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B-H Curves

If an alternating magnetic field is applied to a soft magnetic material, the magnetic induction(B) changes with the
magnetic field(H) as shown Fig.1
The hysteresis loop, describing the relation between H and B, is called the magnetization curve.

1.1 Initial permeability

The initial permrability i defines rhe relative permeability at low excitation level.
according to IEC 60401 test condition : F < 1-KHz, B < 0.25mT, 25

1.2 Saturation magnetization, Bs

At high field strength, the induction flattens out at a value, called the saturation flux density, Bs.

1.3 Residual flux density, Br

Residual flux density Br, is a magnetic flux density remaining in material when the magnetic field strength is decreased to
zero after being magnetized to its saturation point.

1.4 Coercive field strength, Hc

The residual flux redueses to zero at a certain reverse field strength which is referred to a corecivity Hc.

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