Hockey Unit

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Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

HPE Hockey Resource

Includes 9 lesson plans


Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

Field hockey
Explain the structure of lessons in this program:
The way these lessons will run will start with a warm up activity, and
then you will Listen, Do, and at the end discuss what you have
Lesson 1: Dribble
Warm up activity:
Walk on the netball court lines
Jump, skip, walk on your tippy toes, walk low
Introduce: dribbling- ask has anyone played hockey before? Anyone
know how to dribble?
How to Hold Stick
Left hand at top of handle
Right hand bottom of handle
How to position body
Knees bent, back straight and head up (you will get sore backs if
you do not bend your knees!)
Safety-Keep stick below waist at all times. It is really important that
people play safe and if I see anyone who isnt being safe, or isnt listening
to my instruction they will sit out.
Open stick dribble
Set up: Lay 6 cones in pairs 5-7m apart (divide class into groups
of 4)
1 ball with each set
Split class up into 6 even groups
One at a time dribble out round the cone and back
Run forward keeping ball out in front with the stick in contact
with the ball at all times
Activity: Space Dribble
Every player needs a ball and a stick and should move around
the player area with their stick.
Their ball should always be in contact with the stick
Encourage players to try and find space as they dribble
They can go anywhere- they cant bump into each other
o Head up!

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

o Move into space!

o Change direction!
Activity: Truck and trailer
Put class into pairs this requires good team work!
Each pair needs one stick and one ball
Ask the players who wants to be a truck and who wants to be a
Trucks need to stand in front of the trailers and should lead them
around making sure they avoid other trucks and trailers
Trailers need to dribble to ball behind their truck
Its important that the trucks dont lose their trailers by going too
When I yell PIT STOP I want you stop, have you ball under your foot
and then swap
Conclusion: (ask class)
What was our main objective in this lesson?
How do you position your hands on the pool noodle?
Do you have greater control with 1 hand or 2 hands on the pool
How do we position our body when dribbling?
Extension activity: Stuck in the mud
Aim: Moving the ball, spaceial awareness with the ball
Get two or three Mud Monsters (catchers) with bibs
The rest of the class needs a stick and a ball and dribble
All the children MUST WALK
The mud monsters will go round and touch the other children
making those children Stuck
The stuck child will stop, put their foot on the ball to stop it
rolling, open their legs wide, and put their stick on their head.
To release a stuck player another player needs to pass the ball
through the stuck players legs
Lesson 2: Learn how to pass the ball
Warm up activity:
How do you hold the stick?
Trucks and trailors
Stand still passing
Show the children how to pass the ball by sliding (push pass),
reverse pass and hit
The ball stays with the stick until it is flicked to their partner

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

Put students in pairs

Stand 5 steps away from each other and lightly pass the ball to
each other
Instruct them to push pass, reverse pass and hit
When they improve, you can take a step out

Moving passes
In pairs, get students to dribble to ball in a circle with their friend
walking opposite them and then slide pass it to them, and so
Change directions
If struggling, they can stand still
Conclusion: (ask class)
What was our main objective in this lesson?
Is it easy passing? Was it easier when you were walking in the
How do you look when you hit the ball?
Extension activity: Stuck in the mud
Aim: Moving the ball, spaceial awareness with the ball
Get two or three Mud Monsters (catchers) with bibs
The rest of the class needs a stick and a ball and dribble
All the children MUST WALK
The mud monsters will go round and touch the other children
making those children Stuck
The stuck child will stop, put their foot on the ball to stop it
rolling, open their legs wide, and put their stick on their head.
To release a stuck player another player needs to pass the ball
through the stuck players legs
Lesson 3: Learn how to pass the ball whilst travelling up the field and to
shoot with accuracy
Warm up activity:
Trucks and trailers
Shooting circle
Organise class into groups of 5 and have them in a semi-circle
with a stick and a ball
Mark out a goal at the end and have them each shoot for goal
and then take a step out once they get 3

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

Shooting with a goalie

In groups of 3, do the same except one person will be a goalie
and try to stop the goals
Once you have had three shots at goal- you need to swap and
take turns in being a goalie
Conclusion: (ask class)
What was our main objective in this lesson?
What did it feel like being the goalie?
Lesson 4: Learn how to tackle, intercept and defend the ball
Warm up activity:
Relay race- dribble half way and then hit the ball to your team
Demonstrate how to defend: Always hold stick with two hands and
never contact other player, always keep your eye on the goal
Piggy in the middle
Need groups of 7 (2 v 5) passing keep count of how many times
the defenders get the ball
In groups of three- you travel up the and down the field, and the
defender tries to get the ball, you return to the start
Conclusion: (ask class)
What was our main objective in this lesson?
What are the rules of tackling?
Is it easy to intercept?
Extension activity: Stuck in the mud
Lesson 5: To refine passing and shooting skills
Warm up activity: Square play
Set up a large square with markers and divide class into four
Their team mates are the ones standing across from them
When I say, students are to dribble the ball across the square to
their other team mates and then line up behind them

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

As both teams will be going at the same time, its important that
you DO NOT bump into the other team
When your team is done, all sit down

The bootlace
6 cones pet set (4 sets)
Lay cones out in a zigzag layout in front of a goal
Each cone needs to have a person standing by it
Pass the ball along the line, after each person has made their
pass, they need to go to the next cone (follow the pass)
When the ball reaches the last cone the person should have a
shot at goal
After shooting return to the back of queue
Shoot out

Students will take the dribble and shooting assessments

They will dribble through a set of cones to acquire a timed


Students will shoot at a goal to acquire a score

Assessment: Dribbling and Shooting time, accuracy and


Conclusion: (ask class)

What was our main objective in this lesson?
Are you feeling more confident?
What is anyone struggling with?
Extension activity: 2 v 2 game
Set up cones for small playing area- have back line the goals
Lesson 6: To practice and refine skills learnt so far
Warm up activity:1v1 dodge drill
Using the skills you have learnt, can you travel up the ground,
dodging and tricking your player
Steal the bacon
Divide class into 4 groups (6 each side) on 2 fields
Place two balls in the middle of each field
Each team starting at the end of each court, they are to race and

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

steal the bacon and then get the ball over the line where their
opponents started
Change speed, change direction
Set up 4 obstacles using 4 cones
Students are to weave in and out and shoot the ball back to their
team mates
Conclusion: (ask class)
What was our main objective in this lesson?
What have we learnt so far?
o Dribble
o Passing the ball left and right whilst travelling
o Moving the ball up the field
o Shooting
o How to tackle, intercept and defend the ball
Lesson 7: To understand the game, positions and discuss the qualities of a
good team member
Brainstorm: What does it mean to be a good team mate?
In the classroom, talk about the hockey field and positions:
Draw the field on the white board refer to work sheet

I am the Match Official and so is Miss. Sagaran

Teams of 6, one goalie and 1 coach
Rock, paper, scissors to see what team starts with the ball in the
Can be passed in any direction once I blow my whistle
The non-scoring team starts with the ball in the middle once a
team has scored
Each team must be positioned in their own half ofthe pitch and
the opposing players must be a minimum of 3metres from the
ball until the ball is played
A penalty goal will be awarded if adefending player deliberately
stops a ballfrom crossing the goal-line with their feet or body
A free-pass is given when an offence occurs
All free passes must be taken from where the offence took place
If an offence takes place everyone has to be 3 metres away from
the ball
A free-pass is awarded when:
o The ball passes completely over a side line.
o The ball passes completely over the back line and was last
touched by an attacker.

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

o If a player kicks, picks up, throws, or carries the ball

o Holds, charges, kicks, pushes, intentionally trips or strikes
any player
o Interferes with another players stick or clothing
o Plays the ball dangerously or in a way which leads to
dangerous play
Warm up activity:
Play fruit salad (stick, ball, tackle, pass)
All stand in a circle and when your word is called out, you have to
dribble around the circle
Set up 3 small fields
4 v 4 without goalies
3 v 3 with goalies
Pause game half way through
What is happening? Are you working as a team?
What is hard?
What is easy?
How could we change it?
Conclusion: (ask class)
What was our main objective in this lesson?
Lesson 8: To play in positions, and work as a team
Warm up activity:
Sprints, high knees, long steps, hopping and stretch

Set up 3 small fields

4 v 4 without goalies
3 v 3 with goalies

Cool down run

Conclusion: (ask class)
What was our main objective in this lesson?
Lesson 9: Apply all knowledge to play a full 10 minute game of noodle
stick hockey
Warm up activity:
Sprints, high knees, long steps, hopping and stretch

Jessie Woldt


Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

6v6 game (2 games)

5 minute halves
Score game

Conclusion: (ask class)

What was our main objective in this lesson?

Balanced Attack Stance

Explanation: A well balanced attack stance is vital for

any player learning the game. This is because being in
this point of balance in relation to the ball will allow
players to pass or shoot the ball in any direction, stop
suddenly and dribble quickly whilst keeping the ball
under control at all times.
Description: When setting up in the balanced attack
stance position both shoulders and feet should be
facing the ball. The feet should be about shoulder
width apart with the weight on the balls of the feet,
and knees flexed. The hips should also be lowered
Make sure the head is forward, try to keep it above the
knees and steady. Bend forward, leading with the
shoulders, towards the ball.
Keep arms out in front of the body. Hands should be
separated with the right hand near the bottom of the
grip and the left hand at the top of the grip.
Keep the head of the stick on the ground and close to
the ball when in possession.


Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

Explanation: The hit is mainly used to send the ball

a long distance and for scoring because of the power
and speed that can be generated on the ball. This is
a very important shot as one hit can take 2 or 3
opponents out of the game instantly, can switch play
from wing to wing or back to front, and is the most
often used stroke to score a goal.
Description: In preparation for the hit a players left
shoulder should be pointing at the target, with their
head down and over the ball. The feet should be
shoulder width apart, with the ball in line with the
front (left) foot. The weight should be evenly
distributed between the balls of the feet, knees
bent, and hands in the shake-hands grip but both
at the top of the grip.
To execute the shot the left arm should be almost
straight, and the right arm a little flexed with the
elbow tucked in. Once in this position start
transferring body weight forward onto the left leg
and hip as swinging down with the stick. Players
hands and wrists should be aligned at the bottom of
the swing, and the head of the stick should strike the
back, lower half of the ball.
In the follow through all body weight should be
transferred onto the front leg, knees should remain
flexed, and eyes on the ball when striking and watch
it start its journey. The arms and stick should finish
in line with the target.

Quick Hit

Explanation: This shot is frequently used because

defenders generally don't give forwards much time to
prepare. So this shot is all about a quick, short back
swing to strike the ball instantly and still produce
enough power to beat the goalkeeper.
Description: In preparation for this shot players need
to make sure they know where the goal is, and where
the opponents are positioned. Move the feet quickly to
get into position, and point the left shoulder at the

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

target. Stand so that the left foot is in line with the

ball, and the knees are flexed. Keep the head down
and over the ball, and make a short, quick back swing
using the forearms and wrists.
For this hit use a clip grip. A clip grip means having
both hands together and low on the handle. From the
normal shake-hands grip slide the left hand down
the handle to meet the right hand, this aids the quick
strike. Transfer body weight to the front leg, and when
striking the lower half of the ball the wrists and hands
should be aligned and out in front of the body.
Even after striking the ball it is important to keep the
head down, and knees bent. The arms and stick should
follow through in line with the target.

1. Could use different colored cups and tell students at which color to aim.
2. Could use different colored cups for each team to aim at.
3. Could divide class into small groups of 4-6. Have 2-3 students stand on
each side of several cups. Play the game the same way.
4. Could do same game using partners instead of groups.
Adaptations for Students with Disabilities:
Students with disabilities can use shorter sticks or larger balls to make it
easier for them to hit the ball with the stick.

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

Name: ________________________
Assessment Hockey Skills
Knees bent
Holding the stick
Dribble control
Passing the ball
Shooting accuracy
Defending ability
Understanding of the
Playing the game




Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

Partner Hockey Task Sheet

My name is ___________________________________
I observed ___________________________________
Directions: Observe your partner dribbling and then striking with a hockey stick.
If your partner demonstrates the skill cue most of the time put a check in the box
next to the cue.
Hockey Dribbling:
When my partner dribbles the puck s/he...
Grips the stick with hands apart
Keeps eyes forwards
Keeps puck close to stick (soft taps)

Striking with Hockey Stick:

When my partner shoots a goal s/he...
Grips the stick with hands apart
Keeps his/her side to the target
Demonstrates an appropriate follow through
Keeps stick at waist level on follow through and
take away

Hockey Partner Pass:

My partner and I can pass a puck back and forth ________ times in 30 seconds
from 20 feet away.
Trial 1 __________
Trial 2 __________

Jessie Woldt

Years 2-5

Field Hockey Unit

Student name: ______________

Hockey Dribbling Assessment Sheet
Hockey dribbling: Do this on your own
Practice dribbling the ball by moving throughout general space. When you hear the stop signal, stop, mark down
on the sheet how well you did with the cues listed below.

When dribbling Always




I used small taps

to keep the ball
I bent my knees
I looked for open

Hockey dribbling: Do this with your partner

Partners name: ______________

Watch your partner move throughout general space. When you hear the stop signal record your partners scores.
Then switch roles.

When dribbling Always

I used small taps
to keep the ball
I bent my knees
I looked for open



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