Assignment - Login Using Springmvc& Spring Security: %username% .You Are Inside The Applications

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Assignment - Login using SpringMVC& Spring Security

1. Create a login page using JSP. Make Use of the logo attached along with the email.
2. Login page should have text fields for user to input the username&password& a Login button.
3. Username and password should be read from database to validate. Please use embedded Java
database engines like HSQL or H2. Use spring
org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.embedded package to connect to the db .
4. On Login, validate the user login using Spring Security & Spring MVC.
5. Display the user name in a dialog box after successful login and show another JSP page saying "Hello
%username% .You are inside the applications.
6. For any incorrect username/password, display a message saying wrong credentials above the login
7. In the "You are inside the applications" page, also show a Logout button on the top right corner of the
page. On click of this, take the user back to the Login page.
8. We dont expect the jsp pages to look fancy, basic layout and alignment should be good.

Technology/Framework to use
1. JSP
2. SpringMVC/Spring Security/Java
3. Eclipse IDE


Beyond Bytes Technologies | #201, 3rd Floor, Above Caf Coffee Day, Kasthurinagar Main, Bangalore 560043

Submission date: On or before 20th August 2015

Method submission:
Show & Explain the application and approach taken. This will be conducted over a Skype call.

What we look for during the evaluation:

1. Clear understanding of the requirements
2. Ability of learn basics of new technologies
3. Approach to solving the assignment
4. Ability to complete a task within stipulated time frame and explain the same.

For any further clarifications please contact:

Thanneermalai (+91-9008017802), Sajin (+91-9845584767)

Beyond Bytes Technologies | #201, 3rd Floor, Above Caf Coffee Day, Kasthurinagar Main, Bangalore 560043

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