Sulfuric Acid Corrosion

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JLT AT EIT, eeee: eee BRC-CORP 37-74. 207 Section 38. SULFURIC ACID CORROSION Definition of the Problem The primary problem encountered in sulfuric acid corrosion is general metal loss, although sulfuric acid can groove corrosion in veld heat affected vmes. Another problem associated with oulfuric acid te corrosiou Liu sulfur-bearing flue gases contacting metal surfaces below the dew point (see Sec- tion 11 on Condensate Corrosion). Discussion of the Problem Carbon steel is widely used to contain concentrated sulfuric acid, but 18 not considered compatible with sulfuric acid at strengths of 60%w and lower. In concentrated acid the carbon steel ie covered by a relatively insoluble FeSO, film (corrosion product), which protects the metal against further correoion. In fact, the corrosion rate 1 equal to che rare of removal (by physical or chemical means) of this film. Increasing temperature accelerates corrosion of carbon steel by concentrated sulfuric acid, In dilute sulfuric acid, the FeSO, film is so soluble that the protective film ran not form and high corrosion rates result. Fluid flow dramatically accelerates corrosion of carbon steel in concentrated (greater than 60%w) sulfuric acid, by increasing the dissolution rate of the protective film, Corrosion rates are approximately proportional to acid flow rates. Corrosion rates are generally highest in regions of disturbed flow ouch ae elbows vi valves or in highly turbulent flow. Occasionally, because of localized variations in composition and thermal history, accelerated attack of carbon steel occure in the heat affected zone of a weld. This attack leads to formation of a groove in the heat affected zone and is sometines called groove corrosion. Groove corrosion can be pre- vented by normalizing the steel. Alternate materials of construction for sulfuric acid service are available. Because low alloy steels do not provide any significant increase im corrosion resistance in sulfuric acid over carbon steels, the alloy 20 type materials (Worthite, Durimet 20, Carpenter 20-Cb 3, Incoloy 825, Hastelloy ¢) generally consitute the next step up from carbon steel. If these materials are not cuffiedently recdetant, higher alloye ouch ee Hastclivy B are required. Methods of Checking for the Problem For carbon steel, the most severe corrosion problem generally occurs in regions of highest temperature and turbulence. The corrosion problem is usually general metal thinning, which often can be detected by ultrasonic and Fadiograpnic inspection, and by visual inspections during dom time. For the alternate materials of construction, the corrosion is generally most Severe in regions of highest temperature. BRC-CORP 37.74.F Methods of Eliminating the Probl Corrosion of carbon steel by sulfuric acid can often be controlled by the lowering of acid velocities. Reduced temperature and relatively large amounts of hydrocarbon in the acid also decrease corrosion rates. If carbon steel is unacceptable for prevailing process conditions, a more resistant material of construction 18 required. Figure 38-1 is a general guideline for materials selection in sulfuric acid. Anodic protection of sulfuric acid storage tanks has been used with success. Pletal Sulfuric acid 1s a complicated corrosive. Plant acids generally contain impurities which can affect corrosion rates significantly. It ia recomended that summaries of corrosion performance of materials in sulfuric acid (such as in the attached Figure 38-1) be regarded only as general guidelines. They should not be relied upon for final materials selection. . Poccccccccccccese eeoeeoeeseseees eo oe ‘Temperature, “F BRC-CORP 37-74.F 600}— 400}— 100 ‘Avoid Hantelloy B and D in this Range at Boiling Point Boiling Point 40 60 Concentration in Water, % Figure 38-1 Sulfuric Acid Corrosion Cae eee ary 100 100 210 Figure 38-41 BRC-CORP 37-74.F (Cont'd) Code for Sulfuric Acid Chart on rate lots than 0.020" per yeer Zone 1 Zone 3 Zone 6 20-30 Ni 20 Cr- 30 Ni? 62Ni- 28 Mi 66 Ni-32 ut 66 Ni - 32 Cu! Gola 62 Ni - 28 Mo 62 Ni - 28 Mo Pravioun Type 316? Gold Silicon tron ‘A Bronze 10%! Lend Tantalum Copper! Molybdenum Gold Platinum Zone 7 Lewd sare to Molybdenum Tantalum Gola Nickel Cast Iron Zirconium Platinum Platinum Sticon fron Siver Zone 4 Tantalum Tantalum Zirconium 20 Cr -30 Ni Zone 8 62 Cr - 28 Mo Zone 2 Type 316° 20 Cr- 30Ni oid 18Cr-8Ni wer sue Lesa D4 Ni 1B Cr-16 Mo 66 Ni- 32. Gu! Nickel Cast tron Gold 62 Ni- 28 Mo Pratioun Platinum Type 316° Silicon tron Stel A Bronze 10%! Steet Coppes* Tantalum Zone 9 Gold Zirconium? Led 20 Cr 20 Ni Molybdenum Zone § 180-8 Ni Nickel Cast tron* Gold Platinum 20 Cr - 30 Ni Platinum Silicon Cast tron 62 Ni-28 Mo Siver God Zone 10 Tontaum Lead? Zirconium Pratinum Gold Silicon Iron Pratioum Tantalum No Air * <86% Concentr 2 < 10% Aerated 7 >80% Concentration > Sree 8 00m Acted * <20% a 25°C * < 75%, <20% 5 <25% Aerated at 25°C °° 20 10 60 mpy a

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