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EINKLANG Quick Start Guide

EINKLANG Quick Start Guide

Welcome to the world of EINKLANG
EINKLANG is a synthesizer following a complete new paradigm of sound generation. Instead of
synthesizing sounds like traditional synthesizers according to a set of technical parameters (i.e.
amplitudes, frequencies, spectra), EINKLANG re-synthesizes sounds using instrument models. These
instrument models can not only be tweaked directly in their musical parameters (i.e. loudness, pitch,
timbre) but also be morphed from one tone color to another. These key features allow the user to think
in plain sounds rather than mathematical equations and to control EINKLANG with few but very
powerful musical parameters.
By hiding the complexity of sound synthesis EINKLANG lets you concentrate on your music instead of
messing around with thousands of knobs. EINKLANG makes using synthesizers more fun.

To install EINKLANG on your system, run the appropriate installer from the installation DVD, and follow
the instructions on the screen. Note: You can't run the Win32 Installer on a 64 Bit Windows version,
and there is no need to do so, since the Win64 Installer also contains 32 Bit plugins.
After Installation you will find EINKLANG in the Start Menu.

To install EINKLANG on your system, run the installer from the installation DVD, and follow the
instructions on the screen.
After installation you will find EINKLANG in the Applications Folder and in your Launch Pad (Mac OS X
10.7 and later).

After installation EINKLANG will run in trial mode. To use the unlimited full version of EINKLANG, you
have to activate it. In trial mode EINKLANG will ask, if you wish to activate on every start. Just click OK
to activate. You need administrator permissions to activate EINKLANG.
You following activation dialog will show up.


EINKLANG Quick Start Guide

Enter your product key click on activate. You need a connection to the internet to activate EINKLANG.
After closing the activation dialog EINKLANG will start.

Audio Setup
When you start EINKLANG for the first time, you may want to choose and configure your audio
Windows: Click on Audio Setup in the Options Menu.
Mac: Click on Audio Setup in the EINKLANG Menu.
The audio setup dialog will appear.

Audio Device Type: (Windows Only) You can choose between Windows Audio, ASIO and Direct
Sound. Direct Sound is not recommended unless you use Windows XP and your audio interface does
not come with an ASIO driver.


EINKLANG Quick Start Guide

Output/Device: Choose your audio device here. The available devices depend on your hardware
setup and the chosen device type. For some devices you can also choose the output channels.
Sample Rate: Choose the sample rate here. Depending on your audio device, you may have to use
the devices control panel to change the sample rate.
Audio Buffer Size: Here you can choose the number of samples, that are processed at a time. A
higher value will increase the latency i.e. the time that elapses between you press a key and hear a
sound. Smaller buffer sizes can cause higher CPU load. If you hear a crackling sound while playing,
you may have to increase the buffer size. Depending on your audio device, you may have to use the
devices control panel to change the buffer size.
Active MIDI Inputs: If you have a MIDI/USB keyboard and/or controller connected to your computer,
you can activate the MIDI Port (or virtual MIDI Port in case of an USB device) to which it is connected.
EINKLANG does not react on devices connected to a deactivated MIDI input.

EINKLANGs user inferface looks like this.


The user interface is divided into 6 sections:

1. With the Morph Field you can load up to three different tone colors and create new tone
colors by morphing between them.
2. The Timbre Section lets you change the tone color of the current sound.
3. The Loudness Section lets you change how the loudness of the current sound evolves while a
note is being played.


EINKLANG Quick Start Guide

4. The Modulation Section lets you change how the intonation of the current sound changes
while a note is being played.
5. With the Keyboard you can play notes by clicking on them.
6. The CPU Meter warns you, when EINKLANG causes too much CPU load. Most of the time you
wont see it. A yellow triangle signals a heavy CPU load. Playing more notes will lead to an
overload, that is signaled by a red triangle.
The user interface contains eleven knobs, that can be turned by clicking on them and moving the mouse
up and down. Also moving the mouse cursor over the knob and turning the mouse wheel turns the knob.

Playing Notes
Basically there are three ways to play notes with EINKLANG:

You can click on the keyboard at the bottom of the user interface.

You can play notes with the computer keyboard. The keys A, S, D, are the notes C, D, E, .

You can use an external MIDI or USB keyboard to play notes. ( see section audio setup)

Sound Morphing
EINKLANG can produce an unlimited amount of tone colors, due to its powerful morph feature. In every
corner of the triangular morph field, you can choose one of the basic tone colors that are part of
EINKLANG. Right clicking on one of the three morph knobs at the corners of the triangle opens a menu
that contains all available basic tone colors.
By dragging the gem (the colored triangle inside the morph field) you can seamlessly morph between
the three chosen tone colors. At every gem position EINKLANG produces a different tone color.
By double clicking inside the morph triangle, you can directly move the gem into a corner, the center, or
a half way position between two basic tone colors.
By clicking on one of the morph knobs and moving the mouse up and down, you can move the gem on
a straight line to or away from the according corner.
With a right click on the morph field you can lock the gem directly to the mouse. The mouse cursor will
disappear and the gem will move as soon as you move the mouse (without pressing a button) or move
your finger on a touch pad. The gem can be unlocked by pressing escape key.

Timbre Section
The timbre section contains two knobs that change the tone color in different ways.
With the Dissonance knob you can make the current sound more dissonant and detune it while
preserving the pitch. A double click on the knob resets it to no dissonance.
By turning down the Harmonicity knob you can remove the harmonic structure of the current sound
and make it noisier. A double click on the knob resets it to full harmonicity.

EINKLANG Quick Start Guide

Loudness Section
The loudness section contains three knobs that change the evolution of loudness in different ways.
The Attack knob controls how fast a sound reaches its full volume after a key is pressed. Turning the
attack down makes it faster while turning it up lets the sound fade in slowly. A double click on the knob
resets it to a medium attack time.
The Release knob controls how fast the current sound fades out after a key is released. Turning the
release down lets the sound decay faster while turning it up makes the sound stay for a longer time. A
double click on the knob resets it to a medium release time.
The Percussion knob controls the percussive character of a the current sound. Turning the percussion
down turns the sound into a pad while turning it up makes the sound shorter. A double click on the knob
resets it to a medium percussion level.

Modulation Section
The modulation section contains three knobs that change the intonation in different ways.
The Rate knob controls how fast the current sound is modulated. Turning the rate down makes the
modulation slower while turning it up lets the sound modulate faster. A double click on the knob resets it
to very slow modulation.
The Intensity knob controls how strong the current sound is modulated. Turning the intensity down
leads to less modulation while turning it up makes the modulation stronger. A double click on the knob
resets it to no modulation.
The Portamento knob controls how fast the pitch glides from one note to another when you play
several notes at a time. Turning the portamento down makes the transition faster while turning it up
results in a longer transition time. A double click on the knob resets it to no portamento.

When playing with EINKLANG you might want to save the current settings that produce a certain sound
to recall it in the future. For that purpose you can choose Save from the File Menu and enter a file name.
EINKLANG will save the settings of all knobs, the position of the morph gem and the chosen basic tone
colors to that file.
At a later time you can choose Load from the File Menu and select a preset file you have stored before.
EINKLANG will recall all settings to produce the same sound again.

Have fun using EINKLANG.

Your Eisenberg Team


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