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The Tacit Supreme In Law Court Official Greetings November 14, 2014 Paul Butler, the private man acting as Bishop of Durham Paul Butler House of Lords London, non commercial communication, no code Dear and respected Paul Butler, Greetings in the name of our savior Jesus the Christ, | am minister Cecil John DeLabio of the landmass known as the United States of America. I sit as The Chief Justice of The Tacit Supreme In Law Court, a lawful evidentiary court established for the defense of the free will of men and ‘women choosing to be ruled over by the laws of YHWH. I have been ministering in this office on the land since the year nineteen hundred and seventy six. extend official greetings and the worthy respect of fellow minister in Christ and in the spirit of brotherhood extend my aid to the resilient defense of the Christian faith. To uphold my duties as a minister in Christ and the functions of my calling, I must share knowledge and warn of potential harm to my fellow man and woman as per Ezekiel 33:1-10. In such spirit may I respectfully clarify the necessity of this lawfully formed court of God's prevailing. The Tacit Supreme In Law Court is a court of ministers as described in Ezra 7:23-26, founded on the simple plan of YHWH as succinctly put in Deuteronomy 4:2, 12:32 and Leviticus 18:3-4. This In Law Court is devoted to integrity. honesty and accountability. ministering in good faith to meet the needs of the living people under divine law, the one and only supreme law as per Deuteronomy 4:2 in the sixteen hundred and eleven King James Authorized Version of the holy Bible. These private men and women have expressed their free will to live under The government of Christ and covenant of, God The Creator as written upon their hearts. By choosing such self-determination and self-governance, the living men and women who have created need for this In Law Court cannot in clear conscience submit to any association or respect of persons as per Deuteronomy 1:17, 10:17, 2nd Samuel 14:14, Matthew 22:16, Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11 and specifically James 2:9. As the servants of Christ, holding offices in this In Law Court, we honor the gift of free will and all its responsibilities, so we do not solicit the public, as publie is a Roman law term referring to personage, nor do we seek to make ourselves eommercially known in that context. This is not our wish or desire, as those who choose to participate in the admiralty/military association of persons are free to do so as offered in Deuteronomy 30:19, Disclaimer: The use of bold type is for emphasis purposes. Any clarification of content or context must be done by The Chief Justice, minister Cecil John DeLabio or by a competent delegated Orficer of The Tacit Supreme In Law Court Page 2 of 3

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