Peer Review Resume

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Preliminary Research

Used great key words in to resume to allow employer to quickly

scan and look for what they are interested in.
Name and Contact Information
Did a nice job of putting contact information in the very top.
Included all the necessary contact information email, phone, and
I would provide only one address and contact information.
Needs to emphasizes the reader what will be given.
False needs to give school, and major as well as date of
No references included. That is all that really missing, just need
up to three references that are not family related.
Uses great strong verbs, I would recommend to maybe look back
at objective and maybe reword it. Used good spelling, grammer, and
Visual Design
Would try to use a template to make more organized.
Keeping it condensed it good.
Just need to include a couple more topics and to insert a few more

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