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Exploring a Health Career

Name ___________________________

Each student is to go to the following websites and gather information related to a health career that the student
is interested in possible perusing and answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. What is your selected career choice to explore?
My selected career choice to explore is a Pediatric Oncologist.
2. Identify 5 tasks from a job description for this career.
Five tasks I would have to do on a daily bases are:
Diagnosis cancer or blood pathogens
Counsel patients and parents with treatment options
Decide on treatment options
Explain course of actions
Make children feel comfortable and safe
3. What are the educational requirements for this career?
Pass the mcat, and state board exams a degree in medicine and 3 years in a residency program of hematology,
cardiology, and oncology.
4. Where could you apply to a post-secondary school in Georgia for this career?
I will attend Emory- Laney Graduate School, for their cancer biology course.
5. What is the approximate salary for this career?
The approximate salary for a Pediatric Oncologist ranges from $185,000 to $250,000.
6. Identify 3 characteristics for this career.
I would have to be empathetic, detail oriented, tactful when treating and diagnosing patients.
7. Identify 2 places that you could work with this career.
I could work at St. Judes Childrens Hospital or Atlantas Childrens Hospital with this career.

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