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Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Modern technology is crea

ting a single world culture. Use specific reasons and examples to support your o

Globalization imposes dramatic changes in the worldâ s economic and social structur
e, and environment especially ways of living. How technology has resulted into a
single culture is elaborated here below.
Globalization, sciences and information technology have caused dramatic changes
in social structure and made a great impact on cultures and way of living especi
ally for youth. Any country that could adjust itself to advance technology and,
at the same time, maintain its culture will be able to survive. Modern technolo
gy is rapidly changing the world's living standards that results in creating a s
ingle world culture. New technologies including Internet, television, electronic
media, cellular telephony, means of transportation, etc have a great impact on
creating an identical culture around the globe.
First of all, Internet and e-mail have changed the way people communicate to eac
h other. Internet brought many benefits. It is a new means of communication, a f
ast access to information and news. People communicate with each other, share th
eir ideas, happiness and difficulties. Greeting cards for New Year, Christmas, G
et well and almost all pleasant and unpleasant happenings. Now alone cell phones
are used for communication. Using fixed land line phones are obsolete now and t
his hold good globally.
Many people migrate during their lives. Some of them are looking for a better pl
ace to live; others want to get new experience and knowledge or just pleasure. S
o, many families have been created between people from different nations. This c
an be defined as Global Integration.
To sup up, modern technology has a great impact on the way people live now. It i
s creating a new single world culture of global integration and conventional tra
ditions and distances are no longer significant.
(280 Words)

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