Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

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Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

In relation to the problem statement whereas, the rising cost of diesel fuels in the

world market, the negative result of greenhouse gases emissions in the environment

and the bad effects to our health – this paper provide information with better

understanding of what Jatropha oil is, the process of how it is produces as well as the

equipments used; the public policy currently approved; the importance of using

biodiesel as an alternative; the advantage and disadvantages of using Jatropha oil, the

economic benefits and the up-to-date information about Jatropha curcas as one of the

potential source of biodiesel in the Philippine market in the future.


By 2030, the world’s population is expected to reach 8 billion and as the

population grows, more energy is required to produce the basic needs of people. An

energy that is more practical to use in the same way that it is safer, renewable, available

and of course – affordable. Biodiesel is one of the candidates of this needed energy

because of its abundance and potential source in the country. Biodiesel is a clean-

burning diesel replacement fuel that can be used in compression-ignition (CI) engines,

and which is manufactured from the following renewable, non-petroleum based sources:

• Virgin vegetable oils such as jatropha, soy, mustard, canola, rapeseed and palm


• Animal fats such as poultry offal, tallow, and fish oils; and
• Used cooking oils and trap grease from restaurants

Biodiesel is generally made when fats and oils are chemically reacted with an

alcohol, typically methanol, and a catalyst, typically sodium or potassium hydroxide, to

produce an ester, or biodiesel.


Oil that is produced from the seeds of Jatropha plant that grows in all the

common and marginal lands is called as Jatropha oil. The species of plant that is used

for oil extraction is known as Jatropha Curcas. Since Jatropha Curcas is very toxic, they

are not consumed by humans and other living things.

The main goal of cultivating Jatropha all over the world is to extract oil from the

seeds which is used as an alternative energy source. Jatropha oil extraction methods

have also gained the same importance like Jatropha cultivation. Since the oil extracted

from Jatropha seeds is the primary source for biodiesel, the process of extraction

methods have also become significant.

The oil extracted from the seeds is processed to prepare high quality bio-fuel as

an alternative source that can be used in diesel car. While the residue that remains after

extracting oil is also processed and used a biomass feedstock to produce electricity and

is also used as a fertilizer. Jatropha oil is non edible and is also poisonous.

Below is the table that shows some properties of the Jatropha oil.
No Property Value

1 Density 0,92 g/cm3

2 Ignition point 340°C

3 Solidification point 5 Kin

11 Distillation point 295°C

4 Viscosity 75 to 710-6m2/s
12 Kinematics Viscosity 50.73 cs

5 Iodine value 13
13 Sulphur 0.13

6 Saponification value 198

14 Calorific value 9 470 kcal/kg

7 Cetan number 23 / 51
15 Pour point 8°C

8 Heating value 39,628 MJ/kg

16 Color 4.0

9 Flash point 240/110°C

17 Acid value 1.0 – 38.2

10 Carbon residue 0.64

18 Specific gravity 0.917/0.923 (0.881)

19 Solidifying Point 2.0


20 Refractive Index 1.47

A plant, in Europe not well known yet, is providing unusual amount of oil, which

could be utilized even without further refining as a motor fuel. Jatropha curcas is a new

sensation really however was described and found much earlier. During the Second

World War, Japanese military researchers have experimented with Jatropha obtained

oil. How is then possible, that Jatropha curcas was virtually “forgotten” for another sixty
years? Total contrary is the case. Jatropha curcas is being researched silently for many

years by well known research institutes as well as by the famous motor car companies.

An origin of Jatropha curcas is a bit mysterious and matter of legends, but

generally is known that it comes from Mexico and the other states of Central America.

Gradually plant was experimentally grown by colonizers in Africa and Asia, where that

generally tolerant plant grows with a great vitality. Even in a current days, Jatropha

curcas is daily used by native healers, in addition to, oil extract obtained from the seeds

is a very effective anti venom serum, hemorrhoids, paralyses, edemas, even has the

anti cancer properties.

Actually, Jatropha curcas is a perennial plant, from the family of

(Euphorbiaceae), what an advantage is for its grower. Seeds containing desired oil are

reaped for first time within two to five years from planting. Oil content of seeds is very

interesting, about %37, and additionally to, another amount of oil is in kernels: about

%60, later modified by esterification to bio-fuel. Extracted oil burns by bright, smokeless


Currently, the oil from Jatropha curcas seeds is used for making biodiesel fuel in

Philippines and in Brazil, where it grows naturally and in plantations in the Southeast,

and the North/Northeast Brazil. Likewise, Jatropha oil is being promoted as as easily

grown biofuel crop in hundreds of projects throughout India and other developing

countries. The railway line between Mumbai and Delhi is planted with Jatropha and the

train itself runs on 15-20% biodiesel. In Africa, cultivation of Jatropha is being promoted

and it is grown successfully in countries such as Mali. In the Gran Chaco of Paraguay,
where also a native variety grows, studies have shown suitability of Jatropha cultivation

and agro producers are starting to consider planting in the region.


Biodiesel is generally made when fats and oils are chemically reacted with an

alcohol, typically methanol, and a catalyst, typically sodium or potassium hydroxide to

produce an ester, or biodiesel.

Biodiesel is produced by transesterification of large, branched triglycerides in to

smaller, straight chain molecules of methy esters, using an alkali or acid or enzyme as

catalyst. There are three stepwise reactions with intermediate formation of diglycerides

and monoglycerides resulting in the production of three moles of methyl esters and one

mole of glycerol from triglycerides. The overall reaction is

Glyceride Alcohol

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