Sep 19 2015 Bulletin

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Paul: Mission and Message

Memory Text: Brethren, I do not
count myself to have apprehended;
but one thing I do, forgetting those
things which are behind and
reaching forward to those things
which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the
upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:13, 14, NKJV).
Superintendent: Alonso Lopez
The Church at Study 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
ACES promotion - George Perez

Praise & WorshipMoses, Raphael & Samuel
Hymn of Praise....Shout to the North -Dalerious
Intercessory Prayer ...............................Kirmane Allen
Passion for witnessing to family and friends, Health and Healing,
Ontario Conference
Next Week

Thanksgiving, Family Evangelism, Pastoral Family, Healthcare

workers, Quebec Conference Sis Lo Richards

Childrens Story....Samuel Golovenko

1. The Living Truth, our church plant,
is meeting at the Oakridge
Presbyterian Church, located at
970 Oxford St West,
London.Continue to keep these
mission pioneers in your prayers.
2. Inviting ALL to our mid-week church
service on Wednesday night at 7 pm.
It is time for extra prayer, Bible study,
and testimonies.
3. Youth Bible Study Group for youth ages 15 - 25+
continues every at Thursday 7 pm @
785 Nadine Avenue (Ferreiras home).
All are invited; bring your friends to
grow in knowing Christ.
4. Early Teens Bible Study Group for
youth ages 11-14 is open Tuesdays
at 7 pm @ 910 Bluegrass
Dr. London, N6H 5X3 (George &
Anna Perez home). Teens are using
Amazing Facts curriculum Most
Important Questions. Free books are
gifted to every participant. Parents are welcome as you
give a ride, to come and fellowship.

Offering............Local Budget..........Elder Clara Baptiste

Scripture...............Acts 3:6-8............Paula & Sophia Gaspar
Special Music........................................................Alisha Sealy

Pastor Juan Carlos Atencio

What You Do Have
Hymn of Consecration...Give me Jesus..#305
Benediction...........Elder Clara Baptiste

Sunset Today: 7:30 p.m. Next Friday: 7:19 p.m.

Please send all bulletin related information by WEDNESDAY
9:00 p.m. to

5. Pathfinders Club will meet at the

Springbank Park for Physical Activities, and
resume the class meeting next Sunday,
September 27, preparing for the Investiture
6. Blessed with the gift of song? Join the
choir and make a joyful noise! Choir meets
for practice every Friday at 7:30pm. New
members are welcome. Returning members
please bring your folders and all choir music.
7. Elders meeting will take place next week,
September 26th @6:00 p.m.


$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ CONGRATULATIONS ON COMMITTED GIVING$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Financial Report August 2015

Yearly Budget.........................$54,000
Expected to date
Budget collected .....................$27,791

Short fall!!......

$ 8,555

The West Church Plant had received

$ 9,354
Together the mother & daughter churches got
more than planned. Yet, we must rebuild up our
financial health and solvency.
Available in the bank...................$46,790
Giving into the Conference Treasury....$128,585
Please contribute faithfully as God blesses you

9. Western University Adventist
Students association is inviting
church youth, College and University
age for a social fellowship, this Saturday
evening at 7 pm, at the home of Olivia Wang, at
29 Saunby Street, Upper apt.
10. All church members and
ministries are encouraged to
meet in Springbank Park
Sunday morning September
20th at 9:00 AM for a walk. It
is the 4th annual physical activity and health
lifestyle promotion day. Please mark this on your
calendar; more details to be announced over the
next two weeks. Take Commissioners Road West
to the second entrance of Springbank Park, across
from Shoppers Drug Mart. A parking lot is on the
left. There are lots of picnic tables and if the
shelter is not being used we will use it.
11. He is My Strength & Song. On
October 3, 7 pm the Living Truth
fellowship is hosting an evening of
inspiring Christian and Classical
Music. Our Church Choir is also
participating. The concert is a fundraiser for upcoming
GYC trip for the youth, and will take place in the
Sanctuary of the Oakridge Presbyterian Church, at
970 Oxford Street, West. Free Admission.

12. 22nd CHIP session has begun and will continue for

3 more weeks until October 6. Please pray for

those facilitating and attending, that the Health
message will be the Good News people need for
their hope and life. If you are alumni, come out and be refreshed.
13. October 17-24 Evangelistic Proclamation Event G.O.D.
will be presented by pastor Fred
He will cover following topics:
God Of Design (October 17 opening
Sabbath Evening)
God On Descent (October 18, Sunday)
God Over Deception (October 20,
God Our Deliverer (October 21, Wednesday)
God Oversees Development (October 23, Friday)
God Over Doubt (October 24 Sabbath Morning, 11 am)
God Of Dancing (October 24 Sabbath Evening)
Invite your friends and family for this Revival Week.
Invitational flyers will be ready and available for distribution
14. Mission trip to Nicaragua is planned for
January 26 February 17, 2016 as a follow
up to the May 2015 mission. The cost,
including airfare tickets from London to
Managua, food on site, local transportation costs, and donation for
mission, is $2500 Canadian per person. Construction work is planned.
If you are interested, please sign up at the announcement board, or
speak with pastor Alex.
Birthday Wishes for September
Sep 1 Abby Morris
Sep 1 Esther BaahFrimpong
Sep 1 Nyakuoth Yut
Sep 1 Mike Kasule
Sep 1 Hailey Mashoko
Sep 3 Brittany Stajfer
Sep 4 JoAnna Walker
Sep 5 Casondra Mailman
Sep 5 Aubrey Williams
Sep 7 Joseph Mashoko

Sep 8 Mario Simoes

Sep 10 Carson Wood
Sep 10 Grace Dowdell
Sep 12 Hezron Magati
Sep 12 Shereece Bailey
Sep 13 Sophon Bailey
Sep 14 Andrea Carter
Sep 19 Shilo Pandaleke
Sep 19 Tyler Bell
Sep 21 Bill Reeve

Sep 21 Patricia FerrieraLopez

Sep 22 Bogdan Starczewski
Sep 23 Daniel Morris
Sep 26 Heather Baptiste
Se p 26 Mathew Reeve
Sep 27 Osa Uwagboe
Sep 27 Immaculee Ruhinda
Sep 29 Jolene Ruhinda
Sep 30 David Catarino

The Biggs family would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our
church family for the abundant love and support during this trying
time. May God continue to bless, keep, and bind us together for His

Evangelism Good News Mission

The word evangelism has been misused in so many ways that it has
become a bad news for some. Yet it is the essence of who we are and why
we are here. As we study this quarters Sabbath School lessons we were
reminded every week that Jesus had sent his followers on the Mission to
GO! and it is not optional!
This week I read a story that is heartwarming, and an illustration of what
GOING and CARING does. Honolulu, Hawaii-based photographer and law
student Diana Kim traces her love of photography back to her father, who
used to own a photography studio on O'ahu. When she was only 5, thats 25
years ago, her parents separated. She stayed at relatives homes, friends,
even had to live in parks and cars. Yet she emerged successful person,
having family of her own, husband and two sons, pursuing her passion for
photography and law. 12 years ago, in 2003, as a student she started
initiative dedicated to humanizing the homeless by sharing their stories, as
she herself identified with their struggle. She continued her work by going to
the Law School. In 2012 while documenting homeless people on the streets
of Honolulu, Kim came across her own father. The man who she
remembered abandoning her as a child was now homeless, unwashed,
dressed in rags, and extremely thin. Worst of all, he didn't even recognize
her. For the next two years, Kim kept returning to the street that her father
called home. Sometimes he would be there, sometimes he wouldn't. Afflicted
by severe schizophrenia, he was often unresponsive, or would argue
intensely with the empty space in front of him. He refused to get treatment,
take medication, eat, bathe, or wear any of the new clothes she brought him.
In 2014, she got a call from her cousin. Her father had suffered a heart
attack. He was found face-down on the sidewalk, but someone called the
police, and he was rushed to critical care at the hospital. When she visited
him at the hospital with her husband, just as they were about to leave, the
homeless father opened his eyes and called her name Diana." She did not
give up on him, and he got his second chance.
There are people in our families who need the Second chance. There
are friends and neighbours who are lost and dont know it. Jesus says GO
and as you go give the GOOD NEWS. Preacher, Dr.Mark Rutland, president
of Global Servants ministry, shares a survey of words people in America love
to hear. #1 I love you. #2 I forgive you. #3 Supper is ready! We love to
come home & thats the essence of the Gospel, thats what the
Evangelism is all about. Thats what people need to hear God loves you,
expressed through your personal caring love for them. They wont believe
you God Loves them if they do not experience that love from you! People
need to hear that they are forgiven, and experience by us also forgiving.
God is also inviting us all to his Wedding Supper of Christ Soon Coming.
Come Home, where you would be homeless no more! In this world of
brokenness and violence, where misplaced migrants are looking for
shelters, where mental health is under assault every where all people
need the good news that they are loved, forgiven, and have a promised
home. Hope is the Gospel. Please GO and love people.
your servant, pastor Alex Golovenko


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