Miracle in Cell 7

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(Miracle in Cell 7)
Name: Siti Farah Wahida binti Ismail
Course: Intoduction to Guidance and Counselling
Programme Code: EDU 430


Lee Yong Go is a mentally impaired father with the intellect of a six-year-old, who
lives in a run-down house along with his daughter of the same age, Ye Sung. One day, he gets
into a physical altercation with the police commissioner, who has just purchased the last
Sailor Moon backpack for his daughter, a gift Yong Go was saving up to buy for Ye Sung.
Soon after, the police commissioner's daughter dies in a freak accident, in which she slips on
ice and suffers a fatal blow to the back of her head while she is taking Yong Go to another
store that sells the same backpack. When he tries to resuscitate her, a woman witnesses him
and mistakes him to be molesting her. Yong Go is falsely accused of the abduction, murder,
and rape of a minor. The police quickly took advantage of his disability and forced him to
admit committing the crimes while ignoring exonerating evidence. Yong-go, who is sentenced
to death, is imprisoned and assigned to Cell No. 7, the harshest cell in a maximum security
At first, the other men in the cell, lead by gang leader So Yang Ho, do not take kindly
to Yong Go after reading in his file that he murdered and molested a child, but when Yong Go
saves Yang Ho from being fatally stabbed by a rival gang leader, Yang-ho repays the favor by
smuggling Ye Sung into Cell No. 7.
One day, the chief of the prisoner, Jang Min Hwan knew that they smuggle Ye sung to
the cell. Later on, Yong Go was punished. The chief really pissed off wit Yong Go until one
day Yong Go saved him from fire. From that day, the chief have a different view of him. The
chief reinvestigate Yong Go case and found that everything was a false accusation. The chief
met the commissioner to reinvestigate Yong Gos case as he had being falsely accused but the
comissioner did not want to reinvestigate the case. Over time, Yong Go cellmates come to
believe in his innocence, and make it their goal to help reverse the verdict at Yong-go's retrial.
Yong Go cellmates helped him preparing the text that he need to answer during the last
trial before the result being decided. They prepared the answer telling truth what happened
during the day he being accused killing a girl with the hope that Yong Go will aqquitted from
charges but everything was futile when during the trial Yong Go pleded guilty. Yong Go was
sentenced to death.
Ye Sung was adopted by the chief and was well educated. She now became a lawyer
and she reopened the case file of her father to clear his fathers name. All of her fathers

cellmates came to the jury trial during the reopening of the case and she able to clear her dad
Ye Sung was sent by her adopted parents, the chief and his wife to went for a counselling
session to regain her spirit back after her dad being sentenced to death.
For the first time in the counselling session, there was no smiling face on Ye Sung. She just
like a living corpse that still breathing hopelessly. Before I proceed with the counselling
session, in order to build a firm bonding between me and my client, I introduced myself to her
and asked her name and what I should call her. I asked her hows shes doing today? What do
she ate today? Where she had been today? I also asked her did she comfortable in the
counselling room? And the most important question was why she attends the counselling
session today. By having this type of questions helping me in inducing Ye Sung to talk
although she answering me in a few words and it helped me to analyze my client condition.
At this stage, Ye Sung start to tell a deeper story about herself and her father. She also
included in her story about her fathers cellmates which make her smiling a little bit there.
During her answering my questions or telling me the story, I gave full attention and listened
to her properly to make her feel appriciated and encourage her talk more. Besides, an active
listening and responding appropriately are two of the key skills for me as a counsellor must
have in gaining my client trust. I also keep on noding and repeating her words to make she
feel that someone is giving full attention to me. I also aware her tone of voice that Ye Sung,
my client used. When she starts to cry I consoled her first and let her cooled down a little bit
before she continue. In this stage also, I used a slow pace of speech that will make my client
more relaxed. By having this slow speech it will convey that I have an adequate time to listen
to her and making
During this time, I also doing my selective attending that is choosing to pay a particular close
attention to an element of what had being said by Ye Sung. Before I decided to select what the
element that I want to give a close attention to, I gather all the information that was told by
her in her story and at last Ive decided to focus on her loneliness after she parted away
forever with her father the only family she had. By having my focus on her loneliness, I kept
on listening to her without loosing my focus but still having an interaction and responding to
her story accordingly.

At this stage, Ye Sung start to know her own problem. She thought that its all her fault
contribute to her fathers death. She kept on blaming herself and keep on telling that she
didnt want the sailormoon bag but she want her dad back. Ive kept on listening and console
her. Making a good facial expression depending on the situation also an important task to do
for me as a counselor during this stage. Ye Sung kept on blaming herself and I kept telling her
to recap back the sweetest moment she had with her father which brought to her father
sacrifice for her sake. It will reduced the blame that she put on herself. On the other side I also
start to analyze what her main problem which make her unhappy and not be able to cope with
the environment anymore. She told me the problems she faced at school. Problems with
teachers and friends that keep on stigmatized her as her father was a kidnapper, raper and
killer of child. Besides that, she said that she always remembered her father when she saw the
chief at home which make her missing him every single day and she felt like following her
dad to the other world as she feel loneliness without her father. I kept on listening and
motivate her a little bit showing my concern that she must keep on living otherwise her dad
will really sad in the heaven waiting for her.
By having her listing down all the problems she had during previous stage. Ive start to ask
her what the solutions that she wants to take because she need to live on although her dad was
not around her. She started to list down all the solutions that she wants to take. She started
giving out some solutions that cannot be done for example she said that she want to have
suicide to follow her father going to heaven or she wanted to go to the comissioner to get her
dad back to live. Although having the solutions that was unthinkable and cannot be done I still
appreciate her solution by taking into account all of her solutions but before she decided
which solutions that she wants to choose, Ive helped her going through one by one all the
solutions that she listed down. Some of the solutions that she had listed down were she will
use the sailormoon bag that her father gave it to her to overcome her sadness and longing for
her father to come back alive, she will study hard and become a lawyer to clear his fathers
name from the false accusation, she will be a good child to the chief and his wife as good as
towards her father and she will transfer to another school where no one know about her
background. After giving some opinion and guiding her to give a deep thought in each

solutions, she decided to take the second solution which was study hard and becoming a
lawyer to clear her fathers name.

Before ending the counselling session I had asked her again about her readiness to take action
on the solutions that she was chose and asked her to set a full determination when getting in
action. I also gave some motivation to her for not giving up on his life as it will futile his
fathers effort on seeing her successful in her life. I also gave her a refferal that was a
counsellor nearer to her place that can handle her problems well if in case she is getting stuck
or need some help in the middle of her action. She became motivated as now she already
knew what she need to do and have her own goal to reach and she also ready to faced the
world without her lovely dad. By having Ye Sung being motivated, the counselling session
had being terminated naturally.

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