Report On Online Abuse of Women and Current Practice in Nepal by Shreedeep Rayamajhi

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Report on Online abuse of women and

current practice in Nepal

Online abuse or exploitation of Women or Violence against of Women is a condition
where a woman is being threat in any way to think beyond her comfort zone. The
unwanted situation can be described as a threat or unintentional comment or slang
or any sort of behavior that triggers her to the uncomfortable zone both mentally or
physically. The action is completely subjected to the intention of the provoker where
the persistence of the action signifies the intentional action to be online abuse or

Current types of online abuse or exploitation:

1. Email threats
2. Use of sexual slangs and words
3. Sharing pornographic images and videos
4. Sharing Unwanted links
5. Tagging people in social media Sites
6. Use of photos of woman without their consent
7. Sending irreverent Message in social media
8. Editing and compiling pictures
9. Promoting and circulating nudity
10. Adult jokes and picture
12. Blackmailing
1. Awareness programs about online privacy and vulnerability
2. Privacy in optimization of social media tool
3. Clear core values of internet
4. Standardization in policy
5. Effective CISRT mechanism
6. Understating the importance of social media
7. Importance of setting device
8. Training for teachers
Nepals Situation:
Nepal has been dealing with this cybercrime specially related to social media and
fraud under the Electronic Transaction Act 2006. There is no specific law or section
that defines the nature of online abuse or exploitation of Women or Violence against
of Women.
There has been a definite rise in cybercrime cases in Nepal in absence of proper
policies and mechanism. There has been a rise in the report of such crimes, and
police statistics show that they had increased by as much as 105 per cent in the last
fiscal year, 2014-15. Figures show that a total of 39 cyber-crime related cases were

reported to the police last year while such crimes numbered 19 before that year.
Moreover, these cases are on the rise in the recent year with as many as 35 such
cases reported to the police after mid-July in the beginning of this current fiscal
year. The major cybercrimes that take place are, among others, E-mail theft, data
hacks, online fraud and impersonating profiles.

Current Law Practice in Nepal

The Electronic Transactions Act, 2063 (2008)
Article 47
Publication of illegal materials in electronic form: (1) If any person publishes
or displays any material in the electronic media including computer, internet which
are prohibited to publish or display by the prevailing law or which may be contrary
to the public morality or decent behavior or any types of materials which may
spread hate or jealousy against anyone or which may jeopardize the harmonious
relations subsisting among the peoples of various castes, tribes and communities
shall be liable to the punishment with the fine not exceeding One Hundred
Thousand Rupees or with the imprisonment not exceeding five years or with both.
(2) If any person commit an offence referred to in Sub-section (1) time to time
he/she shall be liable to the punishment for each time with one and one half percent
of the punishment of the previous punishment.
Future Plans
In terms of cyber policy and proper mechanism to monitor the cybercrime, the
Nepal Government recently has shown commitment towards establishing a National
Cyber Security Strategy to deal with such threats and attacks. The government is
committed to make cyberspace safe in Nepal and bring Child Online Protection
(COP) and also a new law for cyber security.

Sample case of online women abuses

1. Youth arrested for sharing sex video
2.A man arrested for hacking and blacking woman sharing obscene picture
3. Report on online sexual exploitation of 2014
About the researchers
I am a writer, activist, and blogger. I believe in standardization & in the version of

Internet for all. I am also a Diplo foundation Graduate of the Internet Governance
Capacity Building Programme 2009(IGCBP09) with security as my major &
have published a research paper on cyber warfare & terrorism.
I have been regularly following and writing blogs and articles of Internet
Governance Issues. Since last 10 years, I have been directly involved with various
aspect of standardization issues and have been attending the IGF regularly. I have
written and raised various articles and issues related to Human Rights, FOE, Privacy,

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