Camper Chronicle: Mrs. Brosman - Us

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Camper Chronicle

September 18, 2015

Mrs. Brosman
Phone: 574-342-2355
Math This week we worked on dividing by multiples of 10, dividing for
reasonableness, and dividing by 1 digit numbers. Students who still do
not have their multiplication facts memorized are struggling with division and will continue to struggle until those facts are memorized.
If your child is struggling with division, please take a few minutes out
of each day to practice multiplication and division facts.


Our story next week is Hold the Flag High. It is about a an

African American regiment in the Civil War. A Sergeant vowed to not
let Old Glory touch the ground. The reading skills that we will practice next week are sequencing and inferring.

Grammar Next week we will be

working on subject-verb agree-

ment within sentences.

Writing We finished our Tall Tales last week and students received
back their graded Tall Tales this week. We definitely need to focus on
voice and adding description. Our mini unit that we are in right now
is on descriptive writing. Students were asked to write a 1 page piece
on their favorite part of fall with a focus on writing descriptively.

Spelling- Our list focuses on irregular plurals. Using our plural rules
from this week will help students memorize the spellings of these

Social Studies We have finished our unit on Native Americans ,

but before we test over the unit students will be doing a group project. Students will be given a Native American tribe to research within a group. They must create a slideshow and a poster for their
presentation that they will give.

Science-We took our Unit 1 test yesterday. We will be skipping Unit 2

for now and moving on to Unit 3. Our next unit we will be moving on to
next week is over space and the solar system. We will spend time getting to know more about our planets, the moon, and the sun.

Unit 2.2
Hold the Flag High
Irregular Plurals
CCSS Language 2.e.


Challenge Words
Nightly Homework Alerts

21. bailiffs
22. armadillos
23. wharves
24. mosquitoes
25. desperadoes

Note From the Teacher:

Next week we will launch our annual Tupperware sales. The fundraiser will run through
October 16. Students in 5th grade are strongly encouraged to sell as much as they can. The
money we raise helps with 5th grade supplies and helping offset student cost for Camp Amigo. Please refer to the envelope coming home shortly for more details. The top seller in 5th
grade for Tupperware sales will receive a FREE Tupperware item. The top seller (per class)
cumulatively for fundraiser sales this year will earn a FREE trip to Camp Amigo!!!! What a
deal! :) The costs keep rising for our trip, so the more we sell the less you pay! Thank you in
advance for helping us raise money!
Parent-Teacher Conferences (A.K.A. Student-Led Conferences in 5th grade) will be Tuesday,
October 13. I will be sending home paperwork within a week so that you can sign up for a time. Refer
to your calendar in the meantime to find what might work best for you that day. Time slots are
first come, first served! Remember, your child will be coming with you since it will be student-led.

Mrs. Brosman

Visit Our Class Website:

*teachers blog
*contact the teacher
*class schedule
*nightly homework
*upcoming events
*websites to visit
*class photos
Upcoming Dates:

Star Camper of the Week

September 21-22: ACUITY testing

October 2: End of 1st Grading Period
October 5-9: Elementary Book Fair
October 9: Grandparents Day
October 13: Student-led conferences

This week we learned that Brayden
likes to play sports and his favorite
subject is math. Someday he wants
to be an architect.

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