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We would like to thank Dr. Huff and Mr. Alex Evans for assisting in operating the cooling tower
and for their feedback in experimental design.

1. Experimental, Operating, Maintenance Manual: Bench Top Cooling Tower H890, n.d.,
P.A. Hilton Ltd., Kings Somborne, Hampshire, England, pp. 31-90
2. Goyal, J., 2012, Effective Thermal Design of Cooling Towers, Chemical Engineering,
ABI/INFORM Global, pp.24-29.

Experimental, Operating, Maintenance Manual: Bench Top Cooling Tower H890. King's
Somborne, Hampshire, England: P.A. Hilton, n.d. Print.
Geankoplis, Christie J., and Christie J. Geankoplis. Transport Processes and Separation Process
Principles: (includes Unit Operations). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall
Professional Technical Reference, 2003. Print.
Goyal, Jonny. "Effective Thermal Design of Cooling Towers." Chemical Engineering (2012): 2429. Print.
Kanayma, Jun. Psychrometer Calc. Computer software. Vers. 2.7. Jun Kanayama, n.d. Web.
Perry, Robert Howard. "Psychrometry." Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook. New York ,
Hamburg: McGraw-Hill, 1984. 12.3-2.20. Print.

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