagnostics
Web Page Diagnostics graphs for Silverlight protocol may not be available by default
sometimes and can be enabled by adding a missing key in the .LRP file for Silverlight
In <Loadrunner installation directory>\dat\protocols\SilverLT.lrp
Under [Vugen] section add:

Title :
How to put a text check on the Silverlight content?
Document ID :
Product - Version:
loadrunner ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
How to put a text check on the Silverlight content?

How to put a text check on the Silverlight content?


We cannot put a text check on the Silverlight binary encoded data. If the
content is part of Silverlight soap calls, then we can use
eitherweb_reg_find of lr_xml* functions. Rerfer to VuGen function reference
for more information about the usage of these functions.
le :
Silverlight protocol, recording data, response snapshot corrupted or shows empty
Document ID :

Product - Version:
loadrunner 11.52 ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
Silverlight protocol, recording data, response snapshot corrupted or shows empty

Silverlight protocol, recording data, response snapshot corrupted or shows empty snapshot.

It was found as a defect


Please follow the below steps to resolve the problem.


Close all LoadRunner applications

Go to LoadRunner\bin directory
Backup the SilverlightAPIWrapperFilter.dll
Replace the attached SilverlightAPIWrapperFilter.dll
Open VuGen and record a new script or regenerate any old script

itle :
How to record Silverlight applications that use net.tcp
Document ID :
Product - Version:
performance center ; loadrunner ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
Current versions of Vugen do not support recording against net.tcp based applications.
However, there is a workaround that can be used to create scripts for those
Recording against applications that use net.tcp architecture is not currently supported by
Vugen (including Silverlight applications). However, there is a workaround that can be used
to allow record and replay scripts using this architecture.

Note: You may need to work with the application developers to perform some of the steps
described below.
1. On the application ,temporarily modify the binding of the specific service to a binding
currently supported (like HTTP) just for the purpose of recording the script.
2. Record the script
3. You will get "silverlight_service_call" functions created in the script
4. Edit the file "<script folder>\WSDL\@config\<service name>.stss" and replace the
<LrHttpEngineTransport /> (or <httpTransport/>) with <tcpTransport />

5. On the application, revert the specific service back to use net.tcp.

6. Replay the script and verify it works.

Title :
An incorrect ending boundary delimiter is generated within a web_custom_request with
multipart/form-data when recording a Silverlight application
Document ID :
Product - Version:
loadrunner 9.50 ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
The ending boundary delimiter indicates the end of multipart/form-data in a
web_custom_request(). A patch is available to address an issue in the generation of the
delimiter string within a recorded script.

When recording a Silverlight application with the "Use web_custom_request only" option
specified, requests of this type that contain multipart/form-data are incorrectly generated
within the resulting script. The requests that are generated do not have correct ending
"boundary" delimiter as specified in RFC1512. This RFC requires that the ending delimiter
has two dashes at the end of the boundary string, that is, "--" must be appended to the end
of the boundary string to form a valid ending boundary delimiter. In some cases (but not all)
the application server will reject a request where the ending delimiter omits the string "--".
For example VuGen, during recording, may capture a request similar to the following:
Argument# 8 IN : [body_buffer] = ->Array[0:344]
{ "-----------------------------7da1a33360446\r\n"
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""file"";
filename=""C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""action""\r\n"
"" }
In this example the ending boundary delimiter is the
string "-----------------------------7da1a33360446--" and has "--" at the end. However,
the script that is generated by VuGen contains a web_custom_request() of the form:

"EncType=multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------7da1a33360446",
"Body=-----------------------------7da1a33360446\r\nContentDisposition: form-data; name=\"file\";
filename=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My
text/plain\r\n\r\n-----------------------------7da1a33360446\r\nContentDisposition: form-data;
In the generated script the ending boundary delimiter is
now "-----------------------------7da1a33360446" and "--" is now missing. Replaying this
script may result in an error, such as "HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error", depending on the application
server being used.

An issue in the code generation functionality in VuGen results in the string "--" not being
appended to the end of the boundary string.

A patch is available to address this issue in LoadRunner 9.52. This patch should not be
applied to other versions of LoadRunner.
The patch is provided in the zip file Unzip this file and run the resulting file "qfe.exe"
to apply the patch.
Once the patch is applied, the installed patches list for LoadRunner will contain the patch
"CodeGeneration patch for HP LoadRunner 9.50 QFE".

.xap files, snapshot parameter in Silver Light Protocol
Document ID :
Product - Version:
loadrunner 11.00 ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
.xap files, snapshot parameter in Silver Light Protocol
1. If a new SilverLight version is used in development, does it affect any of the existing calls
to .XAP or SilverLight_Service_Call statements?
2. What is the importance of Snapshot parameter within SilverLight request? Do we need to
update this every time it changes?

1.The .xap file contains an application manifest (AppManifest.xaml) file and all the necessary
DLL's that are required by the application.
The first DLL contained is the compiled version of the application and has the same name of
the application.
If the changes are cosmetics (UI elements etc...) then the changes in the .XAP file should not
If there are changes made to web service, then it does affect the .xap files.
2. No need, it gets recorded during recording of the script and there are no RunTimeSetting
change for this option.

Title :
An incorrect ending boundary delimiter is generated within a web_custom_request with
multipart/form-data when recording a Silverlight application
Document ID :
Product - Version:
loadrunner 9.50 ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
The ending boundary delimiter indicates the end of multipart/form-data in a
web_custom_request(). A patch is available to address an issue in the generation of the
delimiter string within a recorded script.

When recording a Silverlight application with the "Use web_custom_request only" option
specified, requests of this type that contain multipart/form-data are incorrectly generated
within the resulting script. The requests that are generated do not have correct ending
"boundary" delimiter as specified in RFC1512. This RFC requires that the ending delimiter
has two dashes at the end of the boundary string, that is, "--" must be appended to the end
of the boundary string to form a valid ending boundary delimiter. In some cases (but not all)
the application server will reject a request where the ending delimiter omits the string "--".
For example VuGen, during recording, may capture a request similar to the following:
Argument# 8 IN : [body_buffer] = ->Array[0:344]
{ "-----------------------------7da1a33360446\r\n"
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""file"";
filename=""C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My
"Content-Type: text/plain\r\n"
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=""action""\r\n"
"" }

In this example the ending boundary delimiter is the

string "-----------------------------7da1a33360446--" and has "--" at the end. However,
the script that is generated by VuGen contains a web_custom_request() of the form:
"EncType=multipart/form-data; boundary=--------------------------7da1a33360446",
"Body=-----------------------------7da1a33360446\r\nContentDisposition: form-data; name=\"file\";
filename=\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\My
text/plain\r\n\r\n-----------------------------7da1a33360446\r\nContentDisposition: form-data;
In the generated script the ending boundary delimiter is
now "-----------------------------7da1a33360446" and "--" is now missing. Replaying this
script may result in an error, such as "HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error", depending on the application
server being used.

An issue in the code generation functionality in VuGen results in the string "--" not being
appended to the end of the boundary string.

A patch is available to address this issue in LoadRunner 9.52. This patch should not be
applied to other versions of LoadRunner.
The patch is provided in the zip file Unzip this file and run the resulting file "qfe.exe"
to apply the patch.
Once the patch is applied, the installed patches list for LoadRunner will contain the patch
"CodeGeneration patch for HP LoadRunner 9.50 QFE".

Title :
web_reg_save_param_xpath not able to find value for the xpath
Document ID :
Product - Version:
loadrunner 11.00 ;
OS :
Updated :

Summary :
In Silverlight protocol web_reg_save_param_xpath not able to find value for the xpath

Script recorded using SilverLight protocol, web_reg_save_param_xpath is not picking up the

values and finding the argument based on the XPATH given.
For example:
web_reg_save_param_xpath( "ParamName=outParam",
............. LAST );
Following error is observed in replay log:
Error -35060: No matches were found for the specified query:
The Xpath seems to be correct as seen from the tree view.

This issue related to the redefinition of namespace "b:", it's first defined as
"" then defined as


Do not use the namespace in query string in case node name itself won't make
For example:

Try to avoid redefinition of a namespace name in server end XML.

Title :
web_reg_save_param_xpath not able to find value for the xpath
Document ID :
Product - Version:
loadrunner 11.00 ;
OS :
Updated :
Summary :
In Silverlight protocol web_reg_save_param_xpath not able to find value for the xpath

Script recorded using SilverLight protocol, web_reg_save_param_xpath is not picking up the

values and finding the argument based on the XPATH given.

For example:
web_reg_save_param_xpath( "ParamName=outParam",
............. LAST );
Following error is observed in replay log:
Error -35060: No matches were found for the specified query:
The Xpath seems to be correct as seen from the tree view.

This issue related to the redefinition of namespace "b:", it's first defined as
"" then defined as


Do not use the namespace in query string in case node name itself won't make
For example:

Try to avoid redefinition of a namespace name in server end XML.

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