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“The reading of TV contains and necesats 9 reading of our ‘moment snd pst.” For Mille, "critical analy can just as easly reclaim a marvel as iceam devastate ale.» The etal Impulse ean hep also te replenish the mins within its phere... Those who have grown tp watching television are not, Because of all that gaping, now htomaticaly adepe at vinial eterretaion. Tha spectral expe Fence’ paver menmeric, uncseriminting, and therefore not endive tothe refinement of che rtal facts: loge and oar ination, ligule precision, historical awareness, and 3 capacity fe long. intense absorption, These — and not the abilities to compute, apply, or memorize — are the tue desiderataof any higher edveaton, fn ee erica thinking tha can bes realize them.” FOR DISCUSSION 1. How is Renasonce pty ike ilevison!? 2 1 Inyour ow mot what doe Miler mean by “rita mals? 5 Alte ve the era ager ecto’ How dos eres shin Ing elp one elie theo? GAIL SHEEHY Gat, Sut wat ban 1937. She came her BS. dese fom the Univer af Vermant in 1958 and wat eli in Calne University's Juri Scho! in 1970. A conte to te Nee York Tons Magu, Esgar MeCal', Ms, Commie, Rang $i anther asin ich ational men and many pope wes of cotengrary i: Sed I of ‘be Exerc (197), Pacha 1911), Fading (1973) Pass (1970), Paden (1981), Chara Anahi (0938), The Mon Wh Change! we Wor The Lines of Mia ‘Gata (191), and Sen Page (1982). In The Sia of Stel (1580), Shey as wren Rony of le Sed Sepa In CCambodi, "The boa inlaes a note tld oe te pot of view of Mode, 2 rwehejeroll Conbodan chi adopted by ‘Sheet and he btand, Clay Ble, « New York eee Predictable Crises of Adulthood “Preble Ces of Adlai em the second chap ter of Pass Inthe say, Sheehy dns sc stages tat ae Feaple experience between the ages of egheen ad fy. The Shor, te her aes cer, nes theo or cho he ican anf eo in tha ete Ending in me dereopwene Not everane gos toh dhe ager Shey maces a aly the ‘are int, see wether nf he llowing cso al you We are not unlike a perticulrly hardy crustscean. The lobster poms by developing and shedding a seis of hard, procective shell Each time it expands fom within, the confining shell most be sloughed of elf exposed and vulnerable unl nme, a new covering grows to replace the old ‘With each pastage fom one stage of human growth eo the next 2 we, too, must shed protective structure. We ae let exposed and ‘winersble — but alo yest ad emlryoni again, capable of stetch- ingin ways we hadnt known before. These sheddings may ake several eats or more. Coming out of each pasge, though, me entra longer Zn more sable period in which we can expect relative trnguliy Spd a sense ofeulibviu regained ‘As we shal ee, each person engages the steps of development 3 inhis orher own characteristic sept, Some people never complete the whole sequence. And mane of ws "solves" with one step — by Jumping out ofthe parenral home into «jo of mang, for exam fle the peblems in separating fram the caregivers of childhood Nor do we' "achieve" autonomy once and forall by converting out dreams into concrete goals, even when we atain those goals. The ental sues or tasks of one period are never ally completed, ted ‘py and eastside. But when they low thee primacy andthe curent Ie steacrure as served its purpose, we ae teady to move on to the ext pero ‘Can one catch up? What might look co others like lislesness, 4 conearines, a maddening refinal to face upto an obvious ek may be a peron’s own unique detour dae wil bring him out leer onthe ‘ther ste, Developmental guns won can ater belt — and ew. Tt plausible, though it cat be proven, thatthe matey of ne see cf aks fries us forthe next period andthe next sto challenges Tue ies important not to think too mechanistically. Machines work by unite, The bureaucracy (soos) work step by step. Human ings, thanke God, have an nivdaal inner dynamic thae can never be precisely coe "Although Ihave indicated the ages when Americans are likely to go through each stage, and he diferences between, men ard tromen where they are striking, not take che apes 10 seriou. “The stages ae che thing, an os parcculry the sequence. ere isthe briefest utline of the developmental lode. 4 ling Up Roots Before 18, the mo isan cle: “have ot aay fom any porents” Bathe wos ete conected wo ato. Genera Il por of our fies, even fay at school we el ow Stonomy to be subject o erin fom moment © moment "Aer, we bein uling Up Row meee Cale, itary sere ap Senter tayee all uma vehicles car soe? Rowdee fst found pe bree aml ar a hae of ones rm in the auempt to parte our view of the wo om ou famiys view. dese migoous proctor to the conto — “1 (Sow ety wit Isat we ca sou any eles we can four ow, And inthe proce of texting Uebel we aren Sun's fa perl vse ee myers and inaccse 0 Ghrevertenatve membership we tryout i che won the + fear haunts ut that we ae ell kde who cannot tke cae of cutcves‘We cover tat ar vith act Of dence snd minced confidence. Fo ales replace ou parent et our ont potas They become compat So long ax thelr perspective tmeshes with ou own, heya set abt forthe snctany of the fami. But that doesnt last very long And the inane they diverge fom the shaky se of our pou they at san abet etd he aye tn rn cd “The tks ofthis page ate ro laste ous in per grou tole, 3 sex role, an anticipated occupation, an ideology or world view ‘stele, we gather the mperi > lenve home physically and the ide to beg leaving ome emo Even one part of seks to bean india, nother at longs orator the ry and comfrof meng wih anche Thue ane ofthe mort popular myc of thi eage We cam pga tie development by staching to » Suonger One. Bat pope cho tary rng thie tne often prolong thancial snd emote es 1 de amily a elves ha ip thom em fog "Aso pssge hgh the ling Up Roos yar wil robably felt the seal roreston ofthe sd ie eye, one does have an ienicy ces ot thin poi i wl crt ding ner train, when the peal maybe arr to Bear The Tying Tw “The Ting Twenties confronts wih the question of how to take hold nthe at weld, Out eve is fom the ier temas adlecence "Who aI? What tt?” ad {acome almost try posccoped with orig out the xtra "Mowe do I por my anions ino etc” “What he best ny © sean"Where dy pho canbe re? "How id you do Tn dh peed, whch lng a more able compared wth tn pose i lee the tks eas enorme A hey ae ‘Shlortng To shape 2 Dreamy tht vison of oases whic wl fener veg, alvenesy, an ope. To prepare fra eer. To Erte mero i pomile” Ard tof the capcty or innacy thew sng inthe proces whatever conatency of elf we ave Thos fr mated The Se tet wrctre must be ected wound the lie we chome oy Taine nat we “shoul che mont perive theme of the twenties, The “shoul ar lapel defined by fay modes, the pres the utr, othe prejies oF ur poets the revaling all instructions are that one should get marie and sel down Debi e's ow door a lear fay is Bon. If iatead the pes that one shawl oon own thing, the 2eeeradd © ily to ames himself ont a Hatey Davidson and brn up Route 66 i he commitment to have no commitments ‘ne ofthe ening axpect of the twenties the ines conve: son thatthe choice me make te irevecbl. Tes lagly le fest Changs is cuitepomble, and some alteration of our orga halces i probably neve “wo imply a alway ate at work, ne ito bull fm fe scuctefo the ftare by moking song commitments, fest Yee people 'who lip in ready fons mach se ‘vamination ae Likely 0 Sind themes edi “The ctr sng to expire and experiment, Keping ny cr te tentative and therefore easly reversible, Taken the exeme, these are people ho skp fom oneal ok and one limited peel encounter another, pending their wens i the en se ‘Although the choles of our ements are not revocable, they do set in moon a Life Patter, Some ow follow the akin pte ‘thes the transient patter, the wanderind pater, the creer, potter, ad there ae a number of others Such pater sony Tnuence the price question med fr ech peson dung each ‘yd by poner illusions and bei inthe power ofthe wil, we commonly inst in our were tha what we fave chosen 0 do $F eee te cose in fOr backs go apa he meres hi that te are ike our parent, thot two decades of prea ning might Te relected in oor cunent ations and atin Not me," the moto, “im diferent.” * catch 20 Inmpatiene wth devoting ourselves othe shoul," new vialiy a sevings from within as we approsch 30. Men and women alike speak feeling too narow and restricted. They blame all sors of things, fue whae the restitions bil down eo ae the outgrowth of career and pentonal choices ofthe ewenties. They may have been choices perferly suited to that stage. But now the fi fels deren. Some [ner aspect that wae llr cutis striving ¢0 be taken into accoune. Timporant new choices mart be made, and commitments stred or deepened. The work involves great change, turmoil, and offen er sis —a simukancous ling of rock boom and the uge to bist out ‘One common response i the tearing up of he life me spent meet. | of our ewenties puting together Ie may mean sking out on 2 secondary oad toa new vison or converting a dea of uning for president” into a more realistic goal. The single penn feels a push co find a pare. The woman who war prevcutly content at ome with children chafr to venture ito the world, The chess couple reconsiets children. And almom everyone wo is maned, ‘pecially thowe married for seven years, fel discontent Tete discontent does’ lead toa divorce, ic will, o shoul, all fora serious review ofthe mavige and ofeach partners aprations in thei Catch 30 condition. The ist af that condition war expressed ty a29-yearold asocate witha Wall Suet law fm. "I'm coidering lerving the frm I've been there four yar now 8 1m getting ood feedback, but I have no clients of my own. ee rake IFT vaie mach lange, i wil be too late, to else to that fel time of decision on whether or not to ecome a partner seccesvorinted. But the concep of being 55 yeas old and suck ia 4 monotonous ob dives me wl Ue deives me ray now sta ite Ihe Tay that 85 peroet ofthe time I thoroughly enjoy my work But when I geca screwball cae, I come avay fom cout seying, "What sm I doing here” Is a wiceal eaction that wasting my time. Tm ying t ind some way to make a social contribution o 2 sloc in ciy government. I kee saying, There's something more" Besides the push to broaden hinsel professionally, theresa wih ‘0 expand his personal life. He warts to oF three more children. "The concept ofa home has become very meaningfl toe, a place to ge away from troubles and rela. Tove my son in 2 way I could rot have aicipate. [never could live alone." CConsimed withthe work of making his own crcl Mfesteering. 2

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