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Michael Tucci
Professor Brenda Refaei
English 1000
11 September 2015

College Is Worth the Price

Most jobs need a college degree, but all the while the price of college is
skyrocketing and students are failing to keep up. In Adam Brocks news article Is a
College Education Worth the Price asserts Many people with a college education are
drowning in student debt. They had to borrow money to finance their education. To put
it another way, students have to use loans to pay off the rest of their college tuition.
Almost all students cant afford to keep up with the cost of college. College is worth the
price of higher education, but students need to have knowledge and take advantage of
their financial aid to be prepared for the cost of school. The cost of college may include:
college fees, course costs, and living expenses.
Many students don't know of their financial aid they can claim or don't have
enough money for college fees, so they turn to financial aid. Examples of financial aid
are scholarships and grants. A student does not have to pay back scholarships and
grants. For instance, I received the Pell Grant for my first year of college. I received
$1,888 for each semester. I dont have to repay any of that money back. By the same
token, I also received the Post 9/11 G.I. which paid off the rest of my $2,888 tuition for

the semester. I receive this benefit for being in the military, but it is not a scholarship or
grant. Rather, it is another example of the possible free money students could have, if in
the military at least. Honestly, I recieved a refund back of $950 which can help pay off
student loans or course costs maybe.
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Lastly, students can receive loans. Similarly, to scholarships and grants, but students do
have to pay back loans eventually, but they are a great way to clean up any lingering
school costs.
Students may underestimate course costs which lead to a struggle in money and
staying on top of class. One such course cost is technology. In todays world it is a
necessity to have a laptop or tablet, and a calculator for college classes. Moreover,
students would need software like Microsoft word or excel for their laptops. For
example, I just recently had to use both softwares I just listed for biology lab. I didnt
have this software, but luckily my mother had the software on her computer. In addition
to software, professors may require students to purchase accounts for their class. For
example, my math professor required us to buy a $95 Math lab account which caught
me off guard. In this case, students can use their refunds from financial aid to pay off
course costs like how I used my $950 refund. School supplies are another part of
course costs. School supplies are a recurring cost each year. Notebooks, paper, folders,
pens, highlighters, and pencils are just a few examples of school supplies.
Consequently, students may fall behind in class if they do not have the required

Most students exhaust their money on college fees and course cost that they
can't afford living expenses. Once college itself is taken care of, students have to worry
about living expenses. Groceries are part of living expenses. If a student is full time they
may not have time to work hence, they dont have money for groceries. In this case, I
witnessed my girlfriend depend on her mother for grocery money while being a full time
student at NKU. Another living

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expense is gas money. Students commuting to school need money for gas as well.
Community college is a great choice in combating living expenses. Liz Addison, a
community college student herself can agree. In Liz Addisons essay Two Years Are
Better Than Four reminds us They offer a network of affordable future, of accessible
hope, and an option to dream. In other words, students can still get a higher education
and not have to worry about such things like living expenses. The reason why I went to
UCBA is because it gives me the ability to live with my parents, so I dont have to worry
about groceries. Also, they live in close which makes gas money not a big problem.
All in all, financial aid is available to everyone and a great way to pay off college.
More importantly, college leads to a high paying career which helps pay off any kind of
debt might be left. College students need to understand the type of financial aid they are
receiving and how to use it effective and wisely. The reason why is because students
need the lowest outcome of having debt. Having a college degree can help pay off any

debt that may have been accumulated even with financial aid. So when people ask if
college is worth the price, say yes.
Work Cited
Brock, Adam. Is a College Education Worth the Price? We are American English 10 Mar. 2014:
1 page. Article.
Addison, Liz. Two Years Are Better Than Four. Essay 26 Sep. 2007: 1 page. Print.

Your Name: Alex Haines

Essay Writers Name: Michael Tucci
Essay Title: College is worth the price

Peer reviewer, please answer the following questions with a Yes or No answer:
1. Read the instructions again. Has the writer answered what the essay requires?-

2. Does the writer have one main idea that is clearly supported by the
other paragraphs in the essay? -Yes
3. Is there a clear link between paragraphs? -Yes
4. Has the writer offered enough details to support the main idea? - Yes
5. Do you know what the essay is about from the introduction? -Yes
6. Does the conclusion tie everything together or suggest a solution? -Yes

B. You, who are doing the peer review for friend, please write a paragraph of at least three
sentences describing what you like about this paper. -This paper discusses that the price of
college, but better the paper by discussing $ amount its helps if they have an average
number to keep in mind while reading. This paper straight to the point it discusses on
topic and does not through in any new topics at the end. Its well structured and a well
written essay.

C. You, who are doing the peer review for your friend, please list at least 4 items the writer
should consider revising in this draft to make it stronger.

Use dollar amount gives the reader an idea of the actual price.
Instead of Straight out staying that education is worth the price use an

indirect way of saying it in your conclusion.

- Make sure your last name with the number is on the right side of the paper
and it's at the top right corner and it is the first words on every page.

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