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Volunteer Hours

Questions must be answered using complete sentences. The report should be done in
essay format, typed using 12-point font and double-spaced. Remember to watch for
grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Please attach the volunteer verification form
to the reflection questions. Remember volunteer hours can only include those from the
summer prior to this school year to the present.
What did you think your experience would be like before you began? Were you right?
Why or why not?
Explain what you gained from the experience. Do you know more about kids or yourself
because of the volunteer experience?
Would the experience have been different if you were paid? Do you think you would
have worked harder or not? Why or why not?
Did the age of the kids affect your enjoyment of the experience? Explain.
Do you now understand more about children in general? Explain.
What things that the kids did or said surprised you?

Briefly describe the nature of the volunteer work done:

Amount of volunteer time committed: _______________

Dates of volunteer time: ________________

Students signature

Volunteer supervisors signature

Parents signature

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