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1082015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Painel Sair A Catholic perspective on the world by Carrie Tomko. Wednesday, December 29, 2004 DIVINE FEMININE IN ISLAM an article at, From the article: Islam and the Divine Feminine peNkaLai katalikkirén So often has Islam been portrayed as an exclusively masculine, patriarchal faith that many have never suspected the central importance of the Feminine in Islam and would be astonished to realize that it has been there from the beginning. Perhaps in part due to the metaphysical interiority of the Feminine, this aspect of Islam has lived a largely hidden existence — but it isno less vital for that. In recent years there has been much discussion and controversy over how to reshape Christianity to include the Feminine on the divine level, but in Islam that has never been an issue, for the feminine element in Islam has always been present, especially in Sufism. Although both masculine and feminine equally have their origin in the Divine, | would like to take a special look at the feminine in Islam to help redress the balance because the feminine side of Islam has been mostly overlooked so far. Moreover, in the sources of Islam and in the Sufi tradition growing from there, we find a distinct, explicit preference for the feminine aspect of Allah, especially the nature of ultimate Divine Reality as essentially feminine. ... Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine [weblog ‘Cammenti £5 # St Bloo'sParith 2 >> News Aljazeera Beliefnet Cathcon CathNews Chiesa Christian Order Club of Budapest News Crisis - Late Edition Catholic World News C-Fam Friday Fax Database of Alleged Abusers 30Days EWTN Esoterica Journal Forum 18 1s 1082015 ‘Sill Running Of atthe Keyboard Feminine Terms of Divinity Some of the key terms associated with the Divine are in the feminine gender in Arabic. Three of them are essential to understand the feminine dimension in Islam. One of Allah's names is al-Hakim, the Wise; Wisdom is hikmah. In Arabic to say, for example, "Wisdom is precious," you could repeat the feminine pronoun: al- hikmah hiya thaminah, literally ‘Wisdom, she is precious." This has resonance with the forgotten Christian mystical tradition, in which Wisdom is personified as a woman, the divine Sophia, associated with the Virgin Mary. The second term is rahmah (mercy), related to the most important name of God after Allah: al-Rahmdn, the All- Merciful, related to the word for womb’, rahim, the source of life. The source of life is the Divine Mercy and the feminine aspect of it is very evident. The third, the most remarkable of all, is the word for the Divine Essence itself: al-Dhat, which is also feminine. In that the Divine Essence is Beyond-Being, unmanifest and transcending all qualities, it may be understood as Feminine. The renowned Sufi master Najm al-Din Kubra wrote of the Dhat as the "Mother of the divine attributes." According to a commentary on Ibn al-‘Arabis Fusds al-hikam, a hadith of Prophet Muhammad "gave priority to the true femininity that belongs to the Essence.” Ibn al-‘Arabi himself wrote that "I sometimes employ the feminine pronoun in addressing Allah, keeping in view the Essence.” Sophia as a feminine apparition was the source of Solovievs theology. Today heretical material is being passed off to Catholics as orthodox based on the idea that wisdom is a feminine form of divinity, and calling it "Sophia." This feminine divinity is not the Holy Spirit of the Trinity. She is a construction out of a faith that has traditionally been opposed to Catholicism. It would seem that Eastern Orthodoxy stands somewhere at the midpoint between Catholicism and Islam on this concept of Sophia. Here is a website that demonstrates the problem. 4 posted by Carrie : Wednesday, December 29, 2004 Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine Haarets, Isreal News The Hiram Web Holy See Press Office John Allen Lifesite NSNBC New Oxford Review Novus Ordo Watch Orthodox Church in America San Francisco Faith Seattle Catholic Spero News Spirit Daily The Agonist The Fact Is Vatican Television What the Cardinals Believe World Wide Religious News Zenit Legal Guide for Bloggers Rules for Polite ‘Commenting Blogs The Archangel Report Bill Cork--Ut Unum Sint Catholic Neocon Observer Tom Herron Charles de Nunzio--Annals of the 9th Crusade 29 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Tuesday, January 04, 2005 Constance Cumbey - My Perspective THE CENTRALITY OF THE DIVINE FEMININE IN ISLAM Charles S- Liberty aad Some excerpts from the article: Domenico Bettinelt, Jr Berinet Earl Appleby--Life Matters! Before the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad, brought the religion of Islam to Arabia, the Arabs were a polytheistic Earl Appleby--Times Against people....Ancient Indian Vedic texts refer to Makkah as a Humanity place where Alla the Mother Goddess was worshiped. In Etenas-My Domestle church Sanskrit, Alla means "mother." . Envoy Magazine--Envoy The ancient Arabs prayed to...lesser gods and goddesses Encore to intercede before Allah and to pass their desires on to Allah. As part of their religious practices, they visited First Things--On the Square Makkah. In Makkah was a cube-like building known as the Ka’ba. This temple contained three hundred sixty idols. ... Fr. Bryce Sibley--Saintly ‘Salmagundi The identity of the Black Stone with the Great Goddess Fr. John Sistare--'Not So and with the moon is recognized by the Hulama - Quiet Catholic Corner rationalist school of Islam. Ignatius Insight Scoop Inside the Ka'ba there were fresco paintings including those of Abraham and the "Virgin Mary’ with the baby John Paul II--The Pope Blog Jesus. When Muhammad retook Makkah he began a The Le Floch Report program of removing the pagan influences from the Ka‘ba...he specifically left on the walls a fresco of the Mark Sullivan--Irish EUk “Virgin Mary” and her child. Maureen Mullarkey--Studio Sufism cherishes the esoteric secret of woman, even Matters though Sufism is the esoteric aspect of a seemingly Oswald Sobrino--Catholic patriarchal religion. Analysis Pope Benedict XVI Divine Feminine has always been present in Islam. ... Robert Duncan: Sufism, or as some would define it “mystical Islam" has Sanctificarnos always honored the Divine the Sufi, Allah has always been the Beloved and the Sufi has always Threshing Grain been the Lover. ... Ibn al-'Arabi wrote a collection of poems...These are love poems that he composed after meeting the learned and Atom Feed beautiful Persian woman Nizam in Makkah. The poems are filled with images pointing to the Divine Feminine. His book _Fusus al-hikam_, in the last chapter, relates that man’s supreme witnessing of Allah is in the form of the woman during the act of sexual union. ... E-mail me Fatima is regarded by some Sufis and theologians as the first spiritual head...of the Sufi fellowship. Inipcarietomke togspot com trisearcheefenirine Kg 1082015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard The Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine express two very distinct aspects of Allah. ... It is stated by some Sufi Sheikhs (Masters) that Sufism originally was named Sophia, which connects Sufism with the Christian Gnostic tradition, in which Wisdom is personified as. a woman, the divine Sophia. The physical mother of Jesus was an external image of manifestation of the Virgin Sophia, the word "Sophia" stemming from Sophos (wisdom). The Gnostics, whose language was Greek, identified the Holy Spirit with Sophia, Wisdom; and Wisdom was considered female. The Virgin was closely associated by the early church with Wisdom, the cathedral church at Constantinople, while the ascension of the Virgin Mary refers to the passing of Wisdom into Immortality. The litany of the Blessed Virgin contains the prayer “Seat of Wisdom, pray for us. Sufi, ibn al-Arabi, saw a young girl in Makkah surrounded by light and realized that, for him, she was an incarnation of the divine Sophia. ... .-.(Prophet of God - Muhammad) understood that his gnosis was bestowed upon him from the Divine Feminine. Fatima was given the title of “az-Zahraa” which means “the Resplendent One.” That was because of her beaming face, which seemed to radiate light. However, others, who must keep their beliefs prudently concealed, know the Prophet Muhammad's daughter as "Fatima Fatir”. In Her own sacred words She utters the truth, “There is no God beside me, neither in divinity nor humanity, neither in the Heavens nor on earth, outside of me, who am Fatima - Creator."... One of the primary goals of the Sufi is to reawaken the body to an awareness of it being an expression of the divine. The body is not basically sinful (as in the Roman Catholic Church's conception of Original Sin) in Islam, rather the body is the seat of the highest reality created by Allah in the whole universe. To understand the Divine Feminine in Sufism, it is helpful to understand a few basics of Tantra Yoga. ... The basic tenet of Tantrism is that matter, and therefore the body, is also a manifestation of Sakti power, that is, the power emanating from the feminine aspect of Divine Reality. In the domain of the spiritual life, the same term Sakti signifies the celestial energy that allows one to enter into contact with the Divinity. ... Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine [pFree Hit Counters Free Counter ARCHIVES 14/11/2001 - 14/18/2001 10/17/2004 - 10/24/2004 10/24/2004 - 10/31/2004 10/31/2004 - 14/07/2004 14/07/2004 - 14/14/2004 11/14/2004 - 14/21/2004 11/21/2004 - 11/28/2004 11/28/2004 - 12/05/2004 12/05/2004 - 12/12/2004 12/12/2004 - 12/19/2004 12/19/2004 - 12/26/2004 12/26/2004 - 01/02/2005 01/02/2005 - 01/09/2005 01/09/2005 - 01/16/2005 01/16/2005 + 01/23/2005 01/23/2005 - 01/30/2005 01/30/2005 - 02/06/2005 02/06/2005 + 02/13/2005 02/13/2005 - 02/20/2005 02/20/2005 - 02/27/2005 02/27/2005 - 03/06/2005 03/06/2005 - 463 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard There is a form of Tantra, entitled "Kundalini Tantra”. This is the Yoga of sexual intercourse. ... What ties Tantra to Sufism is contained in the symbolism of Prophet Muhammadss nighttime ascent to Heaven. The Prophet ascended on al-Buraq, a riding beast with the head of a woman, through the seven heavens to the Throne of God. Hadith relates that the Prophet's bed was still warm when he returne: The Sufic explanation of the fact that the Prophet's bed was still warm, is that Muhammad (Peace be upon him) was making this journey while having sexual intercourse with his wife Khadijah. ... Sometimes when the Divine Feminine is realized in all Her Splendor, She so transforms her devotees that their forms of worship are transformed also. Hence Islamic and Sufi groups arise that are considered heretical to mainstream Islamic and Sufi belief structures through attention and study of the feminine aspects of divinity. The concept that Allah is the feminine form of the Ultimate Reality is the inner secret of the most esoteric mysteries of Islam. Ibn ‘al-‘Arabi pronounced: "True divinity is female, and Makkah is the womb of the Earth.” Because he said the godhead was feminine, they accused Ibn al-‘Arabi of blasphemy. That's just an overview. There's a lot more in the article. According to the author's bio, he was initiated as a Sufi Dervish in 1980 and has been a student of Sufism for more than two decades 4 posted by Carrie : Tuesday, January 04, 2005, Saturday, October 29, 2005 MORPHING THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY INTO SOPHIA The website of Spiral Goddess presents in pictures and short captions the change in spirituality that is gaining prominence in the world. It describes in quick and easy to read terms what lan Begg, Margaret Starbird, and China Galland, among others, are convinced is the Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 03/13/2005 03/13/2005 - 03/20/2005 03/20/2005 - 03/27/2005 03/27/2005 - 04/03/2005 04/03/2005 - 04/10/2005 (04/10/2005 - 04/17/2005 04/17/2005 - 04/24/2005 04/24/2005 - 05/01/2005 05/01/2005 - 05/08/2005 05/08/2005 - 05/15/2005 05/15/2005 + 05/22/2005 05/22/2005 - 05/29/2005 05/29/2005 - 06/05/2005 06/05/2005 - 06/12/2005 06/12/2005 - 06/19/2005 06/19/2005 - 06/26/2005 07/03/2005 - 07/10/2005 07/10/2005 - 07/17/2005 07/17/2005 - 07/24/2005 07/24/2005 + 07/31/2005 07/31/2005 + 08/07/2005 08/07/2005 - 08/14/2005 08/14/2005 + 08/21/2005 08/21/2005 - 08/28/2005 08/28/2005 - 09/04/2005 09/04/2005 - 09/11/2005 09/11/2005 - 09/18/2005 54 1082015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard nature of spiritual reality. Here you can read that the Blessed Virgin Mary represents the Divine Feminine, that when the Church suppressed the goddess, the people resurrected her in the form of the 09/25/2005 - Mother of Jesus, “the Christian version of the GreenMan.” The website talks about visions of the Virgin Mary and Black Madonnas, and claims that the title "Queen of Heaven” and “Queen of Angels" is really a designation of her divinity. It claims that images of the BVM and Jesus are merely a variety of Isis and Her Son Horus, Demeter and Her daughter Kore and other goddesses of ancient history, including the Earth Mother Goddess. They throw Mary Magdalene into the mix as the wife of Jesus. At the end the website notes that the Catholics want to name the Blessed Virgin as Co-Redeemer. | think it is significant that the proposition of Co-Redeemer is placed under a picture of a Blessed Virgin statue and ared rose. Rosicrucianism’'s use of the rose comes through in that picture. Next take a look at the website of the Sophia Foundation, a creation of Robert Powell, who is the translator of Valentin Tomberg’s. MEDITATIONS ON THE TAROT. Look specifically at the webpage that describes Sophia. Here you can read about Sophiology from the viewpoint of one of the more prominent contemporary Sophiologists. The power of devotion to Sophia, preeminently in the Orthodox Christian Church, is the inspiration of the Russian School of "Sophiology” that began in the late nineteenth century and continues to this day. Sophiology is closely connected to the life work of Vladimir Soloviev (1853 - 1900), one of Russia's greatest philosophers. Soloviev had three mystical experiences of Sophia, and these determined the central impulse and motivation for his entire life's work. Inspired by Soloviev, Pavel Florensky (1882 - 1937) and Sergei Bulgakov (1871 - 1944), both of whom were priests in the Russian Orthodox Church, developed Sophiology further in a systematic sense, drawing primarily upon the biblical Books of Wisdom and the Orthodox tradition of devotion to Sophia. It was their concern to elaborate a theology of Sophia that, while signifying an extension of Orthodox theology, would not conflict with it. In the meantime, in the West, interest in Sophia is growing. This accords with Soloviev’s prophetic vision of the approaching descent of Sophia. He expresses this vision in one of his poems: Let it be known: today the Eternal Feminine In an incorruptible body is descending to Earth In the unfading light of the new Goddess Heaven has become one with the depths. Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 09/18/2005 - 09/25/2005 10/02/2005 10/02/2005 - 10/09/2005 10/09/2005 - 10/16/2005 10/16/2005 - 10/23/2005 10/23/2005 - 10/30/2005 10/30/2005 - 14/06/2005 11/06/2005 - 14/13/2005 14/13/2005 - 14/20/2005 14/20/2005 - 14/27/2005 14/27/2005 - 12/04/2005 12/04/2005 - 12/11/2005 12/11/2005 - 12/18/2005, 12/18/2005 - 12/25/2005, 12/25/2005 - 01/01/2006 01/01/2006 - 01/08/2006 01/08/2006 - 01/15/2006 01/15/2006 - 01/22/2006 01/22/2006 - 01/29/2006 01/29/2006 - 02/05/2006 02/05/2006 - 02/12/2006 02/12/2006 - 02/19/2006 02/19/2006 - 02/26/2006 02/26/2006 - 03/05/2006 03/05/2006 - 03/12/2006 03/12/2006 - 03/19/2006 03/19/2006 - 4s uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Here we have returned full circle to Goethe's words 03/26/2006 concerning the Eternal Feminine. In Goethe's vision, the 03/26/2006 - Eternal Feminine, personified as the Queen of Heaven - 04/02/2006 essentially the Virgin Mary after her assumption into 04/02/2006 - heaven, as the Mater Gloriosa (Glorious Mother) - bade 04/09/2006 Faust, Come, rise to seek the higher sphere.” But unlike 04/09/2006 - Soloviev, Goethe does not refer to the Eternal Feminine 04/16/2006 as Sophia. Yet, in view of the deep relationship between 04/16/2006 - Sophia and the Virgin Mary, a central theme for some 04/23/2006 Sophiologists, Goethe's reference to the Eternal Feminine 04/23/2006 - can be interpreted in relation to Sophia. Seen in this 04/30/2006 light, a veiled image of Sophia was communicated by 04/30/2006 - Goethe in the West, and a few decades later a more 05/07/2006 explicit vision of Sophia was brought forward by Soloviev 05/07/2006 - in the East. However, whereas Soloviev indicated a 05/14/2006 descent of Sophia, Goethe refers to "the Eternal 05/14/2006 - Feminine lead [ing] us above.” 05/21/2006 05/21/2006 - 05/28/2006 05/28/2006 - Soloviev is frequently mentioned in connection with Sophiology. John 96/04/2006 Paul Il referred several times to Soloviev, and according to George 96/94/2006 - Weigel studied the Russian philosophers: 06/11/2006 06/11/2006 - As Pope, Karol Wojtyla nurtured his interest in Russia and (9/2008 the Russians through numerous channels. He read deeply 06/25/2006 in the writings of Vladimir Soloviev, the late nineteenth- 06/25/2006 - century Russian philosopher and theologian, a prophet of 7/3/2006 the reconciliation of Eastern and Western Christianity 07/02/2006 - with a marked millennial strain in his thoughts. John Paul 67/09/2006 also became familiar with the work of Russian religious 07/09/2006 - thinkers, once convinced Marxists, who had abandoned 07/16/2006 Marxism between the 1905 and 1917 revolutions while 07/16/2006 - warning both the government and the Russian Orthodox 07/23/2006 Church about the impending ctastrophe: Nicolai 07/23/2006 - Berdyaev, Sergei Bulgakov, and Simon Frank. These 07/30/2006 thinkers, and the work of theologians like Pavel 07/30/2006 - Florensky and Georges Florovsky, whom he read in 08/06/2006 French or Polish translations, familiarized the Pope with 08/13/2006 - the religious core of Russian culture and convinced him 08/20/2006 that Russia had much to give the world. [WITNESS TO 08/20/2006 - HOPE, pp 568-569] 08/27/2006 08/27/2006 - 09/03/2006 Was John Paul Il convinced by the arguments for Sophiology? We cant {2/05/7006 - exactly ask him. It must be recognized that his devotion to the Dab aoe - Blessed Virgin, while being truly Catholic, wil also fit nicely into some. 09/10/2008 of the doctrines of Sophiology. 09/17/2006 - Powell also mentions Goethe in that quote above. Rudolf Steiner was 99/24/2006 an acknowledged expert in the writings of Goethe, and itis those 09/24/2006 writings that formed the basis of his Anthroposophy, a cosmology Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 79 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard developed out of Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy. Steiner was the 10/01/2006 - founder of the German Theosophical Society and chaired it untilhe 10/08/2006 broke with Blavatsky over the inclusion of Christ in the doctrines. He 10/08/2006 - was a Rosicrucian. 10/15/2006 10/15/2006 - At the Sophia Foundation website you can see the red rose and cross 10/22/2006 at the top of the website, the symbol of the Rosicrucian Order. 10/22/2006 - Rosicrucian teachings are contained in some of the upper degrees of 10/29/2006 Masonic systems. Knight of the Rose Croix is the 18th degree of 10/29/2006 - Scottish Rite, for instance. The world headquarters of Anthroposophy, 11/05/2006 Which Steiner designed, is called the Goetheanum. 11/19/2006 - 11/26/2006 Catholics and Sophiologists meet in MEDITATIONS ON THE TAROT. Fr. 11/26/2006 - Basil Pennington and Fr. Thomas Keaton, both of whom are principal 12/03/2006 figures in Monastic Interriligious Dialogue and the centering prayer 12/03/2006 - movement, have endorsed the book. Hans Urs von Balthasar wrote 12/10/2006 the Foreword, giving the book high praise. 12/10/2006 - 12/17/2006 Yet there is no way to introduce Sophiology into Roman Catholicism 12/17/2006 - without seriously distorting our doctrine. And it must be remembered 12/24/2006 that Sophiology comes out of visionary experiences, at least inthe 12/24/2006 - case of Vladimir Soloviev who was reading Kabbalah in a British 12/31/2006 museum the second time Sophia appeared to him. 12/31/2006 - 01/07/2007 Clearly there is a push for a world church. Clearly the Roman, 01/07/2007 - hierarchy is also pushing for some sort of world understanding of 01/14/2007 religion through interreligious dialogue. Those two facts cannot be 01/14/2007 - denied. Are both systems attempting the same thing? Attempting two 01/21/2007 ‘opposing systems? There is no way to know right now, but this 01/21/2007 - organization of Archbishop John, with its links to Canada and the U.S. 01/28/2007 and it's home in the Medjugorje movement would tend to hint ata__01/28/2007 - combined system that will incorporate Gnosticism into Roman 02/04/2007 Catholicism. The Charismatic movement can hardly be overlooked in 02/04/2007 - connection with this, and it must also be remembered that 02/11/2007 meditation plays a large role in Catholic and Gnostic systems, as well 02/11/2007 - as it does in the work of the monks, some of whom are Catholic and 02/18/2007 some of whom are not, but all of whom seem to be coming together 02/18/2007 - under one spiritual umbrella. 02/25/2007 02/25/2007 + Post-denominationalism replacing Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, 03/04/2007 Protestantism, and Gnostic schools of thought? It certainly looks as 03/04/2007 - though that is the cutting edge of religious thinking today...all in the 03/11/2007 name of peace. How will Jesus Christ emerge from this? Will He be 03/11/2007 - replaced by a woman co-redeemer, or be said to share the 03/18/2007 redemption stage with her? 03/18/2007 - 03/25/2007 The question we all must answer is “Who do you say that |am?"The 03/25/2007 - answer Christ found acceptable, "You are the Christ, Son of the Living 04/01/2007 God,” seems to be falling out of favor on the earthly religious 04/01/2007 - landscape. 04/08/2007 04/08/2007 - Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! 04/15/2007 04/15/2007 - Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard 4 posted by Carte : Saturday, October 28, 2005 04/22/2007 04/22/2007 - 04/29/2007 04/29/2007 - 05/06/2007 Friday, December 31, 2004 05/06/2007 - 05/13/2007 05/13/2007 - 05/20/2007 DIVINE FEMININE IN ISLAM 05/20/2007 - 05/27/2007 This is a continuation of my post from last Wednesday that reported 05/27/2007 - on an article at that reported on "Islam and the 06/03/2007 Divine Feminine”. Here is the author's website sent in by a reader. 06/03/2007 - Certainly paints a novel picture of Sufism. 06/10/2007 06/10/2007 - Here in one of the webpages linked you will find the article "The 06/17/2007 Return of Lilith: Reintegration, the Dark Feminin: ni ifi Islam" 06/17/2007 - which says in part: 06/24/2007 06/24/2007 - 07/01/2007 These days, one of the most powerful archetypes being 07/01/2007 - revived in feminist religion is Lilith, archetype of the 07/08/2007 “dark” inner feminine. For ages she had been cast aside 07/08/2007 - and denigrated by patriarchal religion as a demoness, but 07/15/2007 now she is being looked at with renewed interest. To 07/15/2007 - anyone following Lilith’s career, it would be interesting 07/22/2007 to learn how she already had been rehabilitated 07/22/2007 - centuries ago in Islamic Sufi guise. She is known to 07/29/2007 ‘Muslims as Layla — of Layla and Majnun fame. 07/29/2007 - 08/05/2007 08/05/2007 - 08/12/2007 And: 08/12/2007 - 08/19/2007 08/19/2007 - In Christianity and Islam, something went wrong. Jesus and Muhammad were very kind to women and tried hard Oe . to remove patriarchal oppression of them. But after 09/02/2007 them, their followers reinstated patriarchal misogyny 09/02/2007 - full force. However, feminist mystics like me can still 09/09/2007 retrieve the original feminist spirit from the source of 09/09/2007 - the religion and bring it back to the forefront. 09/16/2007 The good news is that Sufism has recovered and oo OS ene - reintegrated the Dark Feminine side in the person of 09/23/2007 - Layla, whose name comes from the same Semitic root as " «name ° 09/30/2007 Lilith, meaning ‘night’. Layla is the name for God as a 09/30/2007 - beloved Woman in Sufi poetry, and Her name shows the 40/07/2007 embrace of the positive side of the night as the Dark 10/07/2007 - Mother, the love that overwhelms and heals the fear of 40/14/2007 the darkness. Kali means ‘black’ and Lilith/Layla refers to 10/14/2007 « the blackness of night, the power of the ultimate Divine 40/21/2007 Feminine to dissolve all forms. Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard 10/21/2007 - We must adore the Divine Feminine in all women and 10/28/2007 must never give into the temptation to demonize women. 10/28/2007 - 11/04/2007 11/04/2007 - 11/11/2007 Is this the modern face of Sufi Traditionalism? My, my...1 bet this 44/11/2007 - author would be very much in tune with Cheryl Rose's Black Madonnas 44/18/2007 tour. She would certainly find kinship with China Galland and her book 44/48/2007 - Longing for Darkness: Tara and the Black Madonna_. 44/25/2007 11/25/2007 - She mentions the Traditionalist author Henry Corbin inher article: 42/92/2007 12/02/2007 - 12/09/2007 In Sufism, the “darkness” of Layla does not come across as 12/09/2007 - something nefarious or threatening. It can even be 12/16/2007 luminous-the experience of the "Black Light" (see Henry 12/16/2007 - Corbin, _The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism_). 42/23/2007 12/23/2007 - 12/30/2007 When a religion dips into sacred sex, temple prostitution is alogical «12/30/2007 - arrangement so that Tantra can be practiced. The author has a tink 01/06/2008 fon her home page for an article on “Islam and Tantra’. Aleister Onis aob8 Crowley demonstrated where the practice of Tantra takes faith. The 91/13/2008 article itself fs an example of comparative religions, and in this case 1/13/2008 Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, and Sufism are all discussed. This 91/20/2008 kind of interretigious dialogue has the potential of uniting Traditionat 01/20/2008 religions into a degenerate worldview. 1/27/3008 - Thanks to a reader for sending in the link. area ates - Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! eae - 02/17/2008 02/17/2008 - 1 posted by Cane: Friday, December 31, 2004 abe - 03/02/2008 03/02/2008 - 03/09/2008 03/09/2008 - Tuesday, November 01, 2005 03/16/2008 03/16/2008 - 03/23/2008 03/23/2008 - SOPHIA AND GNOSTIC CHRISTIANITY 03/30/2008 03/30/2008 - Russian theologian Sergii Bulgakov developed the concept of 04/06/2008 Sophia/wisdom “as the nature of God revealed to creation.” He 04/06/2008 - reinterpreted the Trinity as well according to Dr. Mikhail Sereeevs 94/13/2008 paper presented at the World Congress of Philosophy in Boston, 04/13/2008 - August 1998: 04/20/2008 04/20/2008 - Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 104s uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Sophia, or God's nature, while remaining the same, in 04/27/2008 Bulgakov's view, discloses its different aspects in every 04/27/2008 - person of the Holy Trinity. He emphasizes that, without 05/04/2008 being a hypostasis itself, Sophia, is nevertheless always 05/04/2008 - hypostatized and cannot be separated from each of the 05/11/2008 hypostases as, for example, from the person of the Son 05/11/2008 - or Logos. Instead, Bulgakov points out, “The Divine Sophia 05/18/2008 is not just the Son... nor only the Holy Spirit either, but a 05/18/2008 - di-unity of the Son and the Holy Spirit as the one self- 05/25/2008 revelation of the Father.” 05/25/2008 - 06/01/2008 06/01/2008 - Apparently he didn't get his message across because Sophia has been ‘¢7ue/2008 - turned into a hypostasis by others. According to the Sophia 06/15/2008 Foundation of North America, in "the Septuagint, believed tohave 96/15/2008 - been completed by the second century B.C., the Hebrew word 06/22/2008 Chokmah was rendered as Sophia.” 06/22/2008 - 12912 Staying with a Hebrew train of thought, the explanation of Sophia “Yao9/2008 - continues: 07/06/2008 07/06/2008 - Solomon's relationship with Sophia was mystical, gnostic, a nobe - and magical: he was united with Sophia; he received 07/20/2008 divine knowledge from Sophia; and he accomplished 07/20/2008 - divine works through her help and guidance. 07/27/2008 07/27/2008 - 08/03/2008 08/03/2008 - What's more, according to the Sophia Foundation ay 10/2008 08/10/2008 - Solomon was guided and inspired by Sophia regarding the 08/17/2008 plan and design of the temple. He summoned the master 08/17/2008 - builder, Hiram of Tyre, who built the temple, “an exalted 08/24/2008 house, a place for the Lord to dwell in forever" (Kings 08/24/2008 - 8:13). The temple of Solomon represented a culmination 08/31/2008 of the sacred work of Sophia accomplished in pre- 08/31/2008 - Christian times through her guidance of certain leading 09/07/2008 representatives revered by the people of Israel (Adam, 09/07/2008 - Noah, Abraham, Lot, Jacob, Joseph, Moses). "She 09/14/2008 prospered their works" (Wisdom 11:1). Seen in this light, 09/14/2008 - it would appear that the pre-Christian revelation of 09/21/2008 Sophia culminated in the Wisdom of Solomon, for people 09/21/2008 - came to Solomon from far and wide, including the queen 09/28/2008 of Sheba, who saw “all the wisdom of Solomon, [and] the 09/28/2008 - house that he had built." (I Kings 10:4). 10/05/2008 10/05/2008 - 10/12/2008 10/12/2008 - Sophia in pre-Christian times could not have been the Sophia of the 10/19/2008 Trinity since the Son had not yet appeared on the world scene, and 10/19/2008 - the God of the Old Testament appears as a singular hypostasis. Only 10/26/2008 Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine Ms uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard later understanding of the Trinity could accommodate Bulgakov 10/26/2008 - explanation of Sophia as a connector between the Three Persons. Was 11/02/2008 wisdom personified in Old Testament Hebrew concepts? We have the 11/02/2008 - Scripture evidence that wisdom was considered feminine, but we also 11/09/2008 have the evidence that Judaism believed in One God. 11/09/2008 - 11/16/2008 The Sophia Foundation would like us to come to understand that the 11/16/2008 - Divine Feminine can be found in many religions. As we discover this, 11/23/2008 they hope that we will be led to "a more profound comprehension of 11/23/2008 - Sophia as the World Mother’ who has the possibility of establishing 11/30/2008 peace between the different religions, denominations, and cultures as 11/30/2008 - we enter into the Age of Aquarius. 12/07/2008 12/07/2008 - Are a Pagan concept of "World Mother” and a Roman Catholic concept 12/14/2008 of the Blessed Virgin as mother of the human race find compatibility? 12/14/2008 - It is hardly a foregone conclusion, though some see compatibility in 12/21/2008 the two ideas. 12/21/2008 - 12/28/2008 Turning to another source of teaching on Sophia, called "Meditations," 12/28/2008 - the Ecclesia Gnostica website offers Gnostic homilies delivered by 01/04/2009 Rev. Steven Marshall, one of which is titled "A Homily for The 01/04/2009 - Annunciation to our Lady”. There we can learn that 01/11/2009 01/11/2009 - 01/18/2009 1) The Jesus of the Gnostics is a post-resurrectional 01/18/2009 - mystery figure, the living Jesus, and is primarily a spirit, 01/25/2009 a pneuma. The Gnostic Jesus was not a person who died 01/25/2009 - and disappeared, never to be heard of again, but an ever 02/01/2009 present reality in the inner life of his Gnostic followers, 02/01/2009 - the ever coming and redeeming Logos. Therefore 02/08/2009 historical descriptions or theological speculations 02/08/2009 - regarding any physical phenomena of conception and 02/15/2009 birth are of little consequence to the religious 02/15/2009 - experience of the Gnostics. 2) In contrast to the 02/22/2009 dominant paradigm about women in early times the 02/22/2009 - Gnostics do not view maternity as the principle value of 03/01/2009 the feminine. By the importance given to Mary Magdalene 03/22/2009 - in the Gnostic writings, we can see that women signify 03/29/2009 the conceivers and birth givers of a deeply spiritual 03/29/2009 - process in the life of the Gnostic, a role far transcending 04/05/2009 their biological role of conceiving and bearing children. 04/05/2009 - Also, the Gnostics tend to view conception and birth as 04/12/2009 more of a tragedy than a joyful event. Many Gnostic writings identify incarnation with death and ignorance, as opposed to life and consciousness. Is this the thinking motivating the feminist movement?--But that's off- topic. Rev. Marshall associates Sophia with the Blessed Virgin: Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 1M uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Mary hears the voice of her angelic and divine soul; she follows the Light which is above every power of the Father. In the story of Sophia, Sophia errs in following the false light of the Arrogant One. Leaving her consort, she brings forth the Demiurge, an imperfect god who is responsible for all of the tragedy of the human condition. Marshall relates in his homily that "In the Pistis Sophia [a Gnostic scripture], Mary conceives spiritually through the accepting of the Redeemer as the soul of the child in her womb.” Rev. Marshall indicates further that "In this fashion Mary takes on the culmination and embodiment of the redemptive role and destiny of the Holy Sophia.” Should there be any doubt about the Gnostic value of Sophia, he writes: Sophia is very important to us. Everything we do in this Church can be viewed as a cover for her acknowledgment and recognition in a culture where in times past the right to do so was paid for with our lives. Witches were not the only ones who were burned in the inquisition. Before them the last remaining Gnostics of European culture, the Cathars, were hunted down and burned as heretics. We are the hidden Children of Sophia. We are the protectors and guardians of her secret Gnosis. We acknowledge the darkness of this world and that, even in this more enlightened age, we could be imperiled and persecuted for her sake. And yet, in this place of darkness we have known her light. As in the prophetic verse of Isaiah, "They that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.” These mysteries are within us. We can experience the conception of Christ within our own souls. In Gnostic doctrine Sophia becomes a feminine being. Rev. Marshall also indicates that Lourdes, Fatima and Medjugorje point "to an increased activity of the divine feminine in the collective psyche.” Explaining a Gnostic interpretation of the Annunciation further, Rev. Marshall writes: Applying the hyletic level of reality to the mystery of the Annunciation, we are dealing with a reconstructed history of earthly events. The Gospel of Philip seems to profess the position that Mary was a real woman who had Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard sexual intercourse with a real man in the process of conceiving and giving birth to Jesus. “The Lord would not have said, My father in heaven,’ if he had not had another father, but he would have said simply my father.” (The Gospel of Philip) Although the various Gnostic sects differed in their emphasis concerning the physical versus the spiritual reality of Jesus, the virgin conception and virgin birth were viewed as spiritual rather than physical realities by most of them. Gnosticism, based as it is on occult experiences of visions, locutions, automatic writing, clairvoyance, etc., is not a doctrine set in stone. Each Gnostic decides for himself what he will believe and what he will not believe There really is no set doctrine for everyone. In Rev. ‘Marshall's description of the Annunciation he clarifies further: To further point us in the direction for discovering the pneumatic reality, the Gospel of Philip intimates that something is missing from the conventional creed of the mainstream Church about the conception of Christ: "Some said Mary conceived of the Holy Spirit. They are in error. They do not know what they are saying. When did a woman ever conceive of a woman.” Not only does this passage affirm that the Holy Spirit is a female power but it also acknowledges that a masculine polarity is necessary for the conception to occur. In the announcement of Gabriel, the angel describes two spiritual powers rather than one. "The Holy Spirit (the Mother) shall come upon thee and the power of the Highest (the Father) shall overshadow thee.” Jesus had a mother and father according to matter--the hyletic reality. He also had a mother and father according to spirit--the pneumatic reality. What distinguishes this from the theological explanations of psychic [mental, that is intellectual] Christianity is that it comes from the Gnostics' direct experience of their own spiritual mother and spiritual father. Unless we also have this experience, then it remains merely another belief. The Gnostics are not averse to acknowledging Marian apparitions. They simply give them a Gnostic interpretation: The appearances of the Virgin at Lourdes, Fatima and Medjugorje in recent times points to an increased activity of the divine feminine in the collective psyche. When in 1950 the Pope proclaimed the Dogma of the Assumption of the Virgin, it was not just an exercise in ecclesiastical authority but predicated upon the personal visions and Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 14s oars Sill Running Of atthe Keyboard experiences of himself and others. Stephan A. Hoeller, Bishop of the Gnostic Catholic Church, gives us a further look into the direction Gnostic Christianity is going. In an online paper titled “Goddesses, Yes Goddess No!: The Feminine and Multi-Centered God Image” he writes: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam have fixated their spiritual imaginations upon the image of God as a unitary supreme reality--an image which excludes diversity and plurality. The rising feminist consciousness of our era has identified one result of this view of God as “Patriarchy” and taken exception to it. The remedy suggested for this is the replacement of the solitary male God with a Goddess, or, as she is frequently called, "the Goddess.” The question | wish to ask here is, what if the principal fault should not so much be with the gender of our God, but with the fact that he is seen as single and solitary? One might even argue that the masculine orientation of society and religion is but a result of a much more fundamental issue, that of monotheism. It may be that the one-dimensional norm of our culture can be traced not to the fact that we think of the deity as male, but to the fact that we think of it as one. He goes on to site Nietzsche and the theologians Richard Niebuhr, Thomas Altizer and William Hamilton as sources that dare to claim God is dead and propose polytheism. There is opposition, as Hoeller acknowledges: The demise of the monotheistic God cannot be asserted without arousing the often violent opposition of those who are wedded to such shibboleths as “The Lord our God is One" and "There is no God but God.” And even those who evaluate their traditions in terms that are chiefly mystical are rarely disposed to give up their monotheistic fixations. Thus many devotees of mystical Islam intend to elevate the image of the singular personal God to the status of a universal and all-encompassing Oneness. But monotheism, even when disguised as monism, still tends to retain its original shortcomings. The best way to surmount such difficulties, it would seem is the way offered by psychology, which by detheologizing metaphysical concepts and by demonstrating their reality in the psyche, lifts them out of the realm of dogma. Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 153 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Voila! We have moved from Roman Catholicism to Gnostic Christianity. It takes only a moment of thought to recognize that a lot of the Gnostic concept has moved into Roman Catholicism via the Marian movement. Channeling is the next logical step once Gnosticism secures a foothold through sanctioned visionary experiences for everyone. We Roman Catholics have come much closer than we realize through Pentecostal activities and the Charismatic Renewal to ‘embracing the Gnostic heresy. The Church was on far safer ground in the past when visionary experiences were considered to be rare and were tested by the Church before acceptance was given. Hoeller has laid out for us where this will lead-into goddess worship, and into polytheism. Before we say it could never happen, we must take into consideration the feminist movement in the Church especially as it manifests in the women’s religious communities. Goddess worship has taken hold there. Will polytheism be next? Or more realistically, will Sophia as a separate hypostasis of the Trinity embraced via Soloviev and Bulgakov who are taken up by Roman Catholics as a result of John Paul II's enthusiasm for Solovievss East-West union, gradually cause us to see the members of the Trinity as separate Gods? Unless someone puts on the brakes, | submit that is a real possibility, especially as Gnosticism grows in acceptance which it is doing presently through the words and actions of those who believe they are having heavenly visions, and through those who are unsatisfied with Catholic doctrine. As Hoeller puts it: ..-if we are sick of the vengeful and jealous God of our fathers, we should also take heed of the shadow side of the solitary Goddess whom some would resurrect. Polytheism offers a way out of this dilemma. We adopt his claim that a jealous God of our fathers is necessarily sick and vengeful when we assert that "God is love" to the exclusion of His other traits. God is indeed love, but He is more than love, and we should not forget His judgment. Balance is always essential. Hoeller closes his argument for polytheism with this analysis: Our attachment to the monotheistic god image has caused us to repress many splendid archetypal deities. The wholeness, not only of our souls but of the world, requires us to invite these numinous beings to take their places in our religious and cultural lives. It would be best if in doing this we could refrain from trying to evoke a monotheistic feminine deity fashioned in the image of Jehovah, our long-time afflictor. Neitzsche’s Olympians exclaim in Thus Spake Zarathrustra, “Is not just this Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 103 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard godlike, that there are gods but no God?’ To which we may add “and that there are goddesses, but no Goddess!” Are we poised to travel Hoeller’s path--ready to take the plunge into polytheism? 1 would suggest that at least insofar as von Balthasar’s, Griffith's, Kropf's Pennington’s and Keating's approval of MEDITATIONS ON THE TAROT, we are. Adding weight to that argument is the evidence that within the Medjugorje movement there are people who are far less critical of visionaries than is required. The Sophia Goddess Blessed Virgin Mary of Archbishop John should not find a home in Roman Catholicism, but apparently she has. No doubt the Neocathars such as. James Twyman are pleased, as resurrecting occult experiences and replacing dogma and the priesthood with these experiences is very much on his agenda. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! 4 posted by Carrie : Tuesday, November 01, 2005 Wednesday, December 08, 2004 ANOTHER BAMFORD-STEINER BOOK at Amazon: !SIS MARY SOPHIA: HER JAISSION AND OURS. Note the description: The rebirth of the feminine surrounds us in many forms—from the worldwide movement for women’s rights to the resurgence of interest in the feminine spirituality of the Goddess and the Divine Mother. What is the spiritual meaning behind this rebirth? What is the feminine divine? Who is she? She has had many names in many cultures: Ishtar in Babylon, Inanna in Sumeria, Athena, Hera, Demeter, and Persephone in Greece, Isis in Egypt, Durga, Kali, and Lakshmi in India. She is the Shekinah of the Kabbalists and the Sophia, or Divine Wisdom of the gnostics. Rudolf Steiner called her Anthroposophia—Divine Wisdom who descended from the spiritual world and passed through humanity to become the present goal and archetype of human wisdom in the cosmos. This book contains most of what Steiner had to say about Sophia. We see him “midwifing” the birth of the Sophia, the new Isis, divine feminine wisdom, in human hearts on Earth. Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine rs uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Each chapter explores the mystery of the various relationships of Sophia: Sophia and Isis, Sophia and the Holy Spirit, Sophia and Mary, the mother of Jesus (and Mary Magdalene), Sophia and the Gnostic Achamod, and Sophia and the New Isis. Above all, in a remarkable way, Steiner makes clear the relationship of Christ and Sophia: Isis-Sophia, Divine Wisdom, slain by Lucifer, Carried off on wings of world-wide forces into cosmic space, The Christ-Will working in us Will wrest Her from Lucifer, And on vessels of spiritual knowledge, Call Isis-Sophia, Divine wisdom, to new life in human souls. Can sacred sex be far behind? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! 4 posted by Carrie : Wednesday, December 08, 2004 Friday, January 14, 2005 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR I probably should send this to "New Oxford Review’ since | can't resist responding to a letter in the January NOR. But they don't accept email, and I'm lazy. So here goes... First the letter, since it isn't ontine: HOW WOMEN CAN LOSE RESPECT A New Oxford Note (Oct., pp.13-14) quotes and expands upon the contention of Bryce Christensen that most children now in effect have two fathers: the male one, and the female one who “now flexes her muscles” as co-breadwinner and mimics the male role to the detriment of traditional motherhood. | would like to add to that. Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 1s uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard A woman's femininity is also lessened (and with this, her motherly and wifely aura) by her dressing like a man. This has become such a part of our culture that she gives no second thought to choosing slacks, jeans, and pantsuits over skirts and dresses. If a man is seen in a dress, we immediately recognize it as a perversion. | witnessed this on a public bus in this liberal city of Ann Arbor when a man stepped onboard wearing a summery, printed dress. The driver, a woman, gasped, as did many of the riders. To some extent, immeasurable though it may be to our eyes (but not to God's), women who commonly wear pants have brought a change to the feelings of men toward women. Imitating men brings neither respect nor the softer feelings of gentlemanliness. This mimicking of men's wear can set her up as a competitor, and projects her as being hostile even to her own nature. It changes the dynamics of sexual attraction. A woman in a skirt presents herse(f as a mystery. In pants she is a crotch and buttocks. The first can suggest romance; the second, a cruder familiarity. J would also claim that it affects the romance of a marriage. Am | unusual when I say | feel a tenderness toward my wife when I see her dressed expressly as a woman, much more than when she wears blue Jeans or slacks? Every cell of our bodies proclaims us either male or female. We are different physically and psychologically. God made us that way for a purpose. We should enhance what we are, not hide it (I do not mean our physical nakedness, but our human sensitivities). ‘My plea to Christian women is this: Bring back your femininity by how you dress. Be distinctively women outwardly, as you are in the secret of your cells. By this return, you will again allow men their own distinctive outward identity, which has been muddied. And let us be done with the foolishness the feminists have foisted upon us. We are different. Find joy in our differentness (dare | say “diversity’?). Bring pleasing aesthetics back to your person, in color and contour and pleats and print. Bring back beauty, as only a woman can do. Donald C. Wilcox Ann Arbor, Michigan Well--from my vantage point of sitting before my computer screen in blue jeans... First of all - Jesus Ina dress. Like Marys (Ok. She has a veil. But still Does wearing a man's garment make Mary less feminine? Less Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 103 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard motherly? Less wifely? Or is it that Jesus is wearing a woman's garment, in which case Jesus is...? Clothing is culturally conditioned, It’s not a part of our DNA. You can look at my cells all day long under a microscope, and I guarantee you none of them are wearing dresses. I checked with my husband--does wearing slacks and jeans make me less feminine? He just laughed and wanted to know where | got such a notion. After he read the letter, he wondered how a man could look at a young woman in hip huggers and a cropped top and find her masculine. (He had some other things to say, too, but I'd better not put them here!) ‘My husband did take note of the fact that ladies in dresses climbing stairs are much more appealing to men’s vulgar instincts than are ladies doing the same thing in slacks. The letter writer, too, reveals those coarser instincts in his comment about “crotch and buttocks,” indicating that the crotch “suggests romance.” (Give me a break! There is no "romance" in the mind of a man gazing at that particular portion of a woman's anatomy!) It would be interesting to get the writer's reaction to Indian clothing. Are these women less feminine because they are wearing pants? Does this woman look masculine? Skirts are no guarantee of femininity, though a Lei might be, but not always Pants have not always been male attire. Once they wore stockings instead. Today a lady wears stockings. Does that make her masculine? Let's face it, pants are here to stay. When the little old ladies who grew up in skirts adopt a closet full of pants and shove the dresses out of the way, you know the trend isn't going anywhere soon. This culture has declared pants to be feminine when they appear on a female body, and the letter writer would do well to get used to it. 1 posted by Carrie : Friday, January 14, 2005 Monday, July 25, 2005 ADVENTURES IN CATHOLIC SPIRITUALITY Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 2043 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard While surfing Peter Koenig's website I came upon this page describing the "Programme of Construction and the Guiding Principles of the Gnostic Neo-Christians 0.7.0.” published in 1920. There you can read these passages: Mankind, tortured by the World War, needs a new faith, a new Christianity, and a new civilization built upon it. That the much praised European civilization and the Christian Church were unable to prevent the cruelties of this World War or the greed and hatred of the peace that was meant to end this world war, this alone is sufficient proof, that Christianity as it reigns to-day, and modern civilization it created, are no longer capable of living, and must be replaced by a new Christianity and a new civilization. That sentiment must have been common in Europe after the First World War because Rudolf Steiner expressed similar sentiments and helped to found churches that promote Anthroposophy called The Christian Community. Some of the principles outlined in the 0.T.0. Programme of Construction were surprising in light of the Roman Catholic debates ‘over sexual education in the Catholic schools, and the frustration of parents who believe their children’s morals are being corrupted by this curriculum. The Programme tells us: The Master Therion says: The act of love consummated with overflowing energy, under control of the Will, is the “Act of God", a ‘sacramental act", is "In-God-with-God-at-onement”. A man to whom it was granted to unite with God, under control of Will, in the godly, sacramental love-act, is a channel for the deity. Yet, says Liber Legis: ‘Although much is said in the law of highest Love, of enthusiastic, yielding, selfless, flaming, fiery, overflowing, love, there is no word about Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 243 1082015 ‘StH Ruming Off atthe Keyboard sentimental love". This also one has to ripen within oneself. Because the results are seen in a 1000 channels of earthly, daily life; they contribute to beautify it; they build a bridge to "Art". Love alone makes life bearable, Life, - otherwise so cold and often cruel. Youth must look upon the sexual organs as something holy right from early childhood. Their functions must be explained to boys and girls as “holy actions”, as soon as the mother notices that the sexual forces are beginning to appear. These doctrines must be given out by parents in the most natural manner from earliest childhood. And in school, men and women doctors, instead of the present teachers of religion, will exercise priestly office and teach doctrines with scientific basis as teachings for this life”. On the foundation laid by these physiologists (priestly doctors) the "teachings for the Other life” will be then given by doctors of the soul (spiritual priests). At the moment it is the other way around. From the earliest childhood children are crammed with otherworldly teachings and religious fables, which collapse completely which the child grows up, because the adult finds that they do not represent facts. This belated discovery produces a struggle in developed people, which brings an immense amount of unhappiness and misfortune for all that were misled in this fashion. People less advanced become liars and hypocrites, which encourages moral catastrophes and h as consequences such as we now have to witness at the end of the war. Therefore new morals have become essential. In future the doctor-priest, under the parents’ supervision, will teach children from earliest youth that the sex organs are holy, and that they have to be particularly guarded and protected, because in actions Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine Ks uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard which later on be done through these organs, invisible God will make himself manifest to Man. Because this act, accomplished with these organs, is a repetition on earth of God's original act of creation, in which God reveals himself to us, works through us, and through whose execution we always re new our union with God, and constantly create new beings, according to His will and command, “in his, image’. Fr. Rolheiser, call your office. In my daughter's parochial school, the public health nurse taught sex ‘education classes to the fifth grade. | sat in on one, discovered that the Catholic perspective on sexuality was not being given, and took my daughter out of the classes. | have to wonder how this occult concept preached by the Gnostic Catholic Church made its way into my daughter's Catholic school. Granted it was not a doctor who taught it, but a Public Health nurse was almost the equivalent. Could be coincidence, someone is going to say. The Gnostic Catholic Church was founded by Jules Doinel according to the History of the church by T. Apiryon. It was derived out of spirit commuication that took place during a seance: Doinel had long been associated with Lady Caithness, who was a prominent figure in the French Spiritist circles of the time, a disciple of Anna Kingsford, and leader of the French branch of the Theosophical Society. She considered herself a reincarnation of Mary Stuart; and interestingly, a Spiritist communication in 1881 had foreshadowed to her a revolution in religion which would result in a "New Age of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit.” Doinel’s Gnostic seances were attended by other notable occultists of various sects; including the Abbé Roca, an Ex-Catholic Priest and close associate of Stanislas de Guaita and Oswald Wirth. Communications from the spirits were generally received by means of a pendulum suspended by Lady Caithness over a board of letters. At one seance, Doinel received the following communication: "| address myself to you because you are my friend, my servant and the prelate of my Albigensian Church. | am Inipcarietomke togspot com trisearchgeeirine as uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard exiled from the Pleroma, and it is | whom Valentinus named Sophia-Achaméth. It is | whom Simon Magus called Helene-Ennoia; for | am the Eternal Androgyne. Jesus is the Word of God; | am the Thought of God. One day | shall remount to my Father, but | require aid in this; it requires the supplication of my Brother Jesus to intercede for me. Only the Infinite is able to redeem the Infinite, and only God is able to redeem God. Listen well The One has brought forth One, then One. And the Three are but One: the Father, the Word and the Thought. Establish my Gnostic Church. The Demiurge will be powerless against it. Receive the Paraclete." “Arevolution in religion which would result in a "New Age of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit”, and the name “Sophia” all brought forth in a channeled communication. They were prophetic. Today the revolution of Pentecostalism has spread around the globe. The Paraclete has been received by a great many. According to Webb, Doinel abandoned the Gnostic Catholic Church and returned to the Roman Catholic Church for a five-year period near the end of his life. During that period he was involved with Leo Taxil and wrote a book under the pseudonym of Jean Kotska. The book was titled LUCIFER DEMASQUE. It attacked occultism in general and in particular his own Gnostic Catholic Church. Leo Taxil is credited with writing the fraudulent "Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” (James Webb, THE OCCULT ESTABLISHMENT, Chapter 4) Whether Doinel’s accusations are any more reliable than Taxil’s probably cannot be determined. In any event, he reverted and was readmitted to the Gnostic Catholic Church before his death. The French Rosicrucian Movement incorporates that same information on Doinel in its history at this website. I tried Googling “Our Lady of the Holy Spirit” to see what would come up This did, There in the mission statement of La Ermita - The Hermitage, Inc. you can read: La Ermita formally came into existence December 27, 1994 when its founder rededicated his life to Sophia, the Holy Spirit, before the Abbot of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery and some members and friends. He is known as a hermit in the marketplace, a man who desires to integrate, well, the life of contemplative prayer with daily living in a world of work and problems. La Ermita is dedicated to proclaiming the Third Person of Inpcarietomke togspot com brisearch feminine 243 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, as the Divine Feminine of the Godhead, equal to the Father and the Son. She is the Spouse of the Father and the Mother of the Son, as well as the Divine Mother of the man Jesus. In order that She be accepted more fully as a Person of the Trinity, She wishes to be known as Sophia. La Ermita is also dedicated to help all experience a personal and intimate relationship with each of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity, the Father, Sophia and Jesus. There is no name on the webpage. I found the index for the website where the "brothers and sisters” link took me right back to the mission statement. The "Sophia, the Holy Spirit” link is interesting. Hard to say what religion is being promoted there exactly. It purports to be Catholic but the Catholicism certainly has a unique twist reminiscent of the Gnostic Catholic Church. | did notice that the icon by Robert Lentz is “used with permission.” Lentz is Catholic. Scan the titles of the links at the bottom. "The Holy Spirit as Feminine’, "Sophia & Mary, Are They One?’, "Holy Spirit /Divine Feminine’, "The Feminine Gender of the Holy Spirit”, "Our Cosmic Mother, Wisdom”. This is another gospel. They have a radio program. The second index webpage showcases another Catholic iconographer, Fr. John Giuliani, who has also given permission to use his image on this website. found the DVD and Audio CD webpage where there was an address. This organization is located in Macon, Georgia. The "Sex and Spirituality’ webpage seems to indicate that they are soft on masturbation, and on extramarital and homosexual sex: Likewise, a single man caressing tenderly, even sexually, his friend, sharing his love and respect for that person, sharing actions that are truly loving, actions that are not manipulative and controlling, is using his body as instrument of sharing love. If these actions are sharing love, then the law cannot forbid them. The law cannot forbid the sharing of love, provided that the person receiving the love is open to receive it. When sexual actions, be they with self or with others, are accepted in the heart as instruments of love, then one is open to a growth that will be deep and profound. When one shares love on this level, doors of fears, hurts and anger are opened - doors that lead to these fears Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearchee fering 243 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard and hurts which do not want to be accepted and embraced in healing love. It is precisely these fears and hurts that push us into abusive acts or into expressing conditional love. Why the blue ribbon? This is their explanation. Is it the same as this blue ribbon? There's really no way to tell, | did finally find the owner of the website. His name is Ted Meisner. Ted offers us his own particular variety of spirituality: According to Scripture this is the age of Sophia, the Holy Spirit, the Divine Feminine. To me, Her work in our era began with Pentecost. She was to replace Jesus. However, the church got stuck on Jesus, and kept him as the main focus because of the male superiority. | believe She is coming at this time to take her rightful place in our lives and that of Church and Society. also believe that She has in a way incarnated Herself in Mary, the mother of Jesus. Well, it's certainly not Roman Catholic! If you want to know more about what Ted Meisner and his friend Burl Hall believe, click the links at the bottom of the website. It's quite an education. That “Angel of the Grail” art by Pamela Mathews displays a goddess, with the dove above and the chalice below. Quite an image. Pamela Mathews’ goddess art can be seen at the link for “yogalifestyle” at the bottom of Burl Hall's website. Don't miss the links here. It looks a lot more like Gnostic Catholic Church than it does like Roman Catholic Church., and I believe it violates the First Commandment. There was no further indication of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Monastery in the webpages I visited. | didn't see any references to channeling or to seances, but those ideas are coming from somewhere. They do talk about “contemplation” quite a lot. 4 posted by Carrie : Monday, July 25, 2005 Friday, December 30, 2005 Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 243 uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard BLOG WARS--NOR VS. MARK SHEA Well not exactly since NOR is a magazine website and not a blog, but | liked the title anyway... ‘Mark Shea has a blog on the Internet. Shea doesn't like the NOR. He is a columnist for the Legionaries' National Catholic Register, he still writes for Crisis (he thought Deal Hudson's sexual predation should not have been made public), and he's a great pal of Scott Hahn. So he has many reasons for being hostile to the NOR. On his blog of October 13, he says that the NOR has declared Hahn “a closet feminist who is (I'm not making this up) lobbying for gay marriage." Well, yes, he is making it up. Hahn is not lobbying for "gay marriage," but he is, whether he knows it or not, validating it, and we are not the only ones who think so. Hahn regards the Holy Spirit as feminine or female. Here's what we said in our New Oxford Note, "Burn, Baby, Burn" (Sept. 2002): "Now, Mary was female, and if the Holy Spirit is female or feminine, then Jesus had two mommies, and presto, ‘gay is good and so is ‘gay marriage.’ Dr. Hahn goes so far as to say the Holy Spirit is bridal’ and that Mary's maternity is mystically one with that of ...the Spirit.’ The imagery here is blatantly and scandalously lesbian. Feminist theologians and the Queer cheerleaders have been campaigning for a feminine Holy Spirit for decades. How odd --how depressing, actually -- to see Dr. Hahn jump on the bandwagon.” But this is just the prelude. Shea jumps on us for publishing an article by Robert Sungenis (Oct. 2005). Continue reading. (I don't suppose | would need to comment on my position on the sex of the Holy Spirit....No, | didn't think so.) Mark has a rebuttal blogged, What I'm wondering about now is whether the band is playing and Catholic journalists are circling the chairs wondering where they will all be sitting when the music stops. But let me be more specific... Iwas as amazed to find Robert Sungenis in an issue of NOR as Mark seems to have been; but not for the same reasons. Is NOR going to take seriously the people behind groups like Novus Ordo Watch? IMHO this will be a breakthrough in Catholic reporting. Until this fall, those who were on the extreme right have been persona non grata in the mainstream Catholic press, or so it seems to me; and NOR is certainly Inipcarietomke.togspot com trisearchee feminine as uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard mainstream. It’s going to be interesting to discover which publications will support “My pope right or wrong,” and which will take a more balanced view. Im assuming that "The Catholic World Report’ will reject any submissions that are critical of the Pope, or if they are run, there will be a rebuttal, given the fact that Fr. Fessio is the Pope's editor now. | expect NOR to be in the Pope's camp as well, based mainly on the Pappa Razi blog, but the Sungenis article is giving me second thoughts. Mostly the people from Steubenville are pro-Pope, pro-charismatics, and traditional in a uniquely liberal way--that liberalism being centered mostly in visionaries, approved and otherwise. This is the pattern | would expect from Catholic Exchange, but admittedly Im not a lurker there, so don't quote me. Anyone else care to wade into this commentary and venture an opinion on some of the other publications? 4# posted by Carrie : Friday, December 30, 2005 Wednesday, July 06, 2005 BETH QUIST Lead singer and multi-instrumentalist for the newest Cirque du Soleil show "KA" at the MGM Grand is also part of the “Community involved in the making of Rediscovering Mary Magdalene—the making of a mythic drama’ This film is partially based on the Gnostic Gospels, and is the work of a group calling itself StarHouse. StarHouse has a Chalice Church. StarHouse women are involved in the exploration of the "ceremonial arts” concerning the “divine feminine” and “listening to the Spirit”. Which one? “The Journey of the Feminine” program uses the rose motif. Does that mean they are channelers? In reading through the rest of the descriptions of the members of this community, | noticed that Duncan Campbell takes the hieros gamos as one of the major themes of his work. I noticed that all of these people have top-shelf eductions and that they are a “trans-denominational community of people dedicated to honoring the earth and all beings through ceremony, theatre, music, and dance.” They have a facility located in Boulder, Colorado. Apparently Astrology is their "wisdom”, On the "Partners" webpage, All Seasons Chalilce indicates it supports the work of ‘Dances of Universal Peace". The Dances of Universal Peace are the work of a Sufi, Samuel L. Lewis. A Brief History can be Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 24s uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard read at their website. They also link the Yesod Foundation, Interesting that a branch of Judaism is in league with an organization dedicated to the divine feminine and the redefining of Mary Magdalene. As in The Da Vinci Code? Does a branch of Judaism intend to overthrow Christianity? But wait...someone is going to tell me I'm in Lala land again with that question. Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! 4 posted by Carrie: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 Tuesday, September 04, 2007 “JEWISH AND GNOSTIC MAN" That is the title of a short book--46 pages--which contains two lectures delivered at the Eranos Conference, Ascona, Switzerland, 1972/1973. The two lectures are "The Birth of the Child: Some Gnostic and Jewish Aspects" by Gilles Quispel and "Three Types of Jewish Piety” by Gershom Scholem. | obtained the book through interlibrary loan because Scholem is the pre-eminent scholar of Jewish mysticism. Quispel was new to me. He died recently. Here is his obit. He is considered an expert on some of the Nag Hamadi codexes. As it turns out, while Scholem’s lecture was interesting, | found Quispel’ lecture to be a repeated jaw-dropper. Quispel’s subject is Jewish Christianity and its relationship to the Mandaeans, the Syrian Christians, the St. Thomas Christians, the Manicheans, and other groups considered heretical by Roman Catholicism. Some quotes: In its present form, the Gospel according to Thomas, a collection of Logia also found at Nag Hammadi, seems to indicate that its redactor was a Gnostic, at least on the basis of present interpretations. The words attributed to Jesus in this Gospel reveal an independent tradition and were transmitted by Jewish Christian circles. Evidence to this effect is provided by the fact that the Lord's brother James, the Pope of Jewish Christianity, appears in this document as Jesus' legitimate heir and the ruler of the entire Church. Jewish Christianity was, however, a Jewish sect, which, it would seem, influenced Gnosticism in this respect. (p. 4) Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 2043 1082015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard It should be recalled that the Samaritans were a heterodox Jewish group, and the question concerning the relationship between Gnosis and Judaism cannot be answered as long as we identify present-day Rabbinical Judaism with the Judaism of those days. At that time, Palestine harboured not only Pharisees, but also Essenes, Baptists, Samaritans, Wisdom teachers, Jewish Christians, as well as a host of heretics of all kinds. As Gershom Scholem demonstrated, there were even a number of strict Pharisees in Palestine who handed down esoteric traditions known to the Gnostics and which later gave rise to a truly Jewish form of Gnosis, the Kabbalah. Until recently it seemed impossible to find convincing evidence to show that the classis Gnosis of antiquity developed or was able to develop out of Judaism. The Cologne Mani Codex seems to be of particular importance in this connection, because it shows how Gnosis evolved out of Judaism, or Jewish Christianity, as a result of a dialectical process. (p. 5) there was Aramaic Christianity, whose center was in Edessa and which lives on in the Thomas Christians of India and in other remnants of Nestorianism. This was a pluriform and colorful kind of Christianity, whose adepts could be found among the wandering and the poor (and as | pointed out earlier, it never was catholic). The reason was that it did not have its origins in Gentile Christianity, but in Palestinian Judaism. (p. 6) From Jean Cardinal Danielou's contribution to The Crucible of Christianity, it becomes quite apparent that for a long time Christianity continued to exist as a Jewish sect, whose activities paralleled and even went counter to those of St. Paul. This sect was responsible for the beginnings of Christianity in Egypt, Carthage and Rome. There, it was soon replaced by Gentile Christianity, but outside the Roman Empire, i.e., in Babylonia and ‘Mesopotamia this was not the case. | fail to understand how scholars can possibly deny the Jewish Christian elements in Aramaic Christianity, especially since Hieronymus reported that in Aleppo he had visited Jewish Christians in the fourth century. ...they had their own gospel, the Nazorean Gospel, and adhered to Jewish law. (p.7) Owing to the discovery of the Cologne Codex, we now know, however, that southern Babylonia had also been inhabited by Elkesaites, who had called themselves Baptists, because after the actual baptism, they practised certain additional ablutions for the purification and atonement of their sins. Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine sams 1082015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Baptists (Sabians) were mentioned in the Koran in three members of a recognized religion of the Book, which, according to Mohammed's precepts, was to be tolerated along with Judaism and Christianity It is too early to make any definitive statement in this matter, because the whole problem will have to be investigated bya scholar specialized in Islamic studies. But as a working hypothesis we are quite justified in assuming even now that these Sabians, the Baptists of the Koran, should be identified with the Jewish Christian Elkesaites. This would mean that Mohammed was acquainted both with the existence and the views of the Jewish Christians. The parallelism in concept regarding the true Prophet would thus have to be attributed to Jewish Christianity’s historically verifiable influence on Mohammed. (p. 14) The Jewish Christians were entirely convinced that the Holy Spirit was a feminine hypostasis. A fragment from the Jewish Christian Gospels reads as follows: "Even so did my Mother, the Holy Spirit, take me by one of my hairs and carry me away onto the great mountain Tabor."...Every Jewish Christian should therefore be thought of as having been reborn by his mother the Holy Spirit after emerging from complete immersion in the baptismal bath. Here, we come to a very simple realization: just as birth requires a mother, so rebirth requires a spiritual mother. Originally, the Christian term “rebirth” must therefore have been associated with the concept of the spirit as a feminine hypostasis. (p. 23) Mani was a Jewish Christian. For this reason, his basic experience, the encounter with the Self, should be explained against this background. In this case, it should, however, also be possible to understand the fundamental concepts of Manichaeism, the identity of the ego and the self, the empirical ego and the guardian angel, in terms of his Jewish Christian origins. We would thus have to interpret Manichaeism, a religion without sacraments, as a spiritualization of Jewish Christian baptism. (p. 16) Finally, brief reference should be made to the bridal chamber. This custom seems to have been practiced by the Valentinians, as well as the Manichaeans, and we find mention of it in the recently discovered Gospel of Philip, written by a Valentinian in Antioch around 200 B.C. It is unlikely that the ceremony of the bridal chamber is of Gnostic origin, because it is also part of Syrian Church practices. It should probably be attributed to Jewish Christianity... (p. 25) We should by no means draw the conclusion that the Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine sums 1082015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Jewish Christians were influenced by the Eleusinian mysteries. The symbolism developed spontaneously. The Pseudo-Clementines said that in the beginning the Spirit hovered over the waters, and inasmuch as everything was created out of water and Spirit, the Spirit or Mother also created man anew by hovering over the baptismal waters. The premise for this statement is, of course, that the Holy Spirit is feminine. (p. 25) The Jewish Christians believed that Jesus became Christ at His baptism. A number of present-day occult sects continue to hold this view, but is is very ancient and originated with the Jewish Christians. Jesus was believed to have become the Messiah, because during His baptism the Holy Spirit descended upon Him. (p. 20) The Holy Spirit descended to earth when Jesus became Christ at His baptism and this has been repeated in the lives of all initiates ever since. (p. 21) I hardly know where to stop. The entire 26 pages of this lecture are simply incredible. 4 posted by Carrie : Tuesday, September 04, 2007 Wednesday, June 22, 2005 DANIIL ANDREEV In reading The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture, edited by Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, Cornell University Press, 1997, the essay by Mikhail Epstein was by far the most disturbing. Titled "Daniil Andreev and the ‘Mysticism of Femininity’, the essay discusses Andreev’s philosophy. It begins: Though Daniil Andreevs works began to be published only in 1989, thirty years after his death, his legacy is already @ major factor in Russian intellectual life. His many admirers regard his treatise Roza mira (The rose of the world, 1950-58) as one of the highest peaks of twentieth-century Russian spirituality....His legacy belongs to those historiosophical and cosmosophical movements of Russian thought which attempt to Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine sams uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard synthesize natural sciences, social utopias, and religious inspirations in a kind of occult super-knowledge that claims the power to transform the world. This combination of religion and science was a primary feature of the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, who also claimed the occult super- knowledge of the Akashic Record accessed through clairvoyant encounter. Steiner called Anthroposophy spiritual-science. It is also noteworthy that at that link Anthroposophy is described as phenomenological reduction” and it is claimed that Steiner's work anticipated the work of Edmund Husserl--the man credited with the formulation of phenomenology--by ten years. Phenomenology was the philosophical system of John Paul Il. In one of Scott Hahn's lectures, he states: "Cardinal Ratzinger once said that theology is a spiritual science.” Yet CCC 2116 clearly forbids clairvoyance, mentioning it specifically. Channeling is forbidden to a Catholic. It is a sin against the First Commandment. ‘An article about URI at Catholic Culture, written by Lee Penn, quoting Futurist Richard Kirby, states: “Therefore the stock-in-trade of the spiritual scientist or esoteric futurist -- the terms are almost synonymous in many ways -- is to make sure that the spiritual sciences of the world are brought to the roundtable of discussion of exoteric philosophies and their bearing on the civil governance of the world. All the spiritual philosophies of the world are coming to the great Moot, the roundtable of world religions in dialogue. The United Religions Initiative is one of many associations promoting this dialogue. ... The Theosophy of the east and the Anthroposophy of the west are summoned to the great Conclave of spiritual science.” ‘Masonic author W. L. Wilmshurst also speaks of spiritual science, indicating that the real purpose of the Craft of Masonry is "to enshrine profound truths of spiritual science beneath its veil of allegory.” Where does it lead? The Crosscircle website shows us. It leads to a destruction of the priesthood, and with it the sacraments. Through mysticism we have direct access to God. We no longer need an intermediary in the form of a priest. On another webpage, we are told "we are not the limited, fearful, sinful individuals that orthodox religion would have us believe we are.” It tells us something else: "We have the right to our sexuality, to speak our feelings and to follow our ‘own truth for that is the universal truth encoded into our divine essence. If our bodies are the pure temples where "God' can live, then why not love and worship it?" Did the priests who abused the laitys children believe that? The website shows us where the source Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine sams uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard and shows us its intolerance for Catholicism. At the bottom of the page there is a link for "A Rebirth of Spiritual Science. The Church, and the priesthood in particular, is a target. The Eucharist must be eliminated for Satan to reign. Why are Her members helping the ‘opposition? Returning to the Epstein essay: Rose of the World is an “interreligion of the future’, uniting all existing churches as ‘petals'.” It relies on “long-standing traditions of European and Russian mysticism, especially ‘sophiology,’ which treats the Eternal Feminine as the Wisdom of God and the soul of the universe.” Andreev description of the Rose of the World is a “universal theocracy” which "ends with the accession of the Antichrist who makes use of the ‘interreligious’ doctrines, including the worship of the Eternal Feminine, to perpetuate his own power and to eliminate the Rose of the World.” (p. 326) Sources of his thought include Vladimir Soloviev, Nikolai Fedorov, Dmitry Merezhkovsky, Nikolai Berdiaev, Pavel Florensky, Andrei Bely, Velimir Khlebnikov, Konstantin Tsiotkovsky, the cosmists, and the Eurasians (p. 327). Some of these philosophers are the same who influenced John Paul II according to George Weigel’s biography (see Weigel pp. 568-569) . In prison, "Danii began to hear the voices that dictated his masterpiece, Roza mira. Andreev spent these years ‘communicating’ with the highest spirits in Russian and other national ‘metacultures’ (his term); Lermontov, Dostoevsky and Blok ‘guided’ him in his wanderings through other worlds. During this time, he wrote on tiny scraps of paper, which were invariably confiscated, but he restored his prose and verses from memory and continued to write.” (p. 329) The language of Roza mira cannot be identified with any known language but “one sometimes discerns Russian and especially Sanskrit roots. To Andreev admirers the very fact that these neologisms are from no real language indicates the genuine source of this mystical inspiration, comprehensible only through spontaneous contact with the highest spirits.” (p. 331-332) Did the language in any way resemble John Dee's Enochian, one wonders? The doctrine of Sophiology was rejected because "it seemed to pattern the Trinity after a trivial family union and it introduced seductive sexual elements into the dogmatic core of Christianity.” (p. 337) I note that the newest Catholic theology claims that the Trinity is mirrored in the family, according to the discussion on sacred sex that took place between this blog and Bettnet. Does this come out of THEOLOGY OF THE BODY? “For Andreev, the replacement of the Holy Spirit by the female aspect of divinity is the ‘decisive thesis’ of his book, though he acknowledges that he dares to break with the foundation of foundations,’ the Holy Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine svon01s ‘i Rung Of athe Keyboard Trinity preached by the Christian churches.” The idea of World Femininity can but grow into the idea of the Female aspect of Divinity...” (p. 344) “Femininity, as a new dogma crucial for the religion of the Rose of the World, is also realized in the specific hierarchy of the female priesthood which reflects the second hypostasis of the Trinity.” (p. 344) 'Unconsciously Andreev reveals the demonic side of his utopia: his reverence for a sexually bipolar divinity lays the foundation for the sacrilegious practices of the Antichrist and the eventual doom of the Rose of the World, The Antichrist's main project, and the source of his power over humanity, is sexual permissiveness, for which he will offer religious justification...” (p. 344) That is unnerving in light of Fr. Ron Rolheiser’s reference to sex as sacrament. Intrusions such as this, Andreev believed, "lead to the darkening of spirituality with [the loosening of] the sexual element, to the blasphemous identification of cosmic spiritual marriage with sensual love and, in the final analysis, with ritual debauchery.” (p. 345) The Agni Yoga Center discusses Andreev (click the "What is your attitude toward Daniil Andrees” link where you can read: We consider Daniil Andreev one of the great mystics who foresaw World Brotherhood based on Divine Ethics practised by the enlightened rulers of the future "Rose of the World’, a poetic name for Maitreya Sangha. His book Rose of the World” was intended to reconcile the ideas and message of the Brotherhood with the Russian Orthodox Christianity. It tenderly introduces basic concepts of the Oriental thought, such as reincarnation, karma and Divine Hierarchy to someone accustomed to traditional Orthodox dogmas. This was a very difficult mission that required downplaying ideas which are in apparent conflict with the Church and emphasizing the commonalities. Daniil Andreev's mission of a Translator from the Teaching of Life into the language of Orthodox Christianity was quite successful. "Rose of the World” might bridge somewhat the spiritual gap between India and Russia, East and West. The Epstein essay is online here if you care to read all of it. In light of Andreev’s Rose of the World concept of all religions being like the petals of the rose and his divine feminine aspect of the Rose of the World, take a look at this Rosa Mystica website, where "Rose of Inipcaretomko togspot com trisearchgefenirine uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard the World’ is one of the names given to the “Our Lady - Alma Lopez” corruption of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Ros of the World appears near the bottom of the prayer. The terminology in Andreev is Catholic. The meaning behind the terms is anything but as this website demonstrates. 4s I said, this essay, of all of them in The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture, was the most unnerving. |s something like this lurking in the back of the mind of Mikhail Gorbachev? Here is mysticism but not Christianity. Here is mysticism decoupled from doctrine which Gershom Scholem says leads to mystical nihilism. The essay demonstrates where it can lead. Consider then that our monks are proposing interreligious mysticism through the John Main Seminars, with the idea that it can blend all religions into a syncretistic unity. How is that different from the Rose of the World? Is. it out of this amorphous mysticism that our sexual abuse crisis arose? Our Lady of Fatima, plead for our rescue! # posted by Carrie : Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Wednesday, June 28, 2006 EMAIL FROM LEE PENN More Weird Liturgy? ‘Our Lady’ Rite Author Inspired By Labyrinth Walk Commentary Report By Lee Penn The Christian Challenge June, 2006 For those wondering what inspired the Episcopal Church's newly- elected, female presiding bishop to refer to "Mother Jesus" during the General Convention, the answer might be found on the “Office of Women’s Ministries” (OWM) page on the official national church website. Indeed, this is not the first time that the OWM has gotten into liturgical mischief. ‘The phrase used by Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori appears in a “Eucharist Using Female Nouns and Pronouns” on the OWM's section of the Episcopal Church (TEC)-sponsored website. The rite is accompanied by “Morning Prayers to the Lady’ - and this does not mean our Lord's mother. Both services offer worship to "Our Lady” and to the “Holy Mother,” and end with the salutation "Blessed be” - a Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine svon01s ‘i Rung Of athe Keyboard common statement of farewell among Wiccans. The author of the services, Sandra Thomas Fox, wrote them in 2001, five years after she had a feminist epiphany during her first walk in a labyrinth - a spiritual exercise that actually has New Age roots - at the National Cathedral. There, she became sensitized to “the misogyny in the liturgy.” The webpage that leads to the two feminist liturgies has an all- capitalized disclaimer for each: "NOT AN OFFICIAL LITURGY - FOR USE IN DISCUSSION.” Nevertheless, the pages from which each of the services can be downloaded invite readers to use them as well in "gathering communities of worship." Therefore, these services can be used anywhere. The feminist “Eucharist” invokes God thus: "Blessed be the Lady who births, redeems and sanctifies us.” The threefold Kyrie Eleison becomes this: (Celebrant): Loving Lady, have mercy; (People): Mother Jesus, have mercy; (Celebrant) Loving Lady, have mercy’ - thereby giving Jesus both a sex change and children. The prayers of the people - addressed to "Mother" - include the request that “every member of the Church may be your handmaiden” - thereby praying that all men in the church get a sex change. The prayer of confession is addressed to “Most Merciful Lady.” ‘The Great Thanksgiving begins, "May the Holy Mother be with you,” and continues: "It is truly right, Mother, to give you thanks; for you alone are the | AM, living and true, dwelling in light inaccessible from before time and forever,” and adds: "Blessed is she who comes in the name of Love. With the prayer "Mother, you loved the world so much that you sent your only Son to be our Savior. Incarnate by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,” the consecration prayer claims that Jesus has two mommies - and no Father. Immediately after the consecration of the bread and the wine, the celebrant says, "Mother, we now celebrate this memorial of your redemption.” (A Freudian slip, perhaps?) Oddly enough, the Lord's Prayer is unchanged - so this is the only spot in the service which addresses God as “Father.” The “Mass” ends when the celebrant tells the congregation, “Let us go forth empowered by the Love of our Lady,” and the congregation replies, "Blessed be.” THE FEMINIST "MORNING PRAYER’ service is similar in spirit. After the Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine srs uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard confession of sin (again addressed to the "Most Merciful Lady’), the celebrant says, “Nurturing Mother, have mercy on Us; forgive us all our sins. Through your beautiful Son, Jesus Christ, strengthen us in all goodness, and by the power of the Holy Spirit sustain our eternal life. Before the psalms, the celebrant says, "The mercy of our Lady is everlasting: come let us adore her.” After the Psalm readings, the celebrant sings a new age Gloria Non Patri: "Glory to the Mother, and to her Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever.” In this service, too, the Lord's Prayer was unmolested - but the celebrant precedes it with "May our Holy Lady be with you...Let us pray the words of her beautiful Son, Jesus Christ.” The prayers of the people include "Keep your example of Motherhood ever before us; Let us see in all our children a sacred trust from you" - an invocation that seems out of place here, since the Women's Ministries site lists the pro-abortion Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice among “social justice” groups. The General Thanksgiving at the end of the service starts, "Most merciful Mother, we your handmaidens give you thanks for your great love for us and for all you have made.” The service ends when the celebrant says, “Let us give thanks to our Lady;” the congregation replies, “Blessed be.” AS EARLIER NOTED, this all began with Ms. Fox’ first experience with walking the labyrinth at the 1996 Sacred Circles conference at Washington National Cathedral. That day, “during a guided meditation led by Dr. Sarah Fahy, had met the wise woman who had told me, ‘Women are beautiful. You are beautiful,” Fox wrote. "immediately after I...walked one of the labyrinths set up in the nave. To my surprise, as | entered the path I dissolved into tears. Questions welled up inside of me. Why had no one ever told me | was beautiful? Why did | need to be told that women were beautiful? | sobbed my way into the center, where I sat until | was once again composed. As I began my walk out, the Eucharist was being celebrated at the high altar. I decided | would silently say these comforting, familiar words as I walked...But on this day, to my horror, these words | loved turned to dust and ashes in my mouth. All| could hear was “He, Him, Lord, Son, Father’... had heard the misogyny in the liturgy, and there was no going back.” Fox continued, "I realized that | did not see my mother, my two daughters, or myself as made in the image of God. When | looked at the liturgy | discovered there are 195 male nouns and pronouns in Rite | and 145 in Rite Il. In both cases, there is one reference to a woman - the Virgin Mary in the Creed. If our liturgy is our story, the telling of the life, death and Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine as uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard resurrection of Jesus Christ, where are the voices of the women that Jesus loved, respected, and held dear? Where is an understanding of the holiness of being a daughter, wife, or mother? Wondering what it would be like to have a service to the Divine Feminine, | used Rite Il, Prayer D [from the 1979 Prayer Book] as a starting point and wrote such a Eucharist in 2001. If one feels that reading this service is blasphemous, I can only say that writing it felt even more so. Yet I felt called to continue, for what else would allow us to see the narrowness of our current liturgy?...My hope is that this Eucharist will begin a dialogue about the ways in which language affects the quality of our worship, our feelings towards God, and our sense of being created in God's image." As earlier indicated, this was not the first foray into the bizarre for TEC's Office of Women’s Ministries. In 2004, there was an outcry over two other offerings on OWMs section of the official church website: "A Women’s Eucharist: A Celebration of the Divine Feminine” and a “Liturgy for Divorce." The Women's Eucharist made no mention of Christ, nor of his Body and Blood, but gave thanks to "Mother God" for things like menstrual blood and breasts. It emerged that the Women’s Eucharist had been on a Druid website since 1998. What's more, it had been penned by "Glispa,” who turned out to be part of a husband/wife Episcopal clergy couple who up until a short time earlier had also been involved with and promoting modern-day Druidism, including nude mating rituals and invocation of the "Horned God.” Once exposed, Pennsylvania clergy Glyn Ruppe-Melnyck and her husband, W. William Melnyck, repented of their Druidry; Mr. Melnyk lost his parochial job over the issue but Mrs. Melnyk kept hers. The two offending services, which were removed from the OWM website in the 2004 controversy, were part of OWM's "Women’s Liturgy Project” to collect worship resources written by women for women - an initiative that, given the latest from the OWM, is evidently ongoing. “Sources included: Sandra Thomas Fox, "Reflection on the Holy Eucharist,” Women's Ministries,; Women's Ministries, "Liturgies Using Feminine Images,” 60497 ENG HTM.htm, a page that links to texts for the two liturgies; Women’s Ministries, 31001 ENG HTM.htm, a blurb for the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice. 4 posted by Carrie: Wednesday, June 28, 2006 Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine ams uo82015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard Thursday, August 28, 2008 CONTINUING YESTERDAY'S KUCINICH INVESTIGATION Yesterday | posted links tying Kucinich to Shirley MacLain and indicating that he considered Chris Griscom of the Light Institute to be a "teacher" and “friend”, Here is a page in Griscom’s The Light Institute website. There is little doubt about its New Age theme. [found a description of the psychic event that MacLain experienced with Chris Griscom in which MacLain was taught how to talk to trees, You can read it in a cached version here of a book titled THE NEW EARTH: THE ASCENSION OF PLANET EARTH, BOOK I: THE HIGHER SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE. ‘MacLain describes her “meeting for the first time with her own Higher Self’ I saw the form of a very tall, overpoweringly confident, almost androgynous Human Being. A graceful, folded cream-colored garment flowed over a figure seven feet tall, with long arms resting calmly at its side. Even longer fingers extended from the arms. The energy of the form seemed more masculine than feminine to me. The skin of the Being was ruddy and its hair was long to the shoulders and auburn colored. The face had high cheekbones and a straight, chiseled nose. The eyes were deep, deep blue and the expression was supremely kind, yet strong. It raised its arms in outstretched welcome. | ‘got an Oriental feeling from it, more Oriental than Western. And | had the intuitive feeling that it was extremely protective, full of patience, yet capable of great wrath. It was simple, but so powerful that it ‘seemed to ‘know all there was to know. | was flabbergasted at what | saw, and what | felt about it. “Who are you?" | asked, hardly daring to hear what it would say, nor what to make of this kind of dimensional experience. The Being smiled at me and embraced me! “1am your Higher Unlimited Self,” it said. Ialso found a article about Dennis Kucinich's third wife-- the one he married when Shirley MacLain attended the wedding. The article headline describes her as a "New Age, Tongue Pierced Brit.” Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine 4043 svon01s ‘i Rung Of athe Keyboard There is a 31-year age difference between them: A British girl from Essex, in southern England, may be the first lady with a tongue stud to have set her sights on the White House. The wife of Dennis Kucinich, a left-wing Democratic congressman and 2008 presidential candidate, is a 29- year-old hippie chick from Upminster at the end of the London Underground's District line. Elizabeth Kucinich, née Harper, has been on the stump with her husband, a 60-year-old anti-war campaigner from Cleveland, mingling with the likes of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama backstage at the Democratic presidential debates. The article quotes her: “Can you imagine what it would be like to have real love in the White House and a true union between the masculine and the feminine?" Yes, unfortunately I can. We are also told that "Her mother runs a healing and therapy center and passed on her love of new age philosophy to her daughter.” She met Kucinich while volunteering for the American Monetary Institute, "an offbeat group dedicated to reforming the "unjust monetary system” according to FOX. Ihave to wonder whether the “mingling” of Kucinich, Obama, and Clinton backstage at the presidential debates produced a meeting of minds? Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us! 4 posted by Carrie : Thursday, August 28, 2008, Thursday, August 23, 2007 "SOCIAL EROTICISM" is the title of an article in NY Arts Magazine by Lisa Paul Streitfeld. The article discusses the painting by the same title of Anton S. Kadinsky. A bold exposition of this ideal of erotically charged se(f- peat ko trieeareieeteminne au 1082015 ‘ll Ruming Of at he Keyboard containment is in Anton Skorubsky Kandinsky’s monumental painting Social Eroticism. The painting was begun in Crimea in 1989 at the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was finished at the turn of the millennium and premiered at "Icons of the 21st Century,” a show/ curated at the Lab Gallery in the Roger Smith Hotel in January 2006. The emergence of this painting was a result of the tireless efforts of Zorianna L. Altomaro, who began representing Ukrainian art at a time that her country had broken free from a long history of oppression. Her gallery is called Zorya, which means star in Ukrainian. Need we look further for a sign pointing to the return of the Goddess? Rising with its nationality like a phoenix out of the ashes, Social Eroticism positions Kandinsky at the center of a new galaxy. Here we have a visual manifesto of a movement. At once mystical and erotically charged, the painting proclaims a union between religion and sex that is as old as recorded history and as new as-well, contemporary art. He pays homage to postmodernism by utilizing the style of fellow Ukrainian Kasimir Malevich to transform Soviet instruments of power into symbols of fertility; missiles floating above the outstretched hand of the woman represent sperm aimed at the Sputnik egg above the male. Suprematist lines integrate this contemporary Adam and Eve into the downward pointing triangle of the Luria Kabbalah, representing the fallen feminine. Now we witness a revisionist myth of the Garden of Eden where man and woman have followed their instruments into a descent into matter. ... Social Eroticism is not only a passport but a guarantee that we will get the bi-millennial recurrence of the hieros gamos myth right this time around. How else are we to realize the ideals of equality and freedom proclaimed by the Age of Aquarius? Somehow | have a hard time believing that this “equality and freedom’ is going to bring anything good for those who equate freedom with the freedom to do what is right. The combination of religion and sex in the Roman Catholic Church is a prime example of this so-called freedom run amok. If we buy this new feminine “religion”, the next innovation in liturgy is going to be the Hieros Gamos. No thanks, I'll pass. 4 posted by Carre : Thursday, August 23, 2007 Inipcarietom ke togspot com trisearche feminine aks 108015 ‘Sill Ruming Of at he Keyboard power UlBicgger bnipdoarietomke blogspot com.trisearcitgefeninine ts

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