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D. Phillips
Gateway to University Honors
Section 010 | Sep 19, 2015

Values Reflection
In what specific instances have my values played a role in my decision making? I would argue
that every persons values are constantly influencing every decision which they make. We may
or may not realize at the time, but unconsciously, every choice we make it fundamentally based
on the values which we hold. Even something minor, like whether or not to hold a door for
someone, is rooted in our values. We either value curtesy, and so hold the door, or we value
efficiency for ourselves, and so we simply continue, unhindered, on our way.

Our values show up in every situation. Even as I write this paper, my values are at play; do I
prefer to argue and reason, or do I prefer to recollect past experiences? So far, I have primarily
argued about the prompt. I was writing with the mindset of I dont want to share my past
experiences, so I will instead argue that the prompt is illogical. This itself shows where some of
my values lie. It shows that I value not writing about myself above answering the question

And now to be completely honest, I just wrote a paragraph arguing with the prompt. Then I
wrote a paragraph reflecting on how I chose not to reflect on the prompt Which then means
that I actually did follow the prompt, because I reflected on a past (15 minutes ago) experience
and talked about my thoughts and values. And in the end, all it means is that I figured I would
have some fun with the assignment. But wait am I now reflecting on a reflection? Or reflecting
on a reflection of a reflection

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