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Learning Support

at Elthorne Park High School

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a

fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live
its whole life believing that it is stupid.

Support in the Classroom

At Elthorne Park High School we
recognise that all students are
individuals and so have varying
needs to be met to ensure that they
can reach their potential. To meet
students academic needs, teachers
differentiate their lessons according
to a range of factors such as level of
ability and method of presentation.
Seating plans for each class ensure
the best learning environment for
each student.
A few students will require additional
support in the classroom and this is
provided by teaching assistants. Our
main focus for this support is in the
core subjects of English, maths and
science although, depending on
student needs, support may also be
given in other subjects.
Students with dyspraxia, dyslexia
and significant hand writing
difficulties may be provided with a
laptop for use in class for literacy
based subjects. Students using a
laptop in class are expected to
complete the touch-typing course.
They can also have access to a
spellchecker to use in all lessons as
an aid in spelling.
The Schools Year Teams support
students with homework. A
Homework Club is run 3 times
a week for students requiring
additional support from a teaching
Students who are seen to be
underachieving in maths or English
have additional Learning Plus lessons
run by the relevant Departments to
support their development in those

In each year in Key Stage 3 the

School runs an ability-based Nurture
Group for students who do not
tackle the full curriculum and have
additional lessons in English and
maths. These students may also
need support in organisation or
Occasionally, School will implement
a personalised curriculum for
students with high levels of need
with the agreement of parents.

In addition to in-class support
some students will benefit from
interventions delivered to small
groups or individuals according
to need. In order to ensure that
students are fully engaged in
these interventions the content is
personalised and age-appropriate.
Attractive tailor-made visual and
physical resources along with games
and activities are used to develop
students skills and knowledge,
ensuring a positive experience of
learning and aiding memory and
recall. Student participation in these
interventions can be recommended
by Professionals from inside or
outside of school.
The Department uses screening
programmes to ascertain students
specific needs and so plan
appropriate interventions. These
include Lucid Exact for reading,
writing and comprehension skills
and MaLT for assessment of maths
ability and understanding. For
students will speech, language
and communication difficulties the
school offers a verbal reasoning

ARROW (Aural Read Respond Oral Write)
Needs: Literacy skills, dyslexia, hearing impairment, visual impairment,
speech and language, second language learners
ARROW is a self-voice, computer based programme which enables
students to replicate fluent reading and to become competent
readers. Focus is also on spelling and handwriting.
Catch Up Literacy
Needs: For readers whose reading age is significantly below their
chronological age.
The intervention consists of one-to-one 15 minute sessions delivered
twice a week. Aim is to develop reading age, comprehension,
confidence and enjoyment of reading through a wide range of
attractive books.
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPaG)
Need: Dyslexia, writing skills
Small group sessions designed to develop students skills in spelling,
punctuation and grammar. Delivered through a variety of resources
including specially designed games.
Need: Development of literacy skills
This programme develops the reading and writing skills of small groups
of students through the use of phonics.
Touch Typing and Handwriting Club
Needs: Dyslexia, dyspraxia, clarity or speed of handwriting
Sociable after-school club where students develop touch typing
and handwriting skills to improve speed and clarity of written
communication for lessons and exams.

Study skills group (Dyslexia Workshop)

Need: Dyslexia
This is a seven week intervention run by our educational psychologist. It
aims to help students identify their learning strengths and develop their
study skills. Topics covered include planning and organisation as well as
exam and note taking techniques.
The Lit Programme Unit 1
Needs: Cognitive ability, inference, sequencing and vocabulary
The programme aims to bring readers to a Level 4 within a year. Unit
One focuses on developing reading skills through discussion, leading
to greater independence in reading and responding to texts. Pupils
learn how to clarify, justify, question and make predictions with given
Speech, Language and Communication Narrative
Needs: Sequencing of events use of adjectives and connectives
The intervention focuses on students being able to retain and deliver
information in the correct order, to increase and build a wider
vocabulary and develop an ability to answer in full sentences in
response to who what where when and how questions as well as make
inference with given information.

Other Academic
Wave 3 Maths
Need: Dyscalculia and other maths learning difficulties
Students are withdrawn from maths lessons to work on personalised
programme of maths study. Lessons use visual and practical resources
and games to develop knowledge and understanding of maths
concepts and language as well as a positive attitude to the subject.

Asdan Bronze Award

Need: Part of agreed personalised curriculum
Access to learning key skills in a variety of learning environments. Offers
imaginative ways of developing, recording and certificating a wide
range of young peoples personal qualities, abilities and achievements,
as well as introducing them to new activities and challenges.
Supervised Study
Need: Study and revision organisation and skills
In a supportive environment students learn to organise and complete
their work and homework as well as developing revision and exams

Emotional Understanding and Skills

Emotional Literacy / Dealing with Feelings
Needs: To recognise feelings, develop and use an emotional vocabulary
to express themselves, building self-esteem and confidence
30 minute sessions to complete programme to develop the skills of
identification, modelling, coaching, feedback, practise and reflection
of different emotions. Use of this knowledge to manage behaviour and
social situations.
I am Special
Needs: ASD-understanding of self and identity
Complete programme of work to produce a personalised workbook
about self and others, our differences and talents aiding knowledge,
acceptance and celebration of self.
Talking Together
Needs: To help young people understand adolescence
One-to-one intervention focusing on coping with confusing feelings,
relationships and puberty.

Chance for Children Art and Music Therapy (External)

Need: Expression of emotions
Use of music and art to support students who have experienced
trauma to express themselves, encourage their participation and build
Need: Anxiety and anger management
This is a ten week, mindfulness in schools accredited intervention that is
facilitated by our Educational Psychologist and a member of our pastoral team. It aims to help students become more self-aware and emotionally literate. Students will also be taught practical skills to improve their
self-regulation and attention skills.
Sensory Room
Need: Management of emotions
The Sensory Room is a quiet space equipped with soothing lights and
tactile furnishings to provide students with a calm environment in which
emotional students can take time out to manage their emotions.

Communication and Social Skills

Speech and Language
Needs: Communication, expressive language
Helps develop vocabulary for school based topics, expressive language
skills and knowledge of grammar. Follows strategies recommended by
Speech and Language therapist.
Lego Therapy
Need: Communication skills
Students develop their communication and social skills by taking turns in
listening to, following and articulating instructions. Sessions are made fun
and rewarding by using the medium of Lego models.

Lunch Club
Need: Social skills
At this supervised Club students can play board and construction games
and develop their social skills by interacting with other students.

Occupational Therapy
Needs: Handwriting skills, sensory diet to regulate attention, postural
Enjoyable activities to develop stability for the development of both
fine and gross motor control as recommended by the Occupational

Developing Independence
Need: Organisation skills, understanding and dealing with day to day
requirements of school life
1:1 sessions providing students with the emotional and practical support
to be successful at school. This includes the opportunity to learn the skills
they need to be able to cope with any aspects of school life including
personal organisation, interaction with other students and staff and
academic requirements.
Working Towards Independence
Need: Development of personal and life skills
Practical activities such as cooking, shopping and hygiene help students
to prepare for life as independent young adults.

Working with other Professionals

The Learning Support Department works closely with the Schools
team of Pastoral Support Workers (PSWs). The PSWs support students to
understand and manage their emotional and behavioural needs, be
they long or short term.
The Learning Support Department also works closely with Professionals
from outside school who support our students. Some of these
Professionals work regularly in the school; these include the Educational
Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, Hearing Outreach
Worker, Occupational Therapist and Counsellor. Their roles include
assessing, setting programmes for and working with students as well as
training and advising school staff.

June 2015
Elthorne Park High School, Westlea Road, Hanwell W7 2AH
Tel: 020 8566 1166

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