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CD Companion for the GMAT

Users Guide

System Requirements
You will be able to take maximum advantage of all facets of the CD if you use it on a
computer with the following features:
Windows 98/98SE/NT4.0/ME/2000/XP
Pentium 266MHz or higher
15MB free hard disk space
640 x 480 x 256 colors (thousands or millions recommended)
NOTE: This software is NOT designed to operate on Apple Macintosh (Mac)

1. Check system requirements (see System Requirements section above).
2. Start your Windows-operated PC.
3. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive. You should get an installer menu immediately
upon inserting the CD-ROM into your drive. If you do not (or if you have Autorun
disabled), go to Step 4.
4. From the Start menu, select Run and type x:\gmtsetup.exe (where x: is your CD-ROM
5. Press ENTER.
Note: When installing this CDROM on Windows XP, be sure to install as "Administrator"
so that the installer successfully completes.

Tech Support
If you have any questions or problems that dont seem to be covered in this manual,
please visit the Customer Service area of our website at

Getting Started
The Menus
The File Menu lets you set up your Printer and Exit the program.
The GoTo menu will take you to the Tests.
The Help menu will take you to the Test Tutorial.

Use the section-length (covering one particular question type) and full-length tests to
practice, test yourself on content and build up your stamina.
Taking a Test
Before beginning a test, you should have scratch paper and a pencil.
You do not need a clock as the program will time you.
To begin a test, click on the test from the main screen. If you have already
taken the test, you will have a choice of reviewing your results or resetting the test.
Resetting a test will erase your previous work and score and will allow you to retest. You
will be offered a short tutorial before beginning your first test. (If you would like to view
the tutorial at any other time, choose Help/Test Tutorial from the drop-down menu.)
Testing Screen

The computer-adaptive test (CAT) screen works just like the computer-adaptive test that
you will see on test day. The screen contains a Toolbar on the bottom, below the
question screen. Use the Toolbar to move from one question to another and to indicate
when you have finished a section. The window above the toolbar shows the question. If
the question is based on a passage, the passage will appear to the left of the question. If
the question or passage is longer than the screen, scroll bars will appear.
As you begin each section, the first question will be displayed. The question number and
the section name are both displayed at the top of the testing screen. You must answer
the question on screen before another question is displayed.
Selecting an Answer Choice
To select an answer choice, click on the choice or on the bubble to its left. The bubble
will darken. Clicking again, or clicking on another choice, will deselect your first choice.
The program will keep track of your answers and whether you change wrong answers to
right or vice versa. After selecting your answer choice, use the Next button, then the
Answer Confirm button, to move on to the next question. If you have only clicked Next,
you can change your answer. Once you click Answer Confirm, however, your answer is
permanent and the next question is automatically displayed.
Performance Analysis Screen

The Analysis offered at the end of a test is one of the unique features of this software. It
allows you to evaluate the success of your test-taking strategies, and can tell you things

you may not have suspected about your performance. The information is presented to
you in tables, analyzing your performance by question type.
This allows you to compile your own personalized strategy plan for test day. Keep in
mind, of course, that the analysis is based on a small amount of data. Nevertheless, you
should examine the analysis closely. Once you finish an exam, you can view your
Using the Analysis Information
The Performance table provides a percentage score in bar graph format.
The Question Types table helps you determine your areas of relative strength and
weakness and to plan your course of preparation leading up to Test Day. The tables also
provide breakdowns of specific question subtypes, so that you can precisely focus your
study where it will do the most good.
The Number Correct/Number Incorrect/Number not reached gives a number
breakdown of your score.
The Performance on five questions on which you worked longest table helps you
determine where you may be losing time.
The Switching Answers table lets you know how good you are at second-guessing
your answers. The tables show the number of times you switched from an incorrect
answer to a correct one, and the number of times you switched away from the correct
response. Too much answer changing is not helpfuleven if youre switching to the
correct response, choosing it directly saves time. But sometimes youll have to decide
whether to go with your first instinct or your second (or third) opinion. This analysis
tracks your success at switching. Reading these tables will give you a better idea
whether to trust that impulse to switch on the next test you face.
You can print any of the Analysis screens by moving to the screen you want to print,
then clicking the Print button. To select or set up your printer, choose Printer Setup from
the File menu.

To view explanations to a test, choose the Explain Answers button from the Analysis
screen. Within a section, you can use the List Review button to move quickly from one
question to another. Clicking on List Review and then GoTo gives you two options: the
Summary view (the default) shows you the question number and whether you answered
the question correctly. You can easily move to your next incorrect response by just
double-clicking on the question number. Clicking the Details button in the GoTo screen
shows your response, the correct response, your confidence level, the question timing,
and the category of the question. You will not always need this level of detail, but it will
prove handy when (for instance) you want to review all your Unsure questions, for
The Explanation Screen

Each Explanation Window shows the question and its explanation as well as your
answer. To view passages accompanying questions or the passage explanation, use the
pull-down menu. You may quit Explanations Mode by clicking on the Main Menu button
at any point. To return to the explanations of a test you took previously, select the test
from the GoTo menu, and choose View Results.
To enter the Help system, use the Help pull down menu. The pull down menu offers the
Test Tutorial.


Reading passages in these tests, as on the actual test, are condensed and adapted from
published material. The ideas contained in them do not necessarily represent the opinions of
Kaplan, Inc. To make the test suitable for testing purposes, we may in some cases have altered
the style or emphases of the original. Kaplan, Inc. wishes to thank the following for permission to
reprint excerpts from published material used with test questions appearing herein:
The Multisectoral Framework for the Analysis of Labor Mobility and Development in LDCs: an
Application to Post-War Puerto Rico, by Carlos E. Santiago and Erik Thornbeke, Economic

Development and Cultural Change, vol. 37, no. 1, October 1988. Copyright 1988 by the
University of Chicago Press. Reprinted by the authors and Chicago Press.
Hot Gas in the Universe, by Roger A. Chevalier and Craig L. Sarazin, American Scientist,
November-December 1987, vol. 75, p. 609.
Nan Elizabeth Woodruff s review of Barbara Jeanne Fields Slavery and Freedom in the Middle
Ground in Journal of Social History, vol. 20, Summer, 1987 pp. 807809.
The Profit Motive in Medicine, by Dan W. Brock and Allen E. Buchanan, Journal of Medicine
and Philosophy, vol. 12 (1987). Copyright by The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, Inc.
Reprinted by permission.
Sharing the Burden of the International Debt Crisis, by Stanley Fischer, American Economic
Review, vol. 77, May 1977. Reprinted by permission of American Economic Review.
When Are Interests Interesting? The Problem of Political Representation of Women, by Virginia
Sapiro, American Political Science Review, vol. 75, 1981. Reprinted with permission of American
Political Science Review.
Photo Credits:
Archive Photos/Edwin Levick/PNI Hulton Deutsch/PNI
Culver Pictures/PNI Magnum/Chris Steele-Perkins/PNI

GMAT is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council, which does
not endorse or sponsor this product.
Copyright 2004 by Kaplan, Inc. All rights reserved.

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