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Open House

Miss.Mathews Kindergarten

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School

Im so excited to start the year with each and
every student! My room number is 212 right
down the hall from the nurse's office. And we
have our own personal bathrooms / water
fountains in my classroom.

-Be able to sit quietly for 30-45 minutes
-Proper line behavior
-Be able to know left and right side of bodies
-Properly print first name
-Tying your own shoes
-Know numbers 1-20 by sight

-Keeps hands,feet, and other to yourself.
-Be honest at all times.
-NO bullying 0 tolerance.
-Be respectful
-Keep quiet when told to do so
-Follow directions

1. Entering the Classroom -Enter quickly and quietly, put your backpack in
your cubby then find your desk.
2. Keeping your desk orderly - Keep your desk clear at all times, except for
the work youre doing. Never keep food or snacks inside your desk. At the
end of every week we will clean our desk tops with shaving cream.
3. Being absent- The next day after the morning bell, look in your classroom
folder and grab the worksheets from the previous day. You have one day to
complete these to turn in.
4. Going to the Restroom- Quietly raise your hand and politely ask for the
pass, go straight to the bathroom and come right back.
5. When a school wide announcement is made- Be completely quiet and

6. Sharpening your pencil - Raise your hand and ask, quickly and quietly get up
without distracting others and return to your seat after.
7. Asking a question- Raise your hand and wait patiently to be called on.
8. Tardy- Go straight to the office if youre tardy for school to get your pass and
then head to the classroom, knock and enter quietly.
9. Going to the Office- If you are feeling sick, or being sent to the office walk
respectfully to the office without being a distraction to other classrooms.
10. Turning in assignments - I have two trays you may use, On time tray, and
the Late Date tray. If youre late turning in work attach one of the pink slips and
completely fill it out. I empty our assignment tray everyday so I will know if you
try to be dishonest turning in worksheets.

Supply List
-Crayons, markers, colored pencils
-#2 pencils,erasers
-child safety scissors
-Nap mat, and blanket
-Tissues, germ-x , and hand soap

Medical Issues
-If you have any kind of medical issues let me
Also please provide the classroom first aid kit
with an extra inhaler, and/or epipen.

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