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My Mother Pieced Quilts- Reading Guide

Can you think of an object made by the hands of a loved one that has special
meaning to you or your family? What is it? Why is it special?

Why would loved ones make and give handmade items to family members?

What three words would you choose to express the most important things mothers
contribute to family life?

Discuss and respond to one of the following promptsA confusing part was
This poem makes me feel/think
I visualized(What images does the poem evoke in your mind?)

Analyzing Poetry
1. Stanza 1What are quilts usually used for? What did the speakers mother
intend the quilts to be used for?

2. Read lines 5-36. What words does the speaker use to compare her mother to
a painter? Why do you think she makes this comparison?

3. Stanza 6Define the word testimony. How are the quilt pieces separate

4. Search the whole poem. Describe 4 types of fabric used for the quilts.
Where did these fabrics come from?

5. What is Acosta showing the reader through the listing of all the different
fabrics, shapes, and clothing types?

6. Reread lines 51-54. Who are they? What are they armed and ready for?
What are they celebrating?

7. What do you think the quilts symbolize (represent) for the speaker of the

8. Challenge Question: Consider the whole poem. How are the seasons
brought into the poem? What is the purpose or effect?

Identifying Literary Devices

9. List an example of metaphor found between lines 37-44.

10.Between what lines do we see repetition used?

11.What words does the speaker use to make the quilts seem like theyre alive?
List TWO examples of PERSONIFICATION from the poem.

I liked lines ________through ________ that begin with
___________________________________ because

My definition of SYMBOLISM is

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