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- Vivek Tiwari

May I please request you to add 300 GB space on basimrprddatz01 server and its r
espective DR servers as all the mount points have reached above it's threshold v
alue and we need to add more storage to accommodate one year data.
IMR estate details.. basimrprddatz01 basimrprddatz03 actimrdredatz01 Add new
mount point on this estates.

Naveen Basra

Due to growth in database size, increase in backups is noticed and backup mount
point is reaching warning threshold while weekend backups.
It is requested to get backup mount point /u04 on server basibiprddatg02 increa
sed by another 200 GB for next 6 months growth.
Install NB on OVM Controllers - basxtsprdovmv01 & actxtsprdovmv01
e2fsck -f /dev/mapper/vg_samappl01_app-lv.home
resize2fs /dev/mapper/vg_samappl01_app-lv.home 5120m
lvreduce -L 5120m /dev/mapper/vg_samappl01_app-lv.home
umount /u01
e2fsck -f /dev/vg_basxtsprdovmv/lv.u01
resize2fs /dev/vg_basxtsprdovmv/lv.u01 90Gb
lvreduce -L 90Gb /dev/vg_basxtsprdovmv/lv.u01
lvcreate -L 4096M -n lv.usr vg_basxtsprdovmv
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/vg_basxtsprdovmv-lv.usr
mkdir -p /usr/openv
mount /dev/mapper/vg_basxtsprdovmv-lv.usr /usr/openv
make an entry of /dev/mapper/vg_basxtsprdovmv-lv.usr in fstab file.

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