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Various selection tests conducted by organizations:

To select appropriate candidates, organisation conduct various types of test such

Intelligence test>
It measures the candidates general mental ability.It is oldest and most widely
used standardized test developed by psychologist.
Aptitude Test>
Measure an individuals ability to learn, as well as to perform a job. Job-related
abilities may be classified as verbal, numerical, perceptual speed, spatial, and

Achievement Test>
Measures applicants proficiency and knowledge relevant to the job.
Situational test>
Measures and evaluates responses when candidates are exposed to stimulated
business situation.
Interest Test>
Measures the interest level for the job.
Personality Test>
Measures individuals personal characteristics such as value system,emotion &
Polygraph Test>
Measures the validity and truthfulness of an applicant.
It evaluates an individuals handwriting to assess his or her personality.
As per companysrecruitment & selection policy,organisation conduct one or
more such test at the entry level as well as at experience level.

Interview process and Types of interviews::

Interview process is conducted only for those candidates who have passed the
selection test.The interviewer often decides beforehand about the interview type
and technique to be used while interviewing an applicant.

Interview process are:1. Preparing for Interview

2.Setting up the interview
3.Conducting the interview
4.Closing the interview.
Various Types of Interview Are:
1.Preliminary Interview-Brief,first round to eliminate unqualified applicants,are
carried out before the candidate fill in application blanks.
2.Selection Interview-It is to check the interaction between job applicant and line
manager and /or experts.
3.Formal & Structured Interview
4.Unstructured Interview
5.Stress Interview-To check the ability to perform and deliver under stress by
repeatedly interrupting,criticizing answer,asking unrelated question or keeping
quiet for a long time after interviewee has finished speaking.
6.Group InterviewSeveral applicants interact in the presence of one or more company

7.Panel Interview Method

One candidate is interviewed by several representatives of the firm.

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