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Physics 406

Electricity and Magnetism II

Homework Assignment 2
Due Date: Thursday, 09/10/2015, in class
1.(a). A dielectric cylinder of permittivity rotates about its axis with angular velocity
exists parallel to the axis. Show that the induced poIf a uniform magnetic field, B,
larization inside the dielectric cylinder as a function of the transverse position vector,
s, is given by

0 )
P (s) = 0 1

What bound charge densities correspond to this induced polarization? (Hint: You
to be the sum, E
+ v B,

may take the electric field in the rotating frame to be E

and B
are fields in the lab frame and defined locally at each point, r, of the
where E
cylinder rotating at velocity v =
r. For non-relativistic motion to be assumed
. However,
here, the polarization P is the same in both frames and equal to ( 0 )E
the D field, which is linearly related to the E and P fields, vanishes everywhere in the
lab frame since there are no macroscopically free charges anywhere.)
(b). What is the potential dierence between the ends a and b of the moving loop in
Fig. 7.10, text, in terms of v, B, and h? Is b or a at the higher potential? Take the
ab segment to be perfectly conducting.
2. Prob. 7.29 (7.27), Griths, 4th (3rd) edition.
3. Prob. 7.32 (7.30), Griths, 4th (3rd) edition.
4. Prob. 7.36 (7.33), Griths, 4th (3rd) edition.
5. Prob. 7.37 (7.34), Griths, 4th (3rd) edition.

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