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Skills of
Knowledge of
the area
approach of the
Packed light, ill
experience NZ
knowledge low
Attitude towards
the outdoors
NZ society view.

Weather icy
Unpatrolled area,
back country
Lack of markers
Who owns the
land, land access

Lack of helmet
No food water,
first aid

Rank these issues from most important to least important:

- What caused these issues?
- Why/How did they happen?
Possible solutions: (Question 6)
- Prevention methods, Outcome on using these methods
- What would of happened if these things were
considered (Risk Management Plan)
- E.g. If he wore a helmet could have reduce brain
trauma, However you can critically discuss that high
impact/high speed still damage would have happened
(Use research to show evidence of this). Helmets might
assist with low speed/head impacts.
What should Outdoor NZ do about it critically could state
manning/policing helmets. Introduce a law. Argue this.

Agree/Disagree, advantaged/disadvantaged, Healthism

responsible for ones health.
1. Examine the issues: - Cause of death, explain how and
2. What influenced these issues?
Inter-relationship between the factors?
Skills and knowledge of snowboarders
risk vs peer pressure


Relaxed attitude of the instructor vs attitude of NZ society

Lack of knowledge and lack of signs/markers
Take for example: The Helmet its not a law, should it be a
law or do NZers need to take a stance on
NZ Culture adventure capital of the word
What are NZ stats on accidents and injuries in
3. Evaluate and rank the issues
- Question and challenge the practice relating to outdoor
o What approaches do NZ need to change
o Could NZ do it better
o Do you challenge the MT Safety of Cheeseman
what should they do better
It is the Departments report, but it is informed by the work of members of the
steering group set up at the Prime Ministers request to investigate and report
on ways of improving risk management and safety in the sector. It contains
recommendations to the Minister of Labour on possible improvements.
The review teams main conclusions are:
There does not appear to be a fundamental problem in the sectors ability to
develop appropriate safety systems
However, there are gaps in the safety management framework which allow

businesses to operate at different standards than those generally accepted

While these gaps remain there is insufficient assurance that preventable
accidents will not occur
This situation could result in harm to individuals and their families and
damage to New Zealands reputation as an international visitor destination

4. What do you think are the most and least important to this
5. Question and challenge assumptions and practices
relating to safety management in Outdoor situations.
(Connected with 3).
6. Devise strategies that would minimise the main issues in
this article. (2)
7. Justify the strategies why you would do this and give the
reason explain the outcome.

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