Cultural Competency

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Cultural Competency involves more than just

aware of other cultures, ethnic groups and
customs. It
involves more than just being tolerant of differing
lifestyles. It involves more than just suspending
Being culturally sensitive means
having the capacity to function effectively in
other cultures. It is valuing and respecting
diversity and being sensitive to cultural
It is important to remember that every individual,
regardless of appearance, has a rich cultural
Cultural identity refers to how a person defines
themselves culturally, based on their unique
experiences. It is important to recognize that an
individuals cultural identity might contain
contradictory, multi
faceted and often

elements. Persons might identify more strongly

one culture than another, might experience
identities simultaneously or might shift between
Every human being holds perceptions about different
cultures. Many times these perceptions are inaccurate
because they are based on cultural misinformation.
Cultural misinformation refers to historical information
about a group of people that is applied as a
generalization to an individual. In other words,
misinformation involves stereotyping, wherein an
individual associates a set of attributes to a group and
then applies group attributes to an individual believed
be part of that group. This limits what we can see and
understand about an individual and is often used to
justify mistreatment of individuals by the dominant
culture. Therefore, we must deliberately and
intentionally examine cultural misinformation.

Heaven is where the police are British, the chefs are French, the mechanics are German, the
lovers are Italian and it is all organized by the Swiss.

Hell is where the police are German, the chefs are British, the mechanics French, the lovers are
Swiss and it is all organized by Italians.
A fixed impression which may have little basis in fact, but is nevertheless
perpetuated by persons unwilling to look more deeply into the matter.
This means that a person has an opinion about someone before they have even met
them. For example, an Asian student walks in to the room and aromatically assumes
they are a genius.

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