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Discourse community map

Kristin Morales
Professor T. Nugent
RWS 1301
Sept. 12, 2015

Discourse community map

In this era the writing system is important as ever, most people don't notice it.
However people use it on a daily basis. However we all use it in a different way whether in a
different attitude or different formality. The writing system can be used from any personal,
academic, and especially in a professional stand point.

Just like many people family comes first, to join one must be born into the family or
at least accepted by one or more family members. Depending on who brings a person into the
family will affect how much say they have in family meeting. However, just because a
person marries in to the family does not mean they will be accepted into the family.
Communication is key in our family, a person must always talk to a person older than them
with respect and in a semiformal vocabulary and any one that is roughly your age or younger
may be talked to with less formality. Most of the communication used in the family is oral
however, we will write when it comes to lists, post cards, birthday cards or messages. Which
we usually talk about daily life, family issues, or just old stories of how things were and we
progressed so much in a few years.

From family to friends, in my life I have those friends that as close as family. We are
much opened on who can join our group our only requirement is to befriend on member of
our group and the rest will warm up to you. The way our group of friends talk to each other
is very causal and a times can be vulgar, however, since we usually have curiosity of
different cultures and languages we usually practice the dialects were learning together. We
will usually communicate through text messages, social media, or the more old fashion way

Discourse community map

with post cards and birthday cards. We have a large range of topics from everyday life, to
inside jokes, old stories, random facts, upcoming events, certain situations and advice.

Work is very important, working at Best Trailer Transport is very difficult, like most
businesses the most important part of the work would be the paper work involved, which is
usually tax papers, emails from companies, or even invoices. I must always be speak
formally with all the companies and clients we have. I may also speak slightly informal with
my coworkers. Since BTT is a family owned and operated company one must be very close
to the family or have very good resume. Since BTT is a company the topics that can be heard
are usually just about dispatch, trucks, cars, days off, or just about money.

Like most people I try to act, talk, and write professionally around all the school
faculty and staff that around the University of Texas at El Paso or any other educational
establishment that maybe nearby. Which includes using a larger vocabulary and writing in
the correct writing format. UTEP also has a hundred percent acceptance rate, which makes it
relativity easy to join which is as simple as meeting the requirements of vaccinations, GED,
or a diploma of a high school. The topics being discussed usually vary depending on the
All of these variations are just parts of a discourse map, which shows how important
the written word is. From something as simple as wishing someone a happy birthday, making
a report, or something as difficult as doing tax papers for your boss. The key item that strings
these seemly independent components is text, and yet its so flexible to fit ever situation a
person might come across.

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