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Location Recce
Production: Details: Sia Chandelier
Music Video

Producer: Holly Etty

Details of Location: Drama studio (Black

Box), Room 11.

Address: Wiltshire Lane, Pinner, Greater

London HA5 2LX


Advantages of location
The space in the room allows for movement which will be good for the
performance element of my music video.
The blackout effect of the room will be good when filming as it gives a
more professional video dynamic as opposed to a green screen or white
It will allow lots of lighting to be used which means that my video will be
well lit and will look like a high quality, high production music video.
Location Considerations (problems, timings, permission etc)

The drama studio has to be booked quite far in advance as it is used for
open evenings and as a classroom so this could prove a problem for
ensuring my artist is available at the same time as the room and the
There isnt a vast amount of space for performance so my artists
movement may be slightly restricted, so this may impact badly on the
production values for the filming.
The room isnt completely blacked out so some natural light could end up
getting in and affecting the professional blacked-out effect the room could
The space is filled up with some chairs and tables which could get in the
way of filming and thus cause problems with shots and also the
performance of my artist.
As it is in school I wont be able to use it during school hours or after the
hours the school closes (6:30pm) so this means that the timings may be
an issue if Im trying to film a large amount in a short space of time. This
could mean that I may have to make multiple bookings which may be

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