Bjig 54 Lord and Savior 2 Peter 2 20 9 19 15

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Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ

Some say if Jesus is the savior in 2 Peter 2:20 he must be God because God says he is the only savior in the OT
Some also say if Jesus is the Lord then he is also the OT LORD who is God.
On the face of it this might seem like a valid argument, however this viewpoint is incorrect for the reasons stated
2 Peter 2:20
If they have escaped the corruption of the world by knowing our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and are again
entangled in it and overcome, they are worse off at the end than they were at the beginning.
1/ There is considerable confusion around the words LORD and Lord.
LORD is only in the OT and is from the Hebrew word YHWH sometimes Yahweh sometimes Jehovah and
sometimes variations of that. It is a name only given to the God and creator of the universe.
Lord is from the Hebrew word adonai and the Greek word Kurios. Both adonai and kurios are give to God and both
are given to human beings, they could easily be translated to master.
At some point God gave the name Lord to Jesus.
Because Jesus needed to be given the name Lord by God, he cannot also be God who already had that title.
There is an in depth study at 37D Who is LORD, who is Lord linked here that confirms the points made here and
many more. They confirm that Jesus may be Lord but he is not God who is LORD.
2/ There is also a considerable amount of confusion around the point that Jesus is the savior. Many believe that
because God is said to be the only savior in the OT then Jesus must be God.
In the OT God is said to be the only Hebrew yasha/savior and yet on many occasions he sends people to be
yasha/saviors for Him. On many occassions people are yasha/saviors without working directly for God.
The OT prophecies that God will send a savior who in the NT turns out to be Jesus. There are others in the NT who
are also saviors.
There is an in depth study 37C Who is the Savior linked here that confirms the points made here and others including
that Jesus also has a savior. These points and others confirm that Jesus cannot be, and is not God.
Because of the points made here and the information at the two linked studies, nothing here in 2 Peter 2:20 says Jesus
is God

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