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Hello, my name is Gabriela Martinez; I am a mother, a wife, a sister, and a

daughter. I was born, and raised in Mxico City; I was always interested in
education, but I stirred away from that because I did not know how to get in
the university. When I lived in Mxico my dream was to attend UNAM
[Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mxico], but my parents decided to
move to California when I was around 13 yrs. old; instead of going to the
university I worked to go to a technical school to become a secretary. When I
was almost 18 yrs. old I decided to move with my family here in California; I
came summer 1989, and worked at a factory as a line worker. I went to ESL
classes, got my GED, I graduated from Compton Community College on
2003, I also got my cosmetology license and I worked for Carlton Hair
International as a hairdresser, makeup artist, and as an educator. In 2013 I
had the opportunity to come back to school to start this new journey to
become a teacher.
I have a wonderful, supporting husband that has been there for me through
my journey, I am thankful because he has never stop believing that I can
accomplish this dream with all of his support.
I also know that teaching a child might not be an easy job, but as I see many
of my hairdresser student success I feel that I am where I belong!

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