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History of U.S.

Table Tennis
Vol. VII: 1973-1975

Here [at the U.S. Open] the audience participation is genuinely

enthusiastic, unmotivated by anything else but the Sport itself.
Here people breathe with the ball.


Tim Boggan is a former
International Table Tennis
Federation Vice-President, and a
former three-term President of the
United States Table Tennis
Association (now USA Table
For 14 years he served as
Editor of the National Publication,
and is the author of Winning Table
Tennis (1976) and Volumes I
(2000) through VII (2007) of his
multi-volume History of U.S.
Table Tennis. For over 30 years he taught English at Long Island University
in Brooklyn, and since 1965 has been a prodigious writer for the Sport.
Having retired from teaching, he is currently the USA Table Tennis Historian,
as well as the Associations Secretary.
He has received the ITTF Order of Merit Award, and the USTTA
Barna Award. In 1985 he was inducted into the USTTA Hall of Fame, and
for more than a quarter of a century has been on that Halls Board of
Directors. In 2006 he received the Associations Mark Matthews Lifetime
Achievement Award.
He was a member of the 1971 U.S. Ping-Pong Diplomacy Team to
China, and since then has attended, as an official and/or journalist some 20
World Championships. In 1975 he Captained the U.S. Team to the Calcutta
As a player through five decades, he has on occasion, in addition to
some modest early tournament success, and, later, some success in World
Veterans Championships, been the U.S. Over 40, 50, 60, and 70 Singles and
Doubles Champion.
Both of his sons, Scott and Eric, were U.S. Junior and then U.S.
Mens Singles Champions. Both are in the USTTA Hall of Fame.
Price: $35.00

J. Clady [modified] cover shows 1974 U.S. Open Tournament Chair Ron Shirley.

History of U.S. Table Tennis

VOL. VII: 19731975:

Here [at the U.S. Open] the audience participation is genuinely

enthusiastic, unmotivated by anything else but the Sport itself.
Here people breathe with the ball.

by Tim Boggan, USATT Historian

Copyright 2007

This book is for Adham Sharara.

I want to acknowledge again how much I appreciate Larry Hodgess indispensible contribution
toward the making of my books (scanning photos, help in laying out pages in volume after
volume). Without his experience and efficiency, its possible I would not have completed these
volumes, or at least not have completed them as quickly as I have.

Mal Anderson, too, gets more than a special nod for sharing with me his enormous collection of
photos of players and officials.

Id also like to give special thanks again to Dave Sakai for his continual effort and encouragement.

I take this opportunity, too, to applaud Professor Scott Gordon, the USATT Film Archivist,
for his determined efforts to locate and preserve the all too few films from our historic past.

PRINTED BY: The Outer Office, Lime Kiln Road, Fulton, MD

ISBN NUMBER: 0-9707657-6-2

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

From Oct., 1933 through Nov.-Dec., 1993, the name United States Table Tennis
Association (USTTA) prevailed; thereafter the Association is referred to as USA Table Tennis
(USATT). During these years this Volume deals with, 1973-75, Im of course greatly indebted
to the official publication of the USTTA, Table Tennis Topics.
Those to whom I particularly want to show my gratitude: Mal Anderson, Ray
Arditi, Mike Baber, Mike Babuin, Tom Baudry, Peter Becker, Laszlo Laci Bellak,
Houshang Bozorgzadeh, Bard Brenner, Ross Brown, Bob Burke, Chuck Burns, Jack
Carr, Enid Chase, Ray Chen, Lim Ming Chui, Robert Compton, Dave Cox, Fred
Danner, Charlie Disney, Dick Evans, Shazzi Felstein, Ray Fields, Sam Fletcher, Neal
Fox, Yoshio Fushimi, Danny Ganz, Sandor Glancz, Cosmo Graham, Bob Green, Mike
and Norma Greene, Fred Grobee, Howie Grossman, Don Gunn, Bobby Gusikoff,
Harvey Gutman, John Hanna, Rufford Harrison, Tibor and Magda Hazi, Fred Herbst,
Allan Herscovich, Dr. Bob Ho, Larry Hodges, Mike Hoffland, Jack Howard, Azmy
Ibrahim, Steve Isaacson, Dean Johnson, Bob and Barbara Kaminsky, Lem Kuusk, Vic
Landau, D-J Lee, Joseph C. H. Lee, Marv and Caron Leff, Paul Lewis, Ray Mack,
Barry Margolius, Patty Martinez, Janet Martorano, Subash Mashruwala, John Masters,
Mary McIlwain, Jack Buddy Melamed, Dick Miles, Parviz Mojaverian, Marcy
Monasterial, Leah Thall Neuberger, Joe Newgarden, Dean Norman, Denis OConnell,
Tyra Parkins, Dr. Amrut Patwardhan, Bruce Peeso, Marv Plevinsky, Peter Pradit,
Marty Prager, Scott Preiss, Pam Ramsey, Paul Raphel, John Read, Philip Reid, Marty
Reisman, Errol and Jairie Resek, Danny Robbins, Stan Robens, Fuarnado Roberts,
Raul Rodriguez, Eric Rosenthal, Dave and Donna Sakai, Greg Sawin, William
Scheltema, Sol Schiff, Chris and Lois Schlotterhausen, Dr. Michael Scott II, Dan
Seemiller, Adham Sharara, Tom Slater, Thelma Tybie Thall Sommer, Graham
Steenhoven, Doug Stewart, Rudi Stipkovic, Dell and Connie Sweeris, Russ Thompson,
Jose Tomkins, Zdenko Uzorinac, Jim Verta, Herb Vichnin, Bill Walk, Derek Wall, Si
Wasserman, Helen Weiner, Jack Wiener, and Mort, Evelyn, Jeff and Chuck Zakarin.
Since Ive acquired former USTTA Historian Leah Neubergers records, Im able to
show, from their beginnings into the beginning 1990s, the results of World Championships;
annual Canadian National Exhibition Championships; U.S. Closed Championships; U.S. Open
Team Championships; Eastern Open Team Championships; and numerous City and State
tournaments around the country.
I again want to thank Leah Neubergers sister, Thelma Tybie Thall Sommer, for
agreeing, after Leahs death, that I might, in my Historians role, have access to these unique
labor-of love Binders. I also want to thank again Leah and Tybies late, longtime friend Bob
Green for taking the considerable time and trouble of boxing up all these Binders (as well as
the many miscellaneous Folders Leah had acquired) and sending them to me.
References where possible, including photo acknowledgements, will appear in the text.

Beginning in 1970 as Editor of the USTTA magazine,
and then in 1972 as President of the Association, I, Tim,
encouraged both our players and our Topics readership to
reach out to the real world of overseas table tennis. Its fair
to say I worked hard at it. Here, lauding my efforts, is former
USTTA Vice-President Fred Herbst, whom I wouldnt always
see eye to eye with (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 13):
Letter to the Editor:
Seems you just cant
believe your eyes anymore.
Im sitting here looking at the
latest issue of Topics jampacked with 60 pages of
fascinating print and pictures.
But its obviously a mirage! Its patently impossible to
gather, write-edit, collate, type, linotype, print, and mail that [tabloid] size of a
publication in the few weeks since Yugoslavia.
Having labored four years as a working newspaperman during my checkered
career, I can testify to the impossibility of one man doing this job, much less doing it as
a part-time effort.
Then again, it might be conceivable if the text was random, dull, tract-like stuff.
But the completeness of results; news from all corners of the country; fascinating
descriptions, stories, and sidelights of the Worlds; interesting columnists with humor
and originality; plans, programs, and suggestions; feature articles, etc. make the
accomplishment all the more incredible. The photos, too, excellently enhanced the
Maybe youd better print Topics in Braille, Tim, my eyes are playing tricks on
Ah, very nice, very encouraging. But Im quite mortal. Beside that Letter was
anothercomplaining that there wasnt any write-up of the 1973 U.S. Open. Although I gave
very detailed results of every event and had quite a few supporting photos, I just didnt have
time or energy to do a storyshould have had someone else do it.
Now, so many years later, as Historian I again in this
Volume, as in the last, want to emphasize that significant
outward movement of the USTTA toward International
Table Tennis. We get off to a good start with a 1973 U.S.
Team at the First World University Championships in Hannover,
Germany. Follow in the spring of 74 with our U.S. players winning a
Junior Team tournament in Flensburg, Germany. Then add another
success when in the fall our U.S. Team takes the Kingston, Jamaica
International tournament over Caribbean, Canadian and English

Thanks then to more and more U.S. play abroad, particularly to Danny Seemillers
play, and to extensive coverage in Topics of tournaments all over the world, U.S. players and
interested readers were becoming increasingly aware of how we compared competitively with
country after country. This will be the more apparent as we follow the progress of play
through the 1970s, for suddenly many world-class competitors will be coming to our once
rather isolated shores, will join with us to engageso that everyone will now have to agree:
we belong.
With Rufford Harrison as head of the ITTF Equipment Committee, John Read as a
member of the ITTF Classification Committee, Tim Boggan as a member of the ITTF Junior
Commission and USTTA Delegate to the Nagoya and Sarajevo Worlds (assisted by George
Buben and Mort Zakarin), the U.S. is being kept aware of ever-changing Federation rules that
affect world-wide play. For
instance at Sarajevo, we learn
(TTT, May-June, 1973, 60):
An emergency
suspension may not be
granted for the breaking
of a racket, as a player is
required to have a spare
available at the playing area.
In addition to the five-minute rest
period, any player or pair may request a
one-minute interval after each game.
A player may receive advice from
anyone during any authorized interval or
ITTF Equipment Chair Rufford Harrison
Photo by Mal Anderson
suspension of play.A player may not
receive advice from anyone during a
game, such as during a pause for toweling, or at the change of ends in the last possible
game of a match.
A blue card may be used by the umpire to give formal notification to a player of
questionable service.A yellow card[for] unsportsmanlike or offensive behavior,
and a red card to give formal notification that he is to be disqualified for persistent
behavior of this type.
Harrison (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 10) is always at the forefront of up-to-date
controversial discussions about equipment. With regard to the rubber on ones racket, he raises
the two-color question long before the ITTF will make the red/black colors, one on one side,
one on the other, mandatory:
Some players use antispin on one side and a more conventional rubber on
the other. On some rackets the colors of these two are identical. A player with such a
racket can use the indistinguishability of the two sides to advantage, and, looked at one
way, of course he should. However, if the two sides are truly indistinguishable, then the
player has an advantage to which the opponent has no answer and this is hardly what
we want. It would shorten the rallies, which is probably undesirable. And it would be

unintelligible to the spectators, who could well think the unwitting receiver a poor
playeragain, an undesirable situation.
On the other hand, if the spectators can tell from the color of the racket which
side is being used, they will be particularly interested in knowing how the other player
handles each type of rubber. I think it ought to add to the interest.
Players in general want to become more aware of the technological developments going on
in the Gameand their interest will certainly please Equipment Chair Rufford and the
manufacturers. Heres a fellowDave Nicolette from Tallahassee, FLwriting in to Topics
wanting someone to explain to him the characteristics of various types of commercially available
table tennis rubber. He wants specifications for the brands listed below:
height of pips (tall-medium-short, density of distribution of pips (densemedium-sparse), coefficient of friction of the playing surface, hardness of sponge
(hard-medium-soft), thicknesses available (in millimeters)for Butterfly Super-Sriver,
Sriver-L, Sriver, Tempest D-13, Plous, Allround D-13, Allround C4 (pips out), Yasaka
Mark V Soft, Mark V Backside, Hi Original, Cobra***, Cobra*** (pips out),
Hock (all types), YSP (all types), TSP (all types), and anti-topspin.
Topics gives him an answering article.
Another player writes in wanting to know more about what kind of rackets the top
players in the world use. Information on the type of wood, wood ply, wood thickness, brand
of blade, brand of rubber, type of rubber, and any modifications made would be very helpful
and interesting. Topics starts him on his studious way by providing a half-page chart on 30
top players, both shakehands and penholders, and the kind of racket each used for their
particular style of play at the Sarajevo Worlds.
However, one enthusiastMarty Grogan from Cedar Rapids who teaches t.t. at
Kirkwood Collegehasnt as
yet gotten an answer to his
question posed in a Mar.-Apr.,
1974 Topics letter (36). As an
engineer whos had
considerable experience with
kinematic analysisi.e., force
dynamics, ballistics,
aerodynamics, etc.,hes
aware that the analytical
aspects of table tennis have not
been discussed in Topics.
Therefore he asks, Is there any
interest in a description of the
Optimum Racket Trajectory
and Deflection to Minimize the
Effect of Unknown Spins?
New technical development with ITTF approved racket
As the decade unfolds,
Cartoon by Bruce Peeso
Topics will mirror what our

USTTAs organizational strengths and

shortcomings are. As youll ingloriously see, the
1973 Long Island U.S. Open Team Championships
quickly tailspinned into disaster; but the 1974
Oklahoma City U.S. Open at the new Myriad
Arena heralded a U.S. table-tennis-is-lookin-up,
much admired, if not perfect success. Here, in the
Presidential Greeting that appeared in that 1974
Okie U.S. Open Program, is the upbeat point of
view I wanted to project, believe in, had to project,
believe in:
Sometimes, as in a dream, History
comes to you all in a rushlike with those 1889
Sooners who first raced their wagons into the
Now, 85 years later, another kind of wideOpen is happening for the first time in Oklahoma.
With its record-breaking 850 or so all-eager-at-theUSTTA President Tim Boggan
start entries, this U.S. Nationals too becomes a
From Springfield, ILs Feb. 15, 1972 Spectrum
landmarkone of those recognizable times where,
in the very special sphere of our fast-moving, fastgrowing sport, History is in the making.
Four hundred years ago, the Spanish explorer Coronado looked up at his
never-before-seen Oklahoma night, at the myriad lights around him, and dreamed of
golden stars.
Now, sharing this same spirit of Imagination and Hope, you players and
spectatorsyou player-spectators, at whatever level, of a Game played by over
30,000,000 people in this countryhave come to Oklahoma, many of you, to look at a
strange sky.
Out there amid those Myriad lights, there will be a galaxy of international stars.
And as you watch and wonder, it may be that you, too, will very privately dreamof
spinning a serve return like World Champion Bengtsson, or, like his equally worldfamous counterpart Hasegawa, lobbing a ball to the heavens.
No more than Coronado of course will you likely ever be able to realize in this
arena of a world your golden dream. And yet, as History is sure to tell us, because of
you, you player-spectators, your indefatigable interest, table tennis in this country will
one day soon perhaps finally be staked out, a claim made for it as a major sport.
On behalf of the United States Table Tennis Association, I want both to thank
Ron Shirley and the other promoters of this tournament, those men and women with
vision who have helped to make the Oklahoma of today, and to welcome you and
yours to this once-only-dreamed-of Open, to matches I am sure will be replayed again
and again in your imagination long after they are heard no more.
Tim Boggan
U.S. Table Tennis Association

After the
success of this 1974
U.S. Open, many
players and officials
urged that we return to
Oklahoma City for the
1975 U.S. Open. But I
urged, rightly or
wrongly, we give the
Houston Astrodome/Astrohall Stadium group a try because they were interested in holding the
1979 World Championships thereand this I thought we had to go for. Meanwhile, the Trials
to determine the 1975 U.S. Team to the Calcutta Worlds produced prolonged chaos, and yet
that Mens Team came within one match of advancing to the World Championship Division. In
such an action era as this, some things are gonna work, some arentbut theres always
controversy, vitality, always movement.
U.S. players were becoming far more critical and demanding of those running
tournaments, and in some ways were hurting their own cause, for such volunteer workers
wanted to be praised for their selfless work, not chastised. The Minneapolis player/promoter
Charlie Disney, for one, felt tensions rising between those who put on tournaments and those
who played in them.
Our popular circuit-goer, the New York-based Jamaican Fuarnado Roberts, began
(prophetically, as it would turn out) talking about (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 12) a U.S. Closed.
With the USTTAs blessing, he said, he would run it; otherwise, if the E.C. isnt receptive, the
players would simply have to form a Players Associationfor we need not only a U.S. Open
Champion but a bona fide U.S. Closed Champion. Robbie takes liberties, is not always careful
and accurate in what he says, and his actions dont always match his dreams, but hes certainly
right-minded in asking the Association to put more effort into running events with proper
facilities and good conditions. Case in point: the near-disastrous Trials for the 1975 U.S.
World Team. I must say, though, that usually tournament workers accepting responsibility are
committed, come what may, to some personal vision, large or small, and their helpers to a
place with them, that gives them all a confirmed table tennis identity.
In addition to our new International Chair, Bob Kaminsky, whose dedication we saw in
Sarajevo, others taking on Chair jobs were proving equally determined to make a difference.
Junior Development Chair Fred Danner, for example, had set up a non-profit National Junior
Table Tennis Foundation (compare the Little League Baseball one), and began figuring out
how to raise money for it (for example, by diverting 10% of all U.S. World Team Fighting
Fund fees from Junior events into this Foundation). Since boys and girls needed decent places
to play, Freds #1 objective was to get Table Tennis into the Public School System. If
knowledgeable people could take responsible leadership and convince the schools to start
buying tablesthen after-school leagues, evening programs for adults, and weekend
tournaments could gradually follow.
As youll see, players in various parts of the country are interested in following Freds
USTTA Visionhis repeated Guidelines for organized High School play. Five of these (TTT,
Mar.-Apr., 1974, 14; 20) might be summarized as follows: (1) Its absolutely essential to find
two or three teachers, physical education people, and/or students who are willing to provide
leadership. (2) Form 8-10 teams, and play during the winter (have to compete with basketball,

wrestling, but avoids conflicts with outdoor soccer, football,

marching band activities, baseball and both boys and girls
tennis). (3) A recommended group for a school match would
be 6 boys and 3 girls competing, with 2 boys and 2 girls
selected as alternates. Boys and girls should be coached and
drilled together. Team members should try to help each other.
Also, (4) every school should have a minimum of 4
tables (preferably 6) available [at least one afternoon in the
school gym] for practices and home matches. A coach or,
since qualified coaches are hard to come by, a Moderator is
indispensable. Fred lists his/her 13 dutieskeeps roster and
complete match-result sheets; monitors equipment; arranges transportation to away matches;
etc. (5) Tie sheets similar to those used at the USOTCs, with the playing format clearly
explained, would be helpful.
As Fred well knows, success in the schools doesnt come without a struggle. After 3 years
of effort promoting junior table tennis on Long Island, Fred and friends were invited by the
Huntington High athletic director to teach 3 consecutive Phys. Ed. classes. The periods were 30
minutes, and Fred had prepared 5-minute segments: intro, including sketching the world t.t. scene;
explaining misconceptions about the Games rules; demonstrating (with class volunteers) spin
serves; stressing physical conditioning (class participates in warm-up exercises); playing very brief
challenge matches; and ending with two good players engaging in an exhibition.
However, on the January, 1974 day in question, Freds plans quickly went awry.
Everyone was late for first period.The roads were full of snow and ice. The tables were not
set up. The gym wall divider was stuck so that the class location was moved across the gym.
The regular instructor didnt come, and class actually started at 8:45 a.m. instead of
8:20.[We eliminated] the spin serves and physical conditioning, and played the exhibition
just as the sun came out, reflecting off the table and blinding one of the players. [Further,] a lot
of continuity was lost when there was no one to comment on what the players were doing
during the match [Fred was where, doing what?]. Fortunately, however, the next two periods
went pretty much as scripted.
Meanwhile, USTTA National Coaching Chair Jeff Smart
and his Regional Chairs continue to do everything they can to try
to get Clubs and Coaches to work together. If a club guarantees an
interest (provides 25 participants), the USTTA, with $5,000 at its
disposal for this purpose, will send a coach to conduct a club clinic
at no cost to the club. Jeffs close friend, Bill Lesner (TTT, Mar.Apr., 1974, 9), adds that at the 1974 U.S. Open, where 10
seminars will be held, the Clubs and Coaches will be expected to
work together in the following manner:
Each club will be asked to pay the way of its local coach [to Oklahoma
City].In return, each coach will be requested to watch the major seminars [held
during the junior and womens matches] and write a report on the new concepts
which he learned, which will be submitted to both the sponsoring club and the regional
coach. Also, each coach upon his return will be expected to give a minimum of a oneday coaching clinic to his respective club.

With the rise of prize money tournaments and

players and coaches being paid, those who take
volunteer USTTA jobs want to be paid too, especially if
those jobs are time-consumingand with the increase
in membership (starting in 73 were up to an uninflated
5,000) theyve become more so. Boggan as Editor of
Topics is paid, Marv Shaffer as Membership Chair is
paid, Danner as Junior Development Chair is paid, Dick
Feuerstein as Affiliates Chair is paid. Jeff Smart quickly
seeks a coaching job for himself, and money for a
meaningful USTTA Coaching Program. No sooner
does Neil Fox take over the Ratings Chair nation-wide
than he realizes the enormity of the job. Clearly the
players themselves need to pay for this servicewhich
means tournament organizers have to charge a bit more
on their entry fees specifically for Ratings.
USTTA Rating Chair Neal Fox
Money, money, money. President Boggans
Photo by Mal Anderson
interests in surrounding himself with people who do
good work, in expanding Topics, and moving the U.S. into International play prove
expensiveand so draw criticism. Heres Corresponding Secretary Fred Danner:
It is time that the members of the E.C. who
want to broaden the base of table tennis in the U.S.,
and get the average player out, start to assert some
leadership. Our money priorities are out of whack
with 2/3 of the USTTA expenses going to foreign
commitments and to the newspaper. This is what kills
most good ideas for US-type activities.[We need to]
favor shifts in the emphasis of our national policies and
start to put the U.S. first.
Good ideas are being killed? Like what? I sure dont
think so. I have my passions, my priorities, but Im
approachable. Advances are made by individuals who know
what they want, and go for it. I think the USTTA has made
plenty of advances in my Presidencyand Danners one of
USTTA Corresponding
Fred Danner
those whos helped me the most.
The attempt to earn money through
table tennis is a burgeoning phenomenon in these years. Lou Bochenski will
have his Paddle Palace, Milla Boczar her struggling Hollywood Club, John
Stillions his Cedar Rapids Nissen Club, Charlie Disney his Magoos (with Don
Larson as full-time ManagerDon ever eager, for a fee, to offer his services
as a Professional Club Consultant), Sweeris his Woodland Club (where, for
his numerous Coaching Clinics, Training Camps, Tournaments, and
Equipment Sales, Dells formed Table Tennis Promotions, Inc.), and Fujii his
Newgarden-sponsored Miami Club that will morph, with Fujiis departure, into Newgys.

Dell Sweeris

And of course, though Bobby Gusikoff is no longer

running the deteriorating dungeon of the Riverside Plaza
Club (former tennis pro Morris Pollack will manage it for a
while), theres Marty Reismans cramped Broadway pingpong parlor. If he, with his varied clientele and character
hangers-on,* can make a go of it, why cant others,
particularly if they set up leagues and cater to family play?
Enthusiastic promoters either quit their jobs or put them on
holdwith sometimes unexpected results: Stillions suicide a
tragic example.
Even a Club member can get in on the action. The
headline of an article in Topics (May-June, 1973, 7; 20)
reads, U.S.T.T.A. Membership Drive (Earn A % Fee For
YourselfPrizes Too!). Another boldly announces a 20%
Finders Fee to anyone bringing in a new Topics ad. Ah,
what promises money makes. Heres Sweeris, a former
Barna Award winner for his contributions to table tennis,
talking to Steve Marcus, a reporter for the Long Island
paper Newsday (Nov. 26, 1973, 73):

Photo by Mal Anderson

My [table tennis] business has unlimited

potential.Im making new contacts all the time. Financially, the banks are behind me.
They know Ive got a good career. As an accountant, I was leading a double
lifetrying to be a player and an accountant. Now I can play and make a living at the
same time.
But making a living as a table tennis pro isnt easy.
Magoos Don Larson (TTT, Jan-Feb., 1974, 17) says a pro
must create a warm, friendly atmospherewhich means he
must deal skillfully with club members who dislike him, and
vice-versa. Don says he works 7 days a week from 9 a.m. to
midnight. There are leagues to start, schedules to keep running,
companies to call on, equipment to buy and sell, letters and
articles to write, employees to hire and fire, business accounts to
check on, schools, colleges, and recreation centers to visit,
tournaments to run, coaching clinics to set up, lessons to give
all of which sure doesnt leave much time for the pro to improve
his own game. Failure to cope, he says, can result in
disintegrationmental, physical, emotional, causing a
breakdown in the pros business operations and in his own
personal life.
Which leads me to still feel the 1974 bombshell-shock of
my impetuous fall resignation from both the Association
Presidency and Editorship of Topicstoo much pressureon
my wife Sally. After wed both cried for two weeks, we worked
out a compromiseId keep Topics, Charlie Disney would be

Magoos Pro Don Larson

From TTT, Apr/May, 1990, 16

the USTTA President.

But then, still feeling
responsible for the
players, I fund-raised for,
and Captained, the U.S.
Team to Calcutta. Play
Table Tennis and see the
world, eh? As Ive
indicated in this volume,
India was a very different
place from what our
players were used to.
Different, too,
were the tenor and tenure
of these years of my,
Boggans, Presidency.
How, as you read, will
you assess them? I hazard
Calcutta street scene
a start-off point. Read as
Photo by D-J Lee
much irony as you want
in the voice of Eric Calveley (TTT, July-Aug., 1975, 7) who for a dozen issues or so edited the
British Columbia TTA Newsletter (called LeTTers):
To the Editor:
[It] becomes apparent that Canada is much
more successful at achieving its goals than the US, as
was seen at the recent World Championships. Despite
a valiant struggle the American team failed in its bid
to enter Group A of the mens competition, whereas the Canadians were considered by
more than one esteemed observeras absolutely the very best behaved team in the
whole competition!
Again, we read with amusement in Canada of your National Trials (and
tribulations) and applaud the more sophisticated Canadian method of selection. Our
Executive and Selection Committees simply meet once and quietly name the players
and officials with a minimum of fuss and to the satisfaction of (almost) everyone
concerned. This system is cheap, quick, and convenient and nearly perfect except for
the occasional ignorant outsider trying to push his way into the group for the sake of a
free trip.
Lately, we have been given a more substantial reason for appreciating the
Canadian organization. At the recent semi-AGM [Annual General Meeting] of the
CTTA a motion was passed giving our Executive Committee the right of censorship
over letters and articles submitted to the national magazine. So whilst Topics continues
to be coarse, contentious and controversial, the CTTA News will become even more
pleasant and nice to read than it has been until now. I confess it was a submission of
mine that made this action necessary and I am sincerely thankful that the EC was alert
enough to stop the letter and save me making a fool of myself spreading dirty facts.

For many years Canadian officials have shown great wisdom in setting definite
boundaries on the distribution of information and opportunity, thus greatly facilitating
decision-making and increasing efficiency. The USTTA, on the other hand, gets
bogged down with a load of cumbersome principles like justice, and the quest for open
debate and democratic action. When it gets rid of these self-defeating notions it may
anticipate the sort of cheerful complacency we experience in Canada.
Ah, well.For sure, after my shake-up of a Presidency, theres going to be an
assessment, a summing-up of my trial-and-error runbut of course Im saving that for Vol.
VIII. Meanwhile, in this volume, I continue to tell the story of a struggle USTTA players,
promoters, and officials all endured, for if we were to try to make the Sport better in the U.S.
we had to make changes. Changes wanted by some, unwanted by others. Changes that
brought about, and will continue to bring about, failures and frustrations, but also admirable
successes. In short, we felt we had to actand did.
*I, Tim, not a New Yorker, was living in
my native Ohio when, according to Marty
Reisman, Joe Greene, alias The Phantom, first
appeared at Herwald Lawrences fabled Broadway
Club. He arrived one bright mid-summer day in a
mackinaw, wearing galoshes and carrying a black
umbrella on his left wrist. Seeing him just standing
around, occasionally someone would try to talk to
him, but back then he didnt have much to say,
just I am The Greatest. Which generally
intimidated people so much that they stayed away
from him. Especially since he smelled of beer.
When in 1973 I saw him in person at
Martys Club, he was wearing a large winter
mitten, just one (to hide, as I later found out, a
defective finger on his non-playing hand); had on
a sweater with thirty or forty safety pins visibly
attached to it; and carried an unlit, burnt-down
cigar which hed repeatedly set aside whenever he
felt the need to eat from his open can of sardines.
I knew right then I had to interview him. That is,
Joe Greene, a.k.a. The Phantom
if hed deign to talk to me. Fortunately Reisman
Photo by Mal Anderson
had given him the run of the place and I guess Joe
felt obligated to honor Martys request that he join us, and tell me a little about himself so Id
get to see how he became legendary.
He who thinks he knows many actually knows no onelike that one?, said The
Phantom on meeting me. Then he got into the nitty-gritty: It looks easy when I get out there
to play, but I had to work hard in the Army to learn the Game. I was in the war four years
before I got this special discharge. In the beginning, in order to get into the Army I had to pass
a very high I.Q. test. That was many years ago, and when I got over to Folkestone in England,

people at the PXs couldnt believe how I played. There are many but few worth knowing in
this worldlike that one?
When I got out of the Army hospitalI had a disorderI started playing at
Lawrences. I knew Leah Neuberger. I played Cartland and Reisman. Ty Neuberger once bet a
$1,000 on me. And I won, too, back in 51. Then I quit for almost 15 years. Had cancer in
1954. Played some softball in Central Park, bowled a little. Just mostly tended to my job as
doormanI been at this place over 20 years nowbut its hard lots of times standing on
marble all day. And Ive got to watch what I eat, nothing greasy, no fried food. Sometimes I
think, How am I gonna work 5 more years?
There! You wouldnt think I could kick that high, would you? And touch my toes.
Well, you can never tell a book by its cover. You wouldnt think Im about 60, would you?
Anyway, now Ive been making a comeback.
A comebackthats great, I said by way of encouragement. You saw the start of
this comeback? I asked Reisman. Saw how The Phantom got to these heights again?
It all began on a very dull night in the Club, said Marty. We were all sitting around,
watching Joe sip his beer, when all of a sudden someone got the lively idea of setting up a $50
one-game match between Joe and Doug Cartland. At first Joe demurred, for Cartland hadnt
been a world-class player for maybe twenty years, and the mere 15-point spot Doug was
asking for was something of an insultsurely the man needed at least 18 to make a match of
it. But Joe was game, played along, and finally won, 38-36. Of course, since it was a private
wager and ours a family-type club, no payment was made openly.
Ever since, weve had a lot of money matches around here with Joe. Sometimes a
stranger pops in, and we talk to him, fix him up with Joe, warn him that hes about to play the
celebrated Phantom, but he doesnt always understand what hes getting into. Once we had
the U.S. Junior Champion in here for a best two out of three with Joe, and after the kid had
started out strong, had won the first with unchallenged ease, I had to go out and whisper a few
words of warning to himthis while inspecting his racket. After all, we didnt want any
controversy, anyone upset in our Club. But his racket was o.k., so it was a freak first-game
loss for Joethat or hed been playing possum. But naturally he came back to win the next
two, 25-23, 25-23.
At this point, Joe, having put on a smug grin, abruptly broke in to say, I played
Reisman this year. On Easter Sunday. Was down 18-7, but I finally won it, 42-40.
Marty, as if wanting to make more of this game, turned to The Phantom and said, Joe,
face it, youre a total fraud. I created you. Without me, youd be nothing. You wouldnt exist.
The Phantoms response? He looked at Marty in astonishment. You must be insane, he
said. And then he went on. Ive never lost to Reisman. Once he had me 12-0, but I came back and
beat him 23-21. What do you think of that? Just born in me, I guess. Still it wasnt always easy for
me. When I was four-years-old I had scarlet feverwas paralyzed from the hips on down.
Really? I said, sympathetically.
When I was eight and a half and an orphan, I was put out to work. Yessir, I left the nuns at
Mount Loretta on Staten Island and went to Beaumont, Texasto a cotton plantation, where
there were rattlesnakes and copperheads, hurricanes, cyclones, tornadoes. I was in them all
but, knock down wood, God spared me. The family had six children and I had to study Polish
to make myself understood. It almost killed me. I dont see how they could have put me in a
place like that. I had malnutrition. When I was fourteen and came to Medina, New York, I
weighed seventy-two pounds, then I went on a diet.

Wouldnt you like to hit a few with Joe? Marty said. Youll find hes a lot stronger
player than he looks.
Marty asked if I wanted to bet on myself. Sight unseen Joe would give me 10. He
plays with sponge now, Marty said. But in the old days, in the late 1940s, when our teams
went to Europe, the first thing the EuropeansVana, Bergmann, Andreadis, Leachwould
always ask when they first saw me, or Miles or Cartland, was, Is Joe Greene with you? And
when one of us would casually respond, Oh no, Joes still much too good to play in the
Worlds, they were obviously relieved.
Of course I agreed to a small five-dollar bet with Marty. But I knew I couldnt win. Joe
had a Seemiller-style gripbefore Seemiller. Against me he didnt have to move a bit, just
stood there, moving his racket window-wiper-like, keeping the ball in play.
Strange how these things work out, he said, shaking my hand with his mittenless
one. (One game with me had been enough. What was the point? He could give me 12, 15,
18the result would be the same.) You see me play and you cant believe Im real. They call
me The Phantom. Now you see me, now you dont. Then its all over and Ive won. Its like
Im from Mars or someplace. You know how I do it? Through dreams. Its like a writer. He
wakes up and writes down what he dreams.
At this point Marty interrupted, said he wanted to set Joe up for another match. So I
thanked them both for the interview. As they walked away, it was clear to me that what The
Phantom said was truea writer dreams and writes. But then I thought, People of any
occupation, or preoccupation, dreammix fact and fiction. Even when theyre awake they
feel the need to embellish, to pretend. Reasons no match for the Imagination.


Chapter One
1973: First World University Championships. 1973: Norwich Union International.
1973: Commonwealth Championships. 1973: Allan Herskovich Arranges European Tour for
San Francisco Group.
Readers will recall Id finished Vol. VI (1970-73) with an account of the Dec., 1972
U.S. World Team Tryouts outside Chicago and then the Apr., 1973 World Championships at
Sarajevo. But it wasnt only players via an official USTTA Selection process that had begun
representing our country abroad. As wed seen in 1971 a group of predominately Michigan
boys and girls, with Dell Sweeris as Captain/Coach, participated in the English Junior Open.

Corresponding Secretary
Mort Zakarin (TTT, MarchApril, 1973, 32) didnt
object to these Juniors
playing in that tournament,
for theyd raised their own
U.S. Junior Team: back, L-R: Team Captain Dell Sweeris, Bill Lesner,
funds, but he felt they
Jeff Smart, Mike Veillette, Dan Seemiller; front, L-R: Kathy
Scheltema, Elsie Spinning, Angie Rosal, Sue Hildebrandt
shouldnt have represented
Photo by William Scheltema
themselves as a USA team,
they should have called themselves Michigan. This suggested name, however, wasnt practical, for
among the players who went to Canterbury were Elsie Spinning of Oregon, Angelita Rosal of
California, and Danny Seemiller of Pennsylvania. Further, since all the other entries in this English Junior
Open were from countries, the sponsors undoubtedly would have considered this a USA team.
Morts point that the U.S. should always be represented abroad by our proven best
players is an ideal one, for it demands the needed wherewithal (time, effort, and expense) on
the part of the Association to foster such teams. Such help has been, is now, and will continue
to be often difficult to come by. Meanwhile, the alternativenot allowing players (recognized,
willy-nilly, as representing the U.S.) who are prepared to go abroad or who are already in
the proximity of an overseas tournament, to be part of the playing/learning experience, the
excitementis again not practical.
Morts decision to put forward his view in print was precipitated, not by the Junior
Team that went to England, which after all was composed of quite a few of our best and most
interested young players, but of the rather hastily put together U.S. Team that represented us

at the Feb. 20-25, 1973

World University Games
in Hannover, Germany.
Rufford Harrison (TTT,
March-April, 1973, 4)
rather last minute heard
about the event from the
German TTA magazine,
and on investigating found
that, were players
interested, they had to
work through the United
States Collegiate Sports
Council which had
neglected to inform the
USTTA about the
tournament because the
USCSC itself had no
Hannover--Neues Rathaus
However, as
readers of Vol. VI know, a number of U.S. players were no longer thinking parochially and
had the get-up-and-go to want to be where the real table tennis action was. So a sevenmember Team, with everyone paying his/her own way, received the Associations blessing.
Jack Wiener tells us (TTT, March-April, 1973, 32), that Rufford
served as a liaison figure, and that uniforms were provided by the
USTTA. For Jack and the others who took the initiative to go to
Hannover it was, as anyone would expect, a memorable experience.
Jerry Fleischhacker penned the cover story for the MarchApril, 1973 issue of Topics, and though enough foreign players were
in Hannover to make a world-class field, Mort neednt have
worriedthe U.S. didnt embarrass itself.
The format for the Mens Team split the countries into eight
groups, each having two or three teams. The winners would play in
the first division, the second place teams in the second. The third place
teams were out. Each of the two divisions would be split into two
even groups of four with the winners meeting for the championship.
Czechoslovakia, led by Kunz who in the Sarajevo Swaythling
Cup matches would beat both Surbek and Stipancic, killed us of
course, 5-0with 1971 U.S. Junior Champion Bill Lesner,
Fleischhacker, and Wiener unable to get more than 12 points in any
Canada was our big tieget 5 singles matches from them and
wed continue to play. Jerry got us off to a great startrallied to take
down Paul Braithwaite, -14, 21, 15. Jeff gave 4-time Canadian Champ
Larry Lee an initial scare, but was beaten 19, -14, -16; Fleischhacker
Jerry Fleischhacker
17, 21 fell to Lee as well. But Lesner had easy wins over Ricky
Photo by Jack Wiener

Cheung and Braithwaite, and when Smart finished off Cheung 20, 15, the U.S., up 4-2, was
lookin good. But then Lee 10, 18, 18 came back against Lesner, and Cheung won, 18, 25,
12, from an overconfident Fleischhacker who had 8 match points on him! In the tie-decider
against Braithwaite, Jeff lost the 1st 22-20. So, whoa, what had happened to the U.S. lead? But
Smart, smartly resilient, took the life-saving last two games 15 and 11.
In their remaining four ties (with Greg Gingold now playing in two of them), the U.S.
men split. Theyre stopped by Luxembourg 5-2 (Lesner defeats Andre Hartmann, wholl play
in Sarajevo, but loses to their #1 Jean Krier wholl beat Englands Des Douglas at the
upcoming Worlds). Then, tired, well also go down to Italy5-1. However, we blitzed
Cambodia (who sent a team here but not to Sarajevo), and knocked off Israel, 5-2. So we
finish a respectable 12th.
Meantime, there are interesting matches among the 1st
division title-contending teams. Czechoslovakiawith their
mainstay Kunz, World #21 after Sarajevo, winning 3rallies from
2-4 down to edge France, led by Patrick Birocheau. Romania,
with their Sarajevo twosome of Serban Dobosi and Teodor
Gheorghe (as I write, the USATTs Executive Director!), is beaten
5-3 by Yugoslavia. But Gheorghe, though losing to defensive star
Bela Mesaros, conqueror of our Danny Seemiller in Sarajevo,
downs both World #26 Milivoj Karakasevic and Zlatko Cordas
whom were about to see visiting the U.S. Despite Kunzs 3 wins,
the Bronze was taken not by the Czechs but by the Germans
(Klaus Schmittinger,
Jaroslav Kunz
Hans Deutz, and Jochen Caricature by Rudy Stipkovic
Jochen Leiss
(Courtesy of Zdenko Uzorinac)
Leiss, winner of our
1977 U.S. Open).

Milivoj Karakasevic

The Team final went, 5-2, to the

USSR (fielding its top 3 players: World #7 Sarkis Sarkhayan, World #12 Stanislav Gomozkov,
and World #30 Anatoly Strokatov) over Yugoslavia (missing its top 3 players, Surbek,
Stipancic, and Korpa). Fleischhacker is impressed by Karakasevics 4, 19 win over 1971
European Youth Champ Strokatov. With what force Karakasevic blocks and how fast he
moves around, says Jerry. Alice Green called him a grasshopper. Also noteworthy is
Cordass 11, 16, 20 comeback against Gomozkov (nicknamed in the German papers a

Teddy Bear). But then, after Sarkhayan outlasts Karakasevic deuce in the 3rd to finish as
the only undefeated player in the Teams, the Russians are convincing winners.
In the 9-team Womens ties, the field is split into two groups, with the winners
meeting for the championship. The U.S. (Alice Green, Janice Martin) opens their Davis Cupstyle play against Czechoslovakiaand Alice surprises everyone by downing in 3 the Czech #7
Helena Pauknerova. But, oh, Alicia Grofovas playing, and shell be the World runner-up at
Sarajevo! So forget about winning this onewe lose 3-1.
How about France, can we beat them? Probably not.
Yveline Lecler, whos on their World team, and wholl win the
Womens Consolation here (over Great Britains Elaine Smith),
is too strong for Janice. And their #1 Claude Bergeret isa
surprise! For the last four years, says Jerry, Alice has been
corresponding with a little French girl named Claude, whom
she met in Munich in 1969. But only about a week before the
tournament did she realize that Claude is Claude Bergeret.By
the way, she is not a little girl in more ways than one, as most of
the men in the tournament would bear witness to.
Bergeret, who was beaten in the 71 Worlds by our 72
National Champion Wendy Hicks, wins the 1st against Alice. But
then seems to be bothered when Alice starts hitting Claudes
loop instead of blocking it. This is very effective because of
Alices racketa Hock 3-ply blade with pimpled sponge which
was looked at with astonishment by most other countries in the
tournament. Alice wins the 2ndafter which Bergeret changes
her strategy, starts to push more instead of looping, and takes
the 3rd easily. In the doubles, Janice and Alice complement each
Frances Claude Bergeret
other beautifully as Janice repeatedly scores with her hard smash
Photo by Mal Anderson
after Alice sets her up. But though they win the 1st game at
deuce, they cant win another.
The Soviets of course are too formidablethough Alice does take the opening game
from their former
Alice winning a game from former USSR champ Rita Pogosova
Champion Rita
Photo by Jack Wiener
Pogosova who at
Sarajevo will oust
Swedens AnnChristin Hellman,
later the losing
finalist in our 1975
U.S. Open.
theres our chance?
Yep, we win 3-1 over
Shirley Gero, Darinka
Shirley unexpectedly
beats Janice.

Only Lena Andersson of the Swedes here in Hannover will be on their roster in
Sarajevo, but theyre too strong for us toothough not by much, for we take the doubles and
Alice loses both singles in 3, including a killer deuce in the 3rd to Kerstin Johansson. So,
though we might have finished 7th, we end up 8th. No disgrace in this either.
In the competition for
the Womens Team title, the
Wiebke Hendriksen
Czechs reach the final with a 31 victory over France. Grofova
beats Bergeret 22-20 in the 3rd
to clinch the win. Who
advances from the other side?
Germany, 3-1, over Romania
when World #25 Wiebke
Hendriksen stands tall over both
the Romanian #2 Eleonora
Vlaicov and the #3 Carmen
Crisan (in 1969 World #13),
and also contributes to a deuce
in the 3rd doubles win. Romania
then loses the Bronze to the Soviets.
In the final, though Grofova takes her two singles, the Germans again prevail in the
doubles to score a popular 3-2 win.
Now a free daywanna go for a spin? Take a drive? Come visit the VW factory
maybe theyll let you get behind the wheel, cruise a littleor pretend to.
In the Mens Singles, the U.S. provides no
surprises. Gingolds laser loop will have no
effect on Kunz; nor in the Consolations on
Belgiums Marcel Lambiotte. Jerry praises Wiener
for playing a lot of great points in losing to
Dobosi 14, 9, 15, and attributes his straight-game
loss to Canadas Chung in the Consolations to
lack of sleep. What the hell has Jack been doing
nights if he isnt sleeping? Hah, read his article.
Make friends, he says; mingle every chance
you can, and explore that explosive motivation to
become better acquainted.
Fleischhacker, after winning the 1st but
stalling out at deuce in the 2nd, plays, as he says,
probably the best match of my life in losing in 4
to Belgian World Team member Frans Bekaert,
then is blanked in the Consolations by Great Britains lefty Tony Clayton, 1971 English
Closed runner-up. Tony will win the Mens Consolation here over Austrias Heinz Schluter
who in beating Clayton teammate Trevor Taylor in a Swaythling Cup match in Sarajevo will
prove to be such a bad loss for England, not to say the apparently unconcerned Taylor, that the
ETTA will send their man packing. This after Trevor had just won the Commonwealth Singles
again and the Doubles with Denis Neale.

Smart has an easy triumph over a hapless Cambodian, then falls to Polands Marek
Skibinski. Canadas Larry Lee, whod been eliminated by Russias Viktor Fursov, straightgame downed Jeff in the Consolations. Lesner bombed into ruin an Irishman, then was badly
beaten by Germanys Rolf Jager. In the Consolations, Bill met Turkish International Mahmut
Tezcan, whod forced Leiss into the 5th, and, playing probably the best Jerrys ever seen him
play, won 21, 20, 18. Then, as in the Teams, Lesner will lose to Luxembourgs Krier (hed be
top 5 in the U.S. says Jerry)after Bill had won the 3rd game at deuce to go up 2-1.
In quarters play among the
The USSRs Sarkis Sarkhayan
Mens Singles contenders, it was
Photo by Mal Anderson
Gomozkov over Cordas, 14, 20, 19;
Strokatov over Karakasevic, 18, -11, 8,
19; Sarkhayan over Schmittinger, -18, 19,
-15, 16, 17; and Kunz, who doesnt look
great himself, but makes everybody else
look bad, over Leiss, giving up only 38
points after losing the 1st. In the semis,
Sarkhayan blows a 2:0 and 15:7 lead but
finally beats Strokatov, 11, 20, -19, 13.
As for Kunz, hes able to block back
Gomozkovs lightning-like backhand,
plus his backhand return of serve with
pimpled sponge gives the Russian fits. So
Kunz is the winner, 19 in the 5th.
In the final, Sarkhayan explores a weakness in Kunzs forehand exchange and wins
handily. Jerry is very impressed with this 73 Russian National Champions all-around steady
gameand so he should be, for Sarkhayan did the hat trick here: won the Mens Doubles with
Gomozkov (over Leiss/Schmittinger), and the Mixed with Pogosova (over Gomozkov/
Rudnova). Jerry warns, He could be a surprise in Sarajevo. And he will do well therereach
the quarters before losing to Swedens Kjell Johansson.
With regard to the U.S. women, Janice lost to Great Britains Sheila Hamilton in 4,
dropping a key 19 3rd game, then in the Consolations was surely not at her best, getting 29
points-annihilated by Germanys Renate Neubaumer. Alices match with Germanys
Hendriksen, a defensive player with anti-topspin sponge on the backhand, Jerry speaks of in
some detail:
After the first couple of points, Alice was obviously playing for the expedite
rule. The German, who beat Maria Alexandru a few weeks ago [Alexandru 10 years
earlier was the World Womens Singles runner-up, and in Sarajevo will win her 2nd
World Womens Doubles Championship], was unsuccessful in her pick shotoften
Alice counter-drove in winners. At 19-17 Hendriksen, Alice, who didnt know there
was less than two minutes left, tried a forehand, which missed, and she quickly lost the
The second game followed pretty much the same patternbut the rule finally
came in with Alice down 16-18. And despite a couple of bad breaks Alice won it, 2220. By now this was the only match going and several worried German coaches arrived
on the scene.

The third game was very tight all the way. Hendriksen, up 21-20, got an edge
to win it. After the break, the German girl, supported by a home audience, took a 4point leadbut Alice fought back, went ahead 15-14. But then Hendriksen ran it
outand finished our hopes.
In the quarters, Hendriksen had an easy time with Russian World Team member Asta
Gedraitite, winner of the Womens Doubles with Rudnova; Grofova murdered Vlaicov;
Russias 1970 and 72 European Champion Zoya Rudnova rallied from 2-1 down to beat
Bergeret; and Pogosova also came back from 2-1 down to defeat Crisan. Jerry closed his
article by emphasizing that the final was the most exciting match of the tournament:
Grofova, who used anti-topspin on the backhand, could viciously angle the
exchange to both sides and her unusual put away was very effective. In the 5th game,
Rudnova came all the way from 13-20 to 19-20, but Grofova hit in one to win, 11-21,
21-11, 21-14, 19-21, 21-19. And the crowd that was on her side from the beginning
went wild with approval.
Wild with approval, too, should our USTTA E.C. be for supporting this group. Even
from afar, reading Fleischhackers article, you could sense this Teams intense spirit, their
Another U.S. player, Long Islands Cosmo Graham, was
going to school in London where hed joined two leagues. Establish
leagues, he told U.S. readers (TTT, March-April, 1973, 6)that was
the way to go. But he also said that in the U.S. there werent enough
clustered clubs in any given area to field teams, so we had to have
more clubs to have successful leagues. He makes other comparisons
between the two countries:
The main difference between the English standard and the
U.S. is that England has 3 or 4 players who are much better and
there are many more players who would be quite good A players in
Cosmo Graham
the U.S. Another good thing is that the E.T.T.A. has a permanent
office and a phone number. Also we should follow their example and print the
tournament schedule for the entire year at the beginning of the season. [Ah, but we
cant get all the many pockets in our vast U.S. to be so organized as to know ahead of
time if and when theyll be running a tournament.]
Rufford Harrison informs us that Geoff Harrower has died. He says that Geoff was
possibly the best known of Englands table tennis reportersand England [where Rufford is
from] is a country where one can make a living writing about table tennis.
Topics English correspondent, the Barna biographer Phil Reid, reports (March-April,
1973, 6) on the English Junior Closed. In the Boys, it was Des Douglas (hed come from
Jamaica when he was four and now speaks with the broadest Birmingham accent
imaginable) over Don Parker, wholl grow up to marry the current English #1, Jill (nee
Shirley) Hammersley. In the Girls, the favorite, Linda Howard, was allowed to play despite the
fact that the organizers hadnt received her entry; they believed her when she said shed sent it.

Howard, who was to beat Judy Bochenski in the

Womens Singles at Sarajevo 19 in the 5th on an
edge ball, won a match-point-down squeaker in the
final here over Karen Rogers. Doubles went to Paul
Day/Andy Barden; Mixed to Day/Elaine Tarten;
Girls Doubles to Tarten/Gilliam Taylor.
At the Sarajevo Worlds, New Yorker
Shazzi Felstein will help with
the Topics coverage by
reporting on the Womens
Singles and Doubles.
Afterwards, leisurely on her
way for a flight connection in
Paris, shell decide that, since
the French had won the European Boys Team
Shazzi Felstein
Championships, shed stop in St. Die for a few
Photo by Mal Anderson
hours to watch their Junior Closed. Observing
(TTT, May-June, 1973, 36) that the best French
didnt look noticeably better than our U.S. best, she was struck by the fact that more than
250 selected kids were entered, all under 15 and accompanied by 100 officials/coacheswith
of course all expenses paid. She closes with, Will we ever see anything like this in the U.S.?
Well, maybe notbut at least isolated Topics readers are becoming more aware of
what world play is like. And, since Boggan dislikes parochialism, provincialism, and
amateurism, thats his USTTA Vision.
Norwich Union International
The English Open,
which Ive at times covered
in earlier volumes, is now
called, in deference to its
sponsor, the Norwich Union
International. Many of those
entered in the 1973 field
well repeatedly see in the
1970s in U.S. and Canadian
Phil Reid reports (TTT,
May-June, 1973, 56-58) that
on the very day the players are
due to arrive and he to meet
them, Feb. 28, theres a train
strike. But Phil manages to get
out to Heathrow Airport,
where a chartered bus will wait around to pick up all arrivalsGermans, Yugoslavs, Romanians,
and Swedesthen take them, via suburban-Londons chaotic road conditions, down to
Brighton. The year before at this tournament there was a postal strike, and the year before that

a power strikeprompting Swedish Captain/Coach Christer

Johansson to quip, One thing the English are champions at is
striking. It was Christer, I might add, who first taught 10-year-old
younger brother Kjell how to play. Hans Alser, Captain/Coach of
the German Team, is more than inconveniencedhis wife is taken
seriously ill and no sooner does he arrive than he has to leave.
Poor Alserhed have bad luck at Sarajevo too: after that kidney
attack hed be taken away from the Hall in an ambulance and
flown to a urological clinic in Frankfurt.
Some early results in the Mens Team ties saw Denmarks
National Champion Niels Ramberg and about-to-be ranked World
#44 Claus Pedersen down favored Hungarys Peter Roszas and
Matyas Beleznai. The English then stopped the Danesthough
Pederson was able to hit through both World #23 Denis Neale and

Christer Johansson
(Joola photo)

Dragutin Surbek:
no backhand?
Photo by Bora Vojnovic
(Courtesy of Zdenko Uzorinac)


Trevor Taylor who, as the

National Champion, last
year made about 1500
pounds total, most of
which came from a
summer coaching job at a
large holiday camp.
Englands 17-year-old
Desmond Douglas upset
Kjell Johansson, but not
Stellan Bengtsson. The
Swedes then advanced to
the final over the French
and the Czechs.
Meanwhile, in a
well-played semis tie,
Yugoslavia, coached by
Dusan Dule Osmanajic,
was gaining the final over
England. Taylor, however,
scored a stunning win over
Dragutin Surbek.
Possessing virtually no
backhand, he [Surbek]
covers an enormous
amount of ground and the

result is some very spectacular results indeed. Nothing is given up for lost. Quite often Surbek
returns balls he has no right to even reach and some of his hittingparticularly when hes
yards away from the tableborders on the fantastic. Taylor/Neale almost beatthey lost 19
in the 3rdone of the best Doubles teams in the world, Surbek/Anton Stipancic. In the final
tie, Surbeks incredible will-power allowed him to best Bengtsson in 3. But that was it for
In one Womens Team semis, it was Sweden, with Birgitta Radberg defeating Europe
#5 Ilona Vostova, over Czechoslovakia, 3-0. In the other, thanks particularly to slightly-built
Londoner Karenza Mathews win over Maria Alexandru, England defeated Romania. In the
final, Radberg was too strong for both Mathews and Jill Hammersley, so Swedens women
matched the Mens win.
In Mens Singles, Englands Chester Barnes took Johansson to 25-23 in the 4th, and
Douglas (though losing the 3rd at 19 after rallying from 12-20 down) went on to 23-21 in the
4th avenge Pedersons earlier Team wins over Neale and Taylor. There was a big upset in the
making when French lefthander Christian Martin, retrieving well on both wings and picking
out the odd winner, led Bengtsson 9-5 in the 5th. Question: would Martin keep his
momentum, make it 10-5 at the turn? Answer: talk about momentum, the Swede won 13
points in a row. Then, while Neale was being eliminated by Beleznai, Bengtsson quickly
dispatched Douglas.
In subsequent play, Stipancic was more than a match for French Champion Secretin.
But in the semis, he crumbled against Bengtsson. Johansson, too consistent for the
enthusiastic Surbek, also advanced to the final. The Swedes mainly engaged in hit and
counter-hit play, but Bengtsson, in winning 3-1 (as he would at Sundsvall in the Swedish
Nationals), impressed everyone with his quite remarkable footwork. Reid says the young
Swedes play has a sort of golden quality to itshould be measured in carats, not points.
Singles, two
most notable
results were
Romanias Maria
attack against the
Photo by Barry
French #1
Claude Bergeret;
and Swedens
Anderssons 5game win over
Hammersley. In
the final it was
Radberg against
Alexandru whod won this Open the last 3 years. The fact that she was looking to be the first
woman to make it 4 in a row prompted Reid to make the following observations:

The crowd, I suspect, was rather anxious to see a new name on the trophy.
Because, lets face it, Mrs. Alexandru is not to some people the most attractive player
in the world to watch. To me she is a wonderful player. Dedicated, loyal to her team, a
fight to the end, and a charming person off the table. On the tables she is dour,
determined, one of the Thou Shalt Not Pass breed.
With the match tied 1-1, and Alexandru
20-18 in the 3rd, she returned a ball
From the English Table Tennis
News, Apr., 1972, 19
that hit the side. Or at least thats what
everyone thought except Alexandru. In turn,
she appealed to the umpire, her captain, and
finally to her opponent. Reid thought she was
trying to upset Radberg, and, whether this
was true or not, the spectators were not
happy when Alexandru won the next point. In
the 4th, the Romanian, down 18-19 and the
game very near to being expedited, incurred
the wrath of the crowd by leaving the table to
speak to her captain, but was called back by
the umpire. Again Reid thought she had an
ulterior motivetrying to delay the game to
get the Rule in. Radberg, however, scored two more points and so they moved into the 5th.
Here Radberg herself practiced some gamesmanship. Toward the end of the match, after every
point, she went for her towel, and was not stopped by the umpire. So who won? Radberg.
In Mens Doubles, Neale and Taylor did not have a hurried lunch, arrived back late for
their match, and were scratched. Protests were made, a Jury Meeting was called, and, since the
pair they were supposed to meet were already playing their next match, they were scratched
the more. Someone said, In no other country in the world would the host countrys top two
players be scratched, but, then, in no other country in the world would the host countrys top
two players be late enough to be scratched. The final, between Bengtsson/Johansson and
Surbek/Stipancic was won by the Swedes with Johansson repeatedly hammering in winners.
The Womens Doubles final, the only match in the event to go the full distance, was won by
the Czechs Vostova/Miloslava Polackova over the Swedes Radberg/Andersson.
In the Mixed, England fared very well. Scottish International winner Tony Clayton and
Englands #6 Susan Howard beat Swedens Vikstrom/Andersson; Taylor/Hammersley beat
Surbek/Vlaicov; and Neale/Mathews, after downing Jiri Turai/Polackova, had an excellent win
over 1973 World Mixed finalists Stipancic/Alexandru in 5. In the final, though, the English pair
was outclassed by the Czechs Milan Orlowski/Vostova.
Swedens Birgitta Radberg

Commonwealth Championships
At the Cardiff, Wales Commonwealth Championships, England (Taylor, Neale,
Douglas, Nicky Jarvis, Alan Hydes) was dominantwon the Mens Teams over India (Mir
Khasim Ali, 1972 National Champ Niraj Bajaj, Jagannath) and the Womens Teams over
Canada (the Nesukaitis sisters, Mariann Domonkos, Shirley Gero, with Adham Sharara as
Captain). The tournament, however, was a milestone for Canada in that when Torontos
Robert Simpson Company outfitted the team in walking-out uniforms of red blazers, grey

slacks and white

sweaters, it marked
the first time that a
Canadian table
tennis team has
traveled dressed as a
national team.
Singles went to the
English #1 Taylor
over the English #2
Neale. Womens
Singles to the
English #1
Hammersley over
the English #2
Mathews. Violetta
Nesukaitis was 3rd
on the 73
Classification List
followed by (4th)
New Zealands
Yvonne Fogarty;
(5th) Rupa Mukherjee
(later Bannerjee),
runner-up at the 72
Indian Nationals to
Indu Puri, and (6th)
Ethel Jacks, Nigerias
73 Pan-African
Canadians dressed as a National Team for the Melbourne Commonwealth Games
From Canadian Table Tennis News, May, 1975, 16
In the 1972 New Zealand Championships, Fogarty
had beaten 8-time Champion Neti Traill in a deuce-in-the-5th
semis (a car accident has left Neti with a metal pin in her
left leg inhibiting her mobility), then had lost in 5 to
Defending Champion Anne Stonestreet, described by Doug
Stewart as a tiny little thing with a ferocious forehand.
Alan Tomlinson, 38, was the 72 195-entry Mens Singles
Champ for the 4th timeover Malaysian student Ling Nam
Ming whod ousted both 37-year-old hard-rubber stalwart
John Armstrong deuce in the
New Zealands Richard Lee
5th and the 17-year-old
From the PRCs 1972 Tour of
titleholder Richard Lee.
New Zealand Program

India saw tours by both China (led by Chinese Nationals 3rd-place finishers Chou Lansun in the Mens and Cheng Yu-shan in the Womens) and North Korea (led by 1971 World
#23 Pak Sin Il in the Mens and Cha Gwang Suk and Li Chang Suk in the Womens).
According to Stewart, the highlight for China during a quick trip in July, 1972 was visiting a
sheep farm. (New Zealand has 20 sheep for every human being.) China wasnt disposed to
give away many matches, and North Korea, visiting Bombay, Jaipur, Calcutta, Cuttack, and
Delhi in Jan. of 1973, didnt allow a single opponent to reach any semis.
Herskovich Arranges European Tour
Mike Greene gives us (TTT, July-August, 1973, 16-17) an account of the 26-day
European trip, including a stop to take in the Worlds, that Allan Herskovich arranged for a
San Francisco group that included: Allan, Mike and his wife Norma, Shonie Aki and his wife
Ria, Azmy Ibrahim, Pat Crowley, Jeff Mason, and Jeffs parents Jack and Kathryn. Jack, in a
separate article, would thank the USTTA E.C. for including this group in the Sarajevo party
the Americans gave, and would heap high praise on the former Yugoslav/Italian International
The San Francisco contingent showed togetherness in sporting a street uniform of
gray slacks, purple and gray turtle-neck sweaters, and burgundy blazers with a U.S.T.T.A.
emblem on the pockets. From Oakland they flew to Frankfurt, then took a train through the
sun and snow of the beautiful Swiss country-side to Basel where they dined at the Tropic
restaurant, famous for its live snakes crawling around in wooden casings with glass tops, only
five inches from the top of the tables. Then they were off to Zurich where Allans sister lived.
Met there by representatives of the host club, they were soon
taken on an old-fashioned grand tour of the Lindt Chocolate
Factory where one U.S. player accidentally dropped a gift box of
chocolates in the toilet. It cracked Mike up to see them floating there.
He and Norma then went shopping, and bought what, do you think,
there in Switzerland? A cuckoo clock. After dinner there was an
International T.T. event, but the Americans tired, tense, sluggish
bodies didnt allow them to do too wellthough Jeff and Azmy each
won a match. Pennants were exchanged, the U.S. team was
presented with an engraved silver dish, and each member received
an illustrated book of Zurich.
Next stop: Milano, where at a Pizzeria/Restaurant some of the
players drank wine, much to their disadvantage at the table tennis
matches that followed. The audience cheered for whoever played
wellwhich almost invariably wasnt a San Franciscan. Italy #13
downed Jeff. But Mike played, as he says, like Ive never played
before. My backhand kill shot just wouldnt miss. On winning this
Photo by
match he was surrounded by Italian well-wishers. Pat Crowley came
Norma Greene
close to winningfaltered after leading 16-9 in the 3rd. After the
matches, Jeff and Mike went for a long walk, got lost, talked with the girls on the corners so
that 10,000 lire became a private joke among the group.
On to Zagreb, and from there only an hour and fifteen minute flight to Sarajevo.
Except Sarajevo was snowed in. So, no alternative: an 8-hour train ridebut fortunately in a
sleeper car. At the Sarajevo tournament site, it took almost four hours to get registerednot

good. But, as he did in Nagoya, Mike will

be able to shoot and sell reels of Team and
Individual matches. These films, he said,
will be far better than the 71 films
because of the experience Ive gained in
filming since then. After watching the
Team matches, Mike and Norma took a
side trip to Greece and Rome (arranged
by Allan who reportedly spoke 7
languages). Then, following the completion
of the tournament, the San Francisco
group and Angie Rosal all went to
Dubrovnik, where a Long Island group had
preceded them. There, in this unique,
peaceful, beautiful old walled-in town,
Angelita Rosal joined them. From there it
was 4 and hours to Zadar by bus, but an
Allan Herskovich (second from right) being hosted by
friends, including (far right) former world doubles champion
enjoyable ride, since the Yugoslavian
Dr. Zarko Dolinar
coastline is breathtakingly beautiful.

Top Right: Long Islanders at a Dubrovnik dinner; L-R:

Mort and Evelyn Zakarin, H Blair, Gayle Eisenberg, Sally Boggan, and Dave Cox

Allan had business in Israel, but representatives of the local club met us in Zadar.
Later we WALKED to the club from the hotel. The Americans acted as if walking was a thing
of the past, but we must remember that most Yugoslavians just dont have cars. Anyway we
collected posters from store windows that announced our being in the city. Alas, our players
didnt win here either. In fact, our women didnt even get to playno female opponents.
Splitno, that was not what our very much together group was going to do; Split was
our next stop. A Mr. Tomisic, an archeologist, became our personal guide, and while we
toured the fourth-century Diocletian Palace he gave us a history of the place. At the Split
Club, Angie and Pat played matchesAngie won her Singles, but she and Jeff lost their
Mixed. Mike did wellwon a Mens Doubles with Shonie and a Mixed with Pat.
Zagrebthats the town wed been waiting for, since here wed be playing Surbek,
Stipancic, and Cordas of the Yugoslav Vjesnik Club. Assisted by permanent hosts Zdenko Uzorinac
and Zlatko and Irena Cordas (who, unlike her husband, spoke English quite well), the group spent
about six days in Zagreb, and all the time we were treated like kings and queens.
The first big match with these world-class players came at the Mladost Club. After Jeff
lost to Stipancic, Shonie faced Surbek. Heres Mikes take on that match:
He [Shonie] was probably nervous or just plain frightened. The first match
was terrible. Surbek, who is known as an animal and the man with an iron arm, just
didnt give him a chance. The Yugoslav played an unbelievable game. His loop drive
from off the floor was too muchall you could see was the end of the swing. Shonie
couldnt even get ready for the ball. He tried some of his tricky serves on Surbek, but
Surbek read them all.
Mike, who said he was glad he didnt have to play Surbek, went up against Bozicevic,
a disconcerting player who held the paddle with the blade pointed across his body, and when
he hit the ball it went sideways. Azmy met Zlatko, thought maybe he could win, but lost 17,
19. Would he have been less disappointed were he able to see ahead to the upcoming Yugoslav
Closed? There Zlatko would have wins over Korpa and Surbek before losing in the final to
Karakasevic after leading 2-0 and at deuce in the 3rd. Mike and Azmy
almost took a doubleslost 19 in the 3rd. Angie and Pat? Irena Cordas,
a penholder with a good push and forehand loop drive, was too tough.
Angie did well to take a game from her. Surprisingly, Irena seemed to
have trouble with Pats serveswould turn to her bench with an I
dont know look on her face. It wont be long, though, before Irenas
the new Yugoslav Championwith a semis win over the favorite Resler
in the semis and Jeler in the final. Matches over, it was back to the hotel
for dinnerwith Surbek and Stipancic wearing their new blue, full
length suede coats that were given to them by the Vjesnik Club.*
Next day, Easter Sunday, Vjesnik played the Mladost Club, and, says Mike, we won
out over the Mladost Juniors. Then we were treated to a fine meal, and even got some Easter
eggs. Then the following day we went to the resort town of Toplice where Mike was able to
play Stipancic. In world competition, Stipancic gives the impression that he isnt playing hard,
but I found out that that is his style, smooth, effortless, with lots of spin thats well controlled
and well angled. Unexpectedly in this years Closed hed lose in a straight-game semis to

After the
matches, there
was dinner,
then dancing in
one could top
the dancing of
Jack and
Mason. The
band played I
Left My Heart
L-R: Surbeks son, Stipancics in San
son, and grandfatherly
Jack Mason
Meal hosted for Californians by
which was a
Photo by Norma Greene
Mladost Club President (center)
Photo by Norma Greene
surprise to us and put us in a sentimental
moodespecially since this was the last night of our tour.
We were all again mindful of Allans incalculable help. At one time, the Yugoslavians
had medallions made with Allans picture on them, to give as awards to winners of table tennis
competition. Some tribute, eh?
Jeff Mason, it turned out, met Damyana, fell in
love with her, and would be married this August
15th. Play table tennis and see the world, says
Mike, and maybe find a mate.It could happen to
*Tom Nurnberger (who in 1969-70 played on
the same Yugoslav team as Cordas and Surbek) in
his Profile of Zlatko Cordas (TTT, Nov., 1980, 3;
6) explains how 1970-74 was the golden era of
Vjesnik-Zagreb, how they were European Team
Champions (three times in a row), and how to
Coach Herman Vukusic Cordas had to be as
Jeff Mason and his Yugoslavian
valuable as Surbek and Stipancic, for he was by far
wife-to-be, Damyana
the best 3rd player in Europe in team play.
Photo by Mike Greene
Zlatko himself, who was reported as having won
the 1969 Polish Open, the Portuguese and Balkan Opens in 1970, and was runner-up in the
1973 Yugoslav Closed, said in a 1980 or 81 Coaching Review (6) interview: I was on the
National Team from 1967 until 1974, always as the No. 4 or No. 5 player. There were always
three players better than me. When youre on the Team that long youre playing a lot, but not
in really important matches.


Dr. Michael Scott, II

Chapter Two
1973: Pre-U.S. Open Winter
TournamentsPart I.
Springthats what Ive just done,
have jumped ahead to link up our U.S. play
overseas. Now I want to go back, pick up
where I left off after those end-of-the-year
U.S. Team Tryouts in Vol. VI and so orient
readers to whats been happening in our JanMar. domestic tournaments. Ill begin in the
northwest, move eastward.
British Columbia held two wintry
tournaments, the Jan. 20-21 Richmond Open
at the James Whiteside School Gym, and the
Feb. 3-4 Winter Festival at the North Vancouver Community Centre. At Richmond, 1970 U.S.
Open Junior runner-up Philip Cheng downed 1972 U.S. Open A Champ Zoltan Pataky, but
at Vancouver Zollie took the Mens from Phil. At both tournaments Merle Bagoo-Weekes
was the Womens winner. And at both Pataky was best in Mens Doubles, first with Eric
Caveley, then with Cheng. Bagoo-Weekes, partnered by Paul Albrecht, split Mixed titles with
Calveley/Joan Hurwood.
Seniors at Richmond went to Seattle Club President Dr. Michael Scott over Art Ngai
who won at Vancouver. Scott was the Jan. 26th subject of a well-meaning Seattle Times
reporter who had Mike spittinglike a small, finely tuned machine spitting out an endless
flow of celluloid ballsand showing a never-quit attitude, even when he is behind (think
what hed do if he were ahead). In Junior Mens, Eddie Lo was twice too 3-game good for
Peter Joe; while Leslee Ward, 22, 24 loser in
Carl Cole
the Womens to Bagoo-Weekes at Richmond,
dominated the Junior Miss.
Vancouver also hosted the Feb. 17
Northwest Open. In the Mens, Jeff Kurtz
downed Class A/Junior winner Eddie Lo in 5,
then won the final from Carl Cole by default
Carl, at the moment, no longer King Cole, or
a merry old soul. Womens went to Judy
Bochenski over Tyra Parkins whod eliminated
Liz Kurtz. Just to give you an idea how well off
the Seattle Club is under Dr. Scott, Tyras the
Assistant Treasurer there. Gord Favell was best
in Class B, as he had been at Richmond. In the

Seniors, Michael stopped Dr. Bob Ho

who teamed with Judy to take the Open
Doubles. Scott, we learn, also plays
tennis, skis (on snow or water), and scuba
dives. He expects to stay healthy, be
playing a good game of table tennis
when hes 60 or 70. Think he will?
Readers might well be interested
in Hos book, Bones Out of Place (2003),
wherein we follow his developing career
as an osteopathic physician specializing in
orthopedic surgery. Along the way, we
find out that Table Tennis hasnt been
Bobs only sport. Honolulu-born, he won
the Mr. University of Hawaii contest in
1952 and, afterwards, 3 light heavyweight
Olympic-style weightlifting Iowa State
Championships. Bob learned/practiced in
many parts of the U.S. before coming to
Portland, OR. For a time he interned at
the West Side Osteopathic Hospital in
York, PA, home of the York Barbell
Company and Club. There he saw Chuck
Vinci, the U.S. 123 lb (bantamweight)
champion who could squat 400 lbs., train
for the Olympics. Chuck was one of the table tennis-playing Cleveland Vinci brothers (Ray, I
believe, was best) who, sponsored by USTTA Hall of Famer Sanford Gross, played in Ohio
tournaments in the early 50s.
At the Mar. 10th Oregon Open in Salem, their USTTA suspensions lifted, Tom
Ruttinger won the Open from Rob Roberts. Womens went to Judy Bochenski, who in the fall
will start at Stanford, over Leslee Ward. Open Doubles: Eddie Lo/Peter Joe over, first, Ed Ng/
James Tong, 19 in the 3rd, then over Paul Chang/Greg Eng in a 23, -21, 24 thriller. Mixed:
Judy and her dad Lou over Jeff/Liz Kurtz. Lou will urge that the
Northwest players, though used to their own rating system, adopt
Neal Foxs National Ratings system (Neals work will soon
supplant Jack Howards pioneer efforts). As: Steve Berliner over
Ho, but the two paired to win the A Doubles from Ron Farrians/
Eng. Bs: Victor Chan over Chris Depee, B Doubles winner with
Ron Vincent. Cs: Red Duncan over Dave Barber. Seniors: Hugh
Ward over Jim Tisler, then Art Ngai. Ron Carver took the
Consolations from Carl Lehrhoff.
The first Northern California tournament of 2003, the Feb. 1011 Cupertino Open, was won by newly arrived German native
Franz-Joseph Heurmann over Jeff MasonFranz playing with a
hardbat covered with something other than Marty Reismans
favored Leland rubber. Womens winner was Yuriko Kerby over
Franz-Joseph Heurmann

Jai Howard. The two Singles Champs also took the Mixed over Jim Naik/Hilda Brautigan
(who would avenge this loss at the upcoming San Francisco Winter Open). Mens Doubles
went to Ramon Fernandez/Azmy Ibrahim.
As: LeRoy Kondo over Alvin Hills whod barely escaped Mike Greene. Bs: Graham
Wilson in 5 over Chuck Shackelford. B Doubles winners: Wilson/Walt Thomas. Cs: Ken Pitts
over Armand Romero. C Doubles: Nick Sawin/Tom Joyce over Wayne Tieke/Audie Rosales.
Ds: Frank Chang over Danny Loudon. Allan Herskovich won the Seniors from Bob Eckert,
and the Senior Doubles with Thomas. 17s: Dan Blumberg over Johnny Nevarez. 15s: Frank
Chang over Tieke.
One wonders whether Don Gunn is more of a reader or an athlete: from an article in
the 1973 World Book Science Annual, he shares this tip for he (she) who wants to have
stamina enough to be a Champion: Eat a balanced diet regularly, but exercise to exhaustion
four days before competition to deplete the glycogen stores. Then eat foods high in
carbohydrates for the next three days so that the glycogen stores are filled to capacity for the
event. Emphasize such foods as cereals, bread, potatoes, rice,
Gunn aims one of
his Shots more at the
old, rather than the new,
San Francisco Club, noting
that any change had to
be an improvement. He
cites, Six tables, a
refinished floor, good
lighting, and the lowest
temperatures this side of the Arctic Circle. In the
March San Francisco Open, Denis OConnell, helped
by a 24-22 3rd game, won the Mens in 4 over Dave
Chan whod knocked out Jeff Mason 23-21 in the
4th. Womens winner was Virginia Spiersch over Jai
Howard. Mason paired with Richard Terry to take
the Doubles from Chan/Wilson Wu. Fox praises
Terry for providing him with helpful area and Club
ranking lists. As: Jim Naik over Amin Jaffer. A
Doubles: Naik/LeRoy Kondo over Mike Greene/
Peter Yu. Bs: Joe Proksch over Jaffer.
Denis OConnell
Photo by Don Gunn
Jack Howard may be more interested in
coaching than playing, but youd never know it from
Milla Boczars March tournament, a warm-up for next weeks Nationals. Jack won the Open
over Paul Raphel who, after eliminating Danny Banach, 18 in the 5th, struggled to 24-22 in the
4th down Glenn Cowan. Howard was also in the final of the Mens, but lost that to OConnell
whod survived 5 games with Raphel. Shy Denis, whod dominated the two Singles events in
Millas Jan. tournament, twice downing Ray Guillen, is about to find girlsand when that
happens, goodbye table tennis! Womens went to the anything but shy Angie Rosal over her
sister Monica. Cowan took both the Mens and the Mixed Doubleswith Guillen (over
Raphel/Eric Thom); with Monica (over favored Ray/Angie).

Other results:
Mens As: Brenner over
Bill Garrett, 19 in the 5th.
Womens As: Howards
girl (maybe wife-to-be?),
Bonnie Johnson, over
Annie Smith. Bs: David
Chiu over Dieter Huber.
Cs: Dean Galardi over
Marcus Neely. Ds Gary
Templeton over Chu. A
Doubles: Huber/Joe
Proksch. B Doubles:
Monico Rosal talking to daughter Angie and Stellan Bengtsson
Huber/Ken Pitts. C-D
Doubles: Richard Alden/
Jim DeMet. Parent-Child Doubles: Chris Rosal paired with his father Monico, of Philippine
heritage, who works as a radar technician at the San Diego naval base; they defeated Dieter
and Karl Huber. Seniors: Danny Banach over Julius Paal. 11s: Joe Napoles over Terry
Absher. 13s: Chris Rosal over Alan Napoles. 15s: Joe Napoles over Steve Schultz. 17s:
Ricky Walker over Schultz.
Mens winner at the Huntington Beach California Open was Joong Gil Park in 5 over
Guillen. Womens went to Angie over Patty Cash. Strangely, Ive no record of either a Mens
or Mixed Doubles. As: Kondo over Joe Proksch. Bs: Kondo over David Chiu. Cs: Sandy
Lechtick over Pitts. Ds: Ron Whitlock over D. Thompson. Esquires: Richard Badger over
Paal. Seniors: Paal over Banach. Senior Doubles: Banach and Russ Thompson over George
Kelemen and Carmen Ricevuto whos more than a mite put out cause hes still waiting,
waiting, waiting for those paid-for sheets of rubber Fuarnado Roberts had promised to send
him. 17s: Raphel over Eric Thom, deuce in the 4th. 15s: Dean Galardi over Dennis Barish.
Galardi was
discovered by Lou Dubin
playing table tennis,
amateurishly but showing
agility, with his mother at
the Redondo Beach Sea
Innthat same Inn
where Steve Shoemaker,
Treasurer of the local
Chamber of Commerce,
first conceived the idea
of the $7,500 1971
Redondo Beach Western
Lou Dubin: a juniors best
Classic. A year later,
friend...until hes sent away
Dean was sponsored to
Dean Galardi
Photo by Don Gunn
the U.S. Open at Hofstra
University by the Redondo Beach Kiwanis Club. There Long Island reporter Larry Sherman
interviewed him and learned something of his background:

Galardis mother suffers from epilepsy, his father abandoned them when he
was three years old and his family is on welfare.Galardi is currently on medication
(tetracycline) for a bout with pneumonia which hes still recovering from. He was
bedded for six weeks with what was feared to be a blood disease before it turned out
to be a plain old virus. Until recently he was never out of his hometown [sic: for state?;
hes from Torrance] because he was too poor to go anywhere. [Now, its 1973, and
after his second year of play, Dean continues his rapid improvement.]
Wintertime in Long Beach, the 27th Open
thereand Guillen was a triple winner. In Singles over
Howard after being down 2-0. In Mens Doubles with
Shonie Aki (over Ichiro Hashimoto/Nick Mintseveris).
And in Mixed with Nurse Pat Crowley (after losing the
first two, over Thom/Rosal). Angie took the Womens
from Priscilla Parker. As: Mark DaVee over Proksch.
Bs: Angie over Frank Suran. Cs: Maltrus Neely over
Greg Sherman. Seniors:
Banach over Jim Limerick.
Kathy Chin Gutwein
does the Topics coverage
for the Feb. Richard and
Martha Alden-run San
Diego Balboa, er, check
that, Rosal Open. Raphel
Ray Guillen
won the Mens, beating in
Photo by Mal Anderson
this order: Thom in 5, then
Howard (whod been down 2-1 to Bill Ukapatayaskul), and finally
OConnell who in finishing Cowan 20, 24, -18, 10 might have lost
in straight games. Womens went to Angie over 18-year-old dental
assistant Cindy Cooper who survived Heather Angelinetta by taking
the 4th and (after almost blowing an 11-3 lead) the 5th at 19. By the
time you read this, Cindy will have married 21-year-old
construction worker Gary Feilen. Mens Doubles: Joong Gil Park/
Ichiro Hashimoto over Cowan/Raphel 19 in the 5th. Hashimoto,
Kathy said, gave a spartan 8-week training camp at Milla Boczars
Hollywood Club for Lou Dubins Junior prospects. Mixed:
Mintsiveris/Angie over Park/Karen Berliner, -23, 11, 21, 20.
Other winners: As: Angie (after 2nd-round stumbling by
Bard Brenner deuce in the 3rd) over DaVee. Womens As: Monica
Shell clean your teeth
Rosal over Bonnie Johnson. Bs: Lyle DeJong over Sandy Lechtick.
Photo by Mal Anderson
Cs: Dennis Barish over Dean Galardi 19 in the 5th. (Can so many
matches really end 19 in the 5th?) Ds: Pat Crowley over Monica Rosal and 42 others. A
Doubles: George McGhee/Brenner over Stan and Angie Rosal. B Doubles: Dieter Huber/
Eugene Kunyo over Ken Pitts/Lechtick. C-D Doubles: Barish/Galardi over Lechtick/A.
Serrano. Seniors: Don Ayers over Banach. 17s: DaVee over Angie. 15s: Barish over Galardi,
13s: Joe Napoles over Chris Rosal.

You might have noticed that longtime San

Diego Club member Patty Martinez was absent
from this tourney? Actually, though shed been
sick and didnt play, she was thereas readers
could tell from her later angry Topics article (JulyAug., 1973, 15). She felt abused, felt Tournament
Director Richard Alden had lost it, had, unjustly,
without warning, began screaming at her to get off
a table he needed for a match, and, worse,
continued screaming at her that she ought to get
off all HIS tables since she wasnt playing in the
tournament. Meanwhile, little kids and players
relatives were playing on nearby tables, for only 5
of the 40 were occupied.
Pattys mother confronted Richard about
his rudeness, and he said hed meant that Patty
had to get off the tables nearest the Control Desk.
He apologized to Patty who said, Thats cool,
Alden. Later, though, she found out that in his
fury hed asked an official to call the police to
bodily throw out that troublemakerwhich,
Patty Martinez. Dig those earrings!
when she read in Gutweins coverage that Alden
Photo by Mal Anderson
was commended for contending with a lot of
pettiness and hassles, no doubt prompted Patty to publicly protest the way shed been
Phoenix Club President Forrest Barr reports (TTT, May-June, 1973, 11) on the 21st
Arizona Open, held Feb. 17-18 on ten Brinkton tables at the Trevor Browne High
gymnasium. In the Mens, 17-year-old Eric Thom blanked Defending Champ Howie
Grossman. But in his semis against California Ranking Chair Dieter Huber, Eric was 16, 13
cruising along nicelythenoh, oh, -18, -20 (need for temper-tantrum control coming
up?)was down 18-14 in the 5th. At which point, Barr says, Dieter awakened just in time to
the undemanding character of his unranked status.
In the Jan.-Feb., 1973 Topics (12), Dieter made the case for ignoring
the seeding/placing rules in the USTTA Rules Manual because, he says,
theres no logic to them. For example, if you have 12 proven strong players in
a 32-Draw, its just not fair to pick out 8 of them for seeding and placing,
then flip the other 4 with the remaining entry so that possibly 2 of these 4
could meet in the 1st round while in that same round two weak players might
meet. Instead, whatever the Class, Championship or Ds, local Ranking Chairs
should follow strict guidelines based on a players performance. Win a certain
Class event, and next time you certainly cant play in a lower Class. Also, if
Dieter Huber you play a match as Huber did against Thom here in the Arizona Open, youre
going to accumulate advancement points. Hence with such a good showing
Dieter may play himself out of the Bs and be advanced in current Eligibility Lists. Dieter
also says that other USTTA Ranking/Rating practices defy common senseautomatically
ranking the U.S. Open winner #1; offering a National Class A rating by counting results from

all classes; and rating Juniors as one group rather that rating them
separately according to their respective age event.
Angie won the Womens here in Phoenix without benefit of
tough battle over, first, Angelinetta, 19, 20, 19 (looks like a battle to
mescores suspect?), then her sister Monica. Mens Doubles went to
Thom/Grossman over Huber/Joe Proksch; the Mixed to Grossman/
Angelinetta over Proksch/Pat Crowley whod upset Thom/Rosal in 5.
The Esquire winner was Ed Bacon of Ocean City, N.J. all warmed-up
to straight-game stop Ken Hoover and Sy Kenig. Best in Seniors?
Helmuth Vorherrjust edging out Mac Horn 23-21 in the 5th.
Other results: As: Angieblitzing Harold Kopper and Dennis
Barish. Bs: Phoenix City Champion Bill Kenig, Sys son, over Bill
Ed Bacon
Guerin. Barr says that L.A.s Lou Dubin, for many years now a
juniors best friend, drove to the tournament in an ancient limousine full of flashy, young,
polite and polished talent from California. Galardi and Barish dominated the Class Doubles
winning the As from Huber/Proksch and the Bs from Guerin/Byrd. U-17s went to Thom
after a furious-18, 13, -22, 15, 17 final with Angie. Galardi, who just a month earlier
sustained kidney surgery, was the U-15 winner. Chris Rosal took the 13s from David
At the Feb. Texoma Open in Holiday, Texas, Brad
Fountain came 1st via a 3-way tie-breaker with runner-up
Tommy Vaello and David Bell whom Brad had beaten two
weeks earlier in the final of the Billie Watkins-run Irving Open.
Womens went to Peggy Shaha over Cindy Garza, also the
winner at Irving over Anna Lynn. Mens Doubles: Vaello/Hibbs
over Fountain/Dennis Crawford. Mixed: Stacie Moore/John
McAdams over Garza/Vaello in 5. (McAdams: that
shakehands player who uses only one side of the racket and is
cat-quick.) As: Vaello over Don Weems. Bs: John Hewes
over Marshall Gordon. Cs: Dan Rodriguez over teen dynamo
Irl Copley. Seniors: D.G. Van Vooren over Gordon. 17s: Joe
Windham over Steve Hammond, 24-22 in the 5th. 15s:
Hammond over Dale Donaldson.
Mike Finnell, 15, writes (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 19) that
Holiday is a small town of 1,000 people just outside of
Wichita Falls, Texas. Though Mikes club has no equipment
(it was rented from Oklahoma City, Waco, and Amarillo),
this 2-star tourney drew about 100 entries, and so allowed the
organizers to more than break even. Mike thanks the USTTA
for sending 700 address labels of prospective players, and,
Brad Fountain
because of potential entries from nearby states, he hopes to get
Photo by Leon Nevil
a lot more labels next time. As Mike says, Its not often a
tournament increases a towns population by 10%.
Over now to Louie Lancers write-up of the Texas Open at Fort Worth (TTT, MayJune, 1973, 13). In one half of the Mens Draw, Arlingtons Richard James squeaked out a
deuce in the 5th win over San Antonios Vaello, then knocked out Defending Champion

Fountain in 5. In
the other half,
Lancer was
fortunate to outpush J.C. Tenay
for a deuce-inthe-5th advance.
Joe Cummings
Then he got by
Joe Cummings, a
jack-in-the-boxtype player who
likes to hit the ball
through his
to hit it strangely,
sideways. In the
final, James
couldnt seem to get his devastating attack going
consistently enough to force Lancer away from the
table where his game is at its best. And the only reason
he can stay close to the table against a player of
Jamess talent is by protecting himself from super-spin
serves and loops with an all wood backhand.
Womens winner
Louie Lancer, 6-time Texas Open Champion
was University of
Houstons Shirley Woo over Fort Worths Carolyn Gault. Woos
toughest match: a 23-21 in the deciding 3rd against Liz Gresham;
Gaults toughest: a 19-in-the-3rd against Cindy Garza. Shirley and
Cindy teamed to take the Womens Doubles from Carolyn and Lyn
Lancer. Shirley proved a triple winner by pairing with Fountain to
win the Mixed over Liz and Dennis Gresham. Fountain also won
the Mens Doubles: he and Louie beat Vaello and Bob Mandel.
The Seniors, too, went to Lancerover Wacos Dr. Grady
Gordon whod won at Irving. In the Senior Doubles, all four
finalists featured a clanking, wooden backhand for protection
against goofy spin games, and thin, fast sponge on the forehand to
blast any balls that might get loose. Paired with John Rangel in
this event, Louie scored againover Lon Clark/R.C. Watkins.
Other results: As: Irvings Sid Minyard over Gordon
whod been down 2-1 to Gary Fagan after Gary had rallied from
2-0 down to oust Rangel. Minyard had earlier eliminated Dave
DeWald who in the upcoming Open at Midland would win both
Liz Gresham
Photo by Don Gunn
the Mens and Seniors. The Esquire Champ at Midland,
Amarillos Jay Evans, won the Mens Consolation here from, first,
Watkins, 23-21 in the deciding 3rd, then Vern Eisenhour, 24-22 in the 4th. A Doubles: Jamie

Stengele/Don Weems over Steve

Smith/John Hewes. Boys: Mike
Finnell over Larry Puls. Juniors:
Oklahoma Citys Charles Butler
over Puls, then Steve Babb, both in
5. The athletically built Butler with
his long-armed reach can get
angled hits, whereas his opponents
have to show a little footwork to
get the same ball.
John McAdams received the
Sportsmanship Awardthough
earlier involved in a bit of

Charles Butler

He is one of many top players in Texas who received a warning phone call
from an unidentified USTTA official or spokesman advising him he would not be
allowed to participate in this years U.S. Open [to be held the following weekend] and
[would] be suspended for one year from the USTTA if he participated in this years
unsanctioned Texas Open. He did decide not to play but offered his services to help
during the tournament.And thanks to Mr. Tim Boggans ability to think clearly after
being awakened at 1:00 AM by a call from the Texas Open Tournament Director, John
McAdams did get to participate in this a USTTA sanctioned eventsanctioned one
day before the scheduled start of the tournament. [To suspend, or not suspend, ay,
theres the rub.]
Larry Knouft, owner of the Kansas City Midtown Club,
reports that 106 players from six states braved the bad
weather to attend the K. C. Winter Open. Results: Mens
($500 cash prizes): Houshang Bozorgzadeh over Frank
Mercz. Womens: Jean Varker over Paula Frankel. As: Richard
Berg over Mercz. Bs: Dale Donaldson over Ron Shirley. Cs:
Robert Henry over Bill Chan. Ds: Steve Siegel over Dan
Murphy. Es: John Hinde over Jim Bruce. Seniors: Art Fiebig
over Cliff Smith, a research chemist with the Phillips
Petroleum Co. 17s/15s: Steve Hammond over Donaldson.
13s: Gerald Evans over Del Cook.
Tom Walsh says the Omaha TTC wasnt aware that Cedar
Rapids was holding its Hawkeye Open on the same Feb. weekend
Cliff Smith
they applied for and received sanction for their Omaha Open. So
Courtesy of Larry Knouft
when the out-of-towners went to Iowa, attention focused the
more on local young stars Murray Kutler, Diana Myers, Scott Ichkoff, and Wisners Todd Petersen.
Meanwhile, John Stillions left his job to start the Jan.-Feb., 1973 Topics Club of the Month (21)
the Spaceball and Table Tennis Club located in the new Racquet and Sports Center in Cedar Rapids
named after trampoline enthusiast George Nissen. Stillions, the table tennis enthusiast whose son,
John Jr., is becoming quite a player in the U-11s, tells us why hes rented space here:

Cedar Rapids Club: after the women got sponsors they made their own uniforms
Photo courtesy of John Stillions

No initial investment in land or building.

No light, water, or heat bills.
The tennis center pays for snow removal, maintenance, yard care, etc.
Lighting, background and a floor surface which is ideal for tennis is also
ideal for table tennis.
By paying the membership fee of $15.00 for a student, $25.00 for an
individual adult, or $40.00 for a family, the table tennis players share in the use of the
well-lighted parking lot, beautiful carpeted locker facilities, and showers with separate
Scandinavian Saunas for men and women, free towel service and two beautiful
elevated viewing lounges where players and spectators may relax.
Sounds greatsuggests a revival of the interest Cedar Rapids had shown in the early
1950s.* How can it miss being successful?
The Club, which is open every day from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m., sports 15 new Nissen
tables and accompanying barriers; a Stiga Robot; tables and chairs near the courts; a
concession area; and a t.t. equipment pro shop. The backbone of the Club is the League
program; and of course theres individual and group coaching. During the first tournament put
on by this Club, the Hawkeye Open, Norikazu Fujii was a noted visitor, for, helped by Joe

Newgarden, he had just opened a club in Miami, and, after visiting Disneys Magoos Club in
Minneapolis, had come here to learn and share club strategy. Dell Sweeris, owner of the Grand
Rapids Woodland Club, was also on hand for discussionshis quest-question: could one make
a living with a table tennis club?
Of course, unlike Fujii, Sweeris playedand ended up
in a 3-way tie for the Mens title. Dell beat Houshang
Bozorgzadeh; Houshang beat Danny Seemiller; and Danny
beat Dell. The tie-break winner? Bozorgzadeh, who barely
edged out Seemiller. Says Stillions, Its not often that Sweeris
goes to a small town and comes in 3rd, huh?
Houshangs 6-year contractual obligation to the Iranian
government for having sent him to school, allowed him to get
a degree in the U.S., was completed, and hed come back to
the States. Accompanied by his familywife Elmeda (Ellie),
daughters Mina and Gity, and son Amir (named after his
teammate and doubles partner Ehteshamzadeh?) hed settled in
Independence, Iowa, not far northwest of Cedar Rapids. At
Independence, hed applied for and gotten the post that, after
Houshang Bozorgzadeh
many years of service and the coming of a new millennium,
hed retire fromthat of Recreation Therapist at the Mental Health Institute there.
Houshangs always taken his therapy work seriously. He feels hes been of considerable
help to addicts, alcoholics, the depressed. Such people particularly need to discover how to
use their leisure time wisely, productively. Sports, games, dancesthese are important. Under
the supervision of Houshangs increasingly experienced eye, clients can learn to hope again, to
motivate themselves to do something positive rather than give in to despair and selfdestruction.
Other Hawkeye events went pretty much as expected: Mens Doubles: Seemiller/
Sweeris over Bozorgzadeh/Jim Davey. Womens: Teresa Lee over Darlene Friedman. Womens
Doubles: Lee/Friedman over Deb Holle/Sheila ODougherty. Mixed: Davey/Lee over Mike
Carter/Friedman. Esquires: Bruce Ackerman over Mark McKnight. Seniors: Ackerman over
John Wall. U-17s: Mike Baber over Joe Windham. U-15s: Baber over John Soderberg. U13s Jeff Soderberg over John Stillions.
Young Stillions was named Jan.-Feb., 1973 Topics Junior of the Month (22). Although
the 3rd-grader has been playing less than a year, a growing number of people are saying hes
the best 8-year-old in the country. He plays in tournaments, was even on his dads team at the
USOTCs, and of course he practicesmaybe 20 hours a week at the Nissen Center, and
drives the family crazy hitting the ball against his bedroom wall during his free time.
We werent hearing much from Midwest Canadabut up in Winnipegs Unicity Open,
Andrew Ying won both the Singles (over Hans Hirsch after being down 2-1 and at deuce in
the 4th) and the Doubles with Jamieson (over the areas strong Juniors Shanahan and Ranier).
Allan Romanosky whod win the Feb. Saskatchewan Closed lost in the Bs. Budding cardtrickster Brian Kid Zembik sleight-of-hand took the Boys.
When St. Paul held its Jan. Winter Carnival, plenty of Minneapolis Magoo players
showed their support. Results: Mens: Doug Maday over Stu Sinykin and runner-up Charlie
Disney. Womens: Sheila ODougherty, wholl soon be the best woman player ever to come
out of the Magoos Club, over JoAnn Rolling. Open Doubles: Ray Mosio/Ted Gliske. Mixed

John Stillions-the best 8-year-old

in the country?

Dave Lindquist and runner-up Andy

Lantos. Seniors: Ray Mosio over
Henry Klaas. U-17s: John
Soderberg over Pete Tellegen. U15s: John Soderberg over Jeff
Soderberg. U-13s: Greg Mosio
over Jeff Soderberg.

Doubles: Doug/Pam
Maday over Don Larson/
Deb Holle. Don is one of
the Clubs two full time
professionals; Hal
Lupinek is the other. They
contact companies,
arrange exhibitions and
coaching clinics, and
promote league play.
Other results: As:
Ed Hogshead over
Lupinek and runner-up
Dave Tures. A Doubles:
Ed Ells/Lupinek over
Sonny Chee/Hogshead.
Bs: Steve Steblay over
Jeff Soderberg. Cs: Rich
Gruis over Scott Hill. Ds:
Craig Satersmoen over

Magoos was named the

May-June, 1973 Topics Club of the
Month (15). In Vol. VI Id
mistakenly shown a photo of this
3rd-floor ClubI say mistakenly
because I was describing not the
new but the old Magoos I had
visited. A photo anachronism,
unlike some Ive willingly used, I
just totally overlooked. Heres
Dave Lindquist on the new
[It] has 12 well-lighted tables, each with enough room to make the game
interesting. Theres a snack bar and booths, a pro shop, a pool table and pin- ball
machines, and spectator balconies for a good view of the eight center tables. And in

one corner theres a screened-off area with two tables inside, one for the Stiga Robot
and one play-back table for the solitary player looking to improve his push.
Lindquist tells of the continuing success of the High School League (promoted by
Larson and Rich Sinykin), and of the great publicity Disney and others generatepapers
publish tournament results, television crews come to the Club, and both TV and radio are
accommodating with interviews and announcements. But the real reason for Magoos pingpong boom is
the individual player who plays the game only once a week or once a
month. He knows its an exciting, competitive, healthful game, but, above all, hes
having fun. There are millions of crackpots out there who like to flail away at a little
celluloid ball and clubs like Magoos will bring them out of the basement and into
organized table tennis.
Who among the dedicated could think otherwise?
*On Aug. 9, 2005 current Hardbat player Dean Norman sent me a very specific
personal history of his Iowa play that relives table tennis in Iowa and especially in his
hometown of Cedar Rapids in the beginning1950s. Dean was Iowa State Junior Champion in
1950, and Cedar Rapids City Champion in 1951. Hes shown here with the best Iowa players
of his day.
March 18, 1951


Chapter Three
1973: Pre-U.S. Open Winter TournamentsPart II.
In covering the Jan. 6-7 Rockford, IL Open (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1973, 25), held in
Rockfords huge new fieldhouse (24 brand new Nissen tables, good lighting, rubberized
floor), Jeff Smart proclaimed it the best 1-Star Open Ive ever seen! Tournament Director
Paul Erikson deserves much of the credithowever, he had help:
[Paul] hired Dell Sweeris to come in Friday night to give promotional
exhibitions and to coordinate the tournament. Ivar Dahlgren not only made 50 barriers
but he got up before 5:00 a.m. to cook a free Swedish pancake breakfast; Paul Hahn
helped by getting all the beautiful trophies; [and John Rule, Gary Getchal, Gary Phelps,
and several others also made contributions important to a successful running of the
The Sweeris 4-A format initially established 16
preliminary round robins, 4 players in each selected
according to strength. Winners, runner-ups, 3rd, and 4thplace finishers then advanced into their respective
groups of 16 players each. These 16 in each group
were divided into 4 round robins, the 4 winners of
which in each would become semifinalists. In the
Championship group, Mike Veillette, 19, 19 upset 37year-old hardbat blocker/hitter Houshang
Bozorgzadeh, and Doug Maday
(who was almost beaten 2-0 by
Mike Veillette, Rockford Open Champion Smart) upset Sweeris.
Afterwards, Dell somehow
managed to play Houshang, as if the semis were a round robin, but
since the entry blank specified single elimination semis, the match
was disallowed. Veillette then went on to down Maday in the final.
Mike also won the 17s; runner-up John Soderberg won the
15s; runner-up there, John Stillions, the 13s. The Davis Cup-style
Team event went to Smart/Veillette over Sweeris/Ralph Stadelman (3-2
semis winners over Maday/Stu Sinykin when Dell avenged his earlier
loss to Doug). In the final (all 4 players had come in the same car and
would be taking the 7-8 hour-trip back to Michigan togetherso, no
hard feelings), Smart, getting off to a 14-1 lead in the 1st, stopped
Doug Maday
Stadelman. Then Mike, also playing fiendishly, clobbered Dell 21-8,
From 1972 Minnesota
lost the 2 , then lost the 3 after leading 14-3, 17-11. Doubles went to
Classic Program
Smart/Veillette in 3, thanks to their serves and 3rd-ball attack. Then
Mike finished off Ralph for the win.
Jeff closed his article by praising the tournaments social atmosphere, the indoor swim
party, the get-together with home-baked pies, cakes, and cookies, and the all-you-can-eat
spaghetti dinners for $1.19 (or chicken for $1.39).

Back home in the

Pontiac League, Mike
would continue
heading the
McKinstry Insurance
team, Jeff the West
Side Mobil team,
their friend Bill
Lesner the McDonald
Food team, and the
Leagues Mr. Table
Tennis, Perc Secord,
the Capitol Barber
Shop team. Among
those playing for
The Capitol Barber Shop Team, 1972 Pontiac League Champions, L-R:
Capitol, the
Will Scheer, Bob Quinn, Nancy Heyd, Perc Secord, and Jeff Heyd
Champions, were 1972 Michigan Seniors Champ Bob Quinn, and Nancy Heyd, a high school
senior, who last year won the Player of the Year award in the approximately 100-member
league [that had been started by Secord in 1947].
Veillette, Smart, Lesner, theyre
Mike Baber
all playing in Grand Rapidsnot at
Photo by Mal Anderson
Sweeriss Woodland Center, but at the Y.
Dell isnt playing, so perhaps hes running
the tournament, or renovating his Club.
Results: Mens: Veillette over Lesner.
Mens Doubles: Paul Lamse/Imants
Karklis over Veillette/Don Clark, -19, 14,
18, -24, 23. Womens: Maureen Farmer
over Barbara Taschner. Mixed Doubles:
Smart/B. Taschner over Lesner/Dorothy
Taschner. As: Mike Baber over S.
Snyder. Bs: Karklis over Tom Hall. Cs:
Hall over Snyder. Novice: Bruce McGhee
over E. Todd. Handicap: Veillette over
Quinn. Consolation: Rick Cogswell
(destined to die young) over Michigan TTA President George Buben. Seniors: Quinn over
Elmer Ybema. 17s: Veillette over Mike Baber. 15s: Baber over Greg Jelinski. 13s: Faan
Hoan Liu.
If Sweeris cant make a table tennis club profitable, who could? His lifes Balance
Sheet is in the making. Heres a description of his Woodland Center (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1972, 22):
twelve well-lighted, spacious courts, all surrounded by Butterfly barriers.
[Equipment in use:] Detroiter tables, Hanno nets, and Nittaku balls.Green walls and
a red floor make the ball very easy to see. Ninety chairs give ample room for friends
and relatives of the players to watch.

The snack bar

area and pro shop are
carpeted. Four tables
in the snack area plus
bar stools at the
counter make nonplaying time very
enjoyable. Available
coke machines, ice
cream, sandwiches,
and candy give the
player a wide variety
of snacks. The pro
shop has a wide
variety of equipment,
clothing.Just off the
pro shop area is the
office of the manager.
The rest rooms
have four showers for
the players so they
may leave as fresh as
they came. The
parking lot is paved,
well lighted and
located adjacent to the
Of course as Dells continued advertising in Topics shows, his Woodland program is
extensive. Its based on [handicap] league play, tournaments [a guaranteed 7 matches for each
entrant], and coaching classes and clinics [for juniors every day after school, with two adult
classes available at nights].
At Woodland, Sweeris ran the $1,000 Jan. 13 Tacker Open featuring a Mens Pro
Singles and Doubles with the following results: Singles: (1) Alex Tam, 5-0. (2) Dell, 4-1. (3)
Danny Seemiller, 3-2. (4) Derek Wall, 2-3. (5) Lesner, 0-4. (6) Veillette (0-4). Doubles: Tam/
Sweeris -20, 25, 17, 13 over Wall/Jim Davey whod knocked out Seemiller/Lesner in 4. Id
read where Tam once had an ulcer problem that put him in the hospital for a long time. He
took top money here, but maybe that 2nd game in the Doubles final gave him a little gnawing
sensation? Naw. This summer Alex will join Dell at Woodland as complementary coach and
trainer for a three-week camp.
There were other events as well: 4-A: Davey over Smart. Women: Janice Martin
over Maureen Farmer. Womens As: Sue Wright over Kathy Stadelman. Esquires: Elmer
Ybema over Bruce McGee. Seniors: Ybema over Bong Ho. Boys 17s: Veillette over Baber.
Girls 17s: Debbie Foster over Farmer. 15s: Baber over Jelenski. 13s: Cathy Payotelis over
Steve Champion. 11s: Champion over Ricky Verstrate.

The March 3-4 Ohio Open saw Dick

Hicks win the Mens over runner-up John
Spencer, Homer Brown (no longer gassing it
up in New England), and Mark Wampler
who, though, he wasnt playing in a
wheelchair, had to go 5 to beat Mike
Dempsey. Hicks also won both Doubles
the Mens with Brown (over Lyle Thiem/
Dick Evans) and the Mixed with wife Norma
(over Spencer and Womens Consolation
winner Kathy
Womens went
to Laurie Miller
over DeMent
who paired to
take the
Doubles from
Claudia Fritz/
Elaine Fantaske.
Andy Gad came 1st in the
Mens Consolations.
Other results: As: Thiem
over Art Holloway whod
knocked off Tom Hall in 5.
A Doubles: Thiem/Hall over
John Spencer
John Temple/Dempsey. Bs:
Photo by Mal Anderson
Gad over Van Dien Vu. Ds:
Paul Brakke over Ricky Hicks (from down 2-0) in the
semis and over Chris Williams in the final. Esquires:
George Sinclair over Herschel Self. Seniors: Evans
over Holloway. Young Adults: Dempsey over Vu in 5.
Boys 17: Greg Doud over Dempsey whod slipped by
Kevin Legge in 5. Girls 17: Miller over Sandy Hensley.
17 Doubles: Doud/Miller over Paul/Greg Faessler. Boys
15: Doud over Greg Collins. Girls 15: Hensley over
Gail Winters. Boys 13: Hicks over Collins. Girls 13:
Jodee Williams over Winters.
Last October, Dick Hicks had won the
Wisconsin Open over Davey. But none of those other
players whod done well in Milwaukeetriple winner
Karl Will (As, Bs, Mens Doubles with Tony Poulus);
Seniors winner and B finalist Joe Bujalski; and C and
U-17 winner Wayne Wasielewskiseemed too
interested in going much out of their area. Big surprise

Karl Will
From Mar. 4, 1976, Harnischfager P&H

at Greenfield wasnt Hickss win over Homer Brown, but 1952 U.S. Open Boys U-15 Champ
Dave Krizmans appearance out of nowhere to finish 3rd in the Mens and win the Class A over
Bob Petty. Hicks/Brown took the Mens Doubles as expected, 3-0, over Lyle Thiem/Tom Hall,
but dropped a game in the semis to Krizman/Jerry Glass.
Other results: Womens: Mary Ann Burdick over runner-up Diane Turnbull and Carol
Cook. Mixed: Dick and Norma Hicks over Brown/Cook in 5. Bs: Sheldon Zamansky over
Jerry Button and runner-up B. Bell. Seniors: Festus Mead over Sam Shannon. U-15s: Greg
Doud over Ricky Hicks whod won the 15s in Milwaukee.
A good turnout for the Jan. 27-28 Gateway Open in Edwardsville, IL. Mens: 1. Danny
Seemiller. 2. Dell Sweeris. 3. Richard Hicks. 4. Houshang Bozorgzadeh. Womens: Jean
Varker over Doris Mercz. Mens Doubles: Sweeris/Seemiller over Hicks/Homer Brown.
Mixed: Varker/Brown over Hicks/Hicks. Mens As: Larry Chisolm over Brown (from down 20) after Homer had downed Ralph Stadelman in 5. Womens As: D. Waychoff over Leslie
Harris. Bs: Hugh Lax over Stadelman. Novice: Bob Flowers over Hicks. Seniors: Lax over
Art Fiebig. 17s: Bob Berg over Varker. 15s: Berg over Hicks.
Hugh Babb (TTT, May-June, 1973,
16) reports on the Kingsport Winter Open,
held Jan. 29 at the Civic Auditorium under
the direction of Jim Ervin. Championship
Singles: Nashvilles Bill Edwards over Dr.
Joe Ching, a nuclear physicist at Oak
Ridgethough Bills toughest test was his
5-game quarters match against his older
brother, Lee, a University of Tennessee
sophomore. Championship Doubles to
Edwards/Larry Bartley over Ralph Kissel/
John White. Womens went to wood
player Betsy Bradley over Nora Ching.
Stan Wolf, whos working in Public
Health with the Peace Corps in South
Korea and wants to exchange some of his
Asian tournament posters for American
ones (sic), writes (TTT, July-Aug., 1973,
Thats Joe Ching backing up brother Hugh
20) that many Koreans just want plain
wood on the backhand side of their racket. It may eliminate backhand smashing, but the lack
of rubber is more than compensated for by the strange flight of the ball when chopped by
wood. So Betsy must be giving her opponents a double whammy?
Other results: As: Ching over Ray Filz in 5, then over Gary Ervin, 23-21 in the 4th in
the final after Gary had gone 5 with Lee Edwards. Bs: James Neal over Vincent Chan. Cs:
Peter Neal over his brother and fellow University of West Virginia student James, deuce in the
5th. Consolations: P. Neal over Dick Tucker. A Doubles: Neal/Neal over G. Ervin/V. Chan.
Seniors: White over Neil Holloway. 17s: Edwards over Bradley.
Winners in the 4-Man Teams at the Arkansas Spring Open were: John Dichiaro, Duke
Stogner, Val Eichmann, and Paul Hadfield. Runner-ups: Max Denman, Marty Simpson, John
Smith, and Jamey Hall. There were also Youth events: 17s: Danny Trawick over Simpson. 17
Doubles: Trawick/Grace over Simpson/Jeff Denman. 15s: Hall over Jon Baker.

On Feb. 24, Baton Rouge held its first USTTA sanctioned tournament, the now Annual
Louisiana Open. Tournament DirectorsClub President Tom Baudry; Vice-President Ray
Kelly; and Charles Klestadthelped by Wes Stuckey of the local Recreation and Parks
Commission, got good media cooperation, and as a result play drew at times close to 200
spectators, each of whom got a Program identifying the 64 entries. The Mens final didnt
disappoint: Cecil Kost beat John Quick in 5, after John had rallied from 19-11 down to win the
3rd. The organizers particularly appreciated the efforts of Nashville players to attendJohn
White, Larry Bartley, Bill Edwards, Allen Wright, and Melanie Spain.
Bowie Martin, whose Martin-Kilpatrick Company had donated two films of the 1971
Worlds to the USTTA, held his $1600 Butterfly Tournament of Champions Feb. 17-18 at the
Lions Park Rec Center in Raleigh, N.C. In a Sept. 27, 2005 e-mail to me, Mike Babuin, who
currently runs the annual 4-star Cary, N.C. Cup, reminisced about how, with a Hock blade and
pips-out rubber, hed started as a beginning player at this East Raleigh Center in 1973. The Lions
Park site he thought a dingy place,constructed in the late 50s or early 60s, [and] located
adjacent to the downtown. The lighting, the floor, left something to be desired, and there was no
air-conditioning. Mike remembers from his 15-year-old perspective that an old guy named Jim
McQueen ran the
Club, which was a
successor to Jims
mid-60s Club at
the old Pullen
Park Armory at
the campus of NC
State University.
Of course from his
perspective 33
years later Mike
The old guy is resting, or practicing a future Boos Brothers routine
praises Jim,
perpetually young at heart, for keeping organized play going in central North Carolina for decades.
Though it would seem such a playing site didnt befit the
out-of-area top-flight players who entered, Steve Isaacson says the
Lions Park gym really wasnt such a bad venue, and, in any case, the
many hard-fought matches reflected the reason the good players
were therethe Butterfly prize money to be won. Results: Mens
Singles: Final: Peter Pradit ($500) in straight games over Danny
Seemiller ($400). Semis: Pradit over Lim Ming Chui ($250), -18,
15, 15, -23,
20; Seemiller
over Alex
Tam ($250),
Steve Isaacson
10, -17, 21,
-20, 14. (In
the quarters, Alex 19-in-the-5th outlasted
George Brathwaite, after George had gone
5 with Lem Kuusk.) Womens: Barbara
Kaminsky ($125) over Bev Hess ($75), Barbara Kaminsky, Butterfly Champion

20, 10, -20, 22, 15. A $375 differential in 1st prizes for Men and Womenthatll bring a Letter
to Topics entitled Unfair to Women which Ill take up shortly. Mens Doubles: Pradit/Tim
Boggan over Errol Resek/Chui, then Seemiller/Fuarnado Roberts, 23-21 in the 4th. Mixed:
Seemiller/Hess over Brathwaite/Kaminsky.
Other winners: As: Jerry Thrasher over Boggan, 19 in the 5th. Womens As: Yvonne
Kronlage over Shelby Jordan in 5. A Doubles: Thrasher/Wayne Daunt over Stan Peele/Brad
Banta. Bs: Alan Nissen over Doyle Dye. Cs: Joe Ching over John Sholine. Consolations:
Thrasher over Pete May. Seniors: Boggan over Sol Lewis. 17s: Ricky Seemiller in 5 over
John Elliott who rallied from two games down to knock out Jeff Zakarin. 15s: Seemiller
(from down 2-0) over Zakarin. 13s: 1. Mark Wilder. 2. Chuck Zakarin. 3. Eric Boggan. 4.
Curt Kronlage.
Gene Wonderlin reports the results of the tri-state (N.J., PA, DE) Delaware Valley
League. Winning team: Lancaster, with Bob Diller (23-3), Bob Cogley (25-4), Capt. Andy
Tompos (22-7), and Bob Sheckard. Runner-up team: Brandywine and Newark tied,
necessitating a play-off in which Brandywine squeaked out a 6-5 win. Brandywine was
represented by Al Allen (28-2), Capt. Walt Guyer (10-8), Tom Newlin (7-13), and Sid
Halperen (3-8); Newark by Dick Organist (20-10), Al Flocco (16-11), and Blaine Tilghman
Herb Vichnin (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1973, 26-27) covers the Jan. 13-14 Quaker City Open,
the first of six tournaments in the Philadelphia Clubs $1,000 Invitational series. Improvements
in the venue continue: club is almost completed paneled now; hot sandwiches are available
during play; and more barriers have been added to minimize let balls. When Bernie Bukiet
walks in, hell say, Where is dust? You hiding it?

Bernie Bukiet

Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gaskill

Photo by Mal Anderson

Mens: 16ths: Horace Roberts, 18, 17, 29 over Dave Gaskill (now married and back
playing again). 8ths: Dave Philip over Vichnin in 5. Quarters: George The Chief Brathwaite
over Mitch Sealtiel (after being down 2-0 and 6-0 in the 3rd!); Errol Resek over Jim Dixon
whod eliminated Rich Farrell, now on an exhibition tour with D-J Lee; Alex Shiroky over
Bukiet whose back injury forced him to quit after the 1st game; and Philip by killing at least

300 shots over the ever-steady

Gerardo and Laura Briceno
Roberts. Semis: Resek over The
Photo by Mal Anderson
Chief, 18, -19, 26, 20; Shiroky,
running around all over the place,
over Philip in 5. Final: Shiroky over
Resek three straight. Womens: 1.
Muriel Stern. 2. Laura Briceno, the
runner-up in a tie-breaker over Evelyn
Zakarin. Mens Doubles: Philip/
Sealtiel over Brathwaite/Resek, 18 in
the 5th. Mixed: Vichnin/Stern over
Gerardo/Laura Briceno.
Other results: As: early
upsets: Al Allen over Jerry
Fleischhacker, 23-21 in the deciding 3rd; Mike Bush over Roberts, 18 in the 3rd, and Sid Jacobs
over Gaskill, 28-26 in the 3rd. Semis: Stan Smolanowicz, said to have copied his attack after
Gaskills, over Roger Sverdlik; Vic Landau over Sam Balamoun (who used to play with D-J in
Cleveland). Final: Landau over
Smolanowicz (Vic receives the firsttime prize in these Asa donated
G.E. clock-radio). Womens As (4
entries): following a 2-1 three-way
tie-breaker: Debbie Wong (5-2),
Evelyn Zakarin (5-3), and Gloria
Amoury after surviving car trouble
on the way to Philly (4-3). A
Doubles: Landau/Fleischhacker over
Bill Sharpe/Marty Theil. Bs (62
entries): Balamoun, 18 in the 3rd,
over fellow chopper Theil (in a
Vic Landau
hitting match!). Cs (58 entries): Ed
Photo by Mal Anderson
Pricketts anti-spin play finished
Steve Berger in the semis, but then Karl Szakacs, whod escaped Al Allen, 19 in the 3rd, had
to default the final with a pulled muscle. Ds: Lincoln Laguerre over the injured Szakacs.
More results: Esquires: Final: Jacobs (playing with
sponge to adjust to the Nittaku ball being used) over George
Rocker. Semis: Jacobs over Marv Shaffer, 19 in the 3rd; Rocker
over Manny Moskowitz, 18 in the 3rd. Seniors: Rocker over
Sharpe. Jairie Resek points out that, though George teaches
electronics in a Junior High, he joins ex-Olympian Sharpe on
early-morning runs through Fairmount Park. Marv Plevinsky,
Publicity Chair for the Club, told me later that George and Bill
used to play each other at the old Center City (African-American)
Club and that a postal worker named Sherman Hemsley played
Marv Plevinsky
with them there. Recognize him from the name? Yep, thats him
From the Nov. 1, 1990,
George Jefferson of All in the Family and The Jeffersons.
Jewish Times

Senior Doubles: Jacobs and Don

Coluzzi (reported to have a Rochester, N.Y.
Genesee Valley Club record of winning 13
straight local Opens) upset Sharpe/Rocker,
then took out Moskowitz/ Mort Zakarin.
Adult/Junior Doubles: Philip/Roger Sverdlik
over Resek/Jeff Zakarin. U-17: Ricky Rumble
over Bush. Junior Doubles: Alan/Roger
Sverdlik over Bush/Scott McDowell. U-15:
Zakarin over Mike Stern. U-13: Stern over
Rutledge (Squeegee) Barry, after Rutledge
had beaten Robert Nochenson to win his first
trophy ever.
Rutledge, almost 11, a 6th-grader at
Manhattans Town School, was Nov.-Dec.,
1972 Topics Junior of the Month (9). Loop,
chop, block, forehand, backhandIve got all
the basic strokes, all the shots in the game,
hes telling me. Were at the Riverside Plaza
Hotel Club on 73rd, west of Broadway, where
young Barry shows up a couple of times a
week. Right now hes taking time out from
coaching and playing some high school kids.
They expect to be joined by Sam Hammond,
Rutledges friend and #1 coach. Rutledge tells
Rutledge Squeegee Barry
me about a tournament in N.J. I was there
Photo by Raul Rodriguez
until 1:30 in the morning. I didnt want to
leave. I was playing bridge with the Zakarins. I
dont play very well but we won. My brothers a champion. He writes poetry too. We went to
England to visit him.
Sandor Glancz (1933 World Doubles Champion with Victor Barna) is sitting nearby
and cant resist saying with a twinkle that he once wrote a poem. Would we like to hear it?
Of course we would.
I went to London, Paris, and Venice/Believe it or not, to play table tennis.
I can see why you gave it up, says Rutledge.
Well, young Barry, I say, when you dont play table tennis, what do you do?
Rutledge thinks for a while, says, I collect coins.
Oh? I say. Whats your best coin?
More thought. I have an uncirculated 1891 silver dollar. Im going to save it, too, so
it grows in value. Then after a moment he adds, I collect money.
You get an allowance? How much do you get?
Rutledge squints a long time under his Prince Valiant bangs. Enough, he finally says.
And how about school? What do you do in school?
This is a weird table tennis interview, says Rutledge.
Turns out, though, hes the President of the Town School Debating Society. I want to
be a lawyer, says Rutledge. He earns good money.

English, I say, is that your best subject?

Yes, says Rutledge. So far I have an A+, 14 As, 2A-s, 1 B+, 1 B-, and a C+.
Someone interrupts our train of thought to say that Rutledge has a girl friend at school.
Says her names Adaire.
You have a girl friend? I ask the 10-year-old, remembering how in a recent
tournament my own little boy so hated to play a girl.
These are changing times, says Rutledge.
What books do you read in school?
Oh, thats Humanities, he says. The Siege and Fall of Troythats what were on now.
Actually, Rutledge confesses, he likes underground comics.
Crumb comics, says a nearby player by way of illustration. You know Crumb, dont
you? he says to me.
It was satire. Like Mad. I remember earlier Rutledge had told me he was for President
Nixons re-election.
Captain Guts has to drink beer, Rutledge explains. He fights anarchy, black power,
and drugs. I like the part where he kills White Winghead because hes going to drop an acid
bomb on Washington.
Hey, adds Rutledge unexpectedly. Dont you want to hear how I started playing
table tennis?
Yes, I did.
I had appendicitis last year [and here Rutledge pushes down his pants to show his
scar], and it was the only thing I was allowed to play except pool. Itd been so boring sitting
around in a wheelchair that I began throwing clay at the nurses. I know about hospitals. I was
there with a hernia and some kind of nephritisthats a kidney disease I got from a strep
throat. Anyway, it was o.k. for me to play table tennis once they took the tube out of my
The tube? I say.
Yeah, they put it in before the operationto get the gas out so afterwards you dont
get abdominal pain or throw up.
Say, listen, says
Rutledge at play
Rutledge, can I go play
Photo by Mal Anderson
Walk now?
Since thats the end of
the interview, well go too
back to Pennsylvania.
Larry Pharo, PA
Ranking Chair, gives us the
winners of the Feb. 24-25 PA
Team Championships. Division
A: South Park I: Danny
Seemiller (12-0), Ricky
Seemiller (11-0) and PA #12
Bill Walkwith Danny having
fun lobbing balls as high as thirty to thirty-five feet in the
high gymnasium. Division B: Carlisle: PA #5 Peter Podol,
Wishmeyer, Wagner, and PA Boys U-15 #4 Tom Van Zandt.

Tournament Director Vichnin

reports on the Mar. 3-4 William Penn Open,
but, because of the upcoming Nationals
and Easterns, the turnout wasnt as big as
usual. Mens: best early-round matches:
Mal Anderson over Jack Wiener; Roger
Sverdlik over Johnny Ou; Marty Theil over
John Locke, -22, 17, 19; Pete Cohen over
Bob Covey, 19 in the 3rd; and Jeff Zakarin
over Hank McCoullum. Later-round upsets:
Jonathan Katz over #7 seed Tim Boggan,
20, 21, -18, 16, and Dave Philip (almost
losing in 3) over Fuarnado Roberts, -15,
23, -19, 11, 16. Semis: George Brathwaite over Errol Resek; Bukiet over Philip in 5. In the
finals, old old, oooooooolldd Bernie [winning in 5] just kept getting the ball back until
Brathwaite nearly collapsed from exhaustion. Mens Doubles: Brathwaite/Resek over Alex
Shiroky/Bukiet. Womens: Muriel Stern over Laura Briceno. Mixed: Vichnin/Stern over
Gerardo/Laura Briceno.
Other results: Mens As: early-round matches: Gary Wittner over Joe Mimoso, 17 in
the 3rd; Peter Holder over Mike Bush, 19 in the 3rd; Bill Sharpe over Jeff Zakarin, 19 in the 3rd;
Landau over Wittner, -20, 18, 21; Sharpe over Al Allen, -15, 20, 20 (after Al had Bill 20-15 in
the 2nd and 20-16 in the 3rd9 match points in all!). Final: Landau over Sharpe in 5. Womens
As: Debbie Wong over Janet Newbold of the United Nations Team. Janet writes a Letter to
Topics (May-June, 1973, 28) entitled Unfair to Women. Heres an excerpt:
[With men, as opposed to women,] more pre-training is most likely
involved; but we are
giving awards to the top
playertheres no award
for the player who put in
the most training or who
played the best type of
game! [Isnt that very
often the wining player?]
[Most] likely the
cash award [for women]
just merely covers the
players expenses
(transportation, lodging,
food, sometimes even
working-days missed); is
the USTTA [that condones
a $375 differential in 1st
prizes for men and women]
saying that women have
less expenses than men?

[The] 5 most likely to win any one special tournmament [are easy to
name].Does it matter how many other little [male] rabbits are thrown in.Those
top five, both male and female, work hard to win.[So] why award so unfairly?
[Rebuttal: if prize money comes from entry fees, those proliferous male rabbits sure
bring in a lot more bucks than do the women entries, so many tournament organizers
and men players think the awards should be proportional. Though of course this point
of view is not apt to encourage womens play.]
More Penn Open results: Bs: in the one semis, Roger Sverdlik defaulted to his
brother Alan (to let him rest before the final); in the other semis, Dan Green rallied to down
Joe Mimoso after being 3 match-points down. The final, a slugfest, went to Dan, -19, 19, 27, 19, 19. Cs: Al Allen over Barry Robbins, -12, 21, 18. Ds: Eliot Katz over Eric Weisenborn,
22-20 in the 3rd in the semis, and over John Locke, 26-24 in the third in the final, after John
had nipped Marv Plevinsky, 19 in the 3rd. Handicap (to
50): Katz ($30) over Theil. Esquires: George Rocker
over Sid Jacobs. Seniors: Sharpe over Rocker, after
George showed the crowd he sure had Boggans

Bill Sharpe and George Rocker

Rocker photo by Mal Anderson

number! Thats about four times hes beaten the volatile VIP here in Phila. GO GEORGE! U17s: Alan over Roger Sverdlik. U-15s: Jeff Zakarin over Mike Stern. U-13s: Stern over
Bruce Plotnick, -15, 19, 20.
It wasnt Rory Brassington who wrote that Apr., 1972 Letter to the N.Y. Times, but a
Dartmouth student wondering if there was an endurance record established for Beer Pong
a game thats played as follows:

In a singles match, one [cup of] beer is placed in the middle of the table on
each side, approximately 10 inches from the back edge. In doubles, there are two beers
on each side, but in front of each player. The game is played by trying to hit the
opponents cup, and if done, he must drink from the beer.
A double fault or hitting the opposite cup on the serve forces the server to
drink. We usually play five drinks to a cup, with the winner staying on the table to play
challengers. What evolves many times is a great time had by all for a very long time.
Therefore, a few of us thought to enter competition and try to set an endurance record
for the longest beer-pong game.
As President of the USTTA, I hadnt been asked
to recommend an excellent Beer Pong player, but
without hesitation Id have recommended Rory. I
mean, there he was winning the Feb. 17-18 Garden
State Open at the Westfield Club over that super
athlete and teetotaler Bill Sharpe. So you know, and
not only from strewn six-packs, that Rorys got
endurance. Womens winner was Muriel Stern over
Ronni Klein. I dont know how adventurous Muriel
is, but she certainly takes trips here and there
would play on the U.S. Team to the Maccabiah Games
in Israel, then later would be off to Belize. Mens
Doubles went to Peter Holder/ Winston Bobby
Cousins over Joe Mimoso/Stan Smolanowicz.
Rory Brassington
Esquires: Bill Cross over John Kilpatrick. Seniors:
Sharpe over Sid Jacobs. Senior Doubles: Sol Schiff/Manny Moskowitz over Sharpe/Jacobs.
Other winners: As: Jonathan Katz over Horace Roberts. A Doubles: Cousins/Holder
over Joe Andrews/Doon Wong. Bs: Al Schwartz over
Roger Sverdlik in 5. Cs: Alan Sverdlik over Barry
Robbins. U-17s: Ricky Rumble over Mike Stern, U-17
Doubles: Steve Berger/Rumble over Stern/Gary Wittner.
U-15s: Jeff Steif over Robert Nochenson. U-13s: Stern
over Nochenson.
Results from the
Rochester, N.Y. Winter Open,
held Feb. 3-4 at the Carter
Street Recreation Building,
came to Topics via Walt
Stephens. Ray Mack in a short
History of the Genesee Valley
Table Tennis Club writes that
Walt had an array of bats that
were equipped with lights and
music, and that he once
made a paddle that weighed 3
Walt Stephens
Jonathan Katz
and pounds! Mens at this
Photo by Mal Anderson
Photo by Mike Wetzel

wintry Open went to lefty Jim Shoots whose endless practice finally paid offwith semifinal round
robin wins over Jim Dixon, deuce in the deciding 3rd, and over Emile Short and Mack, both in 3.
Womens winner was Kathy Remington over Carol Mosher. Mixed Champs were Shoots/Helen
Weiner over Short/Helgi Mepham, 19 in the 5th.
Other winners: Open Doubles: Mack/Charlie
over a Cornell University pair, Hank Colker/
Kim Wang. Burroughs was into sports, said Mackhe
hurled fast pitch softball shutouts at Kodak Park, and
was also into weight lifting and skiing down the
local slopes. As: Bob Brickell, who for years,
accompanied by his pleasant wife Rose, would sell
equipment at tournaments, over runner-up Don
Coluzzi, -19, 21, 19. A Doubles: Bill Davis/Pat Yu over
Buffalos Neal Fox/Vic Meridith. Bs: Davis over
Meridith. B Doubles: Davis/Yu over the Frank
McCanns, Sr. and Jr. Cs: Ev Murphy over Tom
Brickell. C Doubles: Larry Sheng/Al Boardman over
Ron Schenk/Mike Bacci. Seniors: Coluzzi over
Burroughs. Senior Doubles: Coluzzi/John Kazak over
Burroughs/Brickell. U-17s: Tim McCann over Tom
Brickell. U-15s: Mike Kashtan over Dave VanDyke.
Buffalos Neal Fox is working hard on his Rating Systemthough he says (TTT, MarApr., 1973, 10-11), I am not suggesting that my ratings be used to replace Jack Howards.
But in point of fact that really is whats happening. Heres his take on Howards pioneer
Jacks ratings [following a chess model] change too slowly. This is
complicated by the fact that he is getting only a few tournaments and using none of the
ABC rating classes, seniors or junior events. The result is a rating system that is going
to reflect a very accurate average rating with a mid point over 6 months back of its
present latest tournament.
Jacks ratings could be improved immensely by getting results faster, and
getting more of them [as happens when the many USOTC matches are played]. The
use of other events A, B, C, D, Srs., Jrs., would help for players below the top twentyfive.
Jack doesnt want to use Closed tournaments because he feels many areas
use them to get out of Open sanction fees. He feels the use of them in ratings might
cause an increase in Closed tournaments. [But the results of these Closed tournaments,
says Fox, help the accuracy of his own ratings.]
Neal closes his article by saying, despite his protestations, that hed like his ratings to
be used for the top 100 players until such time as Jacks system is up to date. Since, Neals
1971-72 Ratings occupy two pages in the Mar.-Apr., 1973 Topics, theyll be used for
seedings/placings in at least some events at the Mar. 16-18 Nationals? And Jack, for whatever
reasons, will choose to abandon his own Ratings progress and leave the field to Neal?


Chapter Four
1973: D-J Lee/Violetta Nesukaitis Win U.S. Open. 1973: Dempsey/Gray Golden at
World Paralympics. 1973: D-J/Angelita Rosal Take Easterns. 1973: E.C. Officers/
Readers had been praising my Topics, but one fellow had a just complaintthat I
didnt have my usual story on the U.S. Open, or, as also happened, on the Easterns that
immediately followed. Id be off to the Mt. Airy Training Camp with the U.S. Team and then
to Sarajevo for the Worlds and, with only a few days to spare, I had to get done what I could
of the enormous 60-page May-June issue Id put out on my return. Fear not, however; the
1973 U.S. Open results have been preserved, and youre about to read themalong with the
division of the $2,614 prize money that Tournament Manager George Buben later complained
Id not mentioned in Topics. Not mentioned, likely, because Id not at the time been told what
it wascertainly it wasnt stated in the Program.
But, having that Open Program in front
of me, Ill give you now, first, something thats
not in there, then something that is. When
USTTA Past-President Graham Steenhoven
was a boy growing up in England, he had two
ways of making pocket moneyone, working
a hustle shooting marbles, and, two, picking up
horse droppings and selling them for
sixpencethat is, until his father found out and
became furious: You sell them to me, and not
to a neighbor! he said. (So his father could
then profit? Or was he just embarrassed?)
Decades later, Graham, in a manner of
speaking, was selling againpaying homage to
the driving force behind all of the major
tournaments held in Metropolitan Detroit in the
last decade [including this U.S. Open].
Madeline and George Buben
Photo from 73 U.S. Open Program
and George
[Buben] are a unique blend of management talent and table tennis
expertise. They combine conscientious effort with exacting
performance standards and inflexible integrity to produce a wellorganized efficient team. They are gracious hosts and good friends
and with charm and good humor they motivate us to increase our
commitment to Table Tennis generally and to the Detroit Table
Tennis Club in particular. Under their direction the Detroit Table Tennis Club has
benefited its members far beyond any normal expectation.

Results of the Open Mens: Sixteenth matches of note: George Brathwaite (from down
2-0) d. Bill Lesner; Fuarnado Roberts d. Jim Lazarus in 5; and Houshang Bozorgzadeh d.

D-J Lee (left) about to win his 6th straight U.S. Open over Alex Tam
Photo by Mal Anderson

current Ontario Closed Champ in Singles, Mens and Mixed Doubles, Errol Caetano, in 4.
Eighths: D-J Lee d. Bill Sharpe; Bozorgzadeh d. Lim Ming Chui, 17 in the 5th; Joong Gil Park
d. Fuarnado Roberts in 5; Bernie Bukiet d. Mike Veillette; Brathwaite d. Danny Seemiller, 2321 in the 4th; Alex Tam d. Dell Sweeris, 18 in the 4th; Errol Resek d. Peter Pradit in 5; and
Derek Wall d. Franz Huermann. Quarters: Lee d. Bozorgzadeh ($75), 24-22 in the 4th; Park d.
Bukiet ($75), 3-0; Tam d. Brathwaite ($75) in 4; and
Resek d. Wall ($75), 3-0. Semis: Lee d. Park ($100) in
5; and Tam d. Resek ($100), 3-0. Final: Lee ($332) d.
Tam ($250), 18 in the 4th. This was D-Js 6th straight
and last U.S. Open Mens win. That precise $332
seems a strange amount to award, does it? Its
because, according to ITTF rules, the winner of an
Open could receive only 1250 Swiss Francs, or $332
a ridiculous rule that had to be changed if the Sport
ever hoped to gain an audience.
And from what Caron Leff says, D-J deserved to
retain the title. I dont think I have ever seen anyone
[certainly not Erwin Klein?]** work as hard as this
man did readying himself a week before these
Nationals as a guest of Fujiis Miami Club.
Erwin Klein and Caron Leff

The Seemillers practice hall--a converted chicken coop

From World Team Tennis, 1974 season

Immediately after the tournament, a large group of players, maybe 60 in all, were eating at
Carls Chop House when D-J came in. We gave him a rousing cheer and a standing ovation.
Some gentleman from the back of the room got up and started singing For Hes A Jolly Good
Fellowall of which prompted D-J to buy champagne for the whole room.
Lee Gutkind, in his Sports Illustrated Profile of Danny Seemiller after Dannys #1 finish in
the U.S. Team Tryouts, catches him at home in Carrick, a suburb of Pittsburgh. Its a week before
these Detroit Nationals, and Dannys feelin high. Hes rallying with brother Ricky in an old shed,
remodeled by his fathera salesmanto resemble a clubhouse. There is an unpainted plywood bar
in the back of the building. A ribbon of chairs lines the walls, surrounding a jerry-built practice table.
Nearby stands a greenhouse in which are planted hundreds of gold and silver medals and trophies
that sparkle and blink under the fertilizing rays of the afternoon sun.
Danny said that some months before the Chicago Tryouts hed thought of quitting
table tennis, but when he accepted Dell Sweeriss invitation to train at Woodland his
perspectiveand gamechanged. So now hes confident, or appears to be. He notes that the
perennial U.S. Champion Dal-Joon Lee has been selling equipment rather than training; hes
falling apart. And he is too old; hes already 26 [sic]. Alex Tam, who was 14th in the world
before he escaped from China, is the only guy with a chance. My problem is that everybodys
going to be psyched up against me. Im like UCLA in basketball. Everybody tries a little
harder to put the No. 1 down.
Yeahbut you neednt tell it to The Chief.
Dannys thoughts also go to the upcoming Sarajevo Worlds. In preparation for play
there, hell be running three miles each day, exercising and lifting weights. He is upbeat: As

it stands now, he says, Im not scared of anybody and nobody could beat me easily. If I can
keep my concentration I have a chance to beat them allincluding Bengtsson. Gutkind
closes his article with this quote from Danny: I wont make predictions for 1973but by
1975 or at the latest 77, Ill be the world champ.
You can believe Danny wasnt happy when he saw that last quote in print. His
statements, he said, were changed around just enough so that he came out sounding like a
cocky young squirt. They made me sound like a braggart.
Now to the Womensthough neither Connie Sweeris nor Pat Hildebrand will be
playing; both are 7 months pregnant. Connie with Todd Allen (T. S.those are his initials,
said father Dell, to which their friend Jairie Resek said, Sounds like a competitor; Pat, with
continued support from husband Bob, is expecting Russell Christopher.
Womens 8ths match of note: Karen Berliner d. Kathleen Remington, 19 in the 4th.
Quarters: Violetta Nesukaitis d. Olga Soltesz, 3-0; Patty Cash d. Berliner, 3-0; Alice Green d.
Judy Bochenski in 5; and Angie Rosal d. Sue Hildebrandt, 19 in the 4th. Semis: current
Ontario Closed Champ in Singles, Womens, and Mixed Doubles Violetta Nesukaitis d. Cash
($50), 19 in the 4th (Violetta had been coached to chop heavier and hit any loose ball?); and
Green, on defeating Rosal ($50), 17 in the 4th, came rushing into her fathers arms.

Alice Green, on beating Angie Rosal in the Open semis, readying herself for her fathers arms
Photos by Mal Anderson

Final: Nesukaitis ($200) d. Green ($100), giving up only 33 points. This was Violettas
4 and last U.S. Open Womens win.
A rancorous Letter writer (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1973, 29) accused Rufford Harrison of
being crude, of lacking civi1ized behavior, for mentioning Rosals Indian heritage on
introducing her at the Dec., 1972 Chicago Team Trials. This anything but civilized writer said


that, instead of the deplorable racial remark, Harrison might as

well have told us whether or not his victim were a virgin and, if
not, the reasons and circumstances, and, if so, the reasons and
Mal Anderson (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1973, 3) and Freb Herbst
(TTT, May-June, 1973, 6) quickly came to gentlemanly Ruffords
defense. Mal said that he told Rufford to make that
announcement. Why? Because Mal was aware that during the
1972 Ping-Pong Diplomacy Tour of the Chinese, Angie
requested that at each exhibition the announcer mention shes an
American Indian. In one city the announcer neglected to do so,
and, as shes quite proud of her Sioux heritage (on her mothers
side), she indicated her disappointment. Fred pointed out that
Rufford was bedeviled as racially prejudiced when it so happens
that the background information about Miss Rosal is publicized
specifically at the request of her and her parents. The reason is
that she is assisted financially for her tournament travels by a
native Indian foundation which wishes the fact known. Herbst
said that he helped Angelita obtain this sponsorship with letters
of recommendation. When the Chinese played in L.A. on their
Tour, Angie and the foundation were irritated when she couldnt
formally present the Chinese with a giftas a representative of
Angelita Rosal affirming
the American Indians.
her Indian heritage
Mens Doubles: Final: Sweeris/Tam ($332) d. Resek/Chui
Photo by Mary McIlwain
($200), 3-0. Semis: Sweeris/Tam d. D-J Lee/Pradit, 23-21 in the
4th; Resek/Chui d. Canadas best, Caetano/Peter Gonda, 24-22 in the 4th. Quarters match of
note: Chui/Resek d. Jack Howard/Paul Raphel, 18 in the 5th. Womens Doubles: Bochenski/
Cash ($100) d. Rosal/Hildebrandt ($50) in 4. Semis: Rosal/Hildebrandt d. Violetta/Flora
Nesukaitis, 19 in the 5th (the sisters just cant get it together as their father/coach John had
hoped). Mixed: Defending Champions Caetano/V. Nesukaitis ($200) d. Pradit/Rosal ($100) in
4. Semis: Pradit/Rosal d. D-J Lee/Cash, 24-22 in the 4th.
Parent-Child Doubles: Dick/Ricky Hicks over Red/Mark
Wilder in 5.
Mens As: Richard Ling d. 1942 U.S. Open Mens
finalist Chuck Burns. Other matches: Jerry Fleischhacker d.
Richard McAfee, 17 in the 5th; Burns d. Cecil Kost, 23-21
in the 4th; Steve Feldstein d. John Quick, 22-20 in the 4th;
and Jim Davey d. Lem Kuusk, 26, 21, -11, 12. Womens
As: Torontos Birute Plucas d. Jose Tomkins (from down
2-0), 19 in the 5th. Other A matches: Marie Kerr d. Monica
Rosal in 5; Plucas d. Flora Nesukaitis, 23-21 in the 4th; and
Tomkins d. Pat Crowley, 19 in the 4th. Mens A Doubles:
Homer Brown/Richard Hicks d. Paul Wong/Heng-Chi
Chang in 5. Semis: Wong/Chang d. Dan LeBaron/
Stadelman, -17, -13, 18, 18, 19; Brown/Hicks d. Marv Leff/
Chuck Burns
Quick in 5, after Marv and John had outlasted Bill Sharpe/
Photo by Don Gunn

Marty Theil, deuce in the 5th. Quarters: LeBaron/

Dan LeBaron
Stadelman d. McAfee/Thrasher in a gutsy thriller, Photo by
23, -13, 20, 17, 17. Womens A Doubles: Plucas/
Mal Anderson
Kerr d. Jose/Christine Tomkins. Mixed A Doubles:
Mens Bs:
Joe Mimoso d. Joe
Rokop after Joe
had eliminated Joe
Ching, deuce in
the 5th. Quarters:
Bill Edwards d.
Thrasher, deuce in
the 5th; Rokop d.
Paul Wong, 18 in
the 5th. B Doubles:
Rokop/Bill Zatek
d. Laszlo Keves/
Mike Carter, 18 in
the 5th. Mens A/B
Consolation: Wong d. Jeff Smart. Semis: Wong d. Kuusk, 22, 19, 18; Smart d. Don Larson. 22,15. Womens
Consolation: Debbie Foster d. Kerr.
Veterans: the Detroit
Tournament Committee
responded favorably to Abe
Rudicks 10-paragraph plea
in Topics that the Veterans
(Over 70s) be included, as it
was last yearand, sure
enough, Abe successfully
defended his title from
runner-up Paul Jackson and
Ramon Williams. Senior
Esquires: Laszlo Laci
Bellak d. Sandor Glancz.
Esquires: Max Marinko d.
Burns, 13, 10, 15. Semis:
Marinko d. Sol Schiff, -15, 15, 13, 8, 10. Max, with that
Abes entry into the Rocking Chair event,
comeback, appears to be in
the Septuagenarian Singles, is accepted
Cartoon from the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin
good health, eh? Earlier,
Courtesy of Marv Plevinsky
Bellak edged Bill Rapp in 5.
Esquire Doubles: Burns/
Schiff d. Fred Coryell/Elmer Ybema whod downed John White/Bob Walker, 25-23 in the 4th.

Bellak, 3-time World Singles finalist, on or off

the court loves a joke. He lives in sunny Florida where
he sees any number of elderly retirees, who are of
course doctors patients. Indeed, the area is called
Gods Waiting Room, for every day someone dies.
Mostly, though, its the men who die first, so, as Laci
tells it, for every three men who survive their spouses
there are maybe 50 or so widows.
Recently, says Laci, one elderly woman gets
into an elevator and sees a gray-haired stranger. She
looks him up and down and says, Who are you? I
havent seen you before.
Oh, he says, I just got out of prison. I killed
my wife.
So youre single? she asks.

Lacis celebrated fore-backhand

Seniors: Derek Wall ($100) d. Bernie

Bukiet ($50), 2 [sic], 23, 12. Quarters: Wall d.
Schiff, 19 in the 5th; Burns d. Sharpe in 5.
Senior As: Rapp in 5 (winning a pivotal 4th at
deuce) over Don Coluzzi who was extended
into the 5th by Bob Quinn. Senior Bs: Quinn d.
Hugh Shorey. Senior Women: Inez Frazier d.
Ruth Hunter. Senior Consolation: Joe Bujalski
d. Quinn. Senior Doubles: Burns/Schiff d.
Sharpe/Al Nochenson whod advanced over
Neil Holloway/Dick Evans.
Dick, Ohios #1 Senior, will one day
build his Friars Knob private hilltop retreat
on the 143 acres in Hillsboro, W.VA hed had
the foresight to buy in 1970. He says that if
you strike a nail several times with a hammer
Canadas Derek Wall

while pointing it north, the nail will be

magnetized to continue to point in that
direction. Now in 1973, Dick whos been
part owner of the Columbus, Ohio Club, is
pointed North by Northwest. It was the
obligato of Lets go/Come on/Lets go
and off he went to Berkeley (the Don Gunn
Club), to San Francisco (the Les Madden
Club) and the poetry of City Lights
Appalachia coming to Ferlinghetti. There,
listening to the sounds of a different
drummer, hed, finally, as hed say, get it
right with Sue, his 3rd wife of 30 years now.

Dick Evans
at the
San Francisco


Boys U-17s: Paul Raphel d. Paul Klevinas by default when Pauls father said Forget it!
(I dont know disputatiously whysome argument with Canadian officials.) Semis: Raphel d.
Mike Veillette in 4, after Mike had stopped Steve Hammond, 19 in the 4th; Klevinas d. Eric
Thom, 23-21 in the 4th, after Eric had rallied from 2-0 down to oust Rick Rumble. Mark Kohn,
a precocious 10-year-old, wrote a 32-line poem in Mikes honorsort of. It starts off well
enough: Mike Veillettes a good player,/His game is quite adroit./ Hes playing in the
Nationals,/This year theyre in Detroit. But it takes a slippery slide from there, and so does
Mike: And now Veillette gets set:/ He tries his mighty loop/Andhits it squarely in the net.
Boys U-17 Doubles: Quick/Rumble d. Seemiller/Rokop. Boys U-17As: Dean Galardi d. Mike
Bush, 25, 17, 21. Semis: Bush d. Roger Sverdlik, 16 in the 5th. Quarters: Alan Sverdlik d.
Montreals Alex Polisois, 19 in the 5th; Bush d. Phil Pinnell in 5. Boys U-17A Doubles: Carl
Danner/Gary Wittner d. Eliott Katz/Scott McDowell, -19, 21, 22, 18, after Eliot/Scott had
survived the Berg brothers in 5.

Judy (left) winning Girls Under 17 from Angie

Photo by Mal Anderson

Girls U-17s: Bochenski d. Rosal. Judys about to be selected by the Oregon Trail
Council as one of six to receive the Young American award in 1973. Shell be a guest of
the Boy Scouts of America at the Councils May Meeting in Minneapolis. Girls U-17 As:
Laurie Miller d. Christine Forgo. Girls U-17
Doubles: Bochenski/Rosal d. Hess/Newgarden.
Ricky Seemiller,
Mixed U-17 Doubles: Thom/Rosal d. Veillette/
Boys Under 15
Hess whod beaten Berg/Varner in 5.
Boys U-15s: Ricky Seemiller (his 1
Photo by David
U.S. Open Championship) d. Steve Hammond in
5 (after winning the 4th at deuce). Semis:
Seemiller d. Mike Baber, -10, 15, 21, 19.
Quarters: Hammond d. Perry Schwartzberg, 19 in
the 4th. Boys U-15 Doubles: (a second birthday
present for Ricky) Seemiller/Baber d. Bruce
Plotnick/Jeff Zakarin in 5 in the semis, and Hammond/
Dale Donaldson, deuce in the 5th in the final.

U.S. Girls Under 15 Champion Beverlyn Hess

Photo by Mal Anderson

Jeffrey Lees a little

young yet for the
Under 11s, but hes
already following in
his fathers footsteps

Stef Florescu

Boys U-17/U-15 Consolations: Octavio

Pinnell d. Greg Jelinski. Girls U-15:
Hess d. Plucas. Girls U-15 Doubles:
Gloria Nesukaitis/Christine Tomkins d.
Michele McKinstry/Cathy Payotelis.
Girls U-17/15 Consolations: Maureen
Farmer d. Christine Tomkins.
Boys U-13s: Plotnick d. Perry
Schwartzberg in 5 in the quarters, d.
Robert Nochenson in 5 in the semis,
and d. Pinnell in the final. Boys U-13
Doubles: Plotnick/Schwartzberg d.
Ricky Hicks/Jeff Williams, after Ricky/
Jeff had finished Stern/Scott Boggan,
deuce in the 4th. Girls U-13: Forgo d.
Sylvia Franz, -17, 11, 19, 21 in the semis,
then Debbie Wong in the final. U-11s:
Pinnell d. Joe Napoles, 19 in the 5th, after
Joe had eliminated Chuck Zakarin, 19 in
the 4th. U-13s/U-11 Consolations: Scott
Boggan d. Eric Boggan.
Mens Wheelchair
Open. 1. Mike Dempsey
d. 50-year-old runner-up
Sam Fletcher, a corporate

lawyer crippled in a military plane

crash during World War II. (Before
leaving Miami for Detroit, Sam goodnaturedly watched airport inspectors
check out his crutches.) John Gray,
along with Mike, a member of the
Board of Trustees of the Ohio
Sam Fletcher
Wheelchair Athletic Association, was
Photo by William Scheltema
3rd. Stef Florescu, past National
President of the National Association of the Physically
Handicapped, finished 4th.

Womens Wheelchair Open: 1. Jeannie Kish. 2. Angie Corrieri.

Mens Paraplegic Singles: Gray d. Florescu.
Womens Paraplegic Singles: Kish d. Corrieri.
Mens Wheelchair Doubles: Dempsey/Gray d. Fletcher/Florescu.
Mixed Wheelchair Doubles: Gray/Pat Nevin d. Fletcher/Jacqueline Visner.
At the June 14-15 (17th Annual) National Wheelchair Games on Long Island, the 47year-old Florescu (Quadriplegic Class 1A) will finish first in 1-2-3-4-5 National events. The
Rolling Romanian, Editor of The Wheelchair Competitor, will successfully defend his
National 40-yard dash Championship, and will score a 1st in table tennis, and in 25-yard
freestyle, back, and breaststroke swimming. Hell also win these same 5 events at the first
annual Toledo Jaycees Wheelchair Athletic Games in Toledo, Aug. 24-25th.
Dempsey/Gray Paralympic
Not only are Columbus,
Mike Dempsey, Mens
Ohio Clubmates Dempsey/Gray
Wheelchair Class 4 World
U.S. Open winners, but theyll go
Singles Champion
on, as Lyn Doudna tells us (TTT,
July-Aug., 1973, 24), to triumph
at the Paralympics held at StokeMandeville, England (near
London). Mike, the GahannaLincoln High senior, will win the
Mens Class 4 Worlds Singles
Championship from Israels
Haigai, the titleholder for the
past eight years. Hell also
partner his friend and former
mentor John, the electronic
technician at OSUs Dodd Hall,
to bring home the Mens Class 4
Worlds Doubles Championship,
downing an Israeli pair, 3-1 in the
final. This is the first time in the
21-year history of Paralympic
competition that U.S. competitors have won gold medals in table
D-J/Angie Take Easterns
Sandor Glancz, Hungarian star of the 1930s, opens his short
write-up on the Eastern Open, held Mar. 23-25 at the State
University of New York, Farmingdale, Long Island, with a
congratulatory GUT GEMACHT to the LITTA organizers headed
by President Chris Schlotterhausen. Given the atmosphere of
friendliness and goodwill, Sandor pronounced the prevailing mood

Chris Schlotterhausen
Photo by Mal Anderson

D-J Lee is aging, has entered his

30s, but I expect hell be able to play a
little longer, especially after we see him
win the Mens here. In the final, Lee
allowed Rory Brassington only 34
points, but in the 8ths D-J gave up a
game to Mark Radom; in the quarters
another to Mike Veillette; and in the
semis, after losing the 4th at deuce, was
forced into the 5th by George
Brathwaite. How The Chief must be
chafing as the U.S. Team leaves for its
Mt.-Airy-in-the-Poconos warm-up and
then goes on to the Worlds. Chance
worked its unpredictable wiles, and he
who beat Danny Seemiller in last weeks Nationals and then went 5 with D-J here sure proved
he had the game to play in Sarajevo. Andquirky Chance againwho does Brassington
upset, embarrass, 15 in the 4th in the 8ths, but Danny Seemiller! Also in the 8ths, then in the
quarters, other U.S. Team members go down: Veillette beats Fuarnado Roberts, 12, -14, 21,
19; Bill Lesner topples Bernie Bukiet, then Peter Pradit, 18 in the 4th. In other good matches,
its The Chief over Lim Ming Chui, -15, 18, 20, 19, and Brassington over Errol Resek, 17, 18,
-20, 21.
And damned if Lee/Pradit arent shaky in the Doubles toogoing 5 with Brathwaite/
Alex Shiroky in the semis, and dropping a 25-23 3rd game in the final to Chui/Resek. Womens
went to Angie who maybe gave out just a little
war-whoop after rallying from two games down
and deuce in the 3rd against Judy Bochenski. In
the semis, Angie stopped Alice Green, -17, 19,
18, 15, after Alice had 21, -18, 18, 13, 11
stubbornly prevailed against Sue Hildebrandt.
Alice was wired to go to the World University
Tim Boggan,
Championships but not the Sarajevo Worlds?
Mens A
Womens Doubles: Bochenski/ Patty Cash (did
Photo by Raul
Patty play Singles?) over Rosal/Hildebrandt, 13,
18, -21, 19. Mixed: Pradit/Rosal over D.
Seemiller/Hildebrandt, -15, 22, 21, -19, 22! No
these two major tournaments werent a
confidence builder for Danny. Hell be 10-10 in
Swaythling Cup play in Sarajevo, which didnt
impress Ogimura for one.
Other results: Mens As (79 entries): Tim Boggan in a battle of forehands over
Veillette, 18 in the deciding 3rd. Semis: Boggan over Horace Roberts in 3; Veillette over Stan
Smolanowicz in 3. A Doubles: Peter Holder/Bobby Cousins over Dave Philip/Jerry
Fleischhacker. Womens As: Debbie Wong over Muriel Stern, 21, -16, 19, after Stern had
struggled by Louise Chotras, 19, 20. Bs: Roger Sverdlik over Alan Sverdlik, def. Semis: R.
Sverdlik over Ralph Robinson, 26, 15; A. Sverdlik over David Steinberg, 19 in the 3rd. Mens
George Brathwaite:
reaching out


Consolation: Fleischhacker over

(late entry) D.S. Dodge Bhalla,
-20, 18, 16. Womens
Consolation: Stern over Gloria
Senior Esquires: Glancz
over Joe Blatt (returning, says
Sandor, to play in a tournament
after a 37-year absence!).
Esquires: Benny Hull over
Alberto Resek (Errols father), 18
in the 3rd, then over Irv Levine in
the final. Senior Doubles: Schiff
and Bill Cross (winner of the
1940 U.S. Open Mens
Consolation) over Hull and
Alberto Resek, Errol and Priscillas father,
Manny Moskowitz whod gotten
looks back to a former win
a thrill out of umpiring some U.SLeft photo by Mal Anderson, right photo courtesy of Jairie Resek
China matches during last years
Ping-Pong Diplomacy Tour. Wheelchair Singles: Mike Dempsey over Serge Jelenevsky.
Boys 17: Veillette over
Rumble, 18 in the 5th. Girls 17:
Rosal over Bochenski. Junior 17
Doubles: Rosal/Bochenski over
Veillette/Scott Boggan. Boys
15: Ricky Seemiller over Jeff
Zakarin, 17 in the 3rd. In
Bruce Plotnick, U.S. Boys
reviewing a 1972 book, Better
Under 13 Champion
Table Tennis For Boys And
Photo by Mal Anderson
Girls, Jeff says author George
Sullivans copy is o.k., but, boy,
the models used in the
photographs have awful
strokes. Boys 13: Bruce
Plotnick over Robert
Nochenson 21, 16. Best match:
Rutledge Barry over Mike
Stern, 23-21 in the 3rd. Girls 15/
13: Gail Garcia over Orli Himmelweit. Under 11s: Barry over Chuck Zakarin, 8, 21, after
Chuck had squeaked by Eric Boggan, 24, -17, 19. Parent/Child Doubles: Ray/Scott McDowell
over Tim/Scott Boggan.
Sandor loved the Danny Ganz party. Enviously he watched as Rutledge scored heavily
with the beautiful and shapely Angelita Rosal. Whenever she had a chance she hugged him.
When I kidded Rutledge about this, he said, Shes doing it because Im a kid. Hence, no
repercussions? Sandor kept it up: I told him Id seen many a hot Hollywood movie scene, but
nothing like this.

E.C. Officers/Committeemen
Much of the Dec., 1972 E.C. Meeting had been taken up with preparations for the
World Team Tryouts. Treasurer Dell Sweeris would present a Statement of Cash Receipts and
Disbursements for the six months ending Nov. 30, 1972 in which the Association had
$6,237.37 more Income than Expense. Our Net Worth was reported to be $35,045.28. The
International Fund Balance totaled: Senior: $5,635.74; Junior: $2,568.59. A bid was made for
the 1974 U.S. Open by a delegation from Oklahoma City consisting of Ron Shirley of the
Oklahoma Table Tennis Club, and Dan Saunders and Stan Draper, Jr. of the Oklahoma City
Chamber of Commerce. They guaranteed $10,000 in ticket sales and $5,000 in prize money
with the event to be held in the Myriada new sports complexMarch 22, 23, 24. The E.C.
unanimously accepted this bid. (Later, the date was changed to May 17-19 then to May 2326.) Of not so singular importance was Geza Gazdags
proposed $25,000 North American Open. E.C. discussion
brought out the negotiations needed to make this Open a
reality. But reality it never was. Frank Tichy announced he had
plans to run a $20,000 International Open in Chicago in Sept.
Think that will happen?
Following the two March majors, there was the annual
election of USTTA Officers. Meanwhile, that rancorous Letter
writer whod insulted Rufford Harrison had come at Cyril
Lederman too, reminding us of Mr. Ledermans facial
expressions and body contortions when he chops, and of a
mistake he made when umpiring. Cyril may have agonized
regarding his decision to resign as Executive Vice-President
(for fear, given the circumstances, he could not continue to do
As you can see,
Cyril doesnt like the insult
a good job), but lets hope his choice of devoting more
Photo by Mal Anderson
attention to his livelihood is not a mistake. In his stead,
President Boggan appointed Charlie Disney. USTTA Treasurer
Dell Sweeris also resigned, and in his place Boggan appointed Fred Danner.
The Mar.-Apr., 1973 Topics (13-15) presents the Campaign Statements of those
seeking office, and my Presidents view (17) of those Id like to see
Jack Carr
in office working with me. A Treasurer and three Vice-Presidents
will be elected.
Those running for Treasurer are Jack Carr, Fred Danner,
and John Read.
Jack says, I was the top man in my college Accounting
course. He offers, unlike the other candidates, a specific list of
things (What a Treasurer Ought To Do); and says hes had the
impression that the USTTA Executive Committee tries to keep
secret how it makes and spends money, but that hell open the
books for all to see. He takes credit for being the one who started
the money tournaments, and for coaches being paid. He reminds us
of all the positions hes held, and of the book royalties hes turned
over to the USTTA. He says, I will try to be the best [Treasurer]
the USTTA ever had. If my invalid wife can put up with me for 30
years, perhaps I have a few more useful years for the USTTA.

He says, President Tim is doing one hell of a good job; says, I have worked well
with Tim; says Tim has confidence in me. Uh, as readers of Vol. VI know, Jack and I are
not exactly buddies. After I defeated him for the Presidency, knowing much of his life is
dedicated to table tennis, Id appointed him to chair two committees. But, as I said in my
article, I want to make it clear to everybody that Im still running against Jack and his small
time deviousnessregardless of what he falsely implies in his campaign statement.
Fred speaks of the expansionclubs, juniorson Long Island hes been behind, and
his proven experience via table tennis positions hes held in the last 10 years, including his
current tenure as National Director of Junior Development. He has my unqualified Presidential
John, a Chicago Insurance man, mentions his Accounting background, says he prepares
budgets in excess of $200,000 each year. As Captain and Manager of U.S. World Teams hes
used to watching expenses. Says he got the IL Jaycees to sponsor the World Tryouts, and that
hes running in part because he doesnt want the N.Y. area taking over the E.C.
Carr will win this election (379 votes) over Danner (351 votes) and Read (214 votes).
There are 10 candidates for the three Vice-President spotsMal Anderson, Ralph
Bender, H Blair, George Buben, Steve Isaacson, Bob Kaminsky, Bowie Martin, Coach
Schleff, Marv Shaffer, and Joe Sokoloff.
Mal says hes a needed follower, is a very good correspondent, and is skeptical of
those who promise much. He urges voters to look at what the candidates have actually done.
He points to his several USTTA positions, and especially to the hundreds of photos hes
provided to tournament sponsors. He urges a vote for Carr as Treasurer, praises his work as
Equipment Chairman. In my article I explained why I didnt want to work with Mal, and, as I
indicated in Vol. VI, a reader publicly questioned my judgment.
H reminds us he started the Orlando Club, was its President for many years, and has
been chairman for twenty-six tournaments. He also worked hard at being Southern Region
Tournament Director and as Editor of Topics.
George says hes not obligated to any one person or group of people, and believes in
equality of all players. He thinks the E.C. should be a composite of all sections of the
country. He has John Reads endorsement.
Steve tells us he was a good player; that as former Selection Chairman hed urged
Tryouts. He wants the better players to reap all the benefits possible, much as do the
champions of other sports. And he wants to revive the Hall of Fame that he started.
Bob urges that voters be conscientious, that they familiarize themselves with what the
candidates have done. Vote for the executive type, he says. The
USTTA ought to operate like a business corporation. The problems
the Association needs to solve revolve around FUNDS and
PUBLICITY. Every E.C. member should help to develop 1-year, 5year, 10-year goals toward these two ends. The USTTA should
construct a stronger foundation through its local organizationsi.e.,
its clubs. Bob details his numerous positions, as,
indeed, theyve been documented in my volumes. He
has my unqualified Presidential endorsement.
Bowie Martin would represent the USTTA
as a table tennis professional. After all, as
President of the Martin-Kilpatrick Co., table tennis is
Bowie Martin

his full-time job, and he has a know-how with the table tennis industry that can be of benefit to
the Association. He points to his background as a table tennis promoter, table tennis
businessman, and table tennis player. Hes for Juniors, big money tournaments, and
seriously thought-out programs. He wants to increase the number of players, elevate the
status of the game, and increase the standard of play.
Dick says, Tim should be surrounded by people he feels comfortable with. The E.C.
ought to start thinking as a committee of executives. They should begin to think in terms of
priorities for the games growth, plans, long and short-term goals. The Sport needs
participants, needs places to playnot 8-table clubs that meet twice a week in a high school
gym but 70-table public places that are attractive and reasonably conspicuous. Club
proprietors need to make money. To enable them to try to be successful, the USTTA might try
a long-range planmight consider setting up a borrowing fund for potential tt center
operators, lending the money out judiciously of course. If the proprietor is successful, repays
the loan, another can be made, and so on. Also, the Association needs to establish a plan by
which school organizers can make some money for their work. Workers need incentives. Just
as Boggan is paid for editing Topics (increased now to $300 an issue), and Marv Shaffer is
paid to handle Membership, so should Fox be paid to do the important Ratings. Dick has my
unqualified Presidential endorsement.
Marv is proud of the job hes done with
Membership the past two years. Others are proud of him
toohell receive this years Barna Award. Marv says
hes supported President Boggan in his selections of
people and courses of action, and will continue to do so.
He has the endorsement of both Danner and Read.
Joe is an experienced table tennis player/coach/
traveler. He gives about 30 Table Tennis exhibitions a
year in Churches, during Basketball games, at Elks clubs
and other such places to promote the sport. He runs a
Sporting Goods company, and is the sales rep for Table
Tennis wear that he can make available to clubs at
wholesale prices.
Results of this Vice-Presidential election: Dick
Miles (660 votes), Bob Kaminsky (372 votes), Marv
Shaffer (345 votes), Joe Sokoloff, 224 votes), Mal
Marv Shaffer
by Mal Anderson
Anderson (218 votes), George Buben (202 votes), Bowie
Martin (169 votes), H Blair (153 votes), Steve Isaacson
(100 votes), Coach Schleff/no Campaign Statement (80 votes), and Ralph Bender/No
Campaign Statement (75 votes).
When Miles was elected Vice-President, Mort Zakarin, the USTTA Corresponding
Secretary, resigned because he didnt want to work with Dick. Since Carr became Treasurer
replacing the interim-appointed Danner, Fred was now free to take Morts place and thus I
could keep him on the E.C. Committee Chair changes occurred as follows: Advertising: after
Zakarins resignation, this Chair was Vacant for several months, then Gus Kennedy took over
(as of Mar., 1973 Topics advertising rates would be increased 50%). Affiliates: Co-Chair Chris
Schlotterhausen resigned, left the Committee in the longtime hands of Richard Feuerstein.
Dick not only has had endurance as a USTTA Affiliates Chair (the USTTA now has 10 times

the number of clubs when, dedicated, he took over the Chair), but, since jogging is even more
his sport than table tennis, he repeatedly competes in 25-mile marathons. Jogging, he says,
helps [a person] physically, mentally and morally.
Coaching: Jeff Smart replaced Earl Adams. Disciplinary: Dr. Michael Scott II replaced
Jack Carr (who as Equipment Chair finds out that the Federal Trade Commission cant do
anything about non-USTTA equipment labeled Officialsuch a labeling means Nothing).
Fund-Raising: Miles replaced Boggan. Library and Film: Dr. Warren Rasmussen replaced
Ralph Bender. Rating: Neal Fox replaced Jack Howard. Rules: Mal Anderson replaced Cyril
Three Committee Chairs who are intensely dedicated and look to share their
preoccupations and hopes with readers of Topics are Danner (Junior Development), Smart
(Coaching), and Fox (Ratings).
Fred (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1972, 9) says that to start Junior
Clubs round the country you have to combat two problems:
a)You need 4 adults [theyll be Club
officers] who want to set up the junior club & stay with it
for at least two years. b)You must convince people
who control the allocation of good facilities (schools,
firehouses, American Legion Halls, etc.) that your
program is worthwhile & should be supported by
After you get committed people, you have to find a facility where the whole family
will come. It must have good lighting and space enough for six tables, and the floor must
not be slippery. The facility must be NOT USED at least one night a week, hopefully more.
(The club can survive even if play is available only once a week.) Now you must SELL
Arguments: stress that the Game helps kids to become physically fit, morally straight; and
that the Junior Club is financially independent. It helps if you can get facility insiders on your
side (at schools, phys. ed teachers; at firehouses, firemeninduce their kids to play).
Next, youve got to put up money for equipment,
a big chunk of which goes for tables to run USTTA
tournaments on. Fred details estimated expenses for a
year: comes to $705. Sponsorship may be possible from
such project-oriented Clubs as the Lions or
Rotarygive them a try. Of course youve got to GET
Hopefully the school system will give you names and
addresses. You want 36 players for 6 tables. Dues will be
$16 a year for regulars [covers about 30 playing nights]
and $1.50 per session for occasional players. The play
format will be a ROUND ROBIN LEAGUE (of the
kind outlined by Fred in the Nov.-Dec., 1971 Topics). The
On being called for a
plan is that school play will lead to Varsity Club activity
Round Robin match on table 1.
and thence to related adult programs.
Drawing by Greg Sawin

Danner then has two articles, Progress on Junior Development and Methods For
Play of Inter-School Matches (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1973, 8). In Progress, Fred says theres
been a general increase in Junior memberships in most states since July, 1972, and an
increase in Junior Development State Chairmen (12 to 23, later up to 26). He tells us that
Minnesota Chair Rich Sinykin has 41 school teams playing, plus a 200-player Kiwanissponsored Junior league in Minneapolis.
He also cites great progress on Long Island: 13 varsity high school club teams are
actively playing inter-school matches in Nassau County, 6 high school teams in Suffolk have
started to play along with a 60-member all-Junior club at Finley Jr. High in Huntington. Fred
reports that Walt Whitman High School came from 30 points behind to edge Huntington, 112
to 109, then remained undefeated with a 137-113 win over Harborfields High. In the
Huntington tie, Whitman Team Captain Marc Landman upset Long Island Junior Champ Carl
Freds the more enthusiastic because, he says, weve just received a GO-AHEAD to
run an All Long Island School Team Championships co-sponsored by Nassau Recreation &
Parks Department with the Long Island Table Tennis Association. This will be a 3-man
USOTC-type round-robin team event with FREE entry for teams from LI schools, youth
groups, churches, etc. It will be held in a 30,000 sq. ft. facility in the Nassau Community
College at Uniondale, on April 28-29. Later, Fred will report that this 29-table tournament
drew 173 players.
In Methods,
Danner shares his Long
Island experience to
describe the factors
that make for a good team
Fred Danner
Photo by Ray Viola,
from Freds National
School Table Tennis
Guide (1976)

The scoring
system must make points
important in an uneven
match to prevent the good
player from fooling around.
Players must all
play enough of the time to
be satisfied.
Players should
root for their team during
the key points.
More than 3
players should play for a
team to prevent domination

of the match by one good player.

The system of play should introduce as much uncertainty about the match
outcome as possible prior to the start, and for as long as possible during the matches.
Too many players on a team make it hard to get all of them available and
transported to the match at the same time.

He also shows how the innovative team scoring works (match=2/3 games):
A game win of 21-6 or better gives 5 points to the winner, 0 points to the loser.
A game win of 21-13 down to 21-7 gives 4 points to the winner, 1 point to the loser.
A game win down to 21-14 gives 3 points to the winner, 2 points to the loser.
When a player wins the first 2 games of a match he receives 5 extra points for the third
game he didnt have to play.
The player winning the match gets 10 additional [points].
Fred urges that in, say, a 4-man team match with 8 singles and two doubles to be
played, the mismatches go on first, with the more or less even struggles to follow. A
scoreboard visible to the spectators with a running total of match points makes for more
excitement, more fun.
Jeff Smart (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1973, 5) wants clubs to hire well-known coaches to
spend say a week teaching AT THEIR CLUB, rather than making the players pay to go to the
coaches [which most cant afford to do]. Jeff, whos become a USTTA Associate Coach and
an Umpire, says that he, for example, if he can stay at a players home, is prepared to teach
20 [club] members 6-8 hours a day for a week for $200. Each member only spends $10!
Moreover, says Jeff, he thinks he could arrange several exhibitions during evening hours, with the
ticket money going to the club. Hence Jeff, for, lets say, a 50-hour work week would be paid $4 an
hour. Granted one loves the work, how many other qualified coaches would be job-free to travel
about in the missionary footsteps of Dell Sweeris and Jack Howard? How many gigs could the
most enthusiastic coach expect (along of course with travel expenses from one club to another)?
Jeff says (TTT, May-June, 1973, 4) hed really like to plan a coaching circuit for
himself, and, in what amounts to a perk of an ad, details his experience, and suggests a camp
format. Of course he isnt married, and has summer months off from his studies at Oakland
Universitythese are big factors, not easily duplicated by those most qualified.
Smart also urges (TTT, May-June, 1973, 54) we set up inter-regional play based on the
European Union League format in which 6 or 7 countries compete in round robin competition,
playing each other only once, at a rate of about one tie a month. Best of 7 matches are played,
including 4 Mens Singles, 1 Womens Singles, 1 Mens Doubles, and 1 Mixed Doubles. (For
example, in a match on Mar. 4, 1973 in Leningrad, the USSR defeated Germany, 4-3: Sarkis
Sarkhoyan d. Ebby Schoeler; Stanislav Gomozkov l. to Wilfried Lieck; Zoya Rudnova d.
Diane Schoeler; Gomozkov/Sarhoyan l. to Lieck/Schoeler; Gomozkov/Rudnova d. Schoeler/
Schoeler; Sarkhoyan l. to Lieck; Gomozkov d. Schoeler, 19 in the 3rd.)
Jeff posits a captain/coach and a squad of 10 from each regionwith a Regional Closed to
select the Squad and then a selection to be made by the captain/coach for each Regional match.
With such a large squad, though, how many ties would any one player play? Transportation
expenses would have to be worked out. Money could be saved by bringing, say, 3 teams to the
same venue to play each otherbut that would limit the number of sites, and the importance of
these matches need be emphasized locally in each Region. At any event, though this particular
suggestion has some bugs, Jeffs all for promoting the Sportis trying to encourage each region
to hold more training camps for its top players, give improving players a middle-step on the ladder
to the top by making it easier to get on a strong team, if not the U.S. Team[and, by more
accurately comparing players from different regions,] improve rating and ranking methods in
addition to promoting and advertising top-level table tennis.

Jack Howard, whod been

working diligently, making progress
with his Chess Federation-based rating
system, had a long article in the Jan.Feb, 1973 Topics (10) in which,
contrary to Ranking Chair John Read,
he felt that a match in a local small
tournament [should] be rated the same
as if the match were played in a large
national tournament. Otherwise, he
says, strong players wouldnt play in
small tournaments, and weak players
wouldnt play in large tournaments.
However, Ratings arent the be-all and
end-allthe better players dont want
to play in small tournaments because
there isnt enough money to be won.
But, if players are rating point
conscious, why wouldnt the weaker
ones want to try to pick up upset
points, more points, in a big
Jack says its demeaning to local
tournament sponsors and players to hear
that their tournaments are unimportant
compared to the biggies. Not as
important is a better way to put it,
Philadelphias Herb Vichnin innovatively trying to raise rather than the loaded word
unimportant. But why would those
his table tennis rating by playing chess
Photo by Ray Chen
who run small tournaments without prize
money expect to draw strong players?
Jack himself says, top playersgo where the money is. Why should organizers who dont offer
money prizes take the absence of top players personally? Conversely, one might say its demeaning
to the better player to give his support to those who continue to run unambitious tournaments.
At any event, Jack speaks of the future, gives no hint that hes about to abandon this
Rating project hes made such progress with despite having for so long to play catch-up. But
likely hes just overwhelmed by the magnitude of a nation-wide rating system in which over
20,000 [matches] will be rated this season. There are always questions to be answeredi.e,
Shouldnt a winner of a match be awarded the same number of rating points that the loser of
the match loses? Answer: No. Player A is young, fast-improving.
But though B is upset, his game hasnt diminished to the extent A has improved. And,
bummer, theres just so much work to be done (for which Jack needs help): reports for
hundreds of ranking eligibles must be prepared; rating lists must be published regularly; certain
separations (juniors, seniors, women) must be accounted for; stars must be kept track ofits
probably, especially when hes involved for several weeks in World Championship duties, and
has a job to hold down, just too much for him.

Neal Fox is ambitious, immersed in his Rating System. Hes innovative: To get rid of
the subjective guess for initial ratings, which can bias a players rating for several months, I
have been generating equilibrium ratingsthe basic principle of which is that you repeat the
adding and subtracting procedures over and over for a set group of results, as if the results
happened in identical fashion several weeks in a row. These calculations continue until
everyone stops changing, or reaches his equilibrium point.
Neal says (TTT, July-Aug, 1973, 7) the big difference in his, as opposed to Howards
chess-based system, is that all singles matches in all sanctioned USTTA tournaments (Closed
included) count equally toward one rating per person. That short-cut does away with
separations urged by CA Ranking Chair Dieter Huber that had been followed by Howard. Fox,
too, needs helpfrom clubs, tournament directors, on-the-scene match-form preparers and
recorders. Workers, including Neal, have to be paidwhich means local tournament sponsors
need to add 20 cents to the entry fee for each singles event (10 cents per Junior Singles
USTTA Leaders in the early 70s are doerstheyre for expansion; hopefully, the
money will follow to help them.
*Ive commented before on how the Programs for Detroit-held U.S. Opens have
always been parochially oriented simply to Michigan matters, with never pictures or bios of
country-wide U.S. stars, or articles of general interest, seen in other U.S. Open Programs.
Still, I was surprised that the front page of this 1973 Program was given over completely to
MTTA officers and a detailed listing and description of the State clubs, whereas my
Presidential Greetings had been relegated to the bottom of the Programs next to last page.
However, Im sure the slight didnt bother me as much as did Michigans insularity over the
**Since in these volumes theres the occasional negative word about Erwin Klein, I
want to include here an e-mail I recently received from the well-known contract bridge player/
teacher Eddie Kantar:
I remember that not all of the guys liked Erwin, but with me it was
completely different. Never a mean word, nothing like that. And how he took care of
his stepbrother after he had a stroke.
I once brought him over to my house for dinner to meet my parents (I was
living at home at the time). Erwins mother was Hungarian and they never had salads.
My mother made a huge bowl of salad for everyone. Erwin thought it was for him and
he polished off the whole bowl!
I also played several exhibitions with Erwin where he was the featured player,
of course. Several times it got down to the end of the last game and it was close and it
didnt bother Erwin one bit if I happened to win. I didnt think I should throw the
points so I just played normal exhibition points. He never ever mentioned that he was
expected to win.


Chapter Five
1973: End of Season TournamentsPart I.
The 70s expansion of course is very evident in the number of tournaments reported in
Topics, which itself has expanded considerably from its July-Aug., 1970 12-page tabloid start
(the 6 issues for 1973 have the following pages: 32, 32, 60, 32, 32, 40). In this Chapter and
the next Ill cover tournaments from the middle of March to the end of June and will again
begin in the Northwest and move eastward.
The Desert Air Open is played where, do you think? In Richland, Washington. Desert/
Rich land; Desert air/Washington statedoesnt seem a match to mebut the names Tom
Ruttinger over Rob Roberts in the Mens do. Tom also paired with MITs Bill Ladd to take the
Doubles from Dave Hudson/Jeff Kurtz. Judy Bochenski easily won the Womens, slipping
slightly in her semis, 21-0, 21-1. As went to Charlie McClarty over Eddie Ng, deuce in the
4th. McLarty/Bob Ho won the A Doubles from Steve Berliner/Earl Adams. Bs to Ho over
Dick DuBonne. B Doubles to Jim Waugh/David Gross. Cs to Jimmy Bamgbose over Lee
Olsen. C Doubles to Olsen/DuBonne over Red Duncan/Nat Jackson. Novice to Chet Harmala.
winner at the
Spring Open
was Jeff
Mason over a
spirited Azmy
Ibrahim, 2725 in the 4th.
Jeff paired
with Richard
Terry to take
the Doubles
too over
Wong. No
Norma Greene filming in her
mind husband Mikes play
Photos courtesy of the Greenes
though there
was a good
Mixed: Mike
Ogus over
Jim Naik/
Hilda Brautigan, 18 in the 5th. As: Tom Joyce over Greene (does wife Norma film Mikes
own matches?). Bs: Chick Chui over Vance Gillette. Ds: Arthur Yu over Bob Glenn.

Mens Consolation: Shonie Aki over

Masaaki Tajima who 30 years hence will
be one of the U.S.s most prestigious
coaches. Seniors: Allan Herskovich over
Harry Nelson. 17s: John Nevarez/Chui.
Shonie Aki
B/C Doubles: Nevarez/Conway Redding
Photo by Don Gunn
over Reagan Tom/Louie. D Doubles:
Lim/Tam over Richard Dong/Henry
Fung. Junior Doubles: Barish/Rosal over
Steve Schultz/Laing.
At Milla Boczars May 18-20
Hollywood Club tournament, Howard,
free of his Rating responsibilities, won
the Open Singles over Paul
Raphel who in the semis had
downed Guillen while Jack had
knocked out Eric Thom.
However, in the Mens Singles,
Raphel stopped Thom, after Eric
had eliminated Jack, and Paul had
finished Denis OConnell.
Doubles went to Thom/Raphel
over Banach/Ron Von
Schimmelman. Angelita Rosal
won the Womens over Heather
Angelinetta, and the Mixed with
Raphel over the close (15, -16,
21, 19) twosome of Howard/
Bonnie Johnson.
An earlier Topics photo of
Bonnie that Id extracted and
Bonnie Johnson
Jack Howard
enlarged from a group shot, Gunn
Photo by Don Gunn
pointed out to me, neither did
justice to Bonnie (runner-up in
Womens As to Ann Smith) nor to himself, the qualityminded photographer. He had a good point, and Ive
done better with bonnie Bonnie here, but Topics wasnt a
fashion magazine (nor were any of my History volumes
coffee-table crafted), and it might be argued that
something I hoped was at least passable was better than
nothing (though certainly I did make some bad choices).
Other Hollywood Results: As Garrett over
Barish, 19 in the 4th. Other Hollywood results: Bs:
Kunyo over Richard Valentine. Cs: Whitlock over Joe
Napoles, U-11 winner over Don Schultz. Ds: Monica
Rosal over Jerry LaLande. Seniors: Banach over softRon Whitlock

Dennis Barish
Chris Rosal

spoken Gene Wilson, predominately a wood-side

blocker who uses his inverted side for serves. 17s:
Chris Rosal over Steve Schultz. 15s: Barish over
Dean Galardi, then Rosal. 13s: Rosal over Joe
Napoles. A Doubles:
Garrett/Barish over
Steve Berliner/Kunyo.
C/D Doubles: Marco
Chao/Wilson Wu over
Chair Bard Brenner,
given an assist by an
up-for-election Mayor
Yorty, was able to hold
the June 15-17 $1,000 Pacific Coast Open at East
Los Angeles Community College. Bard (TTT,
Sept.-Oct., 1973, 15+) gives us the resultsand
cant resist telling us that The American
Broadcasting Company (ABC) came in to do news
coverage of the tournament and got screamed at by
some players and even an officialwhile Don
Gunn (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 15) provides human
interest coverage. Here, then, before I bring in
Pacific Coast Open Tournament Chair
Gunn, are the Results: Mens (almost 60 entries):
Bard Brenner
Semis round robin: Park over runner-up Raphel.
Photo by Don Gunn
Photo by Don Gunn


3rd Place: Guillen over OConnell (Ray, up 2-1 on Park in the semis, even had Yortys people
on their feet). Deuce in the 5th matches of note: Eric Thom over Nick Mintsiveris, and Shonie
Aki over Angie Rosal. Mens Doubles: OConnell/Earl Jones over Park/Danny Goodstein,
deuce in the 5th in the semis, and over Dave Chan/Cliff Hwee in the final. Womens: Rosal
over Cindy Cooper Feilen. Mixed: Raphel/Rosal over Guillen/Pat Crowley.
As: Doug Hobson over Don Ayers. Bs: Dean Galardi
over Vance Gillette. B Doubles winners: George Taplin/Ed
Kelemen. Cs: Utahs Jafar Fatemi over Thorvan Suwanvanichij.
C Doubles: Taplin/Richard Alden over Joe Napoles/Chris Rosal.
D winner: Rich Livingston (makes great greeting cards). D
Doubles: Jerry LaLande/Richard Banagas over Kent Lofthouse/
Richard Ward. Womens Novice: Jai Howard over Claire Yonan.
Esquires: winner Julius Paal. Seniors: Allan Herskovich over
Dan Banach. U-17s: Raphel by default over Barish whod nipped
Eric Thom deuce in the 3rd. U-17 Doubles: Raphel/Thom over
John Elliott/Ricky Walker. U-15s: Galardi over Barish. U-13s:
Napoles over Chris Rosal in 5. U-11s: Napoles over Bobby
Rinde. Brenner thanks his many helpers, but its little Faan Tone
Liu who wins his Chairmans Trophy.
Since Gunn played his 1st C match
at 2:30 p.m. and his next at 8:40 p.m., he had
plenty of time to watch and report such
tidbits as Glenn Cowan sitting idly in the
stands, unable to play because hed gotten
Rich Livingston
mononucleosis, and Mark Davee sitting idly
there too, as one girl said, looking lonesome, and sort of cute, because hed
gotten religion. Much more noticeable, however, was Ray Mincand here,
Gunn says, is why:
They took Ray Minc
away in an ambulance.How
Don Gunn
it all came about I couldnt
say; he was found unconscious [after
fainting] in the mens room, and what
ensued was a scene right off your TV
screen. The East Los Angeles [Community
College] Campus Police were already on
hand, shortly to be augmented by the fire
department, paramedics, sheriffs office,
and finally the ambulance that took poor
Ray [Im o.k.] away.*
Don says he watched Bill Garrett play
Floridas visiting John Elliott. John made a very
good shot, writes Gunn, and Garrett said,
Good shot, and then made a good return.

John Elliott
Photo by Don Gunn

Instead of playing the return, Elliott caught the ball,

claiming the point on the grounds that players are not
supposed to talk while the ball is in play. The point was
awarded to Garrett, as players are also not supposed to
enforce the rules themselvesthat is what umpires are
Youll note in the results that Gil Park won the
Open from runner-up Raphel. In a round robin semis
match, Paul had rallied after being down against
OConnell, and thenOConnell knocked one off the
table, which would have ended the match; indeed, umpire
Harold Kopper called Game and match to Raphel, and
Raphel gleefully volleyed the ball! So Kopper gave the
point to OConnelland the match continued. Of
course, seeing this, Gunn wants to know if the match
wasnt over when the umpire said it was. Good
questionespecially for one of those Qualified Umpire
tests one finds in Topics. Answer?(Rules Chair Mal
Anderson would have some difficulty in getting enough
qualified people to administer the Umpires Practical
Umpire Pat Collins
Exam, and, indeed, would have absolutely no one to
Photo by Mal Anderson
handle this chore in the Pacific Northwest until Pat
Collins moved from Dallas to Seattle. Wouldnt you think someone would go out and drink a
Tom Collins or two to the both of them if he could see strict Pat observing, or, better yet,
critiquing Tom Ruttinger?)
Perhaps it was that same umpire, and/or another, and/or
another, who had a few words to say to Thom when he threw
his bat, bat-like, across the gym. Yuphe was defaulted on the
But perhaps the best of the action was saved for last.
Heres Gunn again:
The last match of the tournament was the Mixed Doubles
final, and a sorry affair it was. The women had been angry all
along over the small cash prizes offered them, and apparently with
good reason. The entry blank did not state precisely how the
money was to be allotted, but surely any finalist should win a prize
greater than his (or her) entry fee into that event. The players
Eric Thom
clowned and chatted with the audience, which threw them money,
Photo by Pam Ramsey
although not nearly enough. The umpire endured a fusillade of
abuse, before descending from the Cross. Jeff Wilhite volunteered to finish the job, and
collected the $1.00 fee for officiating only five points. When the [double default] match was
over, the players and sundry others stormed the control room.
Paul Longmire reports (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 19) that the 3rd Annual New Mexico
Open, played May 19 in Albuquerque, drew 75 participants. Results: Championship Singles:

1. Bob
($40). 2. Jerry
Plybon. 3. Sigi
Sporer. 4.
Womans: Bobs
daughter Kasia
over Liz
Gresham for the
2nd year in a
row. Mens
Bill Hodge
Bob Dawidowicz
From the 1976 U.S. Closed Program, 43
Photo by Mal Anderson
Sporer over Plybon/John Gillies. As: Keith Treece over Longmire. Ohios Bill Hodge, now
living in Las Vegas and reportedly Nevadas best player, complained of a lack of good
practice as he was eliminated from both the Championship and A singles. Bs: Jim Wherry
over Salt Lake Citys Yihlin Chan who upset Texas Open finalist Richard James in his
Championship opener. Seniors: perennial Champ Mac Horn over Charles Griffin. 17s: Steve
Dodgen over Dawidowicz.

Top-right: Frank Mercz, Air Force

Singles Champion; far left: Bob
Burke and his partner Dennis
Driggs, Air Force Doubles Champions; inset: Driggs and Burke

At the 1973 Air Force Championships, held in handball

courts at the Kirtland Air Force base in New Mexico, Ferenc
Frank Mercz successfully defended his Singles title by defeating Ziad Shebaro. Mercz said
that Shebaro, reputedly No. 1 in Lebanon a few years ago, had consistent, sharp pushes
that reminded one of Surasaks serve returns, and that his angled-off shots made it difficult
for Frank to loop well. Up 1-0 but down 10-5 in the 2nd, Mercz rallied for an incredible 16
out of 17 points to win the 2nd game at 11.

Last years runner-up Larry Kesler couldnt attend this years tournament, and
through some administrative mishandling that requires the mentality of a bureaucrat in
uniform, the two talented players from Japan, Bob Burke and Dennis Driggs of the Pacific
Air Forces (PACAF), had to choose whether to play Singles or Doubles. Because theyd been
training and practicing togetherjogging, bike-riding, going into Tokyo to practiceand also
because, as Frank says, Dan Reeves of Dayton, Ohio scared their athletic supporters off of
them by letting it be known that Mercz had taken a game from Lim Ming Chui at the
Nationals, the Pacific pair chose to play Doubles. A wise choicefor they won the title over
Mercz/Greg McElveen.
Alex Tam, his
labored but
defeated his
Richard Ling
to win the
Open Mens
at Waco, and
paired with
him in
Doubles to
Dr. Grady Gordon
Jack Buddy Melamed
down John
Photo from 1975 Houston Open Program
McAdams/Bob ONeill. Womens went to
Cindy Garza over Anna Lynn. As: John Tomlinson over Don Weems. A Doubles: John Hewes
and Steve Smith, who was instrumental in getting Tam to Austin, over Paul LaBlanc/
Tomlinson, 19 in the 5th. Consolation: Hewes over Perry Schwartzberg, 19 in the 4th. 17s:
Steve Hammond over Octavio Pinnell. 15s: Hammond over Schwartzberg, 19 in the 4th.
Esquires: George Batson over Jay Evans. Seniors: Grady Gordon over Edgar Stein. Senior
Doubles: Stein and Jack Buddy Melamed over Van Vooren/Watkins. After making a name
for himself in baseball, basketball, and bowling, Buddy, at 42, has brought his competitive
spirit to table tennis. If you want to share his focus, know whats going on in southwest t.t.,
contact him at the Houston Club.
Remember the Alamo Open with Paul LeBlancs write-up (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 20),
$645 in prize money, and excellent playing conditions in the Alamo Heights High School Gym.
LeBlanc, an innovative fellow himself, pointed out that the tournament organizers, in addition to
money and trophies to the winners (some, afraid they might lose their amateur standing, took
trophies in place of cash), gave out patches. These were inscribed with Alamo Open Table Tennis
1973 and the name of the event and the place won (1st, 2nd, etc.). Since bulky trophies have
become meaningless to repeated winners, it was thought they might prefer these patches that could
be sewed on to shorts, warm-ups, shirts, etc. Sounds tacky to me to be sporting such stuff
regardless of what place one finishedbut, hey, if people want a jacket full of them, why not?
I might add that elsewhere (TTT, May-June, 1973, 12;15) LeBlanc proposed a nationwide U.S. World Team Selection System, heavily dependent on a series of Regional play-offs

(demanding much work from Regional Directors), which would allow for more geographical
representation in the Final Tryouts. Hes thinking particularly of the Southwest players whove
found it too much of a burden financially and/or time-wise to try to qualify in West, Central, or
East Regions. In Pauls multi-step plan, qualifiers gradually paying incremental entry fees
would advance from Club, Area, State, and Regional participation to finally arrive, four of
them from each Region, expenses paid, at the National Play-offs. One wonders, however, what
states would be in what Regions, and, since good players beget other good players, what a
clamor thered be if you had 20 high-rated players clustered in one Region who are, with
possibly an exception or two (Alex Tam in the Southwest, for example), superior to the best of
the best from another Region. Nope, dont think it would work.
Alamo Open results: Championship: 1. Tam ($200). 2. Hanumanth Rao ($100). 3.
John Tomlinson ($50) who (from down 2-0 and deuce in the 4th) upset #2 seed Richard Ling.
4. Brad Fountain ($50). Womens: 1. Norma LeBlanc ($15). 2. Cindy Garza ($10). 3. Shirley
Woo. 4. Sue Sargent. The Mens/Womens Prize Money ($400 to $25) is a bit
disproportionate, dont you think? Championship Doubles: Tam/Ling in 5 over Joe Cummings/
Tomlinson whod edged Tommy Vaello/Fountain, rallying from 2-0 down to win deuce in the
5th. Womens Doubles: LaBlanc/Stacie Moore over Garza/Woo. Mixed Doubles: Tam/Sargent
over Fountain/Woo whod eliminated Ling/Karen Ostrum 24-22 in the 5th.
Paul picked a moment from the Mixed semis, won by Tam/Sargent over Vaello/
LaBlanc (14, -16, 21, 23), to share with us: When Sargent pushed LeBlancs serves back,
Vaello power-looped to Tam, and Tam was having trouble getting in fast enough to cover the
ball with a block. So Alex (a penholder) switched to the handshake grip and began chopping
the loop back with the wood on his forehand (hes quite good at it).
Other results: As: Vaello ($50) over ONeill ($25). Bs: Hibbs ($35) over Choi ($20).
Cs: Steve Simon ($25) over Collins ($15). Ds: Steve Babb ($15) over Larry Puls ($10).
Novice: Shirley Woo over Mike Finnell. Championship Consolations: Koo over Bob Mandel
in 5. Seniors: Van Vooren over Melamed whod knocked out Grady Gordon, 23-21 in the 5th.
Boys Under 17s: Schwartzberg over Simon. Girls Under 17: Garza over Ostrum. Under 15s:
Schwartzberg over Puls in 5.
Phil Napolietto tells us (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 20) that at the 8th Annual Oklahoma
Closed 15-year-old Northwest High sophomore Steve Hammond, the
nations youngest State Champion, became the first Oklahoman to win
back-to-back titles. Mens runner-up was 27-year-old Russell Finley of
Oklahoma State University. Wiriya Tjakra finished 3rd; Dennis
Crawford 4th. Defending Champ Peggy Shaha took the Womens from
Mary Martin. The Mixed also went to Peggy who paired with
Crawford to beat Markwell/Markwell. Mens Doubles went to State/
Regional Collegiate Champ Finley and Crawford over Irl Copely/Ron
Shirley whod squeaked by Hammond/Dale Donaldson, 19 in the
deciding 3rd.
Russell Finley
Shirley, who, according to an article by Kathy Lowe in Orbit
Magazine, first played the game in a junior high school church youth
group, is part owner of the full-time Oklahoma City t.t. center, Table Tennis Oklahoma. Hes
quick to point out to newcomers who come to his Club (80% of the players are adults) that it
isnt like a pool hall. No smoking or bad language is allowed. This is a sports center, not a
place where people hang out for long periods of time. Ron himself organizes leagues and

coaches (50 children and five adults in his [six] classes), so its not surprising that its
operation is similar to a tennis club or bowling center.
Other Closed winners: As: Donaldson over Shirley. Bs: Charles Butler (who years
later would be having a table tennis career in Germany) over Fred King. Cs: Baird Askins
over Johnny Owen. Seniors: Vern Eisenhour successfully defendedbut 19, 21, 16 just
barely over Rudy Crawford. 17s: Hammond over Northwest soph Copely. 15s: Hammond
over Donaldson.
Larry Knouft had originally scheduled his $5,000 Truman Memorial in Kansas City for
May 12-13 with a percentage of advertising sales to be donated to the Truman Institute.
But that tournament was postponed (not canceledthe prize money had been raised, said
Knouft), and in its place Larry (TTT, May-June, 1973, 14) reports on his $1100 Kansas City
Open, the biggest money tournament ever held in Missouri. For the $800 in prizes in the
Mens, the quarterfinalists played a complete round robin. Results: 1. Joong Gil Park (without
losing a game)included wins over runner-up Tam, #3 finisher Lim Ming Chui, #4 finisher
Danny Seemiller, #5 finisher Errol Caetano, #6 finisher Siegfried Sigi Sporer, a student at
the University of Colorado, #7 finisher Bob Dawidowicz (who lost two games 3 and 6 to
Park), and #8 finisher John Messerly. A 3-way tie for 2nd was broken by games when
Seemiller beat Chui in 5; Chui beat Tam in 5, and Tam beat Seemiller (scores missing, but
games had to be 3-1 or 3-0 for Tam). Alex had an easy win over Caetano who also lost to
Chui in 5 and Seemiller in 4.
Other winners: Womens:
Kathy Dawidowicz over Doris
Mercz. Championship Doubles:
Chui/Tam over Park/Caetano in 5.
Championship Consolation: Rick
Seemiller over Don Bassett. As:
Sporer over R. Seeemiller 19 in
the 4th, then over Steve Hammond,
3-0. A Doubles: John McAdams/
Tommy Vaello over Sporer/Tom
Hall, 19 in the 5th. Bs: Pat
Windham over Scott Grafton, 2321 in the 3rd, then over Dennis
Orne in 4. Cs: Charles Butler over
Don Haskard. U-17s/U-15s: R.
Don Bassett
Seemiller over Hammond (Rickys
Photo by Hank Frankel
best tournament to date; he must
be learning something from brother Danny).
Amazing! We learn from LeRoy Petersen (TTT, May-June,
1973, 16) that the little town of Wisner, Nebraska (Pop. 1900) ran a
Ricky Seemiller
rainy-day tournament that drew 100 playersand this despite
particularly heavy rains in the south and a snow storm in the west, [so that] a number of
players just couldnt make it. Petersen says that we were able to sell all the equipment we
had on hand, and because most people bought chances on a color TV we were offering, we
made a profit just on that of $1050. Juniors who sold tickets got warm-up suits, USTTA
memberships, paddles and other equipment. Some of the money generated, LeRoy says, will

be used to hire
coachesthe first
being Jeff Smart.
Appropriately, Wisner
won the overall Club
trophy donated by
Wisners Dr. John
ONeal; the Benson
Club was 2nd.
At the Omaha
Nebraska Open,
Larry Kesler will lose
a close encounter
with Joe Windham,
but here in Wisner its
rapidly Rapid City,
Diana Myers
Todd Petersen
South Dakota Larrys
Photo by Mal Anderson
day. He takes four titles: the Championship Singles (over
Don Taylor); the Mens Doubles with Craig Minnesota Dead Satersmoen (over Taylor/
Francis Leung); the As (over Diana Myers with whom hell win both the Championship and
Mixed Doubles in Omaha); and the Bs (over Satersmoen). A Consolations: Jim Craig over
Francis Leung. Todd Petersen also won four events: the U-11s (over Mark Engelman); the U13s (over Kevin Jimmerson); the U-15s (over Scott Ichkoff whod beat him in the U-17
final); and the U-15 Doubles with J. Moeller. Diana Myers of course has no peer in the area
is a lock to win Womens, Girls U-17, and the Mixed. Debbie Denenberg, Kathy Moeller, and
Vicky Heller bravely contest with her.
In the Mar. 26-27 Minnesota Team tournament, Class A winners were: Stu Sinykin
(11-1), John Soderberg (10-3), and Ed Ells. Runner-ups: Doug Maday (13-0), Pete Tellegen
(8-4), and Steve Steblay. MVP: Don Larson (8-3). Class B winners were: Hal Lupinek (12-2),
John Luk (11-2), and MVP Brian Saeger. Runner-ups: Jeff Soderberg, Greg Mosio (11-2), and
Nick Steblay. Class C winners were: Sheila ODougherty (13-1), MVP Deb Holle (11-2), and
Karen Skenzitch. Runner-ups: Dean Redman (113), Yousef ben Yousef (11-3), and Steve Gilman.
The May Western Michigan Open is
surely being held at Sweeriss Woodland Club and
since Dell isnt playing he must be preoccupied
with running the tournament, selling equipment,
and trying to drum up business for his June/July
Coaching Clinics and Training Camps. Results:
Mens: Tim OGrosky d. runner-up Jim Lazarus,
3-0; 3rd Place: Mike Veillette d. Alan Goldstein in
5. Womens: Sue Hildebrandt d. Lorma Bauer. No
Mens Doubles? No Mixed? As: Paul Lamse d.
Don Brazzell. Bs: Mike Baber d. Leroy
Bontrager, -25, 11, 23, then S. Hildebrandt. Cs:
Arni Muzumbar d. Larson. Consolation: Larson d.

Brazzell. Handicap: Randy Priest d. Brazzell. Seniors: Joe

Bujalski d. Ray Hildebrandt, 26-24 in the 4th. 17s: Veillette
d. Rick Cogswell. 15s: Veillette d. Dale Scheltema. And
Mikes dad, Sam, what of him? With Sweeris and Smart so
into coaching, Sams just slipped away from the scene? Is
pursuing other interests? Someone said, With his full beard,
he looks more like a Norwegian whaler than a hair stylist.
Jeff Smart reports (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 23) on the
June Detroit Team Tournament, held at the G.A.R. building,
with its nice wooden floors, strong lighting, andfirst time ever
used in a tournament1 and 3/8-inch thick Detroiter
International tables. Billy Reid, Michigans new Ranking Chair,
ran the 4-team tournament with the following results. #1 seed
Wayne State (Chuck Burns, Pete Kelly, and Tommy Waters)
beat G.A.R
(Paul Potter,
Sirgani, Bill
Rapp, Frank
Sexton, and Chad) 5-2; and #2 seed Pontiac
(Bill Lesner, Jeff Smart, Bob Quinn, and Bob
Tunnell) stopped Ann Arbor (Pete Nasvytis,
John Herman, Levers, and substitute Cass Tech
graduate Aaron Smith who, because of his
desire to continue his education and especially
because of his continued assistance to the
Detroit Club, was the 1973 $500 recipient of
the Clubs Scholarship Program).
In the final between the two topseeded teams, Lesner opened with an easy 2game win over Kelly. Smart, however, had to
rally from 20-18 match-point-down in the 3rd
Pete Kelly
to best Burns. Waters then beat Quinn to
Photo by
make the tie 2-1 Pontiac. Now Kelly, with his
Mal Anderson
2.2 mm. antispin on both sides, built a 20-15
1st-game lead against Smart. But, says Jeff, concentrating with all his strength, to the delight
of his friends and teammates, Smart looped and looped, then killed, to win 7 straight points!
The 2nd game was equally exciting, with Smart finally smashing his way to a 23-21 victory!
Next up: Lesner vs. Burns with Bill winning in 3 after blowing a 16-9 lead in the 1st. Smart
then gave Pontiac a 5-1 win (and the $60 prize) by downing Waters two straight.
In the Singles event that followed, the best quarters match saw Kelly exact 3-game
revenge on Smart. In the Team event, Nasvytiswith his consistent chopping and his lefthand super-side-spin loopshad blanked Jeff (Without a doubt, this was the biggest upset
of the tournament), and had then gone out to play Lesner. Bill won the 1st game at 6, then
from 1-all ran out the matchtook 20 consecutive points! So, strange, when before he didnt
give Pete a chance to loop a single ball, he now in the Singles lost an 18 game to him.

In the one semis, Lesner beat Waters, 10, 20. In the other, Kelly, leading Burns 1-0
and 20-18 match point, retired because his legs were too sore to give him a chance against
Lesner. The final was some matchit went to Burns, 28-26 in the 5th, after Chuck, down 2017 that last game, decided to hit Bills [heretofore effective] high loops.
Sylvia DeMents pleased to say (TTT, May-June, 1973, 17) that her Newark, Ohios first
Annual Moundbuilders Open and its 99 entries kept Jennie Williams (bless her) busy almost 16
hours behind the tournament desk seeing that the tables were filled with matches at all times.
Results: Mens: Ricky
Seemiller over Mark
Sure, I can beat him
Cartoon by Bruce Peeso
Wampler. Womens/Girls
17: Mary Ann Burdick over
Clevelands Laurie Miller.
Mens Doubles: Graham
Gear/Tom Hall over
Wampler/Lyle Thiem.
Mixed Doubles: Wampler/
DeMent over John Temple/
Temple. Young Adult
Singles (Under 21): Mike
Dempsey over Burdick in
5, then (from down 2-0)
over Seemiller. Mens Consolations: Duong Van Vu over Kam Kwan. (Back at the Dayton Gem
City Open in Nov., Vu won the Young Adults and Class B, so he sure had to be upset to be in the
Consolations here).
As: Seemiller over Vu who attends Ohio University in Athens. A Doubles: Vu/Pinson
over Seemiller/Dempsey. Bs: Glen Marhefka, 26, whos very serious about taking notes at
Sweeriss clinics, over the Beatty Clubs Leon Turner in 5. Cs (64 entries): Greg Collins, 13,
over Miller. Other winners: Esquires: Lou Radzeli over George Sinclair. Seniors: Radzeli
over DeMent. Boys 17: Seemiller over Dempsey in 5. Boys 15: Seemiller over Cincinnatis
Greg Doud. Girls 15: Sandy Hensley over Newarks 11-year-old Denise Horn (her 1st
tournament). Boys 13: Collins in 5 over Jeff Williams (who has 3 more seasons in this event).
Girls 13: Jodee Williams over Horn.
George Sinclair, in reporting on the Columbus Beatty Clubs May 19-20 Midwest
Open (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 25), stressed
Ohio TTA
tournament-related outside activities. John
Tannehill, Mary Ann Burdick, Laurie Miller, Leon
Andy Gad
Turner, and Jeff Smart returned to an audience of
Photo by Cam
500 at the Juvenile Diagnostic Center to
demonstrate the dress, rules, and skills of
organized Table Tennis. Also, Tannehill crowned
Midwest Open Queen Jenese Smith. And honored
guest D-J Lee showed and commented on his
movies of the Sarajevo Worlds and the 1973 U.S.
Championships. Receiving plaudits for their
leadership in Ohio Table Tennis were OTTA
President Andy Gad, Secretary-Treasurer Gene

Cravens, and Ex-President John Spencer. The presentation of trophies and travel expense
vouchers was climaxed by hefty servings of home-cooked food.
Results: Mens: Tannehill (in his 3rd successful defense) over runner-up Jerry
Thrasher whod escaped Tom Hall, 17 in the 5th. 3rd Place: Mark Wampler (after earlier
outlasting Lyle Thiem, 27-25 in the 5th). 4th Place: Spencer. Womens: Burdick over Miller, 17,
-17, 21, 19. Mens Doubles: Tannhell/Thrasher over Spencer/Wampler, 18 in the 4th. Womens
Doubles: Burdick/Miller over Dempsey/Lyn Doudna. Mixed: Spencer/Burdick over Tannehill/
As: Dempsey in the semis from down 2-1 and deuce in the 4th over Tom Hall (19-inthe-5th winner over Neil Myers), and 23-21 in the 4th in the final over Thiem (whod earlier 2826-in-the-5th triumphed over John Temple). Bs: C. Federal over John Dichiaro. Special (what
makes it so?): Thrasher over Smart. Consolations: Art Holloway over Ron DeMent.
Esquires: Sinclair over Sam Shannon, 23-21 in the 4th, then over Harry Sage, 25 years ago
one of Ohios best players. Boys/Girls 17s: Greg Doud over Dave Strang in 4, then over
Dempsey. Boys 15s: Doud over Greg Collins.
Coach Schleffs May 5-6 Steel City Open in Gary, IN drew some high-powered entries.
Earlier Coach had advertised a National Interscholastic tournament and, in conjunction with
that, a $5,000 Athletic Association Open to be held on this date. The Interscholastic
tournament seems to have disappeared. How much of the $5,000 remains is speculative.
Anyway, he is running something. Mens: 1. Dell Sweeris, 3-0. 2. (via a tie-breaker) George
Brathwaite, 1-2. 3. Lim Ming Chui, 1-2. 4. John Tannehill, 1-2. Womens: Angelita Rosal. 2.
Millie Shahian. Championship Doubles: Sweeris/Bill Lesner over Brathwaite/Alex Shiroky
whod downed Karbulka/Dawodu, 23-21 in the 4th. Mixed: Sweeris/Rosal over Chui/Burdick.
Other results: Mens As: Eric Thom over Hong-Chi Chang. Womens As: Final: Jean
Varker over Maureen Farmer. Semis: Varker over
Carol Cook, 21, -20, 22; Farmer over Doris Mercz,
21, 22. A Doubles: Smart/Danny LeBaron over
Shorey/Imants Karklis. Mixed A Doubles:
Muzumdar/Barbara Taschner over Frank/Doris
Mercz. Mens Bs: Chang over Hugh Shorey in 5.
Womens Bs: Taschner over Mercz., 23-21 in the
3rd. B Doubles: Karklis/Shorey over Robert Irvin/
Bruce Ackerman, 19, 20. Cs: Joe Bujalski over
Wayne Wasielewski, 19 in the 3rd, then over
Dempsey. C Doubles: Irvin/Ackerman over
Cieslarski/Wasieleski. Mens Consolations: Mike
Baber over Dempsey, deuce in the 3rd. Wood Bat:
Tom McEvoy over Bruce McGee.
John Read writes (TTT, May-June, 1973,
14) that the semis and final of the 8-player, single
elimination May 14 $1800 Chicago WTTW
Invitational was shown live on TV (prime-time8
to 10 p.m.) Watching was an enthusiastic studio
audience of close to 500 (seating capacity 450).
The fact that some very good players were not
Jean Varker
invited prompted John Read to ask if the USTTA
Photo by Tom Slater

should have some say in whos

invited to whose Invitational?
John umpired every match, and
as Dick Miles was kept busy on
court, Steve Isaacson played
color man to local announcer
Frank Sweeney.
Results: Final: Dell
Sweeris ($500) d. George
Brathwaite ($400), 18, 13, 19.
Semis: Sweeris d. Miles ($200),
-16, 10, 20, 10; Brathwaite d.
Lim Ming Chui ($200), 15, 19,
18. Quarters: Sweeris d. Alex
Shiroky, -16, 10, 14, -16, 17;
Dell Sweeris
Miles d. Joong Gil Park, 19, 20,
Photo by Robert Compton
-13, 18; Brathwaite d. Danny
Seemiller, 15, 16, -18, 19; Chui d. Errol Caetano, -10, 14, -10, 16, 14.
There was also a one-game Doubles match for $100won by Park/Jim Lazarus over
Caetano/Paul Pashuku.
The St. Charles, MO Club held
it s annual Great Plains Open Apr. 1415, a week before the St. Louis Closed.
Results: Mens: 1. Dick Hicks, 3-0. 2.
John Messerly, 2-1. 3. Homer Brown,
1-2. 4. Larry Chisolm (next weeks
Closed winner over Messerly), 0-3.
Womens/Girls U-17 Jean Varker over
Peggy Shaha, Mens Doubles: Hicks/
Brown over Messerly/Chisolm.
Womens Doubles: Varker/Doris Mercz
over Shaha/
Richard Hicks
Melanie Spain.
Mixed: Brown/Varker over Dick/Norma Hicks. Women Over 21
(thats new): Mercz over Spain. Mens Consolation: Dave Barnes over
Dennis Orne.
Other winners: As: Joe Windham over Bill Edwards. A Doubles:
Mercz/Richard Berg over Ricky Hicks/Angel Cruz. Bs: Cruz over
Steve Rattner. Esquires: Sam Shannon over H. J. Hofacker. Seniors:
Hugh Lax over Harry Kasten, 23-21 in the 4th, then over Closed
Senior winner Art Fiebig, 23-21 in the 4th. Boys U-17: Edwards over
Richard Berg, 18 in the 3rd. Boys U-15: Robert Berg over Chris
Clendenin. Girls U-15: Shaha over Leslie Harris, deuce in the deciding
3rd. Boys U-13: 1. Ricky Hicks. 2. Steve Lowry.
At the end-of-season St. Louis Open, Danny Seemiller came 1st
in the Menswith Tom Hall runner-up, Graham Gear 3rd, and Homer
Leslie Harris

Brown 4th. Womens: Mercz over Harris. Mens Doubles: 1. (via a 3-way tie-breaker)
Seemiller/Frank Mercz. 2. Gear/Hall. 3. Brown/Messerly. Mixed Doubles: Seemiller/Mercz
over Brown/M.Dahl. As: Hall over Mercz. Bs: Orne over R. Berg. Cs: Jim Schnorf over
Rich Doza. Seniors: Art Fiebig over Hofacker. Boys U-17: Greg Redman over John Stillions.
Girls U-17: Harris over G. Dahl.
George Hendry, a
famous St. Louis name
from the past, in an Oct.
26, 1973 letter to Leah
(Miss Ping)
Neuberger, would say
that he hadnt played
table tennis in 15 years
and that the Game was
dead in St. Louis. But
theres no denying this
tournament was held
there, and that Rich
Doza is President of a
Rich Doza: at his St. Louis Club desk
1935 U.S. Open Boys Champion
USTTA affiliated club in
George Hendry
St. Louis,
Photo by Mal Anderson
so well see
if George might have to change his mind.
Also remembering the Citys once
intense interest in the Sport was the former
South American Champion Raul Rivero. Hed
attended the 1950 St. Louis U.S. Open (Mens
winner: Englands Johnny Leach), and was
friends with
former U.S.
Team Captain
Bill Gunn and
future USTTA
Director Bill
Raul Riveros
Haid and his
Photo from St. Louis
wife Sarah. In
Apr. 9, 1950
an article in
Topics (Nov.Dec., 1974, 2; 26), he seeks to get in touch with them again.
Duke Stogner (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 21) gives us the
Results of the June Arkansas Closed: Mens: 16-year-old Marty
Simpson ($50)with beat-the-drum wins: over Max Denman
in 5 in the quarters; over Duke (from down 2-0) 19 in the 5th
in the semis; and over Senior Champ Dick Coffman in the
Marty Simpson
final. Womens: J. Bratton over C. Leflar. Mens Doubles: 14Photo by Leon Nevil

year-old Jamey Hall/Paul Hadfield over Stogner/Val

Eichmann, 18, -19, 23, 20. Mixed winners: Coffman/T.
Cappleman. As: Hadfield over Hall. Bs: Larry Lyon over Jim
Pruden (whod knocked Simpson out of the As).
Consolations: Pruden over Hall. Hardbat: Denman over
Novice winner J. Light. Under 17s: Simpson over Hall whod
ousted Danny Trawick, 19 in the 3rd. Under 14s: Jon Baker
over B. Rogers.
Duke adds that 47 players battled it out for 31
trophies and a little cash. Sounds like good odds for a player,
huh?. When the organizers gave away a table tennis table, a
players wife, who was not playing, reached in the box,
which was way over her head, and, talk about odds, guess
what? Uh-huh, she pulled outJerry Palmerher husbands
name. It was his first sanctioned tournament. But with such
easy pickins, chances are it wont be his last.
*When Ray was discovered to have fainted, Bard
Paul Hadfield
Brenner thought instinctively of calling out for Dr. Ike
Sanders, then remembered that Dr. Ike quit the tournament
scene, maybe no longer plays even at home. For those concerned about Rays fate as they took
him away, the vibes had to be better if the ambulance wasnt heading for White Memorial
Medical Center there in East Los Angeles, for thats where Dr. Sanders worked, and he was an
L.A. County Deputy Coroner.


Chapter Six
1973: End of Season TournamentsPart II. 1973: Sealtiel/Turnbull Win National
Steve Hitchner, co-Tournament Chair with Randy Hess, in talking about (TTT, May-June,
1973, 19; 22) the absence of star players from the Mar. 31-Apr. 1 Orlando Spring Open, thinks
maybe their next tournament theyll start giving out money prizes. He isnt April-Fool kidding when
he says they might have a Championship Singles, the entry fee for which could be on a gradient,
with a top player paying, say, $20, and a class B or C player maybe $5. That would certainly be an
innovation: guys pleading not to be seeded or placed (Really, Im not that good).
Steve focuses on a few matches from the Championship
Singles. In the quarters, Junior Champ John Elliott played his old
master, Steve Rigo, who taught John to play choppers patiently.
Which is just what John did in downing Steve in 5, being careful,
careful until he had a ball he could loop, then kill. In the semis,
though, Alan Nissens pick-hits turned John away from his normal
play, and when he tried to force an attack he had no chance.
In the final, Alan met Wayne Daunt who on this occasion
had his A game at the ready. Wayne is naturally not patient
always attempts to overpower the opponent with horizontal loops
and kills. Against this onslaught, Alans steady push and chop
defense wasnt quite up to the task. Randy Hess, in a Topics article,
had warned against overusing the push, had cited Fujii coaching a
student in Miami (perhaps Nissen himself?) not to push over two in
a row in a rally; otherwise, he said, your opponent will start the
attack and you may lose the table.
Singles. Final:
Daunt d.
Alan Nissen
Nissen, 10, 20,
From Table Tennis Unlimited
-15, 14. Semis:
Daunt d. Greg Gingold, 19 in the 4th;
Nissen d. Elliott, 12, 7, 15. Quarters:
Daunt d. Marv Leff, 18 in the 4th; Gingold
d. Jerry Thrasher, 26-24 in the 4th; Nissen d.
Pat Patterson, 15, 11, 19; Elliott d. Rigo, 12, 20, -18, 12, 8 (Steve, who hadnt been
playing much, just got tired?). Womens:
Bev Hess d. Teresa Miller in 4. Mens
Doubles: Thrasher/Daunt d. Rigo/Ray
Mergliano, 21-16 in the 5th, then Leff/
Nissen, 23-21 in the 5th. Mixed Doubles:
Rigo/Hess d. Thrasher/Nancy Newgarden
in 5.
Nancy Newgarden and Jerry Thrasher

As: John Sholine d. Ray Filz. John, a University of South Florida student, would later
tell reporter Randy Splaingard at the 1974 Oklahoma City U.S. Open that it takes three hours
of practice daily in his citys table tennis club to keep up his game. (And how many hours to
keep up his school work?) He admitted that he ought to do more physical trainingbut, as for
lifting weights, forget that. Bs: Robin Hastings d. Allan Averill, 18 in the 5th. Semis: Hastings
d. Kenneth Kwan, 19 in the 5th; Averill d. Sholine in 5. Novice: Hastings d. Blake Chamberlain.
Mens Consolation: Filz d. Steve Federico, 19 in the 5th. Seniors: George Woods d. Max
Miller whod gone 5 with Ted Bourne. Randy Hess says that his friend Ted, 61, just got
married. For 10 years he toured with the Harlem Globetrotters, giving exhibitions with
different partners, and has a great bag of tricks (with which he won his wife Lori who maybe
had a few tricks of her own?). U-17s: Elliott d. Chamberlain. U-15s: Hess d. Elliott (from
down 2-0 and deuce in the 3rd). U-13s: 9-year-old Ronnie Rigo d. Jim Elliott.
In his June 23-24 Orlando Summer Open write-up, H Blair invites us to his Orlando
Clubopen every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m.[with] five
tables, good lighting, air-conditioning, and plenty of room. Then he gets down to business
tells us (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 26) that $500 in prize money was given out at this Summer
tournament, spread over several events (Womens, Seniors, As, Bs, and, mgod, rewarding
mediocrity, Novice!). John Tannehill was a triple winner ($100 for Singles), and a winner, too,
for his overall improved appearance. The Newgarden influence, no doubt, for Joe, in his
unassuming way, has been a big help to Johnand to quite a few others.
Results: Mens: 1.Tannehill, 3-0tested 19, 10, 20, 16
only by Joe Sokoloff who continues his My Way coaching
articles in Topics (on his innovative Whip Drive, for instance,
used by Richard McAfee at the 72 USOTCs in his upset of D-J
Lee). 2. Mitch Sealtiel, 2-1with a 16, 13, -17, 20, 17
comeback against Joe. 3. John Quick, 1-2 (I note his earlier 16,
-14, 20, 22, 11 thriller over Pat Patterson). 4. Sokoloff, 0-3.
Womens: 1. Olga Soltesz in a runaway. (Though she lost in the
Mens to Tom Hall, H reports that at a recent tournament in
Miami she beat Thrasher, Daunt, and Leff!) 2. Bev Hess (has
played so long in Olgas shadow, H thinks shes got a mental
block against her). Mens Doubles: Tannehill/Gingold over
Sealtiel/Rigo whod survived Thrasher/Daunt, 16, -24, 19, -20,
21. Mixed Doubles: Tannehill/Hess over Rigo/Soltesz.
Other winners: As: Gingold (has an ideal temperament
and fortunately has switched from an eccentric to a normal
shakehands grip) over genial Pete May. Bs: John Wimbish over
Herb Beckham, 24-22 in the 5th. Novice: Blake Chamberlain in 5
Olga Soltesz
over Augie Schenzinger whod eliminated Cornelius Cornie
Photo by Mal Anderson
Harrison in 5. Consolations: May over Cosmo Graham. Seniors:
Sam Hoffner over A. Herrera in 5, then ex-Pennsylvanian George
Woods, 19 in the 4th. 17s/15s: John Elliott over Hess. 13s: Rigo over Jim Elliott.
At the May Maryland/Greater D.C. tournament at Riverdale, MD, Lem Kuusk won the
Mens in 4 over Gary Akinsete, a Nigerian student at Howard University. Notable surprises
were Mort Greenbergs 23-21 in the 5th win over Larry Folk, and Carl Kronlages deuce in the
5th win over Mark Radom. Though Kuusk also took the Doubles with Bob Kaminsky (over

Akinsete), his
triumph was
in his Singles
semi. Playing
this match
against former
great Tibor
Hazi, Lem
himself of a
Closed final
hed had with
Don Gage
Lem Kuusk
Photo by Ray Chen
almost 10
years earlier.
Larry Folk
Photo by Ray Chen
In that match, with a sportswriter in attendance, hed won the
opening game 21-3. Then, thinking this kind of beating wasnt
good for the Sport, he let up, won the 2nd at 19, and, soon regretting the shift in momentum,
trying hard, lost the next three, -21, -21, -20! This, he vowed, would never happen again, so
he stayed up close to the table and fought for every point. After hed throttled Hazi 6, 8, 9,
Kaminsky told him years later that hed sent Tibor into retirement.
Several years ago, Paul Hudson
might have been winning matches in a
Virginia, D.C., or Maryland tourney; now
he writes from Vietnam that hes received
his USTTA Life Membership from
Membership Chair Marv Shaffer and has
been participating in tournaments over
there. A Vietnamese sports writer covering
one of them said some kind things about
Pauland so he should have. Paul lost to
Joseph C.H. Lee
Truong Cong Lam, 2-1 (23-21 in the 3rd),
after which Lam went on to win the
tournament, defeating Vietnams national
Mal Anderson
champion [Nguyen Hoc]. Herman
Prescott, former USTTA President and
1958 Newport News, VAs Man of the
Year, who championed his Hampton
Roads Boys Club stars to various
tournaments, would be remembered in a Memorial Dinner, and an Award given in his name.
Has anyone ever worked harder to promote a 1-star tournament than Joseph C. H.
Lee? He had articles in back-to-back issues of Topics, the first announcing his June 30-July 1

Chesapeake Open, the second (July-Aug., 1973, 27-28) elaborating onas this was Lees first
1-star tournamentthe learning experience, the Happiness and Headaches, he and those
who helped him had in planning and running the 23-events at the Bel Air, MD Harford
Community College. Thanks must go to supporters from the Aberdeen and Joppatowne Clubs,
and especially to the indispensable coordinator of it all, Frank Digger Odell, supervisor of
the Harford County Dept. of Parks and Recreation.
Fearful initially that (for a tournament planned for players within a 100-mile radius,
which would have included clubs in D. C., Baltimore, and Philadelphia) they werent going to
get enough entries, Lee and friends reduced the prize money from $1,000 to $600, taking care
to spread the largess through various events, including the Cs, Ds, and Womens Novice!
More hoped-for entries that wayexcept, as it turned out, some of those less talented players
would have preferred trophies to cash. First lesson learned: you cant please everyone. So,
how go about raising moneyjust in case too few players show? Print a Program and sell
adsappeal to community loyalty, give contributors as much free advertising as possible,
write articles for local newspapers (which Joe dideach week for about 8 weeks before the
tournament) and send copies of these news releases to patrons.
Help arrived: the Bata Shoe Company ($200), Equitable Trust Bank ($75), Harford
Mall ($25), Montgomery Ward ($20), Day Motors ($15), etc.over $400 in all. Also, the
Parks Dept. rounded up 17 tables from schools in the area and brought them to the College
where Joes friends Dick and Leslie Olsher, and Pak Yip set them up, built barriers, and tended
to control-desk work like writing match cards. Channel 2, WMAR aired an interview with Joe
just prior to the tournament. Thus, even though the concession stand was taken away due to
Health Department regulations, Happiness prevailed, eh?
Uh, not quite. First of all, come deadline time, 65 entries had been received. But then
an amazing 65 more were received and acceptedthose in charge, though realizing some
events should be closed, continuing to hope erroneously they could handle the overflow
crowd. But from the beginning (when some last-minute entries never got into draws) there
were mistakes galore. For example:
There were inconsistencies in the seedings from the Mens Open all the way
down to the Cs.Some of the last-minute entries accepted also affected the
previously prepared seedings. The result was chaos, since some of the players who
were previously seeded were no longer seeded in an event. Thus they became once
more eligible to enter, and to be seeded in, a lower event that they were initially found
ineligible for. This domino effect caused much confusion and time delay. Fortunately,
Yvonne Kronlage and Chris Schlotterhausen came to the rescue and straightened
things out.
Lee devotes much space to complaining about two prominent playersfound
gambling while practicing on a table. Despite a tournament rule that said No Gambling (as
differentiated from the USTTAs No Open Gambling where money is shown), one of these
players said, our president and editor does ithah, as if that were any excuse. So Joe wants
to bar the offenders from the next five Chesapeake Open tournaments. Given the fact that the
entry-deadline wasnt adhered to, this fixation on a private wager that broke a local rule
seems, with its resultant penalty, absurd. Maybe its the one clear action a very harassed Lee
can think to take.

As Emile Short pointed out to Joe, he should have checked with knowledgeable
people in New York on the strength of New York players who [unexpectedly] made up 25% of
the tournament entrants. Dan Dickel made a good point toothat the scheduling should have
simultaneously teamed, say, Esquires and Juniors, so that players in one event could not
possibly be in the other event, and thus the tables could have been utilized to the maximum.
Alsoand Joe, ambitious, would be the first to acknowledge all these errors (and did so in his
article, determined to learn from them)there should have been a limit on the number of
events a player could enter.
The trap here for these first-timers was that they understandably wanted their 1-star
tournament to be noticed, to be big-name important, and, then suddenly, to be making a
considerable profit, so, despite their own deadline, they couldnt resist accepting the windfall.
Mens: John
Tannehill d.
Errol Resek
whod been
down 2-0 to
Dave Sakai
Kronlage d.
Louise Chotras,
19 in the 4th.
Mens Doubles:
Bukiet d. Resek and, after his long suspension, a USTTA-reinstated Dave Sakai, 18 in the 5th
(Daves reinstatement coming on an E.C. 5-2-1 vote). Womens Doubles: Kronlage/Barbara
Kaminsky d. Chotras/Evelyn Zakarin. Mixed Doubles: Tannehill/Kaminsky d. Sakai/Debbie
Wong. Esquires: Bukiet d. Jim Verta. Seniors: Bukiet d. Herb Horton. Senior-Esquire
Doubles: Sol Schiff/Jacobs d. Verta/Horton.
As: Winston Bobby Cousins d. Roger Sverdlik,
19 in the 3rd, then Cosmo Graham (Sverdlik scored an
earlier 19 in the 3rd win over Short). A Doubles: Mike Bush/
Short d. Larry Folk/Carl Kronlage. Bs: Sverdlik d. Joe
Scheno, def. B Doubles: Carl Danner/Sverdlik d. Alan
Evanson/Y. Ko. Cs: Scheno d. Ron The Babe Luth.
Consolations: Peter Groot d. Gary Wittner. 17s: Sverdlik
d. Scheno. 17 Doubles: Danner/Graham d. Sverdlik/
Wittner.15s: Jeff Zakarin d. Evanson. 13s: Curt Kronlage
d. G. Rosenthal. (Joe would tell me later that future
Baltimore Orioles super-star Cal Ripken, Jr. and his brother
Bobby played in an early Aberdeen tourneythis one?)
Herb Vichnin (TTT, May-June, 1973, 22; 28)
describes the Apr, 14-15 Philly Clubs Two-Man Team
Alan Evenson
tourney (format: Davis Cup-style). For Saturdays
Photo by Ray Chen

competition, three round robin groups, #1, #2, and #3, each composed of 6 pairs, played
qualifying ties. The top two finishing teams from each group would form Sundays
Championship Group A; the next two Group B; the last two Group C.
In Saturday competition, in group #1, George Brathwaite/Alex Shiroky finished first
with a 3-1 win over the 2nd advancing pair of Bill Sharpe/Vichnin (Bill and Herb won only the
doubles, but Bill threw a 22, -26 scare into Alex).
In group #2, three teams tied with 4-1 records: Rick Seemiller/Joe Rokop d. Andy
Anvelt/Ray Mack, 3-0; Anvelt/Mack d. Joe Mimoso/Horace Roberts, 3-0; and Mimoso/
Roberts d. Seemiller/Rokop 3-1which allowed Seemiller/Rokop (4-3) and Anvelt/Mack (33) to advance to the prize-money awards in Group A, while Mimoso/Roberts (3-4) had to
drop back into Group B.
In group #3, Dave Sakai/Lem Kuusk went
undefeated. But who would advance with them was up
for grabs. Mike Bush/Scott McDowell would either
finish 5th, because of a bad tie-breaker position, or
finish 2nd, because of a good tie-breaker position. The
outcome depended on their tie with Alan/Roger
Sverdlik who (after both brothers, deuce in the 3rd, had
beaten Johnny Ou) were already a lock for Group B
(which eventually Ou/Al Allen would win). Heres how
this climactic tie went. Alan over Mike; Scott over
Roger (tie 1-1 even). Doubles: deuce in the 3rd to the
Sverdliksthey lead 2-1. Mike over Roger (tie 2-2
even). Then, ugh, a TERRIBLE last match, said
Vichnin. Alan outlasted Scott two straight, but I dont
think either of them made more than two shots in the
whole thing. What a sight. Herbie does call them as he
sees them.
Now for the Group A Sunday ties. Rokop/
Seemiller over Sharpe/Vichnin: Ricky over Herb, 21, Johnny Ou and son
Photo by Mal Anderson
10, 20 when Vichnin threw away 20-18 leads in both
deuce games. Then Joe hit through Bills blocking
defense to send his team up 2-0. But Sharpe/Vichnin took the doubles 18 in the 3rd; Bill killed
Ricky; and Herb, whod never beaten Rokop before, crushed Joe. In the Sverdliks vs.
Anvelt/Mack tie, with the score 2-2, Roger was leading Ray 20-18, then failed to return two
serves. Roger served, swung, kill-connected, but failed to take notice that Mack had gotten
his kill shot back. At his ad, Mack fended off a flurry of attacking shots, and then hit the most
unbelievable forehand you ever saw: game, match, tie!
Brathwaite/Shiroky also stopped the Sverdliks, but Alan, blocking well, had a good
win over Alex. Down, down went the Sverdliks again3-0 to Sharpe/Vichnin; and 3-0 to
Sakai/Kuusk (Lem, 20, 20 avenging his loss yesterday to Roger). Dave and Lem also blitzed
Seemiller/Rokop and Anvelt/Mack who dropped their chance for 3rd Place to Sharpe/Vichnin.
Like Brathwaite/Shiroky, Sakai/Kuusk, helped by Lems 23-21-in-the-3rd win over Sharpe,
remained undefeated. But in the final Bathwaite/Shiroky were easy winners.
To the surprise of virtually no one, says Bill Cross covering the 38th New Jersey
Closed but the 1st at the new Westfield Club (TTT, May-June, 1973, 23), Mitch Sealtiel, with

his strong offensive game, won his 3rd straight Mens Singles Championship and took the
Mens and Mixed Doubles as well. Results in the 16 different events (almost 100 players) as
follows: Mens: 1. Sealtiel. 2. Harvey Gutman. 3. Jerry Fleischhacker. 4. Mike Stern. In the
quarters Mike upset Al Schwartz whod been undefeated all season in the clubs very strong
A league, so club members are still waiting to see the anticipated Sealtiel-Schwartz match.
Womens: Muriel Stern over Bonnie Gutman, Harveys sister. Mens Doubles: Sealtiel/Manny
Moskowitz (38 years between Mannys first State title and this one) over Cross/Schwartz.
Mixed: Sealtiel/Stern over Gutman/Gutman.

Ed Gutman showing in 1957 the

thickness differences in rackets

Many-time New Jersey

Champion Bill Cross

From the Newark, NJ,

Mar. 24, 1957 Sunday News
Photo courtesy of Harvey Gutman

Manny Moskowitz
Photo by Mal Anderson

Other winners: As: George Hellerman over Robert

Nochenson, 18 in the 5th. A Doubles: Katz/Rappaport over Al/
Robert Nochenson. Bs: Ike Eskenazi over Halpern.
Esquires: Cross over Ed Gutman, 15 years ago Chair of the Asbury
Park U.S. Open. Seniors: Cross over Nat Stokes. Senior Doubles:
Nochenson/Stokes (72 U.S. Open A Senior Doubles Champs) over
Gutman/Cross. 17s: McDowell over Stern. 15s/13s: Stern over
Nochenson. 11s: Cross-coached Brian Eisner over DeCosta.
At the June Trenton New Jersey Open. Errol Resek won the
Mens over Dave Sakai in 5, then over Rory Brassington, 18 in the
4th. Earlier, Dave had beaten Bernie Bukiet, deuce in the 4th, while
Rory had stopped hometown favorite Mitch Sealtiel, then Fuarnado
Roberts, -10, 19, 24, -23, 17. Womens went to Louise Chotras over
Kathy Kaercher. Mens Doubles to Resek/Sakai over Bukiet/Roberts.
Mixed to Sakai/Chotras over Scott McDowell/Kaercher. As: Roger
Sverdlik over Stan Smolanowicz in 5. Ray Arditi told me Stan learned
his t.t. in Philadelphia, but that his mother, a holocaust survivor,
brought young Stanley and brother Ted to the U.S. via Israel. Bs: Neil Shilkret over Eliot Katz,
23-21 in the 4th, then Barry Robbins, deuce in the 4th. Seniors: Sid Jacobs over PA #2-ranked
Senior John Kaercher.17s: McDowell over Wittner. 15s: Dave Driggers over Robert Nochenson.
N.Y.C. action can be found in the Greater New York Table Tennis League, which, as
its President Mel Eisner tells us, has been in existence for almost 40 years. Formerly it was a

Bankers Athletic League until of its 10-12 teams only one or two of them represented banks.
Currently, its comprised of nearly 30 teams from over 20 industrial, commercial, school, and club
organizations within the New York area. It has Divisions in which teams move up or down, uses
its own Rating System, and runs Handicap tournaments. Trophies are liberally awarded.
The 1973 Long Island Closed went to Resek over Brathwaite, after George 21, 21,
12, 16 scrambled away from a bad start in his quarters match with Eric Phillips. Two other
tough quarters saw Dave Philip down Horace Roberts, -13, 22, 19, 11, and Peter Stephens
stop Tim Boggan, 23-21 in the 4th. Womens: Louise Chotros over Evelyn Zakarin whod
escaped Asta Hiller, 19, -19, 20, 22. Mens Doubles: Brathwaite/Resek over Stephens/Boggan.
Womens Doubles: Arline Hoos/Terry Green over Chotras/Zakarin. Mixed: Resek/T. Green
over Roberts/Chotras in 5.
Louise Chotras
Photo by Mal Anderson


As: Peter Holder over Doon Wong. Bs: Al

Mitchell over Dan Green. Cs: Peter Dunn over
Benfield Munroe. Mens Consolation: Steve Berger
over Jeff Zakarin. Esquires: Sid Jacobs over Mitch
over Henry Deutsch, -19, 24, 17, 7. Senior
Doubles: Jacobs/Maurice Kendal over Silbert/
Boggan. Boys 17: Roger over Alan Sverdlik in 5,
after Alan had eliminated Jeff Zakarin, -18, 21, 15,
19. 15s: Jeff over Carl Danner.13s: Scott Boggan
over Eric Boggan.
Reportedly 140 Long Island players entered
the Huntington Town Recreation and Parks
Tournament held at Memorial Junior High.
Huntington Township Results: Mens: Fred Danner
d. Hy Dreksler. Womens/Girls winner: Gail
Garcia. Juniors: Marc Landman d. Larry Gold.
Nassau-Suffolk Results: 17s: Roger Sverdlik d.
Jeff Zakarin in 5. 14s winner: Carl Danner. Open
Results: 16-year-old Sverdlik d. 14-year-old
Scott Preiss reunited with his former Long
Danner. Womens: Arline Hoos d. 13-year-old Gail
Island mentor Stan Wishniowski (left)
Garcia. Seniors: Sid Jacobs d. Stan Wishniowski.
Photo courtesy of Scott Preiss

Consolations (68 entries): Chris Schlotterhausen d. Stan Schwartz. . Mens Doubles: Danner/
Gary Wittner d. Fred Danner/Frank Milano.
Phil Schuls tells us (TTT, May-June, 1973, 24) that Tournament Director Bill
McGimpsey had meticulously planned and publicized his Apr. Syracuse Open down to the
minutest detail, and so his 1-star, with 110 players and its Saturday night party at the Hotel
Syracuse, seemed like a 3-star. Results: Mens: 1. Jim Dixon. 2. Rick Rumble (in 5 over
Sharara). 3. Adham Sharara, Canadian Womens Team Coach at Sarajevo.* 4. Emile Short.

Syracuse Open Winner Jim Dixon (right) defeating Adham Sharara in the semis.

(Short, who 3 weeks earlier had won the Monroe

Syracuse Open
County Closed over Ray Mack and Jim Shoots, had
Dixon down 2-0). Quebecs Sharara, whose
Rick Rumble
strength is an excellent defense punctuated by
forehand and backhand counter-drives, had upset
the #1 seed, Dave Sakai, 17 in the 5th. Womens:
Helen Weiner over Nancy Newgarden. Mens
Doubles: Sakai/Rumble over Dixon/Short, deuce in
the 3rd. Mixed: Dixon/C. Barth over Short/Weiner.
Other winners: As: 1. Rumble. 2. Sharara.
3. Frank McCann, Jr. 4. Neal Fox. A Doubles: Ron
Chapman/Bill McGimpsey over Fox/Don Coluzzi.
Bs: Chapman, a former member of the Israeli table
tennis team, over Wolfgang Daut, a German citizen
out of the Sport for a number of years and now
studying in the U.S. whod won the As at the
earlier Monroe County tournament. Cs
(70+entries): George Taplin in expedite over
Schuls. Seniors: Coluzzi over Bob Brickell. 17s: Rumble over Steve Wolf. 15s: Mike
Kashtan over Scott Plakon.
Kudos to John Barretto for building the magnificent Hampshire Hills, N.H. Racquet
and Health Club, and to Lim-Ming Chui for running a great table tennis tournament there with,
as one fellow said, world-class conditions. Results: Mens: John Tannehill over runner-up

Chui, 24-22 in the 5th. 3. Dave Sakai. 4. Stan Smolanowicz. Womens/Womens As: Peltz over
Dannis. Mens Doubles: Tannehill/Smolanowicz over Chui/Ming Chang, 24-22 in the 4th.
Mixed Doubles: Chui/Dannis over Peltz/Peltz. Seniors: Frank Dwelly over Benny Hull.
Other results:
As: Smolanowicz in 5
over David Chan whod
knocked out Hull, 18 in
the 5th. A Doubles:
over Bill Dean/Claude
Peltz. Bs: Ralph
Robinson in 5 over Bill
Ladd (who thought the
floor was terrific, but
complained of a little
Joe Williams
glare) then Chan. Cs:
Photo by Mal Anderson
Joe Williams over Frank
Studley, deuce in the
4th. 17s: New Hampshire Junior Champ Peltz
over Danny McNeil.
Stan Smolanowicz
At the end-of-season New England
Closed, Sakaiwho said that in his younger days he used to play a lot of pinball, to keep his
hands fastcame from 2-0 down to 23-21 in the 5th edge Chui. Nonetheless, Ming was ranked
New England #1 to Daves #2.
Sealtiel/Turnbull Win ACU-I National Intercollegiates
Ive now covered the July 1,1972-June 30, 1973 tournament seasonexcept for two
Intercollegiate Championships. The first of these is the National Intercollegiates played Apr.
7-9 in Peoria, IL; the second, the Ivy League Championships, played a few days later in New
Haven, CT as a sort of companion, or rival, tournament to the too-far-to-travel-to Nationals.
This Second Annual National Intercollegiate Championship, the results of which are
brought readers (TTT, May-June, 1973, 5) by ACU-ITTC Director Richard Gage, was held at
Bradley University, provider of physical facilities, food, lodging, and tournament
transportation for the competitors. Also, their Sports Information Department provided
excellent news coverage. Jimmy McClure warrants an appreciative nod for donating the
permanent mens singles champion revolving school trophy. And a very special thanks must
go to General Sportcraft who not only provided the tournaments Stiga tables and Halex balls
but also made the following contributions: generous financial support, individual paddles for
all the participants,individual mens and womens replica championship trophies, and the
permanent womens singles revolving championship school trophy.
As happened last year, 15 men and 15 women qualified from sectional play around the
country, and a 16th player-spot was awarded the host school. The Singles competition was
initially divided into two (Group A and Group B) round robinshopefully, as did not happen
last year, with some care as to splitting up the recognized good players. (Nope, didnt happen
this year either: the organizers just didnt carethe A Group was considerably stronger.
Crazyas if everything was important, except the play!) A crossover between the top two

finishers in each Group (A1 vs.

B2; B1 vs. A2) produced a semis,
and the winners played a 3 out of
5 final. There was also Doubles
Results: Mens Singles.
Final: Mitch Sealtiel (Trenton
State) d. Siegfried Sporer
(Colorado), 21, 11, -15, 15.
(Group As Sealtiel and Sporer
advanced over Surasak, Denis
OConnell, Jim Dixon, and 7thplace finisher Brad Fountain, who
last year came 1st in his lopsided
weak Group.) Semis: Sealtiel d.
Rich Sinykin (Minnesota); Sporer
d. Paul Wong (Wisconsin).
(Group Bs Wong and Sinykin
advanced over Russ Finley, Greg
1973 U.S. Intercollegiate Mens Champion Mitch Sealtiel
Gingold, and Duong Van Vu.).
(right) receiving his trophy from
General Sportcraft Sales Manager Bill Mammen
Unusual happening: Greg Gingold
Photo courtesy of Bill Mammen
(University of South Florida)
was on a plane when a tire blew
out on the take off and the plane
just barely stopped at the end of
the runway. He spent the night in
St. Louis and arrived just in time
for the start of the tournament.
Womens Singles: Final:
Diane Turnbull (Wright State) d.
Lai-Sang Young (Wisconsin).
Semis: Turnbull d. Ritchie;
Young d. Shirley Woo in 5.
Unusual Happening: Mercedes
Numata (Brigham Young) had to
drop out of the tournament
because her religion prevented her
from playing on Sundays. Taking
her place was Doreen Nichols
(Arapohoe Community College),
a 40-year-old freshman with 5
1973 U.S. Intercollegiate Champion Diane Turnbull
Photo courtesy of Bill Mammen
children. Shes studying
nursing, and comes from
Mens Doubles: Sealtiel/Sporer d. Surasak/OConnell. Womens Doubles: Moralis/
Woo over Young/Mercz, and over Davis/Davidson.

Ivy League play was in Yales well-lit and well-spacedamphitheatre of the PayneWhitney Gymnasium. Dave Pardo, the founder and outgoing President of the ILTTA, ran
the tournament; and reporting on it for Topics (May-June, 1973, 5; 28) were Fritz Phillips,
Secretary of the Yale TTA, and Steve Pollaine, Co-Captain of their team who plans to go to
Swedens Kolboda clinic this summer. Those participating besides Yale (6 players to a team)
were Brown, Columbia (whod already won the Leagues Team Championship), Harvard,
MIT, Penn, and Princeton.
Results: Singles. Columbias Sammy Lee over MITs #2 Bill Ladd, 18, 15. Semis: Lee
over Browns Ludlow Bailey, 17, 7; Ladd over Peter Wai. Quarters: S. Lee over MIT #1
Chuck Chan, New England #11, whod had to deal with comprehensives in physics the
previous week; Bailey over Columbias J. Lee; Ladd over Pardo; and Wai over MITs J. Lee
whod pulled the upset of the tournament by beating Columbia #1 Alice Green. Doubles:
Sammy Lee/Alice Green over Columbia teammates J. Lee/ Wai. Semis: Lee/Green over Ma/
Kuznetzow, also Columbia teammates; Lee/Wai over MITs Chan/J.Lee.
O.K., so its not an attention-drawing prize of three pandas that the Columbia players
will take back to their N.Y. campus, still, theyll return pleased at being able to show for their
season three Panda Cups (Team, Singles, and Doubles).
*ITTF President Adham Sharara, in an interview
with Editor Larry Hodges (USA Table Tennis Magazine,
Nov.-Dec., 1999, 18), tells us that he started to play TT
in Cairo, Egypt at the Maadi TT Club, and that, after
coming to Canada, he eventually became the 1969
National Junior Champion. He coached even when he was
a junior, and became the Provincial Coach and Technical
Director of the Quebec Province in 1972. From 19721975 he represented Canada as a player in International
competition, and beginning in Sarajevo and for a long time
afterwards he was an International Coach for Canada.
From 1969-73, he attended McGill University; later, hell
complete the fifth and final year of the program and
graduate as an Electronic Engineer.


ITTF President Adham Sharara

Photo courtesy of Table Tennis Illustrated
From USATT Magazine, Nov/Dec, 1999, 18

Chapter Seven
1973: Summer E.C. Action. 1973: U.S./Canadian Teams in Maccabiah Games. 1973:
Reseks/Bukiet in Dominican Republic. 1973: Uzorinac/Cordas Tour the U.S. 1973: Yoshio
Fushimi Returns to Japan, Watches June Matches with Chinese. 1973: North Carolinas Kuosan Chung Plays in China.
In preparation for the 1973-74 season, the USATT E.C. met June 16-17. Bob
Kaminsky was appointed Chair of a Planning Committee. Purpose is to operate short term (1
or 2 year), intermediate term (5 to 7 year), and long term (10 to 15 year) goals for the
USTTA. Each E.C. member listed his objectivesand these were discussed, and listed in
preferred order of priority for short and long term action, then presented to Bob. Interim
Treasurer Fred Danner reported that as of May 31 our current net worth was $29,408.32. As
of this Meeting, we had a balance of roughly $29,000, but we had about 400 life
memberships for which we have a commitment to keep a reserve.
In hopes of getting an Advertising Chair, the E.C. agreed to pay him/her a 5%
commission on all new ads and renewals. Surely not much of an incentive when the E.C.
expected to increase the advertising revenues by at least $2,500 in one year. By the time Gus
Kennedy would finally take the Chair at the Nov. 21-22 Meeting, a 20% advertising finders
fee would be in effect, applied on the initial contract. (That is, if 6 issues of ads were sold to
a new advertiser, the finders fee would apply to each of the 6 ads.)
The E.C. agreed to allocate funds to send a qualified USTTA coach to visit various
localities throughout the nation. Hell address clubs and local schools with the purpose of
teaching local coaches and players the sport. The club must supply a minimum of ten
prospective coaches and 25 prospective beginning players ages 10 to 14.
To show theyre serious (and with those requirements how many will be?), a
$50 deposit will be required from the participating clubsreturnable upon
completion of the clinic. It was also agreed to purchase the Dunlop basic
training film, Table Tennis Tips.
The E.C. would budget the Intercollegiate Committee for $500
providing the Chair has some reasonable way of using the funds.
How bring in some money? (The Patrons Committee was short-lived. Also, forget the
Exhibition Committee.) Increase Junior membership from $2 to $4? Nope. Defeated in a 4-5
close vote.
The Philadelphia Club wants (though Ive forgotten why) a refund of $368.50but no
(1-4-3) chance of that. However, the Clubs bid to run the 1976 U.S. Open was approved
unanimously. This irritated Michigan TTA President George Buben no end. Heres why (TTT,
Sept.-Oct., 1973, 13; 29):
[The USTTA approved] a Tournament 2 yrs. away (U.S. Open in Philadelphia
in 1976) [actually, almost 3 yrs. away] when earlier the USTTA decided NOT to give
Detroit the 1973 [George means the 1972] U.S. Open, even though it had been
approved and sanctioned by the National Tournament Director, who at that time was
Richard Hicks. The reason? Mr. Cox, part of the USTTA in crowd, protested that,
according to the manual, the (U.S. Open) Tournament could not be approved until the
summer meeting of the USTTA and our Sanction was granted at the USOTCs in

December. We had already started preliminary

work when we found out that New York
wanted to bid for the [1972] U.S. Open and
our Sanction was rescinded and later naturally
was granted to Long Island.[Georges point:
Is this not unfairly discriminatory?
Subsequently, the 1973 U.S. Open was
awarded to Detroit.]
George feels that a nit-picking E.C has
been on his back at some Detroit
tournaments,* but that the violations at the
1972 U.S. Opentables too close together; an
illegal cushioned playing floor; an illegal
shortening of Doubles matches from 3 out of 5
to 2 out of 3drew complaints, yet not the
kind of chastisement the E.C. seemed to
Somethings not adding up for U.S. Open
Tournament Chair George Buben
Photo by Rufford Harrison

Gary Calkins

reserve for Buben and Detroit. It wasnt fair.

The LITTA was awarded the 1973
U.S. Open Team Championshipsno
dissenters. But the motion that the women in
their Davis-Cup play in this tournament had
to play out all 5 matches was defeated 3-5.
(However, if the Tournament Chair gave his
permission, the teams could play out the
extra matches.) The entry fee for a Mens
team is $45; for a Womens team $30. Gary Calkins, from Grand Rapids, aware that the
tournament isnt going to be in nearby Detroit, says in a Letter to Topics (Sept.-Oct., 1973,
11) that the most economical way for a group to travel East is by renting a motor home. It has
a sleeping capacity of 10, a bathroom and a shower, and food can be stored in the
refrigerator and cooked on the stove. Sound good?
Dick Miles moved 6-2 successfully that $2,000 be allocated toward the operating
expenses of the [Oklahoma City] 1974 Opento be used as follows:
1. The sponsors will guarantee that this money will be used to invite star
foreign teams to be approved by the E.C. It is understood that these teams will not be
Sweden or Japan since it is our understanding that these teams have already been
committed to appear.
2. Further, that whereas we make no guarantees to waive our percentage of TV
rights now, it is definitely understood that if this money is accepted by the U.S. Open
the USTTA will benefit to the extent of 50% of all TV fees accruing therefrom.
3. It is understood that the USTTA will have the first right to utilize the

services of the touring team to be invited by the $2,000 contribution. Other sponsors
may bid to the USTTA for their use.
Rufford Harrison was to write to the ITTF requesting permission (1) for two players
from Taiwan to appear at the Oregon State Fair in Salem, Oregon as guests of the Portland
Chinese Community; and (2) to sanction appearances of a team from Taiwan as sponsored
by Windsor Olsen of Seattle.

Howie Grossman,
Captain of the Canadian Maccabiah Team

U.S./Canadian Teams
in Maccabiah Games
Could we sanction
our own U.S. Team to
U.S. Maccabiah Team, L-R: Mort Steuer, Chair of the U.S. Maccabiah
the IX Maccabiah
Committee, and U.S. Team Members Leah Miss Ping Neuberger, Vic
Games? Mort Zakarin
Landau, Joe Sokoloff, Muriel Stern, and Mitch Sealtiel
didnt think so. Didnt
think Mitch Sealtiel, Joe Sokoloff, and Vic Landau strong enough to represent us in Mens
play, or Leah (Miss Ping) Neuberger and Muriel Stern strong enough to represent us in
Womens play. But what other Jewish players had he in mind? Bukiet, Miles, Howard, Raphel?
They were the only ones ahead of both Sealtiel (whose parents, Lennie and Kathy, would
accompany him to the Games) and Landau in the Ratings. Then add Lazarus and Cowan with
little difference in rating before Sokoloff. But who of these high-level players was available?
Was there to be an all-expenses-paid Tryout? And were these men who went to the Games so
inferior to others as to be an embarrassment to the U.S.? I dont have their results, but I dont
think so.
Granted the women werent too strongand yet only Alice Green and Millie Shahian
had a better rating than Muriel. As for the retired-from-tournaments Miss Pingin 69 she
was still good enough to win two golds with Irene Ogus and a bronze in singles. Of course
now in 73 she didnt have Irene who presumably was not availableand yet Ping won a silver
in Womens Doubles and a bronze in the Mixed. Other countries in the world werent in the

least embarrassed to send middlin players to Israel, so why should we be? What would it have
meant in terms of U.S. prestige had we won this weak tournament where in the Womens Leah
(who lost in the quarters) was seeded #1?
This was Leahs last hurrah. In a Sept. 2, 1973 letter to Sally Green Prouty, she said, I
still love to play and try to play 3 times a week, but easy natch. Why easy? Because her
doctors forbidden her to play since she has a Hiatus Herniathat is, the top part of the
stomach pushes all the food back up and she has to take anti-acid constantly.
The Canadian Team, Captained by Howie Grossman, with an assist from Joey Richman
(Table Tennis News, July, 1974, 5) didnt disgrace themselves either. Their Womens Team (Joyce
Hecht, Shirley Gero) took the silver behind West Germany. Joyce won a bronze in the Singles, and
with Shirley a bronze in Doubles. The Canadian men (Peter Gonda, Steve Feldstein) finished 7th in
the Teams, but won a medal in the Doubles. Richman complained that the Hilton Hotel wasnt a
suitable venue. Crowd control is difficult both at time of admission and during the matches.
Reseks/Bukiet in Dominican Republic
In mid-July, Errol and Jairie Resek, along with Bernie Bukiet, flew to Santo Domingo
in Errols native Dominican Republic. Jairie writes (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 32+) that they were
met at the airport by Errols brother, Albertico, who is the National [Table Tennis] Champion;
his beautiful wife, Milagros; members of the Dominican Table Tennis Association; and the
Press. Following bouquets of roses and a TV interview, their sponsor Marlboro cigarettes, as
represented by Jose Leon Jiminez who had a 51% share in how the Branch business went here,
put them up at the beautiful, luxurious Embajador Hotel. There they met the very amiable
Herman Badillo, an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for the Mayor of New York. After a
12-year absence, Errol was initially reluctant to
speak Spanish, but quickly got over
that, and did just fine.
Errol and Bernies first
exhibition was in the hotel before an
audience who had never seen table
tennis like this and they were very
appreciative. The Dominican
sports writers liked what they
saw too, gave the players good
coverage, and later,when they
elected their sportsmen of the year, they
gave Errol an honorary mention. Thus he
was honored to be mentioned with the likes
of Marichal, the Alou brothers, Cedeno, etc.
Their second exhibition was
played outdoors in Cancha Eugenio Maria de
Hostos Park where Bernie hammed it up with
Errols father, Alberto, the M.C., and also
made suitable comments to as many pretty
girls in the audience as he could.
While the honored visitors were
having lunch with Errols Aunt Norma and
Jairie smiles as Bernie makes
Uncle Irdebrando, it rainedfor the first time
friends with an unidentified woman
in six months. A driving rainwith the
on the streets of Santo Domingo
Photo courtesy of Jairie Resek
following results:

You never saw such

activity. The children ran out, some
not even bothering to put a bathing
suit on, to splash and belly wop in the
puddles. It was refreshing just to
watch them. In other sections of the
city the poor were out in the rain too,
with everything and anything that
would hold water. Without any
substantial rainfall in six months, the
wealthier people had a low water
pressure level. The poor had no
water at all. The rain water would
have to last them until the city water
truck came around and filled their
buckets again.
With the very pleased sponsor,
Jiminez, having increased his
Jairie and Errol Resek in the Dominican Republic
original financial commitment, and
with Che Guevara
Errol having reunited with an old
school friend, Augustin, whod
become the successful President of Industrial Gas and Hardware, and who, along with Hans J.
Hieronimus, helped with expenses, the U.S. threesome couldnt have had a more contented
stay. They were wined and dined by Errols Aunt Cleopatra (Errol is Egyptian on his fathers
side) and Uncle Carmelio, a Colonel with the local police. Were entertained by Jiminezs
beautiful, talented (singer, dancer, poet) 13-year-old daughter, Maria. Met Dominican Golf
Champ Jack Corrie and his table tennis enthusiast daughter, Sylvia. Had dinner at Alberticos
house, then went to the Naco Club where they gave an outdoor exhibition and talked with
Errols friends. And, after a screening of Errol and Jairies Ping-Pong Diplomacy film, were
taken by their friend Augustin to El Mirador (the fabulous restaurant atop the tallest building
in the city).
In describing their visit to the University of Santo Domingo, Jairie had this to say:
...Students pay very little if anything to go to school here. Though it is
subsidized by the government, no police are allowed on campus. Students resolve their
own problems. The majority of them belong to the B.R.U.C. Party, a Christian
Revolutionary Block. Che Guevara, the Argentinian who fought with Fidel Castro for
Cuban independence and was killed in a guerilla skirmish in Bolivia, is their hero.
Pictures of Che are plastered all over, along with signs saying Fight against Yankee
cultural penetration and Fight without resting! [Jairie was told] only a small
portion of the students were Communists. They welcomed the Americans to visit their
country but not to tell them how to live.
Despite the extreme heat, Errol and Bernie gave an exhibition at the Club Mauricio
Baez in the poor section of the city. The spectators were so proud of Errol, they literally

mobbed him afterward. Though they had shacks for living quarters, they kept their premises
clean, and did not appear to be depressed. That evening Errol and Bernie gave another
exhibitionat the Santo Domingo Country Club.
Then they were off by car to mountainous Santiago. It was a two-hour trip, and on the
road, naked children were selling mangoes, pineapples, coconut water, and canquina (sugar
candy). On their arrival they were met by Errols mother, aunt, and cousins, then checked
into the Hotel Mercedes, owned by Errols cousin Lou Pou. Another friend, Marlboros
Finance manager, Julio Cross, later returned to New York with the Reseks, and, after seeing
Mort and Evelyn Zakarins robot, would decide to buy one for himself. Errol had so many
relatives that one or the other of them seemed always to be issuing invitations to lunch or
Of course Errol and Bernie gave exhibitions in Santiago. The first was at the Roof
Garden de la Cerveceria National Dominican. The second, held at the Municipal Building (City
Hall), was bedlam: [the crowd] applauding points hysterically, yelling, screaming, stamping
feet, nudging their neighbor as though to confirm what they saw. Here point by point
descriptions of the match were broadcast by radio! The third exhibition was at the Catholic
University of Santiago. The fourth at the Santiago Country Club.
On the drive back to Santo Domingo, they stopped in La Vega to give an exhibition at
the local theater. This was the only audience that was charged admission. The money was for
a stadium to train athletes for the Latin American, Central American and Caribbean Olympics
to be held in Santo Domingo in 1974. Preparatory to ending their trip they gave another
strength-sapping exhibition in the heat, but, ah, the barbecue at Alberticos in-laws was mouthwatering.
As Jairie closes her article she particularly thanks the player Raymond Martin who
bugged Alberticoto get Errol down to the Dom. Rep. As for Bernie, Jairie says, its three
weeks since Errol and I left and hes still there.

Zlatko Cordas
From 1973 Toronto CNE Program

Uzorinac/Cordas Tour the U.S.

This summer, too, the
U.S. provided hospitality for
its esteemed visitors. My
Croatian friend and overseas
Topics correspondent, the
table tennis historian and
former Yugoslav International,
Zdenko Uzorinac,
accompanied by one of the
mainstays of the current
Yugoslav National Team,
Zlatko Cordas, were scheduled
to spend 5 weeks this summer
(June 19-July 27), mostly in
the U.S. but also for a time in
Canada. Their all-expensespaid Tour began in the San
Francisco area (after theyd

Zdenko Uzorinac
Photo by Don Gunn

been delayed a day because a truck had hit their incoming plane!). Coverage on the California
leg of their trip (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 18) was provided by Greg Sawin and Joel Herskovich,
son of Allan Herskovich. Allan had made the initial arrangements for the Uzorinac/Cordas
visitfirmed up, Im sure, when hed led his San Francisco group to the Sarajevo Worlds and
afterwards to his native city Zagreb, home to both Zdenko and Zlatko.
From June 21 through June 26 they visited various clubs in the Bay area. At Les
Maddens San Francisco Club Cordas gave a clinic: first going through limbering-up exercises
(which Joel said his father and some others couldnt flexibly do), then giving all participants
maybe 10 minutes of private instruction. The following night he and Zdenko played those who
tried to provide competitionRichard Terry, Mike Greene, Azmy Ibrahim, and David Chan.
At the Cupertino Club, Jim Naik beat Uzorinac. At the Marin Club, Tom Joyce took a
game from Zdenko. At the new club in San Mateos Sokol Hall (with George Medina as
organizer), Ramon Fernandez managed 17 against Cordas. After the two visitors had paid their
local dues, Allan invited them, along with the Les Maddens, Mike and Norma Green, and Greg
Sawin to stay at his summer home in Lake Tahoe. This gave Les and Greg the chance to talk
table tennis with Zlatko, who knew very little English but was helped by his interpreter,
Question: How was Cordas able to score a recent victory over Kjell Johansson?
Answer: Zlatko said he had to use a lot of junk in his game in addition to keeping the ball
away from Johanssons famous, powerful forehand. Backhand to backhand, he said, he
could outplay Johansson. In favoring his backhand hes like the Russians whose styles are
oriented around the backhand because this is the way they thought they could beat the
Orientals who are generally weaker on the backhand side than shakehands players.
Regarding equipment, Cordas said the top brand balls are about the same, but when a
ball is selected for a World Championships they are made better during the time they are being

Steve Berger and Marty Reisman (right) are trying to decide if this ball has been made especially for Marty

promoted for the Worlds. But after the Worlds their quality goes back to where it was. When
asked what rubber was best for spinning, Zlatko said the Mark V rubber and Sriver rubber that the
top world class players use is made especially for them, and is much better than the Mark V or
Sriver that is available to everyone else. But the regular Sriver is better than the regular Mark V.
Sawin expressed surprised that Bengtsson/Johansson were able to beat Defending
Champions Jonyer/Klampar at Sarajevo. Cordas replied that Klampar had been in military
service and hadnt practiced or played in tournaments for several months.
On the evening of June 30, the Herskovich group went to Lake Tahoe where they saw
a Lawrence Welk show and Zdenko and Zlatko enjoyed playing roulette. Next night they were
back at Allans home for a farewell party.
Following that they went by car with the Herskovich family (including wife Dorothy
and other son Emanuel) to Los Angeles where they stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel in
Hollywood. At Milla Boczars Club their opponents probably included Jack Howard, Denis
OConnell, Paul Raphel, and Angelita Rosalwith the best match being the one in which
Zlatko rallied to beat Joong Gil Park handily in the 3rd. Away from the courts, the Yugoslavs
had a fun time at Disneyland. Then another fun time in Las Vegas for two days.
Next stop on their tour was San Antonio where
Sue Sargent tells us (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 16) they
were greeted at the airport by the Chamber of Commerce
Red Carpet Committee. Later, the mayor proclaimed
them Honorary Alcaldes de La Villita (mayors of San
Antonio). Following ceremonies at the Convention
Center, the San Antonio Club sponsored an Invitational
that drew, in addition to Cordas and Uzorinac,
18 top Texas players.
Competition began with 4 round robins of 5 and
Group I:
Cordas, 4Sue Sargent
0; Octavio
Pinnell, Jr.,
2-2; Tommy Vaello, 2-2; E. Mac Baptiste, 1-3;
Richard James, 1-3. Group II: Alex Tam, 4-0;
Cecil Kost, 3-1; Perry Schwartzberg, 2-2; J.C.
Tenay, 1-3; Rene Rodriguez, 0-4. Group III:
A.V. Hanumanth Rao, 4-0; Uzorinac, 3-1;
Johnny Tomlinson, 2-2; D.G. Van Vooren, 1-3;
Hanumanth Rao
Don Weems, 0-4. Group IV: Richard Ling, 4-0;
From the 1975 Houston U.S. Open Program
Brad Fountain, 3-1; Paul LeBlanc, 2-2; John
McAdams, 1-3; Bob ONeill, 0-4.
Cordas, Tam, Rao, and Ling didnt lose a game.
2nd round of play: Cordas d. Fountain, 2-0; Tam d. Pinnell, 2-0; Kost d. Rao, 2-0, and
Uzorinac d. current U.S. Open Class A winner Ling, -20, 20, 17.

Final round robin: 1. Cordas, 3-0 (d. Tam, 16, 19; d. Uzorinac, 18, 11; d. Kost, 13,
15). 2. Tam, 2-1 (d. Uzorinac, 11, 9; d. Kost, 24, 8). 3. Uzorinac, 1-2 (d. Kost, -13, 18, 13). 4.
Kost, 0-3.
By July 9-10, thanks to Charlie Disney, Cordas and Uzorinac had reached Minneapolis.
Don Larson makes the point (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 22) that bringing them to Magoos was
worth the expense because of the publicity they generated. Certainly they were kept busy
were scheduled on TV for an exhibition, on the largest radio station in the area for an
interview, gave two exhibitions in a large shopping center, and twice appeared at Magoos
Table Tennis Club for exhibitions and coaching clinics. They also played an invitational
tournament with Minnesotas top players.
After their stay in Minneapolis Id arranged for them to sightsee with me and on
occasion my wife Sally in New York City, to come out to Long Island, and to play in a
tournament in Philadelphia. Then, since they had native-born Yugoslav friends in Toronto,
especially Max Marinko and George Jovanov, they also went therewhere Zlatko stayed on.
The 1973 Canadian National Exhibition (CNE) Program tells us he conducted the Ontario
Associations Intensive training Program at the Toronto Table Tennis Centre from July 25 until
August 3rd and the Summer Junior Training Camp at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute, August
Yoshio Fushimi Sees JapanChina Matches in Tokyo
Yoshio Fushimi, whom
readers of my Vol. I will
remember as Coleman Clarks
1930s exhibition partner,
surfaced (see TTT, July-Aug.,
1974, 3) to tell us of going to see
the final Japan-China Match in
Tokyo on June 29, 1973. Hed
returned to his hometown,
Shizuoka, Japan, and on reading
an article in his local newspaper
telling of the event, decided to go
Yoshio Fushimi, shown here as U.S. interpreter with Japans
Norio Takashima at the 1978 U.S. Open
to it. He took the famous
Shinkansen bullet train (it has a
speed of 125 miles per hour or more), which travelsthrough a scenic route of continuous
mountains, including magnificent Mount Fuji to the left, and beautiful blue and white sea
shores to the right. Hed called his niece to meet him on his arrival in Tokyo at precisely the
Number 6 door opening, and she didfor, even when the train makes a stop at a station
several hundred miles away, the door of the train will open at the painted arrow marked on the
What, all tickets sold out! But, ah, the guard was cooperative, honored Fushimis
request to speak to an official. And when Yosh pulled out (1) a letter from Mr. Marv Shaffer,
Membership Chairman of the USTTA, written with an official letter head; (2) a copy of the
recent Table Tennis Topics; (3) Victor Barnas 9x14 autographed picture with [as he says] my
name inscribed by him, and (4) Coleman Clarks book on Table Tennis, containing an early

days National Ranking in which my name was listed among the best 10, he became a guest
and was escorted to one of the best seats in the hall,
from where he could even take some 8mm movies.
Seven matches, beginning on June 15 in Yokohama, had already been played between
the two teams in various cities of Japanwith the Chinese men ahead 4-3, and the Chinese
women ahead 5-1 and 1 tie (the lone Japanese win, 4-3, coming just the day before in
Kawasaki). At exactly 4:00 p.m. all practice tables were taken away, and in came an all-girl
marching band from Kyoka-Gakuen school, which drew a standing ovation from the 5,000plus spectators. Typical ceremonies were observed by players and officials (Rizo Kawakami
and Xu Yinsheng). Yosh noted that none of the men wore long hair and whiskers, and so
gave an excellent appearance and a wonderful impression of clean, wholesome young
At 5:00 p.m.
the matches
started on the
two courts, one
for the men, one
for the women.
The Japanese
men were
Hasegawa, and a
young collegian,
Usugino; the
countered with
1973 World
Champion His
En-ting, Wang
Japans Sachiko Yokota
Chinas 1973 Womens
Wen-hua, and
Photo by Mal Anderson
World Champion Hu Yu-lan
Hsu Shao-fa.
From The Table Tennis Report, July, 1972
The Japanese women were Miho Hamada and
Sachiko Yokota; the Chinese fielded the 1973 World Champion Hu Yu-lan, Chang Li, and
Huang Hsi-ping. Japans men won 5-2; Chinas women won 3-1. It was all very exciting.
Naturally, the majority of the spectators were pulling for the Japanese players, but from a
section reserved for Chinese residents and students in Tokyo, members of their families, and
the International diplomatic corps invited to the match by the Chinese team, there was loud
applause at every point the Chinese players made. However, thunderous ovations from the
entire crowd greeted every exceptional play and spectacular return impartially regardless of
which team member made it.
It all reminded Yosh of what hed seen in 1935when World Champions Victor
Barna and Sandor Glancz played to a sold-out crowd at the ballroom of the Stevens Hotel
in Chicago (a photo of which appeared on the cover of my Vol. I). And now, almost 40
years later, hed be returning home to the Statesleaving Tokyo at 4 p.m. and would be
at Chicagos OHare airport at 5:00 p.m. the same day. Then and Nowhow much the
same, how different.

Friendship poster
Photo by Mal Anderson

North Carolinas Kuo-san Chung Plays in China

The Aug. 19,
1973 issue of the New
York Times reports
that China invited
Taiwan to send a team
to their Aug. 25-Sept.
America Friendship
Invitational in Peking,
but that Taiwan
rejected the invitation.
However, Durhams
Kuo-san Chung, in
writing up this Triple
A Invitational for
Topics (Sept.-Oct.,
Kuo-san Chung, flanked by
1973, 5; 25), tells us
Hsi En-ting (left), and Li Ching-kuang
that China also invited
Photo courtesy of Kuo-san Chung
Chinese residing
abroad who were originally from Taiwan, and that a group of 16 came from the U.S.,
including he and his wife who were the only USTTA members among them. They were

welcomed at the Peking Airport by world famous players such as Hsi En-ting, Hu Yu-lan,
Liang Ko-liang, Lin Hui-ching, and all the Chinese players who visited the USA last year. A
student band played Chinese big drums and other Chinese instruments while supporters
yelled Hwan Yn! Hwan Yn! Zo Lei Hwan Yn! (Welcome! Welcome! The warmest
The Times said players would be housed in the Friendship Hotelnot a single
building but a massive complex of buildings in the suburbs. Also noted: Agricultural
communes on the outskirts of Peking charged with supplying food for the tournament have
grown several kinds of vegetables never produced before in China in order to suit some of the
more exotic tastes of competitors. A staff of 150 cooks and nearly 500 servers have been
mobilized and a menu of more than 1,000 dishes is being prepared.
Chung writes that China is allowed to have two teams participate in the tournament.
One was the national team and the other was called the Chinese Compatriots From Chinas
Taiwan Province Residing in Japan and the USA. And what team was Kuo-san on? Why, the
national team of coursewith His En-ting, Liang Ko-liang, Wan Wen-jung, and Wan Chialin. Not able to make this team due to their physical condition and their bad records in the
tryout were: Hsu Shao-fa (World #9), Li Ching-kuang (World #15), and Tiao Wen-yuan
(World #22).
Chung says that prior to the tournament we practiced twice or even three times a
daysometimes with teams from other countries at their requests. Of course the Chinese
were very polite and patient in playing with players of lower caliber. (Perhaps said players
included the coconut pickers and fish divers from the newly-formed Guam-Micronesian TTA
who on being invited urged Hong Kong to quickly send them a coach whod give them a crash
course on the Game.) Kuo-san was surprised that the Chinese coaches were not as strict
with their players as hed thought theyd be. Many Chinese leaders showed up for the
opening ceremonywhich featured performers who sang and danced. Premier Chou En-lai
came to watch the tournament several times.
Of the 80 Mens Teams accepting invitations,** the four top finishers in the final round
robin were:1. China; 2. Japan; 3. The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea; and 4. The
Democratic Republic of Viet Namfollowed by 5. India (one minute we hear its T.T.F.I.
President.Ranga Ramanujan is forced to resign; next minute hes re-elected), and 6. Nigeria
(Lagos will host the next Triple A Invitational). China won all its ties, 5-0. Liang was very
sharp, playing a chop and hit combination, and Wan Wen-jung, who lost to Johansson 18 in
the 5th in Sarajevo, was probably the most impressive player; neither lost a game.
In the 64-entry Womens Teams, China opted to play World Champion Hu Yu-lan
(shed been sick, didnt play much in this event), World #10 Cheng Huai-yin (who didnt play
up to par either), Lin Tu, and the mainstay of the Team, World #4 Chang Li who its said in a
recent visit to Japan won all 10 of her matches. The North Korean team came 2nd to China,
and their standout player was Pak Yung Oks younger sister, Pak Yung Sun, destined for
greatness, who beat Japans Yokota and Hamada, but lost to Chang Li 12 and 7. (Despite this
very convincing loss, at both the 1975 and 77 Worlds, Pak would beat Chang in the final.)
Japan downed India to finish 3rd. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam was 5th, Malaysia 6th.
The great player/coach Ichiro Ogimura had to be pleased to see the Mens Singles won
by Japans World #17 Yujiro Imano over teammate World #18 Tokio Tasaka, exhausted after
knocking out Wan Wen-jung and Liang Ko-liang. Hsi En-ting who in his final with Johansson
at Sarajevo had gotten those two edge balls in the end-game 5th, was this time himself the

victim of Chance and bizarrely so. Against a Japanese high school boy, Hiroyuki Abe, Hsi was
down 1-0 but up 20-16 in the 2nd when Abes returns tickled the net four straight times to
deuce the game. Then with the help of an edge ball, Abe won 23-21. But Hsi ralliedwent
up 20-18 in the 5th. Then, incredibly, Abe got two net balls to deuce it, followed by two edge
balls to win it! Some on the Japanese bench were crying in happiness. This would let them
save face from being defeated 5-0 in the Team event.
Other results: Womens: Pak Yung Ok d. Chang Li, 24-22 in the 5th. Mens Doubles:
Tasaka/Imano d. Pak Kil Du/Yun Chul (DPR Korea). Womens Doubles: F. Kim Chang Am/
Pak Yung Jun d. Cha Kyung Mi/Pak Yung Ok (DPR Korea). Mixed Doubles: His En-ting/
Chang Li d. Tasaka/Tomie Edano. Boys: F. Kim Chang Am d. Somdej (Thailand). Girls: Ma
Kyin Win (Burma) d. Chang San Sun (DPR Korea).
At tournaments end there was a big banquet and pictures taken in the Great Hall of
the People of the 3,000 participants. The most distinguished guest was ITTF President Roy
Evans who sat beside Chou En-lai. Kuo-san reported that Evans and the Chinese players
offered their best wishes to the USTTAs enthusiastic president and the Associations
This Invitational was in Aug., 1973, but when two months later Miss Ping wrote to
Rufford Harrison that shed gone to New York Citys McDonnell Library to see Asian table
tennis films that gave her goose bumps, it wasnt this tournament she saw, but likely two
others. One, the first (1972) Asian Union tournament that had been shot in China, then shown,
courtesy of the Chinese TTA, in June at the Yang Theatre in Hong Konga color
documentary that reflects the spirit of pure sportsmanship and the friendly relations of Asian
people. (Friendship first, Competition second, was it?with Japan winning the Mens Teams
from China, Hasegawa taking the Mens Singles and Mixed, his teammates Kohno/Inoue the
Mens Doubles, and the North Koreans the Womens Doubles, Junior Boys, and Junior Girls.)
Another film, playing to large crowds in Peking, was a Chinese government documentary
showing the activities of the Chinese Ping Pong team during its tour of the United States.
The May 4th, 1973 Washington Post said this latter film contrasts sharply with the
image of America still being presented in Chinese schools and even in adjacent theatersfor
example, in an English reader, theres Mary, a little American girl, who shivers because her
father, an unemployed coal miner, cannot get coal.The boss has too much coal. Another
text depicts Oppression of blacks, unemployment, small farmers being pushed out by large
farmers, and imperialist ambitions as being typical of American life.***
With the Ping-Pong documentary, Chinese authorities are allowing their people to see a
different side of Americachildren of different races attending school together; not a country
gripped by economic crisis, but one of well-dressed people going about their work and
play.Audiences see their sportsmen being greeted as they visit schools, factories, and tourist
attractions in Detroit, Williamsburg, Washington, New York, Memphis, San Francisco and Los
Angeles. This new friendship filmwhich some may see as excessively rosy as the older texts
were excessively bleakobviously aims toward greater understanding between the two
*Ill detail the thought behind one of these nit-picking changes the E.C. forced on
George at the 1972 USOTCsone Ive already given some attention to in Vol VIwhen I
take up the 1973 USOTCs in Chapter Twelve.

**China, of course, was not only being friendly with the U.S. but making an all-out
effort to woo the world. For example (see TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 4), whos traveling with the
17-member Chinese table tennis team to Malaysia and Thailand but Chen Juisheng, Pekings
political officer in charge of affairs with Southeast Asian nations. Malaysias Prime Minister
said hed seek to open diplomatic relations with China, and the Thais were moving in that
direction by going to Peking for the Asian-African-Latin America Invitational. Closer to home,
Jamaican TTA President Roy Hylton and Secretary Baz Freckleton, representing the invited
Jamaican team, urged the Chinese team to visit Jamaica when it tours the Caribbean later this
The Chinese want to get back into the Olympic Movementwhich, according to the
Nov. 4, 1973 New York Times, they resigned from in 1958 because of continued recognition
by the I.O.C. of the Taiwan committee, over which Peking claimed jurisdiction. Now
Chinas sporting federations must gain recognition from the international federations
controlling five Olympic sports before she can form a national Olympic committee and apply
for membership in the I.O.C.
So, in addition to belonging to the ITTF, Chinas now made a move to apply for
membership in the Asian Games Federation, and the International Gymnastic Federation
both of which Taiwan belongs to
***Perhaps matchingly bleak,
especially in the eyes of western
capitalists, was a 1964 article in the
Toronto Globe and Mail USTTA
Historian Miss Ping Neuberger
submitted to Topics (Nov.-Dec., 1973,
2) concerning a famous Shanghai bar
Before the Chinese
Communist victory in 1949, no
seagoing man could get near
the legendary 120-foot bar
unless he was at least a
commodore. When the foreign
powers held concessions in the
city the bar was part of the
exclusive Shanghai club, a
favorite rendezvous of bankers,
diplomats and other high-level
Now the imperialists
Miss Ping
have been expelled and the
Photo by Mal Anderson
spacious four story house on
the Bund has become a social club for Chinese and foreign seamen. Here, as
everywhere in the sprawling port, the Communist rulers have banished decadence.
We shut the club at 11, said the vice director, a Mr. Ling, so that the seamen
[800 to a 1,000 in the port every day] can get back to their ships, have a good rest
and work well the next day.

In the foyer of this club, stands a bigger-than-life statue of the Communist leader,
Mao Tse-tung, and a huge banner saying Workers of the World Uniteexactly what the
U.S. Ping-Pong Diplomacy Team would see elsewhere in China 7 years later.
Dinner was served by the bar, and selected entertainment was available. On the ground
floor seamen could read Chinese magazines and political pamphlets in several languages; in
the basement there was table tennis and a shooting gallery; upstairs a movie theater showed
Chinese films. Mr. Ling said, We know that after so many weeks at sea the men want to see
grass and flowers. So we take them to parks and gardens.
Yes, sometimes the men have too much to drink, and, though we try gentle
persuasionask them to take lessthey cant understand thisand hit our staff members.
But we just go on persuading. Sometimes they are even sick. Then we help them to bed.
Seamen of capitalistic countries often ask for feminine companionship. Mr. Ling tells
them, This is a Socialist country, so there can be nothing like that. Then we do our best to
meet their just requeststo see football matches, acrobatic performances, and so on. We lead
them toward a healthy spare-time life. Of late, seamen of Socialist countries have also
indirectly suggested feminine companionship might be a healthy alternative. They get the
same explanation, Mr. Ling added sternly, and they also get criticism.


Chapter Eight
1973: Season-Opening Summer Tournaments.
Before I cover the premier event of the summer season, the Canadian National
Exhibition (CNE) tournament held over Labor Day weekend at Toronto, Im going to bring
you up-to-date on the other pre-fall tournaments nation-wide.
On Aug. 4-5, the Washington State TTA, with Dr. Michael Scott as Tournament Chair,
held its Olympia Open at Seattle Universitys Archbishop Connolly Athletic Complex. While
warming-up, players could have free beer and as much of it as they wanted? No. Well, the
sponsor was the Olympia Brewing Company, and it was August. Maybe after the matches.
Tom Ruttinger,
Olympia Brewing Company
with his hard-hit,
lightning fast
drives won the
Mens ($60) from
Rob Roberts.
Third-place went
to U.S. Girls
Under 17 Champ
Judy Bochenski, 2-1, over defender Joe
Lee who was forced again and again to
retrieve deep drives that sent him 20
and 30 feet back. Judy also took the
Womens from Tyra Parkins. Open
Doubles winners were Roberts/Lee over
Lowell Lo and Yuki Yamada.
Tom Ruttinger

D-J Lee
Photo by Mal

Other results: Class I: Yamada d. Bill Ladd. I

Doubles: Yamada/Lo d. Ladd/Ron Farrians. Class II:
Scott Johnson d. Carl Lehrhoff. II Doubles: Gordon
Favelle/Bobby Rinde d. Lew Wingert/Gene Ledbury. III:
Pak Lee d. Rinde, 19 in the 4th. III Doubles: Novice
winner Phil Lam/Alan Wong d. Sam Hanson/Roy Ogata.
Under 15: Rinde d. Chris Burton, 19 in the 4th.
Lou Bochenski tells us (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 14)
that the Oregon State Fair tournament, held Aug. 31-Sept.
1-2 in Salem, OR under the direction of Earl Adams,
produced an $1,100 profit for the Chinese community and
two fantastic matches, both involving D-J Lee. In the
semis, our current and 6-time National Champion was

down 10-16 in the 5th to Taiwans visiting Yin-Leah Chen but rallied to pull it out, 19, 12, 13,
-16, 19. In the final, against former singles champion of The Republic of China, Sun-Wu
Wong, whod knocked out Ruttinger in the other semis, D-J trailed 5-12, but then came back
to tie it up at 14-all, then eventually, with long rallies and unbelievable shots, went on to win
it, 26-24 in the 4th. Naturally the crowd was so enthusiastic that Earl and the Chinese
Consolidated Benevolent Association were talking about next year maybe staging a $10,000
prize-money event.
Other winners: Womens R.R.: 1. Judy Bochenski. 2. Nimi Athwal. Open Doubles:
Chen/Wong d. D.J. Lee-Judy Bochenski. As (under 2000 points): Richard Liang d. Joe Woo.
A Doubles: Yamada/Lo over Bob Ho/Steve Berliner. Bs (Under 1800): Tom Joyce d. Woo
who just got by Ken Pitts, -16, 21, 14. Cs (Under 1600): Pitts d. Bruce Carlson. Ds (Under
1400): Mike Czebotar d. Roger Cook, a Captain in the Air Force National Guard stationed in
Lynnwood, WA, wholl be a member of Dr. Michael Scotts USTTA Disciplinary Committee.
The San Francisco Summer Open drew 112 entries. In Open Singles, Paul Raphel
defeated in succession: Jerry Thrasher in 5, Angelita Rosal in 5, and John Quick in the final, 30. In the semis, Quick downed Eric Thom in 5. Womens winner was Rosal over Judy
Bochenski, 19 in the 4th. Mens Doubles went to Thrasher/Quick over Raphel/Shonie Aki in 5;
Mixed to Aki/Rosal over Quick/Bochenski, deuce in the 5th. As: Mike Greene d. Jim Naik.
Bs: Conway Redding d. Chick Chui. Cs: Steve Slavich d. Gary
Myers, deuce in the 4th.
At the Sept. 15-16 Stanislaus Fall Open in Modesto, CA,
Palle Norfeldt won the Mens over Richard Terry; Claire Yonan the
Womens over Jai Howard. Open Doubles went to Jim Naik/LeRoy
Kondo over Mike Greene/Bill Garrett; Mixed to Naik/Yonan over
Greene/Howard. As: Kondo d. Greene. Bs: Andre Kohler d. Bob
Eckert. Cs: Frank Chang d. Steve Slavich. Ds: Paul Chang d.
Richard Dong. C/D Doubles: Chang/Chang d. Howard/Masaaki
Tajima. Under 17: Greg Sherman d. both Dong and Frank Chang.
Play at the Aug. 25-26 Hollywood and Sept. 1-2 Santa
Monica Opens produced a number of back-to-back double
winners. Paul Raphel won the Mens at both, both times beating Ray
Guillen after Ray at each had eliminated Eric Thom. Some surprises
in that Paul went 5 with Ray Minc, Guillen was pressed into the 5th by
had to go
5 with
Paul Raphel
by Don Gunn
and Ichiro Hashimoto was able to
knock out Glenn Cowan, deuce in the
5th. Womens winner at both
tournaments was Angie Rosalboth
times over her sister Monica. Bob
Bob Ashley playing earlier at the Hollywood Club with Pauline
Ashley was twice a winner in Mens
Walker (left) against Mark Adelman/Heather Angelinetta

Bob Mandel
From the Dec. 6-7, 1980 Pacific Northwest Program

Doublespaired with Guillen at the Hollywood Club to

beat Howie Grossman/Danny Banach; and with Joong
Gil Park at Santa Monica to beat Raphel/Banach.
Doug Hobson took both Asfirst, from Ravi
Chhabra, then from Minc. In the 17s, Dennis Barish
downed Dean Galardi, then John Nevarez. In the 13s,
it was Joe Napoles over Terry Absher.
Those players who wanted to play a lot certainly
got their moneys worth at the July 21 Irving, Texas
Invitational where every entry was assured of playing
nine singles and four doubles matchesand without a
single call for an ambulance. R.C. Watkins reports
that, because it was a one-day tournament, only 50
entries, including that of Sid Minyard whod win the
Sportsmanship Award, could be accepted, and, even
at that, play lasted until midnight. Results:
Championship Singles: 1. Brad Fountain. 2. Joe
Cummings. As: 1. Bob ONeill. 2. John McAdams.
Bs: 1. Don Weems. 2. John Tomlinson. Cs: Dan

Rodriguez. 2. Alan Puls. Ds: Stephen

Babb. 2. Bob Mandel. Championship
Irl Copley
Doubles: 1. Fountain/Richard James.
Photo by Don Tullous,
from Orbit Magazine
2.Tommy Vaello/Paul LeBlanc.
At Bartlesville, OKs Aug. 1112 tournament, Mens Singles went to
Joe Windham whose 2-1 (5-2) round
robin semis record was slightly better
than runner-up Dale Donaldsons 2-1
(4-3). Third was Dennis Crawford, 1-2
(3-5) with a win over Windham. Fourth
was Steve Hammond, 1-2 (2-4) with a
win over Crawford. As: Hammond
over Windham, 18 in the 5th. A
Doubles: Hammond/Windham over Donaldson/Perry Schwartzberg. Bs: Irl Copley d. Gary
Fagan, -17, 13, -16, 20, 22 in the semis, and Don Bassett in 5 in the final. B Doubles:
Crawford/Yuen d. Paul Hadfield/Dick Coffman. Cs: Paul Olivier d. Rudy Crawford.
Steve Strauss and John Soderberg (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 22) give us a rundown on
the Aquatennial Open, held July 28-29 at the Minneapolis Magoos Club. Mens: Final: Doug
Maday d. Stu Sinykin, 19, -19, 16, -11, 19. In the 5th, up 18-17, Doug served, pushed his
return, and Stu smacked in a backhand. Then Doug won two fantastic counter-driving
points, missed a forehand-counter, and ended the match by giving Stu a nothing ball that
looked like heavy chop and blasted the return past Stus backhand.
Charlie Smith of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, an offensive player with Sriver on his forehand
and anti-topspin on his backhand, won both the As over Steve Strauss, and the Bs over
Rakesh Gothi, a chopper from India currently going to the University of Minnesota.
However, in the Mens, Smith lost to Jerry Soderberg, who, before the match, had slyly

practiced blocking loops against Ed Ells (one of Minnesotas best

loopers) and then counterdrove backhands with Minnesota
Dead (who uses anti-topspin). The Dead is a.k.a. Craig
Satersmoen, our esteemed Tournament Director, and also (shhh)
Minnesotas mysterious masked man. While Jerry was losing in
the Mens to brother John, Charlie Disney was being upset in 5
by Ted Gliske.
Open Doubles saw Disney
and Jerry Logan, State Doubles
Champions nearly 10 years ago,
lose a quarters match to Jerry
Kahnke/ Pete Tellegen. In another
quarters, John Soderberg and Don
Larson, having bested Strauss/
Jerry Soderberg in 5, scored an
amazing comeback from down 2013 in the 5th (and down two more
ads) to oust last years State
Doubles Champions, Gliske and
Minnesota Dead, a.k.a.
Ray Mosio. Winners, however,
Craig Satersmoen
were Maday/Sinykin. Womens
Photo by Mal Anderson
winner was Sheila ODougherty
(who after three months of persuasion bought a track suit) over
Sheila ODougherty
Wally Beckert, former Minnesota Womens State Champion.
Sheila also won the Mixed with Strauss.
President Bill Connellys Eastern Illinois Club at Charleston held its first sanctioned
tournament August 5th on 9 Nissen tables. There were cash prizes and 24-inch trophies. A
special thanks to Jeff Smart and Andy Hopping for putting on an exhibition, and to Yoshio
Fushimi for an unsolicited contribution to our tournament. Some readers may remember
Yosh as running a Chicago club and partnering
Coleman Clark in exhibitions back in the 1930s.
Results: Mens: 1. Jim Lazarus ($80). 2. John
Soderberg ($50). 3. R. Berg. 4. Jeff Smart.
Womens: Ullrich d. M. Dahl. Open Doubles:
Lazarus/Hugh Shorey d. Mike Carter/Wayne
Wasielewski. As and Bs: Joe Bujalski ($40) d.
Robert Irvin ($30) whod risen to the top rung of
the 1972 Illinois Ladder group. Aug. and Sept.
Opens were held at the Chicago TT Club, and
though pretty much the same players played in both,
the results sometimes reversed themselves.
Aug. Results: Mens R.R. 1. Waidi Dawodu, 3-0
(d. Lazarus, 19, 14; d. Paul Pashuku, -19, 19, 6; d.
Jim Davey, 14, 18). 2. Pashuku, 2-1 (d. Lazarus, 11, 15, 18; d. Davey, 14, -23, 14). 3-4. Davey and
Jim Lazarus
Lazarus 0-2. Mens Doubles: Lazarus/Shorey d.
Photo by Mal Anderson

Davey/Pashuku whod escaped McEvoy/Phil Trout, 19 in the 3rd. As: Shorey d. Mike Baber, 16, 26, 15. Bs: Baber d. Trout, 14, -15, 17. Semis: Baber d. Laszlo Keves, 19 in the 3rd;
Trout d. Wasielewski, deuce in the 3rd. Cs: McEvoy d. Bill Hornyak, deuce in the 3rd in the
semis, and Wasielewski, 17 in the 3rd in the final. Seniors: Shorey d. Hornyak. Juniors:
Wilcock d. H. Klinger.
Sept. Results: Mens R.R. 1. Lazarus, 3-0 (d. Pashuku, 16, -18, 18; d. Davey, 17, -20,
19; d. Salu, 16, 12). 2. Pashuku, 2-1 (d. Davey, 17, 10; d. Salu, 10, 17). 3-4. Davey and Salu,
0-2. Mens Doubles: Pashuku/Davey d. Lazarus/Shorey, 21, 23. As: Tom Hall d. Ted Bassett.
Bs: Wasielewski d. Keves. Cs: Alex Laufer d. Miller, 23-21 in the 3rd. Seniors: Miller d.
Shorey, -19, 12, 20. Juniors: Klinger d. Kump.
At the July 28 Southside Summer Open in
Lorma Bauer
Dolton, IL (SE of Chicago), Danny Seemiller won the
Photo by Mal
Mens. Runner-up was Dawodu. 3 : Pashuku. 4 :
Davey. Womens: 1. Connie Evans. 2. Joyce Donner.
3. Lorma Bauer. Mens Doubles: Seemiller/Joe
Windham d. Dawodu/Salu. As: Windham d. Smart.
Bs: Tom McEvoy d. Robert Irvin who beat Norm
Schless in 5. B Doubles: Wayne Wasieleski/A.
Cieslarski d. Frank Tharaldson/Schless. Cs: Primo
Madrigal d. Irvin. Novice: Peter Chouinard d. Larry
Thoman. Seniors: Shorey d. Schless. Under 17: Greg
Jelinski d. Thoman in 5. Junior Doubles: Thoman/
Mike Finnell d. Jelinski/Steve Huber. Under 15: Andy
Hopping d. Harold Klinger.
Dan Hager of the Grand Rapids Press, in an
Aug. 5th article describing the action at Dell Sweeriss
Woodland Club, allows us to place Seemiller and
Windham there during Dells July 3-week training
campshaggy-locked Danny playing the role of
sidekick coach,* and Joe the eager-to-improve-hisgame student. Windham, a stocky, muscular varsity football and basketball player who
graduates from high school next January, said, I like physical contact, but I like table tennis
much better. Since hed spent $26.50 on a tedious, 18-hour bus ride from Kansas City, its
good that he and Danny had success at that late-July Summer Open in Dolton.
Tom McEvoy covers The Great Lakes Open, held Sept. 8 at
Sweeriss Woodland Club where Double Elimination play was the order
of the day. Mens: Sweeris over Tom Hall who came through 3 tough
matchesone with Craig Burton, and two with Mike Baber. Womens:
Joyce Donner over Liz Hornyak, Bills wife, the first time shes
participated in a tournament. As: McEvoy over Tom Hall, -7, 19, 21,
then 17, 21. Bs: Phil Trout over Burton and his anti-spin racket in two
close matches (with McEvoy losing to Burton and to Kin Luk). Cs: Bill
Hornyak over Bruce McGee. Novice: Steve Huber over Greg Jelinski
and Garrett Donner. Handicap (one game to 50): McEvoy (after being
down 6 match points) over Taylor Pancoast 56-54, and over Hall, 51-49,
Liz Hornyak
whod survived Trout, 52-50. Seniors: Hornyak over Bong Ho and

McGee. Under 17s: Baber

over Jelinski. Under 15:
Gordon Roedding over Eric
Lichtenheld and Torsten
Pawlowski whose father
Gunter is organizing a club in
Kalamazoo. Sweeris thinks
Roedding, 15, who helps him
part-time at his Woodland
Club, and has improved so
much in just the 10 months
hes been playing, that he
urged Gordon be named
Junior of the Month in the
Nov.-Dec. Topics.

Bill Hornyak: then and now

Duke Stogner tells us that his Aug. 4-5 Razorback

Open at North Little Rock was his biggest everwith 133
players from 15 different states. Mens was won easily by
Ohios John Tannehill, playing this summer out of Miami.
Louisianas John Quick was 2nd after 13, 19, 21 rallying past
Jerry Thrasher whod eliminated Tommy Vaello before losing
to 3rd-Place finisher Brad Fountain. Womens winner: Norma
LeBlanc over Shirley Woo. Mens Doubles: Tannehill/Steve
Hammond over Thrasher/Quick. Mixed: Fountain/Woo over
Hugh Lax/Leslie Harris. Seniors: N.Y.s Vic Meredith over
Lax. As: Vaello d. Bob ONeill in 5.
At the 2-day Gator Open, held at the University of
Florida, Bud Simrin and Steve Carlson report (TTT, Sept.Oct., 1973, 20) that, innovatively, two tournaments were
held. Heres their explanation:

Gordon Roedding
Photo by Mal Anderson

The first day all ten events were played out till the quarter-finals. To be
eligible for the Consolation Singles one need simply be eliminated from every event the
first day, regardless of what events one entered and regardless of whether one won his
first match.
[Advantages of this format:] 1. Almost everyone was present the 2nd day of the
tournament, and everyone got to play! Thus more people stuck around for the finals
[ending at a reasonable 5:00 p.m.]
2. The 2nd day we essentially had two distinct tournaments with non-overlapping
entrantsthe Consolation tournament and everything else. By scheduling alternate
tournaments we were assured of no conflicts, since no one was in both tournaments, and
there was a rest period after each match while the other tournament was being played.

Championship Singles went to a somewhat out-of-practice Richard McAfee. In the

quarters he was down 2-1 to Tampas Pat Patterson; and in the semis had to go 4 to beat
Orlandos Steve Rigo. Meanwhile, in the other semis, Iron Man chopper Alan Nissen was
barely able to 19-in-the-5th withstand the laser loop and Haleys Comet Kill of quickhitting Greg Gingold. In the final, Nissen, making save after save from 15 and 20 feet back
against his hard-driving opponent, even catching Big Mac reaching futilely over the table for a
shovel shot, was up 2-1 and 15-8 in the 4thwhich is not the way to treat your former
roommate and practice partner. But then what happened? Richard (coming up with some
shots Al hadnt seen in practice?) won 13 of the next 14 points, and from there went on to
easily win the 5th.
Other results: Womens: Charlestons Shelby
Jordan over Satellite Beachs Teresa Miller.
Championship Doubles: Patterson/Wayne Daunt over
University of Florida students Don Story/Bud Simrin
whod upset top seeds McAfee/Gingold, -18, 21, 20, 16, 18 in the semis. As: Patterson d. Gingold, -20, 20,
18, -13, 14. Bs: Junior winner John Elliot d. Bill
Davidson after Bill had gotten by Wendell Dillon in 5. B
Doubles: Patterson/Gibbs d. Hugh Lax/Larry Bartley.
Cs: Davidson d. Cornelius Harrison who runs, and
practices with a robot to keep in shape. Seniors: John
White** d. A.B. Armes. Consolation: Lance Rosemore
d. Peter Chouinard in 5.
Peter, as we learned from that Grand Rapids
Press reporter Hager, is a slightly-built high school
senior, a native of Montreal, Quebec who came to
Florida in the late 1950s, and is now the third best
player in the Spaceport Table Tennis Club in
Teresa Miller
Milbourne. He was at Sweeriss training camp this
Photo by Bill Collings
summer (along with 35 other hopefuls), drenched in
sweat while smacking away at ball after ball another student was continuously feeding him.
Peters aim of course is to win something more than the Consolations he just missed winning
here at this Open.
Tannehill may be based in Florida now, but he turned up at
the Aug. 11 Garden State Open to win the Open Singles over Jim
Dixon whod made a gutsy 20, -18, 19, 15, 15 semis comeback
against Alex Shiroky. Womens went to Alice Green over Hilary
Cohen. A winner: Stan Smolanowicz over Sam Balamoun whod
rallied from down 2-0 to give Peter Holder the boot. Bs: Doon
Wong d. Al Mitchell. Cs: George Hellerman d. Sid Jacobs.
Esquires: John Kilpatrick d. Manny Moskowitz. Seniors: Tim
Boggan d. Sol Schiff, -23, -18, 15, 9, 11. Under 17: Eliott Katz d.
Roger Sverdlik, -19, 22, 20, -12, 15. Under 15: Robert Nochenson
d. Mike Stern. Under 13: Stern d. Rutledge Barry who, with
fellow New Yorker Jeff Zakarin, had also gone to that July Sweeris
Doon Wong

George Brathwaite (left), victor in the recent Liberty Bell Open, is shown here in his deciding match
with Zlatko Cordas, winner of the Independence Open.
Photo by Mal Anderson

In covering the Philadelphia Clubs July 21-22 Independence Open, Herb Vichnin
(TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 26) notes the presence of the visiting Yugoslavs Zlatko Cordas and
Zdenko Uzorinac who will shortly end their U.S. Tour. Of course Zlatko won the Mens
easilyhis backhand kill shot was harder than most forehand kill shots in the U.S.!
(Something that could be said about 100 or more world-class players?) Uzorinac, however,
lost in the quarters to Smolanowicz who, as Herbie says, just loves to blast forehands at
choppers. Exciting matches in the Mens: Dave Philip over Dave Sakai, 17 in the 4th; George
Brathwaite over Jerry Fleischacker 20, 22, 19; and especially Ricky Seemiller over a trio of
opponentsMitch Sealtiel (recently married to Joyce Mellodge); Tim Boggan in 5; and Reza
Tehrani, former Iranian
National Team member.
Semis: Cordas over
Seemiller; Brathwaite
over Smolanowicz.
Cordas, paired with
Boggan, who was
showing Zlatko and
Zdenko around New
York, also won the
Mens Doubles from
Other results:
Womens: Debbie Wong
Mitchell Sealtiel and his wife Joyce
over Louise Chotras.
Photo by Mal Anderson
Mixed: Fleischhacker/
Chotras over Sakai/Wong. As: Vichnin over Philly Junior Mike Bush whod scored a series of
surprising upsets: over Fleischhacker, over Smolanowicz (7, -11, 22), and over Horace
Roberts (-20, 20, 16, -19, 19). In the semis, Vichnin downed George Rocker in the quarters,
and in the semis Steve Berger whod earlier knocked out Roger Sverdlik. Neil Shilkret upset
#1 seed Bill Sharpe, and Ricky Rumble had an early 19 in the 3rd win over Boggan. A Doubles:
Smolanowicz/Sam Balamoun over Bruce Plotnick/Gary Wittner. Bs: Seemiller over Sid

Jacobs. Cs: Shilkret over Hank Coulter. Ds: Ali Oveissi over Marv Plevinsky. Seniors:
Sharpe over Boggan. Under 17s: Rumble over Sverdlik, 18 in the 3rd in the semis, and over
Seemiller 22, 21 in the final. Under 15s: Plotnick over Mike Stern. Under 13s: Stern over
Rutledge Barry. Junior Doubles: Bush/Rumble over Sverdlik/Wittner. Adult-Junior Doubles:
Vichnin/Rumble over Sakai/Bush, 19 in the 4th.
Once while Cordas and Uzorinac were giving a clinic, Carl Danner said that to
prevent players from standing [flat-footed] on their heels, Zdenko offered a solution: In
Yugoslavia, he said, when one does not play on his toes, we place a small sharp stone in the
heel of each of his shoes. That way, when he practices, he learns to instinctively stand on his
toes to avoid the pain. As readers of my Vol. III know (p. 51), the practice is not new. Manytime U.S. Junior Miss Champion Sherri Krizman said that her famous South Bend coach,
Hungarian expatriate John Varga, put tacks in her shoes to keep her on her toes.
*On Aug. 8, Dell and Danny appeared on The Mike Douglas Show (and maybe now
Coach Sweeris was U. S. Team #1 Dannys sidekick?). The two demonstrated various shots,
played some class points, and of course engaged momentarily in a doubles matchDell and
Mike vs. Danny and co-host Don Meridith.
**Nashvilles John
White has been friends
with tennis star Bobby
Riggs for, as he says
(TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973,
10), more than a
quarter-century. Both
John and Sandor
Glancz (same TTT page
as above) have stories
to tell about Riggs as a
table tennis player
(Glancz, having given
dozens of exhibitions
with him, thinks, likely
extravagantly, that, had
Bobby been so inclined,
he could have been
Bobby Riggs then and now
another Fred Perry,
Left photo courtesy of Sandor Glancz; right photo courtesy of Stan Robens
World Champion at
both sports). However, its Whites insider take on why Bobby lost his celebrated Battle of
the Sexes match with current Wimbledon Womens Singles and Doubles Champ Billie Jean
King that in 1973 would be of most interest to readers. Heres what John has to say:
He and I played a little two-handed poker for about one and one-half hours
in his room the afternoon of the big match with Billie Jean. He and his group rode in
my car to the match in the Astrodome. The reason he lost, in the opinion of many of
us, was due to improper preparation during the ten days he was in Houston prior to the

match. It was one continual series of various activities, morning, noon, afternoon, and
night, interviews with the press, autograph hunters, parties, etc.not a minute of
relaxation. This is the way it worked out, whether he planned it that way or not; I was
in the middle of it for the last three days, so I know whereof I speak. On the other
hand, Billie Jean went into virtual seclusion. As a result, by match time, Bobby actually
was not in anywhere near his peak condition, which would have been necessary for him
to have any chance to win, especially the way she played that night.
After reading Whites article on Riggs, a fellow writes in to Topics (Nov.-Dec., 1973,
5) that, though Riggs is a great champion and hustler, hes also a most outrageous
blackguard for intimating that because male tennis players are, as a whole, better than female
tennis players, women are innately inferior to men in this area [my italics]. Well, arent they?
Chinese men are better table tennis players than Chinese women, arent they? Guy seems to think
Riggs is saying men are better than women, periodbut hes not substantiating that point of view.
He now goes on to make the following observations, which, just considering the prize
money in sports allotted to women in 1973 as compared with what it is almost a quarter of a
century later, gives credence to what he says, and to the fact that considerable progress has
been made in the interim:
Consider the barriers placed before female athletes in this country: girls and
womens sports programs are grossly underfunded; women athletes are looked upon
by many as unfeminine; women must overcome social pressure put on them to be
unaggressive, to be losers.
A woman athlete like Billie Jean King deserves twice the respect of Bobby
Riggs in his prime.
And what would the writer think of the upcoming five-set table tennis match in
Malmo, Sweden between 56-year-old Tage Flisberg, a 20-time Swedish singles champion,
and Birgitta Radberg,
25, the best female
player in the country?
Theyll play in a TV
studiothe match being
sponsored by the
Swedish Radio and TV
(SRT) Corp. And the
prize money? Ah, the
winner will get $50
more than the loser.
Also, I call
attention to a less
publicized match in
which Billie Jean
certainly won Roger
Sverdliks respect.
Roger Sverdlik and Billie Jean King


Chapter Nine
1973: Mariann Domonkos/Danny Seemiller Win CNE.
Heres a quick overview of what its like at this years Toronto
CNE (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 1+). After three decades, the Ontario
Association, no doubt fed up with my criticism of the venue, had finally
vacated that sheep-and-swine ring that held so many pungent, piquant memories for me.
Following Fred Danners suggestiondid they? (I remember him talking about it to me here
last year)theyd set up maybe 15 tables out in the great, roofed-in prairie space opposite the
stalls of the penned-in cattle. The animals were unable to look disinterestedly at us because a
large wooden wall had been hammered up separating us from their, uh, visual presence.
Behind the early-morning netless tables (if you wanted to keep the nets, you had to
take them up every nightthis was a public place), portable bleachers had been set up for
players wanting to watch and spectators passing by. There were also a number of bench-seats
with backs, strategically spaced, where a limited number of people could sit more comfortably
and take in the play. The row of tables nearest the stands hadnt as good a lighting as the row
closer to the Operations Desk further behind them, so up until quarter-final time, when the
very important matches began to be played, most of the better players had been given
preferential lighting away from the bleachers, with the result that many people had to stand to
watch them.

John Tannehill (left) about to upset Zlatko Cordas to gain the Mens final
Photo by Mal Anderson

Until this situation was rectified, so that the best matches (Cordas/Tannehill, for
example) would be played under the worst lighting, it was all those early-round losers whod
be cursing and hunting around under the bleacher rows for their Halexes. Didnt the
Organizing Committee have the foresight to put up barriers? Of course they did. Spent, I
heard, an unbelievable $700 on flimsy, calf-high (if you think I exaggerate, twist that to anklehigh) cloth curtains to section-off the rather too small courts. These as often as not succeeded
in tripping as many players as balls.
Later, after the sweltering long hours of play in temperatures that got up to 100
degrees, there was the traditional Players Party (Dancing, Drinks, Light Buffet)except for

this one, more a Parting than a Party, money had to be refunded

the players by a surprised and somewhat embarrassed Helen
Nesukaitis when the Light Buffet consisted of nothing more than
stale pretzels and potato chips and a relish tray.
Also, though many of the trophies and awards were not going
to be presented to the winners until after all the necessary matches
had been concluded on Sunday and many of the people had
hurried off home, official CNE spokesmen wanted to show up
Saturday night to speak on what might be found written in the
Programnamely, how these Championships have become one
of the major highlights of the Exhibitions emphasis on sports. So
major, in fact, that they have attracted world wide participation
and interest accompanied by an exhilarating expansion of
international understanding and goodwill.
Exhilarating might be a bit muchbut o.k., since I know Ive
a mite harsh on the organizers again, and not yet very politic,
Helen Nesukaitis
may I also say that, all in all, there were some improvements this
time over last, most notably in the number of tablesmore than twice the number of previous
ones, plus half a dozen more to practice on. And though proud Canadian tempers sometimes
swarmed up like those unrelenting flies, I do believe the Operating CommitteemenI think
particularly of George Jovanov, Gabor Szucs, Laurie Charles, and John Adminiswere
extremely hard-working and conscientious in their often thankless duties.
Though rationally, as USTTA President and Editor, I think the tournament continues to
lack the professional dignity that it aspires to, and that so long as this animal venue is retained
it always will, I have to admit that for almost 10 straight years now (not to mention the times I
came here in the 1950s) Ive enjoyed myself, had an emotional attachment to this tournament.
Its a great few days for my kids too, for theyre never boredtheres lots of junior play and
always, for such innocents, the
excitement of the Midway. And
my wife and I have invariably
found the Canadians pleasant and
friendly to be with.
So, alright, on with the
play, goodwills in the
airespecially after CTTA
President Art Barrons wife,
Gladys, bought big bright
balloons for my Scott and Eric.
Junior Team Matches
Ill begin with Carl
Danners coverage of the opening
Junior Team Matches (4).
Though the composition of the
team ties remained the same
best 4 out of 7 matches: U-17

Canadian CNE Open Junior Team Winners, L-R: Scott Boggan

(U-13), Bruce Plotnick (U-15), and Rick Seemiller (U-17)
Photo by Mal Anderson


plays opposing U-17 and U-15; U-15 plays opposing U-17, U-15, U-13; and U-13 plays
opposing U-15, U-13this year thered be two preliminary round robins, out of each of which
two teams would advance to a cross-cross semis, with the winners then to go on to a final.
Carl says that, because of the age restrictions, some good U-17 players (Rick Rumble,
Jacques Bobet, and John Richardson, to name three) were stuck with weak teams.
On one side of the Draw, the East Coast (U-17 Rick Seemiller, U-15 Bruce Plotnick,
and U-13 Scott Boggan reached the semis by downing Alex Polisoiss Quebec I that finished
2nd. Both teams caught a break when the formidable Eddie Lo/Peter Joe combo didnt show.
On the other side of the Draw, three teams tied for 1st. New York, who might more
accurately have been called Long Island (U-17 Jeff Zakarin, U-15 Carl Danner, and U-13
Chuck Zakarin), having beaten Rumbles team 4-3 (thanks to an 18-in-the-3rd 7th match), went
on to upset the #1 seed, Ontario I (U-17 Paul Klevinas, U-15 Tim House, and U-13 Midget
Girls winner Gloria Nesukaitis). This, too, was a 4-3 tieand since Klevinass two wins were
offset by Nesukaitiss two losses, all depended on the U-15 matches. Jeff Zakarin made a
miraculous comeback from down 13-5 in the third to beat Tim House, while Tims teammate
Paul had initially been saying, Oh, why hasnt he (Tim) won yet.Im tired of sitting here.
Then Danner came through with a two-game victory over House.
However, New York was 4-0 blanked by New Jersey (U-17 Roger Sverdlik, U-15
Mike Stern, and U-13 Rutledge Barry), so unless New Jersey beat Ontario I to avoid a 3-way
tiebreaker, the Long Islanders with a 4-7 record couldnt advance. As it happened, Klevinas
and House beat an uninspired Sverdlik, Klevinas downed Stern, and House was too good
for Barry. Still, Ontario Is record was not as good as New Jerseys, so they came 2nd.
In the one criss-cross, New Jersey downed
Quebec 4-2with Polisois beating Sverdlik and Stern.
Carl points out that later, in the Juniors, Polisois will
reach the final with a big win over Klevinas. Turns out
Alex was one of the ten Canadian juniors who
recently spent a month in Mainland China training with
top Asian coaches. Now hes much improved
China made all the difference in my game, he said.
In the other
criss-cross, the
East Coast New
Yorkers downed
Ontario I, 4-3:
Seemiller lost to
Alex Polisois
Klevinas, but
Photo by Mal Anderson
beat House; an
aggressive Plotnick lost to Klevinas but beat House and
Nesukaitis; and Boggan beat Nesukaitis.
The final went to the East Coast, but they didnt coast to
Mike Stern
their 4-3 win over New Jersey. It was Seemiller over
Photo by Mal
Sverdlik and Stern; Plotnick over House and Barry (whom
Danner says plays a look-alike, if younger version of his
[Bruces] own game. Carls later surprised that Stern will
win both the U-15s (over Brian Kid Zembik) and U-13s

(over Rutledge Birmingham Barry III). Cant ever count Mike out, he says. And how about
young Rutledge (nickname: Squeegee). In addition to his success in the U-13s, he made the
semis of the U-15s, and went 5 with the number 4 U.S. junior, Steve Hammond.
Carl felt that the unusual conditions, with an unusually soft brand of ball, made for
difficult adjustments by the American players who are used to much faster conditions. Said
Sverdlik, Its so weird here. Its like playing in the twilight zone!
U.S. vs. Canada International Matches
George Brathwaite, Captain and Manager of the Mens Team, gives us (2; 4) his
match-by-match Report on the U.S.s 5-4 win over Canada. Derek Wall d. Alex Shiroky, 15,
15. Alex was to concentrate on looping to Dereks forehand and middle, and when he got the
set-up, to kill. But Alex became over-anxious, rushed his shots, and defeated himself.
Tannehill d. Zoltan Pataky, 19, 9. Pataky favours his forehand sidespin and quite often gets
into situations by moving too far over to his backhand corner to play this stroke. Off his short
serves, John was to spin to the backhand and pin him down, then when Pataky moved over to
that side, switch to the deep forehand. John wasnt using his feet well, but from 19-14
down he won 7 in a row and broke Pataky. Tie tied at 1 apiece.
Errol Caetano, who, with Peter Gonda and Bill Cheng, led Ontario to a win over Quebec in
the Interprovincial Matches, d. Lim Ming Chui, -8, 12, 14. George told Chui that though he won
that 1st game, Caetano would come on stronger, and that Lim Ming would have to contain him
by getting an early lead and force him into making errors. But it was Chui, playing catch up, who
made the errors. Tannehill d. Wall, 15, 11. George urged John to just wear Wall downwhich he
did: Derek was too tired to even think, said George. Tie tied at 2 apiece.
Caetano d. Shiroky, 9, 18. Brathwaite counseled Alex to vary the serves and keep
Errol moving. (But he moves too fast?) Chui d. Pataky, 19, 13. George urged Lim Ming to
serve fast topspins deep to Patakys forehand, then block to the backhandtry to keep him off
balance. Sound advicetie tied at 3 apiece.
Caetano d. Tannehill, 19, -12, 14. George thought
the 1 game the decider, for, up 19-16, John allowed Errol
to rush him with his serves and lost five straight points.
Chui d. Wall 10, -18, 13.
Maybe Wall wasnt that
tired? Tie tied at 4
apiece. Shiroky d.
Pataky, -21, 18, 17.
Before this tie-deciding
match George told Alex
to forget about his losses
to Wall and Caetano.
Let Pataky have the
perfect 0-3 record. Once
Whew! After that Team tie
Errol Caetano
George was able to
George needs a beer
convince Alex not to
rush, he did just fine. So the U.S. won in 5and George was left wondering what it would be like
to go through this torture, match after match, at the World Championships. It must be more
relaxing as a player.

The Junior Mens tieRufford Harrison reporting (4; 21)went to Canada 5-4.
Klevinas d. Rumble, 21, 9. Paul, who lost a 21-1 game to Danny Seemiller in Sarajveo, has
developed into an excellent two-wing hitter. Difficult for Rumble to come back after that 2321 swing-game loss. Mike Veillette d. Steve Feldstein, 20, 12. Chopper Feldstein had
improved because of his recent training in China where the coaches had urged him to take the
ball early in front of the line of the bodyin order to get variation in spin. Steve, who has
good hand-speed as a pianist, uses conventional inverted rubber on one side and anti-spin on
the other. Both sides have virtually identical colors. He spins his racket between points,
often confusing his opponent and sometimes even the spectators. So of course Veillettes
game plan was to keep Steve moving, and to watch his racket closely to make sure of looping
the right ball. Mike, who shouldnt have allowed Feldstein to get set for the barrage to his
backhand, was perhaps a shade lucky to take the 1st at deuce and establish momentum for
the win. Later, in the semis of the Juniors, Mike would beat Steve againagain perhaps a
shade lucky in winning a 25-23 game.
Seemiller d. Bobet, 13, 13. Jacques, Jr., son of this years Perc McLeod Memorial
Award winner for promoting Canadian table tennis, was an Alternate for Eddie Lo, the no. 3,
who was unable to catch a plane in Vancouver when a nation-wide rail strike diverted traffic to
the air. We werent surprised that Rick had an easy time, for we didnt expect Bobet to win a
match. Rumble d. Feldstein, 16, 8. Also easy. U.S. 3Canada 1.
Klevinas d. Seemiller, 20, -19, 15. Harrison said that
Paul was much too good for Ricks still developing game.
Much too good? The U.S. was tantalizingly close to winning
that match 2-0. In another match Rufford would lament we
could have won, Bobet d.Veillette 21, -19, 19. Jacques
surprised us (and maybe Jacques, Sr., his Team Captain)
we hadnt realized he can exchange rather well. If hes the
one to open it up, he has a good chance of being the one to
win. But, said Rufford, Mike just never seemed confident,
and he didnt use his services. Yet he rather startled
Rufford when later hed win the Under 17s over Polisois
with one of the most devastating exhibitions of serving that
I have ever seen. U.S. 3Canada 3.
When Feldstein chopped down Seemiller, 15, -18,
11, and Rumble rumbled over Bobet, 15, 17, the tie was
again even: U.S. 4Canada 4.
But the clincher went to Canada: Klevinas over our
Veillette 14, 16. Harrison enjoyed his experience as Captain/
Paul Klevinas
Coach for the Juniors, but, as they say, he wasnt gonna
Photo by Mal Anderson
give up his day jobas a chemist. His other interests, at
some time or other, besides playing table tennis, are singing
in his church choir (hes a baritone), studying languages, and moving gracefully whether it be
in ballroom dancing or wei-chi.
Yvonne Kronlage, reporting on the Womens play (2; 31), begins by describing the
opening ceremonies that mirrored those of last year. She then explains that, Since we had
only two players on our team [Why was that?], Canada also decided to play only twothey
left Helen Simerl off.

Sue Hildebrandt (left) on her way to upsetting Violetta Nesukaitis in the Womens Team event
Photo by Mal Anderson

First Match: Sue Hildebrandt upset Violetta Nesukaitis, 20, 18. 1st-game pattern play
saw Violetta chopping and pick-hitting and Sue top-spinning with a high, spin-packed ball.
Yvonne discouraged Sue from trying to hit, cause those balls werent going in. Sue
outsteadied Violetta to take this game at deuce. In the 2nd, both players were ever cautious. In
the tied-up end-play, Violetta hit a beautiful forehand to Sues forehand only to have it
returned by a terrific top-spin that Violetta had to push back, giving Sue the chance to get in [a
high top-spin winner]. This gave Sue the momentum for the win. Yvonne was ecstatic.
Second Match: Mariann Domonkos d. Olga Soltesz, 11, -21, 10. In the 1st game, Olga
had trouble returning Marianns serves. In the 2nd, she did better, and at deuce hit in two
outstanding forehands to stay alive. But in the 3rd, Marianns terrific loop was decisive. U.S.
1-Canada 1.
Third Match: Yvonne seemed resigned to thinking that the experienced Canadians were
too strong for us in the Doublesand they 18, 16 were. Fourth Match: Violetta, 17, 10 over a
rushing Olga.
The 18-year-old Hildebrandts win over Violetta may owe something to her attendance
at Dell Sweeriss clinic this summer. That Grand Rapids Press reporter Dan Hager tells us that
Sues a year out of high school and works as a secretary for a real estate firm in Warren, MI.
Since her mom owns that firm, and wants her daughter to have more exciting experiences like
going to the Sarajevo Worlds, Sue has opportunities to improve her table tennis other
working girls dont have. In Grand Rapids, Sweeris, who quit his job as an accountant, leases
space in the Woodland Sports Complex, which also includes a roller skating rink and indoor
tennis courts, and if just going to his club gets Sue better enough for one or two points in a
match, that means her opponent wont get them, so its worth two or four to her. Case in
point: her 20, 18 win here over several-time Canadian and U.S. Champion Nesukaitis.
Jeff Smart tells us that, as the non-playing Captain of the U.S. Girls Team, he has to
report (2; 4) that Canada 3-0 blitzed us. First Match: Christine Forgo 18, 19 over Bev Hess,
nervous at representing the U.S. in front of a crowd. Analyzing where Bev went wrong, Jeff
says she showed weakness in three areas: (1) she didnt receive service aggressively

attempted slow loops which were set-ups for Forgo. Also, she was pushing rather than
driving against obvious top-sidespin serves. (2) against Forgos pushes, she opened too
cautiously, giving easy balls to her opponent, or she didnt follow up her opening loops with
strong drives against weakly-blocked returns. (3) shed try to play into Forgos backhand
counter and almost never came out on top.
On the plus side: she could consistently counter; and could occasionally fool her
opponent with well-mixed forehand top-side/chop-side hook services. Jeff said that when she
wasnt tight, Bevs reflexes were marvelous
and she could be more aggressive.
Second Match: Birute Plucas over
Muriel Stern, -17, 15, 18. Muriel has a very
good fast push which she uses very well to draw
errors or gain position. She also has a good 3rd
ball flat drive off a push. She needs work in the
following areas: (1) She should crouch lower
and use her legs more, especially while looping,
instead of playing upright. (2) against loops,
she needs to develop consistent blocks and
short block drives (called pushes
overseas)and she must learn a loop with an
arc to it rather than a straight line stroke. (3)
She shouldnt always return a fast serve to her
backhand back to the forehand corner (which
Birute would kill)she should vary the return.
Third Match: Plucas/Leslee Ward d.
Stern/Jean Varker, 12, 20. In the 1st game, both
Muriel and the left-handed Varker ended up
trying to push their forehands; this was very bad,
for Jean wasnt comfortable moving far to her
Muriel, crouch lower, use your legs more!
left to push. In the 2nd game, since Jeans good
Photo by Mal Anderson
serves were giving Muriel good balls to hit, Jeff
encouraged them to topspin rather than push.
In the 2nd game, the U.S. was down 20-17 triple-match-point when Varker let loose 3 good
services. Muriel backed her up, and the girls deuced it! But a missed push and then a great
loop by Plucas ended the tie.
Jeff concludes that all the Canadians showed knowledge of spin and fast serving, plus
mens style looping which none of our girls came close to imitating. The natural talent of our
girls is equal to, or better, than the Canadians, but without some coaching on advanced
techniques (e.g., service, receive-of-service loops, blocking loops) they cannot hope to keep
up with the Canadians. Jeff might also have commented, as captains and coaches ineffectually
do from time to time, on the need for improvement in Doubles play. The only article on
Doubles in Topics that comes to mind is one written by George Shone Sionidis (TTT, Mar.Apr., 1973, 5; 12) in which he explains the revolving movement of the players; urges the
backhand serve; reminds one that placing the ball in doubles is different from placing the ball in
singles; and speaks of basic tactics, such as attackers against attackers and attackers against

15-year-old Mariann Domonkos (left) winning her first Canadian Open over perennial Champion Violetta Nesukaitis
Photo by Mal Anderson

Domonkos Wins Womens

In the Womens Singles, 15-year-old Mariann Domonkos, whod just returned from a
month of being coached in China, scored an upset 5-game win over 22-year-old Defending
Champion Violetta Nesukaitis. Violetta had also been traveling this summer, had gone to
Budapest, where the Hungarian coaches had advised her to switch to very thin sponge on her
backhand (in the past shed used both hard rubber and anti-spin?). But in going along with this
switch, as witness her loss to Sue Hildebrandt in the International Matches, she hadnt her
usual control.
Sue paired with Canadian International Shirley Gero to win the Womens Doubles
over, first, the Nesukaitis sisters, then Domonkos/Plucas. Violetta was able to win the Mixed
thoughwith her regular partner Caetano over Peter Gonda/Domonkos. Surprisingly,
Hildebrandt was upset in a 1st-round Womens match by Bev Hess, who in turn would be
beaten in the As by runner-up Yvonne Kronlage (after Bev had a 2-0 lead), and in the
Womens by 14-year-old Plucas, Girls Champ over Forgo. Hess, however, on her way to the
Junior final, did beat Birute.
Someone said Plucas has better reflexes and plays a more aggressive game than Junior
Miss Champion Domonkos. Mariann had earlier lost games to Millie Shahian and to Womens
A winner Flora Nesukaitis (who with her sister and Plucas had helped Ontario win the
Interprovincial title from Quebec). Also, in the Junior Miss, Mariann had dropped a game to
Muriel Stern.
In her Womens semis, Plucas so moved the somewhat slower Miss Domonkos around
that she herself had a marvelous chance to be a CNE finalist and, if you could imagine it, she
could imagine it, the new Champion.

Birute, hold your breath, readers,

was leading Mariann 20-16 match point
in the 5th, when, without looking as it
were, she tried to rush headstrong into
the uplifted arms of her Victory, tripped
and fell. Mariann, who has a reputation
for being the more experienced of the
twoa better strategist with a better
temperamentwon 6 straight points to
take the match. Hence it was something
of a little miracle that Domonkos was in
the final at all.
Violetta, meanwhile, after being
embarrassed by Hildebrandt, had gone
back to her old racket and had not
Birute Plucas,
given up a game on her heavy-favorite
almost a winner
way to the final. Still, it was clear, as
Photo by Thomas
the pattern of her final with Mariann
began to establish itself, that this racket
change was having an effect on Violetta. She was supposed to be floating back her returns,
varying the spin; instead, she was chopping down on the ball.
Moreover, Id never seen her so nervous before. John
Nesukaitis, Violettas father/coach, complained that she was always
looking over to him. It breaks her concentration, he said. A coach
cant win a game for you, youve got to do it yourself.
With games tied 1-1, Violettas down 15-16 in the 3rd and,
feeling the pressure, she steers one off the table. Down 16-18, she
puts Domonkoss serve into the net, then grabs the ball and, before
serving, bounces it high in disgust. She finishes the game by hitting a
shot at least 3 feet off the end of the table.
Down 2-1, she does not look like a winner. The best advice
given to her at the break is, Just remember, youre the Champion. In
the 4th, its close all the way. Mariann gets a net and an edge to make
John Nesukaitis
it 14-all. Then Violetta counters one in to go ahead. Up 16-15,
Violetta, about to chop, decides at the last second to try to roll the
ballpathetically loses the point. Dont change your mind! a voice yells out. Down 16-17,
Mariann loops in two beauties. But then Violetta takes a chance, counters a slow loopand it
seems to turn the game, for, down 18-19, Mariann serves off. Violetta misses, then, up 20-19,
she takes another chance, counters Marianns maneuvering slow loop again. Point! Match all
In the 5th, from 5-all, and though Domonkos will serve into the net, she takes a 10-6
lead at the turn. Go back and chop! yells Violettas father. Distracted almost to the point of
no return (Bend your knees!), Violetta, desperate, hits in a serve, pulls up to 11-13. But then
another turning pointshe fails to return service, and for too long a moment, it seems, loses
heart. Down 11-16, Violetta swings without determination, misses, looks to her bench, shakes
her headin effect says she isnt going to win. But then, up 18-13, Mariann is again incredibly

careless, serves into the net. And Violetta, given psychological life, rallies to 17-19. If, just this
once, she can pull to within one point.
But now Mariann, in danger of being flustered, goes not for her Chinese fan, but her
towel. Comes back, plays a marvelously controlled point that leaves the issue no longer in
doubt. The last point is just a formality.
Mariann, on winning, smiles broadly, throws up her hands to heavenwhich is pretty
much what my NOW wife, Sally, does when she sees that photo of Mariann (a woman!) on the
cover of Topics. (Are better conditions in store for women players? she asks. Could it be
that the table tennis world is having its consciousness raised?) Mariann comes off court
crying a little, then quietly retires high into the furthermost row of the bleachers. There shes
congratulated and comfortedgiven some fruit from one of the fairgrounds stands by Adham
Sharara, whos spent a lot of time coaching and encouraging her.
As soon as shes composed, a friendly, well-meaning reporter works his way up to
interview her. What grade are you in? he begins. Is the Game mostly defensive now? he
wants to know. I noticed you were chopping out there.
Who, me? says Mariann. I hit.
Pause. Did you ever think of playing tennis? The moves, arent they similar?
Mariann says something very faint about how the strokes are different.
The questions continue for a while: What do you do when you arent playing table
tennis?Is the season almost over now?Finally, mercifully, comes the last question,
Whats your next test?
When the reporter leaves, Mariann just sits there, quiet, smiling, slowly eating the
greenest of grapes.
Mens As (Feldstein/Holder)
There wasnt any Womens As, but the Mens
As had some interesting matches leading up to Steve
Feldsteins 19 in the 5th final over Peter Holder.
Feldstein downed Roger Sverdlik 26-24 in the 4th in the
quarters, and Adham Sharara in the semis after Adham
had knocked out Bill Lesner, -22, 14, -20, 19, 17.
In my interview with Steve, I learned that in
China he was told that he was chopping too far back,
that hed been standing heavy on his feet, and that he
wasnt bending his knees. He remembered that he was
supposed to chop the ball in front of his right kneecap
and that whenever he wanted to hit the ball in he was
supposed to pivot more from the waist.
He also told me he was instructed to twirl his
bat under the tableto confuse his opponent by
Steve Feldstein
From the 1975 Commonwealth
sometimes unexpectedly serving with his antiChampionships Program
topspin or vice-versa.
Arent the two sides of your racket different
shades of red? Wouldnt it be more deceptive if they were the same color?
Well, he said with a characteristic shrug of the shoulders, a good player knows the
difference anyway. I played Cordas in the 3rd round of the Mens and he never missed a serve.

Anything else interesting happen in China? I asked him.

Yeah, he said. They gave me acupuncturethree needles. One at this hoku point
here [he began demonstrating] between my thumb and forefinger, one on the wrist, and one in
the crook of the arm. Before, I couldnt bend my wrist but inside of a day it was all right
All right here at the CNE too, especially in that tight A final with Peter Holder.
Earlier, Holder had stopped Jim Shoots after the
The Shooter had survived Portuguese Joe Mimoso in
5. However, people were talking less about Peters advance
in the As and more about his play in the Mens. There, his
loop proving positively meteoric, hed worked his way to
the quarters and Danny Seemiller with a final, jumping
(Oh, boy!) 4-game win over 20-year-old Zoltan Pataky,
Canadas #3. Back in Budapest, Pataky had belonged to the
same Sparticus team as his well-known Junior teammates,
the 1971 World Doubles Champions Jonyer and Klampar.
Now Zollies in Vancouver, studying to be an electrical
technologist so hell be able to string up lights anywhere,
and especially over a ping-pong table.
Holder, after losing the 1st at 9 and being against the
ropes at deuce in the 2nd, seemed able to outlast Pataky by
having followed some day-to-day modification of what he
Zoltan Pataky
calls the Johnny Leach program. That is (no wonder he
beat me, the very thought of what hes been doing is
enough to beat me), hes been running 3 miles a day, skipping lots of rope (for mobility, he
says), lifting weights, playing 4-6 times a week with manager-trainer-sparring partner Lincoln
LaGuerre, and of course following a proper dieta breakfast, for example, of orange juice,
boiled eggs, and plenty of vitamin C capsules. Two days before the big tournament, Peter, like
a fighter, closes off his training and, compare Muhammad Ali, builds up his confidence
through rest and relaxation and thought. Whether he writes poetry or not, we havent as yet
Seemiller Wins Mens
Shouting Thats it! Thats it!his clenched fists raised high as point after point he
repeatedly stalked a circle away from, but then always back to, the thrust of his never-budgefrom-the-table blocking game, 19-year-old Danny Seemiller of Pittsburgh won the CNE Open
Mens Singles in 5 over an equally inspired John Tannehill of Miami and elsewhere.
Tannehill had earlier pulled the upset of the tournament by beating the #1 seed, one of
the mainstays of the Yugoslav National Team, Zlatko Cordas, who, for the last 2 and
months has been the coast-to-coast, How-do-you-like-America? guest of the U.S. and
Canadian Associations.
For a while this summer Seemiller was batting .520 in his city-county baseball league.
Hey, said a scout from the Red Sox, I want to watch the rest of your games! But he was
too late. Danny had already signed, had made a commitment to self, and would be leaving the
very next morning to go to Sweeriss clinic. Hell get a workout there, cause the 27-year-old
leads the packwhether its running or early morning warm-ups. That Grand Rapids reporter

who wrote about the Woodland Club says that when Dell does his high kicks, hes ahead of
the rest, his toes soaring two to three inches above the top of his head, says hes still limber
and still slender, though weight-conscious now and cutting back the three spoonfuls of sugar
in his coffee to two.
Dannys practice sure paid off, for up until his semis match with Canadas #1 player,
Errol Caetano, he hadnt lost a game. Caetano, who as I mentioned before, played high-school
basketballHe was extremely agile and flexible, said observer Cameron Scott, could jump
up and touch the rim. Recently Errol received an invitation, though not to play basketball,
from the newly formed Dennis Murphy (ABA, WHA)-backed World Professional Table Tennis
Association. They want him to participate (all expenses paid, plus $100 a week minimum) in a
$300,000 12-week tour beginning next spring in Tokyothough whether anything will come
of this proposed tour I have my doubts. Errol had just gotten back from an Ontario TTAsponsored trip to Hungary, where he and Violetta Nesukaitis were the training-camp guests of
a man named Neumann who at the Sarajevo Worlds had been impressed when Caetano had
taken a game from Yugoslav strong man Surbek. (More impressive to everyone but Neumann
had been the previous game whereready?The Dragon, to bloodthirsty cheers, had
whiptailed Errol 21-0!)
Here in Toronto, Errol, large, beautifully-colored butterfly on the back of his playing
shirt, had been down 2-1 in the Mens 3rd-round to Montreals Rod Young, and then was again
in some trouble with the ageless, affable, ever-smiling, ever-serious Houshang Bozorgzadeh,
table tennis Shah of Iran and Iowa.
Earlier, Houshang had played 4-game matches with the quick, pips-out, flat-hitting Tim
Boggan, and the very steady Bernie Bukiet. (Bernie would advance past Esquire Champ Max
Marinkowinner over Harry Deschampsto take the Senior final from Boggan.) Throughout
his match with Houshang, Bernie was complaining about his always-wet racket, said it was
impossible to keep control in the humid, 100-degree heat. The ball would pop up,
Bozorgzadeh would hit it in with his broken wing forehand, and what could Bernie do? I win
in the wintertime, he said.
Although Houshang himself wrote a lengthy write-up of the World Championships for
a large Iranian sports magazine, he said that Sweeriss analytical srticle in the last Topics was
much better than anything he had seen anywhere.
After Caetano beat Bozorgzadeh, he had to meet Seemiller. Had Errol won the 1st game
(leading 17-15, he lost it at 19), he would have beaten Danny 3-0. As it was, at the 2-1 break, Alex
Shiroky, whom Seemiller had blocked from reaching the quarters, gave Danny some good advice.
Errol, twirling his bat at the ready, had been slow-looping Danny in a successful effort
to give himself time to station himself in one of those little pockets he likes 3 feet or so back
from the table. If he could keep the ball in play to Seemillers backhand, Danny couldnt
counter hard enough or angle the ball quickly enough to the corners because he, Caetano,
would already be there in control. Alex convinced Danny that he should serve to Caetanos
backhand and begin as usual to counter the ball back to where Errol was waiting, only should
then suddenly return the ball short, and when Caetano, reaching in, popped it up, Danny
should take a chance and hit it.
This strategy works, and, as the 5th game is drawing to a close, I hear a voice say,
Theres no way for Seemiller to choke. He just stands there and blocks.
In the other half of the Draw, George The Chief Brathwaite is having an unexpected
5-game struggle with Paul Klevinas, who was quarterbacking mighty effectively out there for a

while. How is it possible that Paul has been playing so long and so well, and is still only 15?
Well, so the story goes, he started back when he was 9. You see this gold watch? his uncle
had said, Well, you just try and beat me. Next time anyone in the family took the time to
look, Paul had the watch.
In the 8ths, Lim Ming Chui, who in the next round would be beaten convincingly by
The Chief, and who for the last month or so had been preoccupied with the coming of his
second son, Chi-sun, finally got his head together to eliminate Jim Lazarus, who at the World
Team Tryouts last December had beaten Ming 2-0. Here in Toronto, Jim was again a 2-0
winnerexcept this time it was a 5-game match. When Chui got the idea of returning
Lazaruss serves with the wooden side of his racket, and Jim continued his too-soft strategy of
playing almost casually, passively, Ming started to hit the ball in, and afterwards Jim couldnt
get his attack going to break him up.
In this same section, Tannehill, whod been relentlessly winning a series of summer
tournaments, and Cordas, the 73 Yugoslav Closed runner-up, conqueror of Korpa and
Surbek, were stumbling a bitJohn losing a game to Rick Seemiller, and Zlatko to Rick
Rumble. When I played Rumble, said Cordas, it was so hot that sweat was getting lodged
down in between the pips on the backhand side of my racket and the ball was popping up. So
Zlatko gambled, did what hed not done before, replaced the pips with smooth sponge and
decided to play out the tournament that way.
He got by easy enough with the new rubber until he had to play Tannehill. John had
been to an Indian restaurant the night before, and now, except for some Organic Topaz
Coconut-Banana Honey, he was, as he
said, fasting, and, as he didnt say,
meditating. In addition, he was
Zlatkos not doing well.
wearing a Zuni Indian badger-claw of
Can you tell?
inlaid turquoiseguaranteed, said
Johns grrr-u friend and teacher Bert
Jacobs, to turn your enemies to
Cordas, mindlessly advancing
with a 35-point win over Rory
Brassington and no doubt innocent of
the forces working against him, had
nothing comparable to wear. Likely he
noticed only the eccentric fact that the
Tournament Chairman, one day or the
next, went after him with a color
chart, made him change the vibes of
his too peaceful light blue playing
shirt. Oh, Zlatko looked, after more
than two months and how many letters
from his wife Irena, like he just
wanted to get home. With absolutely
nothing to gain, or lose, he played as if
under the impotent fisher kings curse.
But maybe being here will help him in

the future? The CTTA is looking for a National Coachpreferably one who speaks English
and French, and has a Masters degree or equivalent in Physical Education. Would Cordas
possibly be interested? Would he be an acceptable candidate?
God knows the spectators did nothing to cheer Zlatko on, or break the spell. And, as
Tannehill later said to me, Its impossible to play without spectators. They give energy to the
tableand to the whole concept of the sport. I play for the spectators, for my friends.
Whenever I feel down, I think of Bert and Patty and Ron Schull praying for me.
As it happens, John finds himself down against Cordas, two games to one. At which
point the ubiquitous Shiroky, carrying a sheaf of notes hes been studying on all the good
players, comes over to John and asks him if he wants to talk. Ordinarily, said John, at that
point you wouldnt want to talk. But suddenly, instantly, I wanted to. Not for anything
Shiroky might be able to tell him, but because Alexs question had implied the necessary
strongly sympathetic attitude that could so help even the most stouthearted of men if he were
down. The trouble with Cordas, John observed, was that he had nobody to talk to. And
though Zlatko thought John must learn to kill that one ball, Tannehill finished him off, 19 and
17. Then he downed Brathwaite in straight games. Later, The Chief would reboundwould
win the Mens Doubles with Danny over Cordas/Larry Lee.
Even before the beginning, not to say the end, of his matches, Seemiller had often been
surrounded by little clusters of fun-loving well-wishers. Danny and his friend Joe Rokop had
worked out a telepathy act. You gave Danny a nameany nameand he would call Joe over
and say something to him like, Do you have it yet?You should be getting it. And then
he would snap his fingers 4 or 5 times And say again, Now you should have it. And Joe
(head sometimes buried in deep concentration) would have it90% of the time. Later,
Rufford Harrison figured out their code and eventually used it himself in complimenting Danny
on winning the Championship.
Before their final, both Danny and John granted me separate little interviews. Seemiller
talked very personably to me about the rubber on his racket. He uses a Johansson blade, but,
instead of playing with 2 millimeter Mark V soft rubber, which he says he cant play with at
all, every two weeks or so he takes the hard rubber off brand new blades and puts this onto
his racketthat is, on the one side only. The anti-topspin, he says, stays on forever.
Danny said he was worried about having to replace the lighter, smaller blade he got at
the Worlds. So far, its cracked 3 times, and though hes epoxied it back together, it could go
on him at any time and he hasnt any replacement.
John said hed made up his mind to think entirely for himself and wasnt going to listen
to anybody. Was going to concentrate on just the direction of the ball, and to think, when he
missed it, why he missed it. Compare Zen Buddhism: the art of archery.
Ive tried to learn from Bengtsson how to be a student, said John. A real student
doesnt get upset. Instead, he says, I will overcome. A student is always asking questions in
his head. This is what I try to do in Table Tennis. My opponentis he going to serve short?
Long? With what kind of spin? Am I going to receive him like last time? If I hit a ball to my
opponents backhand and it goes in for a winner, is he next time going to be psychologically
covering that spot and so leave open his middle? If these questions dont come into my head,
then my game diesbecause Im mentally dead. Also Ive learned that the body has to be
alive, has to move unconsciouslymy study of yoga has helped me there.
One writer whos important to me, John continued, is Carlos Castaneda. Hes
helped me become a better student and so a better table tennis player. After reading him, I like

to think of myself as a warrior, as a man

of unbending intent. A warrior never
indulges himself. He chooses a path with
True Warrior
heart, and never doubts himself. He never
John Tannehill
looks backlike Dr. Faustus, who both
Photo by Marvin New
wanted his pact with the devil and didnt.
I was beginning to get the idea
that John himself had made some sort of
pact, or wanted tothough with who or
what I wasnt sure. Kierkegaard, he
said, says the same thing. Says purity of
heart is to will one thing and then follow
that path with passion, without doubt or
remorse. Each table tennis shot has to be
a symbol of that. The high balls Cordas
gave me were mere ego shots. Youve
got to be careful of those, of playing for
the crowd. Cordas is a warrioror
maybe I should say a potential warrior.
When he started complaining in that last
game, I knew, psychologically, I had him
beaten. The true warrior never
A friend of Tannehills interrupted
our conversationor rather Johns
monologue. Seemiller says youre a
pattern player. Hes going to play against
your pattern every time.
I dont care what he does, said
John. Ill adjust. The warrior takes responsibility for each action of his life. For months now
Ive been visualizing winning the Canadians. Going out to dinner with Bert and Patty, walking
down the streets of Toronto, looking and rejoicing.
When it was time for me to leave John alone a while with his dreams, I was sure he
would win.
In the 1st game, Seemiller starts off nervously and Tannehill plays, just as I thought he
would, in a trance. That is, until, up 6-1, he serves into the net, proves hes human after all. He
wins this opener 21-12. In the 2nd, Danny, up 16-15, gets a very crucial edgefollows by
running out the game.
In the 3rd, Tannehill persists in trying to out-exchange Seemiller, but cant get through
Dannys backhand. Put it to his forehand side, shouts a rooter in the audience, one of Johns
self-appointed coaches. But putting it to the forehand is what, after a series of quick, backhand
exchanges, Danny is repeatedly doing, and catching John off balance. Still, the score is tied all
the way up.And tied at 19-all. Danny takes a wild forehand killmisses. But John has no
fancy serve for this game-point opportunity, and its 20-all21-all. Then its Seemiller hitting
in a 3rd-ball backhand, and John matching him, scoring with a quick forehand. Its a journey
down a road that can disappear at any moment. Seemiller finally wins, 25-23.

In the 4th, Tannehill begins

as if he were on some strange,
very private spiritual trip. Again
hes into a kind of Yaqui Indian
trance, leads 5-0. People around
me are asking, Why doesnt John
put it to Dannys forehand?
Instead, its Seemiller again who
catches John flat-footed on his
favorite angled-off shot to the
forehand. Hes playing
Seemillers game, someone says.
But John, down 17-15, gets 4 in a
rowhas found the knowledge.
Only Danny has never played
better, is physically so strong.
Now he rallies to 19-all. As
Seemiller is about to serve,
Tannehill is plagued by a flyand
must brush it away. John wins that
point 20-19. And followsas if he
were already the brujo sorceror
and not the apprenticeby
socking in Seemillers serve.
In the 5th, though, the
True Warrior
Danny Seemiller
sorceror is very much vulnerable.
Photo by Ray Chen
Danny opens with an edgeand
then gets another. Casts some
magical spell of his own, and is
soon up 6-0! But John wages war with a flurry. Gets to 7-5 where a net throws off his timing
and stops his rally. It turns the gameDanny shoots up to 13-5 and Tannehill is sprawled on
the floor.
Only then, as if each shot is a symbol of purity of heart, as if John doesnt doubt
himself, he brings the score to 14-16and people, feeling something of his warrior soul, are
divining he might win. But Seemiller, unbudgeable at the table, again catches John with his
repeated dagger-like thrusts and totters him with that sudden lunge to the forehand. John,
mortally wounded, stares for a moment, as if unbelievingas Chuang Tse-tung, himself the
greatest of warriors, finally came to do. And it was all over. Seemiller had mastered the crisis
point. No matter at 19-15 he served off. No matter he got another net. Tannehill himself could
not win another point.
Later that night, I saw John coming back from the Mercury restaurant with Bert and
Patty. He had indeed gone out and rejoicedand not looked back. I didnt say anything, but
as I came up close to John and looked at him and slowly smiled, he smiled back and put his
hand on my shoulder, and said, I met another warrior.


Chapter Ten
1973: Cordas/Cordas Take $5,000
Kansas City Invitational.
Thanks largely to the persistent
promotional efforts of Larry Knouft and his able
assistant Steve Finney, there were warriors
aplenty on hand for the Sept. 22-23 $5,000
Kansas City Invitational, held at the National
Armory (rents for $300 a day). After competing
at the CNE, Zlatko Cordas had flown to
Yugoslavia, and within two weeks was back in
North America, here in KC, accompanied by his
pretty wife Irena, the Yugoslav Womens

Irena and Zlatko Cordas

Photo by Pat Crowley

Cordas Best in Womens

Irena, as expected, won the $400 1st prize in the Womens, dropping a game to runnerup Violetta Nesukaitis (Violetta, with Errol Caetano and Peter Gonda, would soon be off to
tournaments abroadin Spain, Holland, Belgium). In the one semis, Irena defeated Bev
Hess, one of a number of Floridians, including Pat Patterson, Greg Gingold, Jerry Thrasher,
and Bevs dad, Randy, whod trailer-traveled some 30 hours each way, sharing 2-hour driving
and sleeping shifts. In the other, Violetta downed Angelita Rosal, now wearing contact lenses,
but otherwise much the same as someone had described her: out-going, golden-skinned,
dark-eyed, with long black hair pulled back Chris Evert style.
The $200 Mixed Doubles went to Cordas/Cordas over Dell Sweeris/Rosal whod
upset Caetano/Nesukaitis. Pert Peggy Shaha, the Oklahoma #1, provided New Yorker Alex
Shiroky with a great deal of Mixed Doubles incentive after hed lost his 8ths match to Zlatko.
Still, I dont think Alex came on too side-by-side strong with young Peggy, especially since his
friend Bernie Bukiet described (a scruffy-looking?) Alex as a what you call ita dummy in
the fields where the birds come. He meant of course a scarecrowand in his Casey Stengellike mind, or Freudian unconscious, he also
meant Alexs backhand. Bernie says it
(scarecrow extended out?) looks like it
ought to have force but it really doesnt.
Bernie was also telling me how, in the
eyes, all the good players tried to be nice to
one another, while from the behind.
Dawidowicz (Dha-vih-DOUGH-vitch)
Kasia Dawidowicz
both father and daughter, they were here.
Coy 12-year-old Kathy (soon better known
as Kasia) beat Diana Myers in the Girls
Under 17 and 15and that must have made
the bus ride from Denver worthwhile. Kathy,
soon to leave for a 3-month stay in Poland,

said she liked seeing different things on her trip (from cows to court houses) and meeting all
kinds of different people. (How do I know what kind of people there are unless I meet
them? she said). Strange, though, that since $1,000 was being given out in the Womens, the
tournament was missing U.S. Team members Patty Martinez, Judy Bochenski, Sue
Hildebrandt, Alice Green, and Olga Soltesz.
Zlatko paired with Tannehill to win the Mens Doubles over CNE Champs Danny
Seemiller/George Brathwaite. In the 1st game, with Cordas/Tannehill down 17-20, Zlatko hit in
three hard, point-winning backhands that angled off out of Georges forehand reach. (It
doesnt look like Cordas has a chance to move over and hit that backhand, said George, so I
put the ball to the open space where he isntonly then it always turns out that thats exactly
where hes wanted me to put it and is suddenly there to jab it away.) After Zlatko and John
rally to win that 1st, its an easy $150 apiece.
So the Yugoslavs are doin o.k., huh? That makes $750 the couples won so farand
Zlatkos still the #1 threat in the Mens.
But a Time Out now for him while I run through the list of lesser winners: A Doubles:
Gingold/Thrasher over John McAdams/Tommy Vaello. B Singles: Patterson over John
Soderberg. B Doubles: Gingold/Patterson over Jerry Plybon/Steve Dodgen. C Singles: Pete
Tellegen over David Barnes. D Singles: Paul Dodgen over St. Charless Princess Jodi Club
contact Dennis Orne. E Singles: Don Shaffer over Bob Leatherwood. Mens Novice: Craig
Dead Satersmoen over Henry Dollinger. Womens Novice: Diana Myers over Cindy Garza.
(Diana a Novice?) Mens Consolation: Thrasher over Al Nissen. Under 17s: Bev Hess over
Phil Pinnell. Under 17 Doubles: Irl Copley/Perry Schwartzberg over Soderberg/Tellegen.
Under 15s: Schwartzberg over Soderberg. Under 15 Doubles: Dawidowicz/Schwartzberg
over Bryant/Weinglass. Under 13s: Pinnell over Dawidowicz.
The sponsors, seeing the success of their round robin matches in the lesser events,
decided that the last eight players in the Mens would play not a single elimination but a twosection round robin. They would then take the
top two players from each section, but, instead
of playing a criss-cross, theyd play a 4-man
round robin (with the one appropriate carryover) to decide the $700, $500, $300, $200
top places. This sort of danceland-marathon
was not going to be liked by many of the less
than endurance-minded players, especially in
view of the fact that there were no outside
spectators. (Knouft got the players, so why
couldnt he get any audience for them? And
the sponsors, whoever they werethey
were seeing success?)
Tannehill was just about the only
player I didnt hear complaining about the
demanding format. Of course of the final eight
playersCaetano, Lim Ming Chui, Cordas, DJ Lee, Joong Gil Park, Sweeris, Alex Tam, and
TannehillJohn, along with Caetano, was the
John Tannehill
youngest and perhaps best conditioned.
Photo by Table Tennis Unlimited

As I walk up to John, whos talking to some players, hes pulled out a bottle of pills
from his baga bag that looks very much like the one I keep cigars, cigarettes, a thermos of
coffee, candy, comforts in general in. Vitamin B is water soluble, hes sayingand already
Ive lost him. And so is Vitamin C. The more water you drink, the more vitamins leave your
body through your urine.
Like poison, somebody else says.
Coke, Pepsi, continues John, robs the body of its anti-urine, stress agents. When
youre under stressas you always are, playing important matchesyou need to retain as
many vitamins as you can to help you.
John looks at me, says, How are the ridges in your tongue?
Huh? His point is? Id been drinking water of course and, like any sane person, not
only an occasional coke but, the night before, some beers with Pradit and Lee. I stick out my
tongue at him.
A completely smooth tongue is best, he says, looking at mine, and smiling, shaking
his head.
Here, take one of these, he says, pulling out another bottle from his bag. Ive just
given one to David.
Sakai, suspended for 6 years from the USTTA, looks at me, nods his headTake
one, Timmy, he says. Its got 50 times the MDR of Vitamin B in it. (Someone has to
explain to me that MDR means minimum daily requirement.)
Yeah, says John, take one. This bottle has Natures Plus, Super B-50 capsules. But
soon you wont be able to buy these supplemental vitamins. The FDA has outlawed them. Big
business doesnt want people to go to health food stores. Theyd rather they go to Safeway
and end up killing themselves.
Then John reaches down, brings out a bottle of Schiff Wheat Germ Oil. Take two
tablespoons of this, he says, and after half an hour your body will really feel like jumping.
Its been proven. Russian athletes going to the Olympicsif they could lift 100 pounds, they
could lift 200 after taking this.
Whats it taste like? I ask.
Terrible, says Tannehill.
John seems to be in something of a black mood. All these daughters playing out
there, he says, and motions out onto the gym floor, have mean fathers, and all these sons
have mean mothersthats why theyre so good at table tennis. John has a mean mother?
Then he puts a hand down, comes up with a bottle of quick energy Alfalfa (Black)
Honey. The blacker it is, the better it is, he says.
A teaspoon of that, I think, and Id throw up.
Its straight from the bees, says John, untouched by factories. Take it with orange
juice before a match.
Hand down again and upwith a wonder juice. A bottle of Eden Carrot Juice from
Germany. This has lots of Vitamin A, to make you see well, he says. Its also a proteinsynthesizing agent. Protein needs a Vitamin A catalyst. A pint of this a day will cure any
Down, upNorway sardines. Steak, chicken, John is saying, have so much fat.
Besides, the animals might have been drugged.
Mentally, I jump at the sardines. Finally, something good for me I like. A few of those
on some crackers, I say, and a very cold, very dry martini, and Id

The worst possible thing is alcohol, says John

interrupting me. It robs the liver of Vitamin B.
Here, he says, Natures Plus. Go on, take one.
Youll play a lot better.
I think, what the hell, can one do me any harm? I take
one, swallow it down with some coke. Look, I say, I dont
play so bad now, right? Most of this is just mind over matter.
Better you eat what tastes good, what you like.
It works the other way too, says John with a
smileas if hes heard this argument before. Theres also
matter over mind.
Chui comes by, stops to tell Tannehill hes wanted
for a match, and listens for a moment to the conversation.
An almond a day will cure cancer, he says.
Oh? Whys that? I ask.
I dont know, he says, and grins.
Cordas Best in Mens
Lim Ming Chui
Photo by Mal Anderson
In the early round of
the Mens, Tannehill and
all the other top seeds come throughwith the exception of
Danny Seemiller whod just won the CNE. In the round of 32
he meets the comparatively unknown 1973 U.S. Open A
Champ, 22-year-old Richard Ling, formerly of Hong Kong and
now a Phys. Ed. major at the University of Texas in Austin.
Danny, whod come to Kansas City almost a week
before the tournament (hed given some exhibitions at a few
storesYou oughtnt to do that before an important
tournament, said Sweeris)took the 1st game, though
troubled by Lings dead block and some nothing balls hed
put into the net. Down 17-19 in the 2nd, he gave his Chinese
Richard Ling
Photo by Table Tennis Unlimited opponent two chop/sidespin serves, saw Richard miss them
both, followed by running out the game. Then in the 3rd, up
20-18, double match point, Danny got careless or nervous, failed to return serve, and, in a
surprising reversal, lost four straight points. Since Ling has been Alex Tams sparring partner
down in Texas, his game has speeded up, hes gotten much better that he ever was in Hong
Kong, and, as Seemiller is finding out, is extremely good at exchanging topspin.
In the 4th, Ling up 19-14, serves off, which prompts him to drop his racket on the table,
then, lucky, serves an edge, and wins it at 18. Match all even. In the 5th, down 9-13, Seemiller,
who looks like he just doesnt want to work hard for the points, serves off. After which he
rallies to 14-16. As the game is coming to an end, an anxious Tam is yelling, Chung Cow!
Chung Cow!which, according to Lings cousin, Kenny Cheung, means, Hurry up! Hurry
up! Hurry up with your serve!
After the match is over, Danny realizes that he just didnt loop-attack enough. Agrees
that he was very weak on service returnshould have chopped short and heavy against Lings
quick serves, instead of returning the ball long. I didnt even make $50, he says.

Ling, whod be running a Dec. Training Camp with Tam in San Antonio, went on to
beat Dave Sakai in the semis of the As. (Dave wasnt able to conceal the subtleties of his play
from Richard, but hed picked up for his two daughters these miniature, pips-out paddles with
the concealed compact mirrors and was planning on waiting to see how long it would take the
little girls to discover what the rackets had hidden from them.)
Lings final opponent in the As would be #1 seed Jim Lazarus whod eliminated red
comet super-looper Thrasher (Jerryd been down in the quarters 2-0 to Boggan, but came out
a winner after Tim appeared to have had either one martini or one B-50 too many). In the
$200 1st-prize final, by not trying to slug it out, by patiently relying on his backhand and
mixing chops and counters, Lazarus proved too much for Ling. Sure glad I didnt beat Chui
in Toronto, said Jim, referring to the fact that a win there would have edged him up in the
Ratings enough to force him to take the 16th-seeded spot in the Mens and knock him out of
the As.
Brathwaite, in keeping with his International Sportsman image, called to let the
sponsors know when he was arriving. But though he waited at the airport for over an hour, no
one came to pick him up. And it was a $20 cab fare just to get to the local Holiday Inn.
Every time theres a big tournament I play Brathwaite or Miles, Sweeris was
complaining. But up 2-0 and 17-14 in the 3rd against George, hed, not right away but soon, be
quite satisfied to have won in 4.
Pradit, whod been playing seriously only the last
week or so since his extended visit home to Thailand, lost
to Caetano, then spent most of his time sitting
disinterestedly outside on the floor of one of the hallways,
away from all the matches, amiably chatting with whoever
had stumbled out on losing and needed someCmon,
dont take yourself too seriouslycounseling.
Bukiet got into a thing with Tam at the start of
their 4th. Alex, who after winning the first two games had
begun to soften up a little, suddenly accused Bernie of
serving a wet ball. Bernie, very indignant, felt that the
score was 3-1 his favor and that all the discussion was
nonsense. Tam, however, was asking the umpire to reduce
the score not to 2-1 but 1-1. At which point Bernie got fed
up and quit, wouldnt even have come back, some said, if
everybody gave in and called the score 3-1. I was getting
very tired anyway, Bernie said later.
Peter Pradit
We come now to the two round robin sections. In
Photo by Mal Anderson
the one, its Caetano, Lee, Park (whos knocked out the
former bane of Asian players, Houshang Bozorgzadeh), and Sweeris. In the other, its Chui,
Cordas, Tam, and Tannehill. Each of these players has been assured $100. Trouble is, 4 of
these 8 outstanding players have been asked to work at 3 more matches as hard as they can,
but get for their pains no more moneyonly the same $100 that Bukiet got for beating me in
the Seniors, or Sakai, in a playoff for 3rd in the As, got for beating Thrasher. Which to many
an observer didnt seem right.
PARK vs. SWEERIS. Park, I heard, had not been practicing with the better younger
players in California like Raphel, Guillen, Thom, and OConnell because they dont train and

goof off too much. (Gil himself does exercises, and runs 4-5 miles a day.) Against Dell, Park
loses the 1st, and is 9-1 down in the 2nd. Then wins 20 of the next 26 points and turns the
match completely around so that hes the winner!
CAETANO vs. LEE. Caetano was sporting a button that said, If it isnt Butterfly, it
isnt the same, for Butterfly was helping Errol and Peter Gonda to make some progress on
the European circuitNov. 6-7, ParisNov. 14-16, BudapestNov. 24-25, Malmo.U.S.
Champ Lee, undecided about coming to Kansas City, had a 10-hour drive from his new club in
Columbus, Ohio. D-J lost both the 1st and 3rd games at deuce to Errol, and eventually the
match. Up 20-19 in the 3rd, D-J takes lots of time, then, just as hes ready to serve, Caetano
steps away. When Errol comes back, he loops Lees serve in, and then, despite some
marvelous placements by D-J, Errol goes on to win it, 24-22. Caetano said he was spinning
more. Usually Lee spins and I just stand there and block like an idiot. I see now he doesnt
like it when I spin.
CAETANO vs. SWEERIS. People were saying Caetanos game had picked up 3 points
since hed been to Hungary. But, though he won the 2nd game from 17-19 down, nothing finally
helped him against Dellnot when, at match point down, he, whimsical as a butterfly, served off.
PARK vs. LEE. Every movement of Parks is calm and sureas if no matter where DJ puts the ball, Gil can smoothly topspin it 4-5 times effortlessly back. Word is, he usually
handles about four $10-an-hour lessons a day at Milla Boczars Hollywood Clubso, though
he isnt playing much competitively, he keeps his touch. Lee, since his return from the Worlds,
has been tending to business and family, and of course isnt in his best form. Some are saying
hell never again train as rigorously as he did last February. But D-J is a fighter and, with the
moral support of his good friend and exhibition partner Richard Farrell, he manages to keep
himself in the running for more prize money. The 3rd game is the decider. Up 17-16, Lee tries
to hit in Parks serve, misses. The next serve, thoughand this shows you how charged up
and gutsy-competitive he isLee loops viciously to score a very big point. Down 19-20, the
quiet Park whiffs Lees service, demonstrably blinks.

Lee tends to business, and wins; Park tends to play, and loses

CAETANO vs. PARK. At 19-all in the all-important 3rd game, Errol serves off.
Granted hes young and strong and seems to be working on new strokes as often as he
changes his monogrammed shirts, sometimes it looks to me like he just wants, stiff arm, to
steer the ball in. Park wins, qualifies for the final round robin.

LEE vs. SWEERIS. At 19-all in the 3rd, though Lees loop is merely temporizing, Dell
isnt juiced up, passively blocks the ball off the table, then watches helplessly as D-J quick
flicks one in. In the 5th, with Farrell screaming his lungs out, and Sweeris again playing
passively, just trying to keep the ball in play, Lee is up 10-6 at the turn. Then Dell serves one
off and its all over. Lee joins Park in the final round robin.
In the other section, the competition is just as cutthroat.
CHUI vs. CORDAS. Ming had come to Kansas City on Thursday and had been holed
up at the small Mid-town Table Tennis Club, practicing as if his life depended on it. Maybe he
just felt guilty at leaving his wife Maria at home with the two little ones? Ordinarily its Mings
responsibility to feed newly arrived little Chi-sun (Sunny) at 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. every night
and to change his diapers at 4 a.m (a routine one wag called Cosleeptus Interruptus). So, in
the interests of family harmony, and a shot at the $700 1st-prize, Ming, blocking well, and
quick-hitting his forehand well, gave his 5-game allbut it was not good enough.
TAM vs. CORDAS. Tam, to my mind, the most life-and-death-looking intense player
at the tournament (his doctor says not to smoke but he does), has been browned by many
summer days of fishing there in Texas. But fishing, as he waits to join his friend Ling at the
University in Austin, is not his only pastime. He enjoys cricket-fighting.
This, I am told, is a very common sport in China. Each gambling man brings his
favorite cricket (they vary in size and color) to the enclosed arena where the fight is to take
place. (On any given night the cricket will have only one fight.) A board is inserted between
the two crickets on the table-like arena in which theyll
soon be going back and forth at each other. Then the
private warm-up begins. Each cricket is fed with pieces
of very hot pepper, which inflames their tempers. Each
owner or manager takes the tail feather of a horse, say,
and using it like a brush irritates the crickets antennae to
the point of madness. Then the board dividing the two
crickets is raised and both on fire, enraged at seeing the
other, rush to what is very often their mutual destruction.

Alex Tam at one of his favorite sports

Yessir, said one smiling Chinese, those goddamn crickets really go at one another
over that table. Legs, antennae, heads are quickly bitten off. Of course if you have a cricket
whos a winner, youd like to use him againbecause hes been toughened up, has acquired
confidence. Unfortunately, though, hes probably not at his full playing strengthat best is
probably limping more than a little, as if doubled over with a severe cramp. In which case,
theres nothing for you to do except use him, probably only once, as a sparring partner for
your next, perfectly healthy, ready-to-be-groomed-for-the-big-one cricket. I have it on

authority that the best crickets are called coffin crickets and live in or around the graveyard.
As if, in a different time and place, they were warriors of another kind.
Well, says somebody to the Texans, how did Alex do? Oh, comes the answer,
Tams crickets usually won.
And Tam with Cordas? After Zlatko serves off at 19-all in the 3rd, hes extended into
the 5 . Is, in fact, down 7-2 as penholder Alexs pips-out blocks and hits are proving very
effective. Cordas is going just a little wildslapping his head and spouting things out loud in
Serbo-Croatian. Im watching his wifethe money after all must be very important to them,
though perhaps not as important as it is to out of work Tam and his family who are probably
very tired of eating fish. But Irena has only this slightly ironic smile on her faceas if she
thought the idea of her breadwinner being in anguish over a silly little table game mildly
ridiculous, even amusing.
Down 5-10 at the turn, Cordas bounces the ball highand with the help of a net wins
3 points in a row. The little smile on Irenas face never changes as Zlatko catches Alex at 12all, then threatens to finish him by running the score to 16-12. A big bite he took out of Alexs
7-2 lead, huh? But Tam, though seriously wounded, instinctively fights back, gets to 14-16.
Only then, at 14-17 he serves off
and almost simultaneously pivots
round in a complete circle and comes
thumpingly down on both feet. (I
never in my life saw so many top
players serve off at crucial points.)
And now Cordas, grunting like a
wrestler or weightlifter every time he
hits the ball, tears Tam 21-15 apart.
Poor Ming. It cost him, he said later,
$400. The way I was blocking I
think Id have taken Lee easy in the
final round robin. With an
overwhelming lead over Tannehill
(21-13, 21-4, and up 10-2 in the 3rd),
Chui is the victim of very bad luck.
The one match Im gonna win, he
says, and I get a cramp. Salt
tablets. Orange juice. Black Honey.
Something. Anything. But though
Ming limps back into action, hes
At the CNE, Cordas, because of the
heat and humidity affecting his pipsout rubber, had switched to an
inverted racket and lost to
John beat Zlatko in Toronto, but in their
Tannehill. Now, however, he had his
K.C. rematch Zlatko wins
regular pimpled sponge on his
Photo by Mal Anderson

attacking backhand and it made a big difference. He beat John 3-0. But of course John wasnt
at the moment reading Carlos Castaneda but Sinclair Lewis and his unimaginative, smug,
conventional businessman Babbittnot exactly competitively inspiring.
TAM vs. CHUI. After that disappointing loss to Tannehill, Chui, though hes shaken
his cramp, cant make the advancing move. Tam, on coming off the table victorious, does not
feel well. He excuses himself and goes to the bathroom. I think of Tannehills comments about
anti-urine, stress agents.
TAM vs. TANNEHILL. As play is about to start, Tam gets a cramp. Kenny Cheung
begins massaging his leg. This is a big money matchthe winner will join Cordas, Lee, and
Park in the final round robin. If Tam loses a game to me, says Bukiet, he cant beat
Tannehill. John wins the 1st rather easily, and in the 2nd, after being 15-18 down, is up game
pointonly he cant get the clincher. Match all even.
In the 3rd, John isnt moving well, isnt hitting balls hard that he should. With Tam up
11-8, theres a disputed point. John has given one of his deceptive but perfectly legal serves
where its as if, swinging his arms, hes like a father cradling his daughter in his arms, first one
way, then the other. Tam raises his hand in protest, but play continues and John wins the point.
Whereupon Tam, arguing, seems about to intimidate the umpire into giving him the point and
making the score not 11-9 but 12-8.
John looks confused and at a lossas if somethings not cricketwhen just in time
Bukiet steps onto the court and begins to explain in his broken English what has happened.
The umpire stands corrected. The score reverts to 11-8as if Tam, hand up, wasnt ready for
the serve. Bernie throws up his hands, says, I dont understand the peoplewhy they just let
this happen. John comes over, says, Thanks, Bernie, youre my only friend.
Play continues and Tannehill is soon 13-18 down. But thenamazingif you were a
gambling man, you would probably have lost your moneyfor John rallies for 6 straight
points and pulls out the game 22-20. Thanks, Bernie, for stepping in, says John at the break.
That saved the game. Im sure I can beat him now. Im steadier than he is. And hes getting
tired, hes getting crampsI saw him before, eating a hamburger at MacDonalds. And John
does beat Alex, who, looking very drawn, picks up his scattered gear, and slowly limps off
Because in this upcoming last round robin theres a carry over if the opponent youd
played earlier is in the final four, Cordass win over Tannehill, and Lees win over Park both
count. But since now Gil declines to play further (mgod, though, think of Sweeris who, under
mild protest, played in a row all those 3 out of 5 Mixed and Mens Doubles as well), there are
only two matches left.
TANNEHILL vs. LEE. John does not appear to be tired at all (this morning, as I was
going into the restaurant for a ham and eggs breakfast, I saw him out running). He opens up a
7-1 lead against his former mentor. But Lee, whos again being cheered on by Farrell (D-J
really needs somebody in his corner he can trust, wholl make him work hard), with as much
pride as he can muster, fights back to 7-6. Down 14-10, he catches Tannehill at 18-all. But
then John breaks him with a cracking 3rd-ball forehand and runs out the game.
In the 2nd, its 16-all when Tannehill again scores a breakthrough and moves the score
to 20-16. Then 171819and Farrell kicks the barrierD-J has lost the game at 19. Lee
shows his weariness. He knows the effort it would cost him to give his final all. He does not
want to do it. Just does not concentrate enough, play intensely enough. Presumably he will
settle for 3rd-place: $300. Under the circumstances he cannot do any better. Hes made the

long drive here, has sold his equipment, has continued to play. Now the professional in him
must stand up to one more test.
CORDAS vs. LEE. Zlatkos antennae have picked up the message. Hes going in
quickly for the killis up 13-4 in the 1st. But theres something deep inside Lee that persists,
that makes him the great competitor, the great player he so often was in Sarajevo. Table Tennis
is his lifeand his soul responds to the call of that responsibility. Tired as he is, he
miraculously rallies to 16-all, then battles Cordas all the way in and wins the 1st game 21-19.
Cordas rounds the table, shaking his head, muttering to himself. I look over at Irena who is
sitting with a few other supporters. She is still looking at Zlatko with that slight, ironic smile
on her lips.
And now Lee, though he tries to give more of himself, tries to fortify himself with
Gatorade and honey (in occult study, because its the product of a mysterious process, honey
is the symbol of wisdom, of the idea that there is no higher knowledge without suffering), and
though Farrells face, trying to show encouragement, is etched in torment, there is just no way
for D-J to stop Zlatkos leaps and grunts. Its as if at the end Lee is completely crunched
downout of shape.
After their match is over, I go over to congratulate Zlatko. He and Irena have won
$1450 this weekend. One of Cordass friends, an interpreter, shakes my hand and says, as
sincerely and honestly as he can, Zlatko would like to know if you have any more of these
tournaments before the end of the year.*

*In the Nov. 22, 1973 USTTA Minutes, as recorded by Lou Bochenski (TTT, Nov.Dec., 1973, 13), two Motions by Bob Kaminsky, both approved unanimously, had cast a
graveyard shadow over Knoufts Mid-town Club and this $5,000 Kansas City Invitational.
(Originally, as wed seen in Chapter Five, Knouft had referred to this tournament as the $5,000
Truman Invitationalwith a percentage of advertising sales to be donated to the Truman
Memorial. Though Knouft had postponed this tournament, he said hed already raised the
prize money for it.) Here are the Motions:
By-Law change. For any tournament over $500 the full amount of the prize
money or a performance bond must be posted with the sanctioning official prior to the
sanction. Where awards other than cash are offered, the sanctioning official may
require posting of a bond or equivalent guarantee in writing. Effective January 1,
That the president write a letter to Larry Knouft informing him that the
USTTA expects him to make good on the checks that have been issued to the USTTA
and to the players who won prize money in the Truman Invitationalpayment to be
made by January 1 or appropriate legal action will be taken.
[As of Aug. 22, 1974, despite ultra-nice letters showing the patience of Job, the
USTTA still hadnt gotten the $74 due them from Knouft. By Feb. 13, 1975 (Treasurer
Carr reported to Disciplinary Chair Scott) that, after two more bounced checks,
Knouft now owed the USTTA $174. And by Mar. 28, 1976 owed even morea total
of $240. But Larry couldnt be suspended because by this time he wasnt a USTTA

member. What to do with him? He cares about the Game, wants to do big things, but,
concludes Marv Shaffer who talked to Larry face-to-face, he is well-meaning but not
the kind of person who makes money.]

Rich Doza looking

for his trophies

Knouft would be beset by money problems. [Others too: two very

well-known advertisers in Topics were 4-5 months behind on their
paymentsand perhaps, because of their past contributions, thought
that eventually they just wouldnt have to pay.] At Larrys Sept. 22-23,
1973 $5,000 Kansas City Invitational, Rich Doza, manager of the
Gateway Club in St. Louis, had given Larry a $75 down payment
towards a $150 worth of trophies for Richs later St. Louis Closed.
Then when Larry needed the remaining $75 before he could send the
trophies, Rich obliged. But, after months and months of back and forth
delaying letters that brought in Disciplinary Chair Dr. Michael Scott
and his Committee, Treasurer Jack Carr, and Presidents Tim Boggan
and Charlie Disney who would succeed him, Knouft said the post office
had lost the trophies hed sent, and that a $150 money order would be
issued to Doza in lieu of the trophies. Only somehow this money order,
when finally it had been sent, had been cashed (the post office wouldnt
say by who) but not, according to a Jan. 27, 1975 letter to Disciplinary
Chair Scott, by Doza! Caseopen.


Chapter Eleven
1973: Fall Tournaments.
At the 37-entry Emerald Empire Open, which sounds like it should have been held in
Dublin, or at least Dublin, CA, but was actually held in Eugene, OR, Oct. 20-21, Lou
Bochenski (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 22) says the Tournament Committee allowed any player
who entered any class event to enter Open Singles for only $1. Hand-tooled leather racket
cases took the place of trophies for every event except the Open which offered some cash
prizes. Open: Tom Ruttinger d. Jeff Kurtz, 3-1. Womens: Liz Kurtz (Jeffs wife) d. Dotty
Bochenski (Lous wife). Open Doubles: Jeff Kurtz/Dave Hudson d. Ron Carver/Ed Ng.
Other winners: As: Hudson over Jim Scott. Bs:
Portlands young Bobby Rinde over Earl Adams, then in the
final over Ron Vincent. Cs: Dunbar Carpenter over Rinde.
Novice: Liz Kurtz over Bob Schuff. Open Consolation: Lou
Bochenski over Don Nash. Novice Consolation: Dotty
Bochenski over Mary Martin.
Portland hosted the Rose City Open Nov. 9-10. Results:
Open Singles: Tom Ruttinger over Joe Lee, 29-27 in the 4th.
Womens: Vancouvers Leslee Ward over Liz Kurtz. Editor Eric
Calveleys British Columbias LeTTers (Sept., 1973, 1-2) did an
Interview with Leslee after she came back from a recent training
trip to China with other Canadian players. Of course shed done
the usual drills alright, but shed had a little trouble with the
physical exercises. At the beginning I could only do one pushup but eight at the end. And have you kept doing them?
asked the Interviewer. No, said Leslee, its too hard. The
Interviewer wanted to know why the Chinese players were
better than the Canadian players. Leslee said, Their dedication
and seriousness. Also, compared to us, they were mush faster,
in much better shape. But it was everything. They were much
Bobby Rinde
steadier, had much more control, consistently hit much harder.
Photo by Greg Brendon
Open Doubles: Ruttinger/Rob Roberts over Peter Joe/
Eddie Lo, -18, 20, 14, -21, 19. As: Joe over Steve Berliner. Bs: Eddie Chin over Earl Adams.
B Doubles: Jim Tisler/Rinde over Charlie McLarty/Jim Buchanan. Cs: Peter Athwal over
Dunbar Carpenter. Seniors: Bob Ho over Art Barran. Juniors: Lo over Joe whod barely
survived Ward, deuce in the 3rd.
The San Francisco Fall Open was held the same weekend as the Portland tournament.
Results: Open Singles: 1. Ray Guillen (5-gamer in s with Palle Norfeldt). 2. Paul Raphel. 3.
Denis OConnell (tough 24, 20, 22, 15 match in s with Stig Norfeldt). 4. George Makk.
Womens: Judy Bochenski (opting to play here and not in Portland) over Angie Rosal, 19 in
the 4th. Mens Doubles: Norfeldt brothers over Raphel/OConnell, -11, 9, -17, 20, 20, then in
the final over Guillen/Eric Thom whod had to go 5 to beat Richard Terry/Jeff Mason. Mixed
Doubles: S. Norfeldt/A. Rosal over OConnell/Bochenski, 23-21 in the 5th. Seniors: Don
Ayers over Azmy Ibrahim in 5. As: S. Norfeldt over Mike Greene. Bs: John Soderberg over
John Nevarez (after being down 2-0). Cs: Bob Glenn over King Tom.

The Oct. 13-14 Huntington

Beach Open saw Joong Gil Park take the
Mens from Paul Raphel, 20, 18, 19, after
Paul had gone 5 in eliminating Ray Guillen
whod had tough matches with Stig
Norfeldt (-20, 15, 22, 19) and Glenn
Cowan (-20, 15, 22, 19). In best earlyround play, Jack Howard defeated Denis
OConnell in 5, after Denis had gone into
the 5th with Mark Adelman. Women:
Angie Rosal over Judy Bochenski. Mens
Doubles: Howard/Raphel over Park/Joe
Napoles in 5, then in the final over
Guillen/Shonie Aki, 26-24 in the 5th.
Mixed Doubles: S. Norfeldt/Rosal over
Palle Norfeldt/Bochenski. Seniors: Danny
Banach over Don Ayers, 23-21 in the 5th,

Huntington Beach Club

Huntington Beach Club President Tom Lovil

has eyes only for ping-pong
Photo by Pam Ramsey

and in the final over Julius Paal, 17 in the 5th.

Esquires: Gene Wilson over Paal, 17 in the 5th.
This past summer, Gene and his wife took
a months vacation in Sweden and Norwayand
of course, being an aficionado, Gene wanted to
check out, as best he could, how the Swedish
Association, the Svenska Bordtennisforbundet,
works. After talking with Executive Secretary
Borje Berggvist, heres what Gene learned (TTT,
Nov.-Dec., 1973, 40)

Danny Banach in his Long Island days

The [Swedish] government pays 75% of the expenses of their national table
tennis association. These expenses include the salaries of seven full-time employees,
rent for a suite of offices in Stockholm, printing, postage, telephone, and even the
small assistance the national organization gives to regional clubs, such as the partial
cost of tables. The remaining 25% of their income is from memberships, fees for
tournaments [12 cents per person for each event], royalties on table tennis
equipment sold in Sweden [royalty on each bat is 12 cents].
Entries for all tournaments must go to the national headquarters in Stockholm
[three weeks before the tournament] for ranking and placing.[Copies of the
complete draw] are mailed to every club represented in the tournament. The usual

precautions are made to avoid members of the same club meeting in the first
round.[Player] complaints are kept to a minimum when the player knows the
tournament chairman cannot make any changes. [But if, before the tournament starts, a
club representative sees a serious mistake has been made, surely some protest is
Gene was impressed with the
amount of recognition given to
Swedish stars 21-year-old Stellan
Bengtsson and 27-year-old Kjell
Johansson (27)its similar to what
Jerry West and Joe Namath receive in
the U.S. Both Bengtsson, whos
single, and Johansson, whos married
(his wife sometimes accompanies him
on his tournament or exhibition trips)
work for Stiga and receive $48,000
each per year. They also receive from
24 cents to 36 cents royalty on bats
they have endorsed, which are sold in
Sweden. Gene thinks that club and
team matches help develop young
players, that leagues, to which all
Swedish players of any stature join,
are key to holding ones interest, and
Swedish stars Bengtsson (left) and Johannson
recommends that U.S. clubs during
are quickly recognized.
their playing season follow suit. Off
Caricature courtesy of Zdenko Uzorinac
court Stellan (who plays for the
Falkenberg Club) and Kjell (who plays for Molndal) are friends and in the summer play golf
However, also in the off-season (and
surely only in the off-season), Wilson says the
Swedish National Team trains rigorously one
week each month, during which time they do
nothing else (that means no wives or
sweethearts allowed). Japans great
Champion, Ichiro Ogimura, when hed come
to Sweden as National Coach, had put
particular emphasis on physical fitness, so the
training the Swedes do is comparable to the
basic training for United States army
recruits, with an emphasis on hard running.
Wilson took in a well-attended
tournament at the little town of Rimbo, about
California TTA President Gene Wilson (left) and
50 miles northeast of Stockholm. Officials
Carl-Olaf Ostholm in Rimbo, Sweden
Bror-Eric Lundin and Carl-Olaf Ostholm
Photo courtesy of Gene Wilson

were helpful to Gene there, even arranging for him to play the #1 woman player at the Club,
Wanja Wannehed, 1957 Swedish Mixed Doubles Champwhom he beat. Gross income from
this Rimbo tourney was $1500$500 of that went for expenses, and another $500 for prizes
(local merchants also gave awards consisting of everything from barbecue sets to chairs).
That left a $500 profit. Of course the events were well run. Play was on fast, heavy-duty
Stiga tables, with one-inch playing surface. Every match was umpired, often by a youth, the
umpire receiving 24 cents for each match. The ump doesnt call the score, but the scorecards
being turned (and constantly being glanced at by the players) are large enough for the
spectators to see whos leading. If you werent there to catch the action, the local newspaper
provided results, as well as comments and pictures in three columns on the sports page. Says
Gene, We never have it so good in California.
At the Nov. 3-4 Long Beach Open, Dean
Galardi won his 1st Mens Singles3-0 over Ray
Guillen in the semis, and 3-0 over Ichiro Hashimoto
in the final. Womens: Pat Crowley over Bonnie
Johnson. Mens Doubles: Guillen/Joe Napoles over
Hashimoto/Sandy Lechtick. Mixed Doubles:
Guillen/Johnson over Lechtick/Crowley. As: Dan
Goodstein over Russ Thompson whod outlasted
Don Ayers, 31-29 in the 3rd.
In holding
the Caprock Open
in Lubbock, TX,
Director Jim
assisted by a host
of helpersBillie
and R.C. Watkins,
Jay and Norma
Dean Galardi
Evans, Great Plains
Photo by Raul Rodriguez
Regional Director
Sue Sargent, Cindy Cornett, and Jims wifegot the job done
without undue complaints. Mens: Joe Cummings d. John
McAdams. Womens: Sue Sargent d. Stacie Moore, 8, -21, 21, 18, 16. Championship Doubles: Cummings/John Tomlinson d. Paul Longmire/R. Reynolds.
Womens Doubles: Sargent/Moore d. B. McSpadden/L. McSpadden. Mixed Doubles: McAdams/
Moore d. Steve Dodgen/Norma Evans. Seniors: Mac Horn d. Edgar Stein, 18 in the 5th. Texas
Residents Singles: Tomlinson d. Cummings, -21, 21, 19, 16.
As: Dodgen d. Dave DeWald. Bs: J. Bell d. J. Wise. Cs: B. Cornett d. Reynolds. Ds:
Sue Sargent d. Elston. Juniors: Mike Finnell d. Gregg Gafford. A Doubles: Bell/Puls d. Stein/
Finnell, 19 in the 3rd. B Doubles: J.C. Tenay and Arthur Buster Chase (hell be playing into
the next millennium) d. Cornett and R.C. Watkins.
I assume Danny Seemiller had been on the move giving exhibitions and that his play in
the Oklahoma City Southwest Open suffered for it. Alex Tam was the Mens round-robin

semis winnerafter dropping a game to Joe Cummings, he

beat Seemiller, 19 in the 4th. Though John Quick defeated
Cummings for 3rd Place, Joe, winning both deuce games,
forced Danny into the 5th. Womens went to Jean Varker over
Peggy Shaha. Of course Tam/Seemiller won the Mens
Doublesover Cummings/John Tomlinson in 4, after the
Texans had just gotten by Hibbs and Central Oklahoma
winner Tommy Vaello. Tam teamed with Sue Sargent to take
the Mixed over the runner-up team of Quick/Varker, with
Seemiller/Shaha 3rd.
Other winners: As: Pat Windham over fast-improving
Perry Schwartzberg. Bs: Windham over Steve Simon. A
Doubles: Bob Mandel/Hibbs over Jones/Russ Finley. B
Doubles: Jones/Finley over French/Robert Henry. Seniors:
Robert Henry
Photo by Mal Anderson
D.G. Van Vooren over Vern Eisenhour. Senior Doubles: Van
Vooren/Rich Puls over Dave Thorsen/Paul Olivier. U-17:
Steve Hammond in 5 over Schwartzberg whod eliminated Windham. U-17 Doubles:
Schwartzberg/Simon over Hammond/Irl Copely. U-15: Schwartzberg d. Gerald Evans. U-13:
Jonathan Weinglass d. Roger Eisenhour.
In a moment, well read Vince Koloskis report on the Minneapolis Magoos season
kick-off tournament, the Sept. 29-30 Twin City Open. But first a few words on Vince himself
from Grand Rapids reporter Hager. Koloski arrived at Sweeriss July clinic in a $1 cardrove
it all the way from Minneapolis. I bought it five months ago from my brothers wife, he
explained. Its a 53 Chevythe Green Bomb players promptly called it. The door on the
drivers side is smashed in Hager tells usa matter of some inconvenience. But Vince likes
the car, says, Its only got 85,000 miles on it. Hager describes Koloski as tall and lanky,
professorial in appearance, says he dropped out of St. Thomas College after a year, now
works as a janitor and photographer. Hed come to Sweeriss clinic on a sort of learning vacation.
Now that its fall, though, hes back working as a
volunteer Twin City tournament reporter (TTT, Sept.Oct., 1973, 22). In the Mens, the first of two advanced
round robins featured Houshang Bozorgzadeh, Don
Larson, Stu Sinykin, and Pete Tellegenwith Houshang
coming 1st easily, and Pete upsetting Stu. The second
starred Doug Maday, Charlie Disney, Jerry Kahnke, and
John Soderbergwith Maday coming 1st, winning in 3
bizarrely over Soderberg (losing the 1st at 19 after leading
18-12, then winning the 2nd after trailing 11-19), and
Kahnke downing Disney who then announced his
retirement from tournament play. In the final, after going
down 2-0 to Houshang, Doug and his coach Rich Sinykin
devised the strategy of pushing to Houshangs backhand,
looping to his forehand, then killing the return to either
side, depending on which way Houshang was leaning.
When, up19-18, Maday tried to place two backhands
down the line instead of killing crosscourt, Houshang
Thats it for Charlie--hes retiring

went up match point, then quickly finished Doug. Mens Doubles winners were Kahnke/
Tellegen over Maday/Stu Sinykin, then Larson/Soderberg.
Class A: Gus Kennedy, on changing to anti-topspin on his backhand for greater
control, won his first As by beating Steve Strauss in the final, after Steve, on losing the 19 1st
game of his semis to Dr. Larry Markus, began to roll and slow loop until the ball came high
enough for a kill. Class B: lefty looper /hitter Kent Nobles, with good serves and a hard kill,
defeated 14-year-old Greg Mosio. Class C: Craig Dead Satersmoen, instead of playing
defensively, hit his way to victory over Canadian Ron Glaister. Class D: Iowas Jim Lynum
(who would go on to win the Dec. Sioux City Open from John Oneal) over Bob Shepherd. U17s: Tellegen over Soderberg. U-17 Womens (in lieu of a Womens event for which there was
no interest): Sheila ODougherty over Judy Heichert. U-17 Doubles: Tellegen/Soderberg. U15s: Soderberg over Reed Watson. U-13s: Swen Baker over Sheri Soderberg, the future first
and only woman to become USTTA (USATT) President, making her debut appearance in
Topics. (Heres Sheri a couple of years later being flirtatious with fellow teen John Stillions.)
Sheri Soderberg and
John Stillions

Houshang also easily won the Oct. 13

Lincoln State Open in Chicago while runner-up
Jim Lazarus fought it out with Paul Pashuku and
Jim Davey. Lazarus took the Mens Doubles with
Salu over Houshang and Mike Baber (A winner
over Paul Wong; runner-up in Bs to Wayne
Wayne and Grace (Ide) Wasielewski
Wasielewski [sic] and in Juniors to Harold
Klinger) [sic]. Joe Bujalski was the winner in Cs
(over Weller) and in Seniors (over Norm Schless). Barbara Taschner won the Womens (over
her mother, Dorothy) and with Pashuku the Mixed (over Dorothy/Mike Carter). PS. Quick
correction: ones life is at stake. Mike Baber writes in to say, I wanted to die when I read the
results of the Lincoln State Open.I lost to neither Wayne Wasielewski (B final) or Harold
Klinger (Junior final). In fact, I won both of those matches, probably by the same score. Tch,
tch, Frank Tichy. As Mike says, thats a ridiculous error. On the other hand, Doug Ballor
makes the point that at least Tichy gave Mike a tournament to play in, and he should be
commended for that.

Barbara Taschner

Hugh Shorey
Photo by Mal Anderson

It was Houshang again at Chicagos Nov. 17 Logan Square Open. Cull the usual
suspects and this time the runner-up was Davey, who paired with Womens winner
Barbara Taschner to also take the Mixed (from Womens runner-up Dorothy Taschner and
Hugh Shorey). It was a very good tournament for Hughhe won the As (over Karl Will),
the Seniors (over John Hinde) and the Mens Doubles with Lazarus (over Pashuku/R.
Turco). Bs went to Laszlo Keves over Wasielewski; Cs to Primo Madrigal over G.
Partipilo. Baber beat Klinger in the Juniors.
Bill Connelly of the Eastern Illinois University TTC tells us (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 25)
that he and Co-Tournament Director Jim Schnorf, after months of planning, hundreds of
letters, and lots of perspirationsay, well over 200 hours of workbrought off the 135entry Panther Open in the small town (pop. 16,000) of Charleston, IL, Nov. 10-11. They
raised $350 from local businesses and went all out trying to get players and to promote the
tournamentwrote to every single club listed in Topics, sent personal letters to top players,
and got local newspapers and radio stations to give the $500 tournament coverage, with the
result that several hundred spectators showed. Schnorf was doubtless too tired to be a
winner here, but three weeks earlier at Fort Wayne, hed won the Bs (over Max Salisbury),
the Cs (over Alan Grambo), and the Handicap (over Snyder). Perhaps its Jim whos going to
be giving exhibitions at local high schools with Connelly at $35 a pop? Bill has a vision:
Twenty schools in a week would gross $700.
Dell Sweeris and Danny Seemiller gave a clinic just before the tournament started and
drew about 20 participants. Each player was given individual attention and Dells puns kept
everyone on the ball. Tournament Referee Don Larson did a tremendous job with the
seedings and many petty arguments. Dennis Fajfar, Mike Zwilling, and Jim Bednar were
invaluable in keeping the 15-event tournament running smoothly. Play was on 10 Nissen
tables, and Bill said hed never been to a tournament with as much room between tables.
Players could lob to their hearts content (hear that, Mike Carter?).
The Mens final round robin saw Houshang Bozorgzadeh, Danny Seemiller, and Dell
Sweeris all with 2-1 records while Jim Lazarus was 0-3. In the tie-breaker, Houshang ($125)
edged Seemiller ($60) by a mere pointafter which he gleefully hopped around like a little
boy. Other Mens money winners: Sweeris ($40); Lazarus ($20); Paul Pashuku and Jerry
Thrasher ($15); and Richard Hicks (earlier winner at Fort Wayne in Singles and Doubles with

son Ricky) and Jim Davey ($10).

Womens went to Chicagos Barb
Taschner over Western Kentucky
University student Carol Cook. Open
Doubles was won by Lazarus/Thrasher
over Bozorgzadeh/Davey.
Sweeris has taken a cue from
Herb Vichnins series of 6 seasonal
tournaments at the Philadelphia Club,
and has instituted his own Woodland
Class A
Invitational. Players are awarded points
according to their Open Singles play in 6
tourneys. At the end, the16 whove
qualified will vie for prize money in a
single elimination format; 1st round
losers are guaranteed $37.50 and the
winner $450. Dell has also incorporated
what he calls a pass to all Woodland-sponsored tournaments. Pay $60 and you can enter up
to 4 double elimination events a tournament (regular entry fee $3 an event) through 8
So who do you think won
the 1st of these Grand Rapids Opens?
Uh-huh, Sweeris. With Jim Davey
taking 2nd over Bill Lesner whod been
down 2-0 to Tom Hall. Tom McEvoy
said that Davey continues to impress
people with his solid attack, and doesnt
seem to get psyched as much as in the
past. Paul Pashuku finished 4th.
Womens went to Connie Sweeris over
Marywood Academy senior Maureen
Farmer, the current Grand Rapids
Womens and Girls U-17 Champ. Mens
As: Joe Bujalski in a Double
Elimination double upset of Hall. Bs:
Frank Sexton, after surprising McEvoy
in the 1st round, over Craig Burton. Cs:
Ron Eaton over Bill Hornyak. Novice:
Jim Davey
Garrett Donner over Steve Vinter.
Photo by Mal Anderson
Handicap: Mike Baber over Eaton.
Seniors: Bujalski over Bong Ho. U-17:
Baber over Greg Jelinski. U-15: Andy Hopping. U-13: Faan Yeen Liu. U-11: John Austin over
Torsten Pawlowski.
And the 2nd in the Woodland series, who won that? Uh-huh, Sweeris. With Davey again
runner-up. This time Pashuku, who had Dell down 2-1, finished 3rd over #4 finisher Bob
Hazekamp whod upset the #1 A seed Jeff Smart in the quarters. Womens went to Janice

Martin over Connie Sweeris. Mens As: Phil Trout

Roy Hyden
over Tom Hall, 22-20 in the 3rd and then over Mike
by Mal
Baber in the final. Womens As: Connie Evans over
Joan Knight. Bs: Hazenkamp over Paul Lamse.
Novice: Mike Zwilling over Mark Delmar.
Handicap: Ted Bassett over Pat Cox.
Tom Hall won the Three Rivers Openin
the semis over Hornyak in 5, and then in the final
over Lyle Thiem in 4. Womens: Joyce Donner over
Amy Dickerhoff. Mens Doubles: Hall/Thiem over
Trout/Hyden. As: Hyden over Hornyak, 23-21 in
the 4th, and then in the final over Max Salisbury, 18
in the 4th. Bs: Hyden over McCann. Juniors:
Randy Webb over Jeff Shockley.
At the Nov.
17 Kentucky Closed
at Lexington, Ruben
Dreszer beat Joe
Bowsher, 19 in the
4th to win the Mens. In the semis, both the finalists came from
behindDreszer 21, -8, 18, 15, 18 over Hasse Ahman, and
Bowsher 15, -18, 18, 21, 15 over Homer Brown. Two 5gamers in the quarters, too: Dreszer over Kin Chau, and
Ahman over Sam Shannon. Womens went to Carol Cook over
Mary Troxell. Championship Doubles winners were Ahman/
Mike Wyatt over Brown/Shannon. Dont think of Shannon,
who lives in Evansville, IN, as a non-winner, however. Reporter
Al Dunning of the Evansville Press (May 29, 1974), quotes
Sam as saying he began playing at age 14 in Cleveland, and
was later the Cleveland city champion for nine years. Born in
1929, he had his first big win at
Carol Cook
the 1938 Indiana Open; later,
Photo by Mal Anderson
during his heyday 1940s, he was
the Ohio Champion. After retiring in 1952, he started playing
again a couple of years ago, and is doing pretty well. Here at
Lexington he won the As over Dreszer, and the Seniors over Ted
Other double winners in this Kentucky Closed: Ray Spann
(over Friedman in the Bs, and Jud Brown in the Novice); and
Augustine Choi (over Johnny Howard in Boys U-17, and over
David Ross in U-15s). U-13 winner was S. OConnell over P.
Levy. Girls U-17 went to Choi over A. Friedman who won the
U-11s over Scott.
Larry Thoman ran his first tournamentthe roughly 50Larry Thoman
entry Tennessee Closed at Nashville, Oct. 6. In his write-up (TTT,
Photo by Jeannie Kohas, from
Nov.-Dec., 1973, 24), Larry shows hes pleased that, though
July 28, 1979 Nashville Banner

almost $200 worth of trophies was given out, the tournament made a profit of over $100. Hes
also proud of the concession stand with its hot sandwiches, prepared mostly by his mother.
Glitches? Only a few: a mix-up of two trophy labels; a stop-play by popular demand to see the
Worlds on TV; a half-hour delay while the gym had to be cooled off; and a complication
brought about because one person had at least 5 matches to play when the tournament was in
its semifinal stages. Larry thanks all those who helpedJohn White, Robert Jordan, Everett
Henry, Bill and Lee Edwards, Allen Wright, Gerry Gividen and his wife, Karen, Sandy
Stephens, and, most of all, Tom White and Neil McClain. Play was over with by 9:30 p.m.
and, with great cooperation, tables, barriers, etc. were taken down and put away in less than
forty-five minutes.
The Mens went to Bill Edwards, a 17-year-old freshman at the University of
Tennessee at Knoxville who wants to be an architect. Bill has been the Tennessee junior
champ for the past several years, and has always had a tremendous attacking top-spin
game. But his 3-0 win in the final here over Defending Champ Clay Whitelaw can also be
attributed to a lack of practice on Clays part. Formerly U.S. #18 when he was playing with
inverted and had such an overpowering loop game, Clay had lost interest in practicing and
switched to a hard rubber defenseI guess because he thought play that way was more fun. In
the one semis, Bill defeated Jim Cambell, deuce in the 4th; and in the other, Clay defeated Lee
Edwards whod earlier rallied from down 2-0 to oust John McKenna, 19 in the 5th. Whitelaw
paired with Gividen to take the Mens Doubles from Edwards/Larry Bartley, deuce in the 5th.
Womens winner was 14-year-old Leslie Harris over Marty Williamson.
Other results: As: Cambell d. McKenna. A Doubles: Neil McLain/Hugh Lax d. Denis
Fritchie/Harris. Bs: Bob Flowers, Sr. d. Vincent Chan in 5. Cs: Willie Wells d. Bill Brunson.
Seniors: Lax d. Flowers in (do you believe it? I dont) five 19 games. Juniors: Greg Smith d.
Harris whod bested Thoman, -16, -16, 18, 20, 18.
A week after the Closed, there was another tournament in Tennessee: Hugh Babb
reports (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 26) on the Kingsport Open, held at the citys Civic Auditorium
under the direction of Kermit and Nancy Raxter. Mens final: Dr. Joe Ching, originally from
China, now from the atomic city of Oak Ridge, down 2-1 and 17-20 in the 4th, exploded for
5 gutsy points and went on to beat Tom Hall, whod earlier escaped Lee Edwards in 5. Hugh
calls 28-year-old Tom an Ironman, and one can see why. A high school algebra teacher in his
spare time, he averages running 4 miles per day, swims, works out with weights, and plays Table
Tennis 5 days each week. This Open marks his 11th straight weekend of playing in a tournament.
In the Mens, Graham Gear, a 33-year-old V-P for a sales promotion company in
Cincinnati, after getting by anti-spin demon Sol Lewis in 5, ended up losing 3rd Place to Larry
Bartley. But he did pair with Hall (theyre the Ohio State Champions) to take the
Championship Doubles over Ching and Vincent Chang. Womens went to Shelby Jordan, a
housewife and the mother of two girls, 9 and 11, over 22-year-old Melanie Spain whos a
graduate student at the University of North Carolina. Melanie averages playing about 2 hours
each day and as much as 5 or 6 hours on holidays and weekends.
Other winners: As: Lewis over Hall. Bs: Tom Kelly over James Neal. Cs: Greg Smith
over Mickey Greer, 17 in the 5th. Championship Consolation: Chan over North Carolina
District Judge Stanley Peele. Juniors: Danny Dye over Robert Benson in 5, then in the final
over Smith in 4. Seniors: Lewis over Dick Tucker, a university professor of mathematics in
Greensboro, whod rallied from down 2-0 to beat Peale. Dick really takes the Game seriously,
as you can see from a letter hell later write Dr. Michael Scott:

If it were not for Clyde Vincent, I would be pretty isolated from the game in
Greensboro. I keep a ping-pong table in my office at the State University. Monday
through Friday after school, Clyde and I wheel the table upstairs to the third floor into
a large corner room and play for about 2 and hours. We use your idea of using a lot
of balls at one time (we use about 7 or 8 dozen) and really get a lot of play in. I
estimate that we hit at least twice as many balls or more than when using only one ball.
So that is equivalent to about 5 or 6 hours of practice a day for five days. [Sound right,
does it? Hey, hes the math professor.]
Exactly when the Atomic City Open was held, Lee Edwards reporting for Topics (Jan.Feb, l974, 33) neglected to say. But thats o.k. because, though this was the Oak Ridge Clubs
first tournament, and though the Oak Ridge Recreation Department lent a helping hand, and
the Oak Ridge Bank donated the trophies, the tournament wasnt in the Atomic City of Oak
Ridge. Instead, says Lee, we were in a place called Oliver Springs, somewhat removed from
the gaseous diffusion plant, the reactors, the laboratories, and the signs which reminded us to
be security conscious.
The Championship Division final was a fight between the two best active players in
Tennesseeand was won by Joe Ching over Bill Edwards. Ching uses a seven-ply balsa
paddle covered with pips-out sponge, and specializes in frustrating loopers with his slow, dead
block. Though Edwards was not looping very consistently, the match went 5 games and
featured long counter-hitting rallies. Doubles, however, went to Bill and Tom Tarrant over
Tom Seay/Frank Webb, 17, -15, -18, 19, 19. Womens winner was Melanie Spain over
Charlene Jenkins. As: Jim Cambell forgot his hard rubber paddle and had to play with the
only other one he could find, some sort of dime store special. Although his opponent in the
final was Alabamas Webb, who puts the ball away like a rocket, Jim managed to chop back
the heavy ball under rather cramped conditions, and won, 24-22 in the 5th, with a puffball
pick shot.
Other winners: Bs: Larry Thoman, a talented counter-driver, over the living legend
Larry Mills. Mills of the hills, once one of the greatest wood blockers in the nation, is
renowned for his calm demeanor and classic footwork. Although he has been known to
employ such psychological tactics as eating moths and spitting the ball across the table (after
throwing it high into the air ala Hsu Shao-fa), he is usually
content to simply scream his favorite expletive Godzilla! and
drink snake juice, his favorite beverage. Cs: Bill Capshaw over
Jim Flanagan in 5. Student: Lee Edwards over Bill Edwards, 19
in the 3rd. Seniors: Mel Ketchel over Robert Jordan in 5.
Juniors: Greg Smith over Mark Gilliam.
Bard Brenner has left the West Coast and returned to
Miami Beach where (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 32-33) he describes
the Fujii Club thats about to have a Grand Reopening and also
reports on the Miami Open. Turns out that, though Fujii himself
is no longer managing the place (its open only two days a week
until owner Joe Newgarden is back in town, so that most top
players have been practicing at Robert Walkers facility), the
Club itself is ready to accommodate one and all. It has a
multicolored lighted parking lot (holds 50 cars), has airRobert Walker

conditioning, a walls-length bulletin board with all the local and national [table tennis] news,
and a lobby ending with rest rooms for the non-playing spectators. It also has a large lounge
areawith a soda machine, and couchesbridge tables, chess sets, and a television. Here
one sees a complete selection of table tennis equipment; and the new manager-to-be,
Richard McAfee, is soon sure to be on hand to help buyers make a choice, for the control desk
is here too.
As you head to the playing area, you pass a room with two practice tables and a Stiga
robot. Then you come to the main arena of twelve tables set in two rows that are separated
by barriers. A low-running wooden barrier rings the court complex, outside of which sit
spectators who may place drinks in holes provided at the top of this barrier. To the rear, behind
sliding doors, there are separate mens and womens locker rooms, complete with shower.
And theres also another rooma kitchen!
Reopening is set
Ross Brown
for Oct. 21. But
first theres the
14-event Miami
Open, put on
the weekend
before by
President Fred
Miami Club
with Phil Spool
as Tournament
Chair. Bard, Joe
Sokoloff, and
Richard McAfee
hype the
tournament by
appearing on the Sonny Hirsch radio showOne hour of prime time evening coverage
with no other guests! Mention was maybe made on air of football player, Ross Brown,
whose loop reminded Bard of Eric Thoms. Thirty years later, Ross will be the USATTs
Nominating Committee Chair.
Professional Event (some prize money): Final: Peter Pradit d. Jerry Thrasher, 3-1.
Semis: Pradit d. Richard McAfee, 3-0; Thrasher d. Greg Gingold, 19, -20, 18, -18, 20. 3rd
Place: University of South Floridas Gingold (whose game, Bard says, defies description) d.
McAfee, 19 in the 4th. Mens Championship Singles (Pros Pradit, McAfee, and Joe Sokoloff,
the Tournament Referee, didnt play): super-looper Thrasher won but was pressured by Tampa
college student Cornelius Harrison 13, 15, 19, 20 in the quarters; by Gingold 14, -25, 20, 18, 18 in the semis; and by anti-topspin defender Alan Nissen -22, 16, 21, 20 in the final, after
Al had won an expedite match from Marv Leff. Mens Championship Doubles: McAfee/
Sokoloff d. Nissen/Leff in 5 in the semis and Thrasher/Pat Patterson in 5 in the final.
Womens: Bev Hess d. Elaine Posta. Mixed Doubles: Patterson/Hess d. Randy Hess/Shellie

Other winners: As:

John Sholine
penholder John Sholine d. Fujiis
Photo by Ben Kosmeder
Assistant Manager-to-be John
Wimbish whod knocked out Leff
in 5 (Marv having switched from
pimpled rubber to anti-topspin).
Lenny Bass was beating Sholine
before it turned out that John
hadnt played his previously
scheduled match. So when later
the two played, Lenny couldnt
shake off his distress. Bs: B. Hess
d. Harrison, 3-0. B Doubles
(Championship players play with
Novice players and Class A players
play with Class B players):
Thrasher/Chris Marshall d.
Patterson/Brown, deuce in the 5th. Novice: George Bluhm 14, -18, 20, 22, 15 rallied to defeat
Chris Marshall. Consolation: Sam Fletcher d. Victor Fung. Wheelchair Singles: Fletcher d.
John Ebert. Seniors: Sam Hoffner d. Hal Gundersdorf, 3-0. Under 17: Hess d. Marshall, 3-1.
Under 15: Jesse Franz d. Gainsburg, 3-0.
And, yes, the new Fujiis did opento free play, free drinks, and celebratory cakes.
Heres the Clubs first weeks itinerary:
Mondaycoaching clinic for beginners and intermediates, led by Joe Sokoloff
[using, I presume, his Topics My Way articles]; Tuesdayindividual Handicap
League; WednesdayMoney Round Robin; Thursday3-Man Team League
(advanced, intermediate, and beginner on each team); FridayAdvanced Coaching for
intermediate and advanced players run by Richard McAfee; SaturdayWild Card
Night (fun nighttournament with no paddles allowed); SundayRevolving Table
League (you move up according to ability). The Center is open from 4 P.M. to
midnightseven days a week.
Is that a silent scream as
You say you want to
Fred strikes the ball?
move to Miami?
Photo by Steve Murray
Though Raleigh held both a
North Carolina Open and Closed on the
Sept. 29-30 weekend, the event winners
were sometimes different. Results: Open
Championship Singles: 1. Sol Lewis. 2.
Hou-min Chang. 3. Fred King. 4. Jim
McQueen (whod almost lost 3-0 to
Kelly). King was a triumphant triple
winner in the Closed: Mens (over Bill
Cooper); Mens Doubles with Mike
Johnson (over Steve Hitchner/Knud171

Hansen); and Mixed with Melanie Spain (over Tom Tarrant/Kim Setzer, whod beaten them in
the Open). Open Womens: Melanie Spain over Jean Postonreversed in the next days
Closed. Open Seniors: Lewis over Closed winner Dick Tucker in the semis and over
Consolation winner Manny Moskowitz in the final. U-17s and U-15s: Johnson was dominant
both days over Bill Brown. Open As: P. Neal d. Ron Luth whod eliminated J. Neal, 19 in the
3rd. Open Bs: King Stablein over Luth. Closed As/Consolations: Adams over Johnson;
Adams over Hitchner.
Outsiders, particularly a large group of Floridians, turned up at Raleigh for the Nov.
Southern Open. Results: Championship Singles: Bernie Bukiet over George Brathwaite whod
been 24-22 in the 4th pressed by Peter Stephens. Womens: Bev Hess over Shelby Jordan.
Mens Doubles: Jerry Thrasher/Bill Edwards over Hou-min Chang/Lance Rosemore in the
semis, 23-21 in the 4th, 22-20 in the 5th, and over Brathwaite/Al Nissen in the final in 5.
Mixed: Brathwaite/Hess over Doyle Dye/Jordan. As: Sol Lewis over Jim McQueen. Bs: Hess
in 5 over N. Lam whod eked out a 23-21 in the 3rd win over Dye. Cs: Ron Luth over H.
Skirm. Seniors: Bukiet over Lewis. U-17: John Elliott over Robert Nochenson. U-15: Chris
Marshall over Nochenson.*
Herb Vichnin (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 27) rings the Sept. 29-30 Liberty Bell Open at
the Philly Club, but barely announces the very dull Mens matches while giving peals of
praise to the As. Mens: George Brathwaite over Lim Ming Chui, 3-0. Semis: Brathwaite
over Errol Resek, 3-0; Chui over Bernie Bukiet, 3-0. Unusual match: Dave Sakai, after
complaining about his draw, withdrew from the event, then re-entered and lost to Horace
Roberts in 3. Womens Singles: Carol Davidson, the current Caribbean Champion, over
Debbie Wong. Mixed Doubles: Alex Shiroky/Wong over Guyanas Garth Isaacs/Davidson.
Mens Doubles: Final: Brathwaite/Resek over Dave Philip/Tim Boggan. Semis: Philip/Boggan
over Chui/Shiroky; Brathwaite/Resek over Sakai and Indian professional Monty Merchant in 5.
Jairie Resek in her Sept.-Oct., 1973 Its Whats
Happening Topics column, quotes Monty on the liberties taken
at this tourney: Never saw anything like itmore like a Fiesta
than a tournament. Two guys here playing gin for $5.00 a game.
Another drinking beer. A couple making out on the stairway.
Players swearing, kicking the table,
throwing their rackets. Everyone
enjoying themselves in their own
way (28).
As: Final: Boggan over Bill
Sharpe. Semis: Boggan over
Phillys junior sensation Mike Bush,
Monty Merchant never saw said to have improved his game with
anything like it--he had to
coaching from Smolanowicz; Sharpe
take pictures
over Vichnin. Quarters: Boggan over
Roger Sverdlik; Bush over Ricky Seemiller; Sharpe over Gary
Wittner; Vichnin over Joe Mimoso. Early-rounds: Wittner over
Richard McAfee, far from his Florida home, 22, -17, 19. Seemiller
over McAfees traveling companion Al Nissen, 21, -19, 25.
Sverdlik over #2 seed Stan Smolanowicz. Bush over #3 seed Peter
Junior Mike Bush
Holder, 17, 13, crushing him with some of the most amazing
Photo by Mal Anderson

shots youve ever seen. Herb describes one unbelievable point: Holder hit in two of his
sidespin forehand kills, and Bush got the second one back quite a bit high. Holder killed it
deep to Bushs backhand. Mike lunged at it near the back barrier and managed to send it up
just below the fluorescent lights. The ball came down right on Holders forehand corner,
handcuffing him and forcing him to push the ball deep to Bushs forehand. Mike, who by this
time had picked himself up off the barrier, came running across the court and put away an
amazing crosscourt forehand kill.
Bs: Bruce Plotnick over George Hellerman whod sneaked by Robert Nochenson, 19
in the 3 , after Robert had upset Wittner. With Bruce up 2-0 against George, the umpire
insisted, because of all the nets, that the players change tables, which move sent Plotnick into
the 5th and his father Carl into mild conniptions. Cs: Barry Robbins over Nochenson. Ds:
Barry over Jaffar Hashim. Handicap: Plotnick over Bush (from 23-all) 50-42 (while Rory
Brassington had yelled out, Youre choking, Bush!). Seniors: Sharpe over Boggan.
Esquires: Sid Jacobs over Bob Green. Bob thinks gas rationing and perhaps even a ban on
Sunday driving after 1 p.m. might be in effect soon. He offers suggestions how to cope (TTT,
Nov.-Dec., 1973, 14). Hold only Saturday tournaments, except allow weekends for 3 or 4-star
events. Curtail events. Sanction more tournaments on the same weekend. As long as a
minimum of 300 miles (a tank of gas) between tournaments is maintained. Tournament
organizers: select sites that are easily available to public transportation.
A Doubles: McAfee/Nissen over Mimoso/Holder. Adult-Junior Doubles: Philip/
Sverdlik over Sharpe/Plotnick, 18 in the 5th. U-17s: Rick Seemiller, whose parents came from
Pittsburgh to see him play, over Wittner whod upset Bush, 18 in the 3rd, and in the final over
Sverdlik whod knocked out Plotnick, 21, 16, 14, after Bruce had squeaked by
Sam Hammond:
Arlington, VAs Alan Evenson, deuce in the
whats wrong with
3rd. Junior Doubles: Seemiller/Eric Boggan
his stomach?
(who surprised the hell out of his father by
winning about eight matches at this
tournament he wasnt supposed to) over
Sverdlik/Wittner. U-15s: Mike Stern over
Plotnick. U-13s: Stern over Rutledge
At Philadelphias Nov. 10-11
Veterans Day Open, Brathwaite won the
Mens over Resek, 15, 21, -21, 18, after
Errol had taken out Holder in the quarters
in 5 and Chui, -16, 18, 20, 18 in the semis.
Mens Doubles went to Smolanowicz/Sam
Balamoun who beat in succession
Brathwaite/Resek, Sverdlik/Jerry
Fleischacker (whod upset Chui/Dave
Sakai, 24-22), and Sam Hammond/Mitch
Sealtiel in a straight-game final. Hammond
was bothered by a stomach-ache, and Mitch
was still recovering from injuries he and his
wife Joyce suffered when theyd been run

off the road by another car. Esquires:

George Rocker over Sid Jacobs. Seniors:
Sharpe over Boggan who, in losing in the
8ths of the Mens to Pete Cohen, knocked
himself out of the Final 16 Invitational
coming up in Dec.
As: Smolanowicz blasted through
Balamoun in 4. In significant matches,
Vichnin stopped Ray Maldonado, 19 in the
3rd (after being down 18-10); and Dan Green
upset Boggan, -17, 22, 19 (Tim had him 2015 match point in the 2nd, whereupon Danny
flashed in 7 big backhands). A Doubles:
Sharpe/Barry Robbins over Vichnin/Plotnick
in 5. Bs: Fleischhacker over Maldonado
Pete Cohen: in good company
whod eliminated Johnny Ou, after Johnny,
Photo by Mal
celebrating his return from a 6-month
retirement, eliminated #1 seed Green and Rutledge Barry. Young Rutledge won the Cs by
edging Robbins, deuce in the 3rd in the semis and Gordon Gregg in the final. Ds went to Ray
McDowell over Mike Zukerman. Handicap: Bruce Plotnick over Boggan. Under 17s:
Sverdlik over Jeff Zakarin. U-15s: Plotnick over Barry. Adult/Junior Doubles: Green/Gary
Wittner over Brathwaite/Scott Boggan. Junior Doubles: Wittner/Scott McDowell over the
promising team of Eric Boggan/Chuck Zakarin.
Gene Wonderlins West Jersey Club hosted the Oct. 27 Delaware Valley Closedand
Gene (TTT, Feb.-Mar., 1974, 39) took the opportunity to honor Dan Seemiller for his
participation on the U.S. Team to Sarajevo and Ray McDowell, Mal Anderson, and Herb
Vichnin for the many hours theyve given to the USTTA. The Club presented them with a
small token of appreciation, and indirectly added something more for Dan, for they awarded
as much prize money as possible, and Dan and brother Rick went home with an extra $110.
The venue was fineexcept for the lighting, which Gene says wont be a problem next year.
Results: Mens: Dan Seemiller d. Rick Seemiller whod eliminated Bill Sharpe and
Mitch Sealtiel. Womens: Debbie Wong d. Pat Bacilli. Mens Doubles: Seemillers d. Stan
Smolanowicz/Sam Balamoun. As: Balamoun d. Bruce
Plotnick whod ousted Sharpe. A Doubles: Barry Robbins/
Sharpe d. Vichnin/Plotnick. Bs: George Hellerman d. J.
Friedlin. Esquires: Kilpatrick d. Manny Moskowitz.
Seniors: Sharpe d. John Kilpatrick. U-17s: R. Seemiller d.
Plotnick. U-15s: Mike Stern d. Robert Nochenson.
Peter Groot
Hank Colker (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 37) reports on
the Cornell Open, held Oct. 20-21 in Barton Hall. Since
plenty of help was needed, a thanks to Peter Groot, Neal
Fox, Carl Danner, Cody Jones, and others. The Mens,
featuring some unbelievable kills and counters, went to Jim
Dixon over runner-up Dave Sakai, whod survived University
of Buffalos Bill Davis in 5. 3rd Place finisher Scott
McDowell was the only player to take a game from Jim.

Peter Stephens, objecting to the order in which the matches were to be played, defaulted and
so came 4th. Dixon/Sakai won the Doubles. Womens winner was Shazzi Felstein over Louise
Chotras. Mixed went to Sol Schiff/Pat Bacilli over Sakai/Evelyn Zakarin.
Other results: As: Gary Wittner over Fred Danner whod eliminated a tournament
hot Rutledge Barry. A Doubles: Wittner/Sverdlik over Davis/Fox. Bs: Davis over Carl
Danner. C winner: Colin Abrams. B/C Doubles: Fred Danner/Al Brandman over Kaiser/
Goldwasser. U-17s: Barry over Jeff Zakarin, Scott McDowell, and Sverdlik. U-17 Doubles:
Robert Nochenson/Eliot Katz over both Carl Danner/McDowell and Wittner/Sverdlik. Adult/
Junior Doubles: Fleischhacker/Sverdlik over Sakai/Mike Bush, 26-24 in the 3rd.
Bill Dean tells us (TTT, Nov.-Dec, 1973, 37) that at the
Waltham Club on Oct. 21 the New England Intercity League
crowned a Championthe Lynn #2 team (Lim-Ming Chui, Ralph
Robinson, and Mike Allen). In the semis they defeated Waltham
#1 (Frank Dwelly, Benny Hull, and Bill Dean). Chui, as expected,
won all 3, but it was Robinsons wins over New England #5 Hull
and in the 9th match over New Englands #4 Dean that made the
difference. In the other semis, the Defending Champion
Providence #1 team (Ed Raky, Jack Devereaux, and Irv Levine)
downed Waltham #2 (Alan Millett; the New England Junior
Champion Lew Martinello; and newly arrived Australian Ian
Staff). The 1968 U.S. Junior Champion/1971 Intercollegiate
Champion, Surasak Koakiettavecchi, gave a strong performance on a
Mike Allen
decidedly weak Northampton team. In the final, Chui again won 3
Photo by Barry Margolius
and Robinson again won 2over Devereaux and former Rhode
Island Champ Levine. For his key wins, Ralph was voted the Most Valuable Player Award.
Neal Fox covered the Oct. 6-7 Central Canadian Open, held, as it was when I first
played in it 20 years before, at the brrr, deliberately kept cold Niagara Falls Badminton Club.
Difference now is, for both men and women they had a Money event, as well as an Open Class
A (and to compensate raised the event fees to $10 and $7.50 respectivelywhich produced
fewer entries than hoped for). Mens Money event: Dan Seemiller (who, according to Jairie
Resek, will soon start teaching T.T. at Pittsburgh
City Parks 6 hours a day, 3 days a week, for 8
weeks) d. Jim Dixon, -15, 19, -15 in the quarters
(why just 2 out of 3, Jim rightfully complained); d.
Zoltan Pataky in the semis; and d. Errol Caetano
in the final. Mike Veillette had a good win over
Canadian International Peter Gonda.
Womens Money event: Violetta
Nesukaitis d. Mariann Domonkos.
Mens As (Open): Caetano d. Dixon
(whod downed Adham Sharara), d. Dave Sakai
(who beat Bill Cheng and Ricky Seemiller), and
d. Dan Seemiller in the final.
Womens As (Open): Domonkos d.
Nesukaitis. Buffalo City Champion Katie Simon,
Katie Simon
a penholder, played a good though losing match
Photo by Neal Fox

against Torontos Jose Tomkins. Neal says, Look for her in the future. Of course, whether
he knows it now or not, hes going to marry her.
Bs: Unseeded but top-rated Alex Polisois over Violetta Nesukaitis (who in the 1st
round beat shouldhave-been-seeded Jeff Smart, 2-1).
In the Consolations, Sharara stopped Tim House (who also lost to Fox in another
event). Whether this was a final or not, we dont know.
Juniors saw Polisois down Veillette; and Ricky Seemiller eliminate Torontos justback-from-China John Richardson. Who beat who in the final, Fox doesnt say. Neal praises
Milda Milacek and Paul Klevinas, assures us that they have to be taken seriously, but doesnt
tell us anything specific about their play, says only Klevinas was a semifinalist.
Strangely missing from this Canadian tournament was Derek Wall, whos not been
playing (nobody seems to know why). Canadian stalwarts Caetano, Gonda, Pataky, and
Nesukaitis wont be playing at the Long Island USOTCs this yearthey leave right after this
tournament for a 10-week tour of Europe.
*Eric Zeigler tells us (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 39) that, during this Raleigh tournament,
he and Robert Nochenson, walking about the tournament hotel and grounds Sunday at 3:00
a.m., were suddenly startled to hear, coming from a Conference Room, the sound of pingpong balls being batted back and forth. On investigation, they found the Kingsport Table
Tennis Club. Kingsport members playing in the Raleigh tournament had rented this large
Room not only to sleep in but apparently at the moment to hold a private tournament in. They
called it the half-star Howard Johnson Open.
Of course play
was on a makeshift table
Kingsport Club hosts 1/2-star
composed of two buffet
Howard Johnson Open
tables and stretched
Photo by Eric Zeigler
across it was an equally
imaginative net. USTTA
tournament rules were
modifiedplayers played
11-point games,
alternating service, and
the Expedite Rule was
brought in after three
because, though some
members of the Club
(Orville Pop
Quisenberry, for example) slept intently during the play, people kept drifting in wanting to enter
the tournament. One late entry, Dr. Mike McIntire, wearing a new-fangled warm-up suit called
pajamas, received the nickname P-J Lee. Throughout, good feelings were in abundance and so
was the beer.If real tournaments had more of this spirit they would be much more enjoyable.
And by the way, young Zeigler, who writes well, but whos not old enough to have a car,
and who hasnt money to go to tournaments, needs a sponsor. Its probably a little late to help him
out now, butwho knows?

Chapter Twelve
1973: Problems at USOTCsMichigan Men, Canadian Women, Pennsylvania
Juniors Win.
As the Nov. 23-25 Farmingdale, Long Island U.S. Open Team Championships got
underwayand slipped and fell and, crazily staggered onRufford Harrison, for one, was not
happy. For how many official years had he diplomatically traveled abroad, representing the
USTTA at many a prestigious event. But here hed have to stand in an absurd line with
hundreds of others waiting an hour and a half to be registered and hand-stamped in. The
creeping thought must have come to him that, incredible as it might seem with the LITTAs
track record for holding efficient, well-run tournaments, this onewith everybody pointing to
the single registrar at the small bridge table, she who, player-entry notebook in front of her,
was good-naturedly but with foolish flippancy shuffling back and forth through pages and
pages of fading, unalphabetized namesthis one, this tournament, was going to be a
Of course from an inside point of view there was no immediate hurry about all those
players outside getting in. What those still setting up inside needed was time. Turns out, as
Fred Danner explains, the tournament organizers were denied entry to the venue until the
morning of the tournament and then had a baseball team practicing in the middle of setting
up tables UNTIL 10:15.
Months ago, the usually affable Cobo Hall Tournament Director George Buben,
irritated at the USTTA E.C. for having overridden some of his past tournament decisions, did
not, or said he did not, want to run this years Team tournament. That was o.k., though, for
the E.C. didnt think it fair or wise for the Championships to remain forever an unpublicized
fixture in Detroit. Hence, they accepted the LITTA bid.
However, right from the start, Dave Cox, Chris Schlotterhausen, Mort Zakarin, Danny
Ganz, and Co. had trouble getting a 100% commitment from their contact man at the State
University at Farmingdale. This seemed strange becauseprevious to the opening of this
brand new campus gym venue wed be the first group outside the university to usewed run
mutually satisfactory tournaments. Now disaster fast approached, for no understanding had
been arrived at regarding: (1) the cost to the LITTA of this new hall (the LITTA wouldnt
know until the evening before play began!); (2) the independent or cooperative way to
promote the tournament (the contact man was more obstructionist than helpful; almost no
publicity was getting out); and (3) the vital setting up of the playing facilities that were being
The LITTA wanted to award appropriate prize moneylast year Bubens Michigan
Association gave out (what should have been mentioned in Topics, but wasnt) $2400: Mens
1st $1000; Mens 2nd $500; Mens 3rd $300; Mens 4th $100; Womens 1st $400; Womens 2nd
$200. But because of this years near paralysis, the Long Island leaders were fearful of taking
a financial beating and didnt want to commit themselves to several thousands of dollars in
advance. Which left the professional-minded players in the dark. What are we playing for?
one after the other of them wanted to know. What are we playing for?
And what, it was becoming ever clearer, had the LITTA gotten itself into? Or me, as
both a part of that Association, and as the independent, but very much on-the-scene and
deeply involved USTTA President/Editor.

From the word Go! it was a

mess. Forty-eight tablesall with
time-scheduled matcheswere
supposed to be up and running by
Friday noon, but play didnt start
until almost two. Tournament
Chair Schlotterhausen had thought
hed worked out table spaces and
convenient pathways so that every
table would be accessible and no
player would interrupt anothers
match. His was an Age-of-Reason,
geometric Garden of the Mind. All
that was needed was Danny Ganzs
promised barriers. Home-made
onesas in a fairy tale. First there
was the cloth, and then the most
breakable of flimsy little stands and
poles. But as fast as the cloth was
applied, almost as fast would it slip
President Boggan futilely trying to tape up barriers
Photo by Eric Rosenthal
off the poles and have to be
reapplied with plastic (pop off)
clamps, scotch-tape, and, in desperation, masking tape. So in the beginning there were barriers
alright. With all of them in danger of falling down, and a number of them having actually
collapsed, the courts were being gradually draped over, diminished, and ever more difficult
to get to without interfering with other matches.
This is a Championship? yelled one exasperated player, who might also have been
looking not just at the appearance of the playing area but also of some of those in it. Though
Buben was gentlemanly, didnt come out with any spiteful, serves-you-right remarks, Alan
Nissen, I remember, was beside himself, raving after a while at me. I dont swear, he said,
but Ill say this: New York should be a mass burial groundyou should come here only if
youre dead. Table Tennis on Long Island it stinks, it rots.
Friday evening the President of the University came by, along with two N.Y.
legislators. On being introduced by a spokesman for the LITTA, they received quite a few
SSSSSSs from the audience. Thanks a lot, said the embarrassed but not too embarrassed to
retort LITTA man. But then the President went through his two-minute speech, gave his
official blessing, and the two legislators signified their approval of what they saw, and all were
Mens Preliminary Play
Last year at centrally-located Detroit there were 108 Mens teams; this year 97a
large enough showing that suggested this huge tournament could perhaps be held somewhere
other than on the 80 tables in Cobo Hall. In Bracket I of the four-Bracket Championship
Group, the N.Y. Internationals (Fuarnado Roberts, Boggan, Brathwaite, Resek, and Bukiet
winners two years ago and 3rd last year after losing 5-4 to the winning Canadianswould
move into one of the final 8 round robin spots that would eventually decide the Champion. As

it happened, the team they opened against, Quebec

(Guy Germain, L. Chan, Rod Young, and Adham
Sharara), in handsome, matching jumpsuits, was
destined to come 2nd in the Bracket, and so, though
having to retain their 5-3 loss to New York, would
enter the final round robin with them. Montreals
Young (whose work as an office boy and as a parttime coach for a group of 12-15 juniors leaves him
only 3-4 days a week to practice whipping his
crosscourt backhands through) downed Boggan,
Brathwaite, and Resek.

Paul Pashuku
Photo by Mal

Team from noon till 10 oclock at night.

One of those helping Pashuku bring off this
win for Chicago was Wayne Wasielewski (who did
not, like Pradit at the Sarajevo Worlds, want to take
off his bright yellow tracksuit pants while playing, and,
despite Tournament Referee Manny Moskowitz
saying he had to, perhaps never did). The other was
Pradits friend, Ted Bassett. Both of them knocked off
Quebecs Chan who, poor fellow, had the distinction
of finishing with an 0-10 record. Bassett I remember
giving my bearded-photo-pass to in Sarajevo (the one
I wanted to give to George Buben earlier but which he
thought it best not to take). This was intended to get
Ted safely past the machine-gun guards at the gate.
But Bassett got caught and of course me toothe
two of us then to be politely and properly chastised (I
mean, really, the President of the Association).
So thereafter Chicago didnt go on its
unimpeded way? Nope. They got killed 5-1 by
those same Newgy Robots thatd been blitzed by
the New Yorkers. Newgy who? Newgy what? Joe
Newgardens Robots. Theyd be on the market

Rod Young
Photo by Mal

The Chicago team that N.Y. beat 51 also defeated Quebec. Paul Pashuku,
who was one of the final 25 men in the
U.S. World Team Tryouts last December
(he began that round robin by upsetting
Sweeris), took all 3 for his team. Pashuku
(the moustache is Albanian) improved his
game greatly while he was in the Navy,
stationed in the Philippines. He used to take
that weekend bus ride to Manila and play
with P. V. Gonzalezs Philippine World
Its Joes baby

soonwere like Stiga robots, only cheaper. (Itd be a Stiga robot you could win in a drawing
if you played in the upcoming Oklahoma City U.S. Open.) Of course these Newgy Robots
were really peopleJoe Sokoloff, Richard McAfee, and John Quick.
Then, though Pashuku again won 3 against the United Nations team (Marcy
Monasterial, Peter Holder, Joe Andrews, and Al Mitchell), that was all Chicago could do
without either Jim Davey whod defected to Iowa, or Jim Lazarus who I heard stayed home
on principle because the entry blank didnt state thered be any prize money.
This United Nations team bowed to New Yorkscored only once when Bukiet, up 1914 in the 3rd, couldnt finish off the now 50-ish but still fiercely determined Monasterial, newly
appointed Social Affairs Officer for the housing, building, and planning activities of the U.N.
(Did Pashuku ever see anything like him in the Philippines?)
But then the U.N. players put the oscillating Florida Robots out of commission.
Sokoloff, whod earlier in the Chicago tie beaten Pashuku, started Florida off well enough by
taking care of Holder, the U.N. #1; and McAfee, though losing to the one-armed Monasterial,
got by Holder too. Richard, we know, replaced Fujii as manager of the Newgarden club in
Miami, but what we didnt know was that the former Japanese World Mens Doubles
Champion would turn up here in Farmingdale. Only to be rejected by the LITTA. Sorry, but
there wasnt room in the hall for him to sell his t.t. equipmentnot with Schiff, Sweeris, D-J
Lee, and Bob Brickell already there. Had he made his $50 application earlier.
Everybodys switching to
Sakura Magic, resident Fujii coach
Sokoloff had told me. (Sakura, thats a
Al Mitchell
little town in Japan where the rubber
Photo by Mal Anderson
comes from.) It doesnt drive the ball
forward like Mark V, said Joe, as if
dictating an article for Topics. You can
hit very hard and still the ball wont go
off the end of the table. It converts all
energy into spin. Uh-huh. Somebody
should have told the U.N.s Mitchell
about all this, tried to psych him out, because he beat the whole Florida team. And, after that,
the already twice-defeated Quick wasnt quick enough to hold Holder.
Nor could the Robots stop Quebecs off
John Quick
again Germain (hadnt he given up table
Photo by
tennis for golf?). Guy won all 3 of his matches,
Marvin New
which, when coupled with Youngs 2 (Rod lost
only to Sokoloff), was enough to take the tie.
Quick couldnt win, regardless of the
coaching he got.
Slow him down! shouts Sokoloff.
I tried that, says John.
But I mean way down! says Joe.
Step in! yells McAfee. He wants Quick
to start hitting his forehand better.
But I did, says John.
Take a bigger step! says Big Mac.

With Florida and Chicago out of Championship contention (though of course they still
had ties to play), the deciding match for 2nd place in this Bracket is between Quebec and the
U.N. But this time Mitchell loses all 3, and though Holder beats Young, Andrews cant pull an
upset, and so the tie is abruptly over. Quebec and the U.N. each have 2 losses, but the tie is
broken by Quebecs head-to-head win and they advance with N.Y.
In Bracket II, I had to take a look not only at the 3 teams in contention but also at the
New Carrolton, MD team. Why New Carrolton? Because their arrival was signaled by U.S.
Team Captain Bob Kaminsky wearing his Sarajevo Parade Dress, fez and medalsor, rather,
exchange pins from other countries. (An embarrassing Banty Rooster in Sarajevo, Buben
had called him.) He carries a piece of luggage and a light cot. Behind him are his two kids, one
of them bouncing and chasing a ball. Bringing up the rear comes full-time wife and mother,
and part-time player, Barbara, with board games for the children. The cots for a kid who gets
tiredor for Barabaraor Bob? Kaminsky opens his luggage and presto!Ganz himself with
his magic tricks couldnt have done betterit rears up, turns out to be a bridge table! The
cards are brought out, shuffled and dealt, and Larry Folk, Jim Verta, and Herb Horton are on
their waywith of course their Captain as first Declarer. I dont think this rating of Foxs is
worth spit! he roars out. For 10 yearswhatd you lead, Larry?weve never been lower
than 20th. Whos played what here? Is that from the Dummy?
Never mindenough of kibitzing New Carrollton. Of the three teams in Bracket II
contention, N.Y. #2 (Dave Philip, Horace Roberts, Rory Brassington, Sam Hammond, and Jim
Dixon) 5-0 blank Ontario I (Steve Feldstein, Milda Milacek, Alain Thomas, and Frank Watson
who at the last minute has taken the place of Paul Klevinas. Paul was kept home because his
father wanted to come and captain a team and didnt take it kindly that he wasnt given
permission to).
Georgetown (Peter Stephens, Garth Isaacs, Rick Rumble, and Colin Abrams)thats
Georgetown, Guyanaalso beat Ontario, 5-3. Stephens and Isaacs (I dont play dirty, I
heard him say to Horace Roberts. You know I dont play dirty) prove much too aggressive
for defenders Milacek and Feldstein. As for super-looper Watson, without the attacking
Klevinas, he alone is not enough to jump-start an advance.
Ah, these Canadians. Last year when it seemed like all of Ontario was vowing never to
come to Cobo Hall againin fact, to any tournament in the States, if their, as it would turn
out, winning team, scheduled to play Chicago, was irrevocably defaulted by Tournament Chair
George Buben. Theyd played this very crucial 9-match tie with the New York team (my team)
up till 1:30 or so Saturday night, and remained undefeated. But then they hadnt showed on
time first thing Sunday morningwere 15 minutes late. Maybe they were concentrating so the
night before, they hadnt heard the last-minute change in scheduling? Or werent sure theyd
heard correctly? What with the confusion, the late hour, the excitement over winning, who
could tell? Or, for the moment, care? Besides, their players were tired. And, really, shouldnt
some consideration be shown the top players, especially the leading contenders for the
Championship? Should everyone be treated the same? Who did the spectators (not that there
were any) want to pay to see? Cmon, didnt the Canadians deserve some goodwill? Dont just
leave them alone in the empty hall at 2:00 a.m. without any personal directive.
Buben, while admitting the power of the USTTA to overrule him was adamant. I, whod
been repeatedly critical of the Canadian management at the CNE Open, had to make a decision.
The E.C. had to make a decision. I appealed to the voice of reasonwhich at the deepest core of
me I knew without question I distrusted. I carried on a catechetical dialogue with myself.

Q. Why play maybe the best tie of the tournament between the two strongest teams at
that ridiculous hour anyway?
A. The original idea was to play it Saturday evening for the spectatorsit got off a
little late.
Q. What spectators?
A. Well, the players then. Better not to wait. So many leavesome default their ties
evenbefore the final on Sunday. Besides, the players had two tables for this New YorkCanadian tie. They neednt have drawn out the tie on just one table.
Questioner has to become Answerer. Thats right. We players could have played them
on two tables if our aim was to play so we could get to sleep, to get up to eat, to go play fast,
to go home, to go to sleep, to get up to eat, to go to work. If our aim was your aimto get
the matches finished and the tournament over with. But it isnt. Our aim is to winno, more,
much more. Our aim is to enjoy, step by step, the excitement of our win. Winning may be
everything. But so is playing, competing.
What we players are interested in is the human thing. The drama of the play. Were
interested not in rules first but in the action, the interaction of human beings. Alright, if a team
repeatedly doesnt show when it should, is repeatedly inconsiderate, then common sense tells
you to penalize them. But we Canadians arent like that, you know that.
The E.C. and I agreed we wanted to show goodwill. So we made a decision without
consulting the Chicagoans. We overruled George. My own N.Y. team, as you can imagine,
didnt like it. Chances are, however, that the Canadians wouldnt lose another match anyway,
so even if theyd had to accept the default tie against Chicago, having beaten us they would,
with our identical record, still be first. But now of course it was quite hopeless for us to win.
Roberts and Brathwaite, particularly, were very unhappy that wed had to play that very
important match last night. Now all seemed anticlimactic. There was little point in continuing.
They were ready to go home.
Nor were the Chicagoans, though they finally agreed to play Canada, pleased about the
turn of events. Said Jim Davey, Its like a guy running for a plane thats taking off according
to schedule. Hurry! Hurry! Get the control tower! Please bring it back! The plane circles,
comes back, lands to pick up this one guy. It only happens in a Cary Grant movie.
But it also happens, again, in Daveys head.
As for me, I confess Im a romantic. I want the plane to come back and pick up that
guy because its so important to him. And I want everybody to understand and accept the
importance of myor rather hishigh priority.
Of course Im also practicalsometimes. To close out
Bracket II now I have to wing back and pick up the New York
vs. Georgetown tie. To hear Rory Brassington roar is one
thing, to see him break his racket on losing to Peter Stephens
is another. Dave Philip on dropping his match to Rick Rumble
wasnt too pleased either. Miles, I hasten to say, wasnt there
umpiring like last year when Dave let fly a kick right into the
chair between Dicks legs. Fortunately, I suppose for several
concerned, these were the only matches N.Y II lost to
In Bracket III, again there are but three teams in
N.Y. #1 (Jerry Fleischhacker, Vic Landau, Roger
Peter Stephens

Sverdlik, and Gary Wittner), got by Doon Wongs Li-Ka Club team 5-3, but lost 5-2 to
powerful Michigan (Dell Sweeris, Pete Kelly, Mike Veillette, and Danny Seemiller)with
Landau and Wittner preventing the New Yorkers from getting blitzed by downing Veillette. Of
course the tie everyone wanted to see in this Bracket was Michigan vs. Ohio. Until,
disappointingly, it was discovered D-J Lee wasnt going to be at the tournament. Why not?
Because as National Champion six times in a row now he thought it absurd to pay a tryout fee
and spend an entire weekend playing 19 matches against bimbos and 1 against Tannehill as a
requisite for being on the Ohio team. Moreover, nobody could tell him whether thered be any
prize money for this tournament, and so it just didnt make any sense for him to be so
unprofessional as to play.
Well, then, how did Ohio (John Tannehill, John Spencer, Mark Wampler, and Tom
Hall) do without D-J? Not too well. They lost to Michigan 5-2with Seemiller and Sweeris
winning two each and Veillette doing in Wampler. The two Ohio wins were from Tannehill.
Against Seemiller, John slowed the game down just right. Hed learned at the CNE that the
faster you play against Danny, the better angle on you he gets. This time Danny was a soft
touch for Johnaveraged maybe 10 points a game. And this was the more remarkable because
it was the only one of 25 matches Danny, who did not win the MVP Award, played badly
enough to lose.
John (21-3) also beats Dell (19-2). Out there
at the tableif no place elseJohn just has no
wasted motion. He concentrates so well that, as
Castanedas brujo sorcerer would say, Hes found
the spot. Dell pivots, twists and turns his body
aggressively, but sometimes seems to have lapses
where he doesnt always want to keep up the fast
paceas if, though maybe not consciously, hes
understandably thinking of other being
nice to potential customers. You can imagine, year
after year, the conversations hes had or is going to
Two men, maybe in their mid-50s, who have
seen him play, come over to talk with him. Theyre
looking for some friendly advice. And of course Dell
is nothing if not friendly.
May I ask you a question? says the one
Dell looks attentive.
How do you hit your backhand?
Dell shows him something, and the guy tries
Dell Sweeris: plays really well
No, not like this, says Dell. Like this.
Photo by Raul Rodriquez
And he shows him.
Oh, says the guy. And he does what he was doing before.
Then the other man says to Dell, Do you start from the table and come up?
Yeah, says Dell.
Oh, says the man, thats what Ive been doing wrong.

Do you use your wrists at all? the first guy asks Dell.
When I loop I do. My wrist flows through the ball.
The two men look blank.
Do you use a lot of wrist on your topspin drive? asks one.
Dell says something, anything.
You dont hold your thumb up here? And the man demonstrates.
Dell is appropriately negative.
See, says the man to his friend. I didnt think I seen some guys do this. And now
that hes established some sense of his own good table tennis instincts with this professional
close-as-a-doubles-partner beside him, he begins, as it were, with this new footing, all over
Bill, on your forehand, do you change your grip?
Sweeris doesnt seem to get his meaning.
I mean, do you switch your hand at all?
Dell is again appropriately negative.
Oh, says the guy, thats good. Thats my trouble. Ive been hitting the ball high.
I see, says Sweeris. Though whether he possibly does or not, I, eavesdropping with
all my might, cant tell.
In a nutshell, says the other man, give us your recipe for your forehand drive and
Yeah, you know, in as few words as possible, says his friend.
Dell almost sighs, begins. You hit the ball at the top of the bounce.Hit the ball
solid.The stroke is like a salute.The elbow has to follow
And the wrist is cocked, says the man closest to Sweeris. Its as if hes just come in
to play doubles with him.
You have to hit the ball a little in front of your body
And the wrist is cocked, says the man again.
Whats your name? he asks Sweeris. Bill?
Dell, says Dell.
You play really well, he says.
Sweeris makes a smile.
No, thats not the end of the conversationbut itll suffice. How awful it must be for
Dell to have to go through something like this at tournament after tournament, even though he
tells Long Island reporter Steve Marcus (Newsday, Nov. 26, 1973, 73) that with his new found
table tennis career, I know I can make a lot of money. He says his booth here at the Teams
has sold a thousand dollars worth of equipment in two days, says, in its first year, his table
tennis center netted close to $22,000. So why would he want to go back to his $15,000 a
year accounting job?
The tie in Sweeriss Bracket III for 2nd Place is won by Ohio 5-4 over N.Y. #1. Landau,
who keeps insisting hes got a bad knee and is but a cripple of his former self, came through
magnificently in N.Y.s losing cause. He beat Wampler, Spencer, and (as I heard one man say,
The best American player we ever had) Tannehill. And Sverdlik did his bit by beating
Spencer. So that left Captain Fleischhacker who, though, shhh, hed lost 3 to the Li-Ka team,
naturally played himself in this tie. But, poor Jerry, it looked like he was saving all his fight for
one last off-court chair-raising argument with Roberts or somebody. Fleischhackers always
talking, said one New Yorker. He sounds like hes swallowed a radio.

In Bracket IV, Philadelphia might be said to have arrived by earlier thumping Georgia
when, according to a story I heard from Ray McDowell, the Southerners had thrown up their
hands in despair and said, We knew right away we couldnt win, even if we prayed.not
against a black Protestant (Bill Sharpe), a Polish Catholic (Stan Smolanowicz), an Egyptian
Gypsy (Sam Balamoun), and a Ph.D.-minded Jew (Herb Vichnin). The most formidable
Bracket contenders were Iowa-Nissen (Iranian-born Houshang Bozorgzadeh, Reza Tehrani,
and Ali Oveissi partnered by Jim Davey and Jack Howard who this year had no California
team to play with) and New England (Lim Ming Chui, Dave Sakai, and Alex Shiroky).
Shiny-headed Sharpe, whos got to
be the classiest dresser in table tennisdom,
and who, as someone said, must be in his
Jack Johnson period, beat Shiroky in the
New England tie, and almost beat Howard
in the Iowa-Nissen tie. But Philadelphia
was no more a threat to advance than the
University of Tennessee. Though Bill
Edwards and Joe Ching had a few good
moments, their team, if its to be a threat,
needs more nuclear fission or fusion or
Bill Sharpe
Photo by Mal Anderson
Indiana (Dick Hicks, Harry
Deschamps, Phil Trout, and Homer Brown)
had a surprise hydrogen bomb in Hicks.
Indiana lost 5-3 against both Iowa and New England, Dick
himself wiped out both teams. He beat Bozorgzadeh,
Howard, and Davey; beat Chui, Sakai, and Shirokywhich
with a 16-1 record (loss only to Smolanowicz) was enough
to win him the tournaments Most Valuable Player Award.
(And if a fellow who writes in to Topics has his way, the
Most Valuable Player in Indiana, or at least in New Albany, is
bat-maker Bernie Hock. (You cant let a champion, a fine
man, and a person who has done more for table tennis than
most anyone to just fade away.)
Because the Friday night New England vs. Iowa tie
started late, it had to be interrupted around 2 a.m. and would
resume later that morning after the players had had at least a
partial nights sleep. Iowa would winwith Howard,
shotgun-blasting his backhand, taking 3, and Houshang, with
his peculiar two-fingered grip and exasperating hardbat
MVP Award Winner Richard Hicks chop/blocks, losing to Chui but adding the necessary 2 wins
Photo by Mal Anderson
over Sakai and Shiroky.
Well, said one whom Ill call the Captain of the Riot
Control Guards via walky talky Saturday morning with one of his uniformed men, I guess its
all right to let them in if the President of the Association is there. And in we all went to see
orange peels, apple cores, parts of sticky danishes, snot-dried handkerchiefs, parts of paper

cups, pills, ear-cleaner sticks (the better to hear the loudspeaker with?), towels, newspapers,
cigarette butts, blood-dried band-aidsand of course plenty of crushed TSP balls, strips of
sponge rubber (and, incongruously, one of those other kinds of sponge that youd find by a
bathroom sink), bits of broken bats, used-up tubes of rubber cementand so on.
I was embarrassed. I took up a big container and started picking up stuff from the
playing floor. Twenty minutes later, as I started in on a section of the stands, my boy and I
both saw how hopeless it was. Of course the same thing was going to occur on Sunday
morning. You can imagine then how enraged I was to learn a few days later that the University
was charging the LITTA $500 for clean-up. I told Chris not to pay it.
National Tournament Chair Walt Stephens comes by. He says that Friday night
Rochester 3 played Rochester 2 in the 2nd round, that Princeton 4 played Princeton 2 in the 2nd
round. I tell Walt that the Tournament Committee had tried hard to avoid things like that, and
excused myself and went over and had another cup of black coffee.
Naturally I wasnt drinking by myself for long. Conditions like these I wouldnt
approve for a 1-star said a guy Id never seen before. Then soon it was the lights some were
objecting to. In some areas they werent bright enough, in others they were too bright (You
look up and you go blind!). One irate player had been so frustrated that he finally stopped
play and said to his opponent whos just served and smacked in the return, Dont you ever
throw the ball up high like that again!
But, alright, practically any tournament you go to where theyre hundreds of people
youre going to get complaints. Cant you shorten some of those articles you write in
Topics? a guy says to me. Man, you cant get through them. What the hell did it matter
how long they were if ones aim was to get through them?
Canadians Win Womens
The Topics
coverage for the Womens,
which might have pleased
the above reader, consisted
only of the results of the
various teams and a photo
of the winners. Carl Danner
tells us that the $100 1st
prize in the Womens As
went to undefeated (7-0)
Quebec (Mariann
Domonkos, Shirley Gero,
and Christine Forgo, with
Adham Sharara as their
Winning Womens Team at the 1973 USOTCs, L-R: Shirley Gero,
Captain). The $50 runnerCoach Adham Sharara, Christine Forgo, and Mariann Domonkos
up spot went to Maryland
Photo by Mal Anderson
(6-1). In the Womens Bs,
a Penn-Jersey team (7-0) defeated runner-up Cortland State (6-1). Tournament Chair Chris
Schlotterhausen not only apologized for the playing conditions, but regretted that spectator
admissions had not materialized. Although to almost everyone it was a deplorable tournament
on every front, Harry Liedtke, whod been away from the scene for a while, found reason to

be optimistic. He thought that if the USTTA bought barriers that could be used in major
events, it could get sponsors to buy advertising space on them. Two or three years ago, he
said, many more players were wearing street clothes, and that most of the women were playing
like beginners; now the quality of play had greatly improved so that not even women chiseled
any more and practically everyone could hit a backhand. It was just a question of time, said
Harry, with this depth, these many people coming out to play seriously, before table tennis
would grow and grow in the U.S.
Pennsylvania Juniors Best
There was no
story on the Junior
Championship either, but
Fred Danner compiled for
Topics a list of the
winners in the various
Groups (and the A
players records), and
there was a photo of the
winning A team,
Pennsylvania I (7-0)
Winning Junior Team at the 1973 USOTCs, L-R: Bruce Plotnick,
Ricky Seemiller (20-0),
Mike Bush, Ricky Seemiller, and Tom Van Zandt
Bruce Plotnick (12-3),
Photo by Mal Anderson
Mike Bush (12-4), and
Tom Van Zandt (0-2). The A runner-up was Quebec I (6-1)Alex Polisois (17-2), Pierre
Normandin (13-3), and Jacques Bobet (11-5). Minnesota came 3rd, led by Pete Tellegen (165). Quebec II (7-0) took the Bs from runner-up Raggety Ann (5-2) and Maryland (5-2). Cs
went to Baltimore-Kennedy (7-0) over Brandywine (6-1).
There were 24 teams in the Juniors as compared to 33 last year. Perhaps this was
because, with the tournament held on the East Coast, it was difficult for players to territorially
find a satisfactory Junior team, and also because a number of good juniors preferred to play on
Mens teams for the stiffer competition AND the opportunity, they thought, of winning more
rating points. However, with Neal Foxs help, Carl Danner made a study of the Junior play and
concluded: When the average gain of a player in the juniors was compared to the average
junior players gain who was in the mens division, there was no substantial difference between
the two categoriesnot, at least, for those with a rating of 1650 or above. The Quebec and
Ontario juniors may have wished theyd have played in the Mens, though it was highly
unlikely they could have made the final 8-team round robin.
Michigan Men Win in Final Round Robin Play
Eighth Place finisher was Georgetown (0-7). In their tie against the N.Y. Internationals,
Rumble, whod been up 18-14 in the 3rd against Brathwaite, lost a mind-wracking, racketthrowing point on an edge. Quebec was 7th. Ohio 6thwith all eyes on Tannehill. N.Y.s
Bukiet, shot up with cortisone from Dr. Andreas Gal, beat John, and so helped us to win our
Ohio tie 5-1. It would have been a good day for Bernie (6-1) if somebody hadnt stolen his
USA playing shirts and Sarajevo Worlds tracksuit with all the international pins hed acquired.
Iowas Bozorgzadeh said Tannehill was such a nice boy. Once when Houshang called the score

wrong in Johns favor, John corrected him; another time when

Houshang served into the net, John saw he really wasnt ready and so
didnt count it.
Though Sunday morning default time had been 8:30, likely
because of the Saturday night party even some of the contending
teams didnt arrive until 9:00 or so. Oh! Id better say a word or two
about the Party. Cox, Schlotterhausen, and Zakarin are drowning their
sorrows, smiling at the people Ganz has got to sit around with masks
on. The masks are like balloons and are blowing up in their faces. Sort
Dave Cox: its
of like Dave flaring up earlier at something Id said and/or done thatd
laughable, huh?
prompted him to suggest I take over running the tournament. The
highlight of the eveningif Ganz will forgive meis when all is darkened, so that nobody can
see anybody else, and we watch Canadians Errol Caetano and Violetta Nesukaitis in Prudential
of Americas 16mm super-instructional color film. For 24 minutes the camera moves from a
curtained-off plain room where Errol and Violetta are demonstrating basic strokes to the
exciting colorful play on the courts of the noisy Sarajvo Worlds.
At the final-day on these Farmingdale courts, N.Y. II will finish 5th, having come up
just short in their tie with Iowa. Houshang, whos continually been criticizing the tournament
conditions, even suggesting (playfully?) that someone ought to pull a fuse or two and, lights
out, cancel the tournament, is not happy. Not when hes in the process of losing to Horace
Roberts and all the barriers come tumbling down, and people are dashing across to other
courts, and the Tournament Referee still hasnt come around to insist that all the dust under
the table thats making the ball heavy has got to be swept up. And of course hes anything but
calm after Howard has lost to Dixon; and Tehrani to Dixon and Philip.
Still, with the tie 4-4, does he
have to worry? Tehrani has got
Roberts 11-2 in the deciding 3rd. But
then, oh, oh, its 13-11. Then 15-11
when suddenly Horace gets a severe
cramp. Hes stretched out and
worked on and given consolation
and advice by teammates and
opponents alike. No, technically, a
time out is not permitted. But these
Championships, everyone agrees, are
not like the World Championships.
So Roberts comes back game, all
Reza Tehrani
taped up. But Tehrani wins and Iowa
remains undefeated.
The N.Y. II-Michigan tie is
an eye-catcher. Seemiller, who, as
his groupies know, does leg exercises (picture him doing squat thrusts, for example), is just
too young and strong for Brassington, Dixon, and Hammond. Rory was complaining about the
indoor track floorsaid it was the worst possible kind for table tennis because you sink into it,
said it made Seemillers anti-topspin bounce even more weird. Dixon, though, looked for a
moment like he was gonna do it to Danny. Down 8-11 in the 3rd, he served off. But then,

strangely, this seemed to give him added incentive for, in a

flurry, he moved ahead 15-14. Only to lose 7 of the next 8
Although the disdainful-looking Hammond couldnt
bring down Seemiller, he did do a job on Sweeris. (Somebody
was telling me that it wasnt any sneer on Sams face but a
grimace. He couldnt stomach it all, was a sick manas hed
been two weeks earlier in that Veterans Day Philly tournament.
Still, hopping the ball backhand or forehand with a little rabbit
turn of his wrist, he had the audience flipping. And when hed
soccer-like catch the ball with his feet, or bullet in a backhand,
he may even have had the very experienced Sweeris psyched a
little. But neither Dixon nor Brassington could get deep enough
into the Dell. I overhit, said Rory. I got carried away.
And maybe some other people did too. For who comes
up to me, looking like he wants somethinga pass to get a
friend in and out of the hall?but Ted Bassett. Turns out hes
lost his wallet, has remarked about it to several young people
who were sitting beside him. And, sure enough, they find it
for him. Teds very relievedeven if $30 is missing. I go to
somebody who knows these young people and within a minute
the money is returned.
Rory Brassington
Finishing 4th is the New England team. They lost to
Photo by Mal Anderson
Michigan, 5-2, when Seemiller and Sweeris proved
unstoppable. Against our N. Y. Internationals they did better. Brathwaite begins by losing to
Sakais soft block, then drops another match to Chui (when in the last game, following a
disputed score where I as umpire ruled against him,
George lost again at deuce). Roberts (the word is that
Robbies vulnerable in the middle and that his
opponent ought to hit him there) is beaten by Shiroky,
all wired, swinging away like a madman between
points with his phantom strokes. Then Alex almost
does it again. Hes swirled away the 1st game from
Resek and, despite my frantic cries of encouragement,
has Errol down in the 2nd before collapsing at 24-all
by first serving off, then whiffing Errols serve. In the
3rd, Reseks down 0-4, is up 15-11, is down 16-19.
But then, as Im yelling, Fight, Errol! Fight, Errol!
Get im, Errol! he deuces it up, then wins 24-22.
His match over, Shiroky tells Sakai that,
When youve got a guy like Boggan, youve just got
to root louder. Now George beats Alex, and
Fuarnado (who has this habit of measuring the net
when hes in a tough spot) downs Sakai and Chui.
After which, we team members come back smiling to
Big Mamas holdin fast to Fuarnado
our Big Mama (a.k.a. Jean Denton).
Photo by Mal Anderson

Time now for Captains to begin submitting their names for the Most Valuable Player
Award? With most of the strongest teams still to play 3 or 4 ties! One LITTA committeeman
infuriates me by saying that, regardless of what anyone might do from here on out, maybe
even determine the Championship itself, hes going to vote for Hicks right away.
And now the Tournament Committee wants my
Internationals Team to play Michigan. And just like last
year we dont want to play this climactic tie early; we
dont think its fair were asked to do it again this year.
But we know the Committees in a bind, has to move the
play forward to get the tournament finished, so we agree,
though we cant have the table with the best lighting since
its occupied. Brathwaite begins the tie with Veillette
and promptly finds Mike inspired. Ive never seen him
play better. Hes really spinning the ball, and if George
loops too softly, Mike hits it away hard. In the 3rd,
Veillette is up 20-15 match point, but The Chief continues
to raise our hopes, draws to 20-18. Then he serves off!
Its a calamitous loss for us. For nobody, given that
psychic wound, can beat Seemiller or Sweeris.
Now the Tournament Committee and Michigan
want the N.Y. Internationals to play Iowa-Nissen. But of
course this isnt to our likingwe want Michigan to play
Iowa-Nissen. For if Michigan plays them (while Bozorgzadeh and Howard are stronger than
they will be two hours hence) and beats them, we, after getting by N.Y. II, will be playing a
tired Iowa for a possible 3-way tie. Sweeris, of course, doesnt trust the New Yorkers. If by
some chance his Michigan team loses to Iowa, and the Internationals, down after losing to
Michigan, drop their tie to N.Y. #2, then N.Y., being out of it, would most assuredly not, for
the pure sport of it, play hard against Iowa. Whereas if now they lost to Iowa, Sweeris
wouldnt have to worry about them. And if they beat Iowa, Michigan would then be watching
the Internationals play N.Y. #2 with great interest, for (unless there was collusion), they might
lose. And if they won, and if Michigan lost to Iowa in their final tie (and with Houshang and
Howard tired, how likely was that?), they might still win in a three-way tie.
Roberts, though, was Tiger! Tiger! burning bright. He absolutely refused this
arrangement. And while the Tournament Committee and the Michigan team and I were arguing
and trying to come to a decision one way or the other, Roberts and Brathwaite had started
their matches with N.Y. #II! This so aroused Pete Kelly of the Michigan team that he
demanded the matches be stopped. I knew, though, that if I tried to stop my teammates from
playing wed have the Riot Control Guards in here. Besides, though I felt sympathy for the
hard-working tournament officials, I didnt think the sequence of the matches had been played
fairly and that though part of this was caused by force of circumstance, well, I thought, let the
rest of it be too. My main aim was to complete the tournament without any disaster befalling
us. The Michigan team, I thought, was psychologically better equipped to lose the argument.
And, sure enough, they rose to the occasion, saved what might have been a really bad
scene. Said Kelly, Were going to go ahead and play this match with Iowa but under protest.
In my opinion, Roberts has hijacked the tournament. And Cox, too, was mad. Youve
brought this on, he told me. Youve fostered the top players egos. And now you know the

risk youre taking, dont you? The risk is you lose Chris and me.
Whose side was I on? Everybody seemed to have a point. What Kelly said was true
that Roberts was dictating the emotional ambiance at the end of this tournament. Why then did
I let him get away with it? Was I a psychic outlaw? Instinctively, unconsciously, did I take the
position of that (respected? loveable?) guy in the Cary Grant moviehoped that everyone
would accommodate him?
I remembered how at the
U.S. World Team Tryouts last
December, in the closing moments
of a ceremony there, we had
planned to ask for a minute of
silence in memory of two-time
U.S. Open Champion Bernice
Chotras. And how everybody had
agreed it would be a fine thing to
do. And how, when it came right
down to it, everybody had
forgotten. Everybody, that is,
except Roberts, who whispered to
me just in time so that it could be
done. It was Roberts who
reminded me of age-old ritual, of
civilized behavior, of one persons
Bernice Chotras
Fuarnado Roberts
humanity for another.

Winning Mens Team at the 1973 USOTCs, L-R: Dell Sweeris, Danny Seemiller,
Honorary Captain George Buben, Pete Kelly, and Mike Veillette
Photo by Mal Anderson

Michigan, in winning the Championship (and $600), had no real trouble with Iowa.
Sweeris and Seemiller again picked up their 5 matches. The Internationals beat New York II.

Resek defeated Dixon in 3, then, after losing the 1st game, 21-4, to Sam Hammond, came back
to beat him in 3. Roberts and Brathwaite also took down SamGeorge winning deuce in the
3rd. And Robbie also stopped Dixon. Only Brassington, with his brilliant badminton returns,
scored wins.
Rory and George got into a chiseling game that seemed to have lasted 40 minutes.
Whats going on here? said a spectator. Why arent they in expedite? Have they agreed not
to use a time clock? Bukiet, looking very blank, answered the man matter-of-factly, If they
dont want it, then its no rule. If they dont want the law, then theres no law. Well, said
the spectator, maybe it dont make no difference to them, but other people want to go home.
So why dont they? Manny Moskowitz finally came over and called the Rule (doubtless
following Rules Chair Mal Andersons technique of watching the servers side of the table and
counting only when sure the return is good; Eleven warns the server he has to try to put the
next one away).
At the end, Iowa-Nissen and the Internationals are playing for 2nd Place money
though what that is exactly ($300) neither the players nor the spectators seem to know. They
aint playin for nothin says a guy. They spent all the money on umpires. No, says his
friend, sharing the joke, they spent it on the Program.
Resek is out there losing deuce in the 3rd to Howard, but then he gets by Houshang.
Roberts is going strongbeats Tehrani, and is in the process of downing Howard. With
Bukiet waiting for Tehrani, its becoming clear the Internationals will take 2nd. Some LITTA
people, the rumor runs crazily around, are suggesting that maybe it wouldnt be a bad idea to
forget about giving prize money to the players and write out a check to Chris and Daveat
least, say, for the $200 the LITTA made on the tournament, this after considering all the hard
work theyd put in and all the abuse theyd taken. (It used to be fun, Chris was saying.
Now what am I doing it all for?)
Yeah, says a wise guy. That check for Chris and Davemake it just enough to get
them out of town.
Soon almost everyone has stumbled out of the hall and in a minute all will be dark
inside. Well, Tim, a disembodied voice says to me, its better than not having the tournament
at all.
Is it? I say.
*After hed read my Topics write-up of this tournament, Lee Edwards, playing out of
Gaseous Diffusion Plant, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, felt depressed and degraded, but also
challenged, by my distasteful remarks about his team. He responded (Topics, Jan.-Feb.,
1974, 33) by saying that his University of Tennessee players had undergone an experimental
operation to become cybernetic organisms, cyborgs, and had been plugged into the gaseous
diffusion plant in Oak Ridge. Thus in the past five weeks we have each hit 10 [to the power
of 7]consecutive forehands without a miss, and plan to switch to backhands sometime in
April. Lee confides that hes been working on a new revolutionary shot called the atom
smash. But even this, he says, is not nearly as good as Allen Wrights quark shot, which is
to be our cyborgs secret weapon at the 1974 Nationals in Oklahoma City. So, fair warning,
Edwards was saying to me and everyone else, we have definitely become a threat.


Chapter Thirteen
1973: President Boggan and his E.C.a
Potpourri of Thoughts/Decisions. 1973: WorldClass Play.
At its Nov. 21-22, 1973 Meeting, the E.C.
quickly took up George Bubens query (TTT,
Sept.-Oct., 1973, 13) as to What happened to the
membership money that was sent in to Marv
Shaffer from the 1972 USOTCs? Problem was,
as Shaffer makes clear, he filed a complete and
correct Report to the USTTA Treasurer in Dec.,
1972, but didnt realize something was wrong
until August of 1973. Checks had not cleared
through the bank. Our Treasurer, Dell Sweeris,
had never received the deposit receipts from our
USATT Membership Chair Marv Shaffer
bank to balance with the amount I said had been
depositedand he didnt let me know. So Marv
took appropriate actionurged all those in question to check their records to see if their
cancelled checks had ever come through, and, if not, asked them to issue a duplicate check
for the same amount and send it to me.
Responses are also forthcoming to two other questions raised by George. Marv says
hes well aware which clubs are entitled to a 15% refund for selling a new membership, and
that all those who havent deducted this money in advance, will be paid come the Christmas
vacation when he has time to do it. As for George wanting an explanation as to where the
funds came from to finance our [Sarajevo] Team, the Nov. 21 E.C. Minutes gives him the
Motion by Kaminsky: That whereas it was our intent in the general meeting
in Chicago to transfer funds from the general fund to the international team fund, and
whereas our attempt was not reflected in the minutes, we now consider that money to
have been transferred. Under the bylaw as presently stated, the action of the E.C. in
Chicago to transfer general funds to the international team fund was legal; however,
this was not recorded in the minutes because of a misunderstanding by the recording
secretary of the meeting, Mal Anderson. Prior to the World Championships sufficient
funds were raised but their receipt was delayed until after the Teams return from
Sarajevo. No general funds were used for the last World Championships. Passed 3-01.
We see (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 30) that approximately 615 persons, clubs and
businesses contributed to Dick Lesners $3,000 fund-raising drive for the 1973 Team to the
Sarajevo Worlds (this money was raised through the sale of Team-fund stickers sent to all
USTTA members). About 50 contributors were listed in Topics as giving $5 or more, and
about 20 (those contributing $10 or more) were prize-winning recipients from the following
donors: Nissen, Indian Industries, and Detroiter (tables); General Sportcraft (Stellan

Bengtsson rackets); Butterfly (deluxe bags); Dell Sweeriss Woodland

Club (a clinic). We also see (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 12) that Mort Zakarin
conducted a fund-raising drive. He asked people for tax-free donations of
$50 or more, and if they obliged they received a plaque in appreciation.
All told, 58 persons, clubs, and businesses, each contributing $25 or
more, were listed in Topics in response to Morts appeal. One reader,
Pittsburghs Terry Lee, found it disgusting that none of the Team
members had the courtesy to express [in Topics] a simple thank you.
USTTA Treasurer Jack Carr, who through the years had generously
given over $2,000 in royalties from his Advanced Table Tennis to the
USTTA, reported that, as of Oct. 31, 1973, the Association had Assets of
$36,641.29 (including almost $20,000 in cash), and Accounts Payable of
$425. The Senior International Team Fund had a balance of $492.22; the
Mort Zakarin
Junior International Team Fund a balance of $4,265.98.
The E.C. took up Motions concerning Juniors. Fred Danner wanted the age limits for
Juniors raised from Under 17 to Under 18. This failed for lack of a second, but was deferred
to a future date. Fred argues (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 10) that players should not be
prevented from playing junior matches before they graduate from high school. Otherwise,
they go into a limbo status at a time when other interests such as girls, cars, etc. are at a
maximum. Consequently, we lose most good young players from 18 to 21 unless they find
competition in the college area or unless they are good enough to be a top national mens
player.Those not going to college are likely to become table tennis dropouts.
However, Freds argument for the age change was later rejected because (1) the lack
of standardization with Canada; (2) the widespread holding of class A, B, C, etc. [events]
would rescue those in limbo-land; and (3) the school play could be independent of age limit
as long as the players were bona fide students.
Also decided later: that juniors will now NOT be permitted to play with top national
players in A Doubles even if their combined team rating is low enough to be eligible.
Reason: a top player cant play in A anything. But, so whatfor a top player can play in an
Adult-Junior event.
A proposal to raise the Junior Membership fee from $2 to $5 (effective July 1, 1974)
passed 5-2 (after a proposal at the Summer Meeting to raise it from $2 to $4 had failed). This
time Danners argument prevailed. Any junior who travels to tournaments can surely afford the
increase. If a junior doesnt want to pay $5, let him pay $1/tournament & not get Topics. We
dont want to make some poor kid a USTTA member for $2 [and have the Association lose $2
on the deal because the cost for a Junior membership with Topics is $4].
A Motion as to whether Juniors ought to be allowed to vote in USTTA elections failed
5-1. The E.C. unanimously agreed, however, that Juniors could buy Life Memberships.
Fred now has a budget of $1500 (as opposed to $100 last year) for Junior
Development. He tells us (TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 10) that this money will be spent for the
most part in setting up the national framework for junior expansion; the incorporation &
granting of tax exempt status to the National Junior Table Tennis Foundation; further work on
writing a junior table tennis handbook; more recruiting of workers at the state & local level;
developing of school instructional tapes or movies to help local junior leadership; etc.
Warren Rasmussen, Chair of the Library and Film Committee, spoke of wanting to
form a USTTA Library and Resource Center. He also wrote an article for Topics (Nov.-Dec.,

1973, 20) outlining his thoughts. He wants $500 to get him started, for he needs to collect
reference materials, historical data and documents, and written and audio-visual materials that
can be made available for the purpose of improving peoples knowledge and awareness of all
aspects of table tennis. He feels such a Library/Resource Center would help USTTA
promotional work, and would be useful for Coaching and Junior Development. Hed be glad
to hear that at this Meeting the E.C. authorized $200 toward the purchase of a high speed
sequence camera motor drive attachment to be used for sequence action shots of tournament
play that presumably will eventually find their way into this Library.

From Martin Sklorzs 1973 Table Tennis: cover photo; text from page 103 (translated from the German by Jack Carrington)


Warren urges USTTA members to make a movie of their play (a 50-foot reel), then send it
to his Resource Center. Your game will be analyzed by Surasak Koakiettaveechai, former Thailand
Champion, and [for a cost of $3] you will receive a written analysis of your play, including various
exercises to practice that should help you quickly to improve. Warren, with the aid of a good
lawyer, his local Congressman, and supporting letters from prominent people in the table tennis
world, helped the 25-year-old Surasak, reportedly the 1967 Southeast Asian Games Doubles
Champ with Thai teammate Peter Pradit, get Labor Certification status from the U.S. Immigration
Office that would allow him to stay in the country as a table tennis coach.
Of course Topics continues publishing reviews of books and/or addresses of how you
might acquire themStjepan Kljuics book on Surbek, The Will to Win, and Zdenko
Uzorinacs From London to Sarajevo. Rufford Harrison shares page space in Topics with
Rasmussen as he comments on Chester Barness Modern Table Tennis Tactics. Its a horror,
says rough Ruff, strewn with unintelligible directives (This gives the ball more time to move
around of the spin) and ridiculous inaccuracies (Swedens Bjorne Mellstrom is called Stellan
Bengtsson; Chinas Chang Shih-lin is called Chuang Tse-tung).
Earlier, Rufford (see TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1973, 16), as if aware of Rasmussens plea for
translators of foreign books and articles, had reviewed Martin Sklorzs Table Tennisfrom
Beginner to Expert (in German)which he calls The Best Book In Years. Sklorz, says
Rufford, organized the original technical work on the yellow ball and on the effect of bounce
on ball speed. You see a photo of a t.t. ball being squashed, and are privy to such facts as the
ball is in contact with the racket only for about a 1/1000 of a sec.during which time it
travels less than 1 cm. (about 1/3 in.). Rufford refers elsewhere to Sklorzs 1973 Table Tennis
(English translation by Englands Jack Carrington)says the ball speed in a kill can go up to
106 mph; the deformation of the ball on pimpled rubber in a kill up to 20%; and the speed of
rotation of a loop up to 3000 rpm. As ITTF Equipment Chair, Rufford was interested in an
experiment to see if, after 13-14 hours of racket-and-table-rub play, the weight of a table
tennis ball changed. Result: Initial weight, 2.60 grams; Final weight, 2.60 grams.
There was much talk at this E.C. Meeting of possible Fee changes. The E.C. decided
not to increase the club membership fee from $10 to $15 per year (3-2); and not to raise the
sanction fee for closed tournaments from $20 to $35 (5-2). But the Committee did decide: (1)
To reduce the sanction fee of 3 star tournaments from 20% to 10% (4-1-1); (2) To raise the
sanction fee for one star tournaments from $35 to $50 (5-2); (3) To let the sanction fee for
two star tournaments stay at $50, but require $300 in prize money (6-0); (4) To limit the
entry fee for any event in the U.S. Open to no more than $15 (6-1); (5) To reduce the U.S.
Open sanction fees from 25% to 20% of entry fees (6-1); (6) To define the apportionment of
[senior and junior ITF] funds collected for the sanctioning of closed, 1-star and 2-star tournaments
[seniors get $8 of closed, juniors $2; seniors get $15 of 1 and 2-star tourneys, juniors $5] (5-1); and
(7) To implement new sanction fees for Invitational tournaments according to the prize money
offeredthese fees, the result of being modified at the June 22-23, 1974 E.C. meeting, to be as
follows: $300 or less ($50); $300.01 to $1,000 ($75); $1000.01 to $3,500 (5% of value; $75
minimum); $3,500.01 to $5,000 (4% of value; $175 minimum); $5,000.01 to $10,000 (3% of
value; $200 minimum); $10,000.01 and up (2% of value; $300 minimum).
USTTA Coaching Chair Jeff Smart was given the o.k. to conduct a national coaching
seminar at the U.S. Open. Jeff (see TTT, July-Aug., 1973, 6) has been allocated $5,000
(through May of 74) to pay Certified Coaches (theyll have passed the USTTAs Written
Umpires Exam)* to teach clinics organized for schools by USTTA affiliated clubs.

Connections with Phys. Ed. teachers are of course very important, and to this end exhibitions
should prove initially helpful. Jeff has worked out allocation money to Regions based on the
number of clubs in each Region. Hes also established pay schedules depending on ones
coaching statusa Regional Coach can make up to $200 a week; a National Coach up to
$350 a week. Associate Coaches, Instructors, even potential Instructors (like parents of
students) are to be encouraged. Want to be Certified? Contact your Regional Coach. Jeff lists
them and their addresses (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 16)Bill McGimpsey, Sol Lewis, Randy
Hess, Bill Lesner, Larry Kesler, Bill Guilfoil, Jeff Kurtz, and Les Sayre. Clubs, please hire
coaches, conduct clinics, and advertise them with beautiful posters available from Randy Hess.
Smart, as Id mentioned in Vol. VI, had gone to the Kolboda
School in Sweden, and had perhaps first become seriously interested
in coaching while there. Now Kaj Wessberg, manager and owner of
Kolbodabaden in Sweden, and Thomas Stenberg, a trainer there,
and the official coach of the Swedish junior national team, were
talking of possibly opening a 30-50 table camp in the U.S. to which
they would bring some very good Swedish players. They want to
know the chances of this project being successful and, if so, they ask
for help in finding a suitable location. For whatever reason, perhaps the USTTAs failure to be
encouraging enough, Kolboda would never pursue establishing a School in the U.S. However,
this summer Johan Messa will again head the summer clinic at Kolboda and asks all interested
U.S. players to send a $50 deposit to liaison Rufford Harrison.

Are Bill Lesner (left) and Jeff Smart practicing for their Air Force Exhibition Tour?
Lesner photo by Mal Anderson; Smart photo by Stewart Ansteth

I might mention here that Smart (see TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 8), because he was the
USTTA Coaching Chair, was asked by the U.S. Air Forces in Europe, U.S.A.F.E., to give a
tour of Air bases with a partner of his choiceand he accepted, taking along his regular
exhibition partner Bill Lesner (who, because the gig was from Nov. 16-29) had to give up his

spot on the winning Michigan Mens USOTC team. Jeff said that their escort liaison, Bob
Segien, a civilian Recreation Facilities supervisor, made all lodging, eating, and travel plans
for us while in England.Traveling in his small stationwagon Volksvagen, we covered about
500 miles of English countryside and 5 bases.
Jeff says he and Bill ran the gamut of instructional shots, and every variant
entertainment ploy they could think of, including playing with all different kinds of objects to
accompanying jokes. (For example, as Bill plays with a hand mirror, sans handle, he might say,
Note how these chops reflect spin). Later, an American spectator, Tom Welton, wrote into
Topics saying that he very much enjoyed watching his friends, two top Juniors from England,
Paul Day and John Kitchener, become part of Jeff and Bills act. We had around 100 base
personnel watching and not a soul moved for the 2 and1/2 hours the show went on. Yes, it
was that good.
The second half of their tour found them initially in Ramstein, Germany where a brief
power failure occurred during an exhibition and they actually had some great volleys in near
total darkness. They were surprised to hear from a Major Jenkie, the son of a Pontiac player
whod known Bill since he was a child. He met them, took them to his home for a
Thanksgiving turkey dinner, and arranged some sightseeing even while they went to several
bases giving exhibitions. A gas shortage in Germany gave them a Sunday off and they played
squash for the first time. They
were going to go on to Turkey,
but the coup detat in Greece
had resulted in a ban on all
aircraft landing in Athens, a
crucial refueling stop on the flight
to Turkey. So they changed
plans and came home. Of course
the first thing Jeff did was hop in
his car and hurry to his fiance,
Yvonne Krombezs houseto
surprise her with an 11:30 p.m.
USATT Coaching Chair Jeff Smart and perhaps his
Continuing with mundane
most encouraging pupil, Yvonne Krombez
E.C. matters, I, as President, was
Photo by Mal Anderson
to write a letter to Windsor Olson
explaining the position of the USTTA on the activities of
A Windsor Olson
National Table Tennis League [Olson wants his players
league logo
to compete against the Taiwanesewhich was an ITTF nono]. I repeated my hard-line approach (too hard?) that USTTA
members who play on or against teams representing the National
Table Tennis League face immediate suspension. After Rufford
Harrison did not get ITTF approval for such play, I issued a public
warning in Topics to the Northwest players and any others involved.
They knew I was serious because last yearsee Vol. VI, Chapter Twelve, 375on hearing
that Olson wanted to bill his 3-man Seattle-based team as the U.S. vs. the Republic of China
in a world championship match, I, acting for the E.C., warned, then suspended players who
participated in this charade.

After Id issued this new warning, Spokanes Peter Lau objected to my intended
action, offered an excellent rebuttal (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 19) that Ill highlight as follows:
Why is it that players of a territory not possessing a governing Association
or whose association is not a member of the ITTF be deprived of the right to compete
with others belonging to the ITTF? The Republic of Chinacould not now join the
ITTF due to the presence of the Peoples Republic of China. However, the Taiwanese
players themselves, as individuals, have done absolutely nothing to deserve such a
I do not ask the USTTA to challenge the ITTF. I just think that [as a
national organization in this leading country of the democratic world] it should not
enthusiastically support this [unscrupulous] law.
Article 3.2 of the ITTF handbook does not specify what disciplinary action
need be imposed on this type of offender. In fact, we have reason to believe that, based
on conscientiousness, righteousness, or whatever, the Executive Committee of the
ITTF would hesitate to take any such action. I am positive that many players in Hong
Kong, including some who played in the Worlds, have played various Taiwanese
players many times before, yet I cannot recall any disciplinary action being taken on
I agree that if no action were taken against these offenders, the ITTF might
be enraged. To get around the possible risk, however, the USTTA could take the
following precautionary moves: 1) Declare that those matches do not have the official
approval of the USTTA. 2) Acknowledge to the public that these players are assuming
their own individual risk and that they should be responsible for any incurred
consequences. But the USTTA should not take any disciplinary action unless the
matter has been taken up by the ITTF.
So what followed? The Northwest players did
play in these Olson-sponsored U.S.-Taiwan matches.
Longtime CA player and well-known falconer Henry
Tyler Swain said he was fortunate to be able to film
the play. The USTTA Disciplinary Committee then
took the offenders actions under advisement, and the
E.C. at their May, 1974 Meeting responded as
Motion by Bochenski: The Executive
Committee does not approve of the misleading
Henry Tyler Swain
advertising of the United States Professional
Photo by Mary McIlwain
Champion Sockeyes or the World Champion
Professional Chinese team. However, we do feel that
we should make very effort to encourage Rob Roberts, Tom Ruttinger and Joe Lee to
join with the USTTA in promotion of table tennis in the Northwest. We hereby
encourage them to run USTTA sanctioned tournaments in their new club in Seattle,
and to take out individual memberships in the USTTA and to participate in USTTA
sanctioned tournaments. Passed unanimously. [Apparently, if we encouraged these

Northwest players to take out memberships and participate in USTTA tournaments,

these 2nd-time suspensions were lifted. Actually, it seems they never were officially
suspended, for Dr. Michael Scott II, USTTA Disciplinary Chair, said, that, though
President Boggan had called him wanting their suspension, there was never any followup request in writing to take disciplinary action.]
As President/Editor I allowed Mike Greene to advertise his World Championship films
without taking out a paid-for ad, allowed Jack McLarty, Don Gunn, Don Larson, Jeff Smart,
Dell Sweeris, and, doubtless, others to say, very briefly, something in their articles that could
be of material benefit to them or to a friend. Of course these were all twined in with what they
had written for no pay for the magazine, so I didnt worry about them getting any advantage.
In my judgment, what theyd given freely in return to the Sport over the years, what theyd
done for the common good, compensated for what in several instances was just a line or two.
But I was taken to task by a couple of readers (see TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 18-19), in
particular by one who had a sneaking suspicion he was making mountains out of a molehill,
whod objected to the special attention these contributors had been given. And yet the
satisfaction this fellow had gotten from my printing elsewhere his lengthy articles, including
those promoting his tournaments both before and after theyd been held (with many diary-like
entries as to what hed done), might have been equal to, or worth more to him in vanity
payment, or psychic payment, than the relatively few dollars were worth to the others.
Further E.C. Meeting items of interest included:
Neal Fox, as if he hadnt enough to do with his Ratings (and calling to task Southern
Tournament Directors and their Regional Director for being lax in getting tournament results
to him), was named Intercollegiate Chair.
Remuneration was given to Fox, Ron Shirley, and Lou Bochenski for their hard work
in submitting rating proposals.
President Boggans Topics honorarium will become $500 an issue beginning with the
40-page Nov.-Dec., 1973 one. (At a Jan., 1974 Meeting at Magoos, USTTA Executive VicePresident Charlie Disney, who gets no pay at all, said he didnt feel jealous because Tim is
doing little jobs here and there, expecting no pay.)
All rules regarding the USOTCs will be deleted and a chair appointed to study a new
Mort Zakarin will pursue the possibility of a weeks coaching of juniors at Mt. Airy
Lodge, culminating in a Mt. Airy Biennial Junior Invitational tournament.
Since interest was shown in forming a new Regional tournament district made up of
Washington/Oregon, National Tournament Chair Walt Stephens will follow up. Hell request a
nomination for Regional Director from the Pacific Northwest District Affiliation Chair Jeff
Magoos Vince Koloski sums up the advantages of Club Affiliation and USTTA
Membershipsomething those who read his articles in the July-Aug. Topics already know, but
maybe dont proselytize to non-members and should.
Dick Miles is to be sent to Las Vegas, all expenses paid, to investigate and coordinate
any possibility that the USTTA might host the 1979 World Championships. Doug Stewart, in a
rather long article (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 6), goes over all that the host country must to do to
run a Worlds, and concludes he cant see much of a problem if the U.S. wants to do it.
Rufford Harrison is stunned by such glibness (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 2). Easy to conduct a

Worlds for the public? When has anyone ever run a large tournament for them? Easy to get
umpires? No. Easy to get the daily Results out quickly? Certainly not. And all the necessary
volunteer workerswhere get them from?
Bob Kaminsky, wholl be allowed $50 to design a new USTTA pin, will also have
the o.k. to give D-J Lee $150 toward his expenses to play in the Oklahoma City Open. Then,
something new: Bob will be authorized to spend up to $6500 for transportation in lieu of
allotted prize money to bring foreign table tennis teams to the 1974 U.S. Open. Teams
receiving Priority are: 1. USSR (3 men, two women). 2. South Korea (2 women, 3 men if
funds permit). 3. Yugoslavia or Czechoslovakia or Hungary (3 men). Its assumed the
following teams will be sponsored: 1. SwedenSportscraft (President: Kenneth Edelson)). 2.
Yugoslavia or HungaryButterfly (Kimihiko Tamasu/Bowie Martin). 3. JapaneseBenihana
(Rocky Aoki).
Kaminsky had been friendly with the
Russians in Sarajevo, and when he sent an
invitation to the U.S. Open to both the
Russian Table Tennis Federation and future
President Leonid Brezhnev, then the General
Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party,
suggesting another Ping-Pong Diplomacy,
the Federation was interested. But, as it
turned out, despite his efforts with Senator
Hatfield and others, Bob learned privately
that Secretary of State Henry Kissinger had
rejected any such rapprochement. Later, when
Bob queried him about what had happened
regarding this opportunity, Kissinger had
replied, I dont remember.
This money the USTTA is paying to
bring world-class players here sets Fuarnado
Roberts off, and he thinks it outrageous that
theres little or nothing for our U.S. Team
U.S. Team Captain Bob Kaminsky (in suit) with
players, either in the way of expenses or prize members of the Russian Team at Sarajevo, L-R:
money. He goes so far as to say, It would
Yury Sergeevitch Gazarian, Mens Team Coach;
Arkady Starozhilets, Head Coach and Captain of
appear as if Dal Joon Lee were cunningly
the Womens Team; and Sarkis Sarkhayan.
stripped of his crown, and an opportunity for
Photo by Mal Anderson
an all-time record of seven straight wins. This
could be considered incahootism. Really? D-J already has the all-time record. Who, other
than Robbie could believe this accusation? Or, check that, I dont think Robbie himself
believes itnot with his qualifications (would appearcould be considered). However, his
rhetorical flight hits if not the bulls-eye at least the target when he says, There is a rumor from
reliable sources going around that U.S. players might be placed in the same penniless position
for the coming world championship as they were [before] in 1971.
And something else new other than that $150 to D-J (who didnt show for the U.S.
Team ties): at the June E.C. Meeting, Danny Seemiller in consideration of his dedication and
constantly improving standard, was awarded $1,000 to assist him in traveling to European
tournaments during the coming year on the condition that he stay at least two months.

Later (TTT, JulyAug., 1974, 16), Fuarnado

repeats his charge that theres
a conspiracy against D-J. The
Ratings that come out after
the Oklahoma City Open
dont include Lees. D-J,
says Robbie, the Nixon
Administration had a
plumbers unit, placing certain
people on the enemy
list.How could Fox have
the nerve to drop D-J out of
the Ratings? Was he ordered
by the higher-ups to do so?
D-J, Robbie says, can now
be considered the Mohammed
One as experienced as Danny Seemiller has to be leery of the
Ali of table tennis.
sometimes deceptive Fuarnado Roberts
Naturally, theres a
Photo by Lyle Thiem
combative response or two.
Sam Steiner (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 15) is about fed up
with Fuarnados paranoid ravings, his cheap shots
at the USTTA E.C. Are all those who thought it a good
Photo by
thing to bring the foreign players to the Oklahoma City
Open out to lay D-J low? And so what if D-Js not
played enough to satisfy Foxs Rating participation
requirements? Roberts might as well protest the
absence of John Tannehill, Dick Miles, Bobby Riggs, or
Linda Lovelace. Sam says, If I were Neal, whos doing
a a fantastic job with the Ratings, Id be quite
insulted by the inference of orders from above, and
being compared to the White House plumbers.
USTTA Ranking Chair Dieter Huber
responds (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 12): Ive been
reading Fuarnado Roberts articles in TOPICS with
amazement, amusement, and sometimes with disbelief! Dieters indignant over Robbies
comparison of the Rating or Ranking Committee with the Nixon Administrations plumbers
unit. He says, Why cant Roberts just simply ask.Why was D-J left off the Rating List?
without going into accusations, insinuations, inferences, and insult?
Fox himself will later reply matter-of-factly to Roberts:
With the number of rated players over 3,000 it is necessary (if just from an
economical standpoint) to remove inactive players from Topics listings. D. J. Lee was
removed on the basis of the first set of requirements (6 significant matches in the previous 6
months). He had only one at the time of the Topics deadline.D. J. did not lose his rating,
he simply lost the right to be listed in Topics until he became active again.

World-Class Play
Meanwhile, as the year was coming to an end, lets take a look at what had been going
on, or what would be going on, with players abroad, some of whom wed be seeing at our
upcoming U.S. Opens. The 16th European Junior Championships (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1973, 4)
was held in August in Piraeus, a harbor of Athens. It drew 26 countries with the following
Results. BOYS TEAM: 1. Sweden. 2. USSR. 3. Germany. 4. Czechoslovakia. GIRLS TEAM:
1. USSR. 2. Romania (defeated England 3-0). 3. Hungary (defeated England 3-0). 4.
Yugoslavia. BOYS SINGLES: 1. Ulf Thorsell, Sweden, 2-1 over runner-up Des Douglas,
England. 3. Peter Stellwag, Germany. 4. Bagrat Burnazian, USSR. GIRLS SINGLES. 1. Hana
Riedlova, Czechoslovakia, World #20, 23-21, 23-21, over Ilie, Romania. 3. Tatiana Ferdman,
USSR. 4. Elmira Antonian, USSR, World #15. Riedlova is described as a very good offensive
player with strong spins and kill shots. Ilie has a fantastic defensegood enough to have
beaten Riedlova in the 1972 final.
BOYS DOUBLES. 1. Thorsell/Hafer, Sweden, over Burnazian/Baranov, USSR, 2-1.
GIRLS DOUBLES. Ilie/Lupu, Romania, over Ferdman/Antonian, USSR. Lupu is said to be
the great hope of the Romanians for the next Worlds and plays a marvelous offensive game.
But neither of these promising Girls Doubles winners will ever have a world ranking. MIXED
DOUBLES. Thorsell/Ann-Christin Hellman, Sweden, vs. Douglas/Linda Howard, England
Ive differing accounts as to who won. Douglas was said to look dispirited after his loss in the
Boys final, but Howard was reported to have played great.
Cosmo Graham (TTT, Nov.-Dec, 1973, 5) covers the Sussex Open, held in Hastings;
play is in a theatre, 6 tables are placed where there are normally seats, and seats [are placed]
on stage. Ian Horsham, Essex county player and ex-England junior, just back from China
and Japan, wins his opening matches but then loses to Tony Clayton, the English #5. Mike
Johns (a consistent looper with some strange serves) and Stuart Gibbs (wholl hit anything)
play into the end-game 3rd. Mike groans when his lob hits the lights. But Gibbs misses a
hangar and that costs him the match, 20-22.
Canadas Errol Caetano progresses to the 4th round, but, as he seems to be playing
on talent and instinct, cant put any pressure on Englands #6 Brian Burn. Errols teammate
Peter Gonda wins the 1st from Peter Taylor, Trevors brother,
one of the laziest players on the circuit, but loses the next
two. Belgiums Norby Van de Walle, who, as weve seen in
earlier volumes, learned and honed his game in the U.S., won
two hard-fought games over Henry Buist, a bearded Reisman
with his pimpled-rubber bat. In the 8ths, top seed Nicky Jarvis
went down to Jimmy Walker. Mike Johns, in a yellow shirt,
orange shorts, and grey socks, spends his time looping against
Van de Walle. He occasionally drops or kills. Wins two
straight. Johns reaches the final, but loses to Alan Hydes.
The Womens final goes to Jill Hammersley over
Karenza Mathews. Earlier, Jill downed Judy Williams, whod
squeaked by Shelagh Hession [England #4] in a long expedite
match, saving the second at deuce on an edge. Earlier,
Karenza stopped Violetta Nesukaitis, 21-19, 23-21.
In Mens Doubles, Caetano/Gonda score a nice win
over Jarvis/Walker, but then lose in 3 to Hydes/Burn, survivors

from 16-19 down in the 3rd to Gibbs/Bobby Stevens. Hydes/Burn go on to win the Doubles
over Belgiums #1/#2 Schalley/Van de Walle whod knocked out the strong team of Clayton/
Laurie Landry. Hydes completes his hat trick by partnering Englands #5 Howard to a win in
the Mixed.
In describing Hungarys 6-1 rout of England in a European League Match played to an
audience of 600 or so in Coventry, Phil Reid (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1973, 4) gives us his impression
of the Hungariansthough Tibor Klampar was doing National Service in Budapest and
Istvan Jonyer was unwell and would appear in the doubles only. Which meant maybe
England had a chance for an upset? Afraid not. Janos Borzei opened against Englands #3
Jarvis, and as the Englishmans game is loop, loop, hit, with very much more loop than hit, if
the loop stops working hes in trouble. Though he won the 1st, Nicky couldnt get enough balls
through this World #14 defender.
Now it was England #4 Douglas vs. Gabor Gergely wholl have to wait till 75 for his
world rankingby then itll be #12. Hes pretty good now though, for, as it turns out, hes
already champion of Budapest, having beaten both Klampar and Jonyer on the way to taking
the title. Sporting long hair and a big moustache, this 20-year-old looks quite unlike any
other Hungarian player I have ever seen. He plays differently too:
forehand drive is
performed with a
rather peculiar
action but it is
mighty effective.
Where he collects
most of his points
is with his sudden
forehand kills. He
will suddenly
Hungarys Gabor Gergelys
unleash a fierce,
unstoppable drive
unstoppable drive
which he can produce from any part of the table and, more disconcerting, can dispatch
it wherever he wishes into the opponents court. Mostly these drives went speedily
down the opponents backhand court when for all the world it looked certain to be
going down the other side.
What perhaps impresses one most is his complete unflappability.No matter
how bad a shot he has just made, he never showed any sign of emotion other than
complete contentment in all he did.His anticipation is a strong point, but to go with
it he has the most quicksilver footwork one could wish to see. With quick, sharp,
nimble steps he moves into position quickly so that he can take the ball wherever it
suits his game best.
Strange to say, perhaps, but Gergely lost that 1st game to Douglas 21-13, for Des was
unleashing powerful drives to all corners of the court and his close-to-the-table game was

Karenza Mathews
From the 1971 Commonwealth
Championships Program

Hungarys Beatrix Kishazi

impressive indeed. But then Hungarian coach Zoltan Berczik spoke to his star, and Gergely,
with sweeping drivesthat frequently wrong-footed Douglas (whos slow of foot), rallied
to win the next two.
Englands Karenza Mathews, playing the 3rd match, had no chance against Europe #1
Beatrix Kishazi who, apart from having a superb defense, is able to come in with the telling
hit from time to time. Next, Mens Doubles, and I would not think Jonyer an easy player to
partner, if only because of the room he needs to make his sweeping loops. The Hungarians
won, 19, 19, but Jonyer was often lethargic, not up to scratch. Englands only win was in the
5th-match Mixed. The European Youth Champions, Douglas/Howardto 18-in-the-3rd
thunderous applausedowned Jonyer partnered by World #14 Judit Magos, a big blonde
penholder. Howard could not contest against Kishazi. And Borzsei, showing much
enthusiasm for attacking, finished Douglas in 3.
North Carolinas Kuo-San Chung has the Topics by-line (Jan.-Feb., 1974, 2) for the
Oct. 16-29 Chinese Nationals. Held in Wu-han, a city in Hu-nan province, it is the biggest
national tournament in China since the liberation. Although some players were only 14 or
even 11 years old, they fought with steel will against adult players. Thinking clearly of
playing table tennis for the revolution, they have been training very hard and making rapid
Mens Singles went to Li Chen-shi, the young soldier playing in his 1st Nationals. He
blocked very fast and hard on his backhand side, and hit fiercely with his forehand. He beat Li
Ching-kuang, World #4 after Nagoya; Hsu Shao-fa, currently World #9; Chou Lan-sun, a
member of Chinas 1965 World Champion Mens Team; and TiaoWen-yuan, the Defending
National Champion. Womens went to double-wing looper Huang Hsi-ping over last years
Nationals newcomer, 21-year-old Yu Chin-chia whod upset the current World Champion Hu
Yu-lan. Twelve out of the thirty-two women seededdidnt survive their preliminary round
robin. Mens Doubles winners: Liang Ko-liang/Li Chou-min. Womens Doubles: Hu Yu-lan/
Liu Hsin-yan. Mixed: Li Chen-shi/Wu Shih-pao.

Zdenko Uzorinac (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 3) reports on the wintry European

tournaments. At the Nov. 14-16 Hungarian International in Budapest, Stellan Bengtsson and
Kjell Johansson won the Teams and the Doubles, and Kjell beat Stellan in the Mens final.
Englands steady, cool defender, Jill Hammersley, won her first big Openover the USSRs
Elmira Antonian whod outlasted Czech World runner-up Alicia Grofova. Hungarys Henriette
Lotaller, World #23 by 75, had a good tournamentwinning both the Womens Doubles with
Magos (over Kishazi/Hammersley) and the Mixed with Gergely (over Borzsei/Kishazi).
The Scandinavian Open, which the Swedish call familiarly Lilla VMlittle World
Championships, was held Nov. 30-Dec. 2 at Baltiska Hall in the port city of Malmo, Sweden.
Mens Team winners were the Hungarians who shut out the Chinese in the semis, and the
Czechs in the final. Womens Team winners were the Swedes who edged the Chinese 3-2.
Mens Singles: the award, presented by King Gustav XVI himself, went to Dragutin Surbek in
5 over Gergely. In an all-China final, Womens Singles went to Yu Chin-chia over Liu Hsinyen. Other winners: Mens Doubles: Bengtsson/Johansson over Surbek/Anton Stipancic.
Womens Doubles: Hammersley/Kishazi over Grofova/Riedlova. Mixed: Lu Yuan-sheng/Liu
Hsin-yen over Czech #1 Milan Orlowski/Grofova.
The Chinese also attended the Jan. 21-23 Romanian Open at Ploesti. Winners: Mens
Team: Japan over China, 3-2, whod escaped the USSR (Stanislav Gomozkov, Anatoly
Strokatov, Sarkis Sarkhoyan), 3-2. Womens Team: Romania (Maria Alexandru, Carmen
Crisan) over USSR, 3-0, after the Russians had eliminated China 3-1. (The 34-year-old
Alexandru didnt lose a game.) Mens Singles: Yujiro Imano, winner of the Afro, Asian, Latin
America tournament held in Beijing, over Strokatov. Womens Singles: the Sarajevo World
Womens Doubles Champs were the finalists with Japans Miho Hamada blanking Alexandru.
Mens Doubles: Japans Shigeo Ito/Imano over Chinas Li De Jan/Laio Fu Man. Womens
Doubles: Hamada/Alexandru over Antonian/Zoya Rudnova. Mixed: Gomozkov/Rudnova over
Sarkhoyan/Antonian in 5.
At the Czech Open, Jan. 27-29 in Prague, Yugoslavias Surbek and Stipancic won the
Mens Teams over the top Russians, 3-2with Gomozkov, despite being down 4 match
points, squeaking by Surbek in the 3rd, and also downing Stipancic. Womens Teams: Japan
over the Czechs in the semis, and the Russians in the final, both 3-2.
Tibor Klampar, now just a soldier in an international tournament after a long
absence, was asked by the Yugoslav journalist Stjepan Kljuic, How, being a sportsman with
so little muscle, could he so strongly smash the ball? Klampar answered, It is all my
happiness in table tennis that the strength of a Jonyer is not solely enough for victory.
Nevertheless, it was Jonyer who won the Mens Singles over Klampar here. In the Womens,
Magos looped through Alexandru. Mens Doubles: Surbek/Stipancic over Gomozkov/
Sarkhoyan. Womens Doubles: Hamada/Kishazi over Alexandru/Grofova in 5. Mixed:
Gomozkov/Rudnova over Sarkhoyan/Antonian.
Ive no write-up of the English Closed, but apparently 27-year-old Chester Barnes,
unranked last year, beat 29-year-old Denis Neale in the final, and so has been reinstated into
the English rankings as #1. Jill Hammersley, 22, continues as #1 among the women. Well first
see her at our 1976 U.S. Open, an historic one to be sure.
*Mal Anderson, in an Apr. 30, 2006 e-mail told me why, as USTTA Rules Chair back
in 1973, he thought it imperative that captains and coaches be required to pass the Umpires

exam. At Sarajevo, hed watched the 5-game match between Englands Jill Hammersley and
South Koreas Park Mi Ra, in which after losing the first two games Hammersley had rallied to
take a 17-10 lead in the 5th. At which point, said Mal, Jills long retrieve went around the net,
not over, making it 18-10. But none of the officials knew that the rule states over or around
the net, so they ruled against her. Of course, there was an argument, but Jill and her coach
gave way, making the score 17-11.
Some of us [from the U.S.] were yelling at the English coach, who yelled back, Shut
up! We did, and watched as Jill led 20-18 (meaning shed actually won 21-17), but lost, 2220. That English coach should have been sent home instead of Trevor Taylor. [But surely its
the unqualified officials here who have to bear the blame. Did Mal think Hammersley and the
English coach didnt know the rule? Or the South Koreans, though quite possibly dissembling,
didnt know the rule? That doesnt seem possible. Perhaps, with Jill leading, her coach thought
it best not to distract her by arguing further? I assume Mal wants to alert captains and coaches
to the rules so they wont be taken advantage of. Here it doesnt seem to me to be a question
of the coach not knowing such a common rule (surely hes seen Jonyer and Klampar play their
wind-around-the-net shots) but rather making the wrong decision not to insist the rule be


Chapter Fourteen
1973-74: Winter TournamentsPart I ( Seemiller/Mary Ann Burdick Win $1,000
Rockford Invitational).
In mid-February, 1974, the Bochenski family opened their table tennis center on the 4th
floor of the Elks Temple building in downtown Portland, OR. The main room, Lou tells us
(TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 30), has 36-foot high ceilings, immense pillars upon a marble stage,
and beautiful, fancy carvings. No wonder Jim Scott called it a palacethe Paddle Palace.

The place is huge12,000 square feet. Fourteen Brinktun tables are arranged in two
parallel rows, divided by netting. To the sides there are leatherette seats and in one set-off
section a pro shop and control desk. Three lounge areas offer relaxation and entertainment:
one has a color TV; another, game and snack machines; another provides a quiet area for chess
or cards. The foyer is used as a smoking room. There is also a Sitco Robot room. Such an
inexpensive, recycling robotmanufactured locally by Gus and Steve Berliners Simplicity
Tool Companyis of invaluable help in coaching, and also for an individual who wants to
work on developing his/her strokes.
Three rest rooms are available for use (cost to put them into operation and for the
necessary electrical work: $2,000). Lou plans on having two dressing rooms, but right now

theyre used for storage and for workas witness their mimeograph machine (every
tournament participant will get a copy of the results of every match played) and a large heat
press thats used to laminate newspaper and magazine articles, as well as to help make
plaques. As the Club is on the 4th floor, there are three stairways and, according to a fire
marshall, the largest fire escape in Portland, as well as an elevator used chiefly for freight.
A steam heat system for this 4th floor is costing the building owner almost $5,000.
One can imagine how many volunteers it took to get this Palace in shape. Lou tries to name
them allfrom Don Nash, one of the 7 members of the Advisory Board, who did the steeplejack
work of climbing a 32-foot extension ladder to Fred Schaefer who spent a day on the floors with
a power scrubber. As for the lights, When youre standing on the top of a 15-foot scaffolding,
[holding]a 17-foot pole with a suction cup at the end of it replacing a globe, and you lack the
reflexes of a table tennis champion, globes sometimes slip. EXPLOSION! But better bulbs fall
than humans. Lous wife, Dotty, made drapes for the twelve huge windows. Fourteen upper
windows will be draped when we can figure out a way to get up that high.
Paddle Palace members will have their
names listed, in color according to sex
and age, on a magnetic rating board. Of
course leagues and tournaments will
reflect their ever-changing status. The
Portlanders are nothing if not optimistic.
Theyre ready to challenge the Magoos
Club, the Woodland Club, or any other
club to a competition in promotion.
Who will have the most active weekly
members by May 1, 1975? Topics prints a
letter from Jim DeMet who thinks so
highly of Lous promotional efforts that
after attending the first tournament at the
Palacethe Oregon Openhe will
continue to make the 800-mile jaunt from
Salt Lake City to Portland every time a
tournament is held there.
Results of that Mar. 8-10 Oregon Open:
Lou Bochenski and his magnetic Rating Board
Open Singles: Ron Carver over Vo Qui
Han, then over Judy Bochenski, both 18 in
the 5th. Womens (sans Bochenski): Lori Mason over Liz Kurtz. Open Doubles: Jeff Kurtz/
Dave Hudson over Chris Depee/Ed Ng. As: Charlie McLarty over Hudson, 31-29 in the 3rd!
(Charlies artist dad, Jack, made a table tennis player painting and sign for the front door of
the Palace). Bs: DeMet over Bochenski after Lou had knocked out Dunbar Carpenter, deuce
in the 3rd. Cs: Carpenter over Lee Olson. Ds: Kevin Young over Bill Mason. Es: Charlie
Schmiel (Palace bulletin board-maker) over Rick Pepperworth. Fs: Ted Miller over Jim
Kalvelage, 25-23 in the 3rd. Unrated: Mike LaMear over Miller.
Seniors: Dr. Bob Ho over Tore Frederickson (Bob, being a surgeon, knows the
importance of a good scrubbinghence his contribution to getting the Palace in shape: a
magnificent job of scrubbing woodwork). Under 17: Mike Bochenski over Bobby Rinde.
Under 15: Rinde over Scott Lipscomb who outlasted John Frederickson, 23-21 in the 3rd.

It may be, by this time, that, as the 1974 U.S. Open Program will later point out, the
San Francisco Club had abandoned its nomadic life (caused by dependency on city recreation
facilities) and located and leased a 2nd-floor loft containing an abandoned uniform
manufacturing business. Six weeks and many hours of labor later they had a fine club, 44 x
68 with a dark-stained wood floor, no pillars, 12 foot ceiling, 200 foot-candles of light
throughout the room and dark walls for good background. Other reasons for the 5-table
Clubs popularity: its open weekday evenings and weekend afternoons, and had nominal
charges$6 per month for members, or $1.50 per evening for non-mambers (43).
At the Feb. 9-10 San Francisco Winter Open, Kevin Wong won the Mens over Vance
Gillette. As: Jim Naik over Gillette. Bs: Gillette over Bob Glenn. Cs: Henry Fung over L.
Hung, 19 in the 3rd. Ds: D. Lau d. J. Kinder. Seniors: Azmy Ibrahim d. Allan Herskovich. U17s: Fung d. Chick Chui.
A unique Junior-Senior Closed was held at the
Hollywood Club as the year ended. Winners: Under 17: Dean
Galardi over Dennis Barish, 23-21 in the 3rd. Under 15:
Barish over Galardi, 19 in the 3rd. Under 13: Keith Huber
over Don Schultz, 19 in the 3rd. Under 11: Schultz over
Reagan Tom. Since Reagan will win the U-11s in both the
local Jan. 26 Chinese New Years Closed and the Feb. 3 Red
Dragon tournaments, hell represent the New Chinatown of
Los Angeles at the U.S. Open in Oklahoma City. Girls
Under 17: Georgette Rideg over runner-up Cindy Galardi,
Brenda Galardi, and Julie Tom. Girls Under 13: Kathleen
Ambers over Rideg. Under 17 Doubles: Galardi/Barish over
Boatman/Greenblatt. Under 17 Junior Mixed Doubles:
Barish/Rideg over Steve Schultz/Ambers.
Reagan Tom wins two Under 11s
Photo by Ray Fields

Julius Paal celebrating his 60th birthday

Photo by Ray Fields

Esquires and Seniors:

Julius Paal over Danny Banach.
Senior Consolation: Leon Ruderman
(wholl one far-off day be a World
Veterans Over 70 Doubles finalist)
over Kittel. Junior-Senior Doubles:
Barish/Russ Thompson over Paal/
Helman. Parent-Child and FatherSon Doubles: Livingstons over the
Hubers. Draw Doubles: Nick
Mintsiveris/Jones over Dieter
The Jan. 11-13 Winter Open at the Hollywood Club saw Joong Gil Park take the
Mens final from Jack Howard whod earlier been extended, 23-21 in the 4th, by Howie
Grossman. (Cor Du Buy has just announced that a Jack Howard autographed racket is
available in the U.S.A.) Womens went to Angelita Rosal over Heather Angelinetta who just
edged Angies sister Monica 26-24 in the 3rd. Angie, a high school senior, reportedly would
drop out of school, perhaps already had, to train and practice for the 1974 U.S. Open. Mens

Doubles: Howard/Eric Thom over Ray Guillen/17Hollywood Club

year-old John Nevarez. Mixed: Guillen/Rosal over
Winter Open
Grossman/Angelinetta. Seniors: Gene Wilson over
Senior Champion
Julius Paal. U-17: Chris Rosal over Nevarez in 5.
Gene Wilson
U-15: Rosal over Dennis Barish, def. Under 13:
Keith Huber over Georgette Rideg. U-11: Don
Schultz over Rideg.
As: David Chiu over Dan Goodstein, -20,
19, 19, and in the final over Harold Kopper, his
penhold grip, and his wooden paddle that, as one
opponent put it, has absolutely no friction and
reverses every heavy push or topspin. A Doubles:
Goodstein/Joe Sanchez over Dieter Huber/Barish.
Bs: Kenny Pitts over Aggi Birnbaum, deuce in the
3rd in the semis, and over Nevarez in the final. B
Doubles: Ron Whitlock/Huber over Nevarez/Pitts. Cs: Birnbaum over T. Stephens. Ds: Mike
Blaustein over K. Quan, deuce in the 4th. C/D Doubles: Rich Livingston/Richard Valentine
over Chris Rosal/Pat Crowley.

Classic Players, L-R: Bill Hodge, Joong Gil Park, Val Tirman, Heather Angelinetta, Pancho Gonzales,
Howie Grossman, Neil Smyth, and John Tannehill
Caesars Palace photo

Therrio and
(TTT, Jan.Feb., 1974, 27)
report on the
Paul Therrio
Dec. 15, 1973 Great Caesars Palace Table Tennis Classic, held in the
Circus Maximus showroom. When in Rome, do as the Romans do; when at Caesars decree as
the Caesarians do. Thus, says Therrio, at this gladiatorial combat, under the watchful eye of

the famous Lictor, Dick Evans (wholl turn thumbs up or thumbs down on a net or edge ball), the
contestants stride into the Arena.The noble praetorian of the Palace Guard, Bill Hodge (that
is, he works at Caesarsthough perhaps not as a bodyguard, at least not an official one). The
Dominion of Canada representative, Howie Grossman (well, he was from there). The
remarkable Heather Angelinetta from the Island stronghold of Britain (she, whod played at the
Vegas Flamingo in 1967, knew what was expected of hershe wore an English flag on her jump
suit). The Province of Ohios youthful wizard, John Tannehill. And finally, from far off Cathay
[China, South Koreawhats the difference?], at the personal invitation of that noble Roman,
Marco Polo, came forth the prince of the Asiatic Provinces, Joong Gil Park.
Beautiful. But the bottom line is: would casino patrons watch these players? Yes, said
Heather and Howie; indeed, approximately 1,000 spectators were held spellbound by this
entertaining pilot event. Among them old Joe Louis, Pancho Gonzales, and Johnny Weismuller, the
real Tarzan, who, if not yelling lustily was applauding much as he had been 40 years earlier when
he saw Coleman Clark win his 1932 Parker Brothers American Ping-Pong Association National
Championship. And certainly there was never a doubt about the imprimatur for these exhibitions.
Caesars President Bill Weinberger gave a welcoming address, and Caesars Controller/Treasurer
Neil Smyth, whod arranged the event, introduced the players.
Though the audience liked Hodges loop drives, defender Grossmans returns and
picks, Angelinettas spunk in going 18 in the 3rd with her opponent (more her partner, John),
the match everybody wanted to see, including about 25 fans whod come up from L.A., was
Park vs. Tannehill. And the players didnt disappointPark won a close 3-game match. The
crowd also enjoyed two doubles matches. After play was over, Caesars management presented
each player with a commemorative Silver Tray.
Of course this Classic would bring out casual players in the Vegas
area whod like to play at the local club. Surprisingly who should turn up but
a former East Coast circuit player, Freddie Berchin, now married (remarried?) and a dealer in Vegas. He hadnt thought to even inquire if there
was a t.t. club in town. Also in Vegas this weekend was former Arizona State
Champion Norm Schwartz and Minnesota Table Tennis Hall of Famer Eddie
Kantar, both of whom were playing in a National Championship Bridge
tournament. Tannehill stayed on after this Saturday show, and the following
Monday, during the half-time of the University of Nevada-Washington State
basketball game, he played an exhibition with Las Vegas TTA President
Johnson covers
the Jan. 19-20
Irving, TX
Open (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 34),
played at R.C and Billie Watkins
Senter Park Rec Club in the heart of
the METROPLEX, which is local
terminology for the sprawling DallasFt. Worth area. Championship
Perry Schwartzberg
Singles went to 14-year-old Perry
From 1975 U.S. Open Program
Schwartzberg over Bob ONeill, 21,

-21, 18, -19, 17 in the semis, and over Brad Fountain in 4 in the
final. Womens winner: Shirley Woo over Cindy Garza.
Championship Doubles: Schwartzberg/Don Weems over Vaello/S.
Simon in 5. Womens Doubles to Woo-E. Appelgate. Mixed to
Fountain/Woo over Weems/A. Ramsey.
As: Schwartzberg over Doug Hibbs. A Doubles: Grady
Gordon/D.G. Van Vooren over James Guthrie/Ray Johnson. Bs:
Bartlesvilles Dale Donaldson over Charles Butler, -21, -21, 19, 17,
19. Consolation: Larry Puls over his dad, Richard, in 5. Seniors:
Gordon over Van Vooren, 25-23 in the 4th. Senior Doubles:
Gordon/Van Vooren over C. Griffin/Evans. Under 15s: Donaldson
over Puls in 5. Under 13s: Tim Parker.
Results of the Oklahoma City Feb. 2-3 Sooner Open:
Mens: Wiriya Tjakra over Steve Hammond. Womens: Sue Sargent
over Dee Tripp whod eliminated Cindy Garza. Mens Doubles:
Shirley Woo
Gary Fagan/Tommy Vaello over Russ Finley/Vern Eisenhour. As:
Fagan over Johnny Owen, 19 in the 5 in the semis, and over
Butler, 18 in the 5th in the final. A Doubles: Butler/Ray Bennett over Weinglass/Evans. Bs:
Winner? Jim Hammond or Bennett, a projectionist who runs the commercials at WKY-TV in
Oklahoma City. Seniors: Eisenhour over Lou Coates. U-17s: Irl Copley over Mike Finnell.
Oklahoma Closed State Champions:
Mens: Steve Hammond over runner-up Russ
Finley. 3. Gary Fagan (quarters winner, -7, -29,
11, 9, 16 over Vern Eisenhour). 4. Irl Copley
Steve Hammond
Photo by
(quarters winner over Wiriya Tjakra, 18 in the
Johnny Melton
5th). Mens Doubles: Finley/B. Jones over Steve
Hammond/Fagan. Womens: ? (The Oklahomans
arent always careful in submitting their results.)
Mixed: Dennis Crawford/Peggy Shaha over Evans/
Hogue. As: Dale Donaldson over Charles Butler,
19 in the 5th. Bs: Jim Hammond over T. Enzlin.
Novice: Mark Stoolz over John Chang. Seniors:
Enzlin over Lou Coates. U-17s: Jim Short over
Donaldson. U15s: Short over Shaha. U-13s: Stoolz over Cortez.
Vince Koloski (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 40) surprises us
with news that at Magoos Dec. 8-9 10,000 Lakes Open,
Winnipeg Junior Brian Zembik won the Championship Singles
($35)which, if I dare say so, calls into question Magoos
Manager Don Larsons proud rejection of the cluster theory
that to produce top quality players you must have top quality
players at your club. Minnesota still has a long way to go to
produce top quality men playersthough with last summers
idealistic 3-month strenuous training and practice sessions at
Magoos their young players, dressed in all-for-one; one-for-all
matching jumpsuits, are improving.
Brian Zembik

Zembiks (Show me the money?) game is built on speed, a very steady backhand
counter, and the ability to loop any type of spin with his forehand. He was able to take the
offense virtually anytime he chose and so forced his [unnamed] opponents to deal with his spin
and speed. Womens went toOh, sorry!Vince says, The decline of Womens Table
Tennis in Minnesota reached a new low with the failure to get enough entries to hold even a
single Womens class. In the Open Doubles, sponge junk-ballers Sinykin/Steve Strauss
defeated anti-top junkers Larry Kesler/Ken Kuntsmann.
Other results: As: South Dakotas Kesler was the winner when
runner-up Zembiks lack of a good kill allowed Larry, a chopper who didnt
lose a game throughout the event, to outsteady him. Bs: Iowas lefty looper/
hitter Greg Redmond over Minnesotas most erratic player, 14-year-old
Greg Mosio, 19 in the 4th. Cs: Al Schmitt over hard rubber counter-driver
Denis Atchison. Ds: Craig Minnesota Dead Satersmoen over anti-spin
chopper John Baker. Es: Kevin Hammer over Josh Kaplan. Hard Rubber:
sponger Jerry Kahnke over sponger Pete Tellegen. Esquires: Al Faulkner
over Chester Halpern. Seniors: Baker over Halpern. U-17s: Minnesotas
ever-changing Mens #2 John Soderberg over Mens #3 Tellegen, Topics
Jan.-Feb., 1974 Junior of the Month, therein described as Minnesota Mens
#2. U-15s: Soderberg over Zembik. U-13s: John Stillions over Tom
Greg Redmond
Soderberg. Father-Son Doubles: Ray/Greg Mosio over Cliff/Don Larson.
Don (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 35) alerts us to an important Jan. 22, 1974 Meeting at
Magoosso important that 125 people showed. Club members had to decide whether, after
fighting with the landlord for the last two years, theyd stay at our present location and live out
the seven-year lease, or move out, possibly to buy or build a new club on a
first-class basis. That is, one with 20-25 tables, showers, locker rooms,
sauna, etc., and the opportunity for Manager Don Larson, who enjoys his
work but must be frustrated at times, to make a good living off the
game. Membership rates would be about $30-$50 per year. Charlie
Disney, who would act as President of the reorganization efforts, said, We
have a number of investors, their money totaling about $70,000, and we
would expect to assume a mortgage of about $80,000 after down
payments. Time will tell if they move to a new site.
Adjacent to this article is one by Leighton Johnson on Magoos
Feb. 26-27 Winter Carnival Open. The Mens Open final featured the
hard, quick forehand and 3rd-ball attack of John [Soderberg] against
the blocking, quick-hitting backhand style of Stu [Sinykin]. John
wonhis first Mens tournamentin 4. Stu, however, had earlier
defeated Minnesotas #1 Doug Maday, 19 in the 5th, while John had
prevailed over Pete Tellegen in 5. Womens went tono one. Mens
Doubles winners were Maday/Stu Sinykin over John Soderberg/Gus
Kennedy, 19 in the 3rd. Mixed winners (for the 5th time in a row!):
Steve Strauss/Sheila ODougherty over Stu Sinykin/Judy Heichert
Other winners: As: Ken Kuntsmann over Al Schmitt. Bs: Greg
Chapman over Kent Nobles in 5. Cs: Nicky Steblay over Leighton
Johnson, 24-22 in the 4th. Brazilian Teams: Tellegen, Satersmoen, and
Brandon Olson, destined to be the best player ever to come out of

Magoos, over Stu Sinykin, Johnson, and Don Bratt. (The highlight of this obviously handicap
event was 6-year-old Brandons defeat of Sinykin, now said to be Minnesota Mens #2.)
Esquires: Al Faulkner over Leo Bernat. Seniors: Bratt over Bob Kinsey. Father-Son Doubles:
Cliff/Don Larson over Ray/Greg Mosio. Under 17 A: Tellegen over Soderberg. Under 17 B:
Clark Brown over Dan Moran. Under 15: John Soderberg over Greg Mosio. Under 13: Tom
Soderberg over his sister Sheri, 19, 22.
Results of the Wisconsin Closed played at Waukesha, Feb. 9-10. Championship
Singles: Pak Lam over Tony Poulos, deuce in the 3rd, and over runner-up Tin Gun Yung. Good
earlier matches: Lam over Norb Falkenstein, 22-20 in the 3rd; Poulos over John Pfalz, 23-21 in
the 3rd. Womens: Cheryl Cronk over Mary Lewandowski. Mens Doubles: Yung/Paul Wong
over Russ Sorenson/Plath. Semis: Yung/Wong over Falkenstein/Pfalz, 18 in the 3rd; Sorenson/
Plath over Poulos/Geoff Graham, 19 in the 3rd. Mixed Doubles: Poulos/L. Chan over Wong/
Seemiller/Burdick Win Rockford $1,000 Invitational
It was bedtime10-year-old Eric had left off watching TV and wanted me to keep him
company until, like his older brother, Scott, before him, he fell off to sleep. What did you do
today?that had been his of late almost ritual question. And of course I told him the things
he half expected to hear, and how this afternoon Id borrowed enough money for the long
weekend that was fast coming upon usbeginning with our flight to Chicago in the morning.
Then it was, Tell me about the tournamentas if long after outside night had fallen he had
no interest in any dark reality but wanted only the expectation of some clearly unformed
Unknown to us, as the evening turned into morning, there was a power failuresnow
and an icy wind had weighed down the lines. Sally and I woke to a bedside alarm, as though
on the face of it nothing had happened, and, as she would be keeping the car, the three of us,
Scott would not be making this trip, mechanically made ready to leave for the airport. The
frost was difficult to get off the car windowsit was even on the inside. Near LaGuardia,
missing the turn off the Parkway and backing up, trying to recover from my mistake, I almost
had an accident. But we were luckythen, and only minutes later. The plane for which we
thought we were an hour and a half early had been delayed. Fortunately we were traveling
light, and, bags in handlittle Eric straggling along, always too far behind mewe hurried
A 15-minute wait on getting off the plane at OHare and we were on a bus to the Jan.
5-6 $1,000 Rockford, IL Invitational, the kind of tournament I most wanted to support. Some
90 minutes later we were dropped off at an unscheduled crossroads opposite the Clock Tower
Inn where wed be staying with most of the other players. Whereupon, with all the afternoon
at our disposal, what did Eric and I do? Had a drink (Very dry martini for me, coke for the
boy, please), ate lunch, played cards, went to the pool, had a drink. No, I couldnt bring
myself to turn up the spilled hourglass of my how long ago emptied out curiosity, call a cab,
and visit with my son Rockfords (famous, was it?) Time Museum. I say this as if with lazy
regretbut the historical fact is Im not very different from most tournament-hardened table
tennis players: with few exceptions were all at least somewhat like that idiot savant of a chess
master in Nabokovs The Defense, for whom life was an abstraction. Year after year, visiting
the cities of the world, he saw only the block from his hotel to the nearby tournament chess

However, as Eric and I moved into the dimly-lit dining room by the bar for lunch, I
was stopped by a wall of old-time photos and what used to be the name of the restaurant,
Henricisafter the Henricis of the Chicago Rialto and Nora Bayes day. This, I thought,
conveniently interesting. After being seated, our orders taken, we were just starting on our
soup when suddenly from behind me I heard this familiar voice mimic my 10-year-old:
Bernie, it said in a heavy come-on of an accent, dont bugga me! I turned around in
surprise to see the smiling face of Bernie Bukiet. Last Id heard, hed gone to Georgia with
Miles to give an exhibition. Bernie! I said, Howd you get out here?
Over a German beer or two, Bernie tells us how hes been living in Miami for a couple
of weeks. That first night at Fujiis, says Bernie, peoples faces didnt show that Bernie was
so welcome. So he didnt play table tennis that evening. (Ive forgottenit was either that
night or another he went with Joe Sokoloff to the dog races.) But next day at the club
somebody wanted to play him for $1. And of course Bernie won. Then another guy wanted to
play him for $1. And of course Bernie won. And soon there was a long line of people wanting
to play him. Naturally, he says, after I find these customers I make new friends.
Naturally Bernie played some with Laci Bellak, and banker Bob Walker. And also Peter
Pradit who spotted Bernie 3 a gameand lost set after set. Oh, those quick stops and starts in
Peters little sports car. Dont go so fast before we play! said Bernie to him one evening. You
want me to get hurt? But Pradit just accelerated in and out the more. Peter finally beat Bernie in an
even-up $5 match arranged by Sam Fletcher, whos a pretty fast man around town himself on wheels.
One of Bernies steadiest customers? Richard McAfee. Usually, I tell the person, what
kind he is, when I play him for a couple of dollars. McAfee is the nicest guy I ever met in table
tennis. At the time of Bernies visit, but no longer, Big Mac was manager of FujiisFujiis,
that name, too, is gone; owner Joe Newgarden has replaced it with Newgys. Quite possibly
Bukiet will return to Miami to coach Joes daughter Nancy. Ive played all over the world in
different clubs, says Bernie, and Newgarden has one of the best set of courts Ive ever
seen. Words from our 3-time National ChampionI write them here for Bernie, for readers,
this early-January afternoon at what was once called Henricis (John Barrymore, reads the
photo caption. He used to come in his slippers between the acts).
That evening, Paul Erickson, President of the Rockford TTC and the hard-working
man most responsible for promoting the tournament, had arranged for Dell and Connie
Sweeris to give an exhibition at the Cherry Vale shopping center, and of course hype the
weekend tournament. Posters and fliers were much in evidence, emphasizing the portable TV
door prize at the tournament, and Saturday/Sunday tickets were being sold here and at other
outlets. Shoppers could walk out of storesMarshall Field, Brentanos, Florsheimto look
down from two levels onto the carpeted sunken stage of the mall where, just in case, Dell and
Connie couldnt make it, Erickson and, it may be, his helpmates Henry Gallenz, Erwin Conrad,
Ivar Dahlgren, and others in jumpsuits from the local Rockford Club had set up a table and
were enthusiastically trying it out before the TV camera.
The Sweerises had arrived and were ready. They handed the microphone and some
scribbled-out sheets of a format to me, and, as they came down the ramp, I began: Good
evening ladies and gentlemen. We are pleased to present. Then went on: Dell and Connie
in their exhibition wish to do three things: (1) entertain you; (2) introduce you to the sport of
table tennis; and (3) give you in the audience a chance to challenge them.They are now
warming up in a typical practice routine. They will try to hit 50 balls in a row without missing.
As you can see, they are not now trying to defeat each other.

It went
very well. Next
morning, Connie
was quoted in the
Star as saying,
This is the first
chance Ive had
to play with Dell
in months. I can
beat him in
exhibitions but
never in
Rockford Open Womens
tournaments. I
Mary Ann Burdick
Photo by Mal Anderson
cant hit the ball
as hard as he can. As some of us were reading the article over breakfast (Connie there in the
world of print was exclaiming for all to see, Ive come to Rockford to win and to have fun),
Dell came by carrying a tray. Connie suddenly wasnt feeling very well and would have to
withdraw from the tournament. As it happened, she spent the next two days entirely in bed,
recuperatinguntil, back home, she could once again interrupt her chores and answer the
phone with a brave, cheerful-sounding Sweeriss Boarding House.
In Connies absence, the $100 Womens Singles winner was 16-year-old Mary Ann
Burdick of Cincinnati. She earned her money with round robin wins over runner-up Barbara
Taschner in 5; Sheila ODougherty; and her weekend roommate Nancy Newgarden. Also, in
the Womens As, Mary Ann, as it were, 3-0 blew out the 18 candles on Barbaras birthday
cake before Miss Taschner could so much as breathe a sigh. Burdick picked up her third
trophy when she continued playing her fearless, aggressive game to win the Mixed Doubles
with Tim Boggan, deuce in the 5th, over Houshang Bozorgzadeh/Taschner. The Seniors also
went to Bogganover Joe Bujalski.
Houshang, who of course has been representing Iran at world-class tournaments for
two decades, was hoping that the USTTA would hold the 1979 World Championships. You
must do it for the history of table tennis in America, said Houshang, well aware that when, in
76, we celebrate our bicentennial, it will mark 50 years of World Championships with never a
one in the United States.
As Houshang and I are talking, who abruptly appears, having driven up in a hearse that
he uses for a car, but Coach Schleff, looking as hearty and enthusiastic as ever. Coach lays
claim to being the longest, if not the oldest, active U.S. player in the game today. I been
playing since 1920, he says. Today he is wearing a big, orange, Support Your Policeman
badge. Which prompts talk among us of badges and buttons, which allows Coach to offhandedly mention that he is the World Hobby King.
The World what? I say.
The World Hobby King. He couldnt be more matter of fact.
Turns out the King collects things. You know, he says, old magazines,
paperweights, old table tennis rackets, been tryin to get a complete collection of Topics,
blotters, barbed wire
Barbed wire? I say.

Yessir, he says. Barbed wire is big-time collecting if you come from the West.
Theres 1900 different kinds of barbed wiremostly from 1850-1916. You cut it in 1-foot
lengths and then you sit around courthouses and buy and sell and trade it.
Thats amazing, I say.
Oh, thats nothing, says Coach. Anything you name I
collect. Wooden nickels, old sheet music, old license plates,
playing cardssome 150 years old. You didnt know, did you,
Ive 15,000 different playing cards backsSpanish bulls, South
African birds, kangaroos from Down Under.
I listened, fascinated, scribbling as much as I could in my
Old match coversboth the boxes and the folding kind.
How many of these do you think I have? Ive got 200,000 of
them. Post cards? Ive got 100,000. I used to travel all overbuy
at antique stores. Write to people all over the world. Ive got a
pencil collection, a button collection, all kinds of badges. Ive got
bottle openers, can openers, stamps
Coach suddenly grabs me by the shoulder. You know the
first stamps I collected? They were from the 1893 Worlds Fair in
Chicago. From the Columbia Exposition1-10 cent stamps.
Coach Schleff
Bought em for $.50. Today theyre worth $1,000. Ive got key
chains, different kinds of tobacco and cigarettes. I got stuff the
Smithsonian Institute never heard about. Theyve got a doll collection? Well, Ive got one too.
Anything that you can see, I collect. Except of course automobiles. Size, you know.
Ive got Worlds Fair tickets, train tickets as far back as 1876, street car trans
My god, Coach, howd you get into saving all these things?
Why, he says, I started out in 1916, when I was 6 years old. I started out with shoe
boxes and more shoe boxes, then cartons, and big baskets. Now Ive got an 8-room house and
5 garages full.
I suddenly saw my houseand old Topics lying everywhere.
Of course, said the King, to call any one of these collections a hobby, youve got to
make a minimum requirement. Beer cans, for instance. There used to be thousands of different
brands. Ive got maybe 400. But thats enough to make it a hobby. I mean, since Im the World
Hobby King, I make the rules. Coach laughed, and I looked over to Houshang. But he wasnt
You know what else I got? You remember that fire in 1944 in the Barnum and Bailey
Circus where 400 and some people burned to death? Well, there were two flags inside that
didnt burn. Yep, Ive got those two flagsboth of them. Say, listen, if I had time, I could tell
you lots of things I got. In Brementhats the 3rd largest city in Germanywhen the
American forces went in to occupy it in WWII, the mayor shot and killed his wife and
daughter who were sitting on a couch in his office. Then he shot and killed himself. Well, up
on the wall was a huge swastika flag. You know what? Ive got that flag and Ive put it on
Coach didnt show any signs of stopping, but I had to beg offsaid I wanted to watch
my boy play some matches. Coach understood, and as we shook hands in parting he said, Id
like to leave my hobbies to posterity. You cant let history go to waste.

I went over and watched Eric play.

Maybe over the years Ive put too much pressure
on himso now hes a 10-year-old with
problems? Maybe not. Maybe hes just a 10-yearold who most of the time does the very best he
can, and who yet wants to do betterlike me.
And who, when he cant do better, gets out of
line and acts up a littlelike me. Anyway,
though he would beat Cedar Rapids young John
Stillions in the Mens, he would not beat him
John Stillions
later, where I felt it counted more, in the finals of
Photo by Mal Anderson
the Under 11S. Little 9-year-old Stillions
literally came out running for this match, and with his well-formed strokes and his head very
together, clearly deserved to win. I want to give a nod, too, to Peter Gallenz who, with his fine
forehand, played John a deuce game.
My Eric made the semis of the Under 15s, but, as expected, lost decisively to the
eventual winner, John Soderberg who went on to beat his brother Jeff in straight games. Jeff,
who does a lot of skatinghes an 8th-grader who plays 10th-grade hockeywas on mighty
thin ice in the semis against Ben Kunin before winning deuce in the 3rd.
I saw John after hed won the 15s practicing with this
silly-looking derby hat on and wondered where he got it and
why he was wearing it. I used to wear it with a daddy-suit, he
said. When I looked puzzled, he went on. You know, the suit
your parents used to think it was nice to wear with a fake tie to
church on Sunday. Ever since Ive gotten bigger I wear it only
for table tennisits brought me luck. What John wears back
home to hustle the local pinball machines I didnt think to ask,
cause apparently its not going to bother him. A quarter can
last you all night, he told me, if you can find an easy machine.
Its fun to rack up free games and then at the end maybe sell
them to somebody else and maybe make a little profit.
John, who in the Under 17s finished second to heavy
favorite Rick Seemiller, is also, figuratively speaking, often
caught wearing a couple of other hats. I love to study dead
John Soderberg
people, he said to me. I go to funeral homes a lot. The
Photo by Ken Lowden
undertakers have different tricks they use. Maybe they tilt up the
deceaseds right shoulder so it doesnt look like hes in a box.
They put blocks under the corpses elbows so a Bible or whatever favorite thing is wanted can
be propped up on the chest. They sew lips shut, and eyes. If a guys been strangled or
suffocated, they change the lighting, put a pink light on the victim so the blue doesnt show.
How do you know all this? I asked him.
Oh, Ive read about it in booksThe American Way of Death, The Loved Oneand
Ive personally checked it out. Fifteen-year-old John is himself writing a story. Nothing so
sarcastic though as Nancy Mitford or Evelyn Waugh. Its called The Man With ESP. About
this guy who gets in a motorcycle accident and finds he has ESP. He goes to Vegas where he
gets in a crooked card game. I havent finished it yet, but hes going to die.

In the semis of the 17s, John beat Kalamazoos Mike

Baber in 3. In the other semis, Seemiller took care of Pete
Tellegen. Pete, though troubled by Ricks spin, was pleased he
could get his serves back and force him to deuce that 1st game.
As the new President of the Minnesota State High School
League (its in its third year now), Pete was explaining to me
how every Saturday 20 or so teams play round robin matches
Pete Tellegen
(4 boys on a team) at Magoos. The entry fee is $60 a year for
Photo by Eric
each team, and some high schools have appropriated $75 a
year for paid coaches, such as Pete.
Some other winners: Mens Doubles: Seemiller/
Sweeris, who 19, 23, -18, 15, 8 might have lost 3-zip,
over Bozorgzadeh/Bukiet whod had to work hard to
vanquish Paul Raphel/Rick Seemiller, 22, -14, -20, 21, 16.
Class A: Final Round Robin: 1. Pat Cox, 3-0. 2. Mike
Baber, 2-1. 3. Pak Lam, 1-2. 4. Charlie Disney, 0-3. (Will
unretired Charlie retire again? Nahat least not now. He
won the 3rd and 4th games at deuce to go 5 with Cox.)
Prelims, Group A: 1-2. Disney, 2-0. 1-2. Cox, 2-0. 3. Steve Strauss, 1-2. 4. Paul Wong, 0-3
(went 18 in the 5th with Disney; 18 in the 5th with Cox; and deuce
in the 4th with Strauss). Qualifiers: Baber and Pak Lam who edged
out Rich Sinykin in 5.
Class B: Final: Magoos Stu Sinykin, playing aggressively,
prevailed over T. G. Young whod squeaked by Heng-chi Chang,
deuce in the 3rd. Class C: Final: John Soderberg won in 5 from
Tellegen whod stopped Jerry Soderberg, 23-21 in the 3rd. Class
D: Final: Al Schmitt over Don Kindstrand. The Minnesotans, I
heard, carried home 10 trophies in all. Novice: Greg Redmond
over Schmitt (from down 2-1 and 21-all in the 4th). Consolation:
Wayne Wasielewski over Gordon Roedding who escaped S.
Keltner, 24-22 in the 3rd.
The 128-entry Mens used a variant of Sweeriss 4-A
approach. First the players were sifted into 16 seeded round robin
groupswith the winners going into single elimination to
determine the 8 to play in the Championship and the 8 to play in
Stu Sinykin
the As. In each case, those 8 would then be divided into two
Photo by Mal Anderson
round robin groups of fourwith the top two from each group
playing a final round robin.
Championship: Final Round Robin: 1. Dan Seemiller, 3-0. 2. Bernie Bukiet, 2-1 (beat
Sweeris in 5 after losing the first two). 3-4. Dell Sweeris. 3-4. Houshang Bozorgzadeh (went 5
with Seemiller). Prelims, Group A: 1-2. Seemiller, 2-0. 1-2. Bozorgzadeh, 2-0. 3. Paul Raphel
(went 5 with Houshang). 4. Tim Boggan. Prelims, Group B: 1-2. Bukiet, 2-0. 1-2. Sweeris, 20. 3-4. Jerry Thrasher (went deuce in the 4th with Sweeris). 3-4. Rick Seemiller.
As it happened, through to the final Championship 8 there werent any upsetsthough
Sweeris, whod been making the draws, running match after match from the tournament desk,
and worrying about caring for an ailing wife, walked into a stinger in the person of penholder

blocker/hitter Paul Wong of the University of

Wisconsins School of Pharmacy at Madison.
Paul Wong
The turning point came on a disputed point at
5-all in the 5th. Question was, Was Wong
wrong? Did Sweeriss return hit the side or
was it good? Pauls friends smiled and yelled,
No good! Others didnt see it that way. Still
others werent sure. Sweeris wasnt sure?
Regardless, he gave Paul the pointthen ran
9 in a row and so made the score so lop-sided
that at the end nobody was upset.
Also, I got quite a start when a young
player with SVERIGE written on his shirt
came out to play me, for the only time Id
seen that name before was on the backs of
Bengtsson, Johansson, and the rest of the Swedish National Team. This player, though, was
going to Sweden as an exchange student, and I guess was practicing to fit right in.
The best match in the Group A Prelims was between Bozorgzadeh and young actor/
mimic Raphel. Sometimes its hard to say whos the more playful of the two. Prior to his
match with Paul, Houshang had been amusing Eric and some other kids in a way Id not seen
before. Hed taken a little celluloid part of a broken ball, cut it into an even smaller piece with
his teeth, and then, pressing it down on a table top with his thumb, had made it JUMP!like a
Mexican jumping beantwo feet up into his outstretched hand. Again and again the little
broken pieces hopped until they were worn out. Somebody was saying that the very
experienced Bozorgzadeh could give 17-year-old Raphel 8but that was before Paul had him
10-6 down in the 5th.
What, you may ask, besides chopping
on the backhand and whipping that ZorroRaphel
like loop through on the forehand is quirky
Californias Raphel doing in the Midwest? Hes on a
little theater gig? Nope. Hes come to Sweeriss
Grand Rapids club and hopes to make living
expenses in four successive weekend tournaments.
Im not sure his mother was taking him seriously
to her this move to play so far from home might
smack of something like a pipe dream. But
eventually Paul convinced her that up in Michigan
was the table tennis place to be. So she bought him
a one-way ticket on a jetand sent him smoking
off. Now he complains he wont be able to hear any
music for 5 weeks and laments that he had concert
tickets back in L.A. for Emerson, Lake, and Palmer,
and The Moody Blues.
Rest assured, though, hes in good hands.
Danny Seemiller and Paul are working themselves into shape to lay off looking at those picture
magazines all day (Nah, said Danny, not even the Japanese ones help my game much). The

two of them are about ready to leave

Sweeriss Boarding House and are going
to share a hotel roomfor maybe $3.80
a day. (It wont be bigbut itll be
clean and nice.) Theyre going to get
along very well, tooas long as Paul
doesnt begin beating Danny. Here in
Rockford, Danny took Paul 3-0, the last
two from 19-all, once on a net, and once
on an edge. O I am fortunes fool!
Paul might have declaimed.
As for Sweeris, in the final 4man round robin he never did play
Bozorgzadeh. Why not? Becausewell,
what was the sense? He was hitting the
ball so wellhad beaten Bernie 9 and 7
and seemed such a lock for the finals
that he himself must have believed that it
was only the big one with Seemiller that
counted. Only of course it was 3 out of
5 Dell and Bernie were playing. Actually
Bernie was pleased that he could twirl
Dark-browed Bernie Bukiet
this new racket he had (his old Ehrlich
bat had a piece cut out of the handle to give him a more comfortable grip, but it forced him to
play with the same side all the time), so there must have been something else bothering him.
Ah, under the cloak of hiscall it what you willDracula act, he complained now about the
sunlight coming in over the table, and so got Igor, the super, to pull down the shades.
After whichsurprise!Bernie eased the stake out of his heart and flapped out
backhands and forehands just long enough to apparently hypnotize Sweeris into deathly
submission. Dell had been looping in beautifully, but then Bernie moved closer to the table and
Dell couldnt make himself hit the ball and instead looped off the table. Whereupon Bernie
took a rest, retired to his coffin as it were, until, as if such wins could go on for centuries, it
was time to wake up to his next victim. Which, as it happened, was Bozorgzadeh. Houshang
had just finished going 5 with Seemiller and couldnt conjure up Bukiets castle-in-the-storm
recuperative powers. His confidence punctured by the fatigue he didnt see in the face of his
heavy-browed, grim-looking opponent, he sank down straight away.
Meanwhile, since Sweeris couldnt beat Seemiller (I always try the weirdest serves I
can think of in practice, said Danny. Some of them I can use later in a game), that left only
Bernie to try to stoptoo latethe stretched-out dawn of our strong young superstar. Since
Bernie couldnt read the anti-topspin side of Dannys spinning racket, there wasnt much he
could do but lose 3-0. If he didnt have the anti-spin, said Bernie, he wouldnt be nearly this
good, you understand? Its easy to make errors off it. His style-game is like a penholders. And
with this spin he know exactly what hes doing.
So is there anything left for Seemiller to learn and practice? Earlier, the irrepressible
Houshang had been showing Danny, Paul, and me some Creative Drama exercises, a number
of which hed no doubt seen coaches from other countries use. The most interesting one

involved a Marcel Marceau-like

pantomime of one player (Danny) trying
to copy another (Houshang). Before
they even got to the table to face each
other in the alter-ego mirror of the
playing court, they began practicing
the left-handed Seemiller trying to do the
right-handed Houshangs every inverse
move. Of course the idea was to try to
understand and anticipate your
opponents, or, more deeply, your own
Then it was my turn and Pauls.
In the beginning, the movements had to
be rather predictablehands out and
around clockwise, simulated bird flights,
Houshang Bozorgzadeh
knee-bends, bicycle-pedaling, and so on.
Photo by Mal Anderson
One could see in an instant that the
exercises were designed to appeal to the imaginationto take the drudgery out of mere
mechanical practice. Some clubs, said Houshang, put 5-6 mirrors up, like in a ballet school,
and have their players work out privately or in pairs.
We looked ridiculous? No doubt. But we gave it a trysidestepping here, there,
swinging a little wildly this way and that, trying to keep up with the imaginary little ball
hurtling through space we insisted was real. Not only our dancing master, Bozorgzadeh, but
even the most self-conscious of those who were slowly drawn into the inner circle of this
impromptu clinic could grasp the possibilities of the pantomime. Table Tennis, said
Houshang as time ran out and the lesson came to an end, is the best game to see yourself.


Chapter Fifteen
1973-74: Winter TournamentsPart II.
Dell Sweeriss Furniture City Open, held Dec. 8, was the first of four monthly winter
tournaments his Woodland Club, or Table Tennis Promotions, Inc., would be holding, all
leading, for the Pro Singles players, to the Woodland Cup Invitational final. Tom McEvoy, in
covering the action (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 38), reminds us, first, that Sweeris had won the first
two of this 6-tournament series, then says that Dell, participating as the resident pro, has
declared himself ineligible for prize money in the [remaining] preliminary tournaments. Since
the four Pro Championship finalists all get cash awards, Dell decided that the winner of the
losing quarterfinalists would be allowed to join him and the others in what would now be a 5man final round robin. Sweeris, Mike Veillette, Paul Pashuku, and Bill Lesner, whod beaten
Jim Davey in 4, advanced to the round robin final. And the 5th player wasthe best of the
quarterfinalists, Davey, whose loss to Lesner did not carry over to the ending round robin.
Veillette, as it turned out, was 1-3 in final
playbut his single win cost Davey 1st place.
Thats rightJim, the losing quarterfinalist,
would have won the entire tournament if it
werent for his loss to Veillette. Davey had his
impossible dream come true: for the first time
ever, he beat Sweerisand three straight at
that! Amazingly, Lesner also beat Sweeris in
straight games. The end is near, said McEvoy
the world must be coming to a cataclysmic
Jim Davey
Although Davey lost to Pashuku, he got
Photo by Mal
sweet revenge by blanking Lesner, so, were he
to down Veillette, hed have a 3-1 record, as Bill
wouldbut Davey, because of his head-to-head
win, would be the Champ. Only, Mike beat Jim,
20, -22, 12, 17. Thus Jim fell to 2-2, tying him with
Sweeris and Pashuku, but allowing him to come 2nd,
Dell 3rd, and Paul 4th on tie-breaking points.
Other results: Womens: Maureen Farmer over
Joan Knight. Womens As: Joyce Donner over Kay
Edgerton. Mens As: Mike Baber over Imants Karklis.
Bs: Pat Cox over Bong Ho. Cs: Bill Hornyak over
Greg Jelinski. Ds: Rick Vanderlind over Gary Calkins,
a Michigan State graduate with a major in psychology.
Consolation: Ho over Phil Trout, and over Coach Jeff
Smart whos decided to put out a booklet on Practice
Methods and Drills with the intent of offering so many
variations on strokes, footwork, control and touch,
serve and serve return as to make practice anything but
boring. U-17s: Jelinski over Mark Delmar. U-15s:

Delmar over Gordon Roedding. U-13s: Torsten Pawlowski over Andy Kuleso. Under 11s:
Pawlowski over John Austin.
Tom McEvoy, whos covering all the Woodland tournaments, including the Woodland
Cup final, says that at Dells Jan. 12th Michigan Open (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 40) the Pro
Championship final round robin consisted of not 5 but 4 players: Sweeris, Danny Seemiller,
Paul Raphel, and Jerry Thrasher who, despite being two games down and at deuce in the 3rd,
had upset Lesner in the quarters. Seemiller was the winner, 3-0, over runner-up Sweeris,
Raphel was 3rd, Thrasher 4th. Womens and Womens As went to Connie Evans over Joan
Other winners: As: Baber over Smart, and
in the final over Bob Hazekamp whod edged
Frank Sexton in two 19 games. A Doubles:
Hazekamp/Cox over Baber/Sexton. Bs: Tom Hall
over Ralph Stadelman, -25, 19, 19. Cs: Jim Bruno
over Gunter Pawlowski. C Doubles: Taylor
Pancoast/Gary Whiddon over Jim DeMet/Ed
Hogshead. Ds: Roedding over Dale Zwyghuizen.
Handicap: Thrasher ($20) over Veillette. Seniors:
Ho over Max Salisbury. Boys U-17s: Jelinski over
Doug Wilcock. Girls U-17s: Evans over Faan
Yeen Liu and Cathy Payotelis. U-13s: Faan Hoan
Liu over Mark Kohn. U-11s: John Huizinga over
At the Feb. 9th Winter Wonderland Open
Faan Hoan and Faan Yeen Liu
Photo by Mal Anderson
(TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 39), Dell was back
allowing a Pro Championship final round robin
of 5which was understandable since this 1-star featured Sweeris, Seemiller, Pradit, Bukiet,
and Raphel! Would you believe one of these didnt advance? Sweeris made it (though, up 2-1,
he was 19-all in the 4th with Hazekamp). Pradit went down (Unbelievable!)to the
relatively unknown Sexton, 3-0 (losing a big 21-23 2nd game). The final went to Seemiller (40) over Sweeris (3-1). Raphel, who lost 19 in the 4th to Dell, and who was 1-1 and leading
Danny in the 3rd before losing it, 22-20, and then the match, finished 3rd. Bukiet, whod flown
up from Miami with Pradit and Nancy Newgarden, was 4th. Sexton 5th. Womens: Farmer over
Newgarden (Maureens one of the most underrated women players in the country, says
Other results: Womens As: Amy Hopping over
Jane Rechsteiner. Mens As: Baber over Sexton in 3,
then over Hazekamp, 22, -18, 14, after Bob had
eliminated a ghost-like name from the past,
Krizmanthats Dave Krizman, the 1952 U.S.
Open U-15 Champ. A Doubles (Championship
players pair with weaker players): Sexton/Baber over
Hazekamp/McEvoy. Bs: Karklis over Ho whod
Amy Hopping
Photo by Mal Anderson
ousted Bujalski, 19 in the 3rd. Handicap: Johnson
($20) over Eric Lichtenheld. Seniors: Bujalski over
Ho, 19, -19, 19. U-17s: Jelinski over an over-confident Baber, 19 in the 3rd. U-15s: Andy

Hopping over Roedding. U-13s: Faan Hoan Liu over Steve Caflin. U-11s: Caflin over
The Mar. 2, 1974 Western Michigan Open was the 6th and final tournament enabling
the top 16 Pro Singles point-getters to qualify for the Woodland Cup Invitational. Again
there were 5 players in the final round robinSweeris, Raphel, Veillette, Lesner, and
Bozorgzadeh. Raphel struggled in his opening match with Karklis. Imants won the 1st, was
leading all the way in the 2nd only to lose it at the 21-19 end, then dropped the 3rd 25-23,
before bowing out 21-17. Veillette in his opener had to go 5 with Cox; then against Joe
Windham was forced into 3 deuce games, all of which Mike won. Lesner was 1-1 and at deuce
in the 3rd with Dale Thelan whod upset Hazekamp.
Raphel, despite losing (from two games
up) 18 in the 5th against Lesner, went on to win
this Pro event by playing the best table tennis
of his career. After knocking off Sweeris in 4
(first time Dell ever lost to Paul), and then
Veillette, conqueror of Lesner 18 in the 5th, he
met Bozorgzadeh whod gone through 3
opponents without losing a game. But Paul beat
Houshang (18, 19, 19) to win via a head-to-head
tie-breaker. Womens went to Evans over Farmer
(who in the Pro event had gone into the 5th with
Sexton!). Womens As was won by Michelle
McKinstry over Cathy Payotelis.
Mens As: Windham over McEvoy,
Sexton, Hazekamp, and in the final Stadelman
whod stopped Krizman and Ted Bassett. Bs:
Michelle KcKinstry
McEvoy over Farmer (whod upset Lazslo
and her #1 fan
Keves), then Ho, and in the final Karklis whod
Photo by Mal Anderson
bested Bujalski. Cs: Hornyak, after being match
point down to Larry Ryel, over Farmer. C
Doubles: Stillions/Greg Redman. Ds: Mike Sullivan over Pancoast, after Taylor had downed
Tom McKinstry, 19 in the 3rd. Novice: Faan Hoan Liu over Kohn. Seniors: Bujalski over Ryel.
U-17s: Baber over Veillette. U-15s: Roedding over Andy Hopping. 13s: John Stillions over
Faan Hoan Liu, 21, -15, 14. U-11s: Stillions over Ben Huizinga.
Meanwhile, the annual Michigan State Championships were being held, Feb. 23-24, at
Detroits Cobo Hall. George Buben (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 41) says that, despite the gasoline
shortage, 150 players attended. With 40 events being held, it seemed as if almost everyone
had a chance to win a trophy. To no ones surprise, Sweeris, steadier than he has been and
hitting the ball with much more authority, took the Mens without the loss of a game.
Lesner, helped by a 5-game win over Veillette, was the runner-up. Mike was 3rd; Pete Kelly 4th.
Womens went to Sue Hildebrandt over Janice Martin, 18 in the 4th. Mens Doubles: Sweeris/
Hazekamp over Chuck Burns/George Payotelis. Womens Doubles: McKinstry/Farmer over
Payotelis/Karin Parvin. Mixed: Sweeris/Farmer (wheres Connie?) over Smart/Hildebrandt, 19
in the 5th.
Mens As: Hopping over Hazekamp. Womens As: Joan Kohn over Parvin. A Doubles:
Phil Trout/McEvoy over Larry Wood/Craig Burton. Bs: Karklis over McEvoy, 18, -22, 21,

17, and over Buben in the final, 19 in the 4th. Esquires:

Burns over Fred Coryell in 5, then over Bill Rapp who got
by Laurie Ault, 26-24 in the 4th. Seniors (18 entries): Burns
over Rapp. Senior Doubles: Ho/Coryell over Jim Rushford/
Buben. Mens Open Wheelchair: Stef Florescu over Bob
Photo by
Beatty. Womens Open Wheelchair: Angie Corrieri over Jean
Kish. Boys U-17: Baber over Jelinski. Boys U-15: Hopping
over Kurt Lloyd. Boys U-13: Claflin over Mike Shapiro in 5.
Girls U-17: Farmer over Yvonne Krombez. Girls U-15:
Payotelis over Parvin.
The Ohio Open was held in Cleveland, Feb. 16. In
the Mens, Mark Wampler was lucky to advance out of the 3
out of 5 quarters with a 24-22 win in the 5th over John
Temple. He then won the tournament when in a 2 out of 3
round robin semis he beat both Joe Rokop and Rick
Seemiller in 3, after Rick had rallied to down Tom Hall in 5.
Joe came 2nd with a 3-game win over Rick, and a 13, 19, 16
near loss to 4th place finisher Graham Gear. Womens winner
was Diane Turnbull over Mary Ann Burdick. (Laurie Miller,
last years U.S. Open Girls U-17 As Champ, didnt enter this
tournament; perhaps never would another. Though she was the only girl player in her 6-team
suburban Cleveland High School T.T. League, she had an undefeated season. Now, however,
shes given up table tennis for tennismore opportunities for girl friends?and is into
practicing 5-6 days a week.). Open Doubles went to Seemiller/Rokop over Wampler/John
Spencer. Mixed to Seemiller/Burdick over Wampler/Turnbull. Seniors: Jim Richling over Lou
Radzeli, 18 in the 4th. Esquires to Radzeli, 2-1 (5-2)
over Walt Bubley, 2-1 (4-3), Ed Bacon, 1-2 (3-4),
and Bob Allen 1-2 (2-5).
Dean Norman, in writing me on Aug. 9, 2005
about his table tennis background,* said he was
playing quite a bit at the E. 152nd St. Cleveland club
in the early 70s. Although he played Radzeli some
close games, Louie, he said, could always take the
offense by hitting to my backhand whenever I was
getting too hot with the forehand. Dean was
therefore amazed that Walt Bubley could sometimes
beat Louie. Walter played a herky-jerky game of
angled pushes and chops and wild drives. It would
throw Louie off his rhythm and he would make errors
which hed never do in a smooth game.
Other Ohio Open results: As: Bhushan over
Mike Joelson, then over Radzeli, both in 5. A
Doubles: Bhushan/Glen Marhefka (all that notetaking at Sweeriss clinics was paying off for 26-yearold Glen) over Spencer/Morgan whod knocked out
Debbie and Mike Connelly
Wampler/Kessler, deuce in the 3rd. Bs: Mike
Photo by Mal Anderson

Connelly over
Burdick. (Mike
and his wife,
Debbie, with a
follow-up by
University Prof.
J. F. Nagle, have
very specific
articles in Topics
1973, 26 and
Jan.-Feb, 1974,
24) on their
Pittsburgh Clubs
Rating System,
one feature of
which they say would
Jeff Williams ... reaching up
help USTTA Ratings
Photos by Mal Anderson
Chair Neal Fox
improve on his System.
And Neal may well have taken the suggestion to heart, for, admirably, he always listened
carefully to an idea one might present, would think about it, and if he couldnt find any
argument against it, would agree with you.
More results: Consolation: Bhushan d. Mike Dempsey. (Mike and other wheelchair
competitors would surely be interested to knowsee TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 25that
Californian H. R. Sawyer has not only developed a tennis but now a table tennis ball retrieval
system.) Young Adults: Rokop over Seemiller, def. Boys U-17: Seemiller over Dempsey,
whod escaped Dave Degenhart, 21, 23, -18, 21. Girls U-17: Burdick over Sandra Hensley.
Boys U-15: Jeff Williams (from down 2-0) over Lowry.
At the Fort Wayne Tech Open, Paul Raphel won the Mens ($50) by upsetting Danny
Seemiller ($35) in 5. Richard Hicks was 3rd; Leroy Bontrager 4th. Womens winner was Connie
Evans over Carol Cook. Mens Doubles went to Richard and son Ricky Hicks over Bontrager/
Sam Snyder. Handicap: Seemiller ($35) over Mike Baber ($15). As: Snyder over Tom Hall.
Bs: Baber over Laszlo Keves. Cs: Al Grambo over Bob Bucknell. Seniors: Harry
Deschamps over Max Salisbury in 5. U-17s: Baber over Doug Wilcock. U-15s: Wilcock over
Randy Webb.
The Indiana Open, played Jan. 5-6 at Greenfield, saw Hicks win the Mens over
runner-up Deschamps. Lyle Thiem edged out Jerry Glass, deuce in the 4th, to finish 3rd.
Turnbull was the Womens winner over runner-up Hensley. Sally Webster came 3rd with an 18,
20 win over Cindy Marcum who 30 years later would chair the USATT Disciplinary
Committee. Mens Doubles went to Richard/Ricky Hicks (after being down 2-0) over Thiem/
Glass in the semis, and over Grambo/Roy Hyden in 5 in the final. Mixed to Richard and wife
Norma Hicks over Theim/Turnbull whod outlasted Degenhart/Hensley, deuce in the 3rd.
Other winners: As: Tom Hall over Thiem, 19 in the 4th. Bs: Hyden over John Dichiaro
in 5, then over Terry Miller. Consolations: Jerry Button over Jack Pangburn. Seniors:

Deschamps over Bob Miller. U-17: Kevin Legge over Degenhart whod eliminated Hicks in 5.
U-17 Doubles: Degenhart/Legge over Hicks/Pangburn, 19 in the 3rd. U-15: Hicks over Brad
Smith, 19 in the 5th, then over Kris Pangburn. U-13: Hicks over runner-up Webster. 3rd went
to Tim Yates over Tony Marcum, 19, 17.
Hugh Babb (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 37) reports on the Volunteer Open, held Mar. 8-10
at Kingsport, TN under the direction of Orval Quisenberry. There I was, says volunteer
Hugh, in almost total darkness, in the back of a closed U-Haul trailer in between 2 Nissens,
breaking the law and risking my neck to prevent scars and scratches on those sacred green
tables that had now to be returned. Norman Gray and Kermit Baxter had already taken their
turns on those other trips. What, I began to think at age 45 plus, was I doing? Wonder if that
trailer clamp is holding? Did I make that last insurance payment? It sure would be messy if
Quisenberry lets this thing jack-knife and a big truck sandwiches me between the
Nissens.UGH! Quizy just hit one of those holes without a bottom or at least thats the way
it felt and the Nissens rattled and tried to roll. Like my thoughts that kept bouncing back to
our tournament.
Championship Singles: Bill Edwards, whod gone 4 with Emory Universitys Alan Sverdlik
in the semis, met cagey Sol Lewis in the final, after Sol had barely edged Lance Rosemore, deuce
in the 5th. Their match was a real contrast in styles. Bill would hitand Sol would chop, place, and
chop some more. In fact, Sol would put the anti-spin chop to a few balls from about 15 feet back at
ankle level[then fiendishly watch them] skim the net with so much crazy english, or lack of it.
But Bill just kept pulling the trigger and rifling the ball for a straight-set win. Championship
Doubles: Gary
Chan over
Neal. Womens
went to
Melanie Spain
over Raleighs
Jean Posten.
Mixed winners
were Rosemore/
Spain over
Tom Poston
Jean Poston
Other results: As: Ervin over Danny Hill. (The most intense match? Gene Stevens over
James Neal, 29-27 in the 3rd.) A Doubles: Gary and Jim Ervin over Mark Gilliam/Allen Wright.
Bs: Atlantas Ron Sanders over Durhams Bill Brown. Rons on the tall side with plenty of
reach and likes to come thru with that forehand topspin sweep. Cs: Quisenberry over Bob
Watkins. Consolation: Lee Edwards (exploding some Atom Smash shots) over Watkins.
Seniors: Lewis over USTTA Disciplinary Committeeman Dick Tucker. Juniors: Gilliam over
runner-up Bill Brown and Larry Thoman.
The 2nd Louisiana Open, held in Feb. at Baton Rouges Downtown Rec Center, had a
nice Program printed by Hal Herrington, and words of thanks for Tournament Directors Ray

Kelly, Charles Klestadt, and Baton Rouge Club President Tom Baudry who did the write-up
on the tournament (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 22). Also praised were Desk Control workers,
Little Rocks Barbara Coffman and Baton Rouges Rosemary Kelly. Indias Monty Merchant
gave a great exhibition with Cecil Kost not only for players and spectators but also for a local
TV sports show.
Results: Championship Mens: Kost over Doug Hibbs. 3rd Place: Dick Coffman over
Bob Applegate whod eliminated R. Hoff, 21, -20, -16, 17, 20. Womens: Arrin Applegate
over Melinda Varner. Mens Doubles: Kost/Glenn Piper over Monty Merchant/Alan Long.
Mixed Doubles: Gay/Arrin Applegate over Ricky Bello/Varner. As: Armando Herrera over
Piper, 19 in the 5th. Bs: B. Appelgate over Gay. Seniors: Reggie Barrus over Edgar Barrios.
U-17s: John Gresham over J. Keith Friley.
Before Bard
Brenner, having moved
from California back to
Florida, tells us (TTT, Jan.Feb., 1974, 37) about the
Dec. 15-16 Florida Team
Championships, held at
what was then called Fujiis
club in Miami, I want to
briefly summarize his
Week with the Pros
article (TTT, Jan.-Feb.,
1974, 28+). Recently Bard
attended the Worlds First
Professional Sports
Administration School,
sponsored by Marvin
Milkes & Associates, held
at the International Hotel in
Bard Brenner
Palm Springs, CA. Prelude to their Sunday Welcome Cocktail
Photo by Don Gunn
Party? A reading of Joseph Dursos The All-American Dollar.
The Big Business of Sports
Weeks Highlights (Bard, much interested, is conscientious, his notes are very
extensive; I can only give small snippets of them here). Monday: Mike OHara, President of
the International Track Association (Promotion tricks included bringing track indoors to get
crowd closer to action, using ladies to attract attention; and paying athletes living
expenses). Then Dodgers Red Patterson on Public Relations and Publicity (use celebrities
in special competitions; radio and TV coverage is more important than newspaper stories; best
to write your own copy). Then Walter Nash on Tickets (Tickets are moneytreat them as
such. Tickets must generate cash flow for operations and payroll). And then Tom Arthur on
Concessions (dear to Bards heart, or stomach, cause he used to sell pepsi, hot dogs,
cotton candy in the Orange Bowl). Tips: slower-paced sports generate better concession
revenue; hot dogs [sell] better than hamburgers; average sale per person: $1.
Tuesday: Barry Mendelson (he handles Jerry West) on Endorsements (Highly
successful endorsements are more in clothes than equipment; athletes are better than actors for

commercials; team owners do not have control over their athletes outside endorsements).
Wednesday: Herb Elk on the Duties of the Traveling Secretary (Tip: book more travel space
than you need). Then Dick Walsh, former General Manager of the Dodgers, on Sports
Administration (talked for four hours: Observe people, pick their brains, find strengths and
weaknesses; Make your word good, always; Look for young people with ability; Dont
hire yes men; There is no great time in sports, take what you can when you can!).
Thursday: Jim Kittilsby on Role of the Athletic Director (The primary function of a
sports executive is to sell; Program advertising is a great source of revenue; Make
concessionaires take ad in program). Then Don Fraser on Boxing Promotion (Big
problemonly two stars,,,if one doesnt show; sport generally cant absorb losses; Many
boxers turning to other sports). Then Dr. John Perry of the Los Angeles Rams on The Team
Physician (Must have written contracts with doctors, players will sue both team and
doctor). Then Tom Liegler of the Anaheim Convention Center on Arena Management
(Top manager must bethe planner, organizer, director and controller. Seven percent are
leaders, others are followers.Stadiums built since 1955 are all losing money.Ten football
games generate more revenue than eighty baseball games). Then Dennis Murphy on The
Foundation of a New League (The American Public understands only one thing and that is
to win; and, get this, Bards fallen out of his chair cause the guy says, Table Tennis is one of
the next professional sports; guys newest venture is the WPTTA, the World Professional
Table Tennis Association; they supposedly have $300,000 lined up for a tour that could even
be more significant for our sport than the Chinese tour).
Friday: The Girl in Sports (Start at bottom and can work your way into executive
office. Minor league is good experience). Then Sports Promotion (Youre in show
business; dont be conservative in sports.Create good relationship with the fans, create
hysteria). Then, to wrap up the week: Stacey Sullivan of the Chargers on Sports and the
Law (Must have accountants and lawyers for books and contracts; Total income of all NFL
teams doesnt equal that of a single department store in Seattle; Threat of litigation is always
presentdont keep notes of meetings that can be used against you in court; Integrity is the
most important word in sports).
Armed with his diploma, Brad says hes ready to hold a Sports Administration
convention in a Miami Beach hotel for E.C. members and others. How about it, USTTA?
While the Association s considering, well go back now to Fujiis, where, said Bard,
teams began in prelim groupswith the winners advancing into Division I, the runner-ups into
Division II, and the 3rd place finishers into Division III. A tie (best 3 out of 5 matches, 2 out of
3 games) required each of two singles players to play at least one singles match and one
doubles match. Results: Division I: 1. Order of Siwon: Jerry Thrasher (4-0), Wayne Daunt (51), John Wimbish (4-3). Wayne won the MVP award with his critical win (from 10-18 down in
the 3rd) over Greg Gingold. 2. University of South Florida: Gingold (4-1), Pat Patterson (3-2),
Bev Hess (1-1). (Bev also came 1st in Womens playover Nancy Newgarden.) 3. Promotions
Number One: Bard Brenner (4-0), Alan Nissen (4-3), Joe Sokoloff (1-2). 4. Fujiis Number
One: Richard McAfee (4-2), Randy Hess (3-5), Joe Newgarden (1-0). 5. Underdogs: Marv
Leff (2-1), Chuck Michell (2-1).
Division II: 1. Budweiser: John Elliott (7-1), Ross Brown (3-3). (John also came 1st in
U-17sover Hess.) 2. Nationwide Studios: Chris Marshall (7-2), Nancy Newgarden (2-8).
(Chris also came 1st in the U-15sover Jesse Franz.) Division III: 1. Rockets: George Bluhm
(4-3), Bob Walker (3-4). 2. Rocking Ships: Howard Tabb (5-3), Franz (2-3).

Herb Vichnin learned something from the complaints at his Jan. 12th Quaker City
Open. Way too many (unexpected?) entries for just a single days play. So why accept them
all? Could he do otherwise without any warning? Even with players dropping out of the
doubles events left and right, the tournament wasnt over until 2 a.m. O.K., says Herbie, next
tourney were gonna have two back-to-back one-day tournaments. Well select events for each
days play, let the participants know ahead of time so, if they like, they can choose to play only
on Saturday or only on Sunday.

Debbie Wong showing off her exhibition skills

Photos by Mal Anderson

Results: Mens: Final: Alex Shiroky over Lim Ming Chui, 16, -21, -18, 12, 20. Semis:
Shiroky over Bernie Bukiet, 20, 18; Chui over Errol Resek, -8, 23, 19 (after being down 5-15
in the 3rd!). Womens: Alice Green over Debbie Wong. Mens Doubles: Fuarnado Roberts/Tim
Boggan over Chui/Dave Sakai. Mens As: Sam Balamoun over Boggan. Womens As: Xuan
Ferguson over Evelyn Zakarin. A Doubles: Stan Smolanowicz/Balamoun over Sharpe/Barry
Robbins. Bs: Joe Andrews over Rutledge Barry. Cs: Joe Scheno over Barry. Ds: Scheno
over Matt Dixon. Handicap: Bill Sharpe over Bob Saperstein.
Other winners: Esquires: Marcy Monasterial over George Rocker. Seniors: Boggan
over Sharpe. Adult/Junior Doubles: Tim/Eric Boggan over Sharpe/Scott Boggan. U-17s:
Roger Sverdlik over Bruce Plotnick. (Other good U-17 matches: Barry over Eliot Katz; Mike
Bush over Barry, 19 in the 3rd; Plotnick over Jeff Zakarin.) U-15s: Mike Stern over Robert
Nochenson. (Upset: Eric Boggan over Barry.) U-13s: Barry over Debbie Wong, then over
Stern, both in 3. Junior Doubles: Scott Boggan/Bush over Katz/Gary Wittner.

Carl Danner (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 40) praises Philadelphia Tournaments for being
well run, but objects that they always have the highest entry fees in the Eastern region.
Apparently their club needs these extra revenues just to survive financially. They have to pay
a high rent, so they need support from the traveling players to keep up their seven-day-aweek clubmight even have to close it otherwise. But Carl says he doesnt want to pay such
absurd fees to help subsidize their local club. Only in the Feb. Two-Man tournament did he
feel he got his moneys worth. Hes entering the upcoming Easterns in Philadelphia, but will
play only in two Junior eventsthose required for my Junior ranking. Just these two
eventsU-17s, U-15swill cost him $11.50.
Mal Anderson (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 40) reports on the Feb. 2-3 Philly 2-Man Team
Tournament. A Group winners were Danny Seemiller/Paul Raphel ($93.75 each) over runnerups (with a 5-2 round robin record) Lim Ming Chui/Dave Sakai in a 5-match tie. Seemiller
opened with a 10, 20 win over Sakai. But Chui countered by beating Raphel, -19. 9, 7!
Chuis sidespin pushes to Raphels backhand completely handcuffed Paul. Doubles went to
Sakai/Chui to give them a 2-1 lead. Seemiller balanced, beat Chui, but with 21, -11, 18
difficulty. The last two points of this match were fantasticwith drives and counterdrives,
kills and counterkills. Raphel then finished Sakai, 11, 18, for the win.
Third Place
(also with a 52 record):
Shiroky and
Chris Yuen, a
who lost to
Seemiller only
when Dan put
Chris Yuen
away 2 great
Photo by Raul
points from
19-all in the
third. Chris
did beat Sakai
Dave Sakai
Photo by Mal Anderson
During one
point, Yuen
lobbed several times from the barrier, then killed one from
back there, whereupon Sakai blocked the kill but was
himself in turn forced back to the barrier, from where he
killed it, only to have Yuen block it, at which point Sakai
flew in, killed it while running past the tableonly to watch helplessly as Yuen blocked it back
to win the point!
Fourth Place (also with a 5-2 record): Resek and Brathwaite, whose 3-0 loss to Chui/Sakai
hurt them in the matches won/lost tie-breaker. Sakai, playing better than Mal had ever seen him
play before, downed Resek. B Group winners: Rick Seemiller/Mike Connelly over the Iranian team
of Ali Oveissi/Reza Tehrani, and the U.N. team of Joe Andrews/Marcy Monasterial.

Results of the Jan. 19

Jeff Steif
Westfield Open: Open
Singles: Sakai over Dave
Philip in 4. Semis: Sakai
over Peter Holder, 17, -19,
21, 7; Philip over Boggan
(after losing the first two
games, 19, 25). Sakai hasnt
much of a kill shot, but his
backhand exchange is strong,
and his forehand loop, though of medium speed, is steadily effective. Womens: Muriel Stern
over Pat Baccili. As: Mike Bush over T. Chan. Bs: Rutledge Barry over George Holz. Cs:
Jeff Steif over Robert Nochenson. Westfield Closed: Mark Sherman over Art Carlson.
Esquires: John Kilpatrick over Monasterial whod ousted Rocker deuce in the 3rd. Seniors:
Boggan over Sol Schiff whod eliminated Monasterial, deuce in the 3rd. U-17s: Jeff Zakarin
over Scott McDowell. U-15s: Barry over Nochenson. U-13s: Barry over Eric, then Scott
The Northeastern Open, held Mar. 2-3 at the Gatsbyish-like Hampshire Hills Racquet
and Health Club (a country club setting, said Jairie Resek), was the result of a lot of hard
and sometimes frustrating work by Lim Ming Chui and Dave Sakai. Ming conducts a weekly
table tennis class here (or at least he did)and what a beautiful place to hold, what the
Association doesnt as yet have, a U.S. Closed. There were two huge playing areas, a
swimming pool and snack shop for the participants, and a large glass-enclosed cocktail lounge
and restaurant overlooking the playing area for the spectators. Their whirlpool soothed many
a tired muscle, said Jairie. But I have to add that at the center of Danny Seemillers psyche
there was some tumult, some depression.
Mens winner Seemiller, who back in the 8ths had been 16-19 down in the 5th to
Singapores Chris Yuen, was more than a little concerned about the prize money, or expense
money, call it what you will, he thought hed been promised for lugging those heavy,
equipment-filled trunks round an airport or two. Trouble wasafter all those You are
coming, arent you? telephone callsafter How many free entries did you say you gave
out?after Say that again, whose hotel bills are to be paid?there wasnt much money left,
even for winners.
How Danny won that vital end-game 5th against Chris even he doesnt know. Hed
been missing one after the other of Chriss servesand, at 19-16, Chris was serving. But win
it Danny did. Then stopped Rory Brassington in 4. Then Errol Resek, whod survived both
Surasak Koakiettaveechai (Errol was down 1-0 and 15-5 in the 2nd before winning 25 of the
next 28 points). Then Alex Shiroky, deuce in the 5th. And then finally Lim Ming Chui whod
knocked off Peter Pradit in straight games.
Jairie, in her Mar.-Apr., 1974 Topics column, spoke of how Peter works ten hours a
day, six days a week, sometimes seven. That doesnt leave him much time for anything else.
Lack of practice and physical training like in any other sport [shows], [and lack of] money and
gasoline, sidelined his number two lovecar racing (48). However, Peter did partner his
former Thai teammate, Surasak, to a win in the Mens Doublesover George Brathwaite/
Shiroky. Jairie adds that Surasak, just out of college with a degree in Business Administration,

lives in Worcester, MA and works

for the Olympic Trophy
Manufacturing Co. Womens winner
was Shazzi Felstein over Louise
Chotras. Mixed went to Seemiller/
Helen Weiner over Sakai/Chotras.
Other results: Handicap: Jim
Shoots over R. Kulkarni. Novice:
Paul Dise over Warren Rasmussen.
Consolation: Rasmussen over Ron
Tiekert. Seniors: Boggan over
Schiff. As: Surasak (after being
down 2-0) over Boggan. A Doubles:
Jerry Thrasher/Boggan over Chuck
Chan/Bill Ladd. Bs: Lew Martinello
over Dave Shapiro. B Doubles:
Shapiro/Dave Pardo over Chan/
Dave Shapiro
Photo by Mal Anderson
Ladd. Cs: Pardo over Rutledge
Barry. Martinello, who says he
forgot to enter the Cs, also won the Ds over Pardo. This 16-year-old Massachusetts Junior
Champion claims he holds the racket wrong. He uses the same side for forehand and backhand
but changes his grip. Its the way I started off, he says. I cant changeI dont want to lose
to anyone I shouldnt.
What does Martinello do when he isnt playing table
tennis? Works on cars. Began by repairing everybodys miniMartinello
bike in his neighborhood. Graduated to sports cars. Now
maybe he gets to drive a Corvette round the oval track of
where-his-heads-at on a test-run. Says an American
Motors car is good, but GMs are lousyparts are all put
into very-hard-to-get-at places. Says GMs are called Giant
Mouses. Says mechanics where he works call GMs Mark
of Excellence the Mark of Insolence.
Under 13s:
1. Rutledge Barry.
2. Eric
3. Scott
Rutledge Barry
by Mal Anderson
Twelveyear-old Rutledge (Squeegee) also had wins
here over Thrasher and Jerry Fleischhacker.
He had their number, as we say, at least
today. And, as Rutledge says, his favorite
subject at his Town School in Manhattan is
Math. I like figuring things out, he says
with numbers anywayand admits to going

through about 30 puzzle books. He complains that No one doing an article about me ever
mentions my table tennis play.
Later, driving home from this tournament, Id occasion to remember an incident for
years to come. The one-car group of five my sons and I were riding in had met up with
another to stop at a decent restaurant. Most of us ordered steaks. As usual, I was into dining,
would start with a shrimp cocktail. But I was irritated when, for the price I was paying, I got
only 3 not very big shrimp. I asked to see the manager. Id no intention of refusing to pay, I
just wanted to protest. She was in the kitchen. I could see her through the windowed door
leading there being briefedcould see the set of her face.
When she came up to me she wasnt at all nice, took a very hard line. So I used a bad
word to try to shock her into understanding that I really did protest, and for dramatic effect I
threw a shrimp back behind me into the wall.O.K., I was asked to leave. No problem, I went
graciously, applauded by a bearded guy at a nearby table. Scott loyally came with me, but Eric
announced he was staying to eat his steak. It was one of those times I loved them both for
their independence. After waiting outside with Scott until the others joined us, I asked the
driver if he couldnt please stop at a fast-food takeoutand, pitying me,
he agreed.
Under 17s:
Gary Wittner over
Roger Sverdlik. Semis:
Wittner over Mike
Bush, 19, -18, 19;
Sverdlik over Barry, 16,
-17, 19 (Squeegee misserved to end the
match). Winner Wittner,
it turned out, was quite
an athleteBabe Ruth
Baseball; Track; Police
Boys Club All-Star
Basketball. And of
course he had this
hobby of
collectingthings. A 3foot iguana, for
instancename of
Roger. I had him for 7
years, Gary said with a smile long before I knew
Roger. I really loved that iguana. Hes also had tortoises,
chameleons, and snakes. But the iguana was his favorite.
He would only move for familiars, never for strangers.
Theyre not that dumb. After all, in 7 years even an iguanas
Roger Sverdlik
bound to understand something. He died in a hospital.
Photo by Tom Slater
And what does runner-up Sverdlik do in his spare
time? Plays at being a magician. Call him the young Scarne of the table tennis world. His left

Dean Norman, c. 1972

hand holds a card. His right hand comes up for a

moment, masks it. Hand comes away. Presto!
The original card has been replaced by another.
Oh, I say, thats just like on The
Thats a terrible show, says Roger.
People think its trick photography. It only gives
a bad impression of magic.
Turns out as we talk some more that
Roger has no use for marked cards. I have 10
trick decks, he says. Some are really good.
Ingenious even. But I like the natural slight of
Ah, illusions. How familiar in the end they
become to so many, and yet how difficult in the
beginning they are to see through.

*Dean, whos originally from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, retells a story Bernie Stoll told him
when Bernie was a Ph. D. candidate in Speech Pathology at the University of Iowa in Iowa
City. It has to do with stutterers at a speech clinic:
[An] effective treatment for stutterers was to get them to stop being shy
about speaking to strangers, and go out and deliberately stutter. In fact, to gain control
over the habit, they would over stutter. If they began to bounce on a word, they were
supposed to keep bouncing more than necessary. Just ignore the uncomfortable looks
from the strangerskeep stuttering at them until it doesnt bother you anymore. Get
over being self-conscious about stuttering. In this way they could release tension, gain
control over the habit, and eventually stutter much lesseven though they would
probably never completely stop stuttering to some degree. The patients at the clinic
would be sent out to conduct interviews on the street. Stop strangers and say, Im
taking a p-p-public opinion p-p-poll. W-w-w-would you answer a f-f-few q-qquestions?
One day the last ping-pong ball in the game room was broken, so someone had
to go out and buy more. What an opportunity for a stutterer! They sent a person to a
drug store that they knew did not sell any ping-pong balls. The stutterer would ask for
some p-p-ping-p-p-pong b-b-b-b-balls. The clerk would say they didnt sell any. Then
the stutterer would have to continue the conversation by asking w-w-where c-c-ccould he b-b-buy p-p-p-ping p-p-pwell, you get the idea. Ping-pong balls was an
excellent phrase for some long rallies of stuttering.
The trip to the drug store for ping-pong balls was a regular thing for a
succession of patients who came to the clinic for a week of therapy. Then one day the
clerk said, How many do you want? They had gotten so many requests for ping-pong
balls the store decided to stock them. As he gave the balls to the customer the clerk
said, Do you mind if I ask a personal question? Why is it that everybody who plays
ping-pong stutters?

Chapter Sixteen
1974: Sweeris/Green Win Easterns. 1974: Mt. Airy, PA Junior Clinic/Team Trials.
1974: U.S. Juniors Play in England and Germany. 1974: Englands Middlesex Open/Norwich
Union International. 1974: Play Among Indians, Japanese, South Koreans.
The $1,000 Mar. 15-17, 1974 Eastern Open was sponsored by the Philadelphia TTC;
23 events were held on 25 Indian tables at the University of Pennsylvanias Hutchinson Gym.
Tournament Referee Rufford Harrison wrote a covering article (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 45) in
which he tried to appease both Eastern Open Tournament Chairman Herb Vichnin, who
thought the tournament was great, and Eastern Open player Rory Brassington, who thought
the tournament was lousy.
On the plus side, Rufford said hed never known a tournament anywhere that held
closer to the schedule. He was pleased that he could go and eat without permission,
confident that I wouldnt be defaulted. Herbs scheduling secret? Allow twice as long as
youll need for every match. Herb allowed 30 min. for 2/3 and 60 min. for 3/5. And he had
eight spare tables in case anything did run late. However, Rory rightly questioned why, in a
prestigious tournament like the Easterns, any match from the round of 64 should be 2/3? And,
added Rufford, when we pay $7.50 for entry into the Class A, and when an 11-year-old
pays $5.00 to play in the junior doubles (and his partner antes up another five) we think we
have a right to expect 3/5 [and maybe, especially for juniors, lower entry fees?].
Food prices were high? Hah, where else could you get the quality sandwiches Herbs
mother-in-law provided? The Saturday night party at the Ben Franklin Hotel had good food
too, and great value for that $3.00 price tag. BUT, said Rufford, the music was too loud
(even teen-agers told me that).
Little complaint about the 24 tables arranged efficiently, in two lines with an aisle
between that gave easy access to all of them. However, there werent any barriers between
the tables which were a shade too close, and those barriers behind the tables were drab
things, made for the most part of unpainted hardboard, some broken, not all the same height
and with no attempt made to put those of the same height together. Some were burlap, some
unsegregated. As for the lighting in the gym, it wasnt so good. But the floor was great;
theres nothing quite like an old gym floor for table tennis.
There were no bleachers for the arena table. And since there was no check-room
[though how many would have used it, or, if using it, taken full advantage of it?], the at first
neatly-arranged chairs were soon full of an unsightly mixture of towels, clothes, bags,
equipment, paper, all the paraphernalia of a small tournament. Though there were but a
handful of spectators, could we expect more if they knew beforehand they were going to see
Rufford concludes that perhaps we need management clinicsto get professional
promoters, people who know how to manage the clubs resources in order to bring in more
people and more money. Put a call in for Bard Brenner?
In a moment, Ill bring you my Interview with Mens winner Dell Sweerisbut, first,
here are the tournament Results.
Mens: Dell Sweeris d. Danny Seemiller, -14, 17, 19, 19. Semis: Sweeris d. Jim Dixon,
19, 21, -19, 6; Seemiller d. Houshang Bozorgzadeh, 12, -11, 13, 15. Notable Matches:
Sweeris d. Errol Resek, 18, -13, 20, 14; Seemiller d. David Philip, -23, 14, 11, 19;

Bozorgzadeh d. Fuarnado
Roberts, -17, 20, 13, 11.
Womens: Alice Green d.
Sue Hildebrandt, 13, 16,
12. Semis: Green d.
Muriel Stern, 10, 20, -19,
9; Hildebrandt d. Debra
Wong, 18, 9, 13. Mens
Doubles: Resek/Sam
Hammond d. Sweeris/Bill
Lesner, -10, 19, -14, 13,
14. Womens Doubles:
Hildebrandt/Mary Ann
Burdick d. Stern/Pat
Baccili, 13, 14, -22, 14.
Mixed Doubles:
Rufford Harrison
Rufford Harrison
Seemiller/Hildebrandt d.
Photo by Mal Anderson
Photo by Mal Anderson
Bernie Bukiet/Yvonne
Kronlage, 14, -15, 19, 18.
Mens As: Dave Sakai d. Tim Boggan, 16, -16, 17. I dont know if Referee Harrison
was keeping a Ruff eye on Dave, but, as a Ph. D. chemist, he certainly would have done a Dr.
Jekyll double take were he to have read a line or two from a little Profile on Sakai that Ray
Arditi sent me. Bet you didnt know, said Ray, that Dave probably threw away what could
have been a brilliant career in Chemistry. Can you visualize a Dr. Sakai in the lab coat in a
chem lab? Well, I can.
Womens As: Kronlage d. Xuan Ferguson, -14, -17, 18,
17, 18. A Doubles: Stan Smolanowicz/Sam Balamoun d. Bill
Sharpe/Mike Bush, -16, 22, -17, 19, 19. Bs: Jim Shoots d. John
Kilpatrick, 19, 20, 18. B Doubles: Lew Martinello/Mike Allen d.
Barry Robbins/Bruce Plotnick, 16, -23, 15, -15, 21. Cs: Ralph
Robinson d. Ali Oveissi, -16, 18, 16, 13. Mens Consolation:
Scott McDowell d. Hank McCoullum, 18, -14, 18. Womens
Consolation: Kronlage d. Nancy Newgarden 12, 9, after Nancy
had uspet Louise Chotras, 20, -12, 17. Esquires: Frank Dwelly d.
Benny Hull, 21, 15. Seniors: Boggan d. Bukiet, 21, -13, 17, then
Sharpe, -22, 18, -8, 13, 14. Senior Doubles: Sharpe/George
Rocker d. Boggan/ Sid Jacobs, 9, -14, 20.
Boys U-17: Rick Seemiller (just a few days shy of his
16 birthday) d. Rick Rumble, 21, 19, -13, -16, 18. Girls U-17:
Stern d. Wong, 23, -18, -20, 19, 16, after Debbie had d. Burdick,
19, 25. Boys U-17A: Rutledge Barry d. Mike Dempsey, 19, -17,
19, 22, then Andy Hopping, 12, 30, 17. Boys U-15: Plotnick d.
Yvonne Kronlage
Barry, -15, 17, 17, 15, after Rutledge had d. Mike Stern, -20, 19,
Photo by Mal Anderson
18. Boys U-13: Stern d. Barry, 13, 15, 10. Boys U-11: Eric
Boggan d. Jeff Williams. Adult/Junior Doubles: Dan/Rick
Seemiller d. Vichnin/Rumble, 10, -19, 19, -10, 17.

Now for my
interview with
Dell, I know of
course over the last
decade youve won
many Eastern Open
Singles and
we havent seen
you on the U.S.
Team for a few
years, [did you]
think you had a
chance to win the
Dell Sweeris (right) on his way to defeating
Easterns again this
U.S. Champion D-J Lee in the 1972 USOTCs
year? At the 1972
Photo by Mal Anderson
USOTCs you beat
[D.J.] Lee, so obviously there wasnt anyone in the tournament (unless Sam Hammond?) you
felt you couldnt beat. Were you maybe worried more about Seemiller here than Lee? You
hadnt been doing too well against Danny recently, had you?
SWEERIS. Well, Dan and I must have talked almost every day since the U.S. Team
Championships last November about playing in this final. So Ive thought about winning the
Easterns for a long time. Its true, though, that Dannys had four straight convincing wins
over methough last year Id beaten him three straight before the U.S. Open. Actually, my
practice program has been very poor of late. Some days would go by where Id be working
12-15 hours at my Woodland Club or be off giving exhibitions some place.
Before the tournament, when Id found out my draw, I knew my match with Resek
was the key. He always plays me well and I knew if I could beat him I could see my way clear
to D-J in the semis. Then, when I heard that Lee was withdrawingironically for the same
reasons I myself was troubled about, not enough practice and too much businessI knew I
had a really good chance. I told myself I had to do three things: (1) get plenty of practice and
rest; (2) forget about selling equipment all day; (3) convince myself that, in the long run, it
would be more profitable for me to playand play wellthan to sell equipment.
I had a little hassle for a while, though, when my baggage didnt show up here in Philly.
Of course I had shoes in stock, so that was no problem. And you can believe I always carry my
paddle with me everywhere I go. But I had to borrow a uniformSeemillers shorts and Joe
Windhams shirtto play Resek. Only after Id finished my match with Errol did my luggage
show up.
INTERVIEWER: This key match with Resekhowd it go?
SWEERIS: Well, at first I found myself pressing to loop hardwhich is the way I beat
Errol the three most recent times weve played. So maybe because of this, maybe not, Id split
the first two games with him. And then we got into a little problem.

I was up 19-14 in the third, and then, just as Id won the

next point, a ball bounced in the backcourt and the umpire called
a let. Only, as it turned out, even the umpire wasnt sure hed
called the let before the point had ended. So I said to Errol, Take
it over. And the next thing I knew Resek had won six straight
and was 20-19 ahead of me. Errol then had me back deep in the
court, where I was lobbing four or five, then he followed up by
dropping one to mid-court, whereupon I came running in on a
line, driving a chop from the floor in my clumsy manner, which
Resek then skyed. This point made a big difference, for I went on
to win the game.
In the 4th, we had another occurrence. I was up 10-8 and
served. But because I suddenly thought the ball was cracked I
caught Errols return and tested the ball to see if it was o.k. It
Errol Resek
wasnt cracked, and we went on to play the pointwhich I won.
Photo by Mal Anderson
Now with the score 11-8, people on Reseks bench started saying
Errol should have won the last point because Id caught the ball.
Remembering what had happened in the third game, I didnt back down and ran the game out.
INTERVIEWER. How about your semis match with Jim Dixonwhat was that like?
SWEERIS. I was forced to play him without a warm-up. Id read the Program
schedule when I should have read the draw sheet schedule. I lost a good lead in the first at the
end, but with the score 20-19 my favor I looped Jims serve and the ball caught the edge of the
table, and so luckily I took the game. In the second, Jim had the lead at the end, but I deuced it
and won. So I was up 2-0 when both games could have gone either way. Jim suddenly got
very aggressive and accurate midway through the third, and though I was leading something
like 14-11, he beat me good.
At the break, I went to the weight room with Lesner, as Id done before when Id
played Resek, to quietly discuss strategy.
On returning upstairs I was jokingly told
that Dixon was being coached by Lim
Ming Chui, Brassington, and some other
player whose combined record against
me was 0-20 or something. Had they
mentioned Sam Hammond, who I lost
badly to at the last USOTCs, I would
have shuddered. I went on to win the
fourth game 21-6.
INTERVIEWER. And now you
had to play Seemiller whos been spending
more and more time in Grand Rapids as a
kind of protg of yours.
SWEERIS. Yes. You know I can
beat Dan. But most people here seemed
to be thinking: (a) Are they going to play
Mens 1972 CNE Final: Bernhardt in an
an exhibition and split the prize money
Exhibition squat vs. Haslam
ala Haslam and Bernhardt at the Toronto
Photo by Mal Anderson

Photo by Mal Anderson

Photo by Raul Rodriguez

Whos Danny? Whos Ricky? Any differences?

CNE a couple of years ago? (b) How can Dan lose? (c) Is 3-1 enough odds? The one sole
thought I had was that I didnt want him to beat me bad.
INTERVIEWER. How well you must know Dannys game. Is it possible you suddenly
noticed any weaknesses in his play that youd not seen before?
SWEERIS. I watched Dan and his brother Rick, who as you know plays much the same
styleand their opponents reminded me of some of the ways to beat Dan. I am sometimes able to
do these things, although never with ease and always with great pressure from Dan.
After the first game, everyone knew it was going to be a real (that is, not an exhibition)
match, and I felt I was strong enough,
capable enough, to win. Dan had
complained earlier of being tired, and I felt
he erred in playing in (a) Adult-Junior
Doubles and (b) Mixed Doubles when there
was no prize money for these events. I was
leading 2-1 in games, and in the fourth I got
the big lead I wanted. But then I lost it.
Then rebounded again, only to see Dan tie it
up at 17-all. At 18-17 mine, I served and Dan
pushed and I looped two and suddenly Dan,
having returned my fast loop into the net,
found a water spot on his paddle and
protested. My thoughts were in this order: (1)
Is there water on the ball?No. (2) Should
there be a let? (3) The water came from his
sweat. (4) No let should be allowed. The point
was not taken over and I won 21-19.
INTERVIEWER. So I guess youre
pretty pleased with yourself?
SWEERIS. Well, of course Im very
glad to have won. But D-Js withdrawal,
despite his presence at the tournament,
D-J Lee, U.S. #1--can
definitely took some luster off the title. Im
he keep up the pace?

still wondering if I could have beaten even an out-of-shape D-J. He was kidding me a little at
his equipment stand early into the tournament. He said hed heard I could play penholder and
wondered if Id like to play him. For a small wager, he said, hed play shakehands if Id play
I said I wasnt interested in that. But I would like to try something else, I told him.
Whats that? he said.
Well, I said. Ill play shakehands if you play penholder.
He couldnt think of a comeback to that.
INTERVIEWER. So you think Lee should have played even if he didnt feel he was up
to it?
SWEERIS. With all due respect to D-J, whos unquestionably a great Championhis
performance at the Sarajevo Worlds was outstanding, all gutsI dont agree with him
dropping out of this tournament. I wish he would either retire as a Champion we can all
continue to admire or else come back into the arena with the rest of us.
Mt. Airy Junior
Clinic/Team Trials
Resek reports
(TTT, Mar.-Apr.,
1974, 44) that,
thanks to Mort
Zakarin, during the
Mar. 24-31 week
following the
Mort Zakarin
Easterns, 22 of the best U.S. juniors were able to train for, then try to
Photo by Mal Anderson
round robin qualify for, the 5 places on the U.S. Team Captained by
Dell Sweeris that would compete at an international (all boys) Junior
Championship in Flensberg, West Germany. Special thanks are due to owner Emil Wagner
and Manager Ron Logan for sponsoring these 18 boys and 4 girls (Bev Hess, Muriel Stern,
Jean Varker, and Debbie Wong) at their beautiful Mt. Airy Lodge
resort in the Pennsylvania Poconos.
Mort made the connections, but Bong Mo Lee and Errol
acted as coaches/trainers. We began [Monday morning] with
running and circuit training before breakfast, said Errol.
Afterwards, we did warm-up exercises and practiced strokes and
strategy. At twelve we stopped for lunch. Around two oclock, we
started playing round robin matches. By Friday, all 18 boys had
played everyone else, and the results of these matches gave Bong
Mo and Errol the seedings for the three final round robin groups.
The top three finishers from each group would form a 9-player
round robin, out of which would come the top 5 that would
constitute the Team.
First, here are the 9 (in alphabetical order) who, though
generally praised by Errol, did not make the final round robin and
Coach Resek
so warrant a tip or two from him. Mike Baber: Needs to improve
Photo by Mal Anderson

his forehanddoesnt bring his elbow updoesnt

follow through. Mike Bush: Stands at the table too
flatfollow through on the forehand too long. Likes
to back up and chopa dangerous strategy. Ought to
be more serious. Carl Danner: tends to favor his
backhand too much. Ought to run. Mike Dempsey:
Has to work on his forehand topspin and deep
backhand blocks. But, ah, Errol said that Mike was
very popular with the guests, press, and female
employees. John Elliott: Gets disappointed very
easilywhich deteriorates his game. Has to learn to
have more confidence. Hits forehand too flat. Scott
McDowell: tends to jump around from the push to kill
the forehand and is very erratic doing it. Should learn to
move around and spin the ball. Lack of steadiness
makes him afraid to play long points? Pete Tellegen:
Scott McDowell
physically seems a little weak; needs to add power to
Photo by Mal Anderson
his game. Mike Veillette: Very impressivebut
could work on placing the ball rather than trying to finish the point. Pat Windham: Should
work on all his strokes and on return of service.
Next, here are the 4 (in alphabetical order) who did not
make the final 5. Perry Schwartzberg (a very misleading 0-8):
Very calm and cool on the table.Should work on his forehand
loop or topspin. Only fourteen, he could be one of our best.
(Lost close matches to the top players: 23-21 in the 3rd to
Barish; 17 in the 3rd to Galardi; 19 in the 3rd to Rumble; 23-21 in
the 3rd to Rick Seemiller; two deuce games to Sverdlik; 19 in the
3rd to Wittner. Wow! Bruce Plotnick (1-7): Favors the push too
much. Ought to use the forehand more. (Lost to Galardi 23-21
in the 3rd.) Gary Wittner (3-5): Needs more confidence to be
consistent. Should try to anticipate the ball betterhits on the
run a lot. (Lost 19 in the 3rd to Barish.) Jeff Zakarin (4-4):
needs more power in his forehand kill shot. (Lost in 3 to
Barish, Galardi, and Seemiller.)
Bruce Plotnick-taking the coaching to heart

Here are the 5 top

finishers who comprise the
Team. 5th Place: Roger
Sverdlik (5-3): One of the
smartest juniors at the
tablewith an excellent
sense of humor. Good
defense. Returns spin very
well. Needs a stronger

L-R: Roger, Angie Rosal,

and Dean Galardi
Photo by Mal Anderson


loop and kill. 4th Place: Rick Seemiller (5-3): Good forehand loop and hard forehand kill.
Angles the corner well. Needs to use anti better. Misses too many forehand loops. 3rd
Place: Rick Rumble (6-2/0-4lost two straight to both Barish and Galardi): Very strong
forehand topspin. Should work on his backhand hitting and block and on receiving serve.
Should learn to topspin the serve instead of pushing it. 2nd Place: Dean Galardi (6-2/3-2
lost to Barish 23-21 in the 3rd, lost to Wittner). Very smart playertends to reach instead
of move. Doesnt play hard every point. Tends to back up a lot. Could be one of our finest
players. 1st Place: Dennis Barish (6-2/4-1lost to Seemiller and Sverdlik): Best hitter.
Has to work on his pushing and on receiving short, under-spin serves. Tries to roll every
U.S. Juniors Score in Germany
Roger Sverdlik tells us (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 44) that when the U.S. Junior Team
arrived in London at 10:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning, no one was at the airport to meet
them, nor was any message left for them. They piled into two taxis, and on their own they
tried to find a hotel. After taxi fares had eaten up about of their budget, they finally found
accommodations at the 4th hotel they tried. Here there were literally holes in the walls, but it
was cheap.
Dell made some phone calls, said Roger, and found out we wouldnt be able to
practice until Monday. Once informed of the hotel we were supposed to be staying at, Dell
was told that if we didnt claim the rooms until Sunday they might not be there for us. But we
stayed put for the night, saw the Robert Redford movie The Sting, and next morning we
were able to move into the hotel the English had reserved for us. After getting settled, we
went sightseeingto Buckingham Palace and the Changing of the Guard, to Westminster
Abbey, to Scotland Yard, and to St. James Park where those whom Roger didnt want to walk
with amused themselves by shooting rubber bands at birds.
Sverdliks account, suggesting that the English TTA was at fault in not meeting the
U.S. Team, I have to correct, or rather Derek Tremayne, General Secretary of the ETTA, has
to (TTT, May-June, 1974, 43):
The English Table Tennis Association telephoned Rufford Harrison a week
before the visitand it was agreed that the Association would regrettably be unable to
meet the U.S. team at the airport. However, the arrangement agreed upon was that
Dell Sweeris should collect an envelope at the Pan-Am desk containing all detailsthis
was eventually returned to us marked Not collected. [Dell inquired at the Pan Am
desk about a messagebut was told there was none?] As a standby arrangement, the
home telephone number of our Administrative Secretary, Albert Shipley, was given [to
Dell? Earlier by Harrison?], but owing to Dells unfamiliarity with our telephone
system contact was not made until the team had booked themselves into a hotel after
much unnecessary trouble. [Why, if after theyd booked a hotel, Dell was able to make
calls, why couldnt he have made those same calls from the airport? Didnt have
coins?] Had Dell persevered with the telephoning of Albert Shipley, seeking the advice
of a telephone operator, a lot of time, money, and effort would have been saved.
But, o.k., the important thing was that our U.S. Team had made contact with the
ETTA, and that the itinerary scheduled for them could be followed. On Monday, they

traveled south of London to play a combined team from Sussex and Essex that included the
#6, #10, #11, and #15 juniors in England. Roger said, We all played horriblyexcept for
Rumble who scored our two winsbut if we had had more rest and some practice we could
have beat them. Tuesday they played a somewhat weak team from Surreyand downed
them 8-3 with Seemiller winning all three of his matches. Wednesday they went north of
London and played a round robin with the following teams: Berkshire 1 and 2 (both rather
weak); Middlesex (very strongwith the #3 and #4 juniors in England); Sweden (with
maybe the #16 through #20 [junior] players in Sweden), and Germany (also very strong
with the #3, #4, and #7 [junior] players in Germany). The current European Junior Rankings
had Russias Burnazian 1st, followed by two Germans, both of whom wed see later in the
States, Stellwag and Huging. Stellwag was ranked #12 among the German Menled by (1)
World #20 Lieck, (2) World #19 Scholer, and (3) Leiss whod won the Jan. German Nationals
from Schoeler. The best women in Deutschland were (1) World #25 Hendriksen, (2) Kneip,
and (3) World #30 Scholer (formerly Englands Di Rowe).
In these practice matches, the U.S. players beat
the Berkshire teams and Sweden, and though they were
Germanys Peter Stellwag
blanked by Middlesex and Germany, they were often
competitive with them: Germany #3 defeated Galardi in
3, but 19, -19, 20 barely squeaked by Sverdlik; Germany
#7 and England #3 defeated Rumble in 3; and Germany
#4 defeated Seemiller, 19, -19, 18. This German #4
(named Nolting?), a 14-year-old, with great
footwork, a good backhand exchange, and fine forehand
spin, defeated both the #3 and #4 English juniors.
Everyone on our Team was very impressed with his
game, and it may be that hell become one of the best
players in the world. [This player is Hajo Nolten who in
1976 would be Germanys #1 Junior. But in the next
half-dozen years he didnt develop further, would be
consistently ranked around Mens #7 in Germany.]
Roger said that this Nolten was really nice, rooted for
usbut that players from other teams scarcely seemed
to notice us.
On Thursday, the Team arrived in Flensburg,
Germany (via Hamburg), where, said Roger, Hans Rabe,
the Tournament Director and Chair of the sponsoring Gruen-Weiss 62 Club, met us, and
continued to be of invaluable assistance to us.
On Good Friday, the Singles was played at this Easter Festival. Barish and Galardi
lost to the eventual semifinalists. Rumble was beaten by a Swede in a close match. Seemiller
and Sverdlik in advancing picked up a little prize of an Imperial racket (with Super Sriver
sponge) and eventually had to play each other in the quarters. Rick won, 22 and 17, then
went on to an easy victory in his semis. In the final, Rick fell in straight games to the steady
#1 seed, the #1 Danish junior, Jacobsona chopper, with sponge on the forehand and hard
rubber on the backhand.
The Team event was held on Saturday/Sunday. Since the U.S. Team was neither
seeded nor placed it wasnt surprising that they were put into a preliminary group with the

defending champion and #1 seed, The Funen Club from Denmark. Whereuponit must have
come as a surprise to manythe U.S. won 5-1. And we didnt play Barish or Galardi. Rumble
won 1, lost 1 (to Singles winner Jacobson); Seemiller stopped their #2 and #3, and Sverdlik
defeated their #1 (Jacobson, whose game resembles Canadian chopper Steve Feldsteins) and
also their #3.
After that, getting to the final was easy. In the semis the U.S. trounced Sweden 5-0
with Barish destroying their #1. That brought us to Funen again (for two teams had advanced
from each preliminary group, and this Danish team had swept aside all further opposition). No
5-1 result this time, though; the tie couldnt have been closer. 1st match: Funen # 2 over
Rumble, 17 in the 3rd; 2nd match: Seemiller over Funen #3; 3rd match: Jacobson over Sverdlik,
18 in the 3rd; 4th match: Seemiller over Funen #2. (Tie tied 2-2.) Now: Jacobson over Rumble;
Sverdlik over Funen #3; Jacobson over Seemiller; Sverdlik over Funen #2. (Tie tied at 4-4.)
Now: Rumble over Funen #3 (after being up 1-0 and 19-16 in the 2nd, only to lose 5 straight
Roger was quick to say as he ended
Italys Stefano Bosi
his article that None of the better European
juniors were here in Flensburg, but, still, the
U.S. did come 1st out of 40 teams. And he
had high praise for Captain/Coach Sweeris.
Rufford Harrison would later offer kudos
quoting Rabe: Your [U.S.] team was
extremely well received here and was always
very sporting and fair. Rabe indicated that a
U.S. Team would be very welcome if they
wanted to come back next year to defend
their title. Meanwhile, its not enough for
Italians to hear at home about their #1-ranked
Mens player Stefano Bosi (who would beat D-J Lee, Dan Seemiller and Peter Pradit at the
75 Calcutta Worlds). Three boysfrom Modena, Torino, and Naples (how they would have
liked to play at Flensburg)were writing in to Topics, wanting subscriptions to the magazine.
I also heard from Portage, MIs Shalom Lampelle that 145 youngsters competed in the
U-12 and U-14 Israeli Championships. And that the Boggan, er Bogan, brothers did well.
Joseph, my namesake, was runner-up in the U-12s (to B. Paz) and Josephs brother, Jacob,
was runner-up in the U-14s (to M. Michel). No, though my grandfather, before the
Depression, owned a department store in Springfield, Ohio that he called Bogans, these
young Israelis were no relation to me.
Englands Middlesex Open
Sverdliks fellow Long Islander, Cosmo Graham, now studying in England, writes up
the Middlesex Open (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 2), and one soon sees that the English juniors
from the past have moved on to challenge for the titles. The Womens final went to an
athletic-looking Jill Hammersley in sober blue shirt and shortsover Lesley Radford in a
bright red dress that maybe half-blinded Karenza Mathews in the semis. Radfords high loops
and hard-hit follows allowed her to take a game from heavily-favored Jill, Europe #6. Ladies
Doubles, which resulted in a mass migration to the bar, was won by Mathews/Linda Howard
over Hammersley/Susan Henderson.

The Mens final is between the good and bad boys of English table tennisNicky
Jarvis and Trevor Taylor. True to form, Taylor, unhappy with the floor and therefore his
footing, spits to show he needs to get a grip. Flair he hasloop-killing, or blocking with
feigned boredombut Jarvis is persistent, wins the (why not 3/5?) match, 2-1.
Jarvis had been challenged a bit by slim, bespectacled Middlesex Junior Mark Mitchell
(perhaps hed played against our U.S. Juniors in England?). Then, in the semis, Nicky met Connie
Warren, with whom hed win the Mens Doubles. Connie, in his 30s, shows signs of a prosperous
life appearing in his middle. He has short black, Roman-cut hair and sharply chiseled features.[Is]
volatile, tempestuous, and temperamental. Hes gotten to Jarvis by knocking off, first, Ian
Horshama good looper with a strong, straight-out jab backhandthen Don Parker who, at
England #14, had upset Denis Neale, World #16. Word was going round that Denis had been out
drinking rather heavily the night before (With Nick Hammersley, 9 pints he had) and was suffering
the after effects. On dropping the first to Parker, Denis walks round the table, says, Excuse me,
Im just going to throw my guts out, and goes off. Doesnt help though. On eliminating Parker,
Warren shakes hands, turns to Parkers supporters, gives them a V sign and stalks off.
In their semis match, Jarvis, not surprisingly, starts looping. Warren squats like a
caveman, holds his bat like a club and
blocks most of the loops back. Only
thing is, every time he goes for a kill
he misses. Jarvis wins in straight
The other semis had Taylor up
against Des Douglas who, with Taylor
running all over the court trying to hit
in forehands, easily won the 1st. But
Taylor wised up, started using his
backhand, and his touch and table
game so improved that he took the
next two. In the quarters Des had
Nicky Jarvis
downed Richard Yule, a quick
Photo by Mal
counter-driver who can hit. Earlier,
Mike Johns, dressed in fire enginered, and sporting a Zapata moustache and Cheshire accent, had stopped England-ranked
(senior and junior) Paul Day. Mikes extremely good grasp of serve and return accounted for
his victory. It didnt seem Yule would beat Johns because at one point he was yelling in
despair, I cant get his bloody serves back! But how explain Mikes loss in the 2nd game after
being up 20-16 match point, or his final 9-points-straight collapse after leading 17-12 in the 3rd?
Norwich Union International
Phil Reid, in talking about the English Open, or rather the Norwich Union International
as its called now (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 3+), probably wasnt at all surprised that, as in the
three previous years when the tournament was plagued with a power strike, a railway strike,
and a postal strike, this year there was also a little problem. The Brighton Corn Exchange,
where the tournament matches were to take place, was being used for voting in a General
Election. But, never mind, play would be at the Metropole Exhibition Halls before the finals
thatd be staged back at the usual Dome venue.

In talking about an early tie in the Mens Teams, Phil touts Englands Mark Mitchell
for his great play against the Czech World #6 Milan Orlowski. Mitchell has consistency,
speed, and a good table tennis brain. All he lacks now appears to be the power to finish a
rally. England Is first opponent was Hungary (winner of the European League over Sweden),
who was not fielding here in Brighton its top players: Jonyer (Europe #3 and the $400 1stPlace winner among top Europeans at the Feb. 10-12 round robin Invitational in Trollhatten,
Sweden), Klampar (Europe #6), Gergely (Europe #8), or Borzsei (Europe #13). Buthad
they brought another smooth Matyas Beleznai (Hungary #9)who backhanded through Jarvis
and eked out a 28-26 win in the 3rd over NealeEngland I would not have advanced.
Sweden II (Ingemar Wikstrom and Bo Persson) blanked Canada, but the experience
the Canadian team is getting in Europe will hold them in good stead later. Nigeria beat
Belgium 3-1with Norby Van de Walle taking his only singles. He still looks a fine player
with a sound defence and a good kill. In one of the rare shows of excitement prior to the
semis, Des Douglas almost produced a shocker against Stellan Bengtsson, still regarded by
many people as the best player in the world. The Swede said the hall was windy, the floor
slippery and uneven, but he fought back from a seemingly hopeless position. Since John
McDonnell, Public Relations Manager for the sponsoring Norwich Union Insurance Group,
says that Norwich gives awards to the English man and woman who deliver the best
performances at this International, perhaps Des is the man?
In the one semis, Bengtsson, Europe #1, had another trialnearly lost to the burly
Czech Jaroslav Kunz (Europe #11, and runner-up to Orlowski in the Welsh Open)but he and
Sweden went on to a decisive win. In the other semis, Yugoslavia eliminated England I
though Neale got the better of both Surbek (World #4 but Europe #5) and Stipancic (World #
5 but Europe #7) in the deciding 3rd. Racing around to take everything with his forehand,
Surbek is an inspiring sight, but obviously the longer the match goes on, the more difficult it is
for him to keep up the pace. Jarvis, however, couldnt give Neale any support. Stipancic, in
particular, cruelly exposed Jarviss weak backhand. In the final, Sweden continued its 3-0
In early Womens Team play, Belgium beat Canada, 3-2: Violetta Nesukaitis won her
two singles, but Christine Forgo was too inexperienced to help. England I (Hammersley, Linda
Howard) downed New Zealand, but raise a glass to Anne Stonestreet who upset Howard.
Reid was delighted to see his own England III Leicestershire county team (Anita Stevenson,
Karen Rogers) beat Scotland I, 3-0.
Not much action in the Womens Teams until the semis. There, though World # 19
Hammersley won both her singles against Birgitta Radberg (Europe # 7, World #9) and AnnChristin Hellman (Europe #10), England, coming close to winning the doubles two straight,
lost 3-2 to Sweden. In the other semis, Eleanora Vlaicov became ill, so Rumania was
compelled to concede to Czechoslovakia. The final saw the Swedes blitz the Czechs.
There was some notable early-round action in Mens Singles. Dorin Giurgiuca, the lefthanded Romanian whod won the Mens here 10 years ago, has acquired an unorthodox
defence and now plays every ball with his backhandthat is, until hed suddenly unleash a
lightning forehand drive.Poor Mark Mitchell never knew what was happening. Jim Langan,
the happy-go-lucky Irish star, did in both Englands Tony Clayton and Don Parker whod
brought the crowd to its feet with a three straight win over the Yugoslavian penholder
Karakasevic (Europe #16). Canadas Errol Caetano beat Essex player David Brown before
losing in 4 to Romanias Teodor Gheorghe, but Errols teammate Alex Polisois went down

right away to Scotlands Fraser. Belgian Van de Walles immaculate defence was too much
for the #1 English junior David Alderson, but then Norby was beaten by Englands
courageous fighter Andy Barden. Englands Chester Barnes lost to Scotlands Yule.
In the one semis,
Bengtsson easily beat
Orlowski whod knocked
out Stipancic. In the
other, Kjell Johansson,
after nearly dropping
three straight to Kunz in
the quarters, found
Kjell Johansson
himself 2-0 down to
Photo by Mal
Denis Neale who it was
said eliminated Wikstrom
after the Swede had
forced Surbek into the 5th. (Huh? Hed apparently beaten Surbek.) But then Denis couldnt
withstand Kjells rally. The way Johansson can work his way out of trouble is quite remarkable
what a devastating forehand he has! Bengtsson had won this tournament the last two years running,
but, just as Johansson had beaten him the previous week in the final of the Munich West German
Open, so Kjell beat him again heresolidifying the more his award from Swedish journalists as
Swedens #1 Sportsman for 1973. Not surprisingly, Johansson and Bengtsson were in the
Doubles final toobut this time both Swedes wonfrom Surbek/Stipancic, winners at Munich.
In early rounds in the Womens, Canadas Nesukaitis could not compete with
Hammersley. But the 19, 18, -17, 18, 17 match Hellman won from Alicia Grofova, Europe
#2, was excitingly contested. (Grofova, though finishing 6th at the Trollhatten Invitational, was
the only one there to defeat the winner, Russias European Champion Zoya Rudnova.) After
watching Hammersleys 9, 11, 13 semis against Hellman (that win and her Team plays gotta
give her the Norwich award), Reid said, I had never seen Jill hit so well and so confidently.
Meanwhile, Romanias Maria Alexandru, Europe #3 who can also hit powerfully, was
advancing over Swedens Radberg. Hammersley and Alexandru then from the mid-game 1st
played an expedited 5-game final. Although Jill had beaten Maria, shed never won a 5-gamer
from herand at plays end she still hadnt. Nevertheless, Jill thought her best chance for
victory lay in getting their match into Expedite. Alexandru, playing with Grofova, also won the
Womens Doublesfrom the #2 Czech Miroslova Ziskova-Polackova and the Swede Radberg
who, partnered by Persson, took the Mixed.
Indias Success in Nepal Invitational
Bomi Amalsadvala tells us (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 7) that, at the Feb. Khatmandu,
Nepal Democracy Day Invitational, played with Chinese Double Happiness balls and tables,
Indias #1 Niraj Bajaj paired with current National Champion Manjit Dua to win the Mens
Doubles. Although the two (both of whom well see play at this years U.S. Open) had earned
a bronze in Doubles at the 1973 Afro-Asian-Latin American Championships in Peking, their
victory here had to be somewhat surprising, for lefty looper Dua and the right-handed Bajaj
with an uncanny sense of anticipation and placement, defeated two Japanese pairs and a
Chinese pair. Naturally this drew thunderous applause from the huge crowds which daily
thronged the Covered Hall of Dasarath Stadium.

In the quarters they beat J.

Kasai, the Singles winner here, who
was partnered by the Japanese
University Champion, H.
Yamashita. In the semis, they
eliminated the strong Chinese pair of
Li-Chu-Min, a left-hand spin-attack
player, and Wang Chiu, a right-hand
penholder defensive player, in a
grueling five-setter. Then in the
final, they upset Japans Norio
Takashima, the Worlds best
defensive player, and his partner T.
Maeda, 21, 21, 11.
Nor was the Doubles the only
Indias Manjit Dua receiving the Nepal Democracy Day
event India did well in at this
Invitational Doubles Trophy from King Birendra. Behind
tournamenta sort of warm-up for
him is his partner Niraj Bajaj
them for the 1975 World
Championships. In the Teams, they scored a Silver, downing Japan 5-3 as follows: Dua d.
Takashima, 20, -13, 18; G. Jagannath, Mens runner-up to Dua in this years Indian Nationals,
d. Kasai, 18, 13; Bajaj d. Yamashita; Kasai d. Dua, 9, 19; Bajaj d. Takashima, 9, 17; Yamashita
d. Jagannath, 18, 12; Kasai d. Bajaj, 16, -16, 10; Dua d. Yamashita, 18, -20, 12. Before they
were stopped by China, the Indians defeated Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand, and Burma, and
compiled an overall strong individual record (Bajaj, 10-3; Dua, 9-4; Jagannath, 5-2; and K.
Jayant, 1-1).
In the Mens Singles, however, no Indian player made the quartersthough Jagannath
lost a deuce in the 5th killer to Yamashita.
As for the Indian women, they finished 3rd in the Teams behind China and runner-up
Japan. In the Womens Singles, Veenu Bhushan, Indian Junior Girls Champ, debuting for India
in place of Shailaja Salokhe who couldnt make the trip because of an
attack of blisters in her right hand, lost early, while Indian National
Champion Rupa Banerjee was beaten in the quarters in 4 by Japans
Shimamato. Winner was Japans Tomie Edano, World #18. Edano/
Shimamato won the Womens Doubles. Chinas unranked Wang
Chuan/Hsu-Chien the Mixed. Since Ive indicated here the present
Indian National Champions, I dont want to leave out the Junior Boys
titleholder, Arun Kumar, especially since hell later be living and
playing table tennis in the States.
Table Tennis in Japan/Korea
A Topics Korean correspondent in the U.S. Peace Corps, Stan
Wolf, says (TTT, Mar.-Apr, 1974, 6) that ping-pong in Japan has
lately taken a back seat to tennis, golf and baseball. Perhaps thats
why the current Japanese National Champions are tried and true
familiar names? Mens, Nobuhiko Hasegawa (who defeated in this
order: Abe, Furukawa in 5, and in the final Inoue whod eliminated

B.J. Arun Kumar

Takashima in 5 in the quarters and Kohno in 5 in the semis). Womens, Yukie Ohzeki, World
#6 (who defeated in this order: Hamada in 5, Yokota in 5, and in the final Abe whod
eliminated Konno). The majority of ping-pong parlors in Japan, says Wolf, are located in
bowling alleys, and are not what we would call class A. You must go with a friend or you are
going to be out of luck if you are looking for competition. In fact, Japan is almost the opposite
of Korea when it comes to ping-pong. And yet promising French Juniors, Christian Martin
and Philip Molodzoff, ranked among the top French men led by Secretin (World #8) and
Birocheau, are taking a cue from Bengtsson and Bo Perssontheyre going to Japan to train.
Wolf, however, insists that South Korea is the Ping-Pong Paddlers Paradise. He claims
that in Seoul alone there are 800 ping-pong parlors, and maybe 2,000 in the country. Outside
of Seoul (where play is more expensive), a twosome can expect to pay a total of $.25 for 30
minutes, $.40 for an hour. One hour daily instruction every day for one month costs $15 to
$20. Of course some places to play are good, some not so goodmany are extremely
narrow and have only four or five tables. But South Korea, Stan goes on to say, undoubtedly
has the worlds largest public place to play. The Kyung Puk Ping Pong Parlor in Dae Gu (a
city with perhaps a million inhabitants) has 52 tables (4 floors of 13 tables each).
Ping-Pong, were told, holds its own against other sports in the school system. The
average ping-pong paddling schoolboy or girl spends 4 or 5 hours daily practicing, not to
mention 6 hrs. on the weekends. Thats the average boy or girl? Or the average boy or girl
looking to make the Korean National Team? All National Team members work in banks in
Seoul. They practice daily for 4 or 5 hours in the morning, and then go to work or maybe to
a tournament.
Half the women players in Korea use the penholder grip, half the shakehands, whereas
the men are 80% penholders. The current Mens Singles Champion is Kim Eun Tae (who was
#1 on the Sarajevo Team but has no World ranking); the current Womens Singles and Doubles
Champion is Lee Aileesa (World #2). Chung Hyun Sook, winner of the West German Open,
and World #8 is the South Korean #2. Insook Na, #5, is about to come to the U.S. and will
become our great Champion. Stan says, Korea is very friendly toward foreign players.
Everyone, he says, should visit Seouls National Womens Ping-Pong Club, headed by Mrs.
Kim Kook Bae. Know where it is? Next to the Sam Seong Ping Pong Gym, which any taxi
driver knows. So well see you there, o.k.?


Chapter Seventeen
1974: USTTA Election of Officers. 1974: Sandor Glancz Dies. 1974: High School
and Intercollegiate Play.
Sooner or later, but often, Boggan, as a player, as an official, will be in some far-flung
place abroad. Right now though, hes running at home for re-election, unopposed, as USTTA
President. His Campaign Statement approach is again rhetorical. He wants the membership to
help him surround himself with the best managerial and promotional peoplethe best
professional peopleavailable. He urges everyone to have vision, to have hope. He speaks
analogically, quoting a sonnet by 19th century English poet Dante Gabriel Rossetti:
Think thou and act; tomorrow thou shalt die.
Outstretched in the suns warmth upon the shore,
Thou sayst: Mans measured path is all gone oer:
Up all his years, steeply, with strain and sigh,
Man clomb until he touched the truth; and I,
Even I, am he who it was destined for.
How should this be? Art thou then so much more
Than they who sowed, that thou shouldst reap thereby?
Nay, come up hither. From this wave-washed mound
Unto the furthest flood-brim look with me;
Then reach on with thy thought till it be drowned.
Miles and miles distant though the last line be,
And though thy soul sail leagues and leagues beyond
Still, leagues beyond those leagues, there is more sea.

President Boggan
Drawing by
Helen Weiner

There are two candidates for Executive Vice-President (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 18):
Charlie Disney (whom President Boggan appointed Executive Vice-President last year when
Cyril Lederman resigned) and John Read. In his Campaign
Statement, Disney talks of his dozen years in Minneapolis
Table Tennis as promoter and leader. He started the famous
Magoos Club and organized the $8,000 Minnesota Classic at
Daytons downtown department store[where] we had 4,000
spectators a day. Magoos, he says, has now over 300
members, and over 100 USTTA members.
Charlie points out that in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis
and St. Paul, we have just finished a 24-team Boys High
School League for the 3rd straight successful season; and
were about to promote for the 5th consecutive season a State
Junior Tournament wherein 150-200 boys and girls will
Charlie competewhich is about how many play at our club each
Saturday. Charlie emphasizes hes traveled round the country

and continues to be active in spreading my promotional concepts to

different areaschief of which is the delegation of authority.
Endorsed by Boggan, hes proud of the fact that hes worked hard to
instill in others a professional attitude toward the sport.
Read suggests a number of areas in which the USTTA is not
progressing, but might if the Membership takes advantage of his 30
years of experience as high-level official and successful U.S. Team
Captain. Commercial sponsorship is one thing we need; and John looks
to establish a USTTA Manufacturers Committee that would do the
following: encourage manufacturers to promote commercially
operated clubs, supply top players with endorsements and
sponsorships to European tours; sponsor top foreign coaches to hold
clinics in the U.S., and establish a full time paid Executive Secretary
John would review and reorganize our entire tournament
structure (especially the U.S. Open Team Championships) towards the
end of having more efficient well-planned spectator events. Getting
more publicity is keysay, by involving businessmen such as the
Jaycees, which John himself was instrumental in doing in obtaining
John Read
Photo by Mal Anderson
financial sponsorship for the first ever 1973 World Team Tryouts.
There are three candidates for VicePresident (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 19+): Mal
Anderson, Bard Brenner, and Tom McEvoy. In
Mal Anderson
his Campaign Statement, Anderson stresses his
past contributions: innumerable Topics photos;
Photo courtesy
hundreds of hours of hard work in revising the
of Mal Anderson
USTTA Rules Manual (to be called the USTTA
Long Island
Handbook), and his understanding of what
tournament sponsors need, gleaned from his
Danny Ganz
experience as Eastern Tournament Director.
He also emphasizes a Vice-Presidents
obligation, as he sees it, not to be Boggans
Yes man, and to curb Tims Presidential
excessesspending too much USTTA money
needlessly, for example. Mal wants especially
to put a stop to Tims abuse of power in
having the last word in criticizing peoples articles in Topics; if
elected, hell propose legislation that will allow critical articles in
Topics only if the person or organization criticized is allowed to
reply in the same issue immediately following the critical
article.Im sure Tim will object to this on the (nominal) grounds
that contacting the criticized party and waiting for him to write a
reply would take too long. My answer to this is Id rather be fair and one issue later, than unfair and
immediate! If you agree with this, vote for me! Whether Long Islands Topics columnist Danny
Ganz will vote for Mal or not one cant say, but he does agree with Tim: When it comes to
being critical, you print it now, not a month from now when Old News is No News.

USTTA Bylaws say that no candidate may read

anyone elses statement until he has submitted his own. Mal
wonders that, since statements are being sent directly to
Topics, if Tim will observe this Bylaw.
Brenner begins by giving us his personal background;
his graduate study in mathematics, engineering, and
computer science; his business management and real estate
studies; his sports positions; and his table tennis
accomplishments as both player in and director of major
tournaments (like the 1973 Pacific Coast Open). As an
official, he feels his most significant accomplishment is in
progress nowthe generation of business plans for growth
of the USTTA
Endorsed by Boggan, Bard wants the U.S. to be
exposed to world-class professional players (like those
coming to our 1974 U.S. Open) and then to see the U.S. itself move toward becoming a
world power in table tennis. Also, [echoing what Fred Danner had said earlier] Bard wants
the top players and officials to be able to make careers out of the sport. USTTA Management
must be organized into a business-oriented groupto open up commercial careers in
center franchising, exhibition, coaching, and administration. Indeed, there should be a
periodic USTTA Convention for idea exchange and training of local promoters. Finally, the
incentive approach should be continued. Never before could a player make more promoting the
USTTA than now. If a weak player raises $10,000 from a national advertiser he gets $2,000
himself. D. J. Lee never got that much for winning a money tournament.
McEvoy takes a light approach: If we can have a bearded President, why not a Wood
Bat for Vice President? Notice I said Wood Bat, not Wood Head. (Tom of course plays with
just plain wood; theres no covering on his racket.) His qualifications? Hes been a local officer
of his Grand Rapids Club; a Vice-President of the Michigan TTA; is currently the Midwest
Regional Tournament Director, and has helped to organize and promote many tournaments,
as well as having served as tournament chairman or referee on numerous occasions.
For the remaining E.C. position of Recording Secretary (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 17) there
are two candidates: Lou Bochenski, endorsed by Boggan, and Joe Sokoloff. Incumbent Bochenski
has his friend Don Nash present a Campaign Statement on his behalf. Don says that Lou couldnt
continue to devote so much time to the promotion of table tennis and still find time to carry on his
business, so he sold his business, his home, and his car, and invested in a table tennis center here in
Portland, Oregon. This of course, reflecting Lous tireless efforts to promote the sport, is the 14table Paddle Palace. There is no doubting Lous ability, his willingness to
work, and his dedication to table tennis. Vote for him.
Sokoloff stresses the coaching clinics (one recently with
Florida partner Bob Katz in the Bahamas for the Government there)
and exhibitions (one recently at a Self Help Drug Clinic, and an
upcoming one at an underprivileged boys camp by one of the Miami
Dolphin football playersLarry Little). Joe, who as a top player
knows the needs of the players, feels its important that Table Tennis
be the medium through which good will and brotherhood can
prevailand hes doing his part to lift the stature of the Sport.
Joe Sokoloff

Sandor Glancz Dies

One who might have run for USTTA E.C. office
and been elected, had he been so inclined, was the
very popular Hungarian-born Sandor Glancz, 1933
World Doubles Champion with Victor Barna and
longtime friend and associate of Laszlo Bellak. No
one has ever received an obituary in any USTTA
(USATT) magazine to match the one that Sandor
received (four full tabloid pages, with many
photosTTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 4-7). In my
previous volumes Ive written quite a bit about
Sandor, so Ill confine myself here to some brief
but telling excerpts from those In Memoriam
tributes I, as Editor, had solicited.
From Dr. Andreas Gal, who saw his teammate
Sandor (pronounced by the Hungarians
Sandor Glancz, c. 1974
Shahndor), collapse from a massive heart attack
while playing a NYTT League match at Reismans.
Andreas heard him say his last words: Im sorry, I cannot continue. Some exit line from life,
huh? Well, not only Dr. Gal, who immediately tried vainly to resuscitate Sandor, but all of us
are sorry he couldnt continue. Heres a long ago moment Andreas remembers from his high
school days in Budapest:
One dayI remember it vividlyI was practicing with my classmate who played
with a rubber-covered paddle, which at that time was a rarity (I played with a sandpaper
surface), and suddenly as he was trying to return a short ball he fell against the table and then
to the floor. He got up quickly and I saw he was bleeding from his face. But this injury was
nothing when hed realized hed broken his invaluable racket. He cried loudly and a few
players gathered around thinking that he was seriously hurt. It soon became evident, though,
that the only damage was to the broken racket and so they quickly dissipated. Just a slender,
tall fellow stayed with him wiping his bloody face. Before this man left, he said softly to my
classmate. Dont be sad, youll have another rubber paddle. About two weeks later, the
proprietor of the Ping-Pong salon handed over a little package to my classmate: Sandor
Glancz left this for you. It was a brand new rubber paddle. [Later, Sandors friend Reba
Monness said that Sandor once remarked, Giving of yourself is the most important thing in
From Reba Monness (1950 U.S. Womens Champion) whod talked with Sandor on
the telephone that very afternoon [before his death] when he seemed full of good cheer and
jokes, and who, via communication with Reisman, learned that Sandor, on being rushed to
the hospital, was DOA.
Sandor received the Purple Heart and two battle stars from the United States
Government.[While he was in the Army he wrote Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt.[Not]
being a U.S. citizen, [he] was concerned about where hed be if he were captured by the
enemy. Within ten days following his letter to Eleanor Roosevelt, Sandor got his

In 1961 he had a heart attackwas hospitalized for 6 weeks. His

electrocardiograph showed heart damage; but after six months he was declared physically
fit.His sisters and his friends frequently scolded Sandor for playing table tennis in the past
years. He really played to winstrenuouslyright up to his death. But Sandor would reply
that they did not know what kind of heart trouble he had, that it was only a warning to be
careful about stress, and that whenever he played he felt very well.
Sandor loved peoplehis incessant relating of jokes was meant to lift up their
spirits.[Sandors youngest sister, Iby] has been a nun for 32 years.My sister is a nun, he
would say. One day a priest asked Sister to go to the movies. In the dark there the priest
asked if he could hold her hand. She said it was all rightas long as he did not get in the
From Sally Boggan:
Just before a party, he {Sandor, a perennial bachelor] would make a special point
of complimenting the women on their special-occasion clothes. Once hed remarked that hed
noticed how much wives suffer when their husbands play. You listened politely and laughed at
his jokes (even when youd already read them in Readers Digest) because he was a man you
wouldnt think of being rude to.
In return for a couple of tickets to see the Chinese at Nassau Coliseum he brought
special ball-point pens for Eric and me that wrote 4 different colors. I still use mine. Jairie
Resek wears a pair of leather gloves hed brought her back
from a trip to Italy. Thoughtful gifts. So like his style.
From Ruth Aarons:
The call came from a good and thoughtful member
of my long ago table tennis past, Sol Schiff.Sandor and I,
and my brother who died in 1966, enjoyed a constant, joyful
and adventurous sequence of years in the glow of our youth.
LaterSandor returned from his military service in the South
Pacific and joined me at the drop of a table tennis ball in India,
where I was playing table tennis for our troops.
Years skidded by and occasionally, whenever Sandor
and I saw each other, it was as though the last time had been
the day before.
Strangely, my business log sheet of Thursday last, the
day of his death, I had noted to call him. I intended to ask him
to be my house guest for a reunion in my new Beverly Hills
Now there will be no reunion.
From Sol Schiff:
He [Sandor] was the first foreign player I ever
played against and the one player who greatly impressed
everyone with his perfect appearance and sportsmanship on and
off the table. He was a good and gentle person and will be
missed by everyone who knew him.

Ruth Aarons, 1979

From Sandors lifelong friend Laci Bellak who, quickly coming up from Miami,
identified his body at the morgue, and wept at the funeral service when the Rabbi gave the
Dear Sandor!
Remember a few years ago in 1926 when we practiced T.T. and after playing all
evening you said, The last 10 sets and thats all!
How about our La Boheme life in Paris! T.T. and girls. Food was a little scarce but
who cared?Barna played on the Paris team and was in his prime, but you beat him 3
How about when we lived in Berlin! The little girl you taught T.T. to kept on telling
you that one day she would be a great actress and you told her, Stop dreaming and practice
your forehand. Well, she turned out to be Lily Palmer.
We were close to each other for 45 years, and you took part of my life with you.
From Tibor Hazi:
Sandor was a great friend and also doubles partner of mine and my wifes. We won
many important international championships together. He was a great promoter of table tennis
with his excellent skill at the table and with his ability to arrange exhibitions and tours. He
helped greatly to popularize the game in the States.
From Rutledge Barry:
The first time I visited the New York Table Tennis Club at 73rd Street with my father
during the spring vacation of 1972, I metSandor Glancz. He offered to play with me.
Over the next almost two years Sandor was usually at the club on my Friday nights
there. He was a man who always had a good word for everyone, a smile, a joke, and usually
the easiest of riddles.
The man had been a great champion, yet he always had time to teach and give
advice even to a young newcomer.
I shall miss him very much.
From Terry Lewis who little did I imagine as I went to the courts last Thursday night
that the evening was to be filled with tragedy:
I think I knew Sandor well for more than 15 years.His name and skill were
spoken of with such admiration.I can never remember hearing him say an unkind word
about anyone. He was an inspiration to all who knew him well.
From Tim Boggan:
Its a little thing I myself have in my head about Sandor.It has to do with those
huge, combination sandwiches he used to pull out of his bag for me at tournaments. Perhaps
he did the same for othersI dont know. Invariably, though, hed offer me one after Id just
eaten something, so that it was the last thing I wanted or needed, especially with one match
after another coming up.
However, I could never refuse him. I visualized him carefully putting the thing
togetherneeding for himself no nourishment of the body but of the soul. So I always took a
few enthusiastic bites, then carefully preserved the rest in its original tin foil with a promise to
finish it directly after my next match.

Hours, in some cases days later, after Id come home from a tournament, there, buried
deep in my bag with maybe some dirty laundry, were the remains of Sandors sandwich.
And yet somehowI can hardly explain itthat I thought forgotten sandwich,
recalled here, makes me deep down understand more about this where-everything-is-soiled
world. I realize a little how important it was for Sandor, as well as for many other men, to be
manneredto be polite, kind, pleasant. With something bordering on illumination, I recognize
that Sandors gift of himself was real. And I know that, while it is more blessed to give than to
receive, it is still very blessed to receiveespecially the bread made from the body and blood
of another.
From Lou Pagliaro:
The death of Sandor Glancz came as a shock to me. We toured many countries
together and soon became very close friends.What annoys meand I know that Sandor,
too, would share my views, is the fact that table tennis is still not a popular sport, as is boxing,
baseball, football, and basketball. These sports and their star athletes make news headlines
every day. Yet when a man like Sandor Glancz dies, it is not recognized by the public.
Sandor probably was the
best advocate of table
tennis around, and at the
age of 66 still played
regularly.[We] have lost
perhaps the greatest
pioneer of our sport.
From Herwald Lawrence:
I hope that some day in
Table Tennis, as in other
sports, a Hall of Fame
will be established. If so,
Sandors name will be
among the first to be
chosen for his honourable

World Champions Ruth Aarons and Sandor Glancz,

1930s and 40s professional exhibition team

Hall of Fame? Perhaps

one day there will be
oneand Sandor
enshrined there.

High School and Intercollegiate Play

Urged on by E.C. member and Junior Development Chair Fred Danner, more High
School and Intercollegiate League articles are appearing in Topics. Fred starts off the year with
his Junior Development Report (Jan.-Feb., 1974, 13). Hes hopeful that the lawyer (provided
by Dr. Warren Rasmussen) now working on getting the National Education Foundation started
will succeed (where others have not), for as soon as the IRS can provide the Foundation with

a tax-exempt status, fund raising can be made far simpler. Rasmussen wants all school clubs
to become USTTA affiliated clubs. Its a good deal: pay $10 and up to 40 members can play in
Closed tournaments without being USTTA members and without paying a permit fee.
Meanwhile, Fred urges every junior table tennis player in the USTTA who is at least
15 years old [to] write personal letters to prospective colleges expressing their interest, along
with a request for college registrars to explain in detail what their college is doing about a
table tennis program. The idea is to try to set up scholarships for table tennis and to establish
solid well-funded intercollegiate activities.
How go about doing this? One approach that might be tried is to issue an alumni
challenge and send one of our better USTTA players who graduated from the college (or his
son or daughter) to offer a FREE ping-pong table as a gift to the university IF ANY
CAMPUS. If this is done right, such a program could be a stimulus to college recruiting of
table tennis juniors, which of course is what we want so we can push for scholarships.
So how, according to Topics letters and articles, are some of the Junior State
Chairmen and others interested in High School play doing?
Alabama: David Oberman, President of the Mt. Brook, AL High School Club has 12
high schools participating in a tournament once a week for 12 weeks. At first we were
laughed at but now we are respected. The school gives letters, as well as uniforms in school
colors to the top players. He wants the USTTA to send info and plenty of films to improve
our game. Robert Hicks, Sec./Treas. of the Hamilton Club, after receiving back issues of
Topics, is interested in forming a High School League.
Arizona: Martin Gerst of Phoenix and Junior Chair Dean Davee are planning to start a
high school league and run an Apollo Open School Team Championship. Cortez High in
Phoenix has a varsity t.t. club.
Delaware: Rufford Harrison brought a junior team to the USOTCs. Sal Fertitta plans
an 8-team high school winter league.
Florida: Anyone who wishes to hold a junior clinic, contact Randy Hess (1300 Plum
Ave., Merritt Island, FL 32952) for helpful posters. Randy held a 5-day clinic over Christmas
vacation (though not on Christmas Day). His two-week preparatory work included: having
poster work done ($300), placing them at 9 locations other than schools, giving the County 12
posters that would go to Rec centers, taking posters to 44 County Public Schools, sending
Announcements to every radio station in the County, and getting a nice article in a local paper.
The Cocoa school then provided a beautiful Cafeteria with room for 8 tables.
So, with all in readiness, how many showed? Little more than a handful. Damned
discouraging for hard-worker Hess. Problem is, concludes Randy, the school officials themselves
have to be convinced of the advantages of the Sport. So, maybe, he says, we can offer them a free
one-day, get-acquainted seminar and/or offer a free clinic to P.E. Instructors, along with a pilot program.
Illinois: After two players from Eastern Illinois University gave an exhibition at a
Pittsfield, IL school, a fellow writes in to Topics that you now have to get to school 45
minutes early if you want to play. The excited students are going to buy a good table, start a
league, play in upcoming tournaments, maybe affiliate their club, and want to know if theyll
be any coaching clinics within two hundred miles and how much itll cost to attend them.
Kentucky: Ted Friedman and the Lexington-Metro Parks and Recreation Department
have introduced junior t.t. as part of the physical education program for fifth and sixth grades
in the Ashland Elementary School.

Louisiana: Tom Baudry is giving several exhibitions at junior and senior high schools
in the Baton Rouge areas.
Massachusetts: Dr. Warren Rasmussen is putting on programs for the local schools
and will combine use of USTTA films with this work as soon as we can get copies of the oneof-a-kind films in the library. Rasmussen writes (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 20) that Surasak will
hold an Apr. 15-19 Junior clinic at the Hampshire County Table Tennis Club in Northampton,
MA. Cost for 5-day clinic: $25. Cost for motel lodging $5 a night. Warren says that the first
Junior Table Tennis League in Massachusetts was initiated by Ralph Naylor of the Bay State
Club in Springfield. Three age groups: Under 18, Under 15, and Under 13. Rasmussen and his
Committee hope to get sponsorship to send the finalists in the three [junior] age groups from
the Massachusetts Closed to the Oklahoma City Nationals. A raffle is already being run. If
you contribute $25 to this cause, youll get your name listed in Topics. Warren and his friends
expect that a good bit of local publicity for the Sport can be generated by this trip (maybe it
can even be filmed).
Minnesota: Rich Sinykin emphasizes that the
USTTA can form the greatest junior table tennis
activity in the world but as long as the school
administration refuses to recognize it officially it
cannot reach the desired goals. Therefore, we must
League President Pete Tellegens high school matches
(about 24 teams in the varsity group) are being
played at Magoos. Unfortunately, says Fred,
Minnesota will not be able to host a National High
School Tournament in 1974. They have to work out
many local problems and do not have the necessary
manpower or facilities for this activity.
Sinykin, however, (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, is
clearly proud of his States t.t. accomplishments
(1) Girls interscholastic table tennis/badminton
matches, (2) Magoos State High School Team
Tournament, and (3) a State High School Singles
Sinykins proud that Minneapolis has the
Rich Sinykin
first official table tennis league in the USA. By
official I mean that this two-sport combination
(table tennis/badminton) is officially accepted as an interscholastic letter sport by the State
High School Association. This means that for about a 2-month stretch beginning Jan. 28th the
girls play within the [5 suburban Minneapolis] high schools and not at a table tennis club.
Each school has a paid coach. There are 9 girls on a t.t. team and 9 on a badminton team3
for singles, 6 for doubles, in each sport. Practices are held 5 days a week for 2 and hours a
day! St. Anthonys Highs Lyla Arnsdorf, Stephanie Subek and Lisa Hoff compiled
outstanding table tennis records, and Rich says (Im afraid too optimistically) that Minnesota
gained over 100 girls in its table tennis program, and that the USA should be hearing a great
deal about these [3 St. Anthony] players in the future. How enthusiastic Rich is: Minnesota
t.t. will be thriving in the years to comeextreme growth is inevitable!

Sinykin also speaks of the two-month Magoo High School League and its two
divisionsthe strong AA (headed by John Soderberg (41-0), Pete Tellegen (38-1), and Steve
Steblay (37-2), and the weak A (headed by Clarke Brown (28-0), and Dan Moran (28-0). The
AA Statistician is Leighton Johnson; the A Statistician, Mike London. At the State High
School Team Tournament, held at Magoos Mar. 16-17, the AA winner was Orono High
(Steve Steblay and his brother Nick, Scott Colesworthy, John Weims)over Alexander
Ramsey (Tellegans team) whod knocked out St. Thomas Academy (Soderbergs team),
Champions in 72 and 73 and heretofore undefeated. The A winner was Alexander Ramsey
over St. Paul Sibley.
The 160-entry State High School Singles Tournament, held at Alexander Ramsey High
in St. Paul, Mar. 30, got a boost from several sources: school coach Larry Steinberg; the
Jaycees who worked at publicity and planning; Charlie Disney who helped with exhibitions and
coaching; and Don Larson, Magoos pro, who directed the tournament.
Missouri: Larry Knouft and, as Barry Garron tells us (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 15),
Kansas City School District Harvey Greer have a co-ed 9-team, 7-week school league going in
Kansas City, MO with 5 boys and 3 girls on each team. I presume Larrys Club is the venue
he recently put on a tournament there, and had the Club not been available for that
tournament, the organizers would have been forced to rent school facilities for $15 to $20 an
The Kansas City, MO Junior Newsletter, Table Talk (Apr.-May, 1974), tells us that
Knouft and Steve Finney have, from their own pockets and with their own time, helped the
juniors to help themselves. How? The juniors fund-raisesell Worlds Finest Chocolates
door to door. Not only do the top three sellers get prizes, but 10% of the money any junior
brings in from his candy sales is given back to him. The sales bring in money enough to buy
Kansas City Team uniforms for meets with schools from Oklahoma and Kansas. Teams are
recruited from Larry and Steves Saturday afternoon Junior Development Program. The two
most helpful recruiters receive an expense-paid trip to Oklahoma City for a tournament. On
Saturdays, fundamentals and physical conditioning are stressed, and a modified minitournament is held, the winner of which gets a coke or a candy bar.
New York: Ira Feldman, President of Brooklyns Poly Prep (TTT, July-Aug., 1974,
12), said his team won matches against Fort Hamilton High, Berkeley Institute, East N.Y.
Tech, and Greater N.Y. Academy, and wished there were more teams to play against. Worse, at
Manhattans Brandeis High, faculty advisor William Ma could arrange only a match with
Columbia University. East N.Y. Techs Dick Eliot unsuccessfully tries year after year to
interest the Public Schools Athletic League. He and school advisors need USTTA helpwhich
so far is not forthcoming from Danner, Boggan, and others.
Long Island League play: Eight to ten teams of 8 or more players will compete in
Nassau [County] while Suffolk has 9-11 teams with a minimum of 4 players per school.
Marshall Weiner (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 14) writes that these Leagues originally got started
through the Thanksgiving, 1972 efforts of a Mrs. Lynn Unger, a math teacher at South Side
High in Rockville Centre. Early team involvement featured South Side (Alan Sverdlik, Roger
Sverdlik, and Peter Dunn), Hewlett (Jeff Zakarin, Dave Margolin), Roslyn (Gary Adelman),
Bellmore-Kennedy (Victor Poretz), Lawrence, Long Beach, Lindenhurst, and Careywith
Bellmore-Kennedy the surprising winner. When the following year, Unger stepped down,
Weiner, with a big assistance from Mike Margolin, a senior from Hewlett High, took over.
Marshalls Bellmore Kennedy High School players wear Team t-shirts in the school colors,

green and white that read Kennedy Table Tennis across the chest. Marshall confesses that
most Team members wear their t-shirt under a regular shirt and carry their paddles hidden
in their back pockets. Otherwise they get a lot of comments about those faggy shirts, mainly
because people havent accepted table tennis as a sport yet. Still, since the Team has a
football player and two wrestlers among them, the kidding is mild: Do you wear helmets for
a match? or How do you warm up, run around the table?
One current format used by the League pits Visitors D, C, B, A against Homies Y, Z,
W, X respectively, then a Doubles, then D, C, B, A against Z, Y. X, Wwith A and W the best
players, B and X 2nd best, C and Y 3rd best, and D and Z 4th best for a total of 9 matches
involving 4 players per team. Since there are at least 8 players on a team, the format is
repeated with 4 new players on each teammaking the complete team tie 18 matches.
Winners the one that scores 10 matches. If a team wins early, all 18 matches must be played,
but now substitutes are possible. If theres a 9-9 tie, the team that won more single games is
the winner.
Ohio: At least two Cincinnati High School TeamsWestern Hills and New
Morningfought it out, with Western Hills coming out ahead 3-2 and receiving individual
medals for their win. Meanwhile, at the University of Akron, (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 38),
James Weyrick, Editor of the campus newspaper, has printed at least six stories on the
Universitys table tennis team and their star players, James Stein and Richard Nelson. Breaking
news has it, though, that the table tennis team existed only in Weyricks newspaper. The
articles were written by Mr. Stein and Mr. Nelson, neither of whom plays any sport. Its much
easier to write articles, said Mr. Nelson.
Oklahoma: Collegiate Baseball (Apr. 12, 1974) says that Normans University of
Oklahoma freshman Kelly Snider was hitting .435 and had made no errors in 117 chances. It
sounds funny, he says, but Ping-Pong has helped make my hands quick. You get to playing
Ping-Pong and youve gotta react quickly.
Washington: Scott Levitin (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 15), a 16-year-old student at a
Bellevue (Seattle suburb), describes his experience forming a High School League. He used
this format: Homies #6, #5, #4, #3, #2, #1 vs. #5, #6, #3, #4, #1, #2 respectively; then 6
matches more, pitting directly opposite positions (#6 vs. #6#1 vs. #1) against one another,
then a Doubles, then finishing up with #3 vs. #3, #2 vs. #2, and finally in the 16th match #1 vs.
#1. No league tie (2/3 games) ever took more than 2 hours to play. Scott started with 12
possible teams and ended up with 6, plus one community college playing just for the
He ran into obstacles:
The primary one (which I incidentally think is valid) is that all the schools
require every club or team to have an advisor or coach; the usual requirement is that
that person be a certified teacher. Some schools restrict this person to members of only
that schools faculty. There were 3-4 teams in the fall season that dropped out for the
sole reason that they could not come up with a coach or an advisor. (The person
doesnt even have to know anything about table tennis!) Other problems encountered
were transportation to and from schools, lack of equipment (although this occurred at
only a small percent of schools), lack of space to play (fall seems to be the best season
however), low (usually meaning rock bottom) priority for table tennis by
administrators, and, finally, lack of MONEY for practically anything.

Scott will attend a meeting of the high school principals in

our district and will discuss with them the prospect (and the goal)
of a table tennis coach on the district pay schedulewhich would
guarantee a coach for all 4 high schools in the district. Scott says,
with Seattle TT League President Michael Scotts help, hes
planning an individual tournament at Seattle University. He praises
the professional help Tom Ruttinger, Joe Lee, and Rob Roberts
have offered to give his League players, and agrees with Spokanes
Peter Lau that the USTTA ought not to be rushing into penalizing
these premier Northwest players for playing against the Taiwanese.
He also thinks highly of Carl Lehrhoff whom the League has hired
as their coach. He wants 300 copies of the Laws of Table Tennis,
and urges that some type of Table Tennis Coaching Seminar be put
Seattle TT League President
on by a nationally qualified coach for, say, all the existing advisors
Dr. Michael Scott, II
and coaches the T.T. league has in its schools now.
Photo courtesy of
Tyra Parkins
Which leads me to speak again of Coaching Chair Jeff
Smarts plea (TTT, Jan.-Feb. and Mar.-Apr., 1974, 8) that USTTA
clubs open their facilities to youngsters for one week sessions, either during your local
schools spring break or possibly this summer. If clubs do this, says Jeff, the USTTA will fund
a coach, and hopefully the club will advertise and promote his visit, and a good many boys and
girls will participate. Also, the same coach can hold more than one camp, provided he doesnt
coach the same people. Only 25 participants (20 players plus 5 prospective
instructors)are required to get the funding. So far, though, despite the fact that Topics
keeps getting requests for coaching, club leaders seem reluctant to get behind this offeronly
$300 of the $5,000 available has been spent!
Meanwhile, Jeff continues to do his allin the Jan.-Feb., 1974 issue of Topics, he
contributes 1-2-3-4 Coaching articles. In How To Run A Coaching Camp, he explains, for
example, his technique of Rotation: The coach stays at the end table, eventually spending
time with each person as the group rotates past. Its important to learn a players goals and
help him to see his problems via the coachs imitation of his game, or through tapes, or class
comments. In How To Coach Players, Jeff says to develop analogies: when you go to stroke
your backhand, he says to a player, think of pulling a sword out of its sheath. The idea is to
get a picture in your mind of what the shot should look like.
In How To Prepare For A Training Camp, he stresses physical
preparation. First the warm-up exercises, then five stages of readiness, all
involving running; theres body building with push-ups, sit-ups, weightlifting, knee-hops, squat thrusts, toe raises, etc.; there are footwork drills,
reflex training, shadow-play simulationsand, if all of this doesnt do you
in, theres kill practice. In Want To Make Practicing Fun Again?
appropriately the last of these articlesJeff lists every practice technique
known to man, hoping the variety will have you light-heartedly, nimbly,
dancing all around your side of the court, shadow-scoring at will.

Jeff Smart: wants to

make practicing Fun!

Chapter Eighteen
1974: Canadian Championships/Pre-U.S. Open Tournaments. 1974: Dave Philip/
Janice Martin Take U.S. Intercollegiates. 1974: MIT Wins Ivy League Intercollegiates.
Tournaments continue to proliferate across the width and breadth of North America.
Ill begin with back-to-back Apr.-May Opens at Milla Boczars Hollywood Club. Heres the
first: Open Singles: Joong Gil Park over Ray Guillen, 11, 18, 11, after Ray had gotten by
Erwin Klein in 4 and then Howie Grossman whod actually 18, 21, -13, 22 outscored him.
Eric Thom seemed as if he could give Glenn Cowan 10, then took a game from Park. Mens
Doubles winners? Howie andheres a name from the pastex-New Yorker Freddie Berchin,
who in the semis stopped Guillen/Shonie Aki in 4 close games, then in the final Tommy
Vaello/Sandy Lechtick (deuce-in-the-4th advancers over Ichiro Hashimoto/Russ Thompson).
Womens went to Angelita Rosal, 21, 15, 20 over Heather
Angelinetta whod knocked out Angies sister Monica. In a later
Woman of the Month interview with Pat Crowley (TTT, JulyAug., 1974, 4), we hear Monicas been playing a lot of
tennisand exercisinglike jumping rope. She says, I should
run more but Im lazy. She also says that, since Angie works a
lot harder than I do, she deserves to be good. And Monica
deserveswhat?both a foxy boyfriend and her loss to
Heather? But, heyyy, Monica does win the Mixedwith Aki
thanks to a 19-in-the-4th win over Angie/Vaello.
Monica Rosal
Photo by Don Gunn
Suwanvanichkij over Dan Goodstein, 18, 21, 18, then over Tom Joyce in the
final. Womens As: Kathleen Ambers
over Cheryl Albright. A Doubles:
Joyce/Kohler over Jim DeMet/Kelly.
Bs: Lechtick over Kelly. B Doubles:
Suwanvanichkij/Henry Fung over
Lechtick/Conway Redding. Cs:
Masaaki Tajima over Kelly. C Doubles:
Rich Livingston/Rich Valentine over
Mike Carr/Bob Reising. Draw
Doubles: Guillen/Huber over Jerry
Mike Chapman
Georgette Rideg
LaLande/Wong. Boys U-17: Chris
Photo by Ray Fields
Photo by Don Gunn
Rosal over Fung, 23-21 in the 4th and
22-20 in the 5th. Girls U-17: Georgette Rideg over Ambers. U-15s: Rosal over Fung in 5. U13: Joe Napoles over Chapman. U-11: Chapman over Reagan Tom, -19, -15, 12, 20, 18.
At Millas May Open, Guillen won the Mens from Grossman; and paired with him to
take the Doubles from Thompson/Dennis Barish. Dennis, our U.S. U-15 Champion, has been

picked to go to Japan under the (meals/lodging)

sponsorship of the Tamasu Butterfly Co. Hell
train for a month with Shigeo Ito, 1969 World
Champion and Captain of the Senshu University
Team. Dick Miles has started a fund-raising
campaign for Dennisurges everyone to give $1
or more if you can spare it. Later, Dick will have
the donors names published in Topics. Womens
winner was Heather, again over Monica. Julius
Paal was best in Seniors, 13, -26, 21, 17; Danny
Banach runner-up. Senior Doubles went to Paal/
Bob Ashley over Banach/Thompson.
Other winners: As: Goodstein over Ken
U.S. Open Under 15 Boys Champion
Pitts. A Doubles: Pitts/Letchtick over Fung/John
Dennis Barish
Nevarez. Bs: Joe Sanchez over Pitts. B Doubles:
Photo by Mal Anderson
Fung/Ron Whitlock over Barish/Sanchez. Cs:
Yeung over Carr. C Doubles: LaLande/Richard Banagas over Crowley/Monica Rosal, 21, -23,
20, then over Carr/Kent Lofthouse. As USTTA Womens Chair, privy to the USTTAs award
of $1,000 to Dan Seemiller for overseas play, Pats concerned about what might be given to an
outstanding woman playerit shouldnt be only Seemiller who gets the International
experience, right?
Chris Depee (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 31) reports on the
Apr. 7-8 Oregon Closed, held Apr. 7-8 at the Paddle Palace
in Portland. About a year ago, says Chris, Ron Carver
(whod been a so-so Class A player) bought a Stiga robot
and has been practicing with it for at least an hour every day.
As a result he is very steady, and this steadiness, combined
with his quickness and tenacity, enabled him to beat 3 former
Oregon champions: Vo Qui Han, Jeff Kurtz, and, finally, Judy
Bochenski. Ron was able to down Han, 18 in the 5th,
primarily because he could block Hans fast left-handed
loop. Then, since Carvers been beating Kurtz in the Oregon
Ron Carver
League, it wasnt a surprise that Ron won 3-zip over Jeff,
who was playing tight and not moving well.
Meanwhile, Judy, Oregons champion for the last two years, after being up 2-0, was
suddenly having trouble with former University of Oregon star Ed Ng. Ed, nervous and playing
terribly, discovered it was his grip that was giving him his problems. So then, with some beautiful
loops that had Judy going the wrong way and a few off-the-bounce backhand kills that were hard
to believe, he won the 3rd, 21-10. And the 4th too, 21-19 on a spectacular backhand counter. But
the 5th was all Judys. In the final, Chris expected that Judy, up 2-1, would win because of her
ability to attack first and because her backhand was steadier and slightly stronger. But Ron got
her out of position with a very good forehand loop and consistently managed to out-hit her on the
backhand. It was a victory hed worked hard for and certainly deserved.
Other results: Open Doubles: Kurtz/Dave Hudson over Bochenski and Dr. Bob Ho, an
osteopathic surgeon who about this time was beginning to focus on non-surgical methods to
relieve chronic pain. Womens: Liz Kurtz over Lori Mason. Mixed Doubles: Kurtz/Kurtz over

Judy/Lou Bochenski, 19 in the 3rd. As:

Hudson over Victor Chan. Bs: Bob
Farwell over Earl Adams. B Doubles:
Dave Davallou/Rinde over Mike
Bochenski/Don Nash. Cs: Mike
Bochenski over Bill Vasquez. Seniors:
Ho over Adams. U-17s: Mike
Bochenski over Bobby Rinde. U-15s:
David James over Terry Miller.
Three Vancouver, British
Eddie Lo
Columbia tournaments in a row
Photo by Mal Anderson
(Canadas Table Tennis News, July,
1974, 15) saw Zoltan Pataky repeatedly challenge for the Mens title. At the Feb. 2-3 Winter
Festival of Sports, Zollie, after being down to Peter Joe in the deciding 3rd, pulled that out,
then finished off Phil Cheng to reach the final. On the other side of the draw, Eddy Lo defeated
Gerry Hamer (who, against Eric Calveley, had come from 12-20 behind to take the 1st, 27-25,
then had finally won out 19 in the 3rd). In the semis, Eddy, conquering his usual terror of Paul
Albrechts chop, crashed his way bravely through a close third game. The beginning of the
final saw Pataky loop and Lo block, but by Zollies climactic title-winning deuce in the 4th
finish, Eddy had punched, slammed, and banged into, and almost through, Zoltans shrewd
and spinny offence. Zoltan, behind in the stretch, dug deep to find backspinseemingly
topspinserves that Eddy guided painstakingly into the base of the net.
Other winners: Mens Doubles: Lo/Joe over Pataky/Calveley. Womens: Leslee Ward over
Merle Bagoo-Weekes, 21, -20, 9, 18. Mixed Doubles: Pataky/Bagoo-Weekes over Calveley and
Powell River School Instructor Joan Hurwood. As: Frank Karika over H. Woo. A Doubles: Roland
Bourassa/D. Heath over S. Griffith/Roger Woo. Bs: Woo over S. Griffey. Cons.: Art Ngai over
Heath. Seniors: Ngai over Karika. Jr. Men: Lo over Joe. Jr. Women: Ward over Pat Agon.
A turn of phrase here and there in this unsigned Winter Festival article suggests it was
written by Eric Calveley, the Editor of the BC publication, LeTTers. Heres a mutually
admiring, bantering exchange Editor Boggan had earlier with Editor Calveley and his wife
Beth (LeTTers, Nov., 1973, reprinted in TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1974, 20):
Strip Ts
Letter to the [LeTTers] Editor:
In playing the mad March Hare here and there in a
losing turtle race through the July [1973] CTTA News and its Provincial [BC]
Supplement, I noticed, first, the BCTTA flower design (which I couldnt resist snipping
and sniffing for my own pressed-into-place scrapbook use in TTT (Table Tennis
Topics) and, second, the announcement and follow-up explanation of your recent
publication LeTTerswherein the imaginative use of those (table tennis) Ts, not to
say the first thought-up Freudian Playball (rejected because rendered impotent
without that hard core test of a centerfold?) caught my peeping tim of an I.
How about us getting together, huh? Ill show you one of my Ts if youll show
me one of yours.
Tim Boggan, Editor, USTTA Topics

Dear Tim,
Greetings from
LeTTers and from all those
BCTTA members who
have shared the cup with
Although we have
not had the sensation of
meeting you we feel we
know you through Topics
from which we read a
chapter every night seated
around the fire sipping our
Ovaltine before going to
Being a very
Beth and Eric Calveley (with Nimi Athwal in the middle?)
provincial association we
were concerned about the
effect of your letter on those innocent old ladies and 18-year-old girls who form part of
our membership. We finally decided to print your letter, unaltered, as a form of
We would like to say, See you, Tim, but the chances are not very high.
Maybe, one day, when the government finds the courage to abolish that vast wasteland
described as Central North America you will drop in to one of our tournaments, or we
to one of yours.
Eric and Beth Calveley
Editors, LeTTers.
At Vancouvers 14th annual Chinatown Open, Pataky took his 3rd straight Mens
Championship at this tournamentbeating Lo easily in the final, after Eddy had a tough 24-22
in the 4th counter-driving win over Phil Cheng. Mens Doubles went to Pataky/Calveley over
Walter Dub/John Grgec (23-21-in-the-3rd advancers over Lo/Joe), who then in the final
stubbornly stayed alive, winning the 3rd game at 21, the 4th at 23, before succumbing in 5.
Womens: Ward over Bagoo-Weekes. As (60 entries): Alan Bajkov over Bourassa who
survived Paul Lee, 19 in the 3rd. A Doubles: Bourassa/George Stefanissin over Dr.
Athwal/Onkar Athwal. Novice: Tom Eng over Nimi Athwal. Seniors: Ngai over Karika.
Jr. Boys (Joe and Lo didnt enter): Roger Woo over Jeff Woo. Jr. Girls: Athwal over Pat
Agon in 5.
At the Mar. 30-31 B.C. Open, Lo won the Mens from Pataky, 3-0, after Zollie had
been extended, 19, 18, by 13-year-old Peter Joe, playing at his home-venue, the Britannia
Secondary School. Nor did Mens Doubles go to Pataky/Calveley, but to the impressive
youngsters who in the Jr. Boys played perhaps the tournaments most exciting finalwith Lo
rallying to defeat Joe, -18, 19, 20. Womens winner was 16-year-old Pat Agon who 19, 19
upset Ward. Leslee, however, evened things up with a 19, 20 win over Pat in the Jr. Girls.
Mixed Doubles: Pataky/Ward over Calveley/Bagoo-Weekes. As: Lowell Lo over Danny Ho.
Bs: Kwong Mak over Hiroshi Takaki, 19, 20. Seniors: Karika over Ngai.

In the July, 1974 issue of the Canadian

Table Tennis News, Caveley reports on the
Canadian Junior Championships, held in
Vancouver over Easter weekend. First the Team
events: Girls: Winner: Central Region (Violetta
Nesukaitis, Plucas, Hsu)over Eastern Region
(Domonkos, Forgo, Spratt) and Western Region
(Ward, Agon, Nimi Athwal). Boys: Winner:
Central Region (Klevinas, Feldstein, Zembik,
Shanahan)over Eastern Region (Polisois,
Normandin, Bobet) and Western (Lo, Joe, Woo).
Now a commentary from Calveley on the
Individual events. The Boys U-17 pre-lim round
robins saw Vancouvers Jeff Woo beat Paul
Klevinas in a great display of pluck and
Peter Joe
underdoggedness. True, Klevinas tried to blast
his way to victory, and, true, Jeff blew an 18-12 lead in the 3rd, and needed the help of the net
and edge to win, but, still, win he did. Meanwhile, in his pre-lims, Peter Joe, trim and
tenacious, upset Steve Feldstein.
In follow-up knockout play, Peter advanced to the semis with another win over
Klevinasblocking him out with breathtaking speed, then countering with his personal brand
of snaking, sliding cross-court fast
loops. Then, after Feldstein, behind 1-0
and at deuce in the 2nd, had survived Alex
Polisois, Peter reduced Steve to badtempered misery as he sliced his way
through that previously impervious
defence with arrogant ease. Joining Joe
in the U-17 final was Eddie Lo, whod
knocked off Peter Shanahan and Zembik,
and was now too 13, 14 good for Joe.
Reporter Calveley was hard on
the girls who, pouting and petulant,
slack-mouthed and sulky, spoiled what
was otherwise good-hearted
competition; they were all unworthy, or
nearly allthough not of course you,
Mariann, the only brave. For Domonkos,
after an easy win over Christine Forgo,
though uninspired and playing poorly,
yet managed to win the Girls [U-17]
event by sheer, mere hanging-in there.
After Birute Plucas had eliminated Leslee
Ward, 24, 13 in the semis, Mariann was
at a very precarious 23-all in the 3rd with
Mariann Domonkos
her before pulling it out.
Photo by Raul Rodriguez

Other Individual Results: Boys U-17 Doubles: Klevinas/Shanahan over Feldstein/

Zembik -12, 23, 19 in the semis, and over Lo/Joe 19, -9, 21 in the final. Girls U-17 Doubles:
Domonkos/Forgo over Violetta Nesukaitis/Plucas, -16, 19, 13. Mixed Doubles: Domonkos/
Polisois over Hsu/Shanahan, 18, 21. Boys U-15: Lo d. Pierre Normandin whod eked out a
18, 19, 20 win over Joe. Girls U-15: Plucas 14, 9 over Forgo, after Christine had eliminated
Nimi Athwal, 18 in the 3rd. Boys U-13: Roger Woo 12, 19 over Lebrecke whod outlasted
Bosaria, -29, 14, 19. Girls U-13: Athwal over Gloria Nesukaitis, 9, -17, 21.
Claveley says, It was the boys who showed all the speed, strength, and skill, displayed
all the courage and self-discipline, made all the magic. Lo of course, though not always
assured and not having his greatest tournament, was still dazzling and aggressive in
winning the U-17s and U-15s. Claveley thought the immaculate Polisois especially
impressive: he was beaten and bat-throwing only against Feldstein, otherwise poised and
rapier-sharp, awesome in his [5, 11] match with Eddie Lo. Normandin, Eric thought quiet
but inventive, having beaten Joe once and almost twice, losing to him deuce in the 3rd. As for
Shanahan, he was foul-mouthed and noisy, but wonderfully cavalier, bravely swinging out at
everything and everyone.
BCTTA President Don Gentry, it was clear, had no such romantic appraisals. He
didnt like the players vocalizing Thats it! or, worse, shouting expressions he dare not
put into print; also paddles [were] banged on the table, and some loser was actually
crying. Abiding by his name, this Don wanted to gentrify what went on out there on court.
Table tennis and acting didnt mix, he said. Actingis that what these intense players
were doing?
The Canadian National Championships, which, from their once stationary position at
the CNE where they were overshadowed by the Open, have been moving around Canada for
four years now. And talk about being on the move, CTTA Executive Director Jose Tomkins
tells us (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 19) that, prior to these May 17-20, 1974 Nationals at
Whitehorse in the Yukon, she and Birute Plucas, accompanied by Jim Noble, the Director of
Recreation for the Yukon Territory, went on an exhibition tour.
They traveled 1250 miles in three days, 40 of these on paved roads, and had only two
flat tires, which Birute helped to fix. Exhibition sites Dawson, Mayo, and Faro up in the
Yukon nowadays all have airports, but apparently Jose and Birute traveled by car (400 miles
per day? at what speed?), since Jose was pleased to say there was a more impressive picture
postcard view at every turn in the road. No wonder, though, they got to Dawson too late for
the schoolchildren, and so gave an exhibition for only Mr. Noble and the school principal. It
sounds like a ridiculous promotional tripthough highlighted by lots of sunny weather and
great scenery.
The venue for these Canadian National Championships was the Jim Light Memorial
Arena at Whitehorse. Ironically, it was the light that wasnt up to standardthough everything
else was fine. There were attractively set-up courts and a brand new table in each. Klondike
Broadcasting had a comprehensive reporting booth next to the Control Desk. Nutritious meals
could be had at the YWCA next to the Arena; a Y dance was held there on Saturday night; and
a Closing Banquet on Monday where Dave Stockdale, the Yukon TTA President, played the
genial host and witty M.C. Also, if one was willing to take chances, a dip in the Hot Springs
outside Whitewater, at Takhini, was possible. Ontario Executive Director Ken Kerr chanced
the trip but couldnt get back in time for his quarters match with Paul Klevinas, winner of the
Mar. Golden Boy Open at Winnipeg, and was defaulted.

The Opening Ceremonies began with

Teams marching in to the accompaniment of
an award-winning High School Band, followed
by welcoming speeches from the Mayor and
others. Mens and Womens Provincial Team
Matches then started the competitive play. In
the Mens, Ontario (Captained by George
Jovanovwith Errol Caetano, Peter Gonda,
Larry Lee, Bill Cheng) was too 5-0 strong for
British Columbia in the round robin semis,
and too 5-2 strong for Quebec in the final
(Rod Young had two good wins for the
losersover Gonda and Lee). Manitobas
Brian Zembik had an upset win over Ontarios
Lee, and, says Jose, Brian has the potential
for more glory if he puts his mind to it andis
able to accept the offer from Ontario to live,
go to school and train in Toronto for a year.
Though 4th-Place finisher Manitoba lost its
Brian Zembik
semis to Quebec, Charles Chow (whod
scored wins over B.C.s Lo and Joe) downed
Rod Young, and Zembik had another good winover Guy
Germain. Alberta, led by Francois DAuriac, finished 5th.
In the Womens, favored Ontario (Captained by John
Nesukaitiswith Violetta and Flora Nesukaitis, Birute
Plucas, and Gloria Hsu) wasnt overly challenged. They
disposed of B.C., 5-2, in the semis (with Ward and BagooWeekes defeating Plucas who, after giving six exhibitions in
the Whitehorse schools, had something of a fan base among
the relatively few spectators). Then they downed Quebec,
5-3, in the final (Domonkos had a win over Plucas, and
both Mariann and Christine Forgo beat Flora Nesukaitis).
Quebec was too 5-2 experienced for 4th-Place finisher
Prince Edward Island (though Janice and Glenda
MacWilliam downed Elaine Spratt). Against B.C., Quebec
was 3-3 tied before Domonkos got the better of BagooWeekes, and Forgo won the key match from Ward, 25-23
and 22-20. New Brunswick finished 5th, beating out
Manitoba, despite Janice Watsons good play.
Mens Singles matches of note: semifinalist Alex Polisois
came out of the Gonda/Steve Feldstein quarter; Germain
Guy Germain
outlasted Lo in 5, then extended Klevinas to 28-26 in the
Photo by Mal Anderson
4th; and likeable Alan Heap, after eliminating Rod Young
in 4, forced Lee into the 5 . For #1 seed Errol Caetano, who successfully defended his
Championship, play was something of a lark. In their match for the title, neither Caetano nor
Klevinas, straight-set semis winner over Larry Lee, could settle down to be serious [Errol

won the 1st game at 3], and for the final of the National Championship it was a disappointing
display. In the Mens Doubles, Caetano/Gonda, down 2-1 to Lee/Klevinas, came back for the
One has to say that at the moment two women players in Canada stand out among the
rest. In the semis here, Violetta Nesukaitis blitzed Plucas, and Domonkos blitzed Violettas
sister Flora. In the final, Violetta, down 2-1, won a 5-gamer from Mariann, thus accumulating
her 9th Singles title in the last 10 years. As expected, Violetta also took the Mixed with triplecrown winner Caetano; they blanked Polisois/Domonkos.
Other results: Mens Consolation: Calveley over Southern Alberta Institute of
Technologys Walter Schoenberger, star of the German/Canadian Clubs Calgary Kickers,
winners of the Feb. Alberta Team Championships over Edmonton. Womens Consolation: Simi
Athwal over Albertas #1 Judy Mack. Seniors: John Nesukaitis over Frank Karika.
The Alberta Open (Table Tennis News, July, 1974, 13), inaugurated in 1938, was
played at Calgary and, surely with some thanks due Alberta Director and President of the
ATTA Peter Palfenier, drew 100 players. Mens went to Calgarys Francois DAuriac over
Edmontons Kam Kong; the Womens to Judy Mack over Li Chu-Kong. Mens Doubles: Kam
Kong/Hong Mar over Bob Pfob/DAuriac. Womens Doubles: Judy/Linda Mack over Marilyn
Palfenier/Renata Hirth. Mixed Doubles: Walter Schoenberger (Dec., 73 Calgary Open Singles
and Doubles Champ)/Palfenier over Sam Bhandari/Hirth. Seniors was taken by Frank Hodl
over Edmontons Hong Mar, 11-time Alberta Open Champ. Richard Mah won the U-17s/U15s over U-13 winner Ben Mah.
Thanks to coaching and encouragement by CTTA Vice-President Art Werier,
Manitobas Brian Zembik and Janice Watson dominated the events at the Saskatchewan Open.
Saskatoons Aron Bakshi was runner-up in Mens Singles, and Reginas Gaylene Galenzoski,
Gold winner in Singles at the Saskatchewan Winter Games, was the Womens runner-up.
Coming down now into the U.S., Ill give you the Results of the New Mexico Open,
played at Albuquerque, May 4: Championship Singles: Tommy Vaello over Jerry Plybon,
whod 13, -12, 19, 19, 13 escaped Al Everett, whod
escaped K. Treece, 23-21 in the 5th. Championship
Doubles: Treece/Paul Longmire over Bill Guerin/John
Harrington whod ousted Vaello/B. Davis in 5. Speak
to these organizers, Pat Crowley: why no events for
Women? As: Mac Horn over Bob Leatherwood. A
Doubles: Treece/Edgar Stein over Guerin/Harrington.
Bs: A. Archibong over Meredith Elston, 23-21 in the
3rd, then over R. Milbert, -16, 14, 21, 19. B Doubles:
Davis/Jim DeMet over Randy Nedrow/E. Sandoval,
deuce in the 4th. Cs: Al Martz over Davis, 17 in the
5th. Seniors: Horn over Stein, -13, 20, 20, 12. U-17s:
Nedrow over N. Christensen in 5.
At the Apr. 20-21 San Antonio Texas Closed,
Hanumanth Rao took the Mens Singles without
dropping a game. Bob ONeill came 2nd; Joe
Cummings 3rd, and John Tomlinson 4th. Best earlyround match: Richard James over Paul LeBlanc, 19 in
Cindy Garza
the 5th. Mens Doubles: Don Weems/Perry
Photo by Don Gunn

Schwartzberg over Rao/E. Mac Baptiste, 18 in the 5th. Womens Singles: Cindy Garza over
Ann Ramsey. Womens Doubles: Ramsey/Haddix over Moore/Norma LeBlanc, 25-23 in the
3rd. Mixed Doubles: Weems/LeBlanc over ONeill/Ramsey.
Other winners: As: Kevin Bell over Steve Simon, 19 in the 4th. A Doubles: Bell/
Baptiste over Smith/Melamed. Bs: Trung Kim Sang over J.C. Tenay whod stopped Arthur
Buster Chase. Cs: Fred Haase over Randy Gay in 5. Junior Novice: Paul Castillo over
Darrell Eichman whod prevailed over Martin Acala-21, 25, 15. Seniors: Jeff Wise over Jack
Buddy Melamed, advancer over Charles Hodgins, 19 in the 3rd. Juniors: Simon over Larry
At the Iowa Open, Cedar Rapids Greg Redmond won the Mens from Murray Kutler
whod knocked out Jim Lynum in 5, then Tom Walsh 19 in the 4th. Mens Doubles went to
Redmond/Walsh over Howard Lambert and Dick Butler who with his wife Sue for the next 20
years will become well known for their table tennis work, particularly with Juniors, including
of course their famous sons Scott and Jim, the two of them future National Doubles
Champions, and Jim, now three years old, a future 3-time U.S. Singles Champion and 2-time
Olympian. Womens winner was Kathy Moeller over E. Risch.
Other results: As: Lionel Harris over Lynum who
got by C. Dicky, 20, 22. Bs: J. Gustafson over S. Petersen.
Novice: Leroy Petersen over R. Kindschuh. Seniors: K.
Risch over Victor Engleman. Boys U-17s: Redmond over
Todd Petersen. Girls U-17: Denise Herman over Jackie
Spalding. U-15s: Kutler over Stillions. U-13s: T. Petersen
over Stillions. U-11s: Doyle Risch over Daylin Risch.
The Mar. 24 18-team Minnesota Team Tournament
at Magoos was won by Rich Sinykin (12-1), Steve Steblay
(who with four upsets raised his rating 100 points), and
Daylin Risch
Photo by Don
defender Rakesh Gothi. Runner-ups were Charlie Disney
(12-1his only loss was to Sinykin), Jerry Soderberg, and
lefty Ed Ells, a psychologist at the Minneapolis V. A.
Hospital and a semi-professional cellist. Class B winners
Jeff Soderberg, Greg Mosio, and Nick Steblay nipped the
Wisconsin threesome of Dave Sinha, Alan Michael, and Tom Runningwith Greg beating
Tom in the 9th match.
Steve Strauss, covering the May 18-19 Minnesota Open at Magoos (TTT, July-Aug.,
1974), praised new Tournament Director Steve Steblay. And he might have praised himself
too, for he and Rich Sinykin defended well enough to take the Mens Doubles (deemed the
State Championship) from the runner-up pair, Disney/John Soderberg. In the one half of the
Mens draw, Doug Maday reached the 4-player final by downing Stu Sinykin, Disney, and John
Soderberg who likewise advanced, though with a carry-over loss to Doug. In the other half,
Rich Sinykin, after finishing the first game in a chair against Larry Kesler, was forced to drop
out of the tournament due to the severity of his [leg] cramps. When Strauss also proved to be
so hobbled by cramps that he could hardly move, Kesler beat him and advanced to the final
round robin with a win over Pete Tellegen. Larry then distinguished himself, using his antidefense to down Soderberg with his slow rolls and kills, and proving too steady for Madays
drop-loop-kill game. Petes play was also exceptional: he too beat both Soderberg and
Madayonly to have to settle for 2nd because of his carryover loss to Larry.

Other winners: Womens: Sheila ODougherty. Mixed Doubles: Strauss/ODougherty

over Stu Sinykin/Judy Heichert, coming from 11-19 down in the 2nd to win two straight.
Esquires: Jerry Gavenda over Al Faulkner. Seniors: Harry Nelson over Gavenda. Father-Son
Doubles: Al and Ramsey Stivers over Art and Brandon Olson wholl win the U-11s at the
U.S. Closed event at the 1976 Philadelphia U.S. Open. As: Rakesh Gothi over Al Schmitt and
his hits and Surbek-style loops. Bs: Satersmoen was Death to ODougherty. U-17s: John
Soderberg over Tellegen playing in his last tournament as a junior, 19, 16, -18, 20, 14. U17 Doubles: John Soderberg/Tellegen over Redmond/John Stillions. U-15s: Soderberg. U13s: Stillions over Tom Soderberg, a left-handed looper and Seemiller-style blocker, and the
youngest of the Soderberg family of table tennis players.
At the S.E. Wisconsin Open, held the
weekend before the U.S. Open, Heng-Chi Chang
won the Mens over Pak Lam, and Jill Larmore
the Womens over Kim Voland. Mens Doubles
winners were Chang/Paul Wong over Lam/Tony
Poulos. Mixed went to Chang/Chang over
Poulos/Chan. As: Laszlo Keves over Mike
Menzer. Bs: Andy Chrapinski over Keves. Cs:
Geoff Graham over Mike Charney. Seniors:
George Fabian over Joe Bujalski. Boys U-17:
Graham over Ben Kunin. Girls U-17: Larmore
over Chris Kuffel. U-15: Jim Welland over John
Mike Menzer
Photo by Mal

1974 Intercollegiates
National Coaching Chairman Jeff Smart reports (TTT, May-June, 1974, 17) that,
thanks to Halex, Sportcraft, and Stiga, who spared no expense, this years U.S. Intercollegiate
Championships turned out to be first-rate. The Apr. 19-20 tournament, sponsored by the
Association of College Unions-International (ACU-I), was held at LaCrosses University of
Wisconsin fieldhouse. This venue offered a keep-your-footing playing floor, good lighting, and
of course great STIGA tables. Jeff had high praise for Richard S. Gage, the man who got this
annual event started, who obtained full sponsorship, and who oversaw all activities. Hes
among the most witty, good-natured, all-round great guys Ive ever met. His successor,
Reb Rebillard, is also a humorous and affable gentleman.
The 15 Regions were more fittingly represented this year than in the past because, says
Jeff, theres increased participation at the Regional level. Also, expect more strong
representation in the future, for consider the rewards for the winners: an all-expense-paid trip
to these Nationals; fabulous banquets for the competitors; gifts of paddles, traveling bags, and
shirts with appropriate name and school on them; and other extras. For both men and women,
play was divided into two round robins of 8 (the host Region gets an automatic entry).
Seedings were based on USTTA ratings (although they used old ones from Topics). When
Glenn Cowan didnt show, the draw was somewhat lop-sided.
The tournament began with double elimination Mixed Doubles matches. In the one
bracket, Janice Martin, former 15-year-old member of the U.S. Womens Team to the 1969
Munich World Championships, and MVP at the 1972 Team Championships, paired with Jeff
Smart, whod defeated Bill Lesner twice to win his Regionals, and they reached their

groups finals without dropping a game. In the other bracket, Doris Mercz, wife of Air Force
Champ Frank Mercz, partnered lefty looper Mike Carter and they reached their groups finals
with a win over Chicago star Barb Taschner and Pak Lam, 1971 CNE Class A Champion.
In the one final, Smart/
Ronni Klein
Martin won in 4 over Milda
by Mal Anderson
Milacek, sometimes teasingly called
Mildew or Ole Slippery Rock
(the name of his school), and Elaine
Fantaske (called affectionately
Fantastic). In the other final,
however, a play-off was necessary
when Dave Philip, whod
previously twice lost in Regional
play to last years Champion Mitch
Sealtiel but who this year had savored sweet revenge, paired with N.J.s Ronni Klein to
recover from an earlier loss by beating Carter/Mercz. However, in the play-off, Dave and
Ronni couldnt win again. So.Smashing serves and third-ball attacking, Jeff and Janice
then went on to defeat Carter/Mercz in straight games and win the National Mixed Doubles
doesnt give
coverage to the
1974 U.S. Womens Intercollegiate
Champion Janice Martin
Singleswon by
Martin over
Taschner (Martin
had eliminated
Champion Diane
Turnbull in
Regional play).
But, as if for
doing their fair
share of the
umpiring, he at
least names the
other competitors. Some may be familiar names (Pat Crowley, Shirley Woo, and Marilyn
Palfenier), and some may not (Ann Davis, Po King Woo, Cathy Nornard, Barb Buhr, Agi
Soltani, and Pat Ritchey).
Nor does Jeff understandably give coverage to every Mens Singles match, but again
he wants to include all those who were able to qualify and come to the tournament (Bill
Edwards was another no-show). So, before covering the most exciting matches, he has a word
or two for the following players: Roger Yee (plays like [Jerry] Karbulka, with super-juicy
serves and maniac kills and loops); Rich Sinykin, former anti chopper turned looper, who
defeated his brother [Stu] to qualify; Fred Finley, back for his third year and smashing loops
with his flat-hitting attack; and Tak Chan, a quick-blocking graduate student from Boston.

In the one bracket, Milacek, though losing game after game but not a match, advances
to the round robin semis. Although Mildas backhand chop and forehand loop are his best
shots, he has another weapon in his arsenaldemonstrated when he plays Eddie Ng,
Oregons star penholder looper/smasher. When a ball comes up high and short on Ngs
backhand side, he promptly jumps over and slap-crushes it to Mildas extreme backhand.
Eddie hit the ball with zero expectation that itd be returned, so you can imagine his surprise
when the ball passes him like a shot, hitting perfectly on his backhand corner. Yep, Milda has
a backhand counter.
The other advancer, who has a carryover loss to Milacek, is Paul Wong, 1973 Mens
U.S. Open Consolation winner. He gets to the semis via a 3-game win over Greg Gingold
whod played for the U.S. at last years first World University Championships. Pauls vicious
penholder serves and power blocking took their toll on Greg.
In the other bracket, its Smart vs. Lam. But though Pak was quick-bounce anglesmashing, Jeff looped or killed half of them, and at the end of each game, third-ball
attacking as if without a moment of worry, Smart won 19, 21. Brad Fountain, making his 3rd
appearance at these Collegiate Championships, can do everything wellloop off either side,
counter, loop loops, push, etc.except he couldnt take a game from Buffalos lefty killlooper Bill Davis. Nor, though he played well, could Brad take a game from seeded Dave
Philip, undefeated and therefore one of the two advancers from his bracket into the round
robin semis.
Fountain vs. Smart is a fun match. In the 1st, Jeff hit every Brad serve, long or short,
thus walloping his opponent 21-7. But now Fountain wised up, and began to serve fast, flat
serves every time to force a countering match. On one fierce exchange, Jeff countered so fast
and so hard that he caught Brad still following throughto which Brads only answer was a
very explicit SHIT! But Brad won that game at 19. In the 3rd, down 18-16, Jeff hits a
brilliant drop-shot that hits the net and just falls over, [so] you can imagine his exhilaration; but
then as the ball falls out of sight down to the side of the table, so does Brad, and suddenly the
ball reappears from under the post and slides across the table! Smart then drops his paddle on
the table, applauds Brads shot, and walks over to shake his hand to congratulate him on a
truly brilliant save! When Jeff loses that game, again at 19, his opportunity to reach the semis
is in jeopardy.
Davis has only one lossto Philip. Smart has two, but if he can blank
Davis.Whacking ball after ball, Jeff goes up 9-1 in the 1st, wins it 21-3! But in the 2nd Bill
gets his whip loops through Smart. Thus, though Jeff pulls out the 3rd at 19, the tie-breakers
not decided by head-to-head play but by gamesand Jeffs lost one
more than Bill.
Daviss semis match with Milacek is a 5-game beauty. Mildas
retrieves were fantastic, but so were Bills smash loops. He hit some
chops that I would never have believed he could push! Down 18-11
in the 5th, Daviss loop kills started burning through Mildas
defense. Then, at 19-all, a tremendous smash/retrieve volley
ensues. After [retrieving] about five all-out wipe-out loops, Milda
swoops a chop off the floor which hits Daviss back edge. And now a
quick last point moves Milacek into the final. There hes joined by
Philip whos straight-game gotten by Wongs spin serves and wood
returns (Paul flips the racket over on many serves).
Milda Milacek at ease

Milda knew he couldnt just

chop against Daves not only
overpowering but consistent spin
drives, and so he looped forehand or
backhand almost every long serve.
Trying to stay at the table and block
Philips kill-loops, Milacek repeatedly
forced errors from Dave who tried to
kill the blocks before he was set. The
match was very well contested, but the
Championship went to Dave, 19 in the
Philip, as National Champion,
was asked to go to Oklahoma City
the next weekend to give exhibitions
and generally represent the ACU-I and
the sponsoring companies. But then a
decision was made to send Dave to
the Nationals with all expenses paid
and let Janice Martin, the Womens
winner, go to Oklahoma City. Which I
suppose satisfied everyone.
Want to know (TTT, May-June,
18) what Nick Maffeis Lehman
College Bachelor of Fine Arts project
1974 U.S. Mens Intercollegiate Champion Dave Philip
is? 400 drawings of Dave Philip and
Photo by Neal Fox
Rory Brassington at NYTTC play that
Nick has organized into a very
exciting and informative animation. Recorded on tape, it plays up the beauty of the body in
action playing table tennis. Nick and three other players from Lehman participated in their
U.S. Intercollegiate Regionals, but none qualified for the Wisconsin Nationals. However, Nick
was able to get his school to finance these four to an earlier 25-team Intercollegiate
Tournament at Widner College in Chester, PA.
Nick says Lehmans two women players did better than the men. Their Singles entry,
Audrey Simpton, waited patiently for an opportunity to strike, and then her set-up kill
shotcompletely baffled her opponents before she was stopped by a Rutgers player. Better
yet, Audrey and teammate Marlene Hirschfield came 2nd overall in the Doubles. In the Singles,
Nick, with his heavy topspin play that often produced balls for him to smash, got to the
quarters. But his Doubles partner, Dan Garcia, needed, as they say, more seasoning. Anyway,
win or lose, its the reward of trips like this that helps to keep a College Club alive.
The 2nd Annual Princeton University Closed, directed by Mike Flannagan, saw Charley
Ballard not only reporting on the tournament for Topics, but winning it. In the final, umpired
by Larry Buel, looper Ballard, before rallying for the win, was down 2-0 after blowing a 2nd
game 19-13 lead. Civil Engineering student Mike Harris was the runner-uphe defeated the
3rd (Paul Borenstein), 4th (official Tournament Statistician Tom Drucker), and 5th-Place (Bill
Pao) finishers.

MIT Wins Ivy League Intercollegiates

With Ballard again reporting (TTT, May-June, 1974, 18), we learn the Final Standings
of the Ivy League season: 1. MIT (12-2). 2. Columbia (10-4). 3. Cornell (10-4). 4. Harvard
(9-5). 5. University of Pennsylvania (9-5). 6. Brown (3-11). 7. Princeton (3-11). 8. Yale (014).
A Universitys seasonal record is a composite of how their A and B teams did. MITs A
team went undefeated, but their B team lost to Harvard and Cornellhence, when forfeits are
included (mostly by Yale), they were 12-2. Early in the season, they had a shaky 5-4 win
against Penns A team. Penns Barry Robbins didnt lose a match all season, and in this tie he
stopped Joe Lee and the two Chans, Chuck and Dave, who also lost to Peter Dunn, Penns #2,
a chopper like Robbins.
Though Penns only A loss was to be to M.I.T, they, too, in an early tie were extended.
One of the weaker teams, Princeton, was threatening to send the tie into the 9th match, for
Paul Borenstein had battled Dunn to deuce in the 3rd before losing. Penn A went on to 5-3
down Cornell, led by Hank Colker and Alex Sze, then scored perhaps an unexpected triumph
by handing Columbia A its first loss in the history of the league. Penn heroes were Robbins
who took 3, including a victory over then undefeated Sammy Lee, and Dunn who added the
necessary 2 with a key 8th-match win over Peter Wai. However, while the Penn A Team was
doing just fine, their B team was losing every tie, and this of course dropped them in the
Cornell, with players like Dan Osborn and Kim Wang, probably had the best B team in
the leaguethey knocked off Princeton, Penn, Columbia, and M.I.T. But they had an early A
team loss to Harvard when their top players, Colker and Sze, opted to attend their ACU-I
Regionals. Harvard had a good B team, losing only to Columbia who, with Irv Kuznetzow
and Paul Greenbaum, was also strong.
Indeed, Columbia (with 2 losses) would meet M.I.T. (with two losses) for the
Championship in the climactic last week of the season. Though M.I.T.s B team won 5-1
surprisingly big, the A tie wasnt decided until the 9th match. Chuck Chan was playing
sensational table tennis for M.I.T., beating Peter Wai and clobbering Bill Ma; in fact, he
almost downed Sammy Lee who, helped by an edge ball, pulled it out at deuce in the third.
After Bill Ladd had added two more for M.I.T, Joe Lee prevailed over Columbias Ma to
clinch the Championship.


Chapter Nineteen
1974: Pre-U.S. Open TournamentsPart II.
The Michigan Professional Championships (for
want of a better name?) was played Apr. 27 at
Dell Sweeriss Woodland Club. Dell didnt play,
so Danny Seemiller and Paul Raphel, both now
living in Grand Rapids, advanced rather easily to
the finals. Tom McEvoy (TTT, May-June, 1974,
33) reports that Raphels snake-like loop and
excellent chops allowed him to take a 2-0 lead
over Danny who battled back to 19-all in the 4th.
At this point Danny smashed a ball to Raphels
Paul Raphel
forehand that Paul looped back beautifully;
Dannys return was too high and Paul smashed
the winner past him. Then, after an exchange of
forehands, Danny pushed one too hard as he
tried to change the pace, and it was all over. It
was the 2nd time in recent weeks Raphel had conquered Seemiller. Which means hes already
a strong contender for the U.S. Team to the Calcutta Worlds. Mens Consolation: Andy
Hopping, 18 in the 3rd, over Jeff Smart (Andys first win over his mentor). Womens Joan
Kohn over Joyce Donner.
Other results: Mens As: Smart over Bob Hazekamp (after Jeff had been down match
point in the 2nd, whereupon a beautiful spin serve allowed him to 3rd-ball in the turning-point
winner). Womens As: Donner over Amy Hopping. A Doubles: Smart/Andy Hopping over
McEvoy/Hazekamp (after being down 1-0 and
17-8 in the 2nd). Said McEvoy, Thats the biggest Kurt Lloyd
Photo by
blown match I have ever endured. Bs: Imants
Tom Slater
Karklis over Bong Ho, 25-23 in the 3rd, then over
McEvoy whod held off Andy Hopping. Cs:
Ward Wood and his anti-spin serves over Gary
Whiddon, deuce-in-the-3rd advancer over Steve
Huber. Ds: Kurt Lloyd (winning his first Grand
Rapids trophy) over Gary Calkins. Novice Men:
Greg Clark over Frank Raniville, deuce in the 3rd
(after Frank had been down 19-9!). Novice
Consolation: Kohn over Amy Hopping. Seniors:
Wood over Ho. U-17s: Mike Baber over Greg
Jelinski. U-15s: Gordon Roedding over Andy
Hopping, 22, 19. U-13s: John Huizinga over
Amy Hopping. U-11s: Huizinga over Torsten
The following week saw the $1,650
Woodland Cup climax to the 6-tournament series
at Sweeriss Club. This time Danny Seemiller

didnt get to play Paul Raphel, for Dell stopped Paul, 17 in the 4th in the semis, after Raphel
had been forced into the 5th by Paul Pashuku. Seemiller, meanwhile, downed quarterfinalist
Mike Veillette (19-in-the-5th escapee from Pat Cox, Pat at least the richer by $41.25 for being
one of the eight 1st-round losers). Then, in his 4-game semis, Danny knocked out Bill Lesner
whod 19-in-the-4th struggled with Connie Sweeris, then had to go 5 to eliminate Jim Davey.
The $500 1st Prize went to Danny over Dell, 15, -19, 10, 14.
For the Saturday, May 11 Coldwater, MI Open, Dell, though he didnt attend, loaned 9
Detroiter tables and his already quite depreciated second car to haul half a dozen or so players,
including Seemiller, and said tables from his Woodland Center to the Legg Junior High Gym in
Coldwater. As covering reporter Garrett Garry Donner tells us (TTT, May-June, 1974, 35),
shortly after 11:00 p.m. Friday night, the 10th, this little group was greeted not only by Garry
himself but by his familywife, brothers, mother and father (who was financially backing the
tourney). They were all, he said, descendents of those who wisely decided not to take that
fateful California trip of long ago through Donner Pass.
Of course Garry also had in mind the intrepid Woodlanders trip back to Grand
Rapidsdampened by the news that someone had accidentally taken Dells car keys to
Chicago. Never mind. Saturday night, after the tournament, with car hot-wired and a towel
for a defogger, the Seemiller party headed west, pulling its covered U-Haul full of tables.
In between the comings and goings through the severe weather that cut down
spectator attendance (since Donner was the German word for thunder, perhaps someone
should have asked for sanctions not just from the USTTA and the MTTA, but also from Thor),
there was of course the play. Garry and his wife Joyce did the Draw, using old table tennis
balls, numbered from one to thirty, shaken up and then drawn much like in bingo; and Gary
Calkins and Tom McEvoy helped run the events.
Results: Mens: Seemiller ($100) over Raphel ($40) in 4, after Paul led 1-0 and 10-2 in
the 2nd. 3rd: Grand Rapids Joe Windham ($15) whod gone 5 with Raphel. 4th: Joe Rokop
($15), after upsetting Jim Davey in 5 to make the final round robin. Womens: Barb Taschner
over Debby Connelly. Handicap: Bob Miller over Charlie Smith. Seniors: Miller over Bong
Ho. 3rd: Bill Hornyak. 4th: Bruce McGee.U-17s: Mike Baber over Kevin Legge who in the
Mens had gone deuce in the 4th with Raphel. As: Tom Hall over Jim Supensky and Legge (the
two didnt play for 2nd). A Doubles: Baber/McEvoy over Hall/Supensky. Bs: 1st: McEvoy, 2-1
(3-2). 2nd: Miller, 2-1 (2-2). 3rd: Jerry Aleknus, 2-1 (2-3). 4. Wayne Wasielewski, 0-3.
At the Detroit G.A. R. 4-team Challenge,
Danny Robbins
Grand Rapids (Raphel, Paul Lamse, and Joe
Windham) went through the semifinal round robin
undefeated. They beat Detroit (Dan Robbins,
Chuck Burns, Eddie Brennan, Earl, and Frank
Sexton), 5-1 (Brennan winning out over
Windham); beat G.A.R. (Chatterji, Huler, and
Delmar), 5-0; beat Rochester (Smart, Baber, Mike
Veillette), 5-2 (with Windham downing Veillette).
In the Detroit-Rochester tie, it was Baber over
Robbins and Brennan (19 in the 3rd); Smart over
Brennan; and Veillette over Robbins and Burns.
This Challenge also included the Kung Fu
Singleswon by Raphel over Brennan who, after

eliminating Defending Champ Burns, had been down 2-1 to Windham. Best quarters matches:
Veillette over Baber, -19, 17, 21, and Windham over Smart, 14, -19, 18.
The 2nd Annual Moundbuilders Open was held Apr. 6-7 in Newark, Ohio. Sylvia
DeMent praises the Newark Clubs practice of giving free food and drink Saturday
nightand over-night hospitality to the out-of-state players. She also has a good word for
the indefatigable Control Desk Director, Jennie Williams. Results: Mens: 1. Paul Raphel (who
with Joe and Pat Windham drove through bad weather all night so as to arrive by Sat.
morning). 2. Jim Supensky. 3. Joe Windham. 4. Mark Wampler. Womens Mary Ann Burdick
over Diane Turnbull. Mixed Doubles: Wampler/Kathy DeMent over Joe Rokop/Burdick.
Kathy says the Games a combination hobby and form of exercise for her. Mens Doubles:
Raphel/Joe Windham over Tannehill/John Temple whod knocked out Graham Gear/Tom Hall.
Tom was one of two players given Good Sportsmanship Awards; Cincinnatis Kevin Legge
was the other.
More results: As: Baber over, progressively, Shekar Bhushan,
Hall, and Legge. A Doubles: Hall/Lyle Thiem over Ron Schull/Art
Holloway. Bs: Temple over Legge. Cs: Final: Ron Norris over Larry
Hensley. Semis: Norris over Dave Strang; Hensley over Randy
Seemiller. Consolations: John Spencer over Holloway. Esquires:
George Sinclair over John Schnorf. Seniors: Holloway over Ron
DeMent in 5. Young Adults: Rokop over Dave Degenhart. Boys U-17:
Mike Dempsey over Pat Windham. Girls U-17: Burdick over Sandy
Hensley. Boys U-15: Greg Collins over Jeff Williams. Girls U-15/U-13:
Denise Horn over Jodee Williams. Boys U-13: Williams over Gary
Reinbold who eliminated Tim Seemiller in 5. Parent-Child Doubles:
Williams/Williams over Collins/Collins.
The Eastern Illinois University Spring Open was held Apr. 2021 on 14 tables at Charlestons 8,000-seat Lantz Sports Complex that
offered locker facilities for both men and women. Bill Connelly,
reporting on the tournament (TTT, May-June, 1974, 33), said he was
pleased to have had at one time on Saturday over 100 spectators in the
Dave Strang
Photo by Mal Anderson bleachers. Bills been bitten by the t.t. bugbeginning in June he and
Jim Bednar will manage Sweeriss Woodland Club. Tournament Umpire
Larry Chisolm, though expected, failed to show, but under Tom McEvoys direction the 14
events ran on schedule.
Results: Open Singles: Houshang
Sam Shannon
Bozorgzadeh ($80) over Paul
Photo by Mal
Raphel in 5 (after being down 2-0
and 15-12 in the 3rd). Womens:
Burdick over Jean Varker. Open
Doubles: Bozorgzadeh/Dick
Hicks over Raphel/Joe Windham.
Handicap: Andy Chrapinski over
Mike Zwilling. Esquires: 1. Art
Fiebig. 2. Bill Hornyak. 3. Sam
Shannon, from Evansville, IN, is
in pretty good shape for a 55281

year-old. You can tell hes serioushe played 35

matches in 11 classes this tournament, and hes bought
a $700 robot to try to make himself the spitting image
of the Ohio star he was three decades ago.
As: Homer Brown over Baber, -19, 18, -10, 18,
17, and over runner-up John Messerly, -14, 20, 18, -24,
19. Connolly says Homers a real crowd pleaser. Hes
constantly yelling at himself, diving on the floor, and
running into barriers. He and Messerley had command
of the entire crowd with their long topspin volleys and
deep defense, and both were given a well-deserved
ovation. Colorful players like Homer Brown are what
makes table tennis such a great game. Bs: Joe Bujalski
over Wasielewski. B Doubles: Bujalski/Chrapinski over
McEvoy/Wasielewski. Cs: Fiebig over Keves. CCs: Ricky
Colorful Homer Brown
Hicks over Dannacher. CC Doubles: Shannon/Hicks over
Photo by Steve Kazak
H. J. Hofacker/Zwilling. U-17s: Baber over Pat Windham.
Houshang had also won the Mens at the St.
Charles, MO Great Plains Open two weeks before where runner-up Messerley had gotten the
better of Brown, and Frank Mercz was 4th. Womens: Diana Myers over Doris Mercz. Mens
Doubles: Bozorgzadeh/Richard Berg over Brown/Shannon. Womens Doubles: Mercz/Myers
over Marilyn Dahl/Gretchen Dahl. Mixed Doubles: F. Mercz/Dimercz over Brown/Myers.
Mens Consolation: David Barnes over Ken Kasten. Women Over 21: Mercz over M.A.
Parekh. Esquires: Fiebig over Shannon. Seniors: Fiebig over Hugh Lax, deuce in the 4th.
Kansas Citys Bill Guilfoil (TTT, May-June, 1974, 32) reflects on the death of Jerry
Ghahramanian (later Garmanian), former U.S. Intercollegiate Singles and (with brother George)
Doubles Champion. Bill says he first played Jerry, once U.S. #8, in a Missouri State Open. Dean
Norman recalls with great admiration Jerrys 5-game super-defensive quarters win over Bernie
Bukiet at the 1953 Kansas City Nationals. And I myself remembered Jerry in a Topics article
bordering Bills. In 1955, I saw him chasing a college girl whod wanted him into
some bushes. It was at a Columbus, Ohio tournament, where in the final I beat
Jerry after being down 2-0 and 20-18 in the 5th. Id willed, like one gone
mad, to win that match, and, body tightened, face etched in a rigor
mortis grimace, I did win itthat which then was all of life to me.
As expected, Richard Hicks won another Indiana
Closedover Harry Deschamps whod knocked out
Gordon Barclay in 5. Dave Krizman was 3rd; Dave
Shenk 4th. Womens: Sharlene Krizman Wilson,
Varga-coached to National Champion status
decades ago like Barclay and her brother Dave, over
Connie Evans. Sue Huff was 3rd; Kay Edgerton 4th.
Mens Doubles: Dick and Ricky Hicks over
Deschamps/Krizman (after being down 2-0 to
LeRoy Bontrager/Sam Snyder). Mixed Doubles:
Dick and Norma Hicks over Krizman/Wilson.
Seniors: Krizman over Deschamps.
Dick is whispering (what?) to wife Norma

As: Shenk over Snyder. Bs: Ray Yoder over Don Roberts in 5, then over Hornyak. B
Doubles: Mike Couch/Kreiser over OConnell/Max Salisbury. Cs: Pete Schumacher over
Chuck Paxton, deuce in the 3rd, then over Ricky Hicks. U-17s: Doug Wilcock over Hicks. U17As: Connie Evans over Chris Reynolds. U-15s: Wilcock over Hicks, -12, 19, 19, 18. U-17
Doubles: Bill Cordes/Pat Welch over Hicks/Evans.
The May 18th Tennessee Closed at Knoxville, run and reported on for Topics (JulyAug., 1974, 22; 29) by Lee Edwards, was surely in part a disaster. Lee and helpers couldnt
use the court theyd reserved because of a Volleyball match, then had to chase off hordes of
nomadic basketball players who constantly invaded the borders of our playing area.
The Team event went to Music Citys Larry Bartley, Bill Edwards, and John White
and for their winning efforts they received one of those beautiful inlaid wood trophies
donated by the Bartley Table Tennis Co. Bill, who got to keep this trophy, lost only to Joe
Ching who, fending off all noisy distractions by wearing earplugs, didnt lose a match. But
while Joe was playing a deuce game against Bill, the lights went out, and took five minutes to
warm up again. Bartley also lost to Ching and to Larry Thoman. Later, Larry will tell reporter
David Climer, They refer to me as a hitter, Im not really that good on defense because I
dont concentrate on it. But then if you play offense well enough, you dont have to worry
about defense. White lost to Jim Cambell and defaulted to Thoman and Womens winner Julie
Baker. The University of Tennessee teamChing, Lee Edwards (I played miserably), John
Mackenna, and Allen Wrightcame 2nd. Middle Tennessee State UniversityCambell, Neal
McLain, and Bill Brunsonplaced 3rd. And KnoxvilleSteve Clambrone, C.E. Clifford,
Lamar Orr, and Norman Smithfinished 4th. Thomans Nashville teammates put in a nonappearance, so he picked up two girls (so to speak), Julie Baker and Claudia Pilkington, and
played with them (so to speak).
No team from Alabama enteredbut there was action in Mobile. Virendra Mulraj
Monty Merchant, whod been a mainstay of the Indian National Team at the Worlds, the
Asian Games, and the Commonwealth Championships (though just before the 1969 Worlds
hed been suspended for playing professional matches in Japan, then was reinstated for the 71
Worlds), had come to the U.S., looking to find a table tennis life. Hed had a sensational 1972
season in India, during which hed won the Chatrapati-Shivaji Award, the highest award given
to a sportsman in Bombay (see Bomi Amalsadwalas Profile of Merchant in TTT, May-June,
1973, 59).
What specifically was Monty doing in Mobile? Giving exhibitions with none other than
Fujii. As Monty himself reports in Topics (Mar.-Apr., 1974, 43), they were hyping a local car
sale promotion. Treadwell Ford had put up $1,000 in cash, which would go to anyone from
the Mobile area who could beat either player. Monty said, There was a crowd of nearly 400
and about 50 of these people challenged us. One dollar was charged as a Challenge Fee and
the amount collected was donated to the Salvation Army. Dealers take note: Treadwell sold
35 cars during the two days of exhibitions. Monty advises President Nixon to encourage PingPong Diplomacy with the Arabs. Then there wouldnt be any gas shortage and we could sell
more cars. Especially if Monty and Fujii were around to entertain prospective buyers.
The Florida Closedno, it wasnt held at Miami, or Orlando, but at the little town of
Merritt Island. (Thats near the John F. Kennedy Space Center where in fact this Closed
weekend Bard Brenner, Lenny Bass and his pregnant wife, Laci Bellaks niece, would visit.)
Randy Hess was providing a few hundred green ones and so had enticed the States best
players to come. Covering reporter Brenner (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 28) gave a nod of thanks

to Control Desk workers Don Lehman, Max Miller, and Joyce Lehman, and to Donna and
Lori Hess for their behind-the-scenes kitchen work (play wasnt in the school gym but in the
cafeteria!). Bard also noted that at the tournament party there was an unusual speaker
discussing, Self-Hypnosis and Sports.
Joe Sokoloff of course would draw Bards attention, especially as he was almost
beaten early in the Mens by U-15 winner Chris Marshall. Joe had been in the Bahamas (TTT,
Mar.-Apr., 1974, 42) giving a series of five 90-minute clinics and exhibitions with Florida
partner Bob Katz, and also enjoying a vacation at the very relaxing Nassau Beach Hotel.
There were outdoor barbecues for the guests, with the native dancers and performers putting
on fantastic shows for everyone. In between exhibitions, the two went shopping for straw
goods, perfumes, and liquor, and also attended the local night clubs where their driver got
them front seats by the stage. Ah, the table tennis worldwhere its always possible to mix
business with pleasure.
Two who, unlike Sokoloff, couldnt survive
early-round Mens play were Richard McAfee, victim
Steve Rigo
of Marv Leffs tough pimpled/anti defense; and Jerry
Thrasher, smacked down in the 5th by wild man
Brenner. Others advancing to the quarters along with
favorite Peter Pradit, were Steve Rigo, Sokoloff over
defender turned hitter Alan Nissen, Greg Gingold
over John Wimbish, and Pat Patterson over Olga
Soltesz. Somewhere along the way, Bernie Bukiet
went into one of his piques (apparently over the airconditioning), refused to play at the designated time,
and was defaulted. Mens money winners turned out
to be Pradit, the Champion, over, first, Leff, then
runner-up Sokoloff. 3rd-Place finisher was Rigo over
Brenner and then I presume Patterson, for Pat had somehow survived Gingold, winning 8
straight points from 20-14 down in the 5th! (This, says Bard, zinging it to his friend, after Greg,
in the Team event, had cost his team the Championship by losing to Wayne Daunt from 18-10
up in the last game.)
Other results: Womens: Soltesz over Marty Pragercoached* Bev Hess (after Bev was up 2-0 and at deuce in
the 4th). Mens Doubles: Sokoloff/McAfee. Mixed
Doubles: Rigo/Soltesz. As: Alan Nissenno longer
paranoid about his grip (hed once gone so far as to put
guide marks on his hand, which of course only invited
more taunts of Get a grip, Al). He won by hitting
through Wimbish, Leff, and Patterson. Seniors: Herrara
(former Champion of Cuba) with I presume a default win
over Bukiet. Bernie had gotten to the final over Bob
Walker whod taken out Sam Hoffner, the only man, says
Bard, who used to make ME pick up HIS kill shot (rather
than vice versa).** Table tennis is thriving in Miami20
of its players are going to the Nationals. In addition to
Newgys Club, it sports Walkers Table Tennis facility
Alan Nissen

(equipped with air-conditioning, shower and water cooler)thats where Sokoloff is, shh,
secretly training for Oklahoma City.
Time for another Joseph C.H. Lee tournament, and, as he did for his June 30-July 1,
1973 Chesapeake Open, so he did again for his Apr. 6-7, 1974 Chesapeake Spring Open. Did
what? Described at lengthgreat lengthin two issues of Topics (Jan.-Feb., 1974, 44, and
May-June, 1974, 36) his meticulous preparations that made for such time-consuming,
wearying, worrying work. Much of the burden fell on Joe, but fortunately he had some
helpers: Dick Olsher, John Goshorn, John Kocon, Heber Jones, Pak Yip, and Charlie Futty,
plus a later assist with the tables and barriers after the tournament was over from Manny
Moskowitz, Ron Luth, Jerry Boyle, and Raul Rodriguez.
Joe, whose new Aberdeen Club was on surer footing, was rightly put out by the
USTTAs sanction application form, with its facilities information section:
Where do I get a foot-candle measurer to measure the light intensity at the
playing level? I know the correct foot-candle power should be around 50 for a
tournament. If I put down 50, who is going to check on my accuracy? Who is going to
contradict me if I put down 40 ft x 25 ft. of playing area per table? Will the regional
director be required to verify all the information before granting the sanction? How is
he going to verify it? Is he going to attend the tournament and measure the area per
table? Is he empowered to stop the event if he finds that the actual area is only 35 ft x
20 ft and the light is only 40 foot-candle power?If the sanction process gets bogged
down (dragged out) I would either become more reluctant to run more tournaments,
or try to run non-sanctioned local tournaments.Anyway, the regional directors
getting this information would be hard pressed to substantiate it. What does anyone
gain from requiring this type of information?
Just as before, the tournament was held at the Joppatowne, MD Jr.-Sr. High School
after of course the requisite permissions had been obtained. Then came the extensive donation
letters written by Joe, his many phone calls, and in-person solicitations made somewhat easier
because a number of sponsors taking Program ads were repeats from last years tournament.
How to get the tables to the High School Gym presented a problem, but not as big a one as
constructing barriers for the courts. Also, getting any kind of concession stand at the venue,
eventually even one that served only hot dogs, proved difficult. At the last minute, Joe found
out that the High School was having a gymnastics meet that wouldnt finish until late Friday
night, so the playing area couldnt be set up until Saturday morning. But the only real problem
remaining, aside from dealing with a player who was judged to have dumped matches in order to
play down, had to do with the seedings and draws, though the criticism wasnt as bad as last
time; indeed, Jairie Resek called Joe Mr. Congenial for he worked with the players to try to
satisfy them. All in all, the tournament was a great successas witness the following remarks:
From a player: One of the best tournaments Ive ever played in.From
the school principal: the best planned and executed event ever held in our school.
From the school custodian: The best behaved group ever [the Iranian player
Hadianzadeh told Joe Lee that in the U.S. many of the players, especially the juniors,
[because of their bad behavior] would not have been allowed to play in tournaments if
they were in Iran.

Results: Mens As:

George Brathwaite (playing with
a Nittaku blade and 2.0 mm.
Mark V rubber on both sides for
steady topspin) over runner-up
Lim Ming Chui in 3 (after losing
the 2nd from 20-16 up). 3rd Place:
Errol Resek. 4th: Rory
Brassington (who lost to Chui, 26, -19). A Doubles: Chui/Resek
($75 each) over Dave Sakai/
Brathwaite. Womens: Xuan
George Brathwaite
Ferguson ($75) over Yvonne
Photo by Mal Anderson
Kronlage. Bs: Gordon Gregg
over Sol Lewis. B Doubles: Stan Smolanowicz/Sam Balamoun. Cs: Houshang Hadianzadeh, a
Baltimore college student from Iran and recent runner-up in the Baltimore Closed to Mark Radom.
C runner-up was Dr. Ray Chen, and of course
after reading his article (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 8)
you knew there was no danger either he or you
would cramp from nervous diarrhea or sweating,
cause you knew you should be taking salt
preparations and fluids. Moreover, after Ray 2624-in-the-3rd beat 3rd-Place finisher Abrams here,
perhaps youll want to be on the lookout for his
next article (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1975, 20B) extolling
the virtues of Vitamin C. I mean, if it works for
him, maybe you too can win deuce-in-the-3rd
matches if you take, as he does, thousands of
milligrams of these vitamins each day. C Doubles:
Jim McQueen/Tommy Tarrant. Ds: Jim Neal over
runner-up Tarrant and 3rd-Place finisher Joe Lee.
Mark and Arlene Radom
Photo by Mal Anderson

Joe Tanzer

D Doubles: Jerry Boyle/Ron Luth over

Davis/Pat Lawlor. Boys As: Bryan Due
over Alan Evenson.
At the Delaware State
Championships, Al Allen successfully
defended his Mens title over Al Flocco.
Womens went to Veda Joyner. Mens
Doubles: Ken Woods/Dick Organist.
Mixed Doubles: Allen/Joyner. As: Phil
Traynor. Bs: Ken James. Seniors: Woods.
U-17: Delaware High School League Boys
Champion Joe Tanzer. (Joe also won the

Photo by Mal


Brandywine Club Singles over Walt Guyer, his winning

Doubles partner.) Jr. Mixed Doubles: Tanzer/Debbie Tice,
runner-up to Cathy Traynor, High School League Girls
Results of the Apr. 27-28 New Jersey Closed at
Westfield: Mens: 1. Mitch Sealtiel. 2. Al Schwartz. 3. Bob
Saperstein. 4. Jerry Fleischhacker. Womens: Muriel Stern
over Pat Bacilli. Mens Doubles: Sealtiel/Manny Moskowitz
over Schwartz/Bill Cross. Mixed Doubles: Scott McDowell/
Stern over Harvey and Bonnie Gutman. As: R. Nochenson
over D. Yang. A Doubles: Yang/Bacilli. Bs: R. Graham over
Jeff Steif. Cs: S. Halpern over J. DeCandia. Esquires: John
Kilpatrick over Ed Gutman. Seniors: Kilpatrick over
Moskowitz. Boys U-17: Eliot Katz over McDowell. Girls U17: E. Schimmel over P. Toland. Boys U-15: Nochenson over
Steif. U-13: Brian Eisner over P. Bodnar.
Young Eisner, the states U-11
Champion, was Topics Junior of the Month (Mar.-Apr., 1974, 48). His
dad, Mel, writes, Brians given exhibitions in local schools and
department stores, and, in hopes of quickly improving his game, has
pestered me without end to get a robot. But, as Mel points out, t.t. isnt
Brians whole life. Hes also active in basketball, baseball, football, and,
once in a while, chess. In school hes a straight A student who loves to
argue with his teachers and fellow students. In fact, he recently told me
that no one wants to debate with him because he has too many answers.
Which makes him a smartass? You rotten kid, says
Top: Mel Eisner;
Mel proudly, youre just like
bottom: Brian Eisner
Mel photo by Harry
your father!
With regard to the
$1500 Brooklyn College
Open, held Apr. 20-21 at
Roosevelt Hall, and
sponsored by the Greater
N.Y. TT League, Marshall
Weiner, President of the
Nassau County TT League,
objected publicly (TTT, MayJune, 1974, 41) to the poor
playing conditions:

The lighting was inadequate in one way or another over almost half of the
tables. The rooms were right next to the schools swimming facilities and therefore
were uncomfortably warm and humid. The only official (cord suspended) nets used
were the six or so that I was told Sol Schiff (Mr. Table Tennis?) had brought with him
to sell to the general public. Most nets were the plastic kind you can purchase in a five287

and-dime store. Also, the practice tables that were set up were Nissen, while the
tournament tables were Detroiters. [The] A, B, C, D Classes [were more than
suspect.][And also,] I had a Junior 17 match scheduled for 3:15[that] finally
played at 8:30.Thats not what I call efficiency.
Results: Mens:
Danny Seemiller
struggling: in the eighths,
17, -18, -14, 20, 10, over
Iranian star Mohammed
Vahabzadeh; in the
quarters, -25, 19, -21, 14,
15 over Shiroky (Alex
uses 1.5 Mark V on his
forehand, Fujii Jet Speed
on his backhand); in the
semis, 25, 5, -17, -10, 11,
over Sam Hammond; and in the
final, 15, 17, 23, over George Brathwaite.
Other memorable matches: Ricky Seemiller, 17
in the 5th, over Peter Pradit; Lim Ming Chui in 5 over
Dave Sakai; and Brathwaite, 24-22 in the 4th, over
Fuarnado Roberts who was playing with anti-topspin on his
backhand and pips on his forehand. Womens: Alice Green over F.
Brooklyn College Tehrani whod 20, 22 slipped by Debbie Wong. Open Doubles:
Open Winner
Brathwaite-Rick Seemiller over Danny Seemiller/Shiroky, deuce in the 3rd,
Danny Seemiller
(left) in a five-game then over Jerry Fleischhacker/Roger Sverdlik. Brooklyn Championship:
Brathwaite over Peter Holder.
quarters match
with Alex Shiroky
Mens As: Jim Dixon over Bill Sharpe whod eliminated Ricky
Photo by Raul
Seemiller, 19 in the 3rd. Womens As: Hilary Cohen over Pat Bacilli, 19,
23, then over Tehrani. Bs:
Horace Roberts over Jim Shoots, 24-22 in the 3rd,
then over Mike Bush. Cs: Scott McDowell over
Eliot Katz, 19, 20, then over Carl Danner. Ds:
Jeff Steif over Dave Margolin. Esquires: Sid
Jacobs over Marcy Monasterial. Seniors: Sharpe
over Tim Boggan. U-17s: Final: Gary Wittner
over Sverdlik. Semis: Wittner over R. Seemiller,
18 in the 3rd; Sverdlik over Jeff Zakarin, deuce in
the 3rd. U-17As: Claude Peltz over Jimmy
LaFemina whod ousted Mike Lardon. Junior
Doubles: J. Zakarin/S. Boggan over Steif/R.
Nochenson. U-15s: Danner over Rutledge Barry,
after Rutledge had squeegeed by Peltz, deuce in
the 3rd. U-13s: Barry over Brian Eisner whod
Jim Dixon
edged S. Boggan, deuce in the 3rd.
Photo by Neal Fox

Wheelchair: Ty Kaus again took me, the Topics Editor, to task for not publishing the
Wheelchair results. There were 12 entries, and since I was at the tournament it should have
registered with me I didnt get them, and I should have inquired about them.
The N.Y. Lithuanian Athletic Club put on a May 4th tournament just for boys and girls
that was directed by 1958 Canadian Closed Champion Pranas Gvildys, assisted by his friend
Mr. Jasitis. The venue was the beautiful new Lithuanian Club on Highland Boulevard in
Brooklyn. I dont think theres a local tournament in the U.S. that can boast of a bigger U-13
Girls entry or, consequently, anything to compare with the U-13, U-15, U-17 Mixed Doubles
events. The polite, composed Gvildys kids, Paul and his sister Dana, having spent the morning
studying their dads native language, were the afternoons at first unheralded stars, along with
another brother-sister combination of fine temperament, the smooth-stroking Murillos.
Results: Boys U-17: Dave Margolin over Fred Ellman. Girls U-17: Susan Murillo over
V. Slapelyte. Boys U-15: Margolin over Eric Boggan (after the two had split earlier matches).
Girls U-15: Murillo over Dana Gvildys. Boys U-13: Paul Gvildys over E. Boggan. Girls U-13:
Gvildys over G. Vebeliunias (after both had defeated Murillo). Boys Doubles: Ellman/Lew
Lodzinski over Margolin/Zakarin. Girls Doubles: Gvildys/Beveliunias over Murillo/Margolin.
U-17 Mixed Doubles: Ellman/Jaisitis over Margolin/Margolin. U-15 Mixed Doubles: Gvildys/
Gvildys over Margolin/Margolin 23, 21 in the 3rd. U-13 Mixed Doubles: Gvildys/Gvildys over
Long Island Closed:
Mens: Errol Resek over George
Brathwaite, 19, -18, 22, 17.
Womens: Louise Chotras over
Bernadine Hinds. Mens Doubles:
Resek/Brathwaite over Dave
Philip/Tim Boggan, 16, 19, -20, 21, 16. Womens Doubles:
Chotras/Evelyn Zakarin over A.
Hoos/Terry Green. Mixed
Doubles: Roger Sverdlik/Chotras
over Resek/Terry Green, 19 in
the 4th. Mens Consolation:
Jimmy LaFemina over J. Meyer,
Louise Chotras
Dr. Mitch Silbert
22, 18. Womens Consolation:
Photo by Mal Anderson
Zakarin over S. Garnier. Esquires: Sid Jacobs over
Louie Blejer, 19, 19. Seniors: Boggan over Jacobs. Senior Doubles: Boggan/Mort Zakarin
over Jacobs/Maurice Kendal. The strong Senior player, Dr. Mitchell Silbert, had to miss this
Closed because he was recovering from a heart attack.
As: Sverdlik over Winston Bobby Cousins, 17, -18, -16, 21, 14, then over Cornel
Gavris, -13, 19, 19, 20. Bs: Gavris over Lincoln LaGuerre. Cs: George Stone over Dave
Margolin, 18 in the 3rd. A Doubles: Gary Wittner/Jacobs over Ali Oveissi***/Jeff Zakarin. B
Doubles: Wittner/Chotras over Anthony Gegelys/Jaffar Hashim. Parent-Child Doubles: Tim/
Eric Boggan over Fred/Carl Danner. 3rd: Mort/Jeff Zakarin. 4th: Bob/Mike Lardon. Boys U-17:
Sverdlik over Wittner, then over Jeff Zakarin, both in 5. Junior Doubles: Sverdlik/E. Boggan
over Wittner/Scott Boggan. U-15: Carl Danner over E.Boggan. U-13: E. Boggan over S.

Results of the 70entry Massachusetts Closed: Mens: Lim Ming Chui over exThailand Champ Surasak Koakietaveechai, 3-0 (despite the Thais 3rd-game rally from 19-16
down to go ad up). Mens Doubles: Surasak/Bill Dean over Chui/Ralph Robinson. Warren
Rasmussen (TTT, May-June, 1974, 14) points out that this summer, prior to the CNE
tournament in Toronto, Surasak, Massachusetts Jr. Development Coach, who follows the
Japanese system originated by Ogimura, will run two training campsthe first for beginner to
intermediate players; the second for advanced players. Cost: $25 for Juniors and $50 for adults
[$50 to attend both camps]. A limited number of lodgings will be available with local players.A
local motel has agreed to make beds available for $5 per night for a dormitory style arrangement of
5 per room. The rooms are nice and the motel features both a pool and a sauna. Fees have been
kept low thanks to the local VFW troop #8006 who donated space for these camps.
Other Closed results: As: Robinson over Lou
Benny Hull
Martinello. A Doubles: Dave Cohen/Martinello over
Bill Dean/Dean Chickering. Bs: George Lapierre over
Chickering in 5. Cs: Marty Chan over Danny McNeil.
Seniors: Benny Hull over Frank Dwelly, def. U-17s:
Martinello over McNeil. U-15s: Paul Matteson over
Eugene Fong, 20, 19, then over Shaun Herbert in 5. U13s: Ed Erwin over 10-year-old Glenn Rubeck,
coached by ex-Thailand Champ Surasak
Koakietaveechai, whod eliminated 12-year-old Bill
Swicegood. Junior Doubles: Martinello/Dick Parsons
over McNeil/Dennis Lamenti.
Anita Morta (Canadian TT News, July, 1974,
14) fills us in, not too happily, on the Apr. 6-7 Eastern
Canada Open, held just outside Toronto at
Etobicokes West Humber Collegiate Institute. Thanks
to John Nesukaitis and George Jovanov the tables got
to the venue, and thanks to Control Desk workers
Helen Nesukaitis, her daughters Violetta and Flora,
and George Pardon, the 130-entry tournament at least
started with some semblance of control. George
(Joerg), making his first appearance in this History,
immigrated to Canada in 1962 from Germany where
hed played rec-level t.t. in school leagues. Hes now
living and working in Toronto, teaching both autobody
repair and table tennis at Parkview Secondary School.
Currently, hes the Ontario Junior Development Chair,
and, as well see, hell gradually assume more and more
official responsibilitieswill soon take up his new duties
as the Ontario TTA Vice-President under President Roy
Reporter Morta says the Control Desk had a
Top: Ontario TTA President Roy Powell busy time keeping the tournament goingso much
and wife Rosemary; bottom: Vice Presi- so that she had to add, I hope all those people who
dent George Pardon and wife Danielle
came to play and watch for the first time were not
From CTTA Table Tennis News, July, 1974

disillusioned, because as the tournament wore on it looked like a threepenny bazaar rather than
a table tennis tournament. The players themselves were at fault. They had absolute disregard
for the games going on. They dashed between tables, and didnt care what they looked like or
how they were dressed. And some of them and their four-letter wordshardly music to the
ear. As for the umpiringputrid, said one out-of-towner.
Results: Mens As: Final: Errol Caetano over Paul Klevinas, -20, 14, 16, 18. Semis:
Caetano over Rod Young, advancer over Alex Polisois; Klevinas, 24-22 in the 4th, over 16year-old John Richardson whod knocked out Adham Sharara, Technical Director of the
Quebec Federation. Mens Doubles: Caetano/Klevinas over Modris Zulps/Ron Chapman.
Womens As: Violetta Nesukaitis over Helen Simerl. Mixed Doubles: Caetano/V. Nesukaitis
over Klevinas/Birute Plucas.
Mens Bs: V. Nesukaitis over
Victor Skujins. Womens Bs: Geeta
OGale, who plays for Canada Life in
the local 15-team Insurance League,
over Christine Tomkins. Cs: Al
Romanosky over Francis Therrien. Ds:
Hugh Kelly over George Bonight.
Seniors: Zulps over Max Marinko. U17 Boys: Richardson over Pierre
Normandin, winner of the Denise
Hunnius Trophy for Most Improved
Junior of the Year. U-17/U-15 Girls:
Most Improved Junior Pierre Normandin receives the Birute Plucas over Gloria Nesukaitis.
Boys U-15: Evart Lindquist over Claude
Denise Hunnius Trophy from Chandra Madhosingh
From CTTA Table Tennis News, July, 1974
The Oshawa, Ontario Open was
promoted in celebration of Oshawas 50th Anniversary. Winners were:
Mens: Caetano over Jim Dixon. Womens: Violetta Nesukaitis over
Mariann Domonkos. Mens Doubles: Caetano/Sharara over Dixon and
Steve Feldstein who won the John Adminis Trophy as Most
Outstanding Junior of the Year. Womens Doubles: Violetta and Flora
Nesukaitis over Domonkos/Plucas. Mixed Doubles: Caetano/V.
Nesukaitis over Sharara/Domonkos. Mens Bs: Bill Soros over Carl
Mascheski, 24-22 in the 3rd. Womens Bs: Diane OHara over Susan
Tomkins. Seniors: W. Scholich over Ken Kerr. Boys U-17: Feldstein
over Richardson. Girls U-17: Plucas over Christine Forgo.
At the St. Johns Newfoundland Open, Dave Sparks won the
Mens from Bruce Burton, one day to be Canadian TTA President and
ITTF Vice-President for North America. Valerie Haynes defeated
Steve Feldstein, 1974
Yvonne Stanley to take the Womens title. Mens Doubles went to
John Adminis Trophy
Sparkes and Eric Davis over Newfoundland TTA Vice President Derek
Sullivan and Secretary-Treasurer Ron Francis.
Canadian T.T. News Editor Jose Tomkins (July, 1974, 11) reports on the Third Annual
Atlantic Championships, held May 4-5 in the Dalhousie University Gym at Halifax, Nova
Scotia. There were 96 competitors in the various eventsall very capably run off by Ron

Cooper, with help from Mr/Mrs. Dirk Wolters, Mo Mohammed, and Pam Cooper. Coverage
of the tournament was provided by C.B.C. TV.
Team Results: Mens: 1. (Defending Champion) Nova Scotia. 2. New Brunswick.
Womens: (Defending Champion) 1. Prince Edward Island. 2. Newfoundland. Team Trophies
were donated by Canada Permanent Trust.
Individual Results: Mens Singles: S. Pun Chew (Nfld.) over Edmund Lo (N.S.), 23-21
in the 5 . Womens Singles: Janice MacWilliam (P.E.I.) over the promising Kelly Crockett
(P.E.I.), then over her sister Glenda MacWilliam (P.E.I.). Mens Doubles: Wade Gregory
(P.E.I.)/Rick Moore (N.B.) over S. Pun Chew/Bruce Burton (Nfld.). Upset: J. MacPherson/J.
McKnight (N.B.), though outscored, over Neville Brabrook/S. Peers (N.S.), 20, -13, 19.
Womens Doubles: Ingrid Martenyi/Wendy Toon (N.B.) over G./J. MacWilliam (P.E.I.). Mixed
Doubles: Moore/Toon (N.B.) over Gregory/G. MacWilliam (P.E.I).
Long-legged leprechaun Bill McGimpsey ran his
third Syracuse Open the week before the Nationals
Bill McGimpsey
at the local YMCA. (Limited number of rooms
available hereand at the YWCA a block away
for $6 a night. Official Syracuse Hotel also only a
block from the tournament site). Helping Bill
effectively behind the desk were, among others, Phil
Schuls, McGimpseys TV exhibition partner; and
John Medal, cardboard barrier-maker
extraordinaire. On the plus side, the seedings were
well done; on the negative side, the main gym
needed more light.
In the Team final, Jim Dixon/Dave Sakai
downed the Quebec pair of Guy Germain/Ron
Chapman. In 1970, Ron had left Montreal for London
where he had the coincidence of playing with another
Ron Chapman on the Wandsworth team in a Surrey
League. After 6 months, Ron moved on to Israel
where he worked on a kibbutzplayed in the Happael
Games, and also metSara Engelsberg[whom] he married in Canada in June, 1972.
Now the 27-year-old Chapman, who lost in 4 to Jim Dixon in the Mens, is on a health
kick. Having gained weight, hed set out to lose 25 pounds, then decided he might as well
combine dieting with the fun of table tennis, so now he was following Kenneth Coopers
Aerobics. One had to be careful of sporadic exercisecouldnt go into oxygen debt. So the
idea was to increase your pulmonary-cardio output. The lungs and heart would have to learn
how to supply your tissues and muscles with oxygen. Swimming, cycling, long distance
runningthese were recommended.
Other results: As: Gary Wittner over Roger Sverdlik whod eliminated Chapman. A
Doubles: Bill Davis/Neal Fox over Sverdlik/Ron Tiekert, deuce in the 3rd, then over Chapman/
McGimpsey. Bs: Vic Meridith over Howard Ornstein. Cs: Cody Jones over Mike Joelson,
deuce in the 3rd, then over Joe Maffei. Ds: Jerry Alderman over Dave Dickson III. Seniors:
Tim Boggan over Bob Brickell. U-17: Gary Wittner over Jeff Zakarin. U-15: 1. Scott
Boggan, 1-1 (3-2). 2. Scott Plakon, 1-1 (2-2). 3. Chuck Zakarin, 1-1 (2-3). U-13: Eric
Boggan over brother Scott.

Womens: Louise
Chotras over Evelyn Zakarin.
Mixed Doubles: Sverdlik/
Dave Sakai
Louise Chotras over Dixon/
Photo by Mal Anderson
Irena Stepan. Open Doubles:
Chapman/Guy Germain over
Dixon/Dave Sakai. In the
$100 Open Singles final,
Sakais steady blocking in the
5th prevailed over Dixons
golf-glove forehand and lowtrajectory backhand attacks.
Earlier, Dave, in between gin
games with card magician
Sverdlik, quickly took care of
round robin semifinalists Jeff Zakarin and Tim Boggan whod won the Long Island Metro
Open at Central Islip over Doon Wong. Runner-up Dixon knocked those two off tooexcept
both of his games with Jeff were 21, 19 close, and he had to go 3 with Tim. In fact, dammit, I
lost the 1st at 19, won the 2nd, and had a fine flamboyant moment in the 3rd when, down 16-19,
I scored on four successive serves and follow-up flat hits, then missed the winning 5th, then
lost two ads, the game, and it may be after a few choice words my pulmonary-cardio output.
Ah well, on to the Nationals.
*Randy Hess, Bevs dad, thinks highly of Marvs coaching, as witness this excerpt
from a Randy Coaching Report (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 14):
I feel that his [Martys] repetitious teaching methods are unique to anything
I have seen before. For example, when starting a student on a new stroke or a change
in his stroke he will take his arm and hand and slowly and meticulously go thru the

Bev Hess/Nancy Newgarden Coach Marty Prager


mechanics of the strokeas precisely as a brain surgeon removing a routine tumor.

The student is then allowed to go thru the motions on his own. If the motions seem
correct to Marty, the student is then allowed to actually work with the ball. If Marty
detects the student making an error in the stroke he will drop back, repeat the
proceduresometimes even to working the students stroke for him again. Marty is
very serious while coaching, does not waste words, and does not raise his voice. His
professionalism encourages respect and attentivenessand he gets it!
**Dick McAfee would one day tell a group of us over dinner about Bards delight in
smacking balls hard. Once Dick, Bard, and others went to a topless bar where they had a pingpong table. For $1 you could play a waitress. Bard didand banged a ball so hard it left a
welt on her tit. She was furioushanded him back his $1 and told him to leave.
Ali Oveissi

***The 27-year-old Oveissi,

diplomatic adviser to the Iranian Mission to
the United Nations, was recently robbed
while he, his wife, and kids were all sleeping
in their home. Luckily for him, said reporters
Bernard Rabin and Paul Meskil in a mid-May,
74 issue of the N.Y. Daily News, the burglar
took only a stereo set, photographic
equipment, and his wifes wallet. What he
TTT, May-June, 1974
didnt take was Alis prize ping-pong paddles
that he plans to use at the Nationals. To
me, he said, theyre priceless. They fit in my hand perfectly and have just the right feel. Im
grateful that the burglar apparently isnt a ping-pong player.


Chapter Twenty
1974: USTTA Election Results, and Boggans Exchanges. 1974: English Junior
Championships. 1974: Asian/EuropeanChampionships Before the U.S. Open. 1974: Rackets
and Rubbers.
The results of the 1974 USTTA Elections, as compiled by Carl Danner of the
Nominating Committee were (with 913 valid ballots): President (unopposed): Tim Boggan
(780 votes; Blank, 48; Write ins, 85those receiving more than 3 write ins were Dell Sweeris
13 and Dick Miles 8, while the most colorful write ins were: Spiro Agnew, Gabby Hayes,
Charlie Chaplin, Someone Else, and Anyone Else). Executive Vice-President: Charlie
Disney over John Read (Charlie 486 votes; John 347 votes; Blank, 44; Write ins, 36no one
received more than 3 write ins). Vice-President: Mal Anderson over Bard Brenner and Tom
McEvoy (Mal 391 votes; Bard 244 votes; Tom 198 votes; Blank, 46; Write ins, 34no one
received more than 3 write-ins). Recording Secretary: Lou Bochenski over Joe Sokoloff
(Lou 459 votes; Joe 394 votes; Blank, 28; Write Ins 32no one received more than 2 write ins).
Before seeing the results of the election, John Read
writes an article, On Favoritism, President Boggan, and the
E.C. for
Topics (MayJune, 1974,
28) that
echoes Mal
complaint that
Boggan is
going to write
a reply to it
which hell get
no chance to
rebut in the
John Read
Photo by Mal Anderson
same issue.
Here are his
points and, sure enough, my On Favoritism,
Faith, and John Read rebuttal:
John begins by saying that because
Boggan is so busy, is the best Topics Editor,
has reinvigorated the USTTA, done many
good things as President, I should keep quiet.
Well, enough is enough. John now refers to
complaints in an article (TTT, Mar.-Apr.,
1974, 10) Favoritism Bunk by George
Buben, which Id answered in a same-page
companion article, A Reply toBunk.
George said he was shocked by the entry fee
expense being charged at the Oklahoma City

U.S. Open, particularly if one wanted to play only one event ($15)he feels it might have
been manipulated by the E.C. Though how or why he doesnt say.
His main complaints, reiterated in Favoritism Bunk, Ive already commented on to
readers. But Ill repeat them. First, his loss of the 1972 U.S. Open to Long Island on a
technicality, after which Cobo Hall was given the 1973 U.S. Open with the proviso George
had to offer prize money (which he did and lost money). Then, inconsistently with regard to
technicalities, the E.C. awarded the 1974 U.S. Open to Oklahoma City and the 1976 U.S.
Open to PhiladelphiaBuben, meanwhile, applying for the 1975 U.S. Open which hed not
gotten confirmation for (since it will, after E.C. discussion, likely either go to Oklahoma City
or Houston). George is still irritated that there were irregularities at the 72 U.S. Open, which
nobody meaningfully chastised the organizers for, as they would have, had those irregularities
been at a Detroit U.S. Open. Hes also irritated that Oklahoma City has repeatedly changed
the date of its U.S. Open, and that the E.C. has not demanded prize money be awarded at
Oklahoma City (funds that could have been appropriated for prize money are being used to
bring over foreign players). George feels the E.C. has been unfair to him, and is again
emphasizing that. Read says that, after a stinging criticism of Bubens comments in my A
Reply toBunk, I didnt give George the chance for an immediate rebuttal.
Heres what Id said in my A Reply toBunk:
Dear George,
I can see youre publicly at it again, reiterating much of
what Ive already given you editorial space in Topics to say before
(see Big Shots, Sept.-Oct., 1973 and A Reply to George Buben
and E.C. Reply to George Buben, Nov.-Dec., 1973). This
timeIve neither the time nor inclination to get into any public
argument with you over the changing rules and guiding principles
of the USTTA, over the inconsistent differences between the not
always so clear PRACTICAL and the even less clear IDEAL.
Youre rightI am trying to do what I think is best for the
sport of table tennis. And though thanks primarily to you I have
been to many a well-run national tournament over the years at
Cobo Hall, I dont personally feel obligated to hold a U.S. Open or a USOTCs there
every year or even every other year After all, as President of the USTTA it is my
responsibility, and the responsibility of my E.C. to seek out, to discriminate, and
possibly to favor other, very professional venuessuch as the Oklahoma City Myriad
that will feature for every serious player even more advantages than those you have offered
us unchangingly over the years in that vast subterranean hall of yours.
So, since Read himself had saidin what Ill call his (1) pointin his Favoritism
article that Boggan may be right in not wanting George Bubens Cobo Hall to get this or that
major tournament (after all, we want table tennis promoters who get publicity, television, and
spectators, which Detroit has not done), what more need be said about Georges reiterated
objections? Well, maybe thisfrom Steve Walquist, secretary of the East Detroit Club.
Steve says, Its my impression from hearing his [Bubens] side and reading yours [Boggans]
that your bureaucracy and demeanor leave much to be desired. Nothing specific, just
annoyance and disgust even at your general handling of affairs concerning us.

(2) John wanted to keep his hand in USTTA politics by volunteering as Nominating
Chairmanto which I agreed. Then, after feeling me out (was I supporting anyone?) to see if
he wanted to run for office (I said I supported only Bard Brenner, but told him if you want to
run for office, do it), he decided to go for it. That presented a problem: we both agreed he
couldnt be the Nominating Chair who counts the ballots. He didnt think he should send out
the ballots either, but I told him that was o.k. Six weeks later, after thered been no contact
between the two of us, Id changed my mind, realized I couldnt have John send out the ballots
either (it wouldnt be ethical), so I asked Carl Danner to do it. Johns right I think now
though not hearing from him I wasnt aware he was doing anything at allI should have been
courteous, taken the initiative, made it clear to him I had to have a new Chair.
(3) John wrote his Campaign Statement, sent it to Topics thinking rightly that everyone
would read it before the ballots. But the ballots came before Topics! What kind of foul up (or
foul play?) was this? Of course John deserved an answer. Heres what I said:
Clearly, it was to my interests, both subjectively (of course I wanted the
candidates I endorsed to be elected) and objectively (because it was obviously the right
thing to do), to have Campaign Statements and ballots in the hands of the membership
at the same time. To that end, Marv Shaffer, who provided the requisite USTTA
membership list, the Danners, and I worked. All of us were disappointed at our
inability to do what we wanted to do. I, particularly, was very angered after Id called
the Massapequa Post Office and was assured that the second-class mailing had all gone
out and then when, nine days later, in the little neighboring town of Merrick, Long
Island I still hadnt received my own membership copy.
[I] should have insisted perhaps that Danner not mail out the ballots for
another week or ten days, though we were trapped by the May 15 return date on
Of course to say that offers you [John] little consolation. You naturally feel that
had people read all of the Campaign Statements, including my own, you might well
have been elected.
But while I sympathize with your hope, your faith, in the power of the Word, I
have no intention of declaring the election null and void. Though roughly only 35% of
the membership voted, I feel that almost everyone could have read the Campaign
Statements and within the deadline immediately voted. That the Campaign Statements
may have changed the minds of many of those hundreds who voted early is
(4) No doubt it was an unpleasant surprise to John that Id decided, after hed
committed himself, to endorse his opponent Charlie Disney. But why I changed my
mind and endorsed candidates, why I did not attack a candidate or two, is my own
business. Like most people, Im at times politic and not politic. To be too consistent
and predictable is, after a while to disappear, to cease to be alive.
John was victimized some, and, as I said in my rebuttal, I feel the honest emotion in
what he says:
After all of this, I voted for Tim Boggan for President, as I think that Tim
would be the best president we ever had if he could be contained in his favoritisms and

if he reviewed less with emotion and more as to the content of the specific
proposal(s)for he will do work that needs to be done. It is nice to believe in the
forward going power of the imagination, but is it too much to ask the president to
believe in the forward going power of the Association by treating all members, clubs,
and districts equally?
Since Im feeling a little feisty in my role as Historian, Im going to give Tims lifelong
point of view on treating everyone equally. He doesnt believe in it. He believes in being fair,
but not treating everyone equally, for some are more deserving than others, are entitled to
special attentiona view shared certainly by millions of people. This is to differ somewhat
with Joseph C.H. Lees Topics article on Arrogance in Table Tennis (Jan.-Feb., 1974, 16) in
which he shows examples of top players involved in heated practice matches that, though
obviously enjoyed by spectators, are being played on tables needed for tournament matches.
Tim believes if the tables are absolutely necessary then the fault is more with the officials who
should step in to claim them. Also, Joe argues that top players should be more willing to play
lesser players, and, while I agree this is nice, I can understand that serious players want to
make the most of their limited practice time.
Then theres the matter of poor sportsmanship. Janet Newbold of the United Nations
TT Club tells us, upfront, what bothers her (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1974, 13). The foul language for
sureits inconsiderate, to say the least. Tim agrees this can be overdone and thus
understandably disgusting, vulgar. Janets own table manners of letting out cries of
bananas and sugar beans she feels is o.k.such benign expressions dont offend and shows
she cares, thus indicating, she says, 100% that Im not a phony!
Tim realizes Janet doesnt want to be thought goody-goody, but anyone yelling out
bananas and sugar beans does, in a sense, offend Tim. He believes that such a player really
isnt sufficiently focused on what should be the task at handwinning. Always observing the
niceties is one extreme, but, regarding the other, how can one giving his/her all be expected
not to acknowledge the apt emotional power of an obscene word, an intense word for which
theres no real substitution without holding back when the occasionfor example, a highly
competitive sports struggledemands that one doesnt hold back. Of course, as always, words
if theyre to have power, must be used appropriately. An unrestrained flow of obscenities, or a
repeated temper tantrum, Tim thinks, is also bad, not only for the lack of consideration it shows the
players opponent, but also for the player himselfhes lost it, lost his focus.
Janet and Tim both agree that having a fit at the table, throwing the racket in
frustration, or breaking the racket in anger isnt good. And yet, says Janet, she herself, like
most spectators, has been guilty of encouraging such behavior, especially by Juniors, by giving
ones attention to it, even laughing at it when its really not comical. But, says Tim, often,
when someone loses it and you laugh, it is comical, and people cant resist watching drama.
Janet cites the example of Nastase, the popular tennis pro who was fined last week $100 for
purposely aiming a ball at a referees head because he didnt agree with a call. Janet thinks
that though statistics show that lessons are not taught by enforcing money fines, maybe table
tennis umpires should start charging a modest fee (from $1 to $5) for the abuse they see,
and/or sufferwith the money going to a good cause. Perhaps if the money went to, say, an
Umpires Fund (for travel, lodging, food expenses), it would be encouraging for all concerned
were a player in his frustration to whack a ball at an umpire when he least expects it. It would
have the added advantage of getting more spectators to watch the matches.

English Junior Championships

Anybody acting up at the
Apr. 20-21 Wayfarers English
Junior Championships in
Leicester? Phil Reid (English
Table Tennis News, May-June,
1974, 20) says, Not in the Boys U-14s where the finalists showed
sportsmanship of the highest order, temperaments beyond their years.
Which doesnt mean there wasnt any dramafor as Martin Shuttle
(hes sponsored by Air Products, whatever they sell) was winning
this 58-entry event over Stephen Boxall, -19, 11, 12, there was talk of
Phil Reid
Martins all-four-fingers-round-the-handle hammer grip (akin to the
great French player of the 1930s and 40s, Frances Michel
Haguenaurs). So, its not just our Seemiller grip thats an aberration. In the Girls U-14s,
Angela Tierney (a fighting spirit and the courage to go for her shots) prevailed over the
unseeded Janet New (an admirable temperament), 19, -15, 11.

Paul Day, 1974 English Junior Boys Champion, and Anita Stevenson, English Junior Girls Champion
From the English Table Tennis News, May/June, 1974

Boys U-17: Paul Day over Andy Barden, 18, -18, 11. Reid doesnt like it that Day
resorts to such tactics as lengthy ball-testing and wasting time by frequent towelingplays
supposed to be continuous. However, Reid also says that its just a matter of time before Day
reaches the number one spot in England. Girls U-17: Anita Stevenson over Carole Knight,
19, 17with Anita becoming the first local person in the 41-year history of Leicestershire
table tennis to win a National Singles title.
Boys Doubles: Day/Barden, quite invincible, over Eadie/Iszatt, 11, 15. Girls
Doubles: Stevenson/Knight over Mandy Meller/Karen Rogers, 13, 15. Mixed Doubles:
Defending Champions Day/Elaine Tarten over Shuttle/Susan Tame. Tense drama, and maybe
some comedy, in a 3rd round match in this event, for one pair beat another 21-0!

Opening Ceremony
From the English Table Tennis News, May/June, 1974

Asian Championships
From the Apr. 11, 15, 16, 1974 Manichi Daily News (reprinted in TTT, July-Aug.,
1974, 2) we learn the results of the 2nd Annual Asian Union Championships, held Apr. 10-15 at
the Cultural Gymnasium in Yokohama. Mens Teams: 1. China (6-0). 2. Japan (5-1)with
China rallying to down Japan 5-3. Womens Team: 1. Japan (7-0). 2. China (6-1). Word was
that a spirit of friendship prevailed among the 400 officials and players from 30 countries;
after all, the tournament motto read Unite Asia Through Table Tennis. But South Korea
with its current World Champion Womens Teamwas not invited. And no sooner had the
Viet Cong paraded at the opening ceremony under the name Republic of South Vietnam
than the Japanese Justice Ministry warned it might revoke their entry permit, for said permit
had been issued on condition that the team compete under the name of South Vietnam
(National Front for Liberation). Laoss dissident Pathet Lao competed under the name of
Laos (Laotian Patriotic Front). But the government of ousted Cambodian Head of State
Prince Norodom Sihanouk withdrew in protest over the Ministrys insistence on its teams
designated name.
Individual Results: Mens Singles: Final: Defending Asian and Japanese Champion
Nobuhiko Hasegawa, in a marriage celebration, as it were, defeated Chinas 1973 World

Womens Champion Tomie Edano

Mens Champion
Nobuhiko Hasegawa
Photo by Dean Johnson

Hasegawas wedding day

From 1974 Table Tennis Report

Champion His En-ting, 15, 14, 13. Other Matches: Hasegawa (World #25) over Chinas Tiao
Wen-yuan (World #22), -17, 19, 21, -23, 10; Hsi En-ting over North Vietnams Hoang Tha
Vinh; Japans Mitsuru Kohno (World #11) over Chinas Hsu Shao-fa (World # 9), -19, 18, 10,
15; Chinas Li Chen-shih over Japans Yujiro Imano, 18, 6, 15. Womens Singles: Final:
Japans Tomie Edano (World #18) over Japanese Champion Yukie Ohzeki (World #6), 15, 14,
18. Mens Doubles: Hasegawa/Kohno over Li Chen-shih/Tiao Wen-yuan. Womens Doubles:
Chinas Cheng Huai-ying/Chang Li over Japans Ohzeki/Sachiko Yokota, 21, 9, -17, 19.
Mixed Doubles: Kohno/Edano over Li Chen-shih/Chang Li, 14, 16, 16.
European Championships
Zdenko Uzorinac (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 2) and George Yates (English Table Tennis
News, May-June, 1974, 2+) report on the 9th European Championships, held (concurrently
with the Asian Union Championships), Apr. 6-13, at Novi Sad, Yugoslavia. Zdenko said,
Twenty-seven nations participated. The matches were shown for 18 hours on TV, 3,500
spectators came every day.
Mens Teams: 1. Sweden (Champions for a 6th-straight time, enjoying a 12-year reign). 2.
Hungary. 3. Yugoslavia. 4. Czechoslovakia. 5. U.S.S.R. 6. England. Final: Sweden d. Hungary, 5-3:
Stellan Bengtsson (S) d. Gabor Gergely (H), -19, 13, 16; Istvan Jonyer (H) d. 21-year-old Ingemar
Vikstrom (S); Kjell Johansson (S) d. Tibor Klampar (H), 14, 12; Jonyer d. Bengtsson, 21, -14, 17;
Gergely d. Johansson, 18, -13, 16; Vikstrom d. Klampar, 11, 18; Johansson d. Jonyer, 14, 16;
Bengtsson d. Klampar, 20, 22. Semis: Sweden barely survived Czechoslovakia, 5-4 (when Milan
Orlowski beat Vikstrom, Bengtsson, and Johansson (!), and Jaroslav Kunz also beat Bengtsson);
Hungary d. Yugoslavia, 5-2with Dragutin Surbek edging out Klampar, 19 in the 3rd, and Milvoj
Karakasevic getting the better of Gergely for the Yugos lone wins.

Czechoslovakias Milan Orlowski

Photo by Raul Rodriguez

For 3rd Place: Yugoslavia d.

Czechoslovakia, 5-2: Anton Tova Stipancic
(Y) beat Kunz, Josef Dvoracek (-14, 20, 12),
and Orlowski (21, -14, 6); Surbek (Y) beat
Dvoracek (lost to Orlowski); Karakasevic (Y)
beat Orlowski (lost to Kunz). For 5th Place:
U.S.S.R. (Bagrat Burnazian, Anatoly
Strokatov, Sarkis Sarkoyan) d. England (Des
Douglas, Denis Neale, Nicky Jarvis), 5-1
(Douglas beat the Armenian Burnazian,
subbing for the injured Stanislav Gomozkov,
and Neale almost beat him too, losing 25-23 in
the 3rd). For 6th Place: England d. France, 5-4
(coming from 4-2 down): Jarvis d. Patrick
Birocheau, -20, 17, 18; Christian Martin d.
Neale; Jacques Secretin d. Douglas; Neale d.
Birocheau; Secretin
d. Jarvis; Martin d.
Douglas, 21-19 in
the 3rd; Neale d.
Secretin, 19, -20,
16; Douglas d.
Birocheau; Jarvis d.
Martin. German
Coach Hans Alser,
after his Mens
Teams 8th Place
finish at these
Europeans, has been
Coach Billing
replaced by
Photo by Mal
Swedens highly
successful Coach,
Christer Johansson.
The Swedes new
Coach is Nils Billing.
Womens Teams: 1. U.S.S.R. 2.
Hungary. 3. Czechoslovakia. 4. England. 5.
Rumania. 6. West Germany. Final: U.S.S.R. d.
Hungary, 3-1: Zoya Rudnova (U.S.S.R.) beat
Beatrix Kishazi and Judit Magos, and teamed
with Elmira Antonian (whod lost to Magos) to
down Magos/Henrietta Lotaller for the doubles
win. For 3rd Place: Czechoslovakia d. England,
3-0: Alicia Grofova d. Linda Howard; 16-yearold Hana Riedlova d. Jill Hammersley; and
Grofova/Riedlova d. Howard/Karenza Mathews.

Kjell Johansson

Judit Magos

Photo by Dean Johnson

Photo by Mal Anderson

Mens Singles: Orlowski (World #6) d. Gergely (unranked), -17, 19, -9, 11, 15.
Semis: Orlowski d. current Swedish Champion Johansson (World #3), 18, 20, 11; Gergely d.
Surbek (World #4), 9, 14, -19, 14. Quarters: Orlowski d. Secretin (World #8), 14 in the 5th
(after Secretin had knocked out World #5 Stipancic, 16, -8, 21, 21); Johansson d. Klampar
(after Klampar had eliminated World # 26 Karakasevic, 30, -17, 10, 20); Surbek d. Wikstrom;
Gergely, whod been down 2-1 and at deuce in the 4th with Swedens Ulf Thorsell, d. World #2
Bengtsson, 20, 20, -13, 13. Writer Uzorinac says, Through many international tournaments,
the experts have been very impressed with 22-year-old Prague student Milan Orlowski.
Handsome, athletic, with a very simple style that features a strong forehand and backhand
attack and beautiful, supple movement. Phil Reid, English correspondent for Topics, says that
Johansson is a fitness fanatic. And Kjells brother Christer adds, As soon as hes up in the
morning hell be out running, training, exercising. Besides playing table tennis rather well, hes
a useful footballer, golfer, squash player, etc.
Womens Singles: Final: Hungarys Magos (World #14), a penholder, d. unranked
Ann-Christin Hellman, Swedens National Champion (over Birgitta Olsson),
18, 12, -18, 13. Uzorinac says that a fortune teller had told Magos 1974 would be a good year
for her. And it sure has beennot only did she marry the well-known Budapest ballet dancer,

40-year-old Istvan Havas, winner of The Kosuth Prize, but she scored her biggest triumph to
date at this tournament. Semis: Magos d. U.S.S.R.s Rudnova (World #11), 18 in the 5th;
Hellman d. U.S.S.R.s Svetlana Federova. Quarters: Magos d. Englands Hammersley in 5;
Rudnova d. Blanka Silhanova. Federova d. West Germanys Ursula Hirschmuller (after
Hirschmuller had been down 2-0 and at deuce in the 3rd with Yugoslavias Irena Cordas and
then down 2-0 again to Hungarys Kishazi); Hellman d. U.S.S.R.s Antonian.
Mens Doubles: Final: Joyner/Klampar d. Bengtsson/Johansson, -14, 14, 22, -16, 18.
Semis: Joyner/Klampar d. Stipancic/Surbek, -18, 22, 14, 10; Bengtsson/Johansson d.
Gomozkov/Sarkhoyan, -13, 20, 19, -19, 15. Womens Doubles: Hungarys Magos/Lotaller d.
Grofova (Czechoslovakia)/Maria Alexandru (Romania), 19, 19, -19, 15. Semis: Magos/
Lotaller d. U.S.S.R.s Rudnova/Asta Gedraitite; Grofova/Alexandru d. Romanias Eleanora
Vlaicov/Magdalena Leszay. Mixed Doubles: U.S.S.R.s Gomozkov/Rudnova (for an
unparalleled 4th straight title) d.
Orlowski/Grofova in 5. Semis:
Gomozkov/Rudnova d.
Stipancic/Alexandru, -8, 20, 22, 21, 18; Orlowski/Grofova d.
Secretin/Claude Bergeret.
Johansson refused to play in the
Mixed. Its an unimportant
title, he reportedly said. It
doesnt fit my understanding of
table tennis. Mens
Consolation: Swedens Anders
Johansson over Romanias Doru
Gheorghe, then Yugoslavias
Zoran Kosanovic, later to
immigrate to Canada. Womens
Consolation: Yugslavias Erzebet
Platinus d. Erzebet Korpa.
Russias Gomozkov/Rudnova win their fourth straight European Mixed
From Table Tennis News, May/June, 1974

Rackets and Rubbers

Topics readers increasingly want to know what rackets the worlds top players use and
whywith of course the aim of mirroring their own game to their favorites. In the July-Aug.,
1974 issue, page 5, Beeamae provides a chart featuring 30 of the Worlds top players, Asian
and European, and the rackets each individually used at the Sarajevo Worlds. In addition,
their age is noted, whether they play shakehands or penholder, their receive stance, and their
general style of game. Here are some shakehand examples: Klampar: 23, Inverted [Super
Sriver?] 4 mm thickness, 196 gms, centre stance, superb sidespin attack. Takashima: 21,
Inverted, 180 gms, centre stance, solid and stylish defence. Orlowski: 22, Inverted, 170 gms,
centre stance, very clean hard-hitter. His En-ting: Inverted (Mark V), 153 gms, centre
stance, brilliant blocking and forehand topspin game.
And here are some penholder examples: Li Ching-kuang: 25, Pimpled, 150 gms, centre
stance, good blocking. Tiao Wen-yuan: 22, Pimpled, 120 gms, centre stance, consistent. Tokio
Tasaka: 25, Pimpled, 115 gms, left-hand corner stance, consistent third ball attacker. Mitsuru
Kohno: 26, Pimpled, 110 gms, left-hand corner stance, consistent third ball attacker.

Solearn anything? O.k., penholders play with lighter rackets. And, ah, says Rufford
Harrison, therein lies a point. The Sept., 1973 Butterfly Table Tennis Report argues that
rackets should be heavy because a heavier racket ought to give more speed. However, says
Rufford, a contrary factor is that, the heavier the racket, the more difficult it is to move it
suddenly. Thus with a lighter racket it will be easier, at the last moment, to change the
direction of a return. It will also be easier to change the direction of the racket in service and
therefore change the spin. Name the best servers in the world and you will have a list
consisting for the most part of penholders.
Also, from The
Bat-Rubber Scene, an
article that appeared in the
June, 1974 Australian
Newsletter (reprinted in
TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 5),
players, particularly
beginners seeking
information, can learn
more. First, when the
pimples are reversed, if
you want to use heavy
spin, try 2mm rubber; if
youre a counter-hitter
and strike the ball flat
Houshang Bozorgzadeh getting some pointers from Chinas 1973 World
and fast, use 1.5 mm
Champion Hsi En-ting. Hell give up his hard bat for inverted?
rubber; and if youre a
defensive player who
wants feel of the ball to control spin and speed, use 1 mm. Yasaka Mark V is designed to
give heavy spin with a slow deliberate stroke, accentuated speed with a short sharp stroke, and
no spin on blocks. Since its very fast rubber, its best used for attack by an experienced
player. With fast rubber, the ball will stay on the bat for a shorter period of time than if you
use a slow rubber that gives you more ball control. Butterfly offers all types of rubber (Super
Sriver is its answer to Mark V). Butterflys Sriver is generally better for spin than Mark V.
Pimples-out rubber gives a lower trajectory when the ball is hit, and often returns the
ball with unusual spin on it if it is used for blocking. It does not put as much spin on the ball as
reverse rubber.Pimpled rubber without the cellular sponge backing gives more controlbut
is slower and imparts less spin. Anti-spin or anti-loop rubber was developed by an Austrian,
Josef Bauregger. Its used to combat heavy topspin, and has seemed to gain popularity since it
was used by Frances Jean-Paul Weber in Nagoya. In Sarajevo, choppers Borszei, Grofova,
Kishazi, and Alexandru were among those using it. Although you can hit with it, its main
purpose is for chopping.
Illegal sandpaperyou want to play with that? Hey, Rufford Harrison suggests that if
you laminated several sheets of sandpaper so that the structure was, say 6 mm thick, you
might have yourself a blade, which would then have a sandpaper surface, and you might
even be able to use it legally in a tournamentthat is, if you can get someone in authority to
treat it as an experiment. Wanna try? What does Equipment Chair Harrison say to

Chapter Twenty-One
1974: U.S. OpenPart I.
The May 23-26, 1974 U.S. Open can no longer
be called our Nationals as U.S. Opens heretofore have
been. Thats because the foreigners, the world-class
professionals, have begun their three-decade domination
of this tournament. The three local sponsors for this
historic tournament were Table Tennis Oklahoma, led by
Ron Shirley, the efficient, ever-agreeable Tournament
Director; the Oklahoma All Sports Association; and the
Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, represented by
their Manager of Metropolitan Events, Stanley Draper,
Jr., a man of deep feeling and unaffected manner who
always presented himself and his city so successfully at
the USTTA E.C.
Meetings. These sponsors
contributed the $5,000
that was originally
Ron Shirley, 1974 U.S. Open
promised in prize money
Tournament Director
toward the transportation
Photo by Mal Anderson
expenses in getting the
foreign teams here, and the USTTA had added $2,000 more.
Maybe we would have drawn the same players with
prize money for them, but everyone concerned wanted to be
sure to put on a prestige Open and that meant insuring that
world-class players
actually got here.
Director Shirley singled
Steve Finney, the coolest
out some of his helpers
Photo by Mal Anderson
for special thanksPhil
Napoliello, one of whose jobs was to stage the matches;
Kansas Citys Steve Finney (coolest, most efficient worker
possible); Little Rocks Barbara Coffman, San Antonios
Sue Sargent, and, among a host of others, Oklahoma Citys
Robert Henry, Ray Davis, and Ray Bennett.
Thanks also are due to Tournament Referee Mal
Anderson whos just become the U.S.s first
International Umpire; to our highly dedicated
International Chairs past and presentrespectively
Rufford Harrison and Yaroslav Bob Kaminskyfor
their liaison work in urging the foreign players to
participate (Bob tried unsuccessfully for a Ping-Pong
Diplomacy competition with the Soviet Union); to Dick
Benihanas Rocky Aoki
Miles for getting Benihana Restaurants to sponsor the
From 1974 U.S. Open Program

Japanese; to the Tamasu Company and the U.S.s own

Bowie Martin of the Martin-Kilpatrick Co. for enabling
the Yugoslavs to attend, and for providing the U.S.
Teams with professional-looking playing shirts; and to
General Sportcraft along with Stiga and Halex for
helping with the Swedes. Given the occasion, Brian
Hearn, Bill Mammen, and Tony Furman were always
there to raise a friendly hand.
When I acknowledged them for helping with
the Swedes, I meant helping make the tournament a
success by bringing in the Swedes. But Tony, in an
understandable alternate reading, would later rightly
point out in a Letter to Topics, Id not given enough
credit where credit was due: General Sportcraft, Stiga,
and Halex did more than help, says Tony, in that it
was through their efforts, both financially and politically,
that the Swedish Team got to Oklahoma City. And that
Tony Furman
Team included 4 men players, 4 women players, 2
coaches, and the President of the Association.
Also, though Mort Zakarin, seeing little or no coverage of the tournament in the New
York papers, and all the empty seats at the Myriad, writes in Topics that Oklahoma City struck
out in the promotional department. Others, like Don Gunn, agreed, but Tony says that General
Sportcraft, Stiga, and Halex, via his organization in charge of U.S. Open publicity, can point to
over 600 newspaper clippings and the fact that we were on ABC and CBS network
television news programs during the Open.* Tony emphasizes that these three companies
sponsorship, at a considerable cost, was in the interest of table tennis in a philanthropic way
and not just to sell their products. Rufford Harrison thought there were 2,000 spectators on
Finals Night, but he doesnt say anything about other nights, or days.
Appropriately, considering the prestige of our visiting
playersBengtsson, Johansson, Hasegawa, Takashima,
Tasaka, Surbek, Stipancic, Karakasevicthe Oklahoma City
Myriad Arena, where play took place in 43 events, is a
beautiful new, artistically-designed Championship venue with
40,000 square feet of playing space and 15,000 spectator
seats. Play was with Dick Miles balls, Stiga nets and posts (a
$22 set selling for $15 at tournaments end), and Detroiter A
tables that retailed for $153 and could be purchased after play
for $89. Nine of these tables were boxed into Arena courts,
while, not far away, in the 100,000-foot Exhibit Hall, 90 tables
were set up in rows of 10 with aisleways and hundreds of
court-side spectator chairs. There has never been anything
like this in Sweden, said Swedish Bordtennis Association
President Eric Extergren.
Whether the Swedish President meant that as a
compliment or a criticism may not be clear. But Dan
Swedish Association President
Goodman, whod run an earlier U.S. Open, thinks any such
Eric Extergren

Open that has a ridiculous 43 events is sheer misery for the spectators. He thinks they cant
focus on a high quality of play, but that if only the five major events were held (or possibly
seven with Team play), they could. Let the Seniors and Juniors have their own Opens, he says.
Of course, with sponsors hard to get, the oodles of entries do help to defray the tournament
The gradated entry fees for adults had to be considered steep for one event ($15), two
events ($23), and three events ($29), but quickly tapered to $38 for six eventsthough,
considering that the Mens, Womens, Seniors, Juniors U-17/U-13 Consolations were free, it
couldnt have been easy for most to find 6 events to play in, even if theyd wanted to. The
adult umpire fee of $1 an event, refundable if you umpire, was extra. One fellow later said he
and his friends didnt get umpire refunds; he also said he was irritated that he had to pay a $.50
rating feehe said he didnt want to be rated. In place of prize money, Gold, Silver, and
Bronze medals were awarded to the top 3 finishers in each event. Everyone entered had a
chance to win a free Stiga Robot (with oscillator and ball collector net) valued at $870the
drawing for it to be held at the Saturday night Players Party. Spectator tickets for contestants
families and others ranged from $5 to $3 for each days play, or $15 to $9 for the four-day
session beginning with the International Team competition on Thursday.
That we were putting on a new kind of U.S. Open might have been deduced from the
imaginative J. Clady cover on John Brookss Programthat cosmic rush of multi-sized, multicolored, balloon-like mini-worlds. Decorative, too, some might have called the ubiquitous
black t-shirts, identifying all 855 record-breaking contestants with Hertz Rent-A-Car and an
emblazoned, everyones-a-corporate-winner #1 on the back. Big-business table tennis had
come to America: Please wear the shirt, each player was advised soldier-like, as often as
possible, particularly at all sessions on Thursday and also on Friday and Saturday
evenings.Many important Hertz people will be in Oklahoma City during this time. My
implied criticism of this shirt and its accompanying directive Tony didnt like, said it only
eliminated a potential major sponsor from ever participating with the United States Table
Tennis Association again. But, hey, when the players are asked to look professionalto
consider wearing a warm-up suit, a little nicer shirt, a new pair of shortsor maybe just
cleaner shoes, I tell it like I see itto me, the t-shirts looked tacky.**
Amid the favorable remarks about the tournament, there were complaints. Neither in
the Arena nor in the Exhibit Hall was there a wooden floor. Too many of the tables were
seriously deficienthad, for example, a pronounced bow, and were of such sloppy
workmanship that the centerlines on the two halves didnt meet in the middleso the bounce
off them wasnt always good. Also, a big scoreboard that would have shown at any one
moment precisely what was going on at all 9 tables would have been nice. And, as an aside,
what about the driver of that $154,000 McDonalds VIP bus (plush, carpeted interior, two
color TVs, a bar) that had been placed at the USTTAs or somebodys 24-hour disposal
where, later was his head? He got so engrossed in watching the matches that the only way
anyone could get him to do his job was to page him over the Arenas public address system.
Which reminds me of another guy, a player, whod been watching maybe for the first
and last time in his life the best players hed ever seen. He too was so engrossed that he almost
forgot about his own match (which in the back of his mind he seemed to remember he had to
do something to prepare for). He went running out to the table to his waiting opponent, jump
suit flapping, and, scarcely taking a warm-up, dropped his pantsonly to discover that in his
haste hed forgotten to put on his playing shorts.

Above: Opening Ceremony at the 1974 U.S. Open; below: USA takes its place on world stage
Top photo by Neal Fox; bottom photo by Mal Anderson


Mens Team Play

Since the USTTA Selection Committee had
agreed not to select the players for the opening Mens
and Womens Team events here solely by Neal Foxs as
yet unperfected ratings, it settled on a new tryout
system devised by Acting Chair Vic Landau. Since the
premise was that everyone with $3 to spare should have
I wont say a miracle chance but a theoretical chance to
make the U.S. A and B Teams, the Mens extensive
Tryouts began with a ridiculous 30-point game
elimination tournament for weak-rated aspirants out of
which would come 4 semifinalists. These 4 would then
be drawn into another, more challenging rabbit
tournament of 32 places28 of which had already been
filled by higher-rated players waiting to play their first
match. The 4 semifinalists out of this rabbit
Acting USTTA Selection Chair
tournamentthey would be Greg Gingold, Richard
Vic Landau
McAfee, Richard Ling, and Eric Thomwould then
join the 12 top U.S. rated players who, without lifting a racket as yet were waiting for them in
a final, third tournament draw of 16 that would be divided into two seeded 8-man round robin
I was one of the rabbits who did not advance. Wrongly directed, Id inadvertently
played a 2nd-round match before the requisite 1st one, lost it, then, wanting and getting a ruling
from Referee Mal Anderson, I went back and played the 1st one, won it, then, faced again the
opponent Id already lost to. An angry opponent, I might add, who said he was going to
default rather than play me again. So, what could I say but all right, all right, I sympathizeso
I defaulted to him.
With the field now limited to the last 16, the ladder-rounds system of play was very
controversial, to say the least. Players seeded from #8 down through #1 in one round robin
would never play players from the other round robin. But one round robin was quite enough
for these players, cause it was, er, modified. Modified, I think, in the following way. As the
ladder rounds began, the player seeded #8 was required to work his way down as best he
could through first #7, then, if he won, on eventually, if it were possible, down to #1. Should,
say, #8 beat #7, then lose to #6, #6 would play #5. If #5 beat #6, he would play #4, and if he
beat #4, he would play #3. If #3 won, he would play #2. If #2 beat #3, he would play an idle,
grinning #1 to see who would be named to the Team. Meanwhile, just as one player (here #1)
was named to the Team and so stepped off the ladder, so would another (here #7) be painfully
dropped from consideration. Every round of the ladder, someone would be named to the Team
and someone would be dropped from contention.
Naturally, if you were seeded #1 (#2 wouldnt be too bad either), you had an immense
advantagecould make the Team by winning just one match. Whereas if you were #8 in the
example above, chances are youd have trouble winning another match. As play progressed via
the ladder rounds, the mid-seeded players would likely repeatedly contest among themselves
for the ever-dwindling Team positions.
So, mgod, since the ratings were so important, why not go with them to begin with?
Why all this pre-Open Wednesday play, this excess expenditure of energy to arrive at almost

exactly the same players? The #1-rated D-J Lee hadnt arrived from Korea in time to play the
Teams, but other top-rated playersAlex Tam, Joong Gil Park, Danny Seemiller, Dell
Sweeris, Peter Pradit, and Errol Resekall made the A or B Team, along with Paul
Raphel and Jack Howardover the other final contenders, Bernie Bukiet, George Brathwaite,
Lim Ming Chui and Jim Dixon. Surely, ordinary round robin play to select the Teams was far
more practical, reasonable, for, absurdly, insanely, the players seeded back in the pack on the
not too shifting ladders of each round robin group had repeatedly, to the point of physical and
psychic exhaustion, to play among themselves. Its so stupid, said one involved onlooker.
Reseks beat Raphel twice and Chui once, and now he has to play the winner of RaphelChui! Surely such a System will never be used again!
Of course any attempt to let spectators know what was going on in this horror of a
Tryout would have been doomed from the beginning. But Dan Goodman has a point in that
the guy or lady who pays his or her good money to see your so-called most prestigious event,
should be able to walk into the arena of a U.S. Open and be able to know, after a moments
glance at several tables in action, exactly what the hell is taking place. Event; round; the
players identifiedsimple as that. And the score large enough to be seen from the stands.
Cmon, E.C., insist on this.Will they?
In the Mens Championship, play began in two round robins, then would be followed
by the two top teams from each group advancing (with their carry over result) to a final round
robin. In the A Group were Sweden, India, Canada A and U.S.A. In the B Group
were Japan, Yugoslavia, Iran, Canada B, and U.S.B.
In the A Group, the key tie for Captain Allan Herscovichs U.S.A Team was its
first one against India. Sweeris (someone
Indias K Jayant
wanted to know if his lenses were especially
Photo by Mal Anderson
made for table tennis) got us off on the right
foot by beating Manjit Dua, the bearded Sikh
who always wore a red skull-cap, a turban
(How can all his hair be under there?Dont
they ever cut their hair?). Then Seemiller
took care of, first, Niraj Bajaj, then K. Jayant,
at 24 the oldest member of the Indian Team
(his first name was Kalyan but he was always
listed, Kafkaesque-like, in the bio briefs
simply as K). Jayant, I believe, was a postgraduate student. Indeed, all the Indians
seemed a smart, thoughtful, personable
sort. Their Team Captain, Subash
Mashruwala, a very companionable fellow
who would become a good friend of mine, told me that almost all Indians quit playing table
tennis after theyd finished school because it was understood by everybody that a college
graduate must have a good paying position. Park, down 20-15 in the 1st to Jayant, rallied to
win that game and the match, and beat Dua as well. Only the lanky Bajajs straight-game win
over Sweeris prevented India from being shut out. And the Indians are ranked 13th in the
World to our 17th.
India also did badly against the Canadians. Though Jayant and Bajaj both beat Rod
Young and Paul Klevinas, Dua couldnt beat either, and when Errol Caetano took all three,

India, a 5-4 loser, slipped down into 4th Place. Against the U.S. A Team, Errol continued his
winning ways, beating Seemiller and Sweeris in 3 (in one game, Dell, up 10-3, lost 21-13! and
in another he blew a 12-5 lead in the 3rd). But Young and Klevinas (squinting occasionally from
his contacts) dropped 10 straight games.
Against Sweden neither the 2nd Place Americans nor the 3rd Place Canadians could
score. Seemiller, whod do an article (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 19) on the kind of rackets the
U.S. top players usehe himself plays with 2.0 Fujii Ultra D on the forehand, Austrian antitopspin on the backhandboth thrilled and disappointed the crowd by losing what looked like
a lock of a game to the Swedes #3 man Ingemar Vikstrom who 20-16 down 3rd-balled him to
death, and then by winning his opening game, but not another, against Bengtsson, who I heard
complained about Dannys serves. Park, meanwhile, playing beautifully to go 19-in-the-3rd up
on Vikstrom, couldnt hold on for the win.
Only the Indians made a creditable showing against the Swedes. Though not of course
Dua, who couldnt get unwound and was destined to lose all 8 of his round robin matches.
Jayant, however, not only got by Vikstrom, but, surprise, downed 27-year-old Johansson, 2-0.
(A very good players very bad losses in Team matches have little if any effect on his world
ranking?) Bajaj, too, got the better of Vikstrom. And when in the 7th match, with the tie 3-3,
Niraj outlasted Johansson 25-23 in the 1st, Sweden looked to be in unthinkable trouble. For,
since Bengtsson wasnt playing this tie, Jayant was scheduled to continue his strong play
against the sometimes erratic Ulf Thorsell in the 9th match.
So, with this tie in the balance, you want to know something about Bajaj? The Indian
table tennis
magazine, Centre
Table (though not
an up-to-date one)
had the damndest
critique of a
National Champion
Ive ever seen:
an observer,
Nirajs game
Indias Niraj Bajaj
From Indias Centre Table, Jan/Feb 1973 Cover
stems from
his stance. His legs seem unstable and still one is amazed at his capacity to balance and
move in half steps. On a fairly pigeon-toeish stance, Bajaj stands almost crowding the
table and, utilizing his reach, covers the extremes. Because of a lack of physical fitness,
Bajaj does not have any killing stroke.Bajaj cannot use his legs to cover the area
but uses his long reach. Thus his body is nowhere near the ball at the moment of
contact and there is no life in his strokes.

Still, how bad can he be? If he should stun an

already upset Johansson (except Kjell doesnt look
upset)but no, of course he doesnt, and Indias
unexpected audience-awakening rally dies.
In the round robin B Group, 5th Place Canada was
totally whitewashedwith the exception of its losing 5-4 tie
with Iran. Larry Lee had a good win over Mohammed
Vahabzadeh, who reportedly has done some movie acting in
Iran, but neither Peter Gonda nor Steve Feldstein could
duplicate it, and in 6 games the Canadians couldnt average
10 points against the U.S.s new National Coach, Houshang
Bozorgzadeh, whose head was so mini-world into it all that
in this tie or another he requested the World Champion
Swedes to please quit practicing on one of the boxed-off
courts while his team tie was in progress.
Fourth Place Iran could not win another tie,
Irans Mohammed Vahabzadeh
though Mohammed won a game from Nobuhiko Hasegawa,
and Houshang, in addition to having Tokio Tasaka match point only to lose, also took a game
from Milivoj Karakasevic, and then against Stipancic, down 19-20 in the 3rd, saw the
Yugoslavs return go off the tableonly to hit his racket! Against the U.S. B Team,
Bozorgzadeh (he still uses a Barna hard bat) and the former Iranian Champion Reza Tehrani
both beat Pradit (Czech-style Butterfly blade with 1.5 mm Sriver on his forehand, 2.0 mm pips
on his backhand), but Resek (Stiga-Alser blade with 1.5 Sriver on both sides) and Tam (Gold
Cup blade with 2.0 Butterfly Attack pips) put an end to Irans chances by stopping
Houshang and Mohammed. Immediately after this tournament, back in Cedar Rapids,
Houshang and Mohammed would play a 5-match Iran vs. U.S. tie against Danny Seemiller and
Paul Raphel (6-ply Chinese blade, 2.0 Sriver on the forehand, 1.5 Sriver on the backhand).
Mohammed would beat Paul, but that would be it for Iran; Danny would win two, Paul would
down Houshang; and the U.S. would take the doubles.

Ohhh, says Ogimura (right), your cameras better than mine. C.F. Liu on left
Ogimura photo by Neal Fox

The U.S. B Team could not of course score a victory over Yugoslavia or Japan
(though both Tam and Howard stopped Takashima). Actually, the U.S. A and B

designations were somewhat arbitraryOgimura, for one, who was filming ties, thought our
two mens teams were of equal strength. Mal Anderson, Chair of the USTTA Photography
Committee, tells us (TTT, May-June, 1974, 15) that Ogi became so interested in Chui Fan
Lius specially modified 35mm movie camera and the sequence shots Liu could take with it,
that, after asking some searching questions, he ended up ordering one ($400 for the body), as
did Nils Billing, the Swedish Coach. Lius sequence-shot panels of Johansson and Surbek then
appeared in Topics.

Yugoslav Captain/Coach Dusan Dule Osmanagic (left) tells his

stars to Play as you wish--and they respond accordingly
Osmanagic photo by Chui Fan Liu; Stipancic and Surbek photo by Mal Anderson

The tie-deciding Group final between Japan and Yugoslavia was won easily by Japan.
Karakasevic, who just married a woman without any interest in table tennis, and who this far
away from her played with seemingly little interest too, lost to Hasegawa and Tasaka as if it
were about a 10-point game. Id heard that Dusan Osmanajic, the Yugoslav Coach, had told
his charges right from the beginning that, given the conditions herethe floor, the tableshe
was not going to expect anything at all from them. Play as you wish, he was reported to
have said. Dragutin Surbek also lost to Hasegawa and Tasaka, while Stipancic stopped
Hasegawa but not Takashima. One observer pointed out to me how the air-conditioning really
affected play. Stipancic finished against Takashima by hitting 4 balls off the end of the table
something he wasnt doing when he was playing on the opposite side.
In addition to final round robin play among the 4 top teams, there were also criss-cross
play-off matches between the two original groups. Canada A edged out a tiring Iran, 5-4.
Tehrani, who was always trying as hard as he could, played a gritty 17, -23, 17 match with
Caetano, but just couldnt beat him, or anybody. And Vahabzadeh, though downing the
Caetano that Bozorgzadeh couldnt, lost badly to Klevinas.
India finally began getting itself together, defeated both Canada B and Iran 5-0
with even Dua winning one, 19 in the 3rd, against Houshang. Then they slipped by the U.S.
B team (after being down 4 matches to 2) when Dua beat Pradit in 3 in the 9th. The U.S B
Team didnt let Canada A get away though. Kudos to Caetano for taking out Pradit, Resek,
and Tam, but again Klevinas and Young couldnt win a match.
In the final round robin ties, the super teams of Japan and Yugoslavia were too 5-0 much
for the U.S. A Team. Seemiller, who, though he needs footwork practice moving around on a
slow ball, at least has a consistently clean scoring shot. If he played Surbek regularly, sighed one
of Dannys admirers, hed beat himhes just not used to him. Danny took games from Tasaka
and the 25-year-old Stipancic who looks not the student of textile design somebody said he was,

but the rugged Zagreb soccer player he probably could still be, as his father before
him was. Though Danny had won the 1st from Stipancic and was 16-17 holding his
own in the 2nd, he remembers thinkingno, feelingthat this guy is really good.
Itd been the same against Takashima.
Dannys first reaction had been one of awe, then the
realization that, yeah, hes real good, then the
comfortable, rational conclusion that neither
Takashima nor his game was so different or strange.
Anyway, said Danny to those who read the
Oklahoma City sports pages, I think the U.S. has a
good shot at the World title in 79.
Team Captain Herskovich, whod played
internationally for Yugoslavia and Italy, told The Daily
Oklahoman (May 25, 1974) that the U.S. was at a big
disadvantage. Most of the teams play as many as 100 Anton Tova Stipancic: this guy is really good
Photo by Mal Anderson
international matches before the world tournament.
Our team is woefully bereft of this experience. Europe
is much smaller than the United States but there are 40 countries close together, so its easy to play
international matches. You can go from one part of the U.S. to another and play, but its not the
same thing. There is something different about getting into international competition.
Neither Yugoslavia nor Japan could beat World Champion Sweden. Against
Yugoslavia, Johansson and Bengtsson could take only 2 matches eachbut that was enough,
for Vikstrom had opened with a win over the forlorn, Play-as-you-wish Karakasevic. Stipancic
glowered past Johansson, 19 in the 3rd, then set his evil-eye on both Vikstrom (he loops off
the wrong foot, somebody said; the better to catch you off guard, said another) and
Bengtsson, beating each deuce in the 3rd. Not bad, eh? Especially when he lost the 1st game to
all three. Yessir, something to tell his wife and three-year-old back home.

Norio Takashima

Stellan Bengtsson

Photo by Neal Fox

Japan began strong against Swedenwith Tasaka over Vikstrom. But then it was
Sweden all the way. Highlights: Vikstrom rebounded to loop away Hasegawa (who Id heard

recently went on a dietgave up rice and took to bread andno, not butter, but pickled
plums); Johansson hammered pips-out Tasaka one last, stubborn time in their 3rd deuce game
(one international analyst said, The only reason Japan keeps Tasaka on the Team is because
hes such a good blocker); and Bengtsson just held on, 19 in the 3rd, against Takashima (who,
they sayfantastic, they tested ithas a 7-liter-of-oxygen lung capacity).
Bengtsson told local reporter Bob Hurt something of his training schedule. Stellan
plays table tennis from two to four hours daily. He spends at least an hour on weightlifting or
running. He runs five to seven kilometers a day. About every fourth day, he runs a series of 30
100-meter dashes. Stellan says, When you practice a lot and know you are in good shape,
and when you win deciding games at 21-19, you get very good confidence.
Womens Team Play
The Womens pre-Open play also featured the expected U.S. Tryout results. In the
absence of Patty Martinez (who had hoped to come but at the last minute couldnt), the U.S.
A and B Teams of 3 players each were composed of (As) Angie Rosal, Alice Green, and
Sue Hildebrandt, and (Bs) Judy Bochenski, Olga Soltesz (all of course, as with almost all the
men, past World Championship attendees), and Bev Hess who got in largely by scoring
successive wins over Monica Rosal. Sue would tell local reporter Mike Harmon that as the #3
player on the A team shed be playing mostly doubles. I wish Id been picked on the B team,
she said, so that I could have played singles throughout.
In addition to the two U.S. teams, there were two Canadian teams, and one team each from
India, Sweden, and Japan vying for the Championship. Japan had brought over attractive 25-yearold, 1973 World Singles semifinalist Yukie Ohzeki and pretty 22-year-old doubles partner Tazuko
Abe. These two women won all 6 Corbillon-style tieswith only the loss of Abes one singles
matchand that to our own Angelita Rosal. Oh, that little angel! The way she jumped so high on
winning, she might have flung off her playing scarf for joy. Angie of course had been making news
with Stellan Bengtsson. What, you didnt know? Think hes been speaking in tongues with her?
Hes been speaking English for 8 yearsthey communicate very well. One Montague-Capuletinclined Oklahoma City columnist quoted Angie as saying, He [Stellan] makes me giggle, and I
make him giggle.Anyone he talks to he makes happy for however long he talks.
Anyway, what a match! With a winner like that under her belt you can look for Angie to be
even more aggressive in the future. No wonder she and Sue Hildebrandt want to go to Sweden to
train. Though it was Stellan who suggested that Angie should come to his Swedish training camp, it
was one of our officials who wrote to Angie inquiring, Incidentally, did Stellan tell you anything
about the physical shape they will expect of you before you arrive? And Pat Crowley wants to go
too and take pictures of the two of themAngie and Sue. Wow, our
girls ought to be world-class when they come back, huh?
Japan also lost one doubles matchtwo straight to the top
Canadians Violetta Nesukaitis and Mariann Domonkos. Jairie Resek
says that Violetta leaves in early Sept. for a four and a half month
coaching and training trip to Japan; and that in Nov., the Canadian
government is sending eight men and six girls there.
The three Swedish women (all unmarried, average age 20), though
beaten by Japan 3-0, lost only one other matchwhen Rupa Banerjee,
the Indian Patty Martinez (though Rupas pips-out snap forehand is
Swedens Lena Andersson more lightning-like upright than Pattys) defeated Lena Andersson.

Another team tie saw our Judy Bochenski,

blocking very steadily, also beat looper Andersson.
Bev Hess
In a match that decided 3rd Place, India lost
3-0 to Canada. Banerjee couldnt hit through
Nesukaitis, so, though shes not going back to
India, is instead going to join her engineer husband
in Toronto, hows she gonna be the Canadian
Champ? Domonkos, in addition to dropping her
match in the Japan tie, lost only one othera 19in-the-3rd toughie to Angie of the 5th Place U.S.
A team.
Nor could Indian Champ Banerjee beat
Olga or Judy of the 6th Place U.S. B Team
though the B Team still couldnt win because, for
one reason, Olga and Judy both lost in the deciding
3rd to veteran Shailaja Salokhe (whod averaged
only 13 points a game against Domonkos), and because, for another, Womens Captain Dan
Goodman rightly thought it best to give our last years Girls U-15 Champ, Bev Hess, a chance
in the Doubles. Bev played very well in a 19-in-the-3rd loss to Birute Plucas of the 7th Place
Canadian B Team whod also defeated Sue Hildebrandt of the U.S. A Team.
Class/Senior/Junior Play
O.k., that finishes the Team Championships, a new day has dawned, and Im breaking here
for a cup of coffee.What? Youll wait for the Mens and Womens write-ups, but you want the
Results of the other events now? And maybe a few stories to go with them? Alright, but I want to
drink my coffee in peace, so every once in a while Im going to get some help in my coverage.
Mens As: Richard Ling (for the second year in a row) over Dick Hicks, 17 in the 5th. Best
late-round matches: Ling over Dave Sakai 18, -20, 19, -22, 16 in the quarters, then 14, 15, 23, 11
in the semis over Bill Sharpe, after Bill had knocked out Tim Boggan in 5. Womens As: Monica
Rosal over Diana Myers, Sheila ODougherty, and Leslee Ward, 5-game escapee from Louise
Chotras. Mens A Doubles: Hicks/Homer Brown over Roger and Alan Sverdlik whod eliminated
Sharpe/Don Gaither. Mixed A Doubles: Homer Brown/Jean Varker over Jerry Plybon/Janet

Homer Brown (left) and Dick Hicks

Alan Sverdlik

Photo by Mal Anderson

Photo by Mal Anderson


Polkinghorne. Womens A Doubles: Monica Rosal/Pat

Crowley over Mary Ann Burdick/Barb Taschner. Thats
Monicas 2nd title. Oh boy, said her happy Mom, now shell
have to keep playing. Game keeps her out of trouble, does
Bs: Joe Windham over Bill Davis whod had a
tough match with Karl Will (winner in 5 over Richard
Terry), and an even tougher one, -18, 24, -18, 19, 24 with
Peter Joe. Windham had graduated high school half a term
early and left Kansas City at about Ernest Hemingways
agemaybe jumped rope all the way to the Woodland
Center at Grand Rapids where he received several months
of help from Sweeris and Seemiller. Although Joe comes
Oliver Nicholas, 1974 U.S.
from a conservative Catholic family and could have started
Open Over 70 Champ
college in January, his parents understand how much he
wants to play table tennis, and as he himself says, There
comes a time when you have to leave home and get out
into the world. B Doubles: Davis/Neal Fox over Tommy
Vaello/Steve Simon, 19 in the 5th advancers over the
Windham brothers. Cs: Gordon Gregg over Ted Stomma.
Mens Consolation: Eddie Lo over Hank Colker. Womens Consolation: Darlene Friedman
over Maureen Farmer. Wheelchair Singles: Mike Dempsey over 51-year-old Sam Fletcher
Veterans (Over 70): Oliver Nichols over Abe Rudick. (Seven years earlier, when
Oliver, a heavy smoker, was in a hospital with emphysema, his doctor said there was little
chance of him surviving. Howd he do it? Quit smoking, began jogging, and played lots of
table tennis to build up his lung power.) Senior Esquires (Over 60): Laszlo Laci Bellak over
Harold McCallister. Laci, whose signature line is I am the Greatest!, had paired with the

Two famous world champions--Laszlo Bellak and Sol Schiff

Photo by Mal Anderson

equally legendary Sol Schiff in a bravura exhibition performance officially opening this U.S.
Open. Rhode Islands Tony Vasquez wrote to Topics that he didnt think it fair that in order to
play in the 60s you had to have a good birthdaythat is, be 60 before July 1, 1973. What
about those who turn 60 in July, Aug., etc., months and months before this May 23-26, 1974
Open? If ones 60 at the time of the tournament, why shouldnt he be able to play in the 60s?

Esquires (Over 50): Max

over Harry Deschamps.
From CTTA News,
Seniors: Boggan over Bukiet by
Jan., 1967
default. Max, though he just got over
a life and death stomach operation,
looks good and still has a hearty
appetite for the Game. But he was
quite put out that I didnt take it upon
myself to protest the Senior Draw
that, in the known absence before play
started of the 72 and 73 Champion,
the #1 seed Derek Wall, greatly
favored my chances of getting to the
final. Jairie Resek said, Derek had an
auto accident just before the
tournament, really wrecked his
knee, had to go to the hospital, and
perhaps have an operation.
With Derek out, Max complained to me, I thought you, as President of the \
Association, had more integrity. At the time, that remark really angered me. If
somebody else had a personal interest in wanting a redraw, goddammit, let him not grumble
about it to me after the events started, but let him or a friend persist in a convincing argument
to the Tournament Committee for a change while there was still time. Of course, after 6th
seeded Banach, who was on my side, didnt show for his first match, and now Marinko was
still in the other half with Bukiet and Sharpe (both of whom Id beaten to win the Seniors in
the Easterns and consequently, I presume, had earned me the #3 seeding), hed had good
cause to complain.
Over 40 Doubles: Sharpe/Rocker over Boggan/Deschamps. Over 40A Doubles: Buddy
Melamed/Edgar Stein over Lou Coates/Vern Eisenhour. Complaints were common. Stein
objected that in match after match the service rule wasnt being enforced, that even if an
umpire wanted to enforce it, the offending player managed to get a substitute umpire who
wouldnt enforce it. Oh? And this despite the judge-in-robes logoYour Honor looked
anything but playfulI, as Editor of Topics, playfully, yet authoritatively, placed in front of
Rules Chair Mal Andersons monthly Rules column.
Senior As: Eisenhour over Sam Shannon
Vernon Eisenhour
whod edged by Bill Hornyak, deuce in the 5th.
From 1974 U.S.
L.A.s Stan Evans wrote a letter to Topics in
Open Program
which he questioned whether Eisenhour, former
Oklahoma State Champion and currently one of
the Southwests best Senior players, should have
been allowed in the Senior As. Was it possible
that he was permitted to play only because the
host city wanted to have a National Champion?
Nonsense, replied San Antonios J.C. Tenay in a
later issue. Eisenhours questionable participation
wasnt nonsense at all, said Chicagos J.
Max Marinko


Williamshe should be stripped of his title, especially since a complaint had been made
earlier at the Control Desk concerning his eligibility.
It wasnt enough for Williams, thinking the hierarchy [was] trying to sweep it under
the rug, that, only when the injustice was brought up, did Neal Fox agree, apparently
contentedly, that Eisenhour should have been seeded in the Seniors and excluded from the
Senior As. He wasnt seeded in the Seniors, explained Neal, because the Southwest has
been very bad about getting results in on time (not, though, through any fault of the very fine
Regional Director Sue Sargent). Fox said that because the only Eisenhour rating available
was almost a year old, one of Neals own Buffalo Club members had suffered the most
hed been seeded last in the Seniors so had been excluded from the Senior As, then lost to
Eisenhour in the 1st round.
Dr. Michael Scott s response to such suffering was that he himself wasnt too happy
about losing to Eisenhour, especially since he was up 2-1 on him, which was a lot better than
anyone else did. But with his usual diplomacy, Michael never considered that he should be
given Eisenhours trophy, as the indignant Williams suggested. He made sure no onus was on
his winning opponent. Although I lost to Mr. Vernon Eisenhour I was most impressed by his
sincere, friendly competitiveness. I met no finer individual than he in Oklahoma City.
Carl Danner, who thought this Oklahoma City Open superbly handled, covered the
Junior events (TTT, May-June, 1974, 5)quickly pointing out the absence of top 10 players
Rick Rumble, Mike Bush, and Gary Wittner. Rumble was giving tennis lessons; Bush was
sick; and Wittner hadnt made the necessary commitments at the proper timewhich was
what you might also have said about Dean Galardi, defaulted for turning up for a match 40
minutes late, or Timmy House not turning up at all (reportedly hed hurt himself playing
basketball). The Northwests strong players Eddie Lo and Peter Joe showed, but failed to
come through with either a 17 or 15 title.
Boys U-17: Roger Sverdlik over Paul Klevinas (Roger had some incredible luck,
which Klevinas swore at every chance he could), Mike Veillette, and Steve Feldstein whod
earlier eliminated Rick Seemiller, 4 in the 5th! In that U-17 final, Roger took a two-game lead
by pushing, looping, killing, and dropping. But then he became a bit afraid to hit, playing
too defensively, and Feldstein took over, wining the 3rd with some very good pick shots and
moving to a 13-6 lead in the 4th. But thenunexpected turnaboutRoger tied it up at 14-all,
then went ahead before Steve evened it at 18-all. Now, since Sverdlik would eventually eke
out a 21-19 win, comes a match-turning point. Feldstein picked a good backhand which
Sverdlik lobbed almost desperately with his backhand, setting up a forehand which Steve hit.
Roger lobbed again, this time more surely, loaded up the ball with topspin. Feldstein, not
accounting for the spin, swung too high and missed it! Jairie Resek said in one of her Topics
Its Whats Happening columns (May-June, 1974, 12) that Steve was mesmerized by
Takashima and especially by his footwork, and that he took six pages of notes on him.
Boys U-17A: Andy Hopping over Robert Nochenson who, down 2-1 and at deuce in
the 4th, had outlasted Kevin Legge. Girls U-17: Mariann Domonkos over Birute Plucas. Girls
U-17 Consolation: Diana Myers over Leslie Harris. Boys U-15: Dennis Barish, poundingly
steady, over Dean Galardi, after Dean had stopped 12-year-old Rutledge Squeegee Barry in
5. Girls U-15: Myers over Plucas, 18 in the 5th. Danner hopes a sponsor can be found for
Diana, since, if she can get more competition and, it follows, more confidence, she might well
be representing the U.S. at the London [changed to Birmingham] Worlds in 77. Boys U-13:
Barry over Scott Boggan whod gone 5 with Phil Pinnell. Girls U-13: Gloria Nesukaitis (after

being down 2-0) over Debbie Wong (also needs a sponsor), 19 in the 5th. Juniors U-11: Eric
Boggan, 12, 20, 19 over Mark Stoolz, then over Johnny Stillions whod had to go 5 to beat
Jeff Williams.
Jack Howard told me that Ogimura was so
impressed with Squeegees ability, his rapid progress, that
he invited him to his own personal training camp in Japan
this summer. Which of course was an esteemed honor.
Except.Im sorry, Mr. Ogimura, said that precocious,
poker-faced young elf conscientiously, unhesitatingly from
behind his Prince Valiant bangs, but Im going to go to
Dell Sweeriss training camp this summer. Aha! Score
one for the home team. The USTTA is gonna put out a
video-tape of this Opens highlights narrated by Sweeris
(a copy can be bought for $20, or rented from the
Associations Library).
Boys U-17 Doubles: Final: Rick Seemiller/Mike
Veillette over John Soderberg/Pete Tellegen. Semis:
Seemiller/Veillette over John Elliott/Mike Finnell in 5;
Soderberg/Tellegen over Perry Schwartzberg/Bruce
Plotnick, 23-21 in the 5th. Danner thinks very highly of
Im sorry, Mr. Ogimura,
14-year-old Schwartzbergwould think even more of
said Squeegee
Photo by Mal Anderson
him if only he would believe in himself. He likes Perrys
quickness, his natural strokes and footwork; says he
should be high on a list of overseas coaching candidates. Boys U-17A Doubles: Legge/Dave
Degenhart over Greg Jelinski/Hopping. Girls U-17 Doubles: Domonkos/Plukas over Muriel
Stern/Varker. Boys U-15 Doubles: Barish/Galardi over Chris Rosal/Henry Fung (Henry had his
way paid by the San Francisco Club). Boys U-13 Doubles: Eric Boggan/Chuck Zakarin in
crowd-pleasing matches
over Phil Pinnell/Joe
Napoles, 26-24 in the 5th,
then over Todd Petersen/
Mark Wilder after being
down 2-0 and at deuce in
the 3rd. Parent/Child
Doubles: Dick Hicks/
Ricky Hicks over Ray
Scott Boggan takin it easy--might need his energy
Photo by Mal Anderson
I have my own
Tim-Scott Parent-Child
Doubles story to tell, but while Im enjoying my second cup of coffee, I fancy you might be
interested to hear first an anecdote or two that relates to it. DefaultsIve already touched on
the topic, but here Im ready to do a dissertation on them. Of course, they primarily concern
me and my 12 and 10-year-old sons. Scott and Eric, it should come as no surprise, were often
off in as many directions as the hands of the tournament clock, and of course I had to keep
looking for them, make inquiries. Last time I saw Scott, but thats been a while ago, he was

at D-Js booth....Eric? Yeah, I saw Eric, must have been about 2 oclock, drinking a
soda.Erics playing the robot! But, I said, doesnt he know hes got a match in 5
minutes! Oh, yes, the threat of defaults was always uppermost in my pedestrian, weve-comehere-to-win mind. I wanted my boys to win more than I wanted myself to.
From Wednesday through Sunday, Scott, Eric, and I played a total of 70 matchesso
you can imagine how often I was checking out our creased, computerized match sheets.
Matches, I have to tell you, were not called out over a loudspeaker. Each player from Under
10 to Over 70 was responsible for checking his own schedule with a confirming eye on the
posted draw sheets. Five minutes before match time he was to come and pick up his match
card. If he wasnt there shortly after, hed be defaulted.
Once, when Id been running around, trying to do a couple of presidential good turns
for some people, I momentarily lost track of the time, then ridiculously sprinted as fast as I
could up to the control desk8 minutes past default timefor my first Mens match. The
woman there, whom I knew, looked at me, narrowed her eyes like, well, youre no
exceptionbut then, fortunately for me, another member of the Tournament Committee came
to my aid, and my opponent was nice and agreed to play the match.
Shortly after my near default from the Mens, a friend of mine came up and asked me if
I would please intercede and talk to somebody about letting her husband, whod been
defaulted, back in. He hadnt been goofing off, she said, hed just finished a match and being
careless had gone to get a coke before he was to play again. I figured the favor I myself had
just gotten from the guy on the Tournament Committee was enoughbut I did seek out the
opponent in question and got it clearly understood by all concerned that if both players agreed
to play the match they could legally play it.
Except, though I and others talked reasonably to this fellow (Look, I said, what
satisfaction is there in winning this way?The match wont count for your rating, so why not
try to win and make it count?). He was absolutely adamant about wanting the default. Finally
I got mad and said, Well then, youre a prick!
At which point, while I had my chin out at him, something happened in this guys eyes
that I had never seen in anyone elses before, and he looked away from me, and down, and I
suddenly split-second realized that when he brought his head up he might hit me. Up till then
Id always thoughtno, not thought, for Id never thought about it at all, but rather
innocently, instinctively feltthat my honest show of emotion would protect me.
But, no, when he brought his head up, he hadnt flipped out. Id gotten to him, yes
but now he agreed to play. And in a great, warm spontaneous feeling of good fellowship I said
Id umpire the match. Of course the fellow lost badlyas we all knew he was going to.
One other time, for our scheduled 8 a.m. first round in the Parent-Child Doubles,
which I thought Scott and I had a real good shot to win, Id gotten there right at 8but Scott,
having forgotten his pass, was meanwhile running back to our hotel a few blocks away.
Friendly-like, I told my sober-looking opponent opposite, who was waiting for us as I knew he
would be because the day before hed remarked to me how pleased he was to see all these
defaults, that my boy and I were ready, that he and his boy could go on out to the table, but
that I had to go to the john first. Then I raced like a maniac out through the rooms, and down
the long corridor yelling, Scott! Scott! And out into the street. But I couldnt see him. Then,
cursing, I ran back into the playing hall thinking I might have missed his return. And then,
cursing and yelling, I ran back out into the street againwhere, there in the distance, Scott
was running. And I yelled at him and he hurried the more. We ran down the corridor and burst

into the playing hall. Then, out of breath but trying not to show it, we walked briskly up to the
table where our opponents were waiting. They never said a word, but, even if they believed
me, they had to be wondering what the hell was going onand I demonically imagined they
might have thought that I had diarrhea.
O.K. Story hours over. Comin up: the Mens and Womens Singles and Doubles
*Ray Bennett, a U.S. Open Committeeman, who works for a local Oklahoma City TV
station as the studio director for weekday prime-time newscasts, takes Zakarin and Gunn to
task for their lack of understanding of how the media works. Television coverage from May
22 thru May 26 consisted of WKY, Channel 4; KOCO, Channel 5; and KWTV, Channel 9 all
carrying a filmed report on the tournament on both its early evening and late evening
newscasts. In addition, Channel 4 sent a general story to NBC, and Channel 5 sent two stories
to ABC. NBC and ABC, in turn, sent these stories to their respective affiliate stations across
the nation. But its the local stations news or sports directors who decide what to air. Also,
the national and international wires carried several stories of the Open every day of the
tournament. Practically every newspaper, radio, or television station of any size at all
subscribes to the AP, UPI, or both.
Further: 1) the results of each persons matches were sent to his or her hometown
newspaper; and 2) the Swedish team was flown to New York to appear on the Mike Douglas
syndicated television program. [Actually, the Seemiller-Sweeris segment from last year was
never shown.]
Since a television news-sports department can only air about 1% of their available
stories due to time limitations, and a newspaper can only print around 2% of their available
stories due to space limitationsyou can see that getting information out to the media was not
the problem. Rather it was that members of local media around the U.S. did not believe the
Open was big enough to print or air; they felt their readers or viewers wouldnt be interested.
Mr. Zakarin, says Mr. Bennett, the professionals did their job, but its up to you and
others to make your local media aware you exist and deserve to know about table tennis
**British Columbias Eric Calveley writing in Topics (July-Aug., 1974, 6) about his
impression of the tournament has this passage where he speaks of players battling for survival
who are grotesquely bedecked now, mostly, in the Hertz shirt. The Hertz shirt is the
USTTAssecret weapon for beautifying table tennis. It is anot to say cheapT-shirt in
anot to say dirtyblack colour, with Hertz #1 emblazoned on the backnot to say
hideouslyin a sort of dirty yellow colour.


Chapter Twenty-Two
1974: U.S. OpenPart II. 1974: Interview With
Eric Boggan.
Womens Play
Sorry to say, there were very few good Womens
Singles matches at this U.S. Open. In the 1st round of
the 64 draw, more than half a dozen results read: 1, 5,
5; 4, 5, 6; 4, 7, 9; 5, 7, 2; 9, 5, 3; 10, 8, 3; 7, 6,
3which raises the question, Should just anybody be
allowed to go out there on court and be so
mismatched? Best 1st-round matches: Theresa Miller
over Buffalo City Champ Kate Simon, deuce in the 5th;
Bev Hess over Leslee Ward, 17 in the 5th; and Jean

Olgas no longer spooked, up a tree,

by world-class players
Photo by Mal Anderson

Varker over Flora Nesukaitis of the

Canadian Team, also in 5. In the
round of 32, 15 of the 16 matches
were won three straightwhich
speaks well for Neal Foxs ratings,
In the eighths, 6 of the 8
matches were won three straight
which speaks well for Rufford
Harrisons draw, doesnt it? Olga
Soltesz, whod been so fearful, so
overcome at being in a world arena in
Nagoya, no longer was lost among
these world-class players: she
dropped the 1st game to Japans
Tazuko Abe, then split the next 4
games for an excellent showing.

Prosad and Rupa Banarjee

Above photo by Mal Anderson
Below photo from Centre Table, Nov/Dec, 1973, cover


1974 U.S. Open Womens Singles Winner Yukie Ohzeki (left), who defeated
her countrywoman Tazuko Abe in the final
Ohzeki photo by Mal Anderson; Abe photo by C.F. Liu

Indias Shailaja Salokhe defeated Angie Rosal, -17, 23, 12, 9, but had Angie won that 2nd
game she might have had the momentum to advance to play Swedens Birgitta Olsson, and
if she had beaten her.In the quarters it was Olsson over Salokhe in 5; Abe over
Swedens Lena Andersson, whod almost lost to Canadas Violetta Nesukaitis in the
Teams; Ann-Christin Hellman, European Singles finalist, over Defending Champion
Violetta, 6, 9, 16; and favored Japanese penholder Yukie Ohzeki over an off-the-court
giggling, cant-wait-to-get-to Toronto Rupa Banerjee (married for months, shed seen her
husband less than two weeks).
In the one semis, Abe took out Olsson, 20, 17, 20; in the other, Ohzeki, whos both a
good pusher and, with her pips, a good hitter as well, defeated Hellman in 5. The Swedish
women didnt seem to get much spin on the ball, yet when they looped, Abe and Ohzeki often
blocked the ball off the table. After the semis, some were saying that, had Hellman been on
the other side of the draw, she would have beaten Abe. But in the final, Ohzeki had to come
from behind to take the title in 5 from her doubles partner. I asked one of our best American
players how good he thought these Swedish and Japanese women were, and he said, Any of
our men in the top 20 would take themplayers like Fuarnado Roberts or Alex Shiroky are a
lock over them.
The Womens Doubles saw the Swedes get sweet revenge. Ohzeki and Abe had beaten
Hellman and Andersson in the deciding game in the Teams; but this time it was Hellman and
Olsson who were paired together and it made all the 14, 14, -19, 19 difference.
Mixed Doubles went to Nobuhiko Hasegawa/Abe, 15, 18, 20, over Manjit Dua/
Bannerjee whod eliminated many-time winners, the Sweerises. Bill Lesner/Janice Martin put
up a gutsy 5-game fight against Errol Caetano/Violetta Nesukaitis, after which the advancing
Canadians strongly challenged Hasegawa/Abefour of the five games were split at 19 or
deuce. It may be that, had Ohzeki/Tasaka paired up, they would have won. But perhaps
since the Swedish women didnt have anyone (or didnt chose to have anyone?) to play Mixed
withan all-Japanese final wasnt desirable?

If one didnt know

better, he might have
thought that Stellan
Bengtsson and Kjell/
Johansson would have
played in the Mixed were
they not intent on focusing
on the Mens Doubles. This
they wonover Surbek/
Stipancic, 18 in the 4th.
Mens Singles
U.S. players who,
coming out of the Pre-lims,
got their chance to compete
against the Internationals
were: Marv Leff (over Vic
Landau, 19, -19, 18); Jerry
Thrasher (over Canadas
Peter Gonda, -17, 22, 18);
Richard McAfee (over Eric
Thom, 19 in the 3rd); Paul
Longmire (over British
Columbias Peter Joe, 2321 in the 3rd); and Roger
Sverdlik (over Dick Miles,

In the 1974 U.S. Open Doubles Final, Stipancic and Surbek, reaching
for the ball, are runner-ups to Bengtsson and Johansson
Photo by Neal Fox

17, -19, 17). Only the top AmericansLee, Tam, Park,

Seemillerreached the 8ths before succumbing to a Swede,
Japanese, or Yugoslav.
Bengtsson, at his best if his opponent plays into him,
found that the same was also true of a man old enough to be his
grandfatherBernie Bukietwho extended him to 4 games.
So, lets see, if Stellan makes $50,000 or more a year, Bernie
ought to get? Couldnt he, too, endorse a brand of chocolate?
Manjit Dua, the 19-year-old Delhi University student
whod played so badly in the Team matches, and Errol Caetano,
whod played so well, unexpectedly reversed rolesDua got his
left-handed down-the-line loop in and Errol made too many
Errol Resek had been playing well, had taken down
Niraj Bijaj in the Teams, and slowly was coming to realize he
could now do the same with Yugoslavias Milivoj Karakasevic.
At 1-1 in games, Errol had the ad in the 3rd but couldnt win it,
Dick Miles
then he lost another heartbreaker in the 4th at 19. USTTA
photographer Neal Fox pointed out to me a little trick used by this Yugoslav. Karakasevic

appears to take his stance, but then as the opponent finally has to watch the ball at contact, he
randomizes his position slightly just in case the serve is bad and he has the remote chance of
being able to kill it. I know what youre going to say: Foxs eye is better than his cameras.
Paul Raphel, whom someone called The American Klampar, says he didnt give
Takashima the match he wanted to because his paddle kept slipping as he swung at the ball
as if of its own volition it wanted to go sailing across the roomand this gave him a jerky
stroke. Takashima teaches table tennis at a university, and when I asked him, Do you ever get
mad at your students? he laughed and said, No.
Lim Ming Chui won the 25-23 3rd game from Dragutin Surbekwhich one amateur
analyst said was because Ming blocks short and Surbek, who likes to crouch and spring at the
ball, is back from the table. The Europeans in general do much more work than the Americans.
They are always returning from a serve-receiving position to a neutral position and are always
opportunistically getting ready for the shot they may execute if the occasion presents itself.
When Surbek, back, receives a short serve (it may be hes going to push it), he literally jumps
with both feet maybe a yard in, close to the table, and gets his shoulder way down, about table
level, a full foot or two lower than the American player does. And when he loops the ball hes
off both feet, and when somebody loops at him, he springs to hit it. At 28, hes still got the
energy of his 5-year-old back in Zagreb.
Against Bajaj, whom hed lost to in the Teams, Dell Sweeris (using a Uniply blade
with 1.5 Sriver on the forehand, 1.5 Mark V on the backhand) survived a 25-23 4th, but then,
up 20-19 in the 5th, blew itand knew why. Hed been looping slow, spinning low and deep,
and winning points that way. But then, on getting match point, hed followed his natural
instinct to go for the one shot to win, had looped fast, and Bajaj had quickly blocked the ball
to Dells backhand. After winning that point, Niraj had run out the match.
Sweeris told local reporter John Klein that hes been in Oklahoma City seven times over
the last eight years giving coaching clinics and exhibitions, and that hell be back again in August
for another clinic. He really likes the people here, the interest theyve shown in the Sport. This is his
12th U.S. Open in a row, and, since its by far the best one, he hopes the Open will be held here next
year. Looking to the future, he says, We could get back up into the top division [at the
Worlds]if we could continue to get the type of competition we got this week.
Alex Tam had more than a skirmish with Vahabzadeh, who plans to return to the States
after he fulfills his coaching contract in Germany. Mohammed had lost to Alex in the Teams;
this time, however, with games tied at 1-all, and the Iranian leading 20-18 in the 3rd, it looked
good for him. But then Alex topspin-served easy to Vahabzadehs backhand and Mohammed,
surprised, not quite ready, couldnt resist blasting a backhand off the table. Then, to make up
for that one, he blasted and missed another. And then suddenly Tam had the game, and soon
the match.
Johansson, whos a 15-handicap golfer, might have been strolling up and down
fairways, as it were, against Mike Veillette. Mike, though hed straight-game eliminated Paul
Klevinas, on coming back from a vacation of sorts at Mt. Airy Lodge hadnt been practicing at
all. One little glitch in Kjells 13, 15, 17 win thoughin that 1st game, he, like, shanked 7 of
Mikes serves.
Joong Gil Park, as expected, 7, 24, 9 blitzed Roger Sverdlik.
Tasaka vs. Bozorgzadeh was fiercely contested. Again poor Houshang had his chances.
He won the 1st, but then couldnt, by hook or crook of his forehand, win the 2nd at deuce.
Finally, up 19-18 in the 5th, he again couldnt get lucky.

Danny Seemiller did away with the Indian K. But, having been awarded $1,000, hes
now, in his metamorphosis as a European player, got to find a U.S. partner for the Team event
at each Open, else be bugged at having to hopelessly sit them all out and lose the added
chance for experience.
Anton Tova Stipancic, who somebody said was the
worst good player hed ever seen, just stood there flatfooted against the swirling, swinging Sakaiand won 15,
10, 14. Watch him closely on film, someone else said.
Stipancic moves a little. He uses good footwork when he
attacks. And his timing is beautiful. He has wonderful
control of his arms. Sakai had earned his shot at the big
time by taking out the #4 Indian, Sudhir Phadke, who later,
on the Indian Teams U.S. Tour, remarked that the Indian
cotton crepe shirts we were looking at, the Spring Special
for $10.95, would go for about $2 in Bombay.
Hasegawa, who went 4 with George Brathwaite,
told thousands of readers of an Oklahoma City newspaper,
My stamina isnt holding up like it used to. Lest many not
Indias Sudhir Phadke
get the picture, since they werent coming out to watch him,
From 1975 Commonwealth
he added, I do train five days a week for 3 hrs. at a time,
Championships Program
and he does do 2,000 strokes with a 40-pound dumbbell in
each of his workout sessions. Was that why he had this habit of rolling up his shirtsleeves,
making little cuffs on thembecause he wanted to show off his arm muscles? (Incidentally, for
$26, you can buy a Dell Sweeris Home Training Kit with 10- lb. Executive Dumbbellsso, if
you cant play like Hasegawa, you can maybe have his muscles.

Hasegawa (left) brings D-J Lees streak of six straight U.S. Open wins to an end
Photo by Mal Anderson

This Great Champion, it said proudly in The Key to Oklahoma City, a little magazine
that sat on the TV set in my hotel room, is not even rated among the top 100 players in the
world. Of course it was referring to D-J Lee, who at least back in time from Korea to play in

the Singles, faced Hasegawawhich meant that his six straight years as reigning U.S. Open
Champion was at an end. Nobuhiko was at his best against penholders. His shakehands grip
with that peculiar forefinger straight down the back of the blade (hes had that ever since he
was 15; short as he was, that finger up there gave him better leverage)lets him counter off
spin, or hit backhands in. Though Jairie Resek heard someone describe him as looking like a
crying doll when he played, he certainly wasnt crying against D-J (and D-Js Yasaka
penholder blade, Cypress wood, 2.0 mm Mark V), for he had little trouble with Lees loops.
Stipancic lost a game to Ulf Thorsell of that Swedish Boo KFUM Club thats been
trying unsuccessfully to tour in the U.S., but, opening his wristsnap, zhoom!he was never
really in trouble.
Danny Seemiller played Tokio Tasaka a feisty match.
Ordinarily, an anti-spinner who returns the serve defensively
will also return the servers follow-up topspin defensively, but
against Danny, who has only one side anti-spin, Tasaka, as his
early, quizzical headshakes confirmed, had to be carefulfor
Danny in a flash could twirl his bat to the inverted side and
blast the ball by. (Its best perhaps to push Dannys anti-spin
serves to his forehand?) During the first two games, which
were split, Seemiller kept pressing the attack, countering, and
looping Tasakas push. Sometimes the following pattern would
emerge: Danny would serve long to Tasakas forehand. Tokio
would topspin it back, Seemiller would block to the
backhandand from then on it would be an even game. If,
however, Danny would serve short, Tasaka would be able to
anticipate this well and would come right in with his topspin to
control the point.
Ichiro Ogimura, at the Sarajevo Worlds, thought
Seemiller was terrible. But here at Oklahoma City he changed
his mind. Danny, he now thinks, is very fast at the table. Had to
be in this match with Tasaka, for when Tokio serves to the
backhand, Seemiller must hurry and step around, must use his
Tokio Tasaka--has wicked serves forehand to start the point. Once they get into itthough
Photo by Ray Chen
Tasaka is one of the best blockers in the worldDannys
slashing backhand will score. In their 3rd game, Danny took to
too predictably blocking the ball and the Japanese gained control. In the 4th, Danny seemed to
have become intimidated and stopped playing aggressively. Perhaps it was Tasakas serve that
bothered him. Tokio began serving with lots of motion, threw the ball semi-high, and Danny
perhaps over-reacted. He tried to block it back, but the topspin forced the ball up and toward
Tasakas forehandwith devastating results.
Park did well to take a game from Johansson, once trained to be a TV repairman. Gil
spins and the rangy Swede blocks it to the backhand. Not only is there no way for Park to get
through, but if his loops are too slow, Kjell will smash them, or if Park, seeing how well
Johansson handles spin, tries to give him neutral balls, the Swede will hammer away those too.
Jairie Resek tells us (TTT, May-June, 1974, 12) that Tam, who took a game from
Vikstrom, from age 9 to 15 was a student of Kung Fu in China. So when he says he thinks
the TV show by the same name is authentic, he ought to know. On the positive side, his

stomach muscles are very well developed

from these Kung Fu exercises. On the
negative side, Alex went through broken
toes, smashed elbows and knees, and
bruised shoulders. He said he took many
drugs to heal himself. Most of the injuries
were caused by the mistakes of the other
students, never the coachs, Granted hed
be a very valuable addition to the U.S.
World Team, question is, whether, after
that 7-mile escape swim in the South
China Sea, hed have any mayhem, er
hassles, with the Chinese in Calcutta.
Surbek more or less annihilated
Alex Tam, Kung Fu student
Bajaj. But, more importantly, did you
Photo by Mal Anderson
know that the Yugoslavs first big success
was in 1963 in Lyons against the charming American Dick Miles? Thats what it says in
Kljuic-Branins book on Surbek, The Will To Win. And there are lots of other goodies there
too. For instance: In order to gain in concentration, for hours before a match Surbek would
stare with his eyes wide open in darkened chambers. After that, at the match, the small
celluloid ball seemed much bigger to him. He would hit the target with greater certainty. It was
interesting that his experience, although simple and known for ages, provoked protests from
many of the players, of whom many would fall asleep during the exercise [Surbeks coach
thought this enveloping darkness a good idea for all the players?].
Takashima, his racket often almost touching
the floor as he scooped a return, beat Karakasevic
12, 12, 17. This friendly 25-year-old Yugoslavs
future is not in table tennisthats what he told
Jairie Resek. After he does his required hitch in the
Army, he hopes to be an agricultural engineer.
Takashimas future, too, may be uncertain. Jairie
recalls that in Sarajevo he re-injured his spine and
needed therapeutic and injection treatment. Turns
out he still has to be waryand so forfeited 2
matches to the U.S. here in the Teams while being
relieved by 10 acupuncture needles.
Takashima scooping
Quarters time. Against Takashima,
Photo by Ray Chen
Bengtssons pattern would be to serve fast to get
Takashima to chop, then hed pick up his forehand and begin to vary the spin of his little loop,
then drop the ball, maybe push it (though he had to be careful, for Takashima would come in
and hit anything that was the least little bit too high), then take up the topspin again, never
looping the ball hard, never driving it. Eventually, if Takashima didnt missand he usually
didntBengtsson would score with a kill shot. Stellan won the first two, but then lost the 3rd,
and then the 4th (proving to many that to seed Karakasevic instead of Takashima was absurd).
In the 5th, down 9-11, Bengtsson began softening up. He pushed, looped the ball high and then
topped Takashimas chop return into the net. That was the point that precipitated his downfall.

Down 9-16, he lost his cool and hit out in disgust. He gave up, said one jaded spectator.
When hes not playing well, he doesnt want to win. Said one in disillusionment, I dont
believe it. I never saw him do that before.
Best Vikstom could do was win one game from Surbek. The young Swede took to
blocking too much and not short enough.
Tasaka, though hed had Johansson match point in the Teams, here was rendered
ineffective by Kjells marvelously steady, containing backhand.
Stipancic had beaten Hasegawa in the
Teams, but he lost to him now in 5. Winning or
losing, Stipancic looked as if he wasnt trying
muchas if, were he really to try, he wouldnt
lose a point. Jairie Resek came down hard on
him: said he looked and acted the brute.He
refused to give autographs or take pictures with
anyone [little kids included]. This drew a
rebuttal from Louisiana players Ricky Bello and
Bruce Smith who said, Stipancic very
cooperatively and politely signed autographs for
us as well as many others.
In the one semis, Surbek smashed
Stipancic and Pat Crowley: it wasnt only Danny
Takashima, 18, 19, 16. Theres little to saythe Seemiller who was getting international experience
crouching Dragon was just too overpowering:
Photo courtesy of Pat Crowley
some of his loops hed be finishing
on one knee. In the other semis,
Johansson lost the first game to
Hasegawa, 24-22but stayed
strong and steady to win, 9, 18, 17.
These werent the most dramatic
matches, but you couldnt call them
routs. Someone said, The Myriad
wouldnt have looked so empty if
the organizers had bussed in some
high school students, given them
and their families free tickets.
Should they have done that? One
top player didnt think so. At least
its not like it was in Sarajevo where
all those shouting kids were bussed
in and you couldnt even hear the
sound of the ball. And its not like it
was in Nagoya where all the
factories closed and the North
Koreans came in full force. Or like
in China where there was almost
never a woman or a kid watching

1974 U.S. Open Winner

Kjell Johansson


but just sections and sections of conscripted

soldiers. Here the audience participation is
genuinely enthusiastic, unmotivated by
anything else but the Sport itself. Here
people breathe with the ball.
True, but if ever the Sport was to be
recognized, you had to get people out to
watch it. As Ron Shirley had stated in The
Key To Oklahoma City, Youve got to see it
to believe it. Johansson was primarily
countering, was driving and killing, was
always pressuring Surbek to put the ball in the
same place twice so he could hammer it away.
Kjell Johansson taking his kiss and going off with the girl
And even though Surbek was indefatigable in
Photos by Mal Anderson
his returns, whenever Johansson forced him
back, he couldnt win the pointthe Swede
would methodically kill from side to side.
Although Surbek had lost the 2nd at
deuce to go down 2-0, hed won the 3rd to
stay alive. In the 4th, the Yugoslav was at
his acrobatic best, but Johansson was too
much in control. Earlier the Swede had
won the English Open, now he was the
U.S. Open winner as well. At the Sarajevo
Worlds Johansson had heard yodels from
his supporters in the stands. Here he got
waves and waves of applauseand,
befitting his delicate touch, a kiss from
Miss Oklahoma City.
After the tournament, the Yugoslav Coach, Osmanajic, would go back to Belgrade and
periodically put out ads in local papers all over the country (Junior Table Tennis Players
Wanted). Then he would take those whod responded and without letting them touch a
racket, would have them run 5 miles a day, every day, until after 3 weeks or so he had a small
but highly dedicated group, willing, it might be, to give up home and school, if necessary, to
become professional table tennis players.
The Indian and Japanese Teams remained in the U.S. for a week on tour. As for
Ogimura before he left on business for Mexico, he said, The principal reason the Japanese
Team has come here is to cooperate with your Association at this moment in History.
In the same May-June, 1974 issue of Topics in which Id done my write-up, comments
about the Nationals appeared. Rufford Harrison declared that Ron Shirley ran the best
tournament I have ever seen in North America, and that all the people connected with it were
nicenot only the volunteer t.t. workers but also the uniformed jacket-and-tie Myriad staff.
He said the foreigners appreciated the hospitalityaccommodations, food in the hotel,
transportation to the hall, the people they had to deal with. This best ever judgment was
echoed in Topics by Muskegons Tom Herder and Denvers Bob Leatherwood. Rufford
thought Rons computer and Neal Foxs Rating List indispensable to a smooth running of the

tournament. Also, it was a pleasure, he said, to see only Championship events in the Arena
though regarding that he did have one little criticism: that there was insufficient
communication between the floor of the Arena and the spectators. True, on one court there
was an electric board that gave all the details, including the players numbers, the game score,
the point scores in all games, and the time elapsed. Great! But what about the other courts,
and those interested in what was going on there?
Don Gunn complained that the Arena heroes/heroines got their awards with ceremony
and fanfare, but in what dark closet were the awards given to winners of lesser events? Dan
Goodman, whod been the Chair of the 1969 U.S. Open in San Francisco, acknowledged the
real hard work that had obviously gone into making the tournament so professional looking.
But he was concerned about the absence of umpires in the Exhibit Hall and rather dismayed by
the lack of spectators watching in the Arena.
Joseph C.H. Lee said (TTT, May-June, 1974, 8), I have almost nothing except praises
for the spacious facility used and the people who were responsible for this event. I am sure
many of those who were there will agree that this was not one of the best tournaments ever
run but the best one so far. It has set a new standard of excellence. However, Joe did have
one criticism. When the International Team Matches were played the first two days of the
tournament, the spectators were completely neglected. That is, no announcements were made
from time to time about the players, the countries they were from, or who specifically were
playing on those nine tables. Unless one was thoroughly familiar with who they were and what
countries they played for, one would have a difficult time following the action.
Not a controversial remark surely, rather one that should be taken to heart in the
future. But now Joe makes some statements that will draw sharp rebuttals from Danny
Seemiller (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 8). Ill piece up the two articles, show contrasting
paragraphs, for clarity:
Joe: They [the foreign players] did not have the nose-in-the-air attitude as is so
commonly found among our own mediocre-but-think-themselves-to-be-top players.
Danny: I think you are giving the wrong impression to many Topics readers when you
say that almost all of our top players are self-centered people who dont help anybody at all. I think
you are very wrong in saying this. For instance, you couldnt meet any nicer people than Joong Gil
Park, Angelita Rosal, Errol Resek, George Brathwaite, Peter Pradit, Dell Sweeris, Houshang
Bozorgzadeh.And I could go on and on.[You] tell everybody who reads Topics, those many in
the U.S. and, more importantly, overseas, that our top players are unfriendly, inconsiderate, and
unapproachable? Can you really be sure of this? Since you dont mention one specific player by
name, its difficult for me to believe you know what youre talking about. Meanwhile, whether
youre conscious of it or not, youre doing harm to the USTTA and its players.
Joe: Did you all notice that whenever a player won a point luckily by a net or an edge,
he or she would raise up a hand to express an apology? Did you also observe that Miss Ohzeki
and Miss Abe bowed to the match officials and to each other at the beginning of each game
during the Womens Singles Finals? Do you often find this type of common courtesy in any of
our other tournaments?
Danny: You spoke about nets and edges and implied that our players dont
apologize or put their hand up when they get a lucky shot. From what I see and know, I think
almost all our players do this.
Joe: Did you notice that very few of the foreign top players showed any emotion
when they won or lost a point, game, or match? Is it that they do not have any emotions to

speak of? Or is it that, on their way to the top, they have attained the ability to control them?
Did any of you, who understand the native languages of these players, hear any utterance of
profane or obscene words from these players as may be so often heard in the tournaments of
this country and punctuated by other uncontrollable behavior?
Danny: If you were over in Sweden, say, playing in a one-star, do you actually think
that all of their local Class A players show no emotion, never break a paddle, never swear?
You must be kidding! Comparing the top foreign players, tried and true professionals, to our
everyday players is very unfairdont you realize this?
In a later article, Joe asks Danny, Why isnt it fair to compare top foreign players with
our everyday players? Though Danny doesnt continue this exchange, Ill hazard that theyve
livelihood reasons as sponsored players to conduct themselves professionally, correctly.
Also, the top players, year after year, are all on a circuit together. Are they apt to have even a
minor episode where they cheat, curse, get into an altercation with a peer? Its not practical.
Their public milieus far different from the amateurs. Everyday U.S. amateur players, if they
want to, can just let it all hang out. Where so many of them play, often in private, as it were,
theyre more free to express themselves. So theyre reprimanded, so what? My own feeling is:
if every player restrained himself to show undeviatingly good sportsmanship, the Sport,
sanitized so, would lose drama, the most important element to any spectator in any contest.
H oustons Jack Buddy Melamed enjoyed meeting new friends at this his first U.S.
Open, and, though he was thrilled to see the international stars in action, they confirmed for
him the need for the U.S. to have their own National Champion via a U.S. Closed. Buddy,
too, remarked on the poor spectator turnout. He thought had school not been in session, more
people would have attendedand so he suggested the tournament be held in the summer.
Also, like those Baton Rouge Club players, Bello and Smith, he was disappointed by the poor
sportsmanship, the anger, shown by some of the Junior players wanting attention. He thought
umpires should have shown more control.
Interview With Eric Boggan
And, speaking of anger and control, this
seems as good a time as any to segue into my
Interview with the May-June, 1974 Junior of the
Month, the U.S. Open Under 11 Champion, Eric
Boggan, destined one day to be a U.S. superstar
with a #18 World ranking.
Unfortunately, right from the beginning, it
was a humorless business. At first, I, the
Interviewer, thought that Eric, the Interviewee,
might like this impersonal role-playing. When he
was younger, he used to suddenly disappear from
everyone in the house, then come back
disguiseda Holden Caulfield-like flowing red
Eric Boggan, U.S. Open Under 11 Singles
scarf twisted several times round his neck and a
and Under 13 Doubles Champion
From 1975 U.S. Open Program
floppy green hat on his head that had been given him
by an ex-student of his fathers. Thered be a little
ironic smile on his face as the famous and certainly rather mysterious Mr. McGillicuddy. And very
personable hed be too, and friendlysometimes solicitously inquiring about Eric and sometimes

even his older brother Scott, and telling Mr. and Mrs. Boggan about what hed seen, who hed met,
and what hed been doing out West or up in Alaska or wherever hed been for the last six months.
But, alas, this interview would not have the relaxing comfortable irony of those earlier
conversations with Mr. McGillicuddy. Very soon the Interviewer knew he was being too
serious, and so did Eric who nevertheless went along with it all.
Interviewer: Eric, I understand that youve quite a temper. How is it that you got this
temper? Do you know?
Eric: Cause I want to win so bad. If I miss some points I think I ought to make, I just
get mad.
Interviewer: But if you lose your temper, doesnt that have an effect on the rest of
your game? How can you continue to win if you get mad?
Eric: I dont know the answer to that one. Probably I lose points by doing it. But I
cant help it. (Eric wiggles a little in his chair as the Interviewer writes on his note pad. Then,
sotto voce, says, This is stupid.)
Interviewer: But how is it that in winning both the U-11 Singles and the U-13
Doubles with Chuck Zakarin at the Oklahoma City Nationals you were often able to control
your temper?
Eric: Cause that was a big tournament. Besides, in doubles I dont lose my temper as
much as I do in singles.
Interviewer: Oh? Why is that?
Eric: I like playing
doubles better because my
partner makes mistakes too.
But if wed have lost that 5th
game against Pinell and Napoles
[they finally won 26-24], I
would have been very upset
with Chuck. I mean, we must
have had them about 20-13.
Interviewer: Do you
think you deserve to be the U-11
Chuck Zakarin, 1974 U.S. Open Under 13 Doubles Champion
Champion of the United States?
Photo by Mal Anderson
Eric: Yeah. I played
some hard matches. One thing though. There should be more U-11s better than me. Because I
dont practice much, I just go to tournaments.
Interviewer: People at tournaments tell me that youre very good at imitations. Would
Eric: (rises up out of his chair; in some sudden savagery swings his hand, cries) Dont
put that in!
Interviewer: Why not? People are interested. They dont want to just hear your table
tennis scores, they want to know what youre like.
Eric: No they dont. They dont really care.
Interviewer: In Oklahoma City werent there lots of people watching your matches?
Eric: Yes. In the U-11 singles and the 13 doubles.
Interviewer: Why did so many people watch your matches?
Eric: Because they like to see little kids play. Kids are funny to watchthey get
excited because they want to win.

Interviewer: Do adults get excited too?

Eric: Sometimesif its a close game.
Interviewer: Youve acted uphave occasionally broken a racket. Why do you do
Eric: Thats not good. Its not good to show signs youre losing your temper. But it
just happens.
Interviewer: Do you know what a psychologist is?Yes, like Bob Newhart. A child
psychologist wanted to interview me in Oklahoma City. He wanted to know why you and
Scott were winners. Do you know? (At this point Erics father was waiting for the right
answer. The right answer of course was: Because youre a winner, Dad. Except that Eric had
never called his father Dad in his lifehe and his brother Scott had always called him Tim.)
Eric: I cant say nuttin. I dont try every point. I throw away points when Im behind
against a very good player and know I cant win.
Interviewer: People dont like to see that. Doesnt it matter to you what other
Eric: I dont care what they think.
Interviewer: What do you like to do when you arent playing table tennis?
Eric: Go swimming. Play PBC baseball. Golf. Go bowling. I like just about every
sport. (Eric pauses, gives the Interviewer a look.) What I really want to do though is spend
more time practicing table tennisbut my father is always working. It annoys me that I dont
have anyone to practice with.
Interviewer: Couldnt you play with your brother Scott?
Eric: Scott doesnt want to practice. He has other things on his mind. He has more
friends than I do.
Interviewer: What do you enjoy most about going to tournaments?
Eric: Running in the halls, watching good matches, going to parties, going to the
motel pool, getting to eat out, fooling around with the elevatorsgoing up and down.
Interviewer: What did you like best at the Oklahoma City tournament?
Eric: Playing the robot. It hits the ball to one spot and I can attack. Id love to have a
robot to play, just for myselfeven if it cost a fortune. I didnt like it that they were mean in
the Arena at Oklahoma City though. I had to obey so many stupid rules.
Interviewer: Like what?
Eric: I always had to give them my players passand all that shit. And I wasnt
allowed to go on the floor of the Arena.
Interviewer: But didnt you sneak down and get on that floor after all?
Eric: A couple of times.
Interviewer: Do you think the people who play table tennis are nice?
Eric: Some are, some arent.
Interviewer: Eric, sometimes Ive seen you play a match and get mad and not shake
hands afterwards. Do you think thats fair? Do you think thats being a good sportsman?
Eric: I dont shake hands cause Im so madand thats not right.
Interviewer: As you grow older, do you think youll shake
Eric: Probably!Cause Ill have more sense. I do know though that I want to do
some practicing. What would be best if a good player lived say about three miles away and he
knew us and he was a nice guy and he could play with me maybe an hour and a half a day, five
days a week.

Interviewer: Would you like to go to a training camp?

Eric: No, I wouldnt. I just dont want to sit around playing table tennis for a month.
Interviewer: Do you believe in doing some training exercises?
Eric: I think I move good enough at the table.
Interviewer: Do you think you ought to switch to an orthodox backhand, or not?
Eric: Whichever I play better with. But if Id drop my temper and start to take lessons,
Id be about five points better. Right now though I wish my father would clean the table tennis
table of all his papers and magazines and stuff so we could practice some.
Interviewer: If your
father cleared the table and
Eric and Tim Boggan:
practiced some with you, would
sometimes partners
you keep your temper?
Eric: Yes, I would, if we
could play.
Interviewer: O.K. In that
case, the interview is over, and
Im going to
Eric: Get me a racket
not too fast, not too dead. And
bring a cover for it, all right?
(Eric and his father went
down into the basement and
finished one game together
which Eric, getting more and
more upset, lost. At the start of the 2nd game, Eric, half screaming at his strange stroke
today, began serving the ball over and over again wildly off the table.
At which point his father lost his temper and, snapping out the lights, said, I dont
want to play with you any more now!
Eric went back upstairs to the interview room, and in a fury scribbled all over the
pages of the Interviewers note pad. Downstairs his father laid out all his Topics papers back
onto the ping-pong table and went back to work.
While it was clear you wouldnt say Eric was the happiest boy on the face of the earth,
for the next two hours he did enjoy himself watching the Gary Cooper-Lou Gehrig movie
Pride of the Yankeesparticularly those few remaining scenes, his father sentimentally
imagined, after the Iron Man finally had to take himself out of the game.)


Chapter Twenty-Three
1974: India/Japan
Post-U.S. Open Tours. 1974:
E.C. Preoccupations.
After the U.S. Open
had concluded on May 26,
both the Indian and Japanese
Teams went off to play U.S.
Teams in Michiganthe
Indians at Kalamazoo, the
Japanese at Grand Rapids.
The Captain of the Indian
Team on this Tour was
Indian Team Captain Subash Mashruwala
Subhash Mashruwala, whom
Photo by Mal Anderson
Jairie Resek thought had to be
the friendliest person at the
U.S. Open. I became friends with him and so privy to his background. The Mashruwala family,
whom my wife Sally and I were to be the houseguests of for a week in 1975, was deeply
involved in textiles. Indeed, with the hum of World War II, the many mills in Subhashs
hometown Ahmedabad (nicknamed The Manchester of India) had made it the richest city in
the country.
But lest you jump to the conclusion that in India riches and table tennis necessarily go
together, allow me to point out that for the 1958-59 season Subash was ranked #8 in India and
that, as he says, For the next 25 years not a single player from Gujarat [his home state] would
get anywhere near such resultsmy record still stands unequaled. And unchanging too was
the national bird of India, the proud peacock.
Perhaps Subhashs modest or immodest success had something to do with his practice
partners? About this time he began playing with a mechanical engineering student who was
destined to become the world-renowned Dr. Sudhir Kakar, author of the famous book,
Shamans, Mystics, and Fakirs. Maybe listening to Subhash for hours on end first stirred
Kakars interest in psychiatry?
In 1959, says Subhash, he was the first man in India to use inverted sandwich rubber.
Itd been presented to him by Jimmy Mehta, one of Indias Davis Cup players, whod brought
it back from Japan. Thick spongethat was what Subhash began playing with. Could he
control it? Control self? But back then one didnt need to ask him such questions. Like so
many other Indians in a nation where, as late as 1975, 70% of the population was illiterate,
some so self-consciously proud as to carry paperback books they couldnt begin to read,
Subhash worried only about self-respect.
In the 1960 Asian Games, Mashruwala found himself up against the Indian #2, S.B.
Joag, and down 14-0 in the 1st. I was feeling so bloody stupid, says Subhash, that I said to
myself, I must concentrate. Up 20-19 in the 2nd, Subash took a leaf from his friend Kakars
book and gave the #2 Indian his #1 sidespin servewhich, for shame, Joag, psychic-struck,
couldnt return. Then, up 2-1 and 20-19 match point in the 4th, Subhash fakired out another
serve and Joags Asian Games hopes went up in rope-smoke.

In 1963, Mashruwala gave up his racket and came to London to live. But could he stay
away from the Sport? Nope. In the absence of servants, he even stood in line to buy a new bat,
then began playing in a recreational league (I tell you, he said to one disbelieving opponent,
you bloody well have to serve with an open palm!). In the next few years his Business
House team was perennially promoted until finally he was playing in the lst Division.
By 1967 though, Mashruwala was back in India, and by 1969 when he was the
Honorable Secretary of Gujaratthat is, Honorable Secretary of their Table Tennis
Associationthey were hosting not 2 but 10 tournaments a year. In 1972 he became the
Organizing Secretary of the All-India Nationals held at Ahmedabadone of the finest ever,
he said.
Flying back from a meeting in Bangalore in 1970, hed met Sita, an air hostess for
Indian Airlines from Coorg, a state famous for pretty women and the quantity of liquor their
men could drink. Youve heard the expression, Marriages are made in Heaven? Well, says
Subash, this was the nearest I could get.
At Kalamazoo, India defeated the U.S. 7-2: Niraj Bijaj d. Paul Raphel; K Jayant d.
Dell Sweeris; Danny Seemiller d. Manjit Dua; Sudhir Phadke d. Tim Boggan; Rupa Banerjee
d. Connie Sweeris; Janice Martin d. K.P. Saraswathi; Dua/Banerjee d. Sweeris/Sweeris; and
Saraswathi/Banerjee d. Martin/Sweeris.
Next day at the Woodland Center, as Tom McEvoy reports (TTT, May-June, 1974, 11),
the U.S. lost again, 8-3but Danny Seemiller was a one man showwinning all three of his
matches. Results: Takashima d. Sweeris, 16, 17. Tasaka d. Raphel, -15, 8, 17. Paul stunned
and excited the crowd by winning the first gameeven doing some clowning around between
points for the benefit of the 500 spectators. Seemiller d. Hasegawa, 15, 20. Dannys blocks
and angles apparently confused Hasegawa, but the former World Champion was not so
easily foxed the 2nd game. Danny, on winning, received a huge round of applause, and
Raphel came to the center court and swept him off his feet. Tasaka d. Sweeris, -16, 16, 22.
Tom speculates that the obvious partisanship, along with the absence of their team coach
Ogimuratemporarily unnerved the Japanese players.The 3rd game was probably the most
exciting of the night, as both Sweeris and then Tasaka took the attack while the lead seesawed back and forth. Dell led 20-18, and had the ad again, but couldnt win it.
Before the Mens matches continued, the Women got their chance. Ohzeki d.
Hildebrandt, 8, 13. Abe d. Sweeris, 17, 15. Ohzeki/Abe d. Sweeris/Hildebrandt, 12, 24. Up
20-18, Connie missed a kill, and though she and Sue had 3 more ads they couldnt close.
Following the Womens play, two of the Indian players put on a fine exhibition. The entire
team from India was in attendance, with the girls looking very attractive in their colorful native
When the Mens matches resumed, Seemiller d. Takashima, 6 (!), -17, 13. Hasegawa d.
Raphel, 10, -16 (Pauls snake-like loops and forehand drives started landing), 19. Seemiller
d. Tasaka (whod beaten Danny at the U.S. Open), 9, 11. Danny handled the loops and spin
of Tasaka like he had been doing it all of his life, winning a crushing victory. Hasegawa d.
Sweeris, 14, 16 to give the Japanese men the 5-3 edge. Tom said that Seemiller was the most
psyched up of his career, and admitted that this was the best he had ever played. On the day
before his Grand Rapids match with Tasaka, he said, hed changed the rubber on the one side
of his bat from Cobra to Fujii. This enabled him to hit better and handle spin with better effect.
Against Tasaka, in particular, he pushed back serves instead of top-spinning them, and [thus]
was far more effective against Tasakas return shot.

wants to see Danny
play D-J. Hed only played
him once and thinks he might now
avenge the loss hed suffered. After seeing
these matches, Tom closes with the thought that
Maybe there is some hope for the U.S. Team at the next
Danny Seemiller vs. Norio Takashima Worlds after all. [Hey, did he forget how close wed come
to advancing to the 1st Division at Sarajevo?]
Photo by Raul Rodriguez
Next stop for both the Japanese and the Indians was
Riverdale, MDwith the Japanese, first off on June 1, blitzing the U.S., 10-0: Mens: Tasaka
d. Brathwaite, 11, 13; Hasegawa d. Sweeris, 18, 7; Takashima d. Seemiller, 19, 17; Hasegawa
d. Brathwaite, 10, 9; Tasaka d. Seemiller (though not like hed been doing it all his life), -15, 23, 19.
Womens: Ohzeki d. Sweeris, 5, -17, 12; Abe d. Alice Green, -16, 12, 15; Ohzeki d. Green, 6, 17;
Abe d. Sweeris, 6, 8; Ohzeki/Abe d. Sweeris/Green, 13, 9. Not much to write about here.
Mashruwala Id gotten to know betterknew his dirty habit: he doesnt chew
tobacco, he eats it. First you take a betal leaf. Then you apply a chalky substance (the kind you
use for whitewash), and water. Then sprinkle over it a smelly, spicy aromatica combination
of cinnamon and cardamon perhaps. Then mix with the bark of a tree ground into a very fine
thin powder that will work as a base to the acid white chalk. And finally (mgod, I hope Ive
got all this right, else my readers will have canker sores all over their mouth) add chopped
betal nut and chewing tobacco. After a meal, says Subhash, THIS is the real thing. Subhash
even goes so far as to insist that this paan is eaten as a mouth refresher.
Subhashs mother and father have had this paan habitthis addictionever since they
were teenagers. As youth today have taken to pot and hashish, says Subhash, so Gujarat
youth have taken to this. There are paan shops everywheresome within 50 feet of one
anotherand some net 3,000 rupees a month. Of course its not just bad on your teeth,
chewing Indian tobacco can lead to cancer. But, says Subhash, my parents can continue to
refresh their memories by passing on the habit to me, and, after all, the obnoxious aroma can
break ones addiction to smoking. And Subhashs wife, Sita, does she eat tobacco, spit betal
blood?Beg pardon? She cant hearshes averted her face.

Subash gave me a red-striped Indian tie as a memento. That, and a copy of Topics
showing photos of some of the Indian players, served as entre when later at the U.S. Open at
Forest Hills I had brief interviews (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 12) with members of the Amritraj
family. The father had three sons playing, Ashok (#2 seed in the Pepsi Juniorfs), Anand, and
Vijay (meaning Victory in Hindiand well-named, for in Singles he had upset Swedens
teenage-sensation Bjorn Borg, and had now reached the quarters over the U.S.s Marty
Riessen). Turns out, as Id heard, that the Amritraj boys had once played table tennis, had
competed in tournaments, had been ranked in the Indian states. Even now they were very
good players. They do it for relaxation, said their father with a smile. After Vijay finished
hitting practice balls with Gerulaitis (first name Vitasmeaning Life), I talked to him for a
few minutes. He hadnt wanted to switch from table tennis, which he was good at, to tennis,
which he wasnt very good at. But his parentsparticularly his fatherhad insisted. There
would be more of a future in it, hed said. Now, Vijay said with a smile, Im very glad I did
On June 2 at
Riverdale, India
barely beat the U.S.
8-7: Men: Jayant d.
Brathwaite, 11, 17;
Seemiller d. Dua, 18,
15; Bajaj d. Sweeris,
10, 19; Seemiller d.
Jayant, 19, 16;
Brathwaite d. Bajaj,
15, 23; Dua d.
Sweeris, 17, 14;
Seemiller d. Bajaj,
14, -14, 16; Sweeris
d. Jayant, 17, 15.
Women: Salokhe d.
Sweeris, 11, 10;
Green d. Saraswathi,
18, 19; Banerjee d.
The Indian Table Tennis Team and U.S. representatives at a reception in the
Indian Embassy. Minister Eric Gonsalves is at the center of the picture
Yvonne Kronlage,
From the June 21, 2974 India News
10, 15; Salokhe d.
Green, 18, 17;
Banerjee d. Sweeris, 19, 15; Kronlage d. Saraswathi, 13, -15, 15; Banerjee d. Green, 10, 11.
An embarrassing mix-up occurred during the playing of the national anthems as the
players of the two countries marched in. One of the secretaries of the Indian Embassy was
heard to exclaim, THAT isnt the Indian anthem! Never mind. After hearing the record to its
absurd conclusion, Captain Mashruwala rose to the occasiondirected a chorus of the real
song of India.
U.S. goodbyes to the Indian Team, and from some, See you in Calcutta for the 75
Worlds! The Japanese were going home too, but first, as Don Nash reports (TTT, May-June,
1974, 11), they were going to play the Northwest locals June 4 at the Portland, OR Paddle
Palace. First Exhibition Game: Takashima d. Joe Lee, 21-7 (Joe couldnt do much with

Takashimas chop defense and every time he tried to drop one

Don Nash
over the net and catch his opponent out of position,
Takashima would somehow always get up to the table in time
to kill the ball. Second Exhibition Game: Tom Ruttinger d.
Tasaka, 22-20. Both players used a topspin hitting game,
and the match was a real crowd-pleaser. Now, said Tommy,
Im ready for Jack Howard.
The Japanese women played a 2/3 Exhibition Match.
They broke down in the middle of one game with the giggles.
One hard hit ball hit the net, walked half the nets length and
just fell off onto the other side, giving the other girl no chance
to return it.It took several minutes for the girls to recover,
not to mention most of the members of the audience who
were laughing along with them.
Hasegawa and Takashima put
on a marvelous 1-game Exhibition
Match. Hasegawa played 30 feet
back and his fantastic backhand
topspin lob returns brought the
crowd to its feet several times. With
Hasegawa up 19-17, both players
put on a fight for the next point that
will never be forgotten. Three times
the audience began to applaud for
Takashima, who it seemed had finally
hit one so hard and fast to the
opposite corner that Hasegawa
would never be able to reach the ball,
let alone hit it, and three times the
crowd was dazzled by Hasegawas acrobatic display of skill that not only saw him reach the
ball but return it with his patented backhand topspin lob. Finally Hasegawa was able to
counter-drive Takashimas smash, but just when everyone thought the point was his,
Takashima somehow managed to counter-drive Hasegawas counter-drive and so gain the
point. Don said, The standing ovation lasted well over a minute.
Dr. Bob Ho, President of the Portland Club, took time off from his MC job and, with
his trusty anti-spin side at the ready, joined the three Japanese men for a doubles match. Nash
said the Japanese all showed much human warmth with their laughter and by staying
afterward to hit some with some of the youngsters.
E.C. Preoccupations
At the May 27 E.C. Meeting in Oklahoma City the day after the U.S. Open, the
Minutes were taken by Recording Secretary Lou Bochenski (TTT, May-June, 1974, 26).
Treasurer Jack Carr reported the USTTA had $24,000 in tangible assets$7,000 is
immediately available in the bank; $5,000 in 4-year certificates, $12,000 in Detroit Banks in C
Ds, $6,000 of which will be available (though with interest penalty) in a month and $6,000 in
about two months. Thus, about $19,000 will be available in two months for immediate use.

Since there was no National television,

the USTTA didnt receive any income from TV
rights at the Oklahoma City U.S. Open. Dick
Miles explained that foreign teams had not
committed themselves far enough in advance for
TV people to make the longtime commitment for
TV. Of course the Association needs money.
Warren Rasmussen will look into finding a
professional fund raiser; and Boggan hopes that
Mort Zakarin will head a fund raising committee
to raise funds for the 1975 Worlds.
The E.C. agreed to pay the following people
for their individual work: $200 to Rufford Harrison
for costs incurred to attend the ITTF Meeting in
Dublin this spring; $75 to Vic Landau for his
efforts connected with the Selection Committee;
$50 to Carl Danner for nomination work; $200 to
Warren Rassmussen for library and film committee
expenses at the U.S. Open; and $50 each to the 3
substitute Captains at the U.S. Open. In a later Nov.
23, 1974 letter to me, Allan Herskovich, who Id
successfully urged to be the original U.S. Mens
Team Captain, thought payment for such a position Ex-Yugoslav National Allan Herskovich, in his
capacity as U.S. Team Captain, is seen
(and $50 at that) didnt make sense; and he was
with Dragutin Surbek (right)
VERY critical of our International Chair Bob
Kaminsky, felt he was impossible to work with. Allan said indignantly hed been appointed the
U.S. Captain, not a laundry man and a busboy for Kaminsky.
U.S. track suits will be given to Bill Lesner, Jeff Smart, and Mort Zakarin for their
fund-raising assistance for the Sarajevo Worlds and to the women who played for the U.S.
Team (men get them too?).
Marv Shaffer tells us elsewhere that the USTTA is willing to pay anyone whos an
Association member $50 to compile the best Table of Contents and Index for the newlyrevised USTTA Official Handbook (formerly USTTA Rules). This Handbook is in loose-leaf
form allowing individual pages to be updated or new pages to be added without reprinting the
entire book (but with Table of Contents/Index changes needed). Theres a note of desperation
here? If you can even make a creditable try at a Table of Contents/Index, youll receive an
award. And since the Handbook sells for $5, in your try for $50 you do not have to purchase
a copy. If you can do the Table of Contents/Index without buying it, thats o.kno problem.
Jack Carr made a motion that he, the Treasurer, be paid $50 a month, but did not get a
second. The Philadelphia Clubs request of a waiver of sanctioning fees was rejected, and the
E.C. directed the Club to make payment of at least $25 a month until the entire sum of
$592.05 is paid. Also, the Club is instructed to make good on umpire fees.
Since E.C. members attending policy-making meetings have their way paid, Fuarnado
Roberts rightly criticized President Boggan for having the expense of this May 27 E.C.
meeting less than a month before the E.C. summer meeting that would follow. A bad
mistake, Boggan saidnot a good use of funds.

However (and this was probably Boggans time-factored-in

reason for not delaying), two important and timely presentations
were made at this meetingby representatives of Oklahoma City
and Houston. Both wanted to hold the 1975 U.S. Open.
Messrs. Draper (Chamber of Commerce), Sinclair
(Myriad), Medford (All Sports Association), and Shirley
(Tournament Director) wanted to repeat their Oklahoma City Open.
They proposed that they would make a rent-free permanent
headquarters in Oklahoma City for the USTTA. Ways of improving
upon the tournament were mentioned.
Jimmy D. Fore, Vice President of the Astrodome-Astrohall
Stadium Corporation, and Wayne Chappell of the greater
Houston Convention and Visitors Council gave a
presentationfor that city.
Though it was the unanimous feeling of the
members of the E.C. that the Oklahoma City U.S. Open
was the best tournament in the history of table tennis
in the United States, the 1975 U.S. Open,
contingent upon the signing of a final contract,
was awarded to Houston by a 5-1-3 votewith
Disney, Boggan, Bochenski, Carr, and Howard
voting Yes; Danner voting No; and Miles,
Sams pointed the way
Kaminsky, and Shaffer Abstaining. It was
suggested that Detroit might like to hold a U.S.
Closed or the Team Championships.
A few days after this E.C. meeting, on June 1, E.C. Corresponding Secretary Fred
Danner wrote Ron Shirley, to whose bid he was sympathetic, saying he had mixed feelings:
The 1974 U.S. Open represented a turning point in table tennis for the
USTTA. The hard work of the Oklahoma Committee brought the sport for the first
time (independent of the China politics) into the main arena where its potential could
be directly viewed & evaluated by top promoters. This, Im sure, was a major plus
factor behind the outstanding offer we received to stage next years event in Houston.
While the attempts were being made to interest Houston in next years Open
and in sponsoring the 1979 U.S. World Tournament, we were quite unaware &
somewhat [sic] surprised that you would be interested in a repeat performance. The
only formal offer for the 1975 Nationals had come from Detroit up to last Sunday
night [May 26].
The Oklahoma offer posed a tremendous dilemma to the USTTA Executive
Committee. Could we ignore what might be a last chance to run the 1979 Worlds by
turning down the most generous offer by the Astrodome Group, or could we turn our
backs in effect on the best tournament group weve ever had and go to Houston.
Fred thought that at the May 27th meeting in Oklahoma City the E.C. would either
defeat the Houston proposal or at least defer action until the summer meeting by getting a tie
vote, so he was stunned by the actual 5-1-3 vote. Too bad, he says, but the damage had

been done. Fred obviously doesnt see much future in Houston, and maybe doesnt much care
if we get the Worlds or not.
But he does admit that the E.C. had some reasons for their action by saying that the
Houston pros (almost a bad word with Fred?) may be able to get national TV coverage &
spectators, and, in addition, they have offered us a tremendous cash advance without which
we would have difficulty getting the foreign teams to come back next year.
He continues:
I was so disappointed by this vote that I considered resigning from the E.C.
After sleeping on it for a couple of days the logic of going to Houston seems a bit
more reasonable. Conversations with several of the players seemed to highly favor the
Houston bid.[But] you can be sure that we will make every effort to bring table
tennis back to the Myriad at the earliest possible time. There is a good possibility [sic]
for running either the U.S. Open Team Championships or the U.S. National Closed
Tournament in Oklahoma City either later this year, or in 1975. [A good possibility?
True, the USTTA is seeking bids for these tournaments. But has Shirley asked to run
such tournaments? Can Fred speak so affirmatively for the E.C.?] Although the 1976
U.S. Open has tentatively [sic: tentatively?] been awarded to Philadelphia, that
situation could change depending on that committees evaluation of their capability to
run it. There is a tradition never to run the Open twice in a row in any city so that had
we done this, the E.C. could be severely criticized for partiality toward one section of
the country. [And if the Open goes to the Southwests Houston?]*
Meanwhile, please realize that while only one E.C. member voted for
Oklahoma when the chips were down, every E.C. member felt your group did a great
job. They voted for Houston only because of the need for million dollar sponsorship
[to hold the Worlds] in 1979 which they felt only a place like the Astrodome could
provide. The press coverage & worldwide TV coverage we will get at Houston, along
with the technical knowledge in how to sell spectator tickets can only help future U.S.
Opens to become financially successful. [It would seem, since Texas sent by far the
most players to this Open107 as compared to host Oklahomas
56there would be spectator potential in Houston.].
Why is Fred so resistant to holding the U.S. Open in Houston? He
has reason to be antagonistic toward Miles? Dick of course is insistent on
awarding the Open to Houston because he sees a chance to get the Worlds
there, and in so doing would accomplish what the E.C. had given him
authority to do and what would surely be very much to his own advantage.
To me, it seems that Fred and Ron had talked chummily and Fred had led
Ron to believe that Oklahoma City might well get a return bid (when the
chips were down, Fred says, he was the only E.C. member who came
through for Ron), and now he was trying hard to soften the blow.
At the E.C.s June 22-23 Summer Meeting, the Minutes were
recorded by Mal Anderson (TTT, May-June, 1974, 26-27). Item 35 reads:
Contract with Houston for 1975 U.S. Open was signed by
Boggan. Comments on contract. Wooden floor not mentioned.

Fred Danner

Master scoreboard for all tables not mentioned. Free programs for officials and players
not mentioned. [Same criticisms had been made of the 74 U.S. Open.] Houston will
pay us the sanction fee and ITF [International Team Fund]. We will cooperate in
providing umpires and officials for tours before and after the tournament. Will ITTF
approved equipment be used? 4 rooms now provided, need 5. Team priorities:
Czechoslovakia instead of Yugoslavia.
Later, in an Aug. 3, 1974 letter to Recording Secretary Lou Bochenski, Fred says:
The contract for the U.S. Open in Houston was signed before the meeting
and before I found out that Oklahoma had made a completely responsive proposal to
do the event again in 1975 ON DECEMBER 28, 1973. As far as I could determine no
other member of the EC but Boggan & Miles had any knowledge of this offer (full firm
commitment) until advised of it in MAY 1974 at the Nationals. Is it any wonder that
we decided to go to Houston and kill the best chance we ever had to put Table Tennis
on a firm footing in this country. The unfair way we treated the Oklahoma Tournament
Committee will go down as possibly the worst mistake this EC has ever made.
As Im reading all this 32 years later, Im sure that Miles and I wanted the Open to go
to Houston to give us a shot at the Worldswhich most definitely would NOT kill the best
chance we ever had to put Table Tennis on a firm footing in this countryrather just the
opposite. I question Freds assertion that my E.C. was unfair to Oklahoma City. First, he
tells Shirley that, until the May 26 meeting when we heard presentations from both Oklahoma
City and Houston, the only formal offer hed heard about to run the 75 U.S. Open had
come from Detroit. (Fred wasnt aware that Houston was serious? I was keeping that a
Then he tells Bochenski that Oklahoma City, even before they could see the outcome
of the 1974 U.S. Open, had made a completely responsive proposal, a full firm
commitment to run a back-to-back 1975 U.S. Open. But apparently this (formal?) offer was
sent only to me (and not to any member of my E.C.)which, as far as Fred could determine
(whatever that means), I then kept secret from all my E.C. members except Miles. Fred might
just as well have said that the Oklahoma City group also kept their offer a secret, as did the
Houston group, if through the winter/spring months, no one was lobbying the E.C. members
for the Open and Fred was totally in the dark (was he?) as to any formal offer other than the
one from Detroit. Then, Fred says, I, Tim, signed a contract with Houston before the
Freds comments are usually on the mark. But all this from his perspective doesnt
sound rightdoesnt sound like something either the Oklahoma City group would do (or fail
to do), Houston would do (or fail to do), or I would dothough Im certain, with a Worlds
at stake, Id made up my mind to try to convince my E.C. to give Houston the Open. I was
sympathetic to the Oklahoma City group, felt uncomfortable in denying them, but I had no
dilemma. I wasnt being fair, if fair meant I was 50-50 neutral as to who would get the bid.
However, if my E.C. had wanted what Fred wanted and apparently last-minute lobbied for
for the 75 Open to go to Oklahoma Citythey would not have voted, after hearing the
different presentations, for Houston, and I would not have awarded the Open to Houston
contingent upon the signing of a final contract.

Highlights of the June 22-23 E.C. meeting in Plainview, N.Y. are as follows:
The National Junior T.T. Foundation, Inc. now has its charter from the State of
Massachusetts. Tax-exempt status due to arrive. Officers are: President: Warren Rasmussen
who also heads the Development (former Fund-Raising) Committee; Secretary/Treasurer Fred
Danner; Trustees: Gus Kennedy, Harry Kitselman, Mitchell Silbert, Joe Newgarden, Al
Nochinson, and Ed Morgan. Danner will ask USTTA members to help him raise money for the
Foundations aim of establishing Table Tennis as a permanent part of the school physical
education program. Members can oblige by selling school program decals. Eventually, a
National School Medal program can be put in place for school champions.
The amount of $1,915.96 will be appropriated within the coming year from nonspecific funds raised by the Development Committee to repay the money taken from the
General Fund on an emergency basis for the U.S. Junior Team trip to Germany.
Regarding the 1974 Toronto CNE tournament (also called the Canadian Open): the
Teams will be picked according to Ratings based on tournaments received by July 15. The
Captains are: Overall (Mens): Jack Carr. 1st Alternate: John Read; 2nd Alternate: Errol Resek.
Womens: Barbara Kaminsky. 1st Alternate: Yvonne Kronlage. Boys: Rufford Harrison. Girls:
Connie Sweeris. 1st Alternate: Jeff Smart.
Regarding the 1975 U.S. World Team: The Selection Committee will offer Candidates
for Team Captain by the Aug. 29-Sept. 1 Canadian Open. Regional Trials, if any, will be in
Sept. (later moved to Oct.); the Final Trial will be in Oct. (later moved to Nov.). Delegates will
be (1st) President Boggan and (2nd) International Chair Kaminsky. The U.S. World Team will
consist of 5 men, 4 women, 1 captain and 2 coaches, all [12] to have their trip fully funded
before any delegates expenses are paid. Priority list for additional personnel: 13. 1st
delegate. 14. Team Manager. 15. ITTF officer. 16. Analyst. 17. Photographer. 18. 2nd
delegate. First, everyones air fares are paid, then, if money remains, hotel bills will be paid.
Except for the 1975 U.S. Open, which will receive this service free, mailing labels will
be sold to affiliated clubs for tournaments at cost.
Add to Standing Rule #54: This 20% finders fee will be applicable only to
uncommitted funds received into the USTTA General Fund or ITF Fund. Fees for services, or
value received, are negotiable and require E.C. approval in writing.
It was unanimously agreed that the certificates of deposit in two Detroit banks are to
be withdrawn as they mature. At the moment, the International Budget for 1973-74 showed a
large deficit. If the $5,002 receivable is collected, the budget deficit for the teams to the 74
U.S. Open is $98.57. The following committee budgets were approvedwith Fred Danner
remarking later that most E.C. members were more interested in expenditures that suited their
own purposes than in working out a complete budget for the good of the Association:
Topics, $17,000; Jr. Development, $1,000; ITF and International, $2,000;
Affiliates, $1,700; Ratingssee later motion; Membership, $5,500; Library and Film,
$1,000; Coaching, $12,500; E.C., $4,500; Equipment, $1,500; Intercollegiate, $50;
Photography, $300; Rules, $700; Legal, $0; Tournament, $500; Disciplinary, $100;
Literature, $300; Nominating, $550; Selection, $200; Top Ten, $0. 79 Worlds, $100;
Misc., Presidents discretion, $750; U.S. Team to India, $6,000 [up to a maximum of
$6,000 total from both the Senior International Team Fund and the General Fund].
That adds up to $56, 250+quite a lot.

Foxs Ratings were not up to date until the July-Aug. issue of Topics. In that issue
Neal goes into Concepts and Definitions of his Rating System, including an innovative (though
unsuccessful) attempt to establish meaningful titled ranks based on ratingsWorld Rank of
Champion (2600), International Rank of Champion (2400), National Rank of Champion
(2200), Star (2000), Master (1800), Expert (1600), Junior Champion (1900), Woman
Champion (1800), Junior Woman Champion (1600). He praises the cooperative efforts of his
Regional DirectorsDr. Richard Alden, Tom McEvoy, Sue Sargent, Herb Vichnin, and Bard
Brenner. He acknowledges the help hes received from past contributors to the RatingsJack
Howard, Lou Bochenski, Jeff Kurtz, and Mel Eisner. He thanks the more recent major
contributors to his Ratingshis computer programmer Ira Greenburg; computer solver Neal
Boniface, and typist Katie Simon. And he appreciates the constructive criticism of Kurtz,
Bochenski, Eisner, and the Pittsburgh Club.
Though admonishing
the E.C. for its hurried, slapNeal Fox
in-the-face decision to award
the 1975 U.S. Open to
Houston, he also takes a swat,
maybe two, at the Oklahoma
City organizers (TTT, JulyAug., 1974, 13):
Ratings did not appear
[in the May-June
Topics]because the
results of the
Nationals [U.S.
Open] had not been
received. The final
segments of the Nationals Results, the Mens, Mens A, Womens, and Womens A,
were not received until the first week of August. Repeated telephone calls in June and
July were met with promises and assurances followed by partial results. The final story
was that the secretary of the Oklahoma Chamber of Commerce had inadvertently not
reported all the results she had held for two months for duplicating. (Also I understand
the All Oklahoma Sports Association, who was given the responsibility, still has not
paid all the players their fees for umpiring at the Nationals.)
Heres Foxs new Tournament Sanction proposal to the E.C. as presented by
the Rating Committee will receive $3,000 plus 50 cents per player in every
tournament between Sept. 1, 1974 and June 30, 1975. If the 50 cents amount totals
more than $4,500, the USTTA general fund will then receive half of all these monies in
excess of $4,500, the Rating Committee the other half. Also, Fox is authorized to
sanction development tournaments, $15 sanction fee plus 25 cents per player; player

permits for these tournaments will be $1.00 adult/$.50 juniors (75% to USTTA), of
which Fox will receive 25%. In these tournaments, no doubles will be allowed, and
only one event is to be limited by age or sex; no trophies or money awards, awards to
be supplied by Fox; entry fee not to exceed $3 per event [each player guaranteed at
least 3 matches]; dates may conflict with any other tournament [a feature, as weve
seen, particularly favored by Danner whod urge that we have 50 tournaments a week
in any region]. Passed 5-3.
[USTTA league ratings will be kept completely separate from USTTA
tournament ratings. There will be a $15.00 monthly charge per league plus $.50 per
USTTA member and $1.00 per non-USTTA member (of which $.50 goes to
In his Aug. 3, 1974 letter to Bochenski, Danner recalls (what the Minutes dont
specify) that Boggan, Miles, Rasmussen (proxy [for Disney]), Shaffer, & Anderson voted
FOR Foxs Rating Program, and Kaminsky, Danner, Harrison (proxy [for Bochenski] voted
against it. Treasurer Carr couldnt attend the meeting and so couldnt give financial guidance
to the E.C. at this most important time. Fred says, There was no real way to stop Miles &
Boggan on this one even though the motion was passed with the radical change to the
tournament fees and with the new development type tournament thrown inWITHOUT ANY
Fox, where his interests are concerned, is a take charge guy, an indefatigable doer,
whos become the National Tournament Director or USTTA Tournament Chair, and as such is
intent on streamlining procedures for reporting results that will help him keep ratings up to
date. In TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 14, hes explicit about the forms to be filled out for various
kinds of tournaments, and describes his new reduced-cost Tournament Sanction procedure for
frequent participation events planned and operated for the average playerand that includes
interschool matches, both high school and collegiate.
Danner, and, indeed, most, if not all, of the E.C. members liked the job Fox was
doing and wanted him to continue, but Fred felt Neal was asking for too much in his
proposal and so got him to agree not to spend General Funds in excess of $3,000. A
modified proposal, in which the Rating Committee will keep 90% of the gross income
[from these Developmental tournaments] while the other 10% go to the General Fund
was passed unanimously.
Fred, though aware that Miles & Boggan considered the $17,000 we had in
Certificates of Deposit as an inconvenience which delayed their spending of it, voted with
them to withdraw the Certificates as they matured; and he also voted for funding the Calcutta
Team $6,000. But Fred, feeling he alone of the E.C. members was fearful that excessive
spending could bankrupt the USTTA, spent several days trying to understand what was
happening to our cash flow & budget and how we might be able to balance things out while
still accomplishing most of our intended program. Freds solution: I adopted the position
ANTICIPATED INCOME. This meant (based on last years income) that we would probably
get about $47,000 income next season. Which meant spending had to be cut by MORE
THAN 50%.

Fred emphasized:
After a study of USTTA long-term commitments the maintaining of a
$17,000 reserve fund appears not only wise but absolutely necessary. Boggan will not
make the Topics so cheap as to be worthless and we are obligated to supply LIFE
members with Topics at a cost of about $2.50/year/member for about 500 LIFE
members. When you realize that we are now also rating these people and handling their
requests for literature, change of addresses, etc., the total cost runs close to $2,000/
year to keep their memberships in force. At present available rates of interest (7.5%) it
would take closer to a reserve of $30,000 to develop enough income to cover these
expenses without dipping into each years operating income from the General Fund.
Thus the holding of $17,000 in reserve for this purpose was a bare minimumit
should be more. Further, we have had tremendous difficulty trying to convert existing
Certificates issued at 5% to better issues paying the 7.5% because of the loss of these
documents by the previous USTTA Treasurer. The need to have a sinking fund in the
Treasury at all times to handle transfer of sponsor funds when they dont make payments in
time for the bills we are committed to may prevent us from putting even the $17,000 into
the higher yield notes which puts even more pressure on the USTTA budget.
Freds also critical of the Coaching Program, says it seems to be mainly paying money
to a few top people who run clinics rather than to develop new USTTA coachesand more
importantly it doesnt return any money to the Treasury. But, as weve seen, Jeff has been
pleading with clubs to organize clinics where those interestedprospective coachescan
learn. Meanwhile, at the Oklahoma City U.S. Open, we note (TTT, May-June, 1974, 15) just
how successful the coaching seminars set up by Bill Lesner and Jeff werepeople being
forced to stand or sit on the floor after all the chairs were taken.
Both Bill and Jeff gave talks. Bill described the perfect forehand, including variations
against chop, lob, etc. Jeff gave two separate talks, one on practice techniques and another on
service/receive development. (The talks Bill and Jeff gave can be found on page 16 in the
July-Aug., 1974 Topics.) Jack Howard gave a talk[on] the necessary footwork and
patterns needed to develop a truly great backhand. Dick Miles and Ichiro Ogimura worked
together to give a talk on the history and development of table tennisas well as giving some
good demonstrations. Also, says Jeff, almost all of the coaching literature was picked up
after the first day of the tournament. Over one hundred coaching program and practice drill
manuals were gone by the end of the first day.
In that same Topics (15; 42), Jeff also provided an Analysis of International Play at
the U.S. Open:
If you get a chance to see the films of the Nationals, watch Surbek to see
the wrist loops [he tilts the wrist down and backnot just down. Thus the backswing
becomes a sort of underhand swoop, with a whip like a discus throwers toss]. Also,
watch the Yugoslav ace kill-loop near the bounce and send the ball straight down the
line from the forehand to the backhand corner, especially against Takashima.
Seemiller, Jeff says, is the only American player I saw who hadthese advanced
techniques already.I do not agree with the many top coaches who say he can not get
really good because of his style.[He] can now make very hard killsforehand and
backhand. And his loop is almost never returned by the attackers!

Dragutin Surbek (left); Danny Seemiller (right). Notice any similarities? Any differences? Look carefully.

AREAS FOR DEVELOPMENT: Footwork.Our hitters need to improve

their moving over to take the forehand on the backhand side and then follow by
making a strong shot on the outside forehand. Our defenders need to be able to move
in and out better.One extremely good technique is to use a lot of wrist on each chop
but to catch the ball at varying points in the wrist swing to change and disguise the
spin. Jeff notes that our players fall short in delivering very short serves with much
spin and long serves with fake actions to hide top/chop, as well as varying lots of speed
and spin. On receipt of serve, our players must be able to attack any serve.
Jeff concludes that were really not that far behind foreign play, but we do
need more frequent exposure to their latest advances. So, Calcutta, watch out, were
In general up to this time, U.S. Opens
were not held back-to-back in the same city
but there were exceptions: in 1943 and 44 the
Open was held in the St. Louis University
Gym; in 50 and 51 the St. Louis University
Gym; in 65 and 66 (also in 61, 63, 68, 70,
and 73) Detroits Cobo Hall. Gary Fagan, part
owner of Oklahoma Table Tennis, wants the
U.S. Open to have a fixed sitejust as tennis
has Forest Hills. That way all would gradually,
effectively be improved upon and the Open
would grow in stature.


Gary Fagan

Award winners at the

1974 Olympia Open
Photo by Ray Galub

Chapter Twenty-Four
1974: Summer TournamentsPart I.
Tyra Parkins tells us (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 18) that the 16-table, 125+-entry Olympia
Open, sponsored by the Olympia Brewing Co. and the Washington State TTA, was held July 27-28
at the air-conditioned, modern, well-lighted, hardwood floored, unobstructed, vast gymnasium at
Seattle University. Kudos to Roger Cook, who, in interpolating the U.S. and some 30 Canadian
entries rankings/ratings with Dr. Michael Scott, IIIs assistence, produced an uncannily accurate
draw. Also, more than a nod of thanks goes to tournament workers Dr. Michael Scott, II, Lee
Olsen, Harold Russell, Tyra Parkins, Anthony Dodoye-Alali, and Steve Lightfoot.
Before play started, there was, I wont say an Olympian but enough of a controversy
aired in Topics (Sept.-Oct., 1974, 16; 18) between two Seattle clubsthe Ping Pong Parlor,
represented by its Committee of 32, and the University Club connected with the Washington
State TTA, represented by Dr. Michael Scott, II.
The 32 felt that the University Club resented the opening of the Ping Pong Parlor,
where one could play every night of the week, because it took players away from the
University Club, of necessity under a restricted schedule of play. The 32 say that on July 17
Joe Lee mailed an envelope containing [filled out] entry blanks and playing fees for the
Olympia tournament. Because of a tight deadline, Joe called Michael and said the entries of
Tom Ruttinger and others were coming. Two days before the tournament, Michael told Joe
over the phone that no entries had been received from the Ping Pong Parlor, that all the draws
had been made, and that Mr. Lee should inform his friends that they would not be welcome to
come to the tournament even as spectators! [I presume, if Dr. Scott said this, he thought
thered be more hassles for him if they were there]. Michael insisted his club was not
selectively excluding these Ping Pong Parlor entries as charged. He said all late entries had
been rejected, including Eddie Los.

As it happened, the envelope Lee

sent (with Tom Ruttingers return
name and address on it), though
correctly addressed, was returned to
Mr. Ruttinger unopened, postmarked
July 23 as mailed to an unknown
address [my italics]. Huh?
Understandably, Tom came to the
tournament seeking an explanation.
Michael showed Tom what he and Joe
Lee hadnt seen in two different places
on the entry blankthat not just a
Olympia Open Mens Singles Runner-up Gerry Hamer: right street address but a name was
whats moving faster, the ball or his glasses?
Lee had been to Scotts home
playing table tennis less than one week prior to the deadline, and said that he wasnt going
to play in the tournament. But, since they were friendly, when Joe told Mike entries were
coming, and they didnt come, Mike could have called Joe and maybe, or maybe not, likely
not, have been able to take the entries over the phone. But why have to go to that trouble?
(Turns out that Ruttingerwhom Dr. Scott said wasnt on an official list of USTTA
approved players, was apparently snubbing the USTTA, for hed intended to purchase a
$2.00 playing permit.)
Anyway, the tournament was held, apparently uneventfully. The Mens was won by
Peter Joe over Gerry Hamer, 18 in the 4th. Tyra wrote that Peters penhold style and feline
reflexes were in sharp contrast to Gerrys close-to-the table stance, unorthodox [Seemillerlike] gripand more bear-like reactions. Often Peter would be in the midst of a follow
through when Gerrys lightning fast block would force him along the way to adjust his
timing and forehand stroke. Peter also had to displayfancy footwork to neutralize Gerrys
deft and diabolic placement of his blocks; whereas Gerry was content to patiently remain
almost statue-like in his stance until Peters a little-too-high return came to his forehand.
Thenwham!came Hamers hammer. At that moment, his glasses departed and his
magnificent beard and long hair would distend as if he had put his finger in a light socket.
In the absence of Defending Champion Judy Bochenski, the Womens went to a vastly
improved Nimi Athwalover Karen Halverson in straight games. Tyra said, At times it
sounded like an Athwal clan convention with Simi, Nimi, Onkar, Amrit, and Pritham Athwal
being paged over the loudspeaker for their matches. Open Doubles went to Joe/Eddie Lo
over Hamer/Alan Bajkov in 5. Senior winner was Mike Scott, II over Art Ngai, 11, 19, -23, 21, 15. Mike has developed a Bill Rapp-style loop that is tantalizingly high and just seems to
slowly float over the net, but is leaded with spin. To neutralize Mikes blocking, looping, and
counter-driving, Art varied his game style from topspin to chopping, [from] driving to
spectacular lobbing, and [from a] close-up stance to [one] far back.
Other results: Class I: Hamer over Greg Eng, 19 in the 4th. Class I Doubles: Eng/Ron
Ferrians over Hamer/Onkar Athwal. Class II: Jeff Woo over Dick Tucker. II Doubles: Eng/
Paul Lee over O. Athwal/Woo. Class III: Juggy Padda over Cook. Novice: Yale Sage over
Brent Northrup, 17, -20, 20, then over Padda in 5. Novice Doubles: Bill Dobson/Cook over
Randy Lowe/Sage.

Paddle Palace put on three summer tournaments. Don

Nash reported on the 19-event June 7-9 Rose Festival Open.
Results: Mens ($200 in prize money): Tom Ruttinger, -19, 13,
19, 16, over Joe Lee, his partner in the newly formed [March,
1974] table tennis center in Seattle. Womens: Marie Mason
over Lori Mason. Open Doubles: Ed Ng/Keun Chung over Bob
Ho/Paul Chang. Mixed Doubles: Joe/Penny Lee over Bill/Marie
Mason. Family Doubles: Jack/Charlie McLarty over Earl/Jay
Adams. Seniors: Ho over retired actor Russ Thompson who
made the long trip up from Hollywood. U-17s: Kevin Young
over Jay Crystal, 24-22 in the 3rd. U-15s: Chris Burton over
Charlie McLarty
Bobby Rinde.
Other winners: As: Monsonori Yoshimura, probably the
most determined, intense player in the Northwest (samurai
echoes abound?) over Chung, -19, 20, 19, 20 (wow, thats
determined alright). 2nd best match: Paul Chang over Earl Adams,
-10, 23, 21. Bs: Dunbar Carpenter over Ferrians whod downed Crystal, 18 in the 3rd. B
Doubles: Gordon Favell/George Steffanissin over Ferrians/Burton, deuce in the 3rd. Cs: Bill
Vazquez over Rinde, 19 in the 3rd, then over Rick Brown. Ds: Bruce Carlson over Jim James,
19 in the 3rd. D Doubles: Cook/Burton over David/Jim James. Unrated Singles: Dennis Foster
over Geoffrey Hanks. Dennis traveled about 2300 miles from Claypool, AZ and back, and
played tirelessly in 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 events. Handicap Singles: Susan Fredrickson over
Foster. Warm-Up Singles: Arnie Anderson, who by car covered 1600 round-trip miles from
Salt Lake City, over Carpenter, 18 in the 3rd. Draw Doubles: Brian Wright/Mike Bochenski
over Bruce Rufener/Anderson, -19, 16, 22.
The next Paddle Palace tournament was held July 5-7, so was named the Firecracker
Open. But Don Nash (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 19) tells us about a soaring hope thats fizzled. In
our Club, he says, there are three times as many players in Class F (below 1000 points) as in
any other category, but in tournaments we have failed to bring these players out into events
structured especially for them. Usually the awards have been the same for Class F as for the
Open [!]. Meanwhile, dozens of players bring sleeping bags and stay overnight at the Paddle
Palace, sleeping on padded leatherette built-in lounge seating that surrounds the main playing area.
Results: Teams: exKorean Keun Chung;
Masanori Yoshimura; and
Joe Lee over Judy
Bochenski; former Oregon
Champ from Vietnam Vo
Que Han; and Ed Ng, 5-3
(Lee won all three, and
Yoshimura downed Ng and
Han). Open Singles: Judy
Bochenski over 14-yearold Peter Joe. Best match:
Jeff Kurtz over Yoshimura,
Keun Chung
24, -21, 10, 20. Biggest
Vo Que Han
Photo by Lou Bochenski

Left: the undefeated doubles

team of D-J Lee and Dean
Doyle; above: Dean as school
exhibition star; right, Mike
Bochenski (as Deans partner?)

upset: B.C.s Alan Bajkov over Oregon Champ Ron

Carver in 5. Open Doubles winners: Lee/Yoshimura over
Bochenski/Ng whod 12, 20, 17 barely survived Kurtz/
Dave Hudson. (Dave got burned this Firecracker
Openlost enough points to drop him out of the Master class, so, if its any consolation to
him, he can play in the As next tournament.) Judy, we learn elsewhere, has been busyPepsi
Cola has sponsored her in weekly exhibitions at supermarkets and at city parks, as well as at
two county fairs and the Oregon State Fair.
Other winners: Seniors: Tore Fredrickson over Dick Tucker. U-17s: Joe over Mike
Bochenski. U-15s: Roger Woo over Jeff Woo, then over Rinde (Jeff scored a stunning upset
in the Teams over Judy). As: Joe over David Davallou, -19, 16, 19. But since Joe reached the
Open final, he couldnt win the As. Hence Hiroshi Takaki, whom Joe beat in the semis, should
have played Davallou for the title, but due to an error by the Tournament Director he didnt
and on downing Fredrickson, whom Joe had beaten in the quarters, Takaki was declared the
winner. Bs: Roger Woo over Victor Chan, -19, 19, 19. Ds: Bruce Carlson over Dan Farber in
5. Es: Walker over Warren Palin whod escaped Jay Adams, 19 in the 3rd. D Doubles: Terry
Walker/Farber over Dean Doyle/Scott Levitin.
This was young Doyles first tournamentand it wasnt long before Lou Bochenski
sent in an article to Topics that made 4,10 Dean July-Aug.s Junior of the Month (12).
When he started in Paddle Palace League play, Dean had a rating of 750 points, the lowest
you can go. Intelligent, quick learning, an ideal student, he developed smoothness and
steadiness by practicing with the Sitco robot, and his winning smile gained him a practice

partner whenever he wanted one, which was all day every day. So of course with such
dedication Doyle started making goals for himself, one of which was to quickly rise to a rating
of 1,000 points or more. In a moment well see how he did in the next Paddle Palace
tournament, the Aug. 9-10 Northwest Open.
Lou cant say enough nice things about Dean:
[He showed hes] a master of all talents at [Judys exhibitions]buzzing
around with the clipboard to get challengers names, handling the P.A. system like a
veteran, setting up and taking down the equipment, and even being one of the stars in
the play itself. People find it hard to believe that someone can play so spectacularly
with only four weeks of coaching. His personality shines, and he is a great asset as an
advertisement for the Paddle Palace. We plan to use him in exhibitions in school
assemblies and in clinics for teachers and P.E. instructors in the Fall.
He has advertised the Paddle Palaceby phoning the Calling All Sports
network radio talk show. No adult could possibly have handled it better. His plug,
spoken in a little boys voice, was far more valuable than any paid commercial.
Dean has been practically adopted by the Bochenski family with the youngest
Bochenski, Mike, being his special buddy. He camps out in the Palace room in a
sleeping bag on one of the popular 90-foot couches, and so guards the Palace over
night, along with Mike and faithful Tippy. Many adventures can be had at the Paddle
Palace, such as flying paper airlines, lobbing a table tennis ball, playing pool, chess, or
other games, moving the ceiling-high painting scaffolding, or entertaining visitors such
as Dal-Joon Lee (D-J and Dean are undefeated doubles partners).
[As for good sportsmanship,] if its old-fashioned to refrain from swearing,
throwing your paddle, shouting and showing your anger, then these [Paddle Palace]
juniors led by Dean are plenty old-fashioned.
Results from the Aug. 9-11 Northwest Open: 3-Man
Teams: 1. Tom Ruttinger/ Ken Pitts/ Kuen Chung. 2.
Yoshimura/ Yuki Yamada/ Eddie Lo. Mens: Tom Ruttinger
over Eddie Ng, 18 in the 4th. Open Doubles: Ruttinger/
Yoshimura over Vo Que Han/Judy Bochenski. As: Paul
Chang over Yamada. Bs: Henry Swain over Jim Tisler. B
Doubles: Jay Crystal/Mike Bochenski over Chris Depee/
Bruce Douglass. Cs: Rick Brown over Bruce Carlson. Ds:
Jim James over Clay Ashley whod outlasted Dave Morrison,
24-22 in the 3rd. Seniors: Bob Ho over Tisler. U-17s: Mike
Bochenski over Bobby Rinde. U-15s: David James over
Dean Doyle, 21, 19. Dean gained 196 rating points this
tournamentwhich brought him to over 1100 points: goal
Jim Tisler
From Dec. 6-7, 1980 Pacific
Northwest Open Program
At the Aug. 10-11 San Francisco Summer Open,
Dave Chan was the Mens winner over Peter Yu in 5, then
over Henry Fung. Earlier, Chan and Yu both had 5-game battles with, respectively, Dick Evans
and Richard Liang (deuce in the 5th). Open Doubles: Chan/Fung over John Tannehill/Evans, 18
in the 4th. Miamis Caron Leff, out west on vacation, found John giving lessons this summer at

the San Francisco Club. As: Mike Greene over Chu. Bs: Glenn, deuce
in the 5th, over Pang, whod eliminated Chan, 23-21 in the 3rd. Cs: King
Tom d. Chan whod ousted Glenn, 19 in the 3rd. B/C Doubles: Pang/
Chick Chui d. Masaaki Tajima/Jonas Danso. Sat. Consolation: Tajima
over Frank Chang. Sun. Consolation: Tom over Tajima. Seniors: Evans
over Bob Stone. U-17s: Fung over Tito LeFranc.
Pat Crowley said that Monica and Chris Rosal were two of
maybe 250 local players who went to Anaheim to participate in the
Aug. 8-11 Orange County Easter Seal Tourn-A-Thon. Play was all-day,
all-night to benefit the Rehabilitation Institute of Orange County (RIO).
Coordinator Ginny Reid said, This is a great way to have fun and help
crippled children and adults at the same time.
Results from the Aug. 17-18, 22-event
Glenn Cowan
Santa Monica Open: Mens: Joong Gil Park
Photo by Pam
over Guillen. In his semis, Ray had defeated
Glenn Cowan in 5 after Glenn had taken out
Grossman, 19 in the 4th. Open Doubles:
Cowan/Banach (down 2-0) over Guillen/Eric
Thom. Womens: Patty Martinez over Monica
Rosal. Mixed Doubles: Mark Adelman/
Martinez over Guillen/Heather Angelinetta,
24, 20, 16. Esquires: Paal in 5 over Wilson
whod just gotten by Thompson, 19, -16, 22.
It was here in Santa Monica, at the Y, that
Wilson started to playthe year was 1935.
Seniors: Paal over Evans. Senior Doubles:
Thompson/Banach over Semana Nautica
Seniors winner Dick Badger/Huber.

Marty Doss
Photo by Don Gunn

Who should suddenly surface and want to play in

the late-Aug. San Diego Open but Marty Doss,
formerly a top U.S. player. As they say, hes been
on the run ever since the fall of 67 when he was
managing the Prince Georges T.T. Club in Maryland.
Hed played in Germany, then returned, incurring a
$100 debt to the USTTA. At a Nov., 8-9, 1969 E.C.
Meeting, President Graham Steenhoven had
suspended him because hed not paid the $100 he
owed the Association (though after some delay he
did pay $25). Graham asked that a note about
Dosss suspension be sent to Eastern clubs and to
Topics. Now, since years have passed, Pacific
Region Tournament Director wants to know from
current Disciplinary Chair Mike Scott (who has no
record of any action taken against Doss), and Mike
in turn wants to know from former Disciplinary

Chair Jack Carr (1) If Doss is still actively suspended from the USTTA can he purchase a
$2.00 players permit?; and (2) Is Doss eligible to purchase a USTTA card and be
reinstated? Carrs advice is, Its your Committees call to let him play, or not, but Jack
makes it clear hed never let Doss play in any tournament he ranfor reasons I dont need to
go into here. Result? Marty didnt play.
San Diego Results: Open Singles: Park over Guillen.
Best late-round matches: Dean Galardi over Thom, and Patty
Martinez over Al Everett, both in 5. Mens Doubles: Tommy
Vaello/Everett over Guillen/Thom, -14, -19, 19, 22, 24, then,
20, 19, 26 over Bill Ukapatayasakul/Adelman whod squeaked
by Ray Fahlstrom/Cowan, deuce in the 5th. Seniors: Paal over
Carmen Ricevuto. Senior Doubles: Paal/Frank Suran over Bill
Cooper/Ricevuto. As: Jafar Fatemi over Sanchez, 19 in the 5th.
A Doubles: Carr/Lofthouse over Lechtick/Steve Varella in 5.
Bs: Sam Liang over Carr. B Doubles: Banagas/Carr over
Mark Peeling/Richard Alden. Cs: Banagas over Al Martz.
What are D-J Lee, Dell and Connie Sweeris, and
especially Bruce Plotnick doing so far from home, playing out
in Denver in the Aug. 10-11 Rocky Mountain Open? One
Frank Suran
answer: winning events (and money?). Championship Singles:
Lee over Sweeris, 19 in the 4th. Best win: Joe Windham over Jack Howard, 23-21 in the 4th.
Mens Doubles: Sweeris/Jim Wherry over Howard/Plotnick, 22, -13, 17, then over Lee/Bob
Leatherwood, 22, -13, 17. Womens: Sweeris over Jan Polkinghorne. Mixed Doubles:
Sweeris/Sweeris over Denver Affiliate contact-man Jerry Plybon/Polkinghorne.
As: Plotnick over Larry Kesler. A
Doubles: Wherry/Leatherwood over Plotnick/
Steve Simon. Bs: Dom Tse over Jones. B
Doubles: Jim Cavanaugh/Jim Riddell over
Edmonds/Lee. Cs: Aniefiok Archibong over
Paul Groenig
Polkinghorne. Consolation (one game to 31): Sy
Photo by Mal
Kenig over Riddell, 31-21. Esquires: Ed Stein
over Kenig. Seniors: Stein over Cavanaugh, 19
in the 3rd. U-17s: Plotnick over Randy Nedrow.
U-15s: Plotnick over Paul Cracraft whod
advanced over Dave Jones, 19, 17, -21, 19.
Under 17 Doubles: Plotnick/Jones over Paul
Groenig/Nedrow. Father/Son Doubles: Bill/Tim Walsh over F.B./Bryan Lucas.
Marianne Szalay informs us that a Mexican International Team Tournament was
scheduled for Houston (complimentary hotel rooms had been booked at a Red Carpet Inn),
but it had to be canceled. (Why?) However, a Mexican Team did play in a spring Panama
Invitational, and Armando Quintero, the #2 Mexican behind Roberto Otero, won the Mens
Singles over Hue Wei Sing of the Peoples Republic of China.
The July 13-14 San Antonio Closed was a strange sort of Closed. Why? Because you
didnt have to be from there to play in it. Mens: Houstons Don Weems in 5 over Austins
John Hewes whod outlasted Steve Smith, -11, 18, -24, 19, 18. Womens: Marjory Wilcox,
who 30 years earlier had been a U.S. Open quarterfinalist, over Arlington Heights, IL U-13

entry Faan Yeen Liu. In 5 years Faan

Don Weems
Yeen will be the U.S. Closed Womens
From 1975 Houston
runner-up. Mens Doubles: Paul
Open Program
LeBlanc/Mike Finnell over Weems/
Randy Gay. Mixed Doubles: Weems/
Norma LeBlanc over Paul LeBlanc/
Cindy Garza. As: Hewes over Ryan in
5, then over Smith. Bs: Ryan over Ron
Heilman, -16, 16, 22, 19.
Consolations: Simon over Gay. U17s: Finnell over Faan Hoan Liu. U15s: Faan Hoan Liu over Stephen
Tenay whod defeated Faan Hoans
sister, Faan Yeen, after shed 15, 30, 11 stubbornly downed Loren Stone. U-13s: Faan Yeen
Liu over Arthur Amaya whod 19 in the 3rd gotten by Patrick Fromme.
At the July 27-28 Purcell, Oklahoma
Open, Joe Windham, whom wed seen training in
Grand Rapids, won the Mens over runner-up
Charles Butler. 3rd-Place went to Russell Finley;
4th to Steve Hammond. Mens Doubles:
Eisenhour/Fagan over Crawford/Finley.
Womens winner, playing in her first tournament,
was 10-year-old Kathy Thompson of
Bartlesville, OK over Janet Collins of Dallas.
Mixed Doubles: D. Rodriguez/Collins over R.
Crawford/Angie Crawford.
As: Eisenhour over Fagan whod
squeaked by Dana Jeffries 13, 19, 20. A
Doubles: Fagan/Ray Bennett over Eisenhour/Jim
Bartlesville Blosssom: Kathy Thompson
Hammond in 5. Bs: Davis Ragnell over
From Philnews, March, 1975
Meredith Elston. B Doubles: Elston/Chuck
Davis over P./S. Olivier who out-endured Jim Short/Mark Kennedy, -19, 18, 24. Cs: Mark
Stoolz over Kennedy. Seniors: Eisenhour over Lou Coates. U-17s/U-15s: Gerald Evans
over Short. U-17 As: Floyd McCammon over Brad Nichols. Junior Doubles: Finnell/Terry
Cortez over Short/Harold Hull. U-13s: Stoolz over Cortez. U-11s: Kathy Thompson over
Terry Seidle.
Leighton Johnson (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 23) fills us in on the annual Aquatennial
Open, held July 27-28 at Magoos. It was the largest one to datewith over 100 local entries
and a contingent of 20 players from Iowa. A note of thanks to co-directors Scott
Colesworthy and Nick Steblay, and their helpers Leighton Johnson and Steve Steblay.
In conjunction with those 20 out-of-towners from Iowa, that same July-Aug. TTT (11),
features a promotional article by Don Larson and Charlie Disney. Magoos, in an effort to
encourage more out-of-state players to travel to local tournaments around the [Midwest]
region, want to start the ball rolling. So, (1) theyre going to resume the paying of traveling
expenses to Magoos tournaments. The rate will be 4 cents a mile one way for any car with
4 or more people for distances greater than 200 miles. Also, (2) For any club that sends a

carload of players to a Magoos tournament, we will guarantee a carload or more of our

players will go to their tournament. And (3), to promote inter-club team matches at
tournaments, Don and Charlie hope to include a 2-man team event at their next tournament.
The overall idea is to generate more quality competition and so attract more players and
spectators. Don and Charlie work hard to try to get the Sport noticed. They and Rich Sinykin
gave a very professional and successful exhibition at the Minneapolis Sports Center during
the half-time of the Minnesota Buckskins World Team Tennis Match on August 7.
Aquatennial Results. Mens: Houshang Bozorgzadeh over runner-up John Soderberg.
3 Place: State Mens Champ Pete Tellegen; 4th Place: Joe Bujalski whod upset Disney in 5.
But Charlie, take heart. Fellow, name of John Weinstein, says he was in Minneapolis for a
scientific convention, wanted to mix business with pleasure, so he came to Magoos. Was
enjoying himself so much, could feel he was getting better, that, after the convention ended, he
called his wife, said he wanted to stay the weekend, then called her again, said he wanted to
stay 10 more days. Strangely enough, she believed me. And understood! So, under Charlies
superb tutelage, this enthusiast figures he improved his game 10 points.
Open Doubles: Bozorgzadeh/
Disney over Larson/Tellegen whod
upset State Champs Rich Sinykin/
Sheila ODougherty
Steve Strauss, 25-23 in the 5 .
Womens: State Champ Sheila
ODougherty hit through Janet
Jamisons hardbat defense. Mixed
Doubles: Strauss/ODougherty over
Stu Sinykin/Judy Heichart. Esquires:
Peter Verteiko over Chester Halpern.
Seniors: Minnesota Senior Champ
Ray Mosio over Bujalski. U-17 As:
John Soderberg over his brother Jeff. U17 Bs: Adam Gottesman over Judy
Heichart after Judy had escaped Gordy
Thompson, 26-24 in the 3rd. Junior
Doubles: John Soderberg/Mosio over Stillions/Greg Redman. U-15s: Greg Mosio over Jeff
Soderberg. U-13s: Stillions over Minnesota State Midget Champion Tom Soderberg.
Tom McEvoy reports (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 26) that Dell Sweeris felt he had too
many other obligationsincluding some much-praised training camps this summerto be
able to run his Grand Rapids Woodland Center properly. The new co-owners, Jim Bednar and
Bill Connelly, held their inaugural tournament, the Woodland Open, on June 22.
Results: Mens: Paul Raphel ($50), -16, -19, 14, 18, 9 over Joe Windham, then over
Mike Veillette whod 17, 20, 20 defeated Joe Rokop, after Joe had gotten by Mike Baber in 5.
Other good matches: Veillette over Paul Lamses forehand loop and wood backhand when, at
19-all in the 4th, Mike moved to finish Paul
with an edge and a kill. Windham over Mike
Carter: from down 2-1 and 19-20 in the 4th,
and from down 19-20 in the 5th. McEvoy said,
Windham must have had an angel on his side,
or the devilbut isnt the devil a fallen angel?

Womens: Michelle McKinstry over Joan Kohn. Seniors: Ward Wood over Bruce McGee,
then over Bill Hornyak. Bruce upset top-seed Bong Ho who, after seeing Hasegawa play at
the U.S. Open, was trying to switch from a penhold to a shakehands grip. U-17s: Baber over
Andy Hopping. U-13s: John Huizinga over Mark Kohn.
Mens As: Baber rallied to make Lamses game deadwood. But Paul had knocked out
both Al Martz whod upset Pat Cox, and Craig Burton who with his anti-spin had eliminated
Carter. Womens As: Joyce Donner over McKinstry. Bs: McEvoy by default over Larry Su
whod mumbled something about getting his children back to Lansinghed brought his kids
but not his wife. B Doubles: McEvoy/Hopping over Burton/Gary Whiddon. Cs: Whiddon
over Garrett Donner. Ds: Ives (Slamming Sammy) Jackson over McGee. D Doubles: McGee/
Butler over Steve Campana/Milt Schatz. Novice: Henry Dollinger, who came all the way from
Kansas City, over Campana. Handicap: Butch Huizinga over Dick Butler, 51-41.
McEvoy, in an adjacent
Topics article, also reports on the
July 12-13 Michigan Open at the
Woodland Center. Class A Teams
(5 three-man entries: #1, under
1800; #2, under 1700; and #3,
under 1600): McEvoy/Irl Copely/
Jim Schnorf
Jim Bednar over Jim Schorf/Barb
Photo by Mal Anderson
Taschner; and Larry Thalman, 5-1
(Schnorf on beating McEvoy tied
with Copely for best record: 7-1).
Advancing on one side of
the Mens draw into a 4-player
round robin were Seemiller,
Raphel, Baber (whod upset Jerry
Thrasher), and Gary Wittner (whod eliminated Rokop). Advancing on the other side into a
parallel round robin were Sweeris (23-21 in the 4th with Carter), Veillette, Windham, and Ricky
Seemiller (21-19 in the 4th with McEvoy). The top group saw Seemiller finish 3-0 and gain
the final over Raphel, 2-1. In the bottom group, Sweeris, 3-0, reached the final, but not
without a 19-in-the-4th struggle with Veillette, and despite losing 19 and 20 games to fastimproving Ricky Seemiller. Ricky also provided terrific spectator action in two other matches.
He beat Veillette in 4after rallying from 1-10 down to take the 1st at 16, then went on to win
after losing the 2nd 25-23. He also came back from down 2-0 against Windham.
In the first two games of his final with Dell, Danny, hitting and blocking beautifully,
won 14, 16 games. But then, though leading most of the 3rd, he lost it at 19. In the 4th, Dell
caught Danny at 19-all, and now the two played one of the most beautiful exchanges
McEvoy had ever seen. Danny took the attack, forcing Dell back to the barriers, as Dell
returned one, two, three smashes of Dannys, then Danny pushed one and Dell took the attack,
forcing Danny back. Then Danny countered and Dell countered right back, and then Danny hit
the next ball off. But could Dell, with the ad, force the match into the 5th? Nope19-year-old
Danny kept his cool.
Other results: As: Baber over Jeff Smart, then over Bill Davis, both 18 in the 3rd. Bs:
Schnorf over Neal Fox, 19 in the 3rd, then 19, 19 over Vic Meridith who ousted McEvoy, 19 in
the 3rd in expedite. Cs: Sam Shannon over Hornyak. Ds: Bruce McGee over Dan Hayes by

defaulttoo hot and humid for Dan. Novice: Steve Claflin,

Steve Claflin
U-13 runner-up, over Gary Gallick, -19, 17, 23. Handicap:
Photo by
Stewart Ansteth
Windham ($20) over Whiddon, 51-48. Other matches of
note: Sweeris over Baber, 52-50; Whiddon over Sweeris,
51-47; Windham over Seemiller and McEvoy.
Bill Connelly, who was managing the Woodland
Club, became involved in a summer controversy (TTT,
July-Aug., 1974, 11) with Marshall Barrymore, President
of the Michigan TTA, over the sanction fees that Michigan
clubs were charging5% of gross receipts for open
tournaments and 10% for all closed tournaments. Bill
didnt see why he should pay such feesin Woodlands
case, $500to a stagnant and virtually useless
organization. What was he getting in return? Granted the MTTA pays $30 a year to each
junior member for out of state entry fees, Gordon Redding is Woodlands only active junior,
and hes sponsored by the Club. Woodland is unique in holding a series of at least twelve
tournaments a year in which cash awards are given. Woodland sponsored a tournament that
featured top players and offered over $1,500 in prize money. Woodland paid for the Japanese
and Indian teams to come to Grand Rapids after the U.S. Open. Both Bill and supporter Tom
McEvoy argued that a club as professional and helpful to the Sport as Woodlawn ought to be
given a sanction break. You do want to see it survive, dont you?
Barrymore replied that, in addition to supporting out-of-state junior play, the MTTA
sponsors four teams to the U.S. Open Team Championships. Thus, he said, given this use of
MTTA funds, I am certain that the Woodland Club has derived and experienced substantial
financial benefit. For the recent Team Championships, the MTTA contributed approximately
$82 for two members of the Woodland Club. Marshalls son, Jay, encouraged by the
prospect of trying out for the Michigan Junior Team, attended clinics at the Center and
stimulated others to go there too. In addition, he paid $60 for an annual tournament playing
pass at Woodland. Actually, said Barrymore, the total tournament fee revenue paid in the last
two fiscal years by the Woodland Center was $166.26or $27.71 per tournament [for 6
tournaments]. Was $27 a tournament so taxing?
McEvoy responded to Barrymore in the Sept.-Oct. issue (19). Tom felt it was insulting
to Bill that Marshall thought he, Tom, might have ghost written Connellys Topics letter.
Cmon, Bill didnt get his degree in Psychology without being able to write papers. Marshall
wanted to clear up any misstatements, but then made one himself when he said that Bill told
him in a phone conversation that he didnt see any value in paying USTTA dues. Bill denied
this, and, moreover, his Topics Letter had made it clear he didnt at all begrudge the USTTA
its $50 tournament fee. McEvoy extracted Barrymores dart that said, as a V-P of the MTTA
Tom missed Board meetingsand with a convincing explanation threw it back at him. In other
comments, McEvoy let it be known that he thought the MTTA was less than dynamic.


Chapter Twenty-Five
1974: Summer TournamentsII
(Insook Na, later Bhushan, arrives in
U.S.). Reismans The Money Player
We learn from a mysterious H.
W. (Helen Weiner?) that Insook Na,
Captain of the South Korean Womens
Team at the Sarajevo Worlds, has
arrived in the States, is momentarily in
New York, but has entered the July 6-7
Columbus Summer Open. However,
because of an unfortunate mistake on
Insook Na
the part of the tournament committee,
by Mal Anderson
Insook couldnt play in the Mens
Singles that offered prize money
though had that event been called Open Singles, she could have.
Results: Mens: Mike Baber over runner-up Tim OGrosky. 3rd Place: far away Long
Islands Jeff Zakarin (outdistanced, however, by Sam Ognibene, who came all the way from the
Panama Canal Zone). 4th Place: Daytons Ohio #13, Kevin Legge, upset advancer over Ohio #2
John Spencer, 19 in the 5th (after being down 2-0). At the request of the audience, Insook played
unofficial matches against Baber, OGrosky, and Legge whod just finished a weeks training at
D-Js coaching clinic (Zakarin, too, had attended)and of course beat them all. How far shed
come, how far shed yet to go, since she at 13, with her mothers urging, had joined a table tennis
club at her middle school. All the schools had such clubs, she told Oregonian reporter Abby Haight,
and almost everyone played. So now a career was behind heranother she could not know about ahead.
One, R. A. Pickens from Middletown, Ohio, who says (TTT, Sept.Oct., 1974, 22) hes a silent observer of
the t.t. scene, complains about the very
abnormal, psychotic behavior of many
players hes seen. Their acts are so vulgar,
obscene, and bizarre that they would transcend
the imagination of even the most grotesque
mind. Alas, I received no vivid example to put in
my family-minded Topics. Mr. Pickens continues:
What is really amazing is the fact that many of these
players actually hold down responsible jobs and highly
respected positions. I wonder if their employers are aware that
given the right situation these persons are capable of going off the
deep end. One of these players told me he had trouble sleeping because
of a seemingly uncontrollable obsession with rubber!
What can be done with these Jekyll and Hyde personalities? A net or an
edge at the appropriate time could send one of these people into a frothing rage.
Drawing by Enid Chase


Must we all carry a derringer as an integral part of our tournament gear for protection?
Dont laugh, I have also seen this take place.
More Columbus results: Womens: Na over 1973 U.S. Intercollegiate Champ Diane
Turnbull. Mens Doubles: OGrosky and Ohio #5 Jim Supensky over Spencer and Ohio #10
Shekhar Bhushan (later to be Insooks husband). Mixed Doubles: OGrosky/Turnbull over
Legge/Na. As: Na over Hank Colker (first time hed ever lost to a woman, he said). A
Doubles: Na/Eugene Kunyo over Lyle Thiem/Tom Hall. Bs: Kunyo over John Dichiaro in 5.
B Doubles: John Liu/Ron Schull over Bhushan/Jeff Williams. Cs: Scott Feldman over Al
Martz. Esquires: Gail Norris over George Sinclair. Seniors: Vern Weingart over Ron
DeMent. Young Adults: Baber over Zakarin. U-17: Zakarin over Baber. U-15: Greg Collins
over Williams. U-13s: Williams over Gary Reinbold.
Ron Schull

Shekhar Bhushan
Photo by Mal Anderson

Greg Collins:
Under 15
Photo by

Jeff Zakarin:
Columbus Summer Open Under 17 Winner

At the Aug. 24-25 Columbus Sweepstakes, Insook was backnot for the Mens
Singles but for the Open Singles. Only she didnt win. Dick Hicks beat her in 4with Said
Helmy coming 3rd after downing Mike Joelson, deuce in the 4th, then 4th Place finisher Spencer
in 5. Womens: Na over NYCs Helen Weiner who, with playing and working for D-J there in

Columbus, had reportedly lost 12 pounds. Open Doubles: Dick and Ricky Hicks over Na/
Spencer. Mixed: Bhushan/Na (down 2-0) over Dick/Norma Hicks, then over Mark Wampler/
Sylvia DeMent in 4. Young Adults: Collins over Steve Slavich. Adult/Junior Doubles:
Wampler/Williams over Spencer/Collins.
As: Miller over John Temple. A Doubles: Schull/Wampler over Norris/Randy Eller.
Bs: Schull over Ron Norris, 19 in the 4th, then over Rod Mount. Boys U-17: Collins over
Hicks. Girls U-17/U-15: Denise Horn over Jodee Williams. Junior Doubles: Hicks/Williams
over Augustine Choi/Roy Alter. Boys U-15: Collins over Williams. Boys U-13: Williams over
Jim Starr.
The Fort Wayne Summer Open saw Joe Windham ($40) win the Mens over Veillette in
the quarters and Baber ($25) in the finalwith Garrett Donner downing Norm Schless, 19, 20, 19, for 3rd Place. Mens Doubles: Hall/Thiem over Max Salisbury/Roy Hyden, -17, 21, 19, 21, 21. As: Final: Baber over Wayne Wasielewski. Semis: Baber over Jerry Aleknus, 7, 20, 19; Wasielewski over Alex Laufer, 16, -20, 20. Bs: Aleknus over Laufer, 16, 19, 21.
Cs: Aleknus over Garrett Donner. Handicap: Baber over Hyden 51-43. Wood/Hard
Rubber: Tom Kreiser over Hall. U-17s: Baber over Doug Wilcock whod outlasted Choi,
17, -17, 30.
Tom McEvoy reports on the Leonard Hoover Open, held June 8-9 at the Elkhart, IN Y
under Tournament Director Tom Kreiser and Referee Sam Snyder. Results: Spencer, the $40
Mens winner, had to go 5 to get by Kreiser, then might have been beaten by McEvoy, whod
taken out #1 seed Steve Hammond in 5, but survived, -16, -19, 14, 20, 10. In that 4th game,
John, after being down 0-6 but up 20-19 and watching helplessly as Tom, stretching, lofted
one back that caught the edge, held strong to continue his rally. (Tom also lost a 5-game
heartbreaker to Wayne Wasielewski who in turn lost a 5-gamer to Spencer.) Before 19, -18,
19, 16 going down in the semifinal round robin to John, 2nd Place finisher Hall ($25) had
stopped Dave Shenk, deuce in the 5th. Womens: Connie Evans over Jean Temple. Mixed
Doubles: Snyder/Sue Huff over Temple/Temple. Mens Doubles: Snyder/Shenk in the semis
over Hall/Temple, -26, -21, 19, 18, 19 (with an all-deciding edge in the 5th and Bad Tom
disappointing the crowd by not going berserk); then in the final over Spencer/Hammond,
deuce in the 4th, after John and Steve had eliminated McEvoy/Kreiser in 5.
As: McEvoy over Hall, 21, -7, 19, -12, 13with Good Tom (winning 84
points) saying he out-psyched Bad Tom (winning 95 points). Bs: Wasielewski over Bill
Hornyak in the semis (after losing the first two games), then over Kreiser in the final. B
Doubles: Kreiser/Bill Connelly over Wasielewski/Jack Loth. Cs: Bill Martin over Alan
Grambo. Seniors: Miller over Hornyak. U-17s: Gordon Roedding over Steve Betts, -18,
16, 22, 17. U-17 As: Alan Gould over Syed Ali, deuce in the 5th. U-15s: Roedding over
Pat Welch.
Joe Ching (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 21), reports on the East Tennessee Open, held July
27 at the West-side Y in West Knoxville. Don Stetson, Y Director, served as Tournament
Chair, and Charles Clifford as Tournament Referee. More than 20% of the entrants were
beginners playing in their first sanctioned tournament. Results: Championship Class: Ching
over Bill Edwards. A winner: Tom Cohen who, coming out after a long absence from active
play, had upset 3rd-seed Danny Hill in the Mens. B and C winner: Dave Barbour. Four medals
went to Melanie Spain for her play in the Womens, Class D, Class E, and Doubles. Seniors
was won by Clifford, co-director of the Neutron Physics Division of Oak Ridge National

Duke Stogners not only a spokesman for

the North Little Rock, Arkansas Club (TTT, JulyAug., 1974 21-22), but the states Mens
Duke Stogner
Champion as well. Duke said this June 8
tournament was our richest and most successful
Closed to date. Richest, with over $330 awarded
in gift certificates; most successful, because the
largest mall in Little Rock invited us to play our
finals at their location. This resulted in media
coverage, and the services of a local TV
personality to MC the event for us.
Results: Stogner over 16-year-old
runner-up Marty Simpson. Language Prof Val
Eichmann, whod rallied from down 2-0 to
escape Jamey Hall, couldnt topple Duke in the
5th, but he did take 3rd Place with a 4-game win
over Paul Hadfield. Mens Doubles: Stogner/
Eichmann over Hadfield/Hall whod advanced over Mike and Lynn Young, -19, 20, 13.
Womens: Jan Bratton won her 3rd State Championshipover M. Pakis. Mixed Doubles:
Scott/Scott over Hadfield/Weiss, 25-23 in the 3rd. As: Hadfield over C. Scott in 5. A Doubles:
Gossom/Mommsen over Lyon/Hoofman, 18 in the 5th. Bs: Light over Hoofman. Seniors: H.
Saunders over C. Bratton. U-17s: Simpson over Mommsen. Under 17 Doubles: Simpson/
Randy Pelt over Mommsen/ Young. U-13s: Randy Pelt over Bobby Hall.
Stogner goes on to tell us what a pleasure it was to have at his Aug. 3-4 Razorback
Open a touring Dell, Connie, and Todd Sweeris, along with Woodland teenage students, Irl
Copely and Bruce Plotnick. Thats right, I said Todd Sweeris, future t.t. Olympian. The 14month-old boy while holding his king-size racket in hand, would holler Ball! Ball! and Dell
would toss the ball across the floor so junior could chase after it. Todd didnt play in the
Open Singles, but anyone who did had a chance right from the get-go to collect some of the
$500 prize money$10 for a first round win, $15 for second round, $25 for third round, $40
for semis and $90 for finals.
Results: Open Singles: Sweeris (through 4 rounds) defeated: (1) Steve Kraley whod
won his $10 from Vic Meridith, deuce in the 5th. (2) Joe Cummings: although the Texan said
he hadnt picked up his racket since the Nationals, hed knocked out Ralph Kissel, 23-21 in
the 4th. (3) Richard James, advancer over Brad Fountain, 19, -16, 19, 21, then over Don
Gaither. (4) Defensive star Hanumanth Rao whod eliminated peripatetic 14-year-old Bruce
Plotnick and the Windham brothers (earlier, Joe just did cope with Copley, 18 in the 5th). Dell
said he tried to keep Rao about four feet from the table, where his chopping wouldnt hurt
him. Mens Doubles: Cummings/Plotnick over Windham/Windham in 5. Women: Leslie
Harris in a 20, 20 thriller over Peggy Shaha after Peggy had 8, 7, annihilated her in the U-17s.
Mixed Doubles: J. Windham/Shaha over Hugh Lax/Harris in 5.
As: Don Weems over Charles Butler. A Doubles: Perry Schwartzberg/Steve Simon
over Nicolaas/Kraley. Bs: M. Neely over Larry Thoman. Seniors: Meridith, though losing to
R.C. Watkins, won the title in a head-to-head tie-breaker over Lax, 19, 19. U-17s:
Schwartzberg over Shaha. U-17 Doubles: Jamey Hall/Keith Friley over Downey/Harris. U13s: Tracy Garvey over Randy Pelt.

Atlanta held two summer tournaments, both reported on by Wendell Dillon. Results of
the July Open (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 28): Championship Singles: Bernie Bukiet in 4 over
Greg Gingold whod straight-game eliminated Monty Merchant now running a t.t. club in
Mobile. Championship Doubles: Gingold/Cosmo Graham over Pat Patterson/Bev Hess.
As: Graham over Ray Filz in 5, then over Hess. A Doubles: Graham/Jim Altenbach
over R. Sanders/G. Stephens. Bs: Steve Hitchner (whod never won an event before) over
Chamberlain. Cs: Hitchner (beginning to cause scheduling problems) over C.C. Wang, 19 in
the 4th. Consolation: Hitchner over Bill Brown. U-17s: John Elliott over Brown, -16, 16, 21,
17. Bill was one of those 7 Juniors whom Regional Coach Randy Hess said attended Kuo-san
Chungs July 5 clinic at Durhams St. Peters Episcopal Church under the sponsorship of the
Saints and Sinners Club. Kuo-san felt it was important with new players to begin by
emphasizing training rather than coaching because with training it was easier to see
improvement. Also, he advocated teaching serve returns immediately, for if players didnt learn
how to do that, they might soon quit.
The Atlanta Novice Open (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 24) didnt sound like much fun to
watch, but, as well see in a moment, the standard of play expected was partly deceiving. A
novice, explained Wendell, was anyone who had not won a singles event in a USTTA
sanctioned tournament. Lance Rosemore donated trophies, and the Open organizers gave a
money-back guarantee that each novice would win at least one match. Howd that turn out?
We refunded only one entry fee(name withheld to protect the writer). Top Novice winner
was (and dont tell me he came down just for the tournament) Ron Herman from Irvington,
N.J. over Atlantas Lee Cogburn.
Meanwhile, during the two days of
Novice play, 8 players were invited to enter
a Championship round robin for $150 in
prizesall matches to be 3 out of 5 and
played individually on one table. Results: 1.
Monty Merchant, 7-0 ($75). 2. Greg
Gingold, 6-1 ($30). At the summer Open,
Greg had beaten Monty 3-0. Here, though
Greg rallied beautifully, Monty held on to
win, 17, 11, -17, -25, 15. 3. Richard
McAfee, 5-2 ($25). 4. Mike Dempsey, 3-4
($20)with wins over John Elliott, Pete
Tom Baudry
receiving an
Award from
Baker, La. Mayor
Pete Heine

May, and Rosemore, and losses to the top three

and Steve Rigo.
Baton Rouges Tom Baudry loves table
tennis. For three seasons hes run a coaching
clinic for the beginner through intermediate

player, and has built up a local exhibition team that

includes Ricky Bello, Bruce Smith, Keith Friley,
Karen Friley, Melinda Varner, and Jim Kemp. Heres
how upbeat Tom is:
Table tennis will, with the right
people pushing it, literally explode into one
of the fastest growing sports. In my own
town I see hundreds of table tennis tables in
carports and garages. These people never
heard of the USTTA or table tennis coaches.
The interest is there, all we need to do is
people like Dell Sweeris, Jeff Smart, Randall
Hess, and I must add Ron Shirley, for he did
Melinda Varner
the greatest job of selling table tennis to the
Photo courtesy of Tom Baudry
public that I ever did see. Lets get more
coaches and promoters throughout the country and keep the current momentum going
for table tennis.
Year after year, decade after decade, enthusiasts talk this way. But IS the publics
interest there?
However, in at least one instance, Toms thought that if you want something bad
enough it will happen came true. In hot and humid Baton Rouge, Toms club isnt airconditioned, and, since he hadnt been able to find any suitable air-conditioned facility around
town, no summer tournament was possible. Until
A congenial fellow named Herman Dunn is a local insect exterminator and while
spraying my home each month noticed my table tennis photographs which are all over the
walls of my game room. He mentioned that he had never seen a table tennis tournament
and asked me why we didnt have one in the new municipal stadium of the town of Baker.
Dunn lives in Baker, knows Mayor Pete Heine, and so sets up a meeting with the
cooperative Mayor and Tomand, presto, the July 21 Louisiana Closed is held in the beautiful
air-conditioned Baker facility. With the help of the Baton Rouge Clubs New Jersey transplant
Charles Klestadt as Tournament Director, Jim Kelly as his right hand, and Ann Klestadt as
never tiring mainstay of the official desk, play proceeded to a happy conclusion.
Championship Singles winner Hugh Baxley received a trophy of course, but also had charge
for a year of a traveling trophy, a beautiful silver Cup, presented to him, along with a Key to
the City, by Mayor Heine.
Results: Championship Singles: Baxley (after being down 2-0), 25-23 in the 5th over
Bruce Smith whod reached the final by downing Reggie Barrus, 15, -18, 23, 18. Mens
Doubles: Ricky Bello/Smith over Baxley/Power Poon wholl later be putting on some
powerhouse tournaments in Baton Rouge. Womens: C. Joseph over Karen Friley, 16, -20, 13,
-15, 17. Mixed Doubles: Baxley/Hoyt over Alan Long/Joseph. As: Bello over Smith. Seniors:
Barrus over John Naylor.

Jim Verta

Dick Stakes

The Baton Rouge Fall League runs from October through March, and ends with a
lavish awards banquet at a local steak house. Indispensable to this League is Klestadt whom
Baudry describes as a wire-haired human (I think), who, in place of many cells and
corpuscles, was created with many thousand diodes, transistors, connectors, buttons, and
blinking lights. He works with amazing speed and accuracy and requires very little service (at
the Club anyway). We give him the matches won & lost by every player, press his nose, then
watch his eyes blink, and 10 seconds later the players averages roll out of his mouth.
Last seasons 2-man (8 team) League standings: 1. Sherwood Forest (Klestadt, 42-6,
and Smith, 34-14). 2. River Oaks (Hal Herrington, 31-12, and Jairo Leon (22-17). Top 5
Individual Standings: 1. R. Hoff, 38-2. 2. Poon, 39-4. 3. Baxley, 34-4. 4. Klestadt, 42-6. 5.
Baudry, 32-10.
Results of the Capital Open,
held in New Carrolton, MD Aug. 1011: Mens: Surasak over Herb
Horton. Matches of note: Horton
over Carl Kronlage, 19 in the 4th, and
Cosmo Graham over Ken Silverstein,
18 in the 5th. Mens Doubles: Gordon
Gregg/Bob Kaminsky over Surasak/
Curt Kronlage. Womens: Yvonne
Kronlage over Lucila McKay.
Womens Doubles: Kronlage/McKay
over Gisele Heyman/Jackie Heyman.
Mixed Doubles: Kronlage/Kronlage
over Ertel/Ertel. Esquires: Jim Verta
Jackie Heyman
over Dick Stakes. Seniors: Horton
Photo by Mal Anderson
over Verta. Mens As: Mike Clarke
over Stakes, deuce in the 3rd, then over Jerry Boyle. Womens As: McKay over Ertel, 18, -21,
19. A Doubles: Clarke/Fred Dosik over Steif/Raul Rodriguez. Bs: Clarke over Alan Evenson,
19 in the 3rd, then over Jeff Steif.
Boys U-17: Steif over Evanson. Girls U-17/U-15: Heyman over V. Backaitis. U-17
Doubles: Kronlage/Dave Driggers over Steif/Brian Masters who will grow up to become the

U.S. Pan-Am Champion. Boys U-15: Steif over Kronlage. Girls U15: Heyman over U-15 Doubles: Kronlage/A. Roecklin over Steif/
Masters, 20, -21, 18. Boys U-13: Kronlage over Masters, Girls U13: Backaitis over L. Greenberg. Boys U-11: Wayne Greenberg
over Masters.
Herb Vichnin, in writing up the July 27-28 Northeast Open,
held at the new, luxurious Northeast Racquet Club in
Philadelphia, said the players liked the tournament, but that the
Philadelphia Club suffered financially. More than 30 entries (who
had promised to pay upon arrival, due to either late entry or
financial troubles) failed to show. Thus this revenue was lost and
the added expense of the Racquet Club was an unexpected burden.
From now on: anyone not sending in his entry fee along with his
entry blank wont be in the draw; telephone entries must have
their fees in within three days; and anyone withdrawing from the
tournament after the draw has been made (approximately three to
four days before the tournament) will not receive a refund.

Brian Masters

Results: Mens:
Danny Seemiller, head
and shoulders above all
East Coast players, over
Errol Resek. Semis:
Seemiller over Robert
Earle, recently arrived
from the Islands, who
walked through both
David Philip (2198) and
Sam Balamoun
Alex Shiroky (2221);
by Mal Anderson
Resek over Sealtiel.
Matches of more than
routine interest: Al Allen over Dave Sakai; Sam Balamoun nipped Ricky Seemiller, then went
down in 5 to Resek when Errol won two big deuce games. Chris Yuen got by George
Brathwaite in 5, then lost to Sealtiel (Mitch won one point from Chris by pushing the ball
cross-court for an ace).
Mens Doubles: Danny Seemiller/Sakai over Gary Wittner/Boggan (from down 2-0),
deuce in the 5th, then over Brathwaite/Resek whod downed Balamoun/Smolanowicz in 4. Ray
Arditi will later tell us that Sam and Stanley, best of friends, put on countless exhibitions,
including half-time shows at Philadelphia 76ers basketball games. Other crowd-pleasing
matches: Balamoun/Smolanowicz, 20, -11, 20, over Earle/Horace Roberts; and Wittner/
Boggan, 19 in the 3rd, over Bill Sharpe/Richard Farrell.
Perhaps Farrell will now begin his stay in Philadelphia? Years later, long after Richard,
with his high-risk life-style, had been murdered at the age of 41 over a woman he wouldnt

give up, I began to learn more about him from his Philly
clubmates. Heres Ray Arditi [reminding readers of Vol. IV
what had mostly been hinted at, and also suggesting what
might surface later]:
I first met Richard at a Nationals at Cobo Hall at
the age of 14. He was a stone-cold, hard rubber chopper
who tenaciously wore players down. Only did he
occasionally flash a pick-hit. Years later he moved to
Philadelphia where I was amazed to see he had changed his
style to a steady inverted flat-hitting attacking game.
Richard, modest to a fault, at times reminisced about a
tournament that hed won or mentioned his joys in
practicing with John Tannehill and D.J. Lee. He was softspoken and really never said much about himself.
Richard and John Day lived together for many years,
Richard Farrell
and often could be seen at the Philly Club together.
Photo by Mal Anderson
According to Richard, it was John who took him under his
wing and cared for him, traveled with him, and put a roof
over his head and food on the table. I believe John was a waiter. He didnt seem to be
well-educated, but he was one of the most pleasant personalities Ive ever met, a real
soft-spoken, kind-hearted, easy-going gentleman.An acknowledged homosexual,
[he] was there for Richard as a father. [Parviz Mojaverian remembers that Rich was
sometimes annoyed by John and would tell him, Leave me alone, man. What do you
want from me? Stop following me around.]
Sol Schiff described Richard as a good kid, a kid who needed some direction
and for a while one of the finest players in the country. He was quite a colorful
character, an eighth-grade dropout who ran away from home. His father was an
alcoholic who hardly saw him, and his mother abused him to the point that Richard
couldnt take it any more. Table tennis offered Richard a discipline, a more enobling
path, a sense of pride and accomplishment, and a way to connect with people. Richard
was a rolling stone, and it [table tennis] was his salvation, his hope, his instrument to
validate his life.
I dont remember if Berwick,
PAs Dave Dickson, II played in this
Philadelphia tournament, but he sure
is helping Danny Seemiller run his
Aug. 5-10 Clinic For Boys and Girls.
The $75 package features Five days
of instruction[and] play at the
YMCA during the five nights. There
will also be a tournament. AND
lodging and three meals a day at the
Dickson residence two blocks from
the Y!

Father and son team:

David Dickson III, David Dickson II
Photo by Mal Anderson


Other Northeast Open results: As: Balamoun

over Mike Veillette. A Doubles: Wittner/Scott
Boggan over Roger and Alan Sverdlik. Bs:
Benfield Munroe over the #2 seed, the #7 seed,
and the guy who upset the #1 seed, all rated
between 1870-1895. Naturally he was defaulted
out of the Ds and Es. In the Cs, George Rocker
beat himbut George didnt win the event. Matt
Dixon didover Mort Zakarin, after Mort had
stopped Cosmo Graham. Ds: Dixon over Jeff
Carl Danner
Steif. Es: Enoch Green over Boris BohunPhoto by Eric
Chudyniv. Handicap winner: Eliot Katz. Handicap
Doubles: Arthur Nieves/Louise Chotrasmake
that, after their recent wedding, Nieves/Nieves
over Wittner/Scott Boggan. Seniors: Boggan
over Sharpe (who in retaliation would oust Tim
from the Mens). Adult Junior Doubles: R.
Sverdlik/S. Boggan over Tim/Eric Boggan. Junior
winners: U-17: Carl Danner; U-17A: S. Boggan; U-15: Steif; U-13: E. Boggan.
Winner of the Lost Battalion Closed, held Aug. 29-30 in Queens, N.Y., was Bill Ma
over Jack Rozales whod gotten by Vainius in 5. A fellow who complained about receiving
rude treatment at the N.Y.C. 73rd St. Club should go see the Lost Batallion Recreation
Director Irv Rosenberg. This Closed had 41 entries, so surely there are those who play
regularly there in Queens. Hopefully, this fellow could get a game where he probably wouldnt
have to play for $1 a set and time against one who, to his surprise, treated him with such
contempt and disdain.*
The 22-event Long Island 1-Star Open, held June 15-16, 1974 at Long Beach, N.Y.s
Nassau County Arena, was directed by Tournament Chair Chris Schlotterhausen with assists
from Referee Fred Danner and LITTA Executive Vice-President Mort Zakarin. For some
reason unknown to me now, though I played in this tournament, not even the results (which I
may have acquired many years later from Chriss daughter, Lisa) found their way into Topics.
Perhaps, as Danny Ganz said in his Bats and Balls column (TTT, May-June, 1974, 42), No
one should run a tournament by himself.Right, Chris? Danny added that it was freezing
cold in the Arena on Sunday morning because the air-conditioner had been left on overnight.
He also said that those who throw rackets, bang the tables, and on the whole destroy, a little
bit at a time, other peoples equipment ought to be made to play against Stanley Winter.
Danny described Stan, one of the 140 entries at this (no-cash-prizes) tournament, as club
champion at the McAlpin Hotel.
Results: Mens: George Brathwaite over Rory Brassington (no score). Best matches:
Ron Luth over Guy Tommy Castronovo, 19 in the 5th; Fox over Jeff Zakarin, 18 in the 5th;
Roger Sverdlik over Dave Shapiro, 22, -11, 20, 19; Peter Dunn over Greg Garritano, 18, 17, 23, 22. Eighths: Alex Shiroky over Sam Balamoun in 5. Quarters: Stan Smolanowicz, -6, 22,
-11, 17, 19, over Shiroky; Brassington over Sverdlik, 19 in the 4th. Mens Doubles:
Brathwaite/Shiroky over Smolanowicz/Balamoun, 18 in the 4th, after Stan/Sam had taken out
Sakai/Tim Boggan in 5. Womens: Alice Green over Louise Chotras, 3-0. Best match: Asta
Hiller over Gloria Amoury (from down 2-0). Womens Doubles: Chotras/Evelyn Zakarin over

Janet Newbold/Bernardine Hines. Mixed: R. Sverdlik/Chotras, 18 in the 5th over Boggan/

Zakarin, then 18 in the 4th over Sakai/Helen Weiner whod outlasted Hal/Alice Green in 5.
As: Winston Bobby Cousins over Eliot Katz whod knocked out Brooklyns Jimmy
Gibson in 5. Gibson was 1-1 with #1 seed Horace Roberts when Horace withdrew; Jimmy
then went on to down Ali Oveissi, 19 in the 3rd. Other good matches: Shu Lin Fu over Benfield
Munroe, 20, -19, 23; A. Green over Steve Greenwald, 18, -20, 18. A Doubles: H. Roberts/
Cousins over Smolanowicz/Balamoun. Bs: Gibson over Munroe (n.s.). Good match: Mario
Anorga over Greenwald, 19 in the 3rd. B Doubles: Gibson/Ray Maldonado over Fox/Rutledge
Barry. Cs: Gibson (RINGER!) over Peter Pavljuk whod eliminated Jeff Steif, 19 in the 3rd.
Additional good match: Simon Jacobson over Robert Nochenson, 19 in the 3rd. Mens
Consolation: Greenwald over Mort Zakarin. Womens Consolation: Weiner over Zakarin.
Esquires: George Rocker over Manny Moskowitz, 20, -17, 22. Seniors: Boggan
over Sid Jacobs by defaultafter Sid apparently exhausted himself in earlier matches against
George Chotras, -19, 18, 20, and Rocker, 23-21 in the 4th. Senior Doubles: Sol Schiff/Jacobs
over Boggan/Zakarin, 19 in the 3rd. Boys U-17s: Roger Sverdlik over Eliot Katz, 3-0 whod
gotten by Jeff Zakarin, -16, 18, 20, 18. Girls U-17s: Kim Kirschberg over M. Marolda. U15s: Eric Boggan over Steif, 21, 20. U-13s: Barry over E. Boggan. Junior Doubles: R.
Sverdlik/E. Boggan over Katz/Carl Danner. Parent-Child Doubles: Tim/Eric Boggan over
Fred/Carl Danner.
Reismans The Money
Player Reviewed
The Money
Playerthat was the
name of Marty
Reismans just-out
bestseller. And who
better to review it than
Tom Dulack (TTT,
Sept.-Oct., 1974,
I dont
believe that
Marty Reisman
wrote this
book. Parts of
the narrative
betray a very professional talent. Writing is a discipline at least as demanding as table
tennis, and if Reisman spent as much of his life learning how to write as well as
portions of The Money Player are written, he could never have become the kind of
table tennis player the book tells us he was. Besides, The Money Player is all about
hustlingconsummate hustling. Is it plausible that Reisman at this advanced stage of
his life could deny the instincts of forty-plus years and resist the temptation to try his
sleight-of-hand at a bit of literary hustling as well? I doubt it.

But it doesnt matter who wrote the book. At its weakest and most
disorganized, it does not fail to engage your attention. And much of the time its
awfully good.
Parenthetically, I might add that I also question whether the story is true.
Some of the adventures recounted here seem patently incrediblemost notably a long
and engrossing anecdote toward the end of the book in which Reisman relieves a
homicidal thug in Omaha of eighteen thousand dollars. But that doesnt matter either.
Its my experience that any time anyoneregardless of the purity of his motives (and
there is little to suggest here that purity of motives figures prominently in Reismans
scheme of things)sets out to tell the truth about himself he invariably fails. All
fiction is autobiography; all autobiography is fiction. It cant be any other way. The
face we see in the mirror is not the same face our friends see. Truth, realityits all a
matter of images, and images by definition are elusive and ephemeralghosts in effect.
What does matter is
The Money Player
thatlike a novel (and
Drawing by Bruce Peeso
The Money Player reads
like a very good minor
novel in many places)the
book develops a marvelous
multi-faceted character
named Marty Reisman, an
amoral scoundrel who
paradoxically disarms us
and makes virtue appear as
tedious and unappetizing as
in fact it is. The book is a
fantasy that causes us to reexamine the terms of our
own pedestrian lives with a
freshly critical eye and
leaves us feeling envious of
the life of general piracy it
describes. It appeals to the
criminal in all of us, and it
accomplishes this in a
distinctly literary way.
This Reisman, this
character Reisman, is dirty, he is funny; he is blessed with the capacity for self-deprecation,
self-mockery (vide a hilarious vignette in which he tries to destroy somebody in a street
fight employing techniques of karate only to end up himself in the hospital, self-destructed);
he is neurotic; he is pathetic; he is venal; he is vulnerable; and, withal, he is heroic.
Its a considerable creation, this Marty Reisman. I agree with Holden
Caulfields theory that the test of a books merit is whether or not you want to call up
the author when youre finished reading. I would enjoy talking to the author of The
Money Player. By the same token, I would no more like to talk to the Marty Reisman
of this book than I would to the hero of The Catcher in The Rye.

Reisman, however, is not the only fascinating characterization in the story. The
narrative is replete with vivid cameos and guest appearances. The supporting cast is a
character-actors dream. There is the drooling vampiric pederast, Larry Quinn. And the
monkish, selfish, enigmatical Dick Miles. And the half-comical, half-sinister World
Champion Hiroji Satoh (even the name has an inspired fictional ring) with his
maddening foam rubber racket that revolutionized the game in 1952 and denied
Reisman his dream of being World Champion himself. There is Holtzman, the burly
suspicious maniac in Omaha. And Doug Cartland, Reismans Sancho Panza who
accompanies him across the Orient on a wild burlesque pilgrimage encompassing
courts of kings and potentates, flea-bag hotels, diplomatic conundrums, desperate
poverty, giddy successes, hair-breadth escapes from the law, gold-smuggling, and God
knows what all else. All of whom combine to imbue the narrative with a texture and
richness and resonance very uncommon in books by professional athletes as-told-to.
There are, furthermore, levels to Reismans story which further distinguish it
from the run-of-the-mill sports books clogging the drug-store shelves these days.
Along with everything else, The Money Player is a study of an obsessed man. Im
not certain we ever learn precisely whether the obsession is gambling or table tennis
and I think a great opportunity is missed to analyze one or both of these obsessions
definitivelybut we begin to sense the tragic side of every comic mask in the sections
dealing with Reismans mental crack-up, the collapse of his marriage (mostly implied
a novelist would have spelled it out), and his pathetic attempts to go cold-turkey and
lead a respectable life as, of all things, a shoe salesman. This element of the book, to be
sure, is never entirely without humor; indeed, its one of Reismans graces that he
never takes himself too seriously. But the sadness and emptiness of his life does show
through the irony and self-deprecation and self-delusion, and its instructive.
By and large, however, the tone is breezy and the pace is quick if not always
absolutely sure. There are a number of fine set-pieces, my favorite being a description
of the epic match in 1952 between Cartland and Reisman and Nobi Hayashi and Satoh
on the stage of a movie theatre in Osaka, Japan when the very lives of the Americans
are made to seem to depend on the outcome. Throughout this long section, the author
(whoever he is) manages to make you suspend your disbelief and read on to the climax
as compulsively as you race to the conclusion of a thriller like The Spy Who Came In
From The Cold. It is an admirably sustained and controlled piece of suspenseful story
telling which by itself could stand as the basis of the script for a movie I assure you I
would stand in line to see.
To place my response to and my enthusiasm for this book in some useful
perspective, perhaps its worth remarking that for three months this summer I was
somewhat too much in the company of professional athletes. I spent seven days at the
US Open in Mamaroneck helping Dick Schaap collect material for his golf book. And
three weekends with Mario Andretti doing a story for Sport Magazine. Plus twelve
days at Forest Hills interviewing tennis players. In addition I was reading thousands of
pages of junk about Mickey Mantle and Whitey Ford to determine the feasibility of
writing a book about them. I also read a wretched as-told-to autobiography of Andretti
and another of Billie Jean King (so much alike in their sanitized unreality they might as
well have been written by the same dead hand), non-books both. So I was pretty sick
of athletes in particular and sports in general when I happened across The Money

Player. Moreover, I was doing final revisions on a novel of my own about religious
mysticism and hysteria. I was also reading things like Daniel Deronda, King Lear, Zen
and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Great Expectations, and Song of Myself, in
comparison with which anything less had to seem pointless, trivial, and dull.
Nevertheless I read The Money Player straight through without stopping,
often laughing out loud and calling up friends to read them passages. When I finished, I
immediately got in touch with Tim Boggan and asked to review it.** Since then Ive
recommended it to just about everyone I know.
If, finally, it aint quite literature, its still a hell of an entertainment, this
intelligent little book. It deserves a large successthe more so because Reisman
probably needs the money and will no doubt have to split the royalties with his ghost
Of course others in the Table Tennis world, especially those whod let it be known
theyd talked to Marty, had things to say about the book. Heres Jairie Resek in her gossipy
Its Whats Happening Topics column (Sept.-Oct., 1974, 10):***
If you havent read Marty Reismans
book yet, do it now. Its called The Money
Player. And hes making THE MONEY on it.
The serial rights have been sold to Publishers
Hall, and 1500 words from Chapter 10 will
appear in several newspapers, including The New
York Times. His $100,000 package deal for the
movie rights doesnt include a $10,000
consultation fee and other goodies. Hell play all
his own table tennis scenes. I can see Tony
Perkins playing Marty. His book reviews have been
great so far. Some say its the most dynamic and
exciting sports book ever written. But then it has to
be, for Mr. Marty Reisman is a very interesting,
diversified offbeat tool for promoting the book.

Reba Monness,
1950 U.S. Open
Womens Champion

Wow, is that on the moneyor what?

Sounds like something Marty himself would
write. (An excerpt from the book did appear in
the Oct. 13, 1974 N.Y. Times.)
Reba Monness, 1947 World Womens
Doubles finalist, was Martys feisty friendwith an
even bigger ego. She has a somewhat lengthy Topics
article (Nov.-Dec., 1974, 14), In Re To Reisman
and Le Libre (the title is sooo Reba), in which she
talks as much about herself as Marty. Since in my
previous volumes Ive given readers a sense of what
she was like, Ill try to focus on Marty via her
remembrances of him. Here are some excerpts:

As a person, Marty is bright, quick, courteous, capricious, graceful, always

neat, dapper, well-dressed, sensitive, curious. He has a taste for the best.
[When he was a young teenager], he went to an Ohio tournament on the
train with the group from New York. In the dining car (I paid for his meals on the
train), the menus offered three different priced meals; it therefore provoked me a great
deal when the little stinker ordered the most expensive meals on the menu, each
It would be difficult for you to guess how much money Marty pays for one
shirt, a pair of slacks, his shoes, his jacketsall of his wearing apparel comes from the
finest, most expensive shops in New York. He legitimately pays the highest prices for
Frequently unreliable he was and perhaps still is in re to keeping scheduled
appointments. I remember once at Herwald Lawrences t.t. emporium when reporters
from N.B.C. television, and Associated Press came to interview ME and televise my
theatrical act. I had promised Marty that Id perform this show with him and in return
he swore hed be there at 4 p.m. Well, thereporters arrived at four oclock and they
were very nice to meI had to ask them to wait for my partner and they didbut
when Reisman came, one hour later, despite his pleading, his palliative You know
what happened? I walked out!
We were to play an exhibition for Fred Waring, the great orchestra
leader.Marty was not only supposed to let ME take the offense TOO but was not
to finish the points too quickly.Well, immediately following his serve, the little
punk (hes much taller than I) blasted every ball right through me!
Marty has a marvelous sense of humor. He can laugh at himself with great
enjoyment. (No one can deny that this is a superior form of intelligence.)
About two years ago Marty was quoting and emoting Shakespeare to me on
the telephone, His histrionics came right through the phoneactually, ad nauseam. I
would listen for a while, but theres a limit, yknow, so, soon, Id feign doorbell ringing
or the like. Trippingly from the tongue, he elicits four or more syllable words,
correctly too; he is now teaching his fourteen-year-old daughter, Debbie, to read the
Its amazing how Marty has grownintellectually and intelligently. He
has always had ineffable charm. I met Reismans father (whos of course mentioned
repeatedly in The Money Player) and Ill state that Marty was lucky in that he
received devotion and genuine love from his dad.Ive given Marty love too.
Indeed, in The Money Player he passed off our longstanding friendship too
Oh, another remembrance. (They come into the mind quickly, like Martys
smileor his forehand.) Once when we had an exhibition for 12 noon.I became
apprehensive of his being there at noon.I was able to yank Marty out of Lawrences
and took him to my apartment to sleep. I just knew this was the only way that wed
arrive on schedule for the exhibition.Fortunately my conservative husband had
planned to spend the night with his ailing fatherso that to this day he never knew
about it.
Hey, Tom DulackActually Marty lives fully and richly in his own wayand
what charisma!

Reba also did a very long Profile of meer, actually under her byline, I re-wrote a
good deal of it (TTT, July-Aug., 1974, 9). Although it may well be that enough of me has
already found its way into these volumes, Ill chance this photoit gives you a glimpse of my
outside life.
*Two other
visitors to the West
Side (Riverside
Plaza) Club had
articles in Topics:
George Kauderer, a
New Yorker very
active in the Game
since the 1930s,
complained he had
to play for $1 a set
and time and, since
his opponent
wouldnt let him
play his game, he
didnt enjoy the
However, Jon Bein,
a visitor from
Oxford, Ohio, said
that when he played
at the Club all the
players, as well as
the manager there,
Morris Pollock,
were all very nice
to him. Still another
Professor Boggan on Dickens
NYC player, a
young man who, if he could, would be willing to play 10 hours a day to be among the top 100
players in the country, has little money, so he writes to Topicssays he cant afford to pay $3
an hour and perhaps someone elses time to play the game he loves. He asks, Does anyone
know a Club where he might work and so play free?
** Id given the book to Tom hoping hed review it.
***A Stop Press! item to end all items is Jairies announcement that this would be
her last column, last article for the present. (She doesnt like calling what shes been writing
gossip because that word sounds so malicious and this column is not.) By the time you
read this, she says, Errol and I will be divorced. We want all our friends to remain our
friendsbecause Errol and I are friends. And next to being husband and wife, friends are best.
I will miss all of you. Chao.

Chapter Twenty-Six
1974: Danny/Insook Win
Canadian Open at Toronto CNE.
Back in 1972 at the
Toronto CNEgiven the
anything-goes animal ring venue
at the Sheep-and-Swine
Buildingplayer-spectators had
expected, even enjoyed the
bizarre, and so would wait for it as for their own matches. Then, when out of the night
shadows above there came a fluttering of furry wings, some wit on the sidelines, without
blinking an eye, would be sure to draw back the cloak of his heavily accented imagination to
say, Vut is de layyytest baaat rrrule? And everybody would laugh. And the bat would fly
In 1973, there was an historic move to the wide-open site just outside not judgment
but the cramped, puddle-prone animal ring in what was now being called the Animal Industry
Building. But no amount of flimsy, ankle-length curtain could pretend to be a barrier to, could
hide, the absurdity of calling this tournament an International one. The only outside draw
was the Yugoslav, Zlatko Cordas, whod extended his U.S. vacation so that, for a week before
the CNE, he could coach at the Toronto Centre, and, for 10 days or so after, run a Junior
Training Camp at Ryerson Polytechnical Instituteboth projects having been sponsored by
the Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services.
In 1974, one saw the people behind the Operations Desk as again being friendly, and
this time there were Stiga barriers, and an attractive Program in whose pages a warm
welcome was being given to those great table tennis athletes from Korea, Barbados,
Jamaica, the United States, and Canada. I again found this International hype a desperate
addition to try to raise the prestige of the tournament.
The sole entry from Korea was the Womens triple-crown winner Insook Na. Her
whole family has recently moved to the States (she has two brothers and a sister, none of
whom are serious players), and Insook, for one, intends to become a permanent U.S. resident.
In fact, the story I heard was that, though she was on the 73 World Champion Korean
Womens Team, she didnt get to play in Sarajevo because everyone knew she was coming to
live in the U.S.
The lone entry from India was Rupa Banerjee who almost wasnt allowed to
accompany her Indian teammates to the Oklahoma City U.S. Open because it was known she
wouldnt be accompanying them back, would be joining her husband to live in Canada.
The other International Womens star was Yugoslavias Irena Cordas (Zlatkos wife).
Poor Irena. Poor Zlatko. Given a grant from the OKeefe Sports Foundation, the CTTA
appointed Zlatko their National Coach, brought him and his wife to Canadawhen suddenly
the Yugoslav Association wanted him back, apparently to play on their Team to the 75
Worlds. To get him playing again, they abruptly suspended himwhich, naturally, under ITTF
agreement, made him ineligible to be the National Coach of Canada. So as of the tournament
in Toronto, neither Irena nor Zlatko, who had appealed the suspension, seemed to know
whether they were coming or going.

Zlatko had received a

surprise earlier this summer
when he arrived in Toronto to
begin his coaching duties.
Anxious to redeem himself
after last years unexpected
loss to Tannehill in the CNE
Canadian Open, he was more
than ready to enter it again
this year. But, said the
Canadians, just a minute
didnt Cordas understand that
for the coming year he was
Cordas: to serve or not to serve? Cant fault Zlatko, can you?
their National Coach? Did he
Left photo by Bill Martin; right photo from CTTA News
want to embarrass them? Was
he in his mid-20s so nave as to think that, just because back in the spring in Tokyo hed
beaten Hsu Shao-fa and Stellan Bengtsson, he was going to continue being a player this season
too? Maybe even casually enter some of the U.S. money tournaments as well? Come on, could
he, like Errol Caetano who had suddenly turned into a 9-5 man, do two jobs at once?*
Meanwhile, ex-Canadian,
ex-Ontario coach John Nesukaitis
(along with the usually smiling exOTTA President George Jovanov)
had been demoted. Nesukaitis was
furious because, after 20 years of
giving himself and his family to
Canadian table tennis, he was
suddenly being called irresponsible
at some stupid E.C. meeting.
But to continue. The only
entry in this internationally
acclaimed event listed in the
Program from Barbados was
Robert Earlewho didnt show.
The only entry from Jamaica was
Fuarnado Robertswho more
often than not could be found in
George Jovanov
John Nesukaitis
New York City and who of course
was a member of the U.S. Team at the 73 Worlds. Such nonsense. I mean, really, why not
identify Horace Roberts (USA) or Frank Watson (Canada) as being from Trinidad? Why not
Errol Resek, U.S. #3, from the Dominican Republic? Why not Canadas Caetano from
But since there was (Government?) money for foreign teams or players, was there
any point in giving it back? Rather, wouldnt it be a nice friendly gesture to give it to the
American Team players? After all, theyd supported this tournament for how many fly-swatting
years. In fact, if the truth be told, this year there were actually more Americans than Canadians

playing here. O.K., agreed, money to the Americans. Only then, nobody seemed to know
exactly how much money, even at tournaments end, they ought to getwithout the requisite
receipts, letters, the precisely calculated 10 cents allotted per mile. Better to follow that
bureaucratic route, was it, than to trust, honor the U.S. players reasonable requests there in
Toronto? I dont think soit made for borderline goodwill.

Paul Klevinas
Photo by Mal Anderson

U.S. vs. Canada Team MatchesMen

The vibes werent so perfect from the beginning when
one of the Canadian Directors decided to give all the players a
little lecture before they went out to start the Friday night
International Matches. We were notthe unnamed Paul
Klevinas particularlyto disrupt the decorum of those waiting
for us out there, some 200 strong perhaps, sitting short-sleeved
in the backless bleachers (it may be with sticky Honey Dew
drink or chicken leg in hand). No, Paul was not, on missing a
shot, to break the silence by shouting out, crazy-like, Oh,
what a pisser!
Sweeris started the U.S. off rightbeat the strangely
cowed Klevinas 11 and 14. Dells sold his clubhes letting
everything hang out now, said an enthusiastic onlooker. Did
you ever see his hair so long? Samson-like then, Dell stopped
Caetano, 2-0. Danny Seemiller, as expected, downed Alex
Polisois two straight. Privately, even some Canadians doubted
whether Alex was a better choice than, say, the experienced
Derek Wall who, after straightening out his affairs and spending
some time in Spain, was back playing again. Seemiller did drop
a game to Klevinas, but not two games.
Errol Resek

Against Caetano, Resek

could never get started. The Halex
balls, Errol complained, were just too
soft. Ive got to try to find a good
ball and keep it for my matches, he
said. And as the top players agreed
with him, I wondered why the
tournament organizers continued to
use them. (Later, Tournament Chair
Mike Skinner recommended that in
the future these balls not be used.)
Resek mournfully lost the 1st game to
Polisois. He wasnt moving welland
the reason, Jairie said, was that hed
been running too much. Up 20-14 in
the 2nd, Errol barely held on to win at
19. If you loop or smash this ball

Danny Seemiller (right) vs. Errol Caetano at the 1973 CNEs.

Photo by Mal Anderson

hard, he insisted, it goes right down. Its so soft and light, it doesnt bounce through,
doesnt come up to you. What could he do? He lost the 3rd at deuce.
The final matchthe match of the weekend, as it turned out, was Seemiller over Caetano,
26-24 in the 3rd. Danny knew he was most effective when he didnt serve longonly sometimes he
forgot, like in the 1st game which he lost at 19. But then, since it was obvious Errol felt most
comfortable standing back from the table ready to long-arm swipe at the ball, Danny began moving
him in and out, using a soft, dead, anti-spin touch that allowed him to 1-1 even the match. But
Caetano plays better when he moves around. Moreover, as the 3rd game went thrust and parry,
Errol was making some absolutely fantastic shots. Two seemingly irretrievable nets he somehow
retrieved, one of which he went down to the floor to get, to scoop the ball up skiddingly across the
tableas if it were a golf ball rolling on a green.
Derek Wall
At deuce in the 3rd, Seemillers face is etched in
Photo by Dave
anguishreminding me that someone had earlier warned
Danny, Never show expression, how you feel, to
Caetanoit only helps him. But Danny, as everyone
knows, is a clenched-fist, Thats it! intense player. Mr.
Cool hes not. Down match point, Caetano slipped on the
non-wooden floor but managed to recover. Finally, after
Errol again stayed alive with an all-out backhand, and both
players missed each others serves, Danny took, along with
two towel breaks, the last two necessary pointsand the
U.S. men won 5-2.
In the Interprovincial Mens Matches that gave the
Canadians Thursday practice, Ontario beat Quebec in the
final, 5-1: Polisois d. Klevinas, 8, 18. Caetano d. Guy

Germain, 17, 9. Wall d. Rod Young, 15, 17. Caetano d. Polisois, 10, -17, 23. Klevinas d.
Young, 17, 17. Wall d. Germain, 16, 18. In the parallel Womens Matches, Ontario beat
Quebec, 5-2: Helen Sabaliauskas Simerl d. Betty Tweedy, 9, 6. Violetta Nesukaitis d. Christine
Forgo, 11, 10. Mariann Domonkos d. Birute Plucas, 13, 17. Nesukaitis d. Tweedy, 3, 10.
Domonkos d. Simerl, 15, 10. Plucas d. Forgo, 7. 16. Nesukaitis d. Domonkos, 8, -13, 12.
U.S. vs. Canada Team MatchesJunior Boys/Girls, Womens
Womens Chair Pat Crowley covered the Womens matches, and as she begins by
noting it was almost embarrassing that the U.S. Women lost to the Canadians when all the
other U.S. Teams won, it gives me an opening to tell you the Junior Teams results.
Jr. Men (a clean 5-0 sweep): Mike Baber d. Pierre Normandin, 13, 21. Bruce Plotnick
d. Eddie Lo, 19, 16. Rick Seemiller d. Peter Joe, 17, 23. Baber d. Lo, 15, 11. Seemiller d.
Normandin, 8, 15.
Jr. Miss (a 3-2 triumph): Plucas d. Debbie Wong, -16, 15, 14. Bev Hess d. Forgo, 17,
15. Plucas/Forgo d. Hess/Wong, -16, 18, 15. Hess d. Plucas, 15, 17. Wong d. Forgo, 16, 12.
A U.S. Team, Pennsylvania, also won the opening Thursday Junior Invitational
Matches. Against Ontario, Pennsylvania won 4-2: Seemiller d. Vic Skujins, 18, 12. Plotnick d.
John Richardson, 16, -12, 18. Plucas d. Wong, 7, -17, 20. Richardson/Plucas d. Seeemiller/
Wong, 8, 15. Plotnick/Seemiller d. Richardson/Skujins, 19, 19. Seemiller d. Richardson, -18,
12, 16. Against British Columbia, Pennsylvania won 6-1. Seemiller d. Lo, -15, 20, 15. Plotnick
d. Joe, -16, 15, 15. Wong d. Nimi Athwal, 13, -17, 13. Plotnick/Wong d. Joe/Athwal, -11, 18,
18. Plotnick/Seemiller d. Lo/Joe, 15, 19. Lo d. Plotnick, 18, -18, 24. Seemiller d. Joe, 10, 11.
Pat Crowley says she wanted to come up with a positive attitude regarding her
Womens team because, she says, I honestly believe that sometimes our girls have lost to both
Violetta Nesukaitis and Mariann Domonkos because of their negative attitudes. But she
complains that a number of U.S. men came up and told me (and. believe me, I tried to keep
them away from saying it to the team), Well, theres no way you can win, but good luck.
Pat had good reason to think of the Rosenthal Effect, so familiar, she says, to psychologists,
where ones expectations [here negative] become self-fulfilling prophecies.
Judy Bochenski opened with a 2-0 loss to Domonkos. The 1st game went deuce, but
then Judy seemed to lose her concentration, seemed to decide almost even before a ball came
over that no matter where it was or what it was she would hit it. Perhaps all those exhibitions
shes been doing has hurt her competitive game. In the Doubles with Olga she didnt have it
together eithersaid her head was not on the table.
Pat says that Alice Green and Violetta Nesukaitis have similar styles, basically defensive
games with a good pick hit. Alice lost the 1st at 18. Then she discovered that when she hit the ball
to different locations she was much more effective. That got her into the deciding 3rd game. But
she seemed to forget to move the ball around, so that even though she made 3 and 4 hits during a
point they were all to one spotand Violetta got them back, and won going away. Our U.S.
players, particularly those in California or the Northwest, are handicapped by not being able to play
on a regular basis choppers like Violetta or the newly arrived South Korean Insook Na.
Pat, personally, found that the bounce on the tables wasnt consistent, perhaps because of
the irregular cement flooring. But she appreciated the water coolers in the aisles. She thought
the players and officials were really nice, but she was distracted by the flies, kept staring at them,
wondering if I would hit one with a ball. She liked the clean city of Toronto and its Chinatown
restaurants. Shes thankful for the Saturday night Players Party and for the parties that followed.

Womens Singles/Doubles
Pat also covered the Womens Singles and Doubles play. Best match in early-round
Singles play was Plucass 3rd straight win, again close, over Wong (after being down 2-0 and
winning the 4th at 19). In the quarters, Banerjee defeated Domonkos 13, 15, 23 (Mariann was
slow to catch on to Rupas game, was she?); Cordas defeated Soltesz 12, 16, -16, 20 (maybe
Olga, whod had minimal trouble with Plucas earlier, in her play with Irena was initially
affected by the Rosenthal Effect?); Nesukaitis defeated Bochenski, 20, 10, 9; and Na defeated
Alice Green, 15,
10, 14.
In the
Rupa/Irena semi,
after the players
had split the first
two games, the
3rd was key.
Rupa got in lots
of those slap,
forehand hits
that reminded
me a little of
Dick Miless
circular forehand
hit. Theyre kind
of shocking to
receive because
of the quickness
Womens semis: Irena Cordas over Rupa Bannerjee. Umpire is Erich Haring
with which
Photo by Mal Anderson
delivered. Although Irena hadnt had any serious play in the last couple of months, she barely
lost this 3rd game 24-22. In the 4th, Rupa, with more confidence, hit consistently, and Irena
couldnt contest.
In the Insook/Violetta semi, Violetta was hitting more than I have ever seen her hit
but she couldnt take a game. Nesukaitis would begin with a chop or push and would usually
end each point sometimes hitting in but mostly off.Insook rarely hit unless the ball got up
high near the net, then she would rush in and put it away.
In the final, Rupa was beaten 3-zip. In the beginning, she was able to hit fairly well,
but then her timing apparently was affected by the varying amount of chop that Insook put on
the ball and she missed more and more shots. Pat characterized Insook as a quiet player
who wasnt being pushed to her limit, and thought itd be fun to see her compete against men
In Womens Doubles, Insook paired with Violetta to defeat Rupa and Irena in 4. In the
Mixed she partnered Danny Seemiller to a straight-game win over Tim Boggan/Judy
Bochenski. Defending Champions Caetano/Nesukaitis were upset, apparently by some
bugaboo change-of-spin, by Frank Watson and Merle Bagoo-Weekes and her hard-rubber

But Violetta will soon get over that. Next

week, thanks to Ichiro Ogimura, shell leave for
Japan for a coaching/training program that will
last until mid-Jan. In the CNE Program, Ontario
TTA Executive Director Ken Kerr tells us that
Noriko Yamanaka,** 1967 Japanese World
Champion Team member, will be instructing
Violetta at the Japan Womens Physical
Education College T. T. Club in Tokyo; and that
in the evenings and on weekends Ogimura
himself will coach Violetta at his famous
Seitakukai club. The Canadian Team will be in
Tokyo in mid-Jan., Violetta will join them, then
theyll all go to the Commonwealth Games in
Melbourne before moving on to the World
Championships in Calcutta.
How can Nesukaitis afford this private
coaching trip? Kerr explains:

Violetta Nesukaitis: ready to leave for Japan

Photo by Neal Fox

Violetta is being assisted by government and private business. The Canadian

Table Tennis Association received a complimentary return air ticket, courtesy of
Canadian Pacific Airlines; and Canada Permanent Trust Company, Violettas
employers, have agreed to a six month leave of absence. Sport and Recreation, Ontario
Ministry of Community and Social Services, have approved all hospitality expenses for
the four and one half months period and will cover meals, internal transportation and
club fees, etc. This expense will come out of the grant of $16,000.00 given to the
Ontario Table Tennis Association for this fiscal year by Sport and Recreation.
Class/Age Events
Debbie Wong,
Before I finish reporting on
Girls Under 15
this CNE tournament with the Mens
matches, here are the results of the
Photo by Joe
other events. Mens As: Steve
Feldstein over Boggan in 5 (after
Steve was leading 2-0 and 18-11 in
the 3rd). Best late-round match: Joe
Windham over Mike Bush, 19 in the
3rd. Womens As: Gloria Hsu over
Louise Nieves. Esquires: Max
Marinko over Manny Moskowitz.
Seniors: Boggan over Wall, 17 in the
5th. Boys Under 17: Klevinas over Joe in 5, then over Rick Seemiller, 19 in the 4th. Girls Under 17:
Domonkos, -17, 17, 24, over Hess, then 16, -15, 19, 21, 16, over Plucas whod rallied from down
2-0 and 20-all in the 4th to escape Forgo. Boys Under 15: Lo over Plotnick, -18, 19, 20, then over
Normandin, 17, -10, 25. Girls Under 15: Wong over Forgo, 20, 20. Boys Under 13: Rutledge
Barry over Eric Boggan, 9, 20. Girls Under 13: Gloria Nesukaitis over Simi Athwal.

Mens Singles
Danny Seemillersomeone said he could get a table tennis scholarship to the
University of Michigan if he wanted itwas not going to lose a game in his 7 matches in the
Mens (not much building to a climax there, huh?). He began by hitting and angling his way
past Pete Kelly whod upset Quebecs Adham Sharara. Then he stopped Frank Watson, after
Frank had super-looped through Dave Sakai. Then it was Lim Ming Chuis turn to go down.
That brought Danny to the semis.
Coming up to eventually meet Seemiller was Resek whod not been playing well.
Before the tournament started, hed been fooling around with his (Alser) Stiga blade, had
sanded it lopsided, then had to sand it some more in a try for balance. Moreover, in the last
week or two, hed repeatedly changed the rubber on his racketand now neither he nor the
racket, which by this time had some nails in it holding it together, were feeling very
comfortable. Indeed, after going 4 with Boggan, he hadnt any confidence in facing Alex
Indefatigable Alex, meanwhile, down 2-0, had managed to gyrate himself up out of the
grave that he was being psychically buried alive in by former Canadian Champ Derek Wall.
Though not as fit as hed like to be after a seasons absence, Derek was still very much, in
heart, in style, the plumed-hat cavalier with his rose. Shiroky then breezed by, at least in
resemblance, the Ralph Nader of the T.T. world, Steve Feldstein, and was ready for Resek.
Indeed, Alex had been consistently beating Errol in practice not at the 73rd St. Club but at
Reismans 96th St. Club (Conditions there are more like those in Canada, he said).
But perhaps Alex was too high, too tight, too intense, if thats possiblewhereas Errol
thought himself a sure loser and lamented the fact that, oh, if he could only practice again with
ex-New Yorker Bernie Bukiet whod let him use all his shots. But Bernie was now a sun-beam
to his customers in Miami. With his 1st game win at 19, Errol lost his hangdog look, saw
himself, almost clairvoyantly, as the sure winner he turned out to be.
Bernie, in the meantime, was being outsteadied in 5 by Klevinas. Paul cant hit well, said
one player. Its the way he strokes the ball. But Bernie cant hit either, prefers playing someone
who consistently opens the point against him. Against Resek, however, Paul was shut out.
On the other side of the draw, Caetano had gotten to the quarters after that shock in
the 16 s of being 16-14 down in the 5th to Peter Stephens, and after more than a little 19-inthe-4th trouble with Canadas Larry Lee. Larry himself had been forced to go 5 to overcome
Mike Veillettes serves and loops. While Mike, playing deuce game after deuce game, had just
escaped, 22-20 in the 5th, a tired Timmy House, soon to be working in a N.Y.C delicatessen.
Caetanos quarters opponent was Fuarnado Roberts whod beaten George Brathwaite
in 4. Somebody said that the dust forever falling on the tables helped to make them slowand
of course the ball favored a strong defensive player over an aggressive topspinner. Robbie,
moving well, pick-hitting his shots, glided into the 5th with Caetano. Early in this game Errol
whiffed three balls in a row. How can you whiff three in a row? someone asked. I know the
balls not coming up, but thats ridiculous. Down 10-3 at the turn, Errol got hold of himself,
changed his strategy, and began slowing down the game. He slow-looped, spun easy, and
Robbie started making errors. Soon Caetano, his hand up in the air fielding some of
Fuarnados near wild returns, had caught up. And now Robbie ended it all by failing to return
three of Errols short little chop serves.
Working his way up to meet Caetano in the semis was Sweeris. After 3-zip wins over
U.S. Intercollegiate Champ Dave Philip, then Rick Seemiller, Dell, ready to face Horace

Roberts in the quarters, was feeling good enough to quiz and quip. Whats alimony? he
asks. And answers: The high cost of leaving.Whats a bigamist? And this one is really
awful: A pregnant, heavy fog in Italy.
Horace, meanwhile, had earned himself a lot of Neal Foxs rating points by chopping
down Polisois, Jim Lazarus, and soon-to-be-home again in sunny California Paul Raphel. Was
it in Pauls 5-game match with Torontos Peter Gonda that for a few minutes he whimsically
shifted to penhold play and drew a Is this the guy we want to take to the World
Championships? sneer from someone in the stands? Well, personally, Im all for Pauls
Reisman-like looniness, so long as he doesnt go ballistic. We need an imagination or two
among our modern, mechanical-minded players.
The Sweeris-Horace Roberts match was a strange one. Many of the best New York
players consider Horace who, day after day, enjoys running 3-5 miles along the Hudson, one
of the best retrievers in the country. And though Sweeris doesnt live in New
York (his and petite Connies 18-month-old little Grand Rapids Champ-to-be

Dell Sweeris (right) defeating Horace Roberts (left, and inset) in a CNE Mens quarters match.
Photo by Mal Anderson

was either going to be 64 or 46 said one observer), he had only to watch Robbie get ball
after ball back to see that nobody was getting the ball through him, nobody taking a game.
How best to handle Robertss anti-spin? Why, play him expedite of course. I cant
remember Sweeris ever being in such a match before, but I know from personal experience
that if youre not used to the countdown it takes a while to adjust. No surprise to me that Dell
lost his first game of the tournament.
The balls not coming up, somebody said for the umpteenth time. All Horace has to
do is keep chopping and hell beat Sweeris. Though Dell, playing very carefully, won the 2nd
game, he was down 10-6 in the 3rd, and mouthing not another playfully sick joke but more of a
What am I doing out here? moan. Only then he unexplainably reversed himself, scored 15
points to Horaces 1, almost ran out the game. I never played expedite before, he said later.
But three times I hit the 12th balland always got it on. In the 4th, though, having with his
momentum built up a good lead, he had a lapse and just sort of staggered off the table a
winner at deuce.

In his semis match with the 21-year-old Caetano, whom hed beaten easily in the
Friday night International Matches, Dell was still playing Horace Roberts, playing, as he said,
without the right authority. In losing 3-0 to Errol it was obvious that he never could get
used to the juxtaposition of the two very different styles. Friday night I caught Caetano by
surprise, said Dell. He was confused when I topped back his serves. But this time he took
half a step back and was ready for them. Whereas I, after playing carefully controlled expedite
points, had slowed up and was catching Errols wrist-snap attack too late.
In the other semis, Resek, though he had some opportunities (like a 16-14 lead in the
1st), went down and out, 3-0. Dannys spirits as good as anybodys, said Jairie Resek. He
never goes out there as a loser. Nor did Danny lose the Mens Doubles with Sweeristhey
beat Caetano/Gonda whod had to go 5 to get past Bukiet/Shiroky.
As plays about to
begin in the final final,
Ray Seemiller,
Dannys father, is
offering front-row
words of
encouragement, Win
this one, he says,
more to himself than
anyone else, and
nobody can doubt any
more that youre
Number One.
Photographers, up
by the barriered-off
court, are ready to snap
awayas if this were a
boxing match and they
were all ringside.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seemiller
Everything is flashing
Photo by Mal Anderson
greenlets go!
Cmon, last call for bets, says an American smiling, walking back and forth in front
of the stands. Any last-minute bets for Canada? Comes the response: There arent any
Canadians over here. Were all Quebec people. Then $2 is handed up three rows for
somebody to hold.
Theres sustained rhythmic clapping for KAY-TONN-O! KAY-TONN-O! KAYTONN-O!finished by a burst of wild cheering when the CTTA star comes into close-up.
This is echoed dutifully by shouts and cheers from the dozens of chairs on the other side of the
court when Seemiller makes his grand entrance. And now as the two battlers warm up, people
are speculatingSeemillers block cant be too soft or Or what?Caetanos coolly
shaking his wrist.
Shhh! yourself. Talk about an anti-climax. Seemiller wins the first 3 pointsand
Caetano quickly loses 3 straight.


*Jairie Resek in her Whats
Happening column (TTT, Sept.Oct., 1974, 10) says that Caetano
likes his 5 days-a-week jobits
interesting, the pay is good, boss is
great, and he can get the time off for
table tennis commitments. But its
difficult for him to be at his best
coming off a days work, then play
in those Friday night International
Matches. What exactly is Errols
job? Heres Jairie:
Errol is a collector for cable
T.V. You pay a $10 installation fee
and a service charge of $4.50 one
month in advance. After that, you
give the
Left: Danny Seemiller wins against Caetano in the Teams;
right: wins against him in the Singles
Photos by Mal Anderson
to take
service charge right from your bank account. No bank
account, you pay one year in advance. No bills, just a yearly
reminder. If you dont pay, Errol comes to your home
and disconnects your cable. [When he starts to do that,
do you suppose some people might get a mite testy with
Errol Caetano
Photo by Mal Anderson
**Yamanaka, in her article, Technique of Concentrated Attention (TTT, Jan.-Feb.,
1975, 9, reprinted from Butterflys Table Tennis Report, Sept., 1974), stresses check
pointsthat is, target spots on ball and tablethat require high-intensity attention. Here she
speaks of her own experience and provides a diagram for clarity:
When returning a backspin serve or a push by using a smash, which was my
pet tactic, I usually stepped in and hit a little to the lower part of the ball (See figures
1-A, 2) while twisting my wrist. (At the moment of impact, the racket angle is slightly
How I used to enjoy the momentthat moment when I hit the target spot of
the oncoming ball with my mind thoroughly concentrated on it! I was really fascinated
by that second full of thrill and strain.
In coping with a push or a block shot, I used to make the ball contact near the
blade (See figure 3) so that I handled the ball more stably. Whats more, I also adopted
such a tactic to stop a powerful smash or drive.

I paid special attention to the distance at which a push, a block shot, or a

consecutive steady soft drive against a chop sails over the net. I aimed at the 3centimeter distance over the net. (See figure 5).
At an earlier stage of my career, I was not good at a smash stroke that sails
across the table against a backhand side-delivered chop, though I am left-handed. But
the trial in changing my strategy brought me confidence against a chopper. My newly
adopted tactic was to change the target spot of the ball. When I positioned for the
backhand side and made a stroke which sailed across the table, I found it much more
effective to aim slightly inside of the ball. (See figure C.) Before, I had hit slightly
outside of the ball as I did when positioning on the forehand side. (See figure B.)
Looking back upon those techniques of mineI tell you now they all were,
without exception, checked seriously by myself. For example, the target-dropping spot
of a topspin long serve that goes over the sideline of the table was 30 centimeters away
from the end line. (See figure 4-A.) That of a push shot was 5 centimeters away from
the end line. (Figure 4-B.) However, in an actual game, such distances were sometimes
altered a little because of too much strain.
You can pick up several check points simultaneously, or you can do them one
by one. In either case you will be guaranteed improvement by becoming an enthusiastic


Chapter Twenty-Seven
1974: Sept.-Dec. TournamentsPart I.
Seattle held its Puget Sound Open, Sept. 20-22with 62 Tom Ruttinger the Mens
Singles winner, though hard-pressed in the final, losing two deuce games to teenager Eddie Lo
whom the USTTA had rated #1 in the Pacific Northwest over #2 Joe Lee and #3 Ruttinger
(the player locals consider best). But were about to learn, via the 1st issue of the OTTA
Magazine (Dec., 1974), edited by Tom Slater, that three weeks earlier at the CNE Tournament
Lo was accused of being over age. Tournament Chair Mike Skinner, in reporting on the
tournament (18-21), tells us that Carl Plotnick (whose son Bruce lost to Lo, -18, 19, 20, in the
semis of the U-15s, became suspicious, checked at the B.C. Department of Welfare, and it
was determined that Eddie was overage. But there must have been extenuating circumstances
regarding his birth certificate and/or copies thereof, for Eddie was given only a weeks
suspension by the BCTTA.
Here at Seattle, Lo paired with Peter Joe to take the Doubles, 18 in the 5th, from Tom
and Japanese import Monsonori Yoshimura who, as Chandra Madosingh tells us, was beaten
in the Singles by Peters consistent loop drives and backhand blocks. Womens went to
Merle Bagoo-Weekes over Debbie Fitzwater. Mixed winners were Ron Ferrians/Karen Lam
over Joe/Diane Tom, 21 in the 4th (after being down 20-16). AAs: Lowell Lo over Scott
Johnson whod ousted Ferrians 25-23 in the 4th. As: Johnson over Hiroshi Takaki. A Doubles:
Lo/Yamada over Ferrians/Johnson, after being down 2-0 and at 23-all in the 3rd, 21-all in the
4th. Bs: Bruce Carlson over Dan Farber.
From early Sept. to late Dec., Paddle Palace will put on monthly tournaments. But as
Lou Bochenski will later find out when he comes to assess his first year of operation (TTT,
May-June, 1975, 11), hell have spent several thousand dollars more than hell have taken in.
Why? One disappointment was the dropping out of many of the former members of the two
Portland table tennis clubs that had closed up to support the Paddle Palace. They were in
almost unanimous agreement in so closing, but when it came time to put a little cash into
playing table tennis instead of using the taxpayers money as they had before in schools where
they formerly played, they simply
faded away. Only the most
dedicated players are left, with the
large majority being newly
recruited members.
Results of the Sept. 6-8
Pepsi Cola Open: Open Singles:
Jeff Kurtz over Ruttinger. As: Lo
over Bob Ho whod just gotten by
Peter Howe, -22, 20, 13. Bs:
Howe over Carlson. Cs: Jay
Crystal over Pak Lee whod
escaped Bobby Rinde, 18, -19, 19.
Ds: Carlson over Jeff James, after
Jay Crystal
Photo by Mal Anderson
Jeff advanced by Aurelio, 19, -18,

Greg Brendon (TTT, May-June, 1975, 12) says

that Ron Carver runs daily when the weather permits,
hits against his robot two to three hours, exercises, lifts
weights, plays in city (Eugene) and University of Oregon
(Eugene) leagues, and drives [three hours] to Portland
monthly for tournaments. Maybe thats why he won both
the Oct. 4-6 Fall Open and the Nov. 8-10 Blitz-Weinhard
Fall Open Results: Mens: Carver over Ed Ng,
deuce in the 4th, then over Keun Chung, -16, 18, 20, 16.
Open Doubles: Carver/Chung over Ed Ng/Vo Qui Han
whod sneakered by Ron Vincent/Chris Depee, 25-23 in
the 3rd. Womens: Fitzwater over Monika Koething. 3Man Team: Charles McLarty, Dunbar Carpenter, and Tore
Frederickson over Carlson, Vincent, and Depee. WarmUp Singles: Bill Mason over Don Nash, 19 in the 3rd.
Seniors: Ho over Frederickson.
Ron Carver, shown here with
Oregon State Closed Trophy
As: Dave Davallou over Ho. Bs: Carpenter over
Frederickson whod eliminated Jim Scott, 25, 22. B
Doubles: Carpenter/Vill Vazquez over Kevin Young/Crystal. Cs: Mike Bochenski over Rinde.
Ds: Dan Reeves over Harold Frederickson, 23-21 in the 3rd. Es: Dean Doyle over John
Frederickson, 22-20 in the 3rd. High School: Mike Bochenski over Young. Under 15s: Rinde
over David James.
Blitz-Weinhard Open: Mens: Carver over Carl Cole.
Later in Oct., in the U.S. Regional Team Trials, also held at the
Paddle Palace, Carl and Ron would have 6-2 records and so
share 2nd-3rd behind undefeated Ruttinger. However, since none of
these men would travel to Charleston, IL to play in the final
Trials, this round robin competition, with its Saturday/Sunday
Consolations, was likely not a standout spectator attraction. Open
Doubles: Davallou/Ho over Ng/Han Vo Qui. Womens: Marie
Mason over Dotty Bochenski. 3-Man Team: Carpenter, Vo Qui Han,
and Crystal over Depee, Ng, and Ron Vincent. Warm-Up Singles:
Mike Bochenski over Brian Hauge. Seniors: Ho over Jim Tisler.
As: Paul Chang over Bruce Douglas. Bs: Rinde over
Eric Weisenborn. B Doubles: Mike Bochenski/Nash over Tisler/
Keith Fiene. Cs: Dan Farber over Crystal. Ds: Brendon over
Sean ODonnell. Es: Jim Kalvelage over Mike Sheffer, deuce in
the 3rd. Fs: Muhammed Popoola over Ron Wetz. Unrated:
Marie Mason
ODonnell over David Cashman. High School: Crystal over
Hauge. Under 15s: Rinde over Doyle.
Brendon says Carver doesnt swing at the ball; he explodes at it, and since he exudes
intensity hes a great crowd-pleaser. At the Dec. 6-8 Western Open he won the Singles over
Dunbar Carpenter and the Doubles with Keun Chung over Ho/Davallou. Womens went to
Nimi Athwal over her sister, Simi. Warm-Up Singles winner: Nimi over Juggy Padda. Seniors:
Earl Adams over Ho.

As: Davallou over Rinde. Bs: Jim Scott over Mike Bochenski.
B Doubles: Bochenski/David James, 19 in the 3rd over Tisler and
Salt Lake Citys Jim DeMet who, believing in promoting table
tennis as an athletic sport, practices what he preachesruns in the
morning and performs exhibitions at university basketball
halftimes. Cs: James over Kevin Young, 19 in the 3rd. Ds: Dean
Doyle over Mike Sheffer. Es: Tom Walker over David Cashman.
Fs: Ron Wetz over Marie Mason. High School: Padda over
Jim Scott
Bochenski. Under 15s: Rinde over Walker, 22-20 in the 3rd, then
Photo by Mal
over Nimi Athwal.
The Paddle Palaces Dec. 28-29 Closed saw Judy
Bochenski win both the Open Singles (over Carpenter) and the
Doubles with Han Vo Qui (over Carpenter/Paul Chang, deuce in
the 3rd, then over her brother Mike/David James). Womens (in
which Judy didnt play): Marie Mason over Selena Kyes. Seniors:
Ho over Bob Rinde. High School: Mike Bochenski over Jay
Crystal. Junior High: Rinde over David James. As: Chang over Ho. Bs: Mike Bochenski over
Rinde. Cs: Bill Mason over David James. Ds: Brian Wright over
In conjunction with the Closed, a Chinatown Open was
also held, sponsored by the Chinese American Citizens Alliance.
Open: Judy Bochenski over Chang. College: Charles McLarty
(Portland CC) over Alan Chin (U. of Washington). High School:
Mike Bochenski over Crystal. Grade School: Rinde over Doyle.
The Concord, CA Club put
on a debut Turkey Day Closed,
Nov. 23-24. Don Gunn tells us their
Brian Wright
members have a new home with
lots of class. Its upstairs in the
Capri Theater building. Escalators
whisk you upward to the six
tables that are in play every night
and on Saturdays. George
Makk won the Open Singles,
10, 12, -21, -22, 14, against a
very stubborn Henry Fung.
Semifinalist Tom Joyce had a
George Makk
19-in-the-5th win over Kevin
From 1969 U.S. Open Program
Wong. Open Doubles winners
were Fung/Dave Chan over
Makk/Lamenti. Seniors went to Dick Evans over Harry Nelson.
As: Joyce over Jonas Danso in 5, then over Evans. Bs: Masaaki
Tajima over Art McCartney, one of 16 qualified nation-wide to
give the Umpires Oral Exam. A-B Doubles: Chick Chui/LeRoy
Kondo over Danso/Tajima. Cs: Li over Amioi. Ds: Amioi over
Bob Partridge who with Phil Schafer started the Club in 1972.
Bob Partridge

C-D Doubles: Ross-Buck over

McCartney/Tito LeFranc. Es:
McNeil over Wilson. Under 17s:
Lamenti over LeFranc, 17, 22, -16, 19, 18.
Gunn also calls our attention
to U.S. Under 15 Champion Dennis
Barish, for he likes the article Dennis
wrote (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 28)
after returning from his four weeks of
training and coaching at Senshu
University in Japan. Dennis said his
day would begin at 6:30 a.m., and by
7:15 hed be in the Practice Room
U.S. Under 15 Champion Dennis Barish, just returned from Japan
(great floor, very good lighting)
Photo by Mal Anderson
doing loosening-up exercises with
about 20 men and 9 women (their ages somewhere between 19 and 23). Then theyd all go
off for a 3-5 mile run, have breakfast, shower, and rest until 10 a.m. Now thered be two hours
of footwork training. backhand/forehand practice, and a competitive match. A long rest period
followed lunch until dinner at 5 p.m. Afterwards, Dennis says, they were back in the Practice
Room until 9 p.m. practicing or playing matches. About 9:45 I would have some players
cook some Japanese Raman for me, then retire for the evening, sometimes at 10:30, no later
than 11:30.
One big difference between U.S. and Japanese players: in Japan they play the sport as
if it were their job, whereas in the United States we play as if it were a pastime.The people I
was with took table tennis very seriously and never joked
every day they gave 100%. Every practice lesson, every
tournament was well organized. There was never any
cursing, or throwing of rackets, or any violence
whatsoeverand no gambling, no money matches. If our
country wants to be strong in table tennis, like China and
Japan, there can be no place for any of this!
From the time Kimi Tamasu picked him up at the Tokyo
airport, the sponsoring Butterfly Co. took very good care of
him. Dennis singles out for praise Kimi; Coach Dick
Yamaoka; Mr. Goto, Denniss comforting four-year Room
Captain, and Mr. Croada, a player who helped Dennis go
shopping, so that once away from the University he could
Try one of these
experience the squeeze of people on the commuting trains
blades, Dennis, says
and see the contrasting style of clothes they worethe men
Butterfly Coach
Dick Yamaoka
dressed informally in jeans and short-sleeved shirts, the
women in silk dresses and high-heeled shoes. Dennis of
course concluded his article by thanking one and all for
being given this opportunity to learnwhat at the moment
hes keeping secret about his games strengths and

Barish thinks hes improved, and so does Gunn, for Don tells us to pay attention to
Denniss results at the Huntington Beach Clubs Nov. 9-10 California State Open. Results:
Open Singles: Joong Gil Park over Barish in 4, after Dennis had beaten Ray Guillen rather
easily. Open Doubles: Park/Ichiro Hashimoto over Eric Thom/Danny Banach, 19 in the 5th,
then over Guillen/Howie Grossman, 19 in the 4th. Womens: Angelita Rosal over her sister
Monica. Mixed: Park/A. Rosal over Guillen/Heather Angelinetta. Esquires: Julius Paal over
Russ Thompson. Seniors: Paal over Richard Badger. Senior Doubles: Badger/Carmen
Ricevuto over Thompson/Gene Wilson.
As: Sandy Lechtick over Ron Whitlock. A Doubles: Lechtick/Ken Pitts over Badger/
Ricevuto. Bs: Al Martz over
Tajima. B Doubles: Chris Rosal/
Tito LeFranc over John
Harrington/Bill Guerin, 19 in the
4th. C Singles: Keith Ogata over D.
Doug Kirby
Lamenti who survived R. Watkins
Photo by
deuce in the 3rd. C Doubles: Ogata/
Mary McIlwain
Richard Ward over Jerry LaLande/
Rosal. Ds: Mike Ban over Robert
Livingston in 5. D Doubles: Kevin
Quan/Dan Adrian over Snedden/
Kittel (after being down 2-0).
Boys U-17: Barish over Dean
Galardi, -11, 20, 24, 19. Juniors
U-15: Henry Fung over Chris
Rosal, -17, 20, 19, 17. Juniors U-13: Mike Chapman over Karl Huber. Juniors U-11: Doug Kirby
over Julie Tom. Junior Doubles: Galardi/Fung over Rosal/LeFranc.
This California State Open was a needed
competition for those players like Joong
Gil Park and Angelita Rosal who in two
weeks would be trying to make the U.S.
World Team. Of course, as Pat Crowley
tells us in Rosals own words (Woman of
the Month, TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 5-6),
the most important warm-up Angied had
to fire her up for Calcutta was her 44-day
stay in Sweden this summerwith former
World Champion Stellan Bengtsson
encouraging her at every turn. The two
took it easy the first few days while he
showed her around his hometown of
Falkenberg where pictures and posters of
him were plentiful. Then they went to his
Angie Rosal and Stellan Bengtsson
Club and began serious practice
Photo by Bora Vojnovic
following patterns for control and
footwork. He watched me every night and I watched him every night too. Sometimes we
were the only players.

Occasionally Rosal practiced with the good Juniors, whom Bengtsson yelled at if
they lost their temper. Players never throw their bats, said Angie, theyre too
expensive. Stellans bat price is up to $35. Why? Because the price of Mark V is going up.
Stellan goes to the Stiga Company in Tranas and picks out all the materials for his own
bat, then they put it together for him while he stands there. He always carries two bats.
Which doesnt suggest he might break one in a fit of pique. If youre angry, said Angie,
you lose control of your reflexesand you start slamming the ball all over the place
as in fact she acknowledges she did in her match at the Nationals with Indias Shailaja
Salokhe. No more of that.
But what conditioning she went throughlots of emotion to be seen there. Once,
she said, when we finished the 2500 meter run, he [Stellan] asked, Well, shall we go
again? So like a dumb ( ), I said, Ya and we ran again. He yelled at me to go faster,
pushed me, took my hand and pulled me, and ran beside me clenching his fist, yelling,
Tempa! Tempa! (Fight! Fight!). When he wanted me to run another 2500 meters, I
said, Forget you.
But this practicing and this conditioning, said Angie, was just preparation for the
training camp which was much more intense.The camp was for 11 men and 5 women.
Nils Billing, their coach, told me they got many letters from [players] all over the world
asking to train with the Swedish Team, but they said No because it would be too difficult
for many and they didnt want too many people at one time. Angie said they played lots
of soccer, continued their running, repeated practice patterns for control, talked strategy,
and analyzed play, and did sets of circuit training. Mercifully, they were off in the evening.
Early on, all those attending the camp were driven to a local hospital where they
took a whole lot of blood and did blood tests, checked our urine, checked our heart with
EKG readings, and gave us iron pills. After a few intense days, Angie didnt know if she
could continue onit was as if, with the
extended physical and mental training,
they were all trying to be world
But she stayed the course, and after
the training camp there was a tournament in
Falkenberg. On Saturday she umpired for 4
hours. On Sunday she got to play Doubles
with Ann-Christin Hellman (after Calcutta,
World #10) and they were runner-ups to two
other top Swedes Eva Stroemvall and
Birgitta Olsson In Singles, Angie lost to
Evashes only 15 but she beat Birgitta to
win the Womens.
Eva Stroemvall
After the camp and the tournament,
Photo by Tommy Andersson
Angie remained for another two weeks in
Sweden, training. When she came home, she continued working out. Think shell make the
U.S. Team?
The L.A. Hollywood Club ushered in Dec. with its Thanksgiving Open and the players
stuffed with turkey. If Ray Guillen hasnt yet taken over the management of the Club from
Milla Boczar, he soon will. Results: Open Singles: Joong Gil Park in 5 over Guillen whod

eliminated Howie Grossman, 23-21 in the 4th,

after Howie had rallied from being down 2-0 to
Joe Sanchez. In the semis, Park downed Sandy
Lechtick whod advanced over Danny Banach
(from down 2-0). Womens: Heather
Angelinetta over Georgette Rideg. Mixed:
Grossman/Angelinetta over Sanchez/Rideg.
Open Doubles: Ichiro Hashimoto/Mike Carr
over Park/Russ Thompson, 19 in the 5th.
Eureka! Thirty-two years later,
Thompson sent me biographical material about
his Lets Pretend with Uncle Russ Saturday
Morning Radio Show that ran from 1948 to
1952. I produced, wrote, directed, and was
Uncle Russ on this 30-minute show sent to
Armed Forces Radio stations in almost every
country in the world. He talks of character

Jimmy Lane
Photo by Betty Bryant

Joe Sanchez and Julie Tom with best seller

voices he did, including Percy the Penguin and

Ricky the Robot, as well as Captain Comet and
Rocket Ranger Jane. He also had an Around the
World Safety Club that sent out safety hints and
suggestions and membership cards with safety
slogans and a picture of Uncle Russ. There were
also Uncle Russ fan clubsand, says Russ, the
fan mail was phenomenal. Today, you can check
his website at to
see some of the mail he received more than half a
century ago.
Other Thanksgiving Open results: As:
Thompson over Carr, 19 in the 5th. A Doubles:
Carr/Ogata over Thompson/Dieter Huber, 14, 20,
-19, 20. Bs: Stan Yeung over Huber. B Doubles:
Carr/Ogata over Yeung/Chang, 19 in the 4th. Cs:
Craig Manoogian over Ogata, 18 in the 5th. C
Doubles: Manoogian/Mike Chapman over Scott
McClure/Reagan Tom, 25-23 in the 5th. Ds: Dan

Adrian over Chapman in 5. D

Doubles: Adrian/Kevin Quan over
Rich Livingston/Watkins. Esquires:
Julius Paal over Gene Wilson.
Seniors: Carmen Ricevuto over
Huber, 18 in the 5th, then over Paal.
Senior Doubles: 1. Huber/Wilson, 21 (5-2). 2. Ricevuto/Jerry LaLande,
2-1 (5-3). Thompson/Leon
Ruderman, 2-1 (4-3). U-17:
Manoogian over Ron Lee. U-15:
Kathy Dawidowicz
Robert Livingston over Chapman, 21, -21, 19, 14, 19. Under 13:
Chapman over Jimmy Lane. U-11:
Doug Kirby over Reagan Tom.
Junior Doubles: Manoogian/
Chapman over Lang/Heinrich.
Fran Gentry tells us (TTT,
Jan.-Feb., 1975, 12) that at the
Dec.11th 80-entry Pikes Peak
Christmas Open put on by the Pikes Peak Y/USO Club, 13-year-old Kathy Dawidowicz
made mincemeat of her opponents. After beginning play in her native Poland when she was
7, shes been a resident in the Denver area since 1970. In this tournamentunbelievableshe
won Championship Singles and Doubles (with her dad Bob who didnt enter the Singles), and
she also won the Womens, Class A, and the U-17s. Other winners: Bs: Steve Zajac. A-B
Doubles: George Weissberg/Dean Edmonds. Seniors: Norm Silver. Novice: Jerry Glebock.
Thanks to Regional Director Sue Sargent, Tournament Director Billie Watkins, her
husband R.C., and Jay and Norma Evans, the 2nd Annual Caprock Open was held successfully
in Lubbock, Texas, Oct. 5-6. The prize money awarded was $525.94 (but I dont know how
such a precise figure was arrived at). Hanumanth Rao won the Mens over Joe Windham
whod 3-2 outlasted Perry Schwartzberg. Championship Doubles: Schwartzberg/Don Weems
over Rao/Paul LeBlanc, -14, 23, 19, 20, then over Richard James/Joe Cummings in 5. Texas
Residents Only: Cummings over LeBlanc, 24-22 in the 5th.
As: Pat Windham over Gary Fagan. A Doubles: Charles Butler/S. Ryan over Fagan/
Vern Eisenhour (from down 2-0), 18 in the 5th. Bs: M. Mui over Edgar Stein in 5, then over
M. Whittington. Cs: L. Parker over G. Garner in 5. D Singles: D. Petty over Meredith Elston.
Seniors: Eisenhour over Mac Horn. Senior Doubles: Evans/Stein over D. DeWald/C. Griffen,
whod -14, -11, 14, 20 survived Eisenhour/Rich Puls. U-17s: T. Parker over G. Gafford in 5,
then over N. Christensen. Junior Doubles: D. Babcock/
Schwartzberg over Parker/Mark Stoolz. U-15s: Stoolz over
Steve Grant interviewed Oklahoma Citys 12-year-old
Mark Stoolz (Junior of the Month, TTT, Nov.-Dec, 1974,
19) and learned he first played the game two years ago with
his father on a table set up in their garage. After Mark won a
local Park tournament against older boys, his father brought

him to Ron Shirleys Table Tennis

Oklahoma Club where he began
playing every day after school and all
day Saturdays. Ron, Gary Fagan,
and Irl Copley encouraged him, gave
him confidence.
At the Nationals, he 12, 20, -19 put up a strong U-11 semis
fight against the eventual winner,
Eric Boggan. I thought I was good
until I saw all those good players at
the Nationals, said Mark. Then I
was kinda scared. I was shaky.
Boggans style was really weird.
Theres millions of different styles
and I just hadnt seen anything like it.
I guess I wasnt consistent enough. I
know I can beat him, though.
This summer Mark went to
both Dell Sweeriss and Alexs Tams
coaching camps, where he did a lot
Junior of the Month Mark Stoolz; inset: Eric Boggan
of physical conditioning, and, like
everyone else, learned strokesfrom the beginning, like we hadnt played before, and
worked our way up. I liked that. Marks had to make some choices. He still plays basketball
for his church team, but since football practice was every night and the same with baseball,
he had no time for those sports, nor for doing homework, since he just went straight to table
tennis after school. Now hes gotta hit the books. But hes also into Frisbee, needs time to
train for that. Hes so good at throwing and catching that he won the City and State and
almost the Regional Under 15 Championship.
Mark enjoys going to out-of-town tournaments, likes being able to order his own
meals, likes being at least somewhat on his own, away from his parents. Shirley believes
Marks principal advantage over other juniors is his maturity. He listens and learns, and
doesnt let frustrations overwhelm him. Of course Mark likes all the friends hes made in
table tennis, but, most of all, he says, I like to win.
Steve Grant also gives us, in a companion piece to the Stoolz profile, background on
the Table Tennis Oklahoma Club. [It] opened its doors October 5, 1973, leasing a 3800square-foot building with a plate-glass front, located in a residential area. Organizers were
president and veteran promoter Ron Shirley, Gary Fagan, Phil Napoliello, Irl Copley, Steve
Hammond, Robert Henry, Greg Napoliello, and Russell Finley. They and others put many
long hours into refurbishingremoving partitions, painting the entire interior, adding a
bathroom, and so on. The result was a well-lighted, seven-table playing area, sales desk,
display cabinet, display shelves, office, bathrooms, and storage space. Of course the Club,
open 7 days a week, offers leagues, tournaments, coaching, [and] a full line of equipment
with reduced prices and perks for members. Annual cost is $15 for adults, $10 for juniors, or
$25 for families. Playing time at TTO is $1 per hour or $2 for all day, with members getting
25% off.

This summer, Table Tennis

Oklahoma (TTO) morphed into the
Northwest Table Tennis Club. Then in
September, a second, larger TTO was
opened five miles away, under the same
management. Wow! Two clubs can
flourish in such a small area?
In a Letter to Topics, Buddy
Melamed (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 18)
writes of how the Bulletin Board at his
Godwin Park Club in Houston has made a
big difference to the members, bonds
them together. He suggests that every
club have one. On his, Buddy posts,
D.G. Van Vooren
among other things, entry blanks to
Photo from 1975 U.S. Open Program
tournaments, a roster of local players and
their phone numbers, the names of those
interested in car-pooling to tournaments, and, what has aroused most interest, the current,
ever-changing Southwest ratings. Buddy says players are interested in all the rubbers on the
market, want to know whats best for them so they can raise their rating!
One way to do thatfor some anywayis to play in the Sept. 14-15 Houston Open.
Results: Mens Final Round Robin: 1. D. G. Van Vooren, 2-1 (8-6). 2. Bob ONeill, 2-1 (6-6).
3. Don Weems, 2-1 (6-6). 4. Joe Cummings, 1-2 (5-6). Best matches: D. G. beat Joe, 15, -20,
20, 16, and Don, 22, -14, -14, 19, 14; Bob beat D. G., 12, -20, 20, -20, 13; Joe beat Don, 19
in the 4th. Mens Doubles: Schwartzberg/Weems over ONeill/Doug Hibbs. Womens: Norma
LeBlanc over Shirley Woo. Womens Doubles: LeBlanc/Cindy Garza over Woo/Applegate.
Mixed: Weems/Woo over ONeill/Ramsey.
As: Cummings in 5 over Weems, then 19 in the 5th over Paul LeBlanc, who went 18 in
the 5th with Ragnell. Bs: Garner over Green whod eked out a 25-23 in the 3rd win over Steve
Simon. Cs: Baddock over Hoffman whod slipped by Willingham, 19 in the 3rd. Novice: G.
Melamed over L. Melamed. Consolation: Green over Zigler in 5. Seniors: Van Vooren over
Buddy Melamed, 15, -24, 20. Under 17s/15s: Schwartzberg over G. Melamed. Under 17
Doubles: Schwartzberg/Melamed over Smith/Mike Finnell.
At the Milwaukee Open, held
Sept. 21 in Greendale, Tony Poulos
won the Mens from John Soderberg
in 5, after John had to go into the 5th
Tony Poulos
to beat Paul Wong. Mens Doubles:
Photo by
Poulos/Chan over Soderberg/Charlie
Mal Anderson
Disney. Womens: Roxanne Mayer
over Jill Larmore, -20, 22, 21.
Mixed: Geoff Graham/Larmore over
Poulos/P. Chan. As: Andy
Chrapisinski over Laszlo Keves, -16,
16, 20, then over Roy Hyden. Bs:
Wayne Wasielewski over Mike

Menzer who escaped Hyden,

19 in the 3rd. Cs: George
Gus Kennedy over Stan
Shelley. Seniors: Joe Bujalski
over Bob Miller. Boys Under
17s: Soderberg over
Graham. Girls Under 17s: 1.
R. Mayer, 3-0. 2. M. Smith,
1-2 (4-5). 3. B. Smith, 1-2
(3-4). 4. L. Chan, 1-2 (2-5).
Boys Under 15s: Jeff
Soderberg over Stein. Junior
Doubles: Soderberg/
Soderberg over Alan Michael/
Ben Kunin.
The Wisconsin Open,
played Nov. 16 in Waukesha,
saw a close round robin final
in the Mens: 1. Pak Lam, 2-1
(5-2). 2. Paul Wong, 2-1 (43with a 23, -20, 16 win
over Stomma). 3. Ted
Geoff Graham
Ben Kunin
by Samuel Hokin
Stomma, 1-2 (3-4). 4. Geoff
Graham, 1-2 (2-4with a 21, 21, 17 quarters win over
Poulos). Mens Doubles: Lam/Wong over Falkenstein/Hyden, 22, -19, 20, then over Stomma/
Keves, 19, -17, 18. Womens: Mona Buell over Koberg. Mixed: Stomma/Buell over Wong/
Chan. As: Graham over Hyden, 28-26 in the 3rd. Bs: Kunin over Mike Charney. Cs: Kunin
over Michael, 19 in the 3rd. Seniors: Pfalz over Falkenstein. Boys Under 17s: Graham over
Kunin. Girls Under 17s: 1. L. Chan, 1-1 (3-2). 2. E. Kuffel, 1-1 (2-2). 3. C. Kuffel, 1-1 (2-3).
Boys Under 15s: Stein over Schweinert. Junior Doubles: Kunin/Graham over Ellis/Michael.
Tom McEvoy reports (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 23)
that at the Great Lakes Open, held Sept. 28 at Woodland,
resident-pro Dell Sweeris won the Mensover runner-up
Mike Baber, 3rd-place finisher Mike Veillette, and Bob
Hazekamp who came 4th. Womens: Faan Yeen Liu over
Amy Hopping and Joyce Donner. Mens Doubles:
Sweeris/Gordon Roedding, -23, 14, 19 over Jeff Smart/
Andy Hopping, then over Veillette/Kurt Lloyd.
As: Frank Sexton ($20) over Max Salisbuty ($10)
who upset Jeff Smart, 19, 22. Bs: Roedding (his first Bs)
over Jim Bednar, Max Salisbury, 20, 30, and in the final
McEvoy after Tom had lost, 19 in the 3rd, to Max and his
carrying case of (Im always ready at the table to switch)
rackets. Cs: Mark Delmar (his first Cs) over Garrett
Donner. Ds: Faan Hoan Liu over Mark Wilke. Novice:
Mark Delmar
Faan Yeen Liu over Wilke. Handicap: Lloyd ($20), 56-54,
Photo by Ken Lowden

over Brock Huler ($10) whod edged by Frank Sexton, 51-49. Seniors: A three-way tie in
matches and games won/lost was finally broken by points: 1. C. F. Liu; 2. Salisbury (his 3rd
runner-up finish of the day); and 3. Bong Ho. Under 17s: Baber over Greg Jelinski. Under
15s: Faan Hoan over Faan Yeen Liu.
Woodland resident-writer McEvoy (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 16) also reports on the Oct.
26 Furniture City Open. Sweeris again won the Mens, but he was overshadowed by Larry
Wood who upset Mike Baber, 19 in the 5th in the quarters, then went on, before losing to
Sweeris, to down Mike Veillette in 5 and cap a great rally, from down 2-0, to beat Bob
Hazekamp, 19 in the 5th. Bob had advanced to the round robin semis via three deuce games
over Paul Lamse, then lost in 5 to Veillette. Heretofore undefeated Dell then lost in 5 to Mike
too, being pummeled the last game at 6! However, in the 3-way tiebreaker, Sweeris won out in
games, Veillette was 2nd, Wood 3rd. Womens went to bouncy Barb Taschner. As: Bong Ho
over Paul Lamse. Bs: Wood over top-seed Pat Cox, then over McEvoy in the final. Cs: Kurt
Lloyd (wholl be on the Michigan Junior Team at the USOTCs) over Taschner. Ds: Gary
Gallick over John Missad. Handicap: Harry Michaelson over Pat Cox in one of the matches
Pat defaulted at this tournament. Seniors: Ho over Gallick
Evansville, INs Sam Shannon didnt go to Columbus, Ohio for the D-J Lee Open, but
this former Cleveland, Ohio hard bat star in the 1930s/40s, did write an exuberant letter
(TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 26) praising D-J. Hed attended The Champs clinic, and after receiving
an additional 7 hours of private tutelage, was ecstatic that D-J taught him the modern game
and WHY. Seldom in my lifetime, he said, have I met such a person as D-J who, so
completely in command of his specialty, could communicate so capably what he knows to
another and who has so much desire to do so. What a marvelous credit to the game.
D-J didnt play in the Singles, so that of course left Insook Na the easy winnerover
runner-up John Spencer, Ron Schull (3rd), and Greg Collins (4th). Open Doubles: Lee/Shekhar
Bhushan over Na/Spencer. Insook, in turn, didnt play Womens Singleswhich was won by
Diane Turnbull over Helen Weiner who favors footstamp serves. Mixed went to Lee/Weiner
over Bhushan/Na. Thus, D-J and Insook couldnt have more compatibly shared goodwill
amongst themselves and everyone else.
As: D-Js friend Eugene Kunyo over Collins, 18 in the 3rd. A Doubles: 1. Kunyo/Earl
Nittskoff, 2-1 (7-2). 2. Schull/Bhushan,
2-1 (6-2). 3. Randy Eller/Rod Mount,
Eugene Kunyo
2-1 (6-3). Bs: Nittskoff over Vern
Weingart, 19 in the 5th. B Doubles:
Kunyo/Kessel over Ron DeMent/
Collins. Cs: Eller over Larry Hensley.
Ds: Jeff Williams over Turnbull, -20,
19, 21, then over Bob Starr, Jr.
Consolations: John Temple over
Kunyo. Esquires: Walt Bubley over
George Sinclair. Seniors: Bubley over
DeMent. Young Adults: Collins over
Mike Dempsey in 5. Boys 17s/15s:
Collins over Williams. Girls 17s: Sandy
Hensley over Denise Horn. Girls 15s:
Horn over Jodee Williams.

The Dec. 14-15 Yasaka Open, held at

Lee Center in Columbus, Ohio, but
Photo by
without D-J, had 18 event winners. Open: 1.
Mal Anderson
Rick Seemiller. 2. Tim OGrosky. 3. Insook
Na. 4. John Spencer, whod gone 5 games with
Joe Rokop, the only person, according to DJ Lee, expected to be able to compete with
Seemiller for first place honors. (Ricks rating
was 2235, Insooks 2179, Rokops 2115,
OGroskys 2112, Spencers 1997.) Open
Doubles: Seemiller/Rokop over Spencer/Na.
Womens: Insook over Turnbull whod taken
out Weiner, 19 in the 4th. Esquires:Salisbury
over Bill Rapp. Seniors: Ron DeMent over
Salisbury in 5.
As: Greg Collins, 15, over James Earl. A
Doubles: Eller/DeMent over Roy Dietz/Tom
Boyle. Bs: Earl over Rod Mount. Cs: Tom
Kessel over Victor Lorand, -19, -19, 19, 19,
17. Ds: Boyle over Dietz. Consolations: Rapp over Salisbury. Young Adults: Dave Strang
over Eller, 25-23 in the 4th, then over Mike Joelson. Boys U-17/U-15: Collins over Jeff
Williams. Boys U-13: M. Collins over Williams. Girls U-17: Sandy Hensley over Denise Horn.
Girls U-15/U-13: Horn over Kim Kondash.
Raleigh put on Sept., Oct., and Nov. monthly tournaments. At the Sept. 21 North
Carolina Fall Open, Bob Shur won the Championship Singles over Tommy Tarrant. Mens
Doubles winners were: Tarrant/Danny Hill over Shur/Kommel in 5, then over Bill Brown/Jim
McQueen. Womens went to Shelby Jordan over Jean Poston. Mixed to Hill/Jordan over Tom/
Jean Poston. As: Shur over Gilliam. Bs: Hage over Jordan. Cs: Rice over D. Stanley, 16, -19,
23, then over (Dennis?) Creech. Seniors: Dick Tucker
over Mac Meredith. U-17s: Stanley over R. Sauls. U15s: Stanley over S. Gilliam.
The Oct. 12 Triangle Open saw Gordon Gregg
win the Championship Singles by defeating Hou-min
Chang, 22, -21, 18, -17, 18. Mens Doubles: Chang/
Hage, 19 in the 4th, over Hill/Tarrant who 19 in the 5th
had bloodied themselves by Steve Hitchner/KnudHansen. Womens: Melanie Spain over A. Hitchner.
Mixed: Bob Shur/Spain over Hou-min Chang/A. Chang.
As: P. Siddiqi over Gilliam. Bs: Rice over Tom Poston.
Cs: Spain over Creech, 17, -20, 18, -15, 21. Seniors:
Tucker over J. Law. U-17s: Brown over Stanley. U15s: A. Rosenthal over T. Hunt. Best match: E. Law
over Mike Babuin, deuce in the 3rd. (More than 30 years
later, Mike would be Chair of the USATTs Hard Bat
Committee, and putting on fabulous tournaments in
Hou-min Chang
Cary, N.C.)
Photo by Mal Anderson
Joe Rokop


Ageless Sol Schiff was the Mens Champion at the Nov. 15-17 Southern Open. In the
final he beat Hou-min Chang whod advanced over Hitchner in 5. Championship Doubles: Jim
Neal/Tom Kelly over T. Q. Doan/ Shur. Women: 1. Spain, 3-1 (7-3, 1.43 point ratio). 2.
Poston, 3-1 (7-3, 1.41 point ratio). Theresa Miller, 3-1 (7-3, 1.31 point ratio). Best match: A
Hitchner over Y. Yoshikawa, -23, 19, 23. As: T. Q. Doan over Hou-min Chang in 5, then over
Jim McQueen (decades later, with Bill Brown and others, Jim will be a tournament-cavorting
member of the infamously costumed Boos Brothers). Bs: Kelly over Howie Ornstein
whod eliminated Joe Griffis in 5. Consolations: Hill over Neal. Cs: P. Kommel 19 in the 5th
over Rice whod gotten by Griffis in 5. Seniors: Schiff over Ornstein. U-17s: 1. John Elliott.
2. Bill Brown. 3. Robert Nochenson. 4. R. Phillips.
Monty Merchant
reports on his Dec. 7-8
Mobile Open (TTT,
Jan.-Feb., 1975, 16)
an inaugural
tournament for him in
that it was the first hed
run in the U.S. Play
was at the University of
Southern Alabama
Gym, so a wood floor
was providedthat
was good. The lights
were too dimbut
why players
complained about the
Schildkrot balls and the
Nissen/Detroiter tables,
Monty hadnt a clue.
Monty, giving a fun exhibition in Mobile
Thanks go to sponsors:
the Mobile Club, the City Rec. Dept., WARD
Richard McAfee
Photo by Mal Anderson
Radio, and Pepsi-Cola. Results: Mens Singles:
Monty ($125) over Greg Gingold. Mens
Doubles/Mixed Doubles: Pat Patterson/Bev Hess,
now a regular partnership. Womens: Bev Hess.
As: Ralph Kissel. Bs: Blake Chamberlain. Cs:
Jay Hakes.
Randy Hess (TTT, Sept.-Oct., 1974, 23)
ran his 11th Orlando Fall Open Sept. 14-15. Peter
Pradit, as expected, won the Championship
Singlesbut Richard McAfee got more of
reporter Randys attention. First, Big Mac
knocked out Bernie Bukiet in 5. His short
backhand loop was coming in harder and more
consistent than Ive ever seen it, said Randy.
Mac was also twisting into his forehand super

fast and following through on his

kills exceptionally well. Then, in the
next round, Richard, continuing to
position himself well, eliminated Joe
Sokoloff who was playing with new
red-Anti on one side. Joe played a
beautifully controlled spin defense
game, but Macs hits were coming
through too fast.
In his final with Pradit,
McAfee at the outset is too
Peter Pradit
cautious, plays too much defense,
by Mark J. Ratner
and, down 14-4 quickly loses the 1st.
But, though Pradit, reminding Randy of a super-fast feather-weight boxer slipping in, hitting
with lightning speed, and then backing out, leads 14-11 in the 2nd, he has some trouble with
his footing, and Mac wins it at 18. In the 3rd, Richards down 9-3, rallies some, but loses it at
18. In the 4th, McAfees playing too deep and Pradit is quick blocking and angling him to
death. One final off-the-bounce kill from Peter, and Big Mac has to settle for 2nd.
Other results: Championship
Doubles: Gingold/Thrasher over
Sokoloff/McAfee in 5. Newcomer
Jack Devereauz teamed with Randy
Hess for an early upset over Bukiet/
Steve Rigo. Randy says Jacks very
steady, has serves that even Bukiet
has trouble with, and can hit too.
Also, he has super films of the
Sarajevo Worlds! Womens: Hess
Pat Patterson and Bev Hess
over Soltesz, 18 in the 3rd. Mixed:
gettin along nicely together
Pat Patterson/Hess over Pradit/
Theresa Miller, deuce in the 3rd. (In
the Bs, Theresa lost a deciding 3836 3rd game!) Seniors: Sam Hoffner
over Bob Walker, 23, 18, 18.
As: Bev Hess over Blake Chamberlain. Bs: Ross Brown, 19 in the 4th, over Gus
Armes, who was forced to go 5 with 11-year-old Ronnie Rigo. B Doubles: Brown/Marshall
over Racine/Richin, 20, 19, 18. Novice: Tallahassees Hong Tchen over Hal Gundersdorf in 5
(expedited in the 5th). Consolations: Devereaux over Patterson. U-17s: Bev Hess over John
Randy was disappointed in getting only 52 entries, especially since he was offering
$300 in prize money. But he was pleased to see, coming back to help Olga Soltesz with the
draw, former Orlando Club President Harry Blair whos still recovering from a foot injury
occurred while he was out boating. Cant play, but cant stay away, huh, Harry?


Chapter Twenty-Eight
1974: Sept.-Dec. TournamentsPart II.
Joseph C.H. Lee (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 40) tells us that once upon a time at his
Aberdeen, MD Club, founded in August, 1972, a player attempting to retrieve a stray ball
had to crawl under, over, and through tables, sofas and chairs. Fortunately, by Apr., 1974,
the Club had found a new homewas the first tenant in an old school building with an allpurpose room (space enough for 8 tables) that had been taken over by the county whose
blessing was then given the t.t. players as part of the countys recreation program. Thus,
because the club overhead is very low, if any, says Joe, and the place to play costs us
nothing, the Club now has over $1,000 in the bank. Members whod helped the Club in its
earlier days pay a very modest yearly feeadults $5, Juniors $3. For others, the dues are $20
and $10. Guests get to play free on their first night; after that, its $1 and $.50 per night. A
tournament site is usually a public school gym.
However, for the Clubs Oct. 19-20 120-entry Chesapeake Fall Open, the Middle
School gym selected had apparently not been checked out well enough, for, as Joe says in his
tournament write-up (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 22), it was designed and built with energy
conservation in mind. There were 12 skylights over the gym, covered with clear, rather than
opaque, covers to let direct sunlight in. Naturally, they had to be covered to eliminate the
glarewhich made for a very dim interior.
There were also a few other problems in an otherwise successful tournament. The
organizers gave players permission to be absent for a stretchto eat lunch, for examplebut
then they found they really needed them to play, and had to call them back (in between bites,
as it were), which didnt sit well with anyone. Also, says Joe, never again are we going to take
unpaid-for phone entries or late entries on spec. Not knowing, even as the tournament draws
have to be prepared, whether in fact some of these players, sometimes seeded players, are
going to show or not causes draw shufflings and hassles. As for age eligibility, why doesnt the
USTTA just keep it simple? If a Juniors in an Under 17 event, shouldnt he be under 17; and
if hes 18, regardless of his birth date, isnt he way too old? Joe also wants to be allowed to
reject any entriesplayers who he has reason to believe are undesirables.
Finally, before giving us the tournament results, Joe thanks his many helpers. The good
sports and the helpful umpiresManny Moskowitz, for example, for being both. And Joes
crew: Juniors Victor Cericole and Fred Framarini for covering up the skylights, moving and
setting up the tables; Dick Olsher for scheduling and calling out matches, and Leslie Olsher
for helping with registration; Charlie Futty for providing the truck and transporting the tables;
Pak Yip for posting results, and setting up tables and barriers and bringing them back to the
Club; and Tom Newlin, John Goshorn, and George Niles for their general help.
Results: Open Singles: Errol Resek finished with 9 straight gamesover Joe Rokop,
Sam Balamoun, then Rick Seemiller in the final. Best match was Seemiller over Lim Ming
Chui, -17, 22, 20, -19, 18. Rick was down 1-0 and 20-17 in the 2nd, only to rally and win it,
though Chui twice got edge balls after Rick had tied the game. In the 4th, Ricky again came
backfrom 19-14 down to 19-allonly to lose that game. In the 5th, Semillers up 10-4, is
tied at 14-all, then again takes the lead, this time to hold it.
Other results: Mens Doubles: Resek/Chui over Seemiller/Rokop. Womens: Insook Na
over Debbie Wong. Womens Doubles: Barbara Kaminsky/Yvonne Kronlage over Melanie

Spain/M. Halem. Mixed: Peter Stephens/Muriel Stern over Ali

Oveissi/Kronlage in 5, then over Resek/Wong. Esquires:
George Rocker over Jimmy Verta, -17, 19, 24. Seniors: Bill
Sharpe over Rocker (from down 2-0). Esquire/Senior
Doubles: Rocker/Sharpe over Nate Sussman/Mort Zakarin.
As: Insook Na, 18 in the 4th,
over Sharpe whod eliminated Parviz
Mojaverian, 19 in the 3rd. This is my
first mention of Parviz, a former Iranian
International whos just immigrated to
the States and will be playingand
talking to himself and the spectators
into the next millennium. Here he talks
to you: In Mashad, Iran, where I
started to play at age 10, I managed to
become in 1966 the #1 high-school
player in the country (I was in the 10th
grade). In 1968, I became a member of
Nate Sussman
the Iranian Youth Team that traveled to
Parviz Mojaverian
Photo courtesy of Parviz Pakistan and Russia. In 1970 (in my sophomore year) I was the #1
college player in the country. A Doubles: Oveissi/Hamid Hayatghib (a
two-wing looper and in real life a dentist
taking advanced courses in the U.S.; formerly,
according to Parviz, on the 2nd Iranian
National Team). They beat Portuguese Joe
Mimoso/Benfield Munroe in 5, then
eliminated Sharpe/Rocker.

Hamid Hayatghib
Photo by Mal Anderson

Bs: Munroe ($50) over Oveissi in 5. B

Doubles: Oveissi/Hamid over Bob Kaminsky/
Verta whod been extended into the 5th by Ron
Babe Luth/Jerry Boyle. Cs: Hamid over
Tommy Tarrant who drew everyones attention
earlier with his 46-44 in the 3rd match with Bob
Benfield Munroe
Cogley (points by both won mostly on serves).
Photo by Mal Anderson
C/D Doubles: Cogley/Niedzielski over Sam
Steiner/Ed Potts. Ds Joe Tanzer over Chuck
Hoey, then over Pat Lui (from down 2-0). (Hoey, in the Nov.-Dec., 1974, Topics, offered a
poetic tribute to Bill Sharpe At table tennis this man is a power/His opponents turn pale
and just cower (26).

Under 17s: Rick Seemiller over Jeff Zakarin. Under

17 Doubles: Curt Kronlage/Alan Evenson over Larry
Goldfarb/D. Tuden. Girls U-17: Jennifer Butler over Jackie
Heyman. Boys U-13: Curt Kronlage over Chuck Zakarin.
Girls U-13: Heyman over Geri Valliant.
There were two fall Philadelphia Club tournaments
(neither with a Womans event). A couple of days prior to the
Oct. 5-6 Liberty Bell Open, John Fleck, Supervisor of
Recreation at the United States Penitentiary at Lewisburg,
PA, sent a letter to the Club urging that they come to
Lewisburg (late Sunday afternoon was best) to play matches
with the prison team, named aptly The Racketeers. Bring
10 men, if you like, they said (safety in numbers?). (Bring
also, Ill wager, ping-pong balls, which officials at Sandstone Prison (near Minneapolis?) on
hearing prisoners privately request them of a guard charged them with having the balls to
attempt to admit contraband and offer a bribe to a staff member. Fortunately for a prisoner
at the Washington State Prison T.T. Club in Walla Walla whod pleaded in Topics for some
quality-rubber rackets for the guys, that plea from the walls was heard and acted upon by the
Martin-Kilpatrick Co.) Meanwhile, will Sergeant Sharpe and others, rackets drawn, go out to
face the Racketeers? Maybebut not this weekend.
Liberty Bell results: Danny Seemiller in the semis over Mike Bush after being down 21 and at deuce in the 4th, then over the unreported winner of the Errol Resek/George
Brathwaite match. Earlier Bush had won a deuce-in-the-5th squeaker over Robert Earle. Mens
Doubles: Stan Smolanowicz/Sam Balamoun over Brathwaite/Oveissi, 18 in the 5th. Perhaps
Danny didnt play Doubles. At any event, Tom Steen, for one, hopes that Danny will drop in
on more Pennsylvania tournaments. Could he do for table tennis what Bobby Fischer did for
Chess? He seems to be the greatest hope for the sport in a non-table tennis country.
As: Joe Rokop over Bush. A Doubles: Sharpe/Robbins over Green/Herb Vichnin in 5.
Bs: Timmy House over Parviz Mojaverian, 17 in the 5th. Cs: George Hellerman over Dave
Shapiro whod eliminated Enoch Green. (Trevor Prescod tells us that Dave, who plays out of
the Connecticut Club at Bristol, gave a class exhibition on local TV with Mario Anorga.) Ds:
Dave Dickson II over Scott Boggan. Es: Mike Lardon over Guy Castronovo whod ousted
Tony Gegelys, -13, 20, 16. Fs: G. Dong over Erich Haring. Seniors: Boggan over Sharpe, 20,
19. Handicap Singles: Final: Bush over Sharpe. Semis: Bush over Oveissi, 50-48; Sharpe over
Scott Boggan, 51-49. Handicap Doubles: Dan Green/Lardon over George Rocker/Barry
Boys U-17: Bruce Plotnick over Mike Stern. Boys U-17A: Robert Nochenson over
Lardon. Boys U-15: Plotnick over Rutledge Barry. Boys U-13: Dave Dickson III over Eric
Boggan, 17, 25.
Veterans Day Open Results: Mens: Balamoun over Sakai whod eliminated Rick
Seemiller, 18 in the 5th. Mens Doubles: Roger Sverdlik/Horace Roberts over Hamid/Rich
Farrell whod knocked out Smolanowic/Balamoun in 5. Seniors: Sharpe over Zakarin whod
upset Rocker. Handicap Singles: Haring over Lardon. Handicap Doubles: Sampson/Marcus
over Sharpe/Robbins whod slipped by Lardon/Green, 53-51.
As: Hamid over Farrell in 5, then over Oveissi whod been 14, -23, 20, 22 hardpressed by Mike Stern. A Doubles: Hamid/Mojaverian (in what had to be the Philly Match of

Timmy House
Photo by Mal Anderson

Mike Lardon

Robert Nochenson

the Year) over Vichnin/Robbins, 27, -22, 20, -25, 20! Bs:
Stern over Peter Cohen. Cs: Oveissi (howd he get into the
Cs?) over Mal Anderson. Ds: Lardon over Hvang, 18, -19,
24, then over Don Garlanger. Es: Lempert over Scott
Feldman. Fs: Haring over Leger. Gs: Leger over Ron Lilly,
-17, 20, 20. Ns (a disguised Novice?): Leger over
Bonaventura who prevailed in three deuce games with
Klein. U-17s: Plotnick over Feldman. U-17As: Feldman
over Lardon. U-15s: Plotnick over Feldman. U-13s:
Chuck Zakarin over J. Richards.
Player (who
wanted his/
her name
sent a letter
Chair Mike
Scott and
Chair Fred
that Scott
Feldman and
Juniors were
playing in
Junior events
they were
too old for.
The writer
(A) That all
players who
their age
Top: Mike Stern; below: Bruce Plotnick
Photo by Mal Anderson

Chair] Marv Shafferfurnishing their correct age to get things straight and honest. [No
penalty.].(B) That all players in the future send a copy of their birth certificate or other
proof of age whenapplying for their USTTA membership [card].(C) That players show
card[which would automatically have their approved birth date on it] at time of entering
Intercollegiate Chair Neal Fox (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 26) is pleased to report that the
Intercollegiate Team event, held Oct. 26-27 at Slippery Rock College, PA, was very
successful, except that no Womens Team, other than Slippery Rocks, showed. There were 11
entries in the Mens Teams (played Swaythling Cup style: 3 men per team; maximum 9-match
ties). The State University of N.Y. at Buffalo (SUNYABs Fox, Bill Davis, and Al Boardman)
went undefeated in round robin playthough Marty Obeldobel (Marty O) scored the upset
of the tournament by beating Fox. Finishing 2nd was the University of Virginia (brothers Pete
and Jim Neal, and Jamie Veltri).
A Womens Singles final was heldwon by Slippery Rocks Barb Loeliger over
SUNYABs Katie Simon, deuce in the 3rd. Barb showed great poise in blocking Katies
smashes and pushes. The Mens Singles featured a school-screaming final between Buffalos
Davis and Slippery Rocks Milda Milacek whod beaten Bill badly in the Teams. First game
saw Davis kill-looping through Mildas super chop and heavy retrieve loop defense. But
Milacek evened it up, winning the 2nd at deuce by varying his serve and keeping Bill off
balance by good placements. Then it was Bills turn to win at deuce. Then Milda, at deuce.
Thencan you believe it?Bill, at deuce.
PAs Tom Steen (TTT, May-June, 1975, 9; 17) urges the USTTA to make a
concentrated effort to encourage the physical education departments of high schools and
colleges to incorporate Table Tennis into their curriculum. Toms own individual efforts at
getting a course started at Penn State ran into countless roadblocks, even though lifetime
sports were held in high esteem in the Recreation and Park courses I attended. The faculty was
big on talking but short on doing. Of course, as weve seen and will continue to see, there are
pockets in the country trying to promote High School/Intercollegiate play. This fall Topics
calls our attention to some promoters of these school events. Rich Sinykin continues his
efforts in Minnesota: last year over 150 High School students participated in the Magoos
leagues; this year there will be an AA division for advanced teams, most in their 4th year of
league play, as well as A and B divisions. Larry Knouft persists in Kansaswith 8 schools, 10
weeks of play, and school coaches paid about $300. And Duke Stogners initial attempts in
Arkansas have finally brought four college teams together for home and away play.
Steen describes himself as an average player (1500) who works full-time and can
afford to spend $50 on entry fees, gas, lodging, food, etc. So, if hes lucky enough to win or
come 2nd in a low-class event, he doesnt want a check for $20 or $10. He wants something to
remember his win bya nice trophy. Slippery Rock gives out beautiful trophies, and didnt
go broke purchasing them (Philadelphia take note). Another fellow writes in to Topics
abhorring that thousands of dollars a year are still spent on plastic and metal concoctions that
usually end up in the closet or the garbage. Hes all for something nice too. Certainly,
pewter cups, bowls, plates and silverware can be used over and over again and have more
esthetic value. He says a friend values an inscribed toaster she won in a tennis tournament a
quarter of a century ago. In years to come, well see the imaginative prizes players can win not
in U.S. but in, say, Swedish tournaments.


Penn State Open Winners, L-R: Singles Champion Mike Connelly;

Team Champions Bill Kazez and Larry Pharo
Photos by Steve Williams

Sam Steiner (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 14) gives us details about the Dec. 7-8 Penn State
Two-Man Teams. This was one of Neal Foxs new Rating Development tourneyswhich
meant that Sam and Co. decided not to follow their own smarts regarding some players
ratings but Neals, and in the process created some hard feelings. Results: Open Teams: Will
Kazez/Larry Pharo over Mike Connelly/Larry Goldfarb, 3-2. After Connelly had beaten Kazez,
Goldfarb had squashed Pharo, and Connelly/Goldfarb were up in the doubles 1-0 and at 22all in the 2nd, there was an abrupt turnaround. Will/Larry rallied to win the doubles, Pharo
downed Connelly, and Kasez stopped Goldfarb.
A Teams: Gary Harbeck/Gary Martin over Steiner/Ed Potts (Ed suffering from stomach
cramps), 3-0. B Teams (first place was finally decided at midnight in the twilight zone of the
Student Union building after the gym we were playing in was closed): 1. Lancasters DonYabiku/
Charles Jackson over Penn States Bob Specht/Tom Steen, 3-1. C Teams: Yabiku/Jackson over
Penn States Dave Anderson/Dave Ott, 3-0.
Results of Singles play: Open Final:
Connelly over Goldfarb. Semis: Connelly over
Pharo, 17, -16, 18; Goldfarb over Kazez, -22, 19,
21. Womens: Slippery Rocks Barb Loeliger over
Penn States Rhonda Gold. Consolations: And the
intriguing geodesic-dome first place trophy goes
toPenn States Keith Bair over Slippery Rocks
Ralph Ubry.
Ah, if it wasnt a Wonderama of an
Exhibition (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 17). Miss
Ping Neuberger, Rutledge Barry, Dave Philip,
and Fuarnado Roberts appeared on TV Channel
5s Dec. 15 Wonderama show here in New York,
or, as I saw them in my living room, before half
a dozen neighborhood kids.
In the first segment, Miss Ping showed
her Chou En-lai button and spoke of as many
PRC Premier Chou En-lai AND Miss Ping

World Championships as she could, while Robbie in his yellow Jamaican jumpsuit and D.P.
in his colorful Stiga warm-up outfit quietly rolled the ball back and forth. Before the
commercial break, Squeegie played some with host Bob McAllister. McAllister asked if he
were holding the racket correctly, and Rutledge said, Totally wrong. Then, as the table
tennis players faded out, Squeegie showed an appropriate enthusiasm for an electric table
tennis game that he found, oh, just ideal.
In the second and last segment, Rutledge demonstrated the shakehands grip. Like
youre going to shoot someone, he said, and cocked a finger at all the Cowboy and Indian
enthusiasts in the very young audience. Miss Ping related a long story about playing
someone a penny a point, then doubling upand doubling upand doubling upuntil finally
her opponent owed her $32,000. She closed the story by saying, I married the guy and never
got paid.
Robbie still hasnt said anything, one of the kids in my house remarked.
Robbie dont want to look like an ass-hole, said another kid.
As the performance became more sophisticated, Roberts began playing Philip with half a
paddle. Unfortunately, though, the novelty of the thing was lost on the viewers because the camera
didnt capture a close-up of the cut blade in motion. Eventually, Robbie exchanged his half racket
for a whole one, hid the ball, and 20 feet back played as well as he could on the rug floor.
The conditions were far from ideal and the players missed shots they ordinarily
wouldnt. One time the camera followed the rolling ball intosurprise!the hands of Horace
Roberts, in a jumpsuit in the wings. At 5-6 Philip took his eye off the ball, whiffed oneat
which point someone mumbled an apology about the conditions and McAllister said, I dont
think we have to make excuses for themmeaning they were doing just fine8-99all10-all.Finally, Robbie gallantly ended it.
The kids certainly seemed to like the show. The ones in my living room watched,
fascinated, to the end. And the ones in the studio audience clapped their hands and jumped and
yelled and screamed.
And nowmore kids.
Results of the Lithuanian
Athletic Club Junior Tourney,
held Dec. 29 in Brooklyn:
BOYS 17 (Double
Elimination): Dave Margolin
over Robert Nochenson.
They had split earlierwith
Margolin downing
Nochenson, -20, 16, 21 in a
swing match that decided the
Dana Gvildys
title, after Robert had
Photo by Mal Anderson
escaped Jeff Steif, 22-20 in
the 3rd. 3rd Place: T. Vainus. 4th Place: Abdelsayed. BOYS 15 (Double Elimination): Nochenson
over Steif. 3rd Place: Scott Boggan. BOYS 13 (Double Elimination): Eric Boggan over Chuck
Zakarin. 3rd Place: Paul Gvildys. GIRLS 17 (Double Elimination): Dana Gvildys over D.
Jasaitis. 3rd Place: Hofheomer who defeated Miklas, -8, 21, 20. GIRLS 15 (Double
Elimination): Gvildys over G. Vebeliunas. 3rd Place: R. Vebeliunas. GIRLS 13 (Double
Elimination): Gvildys over R. Vebeliuna. 3rd Place: Naronis.

BOYS DOUBLES: Nochenson/Steif over Margolin/Simon Jacobson. GIRLS

DOUBLES: Gvildys/G. Vebeliunas over Miklas/R. Vebeliunas. MIXED DOUBLES: Margolin/
Gvildys over Nochenson/G. Vebeliunas.
Joseph C.H. Lee speaks of a tournament held at N.Y.C.s Manhattan Tennis Centre
that drew 95 C entries, 111 D entries, and 98 E entries. Great turnout. Except Joe says the
conditions left something to be desired, and he had to wait 5 and hours to play his first
match in the Cs. Sounds like someone was so busy counting money out of the entry
envelopes that they forgot to check whether they could handle that many players. Also, he
says, he was subject to a players vulgarities (of the kind found sometimes in Topics, and
on the walls of a public toilet) that others just snickered at.
This tournament would turn out to be the Manhattan Open, a late-Jan. send-off present, as
it were, for the U.S. Team about to leave for India. Joe asks, Are the top players important?
Certainly they are. But are they more important than the great mass [of whom Joe is one] of
average, mediocre, or poor players? Definitely not! Having such a view, Joe, consciously or
unconsciously, doesnt even mention the U.S. Team being at this tournament! But the many C-D-E
entries he speaks of were surely there in part to see our best players play one another.
Though Jim Beckford had run a tournament at the Centre during the summer, this one,
for which I did the Topics write-up, was a success due in large part to Bob Silverman and
Peter Bugoni. Eminently reasonable, practical men anxious to please and learn, they refused to
get flustered under very crowded, trying conditionsand managed to get responsible people
(like Mel Eisner) to help them behind the desk. They thus deserved whatever financial and
goodwill profit they made over their busy weekend. They had to keep 20 or so tables on two
floors going and enlisted a staff of perhaps 10 people to do it. Some events may well have had
100 entriesand yet the finals began on mid-afternoon Sunday, so that by 8:30 all the players
and spectators had gone home.
And very satisfied even most of the losers were too, for the organizers had carefully
scheduled on the main
tables a staggering of the
best matchesand naturally
with the India-bound U.S.
Team playing, there were
many good onesso that,
though there really wasnt
adequate room for some
long-standing spectators, at
least everybody got their
moneys worth, got to see
something of the hours and
hours of really fine play.
Results: Mens:
Lim Ming Chui
Danny Seemiller over Lim
Photo by Mal Anderson
Ming Chui, -19, 19, 20, 17, 19. Other most
dramatic matches:
Eighths: Chui over Horace
Roberts, -21, 21, 9, -15, 14;

Robert Earle

Robert Earle over Paul Raphel, 16, 19, -19, -14,

11. Quarters: Earle over Dave Philip, 20, -14,
13, -14, 17; Chui over Brathwaite, -19, 15, 20,
17. Semis: Chui over Peter Pradit, 15, 19, -13, 19, 17. Mens Doubles: Earle/Philip over Chui/
Resek. Womens: Angelita Rosal over Patty
Martinez, 18 in the 4th. Most dramatic matches:
Rosal over Olga Soltesz, 18 in the 5th; Soltesz
over Alice Green, 17 in the 4th. Handicap: P.
Yutko 51-47 over T. Yam whod 52-50 squeaked
by Sylvester Scott. Seniors: Tim Boggan over
Marcy Monasterial.
Bruce Abrams

As: Hamid Hayatghib in 4 over

Eliot Katz whod survived Benfield
Munroe, deuce in the 3rd and Mike Stern,
deuce in the 5th. A Doubles: Ali Oveissi/
Hayatghib over Horace Roberts/ Bobby
Cousins, 17, -14, 20, 20. Bs: Jerry
Fleischhacker over Bruce Abrams. Cs:
Abrams over T. Yam whod knocked out T.
Vainus. Ds: Bill Ma over Mike
Senkiewicz, 26-24 in the 3rd. Es: W. Lau
over both J. Bristol and Nick Maffei, 19 in the 3rd. U-17/U-15: Rutledge Barry over Mike
Stern. U-13: Barry over Brian Eisner.
New York City has needed this kind of Centre for a long timeand of course, now
that theres a new place for action, Reisman showed up. As everybody knows, hes had to give
up his own colorful place, and was more than willing to sign autographs for his already famous
(or infamous) Money Player book. Also present were longtime N.Y. players Mal Russell, John
Kauderer, and Pauline Somael* who talked about playing again.
It was Kauderer, Somael, and others who paid tribute in Topics
(Mar.-Apr., 1975, 4B) to Herwald Lawrence (Oct. 26, 1902Dec. 25,
1974). As anyone with even a minimum grasp of table tennis history
knows (see Vol. II, Chapter Seven), Lawrence was the proprietor of
Lawrences, the legendary N.Y.C. Broadway club of the 1940s. Heres
Kauderer responding to Lawrences death:
When I knew that Herwald Lawrence was terminally ill,
I called and told him that I would like to see him, but he said that Herwald Lawrence
his doctor was not permitting him to have visitors. Later, I
discovered that Mr. Lawrence was no longer at the hospital and I guessed that they
had probably sent him home to die.

When Sandor Glancz died, it was Herwald who called me on the telephone to
let me know about it. He was very thoughtful and sensitive to the needs of others. I
think he had a wholesome attitude towards people. He had the patience of Job and was
therefore a good table tennis teacher, generous with his time, and very understanding
of the fundamentals that had to be mastered.
Herwald was as gracious as could bethe perfect gentleman at all
times.[He] was a very wonderful person whom everyone respected and admired and
who gave so much of himself to table tennis. There are still many of us who remember
him with affection.
Pauline Somael, in effect, points out that its doubtful any man is always a saint:
Herwald Lawrence was a difficult man to know! He could be the nicest person around, or he
could be impossible.I regarded Herwald as a father figure for a couple of years and was very
distressed when he changed his attitude to me! It is hard to write about him as I feel so
ambivalentbut in the beginning he was kind and he did teach me how to play.
1950 U.S. Open Womens Champ Reba Monnesss tribute echoes in part those of
Kauderers and Somaels:
Lawrence [from Barbados] was a gorgeous hunk of man, even when he was in
his forties and fifties. He was six foot, three inches tall, lean of build, with a beautifullyshaped head. He wore his curly hair closely cut, he had hazel-light eyes, perfectly
chiseled features, and a light complexion. [Reba said shed been told his father was a
minister (white) and that his mother was a native (colored)]. His cultured voice was
deep, cultivated, and resonant. He elicited perfect diction, was very graceful in his
movements, and was gracious and charming whenever he wanted to be.
Last March I telephoned and told him that I wanted to write an article about
him for Topics. He evaded the issue, and told me he was awaiting x-ray results from
his doctor.
[Herwald] was noted for his upright character, his sense of principle. He was
well-behaved and demanded good manners from all of the players.
Herwald suffered physically in the past year. He had emphysema (had smoked
cigarettes incessantly) and was in and out of Columbia-Presbyterian Hospital. When I
learned that he was in the hospital I telephoned him regularly, sent him amusing and
gentle get-well cards. The last time I telephoned him he was rather disagreeable and
insisted that I tell no one of his being in the hospital. He said he wanted no visitors or
telephone calls. On Christmas day[he] died of cancer.
Ill close with one last remembrance of Lawrenceperhaps the most definitive one, for
it comes from three Staten Island ladies, Helen Fowler, Lillian Prehn, and Terry Troiano,
whom he taught and who knew him for 34 years!
In Memoriam: Herwald D. Lawrence
A wonderful personteacherphilosopher.
A true gentleman at all times.
A man whose good manners were a part of his breeding.

A man whose sense of propriety was never at fault.

A man who loved music and poetry.
A compassionate man
A very understanding and patient man
A kind and obliging manalways thinking of others.
A man who spoke softlywith a musical voicebut who also
could command any situation by lifting that voice.
A man who never sought the limelight for himself; and who never
failed to give credit to others.
A man who gave so much of himself for the sport he loved
A man greatly respected and admired by all who knew him.
A man whose friendship WE THREE valued; and whose memory
we will always cherish.
They liked him, huh?
On now to the livingspecifically,
Eliot Katz
to the Nov. 16 Westfield Fall Open. A
Photo by Raul Rodriguez
warm-up, as it were, for the Eastern
Region qualifiers for the U.S. Team Trials
to be played the following week in
Charleston, IL. Open Singles: Alex
Shiroky over Sakai whod advanced by
Dave Philip, 19 in the 5th. Womens: Alice
Green over Muriel Stern, deuce in the 5th.
As: Mojaverian over Plotnick, 24-22 in
the 4th, then over Mike Stern whod gone
5 with Debbie Wong.** Plotnick was
extended by Romanian-trained Cornel Gavris, 23-21 in the 3rd. Bs: Eliot Katz over Stern. Cs:
Jerry Boyle over Al Nochenson whod eliminated George Chotras. Esquires: Marcy
Monasterial over Sid Jacobs, deuce in the 3rd, then over John Kilpatrick, 19 in the 3rd. Seniors:
Kilpatrick over Nochenson
John Kilpatrick
whod 19 in the 3rd
Photo by Mal Anderson
outlasted Ralph Vescera.
Jacobs beat Bob Barns, 13,
-22, 20. U-17s: Plotnick
over Stern in 5, then over
Jeff Zakarin whod downed
Rutledge Barry in 5, after
Rutledge had slipped by
Mike Lardon, -21, 20, 9. U15s: Stern over Barry. U13s: Barry over Brian Eisner.
Another N.J. tournament was held by the Jersey Wheelers, in conjunction with the TriState Wheelchair Association, Sept. 21 at the Hackensack Middle School. Chair of the event
was Mike LoRusso, assisted by his wife Fran, Al Youakim, and Dick and Sonja Kuntzler.

Results: Class 1B, II, III combined (IB most

disabled): 1. Bart McNichol. 2. Ken Brooks. 3. Tyler
Kaus. Class IV, V (V least disabled): 1. John
Johnston. 2. Bill Reis. 3. Al Nirenstein. Mens
Doubles (Mixed Classes): 1. Johnston/Reis. 2.
Nirenstein/Kaus. 3. McNichol/Brooks.
Rochester, N.Y. held two fall tournaments
the Sept. 28-29 Western N.Y. Open, and the Nov. 2-3
Great Lakes Open. Bob Green reports on the 1st of
these, says that the Genesee Valley Table Tennis Club
has been running good tournaments for years at the
old Carter Street gym, and this one, with debut
Director Don Clawson, was no exception. Results:
Open Singles: Indias unseeded Anil Narang, a
University of Buffalo student, looped and hit his way
throughupsetting Ray Mack, #4 seed, in five
games, and then another Rochester player, #2 seed
Jim Shoots. Mens Singles: 1. Jim Dixon (adding
more looping with those smashing drives). 2. (result
of a 3-way tie) Bill Davis. 3. Shoots. 4. Narang. Open
Doubles: Final: Dixon/Davis over Mack/John Foxton
in 5 after losing the 3rd and 4th at deuce. Semis:
Bart McNichol
Photo by William Scheltema
Dixon/Davis over Neal Fox/Pat Yu in 5; Mack/Foxton
over Shoots/Narang, 19 in the 5th. Womens: Melissa
Woo over Katie Simon. Mixed Doubles: Shoots/Irena Stephan over Fox/Simon, deuce in the
As: Kevin Legge over Frank McCann, Jr. Scott Plakon upset Buffalos anti-topspin
artist Vic Meridith in an expedited match. A Doubles: Chuck Gaylor/Legge over Frank
McCann, Jr. and his brother Tim. Bs: Tim McCann over Karl Schul in 5. B Doubles: Rick
Scherer/Schul over the McCann brothers (from down 2-0 and 21-all in the 3rd). Cs: Tom
Brickell over Jim Rich. C Doubles: Clawson/Chuck Knowland over Dave Fisch/Mitch
Nackoff. U-17s: Plakon over Rick Reynolds. Junior Doubles: Plakon/Reynolds over Bob
Reynolds/Tom Naum, deuce in the 4th. U-15s: Naum over Reynolds. Seniors: Vic Meridith
over Bob Brickell, 23-21 in the 5th. In the semis, Vic had beaten Bob Green 24-22 in the 3rd. It
was the longest 2 out of 3 match in Rochester historylasting one hour and twenty
minutes. Question is: Did Green, who has a musical background, give us his Fight Song
before or after this match?
Ray Mack reports on the 71-entry $340 Great Lakes Open. In Open Double
Elimination play, Dave Sakai ($100) beat Jim Dixon ($50) in two taut matches. In the 1st,
Daves down 2-1, but up 20-14 in the 4that which point Jim, advancing with killer smashes,
gets 6 in a row, only to lose 22-20. In the 5th, its 23-all when both players and spectators take
time out to laugh for a moment at the closeness of it all. Sakai not only wins that climactic
match, but, though hes down 2-0 in their 2nd encounter, he rallies to take that match too in 5.
In other matches of interest, Dixon defeated Montreals Ron Chapman who felt the
combination of the tile floor and our Detroiter tables made the ball skid; and Jim Shoots
(a.k.a. The Shooter), before losing to Sakai and Dixon (deuce in the 3rd), took out Gadi

Reschef. Mack says that Shoots has some of the

finer strokes around. He can hit with the big boys,
as they say, but has never received any coaching.
Shooter has lost over 40 pounds since the end of
last year, and hardly ever gets mad in matches
As: Lefty penholder Reschef, a former
member of the Israeli National Team whos been
in the Israeli Army the past year, has come to
Montreal and only in the last three weeks has
been able to play table tennis again. In Double
Elimination play, both he and Frank McCann, Jr.
knocked out trophy provider Sol Schiff (Franks
finest win yet), then Gadi downed Mack twice to
win the $75 1st prize. Ray won $40. Bs: Dan
Savaria ($50) over Tim McCann ($25). Cs: Dr.
Joe Costanza over Frank McCann, Sr. U-15s:
Tom Naum over Scott Plakon, 19 in the 3rd.
The Sept. 21 Hampshire Hills Open was
Jim Shoots, a.k.a. The Shooter
held at the Hampshire Hills Racquet and Health
Clubthe venue that Sol Schiff said is the best place hes ever played table tennis during his
40 years of competition. Tournament Director Lim Ming Chui complains, as did Joe Lee and
Herb Vichnin before him, that a significant number of call-in entries failed to show. Others
objected to paying a late-entry fee. But, cmon, guys, why do you want to make it difficult for
those whore volunteering to run the tournament? Including Mike Allen, Benes Koneeny, Tak
Wong, Chuck Chan, Charlie Hung, and Mings wife, Yuen (Marie) Moon, who in Dec. will
give birth to their second child, Jane. Also, players who entered quite a few events caused the
matches to run overtime, so Ming says well have to limit participation to 6 events in the
future. This Open is to be the first of 12 tourneys that will lead to the Hampshire Hills $1000
TV Invitational in April, 1975.
Results: Chui won the Open over Dave Sakai, 19 in the 3rd, 19 in the 4th. In the
quarters Ralph Robinson had a nice win over Surasak. Ming also teamed with MITs Chuck
Chan to take the Doubles from Sakai/Peter Stephens. As: MITs Bill Ladd over Alan Millet,
24-22 in the 3rd, then over Frank Studley. A Doubles: Chan/Ladd over Frank Dwelly/Gary
Sparks. Bs: Studley over Robinson, 26-24 in the 3rd then over New Hampshire Champ Claude
Peltz. B Doubles: Apostolov/Lapierre over Helie/James, 19 in the 3rd. Cs: Millett over Sparks.
Ds: Peltz over Harry Morris. Novice: Abrams over Barry Margolius whod eliminated Francis
Guidace, 24-22 in the 3rd.
Chui, in reporting on the $600 New England Closed, held Oct. 26-27 at Milford, New
Hampshire, gives thanks to Dave Clevenson, Mike Allen, Leo Hieblinger, Tak Wong and Bob
Quinn for their help in making the tournament a success. Results: Mens: Sakai over Chui, 18
in the 5th. Mens Doubles: Benny Hull/Lew Martinello, a hitter/blocker combo, over Chui/
Chan. Womens: Eileen Kelly over Diana Cervone. Mixed: Sakai/Kelly over Chui/Teresa
Wong. As: Dwelly over Robinson. ABs: Dwelly over Hull. A Doubles: Ladd/Chui over Hull/
Allen. B Singles: Hull over Martinello who got by Allen, -19, 20, 21, 19. BCs: Peltz over
James, -20, 20, 19, then over Hull. B Doubles: Harry Morris/Peltz over Dise/McNeil. Cs:

Marty Chan over

Sylvester Scott
whod bumped out
James, 19 in the 5th.
CDs: Helie over
Fariss, 18 in the 4th.
Ds: Allen over
Sylvester Scott
Emery, 18, -18, 22,
19. DDs: James
over Helie. Es: Perry over Czyzewski. EEs:
Peltz in 5 over Wong whod downed
Hanscom, 24-22 in the 3rd. Seniors: Hull over
Dwelly. U-17s: Peltz over Martinello.
Another report from Ming (TTT, Jan.Feb., 1975, 19) covers the 3-man Team
Tournament, held Dec. 15 at Hampshire Hills.
Winners Group: 1. Chinatown (Chui, Dave
Sakai, Chuck Chan whose only loss was to
New England Closed Senior Winner
Mack). 2. Fruitloops (Jim Shoots, Ray Mack,
Frank Dwelly (left) and Runner-up Benny Hull
Evans) 3. Boston (Ralph Robinson. Frank
Photo by Mal Anderson
Studley, Lew Martinello). 4. Rhode Island A
(Ed Raky, Irv Levine, Haig Raky). Best ties: Fruitloops beat Boston 5-4with Shoots
winning all 3, and Mack, losing to Martinello, but winning the other 2. Boston beat Rhode
Island 5-4with Ed Raky winning all 3, but only his brother Haig helping once, not enough,
via a win over Martinello. Second Group: 1. Lynn (Marty Chan, Mike Woody Allen, Bob
Quinn). 2. Rhode Island B (Helie, Florio, James).
End of the year point leaders who hope to qualify after 12 tournaments for the $1,000
TV Invitational are: 1. Chui (29). 2. Sakai (23). 3. Robinson (12). 4. Bill Ladd (11). 5. Frank
Dwelly (10). 6. Chuck Chan (10). 7. Stephens (6). 8. Mack (6). 9. Martinello (6). 10. T. Wong
(6). Looking at this list, I dont see Mike Bush, whose bit of doggerel graced the pages of
Topics: Hows it goin Lim Ming Chui,/Whats gonna happen when I play you-I?/Could be
good, could be bad,/But when its over, you gonna be sad.
Anita Morta, Assistant Editor to Tom Slater, Editor/Photographer of the Ontario
(OTTA) magazine, and Christine Tomkins give us results of the Central Canadian Open, held
Oct. 12-13 at the Niagara Falls Badminton Club under the direction of Mike Skinner. Mens
As (As in Canada represent the Championship Class): Errol Caetano over Derek Wall whod
defeated Steve Feldstein in the quarters (from 2-0 down and 20-all in the 4th), and Jim Dixon
in the semis, deuce in the 4th, after Jim had eliminated Peter Gonda, 18 in the 5th. Errol won
the final easily, but Wall made the finals really worth watching. His game was exciting but his
antics were even better. He was full of lip and had everyone in stitches. Naturally Derek holds
coaching clinicshe usually gets $40.00 per day plus 12 cents per mile and $9.00 daily for
meals with suitable hotel accommodations.
Mens Doubles winners were Caetano/Gonda over Pierre Normandin/Brian Zembik.
Womens went to Irena Cordas, -21, -16, 19, 17, 18 over Rupa Bannerjee. Irena has a quiet
personality and lends a certain charm to the table tennis scene. Mixed: Caetano/Cordas over
Gonda/Bannerjee. Slater says that triple winner Caetano achieves a slightly more closed

[blade] angle by cutting off the corner of the rubber where his index finger runs along the blade.
This enables him to rely on the use of his wrist in all his shots, but especially for his kill shots.
Mens Bs: Karl Maschewskis chop brought down OTTA Publicity Chair Kama
Maharaj, 23-21 in the 4th. Womens Bs: Lisa Airst advanced to a final win over Rosheem
McCartney (while Herman Airst was steward to the umpires). Mens Cs: Tom McCartney
over Gloria Hsu in 5. Mens Ds: Johann Hane over Paul Normandin. Handicap: Lisa Airst
over Marc Lesiege, 60-58. Seniors: Wolfgang Scholich, OTTA Umpires Chair, over Len
Schreier. Junior Mens: Zembik over John Richardson who, despite a lack of practice, had
escaped Pierre Normandin, -3, 21, 19. While Brian is in Toronto [he hails from Winnipeg],
hes staying with the [George] Pardons, and as a result Danielle Pardon has now a decided
interest in Table Tennis. While Brian was playing [aggressively, from both wings] she was
watching his every move, oohing and aahing. Junior Miss: 1. Biruta Plucas, 3-1. 2. Christine
Forgo, 3-1. 3. Susan Tomkins, 2-2. Boys: 1. Richard Waite, 5-0. 2. Pierre Normandin, 4-1.
Girls: Forgo over Gloria Nesukaitis.
Tom Slater reports on the 12-table Sept. 21 Ajax, Ontario Championships. Mens As
(lighting bordered on the inadequate): Caetano ($40) over Jim Dixon ($25)prizes would
actually pay for their entrance fees and travel expenses. Semifinalists Steve Feldstein, Canada
#3, and Adham Sharara, Canada #5, each received $10. Its a start, huh? A Doubles: Caetano/
Wall over Dixon/Bill Davis. Womens As: Bannerjee over Mariann Domonkos, -21, 18, 16,
16. Rupa has this very effective smash that gives no hint of its intended direction. Womens
Doubles: Domonkos/Plucas over Hsu/Gloria Nesukaitis (who beat Bannerjee/Flora
Nesukaitis). Mixed: Caetano/F. Nesukaitis over Sharara/Domonkos, then over Dixon/Plucas
whod advanced over Wall/Bannerjee, -13, 20, 18.
Mens Bs: Alain Thomas in a gutsy win over Buffalos Bill Davis, -18, -13, 12, 21, 17.
Womens Bs: Canada #13 G. (for Gail?) OGale over Christine Tomkins. Mens Cs: T. Lee
over L. Schreier. Womens Cs: Rosheem McCartney over M. Hichliffe. Mens Ds: Lee over
Gerald Melancon. Seniors: Max Marinko over Ken Kerr, -12, 22, 14, then over Ron
Bickerstaff, 18, -20, 20. Max still has energy, knows how to wingoes on forever. Juniors:
Richardson over Zembik, then over M. Barber, -19, 19, 20. Teenager Zembik, as the Internets
Wikipedia had it 32 years later, will grow up to be a professional gambler, specializing in
blackjack and backgammon, and will attain notoriety for successfully betting he could get
breast implants and keep them for one year.
Results of the 80-entry Kingston Open, held Oct. 26-27 at St. Lawrence College:
Mens As: Gonda ($100) over Alex Polisois, deuce in the
4th, then over Feldstein, 10, -11, -10, 22, 21. Zembik
defeated Defending Champion Larry Lee in the 2nd round,
3-0. Mens A Doubles: Gonda/Feldstein over Zembik/
Pierre Normandin. Womens As: Gloria Nesukaitis over
Plucas, then over Forgo, -16, 19, 17, then over Flora
Nesukaitis whod upset Bannerjee and prevailed over Hsu,
-15, 19, 22. Womens A Doubles: Bannerjee/F. Nesukaitis
over Hsu/G. Nesukaitis. Mixed: Gonda/Bannerjee over
Normandin/F. Nesukaitis. Mens Bs: Victor Skujins over
Cameron Scott. Mens A Consolation: Jacques Bobet over
Normandin. Seniors: Scholich over John Nesukaitis.
Peter Gonda
Junior Men: Normandin over Lesiege
Photo by Mal Anderson

Youll note that while Flora and Gloria Nesukaitis are

active in these tournaments, no mentions made of Violetta
Nesukaitis. Thats because shes training in Japan. However, she
is writing letters home, and Editor Slater gives us some excerpts.
Nine hours and twenty minutes after leaving
Vancouver I landed in Tokyo where I was met by Ichiro
Ogimura, [Norika] Yamanaka [Violettas instructor], and
my roommate Emiko [Nakamura].[Our] room is small
just like a doll house.We have two beds and one dresser
which take up all the space. The bed is comfortable, only
the little pillow is too small.
Ogimura informed me that I will have to lose
some weight, i.e., slim down to132 lbs.
There is a strong emphasis on self-discipline and
control of emotions at the table. They just do not have
displays of temper while playing. It was explained to me
that it has very negative effects on the player, it harms the
concentration and prevents clear thinking.
I was invited to play in exhibitions at schools.
Yamanaka worked with me for one and one-half hours
preparing me for the exhibition game. I found that they
have a great respect here for me as the nine-time Canadian
Champion.I was interviewed for a Tokyo newspaper.
They published two photographs of me, one playing table
tennis and the other eating with chopsticks.
Emiko took me to downtown Tokyo where there are
so many people.[We] went to a movie theatre, bought the
tickets and waited at the door to get in.[When it opened]
Flora Nesukaitis
Emiko grabbed my arm and pulled me inside in a hurry to get
Photo by Mal Anderson
seats. They sell more tickets than the seating capacity. Many
people are left standing or sitting on the floor in the aisles.In a restaurant a man saw me
with my friends andwhen he was told by Emiko that I came to Japan to be trained in
table tennis, he was so delighted that he bought me three cokes.
[My friends] carry English dictionaries with them just in case they have to
help me in some way.
Ogimura [whos very thoughtful] told me to keep notes of all that he tells me
to do. The same applies to whatever Yamanaka says. I also have to make side notes on
how I feel about the things that they tell me. Later, they will photostat the notes.
We run around the track field, but I will have to improve my speed because
they are so much more fit. Ogimura said that for two weeks they are going to watch
my game and will then set a program for me. It will take approximately two weeks to
get used to their food and the living conditions.
During practices they use a Swedish formula of drink. It is mixed with water
and really has no taste.It has great beneficial qualities. In twenty minutes the formula
spreads out into your whole system.

There is a lot of hard work ahead of me. Mr. Ogimura told me that table
tennis consists of three major factors: Mental, Physical, and Tactics.Dick Miles is in
Tokyo on a business trip and he went to Ogimuras club to play some games.***
I have been advised on a number of different things to improve my table
tennis.I will discuss [these later in a] specific manner.
During November, thanks to a grant from Sport Canada and a $200 contribution from
each participant, the following Canadian Team members will join Violetta for a training and
competition tour of Japan. Men: Errol Caetano, Alex Polisois, Peter Gonda, Rod Young,
Steve Feldstein, Eddie Lo, Peter Joe, Brian Zembik, and Adham Sharara. Women: Mariann
Domonkos, Birute Plucas, Christine Forgo, Gloria Hsu, and Leslee Ward. Also included are
National Coach Zlatko Cordas, Assistant Coach Frank Karika, and Team Manager Mike
Skinner. Presumably this Japanese engagement will help Canadas Team prepare for the
upcoming Pan-Am Games and the Calcutta Worlds.
*It may have been around this time,
the Somaels daughter Kate would later tell
me as in a glimpse from a home movie, that
Johnny and Paulines bedroom wall with its
attached three rows of trophies came down.
Ive never heard such an explosion, she
said. The whole building shook, and clouds
of white dust circled for hours. Mom was
gutted, as most of the trophies were in bits.
Dad was no doubt upset too, but as always
kept his emotions in check.
**Debbie and I thought readers might
like the following poem to fit the Holiday

Katie Somael
Photo courtesy
of Pauline


***In Crosstown, NYC (TTT, Nor,-Dec., 1974, 2), Dick Miles, whos looking to
lead a Globe Travel 27-day Orient Tour that will include the Calcutta World Championships,
tells us that hes just back in New York City from a months hard travel in the Far East. He
says that he played some with Ogimura, Tanaka, and Furukawa, and that theyd asked him to
give some demonstrations and clinics for some students, and he did. On this particular
afternoon, headed to a N.Y. club to play table tennis, hes sitting on a crosstown bus with his
new blue tote baga gift from Nittakustowed between his legs.
Suddenly, interrupting his thoughts, come the words Ping-Pong. Did he hear right?
Opposite him sit three boys, about 12, carrying books, coming home from school. Now one of
them says, Yeh, you can always tell a good ping-pong player. Theres something about the
way he looks. Neh, Charlies no good. He cant get the ball back moren two or three times.
Yeh, you can always tell just by lookin.
No, none of the kids are lookin at Dick. But how is this coincidence possible? Then he
thinks, Theyve seen my tote bag. Theyre putting me on. But when he looks down at his
bag, he sees the lettering is toward him. Maybe they spotted it as I came in, he thinks. The
one who can tell by lookin looks Dicks way and they lock eyes. Hes deadpan. No smile, no
smirk, no recognition. Dick cant resist, says to him, What about me? Do I look like a good
ping-pong player?
Neh, not too good. Just average, I guess.
The kid turns away, but then comes back to lock eyes again. Am I wrong? he asks
I nod twice, but barely. Affirmative. I say nothing.
He hesitates, then asks more suspiciously, Are you real good?
So its no put on.He really wants to know. And so do his friends. I can see it in their eyes.
I bestow on them two more nods, even smaller.
Well, how good?
I reach down and clasp the handle of my tote bag. I say nothing. But slowly,
tantalizingly slow, I turn toward them the bags other side. Amazed they read it.
Then, delightedly, they explode. Laughter. We are friends.
The kid whos been quizzing me [says]My cousin was a good ping-pong player.
Great, in fact. He was World Champ. Four times.
The usual story.Not unless hes Chinese,
he wasnt, I instruct him.
But he was World Champ, the kid insists.
And he really believes it. Also, he wants me to
believe it. So he backtracks a bit.But that was a
long time ago. He was Austrian. Ever hear of him?
His name was Richard Bergmann.
Immediately, theres a lump in my throat.
For dead Richard. Yes, I had heard of him.
He was one of my oldest and closest friends.
The story goes on a bit longer. But, wow,
points made. What are the odds on Dick, riding a
NYC bus, having this conversation? But he swears
it happened.

1974: U.
N. Team to Belize.
1974: U.S. Team
Wins Jamaica
Benson and
Monasterial, the
United Nations
Clubs Tournament
Chair, reports
(TTT, Nov.-Dec.,
1974, 32+) on the U.N. Team on their arrival at the Belize Airport, L-R: John Locke, Muriel Stern,
four-player U.N.
Marcy Monasterial, and George Brathwaite
Photo courtesy of Marcy Monasterial
John Locke,
Marcy, George Brathwaite, and Muriel Sternthat toured Belize Sept. 21-30. Belize,
formerly known as British Honduras, is a British self-governing territory about the size of
Massachusetts, situated on the east coast of Central America, bounded to the east by the
Caribbean Sea, to the north by Mexico, and to the south and west by Guatemala. Principal
arrangers of this trip were Locke, a native Belizean, and Wilfred Holder, President of the
Belize TTA. The $2,500 airfare (NY/Miami/NY, and Miami/Belize/Miami) was raised through
Holders efforts with the Belize Jaycees, Belize Rotary Club, sister-city Corozals Rotary Club,
the capital citys Belmopan Jaycees, and Rotarian Johnny Searle, Manager of the TACA
International Airlines in Belize.
Mayor Lloyd Coffin of Belize City, the former capital, met them at the airport Sat.,
Sept. 21, saw that pictures were taken, then whisked them through immigration and customs
to where friends, relatives, and influential people waited for themamong them insurance
executive Lloyd Holmes who, with Ricardo Martinez, would be driving the Team about, and
Robert Utsman, an American expatriate living in Belize and the owner of the Media Masters
Agency, the best advertising agency in Belize. They were driven to a
cocktail party at Wilfred Holders residence where it seemed almost
everyone in Belize attended. Marcy and George would be
houseguests of the Holders; John would join one of his sisters, and
Muriel would be the guest of another sisterall were within a 5minute ride of each other.
Sunday, they drove on an unpaved road to Corozal, stopping
along the way to visit the ancient Mayan temple of Altun Ha. On
their late afternoon arrival in Corozal, they were cordially met and
driven to the house of Mr. Fidel Luciano Cuellar, Treasurer of the
Wilfred Holder,
Corozal Rotary Club and Manager of the Barclays Bank International, President, Belize TTA

Ltd. at Corozal. There they were introduced to Mr. Ramon Ramirez, President of the Corozal
Rotary Club. Then they were taken to a restaurant and then to their lodgings. John, Marcy,
and George were assigned to a 2nd-floor apartment above the Barclays Bank overlooking the
Caribbean Sea; Muriel stayed with the Cuellars; and John with a longtime family (girl?)
friend. Later, they went to the local Club for a two-hour practice session, then came back to
their quarters to shower, and afterwards were off to a Welcome Dance.
On Monday morning, they gave a short clinic at two Corozal schools, then that
afternoon performed a formal exhibition before a large crowd of very enthusiastic school
children. The four visitors started with 10 minutes of simultaneous play on one table
George hitting forehands crosscourt to Muriel, and Marcy hitting backhands crosscourt to
John. The children loved it, seemed never to have seen this kind of warm-up before. George
then played a set against Muriel, John one against Marcy. After which The Chief demonstrated
all kinds of spin serves; then he and Muriel kept three balls in play.
Marcy felt that, though the children were receptive, encouraging, and appreciative, the
Teams exhibition play needed organizational direction (John hadnt had the Team Captain
experience Marcy and George had). He also felt that George needed to play less to win points
and more to keep rallies going. Thereafter theyd all try harder to make the exhibitions even
Monday night, the U. N. visitors opened their tour, the first International Table Tennis
Match ever held in this part of Belize, before a packed Capri Hall house by blanking a Corozal
team, 8 matches to none. Despite the lop-sided loss, the local players and officials were very
interested in post-Match discussions on how to organize tournaments, buy professional
equipment, and how to generate continuing interest in the sport. An exhibition demonstrating
all the shots in modern table tennis followed, then the U.N. Team played matches among
themselves, and finally Marcy amused the audience by beating the Corozal Team Captain while
sitting in a chair.
Tuesday, after theyd had to wait for Captain Locke, the Team went on a sightseeing
trip to Chetumal, Mexico where at the market place Marcy was irritated that it took an hour or
so just to get everybody whod gone their own way back together again. Then, before
returning to Belize City, they were late-lunch guests of a local familyhad a sumptuous feast,
really, of chicken, beef, lobsters. That evening, said Marcy, they had a first serious planning
meeting with Capt. Locke.
Wednesday the visitors had lunch with the Belize Rotary at the
Clubs headquarters in the Fort George Hotel. Mr. Holder presented the
Team, and Capt. Locke donated a trophy to be given to the winner of a
future tournament in Belize. In mid-afternoon, the Team was driven to
Belmopan for an exhibition that was not as well attended as the one in
Corozal. However, the Honorable Minister of Sports for the country, Mr.
Alan Arthur, opened the exhibitionand that gave it added importance.
Actually, the format hadnt changed muchJohn would play Muriel a
match, and Marcy would challenge all comers in a chair. But Wilfred as the
emcee, sensing the audience reaction, was at liberty to adopt any variation
he wanted. After this successful exhibition, the Team returned to Belize.
Thursday morning the Team went to five schools. That afternoon
Captain John Locke
they visited Riverside Hall where elementary-school children were
everywhere, hanging from the rafters, as they say. Their enthusiasm for the exhibition was

overwhelming. Some 50 kids wanted to challenge Marcy, regal in his chair. An evening
cocktail party followed, given by Mr. David Pearce, the U.S. Vice Consul to Belize. Then
Johns sister, Leonie, hosted a drinks and dinner party at her home.
Friday, the Team went to more schools, and again to Riverside Hallthis time to give
an exhibition before an audience of high school students who were just as enthusiastic as the
younger kids. The evening highlight was the Corozal vs. Belize Match that Belize, undefeated
in previous play between the two cities, figured to win, but lost 3-2. Marcy believed that the
U.N. Teams demonstration of strokes hitherto not seen in Corozal before the exhibition
there, and the discussions the Teams individual members had had with the Corozal players,
the suggestions they made, were taken to heart, and this made the difference. Following the
Intercity Match, the U.N. visitors played exhibition matches, then were treated by TACAs
Johnny Searle to a dinner at the El Patio restaurant/discotheque in Belize.
Saturday morning, the Team went sightseeing in Belize and visited the St. Georges
Caye (Island) where they, the Holders, and the Rotarians and Jaycees had a good time
boating, swimming, and eating. That evening for the U.N. vs. Belize Team Match (won by the
U.N. 6-0), the Honorable Minister of Health for Belize opened the ceremonies. Matches
among the U.N. players ended the Program, and afterwards they were invited to the Playboy
Club for dinner.
Sunday morning the Team was asked to give an interview to Radio Belize. Back on
Wednesday, theyd specifically asked for Captain Locke individually to say some words over
the air. But he was not available, said Marcy, which once again demonstrated the innate
weakness of a touring team not staying together. When Mr. Holder called on me to pinch-hit,
I was aware of the need not to waste a wonderful opportunity to push table tennis in Belize
and also to improve the box office of the team.Much as I personally wanted not to be
involved, I also wanted at the same time to do what little bit I could for table tennis. So,
without much preparationboth Holder and I rushed to the studio. The interviewer had
been very kind and immediately put us at ease. The three of us had ten minutes of talk
concerning the UN tour, my table tennis accomplishments, and the Belize Associations
objectives for the future. All went well.
Thus, when the invitation came Sunday morning, Marcy said he looked forward to the
Radio interview and briefed the rest of the Team as to what sort of questions to expect and
explained that the main thing was to be yourself. Again, all went well, and Marcy felt that this
half-hour interview did much to accomplish whatever success we had on the tour.
Then the Team went to Riverside Hall for the scheduled table tennis round robin
tournamentthe first of its kind in Belize. Indeed, Holder had to call on the experience of
Marcy Monasterial on how to hold this type of tournament, and it was decided that the four
members of the tour should each head a group. Thus, the A Group: Brathwaite, Francis
Usher, Raul Avila, and O. McFarlane; the B Group: Locke, Keith Gardner (the Belize #1),
Antonio Gonzalez, and ONeal; the C Group: Stern, Elfren Allamina (Corozal #1 and the
Most Improved Player among the locals), Lloyd Arnold, and Billy Musa; and the D Group:
Marcy, Henry Usher, Glen Robinson, and Teddy Morrison. Predictably, the four U.N. members
won their round robinswith George eventually beating Marcy for the individual title. At
tournaments end, Emcee Bob Utsman encouraged a standing ovation for the U.N. Team
which was enthusiastically given.
That evening a Farewell Dinner was held at Birds Isle for the Team and the Holders;
and the following morning the many hospitable people theyd met came out to the airport to

see them off. The trip to Belize was a wonderful experience, said Marcy. We all hope that
more good will trips like this will be undertaken by enthusiasts everywhere in the world of
table tennis.
U.S. Team Wins in Jamaica
It was Friday, Oct. 18, at
Kingstons Norman Manley Airport, and
there we wereAngelita Rosal, Judy
Bochenski, Danny Seemiller, Fuarnado
Roberts, George Brathwaite, and me
(Peter Pradit would join us shortly)the
invading American Team, as Tony
Becca, the Sports Editor of the Jamaica
Daily News, put it. We were met by a
delegation headed by Roy Hylton,
President of the Jamaican Table Tennis Association whod
built up a number of well-known appliance stores in Kingston
(sold dish-washers, refrigerators, toasters, fans); Ken
McLaughlin, JTTA Council Member and Tournament
Director of this years smoothly-run Monday-throughThursday-night Benson and Hedges Invitational; and several
officials of the sponsoring B and J.B. Machado Tobacco Co.
All the players would be given cartons of Benson and
Hedges Goldthe #1 currency.
The Association was in
the process of restructuring
itself. Baz Freckleton, who for
years ruled Jamaican table
tennis with a smile, a fresh
Roy Hylton, President, Jamaica TTA flower in his buttonhole, and,
too often for some, a tyrannical
brand of rhetoric, was no longer the President. In fact, he was
never to appear at the tournament. Some said he was too
absorbed writing a book on the Sportprobably those same
people who spoke guardedly not of his exile but of his great
contribution to Jamaican table tennis.
Fortunately, we were in good hands at the semi-secluded Baz Freckleton, former PresiSandhurst Hotel. Some name that was: in its lazy, boardingdent, Jamaica TTA
house informality it was anything but Royal Military-like
though I heard that not so long ago it had the reputation of attracting any number of
upstanding young sailormen. It didnt take long for the already arrived English and Canadians
to hurry off to a local discotheque, or most of the Americans to go immediately to the nightlife center of the downtown Sheraton Hotel where of course on a weekend, even at one
oclock in the morning, the place was try-not-to-spill-your-drink packed.
Anyway, I returned home to my bungalow, as sooner or later I did every night, and,
like one of those little lizards outside my door, half crawled, half did a little hop into my bed.

By around 10 oclock Saturday morning, the players had begun their stagger through
the lobby into the small combination dining and game room, and on out to the tropical-like
patiobelow which was the swimming pool andbeyond, more bluethe mountains, the
sky. Some, like the moustachioed, good-humored Englishman Mike Johnsa sporting goods
rep, or, better, call him a rep of The Sporting Lifealready had their bathing suits on; while
the Canadian #1 Errol Caetano had quickly rented a car and gone off for the day to a sunny,
white-sand beach some 40 miles away.
Mikes younger partner in this
Englands Susan Lisle
masked-with-irony English gang was
From the Jamaican Daily
another mustachioed, long-haired
News, Oct. 21, 1974
generally live and let live type named
Ian Horsham who, as wed soon see,
could counter a backhand like
returned rifle fire from a rock. He
said he wouldnt mind playing some
t.t. matches for money. Since in the
Invitational Team event, each team
was to consist of two men and a
woman, the Jane of this for the
moment expatriate trio come West
was Susan Lisle#6 in England
who was as tough-minded as the
soft-looking Johns.
Out on the patio, among the
elementsthe water coconuts, the
palm trees, the spiders and lizards
hanging in the branches above waiting to drop unseen; the butterflies (one as big and black as
a bat kept flying in and out of the hotel lobby); the flies in the milk and sugar and fruit and
cerealLes Haslam, the #1 Jamaican who was living in London, was ordering a breakfast of
four eggs, a double portion of ham, and four pieces of toast. Although Les had recently had his hair
cut very short, hed been Samson-like swinging an ox-bone of a bat hard. In recently winning the 4
Ts tournament at Southampton and extending Englands #1 Denis Neale in the first of the new
Sunday Times Super League matches at North Middlesex, hed established himself even more in
the draws now being made in teammate Robertss head as one of the two great favorites.
In the double-duty dining and game room a roundtable card game was soon in
progress. Although I used to play a lot of cards before I began editing Topics, Id never played
this 3-card variation of poker called Bragg. But since Robbie had just given me $100 in pocket
money (of course hed wangled this from the Benson and Hedges people not just for me but
for all the players) and there were pots with $10 bills in them, I thought Id give it a shot.
On my first big hand, Horsham and I were finally left with flushes. I had K98, he had
KJ6. Too bad. But then my spades beat his diamonds? Thats what the players were saying. So
I quickly took in the pot. Which Ian didnt likebecause that wasnt the way they played in
England. He thought the rules should have been made clearer, and I agreed. I gave him his
money back, kept the pot.
On my second big hand, Seemiller eventually folded and Haslam and I were left to
raise. I had a flush; he had a run (a straight). As I started to rake in the pot, Les looked

unhappy. Flush beats a run? he said to no one in particular, as if he already knew the answer.
But the consensus suddenly was no, it didnt. Which I didnt likebecause that wasnt the
way we played in the States. Certainly the rules should have been made clearer, I said. Les
couldnt have agreed more. He gave me my money back, kept the pot. All this under a sign on
the wall that tried to capture the flavor not of the Old West but of a Jamiaca with Gun Laws:
Cuss. Cuss. No bore hole ah me kin. Names will never hurt me.
Off to the side of the card game, Brathwaite
(our Big Chief), his roommate, the Barbadian
Robert Earle (our Little Chief), Mariann
Domonkos, Irena (pronounced e-RAIN-uh) Cordas,
and Guyanas Carol Davidson were shooting skittle
pool. Occasionally theyd be gambling, friendly-like,
with the hotel cook who, despite the most unorthodox
pool stroke, nothing but a little jab, never seemed to
Youve heard the saying, Its not all beer and
skittles? Well, at least George had been trying to stay
in shape. Early this morning hed started off jogging,
but didnt get more than 20 yards before, out of the
rising mist, he was suddenly followed then joined by
not one but two deep-toothed Hounds of the
Baskervilles. Whichso much for early morning
trainingsort of stopped him in his tracks.
Among those who gravitated to our table
tennis circle was a transplanted (New York to Miami)
Jamaican on vacation named Basil Lee whom Pradit
Guyanas Carol Davidson
had met on the plane flying in from Miami. His 18
brothers and sisters had a number of Chinese
restaurants in Kingston and it was as if hed played host in all of them, for he seemed to know
everybody. There was a Florentine named Roberto who said he worked for Beta Shoes and
expected to be flying to Trinidad the next afternoon. A man named Leon gave some of us
whod partied late at the Sheraton a ride back to the Sandhurst. He was with Educational
Aids, and as I got into the back seat of his car I saw all these toyslittle men and women that
I had to be careful not to sit on and squash.
Then, ensconced in the Sandhurst, there was a very pretty woman, carefully made up, a
white woman dressed in mysterious black, and with earrings big as those you snatch on a
merry-go-round. Her name, I think, was Consuela, but we all called her by the name she
preferred, Anna. She drank only fruit juice, spoke clear-eyed and intelligently, with a
disarming, easy familiarity, and seemed, in her mid-20s, already to have had quite a varied
career. Right now, she said, she was, like, an interior decorator. She had a twin sister, she said,
whom she was sometimes mistaken for and embarrassed by. She had an 11-year-old son (as of
course did I) and a daughter, an 8-year-old, also named Anna. She said shed had two
husbands, both of whom had disappeared. After the first one didnt come back, the second
husband-to-be came to console her (poor Consuela)but then (she was living in Haiti at the
time) he too was suddenly, strangely gone. It was all hard to understand, she said with a
pleasant little smile.

Next morning I went into the dining room for breakfast and sat down with Irena and
Errol. Irena was amusing herself by trying to position a nickel, and two interlocked forks in
wing formation atop it, on the rim of a water glass. The idea was to prevent the nickel from
falling off the edge. Errol, momentarily standing up, was holding out the back of his hand on
which he had three coins. Suddenly, bottoms up! And all 3 went flying into the aironly to be
caught 1-2-3 juggler-like by Errol as they came down. A Chinese guy taught me this, he
said. Improves your hand/eye coordination.
Irena said shed heard this might be the last year for the Yugoslav Team as weve come
to know it. There was something wrong with Surbeks spine, Stipancic and Karakasevic were
to go into the army, and, as for her husband Zlatko, even now his family lawyer was taking
Jeremic, the General Secretary of the Yugoslav Federation, to court over his recent
suspension. So who did that leave?
Mike and Ian came in, and began talking about how theyd have to skip the scenic trip
to Ocho Rios the Friday after the tournament. They had to be back in England for a Super
League tournament on Saturday. All the tournaments in England now are money
tournaments, said Ian. In a big 3-star tournament you can win as much as 100 pounds.
Mike, whod been asked to do a write-up of this tournament for the ETTA magazine, was
looking over copies of Topics Id brought and took out a subscription. He said he had to be
careful in his own write-ups. You cant be too controversial in England, he said. You cant
say anything about the officialsthe editor blokell cut it out. Ian couldnt resist telling us
how England had the worst staff coaches in the world. The pays only $2,000-$2,500 a year,
so naturally nobody goodll take the job.
Of course others over breakfast were also having conversations. I caught something
about the importance of Vitamin E and how papaya seeds were the greatest things for
abortionsyou know, whatever it is that athletes talk about.
Finally we all moved out to board the bus to the Arena for practice. Bruce Edwards,
the current Caribbean Champion, commented from behind his dark glasses on Caetanos pretty
yellow shirt, blue shorts, and blue and yellow shoes. Yeah, said Errol, Adidas is good to
methey know Im a poor man. Robbie was carrying his Visit of the Peoples Republic of
China to the U.S. bag (with the Autobiograhy of Malcom X deep down in it). Lionel Darceuil

L-R: Bruce Edwards, Fuarnado Roberts, and Lionel Darceuil

From 1974 Lovebird Program


(Dark Eyes or Dark Isle we called him) toted a weathered black bag with the map of
Trinidad on it, over which the sun was always shining. George held fast to his big, beautiful, it
seemed almost smiling, yellow Butterfly bag given him by Hasegawa. Angelita carried an even
bigger, but somewhat more used one, with the initials S.B. on it.
Being in such close proximity, everyone got to know a little more about one another.
Peter had been busy on his computer job, and on the bus was drawing little circles and
archery-meet arrows to send back to his office. Hed scarcely been practicing, but now had
been given a leave of absence for the next six weeks while he began training to make the U.S.
Team to Calcutta. Judy was talking about maybe not continuing on at Stanford or any other
university. Angelita, whod already dropped out of school for a different education, and took
to wearing this big round I Like Your Body button, was beginning to be eaten by mosquitos
(attracted, it might be, by the reading they were getting). The young women enjoyed just
taking it easy, restingas did Seemiller whod found a late afternoon place to eat lunch, a
drug store, where he could get shakes n steak.
Play, after all, would be from 8 to 12 in the evening and you had to acclimate yourself
to unused-to surroundings. A vacationing Swede at the Sandhurst, into running and swimming,
had told us, The longer you stay here, the more your physical activities slow down
tremendously. Thats the reason Jamaica has such excellent sprinters. Anything over 400
meters in this heat knocks you out. Yes, he said, and hed looked at Johns, Ive watched
table tennis on Swedish TV, but I prefer athletics.
At the Arena, no one was keen on practicing for more than a couple of hours, if that.
We werent used to the heatand I for one was having trouble with my sweat getting down in
between the pips of my racket and glazing the surface.
Back at the Sandhurst, I found that preparations were already underway for the big
welcoming Cocktail Party. Lights were being strung about on the patio, candles put on
tables. I showered, changed, and came back for a warm-up drink. How my friend Bernie
Bukiet would have enjoyed all thished planned to come, but had hurt his back.
Suddenly who should I see but Roberto whod surprised me by showing up at the Arena
this morning. He said his afternoon flight to Trinidad had been canceled three days ago,
but nobody had told him. So the only thing left for him to do was come to the party. But
first he provided Pradit and me a little entertainment of his own. Card tricksand very
deceptive he was.
The Cocktail Party was like the social event of the year. Against the comforting Blue
Mountains, blue sky in the background, the Revolutionary Band began to playwith
Horsham, whod been taking guitar lessons for 4 months, soon joining them. The Machado
people came in and offered me a smoke. Teddy Griffiths, the Marketing Manager, was like a
wiry little boxer with words like fistsquick-witted jabs and combinationsas he intensely
stalked or danced his way round the patio. I liked him, liked his energyI hoped Benson and
Hedges made money on the tournament.
Bullsheet! he whispered, ironically, socially, as, smiling, drink in hand, he hurried by
as I was talking to some strangers Id just been introduced to. Strangers, in fact, that, with
sudden, formal politeness or made-up belly laugh, he himself had very possibly just introduced
me tothat is, before, seemingly trapped, hed quickly bounced off the ropes of any one
conversation that threatened to tie him up, and so, back bobbing and weaving, was off
somewhere in the center of the patio again. Of course, as the party was in full swing, there

were all kinds of hot and cold titbits that you had only to stick out a signal for, and at the bar
as many drinks as you could handle.
The British High Commissioner arrived. Any chance of getting some box seats for the
Games? he wanted to know. Then added, Ive already got some seats (they were selling
for $1, $2, $3), but Im sure theyre not worth a damn! Why werent they? I wonderedbut
it was all academic, for he never came to the Arena at all. Later, Anna was talking to me about
organic food, which she said she was into, and about this 66 girl friend of hers whom she
thought Id like, when the Commissioner came over to her. She wrote something on a
cigarette pack for him, and to my astonishment when he asked her if shed like a drink, she
said, Scotch and soda, please.
The Chinese coach, Mr. Lou (pronounced Low) and his interpreter Mr. Lien both of
whom Id met at the Arena, were there. They reminded me that I had been in Peking and that
the Chinese Table Tennis Team had been in the United States. We agreed that Table Tennis was
helping to bring about a great friendship between the people in China and the people in the
United States.
Andrea Delvaille, who was in Public Relations, and Josh Young, who was in
Advertising for the Machado Company, I liked talking to. Josh didnt think much of the
Tournament Program. No wonder it wasnt going to sell nearly as well as the sponsors had
hoped. Several times on the photo pages there were boxes and the words Photo Not
Available where the players pictures should have been. Also, some of the photographs
(gotten at the last minute) were very bad, as if someone had spilled something on them.
Angelita looked like Japans Tazuko Abewith good reason, for it was Abes photo above
Angelitas name. And Robbie, the man most responsible for getting the players to the
tournament, and one who was fast becoming a legend in Jamaican table tennis, was to me
almost unrecognizable (perhaps Freckleton had kept all of Fuarnados better pictures for his
would-be book?).
Josh warned me about being taken in by friendly strangers (Basil?he kept taking
some of us to dinners; Roberto?I thought of his elaborate card tricks; Leon?the toy-man
stranger who was so obliging with a ride). They might turn out to be smugglers or might seek
my help to enter the States illegally. But, hey, though my few-days life here was a novelty, I
myself wasnt living in a novel.
The two-hour Cocktail Party was about to end, but four days later there would be
another, balancing party after the tournament for just the players and officials and a few of
their friends. This would be heldin Annas quarters!a hidden, subterranean, large but
intimately dim room under the swimming pool where everybody lit up in the dark like certain
kinds of illuminated fish. I remember literally hugging Roy and Ken and Robbie for all theyd
so successfully done, and listening to Josh say, The people here liked you, Timmy, and
getting such good vibrations and feeling such love for everyone that my head was
After the Cocktail Party guests had left, some of us went to the Hotel Pegasus for a
supper with Basil. When I came back to the Sandhurst, I joined Haslam and Robbie on the
porch (Id enjoyed meeting Robbies son and watching Robbie dance with his daughter).
Suddenly a car drove up and four guys got out and briskly entered the hotel.
Did you see that? said Les. One of them had a gun.
Yeah, said Robbie. Must have been cops.

Later, I was to find out from the man on night duty at the Sandhurst about the
countrys Gun Laws. Thered been so many shootings, so many killings, that now no
unauthorized person was allowed to carry a gun in Jamaica without risking indefinite
detention in the Gun Court, a place in the city resembling a concentration camp. However,
said this man on duty, even before the Gun Laws, the doors of the Sandhurst were always
open. They stuck up places right here on this street, but never this hotel. Id said that I
wasnt living in a novel. But, boy, that night, I sure had one mixed-up dreamwas with
smugglers, spies, was interrogated by the Chinese, and held prisoner by, it was so hard to tell,
either the Jamaican police or gangsters with guns on their hips. No, I couldnt produce the
manuscript code they all wanted; it went blank before my eyes.
But I woke up o.k., and am alert now to the fact that Id better get on with a different
kind of playthe Tournament itself. The Monday opening night of the Team competition drew
about 1,500 spectators. The sponsors had hoped for more, but today had been a no-work
parade day honoring Jamaicas 5 National Heroes, and there had been too many daylong
activities for people to come out just for something to do. The Arena had been beautifully set
uptwo tables only, in boxed-in courts, with spectator seats up close all around the playing
area. The players paraded in, and officials made welcoming speeches. The rather formal
beginning belied the candy-chewing, peanut eating customers intent on robustly expressing
their approval or disapproval of the action that followed.
On one side of the draw, Irena, Robert Earle, and Jamaicas Derek Moo made up the
International team that blitzed the Jamaica C team (Sharon Spence who in a couple of
years will be the Jamaican #1, Evan Williams, and Chris Beaubrun)with only Williams taking
a gamefrom Earle. The Internationals also had a chance against Canada (Mariann
Domonkos, Caetano, and Rod Young). Earle was at 10-all in the 3rd with Errol, but couldnt
win. The stocky Moo, who had a very good Horace-Roberts-like retrieving defense, had
Young down 1-0 and at deuce in the 2nd, but couldnt pull it off. Penholder Cordas had no
trouble with former Canadian Champ Domonkos to prolong the tie, but Caetano looped Moo
off the table.
Joining Canada in the semis was the USA A team (Rosal, Seemiller, and Brathwaite)
who beat Jamaica B, 3-1. The Jamaican men were of course unable to stop Danny, but 16year-old, Chinese-coached Richard Stephenson for a while played point for point with our
Chief. However, against Anita Belnaviss floating anti-topspin returns, Angelita just couldnt
keep the ball down. Also, since the Chinese coach was quick to exploit a weakness when he
saw one, Angelita couldnt get to roll a backhand that would open her forehand. Dutifully, she
wrote down in her Bengtsson/Ogimura-inspired notebook how too many balls were coming to
her erratic forehand. George lamented that Angelita, like our other top women, just hadnt
learned how to spin. Spin is the name of the game. Belnavis for her win was given the
Outstanding Performance Award.
On the other side of the draw, England (Lisle, Johns, and Horsham) blanked USA B
(Bochenski, Pradit, and Boggan). Peter, whos a notoriously slow starter, lost to Horsham, -22
(after leading 20-18), 15, -20. Boggan, though never in the match, had Johns shaking his head
and smiling to himself when, apparently without even looking, he hit in some of the
Englishmans best serves. Some of the Americans complained about Mikes false service:
With his hand up like that, you cant see the ball coming. Against Lisle, Judy couldnt get

Joining the English team in the semis

was Jamaica A (Haslam, Roberts, and
Monica DeSouza) who downed the Eastern
Caribbean team (Edwards, Darceuil, and
Davidson), 3-1. Roberts was never
threatened by either Edwards or Darceuil. As

Im ready when
you are, Mr. Haslam

Les Haslam

for playing the hard-hitting Haslam, Edwards

was lucky to get 10 points a game but even
Drawing by
luckier to keep from getting welts all over his
Greg Sawin
body. Les seemed larger than lifefictional,
7 feet tall out there. The spectators went half-hysterical. They even cheered when Haslam
missed two roundhouse smashes. Ive never been to a place like this before, said Johns. But
the EC team was not routed. As expected, Guyanas lithe Caribbean Champ Davidson took
down the Jamaican National Womans Coach DeSouza in 3after Monica had rallied from
down 1-0 and 13-17 in the 2nd.
The one semis saw Seemiller open with a straight-game win over Young, and Caetano
doing the same to Brathwaite. But when Angelita lost two close games to Mariann, we were
2-1 down. So now: Danny vs. Errol. Dannys a very nice compact player, Johns was saying.
Hes very clever the way he spins that racket around. And he can hit with the anti too. If the
American Team tours England, hes going to beat a lot of players. Question is: Can he beat
Caetanonow? With the match tied 1-1, the answers, Yes. Winning the battle of angles, hes
up 10-3 in the 3rdand safe. Final question: Can the steady Chief beat an improving Young?
With the match tied 1-1and Danny giving George good advice and Angelita and I cheering
him on, hes all clenched concentration. Wins 21-8, while, as the Jamaica News put down for
all to see, the Canadian fizzed out like wet squib.
The other semis makes for an exhilarating finish to the evening. Jamaicas Haslam
opens by annihilating Horsham. Ian, winner of Englands Winston Churchill Fellowship Award
that carries with it the chance to get coaching in China and Japan, has been serving the ball
Hsu Shao-fa high. Hes down 20-7 match point when up again goes his arm to toss the ball, up
go his eyes, up go Haslams eyes, and the eyes of everybody in the Arenawhen, oooooh, Ian
slyly, quickly serves short, just over the net. Its an outright ace, for Haslam hasnt even

Englands Ian Horsham

Photo by Raul Rodriguez

reacted before the ball reaches his side of the

table. The crowd roars and roars. Haslam nods
sheepishlyas if to say, I know, I know,
watch the ball. Ian, smiling broadly, makes a
gallant little bow. Its Englands finest hourat
least in this match.
Roberts with, as the local paper puts it,
his dainty drives and cheeky flicks takes
care of Johns (who people in the know say can
beat Norby Van de Walle, the very strong
Belgium chopper, once a U.S. World Team
member). But DeSouza has no chance against
Lisle. And Roberts, tiring perhaps, begins to
find Horsham difficult to playfor Ian has not
only discovered the secret of pleasing the
crowd but also how to play Robbie. He loops
balls high, then comes in for the kill. Still,
Robbies got him 14-11 in the 3rdbut then
unaccountably loses 7 in a row! Tie tied 2-2.
Haslam knows better than anyone else he hasnt
been beating Johns, and even with the spot here
of a 1st game, he cant do it. Coach Lou points
out that Les should have looped Mikes
servesshould have moved over to take them
on the forehandwhich he probably already

knew and so wouldnt sleep on.

Tuesday morning we all paid a courtesy call on Senator Dr. Douglas Manley, brother
of the Jamaican Prime Minister. Then the bus stopped for a moment at a meat mart and I got a
drinksomething Robbie recommended called a Better Not Bitter Mackeson Stout. A sign
in the store said, If you used to steal at home, then steal here and feel at home. I wondered
how much of a deterrent that was.
Then we were back on the bus and past a boy pissing on the sidewalk. I turned with a
questioning look to Fuarnado and he laughed. Here you piss free. You dont hold nothin,
man. Just let it go. After a guided tour of the New Hope Botanical Gardens, we made another
courtesy callto see the Honourable Governor General, Florizel Glasspole, at his Kings
House. He gave us a tour of his Botanical Gardens, then it was back to the Sandhurst. That
afternoon, though it was starting to rain heavily, Basil Lee came by and took some of us out
for something to eat. Earlier, when Id walked into Daphne Lees Golden Dragon, a Jamaican
sitting at the bar had turned round and looked at me and said, We dont like white people
here. As I walked on by with Basil, I blew the fella a kiss.
Basil gave us a little tour of Kingston. We went out to the University College of the
West Indies, went by a Brooklyn Super Market (Brooklyn was where I taught), past several
shopping malls, and the blood-colored Gun Court complex with barbed wire. They might
carry you out, said Basil, but youll never walk out. Somebody asked Prime Minister
Manley why the Gun Court was painted red. The place is red, he said, because it puts you
in dread.

Back at the Sandhurst, Basil joined us for a drink. And Basils brother Oswald who had
a job on a ship cruising the Caribbean. And Basils friend, the Chief of Police. Andsurprise
little 8-year-old Anna. Andsurpriseher made-up mother whod been reading a book on a
famous white witch who was finally strangled. Id left my money in my bungalow, so I went
running back in the never-ending rain for itslipped and took one hell of a back-fall.
Miraculously, nothing too damaging happened, I just had the wind knocked out of me, and a
few aches. It rained such torrents that our Tuesday night play was canceled.
Early Wednesday morning Basil asked me to come to the American Embassy with him
to see if I could somehow speed up his brother-in-laws application for a visa. But we didnt
have the requisite filled-out forms. Again the players made a courtesy callthis time on his
Worship the Mayor, Councillor Ralph Brown. Then we were off to a Lions Club Luncheon.
Id asked Roy Hylton what that pin was in his lapel and absent-mindedly hed said Kiwanis.
But then hed quickly corrected himselfafter all, hed only been a Lions member for four
months. Over cocktails, asparagus, shrimp and seaweed, steak and mushroom pie, roast
potatoes, glazed carrots, banana mousse, and Blue Mountain coffee we ate and listened:
Our community service provides one of the better methods for assisting brothers
and sisters less fortunatethe economically deprived.I thought Brother Jerry did a
marvelous job of speaking, said one new initiate, an American whod come to live and work
in Kingston. Would you applaud him again, please? And I mean that sincerely, Jerry. Im not after
any discount in advertising.The country needs people like us.It would be too bad if we
formed some sort of elitist luncheon club.
That evening three tables were put into
Angelita Rosal
play for the Singles events. In the Womens, 3 of
the 4 1st-round matches were played off two
straight: Irena over Judy; Lisle over Jamaicas
Ingrid Spence; and Angelita over DeSouza; the
3-game match went to Davidson over Belnavis.
Then, in an exciting North American match-up,
Rosal and Domonkos are 15-all in the 1st when
Angelita makes the very bad error of pushing
back Marianns serves and so lets her loop
winners in to 19-16. But spiritedly, if not
strategically, Angelita catches her at deuce, gets
a break when Mariann serves into the net, and,
though she isnt playing nearly aggressively
enough, wins 25-23. Its amazing, but during
this match and others, players, umpires, and
photographers are unconcernedly walking in the
court behind the two competitors trying to
advance. In the 2nd game, Domonkos is cracking
the ball in, and, in the 3rd, Angelita, down 8-2, is not watching the ball well and is blocking one
after the other of Marianns loops off the table.
In the one semis, Irena is an easy winner over Carol. In the other, Lisle and Domonkos
play one of the great matches of the tournament. Three deuce games. But though Mariann,
doing everything better than Ive ever seen her do it, had Susan 20-19 match point in the 3rd,
she couldnt win it. So tomorrow night, itll be Irena and Susan for the Womens title.

Left: Cornel France; right: Richard Stephenson

In the Mens, former Jamaican Champ Cornel France, whod trained in China, beat
Boggan two straight. Down 20-18 match point in the 2nd, Tim rallied to win 3 in a row, but 3
was not the needed 4. I think Tim lost because he didnt move to his forehand enough against
Frances anti-spin chop and deceptive, forcing backhand. Jamaicas Ray Stewart took Edwards
to 3, while the current young Jamaican Champ Stephenson did the same to Canadian Young.
Dark Eyes, winning a 19 game, also forced Caetano into the 3rd.
That left two round robins of fourwith each match a perhaps too long 3/5. In Group
I, Seemiller never dropped a game. Pradit played two beautiful matches. He lost to Horsham
3-0 but averaged over 20 points a game. In the 1st he was up 20-19; in the 2nd he was up 2018. Against Haslem, whom hed lost to in the Teams, he won not only the 5-game match but
the audience. Kung Fu! Kung Fu! they screamed at Peters running, flashing, hand-slicing
shots. However, since Haslam defaulted to Horsham, Ian was 2nd, and said he was going to
split the prize money with Peter.
In Group Two, the Brathwaite-Roberts match, for some reason not expedited, lasted 5game forever. Robbie had won the first two games, but then George, who later said the air
bubbles in his rubber were bothering him, started to make his move. The points between them
were rolling-and-retrieving long, and after a while the crowd began booing when the umpire
very carefully stopped point after point whenever a ball came into the court. Roberts was
bugged because (1) the courts werent a little biggerone time he banged into the barriers
pretty hardand (2) because the adjacent tables werent boxed off as he thought they should
be. In the 5th, Roberts is up 15-14, then loses 4 in a row, then wins 5 in a row. At 19-all,
Robbie got what appeared to be a point-winning backhand in, but George made a great save,
and now when Roberts pushed the next ball into the net he was finished.
Finished, that is, for the tournament. Which didnt sit well with Brathwaite who went
on to upset Caetano in another 25-23 in the 5th thriller in which The Chief knew he had to
block Errols spin play until he himself got a chance to start spinning. Staminathats what
you need in this game, said an onlooker. And fighting spirit, said another. In the 5th, George
was down 8-2 to Errol (who was wearing this big picture of a gaily colored butterfly on the
back of his black shirt). But hed caught him at 10-all. Then, its pretty much even all the way

Errol Caetano in action at the Kingston Arena

until Brathwaites match point up (and someones yelling in the audience, Its all over!). At
which point, George serves into the net! Finally, after George has made an unbelievable chop
return from the barriers, he gets an irretrievable edgeand, as if even before Errol sees its
unreturnable, his racket psychokinetically goes spinning off.
However, since Caetano had earlier beaten Johns, deuce in the 4th, and had received a
default from Robertsas had Johnshe had only to sit back and watch poor George play another
grueling 5-gamer with Mike. With the match tied 1-1 and George up16-8 in the 3rd, he suddenly
breaks concentration, turns round to me and asks, What if I take two games? Do I win? (The
answer was Nohe wouldnt even come 2nd.) The break is disastrous. The game goes to deuce.
Johns, who looks like the roly-poly Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz, has been psyched up by
his comeback, and is npw being heckled by some spectators who are making fun of his antics
particularly his semaphore signal of a serve. Deucing it up, he shouts, Knickers! (Which means,
though the strength of the statement escapes me, Ladies Underwear!).
Then George has the ad again. This is it! yells one of the hecklers.
Thats what you think! yells Johnshe wins the point and gives the guy the finger.
Again George has the ad. Again Johns wins the point and gives another heckler his
thumb. Then he follows with a spinny, high-up Chinese serve and ends by winning the game
24-22. No need to tell you. The Wizard has given him a heart and the 4th game is anticlimactic.
I tried to cheer up George by complimenting him on his marvelous play. I wish
Robbie hadnt done that, he says as he walks wearily toward the bus that will take us to the
Sandhurst. I work hard to win.
Thursday is really my last day in Kingston. Tomorrow, early, Basil will take me to see
the old streets and buildings of Port Royal, then will see me off at the airport. Last night after

his matches, Johns was in an exuberant stateswimming in his underjocks, as they say in
England. Today, around lunchtime, he was wearing this big round I Like Your Body button
of Angelitas.
Danny and some others have been playing a game called Indian Poker. Everybody gets
one card to bet on, which they cant see and which they have to hold face-up on their forehead
like a feather for others to see. The betting begins and continues. Its for Psychology majors?
In the early afternoon, the English and Canadians go to an arts and crafts shop and
come back to the Sandhurst with some sheathed souvenirsmachetes. Theyre illegal in
England, someone reminds Horsham. Youre only allowed 3-5 inches. When theyre
unsheathed, someone else points out that the machetes are Made in England.
O.k.time for the evening finals. Womens Doubles: Cordas/Domonkos in a straightgame win over Rosal/Bochenski. Mens Doubles: Seemiller/Brathwaite in a straight-game win
over Haslam/Johns. But in the most exciting match, Caetano/Young beat Pradit/Boggan, 2422 in the 3rd. The Canadians were leading 20-18 but almost lost it at the end, then got a
reprieve when, match point down, they watched Boggan, moving even while he stroked the
ball, serve off the table, then a minute later miss a match-ending kill and in disgust kick over a
chair. Mixed Doubles: Seemiller/Rosal over Boggan/Bochenski from 18-all in the deciding 3rd,
then over Caetano/Cordas, 19 in the 4th.
Womens Singles went to
Cordaswith her instinctively placed
blocks and increasingly confident
forehand hitsover Lisle in 4. Mens
Singles to Seemiller over Caetano. With
the match tied 1-1 and Danny down 1415, he went after a net ball with racket
flying and with such force he ended up
pivoting round and sitting yoga-like on
the table looking for all the world like
our first young table tennis guru. Nor
did we ever lose confidence in him
when he went 15-19 down. Such were
the vibrations that when he got to 19-all
Caetano appeared to panic, tried to
loop Seemillers serve and missed it
completely, then pushed Dannys next
serve into the net. From there on it was
no contest. Danny could already hear
the marching music, feel the Triple
Crown checks in his hand, ready himself
to graciously sign autographs.
There remained, however, from
Womens Singles Winner Irena Cordas
my Presidential point of view, the very
From 1975 Lovebird Program
important Team Championships that I
wanted the USA to win. Brathwaite opened for us, but lost to Johns again. However,
Seemiller evened us up with a win over Horsham. The match between Angelita and Susan
might likely be the decider? On into the all-determining 3rd it went with Angelita winning the

exchanges but again blocking loops long. Up 17-12up 19-16 it looks good for us. But
thenwhere has her confidence suddenly gone?Angelita loses 4 in a row, is match point
down. Then deuce. Then Angelitas down again. And, oh, she puts Susans final serve into the
net. She writes in her notebook: My rackets up. Isnt closed. Im so eager to hit my forehand
cross shot that Im not ready to face my racket right.
Things take another turn for the worse when in the 1st Danny is 19-16 down to Johns
who we again think on his serves is masking the ball with his hands. But then Mike fails to
return 1-2-3-4 of Dannys serves, and Seemiller squeaks it out. Thereafter wins easily. So with
the tie 2-2, its up to Brathwaite to beat Horsham. But George loses the 1st 25-23. In the 2nd,
Ian is attempting to counter everything fast, but hes not so successful at rushing The Chiefs
spin. Moreover, George now catches him with serves to the forehand. In the unsettling 3rd,
Brathwaite gets in a risky shot to go 17-15 up, then, just as Horsham comes into the ball,
someone in the audience yells and George is 18-15 upthen 20-16.

George Brathwaite on the way to

bringing a USA victory

But now George pushes Ians serve into the net20-17. And, no, he doesnt want to
make that mistake again, so he pushes the next one high, which Ian anticipates and socks it
home20-18. George goes for his towel. Comes back, hops one off the tablelooks at it in
disbelief and anguish. But then, back and forth, steady George, steady andYEAH!Ian
misses one of those backhand rifle shots, and The Chief, his fists clenched high in the air, does
a little tom-tom dance of victory. The U.S. has got it. The Team Championship is ours!



Chapter Thirty
1974: Boggan Resigns the Presidency and Almost Gives Up Editing Topics. 1974:
Chaos at the U.S. World Team Trials.
The very night I returned from Jamaica, where of course I had a great time being a
player (in the largest sense of the word)being an important part of it all, I found my wife as
down as I was up. Shed become, in these years that Id had a romantic readiness for the Sport
as President and Editor, an overworked pro bono USTTA Secretary, as it were, until shed
finally had it, and, crying, said, midst her tears and anger, Whatve I been doing it all
for?Whatve I been doing it all for?
After wed talked for a while, I got up out of bed, impulsively made some phone calls
in which I resigned both as President and Editor. Perhaps that I acted so spontaneously wasnt
surprisingat least not to mefor the big decisions of my life have been made emotionally.
After which I sent a half-insane letter round in which I told everyone I had given up table
tennis completely and wished themor most of themwell if I should never see them again.
About this time, Id received a poema real poemfor Topics, titled TIM BOGGAN,
by a Michigan player I didnt know named Larry Wood. I reproduce it here because it almost
uncannily showed where at the moment I was at and where many of those I caught by surprise
were at. (From the letters and phone calls I got, it was clear people were affected.)
TIM BOGGAN by Larry Wood
I heard a man while I was walking,
Who glibly to himself was talking,
In a manner most absurd.
Close I crept to this odd fellow,
To better hear him rant and bellow,
Still discerning not a single word.
My curiosity pricked with fascination,
Straining to hear his incantation,
Boldly I advanced another pace.
There I heard his garbled cant,
From behind the tree I sat,
Craning to see the speakers face.
On and on these chants he muttered,
Till below my breath I uttered,
Curse this loquacious, elusive gnome.
So up I spring and long I peered,
But he had long since disappeared,
And babbling, bewildered I walked home.

Charlie Disney, whom Id earlier appointed my Executive Vice-President and who

would now succeed me, wondered, as did everyone else, why Id done what Id done. So I
chose to explain publicly via Wet Butterfly (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 15)a private dramatic
sketch Id written 7 years earlier.
Wet Butterfly
This morning started out like any other. The paper came, I opened to read it.
Sally brought me juice, toast, and tea. The boys woketheyd wet again; came out all
shivery and curious into the breakfast room, Scott asking for his 15-cent afternoon ice
cream money in advance, Eric wanting a penny or a dime.
But Eric, I said. Im not just giving Scott money. Its what hes entitled to,
what he ought to have. Its his al-low-ance.
Come get your clothes on, Eric! Sally yelled.
Hurrying, she bumped into the magazine stand and hurt her knee.
So thats where he gets it from, I said, ironically referring to the natural
clumsiness of our four-year-old. And then, feeling a little of what it waspainI
started to get up.
You just sit there reading the paper, she said.
Scott, I knew, had gone back to his room to dress himselfor at least I
thought he could.
It was raining now, and after the boys had eaten somethingkool ade and
raspberry pop tartsSally said shed drive the older one to school. Hed refused to
wear his raincoatand, well, it didnt matter.
Eric had a note pinned to his jacket. Mrs. Winwar, his nursery school teacher,
was to write to Jeffs mother and ask again if Jeff wouldnt like to come over one day
after school and play. Apparently the boy was just too shy. Anyway, Sally couldnt call
his mother because they had no phonea fact that seemed to me incredible.
Janice, who lived down the street, was walking byI still thought of her as
about eight, but itd been four years since wed moved into this house in Merrick.
I opened the window and called to her. Were driving Scott to school. Want a ride?
She stopped, thought for a few seconds, and then mindlessly continued waiting
out there.
Come on up to the porch! I shouted. She was such a dumb kid. Really didnt
know enough to come in out of the rainand never would.
I could see it was getting late: 8:25 by the stove clockthough like the oven it
wasnt quite right.
Sally helped Eric put on his raincoat and hat. He wanted to wait out on the
porch for his bus.
Bye, Scott, he said.
Bye, Scott, he said, hand at the door.
He went over and kissed Sally, and I hoped he would me. But he didnt, and I
didnt say anything, and he went out the side doornot closing it tight as usual.
Scott now was about ready, and I said theyd better leaveit was almost 8:30.
Id watch Eric.

I heard the garage door open and the car-doors slam and then I heard Erics
bus. I went out on the porch, looked at him. He hadnt seen it coming yetso, with
my thumb jerked over my shoulder, I pointed (more as if I were in a movie close-up
and not on the stage, pointed slowly, insistently, not over dramatically), pointed,
pointed. It was my fatherly idea of the importance of subtlety, of understandingScott
was good at itwithout saying a word.
He got the messageand unexpectedly ran back to kiss me.
As the bus pulled away it passed our car. I saw Eric in yellow at the window
With everyone gone now, I came back, continued for a few minutes to read the
paper. An article on the sports page caught my attention. It was a profile of Swedens Kjell
Johansson, a table tennis player (Id played some myself, we had a makeshift table in the
basement)a hero in Europe but little known here. There was a picture of him in black,
arms folded.
I got up to fix myself some more tea and looked outsideout through my favorite
window facing the shady street. For a moment I guess I was dreaming. But thenWas that
someonea boy?Scott! running towards me out there? Had he forgotten something?
But where was Sally? And he would be all wet!
As I hurried to the porch I heard the fire alarm from the station down the street go off.
I jerked at the door. Scott was there. Whats the matter? I said. Whats
He was crying. I forgot my library book and todays the last day to return it. He
was breathing so, had run as fast as he could.
Oh, Scott, I said. Its not that important.
I ran to get his booka little thing, The Two Of Us, a cover picture of a little white
boy, a little black boy.
And then Sally drove up. Saw us at the open door and stopped the car in mid-street.
I shouted at her from the porchHow the hell did he get back before you did? I
didnt even know if she could hear me.
I went a different way, she
But even before she tried to explain, in the window open to me there in the rain I
suddenly saw her face. The anguish in it, the love.
The California Topics columnist, Don Gunn, said the California State Open was rife
with rumors about Boggans retirement. Gosh, he grabbed all the power in sight, and most
folks seemed to think that he did a lot of good with it, and then BOOM he quits. Somehow I
dont think that Wet Butterfly explained it all. But it did to meand this was exactly the
way I wanted to explain my abrupt resignation.
Two weeks later, when my head cleared, and Sally and I stopped crying, we decided I
could keep the Editorship of Topics. Id thought crazily it would be far less painful to give
myself a fatal scorpions sting all the way out of the sport. But I couldnt stay out of it.
Because for years Id already been stungmuch like an addict, repeatedly with a syringe.
Dickens died before he could finish his last novelabout a man with a demon. And this John
Jasper, a Jekyll-Hyde choirmaster with an opium pipe, was Dickenshis persona. For Dickens
too was an addict. He had a magazineand was addicted to the written word. And so it was
with me. I loved this table tennis magazine Id so changed.*

Chaos at the U.S. World Team Trials

Acting Selection Chair Vic Landau, as early as the May-June, 1974 Topics (44), began
giving us particulars pertinent to the U.S. World Team Trials. Any member could initially
tryout so long as he/she met the following requirements: (1) Permanent Resident for at least
two years as of Oct. 1, 1974. (2) Not under suspension by USTTA. (3) Did not compete as
player for another country in 1973 World Championships.
That any member could compete would be highlighted by a letter (TTT, Nov.-Dec.,
1974, 7) addressed to Rufford Harrison:
...Your name was referred to me by Senator Adlai Stevenson in response to an
inquiry I sent him in regards to my interest in joining the U.S. Table Tennis Team.
I am thirty-two years old, divorced, and have no dependents other than myself.
I am ready and willing to travel anywhere in the world.
I have been playing table tennis during the last eighteen years, and have won
many local tournaments. I feel that my skill has been developed to a degree that it is
competitive with our best players on the U.S. team.
As shocked and
amused as Rufford must
have been, he took the
man seriously enough to
respond: the last thing
I wish to do is discourage
you. Nevertheless if you
have played only in local
tournaments, thenit is
very, very unlikely that
you have reached the
standard necessary for
play on the U.S. team.
However, he says, youre
luckyRegional play will
soon be coming up, and
the final Trials will be in
your home state of
Cartoon by Enid Chase
Illinois. Rufford tells him
how to pursue his
quixotic quest. But of course he never does. (I might point out here that one also reads in
Topics that the Menard Psychiatric Center Table Tennis Activities Group (T.T.A.G.) is looking
to correspond with interested players.)
The final Trials will be held Nov. 22-24 at the Lantz Fieldhouse, Eastern Illinois
University, in Charleston, IL with the help of Tournament Chair Bill Connelly.
Any woman may compete in these Trials, but all men, save the exempted top-rated 12,
will have to compete in Regional Qualifiers. The allocated number of players per Region will
be as follows: Northwest (4); California (10); Texas (4); Florida (8); Midwest (15); Eastern
(20). Those whove qualified for the final Trials who are not among the 12 top-rated players

will compete in a modified swiss-style tournament to select 12 additional players that will
make up a group of 24. These 24 will then play a round-robin system that will reduce them
to 10. (Same for the women.) These final 10 contenders will then play in another round robin
to determine positions for a series of ladder matches from which the 5 team members will be
selected. Sound ominously complicated? Forget the ladder matches, members of the
Selection Committee would advise.
Ive a record of only two Regional Trials, both held in mid-late Oct. The Northwest
one at Paddle Palace Ive already mentioned, the 4 Qualifiers of which didnt want the expense
of coming to Charleston. The Midwest one, held at Woodland, was reported on by Connelly
(TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 7)though a third of his article is a welcome to Dennis Driggs, World
Air Force Doubles Champion, formerly stationed in Japan, where on occasion he got to play
Hasegawa. Though Dennis is now stationed way up in Michigan, 250 miles away from any
active players, Bill welcomes him to
the Michigan t.t. scene.
The Qualifiers: 1. Mike
Veillette (his loops and hits were
devastating). 2. Bill Lesner (hell
marry Denise on Dec. 28). 3. Richard
Hicks (interesting to watch with his
heavy chops and quick pick hits). 4.
Paul Pashuku (was upset by Norm

Norm Schless
Photo by Mal Anderson

Gary Wittner: Gary doesnt look so good

Cartoon by Mike Bush

Schless with his heavy chop and pick hit;

unfortunately Norm hurt his foot and thereafter
was badly hampered in his play). 5. Mike Baber. 6.
Homer Brown (stole the show, keeping the
spectators smiling as he talked to himself and used
his Shuffle Serve.). 7. Jim Davey. 8. Harry
Deschamps. 9. Jim Supensky. 10. Frank Sexton. 11.
Ferenc Mercz (the World Air Force Champ lost a
match to Gordon Roedding). 12. Bong Ho. 13. Jim
Schnorf. 14. Pat Cox. 15-16. Ron Beckman and
Steve Siegel (ended up in a tie with identical winloss, game, and point totals!). John Tannehill, I hear,
will go to Charlestonbut as a spectator, not a
Its not clear to me, since I didnt go to
Charleston, who actually attended these Trials even

from my own Eastern Region. Jairie Resek, in her Topics column (Jan.-Feb., 1975, 24) tells us that
N.Y.s Gary Wittner took sick and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance, then was released,
took sick again, and again was sent to the hospital. A gall bladder attack? Maybe. But Gary soon
checked himself out and, feeling o.k., would go on to the USOTCs in Minneapolis. I know, too,
that Fuarnado Roberts, who was on the last U.S. World Team to Sarajevo and who would have
been one of the 12 players exempted from early play, did not go to CharlestonI dont know why,
but Im sure he had his reasons. Maybe he had a premonition?
Of trouble. Better I had borrowed the money and grabbed a plane to Chicago and, if
necessary, a taxi to Charleston, for all the phone calls I was to make and have made to me this
weekend in an effort to understand what was happening and how best to handle it. The
problems started back in N.Y.C. when at a Selection Committee Meeting it was decided that
there would be round robin play, though more complicated than in Sarajevoand not, though
Vic was very much in favor of it, the ladder system that had proved so unpopular in
selecting the U.S. Team for the Oklahoma City Nationals. (Hopefully, Ive explained how the
ladder works in Chapter Twenty-Oneeach run-through round, one player makes the Team,
one player drops out of contention.; hence there would be 5 ladder rounds for the men, 4 for
the women.) However, despite the fact that Neal Fox had sent the Selection Committees
agreed-upon-directive to the players that there would not be ladder play, Vic, on talking with
some people, including Selection Chair Miles, later changed his mind.
For Gods sake, Victor, both Dick and I told him, please make sure that all the
players understand this change ahead of timebefore you start any matcheselse youll find
yourself in an awful mess.
Victor did not go armed to Charleston with the requisite draw sheets and latest ratings
(Fox, who was going to last-minute send them, got snowed in). He did have, of course,
mimeographed copies of his insisted-upon ladder directionsbut, as might have been
anticipated, they could not USTTA-shield him from attack.
Right off, those who thought of themselves as professional players were justifiably mad
that no one on or off the E.C.not the old President whod gone away and left them; not the
new President who usually could not be reached; not the International Chair; not the Selection
Chair (though Miles had urged Charlie Disney to spend the money and send him to Charleston
if only to ensure that, were the players to get out of line, he, Dick, would be there if necessary
to make a firm decision); not the Equipment Committee Chair; not the Rules Chair; not
anybodyseemed to care about making this a big showcase tournament. No one had the
ability to bring it offthis arguably most important tournament, with the exception of the
Oklahoma Nationals, since the Sarajevo Worlds.
And now Foxs written round robin directive that had been sent to everyones home
was being superseded at this 11th hour by Landaus infamous ladder. Some of the women
objected immediately. But Vic, they protested, wouldnt listen to them. Its too late to
change, he said. Both Pradit and Lee claimed they hadnt seen Landaus new directions.
Although they might well have been posted, theyd not been given personally to Peter or D-J.
What is this ladder system? D-J was asking. A ladder is something that takes you up to the
heights. The players not only didnt like the substitute format, they didnt see the point of
playing itthat is, those 5 men and 3 women players who before they were required to start
the ladder were quite satisfied that, regardless of what was to happen next, they deserved to be
on the Team. If the E.C., who betrayed them, didnt like it (the players were telling me
indirectly in separate phone conversations), then they had better pick another Team.

Another Team! Ridiculous. I tried repeatedly to

some sense into them. And to get help from
Photo by Mal
Miles who also began making phone calls. I had to
keep Landau and Connelly going. If this Sunday
didnt stand up, keep staggering along, there
wouldnt be, never mind any under-funded Team,
there wouldnt be any Team at all.
Finally, with the afternoon half gone, I
heard from Landau and Connelly that spectators
were booing and throwing things onto the gym
floor, and then, wanting their money back, were
walking out in disgust. Meanwhile, Pradit and
Raphel were warming-up by playing ping-pong
pit-pat, and the custodian was threatening to
switch off the lights and turn out the players. Of
course I began to get angry, very angry. Was there
no one there with any USTTA or, forget that,
personal authority?
President or not, I knew I couldnt resign myself to
this disintegration, knew I had to make it clear to D-J particularly
that if he and the others persisted in wanting to default matches, to
try and ensure unfairly that a select group of players only could
make the Team, I would personally see to it that there would be no
chance for any of them, so far had they suddenly gotten out of line,
to represent us in India.
Jack Carr, who was
present in Charleston,
umpiring, later wrote up
(TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975,
22;30) in clear specifics,
his version of the
debacleand it matched what Id heard in my
repeated phone conversations. But though Jack
was justly criticalTo say there was a lack of
advanced planning and organization would be an
understatementhe was powerless to do anything
other than umpire. I was irritated that he would
complain how the Tryouts were both illegal, because
they didnt follow all portions of the USTTA Handbook
Selection Manual, and illogical, because there were
Jack Carr
inconsistencies in the playing format. Practically
From TTT, May, 1965, cover
speaking, it was much more important to get the
Matches playedif not exactly by the book, at least with some authority. But I sniped at him
unfairly (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 22), for it was his nature to be restrictively Rules-minded, and,
after all, I couldnt really expect him to be influential, try to take charge when he hadnt ever
established the necessary rapport with the players to be in a position to do that.
Vic Landau


One of the big stumbling

blocks, besides the delaying intermittent
players meetings, was how defaults
should be handledwhich even under
the best of conditions could have
presented problems to Referee Mal
Anderson. Jack said the players tried to
use these as a weapon (at one point,
trying to take advantage of Chui with
multiple defaults to Raphel) until, after
some confusion, the directive came
from Merrick, N.Y. where someone
wryly said the tournament was being
run, that anyone who defaults without
justifiable reason [whatever that is, said
Jack] out of the tournament.
Finally, after news media
representatives arrived and then left
when some unknowing spectators told
them there wouldnt be any more play,
U.S. Team Member Lim Ming Chui
the tournament progressed and finished
Drawing by Bruce Peeso
in an orderly way. One casualty, said
Carr, was Alice Green, whose father had threatened litigation against the USTTA if the ladder
rule wasnt invoked. She lost her #4 position when she was finally defeated by Olga Soltesz the
fourth time they played each other. Another was Gil Park who became so tired [after playing 25
matches in two days against the best U.S. players] that he was forced to default his last match (and
a position on the Team) to Chui who went from the #6 to the #2 Team member.
Danny Seemiller (TTT, Mar-Apr., 1975, 21A) also gives us a specific eye-witness
account, in which he answers Doris and Frank Merczs criticism of the playerstheir
unbelievable display of unsportsmanship-like conductduring the Team Tryouts. After one
and a half days of play, said Danny, 24 players had played 17 matches against the top players
in the U.S. At this point, 10 players were in the running for the 5 Team spots. Here were their
records: 1. Seemiller (17-0). 2. Lee (14-3). 3. Park (14-3). 4. Pradit (14-3). 5. Raphel (12-5).
6. Chui (11-6). 7. Resek. 8. Brathwaite. 9. Shiroky. 10. Sakai. Jerry Thrasher, on banging
super-sidespin loops through Park, came 11th (some thought, since he suffered a Rule
technicality, he deserved to be 10th). Highlight wins for those who didnt advance: Joe
Windham over Thrasher. Ray Guillen over Shiroky. Dennis Barish over both Bill Lesner and
Ricky Seemiller. And Ricky, in possibly the biggest upset, over D-J Lee.
Jairie Resek interrupts Danny, as it were (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 24), to tell us about
maybe the best and most exciting match of the tournamentRick Seemiller vs. Guillen. If
Ray wins, hes in and George [Brathwaite] is out, she says. Its the 3rd game and Guillen is
up 10-4. He mutters something like, I wish I could call my mother and let her know how Im
doing. (Hes a talker when he plays. During his match with G.B., with the score 16-4, Ray had
asked George, Is your watch an Omega?) Up 17-12, Guillen fails to return two serves, but
then pulls away to lead 20-16 quadruple match point. Only now he misses three straight loops,
then errs in trying to super loop Ricks super spin. Deuce! Now another error on Rays part

when Ricky gives him a slow roll. At 21-20, Dennis Barish, the umpire, calls a let. Says
Ricks serve is illegal. Big commotion. Rick serves again. Guillen misses.
Resuming his account, Danny says that when the 5 top finishing players were
scheduled to start the ladder system, we went on a sort of sit-down strike. We werent
totally against the ladder, were willing to go through it twice. But, given an ultimatum, we
had no choice in the matter and had to play on and on until the matches became quite
ridiculous. Brathwaite and Resek played four timeswith the last match being so much more
important than the first three. Raphel could have played Chui 5 times in these Tryouts, could
have won the first 4 times and yet had he lost the 5th Lim would have made the Team and not
Paul. This built-in contingency in the Tryout System seemed so unfair to us as to be absurd.
And the strange thing about it all was that the few officials who were there seemed to
think it was unfairyet didnt know what to do about it. And so for a long while confusion
reigned. (The absent Tournament Chair, Fox, would later say that the players have an
obligation to make their protests knownabout tournament conditions, regulations, or the
formatbefore play starts, not after its underway. Neal says he would have supported any
player who demanded a straight round robin or at least three round robin matches in the
preliminaries.Landau did not follow the procedure voted by the Selection Committee and
sent to the Regional Trials for posting. If complaints had been made in advance and I had been
called I would have ruled the tournament must be held as described.By not complaining
[until theyd played matches]the players involved made their complaints suspect. Victor
was then correct, says Neal, in pursuing his new format.)
Who finally made the Team? (Topics never did receive any results. Later I would get
them from USTTA Historian Miss Ping Neuberger.) Men: 1. Seemiller. 2. Chui. 3. Lee. 4.
Pradit. 5. Raphel. Women: 1. Rosal (9-0). 2. Bochenski (8-1lost deuce in the 3rd to Angie).
3. Martinez (7-2). 4. Bev Hess (5-4win over Olga). 5. Soltesz (5-4). 6.-7.-8. Myers (lost to
Rosal 19 in the 3rd), Green, and Felstein (3-6). 9. Angelinetta (2-7). 10. Stern (0-9).
After the matches, Martinez wrote me, said her parents, instead of remodeling their
restaurant, loaned her the money to come to Charleston where she said she had a chest cold.
She was very worried that if I didnt raise money she couldnt possibly go to Calcutta. As
Team Captain, Id begun a Fund-Raising Drivesent out a 1,000 form letters with
personalized one-liners that would eventually bring in $5,879.24 from 220 donors. Olga also
wrote me her concerns, but asked me not to make them public.
Danny thanks Mr. and Mrs. Mercz for their contribution to this Fund, but insists on
answering their charge that the Team members lacked sportsmanship, camaraderie, and a
sense of belonging. The players at these Charleston Tryouts, Danny said, were filled with
disgust at the Association. We most certainly lacked a sense of belonging. After Fox had
sent to our homes a detailed directive on round robin play, we come to Charleston and are hit
with the ladder system that this summer had proved so very unpopular. It blew our minds.
Dannys justifiably into venting, so Ill let him continue in his own words:
Equally infuriating was the lack of proper courts to play these extremely
important matches on. There were no barriers, except for one long piece down the
middle of the gym separating five tables from another five. If, on table 1, you killed a
ball at an angle, it just kept on going down through four more tablesat each of which
of course all down the line players had constantly to call a let or suffer someone
running through their line of sight to retrieve a ball.

Really, it was like the most amateur of YMCA round robinsthe kind you play
in when youre a kid. The tables were old and shiny, the lighting barely adequate.
Ridiculous too was the umpiring. I dont know if they seriously expected the players
who were knocking themselves out trying to make the Team to umpirebut that
thought was clearly repellent to us (we had enough of a job to do), and so maybe 75%
of our matches werent umpired.
Which leads me to your comment about camaraderie, Mr. Mercz. When you go to
the Worlds youre quite conscious of being on a Team, but here those individual matches
were for blood. I didnt have time to worry about my brother: if I had a ten minute break
and needed a drink, I didnt watch Ricky play, I hurried out to get a cokeI had to survive.

Danny Seemiller
From the Daily Oklahoman, May 24, 1974

Since there was no consideration for the players at this tournament, there was
obviously none for the spectators either. What spectators, in fact? Some local college
kids, who else? Ill bet there werent more than 50 paid spectators all told.
I tell you, Mr. Mercz, the players dont like it that our officials dont care
about us. We professionals want our game to be a sportlike golf or tennis or
bowling. We want morea lot more.
In our opinion, the players are the sportand we take our cues from Connors
or Nastase or Billie Jean King in tennis. Or Richie Allen in baseball. Or Kareem Abdul
Jabbar in basketballwho just recently said, I dont care if they fine me. That referee
is the most inept in the league and they ought to throw him out.
Charlie Disney echoed the Merczs comments:
I am shocked at the unsportsmanlike conduct exhibited by the top players,
both men and women, but especially the men, at the U.S. Open Team Trials in

Charleston. Players must understand that upholding the dignity of the Game is to their
own best interests.
They owe an apology to the sponsor and to the players beneath them. Even
though the tournament was not organized and planned as efficiently as everyone would
like, the players have an obligation to the sport, to their sponsors and fellow players to
behave like gentlemen. Those who tried to force their wishes upon players who were
not in their group midway through the event can only be looked on as poor sports.
President Boggan, before Captaining the Team to Jamaica, felt he could rely on Bill
Connelly, the Chair of these TryoutsTrials is the better wordbecause Bill was managing
the apparently successful Woodland Club in Grand Rapids and because this wouldnt be the
first tournament hed run in this Charleston Fieldhouse gym). But following his
disappointments here, Bill would announce (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 22) his retirement from
table tennis, both as manager of the Woodland Club and as a would-be promoter. He blamed
both the players strike at the U.S. Tryouts and financial worries at the Club. (Although he
and Jim Bednar couldnt make a decent living running Woodland, the Club would continue.
The new management consisted of eight local enthusiasts, each having an 1/8 share in the
business: Dell Sweeris, Tom McEvoy, Bob Hazekamp, Gary Peters, John Missad, Rick
Vanderlind, Jim Bruno, and Gordy Roedding.) Connelly believes the future of table tennis is
on the upswing, but it will be a slow process. He praises Magoos as a model club. He says
Dell Sweeris and Tim Boggan are great men beset with financial problems while trying to
promote table tennisthey must not be allowed to fade out of the sport.
Later, Bill will defend his Chairmanship of the Trials by detailing the circumstances he
was faced with. Heres what he had to say (TTT, July-Aug., 1975, 11; 22):
First of all, the USTTA had a difficult time finding anyone to hold these
final Tryouts. We took over the responsibility only after much reluctance. We received
no funds from the USTTA with which to work. Since there were no entry fees except
for the women we were hard-pressed to even come close to breaking even (we lost
about $300 in all).
We wrote Detroiter (Michigan Ladder Company) and Nissen requesting tables,
but we were turned down. Then we made several other phone calls, but were again
turned down. Finally we borrowed twelve Nissen tables and paid for U-Hauls to bring
them from Champaign. Also we used some of the Universitys tables. (By the way,
Eastern Illinois University donated their 8,000-capacity gym to us for the three days.
The usual cost is $300 a day.)
Jim Bednar and I made several trips to Charleston from Woodlawn to arrange
newspaper, radio, and TV coverage. We paid over $100 in printing costs as well as
almost $150 in phone bills. Also hotel bills and food money came out of our own
pockets. We supplied 3 gross of balls for the Tryouts.
I think we did as well as could have been expected with noabsolutely
zerohelp from the USTTA or anyone else. Our tournament wasnt handled in a
professional manner, I agree, but then most tournaments arent. We tried, but I guess
we failed. [It seems to me that President Boggans somewhat at fault for not having
given these Trials more of his attention before leaving for Jamaica. Perhaps he felt hed
done what he could and others would have to be responsible. Perhaps hed intended to

direct more attention to the Trials when he

Bill Connelly
returned, intended to be in Charleston in a
Photo by Mal
supervisory capacitybut then an
unexpected change affected him too.]
I think the players have some
legitimate gripes. They do deserve more
money and better playing conditions. They
are skilled athletes and should be treated
as such.
However, at the Tryouts several of
the top players acted like anything but
deserving professionals. Calling a players
strike at 1 AM the morning of the final day
isnt exactly mature. Especially when the
main reason for not playing was to keep
Chui off the team. Also the players who
were on the bottom of the ladder
(Brathwaite, Resek, and Shiroky) were
treated unfairly by their fellow players. I had nothing to do with setting up the Tryouts
System, but right or wrong, the protest was in poor taste and at the wrong time.
Vic Landau worked extremely hard at Charleston and was the only official
there with any practical experience in handling such a large and important
tournament.Whatever mistakes he made, he gave his best.
[Although its Bill still talking here, it might also be Joseph C.H.
Lee]Certainly the USTTA needs to set stricter regulations for future Tryouts and
also must enforce their decisionseven as far as disqualifying dissidents.Hopefully
then the future for such Tryouts will be brighter.
Danny Seemiller, expressing a post-Trials point of view, says (TTT, Mar.-Apr., 1975, 21A),
hes now against the one weekend Tryout System. He thinks Park deserved to be on the Team both
because of his 1973-74 record in tournaments and his play in the absurd endurance contest held in
Charleston. His presence on the Team might have been extremely important to us in Calcutta. He
also thinks the present Tryout System is bad for the Juniors. How can Juniors give 100% to table
tennis if theyre only going to get a one shot deal to make the U.S. Team?How can someone
like Mike Veillette give up his schooling to practice for the Tryouts? It just wouldnt be worth the
chance. If I may say so, the rebuttal to this is: What did Danny himself do but give up any thoughts
of schooling or a professional life in some other sport to devote full-time to Table Tennis? Dont we
want single-minded, goal-driven athletes, table tennis professionals on the U.S. World Team? Why
wouldnt being on the U.S. Team be worth the sacrifice that an Olympian makes? It all depends on
how much one cares about being excellent in a Sport.
* Danny Ganz in a Bats and Balls column (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 17) had the balls to
say, as if he were batty, that Topics ought to take in all racket sports on a 64-page deal. Have
32 pages for Table Tennis, 16 for Tennis, and the balance for Paddleball, Platform Tennis,
Paddle Tennis, etc. Then Id really be travelin around, huh?

Chapter Thirty-One
1974: Minneapolis E.C. Meeting. 1974: Minneapolis USOTCS.

Since it was both my duty and desire, I was off to

Minneapolis for an extended Nov. 27-Dec. 1 E.C. Meeting, held in
conjunction with the USOTCs. There in the Meeting Room at the
Radisson Hotel, amid the other USTTA officers presentCharlie
Disney, Dick Miles, Bob Kaminsky, Mal Anderson, and Lou
USTTA President
Bochenski whod take the Meetings Minutes (TTT, Jan.-Feb.,
Charlie Disney
1975, 23)and visiting non-E.C. membersGus Kennedy,
Rufford Harrison, and Steve BergerI formally resigned. It is
with great pain in my heart and soul that I resign the Presidency, I
said. I want to thank all those who have helped to further table
tennis during my term of office. There was a momentary shock
when Miles moved and Bochenski seconded that the E.C. not
accept Boggans resignation, that he be made to reconsider.
Voting results: For: Miles, Bochenski. Against: Anderson, Disney,
Kaminsky, Boggan. Defeated 4-2.
With Tims resignation regretfully accepted, Executive
Vice-President Disney became the new USTTA President.
Boggan was accepted as a proxy for Marv Shaffer. Jack Carr had
an approved absence because of his wifes illness. Disney
accepted the resignation of Fred Danner as Corresponding
Secretary and appointed Gus Kennedy in his place (which no one
USTTA Corresponding
objected toMiles abstaining). Disney moved, Anderson
Secretary Gus Kennedy
seconded that Rufford Harrison be named Executive VicePresident (no one objectedMiles abstaining).
The Treasurers Report stated that the Associations cash in banks was $13,953.64, in
CDs $5,000. Peter Stephens was approved (for a fee of $500) to do an audit of the USTTA
books. (No one objectedKaminsky abstaining).

With regard to financing the World Team trip to Calcutta, it

was estimated that it would cost $1,200 to $1,500 per person.
Harrison/Anderson: That Tim Boggan be appointed Captain of
the U.S. Team- Passed 5-2; and that from current USTTA funds
no one receive any funds other than the top four men and top
three women. Other appointments: Harrison as 1st Delegate,
Miles as 2nd Delegate, Mort Zakarin as Juryman, and Gus
Kennedy as Team Manager. Later, Boggan/Kaminsky proposed
successfully that we apply $581 which might further have
been allotted for unspecified international play to the U.S.
World Team Fund, and Boggan/Harrison proposed successfully
that the remainder of the money (about $1200) originally
assigned to the coaching committee be reapplied to the Team Fund
for the World Championships in Calcutta.
Disappointingly, few clubs wanted to work at supporting
the visiting Coaching Program Jeff Smart had suggested. However,
$500 in Coaching money has been held back for a Coaching Seminar in
conjunction with the 1975 U.S. Open. The aim, through a top-flight coach, is to teach the
U.S. coaches themselves modern world-class approaches. Jeff has distributed hundreds of
copies of his Practice Manual (see TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 8) in which he details the important
elements of the Gamefor example, topspin combinations, serve and receive, touch play,
opening shots (the player who can open first, off a push, or however, generally wins the point).
Muscle memory cant be emphasized enough; Its imperative that a player be capable of
performing his or her shots to near perfection under practice conditions of no pressure. Jeff
also offers tips on Match Strategyfor instance, how to play penholders, choppers, spinners;
and, continuing his many coaching articles in Topics, in the Mar.-Apr., 1975 issue, 26A, he
discusses basic side to side footwork especially designed for getting in position with the
Boggan/Kennedy proposed unsuccessfully that we take $2,500 from the general fund
and apply it to the Team Fund2 yes, 3 no, 2 abstained. (Mort Zakarin will write in to Topics
that he wants Lou to always record who voted specifically how.)
Public Relations Chair Fred Herbst wrote an article (TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 15-16)
emphasizing again his pet theorythe need for a paid staff for the USTTA. Volunteers
simply cant do a professional job, he argues. At first, you should attempt to find a full-time
director and secretary and a permanent office. Possibly a husband-wife team working out of
their home. A suggested budget would be about $25,000. The director should attempt to
obtain government and public foundation funds and foster the establishment of inter-scholastic
competition and community and industrial leagues.The present set up of tournaments
militates against newcomers.A new player must cough up about $30 to play a few events
and probably will get wiped out in the first round of each. I cant see much possibility of
growth under these conditions. Disney strongly agrees with Fred, so the E.C. unanimously
allocated $500 to Disney to make initial overtures toward raising funds for creating an office
for a full time Executive Secretary.
It was uniformly agreed that Neal Fox be allowed to rate those who play in leagues at
clubs for 25 cents per player per month and include them in the regular ratings (this of course
for clubs that wish to do so). Fox says the 1st and 2nd-place certificate awards for

developmental tournaments and rank levels achieved are at the printer and should be ready for
distribution soon. Neals produced charts on how ones rating changes per match depending
on the rating of who you play and whether you win or lose. For example, if your opponents
rating is 50 to 150 points higher than yours, and you upset him, you earn (as of TTT, Sept.Oct., 1974, 11) 15 points. Neal has also calculated what handicap an opponent should give or
receive if playing, say, a 50-point game. For example, if your opponent is rated 75-99 points
better than you, he/she must give you an 8-point start.
The E.C. decided Fox should be paid $500 via an increase in the Intercollegiate budget
of $500 (73-74 season). In return, hell produce film and
film loops of play. These copies to be paid for by the
Neal will later be irritated that both Charlie Disney and
Vic Landau have been so consistent at not reporting resultsa
non-thanks to the two of them. In the Jan.-Feb., 1975 Topics
(37), hell speak bluntly:

Vic Landau
Photo by Mal Anderson

The results of the Open held in the Twin Cities

before the USOTCs have also not been received. Victor
Landau has managed to lose the preliminary results of a U.S.
Trials for the second time (he lost the results of the U.S.
Team Trials in Oklahoma City). It is of course also the
second time he has taken almost two months to xerox and
mail a copy of what must be at least three or four sheets of
results. As of Jan. 7th, the results of both [the USOTCs and
the Team Trials] have not been received despite assurances
over the phone[from Charlie and Vic] that theyd get to
work on the problem.

All agreed with Miless suggestion that the USTTA approval seal (not the ITTFs)
should be made the ultimate approval in the U.S.
Disney signed a Topics contract with Editor Boggan (see TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 25).
The proposed Bylaw change concerning the opportunity to reply to criticism in the same
issue of Topics failed2 for, 2 against, 1 abstention.
Despite many of the players being unhappy with Vic Landaus ladder system used at
the just concluded final U.S. Team Trials, Vic was unanimously named Chair of the Selection
Committee, and will be reimbursed for his travel and hotel room expenses in coming to the
Team Trials.
Any money remaining in the E.C. Budget after this Meeting will be divided among the
E.C. members towards their Meeting expenses. The Rules Committee budget will be increased
U.S. World Team members to Calcutta were formally named (5 men, 4 women, and
alternates), and individual players gave their views of disruptive events at the Nov. 22-24
Team Trials. Have a seat, one of the Inquisitors said to Judy. What, no lights? she replied.
Miles proposed successfully that the E.C. pay $212.50 to the sponsor of the U.S. Team Trials
out of the U.S. Team Fund, and that a letter of apology be sent Mr. Connelly by President
Charlie Disney.

Minneapolis USOTCs
Appearing with the 1974
USOTCs entry blank in the
Sept.-Oct., 1974 Topics (7) was
Rich Sinykins article welcoming
all players. The tournament is to
be held Nov. 29-Dec. 1 at the
Minneapolis Armory, located
very close to the Tournament
Hotel, the downtown Radisson
that had given the local Magoos
Club $1,000 in sponsorship
money. The Minneapolis
Chamber of Commerce and the
Minneapolis Bureau of Tourism
were offering their assistance.
All participants and spectators
will receive a free tournament
program containing
advertisements for our
sponsors. (Of which its hoped
realistically therell be many?)
Rich says that, We at
Magoos are trying desperately
to make the 1974 USOTCs the biggest and best ever. He reminds us that many thought the
1972 Minnesota Classic that drew 5,000 spectators was the best tournament ever held in
the United States. Hopes are that this USOTCs will be an even bigger and better event. As
enticements, there will be a USOTC party at the Radisson Saturday nighta nationally
known magiciana fantastic performer will be on stageand of course the Magoos Club
with its 19 tables will be available for practice several nights before the tournament begins.
Hopefully, expectations will begin to take shape in players mindstheyll want to come.
Entry deadline is Nov. 6not perhaps much lead-time. Entry fees are $50 for Mens and
Junior Teams, $35 for Womens Teams. However, no prize money was mentioned on the entry
blank or in Richs article.
It used to be that players would just play and tournament organizers would just run
their tournamentsand nobody would expect anything in the way of financial compensation.
Amateurs played this two-way game because they loved table tennis (as if they couldnt love it
any other way?). And the Game got alongthat is, it survivedunderground.
But of course many of the top players, forever unrecognized, forever poor, forever
resigned, deep down felt abused. They didnt have the professional stature they ideally wanted,
and sometimes they had to beg, borrow, or steal to meet expenses for even partial circuit play.
Finally, a few sports-conscious men actedbegan giving out prize money. And other
tournament directors followed suit, some complaining, because now they too would like to be
paid for their non-playing work. Wasnt that work, after all, just as honest and valuable as
what the players did? In fact, where would the players be if it werent for the tournament
promoters, the directors? So ran the argument.

With prize money at stake, the players began to have a better opinion of themselves
and began to dream. Especially when someone like Charlie Disney, who had his own dreams,
took a chance and put on the $8,000 Minnesota Classic. Tournaments like this would spoil the
players, some said. And Tim Boggan would be responsible, in part, for spoiling them. Since I,
the USTTA President, wanted such prize-money tournaments, I would, in effect, be
encouraging the players to get out of hand, want too much.
Charlie Disney, being on the side of the players and wanting to help professionalize the
Sport, took a chance again. When no one else wanted to run the USOTCs, he responded to
my pleadings and took on the joband the lives of many people at Magoos and elsewhere
were affected. Both Charlie and Vince Koloski (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 26) publicly thanked
these workers and sponsors. Charlie singled out the following contributors: Marlys Soderberg
for her fund-raising efforts; Don Larson who
obtained sponsorship from Munsingwear, Mikes
Pro Shop, and Stewart Sandwiches; Gordy
MacDowell and Bob Kelly, Vice-Presidents for
Brinktun Industries, our biggest sponsor; the
Radisson Hotel; the IDS Center and N.W.
Airlines; Mal Anderson, Neal Fox, and Marv
Shaffer of the USTTA; John Weidman of Wiegen
Graphics and Steve Strauss for putting together
a great-looking program.
Charlie gave special mention to
Tournament Co-Chair Vince Koloski, who,
though inexperienced, demonstrated much
maturity for a young man. Thanks largely to
him, the tournament ran smoothly throughout.
Vince himself complimented Rich Sinykin for his
single most excellent performance of any
worker, praised him for doing the best job of
Marlys Soderberg, fund-raiser
publicity ever done on a major United States
tournament (the Magooers, I must say, as if you
hadnt noticed in past seasons, are ever ready with the laurel wreath). Vince also thanked in
general the legion of workers, typified by Al Schmitt, Gus Kennedy, Steve and Nick Steblay, and all
the inexperienced high school students [who] ran one of the best organized team tournaments ever
heldan opinion voiced by Mr. Team Tournament himself, George Buben.
However, Minneapolis was not Detroit, was not so centrally locatedand, worse, the
week before the Team Championships, the final U.S. Team Tryouts were going to be held (I wasnt
exactly besieged with offers to run that very important event, and sponsors have to take the venue
dates they can). This meant that the back-to-back expenses entailed in trips to Illinois and
Minnesota by those who wanted to think of themselves as professional players were, sadly, high
enough to suggest some pocket-emptying scene in an old Charlie Chaplin comedy.
Disney, meanwhile, in the original USOTC entry blank hed gotten out, had not wanted
to commit himself to money he didnt haveat least didnt have yet. Damn, he wasnt going
to do me and the USTTA the favor of running this huge, prestigious tournamenta National
Championshipand lose money in the process. If necessary, waive the USTTA sanction, for
better to have the tournament than not. But without any prize money listed on the entry blank,

there were few $50 entries from top teams, and, indeed, too few $50 entries from any teams.
So, how get those entriesespecially those of the professionals whose attendance Disney
needed to advertise and so promote the tournament?
Charlie, I said, youve got to get out another entry flyer right away and make sure
you indicate to the top players theres prize money. Thatll swing them your wayand more
satellite teams too. So, here comes a new entry blank. Its heading is: Great News!!! It
begins by saying that the USOTCs is the second largest and most interesting tournament of
the national season. Virtually every top player in the U.S. and Canada attends this tournament.
The team nature of the competition assures you of seeing the most matches between top
players of any tournament. The organizers expect 150 teams, so it will be 2 to 3 times the size of
the Minnesota Classic. O.k., if that rhetoric doesnt increase the field, its not for want of trying.
And now comes, We are happy to announce that we will be giving away a minimum
of $1,000 and a maximum of $4,000 prize money directly depending on the number of teams
entered. If 100 teams show, the prize money will be a $1,000. If 200 teams show, the prize
money will be $4,000and if or 150 of those 200 are Mens teams, the men will be
awarded, proportionally, of the prize money, or $3,000 (the women and juniors would each
get 12.5%). A happy example, surely: 200 teams.
But following hard upon that was this somewhat stark directive: The MTTA has taken
on financial responsibilities for over $6,000 to hold this tournament. To break even and
perhaps turn a small profit, we need your support as players, promoters, and workers at the
tournament site.The most money we can raise by tournament entries is $5,500 [110 entries
maximum]. Therefore, in order to prove that we in Minnesota can make a Table Tennis
Tournament a financially successful promotion we have to sell a lot oftickets. But
apparently at this tournament there wouldnt be anything like the 5,000 spectators who came
to the Minnesota Classic two years ago. Koloski in his article speaks of those who spent an
eternity at that boring and thankless of jobs, the ticket counter, speaks again of that selfsame
dungeon, the ticket desk.
Just as the USOTC organizers tried to put the best face they could on their
tournament, so did the professional players. And it was in part my fault. I had, without
meaning to, ambiguously told Fuarnado Roberts, my New York Team Captain, that there was
$1,000 minimum prize money. What I found out later Robbie wanted to think that meant
was$1,000 for the winning Mens Team. So when I got to Minneapolis, the first thing I heard
was the players highly critical reaction to the news that first place in the Mens would be worth
only $400 to the entire team. That is ridiculous, Timmy, Sakai was saying. That is ridiculous.
I got on the phone to Charlie and, though he certainly didnt like to be pressured by the
players, he did finally agree the next day in a conference with them to the following minicontract. He agreed to give to the Mens and Womens Teams 20% of ticket sales at the
doorat the door onlythis in addition to the $1,000 prize money. This 20% would be
divided among the men and women (not the juniors) according to the same % apportionment
as the $1,000. The players should appoint a representative to sit at the door and check the
cash sales. If they dont, theres no disputing Charlies figures.
One longtime professional player found this haggling over a few hundred more dollars
terribly demeaning. Play or dont play, he said. Just tell Charlie no hard feelings, but I cant
play in your tournament for this kind of money. Which precisely is what Roberts alone said
and didhe left. And though my team had lost an important member, I liked Robbie for taking
a strong stand. In fact, I pretty much always liked Robbie. But Charlie, I believe, did take it

Above: Michigan Wins! Below: Like a revolution. Winning U.S. Open Mens Team of, L-R: Jeff Smart,
Bill Lesner, Frank Sexton (in cap behind barrier), and, battering his way onto court, Paul Raphel.
Teammate Mike Veillette has just clinched win by beating Mike Bush of runner-up D-J Lees team.
Photos by Mal Anderson

personally, and you couldnt blame him for thinking, Hey, we ought to be working together-dont just flat-out leave.
New York didnt win the Mens. Michigan (Mike Veillette, Bill Lesner, Jeff Smart, Frank
Sexton, and Paul Raphel, whod turned up at D-J Lees busy booth saying he was--hint, hint-sockless) beat a pick-up Ohio team that fielded in a 5-3 final D-J Lee, Floridas Greg Gingold,
and Pennsylvanias Mike Bush. D-J won his 3 but could get no help from his teammates. Wheres
your book, D-J? someone asked him. Comin out soon, he said. Im writing it now.
In the Junior final, Pennsylvania (Bruce Plotnick and Rick and Randy Seemiller) destroyed
the Californians (Dean Galardi, Dennis Barish, and the Twin Cities Brandon Olson), 5-0.

Insook Na (foreground) returning still

another of Angelita Rosals smashes
Photo by Mal Anderson

The Womens
California (L-R: Judy Bochenski, Pam Ramsey, and Angelita Rosal)
wins the Womens USOTCs; Photo courtesy of Pam Ramsey
final went to California
(as pictured here: Judy
Bochenski, Pam Ramsey,
and Angelita Rosal) over
Ohio (Insook Na and
Carol Cook). Insook
won 2 but couldnt win
the doubles with Carol.
Tribune reporter Joe
Soucheray (Dec. 1,
1974) did a Profile on
18-year-old Angelita. He
noticed , I presume, the
Indian head on the back
of her blue warm-up suit,
found out that she was the daughter of a full-blooded Sioux [her mother] and a Filipino [her
father], and that occasionally she was able to take advantage of her heritage, got some
sponsorship from runner Billy Mills and the American Indian Activities Association. Once,
Angie thought she was going to make a scorealmost got a contract to do some cosmetic
advertisements but the agency backed down at the last moment. People cant relate to a table
tennis player, they told her.

Two letters (TTT, Mar.Apr., 1975, 22A) summed up

attitudes toward this years
USOTCsone, attacking, by
Frank Sexton; the other,
defending, by Jean Kennedy,
Guss wife, who made the
beginning point that the MTTA
took on the tournament rather at
the last minute. It takes time,
she said, to line up strong
financial backing, superior playing
facilities, and the comforts players
are entitled to. Considering the
time element alone I believe we
did one heck of a job.
Frank complained that in
many places [though not in the
center of the arena] the lighting
Jean Kennedy
Frank Sexton
Photo by Mal Anderson
was substandard and that the
floor was not consistent, there being wood under only 4 tables
and cement under the others. Jean responded that we had an electrical engineer [her husband
Gus] working night and day to provide good lightingand I might add courting suicide to
string them. Knowing his efficiency and knowledge of the subject we had the best lighting
possible for our facility.
Frank objected to the tables. Their bounce was inconsistent and varied with almost
every shot. On one occasion I wiped my hand on the table, only to find green paint on it. Jean
agreed to the paint adhesion, but said that was just what happened at the Sarajevo Worlds
where the tables used there were world famous.
Frank was blunt in saying that, It was disgraceful the way the players were cheated
[sic] out of prize money. I was a member of the winning team at this tournament and barely
made expenses. I broke even only by enduring the hardships of a 22-hour bus ride. How are
we going to achieve a degree of professionalism when a member of the winning team cannot
even afford to fly to and from the tourney? Jean replied that we gave all there was to
give.All posted prize money and more (due to the boycott of some players) was awarded
[the boycott settled when Charlie agreed to give 20% of the ticket sales at the door as more
prize money].If I remember correctly, there were no flights to Michigan because of a serious
winter storm and those people [caught in it] were required to stay an extra night in
Minneapolis. That was an act of God. Please dont blame the Minnesota organization for
additional expenses.
Frank, dressed in street clothes, said he was warming up his teammate Bill Lesner before
an important match when an official told him, insultingly, to get off the court. This was an easy
opening for Jean: (A.) Professionalism dictates proper attire on a playing floor. (B.) Officials were
ordered to eject all persons not appearing in playing attire from the playing floor.
Frank claimed that kind and respected Peter Pradit was insulted at the Players
Banquet. Who did that? asked Jean. One would have to be a sadist to mistreat Peter.

Frank was outraged at the Banquet. Many people paid three dollars to hear a secondrate comedian who did nothing but bore a large percentage of the people. That, plus the food
and expensive price of drinks, made many people shake with disgust and anger.
Jean answered, Mr. Chris Faye of Mankato, Minnesota is a College Professor,
Professional Magician, and a super person to drive 60 miles to perform for you free of charge.
He must be flattered to hear he is also a second-rate comedian. Don Larson kept reminding
the players that the hors doeuvre table was not meant to take the place of dinner. But
because of the lack of consideration by a few, some of us had to do without. The cash bar
at the party reflected the going price in Minneapolis. You wouldnt want us to dip into the
prize money to provide cheap drinks, would you?
Undoubtedly some of the players were sometimes out of linebut they had a cause,
which I initially and continually supported. Prize Money in tournaments was here to stay. And
the USTTA and the ITTF would be better for it.


Chapter Thirty-Two
1975: What the U.S. Team Can Expect in
Calcutta: the World Scene (Sept., 1974
Through Jan., 1975).
Largely through the efforts of Mort
Zakarin, the Association had a chance to do
right by its playersand did. Mt. Airy Lodge
in the Pennsylvania Poconos, through the
efforts of its very cooperative owner Emil
Wagner and General Manager Ron Logan,
again agreed to host the U.S. Team before it
left for India. Of course it had all the resort
amenities for honeymooners, but it was also
perfect for us. It had just the right private,
spacious Sports Palacea wooden-floor
training hall that a serious, single-minded
Team needs. And our Team was serious. Said
an outside observer, They ran before
breakfast, exercised, andone had only to
see the size of Pradits blisterpracticed
hard. Then, following their attendance at the
Jan. 25-26 Manhattan Open (which Id talked
Emil Wagner, U.S. Teams host at Mount Airy
about in Chapter Twenty-Eight), the Team
Lodge, on finishing a friendly game with D-J
made ready to leave.
Photo by Mal Anderson
Were they
to review on their
long flight to
India what had
happened East
and West on the
World scene since
the new season
started, heres
what theyd be
reading and
talking about.
Well start with
write-up (TTT,
Sept.-Oct., 1974,
3) of the Sept. 1The Iran and China Teams before their match at the Asian Games
16 7th Asian
Photo courtesy of Houshang Bozorgzadeh (back row, second from right)
Games in Teheran

(16 sports, 3,000 athletes). Before giving us the Table Tennis results (13 Mens teams, 8
Womens teams; 14 countries represented), Houshang speaks of the excellent facilities,
including the 100,000-seat Aryamehr Stadium and the Games Village wherein Minneapoliss Al
Schmitt showed a [color] film of the 1974 U.S. Open. The Games complex was formed
around the Stadium and boasted ten different first-class venues in a park-like setting
surrounding a man-made lake. At the Opening Ceremony, 20,000 pigeons were released and
each was trained to return to its nesting place in order to avoid dangers to planes using the
nearby airport. Table Tennis was played in a 3,000-seat Hallwith 8 Nissen tables in the
spectator area and another 22 in the practice area. It was the first time American equipment
had ever been used in the Asian Games (thank Houshangs connection with George Nissen for
Results: Womens Teams: Final: China (Chang Li and Cheng Huai Ying) over South
Korea, 3-1 (Koreas Chung Hyun Sook beat Cheng). Preliminaries: China over North Korea,
3-1 (China lost the doubles to Bak Yong Soon/Kim Chang Ae); South Korea over Japan, 3-2:
Lee Ailesa over Yukie Ohzeki, -19, 19, 15; Chung Hyun Sook over Tomie Edano; Ohzeki/
Edano over Lee/Kim Jin Hi; Edano over Lee; Chung over Ohzeki, deuce in the 3rd! Japan beat
North Korea, 3-0, to finish 3rd.
Mens Team: Final: China over Japan, 5-4! Hsu Shao-fa over Masayuki Kuse;
Hasegawa over Li Chen-shih; Liang Ko-liang over Mitsuru Kohno; Team Captain Hasegawa
over Hsu, 19 in the 3rd; Liang over Kuse; Kohno over Li Chen-shih, 19 in the 3rd; Liang over
Hasegawa; Kohno over Hsu; Li Chen-shih over Kuse. North Korea beat Hong Kong, 5-1 to
finish 3rd. South Korea beat Iran, 5-4 to finish 5th. Bozorgzadeh had a very good win over Choi
Sung Kuk who two months later would be the Triple Crown winner in the South Korean
National Championships. Unfortunately, Houshang would not be going to the Calcutta Worlds
because of a slipped disc.
Womens Singles: 1. Chang Li. 2. Chung Hyun Sook. 3. Chinas current World
Champion Hu Yu-lan. 4. North Koreas Bak Yong Ok. Mens Singles: 1. Liang. 2. Kohno. 3.
North Koreas Yoon Chol (who beat Hsi En-ting). 4. Hsu. Hasegawa lost to Hong Kongs Li
Kuang Tsu. Hasegawas triumphs have almost come to an end. Worse, the ITTFs Table
Tennis Illustrated Editor Ian Marshall will tell us three decades later that Hasegawa will die in
2005 at the early age of 58. As weve seen, hed begun writing articles for the Tamasu
Butterfly Company. We didnt know, though, that he had an interest in classical music, or that
in Japan he became known as Popeye after the cartoon character who, when he ate spinach,
assumed great strength and had rippling muscles.
Other results: Mens Doubles: Hasegawa/Kohno over Liang/Li Chen-shih, 3-1.
Womens Doubles: Chang/Cheng over Ohzeki/Edano, 3-1. Mixed: Liang/Cheng over South
Koreas Kang Moon Soo/Kim Soon Ok.
Thats as much as Houshang can help us with, but we do have other correspondents
the first of whom will be Cosmo Graham whos traveled into Northeast England to cover
(TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 6) the Oct. 26-27 Halex Humberside Open. This is a 3-star tournament
that opens with the added feature of a Super League round. Six 3-man teams, composed of
two Seniors (in England someone most assuredly under 40) and a Junior, representing
virtually all the best male players in England, play a complete round robin through the season,
I presume at five different locations.
Table 1. Paul Day, Englands Boys #1, lost to England #3 Des Douglas, deuce in the
3rd, but recovered with two wins. First he downed the ungainly, quick-hitting Tony Clayton,

Tony Clayton
From the 1971
Chinese Team to the
British Isles Program

Roger Lagerfeldt
Photo by Mal Anderson

England #16, when Clayton, ad down in the 3rd,

missed a hangar. Then he beat his friend Andy
Barden, Englands Boys #2, who back in the
summers European Youth Championships teamed with Day to reach the finals of the Boys
Doubles by upsetting Swedens Per Sandstrom and Roger Lagerfeldt. Alan Hydes added his
two wins to Days, and since Don Parker stopped the luckless Clayton, the Day team won,
Table 2. Scheduled opponents Ian Horsham and Mike Johns couldnt get back from
Jamaica in time to play, so substitutes came inone of whom, Dave Brown, England #10,
almost joined Englands #5 Jimmy Walker in beating Englands #2 Denis Neale. But at 18-all
in the 3rd, the pressure got to him and, hand shaking, he jabbed some easy ones off. Brown
(coming in for Johns) also lost to the other substitute, Benny Robertson (coming in for
Horsham), and when their teammate Dave Alderson dropped all three, the match went to the
Neale team.
Table 3. The stylish John Kitchener, Englands #11, won out over Scotlands Richard
Yule in 3, with Yule hitting as hard as he could whenever possible and Kitchener elegantly
dispatching the loose balls to places Yule was unlikely to reach. Kitchener also won a furious
counter-driving match from Englands #4 Junior Mark Mitchell. But since neither Kitchener
nor Trevor Taylor could stop Englands #1 Nicky Jarviss loops, and Peter Taylor went south
on all three, the Jarvis team won 5-4and after two rounds took over the League lead.
Ah, here come the English players returned from Jamaica. Haslam had been impressed
by Seemiller and was full of praise about his play. Johns was wearing an I want your body
button and regaling people with stories of Jamaica (Oh, yes, it rained once, he said. For 15
straight hours. Earlier, Id asked, How long is it going to rain, Robbie? And Robbie had said,
About three-quarters of an hour.
The first night of this Humberside Open they played the Doubles. Johns thought that,
after his phone call saying hed be late, he wasnt going to be scratched, but he wasto move
Jarvis/Walker (ought to be seeded #2?) to the Johns slot on the other side of the draw,
away from Neale/Taylor. Turns out, though, that Dennis/Trevor were beaten by Day/Barden,
and that Douglas/Parker would sweep all before them, including Jarvis/Walker. Douglas
would also win the Mixed with Linda Howard.
In an early upset in the Singles, Bob Wiley, Englands #6 Junior, beat Haslam who, like
some others, didnt want to play to begin with. Johns defaulted in protest that he got scratched

in doubles; Hydes didnt show; and Alderson had some sort of injury. Want an early-round fun
match? Try Neale vs. John Hilton, ranked #17 but considered the best defender in England.
Hilton, like his doubles partner Pete DArcy (they beat Clayton/Laurie Landry), is a junk-ball
specialist. He plays with anti-spin rubber on his backhand and normal inverted sponge on his
forehand. He has every shot in the book (and, as someone said, a few that arent), and is
prone to what another chap over here calls comical, volatile outbursts. John cant beat
Neale, but he can entertain the audience.
Denis then beats Barden in one of those matches where he kills, Andy kills it back,
and Denis kills it again to win the point. Walker, too, despite his flashing backhands,goes
down to Neale. Jimmys up 19-15 in the 1st after Denis has complained hes fast-serving him,
but then wanting to rush is Jimmys undoinghe loses 6 in a row. In the 2nd, one of Jimmys
shoes literally breaks, and, though Jarvis brings him another pair, theres a serious break in his
concentration too. Meanwhile, Alan Ransomes blocks dont bother Jarvisbut Englands #10
Junior Dave Iszatts shenanigans do. Iszatt, swearing frequently and making obscene
gestures, winswow, is zatt so?the first game. But he cant bring off the upset. Nor can
Ransome outsteady Jarvis.

English stars Des Douglas and Nicky Jarvis

On the other side of the draw, Horsham, down 1-0 and 20-16 quadruple match point to
Lancashires intense looper, Parker, had one foot in the grave and the other on a patch of
ice. But once he scraped through the 2nd, his serves, his jab backhands, and powerful
forehands allowed him to win the 3rd easily. But then Douglas was too strong for him. John
Kitchener has improved to where he now has an extremely effective forehand loop and kill.
He seems to play in a dream, so smooth and elegant and fluid is his style. Against his friend
and doubles partner Dave Tan, the best penholder in England, John missed some dead easy
forehands at crucial times, but won in 3. Then he lost to Taylor in the quarters.
In the one semis, Neale has to attack before Jarvis can loop to Deniss backhand. That
means he has to jam the ball down Nickys backhandand then, just as Jarvis steps around,
switch to a fast one down the forehand line. For even if Jarvis lobs it back, Denis will
eventually kill it through him. However, since Nickys marginally faster than Denis, its
understandable he leads 20-15. Not so understandable, though, is the fact that he then loses 7
in a row. But with fan support favoring him, Nickys furious backhand counter-driving,
forehand looping, and lobs win out, 19 in the 3rd, over Deniss backhand counters and
forehand kills. In the other semis, its Douglas over Taylor.

As the final starts, Des is given the edge over Nicky because of his excellent touch
and switch-blade reflexes. But though Douglas wins the 1st, he then seems content merely to
block and this alone is not enough. Des has only won one singles tournament in England and
seems to be developing a mental block about winning tournaments.
Were fortunate to have our own Danny Seemiller to report on two back-to-back
tournaments he attended. First (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 5), the Scandinavian Open, held Nov.
28-Dec. 1 at Karlshamn, Sweden. Figuratively and literally, it was quite a triptotal traveling
time was almost 26 hours non-stop. The four teams that had been taking turns hosting a
series of Four Nations tournaments among themselvesJapan, China, Yugoslavia, and
Swedenall had players there. In the Mens Teamswhich Danny, as the sole representative
of the U.S., couldnt play inthere were two early upsets. Czechoslovakia downed Japan, 31with Milan Orlowski, who played marvelously the whole tournament, winning two, and
Jaroslav Kunz [the recently crowned Czech Champion over Orlowski] winning one. The
Soviet Union beat Yugoslavia, 3-2. Surbek, almost 29 now, won his twobut why the
Yugoslavs played Karakasevic instead of Stipancic beats me.
In the one semis, the Chinese
stopped the Czechs, 3-0.
Orlowski, winner of the Belgian
Open over Germanys Jochen
Leiss a few weeks earlier, was
Liang Ko-liang
right in there with Li Chen-shih
knocked down--but
until, down 20-19 in the 3rd, he
wait till he gets up
served off! In the other semis, it
was Sweden over Russia.
Strangely, the Soviets didnt play
Gomozkov, whos had wins over
Bengtsson; instead, they allowed
Strokatov to get killed by both
Stellan and Kjell Johansson. Sarkis
Sarkhajan scored Russias lone
winover Johansson. In the final,
China dominated: Liang Ko-liang
over Kjell in 3, Li Chen-shih over
Stellan in 3; and, ohh, the Chinese over the World Champion Swedes in the doubles, 15, 12.
(Later, however, the Swedes did win the Doubles hereover Gomozkov/Sarkhojan.)
The Soviets did pretty well in the Womens Teams. Before being zapped in the final by
Japan, they upset China in the semis, 3-2. In the Womens Singles, there was an 8ths upset
when Swedens Ann-Christin Hellman outlasted the current South Korean Champion Lee
Ailesa, 3-2. Hellman then lost in the semis to Chinas Chang Li. Chang in turn would be
beaten in the final by her compatriot, Huang Hse-ping, after Huang had advanced over the
1973 Czech World finalist Alicia Grofova. Womens Doubles went to Chinas Hu Yu-lan and
Ke Hsin-ai over the Russians, Zoya Rudnova who 10 days earlier in Budapest had won the
Hungarian Open at the 50-Year Celebration of their Association, and Elmira Antonian whod
accomplished the Hat Trick at the summer European Youth Championships.
In Mens Singles, Johansson, the #1 seed and the tournament favorite, was beaten
three straight by Liang Ko-liang. Liang has now changed his game once again and plays

offense and defense equally well. He has some sort of anti-spin on his backhand and Johansson
just couldnt read the spin. Bengtsson, whod won the Hungarian Open over Kunz, was also
upsetby Chinas left-handed looper Li Cho-min. Stellan was up 18-15 in the 4th when Li
smashed the ball for three points in a row as, incredibly, they all hit the edge. The match
ended with Li way out of position and Stellan missing a very easy shot.
Danny himself opened against Japans Isao Nakandakare, He was a bit nervous, he
said, because I didnt want to come all this way just to play one match (there was no
consolation in this tournament). No need to worryDanny, getting in many good loops,
and forcing Isao to make, as he said, many errors receiving my service, beat him 3-0. Many
of the players and officials were quite surprised at that result. Then, after downing Swedens
Bengt Levin (with whom he played Doubles) Seemiller was ready for his 8ths match.
And who was his opponent? Dragutin Surbek, World #2. And where were they
playing? On the feature
table. After winning the 1st
game, and leading 12-9 in the
2nd, Danny said, I was almost
getting thoughts of winning the
tournament. But he couldnt
take advantage of his lead, nor
could he stay ahead from 1310 in the 3rd, and so lost in 4.
But a great showing
Quarters results:
Surbek over Liang, 3-0;
Stipancic over Gomozkov, 3-2;
Orlowski over Japans Imano,
3-0; and Li Chen-shih over his
Dannys opponent on the feature table: Dragutin Surbek
Photo by Mal Anderson
fellow countryman Li Te-yang,
3-0. In the one semis,
Stipancic beat Orlowski in 4, three of which were deuce games. In the other semis, it was
Surbek against Li Chen-shih, both of whom were undefeated in the Team event. In the 5th, the
Yugoslav had built up a 9-5 lead. And now, said Danny, they played the best point I have ever
seenand also the one that probably decided the match. Surbek served and looped about 6 or
7 fast loops, then Li killed one and Surbek started lobbing. This went on for about 7 or 8
smashes until, finally, Surbek killed Lis killand then, when it came back, killed it again,
then, miraculously, needing to kill it still one more time to win the point, managed to do so
before ending up on the floor. Surbek won that game 21-8. The Yugolsav-Yugoslav final was
boringSurbek beat Stipancic 3-0.
Danny closes this account of his overseas Swedish experience by writing, For anyone
who loves table tennis, this was a beautiful tournament.
But he hadnt finished his trip abroad yet. The following week he played in and
reported on (TTT, Jan-Feb, 1975, 7) the Dec. 8 London International that had an invited field
of 2 women and 8 men. In apparently the one token match, Englands #1 Jill Hammersley
(formerly Shirley) beat the Czech Grofova very easilywhich is what had happened at the
earlier Polish Open. (Grofova didnt win the Czech Nationals eitherlost in the final to

Zizkova.) Dannys 1st match in his A Group round robin is against the English #1 Jarvis. Hes
up 1-0 and 19-18so what did he do? Serves off! And not once but twice! Then loses the
game by missing an easy shot. Then loses the 3rd. What a bummer!
Next up for Danny? Denis
Neale. This was the
feature match and was
televised all over England.
It was the one I really
wantedand also needed,
Danny said. He won the 1st,
but could sense he was in
trouble: I found Denis
very hard to play, he said.
In the 2nd, Danny rallied
from down 8-1 to catch
Neale at 18-all. I took a
towel break because I
knew, having the serve, this
was my chance. But the
next three pointswell, I
lost them all after long
counter-driving rallies. In
the 3rd, Dennis played
superblyand so another
Englands Denis Neale (right) shown here with Des Douglas
chance for Danny was
Photo courtesy of Melbourne, Australias Herald-Sun
Seemiller did beat Indias Niraj Bijajwhom Neale stopped 2-0 but Jarvis had to
struggle to get by, 25-23 in the 3rd. After Nickyd won that close one, and was up 1-0 and 2016 against Neale, hed win his Group,
right? Nope. Dennis grittily pulled it
out, 23-21.
In the first matches in Group
B, Orlowski beat Denmarks Claus
Pedersen, and Canadas Errol Caetano
beat Englands one-time whiz-kid
Chester Barnes, both in 3. The 2ndround matches were also easy:
Orlowski over Barnes; Pedersen over
Caetano. In the 3rd round Orlowski
continued his onslaught; while Barnes
downed Pedersen in a well-played
match. Chester, however, will soon
tell reporter John Oakley of the
London Evening News that, though he
makes around 9,000 pounds a year
Chester Barnes
(mostly by giving exhibitions at holiday
From the 1971 Chinese Tour of the British Isles Program

camps during the summer?), hes going to quit Table Tennis to sell beer. Table Tennis has no
future100-pounds prizes, theres no money in the Sport. Theres more money in pulling
That brings not Danny to the semis, but us. In criss-cross play, Orlowski defeats
Jarvis, 2-0; and Pedersen downs Neale, 2-1. Then, for the 500-pound 1st prize, Orlowski holds
strong with two 21-19 games. It was said that Orlowski first improved his attack at Shenshu
University (where Dennis Barish went) with the help of former World Champion Shigeo Ito
during his one month stay in Tokyo in 1972.
Danny reminds us in closing that at Sarajevo he went 3 with Pedersen and that Lee and
Pradit lost deuce in the 3rd to him. So how good can he be? Or how good can we be?
Our next correspondent is Phil Reid (TTT,
May-June, 1975, 5), reporting on the Norwich Union
International held Jan. 8-11 at Brighton. In Mens Team
play, England I beat West Germany, when Neale took
down both Leiss and Peter Stellwag who, Alsercoached, had come close to beating the USSRs Bagrat
Burnazian in the European Youth final. Neale also
paired with Douglas to take the doubles. Then, not
surprisingly, in the semis, England I lost to China I.
As for England II, watch em! They knocked
out France, 3-2, when Jarvis won a big swing match
from 25-year-old, already 9-time National Champion
Jacques Secretin, saving several match points before
winning 10, 23, 22. While the U.S. was suffering
through its November Trials weekend, Secretin was
winning his first French Openover Hungarys Gabor
Russias European Youth Champion
Gergeley whod paired with Jonyer to win the Doubles
Bagrat Burnazian
Photo by Tommy Andersson
there. With Jonyer? Why not with Klampar? Croatian
writer/historian Zdenko Uzorinac interrupts England
IIs advance to tell us why (TTT, Jan.-Feb., 1975, 3):
Tibor Klampar, of Hungary, has been
disqualified for life from table tennis! This is a very
severe punishment by the Hungarian Association to one
of the worlds best players. The 23-year-old World
(Nagoya, 71) and European (Novi Sad, 74) Doubles
Champion made many, many troubles during his play,
and from his early youth he was a problem for his
officers. An enfant terrible, they called him. Officials
had hoped that the army and marriage would correct
his manners, but all was in vain.
The Press announced some of Klampars
offenses: groundlessly postponed playing in the
European Championships in Rotterdam in 72; did not
give to Hungarian officials the gold cup won in New
York; postponed play against some nations in the

The enfant terrible

From 1972 Europe Top Twelve Program

Worlds of 73 and the Europeans of 74; decided on a special boycott against Sweden
in Novi Sad; cursed a lady doctor, really came at her, in a Budapest hospital; in a
training camp made a scandal and did not seriously practice; attacked the women
players in his Club and on the National Team; drank too much; was very out of line
with the main National Coach Berczik; etc. In the end, the comment of the Disciplinary
Commission, in the Budapest newspaper Nep-sport, was this: One great master is
lost, but this loss makes simultaneously a profit for the sport of Hungarian Table
So well not see Klampar at Calcutta. Or ever again?
AndWHAT! Jonyers been suspended too! Because of a customs offense, while
traveling back to Budapest from the French Openhis playing in Calcutta is questionable. Oh,
yeah, keep him out tooteach em both a lesson. How important, really, is a player or two?
[Whoops. The Hungarian Association quickly had a change of heart. According to
ITTF Bulletin #142 (Dec., 1974), Klampars suspended only until Aug. 15, 1976, and he has
permission to play in team matches for his Club.]
O.K., lets get back to some bulwarks of European table tennis society. Englands
Trevor Taylor, for instance. Against the USSRs Sarkhoyan, he rallied to win in 3. And Jarvis,
what did he do after hed lost the 1st to Gomozkov? Took a 14-117-2 lead in the 2nd. Then,
up 20-19 in the 3rd, made a great forehand kill for the win. And in the doubles? Taylor and
Jarvis had their tails upwhich meant England II had blanked Russia I and had surprisingly
reached the final, where theyd meet China I. Something, Rumor said (ridiculously?) that the
Russians didnt want to do.
Against China, Jarvis opened with a win over Wang Chia-lin. Then Taylor came on against
Li Ching-kuang and lost the 1st 22-20. But in the 2nd, Trevor, always a shrewd tactician, started
moving Li around more and angling the ball wide on his forehand. Taylor won that game at 19. In
the 3rd, Taylor hit with surprising power (dynamic kills have never been Trevors strong point),
and eventually the game was tied at 19-all. Now Li Ching-kuang threw the ball high in the air
and served off! A rally followed that culminated in Taylor powerfully hitting a forehand that the
Chinese player was unable to cope with. England II (2)China I (0).
However, though England was up 1-0 and 14-11 in the doubles, they couldnt close.
And then Li tomahawked Jarvis, 13, 6. So, could Trevor take Chia-lin? Well, if he couldnt
move the Chinese away from the table, he could
move him around. Both Reid and Mike Johns were
surprised at the complete lack of enthusiasm from
Zoki Kosanovic
most of the English contingent present. At 19-all in
Photo by
the 3rd, Chia-lin hit a rather indifferent loser, after
Robert Compton
which Trevor followed with a strong winner.
Englands winwas it a Friendship First,
Competition Second gift? Whod want to think
that? It was a great day for English table tennis.
Though Danny Seemiller didnt get to play
singles and doubles in the Teams, he did get to do that
in the Individuals. In Doubles he paired with Horsham,
and they won two matches before losing to the
Yugoslavs, Karakasevic and Zoran Zoki Kosanovic,

a player Ill be talking quite a bit about when he emigrates to Canada. Caetano/Gonda went
down to Frances Patrick Birocheau/Regis Canor, and Polisois and his pick-up Chinese partner
Jen Kuo-Chiang were beaten by Neale/Douglas who were eliminated in the semis by
Sarkhoyan/Gomozkov. Li Ching-kuang/Kuo Yao-hua won their semis over Leiss/Stellwag. In
the final, the Russians hit right through the Chinese.
In the semis of the Womens Team play, China I beat West Germany I, 3-0, and China
II, after finishing off the USSR, 3-1 (Svetlana Federova beat Li Ming), blanked England I.
Reid felt the two Chinese pairs didnt make for a good Team final, or for a good Womens
Doubles final. In the Mixed, the Canadians, Polisois/Domonkos and Caetano/Hsu, were beaten
immediately The German team of Manfred Baum and Belgian Open winner Wiebke
Hendriksen certainly must have surprised Gomozkov/Antonian, but their joy was short-lived,
for they then lost to Jarvis/Hammersley, losers in the semis to Li Ching-kuang/Yen Kui-li.
Desmond Douglas/Linda Howard knocked out Strokatov/Federova, but then were stopped in
5 by Secretin/Bergeret. Reid much admires Secretins technique, temperament and discipline.
He never attempts to try to do too much or be too clever and yet hes a showman. A natural
for the Press and TV people. The Mixed final was a crowd-pleaserwith the Chinese winning
in 5.

Canadas Gloria Hsu

From CTTA Table Tennis News, May, 1975

In the Womens Singles, the

Canadians had to play Qualifying
Russias Elmira Antonian
matches. Mariann Domonkos advanced
Photo by Mal Anderson
easily before losing a close 1st-round
match to Jana Eberle, -20, -19, 17, -20. Against Englands Linda Barrow, Gloria Hsu prevailed only
by dint of a gutsy comeback, winning the 4th 22-20, the 5th 21-19. Understandably, she then fell to
Carole Knight, a member of the English Team. English hopes were dashed when Jill Hammersley
was ousted by Chinas hard-hitting Yen Kui-Li. Yen then went out to Frances Claude Bergeret who
was eliminated in the semis by another Chinese, Liu Hsin Yen. Meanwhile, the USSRs Antonian, a
substitute for Hungarian Open winner Zoya Rudnova, had prevailed over Englands Howard in 5,
and had gotten to the final, coming from 2-1 down to beat Chinas Yu Ching-chia. In the Teams,
Liu had practically toyed with the Russian, 13, 12, but now she seemed almost powerless. Antonian
moved her about, hit down both wings, varied the paceand won 3-0!

In the Mens Singles, Danny lost in 5 to Heinrich Lammers whod be a semifinalist in

the 75 German Nationals. Mike Johns said Danny just wasnt playing nearly as well here as
he had been in Jamaica. Said hed lost confidence and wasnt hitting now like he was. The
Canadian players did as well as could be expected. Errol Caetano drew Li Ching-kuang in the
1st roundwent to deuce one game. Peter Gonda lost to Kitchener in 4. And Alex Polisois
took a game from Gomozkov. Quarters (all 3-0): Sarkhoyan over Neale; Strokatov, the 71
European Youth Champion, now 19, over Li Ching-kuang; Gomozkov over Baum; and
Secretin over Chinas great World Champion-to-be, Guo Yue-hua.
The one semis saw Strokatov, hitting well down both wings, eliminate his
countryman Sarkhoyan. The other, the Gomozkov-Secretin match, drew Reids rapt interest:
appears to have put on a
considerable amount of
weight but still seems as
nimble as ever. And some of
his shots, particularly his
backhand kills, are quite
incredible. When theyre
going on you wonder how on
earth he can lose. When they
arent you wonder how such
an erratic player could ever
beat anyone.Gomozkov
was hitting some quite
The Russian Teddy Bear, Gomozkov
fantastic shots which he had
every right to see vanishing onto the boards behind Secretin, but instead the agile
Frenchman contrived to return most of them [and was able to win in the 5th].
The televised final was a dream match-up, ruthless Russian power hitter vs. clever
French defender who used chop, topspin, and that peculiar sidespin shot hes so adept at. And
then, with games tied 1-1, the cool Frenchman brought more variety to his play, producing

Strokatovs drives vs. Secretins lobs

Photos by Mal Anderson


attacking strokes of his own. Such grace, elegance, skillits a pleasure to watch Secretin.
And Strokatov? Power, muscle, determination, and speed, A perfect contrast.
Into the 5th they go. One rally towards the end of this match was deemed so good that
it was featured on all subsequent news bulletins on TV for the rest of the dayan
unprecedented event in this country. But the marathon match is about over. Strokatovs up
20-16has four match points.Then its 20-18. Here comes a Strokatov forehand. Secretin
retreats, returns it. Another kill. Back it goes. And another. A high lob that Secretin is so good
at. The rally goes on and on. Magnificent stuff. Eventually, Strokatov misses. 20-19. But then
he doesnt missthe Russian kills a winner. As the crowd claps and cheers, its obvious there
are really no losers herethey both have done much for English table tennis.
Doug Stewart and I presume
Bob Lassenthough Greg Sawin*
was also listed as Editor of the
Auckland, New Zealand TTAs Feb.
10, 1975 issue with its
unacknowledged Commonwealth
coverageare our last
correspondents, for were about to
move on to India where the Calcutta
Worlds will start Feb. 6. But, first, the
Commonwealth Championships, held
Jan. 25-31 in Melbourne, Australias
Town Hall. Right off, when the
eligibility of one of the Hong Kong
players was questioned, they withdrew
their rather strong team (the men had
finished 3rd in the Asian
Championships)withdrew, they said,
for financial reasons. That left
Australias Doug Stewart (left) and Canadas Art Werier
England and Australia favorites to
From CTTA Table Tennis News, May, 1975, 17
reach the final of the Mens Teams.
England lost only one match (almost two) on its undefeated way to the final. Trevor
Taylor, who first played for England when he was 14 (hes now 22), was down 3 match points
to New Zealands Gary Murphy, but escaped. However, Indias hard-hitting Niraj Bajaj didnt
let Trevor outstretched by him 19 in the 3rd. Niraj, a 20-year-old university student with an
unusual style, was too hand-speed quick for Taylor, said Stewart. He blocks fast on his
backhand and counter-hits like a demon on his forehand. He has long arms and long legs; the
legs he plants firmly on the floor and moves very little, except that they gradually get further
apart as a rally continues with the result that a long exchange finds him almost doing the
splits. Lassen added that Bajaj plays all his shots with his nose only just above the white
back line on the table, and that Taylor looked as if he were drugged, or had an extremely late
The Australians had an easy 5-1 win over Canada. Errol Caetano lost 18, 20 to
defender Paul Pinkewich, but beat Steve Knapp, the Aussie #2. The Canadians, coached by
Zlatko Cordas, managed to get by 5th Place finisher Singapore, 5-4. Caetano took all 3, and
Peter Gonda and Alex Polisois each helped just enough. The Australians also ran into big

trouble against
because Steve
Knapp, their #2,
was dropped in
favor of Bob
Tuckett, their #4.
Stewart said
mesmerized his
opponents with
control and
Australian teammates Paul Pinkewich (left) and Bob Tuckett
From 1975 Commonwealth Championships Program
Wuvanich, the 5-time Australian Champion, beat two of his three opponents, but had he lost
that deuce in the 3rd match to Chia Chong Boon, Tuckett may well have dropped the 9th one.
Australia remained undefeated with a 5-1 victory over Nigeria. Lassen said that Paul
Pinkewich, playing with Mark V on his forehand and Butterfly anti on his backhand, won his 3
so easily it looked like the Nigerians, despite the success the Chinese coaches C.C Tseng and
S.H. Chiang were having with them, had never played a chopper. But their National
Champion Babatunde Obisanya beat Steve Knapp, and Lekan Fenuyi put up a great 19 in the
3rd fight before losing to Wuvanich.
Though it would be Australia vs.
England in the final, after India had secured 3rd
Place, there was a 4th Place medal match
between Canada and Nigeria. Though
Caetano took 3, the tie was won 5-4 by
Nigeria who, with government support, was
fielding full-time players. Lassie described
Obisanya as a very dark Nigerian who plays
with his mouth open, which gives many the
impression that he could be a cannibal,
although in actual fact he is Organizing
Secretary of the Nigerian Association.
Against him in the 1st match of the tie,
Canadas 17-year-old Steve Feldstein looked
far too nervous. Canada had decided to play
Steve, a defender, after seeing the difficulties
Nigerias Babatunde Obisanya
the Nigerians had had with Pinkewich. At first
courtesy of Melbournes Herald-Sun
Obisanya was unable to cope, but the Chinese
coaches had him start playing dozens of drop
shots, and this helped him adjust. Feldstein, cheered on by his very boisterous teammates
and with instructions from Cordas, won the 1st 22-20, then rallied in the 2nd to deuce it from
20-15 down when the Nigerian took some incredibly careless shots. But Obisanya won that
game after all, and then the 3rd. Feldstein went on to beat Yisa Aiyesoro, but that was it for

Canada. Polisois was game, but kept losing in 3, including a particularly nasty 27-25-in-the-3rd
one to Fenuyi.
In the last Commonwealth Games, England had 5-4 barely nipped Australia for the
title. But this time, said Lassen, after Neale and Jarvis had run the width of the Hall and back
at top speed (either as a warm-up or because they wanted the TV cameras to focus not on the
pretty girls in the audience but on them, to see they were athletic), England was 5-1 too
strong, especially after they got momentum from 20-year-old Jarvis in the lead-off match.
Nicky, said Lassen, is a very fit, well-built player who puts a great deal of spin on every
shot he plays. His excellent anticipation and movement help him to be the professional he
is. He has no job other than table tennis and is under contract to Stiga. After hed whiffed the
ball twice while serving and four other times while trying to loop, he was down 20-14 in the 1st
to Pinkewich, then ran 8 straight! After that, a stunned Paul couldnt recover.
It appeared Wuvanich would steady his team, for he had a 19-in-the-3rd win over
Douglas to tie the tie. But then Neale, one of the few top players to still use pips, rather
arrogantly dismissed even Knapps winning shots, and took the match easily. After that it was
Jarvis and his excessive topspin over Wuvanich in 3. Then Neale over Pinkewich, winning the
last game from 18-20 down. And finally Douglas over Knapp.
In the Womens
Teams, England (Jill
Carole Knight
Photo by Birmingham,
Hammersley, Linda
Englands Post & Mail
Howard, Karenza
Mathews and Carole
Knight) didnt lose a
tie, didnt drop a match.
Second place went to
India, whod skimped
by 4th Place finisher
Singapore, 3-2, when
Salokhe took 2 and
lefty attacker Indu Puri,
an asthmatic, won out
in the 5th over Peck Noi
Hwoy. India was a
surprise winner over 3rd
Place Canada (Rupa
Banerjee didnt play for
either team). What had
happened to Violetta Nesukaitis? Ogimura had told her she had to lose weight, but instead
shed gained weight and now was slow getting to the ball. She lost to Salokhe deuce in the 3rd
(after leading 19-16 and making pushing errors). Mariann then went down to Puri. And the
Canadians, seemingly lacking in spirit, dropped the doubles too.
In the Womens Singles, dominated by the English, the most exciting early-round
match was between Nesukaitis and Australias 17-year-old Chris Little. Stewart said Chris
started off well, rolling and pick-hitting, and was up 2-1 and 16-9 in the 4th. Then it
suddenly occurred to her that she could actually win the match. Rolling stopped and outright
hitting took its place, and from that moment on, there was no doubt that Violetta would win.

In the semis, it was 24-year-old housewife Hammersley

over Knight, a tomboyish 17-year-old, and Howard over
Mathews. In the final, Jill was down 2-1, but getting many
a ball back. And thenOne of Jills regular pointwinners, said Stewart, and a shot that always puts her
opponents off their game, is her ability to rush into the
table and flick away a backhand winner off a drop shot. If
you get afraid to use a drop shot, how can you beat Jill?
Linda dropped the 4th and 5th games to give Jill the title for
the 3rd time.
As play progressed, Jill and Linda were locks to
win the Womens Doubles. But the runner-ups were the
surprise New Zealand pair, Anne Stonestreet and Neti
Traill. (Anne had finished dead last in the Womens
Teams after losing to Nigeria. Ethel Jacks, a former
Ghana player, had taken 2, and 13-year-old Olawunmi
Nigerias Ethel Jacks
Majekodunmi had stopped Annes teammate Fogarty.)
From CTTA Table Tennis News,
May, 1975, 15
Traill, a mother of two,
is probably the only
Maori ever to play in a Worlds. Although she has won over
30 New Zealand Championships, she wasnt considered
good enough to play in the Teams (presumably because her
accident had hampered her mobility?). But she and Anne
squeaked by 2nd-seed Nesukaitis/Domonkos, 20, -15, 16, 18, 21, then scored another upset over Mathews/Knight.
The Canadians didnt win the Mixed, but they came
alive. Gonda/Birute Plucas knocked out the Australian
Singles Champs, Wuvanich, angling to come to the U.S.,
and Leanne Morrow. Caetano/Nesukaitis downed Jimmy
then, after
Neti Traill
From 1971 Commonwealth
Championships Program
Mathews, the Canadian pair downed the
Indians to reach the final. There, though,
they could not really make a match of it with
In writing up the Mens Singles,
Stewart lambasted Wuvanich. After surviving
Charlie Wuvanich sees his future is in the U.S.?
a match point against Walker, the ThaiFrom 1975 Commonwealth Championships Program

Australias Steve Knapp

turned-Australian lost in the

2nd round to Obisanya, 3-0.
Englands perennial Commonwealth Champion Trevor Taylor
Charlie talked himself out of
From 1975 Commonwealth Championships Program
this match with a stream of
complaints about the table and
the umpiring and gave a thoroughly un-professional performance both in play and decorum,
complained Stewart. Bob Lassen played in the Singles (while New Zealand Champion Richard
Lee lost to Canadian Coach Adham Sharara, Bob lost to Canadas Gonda in 5), and was right
there on the scene watching Charlies match.
He explained that when Wuvanich was down 2-0 and 13-10 in the 3rd he returned a ball
that Lassen and many others up close were sure caught the edgeonly the umpires didnt see
it, and the Nigerians and their coaches remained mute. This so irritated Charlie that on losing
the match he stomped off, not shaking hands with the umpire or Obisanya. Later, after being
warned hed better shake hands with Obisanya, he did. Lassen was surprised there was such
strong anti-Wuvanich feeling. Several seemed to feel he should have been suspended or at
least not sent to the World Championships as punishment.
Australian Pinkewich got by Caetano, 19 in the 4th, then was down 2-0 to Indias
Manjit Dua, but lived to fight on. (Dua lost his National Championship to K. Jayant, but
then the Indian Associationsee the Indian magazine Centre Table, Vol. II, No. 10, 39
suspended K., a serious-minded engineering student, for not playing in enough tournaments
and not reporting for the Commonwealth and World Selection Trials.) Pinkewich then had a
superb quarters win over Neale, the only world-ranked player in the field and one who was
made very uncomfortable by the heat in the Hall. Also unexpected was Knapps advance over
Jarvis. Douglaswith or without a Chinese coach, didnt he expect to beat Obisanya? Well, he
didnt beat him. Completing the semis contenders was Defending and two-time Champ
Taylor. Knapp knew Pinkewichs game and his tricks, beat him 3-0; Taylor took down
Obisanya, also with relative ease. In the final, Knapp was ground down by Taylors

Greg Sawin
*Sawins father,
a professor at San
Francisco State
University, took a
sabbatical to New
Zealand and his family
went with him. The
trip, Greg tells us (TTT,
Mar.-Apr., 1975, 23A)
included a long
stopover in Australia
where Keith Bowler,
the Association Secretary, encouraged C-D players Greg, Gregs dad and brother to play some
mid-level Team Matches against others their speed in Australian clubs.
Nick Sawin

Play at the Table Tennis Centre of Victoria

From 1975 Commonwealth Championships Program

So of course they turned up in Melbourne, the capital of Victoria (a state that has
10,000 registered players). There, in Albert Park, in a building that was originally used to
store and repair American vehicles during World War II, a 41-table Victorian TTA Centre has
been established. Its used of course for high-profile play, as when the Czechs (Orlowski,
Grofova, and others) visited Australia for 6 Test Matches in the spring of 74, but anybody can
play there any day of the week from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. A court with a cement floor costs
$1.80 (U.S. dollars) an hour. A wooden-floor court costs $2.40 an hour. (About half the courts

are cement, half wooden.) When your time runs out, the 5
fluorescent lights suspended over the table are turned off.
Team matches there, played the year round, draw hundreds
of players, weak or strong. Classifications have subdivisions
(A1-A4; B1-B8; C1-C8)
After about a months stay, Greg left Melbourne and
on Nov. 1 went to Sydney. There he visited the large
Summer Hill Centre with its Phil Anderson tables, wooden
floor, and fluorescent lighting. This Centre, which connects
to a restaurant overlooking the playing area, was built in
1964 as a business, so naturally the cost to play there is
higher than in Melbourne: $2.50 (U.S. dollars) per half
hour, $4.00 per hour, and $6.33 for two hours. A six month
Darwins dangerous/daffy frog
membership costs $13 plus $2.60 per session, no time limit.
Cartoon by Janet Martorano
Greg doesnt mention it, but he may have gone on to
Darwin, where one of the clubs there might well have been
experiencing a sudden shortage of table tennis balls. (See TTT, Nov.-Dec., 1974, 28.) Turns
out everybody in Darwin with a pet is on the lookout for a cugar-cane toad that escaped from
the home of a biology teacher. This celebrated toad not only can squirt a powerful poison that
can kill dogs, cats, and pigs, its a veritable vacuum cleaner, capable of eatingguess what?
Yep, table tennis balls.


Weary-lookin U.S. Team arrives in Nagpur--back, L-R:

Paul Raphel, Peter Pradit, Lim Ming Chui, D-J Lee, Captain Tim
Boggan, and Danny Seemiller. Front: Angelita Rosal, Judy Bochenski,
Olga Soltesz, and Patty Martinez

Chapter Thirty-Three
The U.S. Teams first stop in India was not Calcutta, scene of the 33rd World
Championships, but Nagpurwhere we had been invited, rather at the last minute, by the
Indian Table Tennis Federation to play a 3-day Triangular Match with teams from Hungary and
This meant that, despite the fact we were in India on Jan. 29, we would not be able to
get to Calcutta in time to practice and familiarize ourselves, even a little bit, with all the special
World Championship ambience and high seriousness that some of our players, experienced in
international competition or not, still lacked.
Naturally this was not to our liking. Ironically, though, had we arrived in Calcutta
before the morning of Feb. 4th (the actual date of our arrival)the Opening Day Parade was

on the 5th, the beginning matches in the Team event on the 6thwe would not have been
allowed to practice anyway. Workmen were still frantically putting last minute touches (better
say grunts and shoves) to the new 12,000-seat Nataji Stadium, built (as the single-minded
Chinese all working together might have built it) in the astonishingly short time, monsoon
season or no, of less than 8 months.
So, like it or not, since the Indians were graciously providing a full weeks hospitality
in Nagpur for us, what could we do but begin trying to acclimate to our surroundings. My stay
in this city was memorable, mostly because of the people I met and felt close to herenotably,
Dr. Amrut Patwardhan, M.S. (Bapu) Ajrekar, N. (Krishna) Krishmanurthy, and N.R.
(Nilu) Macwan. Indians, I felt, were like Americans, were like me, in their informality, their
frankness, their show of emotion, their liking for analysis and ultimate disregard of it. And, as
Id be staying a month in India, I did get to see and talk with quite a few peoplehere in
Nagpur, of course, and in Calcutta, Agra, and Bombay (where with a guides help Id found a
former student Id befriended my first year of teaching at New York University 15 or so years
ago, only to be appalled at what hed now become). For an unforgettable week at Ahmedabad
(hard-hit by that terrible earthquake), my wife Sally and I were house guests of the Indian
Team Captain whod visited the States in the summer of 74, Subhash Mashruwala, and his
wife Sita. Want beer? Youd have to trek to the police station in order to buy it (Ahmedebads
in Gujarat, a dry state). So off youd go in the most natural manner, walking perhaps with
cows, goats, or donkeys, passing a woman with a large bowl on her head, a man with a cabinet
on his....
The U.S. Team was met at the Nagpur airport with smiles and bouquets of flowers
from Mr. S. K. Dhote, President of the Nagpur District TTA, and Dr. Patwardhan, who was
responsible for planning and coordinating the activities of the Triangular Match. To show
courtesy to visitors from another country is what all Indians long to doId read that in a
book written 50 years ago, and, as my own Passage to India would prove, it would be the
same now as it was then.
Accompanying the team here in Nagpur were the inveterate World Championship
attendees, Rufford Harrison, USTTA Executive Vice-President, and the ITTFs USA Council
Member; and Leah Miss Ping Neuberger, World Mixed Doubles titleholder, and 9-time U.S.
Womens Singles Champion. Also with us was Kanasas Citys Steve Finney, a low-key Psych
major and table tennis enthusiast whod been of considerable help to Ron Shirley at the U.S.
Open. We told the Nagpur Times that he was our Team Manager. USTTA President Charlie
Disney; and my wife Sally and 1973 U.S. Team Member Fuarnado Roberts, traveling together,
would join us later. In our 27-hour-crumpled Levi-Strauss-jean suits that served as our street
uniforms (Charlie, I believe, had gotten this sponsor), we were taken to the new MLA Rest
House that offered by far the best lodging in the area for visiting dignitaries and ping-pong
This hostel, with its large, green, in-the-95-degree-temperature-had-to-be-keptconstantly-watered front lawn, consisted of two different buildings. The block of maybe seven
open-air stories in back, where we were going to stay, was separated by a barren dirt lot of a
courtyard from the counterpart building housing the main lobby and, among other things, a
convenient post office.
I paired off the Team membersMartinez-Rosal, Bochenski-Soltesz, Lee-Pradit,
Seemiller-Raphel, and Chui with me. The rooms we were given were nice and spacious. The


beds, on which the sheets were never changed, had mosquito netting over them, which
reminded me of an article Id read in the Washington Post about malaria rapidly reassuming
epidemic proportions in an India which also had 8,000,000 or so suffering from mosquitocarrying elephantiasis. Further, according to a large ad in one of the Nagpur papers by a
chemical manufacturer of mosquito coils, mosquito bites could bring on leprosy and asthma.
Id also noted that my son Erics 6th grade Social Studies book (1965) said the life span of an
Indian was 32.5 years, but that a (1970) copy of the Nagpur Times had upped that to 46.3
There were toilets in these rooms? Yes, one in every room, but, well, they were
different. No commode, just a rump-shaped hole in the tile and an overhead string that would
usually flush it. A little pitcher stood beside the hole, which at first my puritan innocence
would not allow me to see the use of. (Its much cleaner to use water somebody would later
tell me.) Rough toilet paper, however, was provided on request, along with some soap. And I
went out and bought $27 worth of bath towels for the Team. These rooms had bathtubs? No,
no bathtubs but showersalways cold showersthat flooded the area. Still, what the hell,
though the next morning when I tried to shave I couldnt get any water at all (that, fortunately,
was unusual), there was nothing terrible to complain about, and we all made the best of it....
Tomorrow we would begin practicing in the local Shasti Club. Today, though we were
all tired from our long trip, some of us still wanted to take a walk around (we seemed to be on
the outskirts of town) and begin seeing India. So, accompanied by our guides and/or
guardiansDr. Pat; Bapu, who, as one of the four International Umpires in India, would be
going on with us to Calcutta; and Krishnawe started out for the nearby Bajrang Bali
Temple. Danny and Paul were quick to point out to one another a bicycle rental place we
passed (might they want to ride...where?). Since our hosts were of course table tennis players,
Yatin Vyass name came up. He was the man who lost to Marty Reisman in the Consolation
final at the 1952 Bombay Worlds. But India was not proud of him for that. Vyas, said Bapu,
with his hard rubber racket on which the brambles (that is, the pips) were larger than normal,
was the one hardbat player, as World Champions Sido and Leach well knew, who could get
incredible topspin from that racket. In fact, it was said that he first introduced the loop to the Sport.
Today, many Indians who want to master the modern game have to play with dead
rackets. Sponge bats cannot legally be imported into the country, and so after hundreds of
hours of play you have to be a fakir capable of doing the Indian rope trick to get the ball to
hop high as an upright cobra (which, by the wayyou pick things upcan spit its poison with
reasonable accuracy maybe as much as three feet).
Bapu, who was riding a bicycle bought in England by his brother 25-30 years ago, was
the exception in India in that he said he didnt pray. For him, work was prayer. His father had
been a botanistand Bapu himself seemed fond of analyzing dead forms. Ever-changing living
things he found too difficult to analyze. Moreover, when you analyzed somethinglike a live
bug on a pinyou eventually killed it. In saying this I thought he was very much like one of
those vegetarian Jain priests we were about to meet who went barefoot and wore a surgeons
mask over their mouths as a sign that they didnt want to kill any living thingnot even the
tiniest of insects that unbeknownst to them could accidentally enter, like Jonah the whale, as
they were swallowing their prayers.
We mounted the steep steps of the past while priests in white, with rope-like hair,
looking very clean and well fed, went about their business. We took off our shoes and made


the rounds of the altars and statues. (Later in Ahmedebad, at another Jain temple, my wife,
shoeless, was given curious staresshe was wearing panty hose, and...did she have webbed
feet?) To the statue of sensual Ram I gave a rupee. Then we put on our shoes and went out
and came up to an old beggar I hadnt seen before. He stuck out his hand, but his face didnt
speak to me. To Krishnathe Nagpur District TTA Treasurer who mournfully kept lamenting
his streak of very bad luck at cardsI voiced my suspicions.
Whether or not this beggar was an atmospheric fake, a plant, said Krishna, in his
shrug-of-the-shoulder, philosophically-resigned way, it was difficult to make a judgment of
him. Was he a real beggar and so poor and backward and perhaps in such ill health that he was
incapable of making a living? Or was he just too lazy to try to make a living that required more
effort? Or was begging his tourist job? Any way you looked at him, he was a beggar, and his
task in this life was to work out his karma.
As we walked back to the hostel, someone told the story of how a recent Russian
visitor wouldnt sit in a bicycle rickshawsaid he wouldnt exploit another man by having him
pull him. Indeed, he would give the man money rather than demean him like that. But this
viewpoint was rebutted, for the Indian telling the story objected that this would be charity. And
apparently, in a country where 75% of the population is illiterate, yet some so self-consciously
proud as to carry paperback books they couldnt begin to read, the idea of pulling their weight
in charity was, my god, to beggar themselves.
A dog whod been lying around in the dirt outside the hostel half curled himself around
so as to both keep his rear end ready to take a blow and his head ready to be softly stroked.
When D-J petted him, an Indian lady nearby seeing this said, Filthy street dog! and told D-J
to wash his hands. After most of our group had gone upstairs, D-J called to the dog, who
stood at the entrance of the hostel, to come into the small lobby, but, though the dog wagged
his tail, he wouldnt come in. Ill see you tomorrow, dogoutside, D-J finally told him....
The next morning I was talking with Nilu who, uncombed and unshaven, had shuffled
out of his room in bathrobe and slippers to order some of us tea. (Our hosts were always very
flexible and accomodating in getting us anything we wanted to drink at any hour of the day or
night.) Nilu began telling me about himself. A Christian in a country where maybe only 10% of
the population admitted to being that, he didnt remind me of any Y man Id known in my
youth in Dayton, Ohio. Hed been around. And for that reason he could no longer continue on
as General Secretary of the Nagpur Ynot when 3/4ths of his 12-member Board of Directors
were over 60 and insisted on enforcing antiquated no-nos about sex education and the
innocent mingling of boys and girls. They cramped Nilus styleprevented him from recruiting
kids, from bringing them to functions at the Y that would appeal to them. Peace of mind is
more important than money, he said, more to convince himself, Im sure, than me.
Nilu had not only spent a number of months in Bangladesh helping refugees, he had
also run a Hippy Missionuntil he had become progressively more and more disillusioned.
Too many of his hippies were not real hippies, had not really rejected worldly materialism in
order to show a genuine concern for their neighbors. They just wanted to travel cheaply, get a
free handoutwere selfish opportunists.
The leadership in India, Nilu said, would have to go through a great upheaval if
progress were to be made. Young people in Nagpur didnt want to work. That was bad
enough, but worse was the fact that many observing this phenomenon would only say
resignedly, God made them like that. Why question it? So far as Nilu was concerned, Indian


youth were lazy. They had incorporated into their changing life style the Western hippies
sexual freedom but not the Westerners enterprising habits, his productivity.
Nilu also thought that Indians had to acquire some confidence in themselvesthey
always worried about self-respect and the self-respect of others. Case in point: International
Umpire Bapus meditations on umpiring at the upcoming World Championships. If an umpire
penalizes a player, Bapu mused aloud, he seems to penalize a whole country. And so our
Indian umpires, being essentially passive, dont want any trouble. If an umpires honest, he
might have a problem, whereas if hes dishonest, everything will go fine. In this country, its
not breaking the law but getting caught in the act thats bad, thats embarrassing. And then he
posed the question, But whats the use of my becoming an umpire if Im not utilized, if I
dont utilize myself?
That afternoon the Team went shopping, walked about the streets of downtown
Nagpur and caused bicycle traffic jams. Do I look so strange to you? one American said to
the little boy who couldnt keep his eyes off her. Yes, he said.
A white-robed Indian came up to Steve Finney and, smiling, said, You look like a
white Tarzan. And then he spit some blood. Paan juice its calledpaan being an after-dinner
mouth refresher consisting of what looks like wet-to-drying fingernail paint, tobacco (?), and I
dont know what else, all smeared and wrapped in a green betal leaf.
Its much worse here than in China, said one of our young 71 veterans. In China
the people were clean. Here they even bathe in dirty water. Yes, said another of our girls.
And I just washed my hair and already its dirty.
Some in our group were fearfulespecially when they didnt offer to give coins to
every beggar they passed who then glared and cursed at them. But Angelita was calling some
of these people who, as one girl said, looked like Jesus Christ, to come over and have their
picture taken with her by this big horned bull. So many brown-skinned peoplerunny-nosed
young, lost-teeth oldall holding out their hands, wanting coins, but willing to settle for
autographs. One fellow knelt down before Judy, his White Goddess.
If you are beautiful, we will capture your beauty. If you are not, we will make you
beautifulso ran the promised words on the sign of a cosmeticians shop. A poster on a
building emphasized a certain swamis Logic of Spirituality. No coaxing needed for Patty
and Angie to enlist Nilus wife Evas services, though. As savvy purchaser and dressmaker,
Eva bought yards and yards of material which she then draped and fastened, sari-fashion, for
the girls.
It wasnt long before we all walked into the upstairs seven-table immaculately clean
Shasti Club where wed be practicing. I was struck by this wax-museum woman in a glass
caseSaraswati, the goddess of learning, whose four arms were symbolic of strength. There
was also a counterpoint picture of weakness hanging nearbythe Associations once most
promising girl player who not long ago became anemic and died of fever.
The four-table Champions section offered plenty of playing-court room, and an
elevated stage that served as a very comfortable lounge area. A young, alert Nepalese boy ran
the place and saw to it that we always had cokes or tea. Sometimes Dr. Pat himself, who
earned 100 rupees a day and could earn double that if he pursued his practice with more
fervor, swept up the table tennis roomsto the chagrin of his wife.
Our few practice sessions, I thought, had very limited value. Paul and Peter
represented two opposing viewpoints. Paul had no desire to practice seriously, seemed to think


nothing could be gained by it. Jumping into the

hostel pool with his track suit on and a bat in
Beggars description
Photo by D-J Lee
his mouthplaying the foolthat at least was
worth the bet of a few rupees. Peter, however,
was always cooperativeperhaps too
cooperative. Since Danny, D-J, and Ming, all
with individual personalities as different as
their games, were used to cut-throat
competitive play in the States, they didnt
naturally adapt as Team practice partners and
didnt want to go all-out playing intense
games. So Peter dedicatedly did heavy duty
though physically he was the one who could
least afford to push himself, for hed been
losing weight steadily from his wiry but already
lean frame.
The girls were sometimes quite ready
to practice and sometimes not. As a Captain,
or perhaps even as a practice partner, I was
fine with them, but surely they needed an
esteemed Coach who could convince them that
proper practice would stand them in good
stead. Out at the table they often went through
the motions mechanically, as in fact I did in
practicing with them. Once Patty even misplaced her racket, couldnt find it for a whileas if
she almost didnt want to find it. We all seemed to be just biding our time until we got to
Calcutta. Perhaps the climate, the living conditions, the food all sapped everyones strength.
Our husky six-foot friend Nilu was telling us that when he first came to Nagpur from his
previous Y post in Hong Kong he could play basketball for three hours at a stretch; here he
lasted 20 minutes. Still, Miss Ping just couldnt understand why the players didnt love the
Game more. Why wasnt it for them, as it was for her years ago? Before a World
Championship, she had an overwhelming desire to play and play and play....
A new dayMartyrs Day, the 27th Anniversary of the mahatma, Mohandas Gandhi.
By acclamation we took leisurely sightseeing rides to and from the Shasti Club. The Czechs
were to arrive later today, while the Hungarianspiqued at not being asked to go directly to
Calcutta?might not come at all? Be assured this Triangular Match was nothing for them to
look forward to.
We passed a picture of Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, the Preserver, born into a
cowherd family. As he smiled beatifically at his people, a cows tongue licked his heel. This led
to talk of sacred cows and to why a woman here might wear a ring in her nose. The hole, the
ring, meant originally she was the possession of her husband, who could lead her around.
Perhaps its not strange that today in this land of paradoxes a western-minded Indian could say
to a like-minded friend, Cmon, man, so shes your wife, dont be cowed by her. As if any
female intimidation were likely in a country where the higher infant mortality rate for girls
shows boys are more valued from the start. There were contradictions also in the Indian mans
habit of shaking his head sidewise, as if negatively, as presumably hes listening intently to you.

Actually, he means to imply that hes followed all that youve said to him, is in total accord
with you, and will act on what you sayonly then he doesnt follow up at all.
Another picture, this time an ad, caught our attention. It showed a half-lathered man
and the caption, You cant beat the man who shaves with Swish. It seemed an impossible
choice of words to me. In this country young men who arent lovers walk down the street
holding hands. So?...Beat? Swish?
We could see the results of yesterdays important voting. Between 60 and 70% of the
near 500,000 voters in Nagpur had voted for as many as 613 candidates for the 75 available
seats. One successful candidatehis face painted up like an American Indianwas being
charioted through the streets in a bullock cart. This drew a smile from Krishna whose opinion
was that these people had nothing else to do, and that the celebration made for good
entertainment. Here time doesnt mean anything, he said. You dont have to rush. Theres
always time.
Gandhi of course was still getting his due. There was his statue with the sacred, ancient
swastika signs round it. For more than 8,000 years the swastika has symbolized successthe
perfection of a civilizations culture. After the Nazis use of it, this Peace sign seems as
misplaced to me as a so-called Gandhi hat on the head of some prosperous Nagpurianthe
Gandhi hat that Gandhi never wore.
All this commotion, said Bapu. All these corrupt election promises. And the
inevitable consequences, the cost of unproductive planninglike the blackout, the two-hour
power famine, that occurs like clockwork each day here in Nagpur. Were the only Asian
country where theres no chance of a revolution, where no coup is possible, because there
havent been any leaders since Gandhi. We all go our separate waysas if we were a nation of
masochists enjoying our inability to come together. Though its good were essentially a peaceloving people, were much too passive. Weve never really been independent. We dont want
to thrash about. Were like a deep sea fish thats used to its underwater depth. We wont be
brought to the surface to be seen and truthfully described....
Well, enough of this daily depressing talk. Lets get to U.S. table tennis, for not only
the Czechs but the Hungarians have arrived in time for our scheduled Triangular Match.
Except, what with Orlowski and Jonyer, two of the best players in the World here, talk was,
Why werent we playing this Match in the big Nagpur Sports Arena, erected of course at quite
a considerable cost. Did anyone ever use that, and, if so, for what? Didnt we qualify?
The 3-day Match at
the Robertson YMCA began
as usual with the filing in of
the U.S. and Czech players.
(Hungary wouldnt be
competing this evening
because the draw was set-up
so that the two favorites,
Czechoslovakia and
Hungary, would be playing
each other the third and final
night.) First came the introduction of the players and whatever important personage would be
there to shake their hands, then the exchange of pens and pennants, the taking of pictures
and finally the play.

The U.S. women were first upand of course didnt win a game in singles or doubles.
Rosal started us off by playing 16-year-old Hana Riedlova from Prague (16is that right? she
was only 14 when she got to the 8ths at the last Worlds?). Angie, as might be expected, had
trouble with this World #22s serves. Just get the serve back! we yelled. Dont try to hit it
so hard! Angie served off a couple of times and seemed to be reaching for balls on her
forehand rather than moving to hit them. She got 14 and 15.
played the Czech
Champion, Miluse
Zizkova, and
(Doesnt Judy
ever push a ball?
said one of our
players) lost 10,
18. Said one voice
during the play,
Thats 10 serves
Judys hadand
Judy Bochenski (right) against Miluse Zizkova, the Czech Champion
she hasnt once
served to the forehand. The girls just dont think. When Judy decides to swing, it doesnt
matter what kind of ball it is, whats on it, she just swings.
Then it was San Diego vs. Czechoslovakia. The doubles team of Zizkova and Ludmilla
Smidova gave the 16, 12 back of their hand to Angie and 3-time U.S. Champ Patty.
Against the Czech men, our Team fared better. Pradit, who generally doesnt start well,
came out swinging at Jaroslav Kunz, World #25 and the current Czech Championthats
right, Kunz somehow beat European Champion Milan Orlowski for the title. Against such an
opponent, what could we expect of Peter? A 16, 18 win? But thats what happened. Kunz
couldnt earn his own points, and Peter, down 12-8 in the 2nd, then up 13-12, just kept hitting
the ball through him. USTTA Ratings Chair Neal Fox, take note.
Against Orlowski, World #6, Chui dropped the 1st game at 11. But in the 2nd, he got
off to a 5-0 lead
and was up 13-7.
Then at 13-all.
Down 20-17,
Ming hung in
there, almost
deuced it.
with Czech Coach
Vladimir Vlado
Miko taking it all
inbeat the
Czech Mens and
Mixed Doubles
Champion, Jiri
Turai, 16 and 19.
Danny Seemiller (right) on his way to defeating Czechoslavakias Jiri Turai

That made it U.S. 2Czechoslovakia 1.

But then...
Pradit got killed by Orlowski. The practice nets were too low? The tournament nets
too high? Id heard someone say that. But Peter would never venture such an excuse.
Seemiller played Kunz a great 19, 20 matchespecially considering he fought back
from 20-18 match-point down. When a player comes from behind like that, the Indian
spectators always automatically, sportingly applaud.
Chui, up next, is bothered by Turais change of spin play and so can never challenge.
In the final match of the evening, Seemiller gets to play the pleasant, English-speaking
Orlowski, winner of the 500-pound Pickwick International in England 7 weeks earlier. Danny,
having been in that International, would naturally have liked to have played him there, and
been weighted down with pounds. But no begrudging Orlowski his good fortunebecause of
an Association ruling passed in the last few years, he got to keep 50% of that prize money.
The 23-year-old Czech, who trained in Japan and uses Butterfly pips on one side,
easily won the 1st from Seemiller. Then, disappointing everyone in the U.S. corner, he pulled
out the 2nd, after Danny had him 20-19 game point. (According to an article in Nagpurs
Hitavada paper, Dannys serves were at times suspect.)
So, Team, say so long until tomorrow to the Y. The
glass goddess of learning will still be there, as will the
anemic reminder of death. Nothing much will change. The
Chicano badge Patty sewed (with my permission) on the
jacket of her playing sweats will still be there, though she
herself will probably not wear the Nittaku-ball earrings
shes dangled in her off-court, at-ease moments. Angie, like
Patty, will again show off her decorative tika, the blood-red
dot on the forehead that hides her inner, metaphysical eye.
Miss Ping will continue to be a felt presence at any interim
meal, perhaps in her Playboy bunny shirt, but most
definitely with her Chou En-lai photo-button ona
treasured memento from her Ping-Pong Diplomacy days
with Indias old enemy, China. Inconsequentially waving her
hand, drawing of course everyones attention to the
diamond glitter of her unique matching-rackets ring, shell
burst into a conversation with, Anyone know how many
Patty with her forehead tika
U.S. and Canadian Championships Ive won?
To which D-J, at his pixieish, will tap his spoon
against, first, a full glass of juice, or coke, or beer, then one half full, then one empty, and smile
and say, Which glass makes the most noise? And of course it would be the empty one.
And Miss Ping, whom it was absolutely impossible to embarrass, would reply quickly,
pleasantly, not with one of Bapus sayings, Any person whos deep enough can make out how
deep another man is, but with the equally apt, Im not a glass, you cant see through me.
Then pretty soon, D-J would be at it again, but with a different target. Hed begin
slurping his teaand everyone would surreptitiously turn and look at Ming until he slowly got
the point and smiled good-humoredly, as if, since it was costing him his job, no one, not his
erstwhile boss, not D-J, not anyone was going to stop him from enjoying every minute of this
World Championship adventure of a lifetime. I didnt know Ming that well, but as his

roommate I was privy to some of his eccentricitieslike doing calisthenics in the room at 3
a.m. Once I searched everywhere for my airline ticket home, but it just wasnt anyplace, and I
thought the only person who could have taken it was Ming. Though why hed do that I didnt
know. Fortunately, I didnt confront him, but thought what approach to take...until I
remembered that an Indian official had collected all our airline tickets to facilitate our easy
advance to Calcutta. Way to keep the harmony, Captain....
And now lets forget the foibles, if we can. And return anew to the Y.
Facing Hungary, the #4-ranked team in the world, our women could do little. I played
Olga and Patty in singles (Angie and Judy had had their turn the night before), and this time I
partnered Judy with Patty, whom I considered to be our best doubles player.
Against the 27-year-old Kishazi (World #19), one of the best defenders in Europe,
Olga (total: 25 points) had no chance. Against the tall, husky 25-year-old Magos (World #5), a
penholder who really hits the ball hard, Patty (total: 20 points) had no chance. At least Judy
and Pattys 17, 18 scores were very respectable against the European Doubles Champions
Magos and Henriette Lotaller.
The Hungarian
men, too, with their
three world-class
playersJonyer (#5),
Gergely (#13), and
Borszei (#28) blanked
usbut every match
featured one close
game, won or lost.
Eighteen-yearold Paul Raphel, who
back in 72 in the
Toronto CNE Open
had Swedens CarlDanny Seemiller (left) vs. Hungarys Gabor Gergely
Johan Bernhardt down
2-1 and at 19-all in the
4th before losing, made his debut, if not as an Internationalist, as a Shakesperian actor. Tragedy or
comedyhe could play either role.
Id always have to keep after Paul to at least go
through the motions of practicingnot that I thought it would
do him much good, but because, dammit, he was on the Team,
and, after all, it was just like writinga lot of days it wouldnt
be much good, but unless you kept at it you wouldnt have any
good days at all.
Tonight, however, was one of those near miraculous times
when Paul rose to the occasion. Even on the bus before wed got
to the Y, Paul had started fantasizing: Raphel beats Gergely, 11
and 16. Yes, folks, it is somewhat of a surprise to those in the Y
audience who expected Paul to be beaten 7 and 4.
Paul came out in his opening match like hed just
from some deep sleepone that had lasted ever since
Paul Raphel ... visualizing

Id met him, his plane 2 and 1/2 hours late, at New Yorks Kennedy Airport. He was transformed.
Showed such remarkable talent and imagination that I was often up out of my seat wildly cheering.
Paul looped like a Hungarian, kept merry-go-rounding shot after shot in, shoulder
swinging up and around for brass ring after ring in a whirl of adolescent delight. And that
wasnt allhe chopped viciously, seemed to hit balls in without looking. He played with
supreme confidenceas if he couldnt miss. Andfantasticin between one deadly serious
point after another he was acting. Hurrying back to the table after picking up a retrieve, hed
be up on his tiptoes, arms outstretched in the manner of a ballet masteryes, yes, hed float like a
butterfly, sting like a beemimicking Alis bravado. And did he have the crowd! A whole swarm of
ready followers buzzed psychic strength and support for him. Gergely beat him two straight, the
last at 19, shaking his head on finishing as if hed never experienced anything like it.
Though Seemiller had a hard act to follow, he began magnificently. Against Borszei, a
quarterfinalist in the Sarajevo Worlds and perhaps the best defender in Europe, Danny was either
serving and swinging all out, or carefully pushing, waiting, then, all confidence, hopping the ball in
for a winner. But beginning with the 2nd game he resorted to more and more pushing, became
finally so soft as to allow Borszei to pick-hit balls through him. It seemed that, as he slowed down,
he began stopping his stroke, and, from once looking like a sure winner, turned into an ordinary loser.
In the 3rd match, D-J played very welllost to Jonyer 18 and 20. Too bad, because in
that last game he led the soon-to-be World Champion 20-16and with his own service yet!
Against the 21-year-old Gergely, who says hes very much interested in beat music,
and who (like everyone else on his Mens Team?) supposedly works as a clerk for the
Hungarian railways, Danny handled himself extremely well. To go -16, 18, -16 with a man who
was runner-up in the 74 European Championships is quite an accomplishment. After the
match, Gergely told Danny that he was playing well, blocking beautifully, but that he ought to
step back and get in some spin shots.
For the evenings final match Raphel was back on stage, spotlighted in the darkness of
what could only be called Theatre of the Absurd. Oh, was he high. Was he flyin. The mime in
him had taken over. He stood waiting for Joyners serve, long arms dangling in mock
mimickry as he readied his own demolition-ball of a return. And when the service was his, he
close-up-cramped his fingers slowly, ever so slowly round the ball in his hand, then, crooking
his arm, he extended his fingers flat in what was obviously a parody of Jonyers serve, and sent
the ball on its who-do-I-belong-to? way.
Hes in the wrong profession, Peter said dryly. And then Paul
began with his squinty-eyed Chinese and Japanese repertoireand
Jonyer broke up. And so did everyone in the audienceeven Berczik
himself, who, as the most unfrivolous of National Coaches, is as
interested in World Championship Gold Medals as J. Paul Getty
always was and always will be in money.
Down 1-0 but up 18-17 in the 2nd, Raphel stops play. He
points to Jonyer (crouched, waiting to return serve) and,
shrugging his shoulders, deprecatingly glances at his famous
opponent, then at the audienceas if to say, Look at him. He
thinks he can beat me. Then he runs out the game.
No wonder next morning the Hitvadeh spoke of Pauls
remarkable antics and imitations, of how hed kept the crowd
Hungarian Captain/Coach
laughing, and how they adored him.
Zoltan Berczik

In the 3rd, though, the comedy begins to run thin. Its as if maybe the play should have
ended. Now, theres an added embarrassing, anticlimactic Act. Paul plays progressively worse,
hams it up. But Jonyers concentration is shatteredhes smiling, shaking his head, hasnt got
it together at all. Berczik is waving his hand, instructing him to Cmon, get this over with. But
play continues to be sloppy and its only when hes up 17-15 that Jonyer can hit in a shot. Had
he missed, who knows what might have happened? As it is, he pulls away to win.
Paul, then, has been crazily playful. But his shrug, his all-right-you-win smile at the end
of both his entertaining matches with these great players shows a deep-down awareness of
what hes been doing, and offer, as with a secret understanding of the heart, a little nod of a
thank you for putting up with all this. His Its-been-fun handshake is warmly accepted.
Pauls honesty, his vulnerability, his unconscious fidelity to his own private self goes a
long way to explain why almost everyone on the Team, though occasionally irritated at his ego
needs, is also very sympathetic to him.
Im reminded of Willa Cathers famous story Pauls Case, for Ive had students like Paul
Raphel, one who for years has been a good friend to me. But it always seems that, despite my
liberal arts training that is supposed to allow me to see, to feel, to think, and to above all understand
the artist figure, Im slow to be convinced by what the fool in his/her unconventional way has to
tell me. Slow, sure, conservative Reason invariably raises an eyebrow.
Still, Paul is always consciously or unconsciously expressing a world view that many of
us share from time to time. What people repeatedly do with much of their lives is absurd.
Certainly any mechanical routine that deadens the spirit is absurd. In fact, though I myself
dont believe it, maybe everything is absurdexcept dreams.
Even Pauls incessant, robot-like quoting of Topics, exact line after exact line, buried
issue after buried issue, showsnot that Ill stopthe dreaded view that what I spend so
many of my days doing is, perhaps, absurd....
The morning after our match with Hungary, Dr. Pat and I took a walk, strolled out past the
green lawn of the hostel where Berczik was putting his players through their exercises. We sat
down nearby and began talking of Paul. Hell level off, said Dr. Patas if he too thought of Paul
as flying. Right now he wants to
play the comicand, after all, why
should he, or you, be so serious?
Training ideas changemuch like
ones thoughts on dignity.
A fellow was telling me
last night, I replied, that if a
Hungarian player had acted like
Paul did he would have been
finished. Have you heard that
Klampars in trouble? He isnt
Dr. Pat didnt know about
Klamparbut we had other things
to talk about. He invited me to his
house for a meal, and I accepted,
and he rode me there on the back
of his motor-scooter. I felt obliged
Tim Boggan hitching a ride with Dr. Patwardhan

to sample everything, even at meals end the water, and from that I later felt slightly nauseous
and got gas pains. From the beginning Id avoided unbottled water. Once Id inadvertently
brushed my teeth not as usual with scotch, but, thinking of something else, with bathroom tap
water, and that troubled me. Later, though, I relaxed some, occasionally had drinks with ice
cubes. Such concerns were not silly. Sooner or later, in Nagpur or Calcutta, almost everyone
suffered. D-J got sick, threw up, wanted only mild tea and unbuttered toast. Olga was
bothered by a strep throat. Judy, on feeling weak, skipped dinner one night to rest.
In the beginning, I ate and ate and atethree helpings of everything. Fish, chicken,
something unidentifiable in patties (goat? dog?these were the most popular grimaceguesses), and cauliflower, so much cauliflower that after a time I never wanted to see another
head, another floret of it. I was very up, very energetic, very intent on keeping the disparate
members of the Team in harmony. But after five days I didnt want to eat that much, and didnt
want to drink any more beer at allnot even in the three weeks after Id left Nagpur for Agra,
Bombay, and Ahmedebad (oh, what that little piece of goat cheese did to me), and had
returned home to be plagued for still another week with abdominal pains and diarrhea.
Angelita, after she retched, wasnt supposed to have any coca cola, accessible because
bottled here in India, but she drank it anyway, as if shed trained on itand, strange, it seemed
to help her recover. Dr. Pat gave her a pill, but it was as if he knew her body, her being, would
reject it. Still, she knew he meant well, and, as with my own doctor-father, it was often the
goodness of the physician, his celebrated bedside manner, that helped to cure the patient.
When Dr. Pat had first seen how I was always taking notes, he exhorted me to tell the truth
about what Id seen and heard here in Nagpur. But
Goodness was even more important to Dr. Pat than
the rational, scientific mind. As he said, No
scientist can ever manufacture a living mosquito.
I was struck by Dr. Pats unconscious
association of goodness with a mosquito. I
remembered that day when Danny forgot to use his mosquito netting
and Dr. Pat had to give him two anti-allergic tablets for the 50-75 bites
he seemed to have just up and down his arm. I also remember lying in
bed, netting wrapped around me, looking at this one mosquito and
thinking, Look, if you dont bother me, I wont bother you. And I
went off to sleep and woke up without a bite. And thinking of the
mosquito like this, I thought I shared some of Dr. Pats view of
goodness. And then I thought of the mosquitos Id killed.
When I went to Dr. Pats house for that meal, he began to
demonstrate why Indians sometimes preferred to eat with their fingers
rather than with knives and forkshis fingers searching over his
curried rice as he looked to get the feel of the food. Its not just the
tongue and the teeth, he said, that will tell you if the rice is cooked
properly. Here, you try. And I did, and felt only slightly foolish.
People in India dont use toilet paper, said one of our girls, then
they eat with their fingers. Thats been bothering me all day. But as
Dr. Pat said, One ought not to be too sophisticated, too civilized.
Dr. Pat showed me the Bounce Guage hed made to test how
the tables were. Also, he and I were both very proud of his
The Bounce Guage

young daughter who at his request came into the room where we were dining and formally
sang for me. Jingle bells, jingle bells... came floating through the predictable dust, dirt and
heat of India to charm me. I could feel what E. M. Forster had observed: Hospitality had been
achieved. I was his guest; his honor was involved in my happiness....
In the last Triangular Match, the Czechs beat the Hungarians badlythe Women 3-1,
the Men, with Jonyer sitting out, 5-1. Maybe Berczik and his Team were just going through
the motions too?...
On the final night of our stay in Nagpur I was invited to a little private party with our
host officials. The Indian whiskey Dr. Pat brought out didnt taste good, but the decanter with
the head of an eagle I liked a lot, and so when the whiskey was gone he gave it to me. Earlier,
Id been looking in shops, had bought a couple of bottles of scotch for Nilu, whod been our
food purveyor, and a last-minute presenta jean jacket, the only classy one in the storefor
Dr. Pat.
When I gave it to him, he said, I feel very warm.
Perhaps then, or perhaps not, I forced on him the thought of reciprocity? But what
could he give me? He went out of the room and returned with a small statue, a bust figure.
The eyes in the black, heavy-lipped face are closed in concentration. This statue, he said,
has been with me for 10 years. It has always helped mereinforced my energy, my will. I
want you to have it, and think of me.
Instinctively I embraced him and kissed him on the cheeks. After more than 30 years I
still have his statue on my desk, but he himself I would never see again.


Top: Indian and ITTF Officials open the Worlds

Bottom: USTTA President Charlie Disney leads
the U.S. Team in the Opening Ceremonies Parade
Top photo by Ajoy Dey; bottom photo by J. Das


Chapter Thirty-Four
1975: At Calcutta: U.S. Mens and Womens Team Ties.
We arrived in Calcutta in time for the Opening Ceremonies, and dutifully marched in,
dressed in our street jeans, with the other teams.
In the Mens and Womens Team events, in both the Championship Category (teams
ranked from the last Worlds #1-#16), and in Category II (teams ranked #17-#32), which is
where the 17th-ranked U.S. Mens Team and the 18th-ranked Womens Team were placed,
there were two round robin groups (Group A and Group B) of 8 teams each. Its important for
everyone reading this to realize the significance of our trying to get our U.S. Teams out of
Category II: for 17th place was the very best our Teams could do this year, even if we won
every tie9 straight. It wasnt the precise ranking of your Team that originally mattered so
much (#28 or #20, say), it was the 16-team bracket (#17-#32 for the U.S.) that your Team
was locked into for two years.
Our aim, our hope, more for the stronger men than the women, was to get through the
eight-team round robin as #1 or #2, then win our crisscross sudden death semifinal tie that
would insure us of being one of the two teams advanced to the Championship Category at the
next, 1977 Worlds in Birmingham, England. So far as we were concerned, #18 was as good
as #17and our so-called final would be anticlimactic: the real final would be our semifinal,
the tie that was a must for us to win.
In the crisscross ties then, the winner of Group A would play the runner-up from
Group B. And the winner of Group B the runner-up from Group A. The winners of these ties
would then play in the final. Of course, theoretically, this could be a rematch. If say, the winner
of Group A were to beat the runner-up of Group B, and the runner-up of Group A were to
beat the winner of Group B, then the winner and runner-up whod played in the original
round-robin would be back playing each other againwith, in the Championship Category,
perhaps a profoundly different result. Hypothetically, the format obviously left something to be
desired. For if, say, China in the Championship Group A, thought by many to be the best team,
were to be upset and come second, while over in Group B the last round robin tie would be
between two previously unbeaten teams, it might be better for one of these teams to dump that
tie. Or, if China, say, didnt want the Group B winner to get to the final, they, as yet
undefeated, might dump a round-robin tie to become the Group A runner-up and so be able to
confront that Group B winner in the semis. But of course what country would want so
ruthlessly, so unsportsmanlike, to attain its strategic or political end that, in playing by the
rules, it would actually be a loser?
U.S. Womens Team Ties
So howd our Womens Team do?
Take a guess: When I do sit-ups, says one of our girls, I dont go all the way, I just
go half way. To put it bluntly, win or lose, they didnt play onewell, maybe one
meaningful exciting 3-2 tie with any of the nine opponents we faced. We were just never in the
action, never contending. As a consequencewith our 5-4 (14-14) 25th-place finishwe
stayed mired in the #17-32 Category II.
At the outset here, I want to thank Leah (Miss Ping) Neuberger and Australias
Doug Stewart (who lived in the States for a while) for helping me out with info on the U.S.

Womens ties when necessity and desire called me to cover any simultaneously-played Mens
In our first tie, against Nigeria, the weakest team in our Group, Olga won her match in
3 games. Judy then easily defeated veteran Ethel Jacks, whom Miss Ping remembered playing
against quite a few years ago. And Judy and Angelita took the doubles. A 3-0 sweep for the
Our 2nd tie was against the Netherlandsand since their men were good, we figured
the women were too. So I wasnt going to play Olga (our #4) again. Patty, however, was sick.
She wanted to be out there on court, wished she could be, but was weakhad had only broth
and toast in two days, hadnt hit that first warm-up ball, and was in no condition to play. So
what else was I going to do but pencil in Angie and Judy for singles. Rosal had taken her turn
at being sick in Nagpur and of course, like a lot of other people, still had diarrhea. Worse, the
discomfort was compounded because the diarrhea pills the doctor had given her made her
throw up, so she often preferred either not to take the pills or to take them and eat little or
nothing. Since Angie obviously wasnt at her best, and since Soltesz seemed more into wanting
to play here than in Nagpur, I decided to play Judy
and Olga in the doubles.
Sonja Heltzel, the Netherlands #1who in
the Singles would beat Terry Foldy after the Swiss
girl had taken out Rosal, and who would be up 2-0
and deuce in the 4th before losing to Brigette Thiriet,
the French #2barely beat Bochenski, 23-21 in the
3rd. Judy, down 20-18 in the 1st, rallied beautifully to
win the game. But then, though her momentum
carried her to a 13-7 lead in the 2nd, she couldnt
hold it. Again down 20-18 in the 3rd, Judy again got
the adbut couldnt win. This was the best any
American girl would play in Calcutta.
Psychically, this was a very important match,
Judy Hoarfrost
Photo by Mal
for had Judy won, we might have done what we were
not about to do, take this tie, and indulge ourselves a
little longer with the hope that we might survive for a
place in the crisscross semis.
Nora Bakker, the Netherlands #2, who would advance to the round of 32 in the
Singles before she was easily disposed of by Chinas Huai-ying (World #11), defeated Angie 18
and 8. Then in the doubles, Bakker teamed with Marian Van der Vliet and they had to struggle
to three games before downing Judy and Olga. So, though we fought well, our hoped-for
progress was (temporarily? permanently?) dammed by the Dutch.
We were in deep trouble, for the Netherlands would not be strong enough to finish #1
or #2 in our Group.
Now, almost before we could even take the walkover from Denmark and collect
ourselves, our next tie was with Hong Kong (who would be our Groups #1 and would
ultimately be the top team to advance into the Championship Category at the 77 Worlds).
Martinez was ready to competeor said she was. And that allowed me to play Angie
in the singles and Judy and Patty in the doubles. Patty had been our best doubles player, not
only on her major-championship record, but in recent play, and not having had as much

practice as the other women, she needed as much court-time as possible. With her close-tothe-table style I wasnt too worried about her stamina.
In the 1st match, Rosal, wanting to rocket in forehands, never could fire upmissed
maybe 7 of Ko Lee Chees serves, and was beaten 9 and 12. A Greek coach had been chasing
Angie. Said the only way the U.S. could get better was if they had a good coach. Like maybe
him? Is that what he said when he caught her?
Against Cheung Siu Ying, Martinez and all of us were
in for a surprise. The Hong Kong girls game was a mirror
image of Pattysonly better. She, too, played with a hard
rubber racket. In the 1st, Patty started with a 7-2 lead.
Cheung was having trouble adjustingbut when she did, you
could see the match was over. Martinez lost 14 and 10.
Wow, said Patty, what a weird racket she has.
Later, in the Singles, Martinez would have to play
this same girl again, but this time shed make an adjustment
of her own and force her to 4.
BravoJudy and Patty clicked in the doubles, won in 3.
Hong Kongs Cheung Siu Ying
But again Angie was flattened, 9 and 12. Such singles
From 1975 Commonwealth
scores66 points in 6 games! In Sarajevo our girls whipped
Championships Program
Hong Kong, 3-0. But of course that was an entirely different
teamnow not one name was recognizable from two years ago.
To be wiped out like that didnt help our Team morale. But worse was the knowledge
that for us the tournament was already over. Belgium had just beaten the Netherlands. That
meant that even if we zipped Belgium, Singapore, and Australia in our remaining ties, we
couldnt achieve the only meaningful result, a first or second-place finish that would give us a
chance to advance to the Championship Category.
The tournament organizers had planned the pairings carefully so that we would meet
toward the end what they thought were the strongest teamsbut theyd overlooked Hong
Kong with their brand new team.
We did not blitz Belgiumthey blitzed us. Angie could average only 14 points against
Veronique Germiat (who in the Singles wouldnt get through the Pre-lims). And Patty (my
god, Id never seen her play so badly!) was beaten 14 and 7 by M.F. Germiat (who wouldnt
qualify for the 1st round of the Singles either). Of course, as I say, everyone knew there was
no chance of advancing. Judy and Patty did play pretty well in the doubles, but not good
enough to take a game.
Against Singapore, we won...a matchnot the tie. Bochenski, really getting into it,
annihilated Singles qualifier Tan Kek Hiang, 11 and 9. But then Soltesz was picked apart by
Peck Noi Hwoy whod won the first of her many National Championships back in 1966; Patty
and Angie dropped the doubles; and Olga (might as well give her more play) couldnt connect
against Tan.
There just wasnt any drama to this whole dreary scene untilridiculouswe were
now in danger of falling into Category III. Which would certainly not allow us to show our
faces back home.
Fortunately, Australia didnt look any better than we did. I had to play Judy of coursebut
who else? I finally decide on Angiemuch to Pattys annoyance. I dont blame Pattywere I her,
unhappy with the way Id been playing and sure I could do better, Id have wanted to play too.

Judy began on the right footingtoppled Helen Morrow in

3. And Angie, bless her, beat the 15-year-old Australian Champ
Leanne Morrow, a nice girl (I talked to her once on one of the
shuttle buses), who always tried hard and who every time she lost
looked like she was going to cry.
And then Judy and Angie had nary a problem in the doubles.
Now that the round robin was over, more anticlimactic
matches followed. We had to play two crisscross ties for 25th
through 28th position in the rankings. Big deal.
Our next opponent, Brazil, had been quarantined at
Australian Champ
Calcuttas Dum-Dum Airport for several days because their Team
Leanne Morrow
had been dumb-dumb and hadnt gotten their Yellow Fever shots.
From 1975 Commonwealth
They werent yellow, and surely they couldnt be jaundiced of us
Championships Program
even when Patty won, Olga won, and Patty and Angie won.
All our girls were starting to look better nowbut was there really any point in
playing Australia again for one position place?
Perhaps thats what Patty thought in losing to Christine
Little (a Consolation semifinalist) two straight. But Olga played
her strongest match of the tournament against Australian Champ
Morrowreally moved in and, all-intense, again and again
smacked her forehand. ThensurpriseJudy and Angie lost the
doubles. But Patty defeated Leanne Morrow. And Olga smashed
through Little, 5 and 18.
So at least we righted ourselves a bit by finishing on a
winning note.
And what of future U.S. Womens Teams?
Angie had represented us in the past, but will she be
us in the future? After shed returned from training
Australias Chris Little
with Stellan Bengtsson last summer she began lifting weights. If
she improved her physique, her stamina, shed improve her game, right? But here in stomachtroubling Calcutta she said she wouldnt be playing in two years time if she didnt...was it
quickly get a slice of pizza or quickly learn to spin? And how encouraging could it be that, on
returning home from her disorienting winter-weeks in India, she spent four days in a hospital,
sick with typhoid.
As Angelita goes, so goes our Team?
Or am I slighting, say, Judy whos back at Stanford studying?
Or Olga, who still dreams of being on a ranch?
Or Patty, as a recent letter shows, is once again on the move?
What new hopes will these girls, or others, bring with them in two years time?
And will another Captain need to send out a 1,000 letters? And will each of the players
again be asked to contribute $300 to represent their Association, their country, as they did this
U.S. Mens Team Ties
Our first Mens tie was against weak Wales, whose #1, Alan Griffiths, was sick. Im
such a suspicious sort that I worried until I saw the official line-up that the rumor theyd be

forced to play their

Captain, Brian Everson,
might be a ploy, and that
Griffiths would suddenly
appear racket in hand.
And what difference
would that make? Well, I
was playing our #5 Paul
Raphelwhom I always
thought of as being very
unpredictable. (Later, the
Team visited the Taj
Mahal at Agra. The Taj!
There, framed in the
tourist-entrance archway,
was this white marble palace in the sky, blackbirds soaring amongst the white and the blue. A
story book sight. But I couldnt, nor could anyone else, find Paul anywhere; he was lost.
Since Id promised his mother Id look after him, I finally foolishly went deep into the native
quarter, accompanied by Team supporter Steve Finney, to try to find himwalking fast,
pretending I was unafraid and knew exactly what the two of us were doing and where we were
going. That is, until an older man came rushing out of a building to tell us to go back to
wherever wed come from as quickly as possible. Which of course we didto find Paul lolling
about on the Agra grass with three bearded friends hed met.) I mean, with such a person
reason loses much of its effectiveness and you just have to trust your emotions. I knew if we
were to lose our 1st tie, it would be disastrous.
So, with or without his player identification number on his back (sometimes it was there,
sometimes it wasnt), Raphel comes on court for his first World Championship match looking very
uneasy. Better, as in Nagpur, this guy across from him is Gergely or Jonyer? Graham Davies might
be somebody he can beat. With a case of nerves worse than the umpire who miscalled 3 of the first
12 points, Paul seemed partially paralyzed. You shouldnt have put him in right off the bat like
that, Miss Ping said laternot in his first Worlds. Davies, who in the Singles would soon be
playing a deuce game with Tiao Wen-yuan, the Chinese Champion, defeated Paul easily of course.
But, buttressed by Danny Seemiller and Lim Ming Chuis easy victories, Raphel, in his
next matchwith John Mansfield who later downed two good Hong Kong playersdid well.
No butterflies this timenot even when its close. He beats Mansfield, 21-19, 22-20, and the
U.S. is off to a 5-1 start.
For our 2nd tie, against Italy, who had been shut out by the Netherlands, I thought we
could play Seemiller and any combination of others and win. But when, as was my custom, I
talked individually to the players about this, our 6-time U.S. Champ D-J Lee, for one, told me
I just couldnt think like that. Ive been to a lot more World Championships than you, he
said, and youve got to think of all these teams here as being good. You cant take a chance.
So, alright, I played Danny, D-J, and Peterand thought we were a lock. As a matter of
fact, last summer, the management of our pre-Nagpur training site, Mt. Airy Lodge in the
Pennsylvania Poconos, was almost ready to bring a foreign team to the U.S. for a Fall Exhibition.
We were looking for a team people would come out to see but that we wouldnt lose to. Italy, we
decided, was perfect. How could we be beaten by Italy (World nowhere in 71, #31 in 73)?

Here in Calcutta, however, Massimo Costantini (Italy #3) began by

going through Pradit two straight. Seemiller, following, had no trouble
finishing off Guido Bisi (Italy #2) in straight gamesbut a win from
Danny we were already beginning to think of as automatic. Only when
D-J (his backhand looked so weak) lost in 3 to Stefano Bosi, the
Italian Champion (in the Singles, Englands #5, Jimmy Walker,
knocked him out, 19 in the 4th), did we think we might be in
danger of unexpectedly dropping this tie.
Chances we had. Lee and Seemiller both beat the
Italian #3. But Pradit lost to Bosi who kept scoring with
a very good backhand loop. And Danny, after winning
the 1st from the Italian Champ, became overconfident, hustled less, lost the 2nd, and couldnt
recover. In the 9th match, against Bisi, Peter
was never in it. Italy 5USA 4. A real shock.
Belgium, our 3rd tie, we blitzed 5-0.
Norby Van de Walle, the Belgian who a number
of years ago, after growing up in Chicago,
Italys Massimo Costantini
represented the U.S. at the Worlds, wasnt in
Calcutta. A muscle injury had affected a nerve in his shoulder and he hadnt played for four
months. (Not even recently when several-times U.S. Champion Erwin Klein paid him a visit.)
As it turned out, I could have played Paul this tie, but Belgium had given Greece a 5-4
fight, and after that devastating loss to Italy I valued D-Js advice all the more. Our aim was to
get out of Category II. One more loss and that would likely be impossible.
Hong Kong was the imminent tie we had to win. They had two players whod come
from Mainland China (or so wed heard), and rumor had it that the Hong Kong Team didnt
go to the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne just before the Worlds because they were
afraid the eligibility of these two players might be questioned. However, Mr. Chung WingKwong, the President of their Association, claimed in a public statement that the Hong Kong
government just didnt have the money this year to help the Team, and that private
sponsorship could finance them only to Calcutta.
In the 1st match, Li Kuang Tsuone of Hong Kongs pillar playersbeat D-J, 12
and 14. And, oh, that was their #3! No wonder they took 3rd in the 74 Asian Games at
Teheran. Moreover, of the four players on their team, not one had participated in the last
Worlds at Sarajevoso their 26th-place finish there wasnt relevant.
Next up was Danny against Chiu Man Kuena shakehands attacker, extremely alert
and quick in response. Like Seemiller, he was to get to the round of 64 in the Singles. Danny
dropped him, 17, 19.
Hong Kongs #1 player was Chan Shing Hing who, in the Singles, would be eliminated
by Chinas Li Peng (World #17), 16, 23, -22, 13. Opposing him was our Chui (himself an exHong Kong Junior Champion). Oh, how Ming hated to sit out against Italy. Right in the
middle of that tie his unconscious rose up and he came out with something about not wanting
to watch, about wanting to leave! Players, he said, need their rest for the next days
matches. But I think if I hadnt persuaded him otherwise, and hed gone back to the hotel, I
might later have found him at the nightclub there, dancing! (A Grand Hotel it was. Sally and I
had to walk the equivalent of 2-3 blocks through winding corridors to get to our room. And

speaking of walking, I couldnt go anywhere outside the hotel without my Indian guide and
two security officers, each of whom carried around by its handle what looked like a
schoolchilds bookbag.)
Chui had been training for this Worlds for monthseven before he knew for sure he
was going to be on the Team. Given a choice by his employerthe Worlds or his jobMing
quit his job. Every day in Nagpur, where I roomed with him for a week, he would be faithfully
doing his exercisesanywhere and everywhere, at any hour of the day or night. Dammit,
Ming, Id say, are you still in the bathroom?
Chui and Chan split the first two games, both at 22-20. But Ming won the allimportant 3rd, 21-18. Neal Fox, youll get that one for the USTTA Ratings?
SoU.S. 2-Hong Kong 1 things were looking up. Except that Seemiller was
suddenly in the 3rd against that #3 opponent, Li. Danny was doing the same thing hed done
against Italys Champ Bosi. Had won the 1st at 10, then relaxed. Danny, Danny, dont be your
own worst enemy. While its true that almost all the players facing Seemiller for the first time
cant handle his serves, his anti-spin, his unconventional style, you cant argue that, just
because he loses the 2nd, as he did here, theyve caught on to him. In the 3rd, again
concentrating very well and looping hard, he destroys the somewhat bewildered Tsu.
Then, though Chan beats Lee two straight, Seemiller avenges that loss.
Again, the all-important match is Chuis. Down 20-17 in the 3rd against Chiu, Ming
somehow wins it, 22-20. He comes back to the bench all smiles, and says, The strange thing
is I wasnt nervous. You know why? Because back home at the Waltham Club Ive been
playing in Benny Hulls handicap tournaments so long, being down 20-17 is just naturalI
win from there all the time.
USA 5Hong Kong 2.
After this match we feel like winners. Danny and Ming are playing marvelouslyand
sooner or later, Im sure, my gutsy Sarajevo veterans, Lee and Pradit (whom I felt very secure
with), will, if necessary, win some big ones too. It only remained for me to find out which one
to pick for what match. At the back of my mind I had a hunch to use Paulbut Reason said
not to, and this wasnt one of those times I was emotionally ready to take a chance. I wasnt
sure, from Pauls prolonged inability to practice (at Mt. Airy, at Nagpur), of his playing
strength. His head was never better than in his play-acting heroics in the Triangular Match
against Gergely and Jonyer, but there at the Y in Nagpur he had nothing to lose, either for
himself or his teammates, and, feeling no pressure, could put on that incredible bravura
performance. I was also reluctant to use Paul because I didnt think the other players would
approve of such a choice at a time when, if we lost any tie at all, wed be out of contention. I
was afraid that, though theyd have to go along with whomever Id pick, it might affect their
heads, and they might play the worse for it.
Poor Paul. How he wanted to play! As much as, if not more than, anybody on the
Team. And I needed his kind of inspired playingbut I didnt need the downs that might go
along with it. In our situation we had to have proven steadiness, experienceor so I thought.
So for our next tie with Greece I chose to partner Danny and Ming with Peter. D-J had
just lost two to Hong Kong, and though Peter, with his all-out attacking style, was a
notoriously slow starter, I figured, with his unwavering seriousness, he might be due for a
repeat of what, in that 1st match at Nagpur, hed done to Kunz (World #25).
Of course, as well see in a moment, we beat Greece easily. Or did we? One doesnt
have to read Othello to be reminded that what seems to be true is often not.

Follow, for instance, Chui on his

peregrinations. In between ties, Ming has
been haunting the practice room where
invariably the Chinese are. In fact, hes been
able to buy from them a piece of a new
rubber they have, but not a blade. Now, as
were waiting to play Greece, he tells me
hes been talking with Li Ching-kuang (I
believe it was Li because Ming had also
been telling me that Lid assured him that, if
a Seemiller opponent was fast enough,
Danny wouldnt have time during the point
to change his racket to whichever side he
Ming had asked Li how to select a
racket. First, Li said, you go through
several boxes of paddles to find one that
Li Ching-kuang
you like. Then you sand itto remove the
excess weight of the paint. Then you look
at it to see if it has any wood cracks. At
which point you make your first rejection. Then you knock on the bat all around. If it makes a
hollow sound anyplace, you reject it. (According to Li, Chuis bat makes lots of hollow
sounds. Except, says Ming, he doesnt hear what Li does.) Then you take a ball and begin
bouncing it on the racket. The ball should stay in one position. (The ball on Chuis paddle
hopped in all directions.) If it does, youve got a pretty good racket.
Pity Chui, do you? A 15-3 record in the Teams hes going to haveyet holds in his
hand an unpicked, unsanded, hollow-sounding racket. And he thought he had the same 6-ply
Double Happiness racket that Li Ching-kuang didwhich, now that he thinks about it, looks
not 6-ply but 4-ply.
Against Greece, Peter started us off againand lost to their #2, Nicolas Kostopolous.
Why do I keep starting our #3 man? Because he plays the 9th match, while Danny plays the
7th. I mean, you want to be around for the 9th match, right? Oh yeah, it makes sensebut not
for us. Maybe I should never play Peter first again? Maybe I shouldnt play him at all? Maybe.
Except in his next match with the Greek #1, Constantine Priftis, though it took him 3 games to
do it, he won. Then, since Priftis later bested Canadas #1, Errol Caetano, no wonder Chui had
to grapple with himbut take him down he did, deuce in the 3rd. Another gritty win for Ming,
defective racket or no. Had Paul played in Peters stead, would he have beaten Priftis?
Chinese-coached Nigeria, we knew, would be no pushover. Nigeria, Hong Kong, the
Netherlandsthese had shaped up as our toughest competition. (For some reason I still didnt
believe Italy was one of the four best teams.) Question was, we had to win the two remaining
ties, so who did I play? Seemiller and Chui, of course, but D-J, or Peteror Paul?
Again I talked it over privately with everybody, and since Peter, after hed beaten the
Greek #1, said hed like to play in the tougher tie against the Netherlands, and since D-J
hadnt suited up against Greece, I decided Id give them both the opportunity, so that if we
won over first Nigeria and then the Netherlands Id be in a better position to decide who to
play in the climactic crisscross semis.

Against Nigeria, D-J began by

downing Kasali Lasisi, who would
later have Caetano in two-deucegames trouble. And then both
Seemiller and Chui beat Lekan Fenuyi
(victor over Pradit in the Singles).
Nigerias Lekan Fenuyi
However, the #1 Nigerian was
Photo by Mal Anderson
Babatunde Obisanya, who two years
ago in Sarajevo had defeated
Seemiller and Fuarnado Roberts (here
in Calcutta one of our biggest
supporters), and who this year had
gotten to the semis of the
Commonwealth Games. It was
understandable then that Lee could
and did lose to him. Still, D-J, after winning the 1st 21-9, almost got home in the 2nd, losing
21-19. But it didnt matterwe swept by Nigeria 5-1.

Netherlands stars: left: Nico Van Slobbe; right: Bert Van der Helm

Cor du Buy was handing out photos of the Netherlands Team, so you knew they had
to be good. An even better clue was that they hadnt lost a tie and that the most theyd given
up to any team was two matches.
Nico Van Slobbe, like Chui, had beaten Hong Kongs Chan, who would get to the
round of 32 in the Singles, so their match was supposed to be closeand it was. But Chui
came through, 17 in the 3rd.
Pradit was now 2nd offopposite Bert Van der Helm, the 8-time Netherlands Champion.
And, hooray, he finally won a 1st game, 22-20, and in the 3rd, 21-3, the match. Yes, thats right,
21-3. Once Peter gets momentum, gets control, he looks kung fu marvelous. True, he lost his last
match to Carel Dekenbut at 19 in the 3rd. He seemed to be playing much better.

Van der Helm came back from that humiliating last game with Pradit to knock off Chui
two straight. But neither Van der Helm nor Von Slobbe, though they played deuce games with
Danny, could beat him. USA 5Netherlands 2.
Fine, were in great shape. The Netherlands has a 6-1 record and so do webut since
only two teams are tied, the tie is broken in favor of us because we defeated the Netherlands
head to head.
Now comes the crossover tie weve been waiting two years for. Australia over in
Group B has won out over Poland 5-2, so its us against these Polack losers. Yeah, better
Poland than Australia. Doug Stewart said he thought the Aussies would beat us.
Im playing Seemiller and Chuiand Pradit. Maybe I was wrong to do thisand
maybe I wasnt. At any event, I didnt hear one whisper of complaint from anybody about the
choice. And its not as if you couldnt talk to me individually because everybody knew they
could and did.
Ive always had the highest respect for Lee and Pradit bothas fighters, as people. DJ is very practical-minded, is very much of this world. And Peter...well, not that he isnt
practical toobut....I have this soul thing, this mystique, about Peter. I just think hes capable
of being inspired. That is, I hear the breath of the Spirit, to which all aspire, wafting the
temple-bells high in his head. I remembered Sarjevothe semis match against Denmark
where Peter twice came from far, far back, the first time to lose, the second to win, in that
same inspired manner that he beat the Netherlands Champ here 21-3. We needed only one win
from Peter, one from Ming, for I felt that Danny would win his three.
As I had in Sarajevo Id cheered and cheered, match after match, tie after tie, until,
shakily, shaking myself, it had come to thisagainst Poland, a team wed beaten 5-2 at the last
Pradit opened for us (a positioning mistake?). His opponent, Zbigniew Fraczyk, whom
wed not played against at the last Worlds, was supposedly their #5, so why put him up when
Marek Skibinski, their #3, will prove capable in the Singles of giving Englands Trevor Taylor,
the Commonwealth Champion, a 5-game match? Why, indeed. Fraczyk played like he was the
Poland #1and Peter was cold, dead. Of course the Polish guy wasnt lucky, he later beat
Caetano and N. V. Ashok, the Indian whod take out Raphel 3-zip.
The next Pole was also a FraczykStanislaw (their #1)who had a gimpy leg. In
Sarajevo Danny had just eased by him, 19,
20here he coasted to a win.
Witold Woznica
Against their #2, Witold Woznica,
Chui won the 1st, but, oh, dropped the next
two. We didnt know it yet, but Woznica and
Zbigniew Fraczyk would make a damn good
doubles team. Whod expect them here in
sweltering India to ice the top North Korean
pair, then almost deep freeze the soon-to-be
World Champions Jonyer and Gergely?
Seemiller stopped this Zbigniew, 20. But Pradit again, this time against
Woznica, couldnt take a game. It didnt
make me feel any better that at Sarajevo D-J
had -23, -16 struggled and lost to him.

And now a very big matchChui vs. the tall Polish player with the bad leg. In the 1st,
Mings got him 20-17but then he and Fraczyk play an incredible superstar point, which
Fraczyk wins and stays in the game with. Now the Pole continues with his slow loop play to
Chuis forehand and Ming doesnt know what to do with the ball. He ends up losing this game,
and (Im sorry, I shouldnt have used so much wood) the match, 19 in the 3rd. Its such a
killer I feel Ive taken a bullet. Roberts is nice, tries to comfort me.
Poland 4USA 2.
But again Seemiller prevailsholds 24-22, 22-20 strong against Woznica.
Disheartened but desperate, he keeps us alive. In Sarajevo, in Swaythling Cup play, Danny was
10-10. Here hes 18-1!
And now Chui 11, 9 unravels Zbigniewfrazzles this Fraczyk.
But the other one, limping into the courtwell, dont believe in his case lameness
symbolizes any defect of the Spirit.
SoPoland 4-USA 4and its all up to Pradit. But where is Peter?
On several occasions Id shown my nervousness to him over Lees habit of appearing
late for a match. I was sure D-J knew what he was doing, but it always scared me. I didnt
want any team trying to claim a default win. Peter had assured me that hed never be late like
that. But as Chui had just about finished routing Zbigniew, Peter was not in sight. With the tie
4-4, I didnt want to have any possible ring-down-the-Iron-Curtain incident, so I went looking
for him in the side dressing rooms adjacent to the playing area.
From the corridor, through a half-opened door I saw
him. He had his back to me and was...kneeling. I thought for
a moment he was stretching, or maybe assuming some yoga
position. And then I realized...he was praying. Since Id found
him I was relieved. I didnt want to embarrass him or put any
more pressure on him. So, without acknowledging that Id
seen him, I let him be...and went back to see if Chuis match
had been completed.
Very soon it wasand Peter had still not arrived. So,
after Id waited a few more minutes, I knew I had to go get
him. My god, was the burden so great that he didnt want to
come to the table? Again, through the half-opened door I saw
him. He had his back to me and was apparently practicing his
strokefor he was looking into a mirror. I called to him, and
we shook hands and I urged him to win this one...for meI
had tears in my eyes.
There is no one else to do what Peter has to do. He is
Peter Pradit--did his best
just not playing well and knows it. He has no confidence
nor, at the moment, can he get it. I have done my best. He has
done his best. It is just not good enough. He comes off the table, having lost two straight,
having never been in the match. I shake his hand, go over to the wall, and vomit great sobs.


Chapter Thirty-Five
1975: Swaythling/Corbillon Cup Play
For the first time since the China-India Himalayan War in 1962, an organized group of
Chinese have come to India. This, of course, is Chinas table tennis team that at the last
Worlds in 1973 was the runner-up in both Swaythling and Corbillon Cup play. That this show
of Ping-Pong Diplomacy was not only politically correct but popularly applauded might be
inferred from the fact that the New York Times reported that, as the players paraded by in the
Opening Ceremonies, China received the biggest ovation accorded any of the 51 teams.
Which helped to give credence to Chinese Vice Minister Chao Cheng-hungs de rigueur
comment that the Indian people have cherished profound feeling for the Chinese people. In
the name of his Culture and Sports Ministry, he planted a white-flower Kamini tree at the
Stadium to symbolize the friendship between the two countries.
However, not so popular was Indias official decision to bar Israel from Cup play even
while it maintained trade relations with that country. This, while allowing the late entry of not
a Palestine Liberation Organization but a Palestine (Gaza) team. Reportedly, the Indian
government wanted no political problems, no machine-gun problems of policing. Some
countries urged that India be censured for their position, which was contrary to the
International Table Tennis Federations policy of allowing all countries to participate, but,
threatened with Indias withdrawal if censured, no such censure motion was formally adopted.
Nor at this late stage did any country, having come so far and at such considerable expense,
withdraw in protest (though there were some USTTA members writing into Topics who would
have liked the U.S. Team to do just that).
Also refused entry, because of Indias opposition to apartheid, was a non-white, antiapartheid team of mostly Indian descent from South Africa (allowed to represent South Africa
in the first place only because the white-supremicist government anticipated that India
wouldnt allow these mixed-race players to play?). No Israeli Team member had arrived in
Calcutta, but three South Africans had, and although they represented an Association
recognized by the ITTF, they were not permitted to go to the Nataji Stadium even as
Corbillon Cup Play
But enough politicsor almost enough, for I might add that here in Calcutta the ITTF
formally accepted the China-backed Asian Table Tennis Union as an affiliate and gave the boot
to the Asian Table Tennis Federation. So for sure you still arent going to see any Taiwaner,
make that Chinese Taipeiteam at the Worlds until their acceptance by the ITTF (and The
Peoples Republic of China) in far away 1983.
As I explained in my last Chapter, the Womens Championship Category (like the
Mens) was divided, as equally as possible according to strength, into two round robins
(Group A and Group B) of eight teams each. But whereas the men play a minimum of five, a
maximum of nine, singles matches per tie, the women play a minimum of two, a maximum of
four, singles matches and a mandatory 3rd-match doubles. As expected, Defending Champion
South Korea won the A Groupwithout dropping a single match; and the #2-seeded team,
China, won the B Groupwith Defending World Champion Hu Yu-lan losing (and thus
preparing to lose in Singles?) a 13, 18 match to Japans World #13, Sachiko Yokota.

A Group runner-up, #4-seed Hungary, won six of its seven ties, being 3-2 extended
only by #5-seed USSR. B Group runner-up, #3-seed Japan, also won six of its seven ties,
being 3-2 extended only by, and this was somewhat surprising, #10-seed England.
The crossover ties to determine the titleholder Ill get to in a minute.
But with regard to 5th through 8th place, let me say first that, before the crossovers,
advancing from the A Group came USSR (5-2)playing without their World #11 Zoya
Rudnova (who was somewhere in Russia being disciplined?)and Czechoslovakia (4-3) with
3-2 wins over both France (3-4) and Sweden (2-5). In danger of 15-16th-place relegation were
Indonesia (1-6) and,
embarrassingly but not
unexpectedly, India (0-7) whod
won a silver at the recent
Commonwealth Games in
From the B Group came
England (4-3), whod lost their
opening tie, 3-2, to Germany but
then had done what Germany (34) couldnt dohad scored over
Yugoslavia (4-3) and Rumania (25). In danger of relegation were
Bulgaria and Poland (both 1-6),
who later, by finishing 13th and
14th respectively, survived to
remain in the Championship
Category for the 77 Worlds. In
finally placing 5th overallthanks
largely to Jill Hammersley, who in
winning 12 of her 15 singles
matches and, with Linda Howard,
Above: Chung Hyun Sook shown here on her way to winning
all 8 of her doublesEngland, in
the 1975 U.S. Open; Below: Lee Ailesa, heroine of the 1973
this continuing time of Asian
World Champion South Korean Womens Team
domination, had as good a finish
as shed had in 10 years.
Though theyd made the
crossover semis, the Japanese just
couldnt put up any resistance at
all to the South Koreans. 1974
U.S. Open Champion Yukie
Ohzeki fell, 13, 16 to Chung Hyun
Sook whod go on to win the
1975 U.S. Open. Yokoto averaged
only 12 a game against Lee Ailesa.
And Ohzeki/Tomie Edano
opposite these two Koreans could
total no more than 25 points.

Former World Singles Champion Ichiro Ogimura, who would later become President of the
ITTF, said that, uh, regrettably young Japanese did not have the nationalistic spirit of pre-war
and war periods. Another reason for their poor performance, he said, was that they didnt have
enough high seriousness, and were easily distracted, which meant that they didnt have enough
desire to practice the hard way as many of our former players used to. Of course the
Japanese women had done well at the 74 Asian Gameshad even beaten China to win the
Team event. But, as some would say, what did that prove?
Nor could Hungary do much better against China, prepared as ever with its perennial
corps of cameramen, videotaping, it would seem, every point played by anyone and everyone.
Tall, lean Chang Li, a lefty penhold attacker, sent European would-be defenders into shock
when she battered Beatrix Kishazi 13, 3. Defending Singles Champion Hu Yu-lan, a two-wing
shakehands all-around player, appeared outmatched on losing the 1st at 10 to Judit Magos
the towering European Champion, a powerful penholder who usually took her fast-moving
cue from her ballet-dancer husband. But not so fastHu won the next two at 17, 15. Then
she teamed with Ke Hsin-ai to dispatch European Doubles Champions Magos/Henriette
Lotaller , 13, 10.
In the final, the opening match saw
World #4 Chang Li convincingly beat
World #2 Lee Ailesa in straight games.
ThensurpriseChina didnt play Hu in
singles. Who then? The unknown,
unranked penholder Ke Hsin-ai, of course,
who proved that Chinas confidence in her
was not misplaced by rallying from 16-9
down in the 3rd to just get by Chung
Hyun Sook at deuce. With China up 2-0,
Hu did come in to play doubles with her
recent Scandinavian Open co-Champion
Ke, but they didnt clinch the
Championship because Lee and Chung
prevailed, 23-21 in the deciding 2nd.
Commenting on the 4th match, the
Calcutta Statesman praised Chung for her
Chinas Chang Li
agile footwork and wonderful reflexes
Photo by Mal Anderson
(a pretty safe description, sight unseen, of
any world-class player), and said of this
noted defender that in the 1st game against Chang she scored nine points in a row with fierce
forehand smashes. After which she held on to win the 2nd game at deuce. So, tie all tied, 2-2.
Now it was Lee, the heroine of last years climactic tie against China, vs. Kebut,
though Ke hadnt what youd call a stylish game, she had a very effective one, and Lee had 14, -10 no chance. Perhaps some of this one-sided result was due to superior physical
conditioning? The Czech Mens Coach, Vlado Miko, said that only Orlowski of his men
players was as well conditioned as the Chinese women. While both Chinese Captain Ho Chupin and Chinese Coach Li He-nan (who, like Chang Li, will one day be our USA Coach) were
telling reporters that China valued friendship over success, the Korean girls were confiding
that theyd never before seen the kind of rubber Ke was so friendly-like using. It was new

(from Tientsin?) and

stickierbut not illegal. No
excuses from the South Korean
Coach Park Chong Ho though.
The Statesman quoted him as
saying that it wasnt Kes racket
that was of any special
importance, it was Ke herself.
Interest back in Seoul
over the progress of the now no
longer World Champions had
been intense, and reportedly a
member of the South Korean
press had set a record for the
duration of any Calcutta
telephone call, sinceand it
wasnt the first timehed
Chinas Ke Hsin-ai
stayed on line narrating point
after point, match after match,
until the ties final, disappointing conclusion.
With Kes 5th-match victory, she and her teammates received stand-up smiles, waves,
and cheers from the spectators, particularly the local Chinese. Also, in central Calcutta,
Chinese residents set off firecrackers in celebration. Later, Kes wins (and losses) for China
would be further rewarded, for in 79, as Ge Xinai (in the Pinyin romanised spelling of Jan. 1,
1979), she would become World Champion.
Swaythling Cup Play
Some seed-sprouting surprises in the Mens Championship Category. In Group A, #1seed Sweden (6-1)faced with an uncharacteristically weak performance by 73 World
runner-up Kjell Johansson and a characteristically strong one by 74 European Champ Milan
Orlowskidropped a 5-3 tie to #5-seed Czechoslovakia, who, though extended 5-3 by France
(2-5) and 5-2 by both the USSR (5-2) and South Korea (3-4), got through the round-robin
undefeated, shutting out Germany (4-3) in the process. In danger of relegation was Denmark
(1-6), and eventually relegated was Austria (0-7).
Defending Champion Sweden looked very shaky in their deciding, stay-in-contention
tie with the USSR and, despite the 5-2 result, must have had quite a few doubts as to whether
theyd make the crossovers. Anatoly Strokatov began by downing 71 World Champion
Stellan Bengtsson, and Sarkis Sarkhayan followed by defeating, likewise with astonishing ease,
Ulf Thorsell, the 73 European Junior Champion. Then Stanislav Gomozkov, after outlasting
Johansson 26-24 in the 1st, was up 13-9 in the 2nd....But the Soviets couldnt take further
advantage of their great start. Particularly disappointing to them had to be Strokatovs loss to
Johansson, for the Russian was up 11-2...15-10...19-16 in the 3rd before serving into the net
and eventually losing at deuce. Further swing games went Swedens wayThorsell 21, 17
over Gomozkov, and Johansson, 19 in the 3rd, over Sarkhayan.
In Group B, the 1973 runner-up China, as anticipated, came through unscathed,
followed by #6-seed Yugoslavia (6-1), whod drawn cat-calls and derogatory whistles in

Sarajevo. The #3-seed Japan (4-3) was pressured by at least half the field, putting up stiff 5-3
resistance to China, but succumbing 5-3 to both Yugoslavia and Hungary (5-2), and just 5-4
barely edging England (3-4). Rumania (2-5) at least insured itself a Championship Category
place in 77, while Indonesia (1-6) was threatened with relegation, and India (0-7) was
relegated, just as its Corbillon Cup team had been.
Hungarys 15-year failure to contest for the Team title was exacerbated by the
Hungarian Associations disgust with 23-year-old Tibor Klampar, their 1971 World Doubles
Champion with Istvan Jonyer.
Japans decreased stature in the table tennis world had to have been reflected in their 4
and 1/2-hour near loss to Commonwealth Games runner-up England. They didnt field either
their 1969 World Champion (and 1971 World runner-up) Shigeo Itoh, now 30 years old and
about to fall to World #35 after Calcutta, nor their 67 World and 74 Asian Games runner-up
Mitsuru Kohno (whod go deuce-in-the-3rd with Surbek). As a result, they had persistent 3game trouble securing enough matches to win. Fortunately for Japan, Toshiaki Furukawa, after
losing deuce in the 3rd to Nicky Jarvis, wasnt quite nervous enough to blow a 20-15 matchpoint lead against Trevor Taylor and finally won out
The crossover ties provided ticket-holders with
Chinas Miracle Server
their rupees worth. For some, initially more than their
Photo by D-J Lee
rupees worth, for spectators, in fervid anticipation of
the play, had so overcrowded the China-Sweden court
that Indian President Ranga Ramanujan himself had to
come down and politely tell some people to get the
hell out of there.
In the one semis, China exacted 5-2 revenge
for their 73 loss to Sweden (a retaliation which
couldnt have been too much of a surprise, since two
months earlier at the Scandinavian Open Teams in
Karlshamm China had blitzed Sweden). In the opener,
Liang Ko-liang, though described by our Danny
Seemiller as having a very fine chop defense and a
fast loop which he mixes into play well, could not,
after winning the 1st (making him 17-0 in games won),
outmaneuver Johansson. But Li Chen-shih, perhaps
the best of the Chinese, quickly snapped away ball
after ball against Thorsell. And Hsu Shao-fa, who must
have been practicing his repertoire of wondrous serves
for nearly 20 years now, took out Bengtsson in 3,
despite the former World Champions successful
attempts to hit the ball harder from both wings. China
2Sweden 1.
Johansson again ralliedthis time to -13, 19,
15 beat Li. It was a gutsy win, for Kjell was down 1-0
and 17-12...19-16 in the 2nd. This grand struggle
caused Dick Miles, for one, to stress the similarities in
the two attackers stylesas if it takes a Swedish

shakehands inverted player to know a Chinese pips-out penholder. Both players, said Dick,
rely on one strong shot onlya [step-around] forehand drive made with full power, and
usually crosscourt, from their own backhand side to their opponents backhands.
But after Sweden had evened the tie, Liang (who was playing with a hard-to-read antispin...or was it anti-spin?) won the 1st at 19 from Bengtsson, then, so someone said, tossed
the ball awayand (with a new one?) won the 2nd easily. Hsu then suited himself in disposing
of the hapless Thorsell. And Li locked up Bengtsson, whose block and counter game, said
Miles, couldnt stand up to the footwork, the timing, the classic stroke that, all perfectly in
balance, continued to bombard the Swede with a fusillade of low-trajectory shots.
In the other semis, in a far more sustainedly suspenseful tie, Yugoslavia won the right
to represent Europe in the final by besting Czechoslovakia 5-3. The Czechs started strong,
however. Like a single-minded bird dog, or tenacious bulldog, Jaroslav Kunz, World #21 in
73, World #21 in 75, simply would not relent and upset Anton Tova Stipancic 23, -19, 13.
After which Orlowski, 19, 12, rebuffed Milivoj Karakasevics 1st-game threat. Czechoslovakia
2Yugoslavia 0. Thendid even the Indians whistle?Jiri Turai trounced the great Dragutin
Surbek 21-13, and the Yugoslavs must have been thinking black thoughts about the hole they
were finding themselves in. But suddenly the door to the suffocating room opened and Surbek,
14, 14, was no longer confined.
Stipancic also regrouped by beating Orlowski, 21, -11, 17winning the key 1st game
that otherwise might have tipped the tie to the Czechs. Then it was Surbek againbarely -21,
19, 9 successful against Kunz, perhaps sensing but, if so, eluding the scent of defeat that might
have come to him through some tiny crack in his psyche. However, Turai balanced, tumbled
Karakasevic, and the tie was 3-3.
Now the match that wouldwait, there was plenty of spin on this match, but where
was the expected spin in it? What was going on?
Orlowski, 19-1 at this no-point, was defaulting!
Why? Because what had happened to others had
finallyafter 46 gameshappened to him, and at a
very bad time. He had a high temperature, was sick.
And so were the other Czechs. Turai had no
resistance left at allhe averaged a mere 10 points
against Stipancic.
The Swaythling Cup final thus became a rematch, a second tie, between China and Yugoslavia.
So will Li Peng again lose to Surbek and Stipancic?
Not a chance. For coming in to partner Hsu Shao-fa
(now 10-0) and Li Chen-shih (now 12-1) is...Liang
Ko-Liang (9-1)? Nope. Its another unknown (is he
still a teenager?) Lu Yuan-sheng (now 6-0), who so
far has been used sparingly (interestingly in nocontest matches against Indonesia and India...and
also against Japan in a tie where Chinabut not
Hsu, Li, or Lupassed around 3 matches for the
taking much as they would refreshments at a special
tea they invited Japan and others to at their private
Chinas Li Peng
Hindustan hotel).
From CTTA Table Tennis News, May, 1975, 5

Li Peng, Lu Yuan-shengperhaps it made no

difference who China selected? In the opening match, Lu,
like Li Peng, also lost to spinner Stipancic. Down 20-19 in
the 1st, Lu got the nod from a linesman who, though
Yugoslav Coach Dusan Dule Osmanagic strongly
protested, held fast to his ruling that Lus chop-return had
indeed hit the edge. However, Lu finally lost that game, 2826, and then the 2nd at 17. Thus the Amrita Bazar Patrika
reporter bizarrely said, Stipancic made short work of the
not very outstanding player Lu Yuan-Sheng.
Li then evened up the tie by beating Karakasevic,
16 and 19, in a match wherein this same reporter, ever at a
loss for words, said that the Chinese player had not to
exert muchwhich may have been true.
Though Surbek had lost to Hsu Shao-fa in Team
play earlier, perhaps hed gotten used to The Miracle
Server, as the local press had dubbed him (and the State
Bank of India in their Stadium adWe Score On
Servicemight seem to have alluded to him). For this
time, recovering from a 23-21 1st-game loss, The Dragon
gave Hsu his only defeat in Team play. Actually, as Itoh told
an Indian reporter, not just Hsu but all the Chinese give
greatest priority to service. Almost two to three hours a day
are devoted to [it]....The idea is to be able to serve different
kinds of services with the same action. The follow restricted so as not to let the opponent have
any idea about the kind of service served.
China again evened the tie when Stipancic, on being
Chinas Lu Yuan-sheng
subjected to Lis tracer-like barrage, proved 12, 8 totally
unprotected. Try putting a spin on that?
Oh, ohheres that not very outstanding player back again, and who does he face?
Surbek, whose record is now 19-1. And the winner is... Could you have guessed it? Lu Yuansheng, 10, 20. Surbek, one observer said, played stupid. He couldnt figure out the spin
tried to loop his serve returns, instead of pushing the ball back. Still, perhaps, if Lus not
very outstanding, he is outstanding? And who had the book on him?
Karakasevic has a will to win, but Hsu beats him handilythe Chinese are just a class
above. China 4-Yugoslavia 2.
Li (now 14-1) will wrap up the title? Not after Surbek wins the 1st at deuce and closes
Li out in the 2nd.
But Hsu, whod been extended to 19 in the 3rd by Stipancic earlier, primed Chinas
well-known national fervor to explode in an apt New Years Eve celebration when he
outplayed and outconditioned the Yugoslav, allowing him only 29 points in straight games.
Party time! The Chinese sang Indian songs, made speechesand beer mugs and
cameras clicked. The Indians sang Chinese songs, made speechesand beer mugs and
cameras clicked. On New Years Day, said the Statesman, the Chinese ordered a wholly
Indian lunch and sweets.

Chapter Thirty-Six
1975: Mens and Womens Singles
Only once before Calcutta had China won both the Swaythling and Corbillon Cups.
That was in 1965and that year, in the Individual events, the Chinese had gone on to take 1st
and 2nd in Mens Singles, 2nd in Womens Singles, and, while giving up the Mixed, had won
both the Mens and Womens Doubles.
Now, 10 years later, after all their Ping-Pong Diplomacy efforts, would they cut such a
swath through the field again? Certainly not. In the five remaining events, they stuck by their
collective gunsunloaded them to the anything but martial tune of Friendship First,
Competition Second. Which meant that here in Calcutta they would not take home even one
title more. Such a wholesale relinquishment after their Team victories would never happen
again, in India or anywhere else.
Womens Singles
Of the 10 Chinese women who came to Calcutta, 6
advanced in the Singles to the round of 32 (precisely the
same number, by the way, for the Chinese men). After
Defending World Champion Hu Yu-lan had been upset early,
and now Yen Kuei-li had been eliminated, 24-22 in the 4th,
by Japans Yukie Ohzeki, that left Huang Hsi-ping as the
only Chinese in the top half of the round of 16 draw. When
she was beaten in the 8ths by Rumanias Maria Alexandru,
18 in the 4th, that meant there was no Chinese woman in
the top half of the quarters draw. Meanwhile, there was a
very good possibility that all four spots in the bottom half of
the quarters draw would be taken by Chinese women,
including three of their 4-member Corbillon Cup team. Now
I ask you, if you were trying to win the World
Championship, which half of the draw would you like to be
in? And if you caught the break that North Koreas Pak
Yung Sun did, wouldnt you silently thank, if not the Indian
gods, the drawmakers (and I suppose, in your euphoria,
whatever other committeemen or match officials you met
who generally had their hands out for ITTF membercountries pins or badges like beggars for alms).
Actually, for some reason best known to the North
Koreans, Paks name on the drawsheets was Yung Sun Kim,
so no wonder the Calcutta Statesman was at first calling her
an unknown. For some reason best known to the North
Koreans, theyd chosen not to play in this years Corbillon
Cup, so Yung Sun Kim was not in the news (though last
May in Friendship Team ties in Peking, Pak had helped
North Korea to defeat Yugoslavia, Sweden and Japan, and, North Korean 1975 World Womens
Singles Champion Pak Yung Sun
by beating both Hu Yu-lan and Chang Li, to come 2-3
Photo by Mal Anderson

second to China). Further, the paper apparently

didnt have access to those Indians whod know
of Pak not only from North Korean coaches
whod been sent to India but from the results of
the 1974 Asian Games and competitive play in
North Korea as well as China. Coming into
Calcutta this experienced 18-year-old could be
identifed as #9 on the ITTF ranking list. But
more of this soon-to-be-well-known Pak
shortly. Enough to say for the moment that in
her opening match she had to go 18 in the 5th
to beat Englands Jill Hammersley, and that the
official English magazine later damned her with
faint praise: Tactically mature in breaking Jills
concentration, this North Korean was, at times
squeaking like a cornered mouse and going so
far as to take between-points advice from her
The Europeans comprised half the field
in the round of 32, but only three of them need
Englands Jill Hammersley-went five games with Pak
necessarily have been eliminated. In the most
Photo by Mal Anderson
contested of these matches, Hungarys Henrietta
Lotaller, World #23 after Calcutta, got by the
Soviet Unions Asta Gedraitite. Lotaller would then go on to have the Korean Pak 2-0 before
losing in 5. In the round of 16, in addition to the feisty Alexandru, only two other Europeans
survivedbut barely. Yugoslavias Erzebat Palatinus, rallying from 2-1 down against Cheng
Huai-ying, World #10 after Sarajevo, prevented this strong Chinese from reaching the
quarters and thus guaranteeing China representation in the final. But thenWhos kidding
who?as if to prove China didnt need any such guarantee, Ke Hsin-ai held Palatinus under
10 all three games. Also in the 8ths, in one of the two most dramatic of all the Singles
matches, Tatiana Ferdman -15, 10, -16, 19, 23 stopped Ohzeki and Japan from advancing to
the quarters. Then the Soviet star continued to scintillatemade a 6 or 7-point game of it
with couldnt-cope Alexandru.
The Rumanian, however,
undeterred, rebounded by adding
a second straight Womens
Doubles titlebut with a new
Japanese partner, Shoko
Takahashi. This second
Championship was won thanks
primarily to both a deuce in the
5th escape from the Czechs
Hana Riedlova and Alicia
Grofova, and another 5-gamer
Japans Shoko Takahashi,
over Ferdman and Elmira
1975 World Womens Doubles Champ (with Alexandru)
Antonian. Ferdman then paired
Photo by Mal Anderson

with Stanislav Gomozkov to win the Mixed, losing only one game en routetheir 1st, 21-9, in
the quartersto Lu Yuan-sheng and Hu Yu-lan.
South Korean favorite Chung Hyun Sook, heading for a mine-laden encounter with
North Koreas Pak, knocked out recent Scandinavian Open Champ Ann-Christin Hellman with
ease, then had 24-22 in the 4th trouble with Riedlovawhich was unexpected, for the Czech
girl hadnt looked very good in struggling into the 5th with Indias Indu Puri. (Puri, I might
add, though she reached the round of 32, was still able to play in the Consolations. There she
was eliminated in the quarters by Christine Little whom our Olga Soltesz had beaten 5 and 18
in the Teams.)
In a fabulous
quarters match, fraught not
merely with overtones of
personal rivalry, or team
rivalry (since North Korea
didnt compete in the
Corbillon Cup), but with, as
it were, the honor of all
Koreans at stake, the Norths
Pak -13, 19, -20, 16, 21
outlasted the Souths Chung
to advance to the semis.
There, against the USSRs
Ferdman, she had to undergo
a third 5th-game trial-bycombat, rallying still again to
Pak on her way to defeating South Koreas Chung Hyun Sook,
win the match-turning 4th at
23-21 in the fifth
Photo by Pankaj Butalia
Coming out to meet
Pak in the final was the decided-upon Chinese, Chang Li, who bade her compatriots, Chu
Hsiang-yun and Ke Hsin-ai, a fond goodbye and kissed them off with 3-game ease. No easy
riddance of Pak though, for Chang just did win their 1st game, 26-24. Indeed, no riddance at
all, for as it turned out, Chang offered but weak 12, 14, 15 resistance in the remaining three
games. Thus, Pak Yung Sun became the only North Korean through the years to ever win a
World title.
I am shocked by the victory, she said. I never thought I would do it when I entered the
And she wasnt the only one who was shocked. Most everybody I talked to had the
feeling that the Chinese girl dumped the match. A most docile Chang Li said the English table
tennis magazine.
At the end it was the strangest thing. I was sitting by the North Korean bench, and this
Pak Yung Sunwhod been so excitable throughout (on winning the very 1st point in a game
against Chung shed jogged to retrieve the ball, cheering herself aloud on the way)now,
after winning the title, didnt even smile for all the photographers taking pictures of her. Nor
did any of her North Korean officials or coaches or teammates.
The only people who were smiling seemed to be the Chinese, whom the Statesman said
gave Ms. Pak a standing ovation.

The paper also said that Mr. Chao

Cheng Hung, Chinas Vice-Minister for
Sports. was among the first to congratulate
the winner. He came down from the VIP
gallery as soon as the match was over and
warmly shook hands with the Korean girl.
Smiling, he mingled with the other North
Korean players and patted the North Korean
coach on the back. He also posed for a photo
with North Korean players, coach, and
officials before going back to his seat.
Also, Id heard that morning that the
Chinese had sent by teleprinter a detailed
interview or profile of Ms. Pak to Peking.
The Statesman suggested that the
final did not measure up to the expectations
of a World Championship because (1) both
Chang Li gave Pak an assist?
players were left-handed; (2) both players
Photo by Houshang Bozorgzadeh
were familiar with each others style, for they
had played each other occasionally; and (3) Chang Li had been playing practically every day of
the Championships and was wearyand this prevented her from playing her best. Of course
(3) is especially highly suspect, for in the late rounds, Chang Li, before meeting Pak, won
three very easy matches: 12, 14, 8...7, 17, 16...and 17, 13, 13; while Pak, before meeting
Chang, had three quite grueling matches: had to recover from 2 games down; then had to win
from 21-all in the 5th; then had to recover from 2-1 games down. Obviously if anybody should
have gotten tired it would not have been the well-conditioned Chinese.
However, regardless of any help Ms. Pak received from her favorable position in the
draw, or from the Chinese, she herself certainly ought to be praised for doing what she had to
do. She won four gutsy matchesoften coming from behindagainst opponents who werent
giving her anything. She ought rightly to receive from her country the accolades due a World
Mens Singles
In the Mens Singles there were 98 players exempt from having to qualify, and 143
rabbits, each of whom was looking to hop, hop, hop via three preliminary matches into one of
the 30 available holes in the 128-man draw. It really was hare-brained, though, for any eager
enthusiast to have to meet Chinese National Champion Tiao Wen-yuan (World #20) in one of
these qualifying matches.
Another odd-looking rabbit was Englands Trevor Taylor, 3-time Commonwealth
Champ. In the 2nd pre-lim, he was down 2-0 to Polands Marek Skibinski, but didnt despair.
In fact, the rabbit became a British lion, mane and all, and in the next three games he didnt
nibble, he chewed up his opponent. Presumably the tournament drawmakers knew all along
this was going to happenfor if Skibinski had won he would have had to play his teammate
Witold Woznicka.
A few other rabbits were of particular interest to me. Canadian Peter Gonda could
score only a pathetic 35-points-in-3-games to somebody who wouldnt qualify (Ive been sick,

Timmy, Im too weak to play). Of the U.S. players, I note, first, D-J Lees straight-game win
over Canadas too young to be self-deprecating Steve Feldstein. Then Pradits loss to Nigerias
super-energetic Fatai Ayinde (at the time, he kept sending me letters saying Id promised to get
him admitted to my university). I was pleased to see that Peterwho, after his deeply
disappointing play against Poland in the Teams, had handed me his racket and said he wasnt
going to play anymore in major tournamentsdid keep his Singles commitment here. And
finally Raphels -16, -19, -20 defeat at the hands of Indias N. V. Ashokthis despite having
the advantage of a draw only an Indian could have made. That is, if Paul had been more
aggressive, if he had not chopped or pushed Ashoks serves, if he had produced better, more
controlling serves of his own, he would have played next, or so it might-have-been, a Pole,
then a Nigerian, both of whom in the Teams Chui had destroyed. At which point Paul would
have been in the round of 32, high as a cosmonaut, imitating his Russian opponent
Sarkhayans sweep-through backhand and following it right on through into outer space.
Lees advance was stopped
French Champion Jacques Secretin
dead in the 1st round by Frances
From 1972 Europe Top Twelve Program
Jacques Secretin, everyones favorite
OoOoOo lobber, whom hed also
lost to in Sarajevo. D-J seemed to
have a lot of opportunities to put the
ball away but just missed the shots.
Earlier hed had a little trouble with
an umpire whod objected to his
racket, whod said that the color of
his red masking tape round the blade
was redder than the painted wooden
side of it. But Lee said, Forget it.
Otherwise, he told the guy, if he was
proved wrong, he ought to be fired. I
dont think D-J ever heard anything
more about it.
Chui drew Indias Niraj Bajaj
in the 1st round. But though the Indian was playing with that new black Tientsin rubber the
Chinese were using, it didnt bother Minghe won three straight. What did bother Ming,
however, in losing in the round of 64 to the #1 North Korean, Chul Yul, 3-zip, were the
bruises on his left foot where Judy Bochenski had stepped on him in the U.S.s losing Mixed
Doubles match against the #1 English team of Nicky Jarvis and Jill Hammersley. Ming said
because of this injury he couldnt move, couldnt play.
U.S. #1 Danny Seemiller drew a Turkish player in the 1st round (Turkey finished 43rd
in Swaythling Cup play). However, in the 2nd round, Danny was not so lucky, met Denmarks
Claus Pedersen and didnt seem to want to play him. Perhaps he remembered the last Worlds
in Sarajevo where had we beaten Denmark (we lost 5-3) we would have entered the
Championship Category. Then the bearded Dane had not only downed Pradit deuce in the 3rd,
but Seemiller in 3 as well.
This time Danny seemed to make the same mistakesblocked too much, just wasnt
aggressive enough. I must say, though, that Pedersen handled Dannys serves as if hed been
playing against them all his lifenot only never missed a one but kept his returns low and,

since he could loop from either side, quickly began to take the offense no matter who was
serving. Moreover, he was able somehow to reach under the table to bring the ball up with
sidespin that Seemiller couldnt read very well. Down 1-0 and 20-17 in the 2d, Danny caught
fire to deuce it, only to drop that game too. After that, the 3rd was no contest as Danny, in
self-disgust, just threw away points, convinced that there was no way he could win. Then he
shook hands and broke his racket.
There were some tough pairings in the 1st round. Swedens Bo Persson, who in the last
Worlds won the final, climactic match against Japans Tokio Tasaka that enabled the Swedes to win
the Swaythling Cup, had to play, and lose in 4, Yugoslavias Anton Stipancic, World #7.
Gomozkov, who in the 2nd round at Sarajevo upset the Defending World Champion Stellan
Bengtsson, drew 1969 World Champion (and 71 runner-up) Shigeo Itoh, who, though now semiretired, figured to be able to play a little. But playing a little wouldnt beat Gomozkov.
Hungarys Jonyer (World #9) had to play Swedens
Ingemar Wikstrom (World #26)which seemed a little
outrageous. Im sure thats what the Hungarian thought too
when he lost the 4th at deuce and was behind in the 5th. At this
point there seemed little for Ferenc Sido, the last Hungarian
World Champion, and his friends to be 50-years-an-Association
jubilant about. But Jonyer found a way to come back. Then, in
the 2nd round, he again had to go 5with the Czech Jaroslav
Kunz who had him in even worse shape, down 2-0.
Chinas Li Chen-shih (14-2 in the Teams), who can
really smack the ball, and who I naively thought might be the
favorite to
win the title,
Chinas Li
(World Top
30) pick-hit
Swedens Ingemar Wikstrom
star Toshiaki
Furukawa. After the failure of the Japanese in
the Team event, everyone was talking about the
fall of Japan. But every time a Jap...(I saw that
word Jap in the English table tennis magazine
and I must say it startled me. Of course the
word was once very popular in the U.S.,
especially in World War II comic books). Every
time a Japanese played, I wanted to watch him.
Here for the Li Chen-shih-Furukawa
match were all the Chinese and Japanese
playersalmost as friendly toward one another
as theyd been at that pre-tournament tea party,
encouraging with ready smiles the two

Li, arms down about holster-high, waiting to

receive serve, was the most relaxed-looking player
Id ever seen. But then he would fast-draw into an
attacking shot that would immediately put Furukawa
or practically anyone else on the defensive. Up 2-0
and 15-10 in the 3rd, Li seemed an easy winner. But
Furukawa took 8 points in a row and finished the
game with some spectacular picks.
And what momentum! He went right on into
the 4th, doing everything as well as it could be done,
to lead the Chinese 10-4! What a turnabout, huh?
Until Li, like at a shooting gallery, picked up a gun,
fired (bullseye!), dropped it, picked up another, fired
(bullseye!), and so on, point after point, until it was
12-all. Then he reloaded and started firing again.
Final score: Li 21-Furukawa 14.
In the 2nd round thougha 7.7 on the
Richter scaleLi was upset in 5 by Yugoslavias
Miran Savnik. Two years ago Savnik was the
European Youth Champion. Since then it seems he
hadnt beaten anyone. Everybody asks me, said
Dusan Dule Osmanagic, the personable Yugoslav
Coach who had hurried to embrace his young player,
if this was a Friendship Match.
Some said that Japan wasnt doing very well
Miran Savnik upsets Li Chen-shih-this
because theyd put too much emphasis
a 7.7 on the Reichter Scale
on physical training. But Chinese Champion Tiao
Photo by Mal Anderson
Wen-yuan was beaten in the 2nd round in 5 by
Katsuyuki Abe, the Japanese Champion, whod been working hard at developing his penholder
backhand. However, did this loss make much difference to Tiao? Had he not lost, his next
opponent would have been Defending Champion Hsi En-ting, and would Tiao have been
expected to dethrone him?
The organizers didnt seem to be too careful about the draw. In the round of 64, two
members of the Category II Hong Kong team had to play one anotherwith Chan Shin Hing
advancing over Chiu Man Kuen in 5. These two players would likely be better by the time we
met them in the Teams in 77 in Birmingham.
Canadas Errol Caetano had a good win over India veteran G. Jagannathespecially
since he was down 11-0 in the 5th! Arriving on the scene just in timeaccompanied perhaps
by U.S. supporter Dave Sakai who, despite $10 bill in hand and a frantic search, couldnt find
a hot dog anywhere in this 12,000-seat Stadiumwas our man Fuarnado Roberts. Robbie
began yelling at Errol to Follow through!and so advanced him to the round of 32, where he
provided a needed breather for Jonyer.
Roberts, incidentally, thought that all this talkby Sido, and two-time World Doubles
Champ Ivan Andreadis, and othersabout the illegality of the new Chinese rackets was
nonsense. True, they had fiberglass edges, Robbie said, so you couldnt see their thickness.
Also, he added, they had...what?...cross-grain foam-rubber underneath? Robbie agreed that the

rubber was unusually perhaps there were two kinds of rubber on one side? I wasnt
the only one unsure of the composition of these rackets. Anyway, Robbie concluded, the
Chinese glue made all the difference. Then, just when I thought he was finished explaining all
this to me, he said, Besides, if their rackets were really so great, the Chinese would be beating
everybody, wouldnt they?
The most exciting of the 16ths matches featured the 29-year-old Defending Champion
Hsi En-ting, whom one in-the-know observer said wasnt good enough anymore to make
Chinas Swaythling Cup Team. Earlier, the Chief Referee, objecting to the fact that one side of
Hsis racket was not colored dark as was the other, made him get a suitable replacement. Out
to the court he came, then, only to fall 2-1 behind to the left-handed Abe before pulling it out
from 15-all in the 5th. Hsi is generally credited with the best backhand jab in the world
(though it used to be that when somebody repeatedly jabbed the ball, he couldnt play at all).
After their less than sparkling performance in the Teams, people didnt want to call the
Japanese world-class anymore? Theyd better change their mindfor, like Furukawa, Abe,
fast-moving even on this dusty, slippery Indian-teak floor, played with ascetic singlemindedness.
The only other 5-game match in the last 32 saw Englands Taylor still going strong.
Nobody had sent him home yet, like at the last Worlds, so I guess hed decided to discipline
himself. He rallied to take the last two games and the match from Gomozkov.
As usualand maddening it wasall the 8ths matches were played at once.
Hsi had
no trouble with
the #2 Hungarian
Hungarys Gabor Gergely-Gergely, who up
up to a point, he hadnt lost a game
to that point
hadnt lost a
game. Nor was
challenged by the
Taylor. As for the
Russian, Sarkis
Sarkhayan, he
swung so free,
seemed so casual
and confident,
that his 3-game
wins just seemed
taken for
granted, and that,
ho hum, how boring it was to get to the quarters this way.
Poor Orlowski though. After his 19-2 record in the Teams, he caught an acute virus
infection and, magnificent physique notwithstanding, was down with a fever for a few days.
(Later it was said hed lost 14 pounds in India.) Hed only partially recovered when he came
out to play Japans Norio Takashima, and it showedhe tried to fight of course but he was
really out on his feet, swinging, 12, 14, 7 wild.

Takashima vs. Secretin was fun to watchthough it was not the best match-up of styles.
The Frenchman was always looking to loop the balland had he won the 1st game from 21-all he
might have been more aggressively confident. As it was, he lost in 4 to a low chop defense without
getting to use much his own equally good lob. I must say, though, that he and his doubles partner,
Jean-Denis Constant, did remarkably well in downing Germanys Jochen Leiss and Peter Stellwag,
19 in the 5th, and in forcing Gergely and Jonyer to 24-22 in the 5th.
Jonyer, whose matches were getting easier, took out Li Peng (World #17) whod not
had a good record in the Team event.
Johansson had told reporters he was not looking forward to playing Liang Ko-liang,
the 1974 Asian Champion. Three times hed played him and three times hed lost. But in the
Swaythling Cup here, hed beaten him, and here again in the Singles he did too. Earlier, the
Swedish Hammer had had a much harder time, both in the Teams (-14, 21, 18) and in the
Singles (22-20 in the 4th), with West Germanys very determined Engelbert Huging.
In the 16ths, 1971 World Champion Stellan Bengtsson had taken the best Chinas
Tomahawk had thrown at himthats Li Ching-kuang, whod earned his nickname because of
his Mohican-like hair style and totem-pole features (though Id heard at that tea party the
Chinese had hosted hed not so woodenly burst into song). The 1st game (22-20) and the last
(21-5) told in extremis the demise of this Chinese giant.
Now in the 8ths, in the 1st game against Bengtsson, Japans Mitsuru Kohno started
strongsmother-killed any soft topspin or lob from the Swede. But from 15-13 down, Bengtsson
got 5 in a row. Then, when Kohno, down 19-18, threatened to catch him, Stellan got a timely net.

Japans Mitsuro Kohno (right) defeats Swedens Stellan Bengtsson in five

Kohno photo by Mal Anderson


In the 2nd game, the same pattern established itselfBengtsson, down 15-12, again
won 5 in a row. But this time Stellan didnt get a net, and Kohno tied it up at 19-all. After the
Japanese, fearless, sprang to the attack, scored the two points he needed, Bengtsson let fly his
racket ceilingward.
In the 3rdastonishingmore of the same pattern. The Swede was down 17-15, up
19-17. Then Kohno got a point. Which stopped Bengtsson. He walked away from the table to
his bench for a towel (and some coaching). The umpire told him to get back to the table and
use the towel hed earlier put in the basket under it. Bengtsson obligingly hurried back and the
umpire faulted...Kohno on his throw-up serve. Kohno pointed in vain to Hsu Shao-fa (the socalled Miracle Server) playing Surbek in the adjacent court. He meant, naturally, that his serve
was just as legal as the Chineses. The Japanese Coach also protestedbut to no avail.
(Though the umpires often warned the players, this was the only fault I saw called in any of
the matches.) At one point in the delay, Bengtsson, nervously perhaps, suddenly made a little
jokepicked up his racket and, holding it penholder, looked inquiringly over at the Japanese
bench. The humor of this escaped me. Perhaps up 20-18 Stellan just felt good? At any event,
he won that game to take a 2-1 lead.
In the 4th, the pattern continued to repeat itself. Bengtsson was down 14-10, tied it up
at 15-all. But then Kohno broke freeran 6 in a row.
In the 5th, the Swede got off to a horrible start, was cold while Kohno was hot. Soon
the Japanese attacker was up 13-5. Had won 19 of the last 25 very crucial points. Bengtssons
hand unconsciously went up, fluttered at his breast. Whats the matter with me? he might have
asked. Havent I any heart? Some Indians in the crowd picked up a chant, the dead echo of it
being, Bengtssons out! Bengtssons out! In Yugoslavia, Stellan had been psychically up, often
energetically jogging after the ballbut here in India, though hed board a bus with transistor
radio in hand, he didnt seem to have the energy or even the desire to dance. Face the music
though, hed have tofor he scored only 10 points in the 5th. Also, he and Johansson, in
defending their World Doubles Championship, were upset in the round of 16 by the
Indonesians, Soewindo and Sutedja, 19 in the 4th. Which might have made the two Swedes
even more susceptible to sickness.
In the 16ths, Hsu Shao-fa had lost a 25-23 game to Swedens young Per Sandstroem,
a semifinalist in the 74 European Youth Championships. I mention that here because Sweden
is looking so hard to find the right 3rd man for their team. Question is: how long can they
Against Dragutin Surbek, Hsu right away went jogging off, leaving the Yugoslav 9-5
behind in the infectious dust. Surbek was having trouble with those high-up Chinese serves.
Hsu would throw the ball 5 to 10 feet up, would watch it all the way up...and downand,
looking at the contact point, would twist, pivot his body into the stroke so that the ball would
come out long or short withwho knew what?fast or slow topspin, or breakaway sidespin,
or backspin, or no spin at all. First blood to the Chinese, 21-16.
In the 2nd, moving into mid-game, Hsu had not so magically served two off. But up
15-12, Surbek served into the netthen went for his towel. He came back and Hsu promptly
failed to return serve. Neither man was playing well. But Surbek, up 20-19 powered in the
biggest forehand of the matchright into the diamond corner at Hsus backhand. That tied it
The 3rd and 4th games were also tradedthough Surbek gave the huge gallery a thrill
by coming from 20-14 down in the 4th to 20-18 before losing. Hes a fighter alright, and,

though 30 years old, fit for fighting. In the 5th, leading 5-1, Surbek was just as strong and
acrobatic as everhe did splits, took such a long follow-through that hed sometimes end up
on the floor. But Hsu had it all even at the turn.
At 10-all, Surbek thought his lob had hit the table. I didnt. And neither did the umpire.
One terrific match it wasback and forth, back and forth, both players constantly looking at
their coaches for guidance. A wave of the hand meant a player was to quickly try for a smash?
A rub of the forehead meant a high-toss serve? At 14-all Surbek hit in Hsus serve. But then
Hsu managed a spectacular backhand block of Surbeks big diamond-point forehand. Up 1615 the Yugoslav tried a dream of a counter from the barriers. Then tried another diamondpoint forehand into Hsus backhand. Perhaps shaken, Surbek, down 18-16, served a let. The
next servea good oneHsu missed.
But now the Chinese, up 18-17, had the servenot the ad, but the advantage. Then
18-all. Surbek was fanning himself with his racketanxious to keep swinging, was he? Up 1918, he hit in his diamond-point forehand. Down match point, Hsu threw the ball high, and it
came down and off his racket with a mysterious little hop to it. Surbek failed to return it. He
turned around, toward the crowd, looked at absolutely nothing and nobody, and cursed. But
the next serve he was able to get back, and in a moment Hsu had pushed the ball into the net.
The uproar that followed showed the Indians partial not only to the Chinese.
Now the quarters: Jonyer vs. Sarkhoyan; Takashima vs. Johansson; Stipancic vs. Hsi
En-ting; and Kohno vs. Surbek. Thats two Japanese; two Yugoslavs, one Hungarian, one
Russian, one Swede, and only one Chinesethe one who reportedly couldnt make his
countrys Team.
In building up a 2-1 lead over Sarkhayan, Jonyer would sometimes thrust himself
netward like a lunging fencer and wrist-snap in the short ball placed there. At deuce in the 4th,
the Russian, topspinning, suddenly made a beautiful dropwhich Jonyer back from the table
had to lunge for, except that the best he could do this time was a scoop up from under the
table. This, however, was good enough to keep the ball in play and proved to be the turning
point that allowed him to prevail 22-20. Over in the Hungarian corner Sido threw up his hands
in fiery delight.
a weary
(like so many
others hed
been sick),
was up 1-0
and 20-14 in
the 2nd. The
Japanese, one
of the worlds
top defenders,
had been
Japans Norio Takashima will defeat Swedens Kjell Johansson in the Singles quarters
been careful
Takashima photo by Mal Anderson

about little things: for example, that the speed of his backswing was not faster than that of the ball
that drifted or hurtled to him. But the Swede, whos all heart (who at least half a dozen times in the
Teams had come from behind to win matches) put on a fantastic rallywon 6 points in a row to
deuce it. Then staved off another Takashima ad. At 21-all, though, Johansson took a bad forehand.
But got lucky when Takashima picked the right ball but didnt score. At 23-all, the Japanese
returned one of Johanssons best. The chop started low, the defenders knees coming in at just the
right time, and kept climbing until it cleared the net. Finally, Takashima won out, 25-23.
For many this would have been a heartbreaking disappointment, but Johansson did not
give up. Down 19-16 in the 3rd, but realizing, at 29, he likely would have no better chance to
win the Championship that had eluded him at the 73 Worlds, he reared back and venomously
struck, and struck again, then executed a perfect drop19-17. Now Takashima missed a
quick pick19-18. After rolling, rolling, rolling the ball maybe 10 times, Johansson socked in
the winner19-all. Then he erred. But match-point down, steady, careful, waiting, he got his
opportunity and hammered home the saver. After which Takashima failed to return service. But
then the Swede was too anxious, missed the game-clincher. Still, he eventually won it, 23-21.
Only that was indeed Johanssons last-chance gaspfor this year anywayas
Takashima easily won the 4th. Seeing this wonderful match, many a spectator must have found
the play of both men inspiring.
In Sarajevo, before a partisan Yugoslav audience, Stipancic had lost 19 in the 5th to
Hsi En-ting. Now, two years later, he was faced with the same opponent. Or was he? Tova
won the 1st 21-8! My, how he could look so casually good. In the 2nd, Hsi, close to the table,
jabbed and scored with his short forehand follow through. Stipancic, meanwhile, looked as if he
didnt much care whether he won this game or lost it. Maybe thats why he had the ad? But then he
missed Hsis serve, and dogged two more points. My, how he could look so casually bad.
In the 3rd, the Yugoslav appeared to have
given upuntil (what goes through his head
anyway?) down 20-12 he won 9 points in a row!
Which, as it happened, was one short of
being enough. Chinas hope 2
Yugoslavias 1.
Hsi changed shirts and you
could see he had little white bandages
on him. What were those for?
Mosquito bites? Stipancic sat head
down, listening or not, to
Osmanagic, his coach. Said the TV
announcer to the Indian
representative who was commenting
on the matches, Frank, what do you
think the Yugoslav coach is telling
him? Came the reply, I dont think
hes telling him anything. What can
you tell him? That hes playing bad?
Anton Tova
In the 4th Stipancic got off to an
8-3 lead and was never in danger.
The 5th was close all the wayto

16-all. Then Stipancic broke open the game and 21-17 ended it. Osmanagic rushed over,
kissed him on both cheeks. There would be a new World Champion now.
Ousted too from the Doubles, by Jonyer and Gergely, were Hsi and his partner Lu
Yuan-sheng. The other Chinese team of Li Chow-min and Liang Ko-liang were also beaten
fell in 5 to the eventual runner-ups, Surbek and Stipancic.
A big surprise to me was the Surbek-Kohno match. Surbek had barely beaten Kohno
(Singles runner-up to Hasegawa in 67) in the Teams, 22-20 in the 3rd. So I expected a close
contest. But pips-out penholder Kohno turned the match into a rout. Incredibly, he had Surbek
17-3 in the 1st. He smash-smothered his opponents lobs, hit in the Yugoslavs serves, scored
on his own 3rd or 5th-ball attack, and never for a moment gave Surbek time to get
comfortably into position. In short, he overpowered him 7, 10, 18.
The Dragons spiked tail hung limp, there was no fire left in him. For his humiliation
they had to give him something. It turned out to be the Fair Play Award.
In the semis, then, it was Stipancic and Takashima; Jonyer and Kohno. History had
pronounced that the Japanese were finished? It sure didnt look like it. That is, until Stipancic
started looping and killing against Takashima. Stipancic has the best wrist in table tennis, said
Nils Billing, the Swedish coach. And, indeed, the way the Yugoslavs first ball hopped away
from Takashima was
Photo by Pankaj Butalia
something to behold.
The first two games
were 6 and 10!
In the 3rd
game, though, rain
started to drip, then
pour down, from the
leaky roof above.
With the Indian Chief
minister and other
ministers watching
from the gallery, men
and women
attendants, smiling,
looking not at all
self-conscious or
embarrassed, quickly
covered the tables
with plastic sheets
and began squatting
about here and there,
mopping the floor
with ragsas if to
say, Didnt
everybody know this
might happen? And,
no big deal, you see
The rains came
how were prepared.
Photo by D-J Lee

Jonyer about to start his

demolition ball
Photo by Mike Hoffland

Of course the Stadium had been built in a hurry, and it was apparently very unusual to have
such a heavy rain this time of year, so no one in charge had felt the necessity of making the
roof leak-proof. But, just in case, here were happy workers with their Calcutta rags.
The suspension of play caused considerable speculation as to what the rules said about
resumption. One of the officials present was heard to comment, Who could have thought of
rain stopping a table tennis match and prepare rules accordingly? Before play had been
suspended, Takashima had turned the tables and taken a 20-15 lead in the 3rdonly to see
Stipancic score 5 in a row beforeyou guessed itlosing in deuce. Well, said an American, if
they cant continue, Stipancic winsits past the 5th inning. But after close to an hours wait,
play did continueand though Stipancic lost another close one at 19, he won the 5th handily.
Jonyer, meanwhile, his heavy looping backhand slowly but steadily deliberately
knocking down the walls of Kohnos confidence, had absolutely no trouble in the first two
games. Perhaps the Japanese was tiring, but more likely he was having problems coping with

the Hungarians slow topspin. In the 3rd game, however, Kohno collected himself and made a
gallant try. But when Jonyer, down 20-19, hit in Kohnos serve, it certainly was a blow. Next
chance Kohno got, again with the ad, he served offeventually lost 23-21.
The final between Hungarys Jonyer and Yugoslavias Stipancic was historic. It marked
the first time in over 20 years (since Sido over Andreadis in 53) that there wasnt at least one
Asian in the final. Yugoslavia had never had a Singles Champion. But Stipancicthough hed
been on the Yugoslav Swaythling Cup Team since he was 13did not seem the man to break
with precedent. Not with his reputation of never winning a big tournament.
In the beginning, Jonyer, looking very nervous and making repeated errors, was down
8-3. Despite or perhaps because of the fact that he was the favorite even though Stipancic had
beaten him in the Teams, he literally could not keep the ball in play. He looked absolutely
paralyzed. Not that the Yugoslav was playing much better. Score the 1st, 21-17, for Stipancic.
In the 2nd, Jonyer was really dogging itwas down 4-0...15-7. Hungarians always
choke, I heard someone say. This had to be the worst final match in any important tournament
Id ever seen. The Hungarian Coach, former two-time European Champion Zoltan Berczik,
was shaking his headhed never seen anything like it. Ridiculous. Score the 2nd, 21-12, for
In the 3rd, Stipancic led 4-1. And Berczik was not happy. He put his head down, hand
over his headas if in hiding. Thenlike the rain that didnt seem likelyit came: A trickle of
points had Jonyer down 11-10...then, as the Yugoslav leakage became more apparent, up 1411...then, to a steady fall and the talk of the Stadium, Jonyer won the 3rd game 21-14.
In the 4th, Jonyer had another relapse. Began by failing to return three serves
unbelievable. Was again down 4-0. But he quickly recovered to 5-all...11-all...and took a 1514 lead. And nowwatch out. When Jonyer moved back away from the table, had his cranium
set to long-arm swing that demolition ball of his, he couldand did21-14 break open the
Now it was Stipancic who was apt to lose confidence. He hadnt really been doing
much the whole match anyway. In these next perhaps most important minutes of their lives,
finally it was Jonyers turn to jump-start his gamehe went ahead 3-0. Whereupon Stipancic
seemed to have made up his mind he had one chanceand that was to just stay at the table
and keep the ball in play. So Jonyer was always trying to open the pointwhich he could do
from either his forehand or backhand side. He would go down as if in a squat thrust and up,
up, up from his crotch came his backhand looppotent, hopping. Stipancic stood there flatfooted, programmed as if to return a certain velocity of spin and speed but no more. Jonyer
move ahead 12-7.
But thenremarkable how even among the best players a 5-point lead doesnt give the
security it would seem toStipancic closed to 14-12. And now, making some marvelous
retrieves (maybe he wasnt so flatfooted after all, maybe it just looked that way), and taking
advantage of a net, Tova tied it at 14-all. Then he got an edge. At which point Jonyer stopped,
went for his towel. A move which you can bet Osmanagic, gesturing to the umpire, didnt like.
Up 16-15, Stipancic misreturned Jonyers serve. Then, oh, oh, a net for the Hungarian.
Then another netonly, wait, the gods of t.t. were enjoying a tease?Stipancic (whoever said
he was flatfooted?) managed not only to get to the ball but turn his return into an unreturnable
net of his own. Wowdid he jump high!
Down 17-16, Jonyer served an edge. So who was the luckiest player in the world now?
(Up until today, youd have to say the edge belonged to Hsi En-ting over Johansson in the 5th529

game final of the Sarajevo Worlds). At 17-all, Stipancic got a net. Absurd. This shouldnt
happen. The World Championship should be decided on skill, on guts.
Up 18-17, Stipancic erred. Werent either of these players going to win the title
deservingly? And then here it cameJonyer wound up, swung, and the ball came crashing in.
Still attacking, he earned the next point too. Now up 20-18, double-match-point, he deserved
to win? But he picked a really bad ball to swing toward Stipancics destruction20-19. Then
suddenlyI didnt even see
what happenedit was all
Stipancic still hadnt
won a big tournament. He
walked slowly back to his
bench, buried his head in his
hands. It wasnt that he would
have made so much money as
World Championhed
already signed a five-year
contract with Butterfly, and the
Yugoslav government,
according to a reliable source,
wouldnt have given him more
than a $1,000 maximum as a
bonus. But to be World
Champion! It would always be
a reminder that hed done the
best he could and had come
througha lifetime reward any
competitor would covet. Now,
and for too long, hed feel the
As for Jonyer, he dived
into Bercziks arms. And
Gergely, with whom Jonyer
was about to win the World
Doubles Championshipran
and jumped on the two of them
while congratulations went
As the local paper put
it, Hungary, the pioneer nation
in table tennis, had won back
its lost glory.
And we in the U.S.?
Anton Stipancic
Caricature by
Rudy Stipkovic


To order copies of

History of
U.S. Table Tennis,
Volumes I, II, III, IV,
V, VI and VII,
send $35 per book to:
Tim Boggan,
12 Lake Avenue,
Merrick, NY 11566


WORLDS: (front row, L-R):
Dal-Joon Lee, Lim Ming Chui,
Danny Seemiller, Paul Raphel;
(standing, L-R): Angelita Rosal,
Tim Boggan (Captain),
Judy Bochenski, Olga Soltesz,
Patty Martinez, and Peter Pradit.

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