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22, Faraid (duties) of Umrah: They are two in number: (a) To assume Jhram, which is accomplished after a person recites Talbivah with the intention of Umrah (&) To perform Tawa 23. Wajibat of Umrah: These are also two in number: ( Sa‘ey between Safa and Marwah (after Tanvaf) and to begin it from Safa and to end it at Marwah. Gi) Have the head shaved or hair eut short (itis Wg to tim up to 1/4 of the head, and Sunnah ifthe whole head is shaved) FARAID, WAJIBAT AND SUNAN OF HAJJ. 14. FARAID (THE DUTIES) OF HAJJ: They are three as given below: (i) To assume Phram: That isto form Nisyah (intention) to perform Hajj and to recite Tabrvah (Labbark in full) i Waguy at Arafat: To stay at Arafat anytime, even ift be for a moment, from after Zavral (the ‘moment after mid-day) of the 9* Dhul Hijab to the dawn of the 10% Dhul Hijjah, This is the Rudy (an Indispensable part) of Hai) To begin Wauf immediately after Zawal is a Sunnah (ii) Tanwafie Zivarahy It ry be performed any time fom the morning of the 10 Dhul Hijjah tll the sunset of the 12% Dhul Hijah after ritual shaving, This too is Ruf NOTE: a) Itis Waja to perform every one of these Farad in the prescribed onder at its appointed time and. place. (b) Hany ofthe three Faraid is missed or omitted for any reason, Hajj would not be properly. ‘accomplished. 15. WAJIBAT OF HAJ: Basically they are six. Other related Hayibat will be discussed in detail at their proper place. [any Haji is left out intentionally or inadvertently, it does not make the Hajj Jnvalld, but Jaza (reparation) will be due for the omission, in the Form of Qurbant (animal sacrifice) oF ‘Sadagah (giving food or corn as alms tothe poor in a fixed quantity). It may, however, be kept in mind that omitting a Wayub without any excuse isa sin that eannot be absolved by Jaza unless the pilgrim repents and seeks forgiveness of Allah. Therefore, one should be determined not to leave any Mab. The above mentioned six Wajibar are as under: i) Wal at Murdalifal ‘That is Qoam (to stay) atthe appointed time during the halt at Mucdalfah i) Sa'ey (traversing seven times) between Safa and Marwah: Its Molowh (reprehensible) to delay ‘Sa'ey till after the day's preseribed for Quran but no Jaca will be duc 4) Ramyul Jamar: Pelting at amarat fv) To offer a suerifie: It is due only on a Garin oc a Mutamatt \) Have the head shaved or hair eut short vi) Tawafol Wada (Farewell Tawaf Is only due on Afagi 16, SUNAN OF HAJJ: A detailed account ofthe Sinan is given in the pages that follow: As a general 's bad and objectionable to omit a Sterna intentionally. No Jaca is due if a pilgrim omits them, but he who performs them is definitely rewarded

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