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BDC : Batch Data Communication/ conversion

Data migration: this is a part of cut over phase

In this activity we will be migrating data (99% of data) master data.
Master means data that is used very frequently but updated very rarely
(company code , customer , vendor etc).
There are various techniques to migrate form Legacy system to SAP system.
BDC communication between SAP and Legacy system in the form of data which
will be moved in batches.
Ex: 100000 material records.
Moving 1000 material in a batch.
Way of work: same as that of the report.
Programs that will be responsible to migrate data from legacy system to SAP
Using vl01, vl01n, xk01 , va01 ,xd01, me21, me21n , mm01 or our zcust for
kna1 etc.
Whenever we come across a TCODE with n at last like vl21n , me21n, etc do
not go with BDC other methods are available.

Now do it for XD01 customer creation.

Important : Here we need to know something about internal no ranges and
external no ranges for the customer number.
External number ranges: we are passing customer no to sap. Sap ll create
customer no directly.
Internal number ranges : let SAP decide the customer no.
TCODE: snro. Consist all the number range objects .
In that find the customer no. (do some R&D).
There will be interval maintained in display number range. If it checked then it
is checked.
In the internal no range , SAP will automatically / display/take the number.
This is how we create a customer number.
I hope its ok.

SHDB recording.
Go to : new recording, asynic, nocatt, hit on start recording.
Before moving further , Refer to an existing customer in XD03(customer
Then you can copy it or create a new one .
SHDB is all about making SAP learn process once , that is show the way once /
process once to the system , so it does it sam way again.
Green message in status bar do not bother.
In SHDB give the TC , recoding , give some details , save it , and came back.

You ll have program , screen no, start id (on that particular screen we are
working or not), field name , field value.
Same as BDC DATA structure.
Select it and create a program.
You have 2 options
1> Read from file (pass that file) (file on the desktop).
2> Transfer from recording (take this one)
Hit enter .
Move futher.
You get auto generated code.
Just execute this once.
See. It . think it.

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