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Reading 1

The Dying Huilliche Languages of Chile

A. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.
1. The Huilliche community is located in Chile/ Argentina.
2. The vocabulary of the Tsesungun and Huilllichesungun languages is very similar/ different.
3. The endangered languages have few/ many fluent speakers.
4. The youngest/ oldest speaker of Huillichesungun is 40 years old.
5. Some Choroy Traigen/ Wequetrumao uses Tsesungun greetings and words in their
B. Choose the best statements of the given sentence.
1. There are actually two distinct languages spoken by the Huilliche community.
a. The Huilliche community includes people that speak a dying language.
b. The Huilliche community includes people that speak two different languages.
c. Most of the people in the Huilliche community speak Spanish.
2. The two langueges share almost 80% of basic words, but have different sounds and different
a. If a person speaks one language he or she can understand the other.
b. The languages have the same verb forms.
c. The vocabulary is similar but the grammar is not, and the languages sound different.
3. The youngest speaker is 40, but all the others are a generation older.
a. Most speakers of the language are at least 60 years old.
b. The parents of the 40-year- old do not speak the language.
c. The older generation speaks Spanish.
C. If you were part of the Enduring Voices team and wanted to know more about the
Huilliche community, what would you ask them? Write six thoughtful interview questions.

How are your traditions alike between the Choroy Traiguen and the Wequetrumao people?
Which is the most difficult word to pronounce in Huillichesungun?
How do you call Huillichesungun in your language?
Which god or gods do you believe in?
Which are the most used ingredients in your cuisine?
How do you usually dress?

Reading 4
Stop Food Cravings
A. Check True or False, Then correct the false sentences
1. Imagining chewing and swallowing a food again increases cravings. False
It reduces cravings
2. Habituation happens when the body becomes used to something.


3. Thinking about how food smells and tastes increases your appetite.


4. If you imagine chewing and swallowing pasta over and over again, you wont crave ice cream
It only works if it is the same food your thinking on.
5. The group that imagined eating thirty M&Ms actually are the fewest.


B. Match the words from the reading with their meanings.

1. cravings

a. over and over

2. reduce

b. something that causes a response

3. stimuli

c. intense desire for something

4. appetite

d. occasionally

5. repeatedly a

e. decrease
f. desire to eat

C. In addition to stopping food cravings, how else could this research improve peoples happiness
and well-being? Write a paragraph describing another way people could use their imagination to
help themselves.
If imagining chewing and swallowing food reduces craving, maybe imagining purchasing something
you want could reduce the craving of buying it. In this case, you thinking in the action of having it
but you are not thinking in the object itself so it could reduce your desire of having it. This could
prevent us before splurging money.

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