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~ Teacher's Resource Pack & Tests Contents Resource Activities (Starter Unit) -p 5 Resource Activities (Module 1) .... p. 13 Resource Activities (Module 2) 21 Resource Activities (Module 3) .... + p. 29 Resource Activities (Module 4) . 37 Resource Activities (Module 5) .... » Pp. 45 Resource Activities (Module 6) .... p. 53 Resource Activities (Module 7) ..... . p. 64 Resource Activities (Module 8) .. - p. 69 Resource Activities (Module 9) .. ~ p77 Resource Activities (Module 10} .... - p. 85 Entry Test 93 TEST 1 (Module 1) 97 TEST 2 (Module 2) .... ~ p.101 TEST 3. (Module 3) ~ p.105 TEST 4 (Module 4) .. p.109 TEST 5 (Module 5) ~ p.113 Mid Test (Modules 1-5) ... - p.t17 TEST 6 (Module 6) p.121 TEST 7 (Module 7) + p25 TEST 8 (Module 8) p.129 TEST 9 (Module 9) » p.133 TEST 10 (Module 10) ... p.137 Exit Test (Modules 1-10) ... + p.14t Key to Resource Activities, Tests & Tapescripts . p.145 Seer UN Vocabulary Rooms & Household objects 1 Read the text and fill in the gaps. in our living room there is a big 1). ee) on Thr ae 8) opposite the sofa and a 4) . si between the sofa and the two / — armohairs. There is a §) . ‘on the table and there are always flowers in it. P| above our sola, i E i There is also a 6) Nationalities Numbers 2 Find ten nationalities in the chart. 3 Write the numbers. 34 49 #3 > mw Zmaemmsam Pp -xrzeexmnnwac N i A 0 A t ' u F w N StartenUnit Grammar Prepositions of place 4 Look at the picture and fill in the gaps with the correct preposition. 1 The computer is +. the desk. 2 The lamp is the computer. 3. The chair is the desk, 4 The ruler is the eraser and the sharpener. : 5 The pencil is . the dictionary, 6 The painting is . the desk. 7 Some books are the computer. | 8 The bookcase is the desk. To be/Have got 5 Circle the correct form. Ross and Mike has got / have got telephones in their rooms. My brothers are / is older than me. Mark haven't / hasn’t got a car. Is / Are your teachers strict? Has / Have you got a pet dog? My cousin’s dog has / is five years old. We hasn't / haven't got a swimming pool in our garden. 8 Jonathan is / are a very good student. NoOUnUN Question words Read the text about Ben and make questions for the underlined parts. Hil My name is 1) Ben. I’m 2) 14 years old and I’m from 3) London. My birthday is on 4) 15th December. My parents’ names are 5) Peter and Samantha. Also, I've got 6) one sister. Her name is 7) Jane. My favourite singer is 8) Justin Timberlake. » What's his name? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 This/ That — These/Those 7 Complete the sentences. Use this is/that is. Then write them in the plural as in the example. 1 & This is a coat. These are coats. = .. baby. Grammar revision 8 Circle the correct item. Is he from Poland? No, he .. C are Ais B isn’t 2 vssssses iS your birthday? A What B How © When 3. This is Carol’s car. It’s ‘ A she B her C hers 4 My eyes are brown. ‘A mothers’ B mother’s C mothers 5. Thisis........ house. A Peter B Peter's Peters 6 vss there a vase in the living room? A Are Bis C Have 7 ssessses Mark got a telephone in his room? A Have B Does CC _-Has 8 My cousins ........ got CD players. A hasn't B haven't. C:don’t lows on the bed. € some do you play football? A usually —B always €-often 11 ssesssns'S your address? A How B What C Where 12 Is Jon there? Can I talk to .. A he B his him 13. Is there a TV in the bedroom? No, there A is B are C isn't vesees Your grandparents’ house big? A Are B is C Do 15. Is this your brother's computer? No, it’s ....... . A my Bmine his 2 22 23 24 2 26 27 28 29 Ross is ........ grandson. A Peter’s and Ann’s B Peter and Ann's € Peter and Anns’ There aren't ........ magazines on the desk. A some Ba © any Have you got a pet? No, | A has B have haven’t vssssees time do you go to school? A Which B What When The .. foom is next to their sister's. A boy's B boys’ € boys’s Listen to .......! A his B he € him How many ........ has the bookcase got? A shelfes B shelve € shelves Has he got brothers or sisters? A some B any Ca There are ........ flowers in the vase. Aa B some € any Are these the .. bikes? A childs’ B childrens’ C children’s Are these books yours? No, they aren’t .. A my B me € mine Are ...s0+ Tony and Beth's children? A Ross and Jane’s B Ross and Janes’ C Ross and Jane love veers f A’ puppy B puppys C_ puppies BS seeseee father at home? A Peters B Peter's C Peters’ Look at ... ! A their B them ¢ they SEERA Reading 9 Read the text and answer the questions. e Home Sweet Home « o you watch the Simpsons on TV and dream of ving in their house? Well now you can because there is areal Simpson's house in America, Everything in the yellow house is the same as you see it on TV in the same cartoon colours. There is the garage with Homer’s car parked outside and next to it the path that leads to the orange front door. When you go in the house, the first room you see is the living room. In this room, you can sit on the same sofa that Homer sits on and watches TV. Behind the living room is the kitchen with a table, chairs, cupboards and a big yellow fridge. When you go upstairs, there are pictures of all the family, Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie, on the walls. Don't forget to take a look at Bart's untidy bedroom. Look out the window and you can see Bart and Lisa's tree-house in the garden below. I's just like living in a cartoon! 1. Where is the real Simpson's house? 2 What colour is the house? 3. Where is the sofa? 4 What is behind the living room? 5 How many sisters has Bart got’ 6 Who has a tree-house in the garden’. Writing 1 0 Fill in the gaps about your best friend and then write a small paragraph about him/her. Name My best friend’s name is Place of birth He/She is .. Use the words in the box to ask Student B questions to find out what his/her bedroom is like. Then draw it in the box below. Student A: Where's your bed? Student B: It’s opposite the door. desk computer chair booke: lamp painting pillow wardrobe Now show your picture to Student B. Does it look like his/her room? PaliworksActivities) Use the words in the box to ask Student A questions to find out what his/her bedroom is like. Then draw it in the box below. chair bookcase desk computer lamp painting pillow wardrobe ® Student A: Where's your bed? Student B: It’s opposite the door. Now show your picture to Student A. Does it look like his/her room? 10 FEO Ces Class: Stick on a picture of your family Present your family to the class giving a short description of them. My father’s name is . He's... years old. He's got IL | Collect different pictures of rooms such as a kitchen, a bedroom, a living room etc. Students shuffle them. One student picks a picture and pretends that he/she is in that room, The other | students, in teams, need to find out which roam he/she is in. The team that guesses correctly wins a point and is the next one to choose a picture. Each team can ask three questions, <33| > Team AS1: Is there a sofa in the room? Team BS1: Are there paintings on the wall? ‘Team B51: Yes, there is. Team AS1: Yes, there are. etc 12 - ting © wauns hd Vocabulary Match Column A to Column B and then use Chores the phrases in sentences (1-8). Look at the pictures and say how Ben and A B Jessie help their mother with the housework. 71 walk a. the Net _ 1m Ben always makes his 121 J iron Bb theimystery “| bed when he gets up. 31] mop ¢ friends 41] water d_ to school 2 & Jessie makes breakfast pe set / . ne foot every Sunday morning, foal hang out with cl rery sunclay morning. ga CT surt g the plants BI h the table Bye [BT J sotve every moming, 1 We .. . We never take the bus. 4 Jessie always... 2. My mum cooks lunch and | .. . | after lunch. s 3 When |. sores Lever use nbs my credit card to buy anything online. 7 4 “i don’t Like to .. , especially “25: Ben usually .. iy shirts!" before he goes tobed. 5. In my free time | usually ... ae a ane around shops or parks, 6 The police hope to . the theft before it happens again. 7 In the summer | every day. 8 After your shower, please don’t forget to + Of 6 Jessie Telling the time 8 Jessie usually .. t the weekend. Draw the time. Appearance & character Circle the odd word out. Westen pastien, ts aquarterto nine. Irs five to the stim — long — plump — thin old — curly — tong — short tall — friendly — polite — easy-going beautiful — silly — elegant — handsome ; eral careful — cool — clumsy — slim A's bat past eight. | Ws twerty to tn. | I's a querer past even 13 Loe Grammar Present Simple 5 Complete the questions. Then answer them. 1. you / wear / glasses 5. your mum / like / go jogging » Do you wear glasses? Yes, { do./No, { don't. ci 2 your sister / like / go shopping? 6 you / help your mother / with the housework > Does your sister like to go shopping? Yes, : . she does./No, she doesn’t. 7 your grandfather / watch / football on TV 3. your dad / get up / early in the morning 8 your grandmother / watch soap operas 4 your brother / meet friends / on Sundays Adverbs of frequency Look at the table and make sentences about Ross as in the example. ° 1» Ross always goes jogging in os assent the morning. (2 1_gejeagingin the maming ways) _' 2m Ross doesn’t usually start his 1-2" not start his day with a big breakfast (usually) day with a big breakfast. )————_..r 43 be late for school (never) a3 WE 3 belateforschoolineve) Oa take a nap after lunch Gometimes) 4 sean ere 5 dohishomeworkin the afternoon (often) | ‘ @ watch his favourite TV programme in thes ’ evening (always) : 7 not surf the Net (often) Oo \ go 10 bed late (usually) y ) : . } : Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. On Mondays, | always At school, | often .. At weekends, | usually .. In the winter, | never In the summer, | sometimes weaune 4 Modute) | | 10 " 12 13, 14 Grammar Revision Circie the correct item. Kate ...... like martial arts. A don’t B do © doesn’t Listen tow... A my B me cl I never iron my clothes. | A love B don’tmind € hate your teacher drive? Yes, shew... - ‘A Do, does B Do, doesn’t C Does, does . are you from? ‘A When B Where He ...... the dog. A walks often B often walk C often walks A: Have Jessica and Helen got a telephone in their room? BE NO) ssssee A they haven't got B she hasn't got C they haven't © Why This Book isn’t yours, IUS sesso. « A my BI C mine Her friends ...... speak Spanish. A doesn’t B does © don't Sam ...... late for school. A sometimes is Bis sometime © is sometimes Does your father watch soap operas? No, he... . ‘A does B don't C doesn’t A: Where are you? B; ...... are in the kitchen. A You B We © They Ross likes ...... to music. A ‘istens —B listening € listen Do your grandparents live in the country? No, they ‘A doesn't B don’t € do 5 16 7 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 .. is your birthday? ‘August 2nd, A Where B What Bill is...... brother. ‘A. Susan’s and Tonya’s B Susan and Tonya’s Susan and Tonya ‘A: Do you and your brother go to the cinema? B: Yes, .... When B wedo A you do © you don't your brother ...... playing basketball? A ls, like B Do, like C Does, like There aren't ...... Books on the desk. A some Ba © any Pete and Jessica ...... playing computer games. A likes B like € doesn’t like Ajis,is B are,are C are,am How ...... do you wash the dishes? A usually B often C always He hates ironing his clothes. He ...... does it. A usually B always C never David's helmet is on the bed and ...... mobile is on the desk, A his B he C him Carol goes to the library .... Saturday mornings. A on B in Cat How often ....+. your best friend ...... you? A do, calls B does, calls € does, call A: Have you got a dog? Bs] Nose A |haven’t B Ihave € I don't 15 16 Mowute) | | Reading 9 Read the text. Are the sentences T (True) or F (False)? Ronaldinho ... 1 is Brazilian. 2 thinks that he is good-looking. 3 is friendly with his fans, 4 hasn't got any children. 5 never gets bored. 6 is very rich. ARR 1 WE Won a us Fee Ronaldinho is a very famous sportsman. He comes from Brazil and plays football for Barcelona, His name means ‘little Ronaldo.’ Sports fans love him because he plays very well and scores lots of goals. Ronaldinho has long, curly hair. He has big teeth and people sometimes say that he is ugly. Ronaldinho says that he is not good-looking, but itis not important because he is a footballer, Not a model. He always trains with his team and ‘s slim and strong. Ronaldinho is easy-going and often meets his fans. He talks to them and they take photographs of him. In his free-time, he likes being with his family and especially with his son He listens to music, goes to concerts and | sometimes plays the drums with his close friends. When he is bored, he plays computer games, Ronaldinho gets a lot of money from his job, but prefers spending time with his friends and family. He enjoys his life and wants to play football for many years. Writing 1 Read Megan’s letter to her new pen-pai Susie and add capital letters. copes lilo neu Brena susie, emer hoppy hoveyouasmy new per-pal myname is megan and ilive in ireland. i want to tll you what i ook i a Fer raed ath iong red him land my friends say 'm very prety | think ?m a bit short for my age ‘and want to be tal so ican play basketball. my fovourte sport is basketball and when igrow up iwant to bein area! basketball team. in the morning, ! goto school at 8:45 and come home i i ith the at 3:30. in the afternoon, i often help mum wi housework.’ tidy my room and make my bed. mumcooks the dinner and i set the table for dinner. ike helping my ‘mum. the evening ialwaysdo my homework don't like» that! please write backand tell me about what you look like ‘and what you do every day. try to send a photograph! bye fornow. lots of ove, megan { Write a reply letter to Megan. Complete the letter about yourself. Dear Megan, ; ‘Thanks for your etter, I'm really exeited about iting to you. This is a picture of me. arr ee wih hair. Pm and my friends say T think. ‘My favourite sport is Tn the morning, ... ‘That's all for now! I can’t wait to hear from you! Best wishes, Susie PalnworksActivities Ross is a doctor and Samantha fs a nurse and these are their normal everyday timetables. Work with Student B. Ask and answer questions to complete the timetable. have getup breakfast Samantha have Set uP breakfast 07:10 07:40 leave for work leave for work 08:20 > Student A: What time does Ross get up? Student 8: He gets up at twenty past seven. start work start work 09:30 have lunch break have lunch break 14:00 Ross finish work finish work 17:30 v7 18 ACTIVITIES) Student B Ross is a doctor and Samantha is a nurse and these are their normal everyday timetables. Work with Student A. Ask and answer questions to complete the timetable, Ross have leave for start work have lunch _ finish work get uP breakfast. = work break 07:20 07:40 08:15 09:00 13:30 17:00 Samantha have leave for start work have lunch _ finish work get uP breakfast work break or > Student B: Whot time does Samantha get up? Student A: She gets up at ten past seven. Stick a picture of yourself in the space provided. Then write a short description of yourself. Include the following information: Name Age Physical description [butld, height, hair] Character What you are good at What you like/don’t like doing { i { i ; | Picture of yourself Pve got hain I'm. nen eeecenveeesenewnrnt tsb tO SS ERAN Htke I don’t like 19 20 Game You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the dice, then move your counter the same number of squares the dice shows. Complete the sentence, adverb of frequency, adjective or draw the time. If you can’t, you miss a turn and one point, The player who reaches the finish with the highest score wins. ether; 4 2 —— his ‘She looks 70 My dad plants every evening. They've got a rice and pe. My brother the grass every ¥ She's tall and s Picture of the boy: you miss your tum GENTSH! drawing the time: 4 points phrase: 3 points ladjective: 2 points Vocabulary 1 Complete the crossword puzzle. Festivals 2 Match the words to complete the phrases. (Cj make a GO) ty (31 throw [4] put on (S11 prepare [61] wear funny clothes ) masks and red noses akite human tower snowballs traditional food [sre2ance Colours 4 Find eight colours in the snake below. Weather Find twelve weather words in the word search below. Then, complete the sentences with the correct word. Ez ON> MEP W FocouDS RC W RRS JH OAL T ENN VOT IOS —Ecoot ENC U zZwwiinbDYtN 1oT Y R WU OO N NB oH WAR MU Y G pO AR OED S woe T $ DDR YR |2 1. | usually go to the beach when it’ 3 1 4 The sky iS a... «It Looks like it’s going to rain, 5. | love it when it's because | can make snow sculptures, It’s a good idea to carry an umbrella when| the weather is ste + Today, the temperature is -10 C. It’s List all the cold colours: List all the warm colours: 21 Grammar Present Continuous 5 Find six verbs that are in the present continuous. Then, make sentences using each verb in the present continuous. (0 ANCEHOPING 8) cQWwHBGHATSODW EC DEGTGWY DRE LVOYPLAYIFEAS ERG SY RERVX KR BFOcLIM®™BtIN GC, RRGUTS Ls Zia AUlLJXEOKIZHR TIVKSINGTAILV 1PEQEQuUJ1ISL Of NN THROWING K NI GMA S ES DRG I Vv G | ' | | | | i \ | | | Complete the sentences by putting the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. t's Camival time here in New Orleans, USA. My friend, Angela, and | 1) snsunennens (Watteh) the parade. People 2)... . (dance) inthe street and they 8) .. v» (weat) costumes. My mum and dad 4)... (take) photographs. ‘My sister, Diane, 5). {not watch) the parade. She 6) (enjoy) the watm, sunny weather at the beach. Everyone 7 .- (eelebrate) and 8) 22 (have) a great ime, ! ove Carnival! 7 Complete the letter by putting the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. Then, correct the sentences that follow. Look at the example. Dear Meg, kt yee (write) to you to tell you about my day. The weather here in Australia is wonderful. It is hot and | 2) eee (sit) outside and ae .. (drink) cold lemonade, Some children 4) (ride) their bicycles. My brothers 5) (play) games. | 6) . (have) a party later on today and my friends 7) .. (come) to my house, Mum 8) {cook) dinner for us. How are you? How is the weather back home? | hope it 9)... .. (not rain). Well, { have to go because mum 10) (call) me. | think she needs some help with dinner, See you soon! Take care, Jenny 1 Jenny is sleeping. x > Jenny isn’t sleeping. She's sitting outside and drinking cold lemonade. 2. She's going to the cinema later. x 3. Her mum is making a cake. x 4 Her mum needs help with lunch. x LoS 10 " 12 3. Grammar Revision Circle the correct item. Jane ...... TV at the moment. ‘A watches B is watching C watching Why are you... A laughs —B laughing = Laugh We ....-+ any homework today. Avhave got B haven't got hasn’t got Diane ...... too much. A eating Beat © eats Jake ...... his birthday tomorrow evening. A celebrates B celebrating € iscelebrating Is that ...... house? A your B you © him [sit ...... the floor when | watch TV. A B behind con .- help cleaning the house? ‘A Does youneed B Do youneeds © Do you need seveee af you leaving? ‘A Where B When C How often Tatiana A living —-B live © lives ‘There are ....:. apples on the table, A any Ban © some Michelle ...... two sisters and one brother. ‘A has got B have got © haven't got to the party tonight? A Isyougoing B Are you going © Do you go 14 15 16 7 19 20 un 22 23 24 25 | am buying a gift for A her B she c my on is my brother Tim. A That B Those These | sss. to school every day. A going B amgoing C go Amy ., how to swim. A doesn’t know B don’t know C doesn’t knowing The chiléren . it’s cold today. A are wearing .. Coats and gloves because B wearing C wear cesses GO you go swimming in the summer? A How B How often C Often Jim ..... in Spain. He lives in Ireland. A don'tlive — B doesn’t living © doesn't live Bob and Amanda ...... the Thanksgiving parade. A watches B are watching C watching There is a window .,.... John’s bed. A next to Bon © between cesses Cat likes to play and eat. A Am's B Ann © Anns? nteat today? A Doesit rain B Is it raining € Are they raining sevens is George’s birthday? A When B Where ¢ Why 23 Reading Read the email below and then answer the questions that follow. ene 25 gune Hey Rita, Tim getting ready for my big Sweet 16 boirthday party. I'm sad you're not Feeling wel because you are going to miss the. party. I'm ling you now because I have some free time left before the party starts and I want to tell you my plans. I am wearing a with red shoes to the party. My sister my hair and make-up later today because too excited to do it myself. Mum is baking Gelicious chocolate cake with strawberries and dad is blowing up balloons. We are having the party in the garden because it’s a beautiful, , sunny day. My grandparents and all my cousins are coming, friends aren’t coming because they are away on. holiday. we're having pizza, burgers, cake and juice — I can't wait! I hope you feel better soon 80 we can meet up. Well, I have to go now. you soon! Take care, liz aunt, uncle me of my See 1. What is Liz celebrating today? 2. What is Liz wearing to her party? 3. What is Liz's family doing to prepare for the party? 4 Who is coming to Liz's party? 5. Where are they having the party? ion, 6 Why isn’t Rita coming to Liz’s party? 7 What food are they having at the party? Writing Complete the email with the correct, word or phrase. 1 * Bo'clock * Dear # wear a costume © invite © mask © cooking * party How are you? ® celebrate 34 Bridge Street Fi Lilly, 2). sen? I'm having a costume 3).. tod) . Carnival this Friday. I'm emailing you to 5) sess YOU Make sure to 6) voces ora7) Be ready to eat a lot of food because I'm 8). .. many different things. The party starts at 9) ws. My address 1510) corsoesreees - I really hope you can come. This is a party you don’t want to miss! Love, Joan 1 Write an email to your friend and tell her about a party you are having, Use the email above as an example. Student A Use the information below to answer your partner's questions. Place: 26 Citrus Street Time and Date; 7 pm, 24 March Theme: {tatian (pasta and tiramisu) Bring: Yourself and a friend Don't mise this exciting panty! Bridgette, a Work with Student B. Ask questions to find out information about a celebration, ‘© what/celebration for? * where? ‘* when/celebration?. © what/time/start? ® activities and events? food? ‘* what to bring? 25 PairworksActivities! Student B Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. You are invited to our Summer Celebration. “ Come and celebrate the beginning of the summer season and join us for a night of swimming, eating and dancing! If you love burgers, bot dogs, ice-cream and lots of other delictous food, then this is the place to be! Get ready for a night of events and fun. Place: 19 Snell Street Date: 2 June Time: 7:30 Activities: * Swimming and fin by the poo! ‘* Tango and Latin dance lessons from 10:00 to midnight Bring: a bathing suit See you there! Work with Student A to find out Bi ANNa information about a party. © what type of party? ® where? © when? © what time/stert? © what food? © what/do? ‘© what to bring? Let’s Celebrate! Name: Date: Class: Think about a special festival, tradition or celebration in your country. Draw a picture or stick a picture in the box below. Then, describe your festival or celebration. You can write about what foods you eat, what activities you do, the reason you celebrate, who you celebrate with, the date and season the celebration takes place, etc. Include a title with your description. Special Days Stick a picture of your favourite celebration here or draw it: 27 28 For this game, you need some dice and counters. Each student takes turns to roll the dice and then they move their counter the same number of squares the dice shows. They must complete the sentence with the correct word, name the object or activity in the picture, or give the present continuous form of the verb. If they can’t answer a question, they miss a turn, The first student to reach FINISH wins the game. Start ) (go) to school ina few minutes. Its oo... today| so I'm going to the beach, a.rainy b. hot Mike .. (watch) a parade now. Ann/sleep she/swim f is | They... mum/bake a | Sue sssesseses your birthday? | (make) snow cake (play) with her a. Where sculptures i friends at the b. When now. park now. 7 he/read a book ; is Lisa Wdrink juice angry at Tor? a. How b. Why The children -- (eat) ice-cream now. Gh is Vocabulary Superheroes 1 Fill in the gaps with the correct word in the correct form. © right © grow up © strength ® change into ® go back * appear © TV series # attack © creator ® ordinary Batman first 9. .~ in Detective Comics and ‘ater in a 2). and films. Bob Kane and Bill Finger Were tHE Booroonnee OF Batman A stranger 4)... and murders his parents and this makes him want to fight crime. He thinks that is the §)........ thing to do. His real name is Bruce Wayne and after his parents’ death, he 6).......- in Gotham City with the help of his butler Alfred Pennyworth. Bruce isn't an Tonnes Superhero because he doesn't have supethuran 8)... « Bul, when he 9). his bat costume he becomnes BATMAN! He always tries to help people and then he 10)... 1 his everyday life. 2 Complete the puzzle. Lol D S| Across 1 | 1 Daniel Day-Lewis won an Academy .... for Best Actor in 2008, 5. The Parthenon is the ............. of Athena, at the Acropolis in Athens, 7 Most herces are .. . people, 9. Egyptians buried their kings in in the ‘Valley of the Kings”. 10 Lancelot was one of King Arthur’s 11 The Earth is a 12. Merlin the ........ . was from Camelot. Down 2 Francis Ford Coppola and George Lucas are {AMOUS ...ssessseseeeee © 6 Prince William is the first .......-....+ $0 3 When he was 18, he won a ... of Prince Charles and Princess Diana. to study at the university. B Athens has a lot of «4. such as 4 Excalibur was King Arthur's . oat the Parthenon. 29 30 © ata Chinese restaurant. After that we 7) Grammar | Past Simple Read the email and fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Simple. Deor Jane, Hil How ore you? | 1) vn (hava) © great time last weekend. | 2) ... {get up) very late, Then 13).. (a0) shopping but | 4). (not buy} mony things. In the ofternoon, | 5) (meet) my friends from school. We 6) (decide) 10 ga to the cinema ond watch the new Spidermon movie. I! 8) (be) geal! We realy 9 ows like) itl When 1 10) (get) back home | watched another film but | 11)... £ {oF Hike) i $01 12) soncsnninnnnenmnnnne (S01) the Net 113) som (OF go] to bed until ofter midnight Whot about you? HOW 14) avsninnnnnnnnnnn (bo) your weekend? Pleose write soon love, Shoron Used to Look at the table and say what Sara used to do when she was younger as in the example. 1. live with her parents v 2 have red hair 3_ wear contact lenses wear a school uniform eat junk food walk to School play basketball go to the gym. Ces 1m Sara used to live with her parents. Ask your best friend to answer the questions. Then answer them for yourself. When you were 10 years old. 1 get up/late > A: Did you use to get up late? B: Yes, | did./No, | didn't. 1 used ta get up early. (YOU) | used to get up late/ early. have/ breakfast 3 help/his/her mother with the housework 4 send emails 5 play in the playground 6 watch cartoons s Grammar Revision 6§ Circle the correct option. 1 you ....... dinner with Michael this Saturday? A Do, have Bid, have © Are, having 2 He . in London and then he moved to Madrid. A grows up Bis growing up C grew up 3. She used to ss... long hair when she was a little gir A has B have C had 4 He was very famous. He was ....... very rich. A because B also C so 5 he seas... You last night? A Does, call B Did, called C Did, call 6 Isthis....... car? A Ben B Bens’ —C_Ben's 7 ssssses YOU ssovses he’s telling you the truth? A Are, thinking B Do, think € Are, think & ....... Susan and Peter .. tennis on Sundays? A Are, playing B Does, play © Do, play 9 He went shopping ....... he wanted to buy a new jacket. Aso B because C alse 10 David and Ross ....... got skateboards. A hasn't B has haven't 11. Did Star Wars earn seven Academy Awards? Yes, A itdid B they did C he did 3 14 15 16 .. 7 18 19 20 a Tony ....... junk food but now he only eats healthy food. A used to eat Beats C is eating A: What time did you go to bed last night? ++ eleven. AM Bin € On Look! It ....... again! A raining B is raining C rains How often YOU ---.... to the library? A do, going Bd, go © are, going + YOU ....... breakfast this morning? A Did, have Bs, having Do, have Did his children move to Manchester last year? No, A he didn’t © they didn’t B they did He was tired ....... he didn't go out. A because so € also A: Where is Tony? B: He's in his room. He ....... A isstudying B studies C-studied He was a singer. He was a composer ....... € too A also B so live in a cottage? A Used he B Did he use to © He use to ‘A: Are there any cushions on the sofa? B: Yes, .. A they are C there are B there is 31 32 Lome Re Reading 7 Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). 1 George Lucas and Steven Spielberg created Indiana Jones. Indiana Jones is an archaeologist. His job is to look for buried treasures. Henry is Indiana’s real name. Snakes are his favourite animal. Indiana has superhuman strength. aun '\ Indiana Jones first appeared in 198] in the film | Raiders of the Lost Ark. The creators of the | character are the famous direcors, George | Lucas and Steven Spielberg, The film was very |) successful and there are more films, a TV serie comics, books and computer games with the adventures of the popular archaeologist Dr Henry ‘Indiana’ Jones Jr, works as a college professor, but somerimes he travels the world, exploring temples, monuments and combs, looking for buried treasure, He doesn't like his real name Henry so he has a nickname ‘Indiana’, It comes from the pet dog; he had when he was a child. Indiana also doesn’t like snakes because he is afraid of them. Indiana isn’t a superhero, He has no super J powers, but he is very brave and always eres to | help people. His adventures are popular because | he is jusean ordinary person in a lager than life world, Indiana~ Jones _/ Writing Expand the sentences to write a short biography about Queen Nefertiti. Queen Nefertiti (her name means the beautitul {0° perfect) woman has come’) «(1870 BC ~ 1989 ac) 1 Queen Nefertiti / be / the Great Royal wife / of the Pharaoh Akhenaten. 2 She / have / six daughters / but / not have / any sons, 3. Her third daughter, Ankhesenpaaten / marry / Tutankhamun. 4 Queen Nefertiti / perhaps rule / as pharaoh after her husband's death. 5. Many people / not like / her. 6 The queen / die / more than 3,300 years ago when / she / be / forty. Student A Work with Student B. Ross and Sarah are cousins. This is what Ross used to do when he was a child. Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions, 3 ride his bike to school 5 help his father in his shop on weekdays father on Sundays Ask your partner questions to find out what Sarah used to / didn’t use to do. Where / live? What / play? How / get to school? ‘What / do on Sundays? How / spend her summer holidays? What / do at weekends? > A: Where did Sarah use to live? B: She used to live in a flat. NS a ouRena “6 visit his grandparents during his summer holidays 33 PERS Student B Work with Student A. Ross and Sarah are cousins. This is what Sarah used to do when she was a child, Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. 4 go to the park with her mother on Sundays 5 go on holiday with her family ‘Ask your partner questions to find out what Ross used to / didn’t use to do. 1 Where / live? 2 What / play? 3. How / get to school? 4. What / do on Sundays? 5. What / do on weekdays? 6 Whe / visit during his summer holidays? & help her mother with the \ 1m B: Where did Ross use to live? housework at weekends | A: He used to live in the countryside. SS 34 Porttolio A Magazine Class: . Date: ... Name: Stick a picture of your parents in the space provided and fill in the gaps below. Father = Mothe Date of Birth: [ Date of Birth: Place of Birth: | My father was bom on ... . He left schoo! when \ in | he was and then he He first worked as a. eM en . She left schoo! and then she She first worked as a...... My mother was born on when she was 35 Game Play in two groups, Each group prepares cards with prompts and two possible answers on them. The topic could be further information about a popular football player, singer etc. Also prepare cards with the correct form of the questions and the correct answers to them. The teacher checks the cards for grammar. Then a student from Group 8 picks up a card from Group A and the whole group work together to form the question and answer it. If they form and answer the question correctly, they win that card and they go on to pick up the next card. However, they cannot pick up more than three times in a row. If they don’t form and answer the question correctly, group A picks up a card. In the end, the group with the most cards is the winner. Group A: Topic: David Beckham v When did David Beckham's career begin? His career began in 1992. \4 | when / David Beckham's career / begin? | A in 1990 B in 1992 ( 7 How many appearances did he make as captain of England? 5 He made 58 appearances as captain of | (Enatand. ZF 1 | How many appearances / he / make / as | captain of England? | A 58 B45 Group B: Topic: Kaka (Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite) When / Kaka / first play for Sdo Paolo? | 7 When did Kakd fist play for Séo Paoto? | A in 2000 B in 2001 | Kaki first played for S40 Paulo FC in 2001. \ What / happen / when /he / be / 18| {wnat happened when he was 18 years years old? tetas A he had a car accident vie had a swimming pool accident. B he had a swimming pool accident | — a 36 AOS Vocabulary Find twelve words related to parts of Emotions animals’ bodies in the word search, 1 Complete the table using the words below, [WF I NS RoE T AB ‘Add one more emotion to each category. wteE DC Y RX NA H A C PAW S C TN * embarrassed # calm # shocked re ne etre nae ae © thrilled © scared © happy © frustrated ae ee ee © peaceful ® sad ¢ relaxed rer cer ie ie) ie Positive Emotions | Negative Emotions CT Cel) tar uUolNWQH PK EU R FL IP PERSON TEATTEETHS Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). > ‘© went out @ started © locked © cried Animals * screamed out ® appeared ¢ realised 2 Unscramble the words and then match 1. Jill opened her umbrella when it them to the pictures. to rain. 1 TTLYFUBER 2 bee .. during the scary film because | 2 ESANK was scared. 3 LBKCA TCA 3 The little boy . _ when he fell and 4 SHIFLGOD hurt his leg. 5 HWTE! BBRATI 4 All the lights... ssessees during the storm, 6 LEORCDCOL 5 Nick =. all the doors before leaving his house. 6 A woman in a white dress suddenly in front of me. .. that someone was following him, 7 Mark. 5 Match the words in the columns to make phrases. DICT feta a noise 21 black b luck [31 ghost ciatouse {41_] autumn reir (5 cracking © ship (67) bad ae 71] haunted e)gleaves 37 Grammar Past Continuous 6 Underline the correct form of the verbs. 1 The branch suddenly made/was making 2 cracking noise. 2 All of a sudden, a ghost was appearing/ appeared in front of me. 3. Timmy was watching/watched TV while his mum cleaned/was cleaning the house, 4 We were eating/ate when the doorbell rang/ was ringing. 5 Iwas reading/read the newspaper yesterday at 6 o'clock. 6 They stayed/were staying at a big hotel in Spain last summer, 7 My sister was doing/did her homework when she was hearing/heard a strange noise. 8 | watched/was watching a film last week. 9 Fred was sleeping/slept while his brother was studying/studied. 7 Complete the sentences using the verbs below in the past continuous. © surf 9 play * do * eat © make © study © talk 1 My brother .. .. @ snow sculpture yesterday morning. ule .» ice-cream yesterday afternoon at 5:00. 3. The boys .. |. computer games when John came home, 4. Danielle for a test last night at 10 o'clock. 5 Mike . to his friend on the phone when the bell rang. 6 Janet and | our homework when the lights went out, 7 He . the Net all morning yesterday. ¥ parents came home. 8 Write the questions in the correct order. 1. did/you/What/do/ yesterday? 2 playing/Was/he/ football friends/his/with? 3. Liz/shopping/Did/ go/with/mum/her? 4 sleeping/John/at/night/last/9:00/Was? 5 they/go/Did/school/yesterday/to? Look at the pictures. Use the phrases below to make sentences, © watch/TV © play/video games * bake/acake ® do/homework ® read/a book 1 Bob .. yesterday at 3 o'clock. 2 Le. Bs yesterday evening at 9 o'clock, 3. The boys 4 Kate yesterday morning at 8 o'clock. 5 The children 5 . when their T = . Homo gy Grammar Revision 1 0 Circle the correct item. os any pencils? A Has you got C Have you got B You have got it started to rain? when 2 What were you doing Aas B while seuss friend had a birthday party yesterday, A Joe B Joe's © Joes 4 Kate ....... when she ....... the ghost. A screamed, was seeing B was screaming, saw C screamed, saw 5. Where did you go on holiday two years ... A ago B before C last 6 |... 8 loud cracking noise when | homework. ‘A was hearing, did B heard, was doing € heard, did 7 Dad....... on the sofa, while mum .... A slept, watching B was sleeping, watched was sleeping, was watching my W. 8 Do you know ....... Bill lives? A where B why C who 9 George a scary film last night at 10 O'clock. He esses» A didn’t watch, slept B_ wasn’t watching, was sleeping wasn't watching, slept 10. My dog likes to sit ....... my desk. A between B in © next to 14. Bridgette was very tired ....... night. A last B before € ago AZ sss cake smells great! A These B This © Those 13. We vs. home when a black cat ss. in front of us. ‘A walked, was appearing B were walking, was appearing © were walking, appeared cesses FOOM js always clean. A Him B He € His 15. Lisa and | ....... shopping today. A 90 B are going C going 16 vesses Late lunch and ....... 1 did my homework, A Last, first —B_ Then, first € First, then 17 Michelle ....... a delicious dinner for us last week, ‘A cooked —B_was cooking C cooking 18. We....... chicken and rice for lunch. A has B are having C having 19 We were ice-skating when suddenly the ice seseeee to crack. A was starting B started C starting 20 Ken ....... lunch with his friends a few days ago. A had B was having has 21 Have you talked to ....... yet? A his B him © he 22 Val and |....... a great film last week. A watched B watches C were watching 23 Hove ....... snow sculptures. A makes B made making 39 Writing 1 Read the story below. Then, write T (true) or F 1 Look at the pictures below. (false) next to each statement. Put them in the correct order and use the phrases THE CREATURE IN THE WARDROBE | | below to write your own scary story. Make sure to use the correct tense. Last night, Daniel was sitting on his bed, reading a book. Around 10 o'clock, he heard a very strange scratching noise. The noise was very dose to him and it sounded like it was coming from inside Daniel's room. Danie! Jooked around his room but he couldn't find where the roise was coming from, so he continued to read his book and then he | fell asleep. Suddenly, in the middle of the night, Daniel jumped out of his bed because he heard the strange noise again. This time, however, the | noise was louder. He tumed on all the lights and searched his room again but he didn't find anything, The next morning, Daniel woke up and opened his wardrobe to look for his favourite sweater. As fie was | Joking for his sweater, the scratching noise started again. At this | Point, Daniel started to feel nervous and even a little scared. Hee found his sweater on the bottom of the wardrobe and reached for it, but the sweater started to move. Daniel screamed and then he saw his black | cat, Tabby, coming out from under his sweater. | Apparently, Tabby went into Daniel's wardrobe the night before and © lights/go out ‘when she couldn't get out, she started scratching at the door. Daniel © parents /come home | was very relieved when he realised that it was only his cat making the © ghost/appears | noise and not something scarier. Though Daniel was a brave young © ghost /disappears \ man, this was one experience that really made him nervous. © watch/scary film \ rr © scream out © light/candles © lights/come on 1 Daniel was reading a book on his bed. 2 He heard a strange scratching noise at night. 3. The noise was coming from inside his parents’ room. 4. Daniel turned on the lights and searched his wardrobe. 5 Daniel opened his wardrobe to look for his cat. 6 His cat, Tabby, was making the strange scratching noise, 7 Tabby was in the wardrobe all night, & This experience made Daniel feel frustrated. Last night, at around 10 o'clock, Jerry Suddenly, all the .. aa) felt very relieved when . 40 GEOG AE Ss Student A Use the information below to answer your partner's questions. 4 | Habitat: Rivers, lakes and very warm areas. Food: Meat and fish Description: They have four short legs, a Long tail, scales, and very sharp teeth and claws. Colour: Green Abilities: They can swim and move very fast. Other information: Crocodiles are very dangerous animals, so don’t go near them. Work with Student B, Ask questions to find out information about an animal. © Where/live? © What/colour? © What/eat? © What/look like? © What/size? * Be dangerous? What animal is Student 8 describing? ..... 4l Use the information below to answer your partner's questions. "9° eo. Roan h Habitat: In forests and mountains around Asia. Food: Bamboo plants Description: They have very large, round bodies, a short tail and big paws. They have black fur around their ears, eyes, shoulders, nose and legs. The rest of their body is covered in white fur. Colour: Black and white Other information: Panda bears are very peaceful and q\ et animals. Work with Student A. Ask questions to find out information about an animal. © Where/tive? © What/colour? © What /look like? © What/eat? © What/can do? © Be dangerous? What animal is Student A describing? .. 42 ROU aeiiiies A Scary Experience Name: Date: Class: You are writing an article about scary experiences for an international school magazine. Think about a scary experience that you had in the past. Draw a picture of it in the box below. Then, write about your experience. Describe what happened, how you felt, what you did, etc, Your scary experience can be anything, from spending a night in a haunted house, to seeing something that you are afraid of. Include a title. Be creative and have fun! 43 44 Play in teams, The teacher gives each team a story starter card and a list of ten verbs and adjectives. Each student uses one of the verbs (in the past continuous or past simple tense), or adjectives, to continue the story by creating a new sentence. Each student takes a turn creating a new sentence. Students cannot use the same word twice and each word that is, used must be crossed off the list. Students continue to make sentences until all the words are used. Sentences must be grammatically correct and students get one point for each correct sentence they make. At the end, each team adds up their points, and the team with ‘the most points wins. Sample Story Starters: [My mum was boking @ cake .. Thad the most exciting day yesterday . ] [late one night (They were walking the park late one right [it was @ cold, fogay night .. | [Once upon a time .. Sample Verbs and adjectives: Arrive Small Call Big Hear scary Laugh { strange see i Loud Grab Dangerous Run \ Fast Scream Bad Rain bark Ring slow > The teacher gives Team 1 the following story starter car late one night » Team 1, $1: | heard a noise in my room, $2: It was very loud. LG (1 rR [31] clean up [41] recycle (50 protect (77J plant Vocabulary Environmental Probt ‘Match the words in t phrases, Then, write sentences using each phrase. A turn off make | use mw neance Global warming will .. problem in the future. Fill in: survive, destroy, harm, threaten, Find 8 animals in the word search. Then, lems and Solutions label the pictures below, using the words from the word search. Three of the words will not be used, the columns to make TVS EAT UWP B —OPARD FOO Qwoocvate public transport POGEOTREA endangered species PEN GUtINYR lights TURTLGETB trees ALMONESTE beaches LE P HAR GTA your own compost vzeBJKPOLR® rubbish FoDCHEETAH, rise, dry up, melt, become. a serious Temperatures. will ve and the weather will become warmer. Fill in: habitats, magazines, pollution, Rivers and lakes will .. . if plastic bottles, energy, paper. temperatures continue Ice will... If we recycle ... and .. and it will we will help the environment. to rise. ++, the polar bears” habitat. 2 If we tum off lights, we will save a lot of Environmental changes will .... ‘many animal species. Buying recycled . saves many trees. If a supervolcano erupts, many people won't —4__If we use public transport, we will reduce air Rubbish can and plants. see people, animals 5 Protecting animals’ .. will keep many animals from becoming endangered or extinct. 45 46 Lone Ne nn Noweune Noeununs Grammar Will/ Won't Complete the sentences using will/won't and the verbs below. e have *@ be © cause © save © survive © rise © make worldwide ‘Asupervolcano eruption .. damage. Sea levels as ice continues to melt. Many animals .. the effects of global warming, Recycling rubbish ........... the world a cleaner place. Polar bears . a place to live in the future. The world ........... a colder place in 2040, Recycling paper .. many trees. Look at the information below. Write sentences about Ann. Use will/won't. buy a car X ® Ann won't buy a car, help endangered species become an actress X move toa different city x go to university 7 waste energy x learn about environmental problems 7 Question tags Write the correct question tag. She lives in Spain, . Mark hasn’t got a d0g, ...sses sees You didn't hear that noise, They are away on holiday, . It’s got black and white fur, Melissa isn’t French, He doesn't know how to swim, .. Conditionals Type 1/2 Circle the correct form of the verb. If we recycle paper, we will save/save many trees, If a supervolcano erupted/will erupt, many people won’t survive/wouldn’t survive. If Danny studies/studied for his test, he will pass/won’t pass. If Lisa doesn’t leave all her lights on, she will save/won't save a lot of energy. If we stop cutting down trees and destroying our forests, animals won't lose/wouldn’t lose their homes. If twake up/woke up early, | won't be late for school. If Bill doesn't finish/won’t finish his homework, he won’t come to Nick’s party. If Ashley will become/became a famous film actress, she would make/will make a lot of money. Use the phrases to make sentences in the first conditional. €.g. Jane not study/she not pass the test If Jane doesn’t study, she won't pass the test. Frank not save money /he not buy @ computer ‘we pollute the environment/destroy the planet ice melt /sea levels rise it nat rain/we go to the beach you turn off the lights/you save energy we plant trees/ protect animals” habitats % { Grammar Revision { 0 Circle the correct item. 1 If Alison doesn’t finish her homework, she seoesee to Matthew’s party. A comes B won't come © wouldn’t come 2. The ghost ship ....... into the foggy night. A disappearing ——B_disappeared C disappear ceseee the film with us? A Will he watch B_ Does he watch © He will watch 4 Andrew hasn’t studied for the test yet, Ahasn’the B doeshe © hashe 5. Frank a computer game when a black cat jumped through his window. A played —-B_was playing © playing mum wes cleaning the house, | was talking on the phone. Abs B When © While 7 W's very cold today. | ....... the window. ‘A would close B will close C can’t close 8 If it rains, we ....... to the park, ‘A wouldn't 20 B go € won't go 9 Sea levels ... A rise, will melt C will rise, melts if the ice eases B will rise, will melt 10. What did you do two days ... A ago B last © before 11 Ann usually .,..... with her grandmother on Saturdays. A stays, B isstaying C stay 12. Many animals ....... their homes and become endangered or extinct in a hundred years. A will lose B would lose lose 13. 14. 15 16 8 19 2D .. au 22 23 24 old is Mark? ‘A Who B Why c How is Anne doing? A Where B What © Why Islept ....... the sofa last night, Ain B between € on If We ...... fubbish, We ....... the environment, ‘A will recycle, will protect B recycle, protecting © recycle, will protect me with this homework problem? | don’t understand it. A Do you help B Will you help © Did you help Billy ...... football with his friends today. He’s too tired. A won't play B willplay — C played It hasn’t got four legs, .. A hasn't it B hasshe © hasit . to New York next year? ‘A Would you travel B_ Will you travel C Did you travel They ...... for a maths test at the moment. A study B studying C are studying Ann went shopping yesterday afternoon, A didn’t she B hasn’t she C did she Betty ...... a new dress three days ago. ‘A bought —-B_was buying C buy | saw ...... at the party earlier this week. A he B him C his 47 48 oie Ee Reading 1 Read the article below. Then, put the sentences in the right place. There is one sentence that you do not need to use. AT] The damage that a supenvoicano can cause is truly unimaginable According to scientists, there are only a few supervolcanoes in the world, induding Yellowstone, in the USA, and Toba, in the Indonesian islands B]_} Toba ejected more volcanic ash ‘han the last Yellowstone eruption and it was thousands of times bigger and more powerful than the Mt St Helen’s eruption When Toba erupted, it caused woridwide damage. [C] _| The planet’s temperature also dropped significantly, making Earth a much cooler place Scientists also believe that the human population decreased to only a few ‘thousand people because so many eople didn't survive the eruption D) 1 The last supervolcano to erupt was Toba, about 74,000 years ago, 2 Yellowstone is also a very destructive, sleeping supervolcano. 3. The ash that was ejected from Toba was so thick that it blocked out the sun and caused black rain to fall. 4 Toba is nowsleeping, but scientists. believe it will erupt one day — they just don’t know when. 5 Supervolcanoes are very destructive and they are many times bigger than an average volcano. Writing 1 Read the article below, Put the paragraphs in the correct order. Then, choose the best title for the article, AT] Fortunately, there are solutions to many of these problems, If we plant tees and use recycled paper, wo wil save the forests whieh are home to many plants and animes. We can also clean up beaces that are full of rubbish and halp protect diferent specias of fish and sea birds. By helping ‘ven just ate, we can protect many species of plants and arimals end | kep them trom becoming endangered or extinct BY | There are many environmental problems in the world today. Global warming and polttion are among the most seous environmental Issuas people are facing. These problems seriously affect humans in_many negative ways. However, many plant and animal species ar being affected aswel C]_| Many animals are losing their homes because forests are ‘disappearing and beaches are being poluted. Wetlands are dying Up and ice is meting because of bal warming. Al ofthese factors threaten animal habitats and rnake'it citficult for many specias to survive. y What is the best title for the article? A. ‘Save the Trees’ B ‘Earth’s Environmental Problems’ C_ ‘Environmental Problems and Solutions’ 1 Read the article in Ex. 12 again. Then, list three environmental problems and three solutions. Environmental Problems: Environmental Solutions: Io 2 Bla Student A Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. “National . wicura« Date: Environment | tisncay 0 sue D 3 Time: 5 ay” | samioopn Please join us in our effort to help our environment. Learn different ways to clean up and protect planet Earth. Activities Plant a tree, Learn about recycling. Lear about environmental issues. Clean up Willow Park, Price of Tickets: free (any donations you make will go to various environmental organisations). Free Refreshments! Bring ‘a friend and a pair of gloves Work with Student B. Ask questions to find out information about an endangered species campaign. © What/campaign? © Where/what time/what date? © How much/tickets? ‘* What/reason/for campaign? _* What/events? 49 + Student B Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. Place: } Longwood National | | Sere | Date: I Friday 26 September _ Time: } 10am to 6 pm Join us in our campaign to save the world’s endangered species. Come to Longwood National Zoo and learn about these beautiful creatures. Price of Tickets: free {Donations to help Endangered Species organisations.) Activities: ¢ Feed the animals at the 200. ¢ Leam about your favourite animal. ¥ Join an Endangered Species Organisation. Work with Student A. Ask questions to find out information about an environmental event. © What /event? © What/activities? © What/bring? ‘© What/reason/for event? ‘© How much/tickets? ‘© Where/what time/what date? ® Food? 50 Our Precious Earth Name: Date: Class: You are organising an environmental campaign for your class. Choose at least one environmental issue that interests you (e.g. Global Warming, Air Pollution, Endangered Species, Climate Change, etc.) and create a poster for the campaign. On your poster, draw or stick pictures related to your theme, Also, write a programme of events and include the reason, price of tickets, date, time and place that your campaign will take place. Make sure to include an interesting logo for your campaign. If you would like to add any extra information, write it in the space provided at the bottom of the poster. Reason for the campaign: . Draw or stick your pictures here Ti Price of Tickets: Programme of Events: Other information about the campaign: 5] Game Students play in teams, Each team has a board game and dice. Give each student a game piece. Students roll the dice and move their game piece the same number of spots that is on the dice. Students must complete the conditional (by creating the second part of the sentence), complete the question tag, or complete the sentence by using will/won’t and the verb. If a student gives the wrong answer, they lose a turn. Also, if students land on spots that say “Go back to start” or “Go back to 15”, they must do so. The first student to reach FINISH from each team wins the game. QTR rae ‘today, ape 5 NE St oo 3 2 ohn tucy plays; Himake alot | Mike fais | (buy) anew | MeY He didn't goto (notigo)totne| sports, of money histst, | tase no | ae) row He ear ay, vs dl 2) ys A veouk, «Hm OMonOw. ” of) a ee ie 7 a - ititsnows | ay, | On cee Cee CR Go ack to | (not play) W's back and | gleeping when!) temperate | Goback to dimer wth her starr | ‘oot tis | seeing perature | Whi, ane? J CONE, ninen | SBS, enn | DOC 4 friends tonight, } a BD abate eee machin [oY Yaunavent 20! Wow 39) 148) na... 17? te oem) 2 | pat iunch yet, Us ofthe | Go Batk'D i(ayet)to Spain | (reeyele) his oe 7) ght... | START | inthe sng, UbRIS slang en in M A tomorrow. 4 \ 7 tote | mets, | = = \G5) Sos \ xs —2 S ritanng 2% ses 1 (28) i sonn \29) \30) Hedoes 31) tut my eg, | ‘Malan, | (stay home | plants ates, | Go ackto ee fa a Pais coed f tonight. | block 12. Aor aah itwe genet protect our snvironment, yi Vocabulary a | Fill in the gaps with the correct Adjectives describing places word(s) from the box below. Replace the words in bold with their opposites from aie # elevators © ground * amazing \noisy ‘exciting | clean |smatl \historic [expensive staircase ® century @ lights up © underground @ probably 1 Life in London is very cheap. 2 There are many modern buildings in Rome. 3 When | g0 to work in the morning, the streets are really quiet. 4 Going on safari was the mast boring experience of my life. Tom works at a department store | jin the city centre. It’s a very tall © building with 10 floors above 5. The Metro in Athens is very dirty. : a aud ce j 6 He lives in a big but comfortable flat. y ae one of the four 3)... ; Types of buildings to go to any floor within a few Find TEN types of buildings in the word search. seconds. There is also a © 4) for thase who like exercising! It’s an old building that looks like a palace, It first | opened a(n) 5) .. 290 as a small clothes shop. It’s 6 . the only shop | that still exists from that time. The most 7) thing | about the store is that it 8) the whole | area with a different colour each | day. wr TOnamene orm a Fumuseau wz em am Means of transport Le j 4 Circle the odd one out. 1 get on a bike/jeep/hovercraft q 2. ride in a rickshaw/sledge/coach 3. get into a jeep/van/plane 4_ get off a riverboat/plane/van 5. (anda plane/hovercraft’ helicopter 6 ride a bike/snowmobile/yacht wmore>rvurowe BPmeee2anun mormiaoz ee ma POmr>anpasatEexa mreounoora bogie. zi i < mndaezemags oo ¥ oe 53 54 Wome ey Grammar Order of adjectives Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct order. I've got a m small new wooden desk in my room. (wooden, small, new) Sharon broke her . (white, porcelain, big) Helen really likes her . jacket. (red, leather, old) Ben’s tie really suits him. (silk, new, blue) Our was very expensive. (new, big, steel) Please don’t forget to recycle that .. bottle. (plastic, vase. + sink small, green) Comparative—Supertative Use the correct form of the adjective in brackets to comptete the gaps. This is » the most expensive (expensive) bag in the shop. David is _ (nice) than his brother. Atiger is .. fast) than an elephant. Their house is . (old) in their neighbourhood. The weather today is (bad) than yesterday. Benis .. know. This exercise was (difficult) than | expected, sue is . (good) of all her classmates. funny) person | as ... as/too — enough Complete the gaps using too and enough and the words in brackets, This jeep is ® too expensive to buy. (expensive) Gus is to the gym. (tired) Simon fs . to lift all these boxes. (strong) Samantha is to go to Tim's party, (busy) Kimis .. reach the top shelf. (tall) This coffee is for me to drink. Il get another one. (sweet) Tony is. - to ‘work in this company. I’m sure he'll get the job. (experienced) This pair of trousers is for me to wear, I'm not that tall! (ong) to ge Underline the correct word. Michael is cleverest/cleverer than me. 2. This is the worse/worst song of all. | don’t think that swimming is as dangerous/ more dangerous as windsurfing. Susan is as older/old as Tonya. ‘Their car is much expensive/more expensive than ours. | am the short/shortest in my family. Gus is funnier/the funniest person | know. Susan isn't a5 popular/more popular as Ruth. 10 1 2 13 Grammar Revision Circle the correct item. Ed's bedroom is ...... than his brother's. A biggest B big C bigger He is the ...... man in the world. ‘A most tall —_B tallest. C_ most tallest Susan is younger ...... Emilie. A from B than C of His mother isn’t a doctor, .....? A ishe B isshe C isn’the Today is the ...... day of the year. A cold B colder C coldest When | woke up this moming, it ...... - A rained B was raining C fs raining He is ...... young to drive a car. He’s 15 years old, ‘A enough Bas € too Daniel’s room isn’t ...... as his sister's. A tidier B tidy C astidy If you don't turn the music down, you ...... Peter. ‘A wake up C would wake up This hotel is much ...... than the other one. B will wake up. ‘A cheapest —-B cheaper C cheap This car is ...... cheap. It’s a real bargain. A too B very © enough Pedro and | aren't English. ...... are Spanish, A He B They C We This flat is ...... big for me. | only need one bedroom. A very B too € enough 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 24 22 23 24 25 A: When ...... you ...... to London? B: Last week. A do, move B will, move C did, move . your father ...... at 11 o'clock last night? A Were, sleeping C Was, sleeping B Did, steep A: I can’t do this exercise! B: Don’t worry, |...... you. A willhelp B amhelping € help Which mobile is ...... expensive? This one or that one? A. the most B more C most {had ...... much chocolate and now I feel sick. A very B enough © too | didn’t buy that dress because it was ...... ‘A too expensive —B expensive enough C very much expensive ‘than mine. B better His English is .. A good What are your ...... names? ‘A grandparents’ —B_grandparents's € grandparent’s C as good Itis...... castle in the UK. A the oldest B the older the old The test wasn’t ...... lexpected. A too difficult. Bas difficutt as C more difficult What ‘A will you do © would you do ‘A: What time ...... the train leave? B: About half an hour ago. A will — B did ... if you found a wallet in the street? B you will do does 55 56 WOO Reading ‘| Read the text and fill in the missing sentences. ‘A. To g0 from one place to another you get into a tube, air pulls you along and in a second, you find yourself upstairs, at the front coor or even in the garden. B Fred’s car is not as comfortable as Lightning McQueen in the film Cars. ‘The Mystery Machine’ in Scaaby Doo and Bart Simpson's skateboard are two of the simplest means of cartoon transport. D_ How does it work? Getting Around The buses, cars anc tax's thal we use everyday are too boring for the cartoon characters of film and TV. Cartoons ae full of fantasy and there iso iit to where the characters can go and how they ge here Hore are some of the more surprising ways of geting around, The Finistones takes place in prchistor times before the invention of he cat, but that doesn't stop Fred Fintston= {ror civing a car made of wood and stone. [ZT tt doesn't nave an engine but it does have Free’s feet! [31] He is a bight red sports car used to winning races and Iving an adventurous ite Jn the future, fying cars fil he skies in! TV shows ike The Jetsons, but if that isnt} interesting enough, see how they gt | ‘around in eet the Robinsons. [4] | | ‘doesn’t get quicker than that —_— Writing 1 Look at the letter below and put paragraphs (A-D) in the correct order. Dear Anna, [AT] the weather will be just great then so don't forget to bring your swimsuit with you! I isn't very hot now but i'l ie much warmer when you come, Trust me, it'll be hot enough to go to the beach! [B11 1 was really happy to get your letter! Good luck with your schoo! exams! t's almost summer and I want you to spend your holidays ‘with me on Santorini. Let me tell you a few things before you get here. [ET] think that’ all you need to know for now! I'm really looking forward to receiving your next leer teling me when you're coming to Sentorni [DI rst, the test way to get here is, of course, by plane. Iti the ‘quickest and most comfortable way to travel. The only problem is that Tt is more expensive than other means of transport. If you book early ‘enough, you'll get a better price Many kisses, Eleni 1 Now write your letter to your friend inviting him/ her to your town. Use the letter above as a model. WV ANY Work with Student B. Ask him/her questions to find out more information about the following theme parks. Make questions as in the example and then fill in the gaps with the appropriate option from the box below. . Ticket price A £18.50 B EI7 Cc £32 Exciting A xHe Boas C eee ” Alton Towers, UK | RY Built: 1980 | Area: 500 acres [eee 0] Ticket price: 3) Popularity: «Hx Exciting: 4) .... a ® Mg tegoland, UK Built: 1992 Area: 140 acres [¢ @] & Ticket price: 1)... | Popularity: sss | Exciting: 2) .. » Student Student B: Student A: Is Alton Towers older than Legoland? Student B: Yes, it is. Alton Towers is the oldest theme park of the three. Student A: Is Legoland older than Disneytand? Student B: No, it isn’t. Disneyland, FRANCE Built: 1996 | Area: 150 acres [6 0} | Ticket price; 5) .. ' | Popularity: «x Exciting: 6) .. : Is Disneyland older than Alton Towers? No, it isn’t. Alton Towers is older than Disneyland. 57 A Tour Leaflet Nar Penerseeensteneresetcer-Tr- USCS: ceieretiarsieme _ICHaSS) Imagine you own your own travel agency. Write your own tour leaflet about a popular destination. Name of the travel agency [an opening sentence to catch the reader's attention] ‘The tour sets off [Name of the landmark} Apicture ofa | | andar is landmark [where it is]. [what itis] in, sve [Who butte it and why] [any additional comments such as a legend about this place]. A picture of the destination tery Apicture of a of the building] 15 | popular building i ase [where it is ]. It ts [a short description of the building] ‘it and why]. [any additional comments such as something special about this building]. 60 Geme Play in groups of three. Students write @ statement on a card and clear instructions on what kind of sentences to make. Then pass it to another group. The first student of each group reads this card aloud. Then the second player makes the 1st sentence and the third person of the group makes the second one. Students have 1 minute to form the sentences. Students get 1 point for each correct sentence, The game stops when a student cannot add a new sentence to the chain. In the end, the team with the most points wins. “Ben Affleck is very popular.” —> Ist sentence — Use Comparative —> 2nd sentence — Use Superlative > Student A: Ben Affleck Student B: Johny Depp is more is very popular. popular than Ben Affleck Bese IS: “This mobile is very expensive.” /—™ ist sentence — Use “too” “> 2nd sentence ~ Use “enough” > Student A: This mobile Student B: This mobile is too is very expensive. expensive to buy. Student C: Brad Pitt is the most popular of alt. Student C: This mobite isn't cheap enough to buy. ea) Witte Vocabulary Sports and Sports Equipment 1 Label the sports below. Then, match the sport to the sports equipment. [AL] rope [ET racquet [BL goggles [FL] bat [C1 snowboard (GL gloves (DE paddle 2 Complete the sentences with: ‘* won ® competed * had * watch ‘imagined @ beaten » broke 1 Jack never .. . that he would win the race. 2 Suzie. .. in a tennis tournament last summer. 3 He. the world record in the high-jump two years ago. 4 Noone has v= the kayaking record set in 2003. 5 Lisa a gold medal in the 2005 national gymnastics competition. 6 The young man .. a terrible rock climbing accident last year. 7 My brother and | are going to . the football match this afternoon. Parts of the Body Find eleven parts of the body in the word search below. ri sone emcee eters 8 TR LE F At OF DE TO UN RN OIG fF © ETC xX ME RE FQ T FEY —E S K Mm? fF oH EL BOWS oO Ba on K K LE F RU i R DAN K LES TH a N O S E | Y A S HE S UN EC K RR Qh Li R F S H A S N DO ilinesses 4 Complete the sentences with: * temperature * cough syrup © medicine © toothache * headache ® sore throat © stomach ache 1. Jill is going to the dentist because she’s got a 2. George is having a hot drink because he’s got, a. 5 3. Lucy feels very warm. She’s probably got a 4 I think I've got a much junk food. - Late too 5. He’s gota terrible... -. sohe's going to take an aspirin. 6 Gina took some .... . for her cough. 7 You should see a doctor and take some if you've got a cold. 61 62 Lone ye wt Grammar Present Perfect Underline the correct answer. We have played/has played tennis for many years. John hasn't won/has won a medal yet. Janet has travelled/travelled to Germany last year. Have/Has you ever climbed a mountain? She has won/have won many competitions. Tony hasn’t tried/didn’t try kayaking yet. Has/Have he homework yet? I has/have never had an accident. She ate/has eaten three hours ago. finished his Write the words in the correct order. tried/has/she/sports/many/? Daniel /has/film/already/that/ seen/. many/accidents/how/you/had/ have/? have/we/kayaking/been/not/yet/. you/abroad/have/ever/travelled/? has/her/homework/not/finished/ Janefyet/. 7 Complete the text by putting the verbs in brackets into the present perfect. "Pcie matin _ William 1) (play) football for many years. He 2) 180. (try) many other sports. William 3) (do) judo and he 4) (go) rock climbing many times. He 5) . (not/go) kayaking yet, but one day, he hopes to try it. Though William has taken part in many sports, his passion 6). (always/ be) football. He?) (be) captain of his school team for two years and he one day hopes to play on a professional football team. Already ~ Yet — Since — For — Never — Ever 8 Circle the correct word. 1 2 ee ae He has played tennis for / since many years. Joanne has been doing gymnastics since / for she was seven years old. Luke hasn’t travelled abroad already / yet. He has already / yet played in a professional team. Has she ever / never been to a football match? have ever / never played tennis, ‘They have already / since won three gold medals. Lois has played baseball in her school team for / since five years. ‘We haven't finished our homework already / yet, Have you ever / never been skydiving? Toa Grammar Revision 9 Circle the correct item. 4 Tsessos gymnastics for many years. 12 He has ...... broken the world record and he A have do B have done C was doing is only seventeen years old. 2 V csseee my room later, A already = B yet C ever A clean B cleaned will clean ‘mum gave me a beautiful gold bracelet for my birthday. 3 Jessie ...... to Brazil last year. A was travelling B travelled A Me B My cl C travels 14 Fred his ankle many times during his 4 Donna ...... to school this week because she seri emir ing seas Ons this Beason the flu. ‘A has twisted —B have twisted A has been, has got C was twisting B hasn't been, has got $B vaca what athletes do to stay fit? C hasn't been, hasn’t got A Had you ever wondered 5. Mike ...... to university when he finishes school. B Have you ever wondered A goes B went € will go © Were you ever wondering 6 svew this book yet? 16 Diana ...... to the theatre last week. Ati A went B has gone was going B Have you read 17 Peter ...... competing in sports five years ago. C Were you reading A hasstarted —B was starting 7 sues tennis for a long time? Ch statted A Are you playing 18 Harry: | think staying fit is very important. B You were playing Ann sss. € Have you played A Neither do! B Ido C Sodol 8 If Toba ......, many people ...... - 19. The cat was sleeping ...... the girl's wardrobe. A erupts, will survive A next B in between B erupted, wouldn't survive 20 We ...... many different people in Paris since C erupted, won't survive we arrived. 9 What ...... to the party tomorrow? A hadmet B meet —C havemet A will you wear B would you wear 21. ...... brother is twelve years old. © do you wear A Danielle B Danielle’s C Danielles’ 10 Tina: | don’t like watching football. 22 Andrew ...... a new computer last month, Ashley: +. A has bought —B_ bought A Neither do! B Sodol — € Me too have bought 11 J... shopping three days ago. 23. There are ....., magazines on my bed. A 90 Bo went ——C_was going A any Ba C some 63 Loge 1 Read the article below. Then, write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements that follow. On NO! You've Got a Cold! You feel tied and you have no energy. You can't breathe ‘ut of your nse and your throat hurts. Don'tbe ataid — you have probably just got a cold, Every year, many kids experience this sick feeling. Some kids have up to eight Colds every year. So, what exactly is a cold? Wel, a cold is an infection. it affects your nose, ears and throat and makes you fel sick and weak. I's very easy to catch a cold, When someone sneezes or coughs near you, bacteria travel through the air and enter your body and then make you sick. Also, ff you touch your nose or eyes after touching something that tas bacteria on it, ike a door oF your desk at school, you can get sick. ‘Some ofthe symptoms of a cold include, 2 temperature, a sore throat, and 2 cough. If you Sneeze, orf your nose is runny and your eyes are watery, you've probably got a cold. Most people who have got a cold feel very tired and don't have much eneray to do anything ‘A cold is not 2 pleasant thing to experience. However, there are some things you can do to feel better. You should hhave hot chinks if you've got a sore throat and cough. You should eat healt food ful of wtamins and get alt of rest so your body can have the strength to fight your cold. tf you've gota temperature, or if you aren't feeling better within few days, you should visit your doctor and take some medine, ‘A cold can be frustrating, but just remember that there ‘are many things you can do to feel better and get stronger. Take care of your body and stay Some kids have up to nine colds every year. Acold can affect your nose, ears and throat. It’s difficult to catch a cold. If you’ve got a temperature, a sore throat and a cough, you've probably got a cold. When you've got a cold, you have a lot of energy. If you’ve got a sore throat, you should have a hot drink. ‘You shouldn’t get too much rest. If you aren’t feeling better within 2 few days, you should visit your doctor. Writing oo terre rae / NAME: Tiger Woods | | Read the fact file, Then, write a short text about Tiger Woods. SPORT: Golf DATE OF BIRTH: 30 December 1975 COLLEG! ‘aford University in] California, U! ‘Some competitions Tiger Woods. has competed in: 1994; He was the youngest person (18 years old) to win the US Amateur competition. He also won the same competition in 1995 and 1996 1997, 2001, 2002 and 2008: Won the Masters competition 1999, 2000, 2006 and 2007: Won the PGA Championships 2000 and 2002: He won the US Open Championships 2000, 2005 and 2006: \Won the British ©; In total, Tiger Woods has won about 86 competitions so far. - _/ yh Student A Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. Everest Sports Camp Come and join the fun at Everest Sports Camp Learn new sports, meet new people and have a great time getting fit. Dares: 1 June-15 July and 16 July-30 August AGEs: 12 to 17 Pace: £450 {this price includes breakfos, lunch and dinner, as well os sports equipment ond housing for the entire progromme,} Acvmes: Rock climbing, tennis, hiking, baseball, football, swimming, kayaking ‘and gymnastics. Sign up on 15 May, at tiamat Park Green Middle School Come early because there are only 300 places available at the camp. Work with Student B. Ask questions to find out information about a school sports event. © What /event? © How much/tickets? © What/money used for? ‘¢ What time/date/place? _@ Food? 65 Pa Student B Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. Pinewood High School’s Prete MLE la) One of the most exciting sports events is taking place at Pinewood High School. Buy your tickets to the annual Student- Date: 26 April Teacher football game and Time: 6 pm get ready for an evening Place: Pinewood High of fun and laughter. School's football pitch Price of tickets: £10 Free pizza and juice for everyone! Come and support your school. All money from tickets will go to building a new gym for the high school, Work with Student A. Ask questions to find out information about a sports camp. © What type/camp? © How much/cost? © When/where/sign up? © What/dates and ages? © What/activities? '* Why/go early? 66 My Favourite Sport Name: Date: Think about your favourite sport. Draw a picture or stick a picture of yourself playing your favourite sport. Then, write about your sport. Write about why you like the sport, how long you have played it, where you play it, how it makes you feel, etc. Include details. | My favourite sport is . Thave played (sport) since Draw or stick your | picture here. J usually play (sport) (time and place) .. enjoy (sport) because . ‘One thing | don’t like about (sport) is .. (Sport) makes me feel .. 67 68 a i a al ae Create and give each student a questionnaire. Students then take turns asking each other yes/no questions using the present perfect tense. if students get a “no” answer, they move on and ask another student, if they get a “yes” answer, they write that person’s name on the questionnaire and ask a follow up question in order to get more information. Give students 10-15 minutes to go around the class and get information. When the time is up, ask each student individually what they have learned about their classmates. Sample Questionnaire: = t f Find someone who... Name of student | More Information ; ‘Jake has got a younger | has got a sister. Jake peel ear ore | has had eggs for breakfast. has travelled abroad. Sue ‘Sue has travelled to Japan. Beth asks David: “David, have you ever gone rock ctimbing?” David answers: “Na, | haven't.” Beth then maves an to another student and asks the same question Beth asks Ann: “Ann, have you ever gone rock climbing?” Ann answers: “Yes, | have.” Beth then asks a follow up questian: climbing?” Ann answers: ‘'I have gone rack climbing four times.” “How many times have you gone rock Variation: Have students write their own questionnaires. 1 weveausuns 1 3 a Vocabulary Products and Materials Unscramble the letters below to find what material each item is made of. CLAPSIT a ssssscsssssesessseres bottle AEHTLER . purse RAPEP, 1 ssssesssnssesesnere ENVELOPE LISVER TTOONC SGASL AEMTL DOONEW BERUBR Match each container with the correct product. 1 Bottle a Coffee 2 Bag b Orange BA carton juice 4 Loaf c Coke 5 Can Sugar i 6 Jar @ Spaghetti 7 Packet f Bread 8 Box g Cornflakes h Ketchup: Shops ec Complete the sentences with; baker's, pet shop, post office, chemist’s, supermarket, newsagent’s and electronics shop. Tom went to the .. food for his cat. I need to buy some stamps. I'll go to the . to buy some She went to the .......... to buy a computer. ‘Mum wasn’t feeling well so | went to the .. to buy her some aspirin. You can buy a loaf of bread at the ...sesssses George was bored so he went to the . to buy a newspaper and some magazines. 7 Our fridge is empty. We need to go to the Things to wear Complete the cross word puzzle, Across: ect 5 Complete the table below by writing what things you can find at each shop. Use the words below. ¢ milk © CD player * peppers @ helmet apples © TV © goggles * spaghetti © bat '* mobile phone * celery * knee pads ‘* cornflakes © computer * eggs * onions Electronics| Supermarker leo ISports Shop | Greengrocers > milk 69 10 Loe Re Grammar Countable/Uncountable nouns Put the words below into the correct column, Then, think of 3 more nouns to add to each column, © lamp @ notebook ® cheese ® chair ‘* butter © envelope © vase ® table © milk banana * bread * flour * apple * egg * celery * olive oll * meat Trcountale A/an — some/any/every Circle the correct word. I had a/an apple and some / any cornflakes for breakfast today. Would you like any / some coffee? John ate every / any biscuit that mum put on the table, ‘Are there some / any eggs in the fridge? ‘Mary has a / an dog and any / some cats at her house, Every / Any film we watched last month was boring. | have to go to the supermarket to buy some / any milk. There aren't any / some oranges or bananas left. 9 Keith bought @ / an new pair of shoes two days ago. 10 Is there any / some cheese left? Fill in the gaps with: some, any, no, every, something, someone, anything, anyone, everything and everyone. 1 Mark loves tryin different every day. 2 There isn’t .....-. tea left. se is knocking at the door. 4 Did you buy .. at the shoe shop? 5 [love ... about my new house! 6 I didn't see .- | knew at the party. 7 Canthave . water please? 8 There are. eggs in the fridge. I'l 0 to the supermarket to get some. 9 I tried on .... . pair of jeans in my room but nothing fits me. . at my new school was so nice to me! A lot of /much/ many/a few/a little Underline the correct item. Ihave got a lot of/many homework today. Frank has many/much things to do today. Michelle ate a few/a little cherries today. {s there any/many milk in the fridge? ‘There isn’t much/many time left to study. Janet puts a little/a few sugar in her coffee. | packed a lot of/many food for our trip. She bought a few/a little bracelets and a lot offmuch shoes. 10 I need a few/a little more minutes to finish studying. 11. Jake plays much / many different sports at school. 12. | always buy a lot of / much things at the supermarket. 1 2. There's not much/many orange juice left. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Grammar Revision 1 0 Circle the correct item. 1 There isn’t ....... . at home now. ‘A someone B everyone C anyone 2 My....... name is Isabelle. A mum B mums’ C mum's ‘is that girl talking to James? A How B Who © Where 4. She is cooking ....... food today because her friends are coming over for dinner. A alotof B many € alittle 5 The cat .. ‘into the house when it started to rain. A is running 8 ran ¢ runs at my new school is so friendly! A Anyone — B Everyone C Someone 7 Brad: | like baseball. Jakes... A Neitherdo! B So do! BI. ago. ‘A have fallen and cut B fell and have cut € fell and cut C Ido my leg while | was cycling two weeks 9 She didn’t talk to .. she was upset. ‘A someone .-- yesterday because B everyone C anyone 10 Have you taken any medicine for your cold A yet B already C ever 11 Keith saw the new film, .......2 A did’'the B didhe — C hasn'the 12 Joe didn’t do ....... last night because he was tired, ‘A anything B something everything 43. Kim is wearing ....... expensive blouse. Aan Ba ©. some 14. 2... is my best friend, Sue. A Those —B-This € They 15. She ....... the new adventure video game yet. A has tried B hasn't tried © wasn't trying 16 My mum ....... @ passion for cooking since she was a little girl. A has had B has C Is having 17. The recipe calls for ....... butter, ....... Sugar, Nd soso 88. A any, much, a B some, some, any some, some, an 18 If we ....... trees, we . our forests, A will plant, save B will plant, would save € plant, will save 19 You went to Italy two years ago, ‘A did you B youdidn’t C didn’t you 20 Louise has ....... money left. A afew B alittle c any 21 He has so....... things to do today. A many B alot of much 22. She ....... listening to music. A isloving —B love € loves 23 Bill doesn’t have time to go out with his friends because he has ....... work to do. A any, many B any, alot of € much, any 7 72 ry TTT ps Reading 1 Read the text below and match each heading to the correct paragraph. Then, answer the questions that follow. AT} London is a city full of great street markets. One of the best-known open street _markets is Broadway Market. Broadway Market is rather small in size, but it is growing quickly and it has many products at very low prices [B]_] Visitors will find many different products at Broadway, including organic food, meat, fsh, cheese, butter and coffee. Broadway Market also offers organic bread, cakes and other sweet treats. If you are interested in health products, furniture, arts and crafts, or clothes from the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, ‘you can find it all at Broadway Market. If you get hungry, there are many restaurants and places to eat and drink. [CT_] Broadway Market is located south of London Fields and north of Regents Canal and you can easily get there by bus, train or the underground, The market is open every Saturday from 9:00 in the: ‘maming to 5:00 in the afternoon. Whether you're looking to buy a gift for someone or just to spend the day walking around in the open market, Broadway is a great place to visit. 1 How to get there and when to go 2° What itis 3. Products and things © 11 am. t's usually open 3). beautiful necklace when | went last week. Im going again would like to come with me. 1 What kinds of products can visitors find here? 2. Where is Broadway Market located?. 3. How can you get there? ........ 4 When can you visit Broadway Market? Writing 12 Ann is emailing her friend, Tammy, to tell her about an open street market she has visited. Read the fact file and complete the email with the correct information, | Name of market: Spitalfields Market Location: Crispin Place on Brushfield Street When it's open: Monday to Friday 10 am-4 pm, Sunday 9 am-5 pm How to get there: by underground and train What it offers: clothes, music, toys, jewellery, furniture, accessories, antiques Other activities/places to vist: have lunch at the different restaurants, drink coffee at the cafés, vst other shops eae mpg : Dear Tammy, How are you? I'm emaiing you to tell you about a) - Ws a great lite market located at @ 2) .. visited the market last Thursday at sow» Htffers a lat of different things such as 4) The great thing about itis that i's easy to get there, You can get there bys) and 6). - Besides shopning athe marke sell, you can also do some other fun things, like 7) ._. [bought a great pair of jeans and a this week to look for some furniture. Let me know if you Your frend, Ann Student A Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. Time: 11:30 am Date: 27/06 Black trousers. € 21.25 Red blouse € 15.10 Skirt, € 26.75 Green dress € 32.90 Red high-heeled shoes € 40.99 Hat € 19.99 Boots € 196.97 € 200.97 € 4.00 Work with Student B. Ask questions to find out information about the food people ordered at a restaurant. © name/restaurant? © what/order? © where/located? ‘* how much /everything/cost? | © what time/date/customers eat? 7B "4 FETS GAS a5 Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. Phone number: 212 330 7859 Date: 26/04 t | | 2 large Cokes € 3.50 | 2plates of spaghetti € 15.50 | 1 Loaf of bread € 2.25 | 2 pieces of chocolate cake € 8.00 » Total: € 29.25 ! | Cash: € 30.00 Change: € 0.75 Work with Student A. Ask questions to find out information about the items a customer bought while shopping one day. | © name/shop? © how much/everything/cost? * what time/date/go shopping? what/change/get back? © what items/buy? ‘Anew clothing and accessories shop is opening near your house. Design a poster for the new shop. Include the shop's name, where it is located, what it will sell (e.g. men's or women’s clothing, dresses, bracelets, scarves, etc), the prices it will have, what times and days it will be ‘open and what happens if you are one of the first fifty customers. Name of Shop Join us for a day full of shopping and fun, We are located in ‘Our Grand Opening will be on After the Grand Opening, we will be open (times and days) ... We have something for everyone. Our prices .. What you can buy here This is an experience you don’t want to miss. The first 50 customers will 75 16 wel eal CORRE: =~ Students play in groups of three or four, Prepare cards with different nouns written on them. Each card should fall under the categories: Object, Animal, Place, Sports, Fashion or Food. One student from each group starts the game by picking up a card and telling the other students in their group what category the word falls under. The other students in the group then have to try and guess the word by asking Student A yes/no questions. In order to win a point, students must guess the word in 10 questions. The group with the most points at the end wins the game. Try to use words that students have learned in this module or in the most recent modules to help refresh their memory. Milk Chemist's Paddle Cinema Spaghetti Wolf Trousers Tennis Hat Lemon > Group t Student A picks up the card: | Trousers and tells the group that the word falls in the ‘Fashion’ category. Student B: Do you wear it? Student A: Yes. Student C: Do you wear it on your head? Student A: No. Student B: Da you wear it on yaur legs? Student A: Yes. etc Vocabulary Computers 1 ‘Match the words to their definitions, 11) printer mouse BL) screen 6T_] cb/DV0 reader/writer 3]_] speakers [71] scanner [41] keyboard [BT] webcam ‘a we use this to see people on the internet b we use these to hear sounds and music ¢ we use this to read CDs/DVDs d_ we use this to scan documents and photos @ We use this to print documents f we use this to see things on the computer @ we use this to move around on the screen h_ we use this to type things into the computer Read the bubbles and then write what each person uses the computer for. Use the phrases below and make sure to use the correct tense. Look at the example. (© bum CDs. © play computer games © download music ® send emails \_# design websites © do homework —_/ >) €.3. & Tina downloads music on her computer. Vusiali/sendieiers) §=— 1 Tim - 0 my fnenas because to his friends on its fast and easy the computer. = (“Adventure games zee | ate my favourte” on her Computer. = Se 3 Jim “1 don't tke ain B) homework by har lakes too much on his computer. “Tike desigring tings | 4 Ann |. and beng creadve.” on her computer. ("Tike putting together alt 5 Paul .. Levu songs on one CO on his computer, —_ Electrical/Electronic equipment 3 Complete the sentences with the correct word, + washing machine * TV «laptop + fridge + microwave * mobile phone + dishwasher J usually use my ... to call my friends. Dad forgot to put the milk in the . and we had to throw it away. 3. Frank and I love watching our favourite game No show on the 4 My sister hates washing the dishes so she uses the ... .- instead. 5 Sean heats his food in the because it’s quick and simple. 6 | put too many clothes into the ... and it broke. Now I wash my clothes by hand, 7 Lisa usually brings her . .. to university soshe can do homework during her (unch break. 4 Find five verbs related to maintaining. electrical equipment in the word search. Then, make sentences using each verb. fe ) xmnzmRmO4 mxE-Pcocz murzeozva aa-4azerar >9o repzam You mustn’t be late for class. Make noise when entering the classroom. x ‘Turn off your mobile phone. 7 Do your homework. / Fall asleep during class. x Follow the teacher's instructions. 7 Should — Shoutdn’t Give advice using should/shouldn’t. “it's raining today.” (Bring an umbrella) > You should bring an umbrella. “Im very hungry.” (Eat something) “Im so tired.” (Don’t go to bed late) “My eyes hurt.” (Don't spend too much time on the computer) “This computer is very slow.” (Upgrade it) “| have a terrible headache.” (Take an aspirin) Grammar Revision 1 0 Circle the correct item. 1 10 " 12 We ...... recycle old appliances. A can’t B could should Jake plays ...... sports at his school, A many B much —€ little Danielle ...... skate at the age of six. A can Bcan't —€ could Tim ...... his leg three times so far. ‘A has broken B have broken C broken A printer is something ...... we use to print documents. A who B that whose Julie ...... a teacher when she grows up. Ais B willbe = C was You ...... throw away old appliances. Instead, YOU ...++. donate them to charity, A should, shouldn't B shouldn’t, should C shouldn't, must . | was reading a book, my brother was playing video games. A Alter B When While My mum, fs a great cook, made the most delicious dinner last night. A who B which © that Lisa loves ....., ice-cream. A eats B iseats —C eating Kim ...... write very fast, so she does her homework on the computer. A can B can’t € couldn't | .sssee my birthday in Portugal this year. A celebrating B am celebrating © celebrate 13 14 5 16 7 18 9 20 a 22 23 Sue ...... dinner with her friends tonight because she’s busy. ‘A won't have B willhave Chas My house, ...... is near my school, has five bedrooms and two living rooms, ‘A which B that who If saw a ghost or a monster, |... A will scream B won't scream C would scream You ...... turn off your mobile phones during the test. A must B mustn't should They have ...... tried snorkelling. A ever B yet ¢ never “You don’t look well. You ...... see a doctor.” A must B should —€ shouldn’t My sister ...... to college. ‘A have already been —B_ has already been went already I heard ...... strange outside my window. A something B anything © everything You ...... spend all your money when you go shopping. A must B couldn’t shouldn't Hasn’t ...... seen David? ‘A someone B noone — C anyone 1...... many challenging and exciting sports so far. Aty B have tried C tried 79 80 Mortate) 9 | Reading 1 Read the article below and answer the questions that follow by circling the correct answer. The Intemet is a very useful way to Fearn information about ‘many clffeent subjects. It can help you with your homework and schoolwork and it's a wonderful way to communicate with your friends and family. Unfortunately, the Internet can also be quite <éangerous if you don't use it property. In order to stay safe when using the Internet, there are some things that you should do to protect yoursel, ‘One of the most important things to remember when using the Intemet is that you mustn't give out any personal information. For example, do not tell anyone your name, your phone number, where you lie and where you go to school. Never send pictures of yourself to strangers and if you receive any strange pictures, emails ‘or messages from someone you don’t know, you shouldn't respond, but instead you should ell an adult about t.Irsimportant that you don't open up any emails or files that seem strange or that come from strangers. Don't give your password to anyone and ‘don’t trust people that you meet online. Its sully not a good idea tomeet in person with somecne that you meet online. However, if youwant to meet someone, then you should bring a good friend or parent with you—but don't go alone because is not safe. Finally, make sure that you communicate with your parents and Jet them know about any problems you might be experiencing on the Intemet, Ifyou lea how to keep yourself safe when you are online, then the Internet can he very positive experience, You don't have to worry or be afraid as Jong 2s you'te careful, So stay safe and have fun! 1 The Internet is a very useful way to .. a learn information. b buy things. ¢ meet great people. The Internet can also be very... a safe, b dangerous. cc boring. You mustn’t give out ... a your personal information. b homework answers. © money. You shouldn't ‘@ open or respond to emails or files that come from strangers. b respond to friends’ emails and messages. ¢ talk to anyone online. If you experience any problems online, you should ... a tell an adult immediately. b deal with the problem by yourself. ¢ tell a friend, The Internet can be a very positive experience if you .. a are careful and safe. b always have an adult next to you when surfing the Net. ¢ talk toa lot of people. Writing { 2 Read the article in Ex. 11 euesuna again. Then, write six pieces of advice on how to stay safe on the Internet. Student A Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. oS — — ElectronicSuperstore Date: 29/03 Time: 10:27 Name of customer: Michael Mills Item: 1 laptop Total: £1,299 Method of payment: VISA Work with Student B. Ask questions to find out information about what a customer has bought. —— soeeentenenennne oer © What/name/shop? © What/buy? i © What/name/customer? © How much/cost? | ‘© When/ go shopping? * How/pay? ; 81 82 Student B Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. Electro World Date: 31/3 Time: 11:06 Name of customer: Sarah Wayne Items Price 1 Toaster £35 1 Espresso coffee maker £67 Total: £102 Method of payment: Cash Work with Student A. Ask questions to find out information about what a customer has bought. re ® What /name/shop? © What/buy? i : ‘© What/name/customer? ¢ How much/cost? : ‘© When/go shopping? © How/pay? "anemones tia eee GAA OURAN MARRS Pool A Public Transport Safety Leafiet Name:..... Date: .sseeseees Your school is organising a ‘Public Transport’ day and your class must make a leaflet giving advice ‘on how to be safe while using public transport. These are the ideas your class has decided to include. Complete the leaflet below. Teil your parents, {where you are and | what time youtl be back. When travelling “alone on a bus or train, ‘sit near the driver or in a \ place where there are A next to you. Keep your personal betongings When travelling by taxi, always sit in the back and don’t give the taxi driver your ~ If someone starts talking to you, be nice, | but dont give away any personal Ss information. Have a mobile or a, phone card in case you need to contact ‘\_ someone. Be safe while using public transport! | i i You should always Also, don’t forget that you must always You mustn't ... “if someone start but you musth’t ..sssesssee You . er pee 84 Gare. Play in pairs. You need a dice and some counters. Take turns to roll the dice, then move your counter the same number of squares the dice shows. Complete the sentence with the appropriate modal verb or relative pronoun or find the missing word in each square. If you can’t you miss a turn. The player who reaches the finish first wins. a oe bought a out now can't ~ P) fridge ... & decause my “ computer nt uses less electricity. 14 Have you met the MAN sense bought the house next to yours? Vocabulary Fill in the gaps in the posters. Use the words in the box below, © lyrics © hits © action-packed © vocals # tune # box office j as Title: 10,000 BC Starring: Steven Strait, Curtis Camilla Belle, Cliff | Genre: Adventure/Drama | + A must-see 1) adventure. | +AQ). success. i Buy it on DVD now! y Artist: Enrique Iglesias + Strong 6) . Buy it now! y 2 ‘Match the two columns to make sentences, Title: Do you know? [The Ping Pong song] | Style: Pop One of the biggest 3) of the year. | + Clever 4) . | + Great 5) | } 1 What. a a good comedy on, 2 Let's b that, then. 3. There's go to the cinema. 4 Sounds d_ adventure films. 5 We'll see € are we doing tonight? 6 I'lbe f good to me. . 7 Bo'clock @ outside the Rex. 8 I prefer h there. Look at the TV guide and complete the missing words. ATIC Wo ecube eer yea The Octopus Show 2)n 6 ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show Bes Who wants to be a Millionaire? Aq The Bold and the Beautiful Tonight at 8 ot nl Friends Dei ‘America’s Next Top Model Law & Order 9a dw Replace the words in bold with their synonyms. united © join forces set off © picked up * awarded © chased © changed into © scare 1 [left my house early this morning to avoid getting stuck in traffic. 2 The two companies are going to work together to attract more clients. 3. The four major political parties joined together to help the homeless. 4. The frog became a handsome prince. 5 The police ran after the thief for a great distance before they caught him. 6 She was given a prize for her latest film. 7 Dogs used to frighten me a lot when | was a kid. 8 The satellites received the radio signal. 85 86 Womey Grammar The passive 7 Change the sentences from active to passive. His father’s friend painted his room, > His room was painted by his father’s friend. A ot of people use the metro every day. Pollution destroys our national monuments. The plumber repaired the tap. ‘Michael waters the plants every evening. Shakespeare wrote King Lear. They serve lunch at noon. The earthquake destroyed lots of houses. 8 Put the verbs in brackets into the present or past passive. 2 The movie 10,000 BC was directed by Rotand Emmerich. (direct) 3 Al my classmates .. 3 to the party next Saturday. (invite) 4 Anew library ... . in my neighbourhood tast year. (build) Mobiles ... 1. by Most 5 teenagers. (use) The classroom every day, (clean) ig The thief .. eee by the police last night. (arrest) 7 Feta cheese Greece. (produce) The Olympic Games . every four years. (hold) Will — Going to — Present Continuous Use will or going to in the correct form to fill in the gaps. Look at the clouds! itm 's going to rain. ‘Oh, nol It’s 8 o'clock. | be late for work. It’s really cold in here! | Close the window. | bought all these things from the supermarket eCaUSE Us, srsessee have a party on Saturday. We . move to our new house next month. ‘Mum I promise, . do my homework when the football match finishes. They've sold their old car because they 5 ... buy a new one. 1 think Justin Timberlake's fans love his new album, Underline the correct option. What are your plans for the weekend? : | am going/will go to my hometown. :: Have you taken the rubbish out? : Not yet. I will do/am doing it now. Look, Dadi! | can hotd all these books! : Be carefull You wilVare going to drop them. A: Look at how fast David can runt Yes. He says he willis going to be a sprinter when he's older, ‘; Your room is really untidy! : | know. | will/am going to tidy it later. ; We've run out of milk! : Don’t worry! | am going to/will go and get some. : Have you made an appointment with the dentist yet? B: Yes. 1am seeing/will see him tomorrow afternoon. Se Ph BERR SEOE > Grammar Revision Circle the correct item. 1 Would you like ......, orange juice? A any B some C every 2 As... Lask you a question, Miss? B: Yes, of course. A Must B Could € Should 3. There isn’t ....... milk left, A some B many € much 4 Ross hasn’t finished his homework. A already B yet © never 5 1... to France twice. ‘A have been B went C 90 6 Katie ....... in Madrid for five years. A lives B haslived §—¢ is living 7 Did he ....... to wear glasses when he was younger? A used B use © uses 8 . @at so many sweets. You'll put on weight. A couldn't Bcan’t © shouldn't 9 Susan was watching TV ....... her sister was listening to music. A while B as soon as C if 10 What ....... You A do, do jomorrow night? B are, doing C did, do 41, When A is, built YOUr HOUSE 4.24.2 B did, build .- played golf? B ever C was, built 12 Have you A never © already 13 . the Oscar statues really ....... of gold? A Are, made B Were, made € Do, make 14 15 16 17 19 20 24 2 23 24 25 Sam can speak Spanish, .. A canhe B can’tSam C€ can’the What time ....... YOU ....... your friends last night? A did, meet B have you met € do, meet Their farmhouse A destroyed C is destroyed .. by a fire, B was destroyed as he could. B fast Peter ran as A faster € fastest .- pollute the environment. A can't B mustn't —€ couldn’t HOW ssssses tea os ‘A does, produce B is, produced te sve? € was, produced You ....... have a passport to travel abroad. A could 8 must € can This game ....... by eight people, A played —B_plays © is played 'm very tired, | think ....... stay in tonight. A amgoingto B will Cam Susan ses. this car for twenty years, She should buy a new one. A has Bohashad © € shaving How ....... sugar do you need for the cake? A much B many € lot of You have made too ....... mistakes. ‘A much B many © alotof 87 88 Reading 1 Read the text and match the headings to the paragraphs. 1 Music with a message. 2. An unlikely place for a music concert. 3. Ready? Get Set, Dive! 4. Tuna Tunes and Soaking Songs. [Ala Peer Fancy atlending a music concert... underwater? Be fk Namo and tke partin the Underwater Music Festival Le This aquatic festival takes lace every July inthe Florida Keys! Music is performed by super scuba divers with ‘ishy” ‘ames lke, MARLIN’ Monoe, 'EELton John and ‘CHER ub Fish. The underwater instruments featured are the menta- fn, the drumtsh the sea-phan fue andthe tumoel-fsh! {] This event was introduced 23 years ago. The rain goal of the Underwater Music Festival isto help preserve the coral reaf ecosystem in the Florida Keys. The isis of these fishy tunes also include tas on how peopke can erjoy the ocean without harming the coral reef and sea ‘ie in genera, Song tiles such as ‘Yelow Submarine’ and “Octopus Garden’ by the Bealles, Fins’ by Jimmy Butt ‘and even an actual humpback whale song are all played at the festival. D So, reserve your seat aboard ore of the many boats and pack your goggles and flippers to get ready for the Underwater Music Festival! You are sure to have one whale of atime! Writing 1 Read the letter below and choose the correct opening sentence for each paragraph. 1 lve finally decided what I’m going to do this, summer! 2. How are you? 3. Anyway, | have to go. 4. Catherine wants to come too and the people who organise the camp said there are still some spare tickets left. [AT] ‘Thanks for your letter last week, It was great to hear from you. Well, I have a lot to tell you .. [BL] Last week, our music: teacher told us about a surumer music camp in Barcelona, Spain, asked my mam and dad if I can go and now that they have agreed, I am going to book my ticket. €]_] So. she said she is going to come too! She is going to take her violin and I'm going to take my brand new guitar, We've never played together before so I'm sure it will be a lot of fant On the last day of camp, there will be a big musie competition. {Catherine always practises and has won some © awards before ~ she is definitely going to win! © [DT] rm meeting Catherine in an hour to * discuss what we need to pack, Write back and let me know your plans for the summer. © Speak soon, Sarah l Write a reply letter to Sarah telling her your plans for the summer. Follow the model letter above. ACTIVITIES Student A Use the information befow to answer your partner’s questions, 7 a Format: Talent show Running time: 60-120 min Host: Dermot O'Leary First began: Sep 2004 (- present) Producers: FremantleMedia, SYCOtv Prize: a £ 1,000,000 recording contract, "to Beco Bites 's next top singer? ave that “something’ Work with Student 8. Ask questions to find out information about a popular Teen Reality show. ‘© What/the name/the show? © How long/each episode/last? ‘© Who/host/the show? © Whien/the show/begin? ‘© Who/the show/create? ‘© What /the prize? 89 90 FEO eres Student B Use the information below to answer your partner’s questions. ENDURANCE Format: Teen Reality show Running time: 24 min Host: J. D. Roth First began: 2002 (- present) Created by: J. D. Rot, Todd A. Nelson I parents to a tropical location tin have what it takes to face some of the most exhausting oii challenges and overcome the pain? ‘ vy now for ENDURANCE 2008! Work with Student A. Ask questions to find out information about a popular Talent show. © What/the title/the show? © Who/host/the show? © When/the show/begin? © Who/the producers? © What/the prize? ‘© How long/each episode/last? Prize: a trip of a lifetime with your My Favourite Quiz Show Name: Date: . Class: Describe your favourite quiz show. You should write a short and interesting description of the game. A picture of the quiz show | Title of the quiz show: Host: 91 92 Game Students play in pairs. Prepare 20 cards with verbs on them. All the cards are put into a box. Each pair picks up a card and writes down a sentence using the verb on the card in the passive. The first pair to write a correct sentence gets 1 point. The cards from the pairs that didn’t find a sentence are put back into the box. Students have 1 minute to find a sentence. Be quick and careful! The team with the most points wins. « « | “Lunch is | “Rings are Hollywood “Our house cooked every | made of gold.” stars are paid al | was painted | day.” | lot of money.” last year.” ee a sestseeees DATE MARK: { (Time: 50 minutes) Choose the correct item. 1 Is this -» bike? 12 cesses. any milk in the fridge. Aan B your © you A This isn’t B There isn’t € It isn’t 2. Mary needs .......... new umbrella. 13. George... wake up early at weekends. A any Ba can A isn't B doesn’t € dont 3 Kelly bought some nice tulips from the | 14 .. . many photos when you were in . a: London? A chemist’s B butcher's. florist’s A You took B Did you take © Were you take 4 Jim =. goes to the opera because he hates it. 15 Where .......... my sunglasses? ‘A always B often ¢ never A are B is C be 5 cesses iS Ray’s birthday? 16 Be quiet! The baby wo... - A Howold —-B When A sleeps —_B sleeping Cis sleeping C What time 17 The bookshop is .......... the park and the 6 We sawa great film .. - Sunday. school. A at Bin Con A between B under C on 7 cssssssees open the window, please! 1B sssssesees are my favourite summer fruit. A Not B No € Don’t A Cherrys B Cherries C Cherries’ 8 He . like pizza. 19 Thisis. beautiful cat! A doesn't B don’t = C can’t A the Ba ¢ an 9 Look at that cat! It the fish! 20 John was happy when we told ........4. the ‘A must eat Bis going to eat good news. € eats A he B his ¢ him 10 My brother .......... mea digital camera for | 21 We always wear sunscreen when we my birthday last year. sit out in the sun, A is givingme B gave € give A can B must € do 11 Emma speak French very well. 22 There are clean glasses in the wes... A do Bis can under the sink. A cupboard B desk © cooker © Eupress Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE. 93 94 23 24 25 26 7 28 29 31 32 33 34 How .......s0+ money do you need to buy a new car? A many B far © much Please bring me books from the table over there. A this B these those Did you like the last Harry Potter book? A No, I did. B No, I didn’t. © No, I didn’t like. YOU .......... Use my computer right now, | need ft to do some work. A aren't B can’t € dont Are you busy right now? A Yes, I'm. —BYes, am. € Yes, lam. Jess to bed at 10 pm. A usually goes B goes usually € does usually goes Helen never gets angry with people. She’s very .. ‘A patient B funny naughty Jonathan .. for Paris yesterday. A teaved B left € leave .. an MP3 player? ‘A Sam have got B Have Sam got Has Sam got There’s a big swimming pool in garden. A they B their them Take an umbrella because it’s a day today, A windy B sunny rainy sescssese Gog is this? A Who B Whose C Who's © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 35 36 7 38 39 40 at 42 4aB 45 46 47 48 She always .......... her children before they leave for school. A kissed —B kisses C kiss They ......-.-- & house two years ago. A are going to buy B bought © are buying We haven’t got .. biscuits, A some B the € any | always brush my .. before | go to bed. A tooth B teeth C teeths oe to the same school as Sue? A Do Sally goes C Does Sally go € Is Sally goes = Jeans you're wearing are very nice. A The BA c An These are the dresses. A girls B girls’s C girls’ did you go on holiday last year? A What. B Where C Who George went to sleep ss... midnight. A on Bin Cat Look at Alex! He .. to catch the bus. A runs B is running C running sesseseees You home yesterday? A Were = B Did C Was YoU «++ talk loudly in the library; you need to be quiet. A mustn't B don't C must This is Pete. is my best friend. A His B Him Cc He Look in your . to see where the ‘Amazon River is. A atlas B desk dictionary 49° Our flat is on the .. . floor of the | 60 I'm wearing my ... today so my hands building. aren’t cold. A fourth B forth ¢ four A scarves B ties C gloves 50 saw ., .. fice shoes in the shop. 61 Jane and Julie are .. A any B some C much A sister's B sisters’ sisters 51 We can’t see the moon right now because | 62 Do you want to swimming it's .... . a cloud. tomorrow? A next to B on C behind A make B go C do 52 Adam .. on the phone right now. 63 Emma’s got lovely curly .... “ A isnot talking B not talking A hair B ears C eyes It... .. in my country in winter. A leaves B leafs C leafes A often snows Bis often snow se P 65 “When is David's birthday?” € often is snowing March, | think.” 54. They.......... ata very nice hotel when they A At Bin € On went to Madrid. A weren't stay B didn’t stayed ee ee Nae ere crn ae © didn’t stay a A kilo B loaf © bowt 55. The Irish celebrate St Patrick’s Day .... Ac es eas Wren Maech Ais Bh © have A at B in © on i 68 . fs the park?” 56 Paul went to the supermarket to buy Sete nee ee eee ee B mths ¢ mk ‘A How long B How far © C How much 57 Mark's mother is .... A Japanian —BJapan € Japanese 69° Always wear a. when you ride a bike. A helmet B raincoat cap . to protect your head 70 seuesssss the answer to this question, A Lam not knowing BI don't know | don't knowing 58 The .......... isn’t working, A light of the fridge B fridge’s tight © fridges light TA Lisa 2... play the guitar. 59 They .... this weekend at their house in the cn nC RC cane country. 72 George lives .......... England. A are going to spend B spending Ain B on C to C be going to spend (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLEE 95 96 ima — 73. Kate and Linda are beautiful .... ‘A women, B_ womans © womens 74 \s Patty going to come to your party? A Yes, she’s going. B Yes, she's C Yes, she is. 75. Elephants in Asia and Africa. A lives B are living C live 76 ssssesssee & BOOK, a pencil case and a ruler in my bag. A There are B There is © They are © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 77 Her brother is four years old and he can count to twenty. He’s very .. A sweet B funny clever 7B You ......... leave your car here. It isn’t allowed. A can't B don’t must . the afternoons. 79° Bob walks his dog A at B in Cc on 80 Would you like ... water? A the Ba c some eesee MARK, —— | 100 (Time: 50 rey a rt Vocabulary ‘A Match each noun with the correct phrase. sreada... #setthe... @leama... #90... © senda... ® tidy your... # make your ... © watch a e.g. magazine read a magazine 1 DVD: .. 5 SHOPPING: 2 ROOM 3. TABLE: 4 LANGUAG ‘ Mocks: —\ (sx) B Complete the sentences with the correct word. © tall © tong # elegant * silly © clumsy * friendly * sporty © thin «© straight 8 My big brother is but lam short, | 13 Ella is so. «and nice. She helps 9 Sarah is. «She always falls down everyone. when she walks. 14. My mum has got very hair, 10. John is very . . He plays basketball | 15 Josh is always telling jokes and and football. stories! . dresses. | 16 My hair is very . .. but Jane’s is very 11 Helen always wears very 12 I think Jennys too . . . She needs toeat curly. more. { Wri: — \ (oa 7] Grammar € Underline the correct item. 17 Jim tries/try to cook, but he can’t. 20 My sister and | loves/love cats. 18 Our mum kiss/kisses us every morning. 21 Mr Brown catch/catches the bus every day. 19 They say/says that he likes football. { Marks: — (a © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 97 98 D Put the verbs in bracket: eg. 22 23 24 25 eg. 29 u e.g. 34 35 36 37 10 the correct form of the present simple. Josh sings (sing) very well. Darren ..., sven (@at) pizza | 26 Most students ..... for lunch every day. (like) computer classes. oe . (do/your/dog) bark | 27 What time es when it hears someone at the door? (your English lesson/start) on Mondays? The girls .... 28 Tom and Pete (not/play) tennis after school every day. (not/tidy) their room very often. Jeremy .. {not/go) to school by bus. { maris: — \ No Put the adverbs of frequency in brackets in the correct position in the sentences. Ben sets the table. (usually) Ben usually sets the table. | am late for school. (never) 32 He washes his car on Sunday, (usually) Joanie gets up at ten o' clock. (sometimes) | 33 Do you take out the rubbish in the evening? - (always) Ellen waters the plants. (often) ” aes — sa 5 ‘Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. ... (you/walk/often) to school in the morning? Da you often watk to school in the morning? Pete .. . (not/always/drive) to work. Mary and Helen {often/play) computer games in the afternoon. oe (Terry/usually/help) his mother in the kitchen? ‘The boys’ room: (not/be/always) clean. (3) ‘© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, _ ME Everyday English G_ Read the dialogue and fill in the missing word/ phrase. * please * Hold on a moment ¢ Do you fancy going ® I'd love to @ free ‘Mrs Bradley: Hello? Reid: Hi, it's Reid. Is Julian there, 38) .. ‘Mrs Bradley: 39) = PU get him. Jutian: Hello? Reid: Hi Julian! It’s Reid Julian: Qh, hi Reid! How are you? Reid: ''m fine. I'm calting to ask if you're 40) ... afternoon. Julian: Yes, | am. 41) to the cinema? 42) When would you like to meet? How about 7 pm outside the theatre? Jutian: OK! See you there! »- on Saturday Reading H__ Read the article and answer the questions. ah Which day is your favourite day? 2 My name is Sally and my favourite day is Saturday. What | ie most about this day is that | never have to wake up early. My mum usually gels up and makes us a big breakfast. She always makes pancakes. | sometimes help her make them. i Inthe afternoon, | usually meet my friends in the park, We sometimes play basketball when the weather || is good. On Saturday evenings, | always play board games wih my famiy. My favourte game is Trivial | Pursuit! Sometimes, my friend Jennifer comes over. She lives next door. We usually surf the Net or chat | with friends oniine, Mum never makes me go to bed early on a Saturday. | go to bed at around 10:30 pm. || e.g. Which day is Sally’s favourite? 43. What does Sally sometimes hetp her mum do? 44° What does she do on Saturday evenings with her parents? 45° Who is Jennifer? 46 Does her mum make her go to bed early every Saturday? \aa *} ‘© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE. 99 — ; Writing | Describe how you usually spend your Saturdays or Sundays. Use the article in Ex. H and the ideas below to help you (50-60 words). © get up ‘© tidy room © set table * play outside © have breakfast * play computer games '* make my bed ‘© watch TV J usually . In the afternoon, In the evening, are fun! \ / Listening J Listen to the conversations and choose the answer A, B or C that best answers the questions, 47 What does Allan do at the weekend? 49. What time does Shawn leave his house? A sleep B his homework ‘A 9:00 B 8:30 C 8:00 € play football 50 How does Joan go to school? 48 What time does Stacey get up at the ‘A she walks B_ her mum drives her weekend? € she takes the bus A10am = B 7am € 7:30am orks: — \ att} 100 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, TEST 2 module 2) DATE: .. (Time: 50 minutes) | Vocabulary ‘A Fill in the missing word/phrase. There is one answer you do not need to use. © (ight candles, © flying @ sculptures * colours © tower bad luck * costumes © parade * carving © full moon © contest "1 12 13 14 This bag comes in many different | 7 Mathew wants to make a wood . and sizes. of a bird for his grandmother. There are some amazing snow ... 8 Some people believe black cats bring in the park. A cs The children are wearing colourful carnival | 9 Do you want to watch the song “ . on TY with me? There’s a wonderful ....csccsess in the | 10° In Spain, there is a festival where people sky tonight. stand on each other and make a human We ooscesceseveseee and put them in the river eet to carry away bad luck. Look at that balloon ...ssssesseseeses high fn the air! Marks: a) rox 7} Complete the sentences with the correct word, © throw * take © dancing * doing © crown ® carve © raining * make Try NOt tO .eseecseessesss NOISE. The baby is | 15 Students .. «a king and queen at sleeping! the school dance. It’s carnival time and people are 16 I'm cold! Don’t ....... snowballs at and having fun in the streets. me! Hon cassssesseeeses my shopping tomorrow. Bo | 17 I'm not going to the park. It's . you want to come with me? 18 Let's. a photo of the children, Some people ..-.crssese pumpkins on Halloween. (a=) © Express Publishiog PHOTOCOPIABLE 101 102 Ls, Underline the correct item. 19. Bill is wearing a hat because it’s very | 22 The children are at the park flying their warm/cold outside. masks/kites. 20 Mary's birthday party/parade is on Friday. | 23 This film is very funny/full! 24 The decorated/freezing houses look amazing! Mavis: — (2°) Grammar D__ Put the verbs in brackets into the present continuous. 24 Mum .. .. (make) hamburgers for | 28 . (they/come) to the play dinner tonight. tonight? 25 When . (Sandy/leave) for the | 29 It's not raining now and the sun . airport? (shine). 26 Marc (not/work) today. 30 Why - (Bill/run) out the door? 27 Kim. (play) the guitar right now. ass — m7 E Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or present continuous. 31 Every Thursday Bobby ... .- | 35. Rebecca. (want) to goto (drive) us to football practice. the supermarket. 32. Make sure you wear warm clothes, it | 36 (Nicole/do) her cesesssnesseeecsceeee (SNOW) Outside, homework at the moment? 33. | can’t hear the music because everyone | 37 Sonya and her brother F . (talk). (always/clear) the table after dinner. 34 Susan (come/usually) home at nine. © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Everyday English F Choose the correct response. e.g, How about meeting at 6:00? A See you then. Oh, nothing much. He turns 15 this Saturday, 38 How old is John? xo 39 Do you know where | live? Pa 40 What are you doing on Friday? amone> 41 Why don't you come to the shops with us? ou At7:30 42 What time is Mum picking us up? we No, | dont, Vd love to! Marks: — 52 io | Reading G Read the text and answer the questions. In the UK, the USA and Canada, people celebrate Halloween on 31st October. The word Halloween comes from ‘All Hallows’ Eve’ because it is the night before All Saints’ Day, a religious holiday in some parts of the world. On this night, children dress up in costumes, put on masks and go door to door, saying trick or treat to get | delicious sweets or other treats. Many people decorate their homes with ghosts and other things to give | their houses a scary look, People also decorate their homes with jack-o-lanterns. They carve scary faces ‘on pumpkins and light candies that they put inside the pumpkin. Schoolchildren dress up and have costume and pumpkin carving contests. Adults often enjoy the celebrations by having costume parties t00, and giving prizes for the best costumes. In some places, both children and adults can take tours of haunted houses. in Canada and the USA, children often carry small Unicef boxes and together with their treats, they also collect money for this International children’s charity e.g, When do people celebrate Halloween? On 315 October 43 Do people wear special clothes on Halloween? 44 What do children say when they knock on someone’s door? 45 What do people use to decorate their homes on Halloween? 46 How do adults celebrate Halloween? 47 How do some children help Unicef during Halloween? © Fapress Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 103 see Writing H_ Write a speech about a special day (e.g. festival, internationat/local celebration.) Use the article in exercise G and the ideas below to help you (50-60 words), iinet * Say who you are (Hi, my name is... and | am fram ...) eee eeetd ees Name of festival, celebration. (I would like ta tatk about ...) When and where do we celebrate it? (We celebrate ..) How do we celebrate it? (On that day ...) Ask if there are any more questions and thank your audience (Do you have any questions? Thank you for listening Listening 1 Listen and answer the questions, 48 How tong does the Carnival last? 50 What is Tekgut? A forty days B four days A beef soup B dumplings € three days € rice cake 49 What are the boys’ hats decorated with? A stars B belts € candles (a's) 104 (@ Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE DATE: | (Time: 50 minutes) j a MARK: 400 A Fill in the missing word/phrase, There is one answer you do not need to use. Vocabulary © popular * appeared * tombs # early thirties # look © spin webs " 2 13 When Spiderman 3 came out in 2007, it .- all box office .. for that year Most people think that Clark Kent is a(n) : ., but he’s really a superhero, Christopher Reeve as Superman in the first three films. Iron Man's ......2-.se0e0e-- Comes from the special suit he wears, Nefertiti was the .. Pharaoh Akhenaten. . of the Underline the correct item. The job of superheroes is to fight crime/ change shape. The Incredible Hulk TV show ran/created for five years. ‘My little brother is surprised/afraid of the monsters he sees in films, * ordinary person © climbed ... walls © super strength 6 10 14 15 * broke ... records * royal wife George Lucas made the first Star Wars film When he was still iM his sesso + Many children like wearing costumes that make them . ~+ like their favourite superhero. When Egyptian pharaohs died they buried them in big . The X-Men COMICS WETE 50 ssesesssese that they became a TV series and then a film series. Spiderman can .. ses which help him to save people from danger. (==) Steven Spielberg is the creator/director of Indiana Janes and Jurassic Park. One of the characters from The Fantastic Four can see through/burst into flames. (e ‘© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 105 Grammar C Write the affirmative, negative and question form of the sentences, as in the example. e.g. Mary wrote a letter. “) Mary didn’t write a letter, (—) Did Mary write aletter? (2) 16 a)... ~() -W) He wasn’t at home last night. Cy He) b)... 2 Did Superman fly out of the window? 2) 17 The students knew the answer. ”) a) b) + @) [ Morks: } 6 \ 32 D_ Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple. 19 People who were afraid of The Hulk . 23° Mr Fantastic fm vty) to Kil him, (wear) a blue uniform, 20. George Lucas ... . | 24 Daredevil .. {not/direct) Star Trek. (appear) in a film in 2003, 21 What | 25 (Stan Lee/create) (Merlin/promise) to King Uther? many superheroes? 22. Many people {not/know) that Clark Kent was Superman. | Mars: \ \ m4 E Complete the sentences with the correct form of used to and the verb in brackets. 26 My father . 29. Chris. (read) comic books when he was young. He (not/have) many comics when he was a child, loved them! but now he has more than two hundred! 27. The incredible Hulk . 30. Superman . {be) a comic book, and then they made it (not/drive) a car. He flew everywhere. into a TV series. 3M ' (you and your friends/wear) superhero (you/watch) Superman on TV? costumes when you were little? ( marks: be 106 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Susan saw/used to see a great film last week, | liked/used to like reading comic books, but | don't any more. He didn’t go/didn’t use to go to the cinema very often, but now that he has more time he goes every week. Everyday English 6 35° Ancient Egyptian kings didn’t have/didn't use to have superhuman powers. 36 The Hulk first appeared/used to appear in 1962. Complete the exchanges with: * Who stars in it? * Where's it showing? ® Sounds interesting. © Really? What's it about? ® It was brilliant. 37 ‘A: Who Wants to Be a Superhero? is a great new TV series. 38 A: Botman Begins tells the story of how an ordinary businessman, Bruce Wayne, became Batman, Reading 39 A: Do you want to go and see Superman Returns with Brandon Routh? 40 A: Did you like the film we saw last night? B: 41 A: The Odeon is showing the new Spiderman film. (marks: — \ se H_ Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Steven Alan Spielberg, the famous director of ET, tnolana Jones, Jurassic Park and many other briiantfims, was bom in the USA in 1946, His love of films began when he was stil at school. He made his frst films using a simple camera and his toy train set. When is friends came to his house to see these home movies, young Steven used to ask them to pay, jst ke a real cinemal Attwelve, he made his fist eal fim. ts name was The Last Gun and it was 8 minutes long. He made another fim two years eg. 42 Steven Spielberg is British. F ‘Steven Spielberg started making Movies in his early thirties His friends gave money to watch his films. 43 SOC eur [he amazing creator of success later, and never stopped making films after that! In 1975 he directed Jaws, a very popular fm about a great ‘white shark that attacks swimmers in a small American town. ‘After that, one successful film folowed another: The Color Purple, Schindler's List and Saving Private Ryan are only a few of the dozens of amazing films that have Steven Spielberg's signature. ‘Steven Spielberg is now making another Indiana Jones film. Everyone is sure that it will be another box office success! 44° He starred in Jaws. 45 He made many great films after Jaws. 46 He's working on a new film now. { wa) \ oa © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 107 108 Writing | Write a short biography (80 words) about Francis Ford Coppola. Use the text in Ex. H and the timeline below to help you, i aR RRS RA 1939 born in USA 7 1949 made first film with father’s 8mm camera 1972, made The Godfather - very successful film 1979 directed Apocalypse Now - brilliant war film/ won award for Apocalypse Now/continued making great films (Rumble Fish, The Cotton Club, New York Stories) now | making a new film in Argentina ~ | Francis Ford Coppola, the famous American film director, Listening ( ) J Match the people to what they did at the weekend. There is one answer you do not need to use. O[C] Anne A ate out a7 milo B played football © watched a DVD 8] _] James D_ met friends a co E helped with the housework 50] _] John F went to the cinema ff Marks: \aa 4 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, SS) (Time: 50 minutes) / 4 Fill in the missing word/phrase. There is one answer you do not need to use. Vocabulary A © black cat # full speed © thick fur © sharp claws © ghost ship © on board e.g, The baby seal was moving the ball with its flippers. 1 My sister gave me a funny ... for my birthday. 2. The car was coming down the street at 3° Margaret found a ... . in the grass and now she takes it everywhere with her, for luck. 4. Chris loves all animals but he believes a brings bad luck. B Underline the correct item. 11 Melissa carried/broke her bags to the car. 42. Anne doesn’t have many friends because she’s always angry and full of excited/negative thoughts. 13. The ship haunted/sailed out into the sea. 14, We took a board/boat to Crete. 15 A butterfly uses the masts/antennae on its head to feel things. © fuse box * good luck © greetings card © four leaf clover © flippers 5. The captain asked everyone to get sessseesssseeens OM YOUr exams Katie! 7 The film was about a . .. and its crew, 8 When the lights went out, Dad looked at the... .. to see what the problem was. 9 Your dog has beautiful 10 Eagles have sesso 16 Don’t break a mirror, it’s bad luck/dream. 17 Linda is frustrated/positive because her brother always takes her things without asking her. 18 The rugby player hung/caught the ball. 19 The children were very calm/scared ali afternoon. They watched some TV and then they played computer games, / nado: — ) loa ® © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 109 110 EST 4 (modute 4) (Sally/teave) for school when you saw her? It (not/rain) in the aftemoon, so we went for a walk. Patrick (watch) a film at 9 o'clock last night. A: Where .. -. (G0) at six 0” clock in the morning yesterday? B: | think you saw someone else. | .. . (Sleep) that eariy in the morning! A - (you/lock) the door this morning? B: No, | (forget). A: Pete .. . (not/feel) well when I saw him yesterday. (he/see) a doctor? Grammar Put the verbs in brackets into the past continuous. 20. Cindy and Julia... 24 (play) with their dog all morning. 24° Why sess Jane/scream) | 25 last night? 22h . (dream) about a huge | 26 bear when you woke me up. 23: Dan (not/steep) when we got home. D Put the verbs in brackets into the simple past or past continuous. 27 A: How .. - (you/break) your leg? | 32 B: | fell as (run) to catch the bus. 28 A: Sam .. +. (not/come) to the cinema with us. B: | know. He .. 3 (help) his mum paint the kitchen, 29° A: The lights at my house ... (go out) last night. 34 B: Really? What (do) at that time? 30 A: fit/rain) | 35 ‘when you left the house this morning? B: No, but it started as | .. ‘ -. (drive) to work! 31 A: He... + (not/listen) while his teacher was talking and she got | 36 very angry. B: Oh not . (he/get) into trouble? © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, & . (you/find) the book you lost? B: Yes. I was looking everywhere for it when ie ++ (realise) that it was still in my old schoolbag. A: What. . (they/do) when the fire started? 8: Tom . . (listen) to music while his mother was cooking. ( mats — ) \ tor ” Seem 4 (module 4) Everyday English E Choose the correct response. 37 | don’t feel very well. A How creepy! 38 Tom says there are aliens in that B ohreally? oid house. What's , 39° What did you do after you saw the a rats rn strange creature? Dia bothie roe 40. Hy grandfather believes that a ghost E Let's go in and check it out! visits him every night. 41 | read a book about King Minos and the Minotaur. Reading F Read the story and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). the Net. We wanted to do something more fun, so we decided to take a walk around the town. ‘As we were going past an old house we heard someone saying, “Come in. Come in here now.” We stopped and looked around to see who was talking to us, but there was no one there. We took a few more steps anc then the voice spoke again, “Come in the house now, boys!” We decided to go into the old house and check it out. When we got inside, we saw a strange beast. It was huge and had sharp claws and it was ready to jump on us. Then suddenly, it disappeared. We ran out of the house and we didn’t stop running until we were home. We didn't know what that strange creature was, but we felt glad that we were now sate and far away from it! | twas a warm summer afternoon, and my brother Jack and | were in our room, surfing €.3. The boys were at home. T 42 They were playing computer games. es 43 As they were walking someone spoke to them. 44. They heard someone laughing. 45. When they went into the house they saw a human. 46 The creature jumped on them. 47° They ran all the way home. {om —) \ea 7} © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE ll Lu oe) : a Writing G Write a scary short story using the plan below and past tenses (80 words). © Where were you? © Who was with you? What happened? What did you do? How did you feel then? ‘What happened in the end? How did you feel? Listening H Listen to someone talking about superstitions around the world and answer the questions. 48 Why don't the Chinese do housework on New Year's Day? A It brings bad luck. B It brings good luck. € It makes good luck go away. 49. Where do many people think that all black cats bring bad luck? A In the USA. B In England. C In France 50 Which day is unlucky in Greece? A Tuesday the 13th B Thursday the 13th (se ) C Friday the 13th ee 112 (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, TEST 5 (module 5) NAME CLASS: . Vocabulary A Complete the words. eg. climate change 1 st__p__g _ol_an__ 2 g_o_al war. 2 pelieey 4tem__r Sh_b_ B Complete the sentences with the words. DATE: - MARK; —_ i | "°° rime: 50 nutes) } ime: 50 minutes) * reduced © survived * driedup © caused © erupted 11. The earthquake .. a lot of damage to the old buildings in the town. 12. ff people .. the amount of plastic they used, it woud certainly help our environment. 13° Mount Etna in 2007, sending hot ash and lava many kilometres up into the air. Grammar C Complete the sentences with will or won't. e.g. AS soon as | get there, I will send you a postcard. 16 1am sad because my friends Josh and April bi . come to the party, 17 We ... save any water if we leave the tap running all the time. 14 15 18 19 20 Luckily, many animals ... the forest fire. The small river outside the town ... and now the people need to find water from somewhere else, (25) If you recycle, you .. help save energy and resources. What vecsseseer .. happen to the world if sea Levels continue to rise? Jeff .. tell me what's wrong, 50 | don't know what the problem is. { darks: =) AS ‘© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 113 114 SS D_ Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. e.g. If | were (be) you, | would recycle all household rubbish. 21. If | go to the park, | (play) basketball with my friends. If you invite us to the party, we ... ; . (come). If we cleaned up the beach, we (enjoy) swimming there. If global warming (continue), many animals will become extinet. If we ... we (be) free on Sunday, we would take part in our town’s Clean-Up Day. Ithe _ (not/leave) the lights on all the time, he would save a lot of energy. a7 2 28 23 24 29 25 30 26 Fill in the correct question tag. e.g. uM 32 33 Bald eagles aren’t endangered any more, are they? 2 34 35 36 George saw the penguins, Hunting animals is bad, Birds eat fish, Everyday English F Choose the correct response. e.g. The town is organising a Clean-Up Day. 37 38 How about meeting at 5 o’clock? We could ask George to help us plant the trees. Why don't we put our names down for the school’s recycting campaign? I'm afraid I can’t come to the cinema with you. 39 40 (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, ‘Our planet wouldn't have so many problems ifwe all . (learn) to respect it. If they... _ (ban) cars in the city centre, the air wouldn’t be so polluted. If you need information about local environmental groups, | ... (help) you find it. If Phillip saw this stray cat, he . (take) it home with him. ie Dennis can’t swim, .. Joan lives in this house, Jake won't come tomorrow, V'm sure he'd love to. When is it? vo Never mind. ‘Oh no! I'm afraid I’m busy. Sure. That sounds like a good idea. Reading G Read the text and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). / Lets BREATHE CLEAN AIR Every day, there are millions and millions of cars on the streets of the world, and they cause many problems for our planet. If we don’t do something about these problems soon, we will not have enough fresh air to breathe. ne big problem caused by cars is carbon dioxide. This is a gas that ‘comes out of cars when they burn Can we do something to help our planet? Of course we can! One way is to make people car pool. This means that petrol, It harms the atmosphere because it leads to smog. Another problem, is that the fuel cars run on is running out. Petrol comes from oil which is a natural product that we find in the earth. If we continue to use so much of it, soon there will not be people who work at the same place can go to work in one car. Also, we should start taking the bus or the train to go somewhere and not use our cars. If people start doing simple things like these, we will all be able to breathe the kind of fresh air that people used to enjoy many, many years ago! _ e.g. We can’t do anything about the problems of our planet. F 41 Carbon dioxide is bad for the environment. 42 Oil comes from the ground, 43. There may not be enough petrol in the future. 44° It's not a good idea to use public transport. 45 The air we breathe didn’t use to be so polluted, any oil left. (ss) (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE us 116 5 Writing, H_ Write a short article (50-70 words) about the problem of wasting water for your school magazine. Use the article in Ex, G and the ideas below to help you. Cr te) PROBLEM WHAT WE CAN DO # leave taps running -> use more water than turn taps off when brush teeth/wash the we need dishes ~° not waste water © water plants during daytime -» ground ‘© water plants evening/night -» plants not becomes dry quickly/plants need more water need so much water : ‘Let's s STOP wasting we water! | 2 “This a sad fact that many people don’t realise that the Earth does not have enough water to last forever. If we do: ‘One problem is that people .. This means that .. This also happens when we . because There are some things we can all do to help. One thing we can do is to |) Also, we can In this way, plants Listening 1 Listen and complete the missing information, ( PLANT-A-TREE DAY When: 46) Where: 47) Time: 48) What to bring: 49) For more details contact: 50) ... on 212 444 8502 [mais — © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE (Cr iced) Choose the correct item, walls. C change Spiderman can .. A fly B climb If you don't have clean clothes, you need to A do C tidy When was the last time that a volcano 2 ‘A erupted B exploded dropped Be quiet, please. | .......... to watch the film, A tried B ty C am trying Where soveseses when | saw you last night? A were you going B you went you were going Jane can bake a cake for us, «se... ? A doesn’t Jane B will she € can't she When George was a child he a An ghosts. A used to believe B was believing € believes Mum csessee. chicken for dinner. ‘A. cooks often B often cook © often cooks We watched a great .. with decorated ars and people in colourful costumes going down the street. A contest B tradition C parade 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 .. a mirror and now there is glass ail over the floor. A broke B realised Chung Fm going to the supermarket. anything? A Are you wanting C Were you wanting B Do you want ’'m afraid | forgot to bring your book. ‘A. Sounds interesting. B Nothing much. © Never mind, ceseseee @ nice dinner last night? ‘A You had B Did you have € Did you had Helen doesn’t like black cats she thinks they bring bad luck. Aso B too © because Does Jane work as a doctor? A Yes, she does, B Yes, she works. © Yes, she does work. While | was tidying my room my sister . . the furniture. A dusted —B_ was dusting C- dusting when the sun came out. B dried up C melted The snow A wasted 7 . does the film festival begin? A When B How often C Why (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPTABLE iy 118 WIPES 19 20 a 22 23 24 5 26 7 28 29 Steve A waked up very late yesterday. B was waking C woke We all need to recycle our household .... . A waste —B pollution species People like carving .......... out of snow during the Quebec Winter Festival. A sweets: B costumes sculptures IF were you, I........+. hang out at the matt all day. A won't B wouldn't C didn’t What time home last night? ‘A were you returning B did you return would you return | really love the book I’m reading these days. ‘A. Who stars in it? B Where's it showing? C What's it about? Is Peter working today? ‘A Yes, he is. B Yes, he’s. Yes, is he. ‘Our town is having a ‘Clean up-the-Park Day.” Why dont we .. 2 A take B take away take part Lions have very sharp A flippers B antennae C claws If Jeff has enough money, he sess tO Hawaii on holiday. A isgoing B willgo —C would go Sam ...ssss+0e watching TV when | got home last night. A wasn’t —-B didn’t wouldn't © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ... to imagine that you were a superhero wien you were a child? A You used B Did you used € Did you use Joanne’s got lovely, long, .. . hai, A slim B straight silly The children went to .........- their kite in the park. A watch = B throw —C.fily George Lucas ... the first Star Wars film in his early thirties. A directed B directs C would direct There were 2,228 passengers and crew on sesesesene the Titanic, A. boat B ship board Kate was washing the dishes when the phone ... A would ring B was ringing rang What are you doing on Saturday? ‘A Nothing much. B That sounds great! C See you then. She needs to do her homework and help her brother with his. A too B so © also If Thad free time, | .......... basketball. A will play B was playing © would play «+. feading comics? A Is doe tke B Does Joe like © Do Joe tike 40 a 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 We gave Mum a nice greetings .......... for her birthday. A card B box present Is David doing his homework? A Yes, he’s. B Yes, he is. © Yes, he’s doing. When .. to Italy? A did you go B you went did you went Don't .sssseeee. fun of your sister! A create = B make —C._take Everybody needs to stop .. energy. A wasting B disappearing € losing George came home early, .. A didGeorge B did not he C didn’t he the table for dinner, please. B Tidy C Make A Set EA to the party tomorrow? ‘A Do you come B Are you coming C Were you coming Our school is organising a ‘Plant-a-Tree Day’. A Not to worry, B Vl join it, € Let's put our names down. She was talking, but he ... A. vas listening B wasn't listening © couldn’t listen to Carrie. younger. A. didn’t use to like B didn’t used to like C didn’t use to liked . swimming when she was 51 52 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 WY aS) Curr ay | don’t think Jeff .......... come to the theatre because he has a headache. A will B won't —C doesn’t Jessica likes .. colours like blue and purple. A freezing B warm —C cold Brandon his favourite TV show every Monday evening. ‘A was watching € is watching Hello, is this Sarah? A Yes, speaking. B Yes, this is. Yes, saying. If you don't know how to use the camera, Chris . . you. ‘A will show B is showing C would show Polar bears .......... on fish, A hunt B eat € feed Our mum when we help her with the housework. A is always happy B is happy always € always is happy Spiderman is my brother’s favourite comic book A criminal B person € hero Alex... the film he watched last night. A didn’t liked B wasn't liked € didn’t like Demy’s cat has got lovely .. - fur. A thick B good € full ng ‘© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, 120 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 6 70 You didn't know that Tom and Pete are brothers, did you? ‘A No, | wasn't. © No, I didn’t. B Yes, | didn’t. If Gary .. A learned to drive, he will buy a car. B learns will learn Would you like to come to the park with us? A V'dlove to. B I'dlike. € I'dlove. I. what you're telling me! A didn’t believe B am not believing don't believe We couldn't see his face because he was wearing a funny «. A costume B mask = C nose Helen . to music at 10 o'clock last night. A used to listen B would listen ¢ was listening a window. B will open It’s very hot in here. |... A opened am opening Stewart won't be at the picnic because he his uncle tomorrow. B isvisiting C visited A visits We saw a great comedy on DVD last night, A Who stars in it? B Where's it showing? Really? What did you do? Dont be «........-! There are no ghosts in this room! A careful B silly © clumsy (© Expres Publishing PHOTOCOPLABLE nm 2 7B 74 75 76 7 78 80 You don't have a dog, . ? A don't you B youdo © do you Some people believe that breaking a mirror brings .......... luck. A positive B bad negative How are we getting back from the theatre? A. Mum can pick us up. B See you there. © Mum can lift us. Bill says that the house next to his is haunted. A | froze. B That sounds scary. © What was it? sessseseee you lock the door this morning? A Do B Were € ‘Did The ship while it was sailing in the Atlantic Ocean. A was sinking B- sank C sink Listen to this bird! It .- afunny sound! A makes B will make © is making Were they dancing when you saw them? A Yes, they did, B Yes, they were. C Yes, they’re. Britney Spears is a Very ........» singer with fans all over the world, A ordinary B royal popular he like it? C did If | bought this CD for John A would B does CLASS: S Vocabulary A af 10 "W Underline the correct item. ‘The heavy streets/traffic made it very 6 difficult for everyone to drive. George almost fell out of the rickshaw/ gondola and into the water! 7 Harrods is one of the biggest department shops/stores in London. 8 The Inuit use dog sleds/animal skins to travel from place to place. 9 When Alice went to Italy, she heard some traditional/expensive Italian songs. Fill in the correct word. . DATE MARK: —_ 00 (Time: 50 minutes) Frank stayed at a beautiful, quiet/dirty hotel away from the city centre when he went to Paris. ‘We met a lot of cheap/friendly people when we were on holiday. Did you go on the sightseeing tour/transport of the town? When they are on holiday she likes going to nice restaurants, while he enjoys going to night people/clubs. * historic * convenient © boring © crowded * noisy My holiday Was .scssssessee 12 because ! didn’t do many things or visit many places. Staying at a hotel which was near the city CONETE WAS VELY secteseesssnssveee because we could walk to all the Interesting places. 13 . | 14 ‘The restaurant was very 1... There wasn't even one table free. The Tower of London is. ..s.scs00 building that dates from the 11th century. The bus was full of «...... students who were laughing and screaming loudly. 121 ‘© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 122 TEST 6 (modute 6) Grammar € Complete the table. Adjective Comparative Superlative old 15) . | 16) 17) 18) the most impressive 19) taller 20) 21) more traditional 22) safe 23) . |24) 25) 26)... 7 28 29 e.g. 33 Complete the sentences using the adjectives below in the right form. * relaxing ® many © exciting © busy fast © cold Peter is much . . | 30 [think the train is the . now that he has two jobs. and comfortable means of transport. My holiday was 31 You need to take Z because | did many things and visited many, clothes with you, because we'll be away for places. three weeks, Ligh eyatthet hefcriver'thet B2\ mit simmuch rteteven cearceearsnr 5 car in the neighbourhood. today than it was yesterday, so take your jacket with you. a (a ®} Complete the sentences using as... as, too, enough and the adjectives in brackets. My car is as fast as (fast) your car. 35° Is your car (big) for all five of us? New York is 36 The hotel where we stayed this year wasn’t (expensive) for me. I need to go somewhere cheaper. (modern) the one we stayed in last year. Jessica didn’t like the hotel because she 37 If the helicopter ride is . ‘thought it was .... (cheap), we'll book tickets. (dirty. © Express Fublishing PHOTOCOPIABLE a Everyday English F _ Use the sentences (a-e) to complete the dialogue. a Lucky you! b P'll pop by tomorrow. © Good to see you. It was fantastic! @ Did you take many photos? Amy: Hello, Sam. 38) How was your holiday in Hawaii? ... We had a great time. Amy: That's nice. Where did you stay? ‘Sam: At a luxurious, five-star hotel next to the beach, Amy: 40) .. Sam: It was warm and sunny every day, but it wasn’t too hot, ‘Amy: It sounds great! 41) . Sam: Yes. Do you want to see them? Amy: Sure! 42) .. . And then you can tell me all about your amazing holiday. Sam: Ok! See you later. . What was the weather like? Reading (sa 7] G Read the text below and mark the statements T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). [Canada Square: ee tarest oui one 1 Canada Square is the tallest building in London and the sixth tallest building in the European Union. Itis a modern steel and glass building that was built by a Canadian company. 1 Canada Square ay ls 235 metres high and has 50 floors, though there is no 13th floor because people think that this number brings bad luck! itis an office building and there are about 9,000 people that work there. It thas almost 4,000 windows! You can even see this building from Amersham, which is @ town about 45 Kilometres away. 1 Canada Square has a flashing red light at the top of the building for aeroplanes to see. The elevators take 40 seconds from the ground floor to the 50th floor. Below the building are two basements and nearby there are two large shopping certres and two tube stations. I you are afraid of taking the lt or ust fee! like exercising, you can take the stairs to go up. There are 4.388 steps from the bottom to the top! Good luck! 35 1. 1 Canada Square is one of the tallest buildings in the world. 43 1 Canada Square fs a traditional type of building. 44 ACanadian company has offices in the building, 45 The building has more than thirty floors. 46 There are six lifts in the building. 47 There is public transport near the building. (1s) a) (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 123 124 TEST 6 (modute 6) Writing H__ Describe a famous building in your town (50 - 70 words). isin. metres high and it has .. Itis . Inside the building there are is a very special building. If you ever go to .. , don't miss the opportunity to visit it! f Mores: _ ( Listening ( 0 | Listen and choose the correct answer. e.g. What is Betty wearing today? : A a 48 Where did the man go on holiday last summer? as sav Gt 50 How did the man travel? Ty Ree {© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE, Vocabulary A. Write the correct word/phrase under each picture. 10 1" * gold medal © knee pads ® bats (Time: 50 minutes) © racquet @ {tats 3 ea Use the words/phrases from Ex. A to complete the sentences. | didn’t play tennis yesterday because my brother was using my Get the ball and the ... let’s go play baseball! and Underline the correct item. Joanne didn’t enter the singing contest because she had a sore head/throat and couldn't sing well. Stephen isn’t playing tennis with us tomorrow. He has sprained/twisted his wrist. You need a strong rope and a good helmet for rock climbing/table tennis. 7 12 13 14 People who do motocross wear .......+ and a helmet to protect themselves. ‘My brother finished the race first and won a ‘There's no better syrup/drink than a hot cup of tea if you have a cough. What's the name of the athlete who broke the world chart/record in archery at the 2004 Olympics? ve pulled/broken 2 muscle in my leg and it really hurtst Ge \ oe ? ] (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 125 126 D_ Fill in the correct word, There are three words you do not need to use, © done © game © gone ® art © sessions * dangerous © played ® boring © bruised 15 James . Tugby for his school | 17 Speed skating is a .. sport and team when he was younger. you can easily get hurt. 16 Stewart has five training . every | 18 Have you ever week because the swimming competition is | 19 Karate is an ancient martial 5 . snorkelling with his judo? only @ month away. 20 Alex has friends. { nas | Grammar Ka E Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect. 21 Travis (win) three medals for | 24 .. (Pete/take) any medicine for swimming so far, his cough? nae . (you/ever meet) a famous | 25 | - (not/see) George this week. person? 26 Paul and Harry .. (join) the 23. Jenny . (not/know) Christina | . local sports club, for very long. . Moris: — Ver *] F Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect or the past simple, 27 sim. (have) an accident | 31 (Matthew/come) to last month. school on Monday? 28 The athlete .(not/recover) | 32 Susan and. (not/see) each from his injuries yet, other since we finished high school, 9. .-- (you/ever hear of) a frog | 33 Lisa «+ (burt) her knee during jumping contest? the race. 30° Mark . (not/play) cricket at | 34 Mary .. just/leave) for work. the weekend. ( serie: — cored G Fill in for, since, already or yet. 35 We've had our lunch. 38 Sarah has been out of town ... 36 Jake hasn't decided what to do ... .. a few days now. 37 Liam hasn’t played tennis .. he twisted his ankle. © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE AS ace H Use the sentences (a - d) to complete the dialogue, Everyday English Bill: Hi, Joe. How are you? Joe: | don't feel very well, a You should see a doctor Bil: 39)... b What's wrong? Joe: | have an awful cold. © | suppose you're right. Bill: 40) .. d_ Have you taken any vitamin C? Joe: — Yes, but I still feel terrible. Bill: Hmm. 41) Joe: 42) (7) Reading i | Read the text and match the headings (A- D) to the paragraphs (43 - 46). ‘A Equipment B_ Injuries C Who plays D How to play , Hrs PLAY BALL! ‘Tennis and American football are two very popular but very different sports. Everybody, young and old, can play tennis because it's not really dangerous and it's easy to leam. It's not a very good idea for very young children to play American football, though. Football players can easily get hurt. 44)... Another difference between the two sports is that tennis can be a very calm sport while American football is often a faster, more challenging, physical sport. This is why you need a lot of things to protect. your body, like knee, leg and shoulder pads, as well as a hard helmet. In tennis, all you need is a racquet and, if you are playing on a hot day, a hat. To play tennis you need two or, if you are playing doubles, four people. A player uses his or her racquet to hit a small ball over a net. If the ball goes outside the lines or hits the net, the player loses a point, In American football you have two teams of eleven players. The players throw the ball to each | other and try to make it to the other end of the field before players from the other team stop them. 46)... Both sports are interesting, but itis true that American football is more dangerous than tennis. You can get # head injury, break your leg or get a lot of bruises on your body, while 4’ you are playing football. In tennis you can sprain your wrist or twist your ankle. [ Marks: — (au) © Expr Pubishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 127 TEST 7 (module 7) Writing J Your English penfriend, Oliver, wants to take up a sport but he doesn’t know if he wants to do swimming or play baseball. Write an email (about 50-70 words) to help him decide which sport to choose. Read the article in Ex. | again and use the ideas below to help you. f Swimming Baseball | ‘good for the whole body ‘© team sport, meet other people ‘don’t need much equipment. © needa tot of equipment (swimsuit, goggtes) (bat, glove, helmet, special clothes) © dont get hurt easily © many injuries ‘© many training sessions © only play outside; no game if it rains Hi Oliver, You asked me to help you choose between swimming and baseball. Wel, | think they/te both very exciting! Swimming is a good idea because seonninenees ALSO, sn The only problem with swimming is that ... Baseball is good too. I's ‘W your team is good. you can travel to other cities and play against other teams. The problem with baseball, though is that Also, © Tome, both sports are enjoyable. Think about them and Good luck, Listening K Listen to four different people talking about sports and choose the correct answer (A, 8 or ©) for each question. 47 What sport does Tony want to try? 49 What did Sarah tose when she went rock A basketball B speed skating climbing? © cricket A her knee pad B her helmet 48 What made Lisa stop gymnastics for a tittle caheri sore white? 50. Which sport will Bobby try next? A. she had a lot of schootwork A judo —-B tennis C_kayaking B she broke her leg a © she pulled a muscle ( ae } ing PHOTOCOPIABLE. SUE Ree) —————— . DATE: » MARK: —— 100 (Time: 50 minutes) A Fill in the missing word/phrase. There is one answer you do not need to use. Vocabulary fashion parade © florist’s * art exhibition © bag © top designer © street map Please stop at the and buy 12 13 14 some cough syrup. Sandra thinks that jeans and T-shirts are fine as .. .. clothes for around the house but when she goes out she likes to wear something more elegant. The models who took part in . were really beautiful. Did you know that lan’s sister is a who makes clothes for Hollywood stars? You don't need a whole . sugar to make a cake! the Underline the correct item. Patty doesn’t like wearing jeans or trousers. She prefers scarves/skirts. Sam went to the post office/newsagent to post a letter. There's no more Coke left. last box/can. I have to wash my clothes/accessories for my trip. indy drank the 10 15 16 7 18 19 © furniture * bottle © muscles © chemist’s © casual Miranda is moving to a bigger house and needs more ... : | really loved the sculptures we saw at the ‘Mandy bought a beautiful plant at the to find his If Michael used a = way around the city, he wouldn’t get lost all the time. After football practice my feet sore. { Marts: \ \ 102 8) Helen has a sugar/sweet tooth and is always eating chocolate. This spaghetti tastes/melts funny. Can you please buy me a bag/jar of honey? Paul and Suzanne went to an antique/exotic island on thefr holiday. Did Tom lose/damage his car in the accident? { Marks: \ 9x2 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 129 130 oS ee) Grammar C Fill in the gaps with a, an, some or any. 20 A: What did you have for lunch? 23 A; Pass the ketchup please. B: | had ........ spaghetti. B: There isn’t sven left \: Woulk hi i fr he 21 A: Would you like anything from the | o4 4. tim really hungry! — B; Why don’t you have banana? B: Can you bring me apple please? oa haere 7 22: Would you lke .....-.. cup of coffee? B: Yes, please. ala: — | (Ga5} D_ Circle the correct item. 25 Someone/Anyone called but didn’t leave | 28 Is there something/everything wrong? his name. 29. Did anyone/everyone see where | left my 26 Go to the Kitchen and take everything/ keys? anything you want to eat. 30. Make sure you put everything/something in 27 The coach asked everyone/sameone not to its place and leave the kitchen tidy. be late. arts: —_ \ (az) E Fill in the gaps with many, much, a few or a little. 31. We don’t have .. time before the | 34 Sandra will be minutes late. game. 35. HOW... biscuits did you eat? 32 Can Fave ..seessuees Sugar in my tea, | 36 Would you lke ........., more milk in your please? coffee? 33. Why did you buy 50 ........--- Peppers? { mac: — (srs) Everyday English F Put the dialogue in order. e.g. Good moming. 37 Here you are. 38 What size do you need? 39 Is there anything | can do for you? 40. Medium, please. (ite 41 Can | exchange this skirt? It’s too small. (sa (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPLABLE Reading To [George cx: ("Helen ‘Subject. Hi George, How are you? | hope all is well with you. | moved to Montreal two weeks ago and | thought Id send you an email and tell you what it's like. I's a nice, quiet neighbourhood with many parks and green areas. | spend a lot of time at the cal near my house. They have delicious coffee and cakes. | go there in the mornings and have coffee and read the moming pape*. | live next t¢ a florist’s and there's @ bank opposite my house. The supermarket and the chemist's are nearby. so | don't have to walk far to do my shopping. There's also a cinema down the street. | went last night and saw the new Harry Potter film. One problem is that there aren't many restaurants in my new neighbourhood. There's only a fast food restaurant two blocks from my house. Also, the post office is quite far, The good news is that I've ‘met some of the neighbours and they are really riendly. They are taking me io a new restaurant that has opened in the city. That's all for now. Say hi to everyone and send me your news! Love, Helen f : | { i ria aR em lm a e.g. Who is Helen writing to? > George 42. When did Helen move to Montreal? 43. Where does she spend a lot of time? ca 44 What is across the street from her house? ..... 45° What did Helen do last night? 46 Where is the post office? (© Fxpress Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE an a Ly et: weeny G Read the email and answer the questions. 131 132 H You have just moved into a new neighbourhood. Write an email to your friend and describe your new neighbourhood (50-70 words). From: [aro ‘iets [ye signee ode: Hi John, How are you? We moved info our new house this week and | thought I'd write and describe my neighbourhood to you, } ttsa oe neighbourhood. There are many 4 . . and ae nearby. Also, there is... es Se vo opposite my house. On the right of my house thF@ IS... soe and on the left there 18 ea - son Hf you go down the street and turn left at the first road, you wil find .. The only problem is that there aren't many ereil is very far cc eer Tee Thave met my neighbours and they are Sere re | Say hi to everyone and write back soon. } i Carrie ee (orks: ‘7 \ i Listening | Listen to four dialogues. Where does each dialogue take place? a supermarket 47 b fast food restaurant 48 © sports shop ao. d shoe shop 50 marks: 4 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE. Vocabulary A eg. 1 1" 12 Circle the correct answer. . DATE: . MARK: —— (Time: 50 minutes) | | use a(webcam)/ monitor to see and talk to my friends on the Internet. Jeff is in his room playing website / video games. Take a picture with the electric / digit camera and then send it to us by email. Ineed to recycle / replace my old computer with a new one. Could you tell Elsie to put the milk in the cooker / fridge, please? This game is my favourite because it has really rich downloads / graphics. Match the pictures to the words, @ webcam printer 14° screen 13. keyboard 6 James spends most of his time downloading / saving music from the Internet. 7 Phillip tried to repair the fuse box and got an electric shock / static. 8 Werneed to make a copy, so let’s burn / write aco. 9 Ican hear my machine / mobile phone ringing. Could you pass it to me, please? 10 John is going to help me design / donate my own web page. { Marts: — \ 192 20 / 15 mouse (Marks: \ 5x1 5 ‘© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 133 134 Grammar © Complete the sentences with can, can’t (x2), could, couldn't, should, shouldn't, don't have to, must and mustn't. 2.8. . you understand these instructions? 17 You are driving too fast, | think you -.......-. slow down. 18 I osssssssses pick you up after school because am working late tonight. 19 We ss... go to bed early on Saturdays. ‘Mum lets us stay up a bit later. 20 The school rules say that we .. our phones in the classroom. cesceeceee YOU play tennis when you were younger? + USE 2 Your hands are dirty; you m should wash them. 22 Kate needs to go out and do more things. She ........--. Spend every weekend playing computer games and chatting online. We oo. always have a ticket when we travel on the bus. Jake .. . work on his computer yesterday because it wasn’t working. | cosssessvee $0 Out with right now. | am doing my homework! f Marks: (102 % D_ Read the text and fill in each gap with should or mustn’t. 20)... 29). When you go on the Internet there are some rules | | you 26) .. Algo, you 28)... . information when you're chatting online as you don’t really know that person. Also, . follow. First of all, you | | only chat with people you know, | | . give out personal you only visit safe sites that your parents say are OK to go on. Finally, you .. open strange emails. © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE = Mm TEST 9 (modules) E Complete the sentences using relatives. Use who, which, that, whose. €.g. Abee is an insect ® that makes honey. 31. Ashop assistant is someone ........... works | 34 A printer is something ... ina shop. documents. 32 A computer is something ........... can be | 35 Doctor Who is about a man ... very useful. through time. 33. This is Julie .......... sister isin my class. | 36 That's the girl ... teacher. prints . travels ... father is my Marks; —_ \ wa) Everyday English F Complete the dialogue with: * Come with me, please © Do you have something specific in rind © Lam looking for a new computer ® Is it expensive # it’s £500 Shop assistant: Good afternoon, sir. How may | help you? Danny: e.g. ® .am looking for a new computer. Shop assistant: 37) . Danny: Well, It definitely needs to have a CD writer. Shop assistant: What about this one? It has a CD writer and we will also give you a printer with it. Danny: 38) . 2 Shop assistant: You're in luck! It’s on sale! Danny: How much is it? Shop assistant: 39) .. Danny: PU take it, Shop assistant: 40) .. © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 135 Reading G Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B or C). Young people today, especially teenagers, are spending more and more of their Sime meeting new friends online and L t Ch t chatting with them for hours. But is this always a good thing? c S P i a Talking to someone you have never met online, with or without a webcam, can be exciting. You can spend hours and hours talking to people who may be on the other side of the world. They can tell you a lot of things about cultures and countries that are now to you. The | best thing is that you don't even have to leave your bedroom! You can leam alot about foreign places just by using your computer! On the other hand, chatting online with people you don't really know is not always safe. Anyone can. enter a chat room, so you can't really know if the person at the other end is being honest with you. Also, some people spend too much time chatting ‘online and they don't go outside and hang out with their friends. } Chatting online can be a nice experience if you are careful. Don’t share your personal information with people you don't know and don't forget to spend time withthe friends who are near you. i 41° Teens today 44> Another problem with chatting online is that ‘A meet their friends online, A your friends do not want to hang out with B use the Internet to make new friends. you. € spend too much time with their friends, B you forget your friends’ names. 42. What is exciting about chatting online? € you do not spend as much time with your A. You can learn about things you don't know. friends. B You can use a webcam to see different | 45 When you chat online, countries. A you should be careful about what your C You can travel to other countries and friends think. meet people. B_ you shouldn’t say too many things about 43° One problem with chatting online is that yourself. you don't have to spend time with your friends. ‘A. some people can lie to you, B_ people live far away. you may use a computer that is not safe. 136 © Express Publishing, PHOTOCOPIABLE ___ ME, Writing H_ Write a for-and-against article about the Internet and how useful it is for the school magazine. Use the ideas below to help you (60-80 words). THE INTERNET ___ Ca © helps you find information/help © websites not always safe/right for [ecco with schoolwork quickly & easily | young children * can play online games >relieve ® too much time in front of PC not stress Today, more and more people have the Iniemet at ‘One advant of the Internet is tha’ Another good point is that on He Inierne' However, the Intomet has some disadvantages. It can Aso, he Internet is fun and can help us with many things Listening | Listen and complete the items 1-5. Go 40 4t) on #7), and see 49) Bring 50) (Marks: \ Set © Express Publshing, PHOTOCOPIABLE 137 138 CLASS: Urea) Vocabulary ‘A Choose the correct word/phrase to fill in the gaps. 10 1 12 13 © chat show. ® reality show a The new . .. follows young people who live together in a new city, b Tom Cruise appeared on a...... . and talked about his life and his work. © interview ® contract a The actress gave a radio... talk about her new film. b The singer signed a(n) .. a big recording company. Fill in the missing phrase. 3 100 (Time: 50 minutes) , © vocals © lyrics a. His new song has some great ... about what the future will be like. The singer who did the back-up last night’s concert has an amazing voice. -at * solo © performance a U2 always put on a fantastic when they are in concert. b The piano ‘on her new rack album is a really nice surprise. Pee (3 D}) © natural habitats © clap our hands ® scared to death ® action-packed © rap music Jane only listens to classical music, so | don't think you should get her a CD of for her birthday. Environmental groups are trying to protect the of endangered species. .- films because | find | enjoy ... them exciting. Underline the correct item. Kate really hates listening to heavy rock/ metal music. The new film was a police/box office success. Marissa loves watching soap operas/dramas. The boys wish they could go to sea on a big experience/adventure. (© Express Publ Jing PHOTOCOPIABLE 14 15 ‘Melissa was after hearing the ghost story. Let's all .. » to welcome the next singer! If you want to lear how to play a musical tune/instrument, you should try the guitar. The actress was very happy that her new film was a must-see/big hit. (2) Grammar eg. 16 7 18 19 23 24 25 26 31 32 33 Rewrite the sentences in the passive, as in Steven Spielberg directed ET. > E.T. was directed by Steven Spielberg. They release new films every year. Robbie Williams composed a new song. The band recorded a new single. My mum does the shopping every Saturday. Fill in will or be going to and the verb in br ‘A; I'm really hungry. (make) you a sandwich. ; Hasn't Chris come yet? : | think he ... - (be) late today. Do you want to come to the cinema with us tonight? : H can’t. | the theatre. ~ (see) a play at : Heel really sick. : Go home and | teacher that you're not well. (tell) the Underline the correct verb form. ‘My car doesn’t work, so | am taking/will take the train to work tomorrow. I'm tired. | think | will have/am having a glass ‘of milk and then go to bed. Be careful! You are falling/are going to fall Bion the example. 20. They play Madonna’s songs on the radio a lot. 21. They pay actors a lot of money. 22 George Lucas didn’t direct Star Trek. ackets. 27 A; Steven Spielberg is directing a new film. B; Really? I’m sure people ... (love) it. What are your plans for the weekend? B: Ua +++ (notédo) anything special. ‘Would you like something to drink? Br I... ... (have) some orange juice, please. 28 29 30 A; It’s really cold today, isn’t it? B: Yes. It... - (snow). {marks _\ (2-3) 34 John can’t come by this afternoon. He will visit/is visiting his grandparents. Metallica is performing/will perform live tonight. Let's get tickets! Sue loves pop music, so | believe she ts 35 36 if you don't come down from that tree. loving/will love the CD you've made for her. \ Mors: (et (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 139 CTT) Everyday English G Choose the correct response. a No, | prefer comedies. b I'm not sure. ¢ I'll be there. d_ Sounds good to me. I think she’s great! 37 We're meeting at 8 pm outside the cinema. 38 Do you like action films? 39 What are you doing tonight? 40 Do you like Angetina Jotie? 41 There’s a comedy on at the Odeon tonight. {marks \ Reading \ Se H Read the text and mark the statements T (true) or F (false). « iti Daisy, How are you? | hope you're OK. I've just come back from a Britney Spears concert and it was great! Britney Spears is my favourite singer. She’s from Louisiana, USA, and she's a fantastic performer and a brilliant dancer. | also think that Britney Spears is a good actress. She starred in the film Crossroads in 2002 and she was great in it. She sings pop songs and her music is very good. | really like Britney’s music because it always makes me want to dance and it also makes me feel very happy! | have all eight of her albums and | love ‘every one of them! My favourite Britney Spears album is The Greatest Hits: My Prerogative, | like it because it has all her best songs‘on it. Have you heard it? ‘Anyway, | have to go now. Write back soon. Love, Lisa €.g Lisa really enjoyed the live performance. »T 42. Britney Spears is American. 43. Britney Spears directed Crossroads. 44 Britney has made seven albums so far. 45 Britney’s music brings positive feelings to Lisa. 46 All the songs in My Prerogotive are new. 140 ‘© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPLABLE Writing Write an email to your friend and describe your favourite band, Use the email in Ex. H and the ideas below to help you (50-70 words). i { i @ HiBen, ‘ve just come from a concert where | saw .... so a w perform live. 9 : ig my favourite band, The band members are from .... 3 . vue and the lead singer's name is i | Their music is .. { Vike because A et because the songs on this album I think one of their bast albums is .. Have you heard it? Anyway, ‘ i Love, ! “ — odes aie RE - _d ; { wari: — Listening \ | J. Listen and match the people to the type of TV programme they prefer. O [> D] Speaker 1 sports au pees er cartoons 48 Speaker 3 the news a Speaker 4 music shows documentaries \ 50 Speaker 5 arts: — az) © Exyress Publishing PHOTOCOPTABLE 141 142 COCR Choose the correct item. 1 Why don’t you ...... these photos and saye them in your computer? A scan B print design These trousers are ...... expensive. ‘A enough B much © too This summer we ...... to Spain. We've already booked our tickets. ‘A. going to travel B are travelling € will to travel Our teacher gave a present to ..... student in our class. A every B everyone C any This book isn’t as ...... the one | read last month. A better than B goodthan € good as Mary was making a salad while Jake and Sue seew the table. A are setting C were setting B was setting ... a red sports car? A Joe drives € Do Joe drives B Does Joe drive Helen ...... us often before she moved to the country. A was visiting B would visited used to visit (© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 10 " 12 13 14 15 16 7 People who like exciting activities find goit VEY see» A boring B training casual ‘The Human Torch is a superhero who can ...... into flames. A appear B burst © make Tracy is the girl ..... sister won the singing contest. A who B which © whose Josh doesn’t walk to school, A he does B doeshe — € doesn’t he The Smiths ...... to ten different countries so far. A are travelling B travelled have travelled This dress ...... by a famous designer. A wasmade B made C was make The voleano ...... and caused a lot of damage to the village. ‘A exploded B erupted © broke Can you bring me a ...... of cornflakes from the supermarket? A bag B jar © box Last night | had a dream about ghosts. A Oh, really? B_ What's wrong? © What did you do? 18 19 20 a 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Students ...... leave the school without telling a teacher first. A should B cannot must not Steve isa bit ....... so he needs to lose a few kilos. A plump B clumsy stim Patrick is ....... than James, ‘A much tall B very tall © much taller Can you put ....... milk in my tea, please? A afew 8B alittle C alot My parents ....... at weekends. A aren't working B don’t work © doesn’t work Harry won a........ in last week's race, A gold medal B first prize © world record If you don’t tell her the truth, she ....... Very angry. A would be 8 should be C will be Be carefull You ... A are falling C will fall . into that hole! B are going to fall George hates heavy metal music. He .. listens to it. A always B often € never ‘The transport in our neighbourhood is very . There are buses and trains that take you everywhere. A crowded B convenient C historic A nice cup of tea always makes me feel B more scared © luckier 29 30 M 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Clark Kent isn’t a(n) ....... person. He is atso Superman. A. special B everyday C ordinary Jonathan finished daing his homework? A Have B Has C Did Today, there are fewer than 2,000 giant pandas in the ... B place A nature © wild Sam and Peter ....... about the party. A. doesn’t know B don’t know © aren't know Who wrote the ....... for this song? A vocals B tunes —C lyrics Alex ....... read comics when he was a child, but he does now. A didn’t used to didn't use to C used to not Lisa is ....... girl in our class. A the tallest B most tall C taller We ....... get up early tomorrow, because it’s Saturday. A mustn't B don’t have to © shouldn't What ....... right now? A you are doing B are you doing © you doing Would you like ....... cake? A some B any © an | didn’t see John last night because | when he came home. A slept © sleeping B was sleeping 143 © Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE Sena 40 144 41 42 43 44 45 47 49 51 Sue’s brother? ‘A Have you meet € Have you met B Did you met This film ....... on a best-selling book. A is based B is basing C be based | uu YOU a text message yesterday. Did you get it? A read B made sent if I ived near the beach, | swimming every day. A went B would go € will go Cats have very ....... claws. A thick B hooked — € sharp If you want to ....... a song from the Internet, you should buy it first. A download BB _maintain C bum .. the book you lost yet? A Were you finding B You found © Have you found Angela ....... to work yesterday. A didn’t drive € didn’t drove Their house is .. B wasn’t driving + for six people. A big enough B enough big C asbig The children ....... to have dinner now. A aren't wanting Bdon’t want © mustn't want David has gonetto the ....... tobuya magazine. A florist’s B chemist’s C newsagent’s Suzie ....... the plates as she was carrying them to the table. ‘A dropped B was dropping C has dropped © Express Publishing, PHOTOCOPIABLE 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 61 62 63 Jack wants to learn how to play a musical A hit B instrument € show Larry was late for work because there was woos traffic in the streets, A noisy B heavy polluted Chris .....0. his bike to school. A always doesn’t ride B doesn’t ride always © doesn’t always ride Would you like to come to the shops with us? A Not to worry. B I'matraid | can't. © See you then. Lest kayaking two weeks ago. A hastried —-B willtry tried ‘The artist made a beautiful . from ice. A candle B sculpture © costume Jane's house is....... . She needs a bigger one. A very small B_ much smaller © much small Julie didn’t buy ....... from the clothes shop. A anything B nothing © everything Jobn is a person ....... never lies to people. A which B whose € who Sarah .....e« gymnastics when she was in high school. A played B did C went .- Paul come by yesterday? A Has B Was C pid It’s really cold today. |....... wear my gloves and a scarf. A will B won't —C would 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 2 in Manchester. B tive € living James and Lilly . A lives Some people believe that the atmosphere sessse More polluted in the future, A is becoming B will become € is to become Let's go to the park and ....... our kite! A fy B throw —C drop Janet loves wearing rings, earrings, necklaces and other A clothes B fumiture € accessories Why seve last night? ‘A was she crying —_B_ she was crying © was she cried There were ss... of people at the theatre yesterday. A much B many © alot ‘When they went to Alaska, they rode in a dog A sled B skin © tour My grandmother never misses her favourite s0ap «2... on TY. A show B opera € drama The children were having a lesson when the Fire }eereetato A was starting has started B started 3 74 75 76 7 78 79 _ +z Shawn plays football, baseball and tennis, He's very B clogant A sporty ¢ curly Helen ....... a muscle in yesterday's game. A pulled B twisted € broke I YOU .....4 this Book, I'll buy it for you, A are liking —-B willlike C-like Carmen is ....... young to go on holiday without her parents. A much B too © enough sess, cheese do you want on your spaghetti? ‘A How much B How little © How many ‘Mr Jones can't see you right now because he vessees on the phone, A talks, B will talk C is talking When the first Harry Potter film came out, it......- all box office records. A broke B made —€ climbed Mary left early yesterday, A did she leave B didn’t she © didn’t Mary 145 © Express Publ ing PHOTOCOPIABLE 146 Key to Resource Activities STARTER UNIT 11 sofa 2. pillows 3. armchairs 4 table xO es o> a = eo oz p2ma>mmlsiam e GBR BET ola mm x lo zo-40me fF cl-|/- > o}>| -|z|z)< o@mm aac as} >@e ae eae zEzm (A) > lz| = I>} — jo] > >| > > 325 twenty five Us thirty four 49 forty nine 7 seventy three 98 ninety eight 4156 one hundred and fifty sie 384. three hundred and eighty four 1587 one thousand five hundred and eighty seven 3711. three thousand seven hundred and eleven 2,000,000 two million 4 1 on 5 on 2 next to 6 above 3 next to 7 behind 4 between 8 behind 5 1 have got 5 Have 2 are 6 is 3 hasn't 7 haven't 4 bre 8 is 6 2 How oldis he? 3. Where is he from? 4. When ishis birthday? 5 What are his parents’ names? 6 Has he got any brothers or sisters? 7 What is his sister's name? B_ Whois his favourite singer? 7 10 That is baby. Those are babies. This isa scarf. These are scarves. This isa pencil sharpener. These are pencil sharpeners, 5 That is a boy Those are boys. 18 SiC Nizic) a5I(c 2¢ wc wo BC 3¢ 1B 198 FC 48 26 OB BC 58 BC 0c 8B 68 48 2 C308 mG 58 BB 8B 168 4B 1 Inamerica 4 The kitchen 2 Yellow 5 Two 3 Inthe living room 6 Bart and Lisa ‘Suggested Answer ‘My best friend's name is John. He is from Aberdeen, He is thirteen years old and his birthday is on 6 January. His telephone number is 071129233. PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES (Student's own answers) PORTFOLIO ACTIVITIES Suggested Answer My father’s name is Jeff. He ts fifty years old, He's ‘got brown eyes and black hair. ‘My mother’s name is Janet. She is forty eight years ‘ld. She's got blue eyes and brown hai. have got two sisters, Susan and Lily. Lily is five years old. She's got blue eyes and blonde hair. Susan is eighteen, She's tall and she’s got brown eyes and black hai GAME (Student's own onswers) MODULE 1 takes the rubbish out does the washing-up ties his room does the washing waters the plants. oes the ironing eVaune Key to Resource Activities 1 tong 3 tall 5 stim 2 od 4 silly 1d se Sh Ta at 48 6c Bb 1. walk te school —5._hang out with friends 2 set the table 6 solve the mystery 3. surf the Net 7 water the plants 4 iron myclothes 8 mop the floor 3. Does your dad get up early in the morning? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t, 4 Does your brother meet friends on Sundays? ‘Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. 5 Does your mum like to go jogging? ‘Yes, she does. / No, she doesn’t. 6 Do you help your mother with the housework? ‘Yes, | do. / No, | don’t. 7 Does your grandfather watch football on TV? Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. Does your grandmother waitch soap operas? Yes, she does, / No, she doesn't. Ross is never late for school. Ross sometimes takes a nap after lunch. ouae Ross always watches his favourite TV programme. Ross doesn’t often surf the Net. Ross doesn’t usually go to bed late. ex Suggested Answers do my homework. play basketball. ‘hang out with my friends. go swimming. take a nap in the afternoon. Ross often does his homework in the afternoon. 10 "1 ana ac.) ms) (cy S22 (c 28 9c 6B 2B 3C wc 7B mC 4c "1c 18 COB A 5B 2B 19C BA 6 3B 2B 27 7c 4B 2B BA 17 2F 37 4F SF 6T Dear, Susie, I'm, My, Megan, I, Ireland, 1,1, |, I'm, Hm, tm, |, im, 1, My, 1, tn, |, In, 1,1, Mum, 1, |, In, |, 1, Please, Try, Bye, Lots, Megan. Suggested Answer I'm 16 with blonde hair. I'm friendly and my friends say that | am good at sports. | think that I'm quite tall for my age. My favourite sport js also basketball. Inthe morning, | wake up and have breakfast. Then I 9 to school. In the afternoon, | play basketball with my best friends, Jack and Steve, In the evening, | usualy play video games and watch TV. PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES STUDENT A. Suggested Questions What time does Ross have breakfast? ‘What time does Ross leave for work? What time does Ross start work? What time does Ross have a lunch break? ‘What time does Ross finish work? Suggested Answers She has breakfast at twenty to eight. She leaves for work at twenty past eight. She starts work at half past nine. She has a lunch break at two o'clock. She finishes work at half past five, ‘STUDENT B Suggested Questions What time does Samantha have breakfast? ‘What time does Samantha leave for work? What time does Samantha start work? What time does Samantha have a lunch break? What time does Samantha finish work? 147 148 Key to Resource Act Suggested Answers He gets up at twenty past seven. He has breakfast at twenty to eight. He leaves for work at quarter past eight. He starts work at nine o’clock. He has a lunch break at half past one, He finishes work at five o'clock. PORTFOLIO ACTIVITIES Suggested Answer My name is John Hawke. I'm 16 years old. I"m not very tall but I'm quite well-built, I've got dark black hair. I'm very sociable and | like to spend lots of time with my friends. I’m good at Maths and History at school, I'm also in the rugby team. | like playing sports and being outside. | don't like to be inside all day, | get bored quite easily and | don’t enjoy watching TV or playing video games. GAME (Student's own answers) 1 makes 9 16 have ie '@ is 3 19 irons = : re) 11 dusts cu 21 tidies tty 8 om 2 taesout 4 sim 72 Sa 7 does 15 8 plump MODULE 2 14 savory 4 oamge 7 pent 2 banana 5 apple B grapes 3 pineapple 6 cherries 9 pear 1 hot 3. freezing 2 rainy 4 cloudy 5. snowy 4 red, green, blue, yellow, grey, brown, purple, orange cold colours ~ green, grey, brown, purple ‘warm colours ~ red, yellow, orange, blue pA NCE@OPIN OS ChawH BGHQTS OW EPC DEGTGWYORE L]vVoyYPLAYI FEA cE)RGSYRER(WXKR iB) F o@ Lim eli N cdc Rik GLTs 1 us| z 4 lal A) U |} J X EO K|i/ Z H IRI Thi Vv kK S 1 ON GIT} A DV ee Qgeausiijstfi IN] N@_H RO WL G) Kk IN| Omasesoarogivea ‘Suggested Answers 41 'm hoping for more sun sol can goto the beach. 2 He's carving a pumpkin now. 3 Joe's celebrating his University graduation in September. 4 V'm throwing a surprise birthday party for my friend on Saturday. 5. The team is climbing Mount Everest right now. & We are visting my grandparents tomorrow. 1 are watching 5 isn't watching 2 aredancing 6 {enjoying 3 arewearing 7 is celebrating 4 are taking = 8 having 1 amwriting 6 amhaving 2 amsitting 7 are coming 3 drinking 8 fs cooking 4 areriding = 9 isn’t raining 5 are playing 10. fs calling 2. Jenny isn’t going to the cinema later. She's having a party and her friends are coming to her house. 3. Her mum ‘isn’t making a cake. She's cooking dinner. 4 Her mum doesn’t need help with lunch. She needs some help with dinner. 10 " 18 aC 1A 2A 28 98 6c 2A 3B oC 017 A 24 B ac 10 BA 25 A SING 2A 98 6A 138 8620 € KG 4A 28 1 Her 16! birthday. 2. Ashort red dress and red shoes. 3 Her mother fs baking a cake and her father is blowing up balloons, 4 Her grandparents, her aunt, her uncle, all her ‘cousins and sore of her friends. 5. Inthe garden, 6 She's not feeting well. 7 Pizza, burgers, cake and juice. 4. Dear 6 wear a costume 2 Woware you? = 7 mask 3. party 8 cooking 4 celebrate 9 Bo'clock 5 invite 10 34 Gridge Street Dear kate, How are you? I'm having a party to celebrate my birthday next week, I'm emailing you to invite you. Make sure to wear something nice as we're going dancing after. Be ready to dance a lot because | heard the DJ is really good. The party starts at 8 0" clock and my address is 7 Lucky Street. I really hhope you can come. Love, Julia PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES STUDENT A ‘Suggested Questions ‘What's the celebration for? Where is tt? ‘When is the celebration? ‘What time will it start? What activities and events will take place? ‘What food will there be? What will bring? Suggested Answers It’sa birthday celebration, It's at 26 Citrus Street, I'l take place on 24" March. Key to Resource Acti Ww start at 7 pm. Italian, pasta and tiramisu. Yourself and a friend. STUDENT B Suggested Questions What type of party is it? Where is it? ‘When will it take place? What time will it start? ‘What food will there be? What will | bring? Suggested Answers Tocelebrate the beginning of summer. Isat 9 Snell Street. ’s on 2° June, Ie start at 7:30, ‘Swimming and fun by the pool and dance lessons. Burgers, hot dogs and ice-cream. Abathing suit. PORTFOLIO ACTIVITIES Suggested Answer Today we're celebrating St Patrick’s Day. It’s the ‘most popular celebration in Ireland. It takes place on the 17! March to celebrate St Patrick chasing the snakes into the Irish Sea. We eat traditional Irish dishes such as bacon and cabbage. in the afternoon, we watch the parade with friends and family, The shamrock fs worn by everyone celebrating this day. GAME 1 watermeton 13. she's swimming 2a 14 they're dancing 3 he’s crying 15. is watching 4 is going 16 b 5 it’s raining 17 are making 6 We are flying 18 masks and costumes akite 49° Mum is baking a cake 7. pineapple 20 is playing ab 21 cherries ob 2b 10 a 23 are eating 11 Ann's sleeping 24's reading a book 12 human tower 25 I'm drinking juice 149 Key to Resource Activities Po oe ON 6 G9 Oe MODULE 3 8 1 Queen Nefertiti was the Great Royal wife of the 1 1 appeared 6 grows up Pharaoh Akhenaten. 2 TVseries 7 ordinary 2. She had six daughters, but she didn't have any 3 creators 8 strength sons. 4 attacks % changes into 3. Her third daughter, Ankhesenpaaten, married 5 right 10 goes back Tutankhamun. 4 Queen Nefertiti perhaps ruled as pharaoh after 21 award 7 ordinary rernineni sea a clecs ey rorrietes 5 Many people didn't like her. 3 scholarship 9 tombs 6 The queen died more than 3,300 years ago when 4 sword 10° knights se ey 5 temple 14 planet 6 bom 12 magician PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES, 31 bad 8 was oe 2 gotup 9 liked See oy 3 went 10. got Where did Sarah use to live? 4 didn’t buy 11 didn’t tke What did Sarah use to play? 5 met 12 surfed How did Sarah use to get to school? 6 ate 13. didn’t go What did Sarah use to do on Sundays? 7 decided 14 was How did Sarah use to spend her summer holidays? What did Saran use to do at weekends? 4. 2 Sara didn’t use to have red halt. ee eee 3. Sara didn’t use to wear contact lenses. 4. Sara used to wear a school uniform. He used ito tive sm Oe COU ses 5. Sara didn’t use to eat junk food. He used to play football. 6 Sara didn’t use to walk to school. He deed en ce es wees 00 cooly 7 Sara didn’t use to play basketball. He used to go fishing with hfs father (on Sundays). 8 Sara used to go to the gym. He used to help his father in his shop (on weekdays). He used to visit his grandparents (during his summer 5. Suggested Answers holidays). 2 A Did you use to have breakfast? B Yes, I did./No, I didn't STUDENTS) 3A Did you use to help your mother with the Suggested Questions housework? Where did Ross use to tive? B No, 1 didn't. /Yes, | did. ‘What did Ross use to play? 4. A Did you use to send emails? How did Ross use to get to school? B Yes, I did. /No, I didn't What did Ross use to do on Sundays? 5A Did you use to play in the playground? ‘What did Ross use to do on weekdays? B Yes, I did./No, | didn't ‘Wha did Ross use to visit during his Summer holidays? 6 A Did you use to watch cartoons? 8 Wo, iene Yen te EE Ly She used to live in a fat. 61c¢ 78 A A She used to play with dolls ze ac 48 ow She used to walk to school. 38 98 5B 28 She used to go the park with her mother (on 48 mC BA BC Sundays). 5c wa 7 ‘She used to go on holiday with her family. 6c 2A 18 B She used to help her mother with the housework (at weekends). 150 PORTFOLIO ACTIVITIES Suggested Answer ‘Ny father was born on 2 January, 1968 in Liverpool. He left school when he was 18 and then he studied Physics at university. He first worked as a scientist. ‘My mother was born on 9 April, 1969 in Manchester ‘She left school when she was 18 and then she moved to London. She first worked as @ secretary, MODULE 4 Positive Emotions Negative Emotions calm ‘embarrassed thrilled shocked happy seared peaceful frustrated relaxed sad excited bored 1 butterfly 3. black cat 5 white rabbit 2 snake 4 goldfish 6 crocodile arbsc4dite6fta wt Wp rk &€ Tm B w — D |e] y R X jn A 4 |) c @-ALDW 3) IT] N Ali voz ito. EA it W x QE ® fa} In} ov w_i_w_G 1 P NA RM D Al oR ju iN wan PK i u N TE A TC fT A)S 1 started 4 went out 7 realised 2 screamed out 5 locked 3 cried 6 appeared 1d ze 5a Te af 42 6b 1 made 5. was reading 2. appeared 6 stayed 3. was watching, 7 was doing, heard was cleaning 8 watched 4 were eating, rang 9 was sleeping, was studying 10 12 Key to Resource Activities was making was eating ware playing was studying 5 was talking 6 were doing 7 was surting Rune What did you do yesterday? Was he playing football with his fiends? Did Liz go shopping with her mum? Was John sleeping at 9:00 last night? Did they go to school yesterday? ween Bob was doing his homework yesterday at 3 o'clock. was reading a book yesterday evening at 9.o'clock. 3 The boys were playing video games when the phone rang 4. Kate was baking a cake yesterday moming at 8 o'clock. 5. The children were watching TV when their parents came home, ec TCunI3 aC 19 B ag BA 4 ¢ 204 38 98 15 6B 216 4c 1c 16 C 2A SA WA 7A 23 ¢ 68 128 8618 B 17 3F BG) uae 27 ar 6T 8 F 1623 395 41 52 64 Last night, at around 10 0° clock, Jerry was watching a scary film. Suddenly, all the lights went out so he lit some candles. A ghost appeared and he screamed ‘out loud. Then the lights came on and the ghost disappeared. Jerry felt very retieved when his parents came home. PAIRWORK ACTIVITIES STUDENT A Suggested Questions Where does 1 tive? What does it eat? What colour is it? What size is it? What does it look like? Is it dangerous? 151

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