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Exception Handling

Introduction to Programming 1 1

An exception is a representation of an error
condition or a situation that is not the
expected result of a method.

Exceptions are built into the Java language
and are available to all program code.

Exceptions isolate the code that deals with
the error condition from regular program

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Exception handling

Is the technique of catching the exceptions that
might be thrown during runtime.


try {
…. body-code
} catch (exception-classname variable-name) {

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The try/catch statement has
four parts

The body-code contains code that might throw the
exception that we want to handle.

The exception-classname is the class name of the
exception we want to handle.

The variable-name specifies a name for a variable
that will hold the exception object if the exception

The handler-code contains the code to execute if
the exception occurs.

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Common Exceptions

ArithmeticException--thrown if a program attempts
to perform division by zero

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException--thrown if a
program attempts to access an index of an array
that does not exist

StringIndexOutOfBoundsException--thrown if a
program attempts to access a character at a non-
existent index in a String

NullPointerException--thrown if the JVM attempts to
perform an operation on an Object that points to no
data, or null
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Common Exceptions

NumberFormatException--thrown if a program is
attempting to convert a string to a numerical
datatype, and the string contains inappropriate
characters (i.e. 'z' or 'Q')

ClassNotFoundException--thrown if a program can
not find a class it depends at runtime (i.e., the
class's ".class" file cannot be found or was removed
from the CLASSPATH)

IOException--actually contained in, but it is
thrown if the JVM failed to open an I/O stream

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