Rivalry and Conflict Powerpoint - Chapter 8

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new france
Struggles for power
The French fought
the Iroquois and
also British
American colonies
Why were they
fighting with
these groups?

Because one group infringed on the territories
of the other.
Native bands sided with different European
groups Why do you think they sided
with different groups?

Wars that took place in North
America were generally the result
of larger worldly conflicts between
the French and English

King williams war

Began in 1689 and ended in
Fought to block Louis XIVs
ambitions to expand
overseas territory.
Frontenac lead the French
forces in North America
He was accompanied by
Native allies and attack the
British 13 colonies

In the same war

William Phips, from New England captured
Pierre le Moyne, dIberville, a French man
attacked New England. He captured St. Johns
Newfoundland, and disrupted the HBC by
attacking forts and ships

The end of the war

Signing of the Treaty of Ryswick
This returned all captured territories to their
original owners.

Queen Annes war

Began in 1704 and ended in 1713
The English captured Acadia, AGAIN.
Ended with the signing of the Treaty
of Utrecht
Gave Britain territory in Canada,
India, and Gibraltar
This treaty did not end fighting in
New France: Unclear boundaries and
unhappy Native populations.

Built by the French as a Super Fortress to
protect the St. Lawrence river
Why would the French want to protect the
St. Lawrence river?
Everyone prepared for another war

The seven years war

Rooted in North America different than
other wars
Both France and England were sending troops
into the Ohio valley war was inevitable

The British were defeated by the French in the

Ohio valley
The British realized war was coming and sent
in more troops.
The government ordered the Acadians to be
removed from their homes

Acadians had refused to swear
loyalty to Britain even though
their territory became British
territory in 1713.
Acadians were removed from
their homes and New
Englanders moved into their
abandoned farms.
Some Acadians went south
and some returned after a
long exile

Britain makes the
capture of Canada
a top priority
The British
capture Louisburg
under James
Wolfe the
doorway to the St.

What was wrong with

new france?
Poor chain of command
General Montcalm didnt get along with
Governor Vaudreuil they cancelled each
others orders
The French had some victories, but with
people fighting the farming stopped and
supplies ran short.

British troops sailed down the St. Lawrence and the
French tried to hold them off.
Wolfe issued an order that any farms missing men
would be burned This weakened the French forces
Wolfe found a cove and his soldiers scaled the cliffs
of Quebec
Montcalm saw 4500 of Wolfes soldiers at the Plains
of Abraham
The British held fire until the French were only 40m

One commentator said:

With one deafening crash, the
most perfect volley ever fired on
battlefield burst forth as if fired
from a single , monstrous weapon,
from end to end of the British

The fall of new france

The French fell by the 100s
The British fired and reloaded again and again
The French retreated to Quebec
Wolfe died, Montcalm was mortally wounded
and died soon after.
The French were defeated and Quebec
The Treaty of Paris was signed and New
France became a British possession

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