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Assistive Technology Website Resource Guide

Assistive Technology Blog
Purpose and intended audience:
The websites mission is to help people with disabilities use technology to read, write,
explore interesting information, and explore their world with easy by using of
technology. Technology can be an effective element of reading and writing curriculum
for the students with disabilities. It provides accessible ways to nurture students ability,
understanding and comprehension for those who struggle with reading print or who have
difficulty in writing. Since reading and writing are essential for students success,
assistive technology is often implied to accommodate them. This website is a perfect
place for parents, guardians or teachers who want to help their children or their students
read and write using the features within Apple products. With various Apple devices and
numerous apps, students with disabilities can learn reading, writing or any other tasks in
more meaningful and accessible ways. Furthermore, the explosion of creative new apps
that appears every week in the App Store provides new and effective techniques to meet
the needs of diverse children.
Something specific from the website that was of value and how it could help other
Not only the website offers information about the specific tools and applications, but also
shows alternative applications that have similar features. In addition, it allows you to see
other peoples feedback about using them. This type of resource is very valuable to me
because it provides honest feedback, facts and comparisons. For example, the website
provided information about the KNFB Reader, a text recognition application that can be
downloaded from the App Store. It takes picture of any printed text and then reads the
text back to the user. If there is a specific feature that KNFB Reader lacks, the website
then offers a similar application with the feature that KBFB Reader does not have.
Furthermore, if the application exceeds more than a budget, it offers a similar app that is
less expensive. In this case, the website suggested to use Prizmo, a less expensive app
which includes some useful features that KNFB Reader does not have. This resource can
help parents and/or teachers discover other options to use and make their best judgment
on what works best for them and for their students.
Aside from learning other options that I can incorporate, I learned how Apple devices
such as Apple TV and iPads could increase students with disabilities collaboration and
participation in class discussions. For example, when they have their own IOS devices,
they can connect to the Apple TV and display their work on the TV screen to share it
with their peers. Using these tools and useful reading and writing applications intended
for people with disabilities will allow teachers to keep their students involved and
engaged in the classroom.
Related websites or references:\

ADDITUDE Strategies and Support for ADHD & LD
Purpose and intended audience:
This website is designated to helping children with ADHD and their support systems. It
provides a vast amount of resources and material helping teachers and families (or any
person part of the childs support system) assist a child with ADHD. It provides
information about ADHD and different assistive technologies that help the child with
subjects such as math and reading. The information also provides information about how
a child with ADHD learns, what they may struggle with and how to best accommodate to
meet their needs.
Something specific from the website that was of value to me was the lists of assistive
technologies that help students with math and reading. Reading these resources allowed
me to understand more about what kind of difficulties a child with ADHD may have and
how to best accommodate their needs. I learned about math software that allows students
to work through problems on computers. The software helps students stay organized, do
computations, align and copy math problems onto paper. The software also has speech
output that reads numbers and problems aloud.
Websites provided by ADDITUDE Strategies and Support for students with ADHD &

Assistive Technologies to Meet K-12 Student Needs
Purpose and intended audience:
The intended audience for this website are teachers who have students that would benefit
from assistive technologies. This website provides a general definition of assistive
technology and why it is important. It allows teachers to see that simple technologies can

create a big difference in a students education. The website lists several technologies for
many different disability categories: vision, communication, access, learning/studying,
and hearing.
Something specific from the website that was of value to you:
I really appreciated the simplicity of the website. I could follow along easily to all of
different technologies available to teachers and students. Most of these items can be
found in the classroom already or they are cheap to buy. These are easily accessed
technologies that can make a big difference for students and their attitudes towards
Some of the technologies that I appreciated were magnifying glasses for students who
struggle to see, word windows for communication, and touch-sensitive colored lights for
access. Some of the technologies have been available to us for a long time but we have
taken them for granted such as closed-captioning on the television, etc.
Other teachers who have not had any training in special education or experience with
assistive technology can greatly benefit from this website. Teachers can narrow down the
category that they are trying to learn about and then work with the student and families to
see which technologies would work best for them. There are so many technologies
available and as educators, we need to become informed about all of the ways that we can
assist our students and their families.
Related Websites or References:
Assistive Technology Consideration Quick Wheel
Assistive Technology Checklist
Database Source of Information on Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology Resource Centers of Hawaii
Purpose and Intended Audience:
This website is aimed at an audience that is interesting in learning about the different
types of assistive technology that is available, where to get it and also provides
opportunities for people to try assistive technology before they invest in it. When I
originally accessed the website I was immediately drawn to the tab Try AT and Get AT
which had some information on the ways to acquire AT as well as how to make an
appointment to try AT. Once I clicked on the Services tab, I was impressed with how
much information and opportunities this organization made available. The services
provided by this organization included computer and AT training, technical assistance
(helps programs and agencies improve their services), Camp Cool (a 2-day came for
students with disabilities and a pal to learn how to us computers and AT), Paddling for
Possibilities (financial funding program to help people with disabilities get the AT they
need), job placement and retention services, Interactive Computer Learning Acquisition
Program (aids people with disabilities 17-45 pursuing higher education), volunteer

opportunities, public awareness (outreach) and rehabilitation technology services

(helping people with disabilities getting the services they need). This organization offers
great resources and information about assistive technology and gears towards helping
people with disabilities getting the help and opportunities they need.
Something specific from the website that was of value to you and how it could help
other teachers:
I think for any person working in the education field it will be important to know what is
available in our community as well as how to use it. This organization is located on Oahu
but when I contacted them over the phone they confirmed that they do provide services
on neighboring islands. They literally pack up equipment and go to other islands to
provide trainings. This organization seems to be a great resource for a variety of AT
needs. To bring services to a neighboring island you would contact the organization to
schedule an appointment.
Related websites or references:
Easter Seals Hawaii - Island-wide organization that provides early
intervention individual and family services for keiki with disabilities (0-3yo).
State of Hawaii, Department of Health, Developmental Disabilities Division State Agency that provides services for individuals and
families with disabilities.

Crick Software
Purpose and intended audience:
Crick Software Inc. is such a gem in the field of education. This website was created in
1993 by educators John and Ann Crick as a response to their belief in the Universal
Design for Learning (UDL). They wanted to develop software that will enhance learning
not only for typical students, especially for those who have disabilities. Through their
efforts of collaborating with educated and well-experienced teachers, their company
currently provides nine different assistive technology tools to over half a million
computers in elementary, middle, and high schools.
For this review, I will be exploring one of their award-winning educational software-Clicker 6. This programs vision is to provide literacy without limits. It is a multimedia
language arts support that aims to raise the standards of reading and writing. The targeted
audience of this tool ranges from early elementary to middle school students. Its IDEA
Disability Category covers autism, emotional disturbance, major-other health
impairment, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disability, and speech or language
impairment. Aside from students with disabilities, Clicker 6 is also known to be an
Assistive Technology for English Language Learners (ELL).
According to their site, Clicker 6 is the child-friendly writing tool that enables students
of all abilities to significantly develop their literacy skills. It is a talking word processor
that gives students both audio and visual support to improve their reading, listening and
writing aptitude. One of the things that they are promoting is the importance of providing

a venue where students can practice independent writing. They believe in encouraging
students to take risks and learn to eventually self-regulate in their writing process. In
addition to this, Clicker 6 is adaptable software that can be modified to assist students as
their ability level improves. They have created it to be fluid and not stagnant. Another
tool that Clicker 6 has is the Clear Voice. This feature allows students to listen to their
writing as the software reads it aloud to them. This component is manageable as the
student can adjust its speed and frequency. Clickers intelligent word predictor is another
feature that recommends more complex vocabulary words to enhance students writing.
Through this, students are able to learn about synonyms. On top of that, Clicker 6
contains a Picture Support system that enables students to customize their learning by
adding graphics that can showcase understanding and exploration.
Overall, Clicker 6 is a worthy investment for our schools. This software provides students
access to differentiated learning. I see it as a tool that can be incorporated in all the
different subject areas in education. It can aid our schools in its transition to a more
inclusive learning system.
Something specific from the website that was of value to you and how it could help
other teachers:
I believe in the importance of incorporating research-based technology to increase the
accessibility of learning for all students. Examining the overview of Clicker 6 helped me
envision how I could use it in my future classroom. To narrow its specific benefits in the
classroom, I decided to focus on how it can help students who struggle with different
First, for students with dyslexia, Clicker 6s clear voice can assist in students
connection of word spelling and its proper pronunciation. Teachers can incorporate this
program as a resource during Language Arts class. Since this software has point-andclick access, students are able to explore and take risks as they work on their listening,
reading and writing skills. I work at a high school where many students still struggle with
dyslexia. With the help of this AT, students will be able to work on their reading and
writing independently. This will increase their self-esteem as they can access this tool
even in their own time. Teachers can recommend this to parents as a support to their
childrens learning at home.
Second, for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Clicker 6s picture and
symbols support can help students in their self-expression and communication. Research
has shown that most ASD students are visual learners. Therefore, Clicker 6 can help in
keeping these students engage in their learning. In addition to this, the softwares speech
feedback can assist students in sentence construction as the program can read the
statements aloud to them. For ASD students who have difficulty in motor control, Clicker
6 can replace their handwriting, as it is a word processor. Through this, students are able
to have a voice as they are given an outlet to express their mind and show forth their
Third, for students with Down syndrome, Clicker 6 reduces the fear of failure as the
software is programmed to provide positive feedback. This tool aims to promote risktaking, as it is necessary for learning. Students can also record their writing through a
built-in recorder in the program that intends to improve students speech and language

skills. Its picture support feature makes the process of learning more engaging and less
boring for students who struggle with their attention capacity.
Fourth, for students with physical limitations, a Crick USB Switch Box can be attached to
a computer to utilize the Clicker 6 software. This adaptation allows students to access a
variety of books and activities that can be operated using the switch box. Teachers can
surely make way for a lot of learning for students with physical disabilities with the help
of this assistive technology. These students will feel more included as they learn side by
side with their peers.
And fifth, for students with low vision, Clicker 6 provides features that enhance the
graphic support in the different activities. Students can zoom in on pictures and words to
help them read and understand the different materials available for them. They can also
customize the contrast of the colors of the screen to help the reading more comfortable
for their sight. Students can also adjust the size of the toolbars and even the line spacing.
In this way, students would not be limited by their visual impairment in participating
during class activities.
In summary, I think Clicker 6 is an Assistive Technology that can be beneficial to a
diverse group of students. As I reviewed its multi-faceted program, I found myself
dreaming of having this in my future classroom. I see so many opportunities where this
program can be very useful. I think that John and Ann Crick did a great job in coming up
with an AT that can assist different students in their Language Arts skills development.
On the whole, I will be recommending Clicker 6, not only to elementary teachers, but
also even to middle school and high school educators.
Related websites or references:
Portable Word Processors
Learn about assistive technology tools called portable word processors.
By: Kristin Stanberry
Tech Tools for Students with Learning Disabilities: Infusion into Inclusive Classrooms
By: Jane Quenneville (2001)
The Ultimate Guide to Assistive Technology for Students With Special Needs
By: Rebecca Dean

Easter Seals Hawaii
Purpose and intended audience:
According to their mission statement, Easter Seals Hawaii is dedicated to helping people
with disabilities or special needs to achieve their goals and to live independent and
fulfilling lives. This website and organization aims to serve and has served children,
youth, and adults in the state of Hawaii. Based off of this information, their intended

audience is the people residing within or who plan to reside within the state of Hawaii
who lives with disabilities or who know someone who lives with disabilities.
Something specific from the website that was of value to me and how it could help
other teachers:
The first thing that stood out to me was their values, which they share on their Who We
Are tab. Their list of values included excellence, respect, stewardship, empowerment,
partnerships, and integrity. It is my personal belief that any organization that is truly
founded on these values is bound to be successful. Another thing I really appreciated
about Easter Seals Hawaii was their dedication to partnership and collaboration. I feel
that in order to be successful, especially when working with people with special needs,
we have to explore all options, and be willing to work with others to achieve common
goals. It has been said that two heads are better than one. I fully agree, and want to take
that statement ever further- the more heads, the better. I think this aspect of partnership
and collaboration could really help other teachers by simply being a resource. In addition
to their own special needs programs, Easter Seals Hawaii lists other resources and
supports as well concerning school, work, home, community, media, etc.
Related websites or references:
Easter Seals Hawaii has sister organizations in other states like Alaska, California,
Colorado, and all across North America. Here are a few of these websites:

Education World
Purpose and intended audience:
The purpose of this website is to let educators know about assistive technology and ways
you can use devices in the classroom. I think the intended audience is mainly educators
but can be streamlined to parents and family members who want to support their children,
and have the best interest of the child in mind.
Something specific from the website that was of value to you and how it could help
other teachers:
Upon entering the website, what caught my eye was the title Assistive Technology in the
classroom helping challenged kids get the most from learning. I knew that I would enjoy
reading this website. I found a lot of valuable information that would help me as an
educator. For example I didnt know that there were 4,000 assistive technology devices
available. Devices such as glare reduction screens, screen magnifiers, and voice
recognition software are some items named on this website that can be useful in the
classroom. Had I not taken this course I wouldnt have known about all the resources and
devices to enhance student learning and provide support in the mainstream classroom. As
an educator another thing that I found useful on this site was how important it is to
receive training in being able to use assistive technology devices in the classroom. If you

arent trained then you will be of no use to the students by having devices available but
not knowing how to use them. I also valued the website links provided on the bottom on
the website as additional resources.
Related websites or references: Special Education
Assessing assistive technology needs of children with Disabilities

Purpose and intended audience:
Enablemart is what it says: it is a mart, first and foremost. It sells items to make money.
This website is geared toward educators and parents for the most part. But it could be
used by anyone who wants to gain access or just become more knowable on AT devices
that are available. They also offer many products that can educate people about
disabilities and tools to help persons with those disabilities.
This website would be most helpful for educators, individuals with special needs and
their families. This website can help teachers find resources and hardware that will help
them enhance their classroom and help enable their students. It could help create a more
functional classroom where all students have access to the supports they need. It can also
be used by parents of children who may benefit from AT and of course it may be used my
individuals who already use AT just looking for an upgrade on the technology they
currently use or something new that could help them in their day to day life.
How this website would be useful to an educator, student, or parent:
The website is useful for me as a teacher because of all the resources it has in one
location. Enablemart does a great job of putting many items that may be scattered all over
the web and may be hard to find, in one spot. Enablemart has many sections, they sell
books on autism and IEPs, they have an ADA compliance section, infection control
section, and it separates hearing and speech aids into their own categories. It also gave
me all kinds of ideas on things that I could use with students. Of course because the
website is selling products I found all kinds of things that I might want to ask my school
and department head for, to use in my classroom. I could also use this website to educate
my students and their families on items that are available to them and to their parents.
My favorite section was the communication section where I found the big talk
communicator and the LITTLEmac communicator like I had seen in some of the videos
from the preschool classrooms.
This website seems to have it all. They have Webinars that are free and have tutorials to
help explain how to use the products. They also have free shipping and a rewards
program. The website is very comprehensive. I could not find the total number of

products listed on their site because they break them down by section very well. But there
are over three thousand of products on their website.
I found the website to be very easy to use. is a great website with tons of
resources. I will use it again and I would recommend it to any and all educators, and
anyone I know how has special needs or has kids that may benefit from the technologies
on their website. Overall I would give the website an A+ for what it does. It shows items
that are available for purchase that will enable people to lead more fulfilling lives while
making their day-to-day lives easier. I highly recommend this website.
Other related websites and links:
School Health
Sports Health
The Cooperative Purchasing Network (TCPN)
Special Education Acronyms & Terms

Hearing Loss Association of America
Purpose and attended audience:
The website has great suggestions on the types of hearing devices and hearing aides that
are helpful to students. It provides support and services for anyone who has hard time
hearing and hearing loss. Parents and teachers can view the videos learning about many
hearing devices. I also liked how they explained the different types of alert system
devices such as the smart systems to help people be safe. The website includes articles on
how hearing devices help an individual tremendously in their life. This website is
attended for instructors, parents, friends who wants to learn how to support students with
hearing difficulties.
Usefulness of the web site to me as a teacher in the promotion of inclusion:
It is very crucial to know about the assistive technology and devices to support students
in a learning environment. Every child needs to be included in the classroom and feel
valued. I learned more about other listening devices and how I can support students in the
classroom. I also found out how I could help my students receive assistive technology
device such as FM system and its free. There was a website that list organizations that
helps students and people to receive hearing devices. This is great because I could print
the handout for his or her parents to apply and get assistance for hearing devices. Also,
this website gives directions on how to order devices which is amazing. I can simply
click on the link and the directions are easy to follow. It also shares how to advocate for

your students and list the act that protects students rights and make sure you get the care
needed. Another thing I enjoyed was learning that they offer online courses to teach
instructors how to use the device and how to advocate for technology in the classroom. I
will definitely take up the courses to help my students and be an advocate for assistive
technology in the classroom!
Related references for further information
Types of Hearing Aide Technology
Hearing Loop technology

How Tech Removes Boundaries
Purpose and intended audience:
The purpose of this article is to show how technology is allowing people with any type of
disability to break down the boundaries. I feel that many think that if you have a
disability, that it doesnt allow you to do the normal things everyone else is able to do.
In the past, that would have been true because we lack the technology that we have today.
More so the ability to use our phones and notebooks to download apps to aid and assist
people. This device is for people with difficulties or complete blindness. Its an app that
scans and reads what they scanned back to them out loud.
Usefulness of the web site to me as a teacher in the promotion of inclusion:
Information, such as this article, is a very simple way to expose students to the world of
assistive technology. Whether or not you have someone in the classroom with a
disability. It can be incorporated to teach students how technology helps people with or
without disabilities; they might also know someone in their family with a disability that
something like this could help. Another helpful thing in this site, it also covers loans,
applications, and further information to relate AT.

Purpose and intended audience:
Mobymax was developed as a resource for teachers to assist with differentiated
instruction based on the new Common Core math standards. This K-8 program was
designed to provide students with both school and home access. It can be used with all
computers, most tablets, and smart phones. Mobymax is easily accessible and it allows
students to access their homework from home without having to carry a heavy textbook.
The website is easy to navigate and it has a read aloud feature and it is the only math
software to offer touch technology. Students that may struggle with reading can turn on
the reading support. The patented touch technology broadens the spectrum of students
who are able to utilize Mobymax. After an initial assessment, the program differentiates

and provides each student problems and lessons at their current level. Teachers can set
up daily goals for students as well as print off their progress. Students stay motivated
with earned game minutes and many lessons have manipulatives that the children can
interact with on the screen.
Usefulness of the website to me as a teacher:
The printable reports save hours of log work for the teacher. Moby focuses on areas
where students are struggling and provides lessons for extra support. Once a student has
mastered the content, new lessons and concepts are added and the review feature enables
students to retain the information. Math concepts are broken into small and achievable
sets that account for the time that students are on the program. For example, ten minutes
could be one mini lesson for a student. All problems provide instant feedback so the
student can learn from their mistakes and reinforce the content. The read to me feature
enables students to have built in extra support. The touch screen allows for students with
a variety of learning disabilities and special needs to be able to use the program with
All students can be on Mobymax at the same time and I feel that this empowers students
to feel included. Students with a disability can participate in the same program because
of the differentiated instruction. The program is easy to access anywhere there is Internet
from a tablet, Smartphone, or computer. On screen manipulatives and visuals provide
visual support and they help students develop number sense. Parents can monitor their
students progress and teachers can see the time that was spent per day on this program.
This is helpful when Mobymax is assigned for homework. I read the reviews and many
schools are using Mobymax for their SBAC test preparations.
Related websites and references:
How Mobymax helps students with disabilities:
Special education teachers review of Mobymax:
How computers assist students with special needs:
Inclusion in the classroom

National Center on Deaf-Blindness
Purpose and intended audience:
The purpose of the website is to serve as a resource for information and other useful tools
on Deaf-Blindness, whether that be for families, service providers, educators, or
individuals who want to research anything surrounding this topic.
Something specific from the website that was of value to you and how it could help
other teachers:

This website is just oozing with information and helpful links and pages to look at. It has
information on the history of Deaf-Blindness, all sorts of tabs for Education, a forum to
ask questions; the list goes on and on. But I really explored the Assistive Technologies
pages under the Education Tab and one resource that really stuck out to me was their
page on iPad Apps Information. From this page you can seek out information on apps
that will help your students with these types of auditory impairments in subjects like
art/drawing, math, music, and even things like social skills. As you continue through the
links you will come to a variety of relevant documents summarizing the function of the
app and how it will help your students. I thought this alone could be extremely helpful to
educators and families because iPads are so common nowadays and can make
information and tasks so accessible to children. My last field placement had an iPad for
every single class and I think with the addition of these apps it could make the classroom
more inviting to include all children.
Related websites or references:
Utah School for the Deaf and Blind website that provides many practical resources for
program/curriculum planning and information on assistive technology services. App Information/Forms/AllItems.aspx
This resource is a community college website that has great information on assistive
technological devices.

Osmo, Play Beyond the Screen
Purpose and intended audience:
This website is the main product information site for the newest educational application
that can be used in the classroom for learning with an iPad. It is marketed as being
collaborative, creative, and fun. It also encourages learning through hands-on activities
and manipulatives while developing social skills and critical thinking. This educational
program is geared toward ages 6-12, but my guess is that older aged youth and adults
would enjoy this product as well.
There are tabs on the home page entitled: Games, Schools, FAQ, and myOsmo. Each tab
goes into further detail about Osmo and how it is used. The Starter Kit includes four
games for $79.99:
Words use word tiles to guess and spell words
Tangram use colored tiles to create spatial puzzles
Newton uses creative engineering to explore physics
Masterpiece- transforms any picture or object into outlines to guide drawing
Now, there is an option for a Creative Kit that includes the two games: Masterpiece and
Newton for $39.99
The FAQ page is chock-full with general information, details on ordering, shipping and
return policies, hardware and software guided information, and partnerships with other
companies and schools that Osmo is used.

Something specific from the website that was of value to you and how it could help
other teachers:
The best part of this website and what has really sold me on trying out this product is the
Buy One, Give One program and Osmo Academy for educators. The Buy One, Give One
program is set up for a limited time so that with each purchase of Osmo, another one can
be given to your childs school. Osmo Academy is a network of educators that includes
being connected to a Mentor, Teachers Guide with lesson plans and ideas that will help
shape how this product is to be used in schools. Even homeschool educators can receive
a Starter Kit to be used toward their childs education.
Related websites or references:
Assistive Technology for Hoosiers with Disabilities
OTs with Apps and Technology
Michigans Integrated Technology Supports:

Promethean World
Purpose and Intended Audience:
This website is geared towards educators with the purpose of promoting teacher
effectiveness and collaboration with the help of their interactive whiteboards. The brand,
Promethean, believes in transforming learning environments through the use of
innovative classroom technology that motivates learning and improves student
Something specific from the website that was of value to me as a teacher:
With the major technological advances in our world today, it is no wonder that our
children naturally gravitate towards these devices such as computers, iPads, smart
phones, and the like. Now, children are being exposed to the benefits of technology in
their classrooms. The Promethean ActivBoard 500 Pro is a tool that really sparked my
interest on the Promethean website mainly for its collaborative feature. It allows up to
four students to work on the board together and puts an emphasis on learning and
working together. The interactive whiteboard caters to students who are kinesthetic,
audio, and visual learners due to its built in features. Learners are able to write, draw,
manipulate objects, listen to stories being read, take tests, view videos and material, and
so much more all on the board. This gets students excited and makes it easier to engage
everyone in the classroom. As a teacher, I found the research articles about the impact
these interactive whiteboards have had on teachers teaching and student engagement and
achievement to be of great value. The featured success stories, data collected, as well as
how other schools have benefited from their smart boards are a great resource to see how
to get the most out of an investment. When looking into incorporating a major tool into

the classroom, I find that looking into research is an important aspect into deciding which
interactive whiteboard would best fit the needs and wants of the students and educators.
Related References:
High Stakes, High Impact: A Success Story
Excelling Against the Odds
Promethean Research Studies: A Summary

Reading Rockets
Purpose and intended audience:
This website focuses overall on teaching reading and helping struggling readers. This
particular article and section of the website focuses on AT for Kids for Learning
Disabilities (LD). This is a great introduction to parents and teachers to how AT can help
children with LD that include listening, math, organization and memory, reading, and
writing struggles. The purpose of this section on the website is to introduce the kinds of
AT that is available to children with the mentioned LD. AT discussed includes:
abbreviation expanders, alternative keyboards, audio books and publications, electronic
math worksheets, freeform database software, graphic organizers and outlining, info/data
managers, optical character recognition, personal FM listening systems, portable word
processors, proofreading programs, speech-recognition programs, speech
synthesizers/screen readers, talking calculators, talking spell-checkers and electronic
dictionaries, variable-speed tape records, and word-prediction programs. Each type of AT
then has a link that connects you to another website that focuses specifically on that AT
Something specific from the website that was of value to you and how it could help
other teachers:
I really appreciated that this website discussed AT available for students with learning
disabilities, rather than just physical disabilities. Over the course of this semester we have
learned a lot about AT available for children with disabilities, but not specifically for
learning disabilities. I think having an easy-to-read resource for AT for learning
disabilities will be really helpful in the classroom because I think learning disabilities are
much more common than physical disabilities. If students with LD had access to the
types of AT described on this website, I think our classrooms can be much more
productive and everyone will be more successful. The more we learn about AT, the more
I realize that AT is needed by many students in order to be more successful. I have also
realized that as a teacher I have to be open-minded to the fact that some students who are

not on task the way I expect them to be, may be experiencing learning disabilities and are
in need of AT. Not all students learn the same way, we must value diversity and each
individuals unique needs and support their learning however we can. AT tools designed
for students with learning disabilities can encourage self-efficacy and help to create a
sense of accomplishment and independence, by providing students with the necessary
tools to be successful with their schoolwork.
Related websites or references:
How to choose AT tools that are reliable:
How to select technology that is tailored to your childs individual needs, abilities, and
Instructional software:

South Carolina Assistive Technology Program Branch:

SC Curriculum Access through AT
Purpose and intended audience:
The South Carolina Assistive Technology Program provides this website for persons with
disabilities and professionals who work with people with disabilities. The purpose of the
program is to mainly provide access to AT for residents of South Carolina. However, I
found that the website offers invaluable teaching strategies and live footage of AT
implementation. The section, SC Curriculum Access through AT supplies information on
a variety of disabilities and how professionals and teachers may be able to provide proper
integration to foster independence. The additional resources gives access to models and
other trainings for teachers and professionals to support and implement principles of
UDL and integrate AT.
How this website supports me as a teacher to include AT in my classroom:
This website provides a list of principles to follow for success beginning with what I find
important in my teaching profession. Principle 4 discusses how the students and teachers
must practice using the technology before using it in the classroom. This is to ease the
stress of trying something new in the classroom environment and allowing the user to
gain confidence using the device. This was helpful for me because the video link
demonstrated how the teachers or support staff worked with different students and their
AT devices. Watching the videos gave me better insight in showing me what the training
and practice looks like in action. In one section, the reading and video reinforce the
principle of motivation. Regardless of the device, the teaching team must keep the
students strengths and developmental level at the forefront while increasing motivation
through developmentally appropriate and contextual material. One video demonstrates
students using AT at their level in a class setting. Moreover, the site provides AT training
presentations and beneficial handouts. For example, one downloadable document

provides comprehensive instruction on how a classroom teacher can create or teach how
to create documents for Jaws or MAGic users through a step-by-step process. As a new
professional in the field of AT, these processes are opportunities for me to create lessons
while keeping in mind the principle of UDL.
Related websites:
Using Expertise to Group Students: Video Resources
Georgia Project for Assistive Technology: AT on the Landscape of UDL
Professional Development
Purpose and intended audience:
The purpose of this site is to explain different types of AT varying from low, mid, and
high-tech, which can benefit children with autism. I think this site could be helpful for
parents or teachers. I believe the purpose is to inform parents and educators about what
types of tools are available and what are some different strategies they can implement to
help their child communicate and succeed in their home or classroom. However, the
website as a whole has much more information to offer about a variety of special
education topics. Those topics include IEP forms and IEP related topics, links to
resources, online discussions, IDEA, and even a video series.
Something specific from the website that was of value to you:
I chose to focus on autism because there are more and more students with autism in the
classroom today. What I really appreciated about this site were the low-tech tools and
strategies. I think this is a good resource for teachers who are looking for low cost or free
tools that they can make to help their students. Some tools were as simple as small
laminated cards with visual representations that the child can use to communicate. One of
my favorites was the Break cards. This card can be used to signal that the child needs a
break, instead of letting the situation rise to a point where the child is anxious and
frustrated. The site also had specific strategies for teaching things like social skills. I
think educators could easily make some of these low-tech tools in the classroom.
Teachers could also educate parents about the simple tools that could make a difference
in the life of their child. Like I mentioned above, I chose to focus on autism but this site
offers so much more than that. I watched one of the videos on the site that was titled, Art
for All. They demonstrated in the video how art could be made accessible to students
with all abilities. The students were able to create their own artwork that they could be
proud of. The teacher showed many different examples of how artwork can be created
using a variety of methods, tools, and abilities. I really appreciated this because art is
such an important component of my future classroom. I think that art is a great tool for

expressing oneself and for communicating and for just getting students engaged and
motivated. There were new art techniques in the video that Ive never seen or thought of.
Related websites or references:
Lisa Neilson, the Innovative Educator
Autism Speaks
Autism Consortium

Teaching Students with Visual Impairments
Purpose and intended audience:
This website was created by Carmen Willings, a Teacher of Students with Visual
Impairments (TVI) for over 16 years. Initially, the purpose of this website was to aid
Carmen in the support and consultation of classroom teachers who were learning how to
accommodate their students with visual impairments. However, this amazing resource
has blossomed into a tool that I believe can be useful to all educators. Willings herself
acknowledged the evolution of her website by stating that it can help a range of people,
whether they are a seasoned professional in the field for visual impairments, just
entering the vision field, a classroom teacher learning how to meet the unique needs of a
student with visual impairments, a parent of a student with visual impairments, or an
administrator. This website provides a plethora of resources, information, and
suggestions on this particular topic.
Something specific from the website that was of value to you and how it could help
other teachers:
Although this site is jam-packed with valuable information, one thing that stuck out to me
was the Adapt tab. When you place your cursor on this tab, a menu of specific
adaptation areas becomes visible. Some of these areas include visual, environmental,
literacy, and math adaptations. The area that interested me the most was Visual
Adaptations, which focuses on how visual adaptations can be made to curriculum
materials. This particular section covers large print, photocopying, font legibility,
increase contrast, increase visual clarity, and lightbox use. Willings did a fantastic job of
introducing, describing, and discussing these visual adaptations by stating the benefits of,
disadvantages of, challenges with, uses, tips, etc. I find this extremely valuable because
as teachers we are going to need to know these things, preferably before we have students
who need this type of assistance, to give our students access to all areas of the
curriculum. I also appreciate how Willings covers different aspects of each adaptation so
we (the audience) can be aware and informed. This could help teachers learn more about
and decide on what assistive technology they can use to accommodate their student(s)
with visual impairments. For example, in reference to the Font Legibility adaptations,

teachers can read why this is something to consider, how it can benefit students, what
they can do/use, and what commonly works well among students with visual impairments
Related websites or references:
Vendors who specialize in materials and equipment for people who are blind or
physically impaired:
Colleges and universities in the U.S. that offer courses necessary for a career in the
education and rehabilitation of people with disabilities:

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