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Plate 1: Simple Curves

Problem 1:
The angle of intersection between two
tangents was found to be I = 824, the
location of the point of intersection is at
station 8 + 105, and terrain conditions
require a minimum radius permitted by the
specification of 763.944-m. In order to lay-out
this curve the following requirements must be
A. The deflection angle on each stations.
B. The chord distance from PC to the stations.
C. Complete the curve data.

Problem 2:
A simple curve has tangents AB and BC
intersecting at a common point B. The
tangent AB has an azimuth of 19418
and the tangent BC has a bearing of
N5330E, the radius of the curve is
97.6-m. Find the following:
A. Degree of Curve base on arc
B. External Distance.
C. The station of Pt. C if Pt. B is located
at 8+112.8

Problem 3:
The offset distance (shortest
distance) of the simple curve from
the PT to the tangent line passing
thru PC is equal to 120.20-m. The
stationing of PC is at 2 + 540.26. The
simple curve has an angle of
intersection of 50.
A. Complete the curve data.

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